Who are they, Anyway?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone about the historical state of geopolitical issues that have faced humanity and have ended up saying something like ‘They don’t want us to know that they killed John F. Kennedy to stop him from putting an end to the industrial military complex who were later responsible for the war in Vietnam’ or ‘They are counting on the fact that most people will not investigate the inconsistencies of the official explanation of who was responsible for the 911 attacks in New York City.’

No? Just me? Well, I’m sure most people have at least heard of this emphasis on the word they being used to even describe their co-workers in the form of ‘They really messed up this project’ whilst referring to another group or shift’s work production or behaviours. This approach avoids any potential responsibility on their part while it is also demonising their fellow team members instead of looking at how they can support each other to grow and evolve together. Continue reading “Who are they, Anyway?”

Security – Is This True Wealth and Success?

Although we have an innocence and awareness as children when we are born, very rarely do we pass over the same way we came in, as we can end up loaded with beliefs and ideals, issues, hurts, regrets and protection – everything we are not.

Continue reading “Security – Is This True Wealth and Success?”

To Moan or to Appreciate… a Choice?

When we stop to listen to what people are saying – the way they talk about their lives, relationships, themselves – do we hear moaning or appreciation? It appears that it is more common to have a negative slant on things, with a tendency to blame or complain about the situations we find ourselves in.

Our media industry demonstrates better than anywhere else that the supply and demand for negativity, drama and emotionalism is a feedback loop we have created and continue to feed with gusto.

Continue reading “To Moan or to Appreciate… a Choice?”

Our Diamond Within

I have grown up with the understanding that responsibility is a burden. However, responsibility is to be open to shining my amazingness, love and beauty in the world every moment. So how can connecting to my inner beauty and embracing life in full be a burden?

I would say it is not. It would be like having a brightly shining diamond inside us and ignoring it, dismissing it or hiding it.

Continue reading “Our Diamond Within”

Table Captain!

A few months ago I attended a family wedding. It was a beautiful occasion with great attention to detail. One aspect that supported this was the appointment of table captains, the idea being that one person would attend to the needs of their fellow guests and ensure that everything was running smoothly at each table.

Flag saying 'table captain' attached to the top part of a chair

Personally, being a table captain was interesting. As someone who has been used to taking a back seat and letting things happen, being appointed to the captain’s role required quite a change in my approach. No longer could I just let the event wash over me, I had to be attentive to the needs of the other guests and be engaged in the process of ensuring things were running smoothly.

Continue reading “Table Captain!”

Vulnerability – Fear or Freedom

Recently I had an experience that made me feel very vulnerable in an emotional as well as physical way.

I got myself into an argument with somebody over a situation where the other person was at fault. I got quite angry and didn’t want to let it go. The result was that I was met with aggression and threatened with pretty drastic violent and destructive actions. Those sorts of threats go to the bone in me. I had nightmares that night and couldn’t rest the next day until that situation could be somehow resolved. I felt fearful, very vulnerable and tense, and also found it very hard to let go of my position of being right and that I was the victim.

Continue reading “Vulnerability – Fear or Freedom”

How to Apply for Work with Energetic Responsibility

Position Vacant – Lover of Humanity: Apply Within

Position Description:

Due to the intense call out from humanity that has occurred and is occurring because of the atrocities, wars, hatred, abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, pornography, illness, disease, corruption and impending bankruptcy of countries and health systems, applicants are now requested to come forth and consider serving in an evolutionary one-unified way.


Continue reading “How to Apply for Work with Energetic Responsibility”

Created Problems – How do we Deal with Them?

Do you know the feeling of buying something you know you actually don’t need or is not going to work for you?

I experienced this last week: with our big grocery shop on Saturday, my husband and I were offered a box of water with a lemon taste. Now we don’t drink much else than water and herbal teas and I felt it probably would not be right for us. Yet there was this little curiosity that was big enough to make me take the free water. It was still in a closed box so I was not able to read the ingredients, nor did I know if it was sweetened artificially. Yet I deep down knew it was not right for us and the chance that it would be water with real lemon juice was very small, as that just does not keep well for long!

At home my husband, also being a bit curious now, opened the box and was excited as it did not contain sugar or sugar substitutes, though it did contain an artificial lemon taste, which unfortunately did not really match natural lemon! We knew we could not drink this as we just simply did not like it.

Continue reading “Created Problems – How do we Deal with Them?”

Our Youth Reflect the Truth of Society

A couple of photos shared at a Universal Medicine event day recently got me seriously pondering on a few topics around teenagers from the past, and in today’s society. One photo was of a group of young adults from the 1960’s/70’s who looked at ease with each other, had genuine smiles on their faces, were of a healthy weight range and had a naturalness and openness in their bodies – there was no trying to ‘be anything else’ in them. The second photo was of a group of youths from today. In this photo there was a feeling of unease, a great deal of trying to ‘fit in’, to perpetuate an image, to look cool, and the biggest thing that stood out for me was the ‘to get noticed’ energy, almost in a competitive way. The feeling in both of these photos and what they depicted of the youth back then and of today were of stark contrast – quite a shock really to see so blatantly in front of my eyes.

Continue reading “Our Youth Reflect the Truth of Society”