Supremacy – More Common Than We Think?

Supremacism – the belief or ideology of superiority, control and domination. That some particular group is superior to all others and has a right to dominate, control and subjugate others. (1)(2)

When we think of supremacy we tend to picture Nazis, war, mass genocides, white supremacy (e.g. Ku Klux Klan) or something similar and we tend to think that it is something that happens somewhere else in the world and/or that it is an extreme event and that we are not affected by it or do not partake in it in our daily lives – but is this actually true?

Supremacy is alive and thriving in our societies under many guises and forms that we may not fully realise or recognise. It is not just restricted to group activity but can also be present in our individual actions.

For example, people are being belittled, bullied, abused and harassed every day on the internet and social media. Children and teachers are being bullied every day at school. Workplace bullying is extremely common. Every parent who tries to dominate their children is engaging in it. Anyone dominating or abusing someone in a relationship is doing it. The mainstream media engage in it every day. Any form of discrimination is supremacy. And before you think that you do not engage in any of the above consider that even judging someone or viewing them as different, separate or inferior for any reason is supremacy.

Every time we hold someone in judgement we are treating them as less than equal to us and seeking to control, dominate and subsequently subjugate them. We may not like to hear or read this but this is actually what is occurring.

Every time we meet another human being, do we hold them as a fellow human being, a member of our own species and respect them as a highly sensitive being equal to all others? Do we see or sense this first and foremost or do we first see the differences or project our own ideas or expectations on to them and allow that to prejudice our perception?

Supremacy starts with our daily interactions and relationships – these are the seeds that are sown and grow quickly into tall toxic weeds.

A word that we may be more familiar with is bullying and this is the same thing on a smaller scale but still carries the same force as supremacism. As I have outlined in the examples above, some forms of bullying are obvious to us and some may not be so obvious.

Every time we do not treat others with decency and respect we are holding them as less than human.

As humans, we are all equally precious and highly sensitive beings that are loving by nature, so to hold another less than this is denying who they are, it is denying their very inner essence. In this denial we denigrate and reduce someone to be far less than who they are.

Everyone deserves at the very least, decency and respect because we are by nature decent and respectful. We know this must be true for when we do not experience decency and respect in our world we feel hurt, pain or suffering.

To be clear in this blog, I am not saying that we all need to agree with each other. There will be of course times when we have a different viewpoint on life, a different way of living, a different perception on what is truth. This is perfectly healthy and inevitable in any free society. There is a way to respectfully disagree if that is what is needed when an agreement or a consensus cannot be reached. So no one needs to be forced to agree, submit, conform or sign up to anything, for that would be supremacy in itself.

That said, there is a big difference between respectfully disagreeing and seeking to crush, destroy, dominate and suppress others simply because they have a different lifestyle, philosophy or point of view to yourself.

“A person who develops real understanding of life will have true compassion. With true compassion one will become free of suffering. Why is this so? It is so because true understanding means that you will know how to respect all the choices another has made, choices that have led to all that you see before you. You may not agree with the choices but respect for them must lead over the reactions you have to them. As you deepen your respect, your reactions lessen, then disappear.” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Vol II, Pg. 71)  

What we are talking about here is live and let live – the basic premise of true compassion. Allowing everyone the freedom to choose between differing viewpoints or ways of living and allowing them to co-exist and to cross pollinate, then eventually the one unified truth will naturally come through that benefits all of humanity. For this to occur there needs to be a genuine equal respect given to all and this will allow the real truth to emerge.

Love for others and respect for their rights and dignity, no matter who or what they are: ultimately these are all we need. So long as we practice these in our daily lives, then no matter if we are learned or unlearned, whether we believe in Buddha or God, or follow some other religion or none at all, as long as we have compassion for others and conduct ourselves with restraint out of a sense of responsibility, there is no doubt we will be happy.” (Dalai Lama XIV) (3)

True compassion is not tolerance as even with tolerance (and the word gives it away) we are essentially begrudgingly putting up with another and pretending to get along with another even though we privately still see them as wrong or inferior, so tolerance is still supremacy.

We can be as nice and polite, friendly, cordial and even professional as we like and still feel superior.

Supremacy can be an attitude whether it is expressed outwardly or not. We may think we are not being judgmental or superior to others if we don’t say it openly but expression is in all of our movements too, so how we go about our day will carry this seed of superiority and separation even if we think we are concealing it. The truth is the recipient of this force still feels it too.

Could it be that there are some in this world who deliberately, aggressively protect or defend their views or way of living so that the flaws in them are not exposed? Is this more about self-interest and maintaining a dominance over others, rather than supporting humanity to find the answers to the questions that we all seek and that definitely need answering?

Supremacy is a force that is designed to suppress and subjugate humanity to be far less than its true nature. It holds us back as a human race.

So why do we seek to control each other and life itself?

It has been documented that supremacy is an ideology founded on fear which in some way justifies the aggressive or violent actions e.g. white supremacy. (4)

As we have all experienced, the world can be a harsh, unsafe place to be in and we have all been affected or hurt by the world in one way or another in our lives. So is it possible that supremacy is a form of security or protection or a way of coping with the harsh realities of life?

Perhaps despite its ugliness and despicability, it is a reaction to the harshness of the world and a method of controlling life from fear of being hurt by it again.

We do not need to judge anyone who engages in supremacy (including ourselves) but perhaps bring a greater understanding as to why it occurs and why it exists in our societies.

This is not to say we need to accept it either, as it is a form of abuse that should not belong in our world and we do need to be calling it out and saying ‘no’ to it wherever it pops up, starting with an honest look at our own lives.

The key to knocking out supremacy is firstly understanding that we are all one human race living on the one planet and in that sense equal. Secondly, we are all equally delicate, highly sensitive energetic beings and we have all been deeply hurt or affected by the world in one way or another.

We can easily feel this by simply looking deeply into the eyes of another human being and connecting to the precious essence of someone, which goes way deeper than any outer appearance, behaviour or belief.

If we accept this viewpoint, it becomes clear that we are all in this together and we all have a common experience of the world. It also becomes clear that it is ridiculous to be attacking or fighting or seeking to dominate each other.

Can we see that we have way more in common than we do have differences?

Can we feel the potential that we have to support and raise each other, with no-one left behind or left out, rather than clambering over each other to be at the top?

Can we work together to clean up the stinky mess that is this planet of ours, rather than simply fighting to be at the top where the air may appear to be slightly less putrid but actually still stinks?

Can we sense the inter-connectedness of humanity, designed to work together in collaboration for a bigger purpose?



  1. (2019). Supremacy dictionary definition | supremacy defined. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2019].
  2. (2019). Supremacy definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2019].
  3. (2019). A quote by Dalai Lama XIV. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2019].
  4. The Atlantic. (2019). The Resurgent Threat of White-Supremacist Violence. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2019].

By Andrew Mooney, Physiotherapist, complementary health practitioner, Cornwall, UK

Related Reading:
Corruption at Work – what is it?
Competition or Connection – what are students really learning?
The Age of persecution – inquisitions, witch hunts and crusades.



206 thoughts on “Supremacy – More Common Than We Think?

  1. The way the world is heading through the lies of the media and politicians we can all start to align to our Soul so we remain non-reactionary to the way everything is misconstrued.

  2. Andrew you ask the question
    “So is it possible that supremacy is a form of security or protection or a way of coping with the harsh realities of life?”
    I believe that behind the security and protection you speak of is an energy that wants control over all of humanity as it has always done. We are no more than puppets being controlled by for now, an unseen energy that owns the model of life that keeps us all subjugated. We are encouraged to explore life and every possible desire is at our command, as long as we don’t question or wake up to the fact that we are controlled.

  3. Control is a key motivating factor in any behaviours of supremacy – control to not get hurt, albeit in the process one hurts another and actually more deeply oneself too (for we cannot do to another what we have not first done to ourselves).

  4. Every time we do not treat others with decency and respect we are holding them as less than human. – This is a great point and exposes how we can all indulge in not treating another (or perhaps ourselves) with less than what we all deserve.

    1. This is a great observation Henrietta, if we don’t treat ourselves with at the very least decency and respect, we are devoid of a reference point on how to treat and be with others. The statistics say that most abuse occurs within families. For example, in an article in the Daily Telegraph today the office for National Statistics released that this month police recorded 259,324 offences flagged as domestic abuse related. From March to June 2020 – a 7 percent increase on 2019 and a 18 per cent increase on 2018. The article goes on to say this means that 2 offences were committed every minute.

  5. Just because we change the word, does not mean that the behaviour ceases to exist – for example bullying is just another word for supremacy only on an individual level, as so well expressed in this blog. We may not have a Nazi camp here now, but we might has well with the level of bullying that abounds. Hence supremacy has gone no where even though the name as been changed to the many different behaviours that we can see in society. Likewise, slavery has not disappeared in our current world, but is simply called human traficking now.

  6. Andrew what we are witnessing on a daily bases is that we do not live in a free society. That is one of the biggest lies we have all fallen for.

  7. Far more insidious than attempts for world domination by super powers who on an economic scale have yoked many countries to it so that they have become so dependent from a financial stand point that the dominate country feels it can threaten another country with economic collapse if they do not toe the line, – is the energy behind the country, which very few people are even aware of. We have switched off or dulled our senses to feel energy so much that the vast majority of us have been blind to what has been happening. World supremacy without having to fire one shot in anger. We have no one but ourselves to blame as we have collectively focused on profit and greed instead of what is truly taking place.

  8. They want to act in a way that can make a person feel less, happens more often that we might care to admit.
    For example recently I was with some friends and they showed me this huge Black vintage car. To be honest it looked like something an evil character in a film would drive, so that the audience would be in no doubt who the villain was. My friend was driving the sweetest little vintage car and as we left the car park to drive onto the main road the huge Black car let my friend out first and then once on the main road roared past us its 4 litre engine roaring. I got to feel how this was an act of complete supremacy with the stink of domination, control and subjugation directed at my friend. It was interesting to note how the act was not lost on anyone and how my friend made excuses as to why this was done feeling all the time the insult. This left me wondering what gives us the right to crush another? What is it about us that wants to act in such in-human ways?

  9. When two people meet and openly discuss how they are living and connecting to there Essences, Souls / Inner-most- heart this is the most divine purpose and deepens our relationship with the Heavens / God.

  10. ” Supremacy can be an attitude whether it is expressed outwardly or not. We may think we are not being judgmental or superior to others if we don’t say it openly but expression is in all of our movements too, so how we go about our day will carry this seed of superiority and separation even if we think we are concealing it. The truth is the recipient of this force still feels it too.” Such a profound paragraph.

  11. “Can we see that we have way more in common than we do have differences?.” We are all the same under the skin. I am also reminded of hen’s eggs – some may be brown, white or speckled, but crack them open and they are all alike – egg yolk and egg white. You couldn’t tell whether their shell was brown or white.

  12. Our alignment to our Soul and the ensuing True-Love, which is to not impose upon another, kick starts the Joy in our lives and the appreciation of our divine connect.

  13. ‘Every time we do not treat others with decency and respect we are holding them as less than human.’ To only be aware of this will give every human being the opportunity to at least feel what lives within them and heal the hurt that causes the behaviour that doesn’t come from this level.

    1. I am discovering Annelies that if I am not treating others with decency and respect it is because I’m not treating myself first with decency and respect.

  14. Supremacy is spread far wider than is currently known or accepted. I get the feeling that there’s still so much more to uncover about how this is weaved in and through human life.

  15. The fact that things are getting worse is perhaps the only way we may all wake up and see the games at play within all of life, the supremacy energy currently running throughout life is there to see but we need to be willing to do just that. How willing are we?

  16. In denigrating another you denigrate yourself as it is feeding the energy of denigration for another to denigrate you.

    1. Each action has a consequence and as everything is energy and everything is because of energy, we must first choose to have a certain energy come through us before we can express it to another. When we say yes to this it infuses us just as much as the person we direct it to.

  17. Lately I have dis-covered how this energy of supremacy is like an addiction as it can be in our daily conversation, subtle, sometimes covered by so called humor but ever present. We are so used to it we don’t even recognise it at first but when we start to honor our sensitivity we are able to feel our expression is seperating us instead of uniting, leaving behind individualism.

  18. It’s not uncommon for workplaces to have an element of bullying but rarely does it get mentioned or addressed. Many times it is put down to a ‘personality clash’ and ignored.

  19. ‘For example, people are being belittled, bullied, abused and harassed every day on the internet and social media. Children and teachers are being bullied every day at school. Workplace bullying is extremely common. Every parent who tries to dominate their children is engaging in it. Anyone dominating or abusing someone in a relationship is doing it. The mainstream media engage in it every day. Any form of discrimination is supremacy. And before you think that you do not engage in any of the above consider that even judging someone or viewing them as different, separate or inferior for any reason is supremacy.’ How many of us are really willing to go there? The above paragraph starkly exposes the lack of quality in our lives and yet how many of us are really prepared to see the level of rot we consider the norm? We are so far down the road of lovelessness that we do not want to raise our heads above the parapet and admit to what we have aligned to and accepted.

  20. ‘Supremacy starts with our daily interactions and relationships – these are the seeds that are sown and grow quickly into tall toxic weeds.’ We turn to supremacy when we feel we are inadequate and have to compensate for it. By making others feel lesser we are in control of making ourselves feel better, but in lacking the connection to self and to others, this false confidence has to be continually fed. It has an insatiable appetite.

  21. Gosh this was sobering to read ‘consider that even judging someone or viewing them as different, separate or inferior for any reason is supremacy.’ You are right that is a form of supremacy and this just highlights for me that even when I don’t think I am doing it I have been! It seems it is more rife than I thought! Like really rife! So if all the subtle forms of supremacy have gone on for eons being ignored and not addressed then of course this will lead to other forms. This just shows how important it is for us to knuckle out and address not only this but other things such as comparison, jealousy and be absolutely honest with ourselves in order to address and debase this once and for all.

    1. Absolutely Vicky but as I am learning it all has to start with my relationship with me as this is the only thing I am really in control of. I have only begun to learn this because of the reflection of others who are farther down the road in their own relationship with themselves. Without them I would still be in the consciousness of supremacy thinking those ‘subtle’ thoughts described, without realising what I am adding to the pot of humanity.

      1. michelle819 like you I am learning that my relationship to me is all important as this reflects how I am with all others. This goes against my upbringing, as a child I was taught that children should be seen and not heard, and the females of the family were taught to put others first and that it was a selfish act to think of ourselves at all.

    2. Yes and it all starts with absolute honesty, as you say. Even feeling that we are inferior is just the opposite end of the spectrum. None of it is loving.

  22. Letting go and disconnecting feelings and deepening our connection of everyone as being equal and then holding those proponents of individuality, nationality and all-is good in the same equal love we have for everyone is paramount in our evolution.

  23. I’m understanding more that for humanity to work together, individually we have to learn to work together with our Soul.

  24. It does not have to be country wide or global, it is in the way we interact with the shopkeeper, the cleaner or our CEO – it is all one and the same. If you play lesser and if you play smaller … all feeding the same behaviours in our society.

    1. Well said Viktoria – it is about being equal with all for we are all essentially from the same source.

  25. We get something out of being supremacist – usually the need for this force comes due to our own insecurities. We need to feel better than another to feel good about ourselves, it’s fake, it’s a game, it’s just something we need to make ourselves feel good.

  26. It is in the little undermining moments where without even a word we look at another person and decide we are above them. It comes from an insecurity and a need to feel worthy because when you feel your worth you feel the worth of others also.

  27. One only needs to watch the news of events happening around the world for the latest mass shooting in the US, protesters being beaten and teargassed or the oppression of one group by another. We are here for so much more and being suppressed by a force that wants us to all remain in separation.

    1. Absolutely Steve, and do not forget all the slavery that takes place on an increasing scale, how unbelievable is it to think we can control another captivity as a slave.

  28. There is so much Supremacy around still, yet it is often hidden in more sinister less obvious ways, but yes it is very much alive in this day and age.

  29. Supremacy is abusive and yet if we do use supremacy as a counter to what is abusive and hurts we actually add, not lessen, the abuse in the world.

  30. We feel hurt and in the reaction to the hurt, we make another lesser than we have made ourselves by aligning to something that wasn’t true in the first place. Having our invested bubble burst is what hurts. That’s what needs to be looked at rather than attacking a scapegoat outside of ourselves.

    1. Well said Leigh – it is very much a not wanting to take responsibility for our own hurts that then makes us lash out at another and in essence take it out on another, instead of allowing ourselves to feel how vulnerable and hurt we feel and seek support to deal with this.

  31. “Can we feel the potential that we have to support and raise each other, with no-one left behind or left out, rather than clambering over each other to be at the top?” These words rang out to me today. Society – or rather those in it ie all of us – are so fearful of being left behind that we set out to strive to be top, regardless of who is trampled underfoot. teaching cooperative games in schools rather than competitive ones would be a good start. And doing away with league tables, gold stars and the like,

  32. ‘Can we work together to clean up the stinky mess that is this planet of ours, rather than simply fighting to be at the top where the air may appear to be slightly less putrid but actually still stinks?’ I read this question several times today. This is an important question and one that will be wise to consider and be honest with ourselves about. I will bring it to a conversation with friends soon.

    1. A stinky mess indeed and also how appearances can be so deceptive and in typing this what instantly comes to mind is current politics! But behind this is what we have all allowed or accepted in one way or another so time for us all to individually clear up our stinky mess.

    2. And with current politics it feels it is getting a whole lot worse before it improves. Maybe then people will wake up and realise what they voted for. But also up to us all to be aware of our expression in every moment, whether alone or with others. Responsibility……

  33. When we appreciate that we are all equal and we are all equal and the same in love then we will understand supremacy as the corrupting force that it is.

  34. This is a brilliant topic to be brought out into the open for discussion. I feel that the ideology of mainstream religion is very supremacist as it has dominated and controlled our lives for centuries, we are so subjugated under this energy that we don’t even realise it any more. That’s why we need to start talking about supremacist energy so that we can see what is there and whether we want to be dominated by it or not.

    1. And of course those ‘on top’ don’t want to lose their supremacy placement. Calling it out in ourselves is a good place to start.

  35. Living in our own world as we make it up as we go along and find ways to exist in the understanding that we know best, and this is our own self made hell. This aspect of life we believe we are politically correct or so we think and this is a feeling of being Supreme or superior, but when we get to live in a way that respects others we turn the re around from er and under-stand we all are super when we are choosing to be in our essences and feeling super take away the judgment on another as we know everyone has to come to their own super-ness through re-connecting.

  36. Supremacy has to be borne out of lies because for something to lord over another there has to be another and as, in truth there is no other, there is only one, then we therefore know beyond a shadow of a doubt that supremacy is borne from untruth.

  37. I will definitely be re-visiting this article – it is rich and wise. One thing that comes strongly for me is that this foundational baseline of decency and respect has to be built into our relationship with ourselves. To know our preciousness. Once we know this of ourselves it is natural to see it in others. In fact it then supports us to go deeper into it with ourselves as it is reflected back to us by others.

    1. I have been pondering on the values that most people seemed to share in the UK a generation or two ago. It appears that there was some decency and respect but how was this won and expressed? The values that people abided by seemed to bind things together, but where they necessarily built on a foundation of love and truth or were they simply ideals and beliefs that felt right but came from an emptiness and a lack of loving connection with self, in the absence of which something had to take its place as a route through life. Along with this, certainly for my parents generation who are now in their 80s, there came a lot of conformity and an adherence to societal rules just because that’s how you did things. It certainly looks like in today’s society all values and integrity are out and whilst we may hunker after yesteryear, are we not getting closer to the truth is this current mess and moral chaos as it is simply exposing the hollowness, vested self interest, corruption and lack of love we have been living with since the year dot? Yes the foundational baseline of decency and respect has to be built into our relationship with ourselves, in the acceptance of who we are as we are, and in recognition of and connection to the totally awesome preciousness that is inside each and every one of us.

  38. It is crazy, sad and shocking that with all our modern day advances we still as a world wide society get it so wrong and lack the basic premises of true respect and compassion.

  39. I feel that this is the trap is we get hooked into, by placing expectations of how others should be based on our own ideals, beliefs and pictures that we carry. But as you say Andrew we have no idea of the choices another has made in this life, let alone previous lives that have got them to where they currently stand.

    1. And having this understanding for others means we have to apply the same for ourselves which is great. We have made millions of choices, some great, some not so great, but to regret or recriminate now would be adding to the ‘not so great’.

  40. How many of us truly see other people as equal? I know that I have a trait in me, an insecurity which tells me that I have to be perfect in order to be okay, so when I do things to a standard that I think is good, when I outperform another and am better at something than them, I feel pride, I feel better than. But the falsity of that balloon is so strong because if a third person comes along who is even a tiny bit better than me at something I feel worthless and slumped on the ground. How real is the pride and supremacy if our bubble can be popped so easily?

  41. ‘The mainstream media engage in it every day.’ Sadly this is so true, as is our appetite for it – else papers and digital platforms wouldn’t be sold/visited. I’ve been bullied whilst people stood by and let it continue. I could feel their fear of standing up and their relief that at least it wasn’t them. But then they have to live with the knowing that they didn’t stand tall. And I know this all too well too. Supremacy energy is everywhere. I used to think there were good people and bad but actually we’re all in this together and all subjects of energy. What we choose to move us is important as no-one gets away when supremacy energy is allowed to run the show.

  42. The ultimate absurdity is to set a whole against itself, fighting parts of its own body to ‘be the best’. The absolute stupidity of someone smashing themselves in the face with a boxing glove sums Supremacy up.

  43. Many years ago I witnessed a headmaster bully a nine year old child in front of the whole school, I was appalled. I also knew he bullied the teachers. Eventually the school managed to get rid of him I sincerely hope he is no longer teaching.

  44. “Can we see we have way more in common than we have differences?” So true. Pictures of us as skeletons come to mind. We are all the same under the skin.

  45. I very much appreciate this blog because supremacy is something usually confined to a few extremist groups. People don’t want to admit supremacy is everywhere. I know I’ve not admitted it to the degree I do now, but I’ve felt it in my body and felt shy about meeting people knowing I harbour the energy of supremacy whenever I judge. It’s wonderful to realise this and that I’m not a bad person. Now I can recognise the energy and say no more to it every time I become aware it’s running around my body, I don’t have to indulge in it.

    1. Yes Karin this is a good point to realise for if we identify and get honest about how much supremacy energy is present in our day to day lives then we will cut off the fuel that is feeding the more obviously atrocious and extreme horrific acts that we see in the news every day.

    2. In a recent discussion with friends judgement was brought up as a topic of conversation and it was decided that if we judge another we have missed the opportunity to bring understanding. We have no idea how another person is living, or has lived and as we are imperfect ourselves how can we possibly judge another, it just doesn’t make sense, so where is that thought coming from?

  46. We only need to look at the media and the news at large and see that supremacy is very much alive and influential.

  47. ‘Any form of discrimination is supremacy.’ This truth exposes the ugliness that is there and in huge amounts in the world. The more extreme ends we know are so against our nature but also the more insidious pockets which includes sympathy. Sympathy is far more on my radar than it used to be because I have experienced it towards me so I can learn how toxic it really is. My experience is that sympathy actively sees another as less than the universal being they are, pigeon holes them into a small box and keeps them there. There is nothing cold-hearted in seeing someone in the grandness of who they are.

  48. Any attempt to control situations, people or outcomes, is supremacy. The question is how many of us can recognise this energy in ourselves?

  49. What does it say about us as loving human beings who are all connected by our humanness that in our world is accepted tolerance as the next best thing because we cannot contemplate that we may not be that different after all. One scratch below the surface of our skin and we all bleed.

    1. Yes, Lucy we’ve stopped well short of the highest standard of human relationship, which is Love

    2. So agree Lucy. It feels dreadful to,admit after thousands of years of so called evolution we as human society don’t even have that as a base level as yet.

  50. When we truly connect to our multidimensionality and therefore the multidimensionality of all others, we know that we are simply vehicles of energy and that we are all equal in this and there comes an appreciation of each person’s individual expression in the appreciation of one’s own. How can we then play ball with the awful energy that says one person is superior to another?

  51. Supremacy energy can be in the smallest daily routines, when we simply want to control the result from an initial picture we may have (‘how things should be’) instead of remaining open to its natural unfolding, allowing the learning, reflection or interaction that is there to be experienced.
    In the end of the day there can’t be individuality or ownership (only in the limited eyes of supremacy), but a greater observation and understanding of each piece of life that is revealed to us while we live, which is available to everyone when we surrender to it.

  52. Reading this stopped me in my tracks ‘The mainstream media engage in it every day.’ It is true. The media are all about Supremacism. What have we allowed and why oh why have we allowed this for so long? When we look at just this alone in the world without all the other corruption and abuse going on it is clear to see there is work to be done in not allowing this anymore.

  53. ‘Every time we hold someone in judgement we are treating them as less than equal to us and seeking to control, dominate and subsequently subjugate them. We may not like to hear or read this but this is actually what is occurring.’ This is great to be pointed out as I do feel this. This is why judgement feels so awful. But judgement isn’t an inevitability. We can let it go in an instant and not even pick it up in the first place when we make a choice to live from love and not fear.

    1. Yes and I find the key is that when we feel the energy of judgement or bullying or supremacy to not react to it, however awful it may feel, because otherwise in that reaction we are not able to lovingly call out what is going on and are far more likely to slip into supremacy ourselves when responding.

      1. I’m so needing to watch this one in myself. Any reaction does not serve, however awful the action I have witnessed or as you say I’m feeding the supremacy energy in my judgement….Hmmm.

  54. The other side to the supremacy is inferiority energy. And as I write, I ask myself which of the two is the more deadly? One cannot exist without the other. Inferiority complex is fostered in many of us from young: feeling less than another, group, gender, race, or class and inadequate – where does this come from? Many of us find it difficult to accept we are equal to everyone else. Until this is exposed and each person supported to value themselves as equally worthy, supremacists will continue to be in the driving seat.
    Our responsibility is to take loving command of the way we walk and express and not let this happen.

    1. What a great point, if we play into the game of low self-worth we allow space for another to take the driving seat in our lives while we flounder wondering what we can do to make a difference.

      1. When in the company of one who plays the game of low self-worth, our responsibility is to not collude with this, if we do we’re playing the game of supremacy. Our responsibility is to lovingly call it out and re-affirm through movements and expression that we are equal and one.

    2. I so agree Kehinde. Inferiority and superiority are just two opposite ends of a spectrum. Neither brings responsibility, purpose or truth.

    3. That is an interesting point Kehinde, we are often quick to point the finger at the bully but why don’t we do the same with the person who is giving the bully the energy to do what they do in the first place – one cannot exist without the other.

  55. We talk about bullying but not supremacy, they are one and the same and much of societal norms centre on the energy of supremacy – the need to dominate at the expense of another, for example win an argument or competition, excel in school subjects, exams and sports. So called ‘success’ is synonymous with supremacy.

    1. This is a great point you make here that so many of our systems and societal norms are based on competition and ultimately supremacy. We have sanitised and refined it so much that we have even convinced ourselves that it is a good thing to champion one human being being greater, smarter, faster etc over another. This shows just how deep up to our armpits we currently are in supremacy.

      1. We place our children into schools only to have them fed the nonsense of competition, winning and becoming number one. Rather than test results, we could instead offer opportunities for them to appreciate their true value as human beings and make working together central to the school day, not working in isolation.

  56. Andrew, in a nut shell, this totally exposes the game we have been playing and the simple answer to our many woes: “Can we work together to clean up the stinky mess that is this planet of ours, rather than simply fighting to be at the top where the air may appear to be slightly less putrid but actually still stinks? Can we sense the inter-connectedness of humanity, designed to work together in collaboration for a bigger purpose?” – thank you Andrew for all you bring in this powerful blog!

  57. Well said Andrew – we do tend to think that we have advanced as a society and that supremacy is a thing of the past, but “Supremacy is alive and thriving in our societies under many guises and forms that we may not fully realise or recognise. It is not just restricted to group activity but can also be present in our individual actions.”. Just because our buildings are taller, just because we have fancier phones, just because we can anihilate thousands of people with the push of a button instead of having to race out and kill with spears, does not make us more advanced if we still have supremacy reining strong in our world for true advance comes not from technology and buildings but from us deepening our relationships with self and others.

    1. It appears at the moment that with more sophisticated and more available forms of technology it is actually aiding the spread of supremacy energy and making things much worse e.g. social media and will continue to be this way until we decide to use these things more responsibly.

  58. The energy of supremacy is laced within all our institutions and in the home too. When we feel we are right or wrong, more or less because we are older or younger, more experienced or less experienced we are placing our focus in a place that is devoid of love. When we truly love from the heart it is impossible to see yourself as more or less than anyone around you. Love from the heart knows that we are all equal and that we all bring an angle of God that no one else possibly can and that we all have an innate wisdom because of this. In this awareness appreciation of yourself and of all others is a given – no supremacy possible.

    1. This is so true Michelle, for no one is totally free of this energy of supremacy and so we must be vigilant in realising how much each of us dabbles in it on a personal level.

      1. I have learned that this overall awareness is great but it is in those subtle places that we can still get caught out in spite of it – so yes a vigilance is needed to catch ourselves when the expression of it is in play.

  59. “We do not need to judge anyone who engages in supremacy (including ourselves) but perhaps bring a greater understanding as to why it occurs and why it exists in our societies.” bringing understanding to any issue always feels a good thing to do, preventing instant judgement- whether it be of ourselves or another.

  60. The supremacy energy starts from a very early age, but is it learned from parents or is it a way of coping in a world that does not support us so we shut down and toughen up ?

    1. Supremacy is one form of energy that is here to shut us down and to prevent us from feeling and knowing the all that we are. It is not that we use it as a coping mechanism as such, but by its very nature it’s something we align to to not feel the hurt of having already been crushed by it.

  61. This has really opened my eyes to see all the supremacy energy around us all the time, whether one person dominates a conversation or someone is overpowering another, or someone’s shouting at their child in the supermarket, it’s all one and the same.

    1. Supremacy energy is everywhere. We often want to locate it in the big events but it is found where ever human beings inhabit and your examples confirm this. But do we not also have to be aware of this ugly energy within ourselves and reflect on why it rears its head when it does?

      1. Absolutely. We are very good at judging others when they yell at their children in the supermarket but do we ever stop to consider how we contribute to the pool of energy that feeds this incident?

  62. You are absolutely correct Andrew, there doesn’t feel a difference between supremacy and bullying, it all feels one and the same energy that we have all received and enjoined. Recognising it is a great step to catching ourselves and exposing the behaviour.

  63. Love this post. “The key to knocking out supremacy is firstly understanding that we are all one human race living on the one planet and in that sense equal.” When we feel equal there can be no judgement – so no supremacy.

  64. Andrew I have never ever seen it so clearly as I have now, thank you for exposing the evil of supremacy, this is one of those articles I want the world to read as the wisdom held in it is so very beautiful.

  65. Sometimes our own insecurity is so strong that to stop feeling so uncomfortable with it we try to control and dominate others… then supremacy reigns. The more secure we are in ourselves the easier it is to simply let other people be.

    1. Yes I agree, when we work on feeling settled and complete with ourselves and at ease with life then we close the door that allows supremacy to come through us.

    2. Yes this is true, however the reverse is also true too; when we are insecure and feel less we can allow that supremacy over us to take hold, further confirming our false belief that we are not as significant as others and therefore we allow it to perpetuate. In this instance the so called victim is just as much the perpetrator as the one who expresses the supremacy as they allow the rot to keep turning. When we are fully claimed no one can tell us we are less and it is the responsibility of each of us to do so.

    3. I agree Rachel. When we feel content and secure in our own skin there is no need to bully or be bossy. Allowing others to be who they are- as we can do for ourselves – no controlling. Feels good to me…..

    4. “The more secure we are in ourselves the easier it is to simply let other people be’ Beautifully expressed Rachel. And with understanding and wisdom we see through bullying behaviour and connect to what lies beneath the surface, feeling we’re lacking in something, insecure or fearful of being threatened by another who appears more present or confident than ourselves. Things are not always as they appear on the surface, and why judging another is unhelpful.

  66. Anyone who thinks they are superior to others bring this supremacy energy, when instead when we know we are equal and we can work together harmoniously.

    1. Yes our natural way as human beings is cooperation, collaboration and equality which is why supremacy hurts us and does not feel right even if it is common.

      1. What really hit home for me after reading this blog was the subtlety to which supremacy runs in society via judgement of any kind. That was personally a big ‘ouch’ moment for me because I could feel how I still fall into that when I observe other people being cruel, abusive, and disrespectful to myself or others. The quotes of Serge Benhayon and the Dalai Lama on true compassion through greater understanding of others choices, and respecting that, makes a lot of sense and offers a way of living without the emotional rollercoaster of emotions that we can fall into.

  67. Should we include in the definition of Supremacism the political members of the British government that are elected by the people, but there to serve themselves? How else will history describe Brexit?

  68. It feels like the energy of supremacy is around us much more than I previously thought, it is so great to notice it and expose it. Thank you for bringing us to a greater awareness of it.

    1. Yes – it is scary how normalised supremacy is and yet when we encounter it it still hurts. How many of us are honest enough to say so and to express how unacceptable it is in all its forms?

  69. Awesome to bring understanding to our ways of being, our behaviours, our actions and even our thoughts. I love equality, I know equality and in many ways I live equality. However, sometimes I still catch a momentary comment or thought that in some way I, or another is ‘better’- a fleeting second of supremacy is still supremacy. What I enjoy about this blog, is knowing it is not about pretending it does not exist, yet look at why we choose this and continue to re-cycle it in existence.

    1. Yes Michelle deep down we all know and value equality because in the inner essence of our being we know we are equal.

  70. What we have yet come to realise and accept as a human race is that all our movements and choices and expressions either feed a pool of energy that contributes to the horrific acts we witness in our world, or our movements and choices and expressions align with love and unity, which will prevent these acts taking place. We have so much more power and responsbility than we currently allow ourselves to understand.

  71. It is great to catch this supremacy energy…pretty awful to find it in our everyday activities…but great to expose how insidiously it creeps in.

  72. It’s true Andrew, attitudes of supremacy are much more common than we realise, and yes, beginning with removing them from our own lives is how we take responsibility on an individual, community, and global level.

  73. Supremacy is definitely a real force in our world that is designed to prevent us getting together and working together as a human race to discover the truth about life and the real answers to the problems in our world.

  74. “Can we feel the potential that we have to support and raise each other, with no-one left behind or left out, rather than clambering over each other to be at the top?” The question is ‘the top of what?’We have this inbuilt belief that we go from the bottom of things to the top, that we are forever either moving up or down but this is a such a massive misconception. The direction is either in towards ourselves or away from ourselves, it’s much more of a horizontal plane than a vertical one.

  75. I wonder from my own experience of being a supremacist if it’s not true to say that those that practice supremacy are in fact the most sensitive amongst us, despite their blatantly insensitive acts towards others?

    1. Yes, no-one is a monster. When I drop the judgement of myself and of others I can see the set up we’ve fallen for, how life isn’t the cut-throat mission to survive it’s made out to be.

      1. Survival. How far from the truth can you possibly get when eternal beings are focused on survival? And how much closer to the truth would we be if we were living as the eternal beings that we all are?

  76. “Everyone deserves at the very least, decency and respect because we are by nature decent and respectful”. Decency and respect should be the bare minimum because by our true nature we are deeply loving beings and decency and respect are actually a long way from our true way of being.

  77. How we see others depends entirely on how we see ourselves. It’s not possible to hold another as equal unless we truly feel that equality in us first.

  78. In our insecurities and with a need to dominate and control, supremacy reigns. When we have a deep contentment in ourselves there is no need to control others, we can simply bring understanding. There is much responsibility needed to deal with our hurts and insecurities because we can change how we are with others as a result.

  79. True purpose and feeling the connection to that this level of love 💗 can bring opens us to a deeper level of evolution so it becomes senseless to accept anything less than true love.

  80. Understanding is the key to dissolving all of the suffering in the world because once we understand that there is reason behind every single thing then this will alleviate the suffering. And yes I understand that many would not agree with this and would question how the pain associated with losing those that are close to could ever be ok but if we understood (and I mean truly understood in a way that was way deeper than a cerebral understanding) that life is one continuous thread and that no one ever disappears for good and that they receive exactly what they need to experience in their next incarnation then this understanding would support us immensely. Love is the foundation to absolutely everything and if we truly understood this then there wouldn’t be any suffering.

  81. There’s a steely edge to supremacy that is utterly disgusting and this I can feel from my own life long habit of putting others and their behaviours down.

  82. Yes Doug, all of the dictators throughout history that committed horrific crimes against humanity were born out of a groundswell of sentiment, or attitude of the majority of the people around them in their country, or culture, or political party, otherwise they would not have been allowed to rise to power and stay in power and do the things they did. We all have a responsibility to stop these things from occurring again.

  83. I’m always intrigued at how history is written because it is written to scapegoat a few and leave those who enabled the atrocities to happen – ie pretty much everyone. So blogs like this calling out our contributions are very needed.

    1. Karin your comment has highlighted something key to personal responsibility, although we ourselves may not have committed the crime did we somehow enable it by aligning to supremacy and not stand for the values of decency and respect?

  84. ‘Every time we hold someone in judgement we are treating them as less than equal to us and seeking to control, dominate and subsequently subjugate them.’

    This is such a bold statement. I had to pause and feel all those many times during my day where I will instantly judge another. Now I can feel why judgement feels just so awful. It is supremacy energy which, at the core, is there to annihilate another – that is not who I am or who we are in truth.

    So I’m working on all my insecurities. A big one is thinking the world is unsafe and out to get me – now that set me up to feel insecure and invites judgement like its side kick body guard best mate. But this blog is insight and inspiration in returning to love, dropping protection and being the change.

  85. By living in a world of supremacy and in subscribing to it in any way we are contributing to this evil energy – our hands are no cleaner than anyone else’s.

    1. Yes Susan I agree every time we subscribe to this energy or way of relating to others, or enable it to continue, we are adding to the fuel that others use to commit the horrific crimes that make the news.

    2. Horrific events based on supremacy don’t just happen, they are born from the subtleties of supremacy in our societies which we all contribute to.

  86. It is true. We do have more in common with each other than we do in differences, but we tend to only concentrate on what we consider as bad traits of others. This is an excellent blog for flushing out what precisely supremacy is because we can blindly lead our lives thinking that there is no way we can be contributing to that ugliness and yet here we are doing exactly that. This is one conversation that needs to happen.

  87. As I become more aware of the supremacy energy in my own life not so much in the obvious aggression and dominance as I have been aware of this force for sometime but through the ‘nice’ and ‘polite’ way of being – the ‘good’, there has been much sadness coming to the surface for it has been the way I have indulged in and lived. I hate supremacy energy especially through the being ‘good’ and the manipulation and the controlling of others to remain in the familiar comfort. It feels like a huge suppression is created to not expose another, others or a situation; there is not one jot of love in this way of being no matter what it looks like or the way in which it is being delivered.

    1. Yes there can still be a lot of supremacy in polite, nice and ‘good’ if we hold others as less than us or enter into judgement over others.

  88. “We can be as nice and polite, friendly, cordial and even professional as we like and still feel superior.” That is so true and therefore it is so good to expose it for what it truly is what you so beautifully did Andrew. From there each of us can chose a different way as every single person is the one who forms our world.

  89. We live in a world full of supremacy, when it is explained as you have Andrew. The quick judgements we make of course are holding ourselves better than others, it happens so automatically, we hardly notice it, but you are bringing us into greater awareness to realise this ugly energy, so to start to learn not to choose it.

  90. Again and again I come across the reminder that just because we limit something to the confines of our thoughts (and do not actually act them out) does not mean we are not harming those the thought is directed towards.
    Humanity is far more connected and we have far more impact on one another (and consequently on the quality of our world and our own lives) than we care to admit. There is a huge level of responsibility we will sooner or later ( our choice) have to return to.

  91. The other side of the supremacy coin is self degradation, which is just as distasteful. A way of being that puts others in a different bracket to ourselves, thus separating and segregating ourselves from one another.

  92. ‘There is a way to respectfully disagree if that is what is needed when an agreement or a consensus cannot be reached.’ Absolutely, Andrew! To offer understanding for another takes away supremacy and opens up space.

    1. In emptiness, when we are concerned with ourselves as individuals, about right and wrong, about getting recognition and being seen it is easy to see why we need to prove a point. Let go of the need for recognition in the nurture of self so that can hold ourselves without the need for outer confirmation in the knowing we are already everything and whole, it is only then we can hold ourselves and others in that understanding.

    2. There is a big difference between doing what is best overall for everyone involved in a situation versus doing what suits or serves us best individually.

  93. “Can we sense the inter-connectedness of humanity, designed to work together in collaboration for a bigger purpose?” This happens when there is natural catastrophe, in times of war or on a small scale a family calamity – how long is it going take that the true calamity is separating from our Soul?

  94. ‘…treating another less than human’ now that’s a powerful statement that has certainly got my attention. Where am I doing that I have to ask because this has to be addressed, as does seeing how rife it is in the world – a sobering awareness but so needed for us to say no to the abuse.

  95. “Supremacy is a force that is designed to suppress and subjugate humanity to be far less than its true nature. It holds us back as a human race.” – but once again though this may be more obvious on a larger scale (in terms of seeing this in racism, sexism, bullying etc), we are all responsible for looking at where we have yielded to supremacy on a smaller scale in our personal lives – how we have judged another or how we might think another to not be an equal to us in any shape or way. It is important to discern where we have fallen for this energy of supremacy for the smaller acts are the ones that feed the bigger acts of supremacy. So through addressing the microcosm, we actually end up addressing the macrocosm.

  96. Thank you Andrew. This blog is wonderful in its capacity to be simple and explicit in its expose of Supremacy. I have often considered supremacy as a word, and here you have taken it well past its simple meaning and have dissected it in a practical way helping the reader by allowing a practical understanding in terms of how any one of us can dabble in supremacy and perhaps not even realise it from the outset. It shows an understanding of the root cause of supremacy and how we all can get caught in its sticky web and then project it upon another. This understanding and awareness is invaluable in order to begin addressing supremacy in our own lives let alone the greater supremacy that we feel and see happening in the world.

  97. Yes Richard and understanding is a word that is largely misunderstood 😉. It is not tolerating or putting up with abuse or sympathising with others but as I have explained here it is discerning the full picture of why someone is behaving the way they are and this includes reading the energetic forces at play.

  98. We fear when we disconnect from ourselves and our essence, making life about security. In the separation this engenders we look guardedly out, jealously watching to see who may be more secure than us, misinterpreting and imposing, reacting and judging, hoarding and competing. In our essence we know we are all equal and that love is the foundation of all. When we can operate from love the rest takes care of itself.

  99. Before reading this I have just watched a heartfelt message from someone after the attack in Christchurch New Zealand. There is much for us all to reflect on and with here, and not to just reflect but to ask ourselves how we want the world to be. For we all make a difference and every single one of us has a voice. May our voices come from our hearts.

  100. Thank you for unpicking how supremacy is threaded through every facet of current society and until we are willing to recognise this and own up to our part in it nothing will change. Treating everyone we meet with respect and holding them equal to ourselves is the starting point to uncover the many ways that supremacist thinking has infiltrated our everyday interactions and I am shocked at how often a judgmental thought comes in and have only recently become more willing to acknowledge this and commit to changing it.

    1. Yes I was watching a report on the recent NZ attack and there was a comment made that we would be dishonest if we were to say we were shocked by what happened because the truth is we all knew this was going to happen because of how we allow supremacy to exist in every facet of our society, starting with our own interactions with our fellow human beings.

  101. You are absolutely correct Andrew, supremacy runs through our veins in most interactions that are between two people and it feels really ugly to recognise it, but it’s a great call for everyone to feel how it affects our communication, our movements, and our expression in everyday life.

  102. The other side of the same coin, or energy, is when we put ourselves down and subjugate ourselves to thinking another or others are somehow more powerful or ‘better’ than us.

    1. Absolutely I played this game for many years and used it as a way to hide and feel powerless.

      1. True Mary and Helen, this is a game I played very well in the past. I played it small and made myself lesser because I did not want to be in the arrogance of supremacy. I didn’t realise there was another option, one of claiming myself and expressing understanding for myself and others equally so.

    2. Fantastic point Mary – And this too is something that feeds the energy of supremacy in the world. When we do not step up to our responsibility then it (the energy that was meant for stepping up to responsibility) is there to feed another source that does the complete opposite of what it was intended for.

    3. It is not just the ones who are acting in a supremacist way but the many who hold back their voice and don’t challenge what they know is not ok that allow supermacy to flourish.

      1. In many ways those who hold back their voices are the greater abusers as supremacists, like bullies, cannot exist if they do not allow themselves to be bullied – and this starts with one-to-one personal relationships.

  103. Attachment to the power, inherent in holding on to separate identities and roles (personal, political and national), feeds feelings of supremacy. We observe family units where parents assume a superior position to children, teachers who do not treat pupils as equals, some health professionals who favour unequal relationships with patients. Alongside this, we find a nation of people who believe they are inferior to others: royalty, politicians, academics, so-called celebrities, whether in sports or entertainment industry. Until we bring focus to what unites us as human beings and embrace Oneness, we cannot begin to dismantle the treacherous hold supremacy has over us.

  104. The moment we use any part of creation to identify ourselves instead of our true essence, we are no longer capable of knowing any other by anything but by the differentiation that has put us into this world of separation – be it nationality, religion, gender, age, appearance, behaviour, wealth etc. etc.

    1. Very well said Fumiyo for everything in creation is false and hence if there is anything from creation that we know our self by, then we are not connecting to our essence.

  105. We are all the energetic quality of God, choosing in some, many or all ways not to be all that we are. Who are we to judge how another person has deviated from the truth of who they are when our judgement is in itself a deviation from that same truth?

  106. This blog is so apt for what seems to be so obvious as to what’s going on in the world. I had a bit of a shock the other day. I’m involved in a group and I don’t like how I feel perceived. When I was honest with myself about what was going on I discovered it was my judgement of them and my supremacy towards them that felt awful. And that was my defence against feeling the hurts beneath the fear of persecution.

  107. Supremacy energy is insidious throughout society and its prevalence is not acknowledged. Thank you, Andrew, for so lucidly delineating it here.

  108. It is very easy to separate ‘Supremacy’ out of our lives but as you have so accurately written Andrew it is hidden in the many small movements, thoughts, everyday choices we live. Something has been exposed here that is calling on a deeper level of honesty in us all. Thank you Andrew.

  109. True, Michelle, when we bring understanding for another there is no need to be superior and put another down with supremacy. We only want to dominate when we feel out of control or threatened in some way.

    1. Yes, being loving with ourselves and others is the only way that stops this cycle of attack and defence. It’s not saying ignore abuse but address it knowing that the other is an equal too but they just aren’t choosing to live this.

  110. “Every time we meet another human being, do we hold them as a fellow human being, a member of our own species and respect them as a highly sensitive being equal to all others?”. The answer to this is a resounding ‘no’ for if we did there would not be the wars, conflicts and heinous supremacist attacks like the one perpetrated here in New Zealand yesterday. Yes, the evil of supremacy showed its face and with it not only took many lives but shattered many illusions. Much to learn from this.

  111. Wow, I think I may need to come back and read this a few times because I can see that this is way more prevalent than we would like to believe. “there is a big difference between respectfully disagreeing and seeking to crush, destroy, dominate and suppress others simply because they have a different lifestyle, philosophy or point of view to yourself.” A very big difference between the two.

    1. We are so quick to disregard others and to ‘write them off’ as being in some way or in all ways inferior to us. We can do this simply by looking at the skin colour of another, we can do it as soon as we hear someone’s accent, we can do this simply by looking at someone’s haircut, we can do this purely by watching how another person eats, we do it without ever having met the person but based solely on ‘what we’ve heard’. Supremacy is rife and rampant in our society and it’s destructive to our core.

      1. It is rampant and destructive to the core of who we all are. Spotting where it’s rife is needed. I’m inspired to really pay attention. I’m recognising how it feels which really exposes it.

      2. I know exactly how supremacy feels as I have wielded the sword of judgement my whole life. It feels like condemnation in action. Utterly dreadful.

  112. This is so powerful Andrew, exposing what supremacy is and how it affects us all. It feels so lovely to contemplate how we could all work together in the future without the supremacist feeling.

  113. The irony is supremacy stems, in my experience, not from thinking we are great or truly amazing – but from a level of deep self-loathing and doubt. So we have to put others down to feel ok about ourselves – crazy when in reality we are all equally beauty full.

    1. I too can feel this Joseph. We so often just look at what is on the surface of a person’s behaviour but taking the time to look behind it will reveal the root cause – and that is where any healing needs to begin.

    2. So true Joseph – it is a mask for jealousy and lack of self-worth and self-loathing.

    3. Yes Joseph this is the insecurity factor I was talking about and ironically perhaps this is created by a human being feeling the crushing effects of supremacy in their life from a young age and choosing to leave themselves or give up on what they feel is true for them. The bullied becomes the bully.

  114. Something that we obviously need to discuss and a blog I will certainly be coming back to to read. Before reading your blog I had just watched a short video where college kids reacted to a 1940’s anti-racist short film. Their comment was nearly 80 years later and it seems nothing has changed, in fact it actually seems it has gotten worse! so yes we do need to talk about this more and not only talk about it but be aware where we are doing this in our lives, as you so rightly say even judging another is supremacy and who are we to judge another.

  115. Thank you Andrew for writing this blog as it provides a potential stop moment for everyone to consider our own actions towards ourselves and each other. As you rightly say everyone deserves to be treated with decency and respect as a base line and this is clearly missing in our society.

  116. To have understanding is when we make life truly about our love for people first from a foundation built on the love we have for ourselves; we then observe life and not react to it.

    1. All reactions are by their very nature not true. The immediacy of a reaction is a giveaway as it lacks the steadiness of the qualities of God. God is so far past steady that that word doesn’t even apply to Him.

  117. The list of supremacy, judgment, comparison and synonyms of them are many. But are they all showing us something in ourselves we are hiding?

  118. Andrew this is an energy that I know well. I have lorded over others my whole life. This I have done verbally and non verbally (with my thoughts), I have also done it with my movements. And yes, you are absolutely right in saying that it is borne out of judgement and separation. I have alienated myself as well as others with this behaviour because whilst I have conveyed ‘you are separate and different from me’, I have simultaneously conveyed that ‘I am separate and different from you’. Neither statement is true but both statements contribute to the illusion that we are individuals, who are separate from one another, when in truth there is no separation between us all.

  119. “Supremacy is a force that is designed to suppress and subjugate humanity to be far less than its true nature. It holds us back as a human race.” We’re witnessing around the world a depth of corruption that shocks, but is not new: we as human beings have corrupted every sphere of life, nothing left untainted. We have become so debase, no institution exists to serve the people, institutions exist to serve themselves. The depth of insensitivity and lack of love we experience from fellow brothers and sisters is made even worse when we take into account the millions of silent bystanders who rest in comfort and do nothing whilst the innocent are attacked in their millions. It serves us all to see humanity in this gross form as it wakes us up from the illusion that all is ‘good’ out there. It is not, far from it.

    1. “Supremacy is a force that is designed to suppress and subjugate humanity to be far less than its true nature. It holds us back as a human race”. Supremacy is a force, it energetically tries to pin another or others down. Having said that no one can be energetically pinned down against their will, they have to be a willing party for it to happen.

  120. ‘It is so because true understanding means that you will know how to respect all the choices another has made, choices that have led to all that you see before you. You may not agree with the choices but respect for them must lead over the reactions you have to them. As you deepen your respect, your reactions lessen, then disappear.’ The philosophy Serge is presenting here is so profound. Not only does it point the way to respecting others choices, no matter what they are, it points the way to being free of reaction in life full stop! if we were to stop and consider just how many times a day we go into reaction and then consider the fall out on how we feel and then make others feel as a consequence, we would appreciate the depths of the teaching here.

    1. To be free of reaction whatever we face in life is the baseline. We’ll always meet someone who’s view or way challenges or offends us. To judge them (react) assumes an air of superiority and in judgement we join the toxic pool of life: we choose to descend, rather than ascend, hold our own and offer only love.

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