The Illusion of Rebellion and Adventure

It was a hot summer’s evening when I settled down for another night alone on the beach. Alongside me were the few possessions I owned. I had no pillow so I would use a book. The blanket I used to cover me had seriously outlived its shelf life; having been used all summer without a wash, it was smelly, manky and uncomfortable and no matter how hard I shook it, I could not seem to get all the sand out that had matted its way in. Continue reading “The Illusion of Rebellion and Adventure”

Of Ant Mounds, Pretty Lawns and Healing

Where I live it rains a lot and it’s warm for most of the year. The soil is rich volcanic clay. Things grow really well, including grass and bugs. Along with those wonderful things come mould, mud, mosquitoes, tropical parasites and a roaring trade in lawn mowing and garden equipment repairs. And along with all that also comes – ANT MOUNDS!

Picture yourself coming out on a sunny morning to see your beautifully mowed, bright green spring lawn covered in little conical mounds of mud at the rate of up to 20 per square metre: like a minefield on your lovely lawn that you have to step carefully through, unless you want mud packed into your soles and up the sides of your shoes, or between your toes and under your toenails. Continue reading “Of Ant Mounds, Pretty Lawns and Healing”

A True Commitment to Work, Getting a Job… and Life

Committing to work is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I say ‘happened’ to me, as it only seemed to begin after I had a major operation and STOP in 2010, yet it is one of the most empowering and loving things I have ever experienced for myself.

I did not grow up this way. As far back as I can remember, to age 8 or 9, there was the ideal that one day I would grow up, romantically fall in love, have a family and live happily ever after (which fell well short!). I did not do well at nor did I enjoy school, thinking that careers were for the smart ones; for others who did not want families and therefore had nothing else in their lives.

However this was all based on a belief, a picture I had in my head about how life should be. Continue reading “A True Commitment to Work, Getting a Job… and Life”

Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Makes you Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

“Early to bed, Early to rise, Makes you Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.”


This was one of my grandmother’s favourite sayings. Perhaps from an era just fading from memory when really no one stayed up that late. It was common practice when I was a child staying at her house that dinner was early, kids were bathed and in their pyjamas well and truly before the summer sun went down. Dinner was served at 5:30 / 6pm and once it was eaten it was story time and into bed. Adults too.

It seems these days it is a much busier world. The pace of everything is much faster and having space and time in the day seems like a luxury.

Continue reading “Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Makes you Healthy, Wealthy and Wise”

Driven to Distraction

Just after the 2013 Universal Medicine retreat at the Lighthouse, I remember getting into the hire car, driving up to the junction at the top of the road and immediately feeling my calm and serene self being challenged by a palpable energy of aggression and intolerance.

I’m referring to a phenomenon that seems to exist but need not.

Continue reading “Driven to Distraction”

Biting my Nails – Old Habits die gently

I started biting my nails when I was about 6 years old, or even earlier… I remember my mother telling me not to do it, and eventually buying some foul tasting liquid to put on my nails. Despite this awful taste I persisted. It became a very unconscious habit that increased when I was aware of being anxious, for example reading a tension-inducing book or in my teens watching a literally – for me – a “nail-biting” TV programme! As I grew older and became more self conscious I tried to hide my nails by folding my fingers inside my palms so no one would notice. I felt helpless to do anything about it, although I would like to have stopped the habit. I chewed all the way through my school years. Continue reading “Biting my Nails – Old Habits die gently”

Housework Without Rush – A Different Way

by Anne Scott, Auckland, New Zealand

Today I felt how different housework was when I didn’t rush through it.

My inspiration was watching Emmalee Benhayon sweep the porch of the Universal Medicine clinic in Goonellabah, during my last visit there in December. She was using the broom very consciously and studiously. I could feel (even from a distance) that there was no element of ‘rush’ in her sweeping. I realised that, by being very still and centred within herself whilst sweeping, she was imprinting the porch (the entrance to the clinic) with that stillness; so that visitors would have the opportunity to feel it too, when they entered the porch. How amazing is that? Continue reading “Housework Without Rush – A Different Way”

The Body doesn’t Lie: Why I Choose a Gluten and Dairy-free Diet

by Rosie Bason, Mullumbimby, NSW

About 8 years ago I studied for a Diploma in Herbal Medicine, and part of that included two years studying Nutrition. I learned heaps, and I advised lots of clients to do this or try that, but I did not practise much of what I had learned. It’s amazing that we can gain all this knowledge, yet ignore it.

I thought I was healthy… but in truth I was often bloated, sometimes constipated, and almost always had a blocked nose to some extent. In fact, I had sinus issues my whole life. I thought it would be good to try to not eat too much cheese, but I loved it and couldn’t imagine life without it. I was never much of a milk drinker, but then again, I would have it in a cup of tea or coffee, although I never drank it on its own. So I just thought that a little bit couldn’t really be making a huge difference.

Continue reading “The Body doesn’t Lie: Why I Choose a Gluten and Dairy-free Diet”

Vitality versus Fitness

by Dr Danielle Pirera, Exercise Physiologist, Goonellabah, Australia

Why do healthy people who are extremely or moderately fit, who eat a well balanced healthy diet of protein, carbohydrates and fat, who go to bed early and sleep 8 hours per night, still get very tired or even exhausted by an average work day behind the desk, or need caffeine and sugar to get them through the full day? Continue reading “Vitality versus Fitness”