Serge Benhayon – the Truth and Beauty of Evolution

Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.

Like so many words in the English language, the term ‘evolution’ has been bastardised and reduced in its meaning to stand so far away from its original intent that the true meaning itself initially may take on the taint of incredulity in the face of what has been densely layered and imposed upon it. However, feeling the truth in our physical body allows us to discern the facts for ourselves. This is how it happened for me.

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Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym

I was in the gym the other day when I bumped into someone I hadn’t seen for years – an incredible young man, very wise beyond his years.

He asked how life was and I shared what had been happening for me. We chatted some more about his life, then he asked if I was going on the treadmills. “Yes” I replied, so he said he’d come join me.

Continue reading “Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym”

Are We All Born Religious?

What are you religious with? Are you religious with sport, food, work, a religion, fitness, Jesus, a Guru, Yoga, Love, Family… the list goes on?

Religion for me is not just about believing in God, reading the bible, going to church or following a certain order in life. A big part of it is how we live and our relationship to life, ourselves, to others and our values.

What are we religious with when we are born?

Continue reading “Are We All Born Religious?”

My Relationship with Religion

I have always found the words ‘religion’ and ‘God’ quite annoying and I didn’t really know why until I started questioning their meaning and re-interpretation – or misinterpretation to be more exact. I never knew how the word religion was originally used and what it really meant: because it had never been truly explained to me, I never knew the true meaning of religion.

Having grown up sailing around the world, and having met many different people from different cultures and organised religions, I didn’t understand how they all had a religion with a ‘god’ and their god was better than someone else’s God. And their religions were all so different. It never felt right… like seriously, we are all essentially the same, we are all one humanity but how can we have so many people with a different idea about religion and who is to say which one is right? Continue reading “My Relationship with Religion”

Christmas and the Lost Meaning of Our Words

One of my work colleagues has a saying he often uses: “I look, but what do I see?” It came to mind recently when I wanted to buy a card featuring the Nativity scene for a friend who I knew thought of Christmas that way. I was looking, but all I could see were Christ-less Christmas cards featuring everything from snowflakes, reindeer and santas, to presents, stars, Christmas trees, decorations and words like ‘season’s greetings’, but not a Christ child in sight.

The very essence of Christmas – Christ – is absent from the mass of Christmas products drenching stores and media for the past few months. It is ironic and masterful at the same time that we can so publicly, commercially and socially share in, promote and support an event that is void of the essence of its very name and the origins of this globally popular word. Continue reading “Christmas and the Lost Meaning of Our Words”

Raw and Uncut

Sometime ago while attending one of the Universal Medicine presentations, I got to talking with a dear lady friend of mine, sharing our experiences. As we talked I became aware of how close our bodies were to each other. We were standing in the hallway, which was quite crowded with people going to and fro. Being this close and looking into my friend’s big deep blue eyes felt very intimate and beautiful.

As we continued sharing I sensed a feeling come over my body. It was as if a shadow had passed through me and in its passing I could feel it pulling me back into hiding, a very familiar way I had lived my life and not just this life, but for many lives.

Continue reading “Raw and Uncut”

What Would God Want for Christmas?

by Joel Levin, Western Australia

I thought I’d get myself prepared early for Christmas this year. Going through the list, I found one name that I struggled with for gift ideas… the name on the list was GOD. After all, what would God, the ancient of days, the creator of all there is, the big guy, want for Christmas?

So I turned to the religions around the world for some guidance as they profess to know him best. Continue reading “What Would God Want for Christmas?”

The Unspoken Rules of Inequality within Family, Tradition and Religion

For most of my life I have been scared to speak out. Yet there is nothing more I wish to do than to express. I know expression is all there is.

Most of my growing up was spent in silence. I felt I could not say the things I wished to, for no-one would understand. As a little girl, I spoke with myself all the time in English (Cantonese is my mother tongue). When I ran into situations where I needed guidance, I would ask the questions out loud, and the answers would come from within.

My entire family, for generations, have been Christians, but since I was young, I felt there were too many discrepancies in what was preached and in how they lived – something just did not add up. Why would I repeatedly feel their judgement when I was not living perfectly within their ideal, when they advocated ‘no judgement lest you wish to be judged’? Continue reading “The Unspoken Rules of Inequality within Family, Tradition and Religion”