Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in

Last week, as I drove in traffic behind other cars and trucks in the rain on my way to work, the rain felt like a nice wash and cleanse as it fell on my car. Added to this, water and dirt also came at my car from the residue of the other vehicles: when the cars and trucks passed, the dirty spray from these vehicles landed on my windshield and all over my car. It felt like my car was being spattered with something that did not feel like the clear cleanse the rain was providing – it actually felt imposing.

As each car passed me I could feel that they each had a different quality and feel to them. This is very similar to how we can relate to the fact that people bring a different quality with them. This connection made sense to me, as each car was being driven by a person, therefore had to on some level reflect the quality of the driver.

We were all driving to where we needed to go but the question is, “How were we each driving and what quality was each body in, and driving their vehicle with?” I could very much feel the way people were on the road. As I felt how the different cars and sprays from the assorted vehicles had a different quality with them, I was able to join the dots and see how the quality we choose to live in is very much reflected in what we do, how we are, the activities we are part of, how we relate and what we bring to life.

As I reflected on this analogy further, I thought of the many things that can come at us, are around us and play out in life for each of us in a day with family, friends, interactions on the street or as we go about our normal activities and work. Whether we work in an office in the corporate world, as a teacher in the education system, support our family as a house-maker, work at a register in the food industry or drive a bus in the transport industry – we are always around people, given opportunities to interact, have complications come up, work with groups and so on. I then felt very aware of the fact that how we carry ourselves, support ourselves and the relationships we build, all stem from the quality we choose to treat and have with ourselves, which then supports us to bring that quality to others. In life we are offered the opportunity to make a range of choices, no matter what is around us or is coming at us.

As I was driving, I was aware and present. With this I got to see my car as being an analogy for my body in life. I saw that everything that happened around and to my car on that drive as being like all the things that we have the opportunity to feel in life. Things that come towards us and how we hold ourselves in that, respond to, be aware, and continue in life. I could feel that I always have an opportunity to hold myself and observe life and let it pass without it affecting me, or if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected – hence so will my body, the ‘vehicle’ I am driving.

This fact also applies for me when I am teaching and around children all day. There is much that can happen in a school day with 30 people in one room. And it is my responsibility to make sure that I have taken care of the body that I bring to work, am aware of how I move and communicate and that I also allow myself to observe what is unfolding around me so I can respond in a supportive way and not in a reactionary way.

Our space and all that’s in it can affect us to then behave in ways or feel things that we would not naturally feel. So how important is it for us to be the true driver of our vehicle? How our bodies – our vehicles – respond in life has a flow-on effect to other bodies, to other vehicles, so to speak.

This drive to work presented me with a moment where I got to feel a tangible analogy and reminder of how we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.

This cemented the purpose of just how important it is for us to feel and read everything that takes place, for us to know ourselves, our true quality and support ourselves in every way each day – to be with our inner knowing, as best we can, so we can handle everything in our day from the inside out – observing life and not absorbing it, and responding as needed from this place without reacting.

By Johanna Smith, Bachelor of Education (Major Special Needs, Minor Psychology), Graduate Certificate of Early Childhood, Studying Diploma of Counseling, Esoteric Complementary Health Practitioner, Woman, Teacher, Mother, Wife and Friend

Related Reading:
To Observe and Not Absorb
A Lesson in Surrender – Be like a Feather
Autopilot: The case of the wandering mind

583 thoughts on “Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in

  1. Being a divine observer in life seems to take a dedication from our will, and thus to be connected to our essences and then reflect that connection in all we do in our daily rhythm as you have shared Johanna.

  2. I am being shown a lesson of life that how we are with ourselves and the relationships we build has an effect on ourselves and all others.
    If I were to act up by being selfish, manipulating and controlling them, this has an effect on me to get what I want and to control but it also affects all those around me that get caught up in the game I’m playing. The knock on effect could be that other people watching me can clock what I’m getting away with through being manipulative and try the same tactics to see if they can play that game. It is then possible that we all play the game and there is no moving forward just everyone going round in circles trying to out manipulate each other, welcome to our society.

  3. As we can feel the energy of other road users around us, so too can they feel us. What are they feeling?

    1. Great question Mary, and it would be an awareness? and that would allow them to feel what is being honoured by a Soul-full being that is reflecting to them what ever energy they are in!

  4. I am feeling how life wants to constantly pull us out of ourselves so that our focus is fixed outside of us and not inward so that we cannot feel an inner quality that surpasses anything that could be a temptation on the outside. I didn’t think I would ever be able to be steady enough to hold myself against the flow of society that is constantly looking on the outside to fulfill the emptiness within them. We do not stop to consider that if we took the trouble of looking within we would find a contentment that would be so strong that there would be no need to seek the next thrill that cannot last so that we seek extreme thrills to constantly entertain us.

  5. It’s really an act of love to take care of our every move knowing we are part of everyone and everything else, and a part of the body of God.

  6. I definitely feel that how we are with ourselves has a huge impact on how we are with all others. If we can, as you say Johanna, hold ourselves in the essence of love that surrounds each and everyone one of us then we are less likely to react to life and what is thrown at us to try to destabilise us, so that we get caught up in the emotion of life, where everything feels too difficult and so we give up and give in to the pressure of just living, this is when it becomes functional and there is no joy to life at all.

  7. Being aware of the quality we bring is really important. Too often we dismiss this but we need to understand what we bring in our essence and what we bring when we are not connected to it. The two are always vastly different. The first has to be really appreciated before we can let go of the latter, leaving more room for the first to come through.

    1. What you are alluding to michelle819 is very interesting because up until recently I wasn’t so aware of the energy I was choosing rather arrogantly I didn’t consider myself as part of the equation somehow. Somewhere in the process of growing up I had rubbed myself out of the picture. I realise now of course that how we are, what we do and say, the thoughts we have, what we eat, all matter because they affect not only ourselves but everyone else too. This is a deeper responsibility I am just waking up to and actually I’m okay with this it actually isn’t a big deal.

  8. “How were we each driving and what quality was each body in, and driving their vehicle with?” Whilst we can plead ignorance, the fact is that whether we choose to be aware of energetic integrity or not, the universal law that governs it does not change. We are either harming or healing.

  9. What you are sharing Johanna, is a whole deeper level of responsibility. And thus could it be possible on such days to leave for work o few minutes earlier and take our car to a car-wash and thus restoring the integrity our bodies deserve.

  10. I can say that I am nowhere close to exhausting what there is to read about life. Everything is communicating more than what I can pick up with my five senses. There is so much being energetically communicated that wraps up everything and makes so much more sense of it all.

  11. I do a fair amount of driving up and down the motorway and what I notice is not so much the people driving their car anymore but the energy they are in while driving. It’s a fascinating study and so much more interesting than spotting Yellow cars.

    1. It’s like honing a new skill – choosing to be energetically aware of everything around us. I could certainly use the practice, but-anything that supports with evolution has to get the thumbs up! You have given me some inspiration as to how to go about it, Mary!

  12. When present with ourselves, we feel the energy of drivers very clearly. Yesterday standing by my car on the drivers side and well before it arrived, I sensed the intensity of the driver as the car approached at speed and with force from behind, I moved myself well out the way and waited until it passed before opening my car door.

  13. To discover that we are living in a soup of energy and that everything we do affects every other person means that we are responsible for every thought and movement we make. Which means that we cannot blame the world and other people for the mess we are all in, because we are individually contributing to the ugliness just as much as the next person.

    1. I can’t remember if this revelation was an instant burn or whether it is something I arrived at gradually over time. However I arrived at it, being accepting of this universal truth has meant a huge shift in what I allow in terms of my thoughts and behaviours.

  14. I love the idea that everything is everything and nothing is nothing – trip up, why did I trip up? See a seagull, why did I see a seagull? I love, love the fact that everything is energy and all happens because of it, it brings a whole different perspective to life. To study every moment & amp; quench my curiosity through the real science that this is.

  15. To see purpose in every life activity deepens our capacity to nurture qualities of delicacy, love and tenderness. In this way we add more, not less to the pool of energy, that is life. Never drop our standard to fit in, rather raise it and bring others with us.

    1. kehinde2012 I understand what you are saying as I have just felt someone in huge nervous tension it was flowing off them and for an instant I allowed it into my body but then I was able to feel it was not me and to let it go. But if I hadn’t reconnected to this awareness that we all have I would have taken that nervous energy on as mine. So I understand that by deepening my awareness and saying no to the nervous energy it cannot be passed on to me or through me to another.

  16. Learning to live life and not get affected (in terms of reactions) by what is happening is an art that takes much practice, and a deep deep observation of energy. Serge Benhayon has talked about this in term of learning to swim like a fish in the ocean and not get wet. I have a long way to go with getting this one right 😉 but I can certainly feel the power of this in so many ways!

    1. Henrietta Serge Benhayon has woken so many people to the fact that everything happens because of energy first. So then the next question is what energy are we using? This is a completely different way to be in life because reading energy transforms how we live because by reading energy first no one can lie to us because we can read their movements. If we all relearnt this ability life would naturally have to change. Those people who use manipulation, control would be exposed, Politian’s, Scientists, Education, Banks, Religion, the whole of society would be exposed in the energy it was using. Could this be the reason why society doesn’t want people reading energy because we would then regain our freedom from the grip that governs us?

  17. Love it Ariana – this is the recipe for a successful life in terms of being a sponge to learning all things energy. For that is the bottom line of how to best understand life.

  18. Every moment in life is a moment or an opportunity to feel what is happening around us – be this a drive to work or a walk along the river, a dinner with family or a work meeting. Life is full of opportunities, but how many do we actually tune into?

    1. “Every moment in life is a moment or an opportunity to feel what is happening around us” A beutiful reminder Henrietta to deepen our connection to the All and not miss these opportunities in the everyday.

  19. Serge Benhayon has many times talked about how everything is energy and how we are immersed in a pool of energy and as such we cannot stop the energy from being around us, going through us etc, hence it makes sense that if everything we do is because of energy then everything we do will also have some form of effect on another be that ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ (for lack of better words I am using these now)… and so it is akin to swimming in a pool and if someone wees in the pool, you will be swimming amongst that too. This is a refreshing approach to asking ourselves how we are living and how this affects others.

    1. Currently I’m able to go swimming at a pool when I go, I’m the only one there because of the current restrictions. what I’m being shown when I step into the still water is just how much our movements produce energy this energy can be seen as ripples in the water that within seconds ripple out to the rest of the pool disturbing the stillness that was there. This then makes sense of what Serge Benhayon talks about that we are all emitting energy, so therefore we live in a sea of energy but what is the quality of that energy. Is it harming or healing?

  20. Coming to grips with “if everything is energy, therefore, everything is BECAUSE of energy” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p 200) opens up a different world. If we were to read the energy first and not react to the person delivering it life would be completely different.

  21. Knowing that we live one huge pool of energy places the responsibility of how we live firmly in our hands, as the consequences of every one of our actions ripples out to everyone around us. Even if no one can see what we are doing the ripples are still flowing, and with them the responsibility we have to all of life. Maybe this is why many struggle to acknowledge that we actually do live in this energetic pool.

    1. Therefore when we look at the state of our society and where we are heading it is easy to see that we don’t want to know that actually we all have a collective responsibility to uphold the integrity, respect and decency towards ourselves and other people. How arrogant have we become when there is no appreciation that not only do we affect the world we live in but the universe too. How many more years is it going to take before we realise we do not live in isolation that what we say, how we behave towards ourselves and all others affects everyone.

      1. There definitely is an ‘I can do what I like’ arrogance in so many human beings, and the longer that arrogance is feted and fostered, the longer it will be until we all wake up to the fact that, as you say, “we do not live in isolation that what we say, how we behave towards ourselves and all others affects everyone.”

    2. Standing by a still lake, I observed what happens when a fish still submerged under water, takes a nibble at food on the surface – the tiniest movement caused a ripple. A beautiful reflection of how it is for each of us: every tiny movement has a ripple effect affecting the All to harm or heal.

      1. It is supportive to equally see the negative ripples and the ripples of love, and to me both activate responsibility.

  22. When we look at the world and getting all spattered, and go into reaction, it changes nothing. And actually, when I am in reaction, it is very likely I am being the one spattering the gunk all over everyone else who then would identify me as the one causing the disturbance and push them into reaction. It is not only just so called esoteric students who can bail themselves out saying ‘I was just reacting, but I know I am love but just not living it’ – we are all equally students.

  23. ‘I could feel that I always have an opportunity to hold myself and observe life and let it pass without it affecting me, or if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected – hence so will my body, the ‘vehicle’ I am driving.’ Thanks so much for this – I’ve wondered how to observe and not absorb life and the key is in being open to awareness and not shutting it down.

  24. ‘I was able to join the dots and see how the quality we choose to live in is very much reflected in what we do, how we are, the activities we are part of, how we relate and what we bring to life.’ This makes sense that how we are is reflected in all different ways – I have noticed that with cars I have felt if someone is angry when driving or someone is calm and not rushing.

  25. I used to feel very isolated in life when actually the truth is that we are always connected and living in this pool altogether. Feeling how we are in this pool of energy that we’re all in shows me I am never alone and have a responsibility to live in a way that doesn’t pollute the pool with yucky energy.

    1. Karin I find it fascinating how we can think we can feel isolated in life when there are over 8 billion of us on this tiny planet. This to me shows the sophistication of the energy we are choosing that we can feel the isolation and I know from experience it can feel very real, but that how this negative energy manipulates us. If we came together as a unified body of people all the rules and regulations that we have meekly accepted would come tumbling down in unification, control and manipulation has no power.

  26. Today I did a lot of driving in rush-hour traffic. It can be something I find challenging, For years I had the thoughts that I could be doing something much more worthwhile, I saw it as a waste of time, of time lost. This is changing. I am now feeling how supportive it is that I drive without rush, without pushing my way through the crowds in a competitive race home or to work. And certainly not to resent other people on the roads for cramping my style. Now I’m feeling how it’s about being with other people, we’re sharing a communal journey.

  27. When I am driving I get a sense of other drivers on the road and how they are as the way we drive reveals a lot about us.

  28. ‘if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected ‘ I love this statement because it highlights the lie I’ve told myself many times – that if I ignore something I feel isn’t ok then it won’t affect me when actually it’s like leaving ones front door open and letting all sorts in while I’m hiding in a cupboard or something!

    1. Karin that’s hilarious but true, we lie to ourselves constantly by not listening to our bodies and instead rely on our minds to navigate life.

  29. Each and every one of us is responsible for the quality of expression they bring to the whole and therewith makes the whole.

  30. Like our cars get dirty from driving on the roads, so to do our bodies get dirty from living life on this earth in this human form and needs these to be regularly cleansed to wash off the dirt before is ingrains and makes the lacquer look dull losing that shine from when it was new.

    1. I have been taught that there is a way to observe life and not absorb it. This is not something that is taught as part of our education, if it was however, we would all be living more harmoniously with ourselves and all others. Education has it place but it doesn’t teach us how to be in life and that is the missing piece of the jigsaw. We have made everything into a mental exercise and the expenses of what our bodies actually knows.

  31. It is when we feel the oneness of us all that we really get to appreciate how interconnected we are and how what we are choosing effects everyone.

  32. You give us a beautiful example of how life offers us constant reflections to learn from.

  33. Being prepared to see that we live in a sea of energy has the potential to make us more accountable for the way that we live and we often do not like this level of responsibility and accountability.

  34. To realise the impact we have, in our lives with all those around us and beyond, in how we live and equally so the responsibility we hold, is for me empowering in that we then realise and can feel how we all hold the power to bring loving change to the world, simply through the quality in which we live. I honestly find this inspiring.

  35. Once we start to feel, deep within the particles of our body, the interconnectedness of all things, the truth that we do live in a all-encompassing pool of energy is no longer a nice theory, but a way of living.

    1. We seem to have forgotten or arrogantly dismiss Chris the fact that we live within the interconnectedness of the universe. The very air we breathe into our lungs is the universe, the oxygen is dispersed around our bodies, we could say that the universe gives us life, just as the sun does. Take away the oxygen and the sun and we wouldn’t exist in this human form as we know it. We have become so arrogant and take so much for granted we have no appreciation of the life sustaining planet we all live on and why we are all together ,is there something for us all to learn?

  36. We live in a place where the most common sense is considered crazy, we have desensitised ourselves so much that the horrific news we’re exposed to 24/7 are welcomed as just another fact: yeah 1 in every 4 women has polycystic ovaries, yeah 1 in 8 women in the USA develop invasive breast cancer, yeah there are 4 million people living with diabetes in the UK. Yeah, people are bombing countries with a blink of an eye and thousands of innocent people are dying – all of this has become so normal and when we talk about it, we have become so disconnected from the devastation our 21st century lives in.

  37. If we do not read the nature of the pool of energy we are immersed in, not only will we absorb the muck, we will be totally oblivious to the fact that we are covered in it.

  38. This is huge a learning for me. When I can remember that every that I do is equally important. It helps me slow down stay present with what I am doing, rather than hurrying and thinking about the next thing to do.
    It is better for my nervous system and it allows me to stay in touch with myself so I know what is next.
    And understanding that everything happens for a reason is another reason to stay present with what I am doing, so I can listen to the message that is being communicated.

    1. I adore what you are sharing here Ken because we can forget that we all have an equally important contribution to make, that if we fully commit to making that contribution then who knows what the possibilities on offer would be.

  39. When we consider everything we do, speak, act, write and express in any way is an energetic exchange it brings awareness to the importance of the quality of these movements. Nothing we do is in separation of the whole we are all a part of.

    1. So true Victoria – and with what you shared highlights a vital message for us to be aware of, that really nothing we do is in separation to anything as we are either choosing to be moved with all that is of love or all that is not of love.

  40. Because we live in a sea of energy we literally can know everything that is going on for every person we meet, whether that is conscious in us or not.

  41. Cars are a great reflection to expose how we are really feeling if we are angry or in a rush you can feel this in the car as it passes or if it is bearing down behind you. We think we can hide inside the body of the car and no one will know but once we open ourselves up to energy our true feelings are very much felt and seen.

    1. Nothing is hidden in the world of energy, so true Alison. We are feeling the quality of energy around us each and every day. Brings our awareness to the quality we are adding to the pool.

  42. If someone is not in harmony with the rest of the traffic it really stands out. You notice the jerky, rushed manoeuvres or impatient, pushy lane changes. Most drivers I speak to comment on this and notice the fact that these drivers usually do not end up gaining any advantage or time saving through their behaviours. I wonder if these drivers notice or if they are too caught up to notice.

    1. A great example of what happens when we try to get ahead rather than move in the flow of what is around us. No real ground is made and it creates inner and outer disturbance.

  43. If everything matters in life, then it makes sense that the quality of the space around us also matters very much indeed and is not just ‘dead space’ as we sometimes refer to it.

  44. We don’t really get away with anything. We like to think we do but in reality we don’t. Everything matters.

  45. The quality in which we start our day preparing and planning for the day ahead, determines how we are for the rest of our day. We have the responsiblitiy to create the space to be with ourselves and not rush or loose ourselves in busyness.

    1. It looks like we are so addicted to this business in life. You just have to look outside on the streets to see this, it is everywhere and it continues. All while we all keep saying that we do not like it and have the capacity to create this space for ourselves you are talking about.

      1. Nico It doesn’t make sense does it, we keep saying we do not like the life we are living but how many of us actually do something and get on and make those changes? I feel we get stuck in a comfortable rut and as we get older the rut gets deeper and it’s more difficult to climb out of a life of our own making. What I have noticed is that we then have a tendency to throw stones so to speak at those that have made the changes because to see the joy in their reflection reminds us of the self made rut we are still living in.

  46. Bringing each moment back to energy is a way to add a huge expanse to our day – and offers us an opportunity to look at a much bigger picture at play. If we understand that energy comes through us and we call in an energy that heals or harms, it brings it back to such simplicity. And that ultimately we in ourselves are responsible for how we live, what energy we call in, and what the effects are of that energy.

  47. It is one step to realize that ‘Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in’ when we are with people as the outplay of the quality of energy everyone expresses and emanates is relatively obvious, it is another step to have the same awareness when it comes to us being alone, not in direct tangible relation with anyone, just by our own where our energetic state of being seemingly is only affecting us. But in a pool of energy this obviously cannot be.

  48. Our bodies are a vehicle of which we are in command as to what energy we allow to fuel its movements. This vehicle also represents a quality of space in which we are responsible as to what is magnified within, as such reflected through it in the space around us. Everything, every move, even our every intention is all reflecting a quality of energy we are aligning to and such by the time we are moving we are already expressing and magnifying our alignment. When we are open to honestly see and feel the quality of how we are in the world and the impact this has on our body, being and others we will understand the beauty and empowerment of embracing energetic responsibility.

    1. So beautifully expressed Carola,’…we will understand the beauty and empowerment of embracing energetic responsibility.’ In every moment we can choose to bring energetic responsibility in our lives through the quality of our choices.

  49. We tend to forget that we are always contributing to the world around us, and that every single one of our movements sends out ripples just as if we were in a giant pool of water. I love this reminder because how often do we consider the trail we leave behind us when we drive? Or what we are contributing to the world when we scroll aimlessly through social media?

  50. There is a socially agreed handshake with what is acceptable and what is not within society. Unfortunately that handshake is an agreement to allow abuse and many may know how this agreeement feels when you feel the unsaid things that go on between us such as holding back, not pulling each other up, being in our own world, given up, and so much more. Whilst this silent handshake remains so too will all those extremes we often do not like but dare not stand up for.

  51. Car driving is fascinating and how people behave as if they are invisible in their cars doing whatever they want is quite incredible. Very interesting to observe and to notice what I do behind the wheel.

  52. There is a lot going on now. The chaos we live in is what we have created all together so it’s our work to restore harmony on Earth. Every single step matters, it may build something new or still be part of the same, it’s up to us.

  53. Brilliant Johanna, this is an empowering sharing because it invites me to remain steady in my body, feeling and observing all without need to react. It’s a choice that really matters and changes all. Thank you

    1. I read another blog where they realised they had to accept the works as it is, observe it and bring understanding this is the power of being and that is something very few of us really get how powerful our presence is.

  54. Indeed everything does matter and we do live in a pool of energy. Driving home tonight a car came up behind me and flashed its light at me to move out of the way, it felt really intimidating so I stayed where I was and kept driving how I was driving the car then moved sideways into the next lane and back again to be in front of me only for cars to be in front of it again. I asked myself will they flash at each and every car to move out of its way thinking they have the right to do so? It is shocking the behaviour of some people and what they feel can be got away with especially when driving but I am finding this is happening even more so when we are not in a car which is quite worrying as to what we tolerate and accept.

  55. Great analogy for either observing or absorbing life (thank you, Serge Benhayon). We either let ourselves get affected and end up with egg on our face, or mud in this instance, or we observe what plays out and stay clear and clean to read the energy.

  56. How we drive our car definitely has a significant bearing and is quite symbolic of how we drive and run our bodies. Great blog Johanna.

  57. I have found myself living with the saying ‘Everything is Everything’ and this is true. When I get up in the morning the first movement of opening my eyes and how that is done has a flow on effect in the world around me – it is this level of awareness available to us to choose to live from. This blog has been a lovely reminder of the connection we all share and our responsibility in what we bring to that.

    1. Life becomes very rich and multifaceted when we add presence and connection to it. Our awareness is then evermore and richly rewarding.

      1. I am at last understanding some small part of this gabrieleconrad, as I was making my bed recently I realised the satisfaction and joy I got from this simple task. As how I make my bed will influence how I sleep at night so to bring attention to how I make the bed is incredibly important, because how I sleep will effect my day which then effects the next night sleep, which again shows me the rhythms and cycles of life and the Universe which we are all a part of.

  58. It is becoming very clear to me that in order to be aware and observe, my livingness and the relationship I have with myself is key. How I am with myself and what this looks like in my day is fundamental, continuously building and developing a loving reflection and quality to bring to others.

  59. We live in a vast ocean of energy, the quality of which will be determined by the movement of us all. There is a way to live life so that our movements do not affect others and muddy the ‘waters’ in which we all swim. This is our energetic responsibility in life, both for ourselves and for the All of which we are an equal part.

  60. No wonder we choose not to know that we live in a pool of energy and that our actions affect everyone else. It allows us to negate responsibility and act recklessly and think we can do what we like and no one will notice let alone be affected.

    1. I can feel the arrogance of our actions in what you write about alisonmoyer we don’t want to know that our actions affect everyone and that there are consequences, we seemingly don’t care. We have exchanged responsibility for comfort.

  61. To walk in life knowing that everything that we do affects another is huge but so worth knowing and exploring.

  62. I love this analogy and it makes so much sense to me that we are living in a pool of energy and therefore everything we do affects everyone else. It then follows that we have a never-ending responsibility to ensure the quality of our energy; that the ‘splashes’ we send out into the world are not harming others. It also is a constant reminder to observe what is going on in the pool, both close to us and further out and not to absorb it for if we do it means we are taking on everyone else’s energy and that will, more often than not, have a huge impact on us.

  63. Everything matters as we are all here in this pool of energy we call life together. What one does affects us all.

  64. I currently have a drive in /drive out work situation where I live for a week away from home for work. So I spend a bit of time on the roads. This blog has had quite an effect on me as it opened by eyes (and more) to how I am on the road (and hence in life) and how others are on the road, and how that feels. I watch when I overtake in a ‘man you are slow’ or when I overtake in a ‘ok overtaking now’ and it is like chalk and cheese. Great food for thought, thank you.

  65. ‘Our space and all that’s in it can affect us to then behave in ways or feel things that we would not naturally feel. So how important is it for us to be the true driver of our vehicle?’ I agree, when we are able to take a step back and observe our environment and the factors and forces at play that could make us react, then we can really see why we need to stay with ourselves and not be affected. Can we accept that other people will be in a different quality and energy but that we can hold our own quality within that?

  66. I love the fact that everything matters in the pool of energy. It just means that we get pulled to greater responsibility, which is in fact love.

    1. Yes just reading this again makes me realise that we are held in and surrounded by love; always being pulled to more greater levels of responsibility.

    2. Yes the pool is a great image for what life actually is, where every ripple counts and adds to an energetic swell, which one is up to us.

  67. Thank you Johanna for taking me deeper, that no matter what we do, it is the quality with which we carry ourselves that counts and to claim and confirm this in my day.

  68. I hadn’t really equated not being aware with absorbing life but it makes perfect sense.

  69. I loved this question, “How were we each driving and what quality was each body in, and driving their vehicle with?” Whatever we do, walk, work, sleep, is a reflection of our everyday living and the quality of our everyday choices.

  70. We have to end up being able to observe, and not absorb… Otherwise we are in an endless cycle of reactions that escalate until the day we die.

    1. It is so true Chris – and so when we find that we have absorbed life, it reveals that we are seeking to satisfy a need, to fulfill our ‘self’ with an outcome where we are either disappointed or stimulated. With honesty we, at this point, are offered the opportunity to heal, let go of our attachment to individuality and return to living guided by love or we otherwise end up, as you say – ‘in an endless cycle of reactions that escalate until the day we die.’

      1. Yes indeed Carola… And it is the understanding, the awareness, that is possible to get out of the hamster wheel that humanity needs to hear… But will it listen to the understanding that when the self is there we will continually be just treading on the treadmill

  71. Yes, well said Johanna. If we react to what life presents we are limiting our perception to seeing just that event or instance we do not like. Yet there is way, way more to life than this, and when we limit our perception like this we also cannot truly understand why something is happening and what it is telling us.

  72. Great to read this, it’s always good to be reminded the key is to observe life not to react, I think I will need reminding of this for many years to come!!!

  73. Just as we need to stay present and attentive when driving a car so too with our bodies. Bringing a deeper level of care every day we feel our worth and build our confidence and can more easily enjoy the ride.

    1. What a great analogy – definitely keep that level of presence that we do when driving – though often that can lapse into automatic which is not good and dangerous to boot.

    1. When we connect like this the body becomes the marker of what is possible and the joy that can be found within.

  74. When I am living in a way that supports myself, it has an enormous impact on my family… likewise, when I am not myself, it disrupts the whole household and it doesn’t have to be anything major. My responsibility to love myself is everything because through every loving movement I make towards myself, I offer love towards everyone.

    1. Beautiful Caroline I have found that exact thing too, it is actually incredible how positively it can impact everyone else. So simple and beautiful in the magic it allows us all.

    1. Love your comment Elizabeth, so true, awareness gives us understanding, supports us to be open and observe. We let down our guard because we can read what is going on within ourselves and within those around us and hence we feel safe and protected but not in the sense of feeling closed and shut down but through the expansion of knowing we are never alone.

  75. What this blog shares is fundamental to everyday living. “we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.” This is huge, if everyone was encouraged to remember and live in honour of this awareness we would have a completely different expression of humanity on this planet.

  76. While doing some laps in a swimming pool the other day I could feel very clearly the ripples we all add to the pool. It really shows very tangibly how the quality of our movements affects one another.

  77. And not only does our every movement matter but more importantly it is the quality of we move in.

  78. Observing life and situations supports us to not react but give us an understanding of what is really going on and what is needed next. I find without observing situations I instantly react and then this adds to the harm and complication of a situation that could have easily been resolved with observation, clarity and understanding.

    1. Yes, even though it may seem a reaction is justified it still adds a disharmonious energy to the pool, which is then no different from the act itself. It doesn’t mean we condone what is not true though observation allows us to read the whole outplay and respond.

  79. Water gives us great insight into the way we affect each other. We don’t have to have a physical connection to another to make a huge impact on them. Most people are living in a very irresponsible way. If we do not stay steady within ourselves we will be more affected by the irresponsibile choices they make.

  80. Over the last 4 months I have recently been driving an hour an half to visit a relative in hospital and I have been pushing myself to get there and back and I began to drive faster and faster and became less tolerant with others on the road, determined to get to my destination and back for work or what ever else I was doing. Now there is no longer the same pressure I can feel my lack of responsibility for how I drove and what was I reflecting to other drivers. As you so rightly say Johanna, ‘Everything Matters’. We live in a pool of energy and I can feel that I was not as loving and caring as I usually am when I drive, and how much I was affecting everyone else on the road and I feel was a contributing factor to why I have a big stop in the form of a broken wrist.

  81. I was walking around a shopping centre today and could really feel the energy of how people were as they were walking towards me. This confirms to me the soup we are all living in, and all the interactions we don’t think we have but we do. We so do affected each other so I made sure how I walked towards everyone was in full power and vitality.

  82. I always used to think of myself of a victim of circumstances, other people’s energy etc, but recently a few experiences have shown me that it is always a choice: a choice to stay present or not, a choice to indulge in the drama and victimhood of illness, exhaustion or anything else we might be feeling, a choice to take on the emotions of others or not. When we’re in it, it feels like that’s just how it is- and it’s easier to believe that story we tell ourselves rather than to feel that actually, the choice us always up to us to decide how to respond, to decide to stay present and aware of what we’re feeling instead of ignoring it.

    1. A beautiful comment Bryony, I can relate, and what we are uncovering here is the power we can live connected to within ourselves, a power that in its love is greater than anything the world can hurl our way. It’s a power we can live from in every moment meaning we have full responsibility at all times for how our life is and how our life effects others.

  83. As I was reading these words “How were we each driving and what quality was each body in, and driving their vehicle with?” I felt to relate them to our body in our everyday life – out of the car – and change the question to ‘How were we moving through our day and what quality was each body moving with?” To ask ourselves this question often becomes of the utmost importance when we come to understand that we have an energetic responsibility for every single move that we make, whether in our car, or not.

  84. ‘ to be with our inner knowing, as best we can, so we can handle everything in our day from the inside out’ I’ve heard this many times but am only just embracing this fact. I do know what energy runs through me. Rather than use that to berate myself if I’ve picked up on energy that isn’t loving and feels yuck in my body and think that that energy is me, I’m letting myself feel that energy passes through me and will wash away should I choose to not go bathing in dirty water again – if you see what I mean!

  85. This blog is such a beautiful reflection of harmony, that we take care of ourselves and the way we move and communicate so as not to disturb or unsettle others in a negative way.

  86. The feeling of driving in conscious presence is so very beautiful – full with purpose and service.

  87. We do need to be aware of how we drive our bodies, just as we need to with the way we drive our cars. We can drive smoothly, in consideration of our car and the other cars on the road or constantly splatter dirty water at other cars in our wake.

  88. Even without knowing the word ‘energetic responsibility’, everyone knows the feeling of being affected by what is going on around us – we know to defend ourselves or avoid certain individuals or situations, and someone the ‘outside’ is not safe – I certainly did. But, interestingly, I had never put two and two together and considered how I might be adding to that pool of contamination and responsible for the yuckiness that I wanted to blame on everyone else.

  89. “to be with our inner knowing, as best we can, so we can handle everything in our day from the inside out – observing life and not absorbing it,” I have lived so called life from the outside by absorbing all that was around me and feeling the emptiness of it all. Learning to handle life from the inside out by connecting to my inner wisdom is so liberating and life giving.

  90. Absolutely Johanna everything certainly does matter in the pool of energy that we all live in. We cannot deceive ourselves about this and think that we get away with anything! And this understanding brings with it the ultimate responsibility we all have knowing that how we move through life affects everyone.

    1. It certainly is the ultimate responsibility Kathleen and this is why so many people avoid understanding energy. Because when we truly understand how energy works it is undeniable how much we affect each other, our world and the entire universe, and it is undeniable that every choice we make adds to this pool of energy.

  91. If we truly understood the pool of energy that we live in we would behave very differently.

  92. It is so easy to walk through life disgruntled with what we see and experience. But how often as here do we stop to consider that we ourselves have been and are the contributor to it all, and embrace the responsibility that the key to any further change also resides in our own choices.

  93. I remember when I was a little girl, I would look at cars and think to myself “this car looks scary”, “this car looks kind”. Perhaps I was reading the energy of the person driving the car, because even today when we get overtaken on the motorway I can sometimes sense the arrogance coming from different vehicles (I.e. people).

  94. A very beautiful example and reminder how our every move has an effect on everything else and there is then only one thing that makes sense to honour the quality we are in in every moment, as that is what can be felt and lasts.

  95. ‘I was able to join the dots and see how the quality we choose to live in is very much reflected in what we do, how we are, the activities we are part of, how we relate and what we bring to life.’ I know this, we all do even if we’ve hidden it deep within. I used to think any shame I felt was because someone had shamed me but what if it was me not claiming what I know to be true within and standing by this in every moment of each day? What if it’s the lie I know I’ve lived when not living my truth that I am so ashamed about, and that I know all the reasons I may tell myself that it is ok to not fully live the love that I am, don’t cut it; the fact that no amount of comfort can ever soothe the tension and pain of not being true to love.

  96. Ripples are created with all our movements and in the sea we live in, these ripples touch everything in their path. It’s easy to feel the effect of movement and ripples in a swimming pool, but are we aware that this is happening all the time?

  97. I used to think that not noticing what I knew I had already clocked, somehow kept me safe – I subscribed to ‘ignorance is bliss’. It well may be but the quality of bliss is putrid and allows all sorts of misdemeanours to go unchecked in an effort to retain being blissful. ‘…if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected – hence so will my body, the ‘vehicle’ I am driving.’ This I am learning is so true and I am choosing to be aware so I can live without taking into my body the emotions, the dilemmas, the stresses of life. Being wise to all that is going on means there is no need to take anything on board through false belief or imposition as I’ll see right through it.

  98. When we consider that we are energetic beings, and the quality of our every movement is what we are adding to the greater pool we all swim in, it inspires me/us to imprint with the quality of love and raise our vibration here.

    1. Yes, me too. Gone are the lies that what we do and how we are is inconsequential and doesn’t matter!

    2. It inspires me for sure. I feel very much the same as you Victoria, I too know that we are all energetic beings and there is no escape that every movement we make matters and it impacts on the all that is here, far and beyond.

  99. Everything matters. How we are in life creates the quality of the space that we live in and everyone else lives with.

  100. When we withdraw, do we actually cease to have an impact on those around us? Or do we just drop the quality of that which we communicate and present.

  101. Never had I considered that my movements affect people that I don’t directly interact with before, until Universal Medicine came along and presented the fact. And it makes so much sense, because I have been affected by people who I haven’t had direct contact with – I just refused to acknowledge the two-way exchange.

  102. This is a great blog to read, as it has made me recognise a few key things.. To be aware that everything matters, to remain in the observation of the movement of energy (the example of splashes of rain water puddles on the car from another car) so in this observation it becomes far more possible to stay with yourself rather than get rattled or reactive to what happens around you…And then to consider what at this point in time is your own quality as this is adding to the pool as well… we are not only on the receiving end but equally express our quality.

    1. Yes our movements can be in reaction or responsive and these qualities offer a very different quality of vibration…. all adding to the greater pool we live in.

  103. Yes, Johanna. Living from the inside out rather than the outside in is a responsibility we all have, to open up and feel everything we are connected to and not just hand ourselves over and react to what is going on around us.

  104. One of the most challenging things in life I find, is to learn to observe things and accept how topsy turvy the world is, realising that we are not here to fix it all, but rather just to be here and reflect who we are. I often get caught up in the trying the fix things or the needing to help another, but doing it from a doing rather than from a being first and foremost. In addition I find it sometimes hard to let go of wanting things to be very different and working towards an image of how I would like things to be. But life is like a large school of learning, and so here I am learning little bit by little bit to let these things go…I walk, I stumble, I fall, and I get up to do it all again, till such time that I walk the grace of who I am, with no perfection, but an allowance and an embracing of the greatness that lies within.

  105. Even when we are in a room where no one can see us, the way we behave is still going to have an impact on those outside of the room. How we are has ripple effects all around, and these ripple effects can either be supportive to self and others, or unsupportive to self and others. This is a mere fact.

  106. The understanding that everything matters means there is no ‘down time’, no time where I can switch off because no-one can see what I’m doing. Our quality is made up with everything we have done, it all comes with us in this pool if energy we call life, so every movement matters.

  107. The reality of the pool of energy we live in and the effects on others we all make allows us to bring an increasing responsibility to our lives in every moment and the observations we can have and allow ourselves to open up to instead of living in reaction all the time.

  108. The quality of our interactions and the way we move speak volumes in terms of the responsibility of living who we truly are.

  109. We think we get away with stuff, but we so don’t. Everything is felt by ourselves and others, and the trick here is to not take it on. To remain an observer in life.

  110. Gosh…How a drive to work presented such a life learning lesson, and this shows us that we are consistently in a school of life being offered many opportunities to reflect, to understand and develop awareness to how we live and become masterful in life. Its all there around us, its just we who have to ‘join the dots’, to have the ability to observe, consider, contemplate and step forward out of the ‘slumber’ (or recliner) chair to meet what is on offer.

  111. It’s possible to feel how anyone is feeling by the way they move, be it walking or driving a car. The energy that we choose to live in can be felt by everyone. This is worth taking note, as even if we think no-one is noticing how we are, it is still very evident. There is a transparency available through our movement. Everything is obvious. We just have to take notice.

  112. Life is like one enormous ocean, with all the numerous species swimming within it… the way we live leaves an energetic imprint or ripple just like we would see from the numerous species as they move in water. Paying attention to ourselves, our body, our thoughts, quality and feelings, is a great marker to gage whether we are adding to or reducing harmony.

    1. Beautifully shared Johanne, and watch out for if anyone pees in the pool it will affect all those around! :0

  113. We all belong to ‘the All’ that together we make and never do we not belong to it, regardless of our chosen illusion of being an ‘individual’ and ‘isolated unit’ within this space.

  114. I always get that feeling when a big car, truck or similar drives by and splashes my car – like the gunk that comes from the way that person drives needs to then be cleaned off.

  115. There is great love to be experienced. And this has been my experience as I learn, or re-learn, how to read energy once again. But the love is not from this place, it is not an earthly emotionally driven love, it is something else that is perhaps beyond human words.

  116. I find things are changing and shifting all the time, and what is a great support is to read and discern everything that is happening or coming towards me which provides the clarity of knowing what to do.

  117. When we are taught to drive, imagine if the first thing we were taught was to be sure that we are connected to our body and to always be aware of the quality we drive in. When we are connected to our body driving is far easier to learn then when we are checked out, so makes sense the importance of our quality of being

  118. “Everything matters in the pool of energy we all live in.” And when we choose to become aware of this fact how can we not accept the responsibility we all have in the effect we have on everything no matter what we are doing, what we are thinking or where we are, even in the silence of our own room, for we are all a part of the energy we choose to align to.

    1. ..and that we have the ability to either add to the murkiness or move through life cleansing the waters of the pool inspires me/us to respond with love.

      1. Yes Victoria – it is truly inspirational to lovingly live and know that it affects the whole and lifts us all up.

  119. We are constantly reading the energy around us all the time. Whether we are at home, in a car on a train, that doesn’t stop us from showing how we are living in every moment with every choice. We like to pretend that this is not true and hide away from this at all possible moments. But even that can’t stop the fact that we are constantly reading.

  120. Responding to the energies that are coming towards us everyday all the time, means for me first reading the energy and not making and taking it personal what comes through a person and second to respond to it in the energy I know is true ( that might be saying nothing in regard to what was said). The moment I got a single moment involved, in wanting to make a point e.g., I am “gone” and aligned to the energy that was directed at me.

    1. I agree Stefanie, ‘Having my say’ is similar to what you share. That’s where we all get hooked in the energy at play. Once hooked we can’t see the big picture that has been offered. When we approach life as an observer first, this supports us not to buy into something that will make whatever it is personal.

      1. Having my say or wanting to make my point because I was invested in the other getting it, was quite an old pattern of mine… and a drain on my kidneys. Learning to observe and not absorb has been a great support in letting this go and staying steady with myself in feeling what is true.

    2. Awareness in life is crucial if we are to ‘read’ what is truly going on in the world. In this way we don’t add to the disharmony by our reactions.

  121. We definitely need to be the driver of our body vehicle. Otherwise we have auto pilot driving our body. When we abdicate responsibility for our body we can end up far from where we intended or would consciously choose to be.

    1. It is not wise to leave the key in the engine and then not consciously choose to be in charge of the quality of our driving. If we do not take absolute responsibility at this level, who and what then ends up determining how our car is behaving and the impact and the ripple effects it sets in motion? And yes, same in every aspect of our expression.

  122. ‘This cemented the purpose of just how important it is for us to feel and read everything that takes place’ We can all read but are not always aware of the fact that we are doing it.

    1. Why people don´t choose to read is because it would mean not having a problem or reason why they have to react and be involved. It would ask them to actually lead the way in knowing better- letting go of being excited about situations is a big one as well. It actually would reveal that how we interact with each other in this world is a big lie and in revealing that you would feel the responsibility in reflecting something different.

  123. This brings to me another level of responsibility, that not only do I cop the effect of my choices, but it has an effect on EVERYthing else.

  124. The more we open up to people the more we learn about ourselves. We are all in this together and therefore it makes sense to support each other rather than fight each other.

  125. I find so much changing and shifting taking place that it is important to feel, discern and read all life presents to us, because when we do this, the learning and insights are invaluable and the learning never stops.

  126. Feeling the ramifications of my actions on others and myself has and continues to support me to be really honest with myself. In honesty we are not hindered to nominate what we contributed to, which is the first step towards healing.

  127. Thanks Johanna… And just a side note, on how you’re reflecting on the responsibility of holding the well-being of 30 people every day in your classroom. This is something that if truly felt and recognised, would realign the paradigms of teaching that have become so entrenched.

  128. Love your reflection and reminder about the level of responsibility we live. Just like driving on the road, the care we take in maintaining a great quality of vehicle – our body – as well as how we drive it, not only ensures we have a great ride ourselves, but also takes care of the wake we leave behind and the impact we have on others.

  129. True and for mud to splash on your car there must be mud on the road and this could be a symbol of the fact that we always leave an imprint behind which stays until we clean it up.

  130. We always have a choice in every moment, whether to observe life or absorb it. The result of which is a completely different quality of life…

  131. I notice more and more that everything we do offers us an opportunity to observe and learn, there is symbolism everywhere communicating with us and offering us a deeper understanding of the ripple effect of the way we move. “how important is it for us to be the true driver of our vehicle?”

  132. Driving in London is an interesting experience, is it a reflection that the SAS motto ‘who dares wins” has become part of the driving method of many? When you allow someone to pull out, most of the time it causes them to reciprocate and the ripple is started.

  133. It’s interesting that I got a new car recently and as I was so much more careful with this new car so was I more careful with my movements away from the car. Again it is lovely when one area has an impact on another by the way we maintain a quality and flow.

    1. It is also interesting that it needed to be a new car, that stopped you to be more considerate. What if, we would be like this with everything we got, no matter how old and maybe worn out it is. Regarding our bodies every day as new, although they have already some scars and scratches, will support inviting the beautiful effect you are describing.

      1. Thank you Stefanie, this is so true. Our cells are continually renewing themselves and whatever scars or scratches we have we can see a lesson to be learned and a beauty beyond measure.I have already felt my lessening of the level of care with my new car (and everything else) and it really doesn’t have to be this way. The care and love we have for our things, for others, for ourselves can be an ever deepening process. It is absolutely not dependent on how old or new the things or we people are.

      2. Honouring and accepting every scratch we got and every scar we carry, is the best way to not step away from the learning they once offered us.

  134. Just recently my eight year old daughter pointed out to me that I am such a nice man so why do I hate everybody when I get behind the wheel of the car. This completely stopped me in my tracks because there was no denying that this what I had become due to losing myself behind the wheel and letting the craziness of how people drive affect me. For a long time I was driving without this affecting me but I let it creep back in and I know that the aggression that I show to these crazy drivers will come back to bite me unless I stop it. So the comment of my daughters probably saved me having a prang, if I listen to the wisdom of a youngster. There is also the small matter of reading what these reckless drivers are reflecting to me as well.

  135. Living in a pool of energy makes us wake up and feel the responsibility we all carry, knowing that everything we do, say, and feel is felt by all and has consequences. This is pretty enormous.

  136. Life is not just something that happens for us and around us, as what plays out in every moment is the sum total of all our previous choices. Living in ‘the pool of energy’ that you describe is becoming so real for me as I see daily the consequences of not only my choices but the choices of those around me, and those of humanity as a whole. Yes, we are definitely responsible for everything we do and say, as in this pool every choice affects everyone else.

  137. Its a great analogy Johanna – we interact with people all the time, and if not directly in conversation, then we feel it through their thoughts and deeds as well. We are all deeply sensitive and are feeling things all the time if we give ourselves the time to consider it.

  138. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we are doing – driving a car, shopping, walking in nature or sleeping in our bed, we are constantly having an energetic effect on everything. There really is no ‘off’ switch.

  139. Its similar to how we are in our homes. We think that when we are at home we are protected by our 4 walls, so what goes on behind them doesn’t matter. We have a similar thing going on when we are driving in our cars, maybe not to the same extent. But really there is very little consideration given to how we are as we drive, we make it a functional activity (which it is) but there is a quality to how we choose to live that ultimately affects the quality in how we drive and how we live at home. Everything matters.

  140. Appreciating that everything we do has an impact on everyone changes our whole approach to living…

  141. Only to make the obvious even more obvious, the fact that ‘Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in’ can also be expressed this way: Because everything is energy everything that energy is doing and or the quality of energy active affects the overall pool of energy the energy is part of. Simply said, there is nothing but the pool of energy.

  142. Just what I needed to read. Our car was splattered in a strange oily gluey substance yesterday and we had a sense that we were taking on other people’s stuff. Once we nominated this we were able to remove the previously unremovable gunk from our car.

  143. Have you ever felt this in a pool when swimming? The difference between someone swimming laps and gliding through the water leaving the surface smooth and undisturbed as apposed to jumping in, splashing around and making lots of waves. The way we live and move through life feels the same.

  144. Everything does matter in this pool of energy we all live in; this lovingly reminds us of our purpose here and how the quality of every movement we make has a ripple affect on all. What a responsibility this invites for us to move harmoniously.

  145. Our cars are a great reflection for what is happening in our bodies. A while ago a light kept coming up on my dash. I spoke to the mechanic and he said it was connected to putting the wrong fuel in and it getting mixed with the oil, which I had not. What I realised it was showing me was that I was not aligning to the true energy, once I realigned the light went off, before that no matter how many times they did some repairs and reset the car computer the light kept coming back on.

  146. Johanna this a great blog to reflect how we are with ourselves in each and every moment has a direct impact on our environment. This is a colossal understanding and with that understanding a huge responsibility that how I am effects everything in the sea of energy we live in, there’s no escaping this fact and yet how many of us are aware of this? And more importantly why are we not taught this fact from the get go?

  147. Johanna, I feel you have said it all really in how responsible are we willing to be to take care of ourselves with the understanding that how we are with ourselves affects all that is around us and beyond. That is massive and for most of us for the moment it is beyond our comprehension.

  148. Awesome Johanna that you are taking care of your body and taking responsibility to observe and not react to situations that may occur. I am learning to do this more and more. At times I find myself react to situations without observing first and this can often end up with frustration, misunderstanding and disharmony, which is not loving for anyone.

  149. We can think we are in our own little world and don’t affect anyone else when we’re driving. But you only have to feel the ‘pushing’ that happens on a busy motorway, when many are wanting to drive faster than they can, only focused on their destination and not on the humanity all around them. It’s intense – and I have been one of those many in many occasions so I say this without judgement. The quality we drive with, move in, live with matters. Everyone feels it.

  150. Just as our responsible choices can affect another, so can we inspire others when we behave with energetic integrity.

  151. One of my favourite ways of describing energy and our impact on our surroundings is thinking about the world as one big swimming pool – if we pee in the pool, we contaminate the water around us and the water other people inhabit, just like getting angry or anxious – it ripples out and impacts those around us.

    1. So true. We emanate light, as do all living things. The quality of this light is constantly interacting with others.

  152. “how we carry ourselves, support ourselves and the relationships we build, all stem from the quality we choose to treat and have with ourselves.” This is gold Johanna and allows us to stop, appreciate and ponder on how we move within our day to day lives and how much we not only reflect but can observe all around us everyday. Thank you.

  153. It’s very true that the foundation of care we bring to others begins with our own self care.

  154. It is interesting to read your comment Ariana, I noticed the same thing as i picked up a little piece of fluff off the bed and placed it in the bin instead of just dropping it on the floor, everything is everything, so every single thing we do has an effect on the all.

    1. And interesting you both experienced this because I have become aware of this happening to me too. I love what you both shared and Jill, this is so awesome to highlight, ‘everything is everything, so every single thing we do has an effect on the all.’

  155. To feel others in their fullness of their being and humanness brings more understanding as to how we all play our own part in the whole.

  156. How does pretending we are ok affect the pool of energy we all live in? As far as I can tell it adds more, possibly contrary to the cause and effect we might think we are having.

  157. There can be something a little astonishing in realising that our every move (including thoughts) affects everyone and everything, but as one settles into this awareness it becomes deeply beautiful to realise that it is all in our hands – we are IT and we can imprint all these movements from a place of stillness and love. It is in our own hands to transform the world – no marches with placards, no fixing and saving, but simply the awareness that our every move is either creating or co-creating.

    1. Indeed Lyndy, very sobering, and at the same time can be very inspiring as we are completely capable of, and have within us with everything we need to restore ourselves in co-creation.

  158. There was a time when I had no concept of the quality I lived in, life just happened.
    Through the teachings of Universal Medicine I have reconnected to such an awareness that as you say actually how I chose to live affects everyone on an energetic level. So therefore it makes sense to live in a way that is non-harming to me and therefore non-harming to others. Imagine if we were all able to live this way the world would be a completely different place to live.

  159. Even though there may be physical space between us energetically we are always communicating and leaving ripples that affect all of us and so there always is an impact or consequence of the way in which we do things even if we may not tangibly see it.

  160. ‘what quality are we driving ourselves in’ This is a great question and one I have been asking myself every day this new year. What is the quality of my movements, my interactions, my work, my conversation? Am I connected to the quality within me that is innate, purposeful and gorgeous?

  161. ‘Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in’ – the point to come back to is the ‘Everything’:
    It really really really means EVERYTHING matters. There is no space for a little bit of not everything, tough but true when it comes to realizing what responsibility is all about.

  162. Yes, we are ultimately all energy, all vibrating and interchanging this vibration. Wow, what a responsibility we have to be vibrating joy, love and truth!

  163. Just yesterday I came across a ‘reminder’ saying that we are not here for ourselves. Relating it to the pool of energy that makes perfect sense as everything we do we do ‘for’ everyone, like it or not, it is unavoidable. And the consequences of our doing will always feedback to us so that we learn to discern our actions, how much they serve or harm all of us, everyone included. In that sense, we cannot do anything just for us, but everything is done for everyone.

  164. Each and every one of us has the potential to bring a divine quality in every moment that makes up the whole. Isn’t it beautiful when we see in our every day the relationships we find ourselves in with family or at work and accept what we all bring to the table, each expression contributing in its equalness is of value and what is needed in that moment.

  165. “I could feel that I always have an opportunity to hold myself and observe life and let it pass without it affecting me, or if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected.” Everything matters, as your title suggests. We need to take responsibility for how we live, knowing this doesn’t only affect ourselves, but those around us and the planet we live on.

  166. Even when we are unaware of the energy that is consistently emanated by everyone and everything we still are subjected to it and a part of us recognises it. With awareness responsibility is brought to the fore, meaning that responsibility is present all the time but not yet realized.

  167. Our every thought, word and deed matters. Are we with ourselves or are we against ourself. Are we caught in good and bad and right and wrong or are we true to the love that we are?

  168. We are offered wonderful moments to choose responsibility, they flow from one to another uninterrupted unless we choose to focus on a disturbance, one we initiate or bring one in from the ‘pool’.

  169. It makes sense to me that the rain and the way the water was splashing got your attention… because water is such a conductor of energy.

    I am feeling more and more about what is going on and it is clear to me that we hold a responsibility to read and learn how to be love in this world.

  170. When we are in our cars, we are wrapped in our steel bubble and are a bit like a ball in a pinball arcade game but still manage to communicate with others. What about when we are in public transportation, when we are, in the pool of humanity. Why do we cocoon ourselves when we are face to face?

  171. I find it very uncomfortable when driving and someone comes up really close behind especially if I am driving fast on the motorway or if I am holding the speed limit and someone undertakes me on the inside lane without my having had a chance to pull over to let him/her by. I can see though that in life I can really push ahead with things without taking due care and consideration and I can go faster than my own body would wish me go sometimes, losing the rhythm that is more natural and feels in sync with what else is going on.

  172. “I could feel that I always have an opportunity to hold myself and observe life and let it pass without it affecting me, or if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected – hence so will my body, the ‘vehicle’ I am driving.” A great reminder that wherever we are and whatever we are doing, there is always a reflection that will show us something about how we are living.

  173. A brilliant sharing offering the key to life and the analagy of our body as our vehicle we are driving in life. The awareness and understanding of energy and the effects it has if we take it on is very clear to see as is the difference of not absorbing everything in the pool of energy and life.

  174. This is very awesome ‘This drive to work presented me with a moment where I got to feel a tangible analogy and reminder of how we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.’ and it is a constant learning to me in how am I when I am moving and what quality/energy am I in and it is really important … as you say affects the all. And very much still work in progress with me.

  175. Without observation we are blinded by what we perceive as we become what we receive, with observation that which we perceive is known for what it is as we know ourselves for who we are.

    1. Observation comes with clarity and allows for an expansion. As soon as we taint that observation with our own perceptions, interpretations or apply our own filters to what we see, we’ve lost observation and the expansion that comes with it.

      1. Yes, I am reading this differently today, the opportunity to observe without lacing what we see means we remain in the space of observation and can then read why what is happening is happening. If we go into interpreting based on what we have experienced before, our sight becomes tainted and we see with filters – hence a warped perception of what is happening.

  176. “I could feel that I always have an opportunity to hold myself and observe life and let it pass without it affecting me, or if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected – hence so will my body, the ‘vehicle’ I am driving.” This is a great sharing, if we are not aware of life and whats going on around us, we can get caught in it and start absorb it, which then effects our body our vehicle.

  177. Observation is the most amazing tool, it gives us the spaciousness to understand and not react.

  178. The pool of energy is real and tangible when we allow ourselves to be aware and no longer ignore it. With that realisation the extent of responsibility is instant.

  179. Imagine a world where we all took responsibility for the quality we moved in because we knew that we are all one therefore each movement affects the others…

  180. Very beautifully expressed Johanna and a great call for us to reflect on the level of responsibility we all are choosing to live with. Are we in command with how we are in life or are we in reaction? As such are we reflecting the truth, the love and the realness of who we all naturally are with the understanding that we are all one and the same in essence? With our every move, our every choice of what we are aligning to is reflected, and I agree there is great insight offered though our willingness to be honest and read what is going on for ourselves, with others and the world around us all of the time.

  181. We have all, for example, felt an angry energy coming from someone therefore we cannot deny that we know energy, how real it is and how much we get affected by it.

  182. What is lovely is when we feel the positive impact our energy has on us and others, I have more experiences of feeling warmth in my heart, back, legs and feeling that when at work or sitting on a bus etc is leaving an imprint that can be felt. It is super tangible.

  183. The other day when driving long distances, I was noticing how inconsistent drivers were these days. They would pull out to overtake then slow down to below the speed limit. Or the driver in the car being overtaken would suddenly speed up. What I felt was that people are very distracted when driving these days, almost on auto pilot. This lack of presence or awareness of other drivers creates a disturbance in the flow of traffic. I was also acutely aware that me getting frustrated about it pollutes the pool of energy just as much!

  184. To understand why we react is so important as it gives us space to heal the hurts in the non-judgment of them. Likewise in the face of another person’s reaction the awareness of their hurts, without judgment, also offers space for healing.

  185. I agree, the quality we move in will determine the quality we are in when we reach our destination, so how important is it for us to align to the divine energy. We then move with divinity and meet every-one in this same energy.

  186. We can travel in the wake of others and let that be what commands the situation, or we can stay steady in ourselves and let our own light lead the way.

  187. When we consider that we all live in a pool of energy and one movement made will ripple out and touch many others, a level of responsibility has to be taken for the impact we may impose or bring on another through our choices. Breaking that comfort of making life just about me is a challenge to accept because it means I have to change my way of being and consider the all in everything I do.

  188. We cannot hide our true state of being by the words we say or the gestures we make if we are not truly loving with ourselves we can not express truly loving with another. This can sometimes feel very constricting when I try to express more love to others but it is also empowering as I know I have to deepen the love inside myself and let go of judgment to be able to go there.

  189. When we become re-aware of our connection to self and everyone around us, it becomes clear the amount of people that are just floundering is the sea of life the same as we had been living.

  190. This is such a great everyday analogy and one that shows so simply and so clearly that we do live in a pool of energy where the actions of one always has a flow on effect to others. Therefore, it follows that the quality of life in this pool is determined by the quality of the choices made by each of the members of the pool; humanity. And as there is a consequence for every choice we make, that consequence is our responsibility and ours alone; no blaming anyone else in the pool!

  191. This piece reminds me of my personal relationship with God. There are so many different people with different choices in life and every one of us is in our very personal relationship with God, so before we devote our attention to what others are doing and take it on board, have we focused first on our relationship?

  192. Your blog reminds me of how obvious it is to feel what mood people are in when they pass you closely on the street or happen to bump a shoulder or knee. Sometimes in our day accidentally colliding arms with someone is quite a hilarious, strange encounter that we can enjoy the awkwardness of with a stranger, but sometimes it’s like the world has ended and tunnel vision kicks in focusing in on ‘that’ person who crashed into ‘us’… The things is though, not only is this felt by us and the other person, but also everyone else in that street, shop, tube station, restaurant, school or workplace…

  193. ‘As I was driving, I was aware and present.’ – that is the only way to live life and not get ‘energetically wet or dirty’.

  194. It is well worth asking if we are truly in the drivers seat or merely just coming along for the ride?

  195. I can never be reminded enough that literally everything is energy and every thing that happens in life matters. One day, everyone will live knowing that every moment and movement in every day matters and this will change how we currently know life to be.

  196. It is only when we consider the fact that everything is energy and not just random physical appearance that our state of being makes sense, ie. how we feel after certain events and experiences. Then it is not that things are just happening and we are its involuntary recipients, but everything has a meaning we can relate to and deepen our awareness of life.

  197. The ripple effects of all our movements whether driving in a car or not are huge and I am feeling inspired to review how I am behind the wheel again this morning. I certainly don’t have the huge momentum of impatience that was my default setting for many years but can still allow myself to be running slightly late and how does this impact everyone I pass on my way?

  198. Serge Benhayon has been presenting that everything is energy and it has taken me a long time to come to this understanding and come to terms with it. I had to feel for myself whether this was a fact or not. I can now say that for me it is a fact. To me now what matters more is not what we do but the energy we do something in. What I also understand is that we can all feel energy all the time. However there are many people like me who choose to ignore the awareness of energy as it asks for a level of responsibility that we do not want to accept, so we ignore the un-ignorable.

  199. Reading this also made me appreciate the effective car washes that are around these days. It’s like a big shower for the car. Like us sometimes washes the “troubles of the day” away at the end our day the car can have the same treatment when they’ve had enough spray from their day on the road.

  200. To be with our inner knowing, as best we can, so we can handle everything in our day from the inside out – observing life and not absorbing it, and responding as needed from this place without reacting. This is indeed a beautiful place to be with ourselves Johanna, and from your description I can feel this is exactly what you bring to those around you, your gorgeous inner true quality.

  201. It is interesting how traffic flows when we have a purpose that is not involved in self. The body has always told us loudly about our ill choices. Others by various methods are always willing to inform us with their horns, flashing lights and the occasional hand gestures of our driving errors. All are learning opportunities for both, why we were not present and why did they react!

  202. The care I take of myself and my body as I get ready I the morning is the quality I take to my work.

  203. How we are certainly affects everyone, and how everyone else is certainly affects us. It is like swimming in a pool and someone peeing in it – you cannot escape it unless you jump out, only in life we cannot just hit the exit button! We might think that we can run away, or isolate ourselves somewhere, but on some level, somehow we are going to still be affected by others actions and choices. So we might as well turn it around and give it back to others in terms of living in a way that is super loving and supportive so that this then in turn inspires others to do likewise and then, perhaps we will all be supporting each other to grow and who knows where this will take us!

  204. How huge and far reaching is our responsibility as we move in this pool of energy called life, to be consciously aware that every choice in every moment and every movement affects the all, when we bring love into everything as best as we can, this fosters true energetic integrity.

  205. The pool of energy is everywhere, but being responsible for my part on the roads makes driving a totally different experience, way beyond going from a to b and much more about being in the moment with everyone else on the roads. We are a synchronized team – team work, if one is out we can all be out – and this has big consequences in cars – a ripple effect with no soft edges.

  206. Reading this and remembering walking a narrow country lane recently and being passed by a big car that didn’t slow down enough because they didn’t care -I’d felt something coming and had moved well away when they passed but still got sprayed with ice on my wellies- showed me how water is a great reflector of how we live. It shows us the energy we are in very well through its movement that we can see. But this movement of energy and the quality of that movement is all going on regardless of whether water is there communicating it to us. From this I know I pay more attention when I’m being shown by what I see so now I know to pay as much attention to what I feel and not be dis-swayed by any notion that if I can’t see it I can’t prove it, but learn to really trust what I feel and not accept any self-doubt to enter.

  207. The difference between reacting and responding is absolutely huge and I love the opportunity to explore this, my understanding of it and how I apply it to life… thank you for this inspiration.

  208. I am acutely aware of how the quality of my movements affects the pool of energy that is in and around me, for better or worse. This places greater responsibility on us, not just when we’re in public but also how we move in what we consider to be ‘personal’ or ‘private’ spaces. In truth, we contribute to the pool of energy where-ever we are, be it behind closed doors, at home or in our cars.

  209. “… how we carry ourselves, support ourselves and the relationships we build, all stem from the quality we choose to treat and have with ourselves…” Yes, agreed. Self-Care and Self-Love are foundational to one and All.

  210. When we get a rock thrown at us, and it chips our window, do we reflect on what it is telling us or only when it is directly in our line of sight and ignore it if it is anywhere else?

    1. That is definitely something to be more aware of, as I know for me in the past if it has not been in directly in the line of sight I have ignored what it is telling me.

  211. The vehicle-on-the-road analogy with our bodies is also in fact a reality. Because we’re in our vehicles, at the wheel, directing them, so the road – or life – gets the full impact and imprint of how we are when we’re driving them. It just goes to show that we are expressing all the time, in all we do and that therefore it behoves us to express with full responsibility for and awareness of our impact on others as well as ourselves. A whole new meaning to the phrase, ‘Drive carefully’.

  212. When we understand that everything is a game of energy that we are playing all of the time , we realise that nothing is personal or private– it all simply IS.

    1. Jenny this is fantastic! You’ve given me another level of understanding that there are no divisions and any we create are just illusory – so no being left behind (one of my favourites) or being lonely – we may feel loneliness but when we get out of that bubble we can feel the truth we are all connected. Thank you.

  213. I was walking this afternoon around a local playing field and felt a similar feeling all around me, Johanna. There was some music played loudly by some youths gathered one end of the field; a disagreement with a child and mother, the child not wanting to go home; an old couple sat glumly on a bench, and I could walk around the field, feeling my connection to myself and not affected by anyone. I engaged very openly with them all.

  214. This is one of Serge Benhayons teachings from the Ageless Wisdoms that I can never be reminded to much on – Observe and not Absorb. When we bring that awareness to life and apply to everything we get to appreciate and see that we are indeed in a pool of energy and which one are we choosing to swim in?

    1. Like you Natalie, ‘Observe and not Absorb’ this had a huge impact on my life. It introduced choice understanding and simplicity. We can choose how to respond to what’s going on around or within us and not get soaked or drowned by the emotions of others (or our own). When we observe we see and feel more and are enabled to understand and support another. There’s a simplicity to this, we’re given the capacity to let things be as they are and wisdom to not try to change things that are not our responsibility to change. When we change ourselves, everything changes.

    2. Absolutely – simple and yet applied to all of life all of the time, offers great and true freedom.

  215. ‘Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in’ –
    A self-observation:
    1. Yes, of course, makes sense.
    2. Thinking of the big things in life, the important moments, situations and events.
    3. Completely ignoring the ‘everything’ like my next breath, thought, movement, word, attitude…
    4. Oh, really everything?! What a responsibility in every moment !
    5. How am I right now? What is my energetic state of being?
    6. Okay, there is more, I can step it up. Now.
    7. The next move…

    1. Alexandra so true what you share, everything matters, we cannot separate it, we need to stay on the ball, keep coming back to our energetic state of being, knowing there is more and stepping up to the more.

  216. The awareness and responsibility of the pool of energy we all live in is offered here in a way that is obvious and very beautifully presented to us with the quality and way of living we can all participate in with true brotherhood and love.

  217. The vibrations of a spiders web, a drop of blood in the water for sharks or smells for a hound dog. These are examples of every movement we make that is felt and affects everyone everywhere.

  218. We can hide or run amuck, but can we always find out why when the Truth “is we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.” Could it be that why we hide etc. is because of the energy? Then if so hiding etc. does not work as we are all in the energy together we only think we are somehow better, which is because the energy is telling us we are doing okay. Maybe if we check in to what the energy is doing before we get into our day as a responsible way of living, then the start stop approach will be leveled out and our days will become a rhythm, which is lived so that the energy is supportive without the need for a boost from the foods and drugs etc.

  219. Everything does matter in the pool of energy. Yet we make exceptions to it all the time – ‘oh this little bit won’t matter if I am mostly attentive to what is true’. It is unrelenting. But it is unrelenting Love.

    1. True Lyndy – there can’t be any ‘off time’ from Love, it either is or it isn’t.

  220. It is wonderful and so important to bring together awareness and responsibility, as purely and surely the two cannot be separate from eachother – and they are brought to us as one and the same because with greater awareness comes true brotherhood.

  221. Our cars being symbolic of our body, the vehicle in which we move through life, shows how this all applies to every movement we make in life, not just when driving – a powerful and profound point of reflection.

  222. Changing my movements to call out the resistance and holding back when a greater amount of love is being offered can change everything. Being present with myself and how I am feeling are key.

    1. When we move with ourselves, with the love and care our bodies deserve we become far more aware of what we are part of and less entrenched in our problems and human life.

    2. Being present is like a smart Satnav, it allows you to change your movements to bypass traffic jams before you get ensnared in their complications.

  223. When we become aware of the fact that we live in a pool of energy and that there are only two energies to choose from. One that we are from and will heal and the other that is not from our origin and therefore does harm us.

  224. Considering our environment and the way we moved through it, is not really apart of main stream education, that is why I love what Universal Medicine informs its students of, it informs them of how to move through the universe in a way that does not disrupt or disturb others but rather reflects to them their own grandness.

  225. What a great learning from a situation others may describe as mundane and I love that you were aware that the car spray was imposing in contrast to the feeling you got from the rain.

  226. Seeing how our ripples affect others brings actually a great joy, knowing the responsibility and how deeply we affect one another. Responsibility is not hard if we considered that once we choose the method is given to us – and using our minds to work it out just gets us more stuck in the mud.

  227. ‘It felt like my car was being spattered with something that did not feel like the clear cleanse the rain was providing – it actually felt imposing.’ …. even when it isn’t raining and there is no physical spatter being created, we can feel the energetic footprints being left by the cars all around us, and our own, from the way they are being driven.

  228. ‘…we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.’ This is so true and is a joy when we feel the inspiration we can be to others.

  229. When we consider the universe is the pool we all ‘swim in’ then what quality are the ripples we are, as a humanity and as a planet, sending out to the furthest stars?

    1. And what impact are we having on the universe and everything within it, the whole that we are all a part of. Just because we can’t see or even feel the consequences of any irresponsible behaviour doesn’t mean it’s not causing harm within and way beyond what we consider to be our current realm of life.

  230. It is interesting how much we rely on our sight to determine what is real and what is not. Because we are not able to see energy with our eyes, we tend to think energy doesn’t exists when we move, express or act on something. We tend to see our movements as physical movements and hear words as just sounds, but imagine if we could see and hear everything as energy, how would we feel? My understanding is that we all can feel energy, it is just that most of us have dulled this awareness down, often to avoid taking responsibility in life. In truth, everything is energy and therefore everything we do or express does matter, because energy travels further than what we can comprehend and our bodies are vessels for energy.

  231. When we are literally in a pool of water we can see how our every movement ripples out as far as they eye can see or until the end of the pool. If there was no end to the pool it would keep going. It’s a great analogy to use as a way for us to understand that even though we don’t live in a pool of water, how we are living and our every movement ripples out and does affect others. So we have a choice in how we move or that quality in how we move during the day knowing that every movement matters.

  232. Awesome call to responsibility not just when we are driving but whenever we are using the vehicle that is our body so basically 24/7! A while ago I decided to be more loving with myself and my car when driving and it has certainly lowered my stress levels particularly on my daily commute. Another great knock-on effect has been that I have been taking better care of my body as well and our communication continues to deepen as I do my best to listen to what it is saying and respond appropriately.

  233. I used to see observation as a ‘mode’ that was somehow different to living life, but now realise it is just a natural part of our everyday expression.

  234. Being aware of how my body feels and moving with my body in complete conscious presence is a work in progress, however the more I choose this the simpler and more delicious this becomes and the more it stands out when I don’t. This flows into my entire day, no matter what I am about and this is what everybody feels – so we have a responsibility way beyond what is seen with our mind.

  235. That is very true – if we don’t read what is happening, we absorb what is happening and then have short term and can have long term harmful effects.

  236. When we touch upon responsibility, energetic responsibility that is, there is no end to the depth of where we can and need to go to so that we live and thus reflect where we all are inevitably heading to. It is a gradually awakening and increasing awareness of the vastness we are coming from. Every moment in life gives us opportunity for this realisation, even the dirty spray from passing vehicles.

  237. “I could feel that I always have an opportunity to hold myself and observe life and let it pass without it affecting me, or if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected – hence so will my body, the ‘vehicle’ I am driving.” A great reminder of the responsibility we have to live to the best of our ability by observing life and not absorbing it.

  238. Driving has offered me many insights to my own behaviour – how when I am in connection with my body and my movements I am open to the sensitivities of others – understanding how we are all traveling to a destination, and when we do this with understanding and a sense of flow we can all arrive on time and feeling the harmony of working in unison.

  239. I often get a similar reflection on rainy days when as a pedestrian on my way to work, with many drivers quite unaware that they are driving into puddles and splashing people next to their car.
    For ages I would get annoyed at such unconscious acts of disregard to fellow human beings, but I knew until I reached a loving understanding I was adding to the pool of lovelessness.
    One day it occurred to me to consider myself when I am driving in the rain. I realised I held a strong conviction that “I” do not do that, but I did not really know as I was quite unconscious about it. Oops! There it was my lesson – an invitation to deepen my own awareness of my own contribution to the pool of energy we all live in.

  240. Viewing things in terms of energy makes us look past the physical world, and realise what else may be influencing us. It is an eye opening journey.

    1. Yes, it is indeed Gill, it makes me realise why our world discourages us to understand the science of energy because if everyone on this planet understands how energy works and how it affects us, this means we would have to stop being so irresponsible.

  241. ‘As each car passed me I could feel that they each had a different quality and feel to them. This is very similar to how we can relate to the fact that people bring a different quality with them.’ – What you are pointing out here is the very important fact that we are constantly being affected with the different qualities people bring with them, as well as the quality we ourselves live by and contribute to the world – I find it really curious that we are not at all brought up with this important understanding, nor is it a part of our education.

  242. We so want to dodge the responsibility that everything, absolutely everything has an impact on the whole. Breaking this consciousness of self that wants to perpetuate otherwise is a steady, consistent and dedicated relationship to calling it out that it is not who we truly are. Living for the whole and the important part that we each have in it is a responsibility that is actually very incredible.

  243. Looking back on this time say 15 years ago I would not have considered that the way I live affected anyone but me or maybe the person I would be yelling at! What a great article to help us all see that everything we do affects everyone and we have the power to not only hurt others but more importantly inspire others to be all they are.

  244. Thank you Johanna for reminding me the importance of self care, and the practicality of it so that our vehicles are set for a days work.

  245. I have only had a couple of swim sessions with Simone Benhayon, but they have been an amazing insight into how I am in the world as well as how I am in the swimming pool. I have then been able to take that new awareness out with me in life to bring more responsibility to my interaction and movements, knowing that the swimming pool is simply a symbol of the sea of energy we all live in together.

  246. I have only started driving in the last year and now commute to work every day by car. And what I love about driving my car is the many reflections that it gives me. In a way it almost highlights the way I am within myself that day. For example, when I am racy, I can immediately feel it in the way I get ready to pull out from the parking space. It also shows me how I can be feeling lazy or having lack of purpose as I potter along at a slow pace.

  247. It will be a great day when we all know the extent of our energetic responsibility and we will only be spraying each other’s cars with pure clean unloaded water.

  248. I’m inspired by the fact that you saw the learning in this situation. It makes me feel like life is just one big science laboratory; everything that happens offering us an opportunity to learn, evolve and understand the truth that is being shown to us 24/7. But it takes a willing student – and for that, I really appreciate your dedication to your studies.

  249. “So how important is it for us to be the true driver of our vehicle?” Extremely important! It doesn’t matter if we are driving our car, walking down the street, talking to people at work and so on, how we are moving and the quality we are moving in is of the utmost importance as it just doesn’t affect us it affects everyone else around us. Energetic ripples from our movements never stop therefore neither does our energetic responsibility.

  250. The analogy of the pool is a great one when it comes to energy. You may not be able to see it but if someone pees in the pool we are all affected by it. Similarly, if someone glides through the water in stillness, we all get to feel the benefit of that washing over us.

  251. Yes, Johanna, I am struck by the call to greater responsibility when we consider in earnest the ripple effect of all our movements. In the past I would choose to be aware of the quality in which I was working or doing something ‘important’, but now I realise that every single little detail of my day is equally important.

    1. And there is a simplicity and sweetness to accepting the significance of the quality with which we do everything and anything in our day – do I rush when I am doing things for myself; do I take the utmost care to listen when I am with the children I work with; do I clock watch (be less present) when I have got a full schedule?

  252. As much as our destination is important the way we get there is more so. Odd that in the end we get to the right destination by virtue of how we have chosen to travel in the knowledge that this takes us there.

  253. The more we bring our attention to how we affect one another by the way we live and move through the day, even when driving a car, the greater the opportunity to see that how we conduct our selves truly matters and makes a huge difference in the world. We don’t need to go on protest marches, we just have to take care of the quality of ripples we leave behind us. Every move counts, appreciating the quality of our values and movement is all we need to do, to be prepared to commit to the constant effort required for all our sakes.

  254. Separation is the illusion that allows us to think that how we behave has no bearing on anyone else. Unity is the truth that supports us to consider everyone in everything that we do, say and think.

  255. Great analogy – and it reminds me of a time years ago when someone went out of their way to spray me with their car as I walked along the road. To carry the analogy further, we all spray others from time to time – it is indeed our responsibility to look after and love others rather than to hurt them.

    1. Yes, that behaviour can give the person a kick, relief from how they normally feel. If the perpetrator felt good in themselves they would enjoy carefully driving around the puddle much more than driving through it.

  256. You talk about the road and what you feel, I often notice it when I walk into the supermarket, or jump into a swimming pool, everything is there to feel. I notice it more when in a confined space, but really, we are all living in one big pool of energy and everything we do, think or say has an effect on everyone.

  257. ‘how we carry ourselves, support ourselves and the relationships we build, all stem from the quality we choose to treat and have with ourselves, which then supports us to bring that quality to others.’ – so true, Johanna. If we choose to live a lesser version of our true selves, this is what we share with everyone else, we all feel the reduction in what could have been, a reduction in what is already there, waiting to be shared.

    1. We do all feel the ‘reduction’ you talk about both in ourselves and others… this is definitely a point of inspiration to open up the armour, turn up the volume and have fun being more of us.

  258. In truth we are always in a state of interactively with each other and everything else in the universe for that matter so our movements not only affect other ‘road users’ around us but everyone else also as is the case with everyone else.

    1. Yes, the responsibilty for what quality we bring to our interactions or the jobs/tasks and in fact every movement we make, is ours to take.

  259. We always have the opportunity to reflect something different to others wherever we are .. even when in our car driving. This evening I also go to feel just how much we make a difference to our environment. I went to a supermarket after work and it felt completely different there than it ever has done before this was because the Christmas mad rush had passed as had Christmas Day and now people where on their holiday and not at work the whole store felt a lot more relaxed and open. It was incredible to feel but why only be like this at this time we can if we choose be like this (relaxed and open) the whole time!

  260. The quality of how we live in each moment is what we take to our next. How we drive our car is a great reflection on how we are driving our bodies. I have also felt this when swimming over the last week, and how each day can be slightly different, showing me the quality of the rhythm and flow I have been in… or not.

  261. Everything in life has an energy and it is upp to us to get on with life so when we get splashed it is like water of a ducks back. Then we respond in a Loving way move forward and claim who we are and that what ever muck happens around us if we react in any way then that is great we learn what is holding us back from evolution.

      1. Agreed Rebecca, when we come from love then those moments of reaction stand out, so then we can nominate the Truth that has been recognised and thus we evolve.

  262. I love the topic Johanna that you are talking about here – Energetic Responsibility. It offers the reader much to consider about how they are with themselves and how that effects others. Beyond what we say and do, looking at the quality in which we do it.

  263. I can remember the very idea that ‘everything matter in the Pool of energy We all live in’ was felt by me to be scary – ‘what! That much responsibility? No, that is way too much’. But now I am finding it easier to surrender to this mantle of responsibility through staying aware and aligning to harmony, to the best of my ability.

  264. I love how the obvious macro seen incidences that happen (the spray of a puddle splashing on your windscreen from a passing car) actually is a micro, even invisible to the naked eye nano energetic exchange that occur in our environment all of the time. Awareness and reading are the two tools that support our body and the way to live / respond rather than to react in life.

    1. How thin is the layer of wax on our car, could it be called micro? It is not something that has to be pondered on and just accept it as a choice we made. Is this not the same as not reacting to things that in the past we would have allowed to stick?

  265. ” Everything Matters in the Pool of Energy We All Live in ” This is such a huge truth for everything that we do is registered as to do anything we need energy and this creates an imprint .

    1. It is so arrogant to think any different to this fact yet we, I know I have for a lot of my life, think that we can create whatever we want and it won’t affect anyone else. Having recently seen and felt the reprocussions my choices have had on others has made me really question how much I live this truth, as anything less than living the love that I am has an effect on those around me as well as myself.

      1. The Universe is either registering us as being love or not love, there is no in between. It’s either a tick for God or a tick for ‘that that is pretending not to be God’. What are we choosing in any given moment?

      2. Very true Alexis – it is black or white, there is no grey or fence sitting areas. Yes it can seem like a daunting task to live up to but there is no perfection and always a learning.

      3. ‘there is no perfection and always a learning’ indeed James, a constant refining of our relationship with God, how beautiful is that and what else would any of us want to be doing?

      4. and although I agree James that love is only a choice away, in practice it doesn’t feel that easy. I have found that it takes time to gradually work my way back to feeling love in my body. What does work well for me is identifying the things that prevent me from accessing the love that is always underneath whatever it is that I have going on over the top of it. Part of the process is getting really honest about what it is that I am choosing instead of love and then slowly over time more and more love is revealed.

      5. I totally agree Alexis and this is especially the case when we have not been choosing love. At first or at times it can seem hard or almost like a fight – but for me this is the resistance to me not really wanting to go there because it is bringing up the areas in my life where I have not been love. The process of getting really honest can also been called taking responsibility and claiming the truth that we know and saying ok I may not be living this right now but I know this is truth and will not settle for less. But as you say it is important to take it step by step so our foundation becomes super solid.

      6. Agreed James, a ‘super solid’ foundation is essential because it gives us a firm foundation to continually keep building on and from. If a foundation isn’t solid, then it becomes a bit like the game of snakes and ladders, it’s anyone’s game where you’ll end up.

      7. Very true Alexis, great anology. I was going to say the house built on sand rather than rock. Which for me means if our foundation is not love and the fact that we are equal to God then even if we make seemingly solid reinforced walls when calamity comes it can all fall down.

      8. It doesn’t even have to be calamity to bring the supposedly structure of who we are down; we are being chipped away at constantly by an energetic source that seeks to derail us from our connection to God and that energetic source comes at us through almost every conceivable source.

      9. It does Alexis, I agree. And it is the more subtle ways that are the ones we need to catch as they are often when we think we are on the right track but have been slightly nudged to the side. It can be so easy to start with the best of intentions for a thought to then come in and slowly but surely the end result is way off what the original intention was. For me when I catch myself doing this it shows me how powerful I am when I am in my fullness that another energy would try to stop me, rather than simply getting annoyed or reacting to it!

      10. When we are so caught up in our own hurts we make life very centric, don’t we? I know from experience that I find it very hard to consider the wider picture and all others truly when I am overwhelmed by contraction/emotion. To heal this is ultimately the most responsible thing I can do as this isn’t just for myself but to put myself in a position where I can make life about all others too, equally so.

      11. Totally MIchelle, the moment we make life all about me me me and how I can get over this issue then we lose sight of everybody else and pretty much have tunnel vision demanding that ‘our issue’ is dealt with and resolved. It is very centric because at this point we do not care about everybody just what is best for ourselves.

  266. Your blog oozes the topic of responsibility from its every line and yet with the understanding of what it is really asking – to be present, deeply caring and knowing of and with ourselves first – the responsibility is an enjoyable thing as this connection to us is something we all crave for; bringing with it greater purpose and consequently vitality to life. From here, how can we not then want to share the depth of beauty and harmlessness that we truly are with everyone else too.

    1. I love that you have brought the enjoyment of responsibility to the fore here… it has been a firmly held belief for me for many years that responsibility is something weighty and hard; the more I realise the fun to be had with the connection and purpose responsibility offers, the freer I am of that old belief.

  267. Energetically we will always find the right road as long we are driving on the True side of the path and not being hindered by what is happening around us. True in the way that it unifies us all equally and no one is made any lesser no matter, which way they choice to be.

  268. What is so enjoyable about driving is to be as fully present as possible and feel the smoothness of the journey, the wheels on the road, appreciate the amazing car we have and be aware of other drivers, and, as you say, Johanna, be always open to letting people in to the stream of traffic, and having a graceful or humorous exchange with others!

  269. This drive to work presented me with a moment where I got to feel a tangible analogy and reminder of how we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility. Thank you Johanna, love how your example from driving your car and the water splashes shows when we observe we can read so much more of what is taking place, and how our every choice affects everyone as we take this with us in daily life.

  270. The more I sit in the drivers seat with both hands on the wheel I get a great sense of surity and knowing that this is the only way that I can go through life. In my knowing and surity of who I am and simply observing life from this point of reflection.

  271. “we can handle everything in our day from the inside out – observing life and not absorbing it, and responding as needed from this place without reacting.” Reaction is always from the other way around, from the outside in and as you described there is a lot in the world that is trying to impose on us. When we are with ourselves, our quality, we can read and understand where it is coming from in the other person or situation, when we are not with ourselves thus not connected with our quality we can be easily loose ourselves in the demands of the outside world and choose to react in whatever way.

  272. “Our space and all that’s in it can affect us to then behave in ways or feel things that we would not naturally feel. So how important is it for us to be the true driver of our vehicle? How our bodies – our vehicles – respond in life has a flow-on effect to other bodies, to other vehicles, so to speak.” This is very true. From my own experience, the more I am in a flow with my own body, whether I am driving in my car or not, the more life literally flows around me.

  273. This article highlights how every move we make affects everyone else. Usually we can’t see the effects, but when observing the dirt kicked up by cars in this instance it is very obvious. A great analogy.

  274. Observing life and not absorbing life, comes from truly knowing ourselves and being present in our bodies, and supporting ourselves to live in a way that keeps life super simple, self-care, self, nurture, self love.

  275. In life we are offered the opportunity to make a range of choices, no matter what is around us or is coming at us. And sometimes it feels the same thing or issue comes back at us, but that is only a deeper layer coming up to be cleared, and the possibility to make a different choice.

  276. Yes, Johanna, living from the inside-out keeps us connected to the love and joy in our hearts, and through that connection we are then able to discern what is true in life or not.

  277. Mich like being in a swimming pool of water, we live in a sea of energy between us/ connecting us and our every move, action, word spoken and even intentions can be felt.

  278. If we ever want to know how our moves affect others and that we can feel the effects of others on ourselves, go to a public swimming pool and swim and see how every ripple is felt.

  279. Your blog is a great reminder that we live in a pool of energy, and just because we are inside a car with a roof over head does not mean that we are not being affected by the energy around us and coming to us. It is also a reminder of the responsibility we have when on the roads no different to our work place or our home. I used to get annoyed with other drivers when they pulled out in front of me or did silly things such as driving erratically, or cutting in and I would swear at them under my breath and this would then change how I was in the car, and start to drive in an annoyed or more agitated way. Now this no longer affects me because I can feel how the driver is at that moment and feel if it is there to make me react or take me off course or offering me a reflection of how I have been.

  280. Yesterday after heavy rain, I went out for a walk. Warned by someone who had just driven to my place of work to beware of pools of water as cars driving fast through them can splash passers by, I set out on my walk. Only to find drivers who passed me by drove in the centre of the road avoiding the large pools of water. They drove responsibly with regard for pedestrians and I appreciated their kindliness towards me.

  281. Most people would consider their car as a bit of a mobile haven from the world, yet what you’re sharing Johanna is that despite what we might think, despite how we are behaving in the car, the quality of this is felt by others on the road – some of whom may observe it and let it pass without it affecting them, or if driving along ‘in our own world’ and unaware of what is being felt, can absorb it and be affected. The responsibility is clearly with us, to drive (move through life) aware of our quality and what it is we’re contributing.

  282. When we become aware of the fact that everything is energy and of the symbology that our car can be read as a representation of our body, the way we drive our car becomes a responsibility that is super important. It is not only a reflection of how we are with our bodies but too a reflection we emanate to all other people and bless or impose with when we pass by on our car travel.

  283. “How our bodies – our vehicles – respond in life has a flow-on effect to other bodies, to other vehicles, so to speak.” This is a science worth studying, how our movements, choices, emotions and thoughts affect one another. We are not islands, but very connected beings living in the same space. How one person behaves can affect a whole group of people, a fact you are well aware of when in charge of a room full of kids.

  284. I like driving in the chaos of London! Driving amplifies the person that operates the vehicles around me. The timid climb in their steel box and let out their alter ego. The ones that are angry bring their war to roads. Then the ones that are there to just aid in the flow, so everyone is supported, these are the days you hit all the green lights.

  285. We tend to consider we are in our own little bubble when driving our cars… however our energy is exposed in the way we drive and is felt by everyone around us, everyone we pass by – there is no hiding in life no matter how hard we try.

  286. Your ability to observe and read life is so beautifully demonstrated in the way you describe noticing the quality cars were being driven in. When we view life as an exchange of energy even a simple drive in the rain supports amazing revelations.

  287. Johanna what you have shared so amazingly in your honest blog made it very clear that everything matters and that there is nothing we are not responsible for. That is something most of us has to swallow as it is so much easier to absorb life and to react to it as to observe it and not react.

  288. This is profound – everything is energy and all is of our choice. We have a responsibility to how we live. So we must reflect what we truly want to life.

  289. Today I had a long drive with lots of traffic and heavy rain. As I’ve said previously on many occasions I hate driving which really means I have hated the reflections of how I have been in the world: angry, imposing, impatient, inconsiderate. But today I decided that I would feel all that’s happening as I drive and be as open and accepting and understanding and loving as I could. What a different drive! Instead of being annoyed at being kept waiting as a car stopped in the middle of a narrow lane and very slowly did a 3 point turn I smiled. The occupants all saw this and smiled back and we both waved thanks. We had a connection and it was fun! What a difference we can make on the roads because really roads are where people meet many people and who they have never met, so it’s rife with protection, the ‘every man for himself’ mentality.

    1. ‘We had a connection and it was fun!’ How very different this picture could have looked if you had gone in to reaction. Instead, not only was it evolving for you, but the occupants in the other car got to feel your choice and share in the joy of it as well.

  290. I understand what it means to observe life and not absorb it. Sometimes I do this very well but other times I find myself falling for absorbing life because it is an old habit/pattern, but I am chipping away at it. When I allow myself to feel into it and ask myself why, I know it is because I am holding onto to the pattern of creating emotions and dramas to avoid saying yes to true responsibility and evolution. I feel strongly there is no more excuses, it is time to say yes to responsibility without reservation but absoluteness, and to observe life and not absorb it more consistently.

  291. How we are when we drive in traffic offers a great reflection for how we are in life, in terms of if and how we react when others behave irresponsibly around us. I used to be very reactive and could then feel how I took on the yucky energy from the other driver, therefore, I would then be contributing the same harmful energy, when the choice is always there for me to stay with myself and the love that I am, which is a win win for everyone.

  292. ‘Our space and all that’s in it can affect us to then behave in ways or feel things that we would not naturally feel. So how important is it for us to be the true driver of our vehicle? How our bodies – our vehicles – respond in life has a flow-on effect to other bodies, to other vehicles, so to speak.’ And this is a basic science that we like to conveniently forget. Thank you Serge Benhayon for bringing the energetic truth of this science to life.

  293. “we can handle everything in our day from the inside out – observing life and not absorbing it, and responding as needed from this place without reacting.” The difference in the way the body feels when it is responding and not reacting is thanks to our ability to read and our willingness to look at and address our hurts.

  294. I remember hearing a long time ago that when a butterfly flaps its wing on one corner of the world, it is felt on another (or something like that). And I remember my response because it was like, what the???!?!? How is that even possible??!? How could that effect that??? (or affect?) And since coming across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I am starting to see how it can. And this blog is a great every day example of this – that everything we do, does have an effect in the world.

    1. I remember that too Sarah, like how is that possible?! but knowing that everything, every tiny movement and thought adds a vibration (movement) to the world’s cooking pot, a world that is a sea of energy, how can that movement NOT have its ripple effect on everything.

  295. We sometimes have a perception that we are separate from others whilst we are in our car and they are in theirs but this is not true and the quality of how we do things affects everyone else whether they are in a car or not.

  296. I have only learned relatively recently how EVERYTHING matters, every little thing has a knock on effect to the next thing. This has been huge revelation in understanding how we build the quality of our lives with the different energies around us.

    1. Me too Gill. To fully understand and embrace the fact that everything matters means it is very difficult to avoid taking responsibility. For example, how I express, behave and feel behind closed doors does not mean it is hidden just because it is in the confines of 4 walls. Because in the science of energy, everything I do and express, no matter where I am or who I am with, it is felt by everyone, the universe and God. In our world of energy, I feel there are no walls, everything is transparent, communicated and ripples out further than I can comprehend. When we are open to reading energy, nothing can escape us, everything becomes transparent and very clear, is it of truth or not.

  297. I use my car on a daily basis and over the years I have definitely come to understand that my connection with myself or not is ALWAYS reflected in how I drive my car and or the state of it’s tidiness and especially what is on the seat beside me and how it is arranged/organised! Up until recently I have used my car as my office as I do home visits as a community nurse. This is always a marker for me and an opportunity to confirm myself or to take stock and connect more fully with what is going on for me that day.

    1. Indeed Bernadette, it is interesting to observe the state of our car as being a reflection of how we are with ourselves. As it is that simple and at the same time so profound it is a great marker to be aware of on an everyday basis.

      1. I have noticed this also because I use my car to care for the elderly in their own homes. What I have noticed is how disturbed I feel when the carpet gets too mucky, especially this time of year in the UK.

    2. I have used my car in the same way Bernadette and it was interesting how the seat beside me became either a mess or stayed organised, one thing that really reflected the connection with myself was if I could not find my phone when I was in the car, most of the times it was in my bag or was fallen on the ground but I always felt it as a sign of needing to be more present in all I did but especially how I was with me in my car.

  298. We have an amazing opportunity to live and reflect healing for us all by holding ourselves in observation. Re-action can set up a chain of events we might not even realise we are causing, simply because we are caught in the web we created.

  299. Becoming aware of the vehicles around us and the energy of the drivers I am also aware of the directions they come from and how each affects me differently if I choose. I used to take more notice of vehicles approaching from behind at a fast pace and always felt they wanted to push me on, now I ignore their pushiness and hold my own pace; i also used to be annoyed when people pushed in from the side, but now, if appropriate, I let them into the stream of traffic, and often I find later on someone else will let me in; then there is the situation when two vehicles are trying to go in opposite directions on a road with parked cars on either side and I find how much I love the feeling of letting them come through first, and often there is a moment of connection between the other driver and myself. That pause to reconnect with myself builds into a calmer, more consistent way of driving. This has supported me immensely in being aware of my own energy and reactions and there is still more to learn!

  300. I take note of how I drive my car. When I allow time for my journey there is a flow, an ease and a smoothness to the travel. When I am in anxiousness, or stress my car feels the opposite and I can feel the imposition on those around me.

  301. I love the analogy of our car being a reflection of our bodies. To see that things can come at us and splatter us, that we can do the same to others and that we have a responsibility in how we drive and carry ourselves as that has an effect on others.

  302. It’s often in times of so called solitude or when I can’t be seen that I tend to relax and spend time unwisely. A timely reminder though that we live in goldfish bowls where everything is reflected and everything is felt.

  303. Lovely how you get yourself out of the way when you teach so that there is space for the kids to experience what they need for their evolution.

  304. With awareness, life is constantly offering us opportunities to see more and understand ourselves further – whatever our situation. These moments are little gems that become seeds of even greater awareness if we willingly follow them to their destination.

  305. Being in a car is very revealing not only as to the vehicles travelling with and around us but also how we are as we drive our own car. We often think that we are in a protective bubble whilst in the car. But everything is on display in how we drive.

    1. Very true, Jennifer, there is no hiding away, everything is not only on display, it is felt and recorded as an energetic footprint in time.

    2. I find my car is a great reflection of the quality I am in – if I am feeling racy or still etc. I have noticed that if I am in my head/disconnected from my body there is something about the car that will signal this to me!

  306. ‘In life we are offered the opportunity to make a range of choices, no matter what is around us or is coming at us.’ Life is constantly reflecting us the lessons we need and the choices we make determine what happens next. Being able to stay steady no matter what is happening around us is a great lesson.

  307. Most people come with their own agenda, expectation, ideal, belief etc. we need to be able to see and understand the energy they come with so as to not absorb it. We are then able to respond openly and lovingly with out an ounce of reaction.

  308. I find peoples behaviour on the road a fascinating thing to observe – from how someone sits when they drive their car, to how they respond to traffic or speeding etc. When one person decides to act recklessly and speed, they risk the lives of so many other people in that choice – the impact is clear, even if they don’t cause an accident they have likely caused some moments of anxiety or fear in other drivers. But this is the same in life. When someone chooses to live in a quality that is unloving, irresponsible, angry, bitter etc – anything that is not who they really are, it impacts everyone around them

  309. How often do we bow down to such impositions from others and hold back our truth and our love in reaction to what we feel? No one wins when we do this as the reflection of loveless remains. Only through expression of the truth will such impositions see and feel something different and be offered an opportunity to change their ways.

  310. It’s really inspiring, Johanna, to feel your deep level of responsibility and integrity, to live in a certain quality knowing what a powerful reflection that is to all of the children you teach.

  311. Recently I was coming home and had what turned out to be a 4 hour drive home because of an accident and the sheer volume of cars on the road just before Christmas. What I noticed during the drive was how responsible people were being in their cars, there was little pushing and shoving, they were mostly using their indicators when making a manoeuver. I did wonder if it was the accident on the road that brought everyone to their senses. Waiting to pass by an accident does seem to have a sobering effect on us all.

  312. Thank you Johanna, your blog made me reflect on the fact that we are incredible beings with everything that we need to live a true life but the question is do we use what we have wisely?

  313. This reminded me how I used to feel suffocated and constricted in the knowing how I was acting would affect everything around me and felt that I had to be in my best behavior out in the world. I never felt like I was allowed to just be me. I was living in reaction to what was around me. What I know now is that knowing and connecting with my true essence was what was missing back then.

  314. My days used to be so up and down, bouncing from one reaction to the next was my norm, however when Serge Benhayon presented on observing and not absorbing I felt empowered to take this skill out into life and as a result I now feel much steadier and my days feel simpler.

  315. Some days traffic seems to flow effortlessly, and then there are other days when everyone seems to be in a bad mood, in a rush or impatient. I see this as an opportunity to review how I am presenting myself in that moment and to feel what’s going on.

  316. It has dawned on me over the past few days how I have used the behaviour of checking out during conversations. So eg. I’m talking and just before the person I’m talking to speaks I want to check out. I now am clocking this reaction and change my movements immediately so I listen and respond with truth to the best of my ability. I am beginning to be aware of the responsibility I have towards myself and another.

  317. This is a classic example of why we must learn to observe and not absorb for you have demonstrated the extent of how we can feel energy and it would just be too much if we were to take it all on board. It also really reinforces the fact that the way we do everything really does matter and really does effect everyone and everything.

  318. We do live in a massive pool of energy and I do wonder what it would look like if we could see it all, and if we live in a massive pool of energy that we all contribute to, then we have a responsibility to make sure that the energy we choose and contribute is amazing and not going to harm one single other person.

  319. I love the analogy, Johanna, as it brings the truth and reality that we are in a pool of energy, that we are all inter-connected and we can choose to either observe or absorb in a very tangible way.

  320. Love the analogy, Johanna, how I am driving my car offers me a very clear reflection of how I am with myself in that moment, and, therefore, what energy I am sharing with everyone else. Everyone has the same choice, to cleanse, or pollute the pool of energy that we all live in. However, when we react to the pollution, we are no longer cleansing, we are also adding to the pollution.

  321. Calling it a ‘pool’ of energy is making it easier for the mind to understand how energy effects all. If we imagine being in a pool and moving around, we can see the ripple effect of our movements and are aware that this can be felt by others. It is no different with energy other than that feeling it takes a bit more awareness then it would in the tangible world.

  322. Awesome reminder for us to take responsibility for how we are affecting everyone around us, energetically, as this is happening in every moment, whether we choose to be aware of it, or not.

  323. “So how important is it for us to be the true driver of our vehicle? How our bodies – our vehicles – respond in life has a flow-on effect to other bodies, to other vehicles, so to speak.” It’s the beauty of responsibility and how our self care and self love impacts the whole.

  324. These moments of absolute awareness offer us the opportunity to grow and take more responsibility for what we bring to life. When i feel it this clearly in my body and with that expand my awareness the responsibility becomes easy and without effort.

  325. An awareness of the energy propelling every driver of a vehicle should be part of driving lessons and be an integral part of a driving test.

  326. What I am finding is interesting about energy is that we are affecting things all the time even if we are not in direct contact, so how we are living in our so called private lives or when we are on our own still affects the whole human community or family both locally and globally. Energy knows no boundaries.

  327. Thank you Johanna, a very simple way to see how we affect other people around us by the way we drive our vehicles, both cars and bodies, through the day. Do we race around splashing all and sundry with our un-cared for attitudes, emotions and grime, or do we take care to move with a gentle respect for our selves and all around us? The latter requires focus, attention and self awareness that when mastered restores a spacious grace to the day that we all innately recognise and respond to.

  328. “This drive to work presented me with a moment where I got to feel a tangible analogy and reminder of how we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.” I sometimes stop and re-connect to the fact that we live in a pool of energy, yet at other times I am caught up in life. What great moments like driving to work to appreciate true responsibility, I love to be playfully driving knowing that the way my tyres move across the road will inspire another with how they drive – potentially offering an opportunity for them to feel they don’t need to be angry about something any longer.

  329. The degree of awareness and responsibility you have expressed here is huge yet it is available to all of us. What better way to live in the world and how different it would be if we did all allow ourselves to connect to our awareness in this way.

  330. Driving is a great way of feeling how we are in movement in relation to our bodies. I can really appreciate the order that is possible in how we drive and also that you can feel how other people in their cars are relating to that at any given time and also how I am in how I feel in relation to other ‘traffic’.

  331. I love the reflection offered to you and all that you could then feel when driving. It is also very empowering to realise that it is a choice that we make whether to allow our awareness to support us to observe life rather than absorb it. I can distinctly feel the difference this makes and having experienced both clearly know which I prefer.

  332. It is great to drive a car and I actually love it. While we can feel the energy of the other people driving the cars, so too will those other drivers feel how I drive my car. That said there comes a responsibility as when I drive my car I meet many others which I will reflect the way I drive my car, in conscious presence to the best of my ability. And with that I show other people, by reflection, that there is another way to live, to drive cars and move in my body, a way that will bring us back to our natural state of being in which one time, we all will live harmoniously together as one.

  333. Learning to observe and not absorb, and to swim like a fish in water and not get wet, are two teachings by Serge Benhayon that transform our lives and those around us, especially if we care to be aware of the ramifications of both.

  334. While I was recently driving on a long trip I came upon numerous temporary traffic jams with no apparent cause once the flow of the cars resumed to normal speed. What I began to feel and realize was that they were being formed by someone merely driving too fast and aggresively and braking suddenly which then caused a cascading ripple effect backwards, with every succeeding car having to slow down more and more until it eventually became a full blown traffic jam! This showed me how every one of our movements, no matter hiw subtle can ripple out and have a huge impact on thousands of people very quickly, just as Johanna has described so well in this blog.

    1. Great point and you often see a ‘traffic jam’ that has no reason to be jammed. You are driving bumper to bumper and then you come to a point and the traffic takes off again and you can see no explanation for it. This possibly is what you say, one point, car or person affecting so many others that none of us take the awareness of this when we take off again. All points of life are there for us to see, to read more and more deeply what they are reflecting to us and this is one point I will see differently next time.

  335. I live and drive in London where you must have conscious presence at all times of everything around you. You have your choice to go with the flow and except the madness, join in the madness or help in the flow by driving not just for one’s self.

  336. Brilliant blog Johanna, it is interesting when I observe how someone’s movements affects everything, and that we indeed live in a pool of energy. The quality of our movements affect the quality of the space that surrounds us and this reminds me of our responsibility in what energy we choose to move in, communicate and express in, all affects everyone and everything.

  337. Reading this I really appreciated your level of awareness and clarity for you to be able to feel this with the cars and in expressing this it gives the reader an opportunity to raise their awareness and sensitivity in the environments we are in as well.

  338. ‘for us to know ourselves, our true quality and support ourselves in every way each day’ … and to live in this way allows us to truly be us and be with others in life and so we take care of our part and inspire ourselves and others to do the same.

  339. Love what you have shared Johanna, and may I add our responsibility may start when we get out of bed or maybe even how we go to bed so we end up with a cycle that will serve our body and be harmonious right from the start till the end of our day.

    1. I agree and we could go on into the day before etc. Why do we have a 24 hour day, a 7 day week, around a 30 day month and the list goes on? Why is life broken up into these parts and what is it about? Could it be possibly that these are all cycles and at any point we can move into these cycles in another way? Taking note of what each cycle is reflecting back to us and then making a moving adjustment to what we are being show. Sounds pretty simple and shows us just how much support we have already there around us.

  340. It doesn’t matter how expensive our car, the luxuriousness of it inside – you cannot escape the fact that we all share the roads. It’s how we are as a group out there that is the greatest factor in the enjoyment or pain we take in our day. It’s ironic how each car is sold on the premise of escape and pursuing your dream but ultimately just brings us all back to the fact we are all travelling together. One accident or swerve affects us all. Thank you Johanna for this reflection.

  341. The other day on the highway I was driving slower than the car behind me would have liked so as we were coming up to the overtaking lane, the car behind me was hot on my tail (i.e quite close) ready to overtake as soon as it could. I too felt the energy of that driver and car in that moment and it felt quite imposing and not very nice. As i reflected on it, I was like, woah, I have driven like that on a few occasions when I was impatient by the slower car in front of me and super ready to overtake at the overtaking lane. I was like a humble CHECK. Got it. I know how that feels and I will watch myself closely so I wont be doing that again.

    1. Great reflection and realisation Sarah. When these moments happen to me I call them ‘karma police moments’ Where we get to feel what our past actions at some point have been like for others. A great way to support us to be with greater responsibility.

    2. A simple lesson you could say and very well pointed out. Can it be that simple? From experience I would say yes. We could possibly say that at any point we are affected by anything then this is a sign or a key that we still have a finger in the pie so to speak and all we need do, as you have done is be aware of this.

  342. Great blog Johanna as I love observing the traffic and the cars I drive amongst everyday. When I feel my body and how I place myself in the car it then gives me space to feel everything around me and the road becomes a symphony of sounds, moves and expressions which then mirror how we feel within our own bodies. Awesome indeed.

  343. When we can sense, feel and are aware of so much, a different spin is taken on, one that is all about purpose and responsibility.

    1. Very true Ray. I’ve seen people yell or scream at others be it on the roads or at the pools and still not admit that that behaviour affects all those other people around them.

      1. Enough people obviously don’t live life to this level of responsibility, to the fact that how we are affects all else around you. It’s not to judge or condemn ourselves or others but to simply roll up our sleeves and get to it. The more we all live this as the fact it is the more of us that will wake to what is going on around us all the time. It is amazing to see that we can walk around and be blind to something that is irrefutably going on regardless.

  344. What a great sharing. I live in the UK and it rains a lot – and I live in a rural area so we get lots of trucks with mud on them. And yes, there are times when I have felt totally imposed on by the muck coming off another vehicle. It is so interesting to read more about it and see how this actually relates to the quality of the people driving.

  345. Reading life deeply is one of the biggest healings we can give ourselves. Every circumstance is an opportunity for growth, if we allow and open up to what is there.

  346. Beautiful analogy Johanna expressing the truth that our cars are a reflection of our vehicle, as is our house. When we drive we are just covering the distance faster to our destination than if we walked it in our body – the car is an extension of our body and so the way in which we drive it ( as the way I type this comment on the computer) is indicative of the energy that we are aligned to and thus share in the collective pool of energy that we all inhabit. You are so right Johanna, this is a huge responsibility for each of us.

    1. Yes, so true, I can actually see how this practice – cleaning our car regularly, can be symbolic of being aware of that analogy as well. It can be part of our self-care routine.

  347. How we drive our car is symbolic of how we drive our body – our vehicle of expression – through life. There is so much to read and feel when we do not close our eyes to the truth of this.

    1. Very true and as we wouldn’t drive our car with our eyes shut in the same way this is how our approach is needing to be with our entire body. Sure most of us would say we don’t close our eyes until we sleep but we can have our eyes open physically and still not see, ever travelled down a road in life and wondered how you got there, how it could happen or why it happened, I know I have.

      1. This is a great point and very true Ray. The fact that we get by with our ‘eyes closed’ when they are open, alerts us to the fact that we are not yet truly awakened.

  348. ‘…if I choose to not be aware then I can absorb life and I will be affected…’ So much of the time we choose to numb and not be aware. To consider that when we choose to dull just how much we absorb… this is worth thinking about! How much poison do we take in without realising?

  349. I went to the boxing day sales with a friend recently and it was quite intense in the shops. However, we could feel this but didn’t go into it and just had fun trying on things and having a laugh with each other. When we got to the cash registers the sales assistants often looked quite stressed but because we weren’t intense with them they would soon open up and share how they were feeling and would join in a light hearted chat with us. It was interesting to observe the changes that could happen with others when we were open.

    1. You didn’t react, stayed with yourselves and offered everyone a healing. That is taking responsibility to another level. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes I wonder, what makes we can do this one day and not so the next day. What is the difference in our movements?

  350. We are always surrounded by energy, and the results of how we are all living all of the time even if we chose not to be aware of it. Sometimes I feel like I have been hit by a bus or beaten up and it can feel very real even if nothing physically has happened, and it is in those times that I know there is so much more than just the physicality that we see.

  351. Often when I am walking I have felt the wake of the car as it approaches and then passes. It is amazing when we allow ourselves to feel what we are communicating energetically through all of our movements and the responsibility we have in the way we move through life.

    1. Yes. I can relate to this also Victoria. Just shows how much we do all feel and read energy.

  352. Driving is always a great marker to me of what is going around me and how I am within that abs what I am adding to the energetic pool. About ten years ago I started driving on a particular road with a friend to work I would react all the time to other drivers, I react much less than I used too.

  353. I have been staying in the city for a few days over Christmas and have spent a bit of time behind the wheel. I have been quite surprised at what has come my way while simply driving around. There is a pace in general that is fast and furious on the roads, beeping of horns and overtaking. We were just yesterday discussing this ‘pool of energy we all live in’ and how our reactions have an affect on the space we all share.

    1. This is such a valid point Victoria. Your comment has made me think of the many different suburbs I drive through and their quality as a collective. It is quite distinct and obvious in certain areas, each collective area having its own flavour which are not all positive.

  354. I am very discerning when I take a lift with someone. What I’ve found is that you think you know someone but find out they are completely different behind the wheel and it is too late to get out of the car once your driving. It’s like, once someone steps in a car all the things they usually hide or try to hide from those around them come to the fore and you see how they are with themselves and their body. I would say I am a good driver, safe and aware majority of the time, yet when I have let myself go disconnected and being hard on my body then that is how I drive my car and it is super clear with fuel economy and brake wear and tear and emotions that come up around ‘other’ drivers….just like looking at the soles of our shoes, all can be seen.

  355. It can be quite confronting at first when we feel the assault as it were – because this is what it can feel like, of energy upon us – and we slowly start to clock that this bombardment of energy is happening all the time, even when we sleep, go to the loo – there are no off moments!
    The key in how to ‘deal with it’ as it were, is in the allowing of space. This happens by its own accord when we are rested in our own essence. From there we simply observe what is coming through another. In other words, when we surrender to our love within and let this be what moves us, we see and understand the onslaught for what it is, but we do not react. In that non-reaction not only does it not affect us, it offers the healing we all need.

  356. I felt the same when swimming in the pool this morning, the quality each of the swimmers moved in ‘touched’ all of us. And I felt what a big responsibility for every moment for each of us.

  357. Johanna I love what you write here as it is very pertinent to my present choices in life “….to be with our inner knowing, as best we can, so we can handle everything in our day from the inside out – observing life and not absorbing it, and responding as needed from this place without reacting.” I have only really just started to attempt living this way and I find there is always a particular issue that my mind will try use to sweep me away again and again. I have discovered the mind just feeds me lies and altered truths when I try nut my way through it. So instead I have been following the idea of observe not absorb, knowing life will eventually reflect what ever is needed. I find family and ignoring what thoughts I have are great areas for me to practise my new skill of observing rather than absorbing.

  358. From the extreme to the subtle, disturbances are pretty constant and we feel everyone of them. It really is incredibly supportive when we step back and start to observe the disturbance and choose to ‘let it pass through’. The more this is chosen the more the subtle ones are seen for what they are – things outside of us that don’t need to be held onto.

  359. Driving is a great opportunity to see what we bring to the world. Sometimes I am in a rush and I can feel how this effects everyone around me, I may get frustrated and impatient, yet if I give myself plenty of time I feel totally different I have space to appreciate the other people and cars around me no matter what may be going on.

  360. Great point Susan, and awesome example as driving and learning to drive is another level of responsibility as we are now not only responsible for ourselves in the vehicle we are driving, but also responsible for those who are in the vehicle with us as well as those who are on the road (pedestrians and other drivers included!)…

  361. How important is it to learn to observe life and not absorb it! Something I am still learning in increments to do!

  362. Great analogy Johanna – it is like someone peeing in the swimming pool and how this affects everyone else who is swimming in there! How we are in our every day, is going to have an impact on those around us whether we like to admit it or not!

  363. What a massive blessing it is not only for ourselves when we take full responsibility for the quality of energy we are choosing but also for everyone around us that gets this reflection, reminding us that we can all make this choice to be aware in what we are choosing.

  364. I love the title of this blog Johanna, we each have a responsibility to how we are moving in this pool of energy as we can either be healing or harming others with all our choices.

  365. ‘Observing life and not absorbing it, and responding as needed from this place without reacting.’ To live and move with this awareness is key to being in the world and not being affected by anything that comes your way. We are so powerful when we don’t hold back from being who we truly are.

    1. It IS remarkable what can be felt when we observe what is happening around us rather that reacting to it. It doesn’t take away the fact that disharmonious behaviour is not natural to us, though in not reacting we do not further feed this energy.

    2. Life is all about sensing and feeling what is there to feel, as everything in life is energy. Falling for facts and linear life is just a reduced and secure way to live life.

      1. Yes, very true, a key factor is to feel all that we feel without judgement or criticism but simply feel and observe and a whole new world is opening up, so much more is seen and understood.

  366. The incredible difference that comes with staying present and observing life as opposed to uncritically absorbing it, is something that is well worth applying in our day to day living and in every area of our life.

    1. This is so true, Eva, not only does it enrich life, one also becomes the ‘doer’ of life rather than life ‘done’ to one.

  367. Yes – that sense of holding steady, no matter what is going on around us. The reflection of solidity and stillness that being steady offers is often undervalued.

  368. “….to be with our inner knowing, as best we can, so we can handle everything in our day from the inside out…” I agree Johanna. We have to embody what we know to be true for ourselves, so that there is no question or doubt about what we know. Then everything becomes very clear and simple.

  369. When we consider the possibility that ‘everything matters’ it can feel pretty overwhelming. But it can also bring a richness of responsibility to our days where life is so very alive in every moment, reflecting our choices back to us, offering us opportunities to evolve.

  370. Great observations here, I was actually looking at all the mud on the cars around me yesterday, pondering what they where sharing with me and all. We have so much available to read about life if we would only consider it beyond the physical, it is very real and tangible to consider energy in our daily life.

  371. “…I felt how the different cars and sprays from the assorted vehicles had a different quality with them,…” This statement alone confirms how we (human beings) feel and receive energy all the time… that clairsentience is not just reserved for the gifted few, but it is a sense that we all have.

  372. Yes good point Doug for if we react then we are also imposing on others regardless of how ‘right’ we may feel about the situation. Righteousness is as imposing as any disturbance we are reacting to.

    1. That’s the point Andrew. In the end, everything we do can be imposing or inspiring, as the energy behind our acts always leave a trail behind them. The difference always resides in their quality, not in their appearance.

  373. When I read this blog it makes me realise that everywhere we go how we are moving our bodies leaves a wash or wake behind us which splashes over everyone else and it depends on the quality of our movements how ‘dirty’ or ‘clean’ our splashes are.

    1. That is exactly how it is Andrew, the quality of energy we live and move in touches everyone and is most noticeable on those physically present with us.

      1. It is all about the quality of our movements, it is as simple as that. If we bring it back to the basics, people will feel it and see it.

    2. Good point Andrew and even if we are sitting or standing still we are still emanating a certain quality of energy. Our responsibility in this regard is absolute.

  374. Driving is often a time where we lose a sense of purpose and feel like getting from A to B is just ‘inconvenient’, but we are just as responsible for/in our cars as we are in any other conversation, presentation or event and it can actually be a time to make about people and how we can connect, support and reflect to others.

    1. Every movement counts. How amazing would it be, if we would not check out in our cars driving to a meeting or a date?! The movements beforehand give you already a great preparation to whatever is awaiting you in the meeting e.g. Conscious presence in the body is the best preparation you can ever have.

    2. Susie I agree, we categorise and compartmentalise life but this is a totally false and misleading way of looking at things because the truth is, there is only the constantness of the one life, therefore we have a responsibility to look at how we’re being constantly.

    1. Absolutely. We live in a sea of energy and every move we make, every thought we think and every word we speak has an effect on all others who also swim in this pool. If these movements are made in accordance with the love we are then such movements will carry a healing quality for all others. Similarly, if these movements are made in discordance to such love, then our movements, no matter our good intentions, will carry the propensity to harm.

  375. It is a great analogy just how much we are affected by all around us. Xmas day this year was an example I have never felt so strongly before. I don’t eat chocolate or dessert no more ever – it is not in my body as a desire. What I experienced though was just how tempting it was with everyone around me indulging. I was ‘splattered’ with their desires.

  376. As it is super important how we respond and not react through judgement or other emotion when something happens such as what happens to you Johanna. Our ability to respond and hold the other in love allows for space to diffuse the energy that may be coming our way.

  377. I have felt an awareness of late that every move I make in and with my car is felt by those around me. That the impact my driving has on others is as significant as the impact my walk has on those around me, the path I am walking and indeed, the earth itself. As you confirm in your blog, Johanna, “we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.”

    1. Oooof, that’s quite huge Brigette and asks of us to really be aware of our responsibility. I can be a bit of a cowboy on the road, and your comment here has made me realise how that might be affecting others.

  378. We have an enormous responsibility when we go to work as we are points of reflection for every single person at work. Today one of the women who cleans the aged care home I work in approached me and gave me a big hug and thanked me for being so loving with her and told me what a difference it has made to her. I have probably connected with her only a handful of times. This made me stop and appreciate how those moments, no matter how short, of connecting with another are so important and can change the course of a person’s life. We can never have an off moment as one of these opportunities to support another may be missed.

  379. Love this analogy, Johanna. A couple of years ago I went from having driven an automatic car for 25 years, to driving a manual one. It was a big eye opener as to how I had been driving my car and thus, living my life! I realised that whilst driving an automatic car, I had mostly been driving….well, in automatic. Driving a manual car, I am able to feel exactly how I am driving my vehicle. I have learned that I can still drive in automatic, or I can choose to be present and be with every move I make. The changing of gears is my means of feeling what quality I am driving in and of bringing myself back if my awareness isn’t with my driving. Changing gears is a very different experience when I am present with myself as I am driving along – the movement I make with the gear stick is one that flows and has a rhythm to it that feels harmonious with the car and the engine itself. My posture as I am driving has become more supportive as well as each time I change gears I check to feel that I am still sitting in a supportive way, making any adjustments that I feel need to be made.

  380. Everything in life gives us an opportunity to reflect and learn. The choice we have is whether we choose to or not.

  381. This great blog reminds me of those 3 words, awareness, responsibility and obedience and rounds up their true meaning very nicely. Gorgeous Johanna.

  382. Two things I took from this today was when we live life from our feelings we know everything. And when we do live this way, bringing deep care to ourselves what is our wake through life/what quality did your car splash onto others in that drive?

  383. I have observed similar situations that you describe Johanna, and it feels very obvious how we have an onslaught of 2 different types of energies whatever we are doing. I love how you complete the way to deal with this is to feel life from the inside out, and we will not be fooled.

  384. Interesting observations – that same applies when we are walking and a car drives past and even before it arrives. You can feel the energy of the driver and occupants and also of course if it is raining or there are puddles whether they drive with a disregard that splashes pedestrians.

    1. and of course the same applies as to how we walk ie drive our own vehicle as everyone observes and sees that too – we are all interconnected and aware of each other and our movements much more than we often choose to register consciously!

  385. It can be confronting to consider that how we are within ourself ripples out and affects everyone else, but appreciating this doesn’t need to be a burden or a means to be overly critical on ourself but to be open to seeing more how we can truly unfold our expression in all areas of life, when we are on our own and with all others as well.

    1. Beautiful sharing Fiona, staying open and sharing our fullness with others, appreciating what we bring and the reflections we offer.

  386. Yes, Johanna, ‘observing life and not absorbing it’ is one of the great pearls of wisdom shared with us by Serge Benhayon, and it is one that is with me everyday, as there are many opportunities to practise it! The more I steady myself in my own connection to what feels true, the more there is to be aware of and discover, even in the simplest exchanges.

    1. Absolutely Janet, through practicing ‘observing and not absorbing’ we allow ourselves the space to honour the true depth of our awareness.

  387. It’s a great observation about the cleansing of the rain and then the imposition of the dirt splashed on your car by other vehicles. A very clear image of what happens energetically in every day life.

  388. Driving is an amazing indicator of how we are in life – suddenly mild mannered people become consumed by rage at the smallest inconvenience because the car removes that immediate personal interaction that otherwise keeps the fury in check – but its not just there in the car, but all the time. Or if we find ourselves blanking out for most of the journey, not aware of how we got from A to B, its a great indication of how we are used to not being present with ourselves in life.

  389. Johanna I love how you take the feeling of the cleansing water and the spray of the other cars a step further, not only to feel the quality in which each person is driving, including ourselves but to then take this back as to how we each carry and move in life in general. Every movement we make does truly matter.

  390. I will often say I hate driving! What I mean is I am resisting feeling all that there is to feel when on the roads. And there is so much to feel in how people are living, how often people get into them versus other road users, needing to get somewhere with little consideration for others other than not having a collision. Am I absorbing much of what I feel in how others are living and reacting because I have or still have elements of this in how I live? I am turning around my attitude to driving by seeing it as an opportunity to feel where people are at, to feel the relevance of what’s being reflected and bring a great deal of acceptance and healing to myself. So, for example, if a driver is hesitant, reflect on where I am hesitant in my life and ask what support I need rather than be critical or hard and making myself do something in this anxiety. Driving is a wonderful opportunity to be in the world lovingly and see what I need to work on.

  391. “This drive to work presented me with a moment where I got to feel a tangible analogy and reminder of how we are constantly in a pool of energy. And ‘how I am’ in that pool affects others: that is my responsibility.” Driving past pedestrians – especially on a wet rainy day – gives me the opportunity to be aware of how my car could splash them if I drive too quickly through puddles. As indeed I have been splashed in the past – as a pedestrian – and inevitably as a car driver.

  392. Johanna, I love how you have expanded your awareness and described your understanding so beautifully in this blog using the analogy of the car on a rainy day – a marker for the various qualities our driving reflects that which we live our daily life in.
    “As each car passed me I could feel that they each had a different quality and feel to them. This is very similar to how we can relate to the fact that people bring a different quality with them. This connection made sense to me, as each car was being driven by a person, therefore had to on some level reflect the quality of the driver”.

  393. A beautiful and very necessary learning and understanding of energy and how everything matters, our quality and the way we move in our day. This allows such a support and understanding and brings a true meaning to life with the responsibility we all carry within us to be clear and to observe and not absorb. This is the secret to living with evolution as our way.

  394. It is true we do feel everything, and at times it feels like the energy people drive in seems magnified. For instance, when someone comes up behind us, we can feel the approach, especially when they are coming with aggression or impatience and if we react to that, we feel anxious or unsettled.

    1. True Julie – when someone comes up aggressively from behind, it feels like their intention is to push us to drive faster, which can easily cause stress or anxiousness.

    2. So true Julie, when we stay connected to ourselves we can feel all the energy coming towards and so much ore on the road. If we react we end up absorbing the energy in reaction and then feel anxious or unsettled.

  395. I can very much relate to the analogy of cars. I often find I can give my car a wash, it feels all sparkly and then can get sprayed on by trucks and cars and then it looks really dirty. For me when this happens rather than just getting annoyed it, it is an opportunity to go ok so how have I been living that is allowing this to happen? Have I been taking on other peoples emotions or staying true to what I am feeling? Sure there is the factor that I live in the countryside and when it is wet and muddy my car will get dirty but when it gets covered it is important to ask the question. The more I look at all the details in life, the more I see how everything matters and ultimately is a reflection asking me to live more of the love I am.

  396. This article really exposes how we as humans interact with others. The tendency to live life from our own perspective and not in full awareness of how that affects another is what then creates the living way we have in our world. Lots of people living lives that we think are separate to others, but this is not actually the case. As is shared here every action directly and indirectly affects all others.

  397. I have just experienced two full days of driving on the road, 14 hours in total. I can completely attest to what Johanna has shared here. It is so very obvious how a driver is feeling and how they are then driving their vehicles. What was most noticeable though was that many drivers were steady, settled and very aware of the road and others that were driving on it. Even though you could feel at times some impatience or the tendency to ‘push’ the traffic along. Most were able to hold this in check as we all drove the road together. Maybe here we find an analogy for all life. To treat all other life (road) users with respect, as we can mostly hold it together and do so on the road, so why not live the same way when we are simply living each day.

    1. I love this Leigh. This confirms that the vast majority are aware of what is going on around them and have no desire to barge their way through at the expense of others and so try to hold their impatience in check. As Johanna shares, there is a different way to be so that that impatience is not felt in the first place and so as we travel the road together we are not imposing but are supporting one another more deeply.

  398. “I could feel that I always have an opportunity to hold myself and observe life and let it pass without it affecting me,” That is beautifully put Johanna, because it shows we actually have to do something to be affected by situations around us, we have to grab it and react in order to be dragged in and thus affected as well. But when we stay aware and present with our own body we can see the hook or how we could react but can just observe that and not put any action into that energy.

    1. That is a great responsibility to take, to be constantly aware and observe what is around us and how that is affecting our body. But for sure I do know that this is a responsibility that is worth to be taken as it will help to restore the natural state of our being which is to live harmoniously together as one.

  399. Beautiful analogy Johanna, when energy is felt to this degree it shows us undoubtedly that in fact all is energy, I remember being on the receiving end of road rage and I was amazed at the anger pouring out of this guy but on pondering on the situation I realised that the anger coming at me from this guy was the sum of all the anger I had aimed at other drivers over time coming back at me,for what I put out was coming back at me in one foul swoop.

    1. It’s awesome to take responsibility and be able to understand that we are never a victim and therefore do not blame others for their behaviour. Yes they are responsible too but there is always something for us to learn.

    2. Imagine if we all took this level of responsibility Kev! Before we got to our destination we would see exactly where we are at by what is reflected in and around us… no different to a healing session or open and honest conversation with someone.

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