My Frozen Shoulders and the Big Thaw

A number of months ago I started to ‘feel,’ for the very first time, my shoulders. I didn’t feel the beauty of them or even their connection to my arms and the rest of my body. What I felt was how frozen they were.

Frozen as in a numbness that went so much deeper than numb, I can only describe it as frozen. I would reach back and press my fingers into different areas across my shoulders and not feel a thing. All that was there was a solid wall, if you will, that no feeling could penetrate. It was the oddest sensation and I kept pressing my fingers into my shoulders and upper back area at different times of the day as if checking that it was true, that I couldn’t feel a thing and I would ask myself how this could be possible. Continue reading “My Frozen Shoulders and the Big Thaw”

Eyes Open

Do you ever feel like you are sleep walking through life? Going through the motions on automatic pilot, your eyes appear to be open, but the reality is they are not in the sense of having blinkers on, focussing only on what you need to do to get by, focussing only on your own little corner, and so in effect your world is tiny. I can relate to all of this.

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Where Do I Do That?

It came to my attention that I very much do the things that I judge wrong in others. Opening up to this arrogance and actually making statements such as “I can’t say I don’t do that” or asking myself, “Where do I do that in my life?” has deepened my understanding of myself. This in turn brings a deeper quality to my relationships with others as I am now able to be with them and not the perceived pictures I have formed in my mind of who they are, based on their actions. My actions may not be the same as others, but when I ask, “Where do I do that?’’, I am asking about the feeling of the action and if that action also plays out in my life. Chances are that if I am reacting to another person’s actions then I am in some way doing the same thing, OR I have done the same but have yet to learn the full impact of what that choice has on others.

For example: Continue reading “Where Do I Do That?”

Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in

Last week, as I drove in traffic behind other cars and trucks in the rain on my way to work, the rain felt like a nice wash and cleanse as it fell on my car. Added to this, water and dirt also came at my car from the residue of the other vehicles: when the cars and trucks passed, the dirty spray from these vehicles landed on my windshield and all over my car. It felt like my car was being spattered with something that did not feel like the clear cleanse the rain was providing – it actually felt imposing.

Continue reading “Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in”

Clairsentience – it is (All of) Who I Am

All my life I loved this word, and all the content of what the word means I have felt is very much me – it is who I am.

So what is clairsentience exactly, if we could give it any description in words?

We live in a world where most people are just playing their part in one big play, one big act. We all know more. Have we locked down our senses to not feel what is going on by creating a misty field that shrouds our awareness of life?

Continue reading “Clairsentience – it is (All of) Who I Am”

Why Do We Collect Things?

As a teenager I loved collecting things from bath cube wrappers, beer mats, cigarette boxes, to coins; not necessarily anything of value but I loved getting something different to add to my collection. I also loved organising them together into sets, especially the coins by their country of origin.

As an adult I collected records of my favourite pop artists, I read and kept storybooks (historical romance), and painted and bought loads of artist materials (acrylic). I hardly ever threw anything away. I’ve been collecting shells and pebbles from beaches as long as I can remember, and there would be bowls full around the house. That’s the one collection that lasted through till now. I also bought souvenirs in the different countries I visited and displayed them as a reminder. For some years I had a beautiful collection of dark blue glass objects on my east-facing kitchen window, because I loved the way the sun shone through them.

Why do we collect things?

What is our attachment to our collection?

Continue reading “Why Do We Collect Things?”

Clairsentience: Re-learning to Feel and Live by Feel

As a child, from my younger years up to around the age of five or six, I strongly remember how much the way I felt was my guide or compass in life. I could feel truth and the energy in people, situations and places I went. These feelings or knowings that came naturally through my body were the awareness of a known truth from deep within me that helped me to safely negotiate my way through life. Quite simply, it felt either ok or not ok, like comparing it to water when you go snorkelling… the water is either clear, or murky and unclear.

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Clairsentience – Could this be a Greater Part to Us?

How often do we go about life, our everyday, and limit ourselves to the superficial, to the outside world and to our five senses?

How often do we rely on the above to determine or experience our reality?

But what if there were a part of us that we have not yet utilised? A part of us that was very natural to us as children, but as we got older we suppressed our knowing of?

Continue reading “Clairsentience – Could this be a Greater Part to Us?”

Buying a House – A Full Body Decision

I recently moved to the other side of the world to be with my new partner who interestingly, actually came from the same area I’d been living in for 30 years in the UK! Our courting was based on a few brief meetings at events in Australia, and continued on Skype for a year. Since then we’ve been physically together six months and have recently bought a house together.

Choosing a house was tricky at first because we didn’t know exactly what money we had until I transferred what I had from the UK, but once that was done we knew the maximum we could afford and we looked at houses up to that price. The trouble was everything we looked at had something missing according to our personal tick box, and the ‘perfect’ houses always seemed to be just above what we could afford.

Continue reading “Buying a House – A Full Body Decision”

Clairsentience – a Feeling, a Solid True Knowing

I was 17 years old and living out of home with my boyfriend and his family. I had eaten a delicious chicken burger the day before, which made me really ill with food poisoning, resulting in vomiting and diarrhoea. This went on for several days leaving me feeling helpless, lethargic and uncertain of what I could keep down. Once the vomiting had cleared, I got the strength to call my father and ask his opinion on what I should do to help get better. He was a retired GP, living on his own. After our chat, he asked if I could come around to see him as he was feeling lonely. The following day, though still feeling weak and feeble, I found I had just enough strength to get off the couch and visit him.

Continue reading “Clairsentience – a Feeling, a Solid True Knowing”