Who are they, Anyway?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone about the historical state of geopolitical issues that have faced humanity and have ended up saying something like ‘They don’t want us to know that they killed John F. Kennedy to stop him from putting an end to the industrial military complex who were later responsible for the war in Vietnam’ or ‘They are counting on the fact that most people will not investigate the inconsistencies of the official explanation of who was responsible for the 911 attacks in New York City.’

No? Just me? Well, I’m sure most people have at least heard of this emphasis on the word they being used to even describe their co-workers in the form of ‘They really messed up this project’ whilst referring to another group or shift’s work production or behaviours. This approach avoids any potential responsibility on their part while it is also demonising their fellow team members instead of looking at how they can support each other to grow and evolve together. Continue reading “Who are they, Anyway?”

The Corruption of True Teamwork

Is our society operating on corrupted versions of true teamwork?

Our global society works through teams and there are many situations in life where we need to be part of a team. Families may see themselves as a team; corporations call upon their employees to contribute to and do their part for the team; we value working together as a team and most of us will have experienced a sense of satisfaction whenever a team pulls together to address a crisis – such as in a widespread disaster – or to collaborate to produce something. This can be anything from a newsletter to a product to sales figures or, indeed, to any outcome.

Continue reading “The Corruption of True Teamwork”

Supremacy – More Common Than We Think?

Supremacism – the belief or ideology of superiority, control and domination. That some particular group is superior to all others and has a right to dominate, control and subjugate others. (1)(2)

When we think of supremacy we tend to picture Nazis, war, mass genocides, white supremacy (e.g. Ku Klux Klan) or something similar and we tend to think that it is something that happens somewhere else in the world and/or that it is an extreme event and that we are not affected by it or do not partake in it in our daily lives – but is this actually true?

Continue reading “Supremacy – More Common Than We Think?”

This Beauty

Bombs in stadiums, houses reduced to rubble, children with limbs blown off, whole nations displaced, toxic chemicals in our water stream, politicians who plot to skim off all the cream, brutal bashing of our closest partners, drug addiction through the roof, sex trafficking and child abuse. One look at the world today and it is clear things aren’t going so well. Continue reading “This Beauty”

Supply and Demand – What about the Truth?

Sensationalised journalism, news reporting and the like offer us a reflection of what we as a society are demanding. Supply and demand affects everything in this world – if there is no demand then there will be no supply. It literally applies to everything.

When we consider the mass volume of reported and consumed news through the medium of newspapers, that which is watched on television and through social media daily, it feels imperative to ask a couple of questions:

  • What is it that we are actually consuming?
  • What are we over and over again, continuing to ask for?

Continue reading “Supply and Demand – What about the Truth?”

National Pride – where’s our Ageless Wisdom?

It’s funny the things we identify with isn’t it? Consider national pride… such a curious belief. After all, why would we take pride in something we have no significant part in shaping? We pop out on a specific patch of land and it can seem to define our whole life. We use it to measure our experiences against, identify with, and even recoil from. A pride or shame, basking or wincing, heightened and deflated egos based on something wholly external to our being, out of our control.

Continue reading “National Pride – where’s our Ageless Wisdom?”

Celebrities – What’s really Worth Celebrating?

I sat in a café some 3000 metres above the sea on top of the Swiss Alps doing some of my mathematics studies during the World Economic Forum in Davos when a group of men walked in and almost immediately people were rushing to take selfies with one of them – applauding him and shaking his hand. At about 6 foot 6” (2m) tall and a big build I guessed he was some sort of athlete but could not put a name or sport to the face. After the group left the café the waiter informed me that he was one of the most famous boxers in the world, from Russia.

This left me wondering… all the celebrations, congratulations and well-wishes – what are they actually for? Continue reading “Celebrities – What’s really Worth Celebrating?”

Men Being Men and Women Being Women

I have been a tomboy most of my life and have only just started feeling like I am woman!

It has been a slow transformation. I started life on the sea as a sailor: I was tough and I could do most things the guys could. I then worked with horses and again, I could unload a container full of heavy bags of feed and think nothing of it. And even recently in my house renovations I cut timber and laid the floor with the guys. I thought I had to do all this to prove that I could. Continue reading “Men Being Men and Women Being Women”

Causes for Causes

I have learnt so much over the last two years about myself, humanity, and my relationships. It is a never-ending process, one that I am entirely grateful for and committed to. I have at times experienced many moments of revelation, understanding, knowledge, immense beauty and love, coupled with dips and challenges along the way.

Recently I have learned a new lesson that I felt to share. Now you may already know all of what I have to convey, but for me it was a poignant revelation. When it unravels in front of you and actually demonstrates that the philosophy Serge Benhayon teaches is absolutely true, it is a wonderful confirmation – simply magic.

Continue reading “Causes for Causes”

Our Youth Reflect the Truth of Society

A couple of photos shared at a Universal Medicine event day recently got me seriously pondering on a few topics around teenagers from the past, and in today’s society. One photo was of a group of young adults from the 1960’s/70’s who looked at ease with each other, had genuine smiles on their faces, were of a healthy weight range and had a naturalness and openness in their bodies – there was no trying to ‘be anything else’ in them. The second photo was of a group of youths from today. In this photo there was a feeling of unease, a great deal of trying to ‘fit in’, to perpetuate an image, to look cool, and the biggest thing that stood out for me was the ‘to get noticed’ energy, almost in a competitive way. The feeling in both of these photos and what they depicted of the youth back then and of today were of stark contrast – quite a shock really to see so blatantly in front of my eyes.

Continue reading “Our Youth Reflect the Truth of Society”