Consuming Junk Media & Cleaning Up My Own Press

by Adrienne Ryan, Funeral Co-ordinator, BEd, Brisbane, Australia

Recent events with the media’s treatment of the Universal Medicine (UniMed) group have made me aware of how inaccurate and sensationalised reporting can be. In the case of UniMed, this came at the expense of the true story – which is nothing short of inspiring. I have known Serge Benhayon and his family for over ten years. I read with amazement and disappointment the twisted presentations of them, their lives and work, accompanied by a dawning understanding of how I had just accepted reported information over the years without really feeling into the quality of what was being presented. Here were stories that I knew to be misleading, sensationalised, biased and wrong in so many ways, but if not for knowing the subject so well, I wondered how much I would have accepted as truth?

I came to understand that in my own relationship with the media I had stopped feeling what was presented and relied instead on the fact that because something was printed in a major newspaper this alone confirmed its accuracy. I’m not an ignorant person – it’s more that I didn’t want to know what was really going on locally or in the world. I found it hard to accept that the world was a mess and that people were inflicting such suffering on themselves and others. I felt powerless to change or fix it so I opted to avoid it, not by ignoring the media but by no longer acknowledging what I was feeling with what I read or watched.  I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed.

There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media, and for paying attention to the possibilities behind what is being said: is it to inform, incite, ridicule, persuade, belittle, judge, scare, sensationalise, entertain, distract, sway, tell, sell, teach, preach, dramatise or to present the whole picture, without bias or emotion? I understand that there is real media out there, but for now it is up to me to discern this for myself, instead of relying on an editor or a claim to truth to do it for me.

A little while after the media attention on Universal Medicine I was out walking and became aware of the thoughts running through my head. They were rubbish and I knew it, but I realised that sometimes I didn’t notice the quality of my thoughts until it was too late. I took on what they presented and didn’t question or feel into what was behind them. It felt like there was an ‘internal media’ running inside my head 24 hours a day.

The thoughts I had and the stories I ran, the features and the bylines were all there inside my head, going to press every moment. With some I just read the headline and moved on, others I got hooked into and took on the whole story. Most of those stories were rubbish, junk journalism, sloppy stories, outright lies and misperceptions about myself, others and the world that I (in my emptiness) can gobble up, without a second thought. It was a toxic diet. I didn’t eat junk food but I had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media. I had begun to discern media externally but here I was, editor-in-chief of my own internal press…  and it was shabby. The ‘stories’ would come in from all over – why someone hadn’t called me; worry about money; uncertainty around my work; what I could’ve said in a conversation long gone; did my hair look alright… and on and on. It wasn’t the stories that were the problem though – it was me, in the editor’s chair, who let them go through to the keeper or not. I let lots go through without regard for their quality or influence over my perceptions of myself and the world. Sometimes I might stop for confirmation of facts, but mostly I allowed these stories to go to press.

Why? I am by world standards intelligent, yet if the definition of intelligence is the ability to make choices that look after myself, then consuming junk food or junk media without discernment of its compromising effects doesn’t seem so smart.   

We have a global obesity problem for all to see, but what if there was a visual correlation for the diet of junk media that we indulge in?  What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense? Is it possible that obesity, weight issues and heaviness of being are related not just to food, but to the quality of what we consume through all our senses combined – hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and feeling? What if there were weight loss centres that dealt with the diet of what we ‘consume’ for our reading, listening and viewing ‘pleasure’? We get obese from too much food and a sedentary lifestyle, but what happens when we consume too much junk media, junk music, junk literature? What would be healthy choices if what we read, watched and listened to could be measured for ‘empty calories’ that stir us up as they weigh us down?

There on my walk with the rubbish internal media flowing, I began to understand that cleaning up the press began with me: that my demand actually determined the quality of press that was supplied. As far as my internal media went, I got to feel how my demand sometimes came from believing that I was not good enough, got things wrong, wasn’t living life right and so I looked for stories that made me feel better (i.e. focus on people less fortunate than me), or stories that made me feel worse and confirmed me as not ok (i.e. focus on people who were better than me – in any and every way). I was consuming a lot of drama that wound me up or dragged me down and either way there was no rest. Another of my demands was to not know what was really going on (but still appearing to want to know), and the supply for this was snippets of facts wrapped up in fairy floss or cotton wool instead of the true picture.

As I began to pay attention to the quality of my inner-press and the effect it had on my physical and mental state of being, I started to axe certain stories that weren’t accurate or true and began to discern what the feeling was of a piece. Even if the words sounded right, if the feeling didn’t, I knew it wasn’t a keeper. I also began to notice how I was in myself, what I was looking for – what my demand was. Gradually, the quality of my internal media went from rubbish to beginning to have the qualities of respectful expression – truth, tenderness and care.

Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally. I then have a choice to accept what is presented or to understand that it is tainted, skewed or off centre for reasons I may not know, but can feel nonetheless.

674 thoughts on “Consuming Junk Media & Cleaning Up My Own Press

  1. “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally.” This is a very inspiring article to be aware of the thoughts that we consume and whether they weigh us down or bring light to our being.

  2. I loved reading this, Adrienne. The links to obesity shouldn’t be easily dismissed either for as we are constantly having energy pass through us, if we aren’t discerning, the quality of our ‘press’ is reflected in the quality (and quantity) of the foods we eat. Makes complete sense to me.

  3. I experienced of a high ‘squirm factor’ reading this and for good reason, there is s responsibility here for why and how we can let in such thoughts, and then entertain them to the point of the thoughts having a negative impact on our day and sense of wellbeing. “I was consuming a lot of drama that wound me up or dragged me down and either way there was no rest.” That’s exactly what I have experienced also – great wake up call.

  4. There was a court case here in the UK some years ago now where certain journalists from a paper were on trial for printing salacious material about celebrities which were based on the journalists tapping into the celebrities phone lines and then printing embellished salacious lies from the overheard conversations these people where having, or voice messages left for them. The journalists did not care that what was printed was untrue, they just wanted to print an eye catching article so that they could sell the newspaper to the gullible public. The case was proved and the papers behind the journalists were fined a considerable amount of money. But the point I’m making is that nothing has changed, the journalists still print what they like, the papers get away with printing blatant lies because there is no demand from the public to stop the corruption. I feel until we stop demanding this kind of ‘gutter’ journalism we will get fed it.

  5. So true – our internal media is what colours our appetite, what we seek and demand from outside to justify and confirm our diet of choice.

  6. Taking responsibility for editing our internal media and the thoughts and pictures that we choose to align to supports us in becoming more discerning of the offerings of so much of the press with their agendas to sensationalise and lie to sell copy.

  7. Great questions Adrienne, as we create this reality and as we mediate our own environment maybe a dose of appreciation of our divine connection and get on with our ability to co-create with God and our equal brothers will clear out the cobwebs of the past?

  8. Re-reading this is such a gift. I’ve cleaned up and become a lot more discerning about the junk media in the world and not consuming it, or as much as I did. Now it’s a case of really focusing on the junk in my head, the toxic headlines all there to get the same sensationalised reactions and dramas inside as outside. The same source the same consumer. This is personalised content like no other, the projected fantasies, what will happen if I said this or that, if x or y happened. To be love is the healing for all inner malaise.

  9. I love this Adrienne because it takes the responsibility right back at us to really truly make the change we want to see.

  10. “I came to understand that in my own relationship with the media I had stopped feeling what was presented and relied instead on the fact that because something was printed in a major newspaper this alone confirmed its accuracy”. A lot of us have fallen Ito this complacency with the media. We assume that someone has investigated both sides in an objective way. Yet knowing this case, this is the furthest thing from what is happening. I suspect I had a rose-coloured glasses image of journalists risking life and limb for the truth rather than the seedy, biased deals that are actually occurring.

  11. ‘It was a toxic diet.’ I didn’t realise how toxic this diet is – yes, sure the tabloids and the gossip mags, but the respected media needn’t be so respected for revered. Yes, there must be some who have integrity but I don’t see articles that stop at calling out what isn’t true; I see articles personally attacking and judging people instead.

  12. Free newspapers offered to commuters on trains, metro and buses each morning and evening provide them with a daily fix of lies and distortions on journeys to and from work. Most people pick up and read, few stay with themselves and prepare for their day in their own way. We are fed creation’s lies through every media platform possible and have have sound inner foundations to simply observe the play without getting sucked in.

    1. Choosing to stay with ourselves amongst the sea of junk media becomes more possible when we commit to cleaning up our own head space.

      1. Knowing where we’re located within ourselves an important part of this: with heaven or life in its corrupted state.

  13. Powerful Adrienne, we often ignore our internal and harmful media streams and point a finger at media ‘out there’. Greater awareness of harmful effects of what we consume inner and outer supports us to be more discerning in our choices and movements.

  14. I love what you present here Adrienne. If we do not clean up our own inner world of distraction and entertainment things in the world will not change because it is our inner discontentment and emptiness that yearns for all the world has to offer. So there lies our responsibility, to take deep and tender care of ourself first and foremost.

    1. Beautifully said Esther ‘it is our inner discontentment and emptiness that yearns for all the world has to offer.’ To love and care for ourselves as a first principle supports us to not seek out distractions of the world, for all we need is already within.

    1. Yes, I am coming to understand that everything in life is there to support us to evolve and this may not be in ways we’d initially expect.

  15. We are what we consume, in every sense: great to bring awareness to what we’re consuming and how this affects our quality of being and moving.

    1. Great comment Bryony. We know that the way we consume food eventually shows up in our body, health and wellbeing. We can extend this to everything we consume, including junk food media.

  16. “What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense? Is it possible that obesity, weight issues and heaviness of being are related not just to food, but to the quality of what we consume through all our senses combined – hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and feeling?” This is certainly’ food for thought’ or a possibility to ponder on. If we let go of the mental junk mail we become much lighter.

  17. “There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media, and for paying attention to the possibilities behind what is being said: is it to inform, incite, ridicule, persuade, belittle, judge, scare, sensationalise, entertain, distract, sway, tell, sell, teach, preach, dramatise or to present the whole picture, without bias or emotion? ” Five years on this sentence feels even more pertinent. Discerning energy has become paramount these days – or we can get bamboozled and side-swiped.

  18. I love the accountability that this blog calls for in that we do have to clean up our own back yard so to speak before we can change anything in the media or anywhere else for that matter.

  19. This comment – “wasn’t living life right” – is a big one. There can be an internal junk media running through my head on this one. I have this thought and it pervades me at times, like there is some way I should be living my life, doing my job, being a friend etc…but it is slightly elusive this ‘right way’ as I am not really sure what the right way even is (or if it even exists!!!) but sometimes this judgement comes that I am not living it right.

  20. I notice now my demand and interest falling for the stories which the source is ‘a close friend’ understanding that it is all made up to feed the demand for gossip about other people’s lives.

  21. I’ve been opening my eyes and feeling the fact that the news is either posh gossip or trashy gossip. It’s also very dangerous if we get influenced by the waves of emotions it tries to elicit in order to get our appetites wet. Walking past the newspaper stand today and one more trashy tabloid had a front cover of a woman in knickers with her legs spread apart. What message is this giving out to all genders? I often feel people try to discount how not ok this and other media reporting is just horses for courses and not a problem. If we discount what’s going on as harmless fun or try to compartmentalise things as that’s just what happens over there, we create separation and don’t connect.

    If I bury my head in the sand I will never see the light of day.

  22. It is a telling tale of our times when we have to ‘energetically read’ the journalism of today in order to discern the truth or the lies that they publish. Gone therefore are the days of trust, and integrity. We are now in an era of sensationalism at all costs, but unfortunately the real cost is going un-reported, because when the many do not get to experience the truth, we are all losing out on the great sparks of brilliance that comes when a person is in connection with the truth that is in their heart – no industry should be allowed to stand in the way of this. Freedom of speech does not give the right to tear down another person’s opportunity to discern for their self.

  23. The media wants us to react and be emotional. They are then expert at handling us in that diminished state. They have enormous difficulties when we respond without reaction or emotions as they are then confronted with how they really are.

  24. Consumer – exactly that is what we are. We walk through a supermarket called ‘life’, pushing a shopping trolley, picking and choosing whatever we fancy from the shelves alongside the aisles, thinking we are free to choose whatever we want and we will find whatever we like as the shelves have been stocked up in response to what we demand so there’s no end and many keep going round and round the aisles many times over, it’s just endless. We love shopping! Maybe not many make it to the checkout. Maybe those who do leave have nothing in their trolley.

  25. A quick scroll on the phone, a FB link, a twitter peep or an instagram moment -if not in purpose what junk are we collecting in our inbox!

  26. Great to re-read this as an inspiration to do another, deeper-level internal edit.

  27. It is so easy for everyone to be swayed through media in whatever form… Throughout history this has been the case, and it is not until we collectively feel the true responsibility of expression that this will stop

  28. I think being aware of how we are with the media, social media and news is something we can ongoingly develop, being aware of when we are seeking distraction or stimulation instead of to be truly informed or in touch with the world – discerning where we’re coming from and what the story being told is coming with are both key factors in life.

  29. Five years on your article is sadly even more relevant. “There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media, and for paying attention to the possibilities behind what is being said.” Yes and who is funding the said media, which is often hidden from view. Without transparency we can’t trust the media these days. As you present, discernment is key.

    1. And even more importantly – who is paying for the media as a customer and what are their demands?

  30. “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally.” Wow such wise words, how can we: a) know something is wrong or, b) be clear on how to address it – if our minds are full of our own junk media. Reading your blog makes me think that I have the equivalent of a gossip magazine in my mind – constant trash being regurgitated from not truly respecting and honouring myself. I agree that clearing up the world and the media starts with us.

  31. Great blog Adrienne that has made me realise that cleaning up the anything from our home to our workplace, to the corporate world and legal and health care systems always starts as an inside job.

  32. Yes Doug, when we take responsibility for what comes out of our mouths or onto paper we can ensure to the best of our ability we are not adding to circulation energy and junk..

  33. “There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media, and for paying attention to the possibilities behind what is being said:.” So true. You can read three or more different newspapers and they all give their own slant on the facts – and this isn’t even in an editorial piece. Even the BBC is biased nowadays. Reading energy is even more important.

  34. I agree with the point that just because something is in print, does not make it instantly true. Yet in listening to the lies we give voice to them and in so doing we override our innate knowing of what is true and what is not.

  35. A great article for me to read to day Adrienne, especially since I have been becoming more discerning of what thoughts are taking over my mind and running my body, like you a lot of it is just rubbish, and like rubbish needs to be discarded. Time to clean up my own media, and truly discern what is loving and what is not, and the what is not is not allowed in my body.

  36. ‘the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch’ this is sound advice, that everything starts with us to take care of and then truth gets reflected back to us from outside.

  37. Love this article Adrienne – junk journalism, junk food ..same, same. Although food is much more obvious in the body – your body takes the shape of what you eat much more obviously. Feeding ourselves on junk journalism feeds us poisonous thoughts.

  38. When you start looking at all aspects of your life, it is interesting how we can be consuming a junk food diet all the way through our day not just by what we are putting in our mouths.

  39. I can so relate to having “an ‘internal media’ running inside my head 24 hours a day”, and it’s exhausting. I often would wonder if everyone else was having the same experience, so reading what you have shared makes me realise that I have not been alone. So time to clean up my inner-press and then trust the ripples from my cleaning up begin to flow on out to the media of this world so that they might begin to start cleaning up theirs as well.

  40. This blog presents a brilliant analogy of junk media and the thoughts that can play almost constantly through our minds. Because they are ‘our’ thoughts we never stop to question them. But if you see them as energy first, thoughts that are entering almost like a constant news feed then we can start to discern if they are true or not. If my body contracts, feels hard or tight then the thought is coming from a trashy source and deserves to be binned immediately. If my body feels more open and at ease, then the thoughts are in line with who I am. Discerning and listening to my body first are the keys.

  41. The world is full of concern for climate change yet no-one seems willing to admit that it’s our emissions directly that are causing it. Why do we focus on our cars when every word and thought we entertain is pollution if it’s not from Love? No wonder the world is the chaotic, smoggy place we see when we steadfastly ignore our own responsibility. Thank you Adrienne.

  42. We have the choice- either internal press or stillness and presence. The more we expose the lie and accept that thoughts are fed to us and have no origin in us, the more we will regain our Will to either align to the energy of expansion or of circulation, which is junk-thoughts all day long..

  43. “I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed.” Spot on Adrienne. The press has become another entertainment outlet that we take absolutely no responsibility for. The quality we accept from the global press is a direct reflection of the quality we accept from our own internal press.

  44. We kill millions of trees to print papers which are full of lies, which papers are then chucked away mostly in a manner that pollutes the earth and we need to plant more trees to help us with the clean up of it… how crazy is that.

    1. It is indeed more than crazy Viktoria!! What it does, it keeps us in motion and asks us not to stop and actually reflect on this unhealthy circulation. Without truth the demand will be continuously supplied by its own maker.

  45. ” Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself,”
    This is a great learning . All of us doing this means there will be no market for junk press.

  46. It is great to expose how often we allow negative thoughts to weigh us down and I know that in the past I have often wallowed in them and used them as an excuse to shut off from others. Treating myself with more self respect and actively monitoring my internal press has massively improved the quality of my life and also supported me to be more engaged with life.

  47. It certainly pays to read between the lines so to speak in what is presented in the media and be truly discerning of what is being said and how we are reacting to it, this I have become more aware of myself also over the last few years in particular through seeing the level of corruption in the way Universal Medicine has been portrayed and also simply lied about.

    1. NOTHING is of truth in the news! Question always is, which energy source is actually supplying us with news. One that wants excitement and further indulgence in emotions, victimhood and comfort or one of truth that looks for detachment, true rootcauses and responsibility ?

  48. Actually what you present here Adrienne is the science of reflection i.e. that what is lived on the inner is represented on the outer. So life can be seen as a mirror that is continuously reflecting to us the quality of life we are living within. Are we as a society ready for this science?

  49. No surprise we now have the term ‘false news’ and yes I agree it is extremely disheartening reading venomous lies about someone you know so well and absolutely 100% know what is printed is not true. It is also extremely irresponsible of media to allow this to happen. What happened to truth and transparency?

  50. Much of the media is now entertainment rather than important information on world events. This entertainment is an industry selling to all of us what we ask for, and so it is up to us to change it.

    1. Yes Heather, the media is one of those pillars in life that is under the demanding forces of people who need this to be it like it is today.

  51. Cleaning up the press is best treated like some of the isles in the grocery store. There are many rows that have nothing I eat in them. Food shopping is just an extra long walk these days. If there is no demand for something is there is no need to produce it?

  52. “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch”
    So true if we do not have that marker within we will never see the lies for what they really are.

  53. I love it, taking a look at our internal press and what we allow to come through and get taken away by. I noticed the other day how I feel like I am not with the other person when I am in my thoughts about something being it positive or negative, it is like there is a void between me and the other person which feels cold and loveless, only this showed me how our thoughts are not us and it is something that distracts us from what we are doing if we don’t choose to be focussing our thoughts on what we are doing.

  54. ” I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed. ” This is a very important statement for once we become entertained we reduce our value in truth and the necessity for truth.

  55. This is brilliant food for thought – could we consume more than just food? And are many of our thoughts the same as eating junk food non-stop? Why would anyone ever have self-sabotaging thoughts? Once we begin to view our thoughts as not something we own, but as an energy passing through us we begin to see things differently, especially when it comes to what thoughts we allow or don’t allow.

  56. True Adrienne, our thoughts can be a toxic diet, ‘a constant diet of junk with my internal media’ and we add to what the external media is doing. We are all responsible for this merry go round of not bringing the quality we know we should and can bring. Your blog is a brilliant reminder of that we are all connected and do have a choice in what quality we live and work with and in.

    1. Ditto Annelies I would say that my biggest downfall was living in a way that meant I had crazy thoughts and then listening to them as if they were mine. The toxicity of those thoughts was extreme at times and even today I can get a thought and I am like, ‘where did that come from’. What I can appreciate now is that I can say ‘no’ to those thoughts knowing they are not from me.

  57. There’s a pervading feeling that we need to say more, to share and to speak out more as well. And whilst this may be true what very few are talking about is the quality we choose. We don’t need to take a vow of silence but we do have a choice about the energy we speak in. What you remind me Angela is that we are divine and so the only true expression is to speak, move and act knowing that. It feels to me like one word delivered from our connection to God is more powerful than a million clever and knowledgeable verbs.

  58. It is interesting that in the short time since this blog was published there is now a new word to describe junk media that is more succinct, fake news! We have gotten so used to dis-information, we gave it a name and moved on without questioning it! Is this not the same as walking around in the dark, barefoot in a room full of mousetraps?

  59. It just occurred to me: we do know the media lies and sometimes it feels like we just have to give up because it is not possible for us to track down every incident to prove if the reported story is true or not, but, do I know and truly care what is going on in my own proximity of family/work/friends/community? For me, it feels like there’s a fundamental lack of true connection and also the willingness to be open to each other. If that is how I am living, just sharing and showing the bits that would suit my own agenda, can I expect anything but to come back? Not very likely.

  60. This is just so brilliant. Cleaning up the press is an inside job – I so agree. We can lament over how much junk there is in the media/world, but it doesn’t have to mean that we have to consume and take it all in and become that. And where do these self-critical, judgmental thoughts come from? It is amazing that the more we say yes to what is true, the more we empower ourselves to be able to see through what is not true.

    1. ‘Cleaning up the press is an inside job ..’ I agree Fumyio, this is a powerful statement of truth. If we were all to apply this then there is no way we would accept the lies, deceit and gossip of the current media culture.

  61. A brilliant article Adrienne reminding us of the responsibility we all hold to clean up our own press if we are wanting any true change to occur with the media. By being more accountable in our own lives we set a new standard that reflects to others the importance of energetic integrity to be the foundation with everything in life.

  62. The fact that its our own thoughts that are the most “junk” of all media that we consume each day says a number of things, firstly it was only after meeting Serge did I start to consider and fathom the possibility that thoughts are not actually ours but instead fed to us, therefore the key is not trying to stop the thoughts but change the quality of the energy that is giving me those thoughts, then perhaps we change the junk media in my head.

  63. I cannot compare myself to another that chooses to ignore truth. Why? I know when something does not feel true and I may be the only one that chooses to feel and say so but it is learning to be ok with this and the more I allow myself to feel the clearer it becomes. It’s not about wanting an outcome but being patient allowing things to unfold in their own time. Truth always comes to light.

  64. I love reading this piece- its a real reminder of what we are allowing through. Do we just let the thoughts and dialogue run or do we stop and go ‘nope, that doesn’t serve me, I better cut those thoughts’ like the movie director role you describe.

  65. I have started to ‘axe a few stories’ that I’ve been running for many years. Just yesterday I got rid of one that said I was too slow at completing work tasks. Now I’m appreciating my attention to detail and the care I take whilst working.

  66. It’s very easy to take pot shots at others, to tell them they are letting the side down, to ‘call them out’. But knowing there is no coincidence in life, what is there for us to see? Everything is positioned to help us grow, but when we blame others the gift gets lost in the post. Best to sit and own our reflections I think. Thank you Adrienne for helping us see the deeply powerful and interconnected way that life works – it’s just a medium for us to understand we are one.

  67. This is actually crucial when we start to the realise that our own internal critique actually is an energetic quality and the pool of energy we add to is not loving when we are consumed with unloving thoughts.

  68. Its very easy to go through life thinking that the way the world is, is the way the world is. Not questioning what is in front of us, but when we do start to question, there are many things we would if given the freedom to question them. say no to.

  69. It’s funny, whenever I read a story then it’s like I take a step back or more I stand still. In this slight pause I allow what I have just read to settle and from there I know where the story sits. So often when I read the current mainstream media or even when I listen to a story I give myself space to get a sense of what is being said and not just follow the direction of the words. Often the conversation comes back to certain points or when I read some points stand out and always I get a sense of more understanding. It’s like you don’t read the words, you read what’s behind the words and how in their structure where they are attempting to lead you. I find most of the time we are being drawn into a viewpoint or judgement that we don’t even agree with and then we repeat this to another as our ‘fact’. This article offers a very practical way to look at how to stop the flow of what runs in our media, including our internal media and this could be the first step to bringing all this back to what is actually the truth.

  70. I often think of this blog, it feels so relevant to the way in which many of us live. Working with teenagers I am very aware of the junk mail that they have taken on and how much more stressful and confusing this makes life for them and those around them.

  71. Thank you Adrienne, loved your expression that our internal dialogue that goes on in our head is really no different to the junk mail we read, and as we start taking responsibility for those endless thoughts and internal conversation they begin to become less negative.

  72. In the past I would not have seen that my thoughts are my own junk media yet what quality I walk around it also depends on the quality of thoughts I allow. A great reflection on the commitment that we can bring to quality on all levels.

  73. ‘What me?’ ‘No way, there’s nothing to see here!’ – it can be galling, it’s clear to consider the fact that all the thoughts we have actually add up. No wonder what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present isn’t always received with open arms. The fact that we are not just ‘free to think’ whatever we like, but it’s a consequence of a type of energy we choose is huge and confronting to face. Because it asks us, as you do here Adrienne, to accept the vital part that we play in the world that we see. Every little thing we do counts.

  74. ‘…here I was, editor-in-chief of my own internal press… and it was shabby.’ Adrienne, what you share is pertinent for us all. Perhaps stopping our wayward thoughts at the gates would change much outwardly with our relationships with everyone else!

  75. It is interesting to hear how often people will share stories from the press and know that they have been written to sensationalise the truth yet carry an air of excitement that keeps us in the drama of the story when the reality of the world continues to be ignored.

  76. “I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed.” This sentence stands out for me because if we are expecting to be entertained by the press then we cannot be surprised if we are fed a diet of ever increasing sensationalist junk stories.

  77. Since the media’s maltreatment of Universal Medicine I too have started to become more discerning as to any headline, story or claim made by others and by my own inner media reel. I can now tell when a thought is a complete lie and when certain statements in the media and in others tones of voice don’t quite feel right.

  78. Without a doubt we really do have a responsibility to love and care for ourselves in a much greater depth. It is often shocking how cruel we are to ourselves and often much worse than to anyone else. All that energy going into us has to come out, it is time to clean up our own inner environments.

  79. “There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media, and for paying attention to the possibilities behind what is being said: is it to inform, incite, ridicule, persuade, belittle, judge, scare, sensationalise, entertain, distract, sway, tell, sell, teach, preach, dramatise or to present the whole picture, without bias or emotion? ” – Absolutely, this is something that I remind myself of whenever I’m reading news pieces/ stories or headlines. Otherwise it can be a bit like jumping into a whirlpool or ocean with lots of rip tides and currents that you are getting swept away in without really being aware of it…

  80. This is a good point Adrianne, it is our responsibility to discern what is the quality of media we are choosing to run through us, what are the type of thoughts, words or movements we are being obedient to at any moment in time? as is these that create the reality that we experience for ourselves and others, nothing less and nothing more.

  81. Even with our own internal quality of thoughts, it’s an interesting question to ask ourselves “what’s the demand?”.

  82. I love coming back to this, a pertinent reminder “that cleaning up the press began with me: that my demand actually determined the quality of press that was supplied.”

  83. I like returning to this blog because we can never take our eye off the fact that we constantly have to keep looking at what we allow within ourselves that then gets reflected in our media and in our society.

  84. To re read your sharing again Adrienne is quite pertinent right now for me. I appreciate your clear and true account of how we often allow “junk media” to fill up the empty spaces of our minds and lives at times. To bring this to our awareness is to be accountable for what we allow into our perception of the world and our minds. The truth is what we are all really wanting. Thank you for a great blog.

  85. We are all responsible for the media that we have ended up with, as we have not stood up for truth. The way to bring accountability now to the media is to make sure we have it first in our own lives and then we will naturally want it in all parts of our society.

  86. If we don’t know a subject ourselves we rely on the accuracy to be presented for us and just assume it is being presented in truth – we obviously always need to be discerning and read between the lines of what is written, and what is said.

  87. As you have pointed out beautifully we all contribute to the abusive writing of the press and discerning the quality of my thoughts is my responsibility. This needs a constant focus in the way I move with myself, being present with my body and not run away from what I see and feel.

  88. A lot of the time when I read a headline or title to a news piece it feels like it’s just there to encourage judgement and condemnation of other people, rather than truly asking us to consider deeper why people act the way they do at times (that’s if the story is even factually correct).

  89. I love how you have expressed this –”As I began to pay attention to the quality of my inner-press and the effect it had on my physical and mental state of being, I started to axe certain stories that weren’t accurate or true and began to discern what the feeling was of a piece.” We need to axe the untrue stories that we have accepting as truth in our childhood and begin to discern what is true and what is not. Our body is the greatest marker of truth so it is a matter of listening to our body and the messages that it has for us.

  90. ‘it was me, in the editor’s chair, who let them go through to the keeper or not.’ What thoughts we entertain is completely up to us and the more awake we are the more we can clock the thoughts that are really not serving us at all, let alone anyone else. Cleaning up my diet, the way I live and even the way I move has been, and still is instrumental to the clarity I bring to this process.

  91. We all know the term that someone is listening to “their own press”, but what you offer takes that understanding to a whole new level. There are so many things we tell ourselves about who we are that are just rubbish, so what a great shift to say “let’s look at those thoughts with a fresh set of eyes, and nail the rubbish ones”.

  92. It is great to re read your sharing Adrienne. We all need to clean out the stories we run through our minds and have a closer look at what we allow in.

  93. It seems much easier to just consume what the media offers us as opposed to considering what is true or pure sensationalism on the part of a journalist. But is it easier, or does that actually keep us trapped in a world of fiction? What is presented as news is often now fiction, and that distinction is one that we as a society need to say no to.

  94. Gosh we like so to point the finger at the press and the lies that they tell. It’s true that these things are really not right. But what we seem to refuse to see is that it all begins with the lies we entertain within ourselves, within you and me. Then from there we tend to let them slide with other people too. Like a fantasy story these lies entertain, stimulate, and fill up our lives, but ultimately as you show Angela we know they are not true. So why indulge any longer when in our body we actually know what’s right?

  95. Our internal press, the personal junk media you talk about, can feel like regurgitating the same old, same old over and over again; it reminds me very much of chewing one’s cud and the results are always predictable – anxiety, worry, concerns, doubts, etc. etc.

  96. Thank you Adrienne, being honest with ourselves and willing to call out what is not true in our own lives…including the internal dialogue, enables us to see through the lies we are being fed and also feeding when we are not.

  97. I love this- that we need to clean up our own internal dialogue and know our own truth to then be able to read and discern truth in the world. We need to call it to account in ourselves first and this then offers us the ability to speak from a truth lived.

  98. I love the awareness that this blog brings to the “inner press” that we have. Are we circulating lies about ourselves or are we enriching our life through connecting more and more to the infinite well of wisdom that lies within each of us?

  99. The media are extremely deliberate in seeding discussions that keep us enthralled and entertained by this mess we have created for ourselves.

    1. Yes, the media knows exactly where the hooks are and how to pull the strings; creation feeding creation. It leaves us with the responsibility to consider how we may be adding to that.

    2. Yes, and as Adrienne exposes so well we are our own copy writer and editor-in-chief that keeps us enthralled in the illusion of creation.

  100. We’ve all seen headlines that scream from the page, and seem extreme and unfair to read. But why do we just turn a blind eye and let them sit there? Perhaps as you show Angela because we readily let these libellous phrases slide, in our mind. But after reading your blog I can’t go on entertaining things I know are not right. If it’s not true or loving it has no place in my life.

  101. Thank you for bringing back the responsibility factor on our part in this, Adrienne. We have all seen how corrupt the media is, they manipulate, lie and all that, yet at the end of the day, they supply what is being demanded. Sometimes I feel like I really don’t know what to do – I don’t want to be ignorant and I want to know what’s going on in the world, but there’s so much untruth circulated so perhaps I shouldn’t bother wasting my time trying to keep up with it – but reading your article, I can feel my unwillingness to take responsibility.

  102. That we have our own internal press is a brilliant way to look at this. What stories am I as the editor letting though to press? Brilliant.

  103. The treatment of Serge Benhayon in the press was a real eye opener. Why? Because, this is something we know very well and we have followed very closely. This is different from other things which we do not really know first hand and may have just opinions on it. Yet, if the press is able to come up with a story which by any counts is false about Serge Benhayon, what on Earth guarantees that what I read about anything else is true?

  104. There is little honesty, truth and true care in the world that to not discern opens us to being bombarded by everything else. I love the responsibility you have taken to address your internal media and the quality of your own expression so that anything you are not living is clearly seen for the falseness or lack of true quality it projects and can therefore not be taken on or circulated further.

  105. I think a lot of what is in the media today should come with a health warning – being gossip, here-say and outright lies and manipulation to create sensationalism. It is indeed wise to be always discerning of the energy behind what we are reading or watching and to be honest with ourselves about what it is we are seeking – to be entertained or distracted or to be informed of the truth…

  106. How do we speak? What do we say? What do we think? Everyday we are a certain way – but honestly is that energy the real you? Other people may be entertained or seem to be fooled but underneath we all know the truth. After reading this post Adrienne, I feel it’s simply a matter of how long the piece of string is before we understand we are not getting away with the way that we act, but only getting away from the true facts. I’m ready to change that.

  107. This blog reminds me of the fact that we cannot call out abuse in another if we are not calling out abuse within our own life. This is why the media get away with what they do because people are allowing abuse in their relationships, in their workplaces, in their lives in general and are therefore immune to it in many ways. The more we say NO to any form of denigration, disrespect, abuse etc the more we will be able to call it out when we encounter it in organizations like the media.

  108. ‘I also began to notice how I was in myself, what I was looking for – what my demand was.’ I have shocked myself in the past as to how I actually relished some of the rubbish that got through to my head and wanted to lodge itself there. I can understand how people want to twist the truth in order to justify their own agendas. This practise is extremely harmful and now being more and more aware of it on more and more subtle levels I feel a responsibility in deconstructing it and allowing the absolute truth to shine through.

  109. They say we now live in the age of false news, but I say that age was already upon us, just not so aptly named, nor so obvious. For a long time the media has been able to hide those memebers of its constituency who continue to lie, if not outright, then by twisting the context in which the truth is presented, or equally by ommiting key facts that would otherwise present a different story. And they have been able to hide those unscrupulous journalists primarily because there is no independent system of accountability to keep them in check.

  110. Great contribution, convincing parallels between the junk media and our internal dialogue; being “editor-in-chief of my own internal press” strikes me as a very healthy and supportive way to look at what goes on between our ears, mostly unquestioned and uncensored, in some kind of passive and meek submission.

  111. I love coming back to this blog and re-connecting to the fact that it is just as important to look at how we are with ourselves internally as how we operate externally. The example that you may not eat junk food but had an internal junk food diet is a great way of showing the importance of looking at both, as it can be easy to say that you are healthy because the way you eat, but may have some unhealthy internal stuff going on.

    1. I can totally relate to what you have shared Sarah for the quality of our relationship with ourselves is the foundation of the quality of relationship we have with everyone and everything else.

  112. Brilliant Adrienne, there is something arrogant inside of us, a spriit that refuses point blank to see that everything we experience in this world has an inbuilt message for you and for me – a reading about the way we are in life. By hiding from this, we hide from seeing the part that we play and evolving and changing our choices and energy. Without this honesty, there just becomes a ceaseless repetition of false lies and games with no evolution.

  113. There is indeed a tsunami of junk running through most heads most of the time… To clear up this, to rise above this constant tide of disruption, is akin to being the Lotus growing out of the polluted lake… It is most definitely possible and extraordinarily beautiful when it happens.

  114. ‘Is it possible that obesity, weight issues and heaviness of being are related not just to food, but to the quality of what we consume through all our senses combined – hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and feeling?’ Awesome question! As I read media headings I can see how junk food and junk-media go hand in hand – a person needs to dull their awareness of just how anti-love the junk is. The junk media incites separation and conflict, the inverse of who we are so it is no wonder we fight our selves through eating what makes us feel heavy; and then read what takes us further away from our inner harmony so we can’t feel how disruptive what we consume actually is; and so on.

  115. This is a great call for us to take responsibility for the quality of our thoughts, words and actions and allow them to be imbued with the truth we all have access to deep within us. When we stand on this rock solid foundation all that is thrown at us will crumble to dust if not made of the same substance. We can only be fed lies if we live them.

  116. Adrienne, you are spot on here. We have to clean up our own internal ‘trash’ before we can expect to see more truth and respect in our media. As you say, cleaning up our own act is all part of making different choices in life and not engaging with lies that serve only to keep humanity in the dark.

  117. A brilliant lesson in responsibility. We are responsible for the press we get because we accept it, we choose it, we read it, we allow it. The media will write and present what gives them the most attention and hence what sells copy or increases ratings. The consumer is therefore the one with the power and the responsibility here. We are the ones with the power to demand a respectful and truthful media that serves our evolution rather than our desire to be entertained. Great blog Adrienne, thank you.

    1. If we live full of truth we cannot be fed a lie. Our palate is satiated; there is no appetite for them.

  118. So many of us would say so readily that the news and media that we see is a million miles from where it should be. A lot, like me, might go further and say they carefully select and dissect the news that comes their way. But how many of us are actually willing to look at the thoughts we ‘self-publish’ everyday? Is there part of us that still thinks that if no one else gets to read and receive these words and lines then abuse and white lies are ok? Well as you show Adrienne, boy oh boy that isn’t so. The deception and half truths we let through build up and litter our life and like any old newspaper, build bad attitudes, blame and distrust. For we all know and are built with every cell to read and sense the truth.

  119. I will take away the potential for what we consume on all levels to contribute to the weight we carry in our bodies. Understanding obesity and weight issues has been an interest of mine for so long and this is something I have started to notice so your proposal is not so ‘out there’ actually!

  120. I am really sitting with how cleaning up our own relationship with truth and honesty means we are more discerning about what we read and accept as truth. The barometer becomes more sensitive and this can only be a great thing – way beyond good!

  121. Adrienne I love the analogy you use here and the question you pose ‘what stories are we running in our own heads?’ We can, it is true, complain and judge the media for the damaging and false stories they publish, and not ever look at ourselves. Without conscious presence and awareness we easily get sucked into our own internal stories, headlines and are ruled by them when we could instead be the constant and steady observer, sifting, editing, and deleting damaging stories as they arise.

  122. Discerning our thoughts is an ongoing process that never ends. Our thoughts can be like the media that love nothing better than to run with a story that in truth does not support humanity or bring truth to the world and is what I call ‘blah’, you are right Adrienne it starts with us first, if we bring more clarity and understanding to our thoughts then the media will not be able to get away with the stories and lies they are notorious for.

  123. ‘What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense?’ This makes so much sense, our body is a very sensitive instrument and it is very needed we take the whole picture in consideration. We have the responsibility to truly take care for ourselves including the quality of our own thoughts and how these are both the end result of what we consume and the begin of what we will consume.

  124. ‘As I began to pay attention to the quality of my inner-press and the effect it had on my physical and mental state of being, I started to axe certain stories that weren’t accurate or true and began to discern what the feeling was of a piece.’ This is a great way to care for ourselves. There can be a lot of clutter in our minds which gets in the way of our relating to ourselves and others with clarity and simplicity. The quality of our inner press can have a huge influence on this too. A daily declutter and de tox of our inner press could be beneficial on all sorts of levels….and would probably mean that detox diets and problems with food would become a thing of the past.

  125. I recently start to take more responsibility about my own media/information consumed, what feels great to do. Last week I was in a waiting room of my doctor and tempted to look in one of those magazines you do not buy but have a go for when they are ‘hanging around’ – but I did resist! And felt great after that. I can see how I would be ‘filled up’ with gossip I do not need and in fact nobody does and I was now free of this. I felt a space in me, which would be otherwise filled with this nonsense and emotional stuff. So when I met the doctor I was very still and open for a meeting. This was supportive for me and my relationships, I found.

  126. The more clear I become with my ‘own press’ the easier it is to discern the quality of what is being presented in the papers, magazines and on the internet. The clarity within brings a clarity in my observation, as how I am on the inside will be presented to me from the outside. How beautiful it is to live in the knowing that everything is energy and everything is because of energy as it brings back simplicity into my life. something is true or not, and never anywhere in between.

  127. For many years I have stopped reading journalism from mass media because of its lack of truth, but what is out there is a reflection of what is within us collectively, so it is wise to clean up my clutter within first.

  128. I love the title of this blog. ‘Cleaning up my own press” takes responsibility and a willingness to see how we can easily be driven by ideals and beliefs that are often not our own. Having recently taken the steps to consciously read and read deeply the messages of what I see on print and what is offered through the media. I have come to the realisation that the truth is limited and when people choose to write with truth they are often criticised or verbally downplayed for their contributions. A great start with this blog in another way that brings reality to a not so real world.

  129. I love the perspective of our responsibility in not only our consumption of food but also every medium available on this Earth.

    Hits home the message something all has a meaning.

  130. In these current times when the words ‘post truth’ and ‘false news’ are being used to water down and make normal, a lie, we are in dire trouble. How much is this showing us where we within ourselves and our own thinking, the lies we tell ourselves about ourselves and life?
    It bears taking into consideration as one of the most effective means of stopping the rot.

  131. What we consume mentally really is no different to what we consume physically ie. food or drinks. What is more tricky is that mentally we can be consuming and even indulging in thoughts all day long without not truly realizing the effects this is having on us, and others.

  132. Media mediates between us and stories they bring to us. They also select what we do read and what we do not get to read about. In a sense they provide images of the world for us that we take on. For this reason, media has an enormous responsibility in its hands. The problem is that power can be easily abused if journalists want to. Nothing stands in the way of abusing the power we give them.

  133. What a great tip! Feeling the quality of our thoughts and what they present. Powerful yet so practical!

  134. The power of the media has been recognized for centuries… the ability to manipulate whole societies has been a foundation of many corrupt regimes

  135. Another great sharing Adrienne- your words make me sit back and contemplate my choices in each moment and the impact they have.

  136. Adrienne the problem I’ve always had is thinking that my thoughts are mine, its something that Serge has presented on many times before yet in some way I often find myself having a thought that I accept as mine. When the reality is if there are any thoughts they are not mine and any unloving thoughts certainly don’t come from a quality of energy that I hold as true.

  137. Gossip and innuendo were all the rage at school, and continue to be the rage in adult life. We seek to be entertained, and thus why we created a market for sensationalism, that the media moguls, like a good drug dealer, simply responded to. A simple case of supply and demand.

  138. An internal overhaul of the mind, a detox, we do it so we feel vital and to cleanse our body so why not for our filter system for the mind, great to bring this to the fore Adrianne, as I am well aware of the slippery manner in which thoughts come in, especially when we read or hear information that we have not fully discerned and felt.

  139. This is a great reread of a great blog. Yes, yes , yes Adrienne this is so relatable to so many of us. . . . . “I didn’t eat junk food but I had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media.” . . . Everything, absolutely everything starts at home. How can we feign shock and horror at what is obviously wrong with the media when we allow endless putdowns and self denigrations to ‘go through to the keeper’ without editing or correcting any of it. This is so telling of how complacent we are in the world . . . a truly BRILLIANT OBSERVATION.

  140. Brilliantly expressed Adrienne, what if the corruption we see in our world is simply a mirror to the corruption that we let go on inside you and me? For honestly, how often do we let slide thoughts that are not loving and accept behaviours that are harsh or cutting. Truly this is the greatest news story of the century, that should be on every front page, to say that we all have much more power than we may think to change the world, the environment and our lives today through the energy and truth we live every day.

  141. Drama it seems is the norm in our world be that which is incited by our wayward thoughts or the media, tv programs or friends lives. Whatever our flavor of drama, the reality is all of it pulls, coerces, tantalizes and distracts us from being present and connected to our own life.

  142. The freedom to write whatever you want without credible sanctions leads a lot of people to write truly horrendous material. It is not just journalists, we see the same all over the internet.

  143. It is an old story – what journalists write is very credible and persuasive until they write about something that we know very well. Then we notice what is truly happening.

  144. This is gold Adrienne ‘Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally.’ How different would our lives be if we all took this level of responsibilty in our own lives, for starters the world would be able to discern what they read from the media and the media would have to starting reporting the truth as the public would no longer put up with false reporting and sensationalist stories.

  145. I can really relate to this line, “I was consuming a lot of drama that wound me up or dragged me down and either way there was no rest.” A fascinating way to look at the absolute rubbish that pours through our minds and the jolt your blog has brought to clean it up.

  146. Yes this was a huge wake up call to me too Adrienne. Knowing the enormous integrity and truth Serge Benhayon has stood for well over a decade, it was such a shock to see him and his organisation Universal Medicine so viciously attacked. You don’t think this could happen to something so genuine. You think where there is smoke there is fire and so all the reports in the media about scurrilous people have to be true to some extent. Since these events I have not taken any media report for granted and if felt it significant enough, have done my own independent research.

  147. I used to be an avid newspaper reader, until I started to feel how slanted the news really was, and how much it was biased without actually giving a balanced view of any situation. I remember when news was based on truth, and totally factual. Are the newspapers a reflection of how we ourselves as a society are now living?

  148. The internal media that runs in our head is often ignored and fuelled with the added insights from biased writing and outward lies that is the world we live in today. Taking the responsibility to notice this is the difference in standing in truth with what you know is the real Serge Benhayon and the livingness that he shows everyone in his daily life. Our heads can over ride but our bodies are a true marker of what we know deep down is the real deal!

  149. This is such a powerful blog Adrienne and one that everyone can easily relate to. A compelling incentive to be more responsible, discerning and to clean up our “own press”.

  150. ‘We get obese from too much food and a sedentary lifestyle, but what happens when we consume too much junk media, junk music, junk literature?’ Great question Adrienne and questioning the world around us like this is exactly the way we need to open our eyes to see the correlations and ripple effect of our choices on our lives and the world around us.

  151. I love how this article takes it to a personal level and looks at the junk media we are allowing into our mental space. For this kind of media pollutes our whole body and our whole perception of life.

  152. Great re-reading this again. It is such an important subject you raise, the significance of which you eloquently express here, Adrienne. Also an apt reminder for me to be more rigorous in my editing.

  153. Adrienne great to re read your sharing today. I appreciate that our internal media is very important, as you mentioned, and what stories are now showing on our radar about ourselves. Are we putting ourselves down ? Not feeling good enough etc. The truth as you say, is in needing to clean up our own internal media first and this then can lead to being more discerning in all areas of media.

  154. Another area I have just become aware of either accepting or questioning is our dreams. Last night I had an example of a fairly distressing dream that caused me to wake, it was a dream to get me emotionally hooked into a scenario that I could relate to, but certainly would not have become involved and agitated in, in real life. I had that day a powerful session with an esoteric practitioner and I feel this was another way to infiltrate the stillness I was feeling. So once again to discern the quality we allow to come into our thoughts and into our bodies moment by moment.

  155. You touch upon something that could be on the front news – you introduce that the thoughts we have are a result of us calling them in and also that the quality of our thoughts is determined by how we are with ourselves, which I presume means how we walk, how we move. This means that if we have negative thoughts we could change all of that by intentionally move in a different way. Of course if we feel like we want to wallow in our stuff then it might be hard to change but if we are willing we could consciously change our posture, stance and our thoughts might also change. Very powerful and revelatory for the field of psychology, psychiatry and for everyone that lives basically.

  156. This blog is brilliant- because it actually shows us that there is more truth to what we think, see and experience. That we are indeed the consumers and that energy is constantly coming through us. So if we choose for junk food we actually allow ourselves to have the energy of junk through our bodies. The same for anger, we can choose to be part of this emotion by choosing to express it or not. There is so much going on that we must come to sense and truly feel what energy we are living from – is this emotions, reactions, or actual acceptance and understanding?

  157. I love coming back to this. We can be our (or actually we are) our own editors of our lives. What we choose to go to ‘print’ is our own choice. Responsibility is the new black.

  158. “I didn’t eat junk food but I had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media.” what a great reflection to look at. How often do we have thoughts that seem crazy, out of place, yet we run with them as if they are our thoughts. Time to clean them up.

  159. We can all stand from afar and throw stones, but it takes true courage and humbleness to understand how we all ultimately contribute to the evil we all detest.

  160. Such a brilliant blog Adrienne, a standout line in amongst the great wisdom you offer here is… “We get obese from too much food and a sedentary lifestyle, but what happens when we consume too much junk media, junk music, junk literature? What would be healthy choices if what we read, watched and listened to could be measured for ‘empty calories’ that stir us up as they weigh us down?” These are questions we need to start asking ourselves, broadening the catchment of ‘lifestyle choices’ to include the myriad of choices we make every day, including many of those you mention. This is not so strange given we already know certain music makes us feel things we do or don’t like, certain thoughts most definitely lift us up, or drag us down etc. We already know what supports us, and what doesn’t, we just don’t take the step you have offered and consider that every one of our choices in every moment is affecting the body and it’s state of harmony, or not.

  161. Wow Adrienne, I had not read your blog for a while and it certainly did wake me up, what thoughts do I allow and how do they not only influence my health but also contribute to what is there in the world what we can read, see, hear, feel what is not of truth.

  162. Great to read this again, a favorite. This blog has supported me to recognize more and more that the buck stops with me and what I allow into my head. I have often ‘thought’ “where do thoughts come from?” It’s like thoughts are streaming past and through and all around us and we catch the ones we have some form of identification with along with many that we don’t, for how often do we also say “what on earth made me think that?”

  163. My rubbish internal media has reduced a lot since attending Universal Medicine presentations and becoming aware of how toxic it is. Appreciating myself has supported me hugely, even more so when I clock I am being hard on myself. Great to re-read your blog Adrienne.

  164. I indulged in a toxic diet of internal media for many years and it is only since starting to focus on appreciation that I have recognised how much I have sabotaged myself with the constant thoughts running through my head about not being good enough etc Bringing more reality into my internal life has also given me a greater ability to discern where others are being true or not which supports me in my everyday dealings with others at home and work.

  165. I love how you present that ‘Cleaning up the press is an inside job’ and can totally relate to in the past being willing to consume endless media stories that if I had only felt into would have clearly known that there was very little, if no truth in. The fact that I chose to switch off my internal censor and get lost in the drama of news stories was most definitely a distraction from not wanting to feel what was going on around me. I am still refining how to stay abreast of what is happening in the world without absorbing the drama but accepting that I won’t always get it right is part of the process.

  166. Magnificent fact filled blog, we can complain all we want about the media but the buck stops at our own door. What do I want to read and see and hear, is it for drama or do I really want the truth. Drama is an easy sell and one that hooks us in, but does it make us bloated just like food as Adrienne shares. The lies we are fed are like a poison in our bodies, disharmonising and filling so many of us with what is not love, so what is it, is it hate, evil, anger,any number of emotions, polluting our bodies. Cleaning up our own intake is such a positive step, discerning what we are fed from the sources that surround us every day in the ocean of energy we live in.

  167. Recently I have been more drawn to listening to the news on the radio, I love keeping up with what is going on in the world but I notice there is a fine line between information and stimulation, when I listen to be stimulated I am likely to absorb the news and feel anxious or sad.

  168. A great article Adrienne, and great correlation between the junk media out there in the world press and our own junk media running in our heads. The thing is we can feel what is true or not with the thoughts running in our heads, these junky thoughts can be gone in an instant by the press of the delete button.

  169. Consuming junk media is up there as one of the greatest poisons of our time. Stories laced with ideals, beliefs, sensationalism, separatism, judgment – all encouraging irresponsibility and dis-connection.

  170. This is a great correlation… Junk food and junk media… And all the disinformation that goes with it… For how many years did we think that drinking straight orange juice was good for us… And now of course we realize that it’s just a extremely concentrated sugar hit… That’s the problem with junk stuff in general… It feels so good when it’s going down but gosh when hits the bottom doesn’t it had a devastating effect.

  171. Good point this blog has made, the quality of our livingness will determine our ability to discern truth.

  172. Our own internal media and what we allow to fill our minds is actually what has brought us to this place of such corrupt and false media. But it doesn’t stop there it influences how we care for ourselves and how we are with another. The constant movie of our own making that keeps us from the truth that we cannot deny. That being, inside each of us is a part of ourselves that knows the lack of integrity that we live, a part of us that constantly nudges us to claim back our integrity, care, love and the very natural truth, that we love all, dearly.

  173. Great points you make Adrienne about cleaning up our internal press and catching the quality of our thoughts as this has an impact on what we accept more broadly. In the past few years my eyes have been opened much more to what is going on around us and how many agendas and games are played in terms of what we are presented with in the media, within organisations, within politics and so many things in the world. I think sometimes we accept this as it is delivered because we don’t fully want to see all of the rot.

  174. How often do we let broad generalisations pass for true facts? How often do we let out cheap ‘funny’ but snide remarks? How often do we stretch the evidence to fit a case we would so like to prove? Your words make it clear Adrienne that so many of us are living in a way that is just not true and so naturally, the harsh media we rail against is just a mirror for our own corrupted expression. How confronting but wow how powerful, because we all have the option to stop our own press and choose a strong and distinct new editorial direction.

  175. We all like to blame the media, and with good reason, but as Mencken famously said, “No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”

    Of course, I would argue that if you offer hungry people bread, they will eat bread. That does not mean they like it, just that they are starving for something. Give them the opportunity to choose between bread and an apple, and then we will know the truth of Mencken’s statement. Unfortunately the media and press today seem to be drifting inexorably towards the former, and so the truth is we cannot know what the true call of the people is whilst ever we are given such tripe as offering.

    Worse still, we have been offered bread for so long, we have come to acquire a taste for it, and were the media to offer us the truth of an apple, then I am not sure there would be many who would recognise its taste, let alone treasure it. After all, truth is often bitter-sweet. Much better to remain in the comfort of being entertained by such meagre offerings. It is less confronting.

  176. Adrianne, you have raised a very important point of how it is our responsibility to discern what is behind what is presented by the media nowadays, it is only by knowing truth in our bodies that we can dismantle the corrupted way the media is used today. Thank you.

  177. Regarding media, we tend to live with our eyes closed, allowing to be fed by them and trusting that this is it…. until we experience first hand how sleazy is the relationship between the press and what you absolutely know to be truth.

  178. Brilliant brilliant brilliant. We not only allow in and entertain junk media internally but by allowing it to continue in thoughts and images unchecked, we also propagate it.

  179. I love how you brought the need to clean up the media back to us and whether we are taking responsibility for the media that we are consuming. Everyone has a voice and if we remain silent then we are contributing to the junk media that we currently have.

  180. This blog loses none of its power and beauty when revisited another of many times. It is so supportive around discernment and awareness and no longer allowing ‘junk press’, particularly that of our own making an entry point. For me, being true to myself and saying no to what is trying to enter and make ‘front page news’ in my head is a work in progress but catching these stories as they come in and letting them go no further gives me a clean sheet of paper on which to record the truth.

  181. “Is it possible that obesity, weight issues and heaviness of being are related not just to food, but to the quality of what we consume through all our senses combined – hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and feeling?” Great point Adrienne. When we weigh ourselves down without discernment to junk listening, junk reading, junk objects and stuff, junk food and drink and junk thinking there is a heaviness that drags us down so that we are no longer aware of the lightness and beauty that we naturally are.

  182. “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch” So true Adrienne if we are living with little self regard we will not be able to distinguish and discern the many lies that are all around us. By being true to ourselves and living that truth to the best of our ability allows us see through that which is not.

  183. Hi Adriennne, I love what you have exposed here. How can we feel into the truth of what the Media are putting in print when we are allowing so much internal junk mail to have it’s way relentlessly without ‘proofing’ it, or for taking responsibility for it. I loved your comment – ‘Cleaning up the press is an inside job’, – it is time we cleaned up our own internal dialogue so that we can bring a clear vehicle to all that is happening in the world and live with the energetic responsibility and integrity we are.

  184. We are so used to just regurgitating what has been said to us, starting very early in exams in school, with cultural identities, with what we identify with in general, with all the beliefs and ideals that have been said to us, we are so used to just bringing these up that the alternative is unthinkable, and yet it is this alternative, to connect so deeply within us that we are able to bring true and ancient wisdom into our everyday life that is within the reach of everyone of us.

  185. The way Universal Medicine has been portrayed by the media is a blatant example of how corrupt and misleading the media can be. Im sure not everybody in the media is misleading however in the instance of the Universal Medicine example it has been the case

  186. Such a great article Adrienne. I can also feel I need to start with me, with what’s running through my own head and discard the rubbish thoughts. It feels quite lax for me to have not been discerning the internal stories, especially when they are just as damaging as a sensationalist newspaper story.

  187. As has been stated the media holds enormous power, regularly manipulates the truth and often lacks integrity; discerning what is presented by the press is indeed our responsibility.
    A very interesting blog to read thank you Adrienne.

  188. Coming back to the cycle of supply and demand. The fact that the media is such a commodity and in the state it is currently in (corruption and all) shows that users have on some level asked for it to be this way. Each time we allow ourselves to be tantalised by a sensationalised story or hollywood gossip we are in effect supporting media platforms to work without integrity, be it by stalking and invading a famous person or to write from bias and hidden agendas to propagate predetermined public perception on certain issues and topics. The responsibility of media agencies is HUGE and sorely lacking – just because there is a demand for such rubbish to be published doesn’t make it ‘ok’ to publish it. Media also remains much too influenced by the people that own the platforms.

    1. Great comment Abby. The media through the quality of the content (good or bad) has a powerful and often manipulative influence on people, and because we are talking about masses of people herein lies the corruption. On the one end of the continuum we have the media encouraging a superficial and abusive culture with celebrity trash stories and soft porn photos, and influencing the public to vote a certain way with agenda based political stories, or we have journalists of integrity exposing the rot and inviting the public to have a relationship with the truth to make their own choices about how to responsibly respond.

  189. I hadn’t stopped to consider before the possible link between obesity and what we are consuming in other ways in our life. It makes sense to me as we are living in an age when people everywhere are seeking relief from emptiness, loneliness and hurts etc and eating food is just one of the ways to numb, hold onto things and give ourselves comfort. But, as you suggest Adrienne, what is the quality of our media consumption? It is definitely worth considering and perhaps doing a massive clean out of the junk files.

  190. A great analogy – the quality of our demand determines the very quality of our internal press. So, discerning our inner quality at all times becomes a pre-requisite for managing our levels of internal junk media.

    1. Discerning the critical thoughts and letting them go is key to developing true appreciation for ourselves. When we understand that our thoughts are fed to us from whatever consciousness we are aligned to, it becomes easy to see how we can keep ourselves down in a vicious cycle of self destruction.

  191. Hmmm a toxic diet we allow in our internal media… this is a great reminder of the responsibility we have to pay attention to the quality of thoughts and the effect they have on us, and as a result, others. It is up to us to discern what is acceptable and what is not and choose the quality internally that we want to see out in the world.

  192. The paucity of fundamental integrity has been exposed again and again in our media, to a point that beggars belief… What is always needed now is for us all to know ourselves to the point where we bring that reflected and reawakened wisdom to the world, so that each one of us is able to be a fulcrum of honesty that will innately realign the world.

  193. It is not until you sit on the inside of a story being told by the media that you start to really understand just how much power the media hold, and how easy it is for them to manipulate the truth to suit their own agenda.

    1. Yes so true. I remember years ago on a mountain walk and at the peak a politician was there with the media crew. We left before them and got caught in a big rain and when I read the article the next day about the politician and the walk, one of the lines was ‘fortunately he did not get caught in the rain’ and I was like what a load of rubbish. He absolutely got caught in the rain because I was there and knew he would have. And then I wondered why would they even write about the rain (it was not relevant to the topic) and why would they lie? It was my first hand experience of media lying and it got me wondering what else they lie about???? And now again in the midst of Universal Medicine, the lies that they are printing are abhorrent. We need to discern for ourselves what is true.

  194. This is a great blog to read again. What you share is so apt. Internal or external media, there really is very little difference, our thoughts can run uncensored and unregulated as does a lot of the media these days. Perhaps when we begin to be more responsible in our own thinking the external media will also begin to evolve.

  195. It is Allowing ourselves to feel in, connect with the responsibility that is inherent in simply having a human body… This may sound simplistic but when we start tuning towards what our bodies are telling us then it makes a lot of sense.

  196. This is such a great blog Adrienne, thank you for taking us deeper into discerning what runs in our own heads.The link you made to main stream media is very apt and powerful; “There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media”; external and internal!

  197. Love what you have written here Adrienne, how true it is what you have shared! We are so consumed by external media, then to ask what is going on with our internal media?! Really enlightening, to ask oneself what is that dialogue? How much time energy and effort is put into that air time in our head? For me, asking these questions had been a great reminder to look at what I give energy to and what I could choose to focus on. Very inspiring!!

  198. The self-responsibility you present here Adrienne is pretty spot on. If our internal media and thoughts are there for entertaining and stimulating then that is what we will seek on the outside as well. So really blaming the media without looking at the gatekeeper as to what is acceptable in society (each and every one of us) is never going to solve anything.

  199. There is so much in life that we look to entertain us – the media included. This in itself is fine, but perhaps we should look to ask ourselves why we need such constant stimulation to keep us feeling alive. Our media is truly of our own making, and so long as it satisfies our craving, we will accept the corrupt underbelly that lies beneath.

  200. Adrienne a thought provoking sharing, of our need to not only look to truth in the Media but also our own internal media! Just as important! Thank you Adrienne a great blog that I’m sure would make such a difference to us all if we were aware of these facts.

  201. So beautiful Adrienne, what you have depicted here is so accurate in terms of how we consume ‘junk media’. I love your concept of what a healthy ‘media’ diet would consist of. Indeed there are many avenues that I can feel would not fit into this category. Overall though, what you have said about developing our own quality first is imperative, as this allows us then to have a marker from which to work from and discern whether what we are feeling is in line with that or not. Connecting to our essence is key in this process, as it is a marker of Divine love. Anything then that is not in line with this (which also encompasses Truth, that comes from unity and brotherhood), therefore can be discerned as ‘not it’.

  202. “What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense?” Thank you Adrienne. I never thought of the junk I might read or listen to as bloating my life. This does make a lot of sense. Time to use a big broom, and let discernment and inner feelings in.

  203. Thanks Adrienne. I hadn’t really associated my relationship with the external media as a parallel with my own internal media. As I was reading I can see where there is some aspects where I am quite diligent but there are others that are definitely weighing me down. What I am also seeing on reflection is that I use the most energy with the parts that I allow to either numb or distract me away from a deeper quality of discernment. Definitely time to clean up the media files!

  204. Adrienne, this is a totally awesome blog. Your words are alive and are literally dancing around with wisdom, truth and joy.

    1. I just love how you share how important it is for our own health and wellbeing to responsibly live our everyday discerning truth from untruths according to our own inner wisdom. ’As I began to pay attention to the quality of my inner-press and the effect it had on my physical and mental state of being, I started to axe certain stories that weren’t accurate or true and began to discern what the feeling was of a piece’. This is a brilliant analogy and wise words for us all to found our living days upon.

  205. Awesome blog Adrienne, taking stock of what we feed ourselves in our inner media can yield some surprising insights. What we continue to pound ourselves with every day will be a huge influence on how we see the world and ourselves, and how that plays out in our interactions with everyone and with life. If our first step is taking stock and seeing truly where we are at, then our next step can come from a place of greater awareness.

  206. Even though I have always known the media holds little or no responsibility for how it reports, it wasn’t until the vicious attacks on Universal Medicine students, Serge Benhayon and his family that I got to see the immense damage and harm this irresponsibility causes. What the media should have been reporting on was the crime being committed against an innocent family and an organisation that is dedicated 24/7 to supporting and helping humanity – a crime perpetrated by a few internet trolls hellbent on a hate campaign and using every avenue on the internet as well as direct harassment and lobbying of government.
    MEDIA – the real story is – how can such a small group continue to manipulate government agencies, police (even after being proven time and time again innocent) and other agencies as well as harassment of employee workplaces – without being pulled up by the law, without being made accountable. MEDIA – the other story here is- how is it that the media jumped on the bandwagon of internet trolls rather than bringing full impartiality and openness and true investigation, and the responsibility you bring to report the truth vs the irresponsibility of magnifiying exponentially the harm initiated by a handful of internet trolls. MEDIA – what you could have truly written and still have that opportunity, is the story of the century.

  207. When I read this article a while back I loved this quote and I still do, it is so powerful “It felt like there was an ‘internal media’ running inside my head 24 hours a day.” We all have this occurring, images and words fly through, tantalise us, tease us, distract us and we get to choose whether we go along for the ride or not. I have been practicing not taking up these thoughts and I will continue to practice because, when I choose to say No, I find space, there is more space to feel still, joyful, appreciative, love, all the aspects of life that actually support me. I have also been aware that I had been doing really well, challenging the yucky, nasty thoughts but had some how been letting some of the “nice” ones through, I suddenly became aware “what is the quality of that, even though it ‘looks nice’, realised I didn’t need that in there either and said “that’s not me…” and let it go. We can not be still and observe life when we have this ‘internal media’ chugging away, letting go of it with practice supports life.

  208. Well said Adrienne, when we clean up our internal stories we realise how we allow our minds to carelessly run. ‘Gradually, the quality of my internal media went from rubbish to beginning to have the qualities of respectful expression – truth, tenderness and care.’

  209. This blog is a great reality check Adrienne, if cleaning up our own internal press was adopted as a daily responsibility, we wouldn’t need any sensational stories from the media, and as you have written, we would be more discerning about what we consume. We are responsible for what we have allowed.

  210. I love this article, thank you Adrienne. It brings it all back to each and every one of us. Every one of us has the responsibility to look at and clean up what is theirs to be looked at and cleaned up. We can keep pointing fingers but if we do not start with ourselves and keep refining and refining the way we are living with full responsibility nothing will much change only the anger, frustration and fury will rise with the blaming of others leaving us powerless in our seats.

  211. We are what we consume. It is enough to see the newsstands and the proliferation of trashy publications on offer to realise that the market is responding to a demand. This equals to a mental and emotional pollution on a grand scale. Thank you Adrienne for bringing this in the open. Only through discernment and connecting to ourselves can we wean ourselves of junk journalism. So yes we are what we consume but with the potential to be so much more.

  212. ‘What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense?’ Wow Adrienne, they should print this blog in the papers. You are so right and everyone should be reading this. The media we consume indeed has a second life in our minds. I have known for a long time that whatever I am thinking has effect on how I feel and the way you describe this process and compare it to the impact the external media has on us, is just brilliant. They are both equally damaging if we just let it all run through us without discerning where it is coming from, what it is set out to achieve and without feeling whether there is any truth to it.

  213. Seeing the way Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have been reported really was a wake up call for me to appreciate the extent of the corruption in our media. Being discerning of what we read and what we are looking for ourselves in an article is crucial if want to have a media that presents us with only truth.

  214. Adrienne, I love the parallel you have made between what is written in the press and the commentary we run in our heads.
    Both can, and often do, give us stories that are misrepresentations and distortions of the truth.
    As you have so wisely suggested we must take responsibility to clean up our own press; as well as speaking up for truth in the wider press.

  215. Incredible blog, this has offered me a very different awareness to media in relation to myself. Seeing it as having an inner-press is confirming me a truth. As I hold a truth inside, but I can also feel how I have let non-truth inside as well, I could call this indeed my false press that I live with and have to discard in order to stay true to my inner-press. Beautifully put and inspirational!

  216. Wow Adrienne this really is a cracker of an article. It opens up so many possibilities in prying apart my own running press of junk media (often songs from work on loop). If the media are now run on entertainment and avoidance over truth then it makes a a lot of sense that this is happening closer to home (in our heads) than we may want to be aware of. I know from experience that this internal chatter happens and brings with it frustration and other emotions but then what is the need for the chatter because without the demand it wouldn’t occur. Thank you for sharing this.

  217. We have all been ‘fed’ so much ‘copy’ all through our lives, by sources that, if investigated , would not prove to be a reliable source, and yet we live by this information and even regurgitate it as if it were gospel truth. The only way through this morass is to know ourselves through and through so that we have a lodestone of truth within ourselves, and with this awareness we can have a true perspective on the world.

    1. ‘The only way through this morass is to know ourselves through and through’, so beautifully said Chris.

  218. What an absolutely awesome article! Total responsibility is here made for the internal media we do not discern and edit, let alone the fact that junk journalism is consumed not to stay informed but to be entertained, feeding our emotions, fueling our opinions and hatred of people we do not know and have never met, stimulating our nervous system just as sugar does, keeping us in motion and not still enough to really feel what is going on.

  219. I love the parallel you draw here Adrienne between our thoughts and Junk Media.

    There is a pervading belief that we are, to a certain extent, owned by our thoughts – that the bad ones will keep coming. Many people have strategies to try and redirect their thoughts but as is described here, rather than redirecting, we can actually change the content completely. It has been my experience that the choices I make day to day, right down to the gentleness with which I walk or move things and the feelings I allow in my body (e.g. self appreciation vs self doubt) are ultimately what control the content of our thoughts.

  220. I love the use of the analogy of us being our own editor-in-chief of our news stories and resulting consequence when we practice judiciously our editorial role.

  221. “…no longer acknowledging what I was feeling with what I read or watched. I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed.” This is how the majority of society has come to view any form of media – it becomes a time to switch off and numb whatever feelings may be there, which really adds up to not wanting to take responsibility for one’s life. And this is what is inspiring about your writing Adrienne…it’s about taking responsibility for every little detail of our life, including our thoughts, and whether they are supporting us or not.

  222. Katie, I also stopped buying the tabloid magazines for women that I occasionally purchased. I used to believe that reading light entertainment was relaxing, but all it did was take me out of myself – I used them as a distraction. Gradually I purchased them less and less as I got to a point where the stories no longer interested me, quite the opposite, most of the stories were not only demeaning to women but reinforced a set of false ideals and beliefs around what a woman truly is and what she is valued for. I became aware that they are in fact quite harming.

    1. I agree Anne, that many magazines are harming, with celebrity gossip, sensational or emotional stories or airbrushed bodies not offering any truth or inspiration for their readers. I now realise that these pictures and words all come with an energy, and it is like internal pollution when we succumb to them. I found your blog inspiring Adrienne, to encourage me to be the editor and censor of my own internal press.

  223. “I didn’t eat junk food but I had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media. I had begun to discern media externally but here I was, editor-in-chief of my own internal press… and it was shabby.” I can so relate to this Adrienne. Cleaning up my own internal press is still a work in progress, but nowadays I usually catch myself thinking negative thoughts and can put a stop – on the whole. Watching the tendency to still play small, especially when with others, is also being addressed. Great to re-read your blog.

  224. I loved reading your blog Adrienne. ” It was a toxic diet. I didn’t eat junk food but I had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media.” What are we truly digesting? Being willing to look deeper at what is truly being fed to us opens the way for real discernment.

  225. I love how you wrote, ‘We have a global obesity problem for all to see, but what if there was a visual correlation for the diet of junk media that we indulge in?’ Cleaning up the press definitely is an inside job and an empowering one at that. Many in the world know how the media operates with its lies and sensationalism but don’t stop to truly calm it out. It feels too big to tackle it, to feel like you can in fact spark change. By cleaning up our inside media reel and making it about love we can begin to pave a new way forward.

  226. I am re reading your blog today Adrienne it struck me the most is that our responsibility to look beyond what we see, read, hear, eat etc is far greater than we want to acknowledge. Your question is for us all to take in and consider ‘We get obese from too much food and a sedentary lifestyle, but what happens when we consume too much junk media, junk music, junk literature?’ It all starts with us to stop the entertainment and to get real, to feel and enjoy what life is about.

  227. I wholeheartedly agree with what you’ve written here Adrienne. It’s absolutely disgusting what’s been printed in the press about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine as truth but are in fact absolute LIES, and we all have a responsibility for the quality (or lack thereof) of the media landscape because if we continue to consume it we are effectively saying yes to more of the same. I love your reference to the ‘internal media’ too Adrienne, something I need to be attending to and taking care of as well. Great reminder….thank you.

  228. Yes. We become what we consume. And this is not just food. It is everything I let in. And the more I let in all this untruth (junk-food, junk-‘journalism’, …) it obscures my true being and my sensitivity to feel the truth. I agree: time to clear out in full, to make a spring-cleaning and prepare for true seeds – which are in us. If these seeds get space and light and nurturing – we will flower up – instead of rotting on the sofa consuming whatever. This makes clear how important cleaning is. And not just in Springtime – it is the other way around: cleaning brings me the spring inside.

  229. The state of our media is only such because we have allowed it to be that way. And by this I do not mean that we have the capacity to control the editing of our papers, but rather the fact that what goes on in our media and our governments is simply an outplay of the way we all live and what we are willing to accept in our own lives. This provides the foundation for corruption to flourish on the larger scale. The propensity for gossip and the twisting of truth plays out as much on Facebook as it does in the professional media, and so if we wish to see change in the media over time, then we need to start to look at the way we live, both as individuals, and as a society, and start to consider that the way we live affects more than that which is just found on our side of the picket fence.

  230. Hi Adrienne. I, like you, was under the impression that most things written in the media were pretty accurate, however since the miss-reporting of Uni Med, it has made me be a lot more discerning about what I read or see through the different media outlets

  231. I find my self reacting in shock and horror and sadness at some of the things I read in digital and print media. I want to retreat and pretend that it is not happening. The reality is that it is happening and I need to be engaged with my world and speaking out to make difference.

    1. Great point nicolejardin – we are so much more sensitive than we think and so often that is why we all pull away because we ‘don’t want to know about it’ and ‘what can we do about it’. But that is exactly what allows it to continue. We need to be more engaged in our own worlds and speaking out as you say.

  232. I like how you sharpen the awareness of not only are we affected what we eat but also what we consume energetically in other areas. To be aware of every choice in every moment I make, what I think, what I watch, in what I am interested in etc is super important. Thanks for pointing this out so exquisitely.

    1. So true Steffi. The thoughts we allow ourselves to run and, hence consume as we would food, are just as potent and effectual as the food or TV. Our thoughts have the power to shape us, either towards greater love for ourselves and others or to keep us in our hurts and separated from humanity.

  233. I have had many moments in the past where the internal negative talk was constant, and I appeared to be a relatively happy and functional person. I have done a lot of work with the support of different Universal Medicine practitioners to discover what sits underneath the negative talk. How I live on a daily basis has had a huge impact and I allow less “junk” in, a much clearer human is available to live life.

  234. Awesome piece of writing, Adrienne! Love how you look at the tendency to get entertained instead of accurately informed. If life is merely about entertainment and filling an emptiness then truth doesn’t matter as long as the story is entertaining. So what is our responsibility in the junk media then? As you say we are what we consume in every sense… this is an amazing call to stand up and stop living life as entertainment and start to enjoy the true beauty and purpose of it.

    1. I agree rachelandras as I too connected to the statement “I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed”. It also made me consider how many, and how often we indulge in distractions and look for things or others to either entertain us or tell us what to do, instead of discerning for ourselves what is truth based on what we feel in our bodies…

    2. Absolutely we need to stop living life as entertainment, stop filling the emptiness and start to enjoy true beauty and purpose.

  235. This is a brilliant blog Adrienne putting new meaning to ‘you are what you eat’ as well as ‘you are what you think’. I have noticed that when there is a story in the media that I have been involved in that it very rarely reflects the whole picture of the event and it is obvious that the article is slanted to fit the agenda of the reporter. The twisted mis-reporting of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine takes the media bias to an extreme and is a lesson in questioning and feeling into whether a story is telling truth or is just that ‘a story’ regardless of the impact this may have on those concerned and on those who are addicted to junk mail.

    1. Yes Mary, knowing the truth behind the lies published about Serge Benhayon and many others, makes one question and become more discerning about what we are fed. Journalists have a responsibility to respect others and not judge them or repeat gossip about someone whom they have never met. What does it say about us as consumers when we are bombarded with fabricated gossip and scandal? I love Adrienne’s analogy comparing junk media to our own internal press – brilliant! This is the place to start.

  236. Something I have noticed over time is that negative thoughts enter most often when I am not consciously aware of the quality in which I walk, or move. Vice versa, I have actually found that I can quickly stem the flow of negative thoughts simply by bringing a tender touch to the way I walk and move, and by being committed to being present in this way throughout the day.

  237. Thank you, Adrienne. You are quite right – we do look to the media to be entertained rather than as a reliable source of truth. It is very easy to be critical of the media for selling out and not having the integrity one would expect, but we are the ones who are calling for the sensationalism, the stimulation and the gossip, so that we don’t have to look at our own lives and the choices we continue to make that are not true either.

    1. I agree janetwiliams06, as long as we buy and read all the sensationalism, the stimulation and the gossip, the media will keep on printing just that. We have so much more power in this that the media is presenting, but to recognize this we need to clean up our own press first.

  238. It’s so true ” I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed”. We do the same with the quality of our ‘internal press’, bring the thoughts we allow. We choose or allow thoughts that entertain and distract us from feeling what is really going on – or we choose thoughts that evolve and deepen understanding and awareness of what we are feeling. The physical, mental and energetic consequences of each are completely different!

  239. “I came to understand that in my own relationship with the media I had stopped feeling what was presented and relied instead on the fact that because something was printed in a major newspaper this alone confirmed its accuracy.”
    Yes we need to maintain our awareness and even our skepticism of newspaper/media reporting, although it seems many people are more discerning these days, perhaps also being quite cynical or just not interested in yet another apparent beat-up of a drama. Some reporters and TV programs make the effort to be true and accurate, but it seems in the main, many reporters rely on someone else doing all the leg-work and just copy the originating report.

  240. “I didn’t eat junk food but I had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media.” Your blog is so intelligent Adrienne, I too am learning to observe my thoughts and how they affect how I feel. It has made such a difference to my self worth and how I then am more appreciative and understanding of others. And as you say, with more clarity of thought we are able to be much more discerning of what we read or look at.

  241. Awesome blog Adrienne and love your closing par “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally. I then have a choice to accept what is presented or to understand that it is tainted, skewed or off centre for reasons I may not know, but can feel nonetheless.”

  242. “I’m not an ignorant person – it’s more that I didn’t want to know what was really going on locally or in the world. I found it hard to accept that the world was a mess and that people were inflicting such suffering on themselves and others. I felt powerless to change or fix it so I opted to avoid it, not by ignoring the media but by no longer acknowledging what I was feeling with what I read or watched. I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed.” That’s exactly how I felt Adrienne.

  243. This is truly powerful Adrienne, I have to look into my head, even though through the years learning about that everything is energy I do pay more attention to my thoughts now than ever before. But I can feel that I can go a lot deeper with this. I am committed to take this into my day for 10 days and see what unfolds.

  244. It is interesting for how many of us, the utterly false press stories made up by the press regarding Universal Medicine was a wake up call, like falling out of bed during our sleep burying years of ‘I want to believe in you’ sort of behaviour. The blog makes a very interesting point: if we consume junk food on a consistent basis we notice in our bodies (at some point the weight scale will speak out loud), but if we consume ‘intangibles’ e.g., junk news, junk music we will hardly trace any disease back to them. Yet, they affect us as much as tangible junk.

  245. Vanessa, I am literally completely blown away. This is exactly what I have needed – and it makes SO much sense! The world needs to know this! I too have let thoughts and stories run, but I have never considered it/related it to how the press works. What an awareness bomb. “What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense?” and “Cleaning up the press is an inside job”. I have led a drama-filled life, with the ups and downs and letting anything run, however the more I cut these thoughts, and have more self-loving and confirming thoughts, the better I feel and the more joy-full I express to all. The true power of discernment.

  246. Wow. I l always knew that eating the wrong foods is not healthy but to go one step further and I’m not getting into manipulative stories that twist my thought and feeling.
    Another pillar of true health.

  247. Wow I love this blog what a fantastic insight. As you say cleaning up the press and saying no to the lies is equally an inside and outside job. We are often quick to point the finger and blame outside but that is hypocritical and empty if we ourselves are full of junk media!

  248. I can feel from the quality of your writing here Adrienne, that you have come a long way in dealing with the ‘junk media’ that was running your thoughts, and that your expression in truth is quite powerful. A worthy head of office.

  249. ” editor-in-chief of my own internal press…” – what a brilliant phrase Adrienne, asking us to be more aware of our thoughts and emotions. When we become clear and steady with our thoughts, this will have a ripple effect out to the world around us. This blog feels like a step towards laying foundations for greater integrity of the press.

  250. What stood out for me is the importance of discerning what is the true nature of the information that is pushed by the media these days. Unfortunately, most people have lost that ability to connect to their bodies and feel the truth of what is being presented. Perhaps that is where we can start to be responsible and feel what is true.

  251. I have loved returning to this this morning. I got to see that my ‘editor in chief’ has been quite relentless and so much more discerning. The junk media pouring through my head has dried up to the occasional slow leak, rarely ever getting to print any more. Thanks to you and your fantastic article and thanks to me for my commitment to only allowing the truth to go to print.

  252. How much time we can waste by indulging in the entertainment our thoughts give us as they spin story upon story – if we let them. I am also waking up to an editing role that discerns more quickly and easily.

  253. I smiled and did a little internal dance when I read this today – “I started to axe certain stories that weren’t accurate or true”. I have just put myself on a 7-day program to be relentless with axing stories that just are not true about myself. So it was lovely and very supportive to reconnect to your blog today and remind myself that I am the editor-in-chief here and have the responsibility to do this.

    1. Thanks Sarah, I’ll join you in acknowledging that I am my editor-in-chief and start fulfilling my editorial duties…he,he gives a whole new meaning to head-lines!!!

  254. “There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media, and for paying attention to the possibilities behind what is being said”, is so true Adrienne. Unfortunately most of society no longer discerns what is reported in the media and the media is no longer held to account. We get the media that we allow and as you say, we have allowed ourselves to be fed ‘junk media’! Time for us all to change our diet!

  255. ” in my own relationship with the media I had stopped feeling what was presented” – this line made me consider how many articles I read and just accept, when I know there are so many that range from exaggerated to being simply not true. It’s like I selectively chose to feel what is true.

  256. I love the analogy you use Adrienne and how you bring it back to self responsibility. The more I “..develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognize when it is present in what I read listen to or watch…”

  257. Gorgeous. A glut of junk food poured into our bodies turns into the obvious obesity.
    A glut of reckless, disrespectful press turns into an unseen, but nevertheless devastating problem of a community blighted by mistrust and lack of basic decency.
    And a glut of undisciplined thoughts create a human being in such a turmoil of their own drama that they do not stop to notice the former two.
    Beautiful analogy Adrienne, and words that ought to be astutely heeded.

  258. Exactly. What are we consuming through ALL of our senses? What are we allowing to go on in ourselves that isnt really true for us? Really excellent article I really enjoyed it

    1. I totally agree harryjwhite, ALL of our senses are bombarded by distractions everywhere we go. Our bodies feel everything, no wonder we are exhausted. All the more reason to take time out to stop and bring ourselves back to ourselves and focus on what is really true for us and bring some stillness back into our body.

  259. Adrienne, I just love, love, love what you present here. The “demand actually determined the quality of press that was supplied” – absolutely, yet I hadn’t actually applied that to my inner-press – i.e. my thoughts and beliefs. “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally” – I am there with you, with my vacuum cleaner.

  260. Wow Adrienne, I am speechless, what a powerful blog and it comes all down to our own responsibility, the quality we choose in our own body and mind. In that way discerning the quality on the outside is easy and life becomes simple.

  261. My internal press has been working over time for years. Its so exhausting and unpleasant. I am definetly taking a whole new approach to editing my own press from now own, Thanks Adrienne – your blog exposes lots.

  262. Amazing blog Adrienne Ryan. Fortunately I now discern everything I watch, and everything I see and hear. This amazing ability, presented by the teachings of Universal Medicine, to feel life (again[feel energy]), has been the most rewarding ability I have and live with. My life is based on these feelings and a quality that has developed and constantly deepens so essentially I choose and know what comes with what. There is nothing more sacred to me than to ‘consume’ the quality I choose through the sixth sense. I get the facts through my body.

  263. What I listen to, read or watch is indeed not only an external process, but also an internal one. Great observation which I will take into my day. There are so many stories, from short to recurring soaps that pop up during the day. We have indeed the choice not to feed them, switch channels 🙂

    1. My mind is so good at repeating the recurring stories that go round and round if I let them, it is true and so simple when you say ‘switch channels’, it is remembering that these thoughts are not me and I DO have the choice to switch channels whenever I want. It is awesome, yet intriguing to have the awareness that there is a part of me that chooses the incessant recurring ‘stories’, and another part of me that knows to switch them off. I suppose you could say that this is being ‘self-aware’.
      So thank heavens for self-awareness.

  264. Adrienne- lots to ponder about- our internal press is it full of junk running us throughout the day. Or do we take responsibility for what we allow in?

  265. Wow, Adrienne, what you share is so amazing and truly revealing. Sometimes thoughts go through my head and I wonder, “how did I even think that when I know that is not true”. We are definitely responsible for allowing the internal and external media free range or saying, ‘no, that is enough’, but it has to start with us.

  266. Adrienne, this article is simply brilliant and really deserves to be read by everyone. I felt like I was being educated with every word that you wrote. You have opened my eyes to so much in this article. I have never considered that “cleaning up the press is an inside job”, that is, that it starts with cleaning up my internal narrative about myself. Imagine if we all insisted on having loving relationships with ourselves then there would be no way that we would or could allow the lies that the media currently gets away with.

  267. Great blog Adrienne. I loved your humour and the analogy of being an editor in chief of your own junk media. Awesome and inspirational.

  268. This is a great topic to discuss Adrienne. It’s no coincidence that I read your blog today, I’m currently doing a social media detox and by doing so it was revealed to me more obviously this internal level of ‘junk thoughts’ that flow through my mind on a daily basis. This is now my next project and I loved your analogy of being the ‘chief editor’, we have the power to monitor and filter our own thoughts defining what is true and what is junk. Thank you for the inspiration.

  269. Another beautifully illustrated piece Adrienne. Love your writing it is always so spot on.

  270. So true Adrienne…it is our demand that determines the quality of press that is supplied…what we put out is what will come back. It is our responsibility to start with ourselves and choose our own quality, to then determine what is in and around us.

  271. I love the analogy of our internal stories with empty calories. We are sometimes bloated on a diet of external and internal media. Just like with junk food it is up to us to clear the deck and start truly feeling the truth from the lies.

  272. If we all started cleaning up our own press and didn’t buy these papers or magazines unless they were truly newsworthy they would have to clean up theirs as well in order to regain readership.

  273. “I had stopped feeling what was presented and relied instead on the fact that because something was printed in a major newspaper this alone confirmed its accuracy. I’m not an ignorant person – it’s more that I didn’t want to know what was really going on locally or in the world.”
    I think this statement reflects the majority of the world Adrienne. I know it did for me…surely the press wouldn’t lie so if it was in the newspaper, it must be true. The untrue reporting of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon in recent times has highlighted to me that the press can and will print whatever they want, even if it is not true, and even if they have had prior warning that what they are going to print is not true. Considering the influence the press have, this lack of integrity is quite shocking and asks the question, can there really be any unbiased reporting or will every article be tainted with someone’s prejudice, bias or judgement or could it simply be that the only motive is to get people to buy their newspaper. We, the ones who buy the newspapers, need to start to discern what is printed and realise the possibility that there could always be an ulterior motive in what we read.

    1. “Extra, Extra, read all about it….”, remember that from the old Hollywood movies? In the main, newspapers certainly seem to sell due to sensationalism and gossip. The only way to stop it is to a) continue to speak up for truth in all areas of our lives, and that means being truthful with ourselves and b) stop buying newspapers for a while and let the media know that it is not acceptable to tell lies and sensationalize.

    2. This foundation you talk about Francisco is getting stronger and stronger, what we are doing is ground breaking and is setting a benchmark for the future and I feel privileged to be part of something that will change the world. When humanity stops lying to itself, this is when the media will truly begin to reflect the truth.

  274. Adrienne, I so agree with you. I started reading newspapers at age 8 and I loved how ‘my’ paper expressed exactly the same kinds of resentments and anger that I had as well. When my resentment went reading the paper just felt horrible.

  275. I read this blog yesterday and after reading a blog on the UM Facts site today I have come back to this blog as it explores how I too have been in bed with the media so to speak by being too apathetic to feel the corruption that belies it. Thank you Adrienne for calling out the supply and demand for ‘junk’ that makes us all responsible for the quality of our media and what a fabulous analogy of cleaning up as ‘an inside job’ – to be the editor of myself, to feel the energy of the story that comes to mind and not let these run to press. Getting any grasp on what this means practically for all areas of my life I turn to the teachings on energetic responsibility given by Serge Benhayon. Energetic responsibility is the link between the external media and the internal media and the external media can only be called to account with some kind of integrity if our internal media is equally accounted for.

    1. Thank you Deanne, for bringing in the clarity with regard to the practicalities of energetic responsibility. Thanks to Serge Benhayon it is crystal clear to me now that we are all responsible, not only for the quality of our thoughts but how we choose to take action on them. He is the only person I have ever heard present this in this way, pulling us all up, therefore giving us the true freedom to choose what is true. We are all accountable for every thought, word and deed, hence the need for energetic responsibility in our choices in every moment.

  276. Whoa Adrienne – the accountability you bring to individuals here to clean up ‘the media’ is a fresh and fantastic perspective. What a brilliant link you have made between internal and external media – and linked they are.

    1. Indeed, until we all accept full responsibility for the quality of our own ‘internal media’ nothing will change in the world of ‘external media’ and there will continue to be lies, deceit and untruths told.

  277. It is both great and important what you have highlighted here in that WE have press junk running us daily if we allow it. By being aware and stopping this it will then co-create more stillness and a bigger space for truth in the world.

    1. What you say here Vicky is so true, reiterating that we ALL have a responsibility to moderate our own press junk, thus enabling more spaciousness for love and truth.

  278. I absolutely love the analogy. I’ve been quite aware of my own internal press lately and the more I notice it the more surprised I am at how constant it is. There’s no respite. And sometimes dicerning what is true and what is false can be tricky when your judgement is clouded with ill thoughts/beliefs of yourself.

    1. I find that just refusing to allow these ill thoughts about myself in, really supports me in coming back to the true me, and if I allow myself to let them in and take hold of me, then it holds me back and leads to self-doubt and lack of confidence. It was a huge realisation to me, and a big ouch, when I realised that I had been choosing to accept the thoughts that held me back from being who I truly was, and it was a simple matter of choosing loving thoughts and refusing to entertain the negative internal press that loved to wind me up.

  279. You make a very valid point: if we fall for our internal junk media, the stuff that the mind keeps churning over and spitting out, how easy is it then to be duped by what the media outlets of the world disseminate? Responsibility begets responsibility and thus, cleaning up the internal press goes hand in hand with exposing the lies on the outer.

    1. I love this Gabriele and am becoming more aware of just how much junk mail is being pushed into the box. I have choice (responsibility) whether I open the junk mail, or not!

    2. Absolutely Gabriele, this points out the ripple effect of starting with cleaning our own internal junk media. It has an effect on everything else around us.

    3. The point here is, that the outward media only delivers what our internal media actually wants. If we wouldn’t fall for sensationalism and untruths, the press could not sell it to us.

  280. Adrienne I can relate to accepting everything I read was true in the newspapers or magazines that I used to read, and also current affairs programmes. Some Magazines I came to realise, were sensationalising stories, especially when the front page blurb was different to the actual story inside, a total fabrication!. So needless to say the internal ramblings in my head at times were total fabrications as well and sometimes put downs of myself or others. To catch myself and re imprint the contents of these stories is proving to be a more loving way to be with myself and others. Thank you for a great blog Adrienne.

  281. This is a great analogy and one that is super important as true change can only come from us living truly lovingly and change occurs naturally in and around us.

    1. Yes vanessahawthorne and one with, as Cherise so lovingly puts it, “truth, tenderness and care”. Great ingredients for life.

      1. I love these ingredients. Cleaning up the rubbish internal media and adding “truth, tenderness and care”. And everything we touch also gets that.

  282. I like this analogy Adrienne – it makes me picture a head with a miniature office inside where there are lots of things going on. I wondered do they have an HR department, what do they chat about during the tea breaks…

    1. I don’t know what the office in my head talks about mattsjosefsson, but it certainly likes to do a lot of overtime…! Maybe the time has come to give my ‘heady office’ a break and send it away on holiday, permanently….

      1. That’s funny mattsjosefsson, I can think of three Universal Medicine Retreats that do just that! Learning to live and work as a team, keeping the place clean and tidy and living harmoniously together.

      2. Yes there is a lot of overtime in my office as well. I think I need to hold a meeting around that and get it back in order :0)

    2. Me too mattsjosefsson. An awesome analogy. We all play a part in what is happening in our world. We are all responsible and Adrienne has illustrated this beautifully.

      1. What came to my attention this time around reading the article is that when we read something we want it to be true, and why wouldn’t we. We want to trust other people and the world, but sadly quite often we discover that there is a lack of truthfulness and integrity coming at us from all fronts and perhaps we just dim the light within us and just fume away in a form of given up state. Luckily we cannot really blame anyone or expect someone to fix it but ourselves. The lack of integrity is a clear calling that we are needed out there to spread words of truth and say no when we see incorrectness and falsities in the press and elsewhere.

  283. A great way of presenting how we run so many programs in our heads that are really not ours and just like junk food, we let junk ideas in and they circulate in our inner world. Most of my life I have not even considered the possibility that this inner world domain was something I could be with, observe, feel and make choices around. It seemed like an autopilot. Having been touched by the incredibly empowering presentations of Serge Benhayon, a whole new world within my inner world has been discovered which has begun to open up a whole new range of choices, now that I am able to stay more with my body and acknowledge and let go of the junk more consistently.

    1. It is a great revelation to realise that the programs in our heads are not ours and we can switch off at any time. I have lived all my life under this illusion, and I like how you express how you were touched by the presentations of Serge Benhayon, me too, and now I have the knowing that I can switch off the ‘noises/voices/junk media’ in my head that are not me, and live life to the full potential of who I truly am. Like you say it opens up a whole new range of choices, and the freedom to be me, awesome!

  284. I like the metaphor of “eating junk information and getting over weight in one’s thoughts”, it is so true in the current society. The more sensational the story is the more appeal the story has to the general public. Could this be because there is a certain mentality amongst people that when they see other people’s misfortune (or gossip), somehow, people feel better about themselves (knowing that there are others out there who are worse off)? Therefore, the bigger the misfortune is the better for the media and journalists to report?

  285. An exceptional point is here being raised about what thoughts we allow ourselves to buy into, consume and believe, and how that affects our health and our bodies. When you said: “I looked to the press to be entertained, not to be accurately informed”. I feel that is how the media presents it, but are we also seeking relief from our own life and hurts?
    Thank you Adrienne.

  286. “I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed.” – I can put my hand up for this too. I think it’s a huge part of the problem that we have with our media today. That a lot of people don’t discern what it is that is being presented to them, and the consequences and repercussion for the subjects thereof, but just look for something to distract or entertain.

  287. We indeed have a responsibility to be discerning about not only the outer press, but also the inner-press. I have become more and more aware of the inner gossips, judgments, seductive and misleading thoughts. I can choose not to feed them. Lovely to reread the blog again and take this nurturing thought with me in my daily life: what thoughts are supportive, all encompassing and which not?

  288. Thank you for this great article Adrienne, I loved reading it. Being the authors and editors of our own lives we are accountable for everything we consume – a choice we make in every moment.

  289. Wow! I love your article, Adrienne. I find it totally inspiring how you have related junk media to all of us needing to take responsibility for the junk thoughts we play inside our heads. That puts responsibility firmly back where it belongs: with us.

  290. Such an incredible expression of pure beauty – thank you Adrienne! I felt every word and there is not even the faintest whiff of junk in this article 😉 I so love the line – “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally.” – so very true!

  291. Adrienne this is an amazing article. I love your take on cleaning up our own internal media, not just the public media that we often critique. I am responsible for the thoughts, intentions and energy that fuel me. These directly affect how I live life, how much I let people in, allow myself to be seen, express myself. Everything.

    1. Realising that the quality of my life comes from the quality of my internal media came as a big ouch for me. It is only I that can clean up my internal media, no one else can do it for me. Once this reality had sunk in then I begin to ‘call out’ the internal media and began to feel empowered in the knowing that if I listened to my inner knowing and not the ‘junk mail’ that came from my head I could change my entire state of being.

  292. Great line Victoria, “From my experience, it’s each step that we take that actually supports the next to be stronger, and often times ‘easier’ in the sense of being able to know what is needed to be said and/or written…”
    This confirms to me something that came up today in discussion, about stepping out of our comfort zone and why we calibrate with others. The fact is, that in order for opportunities to come my way to speak my truth (something I have been avoiding) I need to make the choice to start speaking up in the first place, and once I commit to making that choice to speak up, and actually doing it, then more opportunities will come my way, and I will be supported in this choice and become stronger.
    For me, expressing on paper has been a great support in finding my expression verbally, and this is just the beginning, if I can do it, anyone can!
    Thank you Victoria.

  293. Your insight Adrienne has brought more awareness to how I allow my thoughts to run and what I give power to. So beautifully expressed and so very important to be more discerning as to what I let get published.

  294. I love your description Adrienne, of being the ‘Editor-in-Chief’ of the news going on in our head. This is a great analogy, showing how we can begin to be responsible for the verbal comments that come out our mouth, and our energetic state of being at any particular point in time.

    1. True Joanne, therefore it is super important to recognise where these thoughts come from, so that way we can nip them in the bud before they take hold of us, and take us further away from who we truly are.

  295. I agree with the statement” cleaning up the press is an inside job” as the more we commit in developing a relationship with our bodies by the lifestyle choices that we make the more clarity and ability to discern what is truth or not is presented to us all.

  296. My awareness of the way the media operates also changed through the abusive treatment of Universal Medicine in the press, I no longer accepted what I read as necessarily an accurate and balanced picture. I love your metaphor with our internal media this makes a great point on how our thoughts are often allowed to run unchecked without us stopping to ask, “is this true?” Thank you Adrienne this article has inspired me to me a much more diligent editor of my internal media.

  297. Awesome – thank you Adrienne, I have started to discern outside media but your blog deeply inspired me to also have an honest discerning look at my internal media.

  298. Adrienne like all your writings, I love them all, always asking us to look deeper. I love how you highlight how much we contribute to the press and media that we have today by our own thoughts and stories. Cleaning up our own act makes sense to supporting the change that is necessary within the media today.

  299. What a fabulous piece of writing Adrienne. I’ve been very aware of my own ill stories running around my head, trying to cut them at the pass! – but your blog has taken it to a whole new level… thank you for the inspiration!

  300. Great insight, Adrienne, into why we accept the rubbish the media mostly invent and sell us to keep us entertained – because we are empty inside and don’t monitor the quality of our internal media as you say. I had never thought about it like this before, the garbage thoughts I accept or entertain myself with on the inside make me need or ready to accept the garbage press on the outside as an escape from the way the garbage thoughts leave me feeling (which is empty). And the definition of garbage thoughts? – any thought not truly loving.

    1. You are right there Josephine, “any thought not truly loving”, being a definition of garbage thoughts. Garbage thoughts are not in our true nature, so they must be coming from somewhere! It is entirely possible then, once the choice has been made, to call out the garbage thoughts for what they, garbage. Once the ‘garbage monitor’ has awakened there is no excuse… it just needs that constant awareness to choose those loving thoughts!

      1. Garbage monitor! I like that, and I’ll make it part of my routine to switch on my garbage monitor when I wake up in the morning, and keep it switched on throughout the day.

  301. Such a thought provoking blog Adrienne, in a good way. You say, ‘I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed’ and this has certainly been my approach to the media. I knew it was dishonest, sensationalist and inaccurate and chose to not consume much of it but until lately had not considered taking responsibility for my part in the media being as it is. By this I mean my tacit acceptance of it by not taking a stand for truth and letting my voice be heard, as it is true we get the press we are asking for, so collectively we need to keep asking for something different and not just accepting and consuming the pap that is on offer.

  302. Adrienne I love the examples you’ve given of your own internal junk press – the seemingly innocuous press releases that I’ve allowed in my internal media peppered with sensational exclusives.

    How is it I only properly step in with the more sensational ones because I can feel the dis-ease more so with them, but only perhaps raise an eyebrow to the others? I know the seemingly everyday, “oh every one gets those thoughts” of say..”I hope they think I’m doing a good job”, are actually the ones that lay the foundation on which the more uncomfortable ones lie.

    A completely new foundation needs to be built based on my love for myself and everyone where there is no room for doubt or criticism or comparison. A foundation which celebrates us all.

    1. “A completely new foundation needs to be built based on my love for myself and everyone where there is no room for doubt or criticism or comparison. A foundation which celebrates us all”
      Brilliant Karin, you’re ahead of the game. And it is true there is no safe level of abuse, abuse is abuse however it comes and to whatever degree. You have inspired me further today to up my commitment to me, thank-you.

  303. Exceedingly well said, Adrienne. How much do we ‘take in’ without truly bringing awareness to the diet we are partaking in? To be honest, prior to the hate campaign against Universal Medicine (orchestrated by a small few), I had not paid enough attention to such things, particularly in the case of my daily ‘media/press diet’ – not nearly enough.
    Though I could well get a sense of the sensationalism and puffing up of stories/bias in sectors of the media, I really didn’t want to see the full extent of it.
    Seeing first hand, people and subject matter you know intimately, completely misrepresented was certainly a major wake-up call… Just what had I been allowing, and what parts of my daily ‘media ingestion’ had I actually bought into, accepting what is printed/broadcast as fact when it may be the furthest thing from it.
    I deeply appreciate your approach and honesty in this, that you’ve brought it back to us – it really is up to us to be personally responsible, and then, stand up for what is true that such untruths may all be fully exposed. We can all, every one of us, be a part of such change – it is sorely, sorely needed.

    1. Victoria, I too used to not take much notice of junk media stories, choosing to believe that these things happened to someone else. When the hate campaign turned to Universal Medicine I finally sat up and took notice. It’s a shame that it took me so long to take responsibility, and now I realise that I do have a voice and it is up to me to clean up my own act too. It is certainly true that everything we say, do or think, whether it goes to print or not, affects everyone else, and with this knowing comes a huge responsibility. It’s about time we all shone some light on the murky puddle we are all living in together and cleaned up our mess.

      1. Agreed Sandra, and the deeper we look, it is one hell of a mess that we’ve allowed – by not speaking up, and not truly wanting to know (though we can’t avoid knowing it’s all there…). Holding back has simply not worked, for anyone’s sake, and it is for everyone that our voices do need to be heard.

      2. You are right Victoria, holding back never worked. It is just selfish and insular to believe that what we do, or don’t do, by not speaking up, only affects ourselves. I am just finding my footing with this one, increment by increment. It’s never too late to start.

      3. Never too late, ever, Sandra – now THAT is one more falsity that deserves some breaking down, isn’t it…
        From my experience, it’s each step that we take that actually supports the next to be stronger, and often times ‘easier’ in the sense of being able to know what is needed to be said and/or written, for example.
        I celebrate your solid steps – there’s a blog to be written in that you know, in confirming them all…

  304. You have absolutely nailed the problem Adrienne. We are looking to bodies like the Australian Press Council to clean up the media. This is never going to happen in a way that is effective, and they will always be behind the 8 ball, responding too late to the irresponsibility.
    The insight that will stay with me is this: the clean up that needs to happen within ourselves as our number one activity. Our own “ugly” (if I may call it that) voice with it’s criticism and stream of nonsense makes us dull to the ugly stream that comes from our press.
    Cleaning out the inner junk press makes us less willing to accept the junk press that dominates our TV, radio and press.
    A wonderful insight Adrienne, so beautifully expressed.

    1. Yes, you are absolutely correct Dr Rachel Mascord. It is time we took responsibility for cleaning out our own garbage thoughts, that is the only lasting and true way to clean up the garbage on the outside, it has gone on long enough.

  305. Great to reread this Adrienne, I concur that the media simply reflect what we allow for ourselves in junk thoughts and ideas, cleaning up ourselves and what abuse we allow towards ourselves is the steps we can all take to bring about the change we tend to demand of the outside media etc.

  306. Thank you Adrienne, so true. I can honestly say that I never used to be as discerning as I am now with what I read in the media. All too easy to be complacent, which doesn’t serve anyone, least of all ourselves.

  307. Adrienne what I have realised from reading your blog is that the internal editor has to be constantly aware of every word, tone, image etc that can have an impact on the perception we hold ourselves in. This is a great reminder for me and really supports me to stop the press if it becomes anything less than the gentleness I am.

    1. Absolute truth in your words Lee. How our inner dialogue wants us to believe that we are the perceptions that we have built for ourselves, when in truth, we are much more than that. Our internal editor has a full time job!

  308. I love this Adrienne. In talking with some friends recently they all admitted that they don’t believe the media most of the time and definitely don’t trust them, yet they still buy the papers and magazines to ‘catch up’ on events. This is something I had always done to until my personal experience with a reporter of a major newspaper not printing the truth I presented him with as it did not suit the slant of the story he was running with. As we talked some more the discussion turned to how do you find media that is accurate, fair and unbiased? Does it really exist or is this what it has all become now? What you are offering here is for us all to take responsibility for our part in allowing the media to get to this point. When did we ever say no or ask for a higher accountability? Do we ever discern truth and how it is that we live this?

  309. Great article Adrienne, spot on, it really does start with us cleaning up our own back-yard or top-yard actually. It’s amazing to consider that we live with an unfettered access to have any thought enter (I know I have) in our heads and we often don’t even question it and yet we would actually consider more what we eat. And then we make excuses that we can’t control our thoughts, we really do live in a culture where we’ve made it all about the head and we can fail to feel how that impacts on us. So I’m working on my own junk press and doing a bit of a spring clear-out.

  310. This is a stellar blog Adrienne, thank you. I agree with all you’ve said. Seeing the way Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have been used and abused in the press has made me open my eyes more to the huge lack of integrity in journalism that is all too common. And I can see now how much of an impact we have on the quality of our press and media by what we choose to consume.

  311. Adrienne your analogy echoes something I saw about myself recently. I too was disgusted and shocked by media attacks on Universal Medicine and cyber bullying and generally have criticised openly media mis-conduct and lies. I am also discerning of what I read. Like you, I saw something malicious at play, this time within myself. I called it the ‘inner bully’, persistent, undermining, attacking. If allowed to, it wages war on self esteem, confidence and sense of self. I too have taken responsibility by cleaning up my own act in order to kick out the bully. Everything starts with self.

    1. Wow, Kehinde, I have had this HUGE realisation myself, I love what you say –
      “I called it the ‘inner bully’, persistent, undermining, attacking. If allowed to, it wages war on self esteem, confidence and sense of self. I too have taken responsibility by cleaning up my own act in order to kick out the bully. Everything starts with self”. I have allowed this inner-bully to “control” me for too long and, you are right it, it’s just a matter of making the choice to say a resounding NO the inner-bully, once and for all, then the possibilities are endless as we are then living in a true way and not as a puppet of our “inner-bully”.

      1. Sandra it was a huge realisation for me too. It’s so easy to focus on external bullies. I present courses on bullying and harassment in the workplace without ever relating it to what was happening inside my own head.

  312. Your article is such a perfect fundamental example of a lesson I have learned from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and I keep having to remind myself: that whenever I want to blame something or change something outside of me, it is very wise to bring my attention to looking within myself, how I am living life and what choices I am making. Invariably I find the key to how I have been or am currently contributing to what is going on. And only when I am “cleaning up” my own mess do I naturally become a powerful inspiration for the rest to change.

    1. Such a wise comment, and definitely something we have to keep going back and reminding ourselves. Taking responsibility for our part, not blaming others and cleaning up our own mess is such a refreshing way to live.

    2. I resonate with your comment Golnaz, to take any blaming, criticising or judging of something external back to me and what is going on here inside first, as this is where the answers lie.

  313. There are journalists out there dedicated to presenting the truth, however they seem to end up in jail or being sacked because they don’t play the game when the truth is revealed. This is not unlike the attacks on Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. We don’t seem to be able to sit long enough with the possibility of feeling and expressing the truth ~ it may cost us our jobs and reputation! If it’s all false anyway, what have we got to lose!

  314. this is such a great explanation of how we allow negative thoughts to impact on us and how we have the power to change them or as you so simply point out, say no to them and not give them any press. Very insightful and I agree when we do not discern what we allow in our own heads it is difficult to discern what we allow the media to get away with. I remember a time not that long ago Journalism stood for integrity and responsibility; men and women being prepared to tell the truth at any cost – sadly this is not what we have today. Today scandal, gossip and lies sell papers not the truth. Thank you Adriene for yet another great piece of writing.

    1. The days are long gone when we can rely on the media to present the truth, and I agree, clearing up our own inner negative press is our first priority. It seems that the more truth and love is expressed in the world, the stronger the counter is to this in the amount of, as you put it, scandal, gossip and lies that are published. Being true to ourselves, clearing up our own internal negative chatter and continuing to speak up for the truth is the only way to bring us back to responsible journalism, a journalism which we can rely on.

  315. There is the belief that if it is printed in the newspaper it must be true. Thank you for opening up this topic Adrienne.

  316. The point you have raised about discerning what you read, hear or see via the media is very valid. An excellent example is the absolute lies written about Universal Medicine.

  317. This provides great insight. There are a lot of articles in the press that are a waste of space, and worse some of them promote a lack of love and responsibility, and they have a harmful impact on individuals and their relationships. I have also noticed how my thoughts can resemble the same, they can be just chatter filling space, and they can have a harmful impact. In both great responsibility is required to say no to the articles and thoughts that clearly do not represent the quality of life we would choose to live.

    1. A great term you’ve coined here Golnaz, ‘chatter filling space’. On occasion when I am drawn to this type of media, what I’m actually seeking out in these moments is ‘white noise’ to drown out / numb out from feeling what’s going on in my body. I can feel more clearly now how harming this is and how it creates a false perception of demand for this type of media, thereby perpetuating the whole harmful cycle.

  318. I love the way you have compared the ‘head chatter’ to internal media which can be junk or supportive. I’m sure this resonates with most people how we can get hooked into a story so it develops into a full blown drama or not depending on what level of awareness of our mind chatter we have. Brilliant and a timely reminder to be aware of the effect on our body.

  319. I absolutely loved reading this article Adrienne. To see ourselves as editors in chief and that every thought is being ‘published’ energetically is the perfect analogy for the responsibility we each hold. The visual image is perfect – there are some major headlines that need to be axed immediately!

    1. I too loved this article Vicky. To consider that we have our own ‘inner press’ that is rattling away constantly brings home how we then connect with it when it is reflected in the media and don’t take responsibility for it’s presence! We actually create it! Definitely time for some quality assurance and axing as you say! Awesome analogy. Thank you Adrienne.

      1. Agreed Bernadette, as Adrienne so beautifully points out when we don’t take responsibility for our own inner voices, we are not able to call it out in others. Not so easy to pick up abuse from others when we are not aware of our own self-abuse. Not many people would think their inner voice was abusive but if you just stopped to ask “how would I feel if someone else spoke to me like that?” or “would I speak to a precious child like that?” If the answer is no then why would you speak to yourself like that? Aren’t you precious too!

      2. Yes Bernadette, it comes as a revelation that we have created this situation by accepting abuse into our own lives, which is then reflected back out through the media. Well it’s never too late, time to take responsibility, ditch the resistance, employ the QA Manager, and start to clear up our own internal media.

      1. Some great questions to ask, Caroline, when reviewing our internal press / internal voices – ‘how would I feel if someone else spoke to me like that?’ – ‘would I speak to a child like that?’. It is practically impossible to not remember how precious we are when posing these questions to our selves.

  320. It’s a great question to ask – what is happening to us when we consume junk media, junk music & junk literature?
    It really does weigh us down like JUNK FOOD. This is all what’s out in the world and unfortunately kids are being raised from young with this being the norm…

  321. Very insightful Adrienne, we so often criticise the media and ‘out there’ forgetting, we have a huge responsibility to correct our ‘inner, long held beliefs’ that may be just as corrupt ?
    Time now to learn another way of being, with “truth, respect, tenderness and care” for ourselves, in turn, this could change the world.

    1. That’s very true Wendy, the world will change when we begin to look at our own internal media and take responsibility for what goes on in our own lives. This will then spread out and effect real change in everybody’s lives. Learning to love ourselves and speak our truth comes first, and the rest will naturally follow.

    2. Yes absolutely Wendyvera188 We are the ones responsible for our internal media and when we fully grasp this we can stand truly in our own power and loving authority. This is a great inspiration to get rid of all that internal media that does not serve.

  322. So true Adrienne. We all get caught up in criticising the media for the lack of quality journalism, but rarely do we get to the honesty of the fact that as a society we have the media we asked for. And it is not the often inept or corrupt journalist that is the real issue so much as our apathy as a society for not wanting to know the real truth. As long as it is not affecting what is behind our white picket fence, then all is OK with the world.

  323. ‘I am by world standards intelligent, yet if the definition of intelligence is the ability to make choices that look after myself, then consuming junk food or junk media without discernment of its compromising effects doesn’t seem so smart.’ I really resonated with this statement.

  324. Inspiring to read Adrienne, as you say that in general we have lost our awareness on the fact that we can exactly feel if something is true or not, and by not appreciating this fact we allow all kinds of rubbish to enter us. The same with our thoughts, if we are not conscious aware of what our thoughts are then we are giving power to the rubbish in ourselves and do not cherish the heavenly beings we innately are.

  325. I had no idea how corrupt the media was until I saw the coverage of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It was all so completely untrue I will never trust the media to report on something and be able to believe it again. I can totally relate to the internal media analogy, and will have some fun seeing myself as the chief editor of it from now on!

    1. I also feel that way Kate, the coverage of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is the first time I have experienced media coverage from the perspective where I know a fair amount of the story and to see the bias, and sensational lies gave me a new level of awareness to how corrupt certain parts of the media are. This makes it even more important to follow Adrienne’s point and clean up our own internal junk mail, and not consume the media without discerning what, why and how stories might be being covered.

    2. I hadn’t let myself see the level of corruption before, even though I could still feel it going on. It has made me consider how much do I allow or ignore in life, thinking that it is not my issue until it directly affects me or someone I know. My level of responsibility has stepped into a whole new gear…

      1. That’s a very honest sharing Sara, I’ve been there too, and am with you all the way in taking responsibility up a whole new gear…
        It is the case, after all, that if we have chosen truth, then don’t we have a duty to pass it on to support humanity in coming back to truth too? Truth comes in many guises, isn’t it important then to begin to be honest and truthful with ourselves first.

  326. Cleaning up my own internal junk mail is a great awareness raising Adrienne thank you. I love how you share the detail of how this all goes on in our minds. Which brings me to feel it certainly doesn’t go on in our hearts so I’m not going to choose for my mind either.

  327. Superb article Adrienne. I think there are still many who believe that because something is printed or reported that it is factual, even though the reporting of truth seems remarkably rare. Unfortunately as you wisely pointed out, it is the demand that actually determines the quality of press so until we all stand up and demand the truth, entertainment and sensational lies will be sadly all we will get.
    I love the correlation you made to the diet of junk we allow in our internal media and how cleaning up the press needs to be an inside job first – so very true and a great start in addressing this issue.

  328. Ultimate responsibility – that is what is here being presented, something that is not prevalent in our modern society. We all need to look within and see how we do talk to ourselves, how does that run how we live and express. It is our responsibility to then develop and bring more love to ourselves and others.

  329. This is such a great article Adrienne so full and a rounded perspective. This is exactly what I could feel in me this morning and then I got to read it in print. Now that’s some intuitive and supportive media. “I found it hard to accept that the world was a mess and that people were inflicting such suffering on themselves and others. I felt powerless to change or fix it so I opted to avoid it, not by ignoring the media but by no longer acknowledging what I was feeling with what I read or watched.” Bringing the feeling to what is going on in life feels like the key to change.

  330. This is brilliant Adrienne, it is about responsibility. When we bring our awareness to the way the mind runs stories, worries, emotions, we have a choice – to keep poisoning ourselves, or to be loving and playful and true.

    1. Agreed Bernadette, this is great at showing us the need to bring responsibility back home..

  331. This article certainly made me think! I realized that I also “had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media. I had begun to discern media externally but here I was, editor-in-chief of my own internal press”. As you clearly say Adrienne, cleaning up the press is an inside job and allows me to hear and discern the truth of my own words and those of others.

  332. Such a great article Adrianne!! Pulling apart the internal media is an amazing analogy! I absolutely love it. I will remind myself of how wrong the Editor in Chief is when I hear her spill lies in to my daily paper. Can’t believe how much rubbish I’ve believed for so long….all those sensationalist stories about myself in my own head! Hilarious…and scary all at the same time. I’m a walking Current Affairs show…..AGHHHHH!!!!! My worst nightmare! Thank you!

  333. Wow Adrienne, what a fantastic piece. I love it and the simple way you link what we read in the papers to the thoughts that run through our minds, obesity to a diet of junk media. No wonder people are so exhausted and reaching for foods and drinks to stimulate with this toxic intake as a basis in society. Thank you for this enlightening read. My editor-in-chief wholeheartedly approves.

  334. So… this is a really good post. You are correct is making a likeness between what we read and what we let play in our heads. I will be more aware now of the news stories that I give airplay to. Thank you.

  335. Adrienne,
    Great truth to bring the responsibility back to us and what we are choosing to consume and believe from the media. There are many ‘intelligent’ people out there who, because it is in print by the media, believe it to be true. There is no discernment, just a glazing over of themselves when they read the article.

  336. Amazing bog Adrienne. What you have presented is so simple and makes sense. My thoughts/way of moving etc create my demand and give me the ability to recognise what I am familiar with. So if I self care and choose a way that feels true, loving and supportive to me I am more able to recognise it when I read/see/here it. Inspiring clarity thank you.

  337. It is a really great reflection, increased responsiblity, deep awareness, and always evolving to know that what we have and entertain in our minds affects our bodies, our energy and everybody else for that matter. And a great reminder to feel everything we read to know the truth of it or not. I find that to be very necessary in every choice, especially regarding our health, as there are so many opinions and different views that if we don’t connect to our feeling body, it is impossible to know what is best for us. Information on its own does not tell truth.

  338. This is a great blog, Adrienne. What you have presented is an awesome, easy to understand explanation of the way our minds try to run the show and the profound impact this has on our lives. This information is very helpful to me and I am already pondering on its application to me and the way I live my life. Thank you!

  339. Adrienne, I love the way you have written this metaphor on your internal editor-in-chief. It is such refreshing perspective on the errant qualities of our minds and the continual disempowering diatribe that it goes on with.
    Since the age of 19 or 20 I was aware of this fickle disconnected and rampant onslaught of thoughts and knew that I had to do something about it and had to be free of it. From living a monastic celibate life, and meditating 3 to 5 hours a day for 10 years, to training in martial arts for decades, to even thinking that I was able to teach and guide people to free themselves from this ongoing destructive litany of thoughts, it wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon, and through him being introduced to the simplicity of true connection with myself, that at last I can truly start to be free of those old imposing mental patterns.

  340. Great blog Adrienne, what you share is inspiring me to look at how I am with myself and with media. I can say that I am a quite big media follower, and it’s great to ponder on this, and also as I have already experienced, how I am while reading the news for example, does very much influence what articles I read. It’s very interesting to look at!

    1. Benkt, the same here – especially online now where its so easy to go down a long web of pages until i find myself reading something completely unintended. What I can see is that if I’m feeling a like I’ve had a “hard” day I will often look at the news sites to be entertained and therefore go down this route, instead of reading something that is informative or just taking time to be with me after a busy day.

  341. “Why? I am by world standards intelligent, yet if the definition of intelligence is the ability to make choices that look after myself, then consuming junk food or junk media without discernment of its compromising effects doesn’t seem so smart” enjoyed reading this thank you.

  342. Thanks Adrienne for this insightful sharing. I absolutely love your last 2 paragraphs and especially the words ‘inner-press’. How important it is for us to discern from a place of truth and knowing. I too have let go of needing the drama of stories and the elation.

  343. I love the analogy of the internal media. We really do let a lot of rubbish go out to press! It’s a great way to look at our thoughts, siting back in the editors chair and deciding what has air time and what is not valid or supportive.

  344. I felt I really heard a lot of wisdom and truth from your blog Adrienne and loved the analogy of “cleaning up the internal press” – bringing humour, and a sense of the ridiculous into a potentially serious situation, giving a clear perspective as to where we can actually commence discarding some of the pranic weight of what is not true in our bodies.

  345. I agree Anne, it is gold and should be out there. It reminded me of a saying by Socrates called, the test of 3 where a student wants to share something with him and he asks the 3 questions, is it the truth, is it something good, is it useful to me? And when the student says no to all 3, Socrates says, if it is none of those things, why tell it to me at all?
    A good practise to abide by indeed.

  346. Adrienne what you have written here is gold and needs to be out there for all to read. I am really going to clean up my internal media as I can feel the very real impact it is having in how I function and perceive people and events in the world on a day to day basis. Not to mention how the dramas that play out in my head are draining my energy, increasing anxiousness and overloading my spleen.

    1. So true Anne,much can stem from what we watch in the media. Also the media is not the only place that we get these dramas from. When we look at our home lives, our work places, our daily activities and interactions, the media, our friendship groups, family groups etc- there is much too look at and assess truthfully and discerningly so if we do decide to start an internal-clean up of all that wastes energy, drains us and is emotional.

  347. I agree that deep down we all suspect that most of the media is rife with corruption and lack of integrity. But we don’t want to admit it perhaps because it would mean looking at our own life and our own little compromises on integrity, our own levels of corruption?

  348. Great inspiration to first clean up one´s own mess to then be truly be able to discern the outer and choose how to relate to life.

  349. This is a true revelation, Adrienne. I’ll bet very few people have had the insight you share, that our internal ‘media’ is the source of the problem. If that were cleaned up, we would not be consuming the junk external media. Then they would have to either clean up or go away.

  350. To really realise and accept that it is entirely up to us whether we allow a story to become a keeper and to go on affecting the way we choose to live….this feels huge, as I know that there is still junk media that I let though, when it finds an inroad to come in and play out its chaos in my mind. And lived unchecked this chaos feeds itself.

    This article is a beautiful support and prompt to remember we are the masters of our own journalism and can develop a discerning relationship when we feel and know the truth about both the external and internal media in life. When we take this responsibility we start to affect the relationship we all have with the media and rather than continuing blindly as bystanders colluding with an industry that is feeding us so many lies, we can shake down and take responsibility, speaking up about that which we know to be untrue. The media’s treatment of Universal Medicine is just one such case and only because of my experience working with Universal Medicine do I know that in some shocking cases the truth has been purposefully misinterpreted to specifically feed the fears many people have deeply embedded about life. This is an abhorrent example of misusing a position of responsibility, as a journalist, and playing with the minds of others.

  351. Thank you Adrienne for presenting a lack of attention to the quality of our internal dialogue and for being more discerning to the quality of information we gather.

  352. This is a fantastic blog, I have become much more aware of how I consume information from the media and TV etc and gossip of course. It supports me so much to observe what is going on and not get consumed in the drama or story line of events, and not engage with it. And concerning being responsible for our own press, that streams 24 hours through our head if we let it…it feels like coming home when the buzz starts to reduce and I take responsibility for my own thoughts.

  353. That was a bit of a bomb dropping for me Adrienne. As editor in chief of my own thoughts…eek! I’ve been a bit slack. I do have a responsibility to discern the quality of my thoughts and yet I have never really taken a step to do this responsibly.

  354. Thank you for this amazing article Adrienne – I love your expression – “editor in chief of my own internal press”. A very interesting and illuminating look at the “junk” we put into our bodies on a daily basis without calling it as such. Now time for some internal proof reading!

  355. An amazing piece of writing, thank you. This brings a new perspective on how similar the processes of absorption of food and absorption of media are. The power of discernment is much highlighted here.

  356. Thank you Adrienne, for opening up this subject, I love your words –
    “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch”, so true, and I am beginning to feel this too, thanks to Universal Medicine.

  357. Great blog Adrienne – very true, cleaning up the press is an inside job and a responsibility of love.

  358. Adrienne I loved the parallel that you drew between the media coverage ‘out there’ and ‘within’. As Serge Benhayon has taught the quality of the way we move dictates the quality of our thoughts, which in turn dictates the quality of our movement and round and round it goes. Bring on the day when this knowledge is widely known and then we we see rapid and lasting real change.

  359. This is just great Adrienne and so true. It’s easy to see the issues with junk food but what of all the other unhealthy junk we indulge in. I agree, we are the editors of our own internal media and taking responsibility for this is truly self-loving. Thank you.

  360. Thank you Adrienne for pointing the importance of the internal and external media stories to me, that we must not ignore the fact that media stories are there, roughly speaking, to influence us in all that we do. We are personally responsible to discern what is the truth or not and we have to develop that quality in ourselves because this will bring back true health, joy and purpose to our lives.

    1. I too appreciate the great observation Adrienne has made about the quality of our ‘internal media stories’ aka thoughts or mental chatter. Perhaps if our mental chatter is ‘junk’, then we do become non-discerning about the external junk media we consume. I hadn’t considered this as a very real possibility before. And what if we simply consume junk media just to escape our own junk mental chatter. This is perhaps another telling example of the outer world being a reflection of out inner world.

  361. Adrienne I love how you have made the association between the rubbish we read or look at as media, and the rubbish thoughts that enter our minds. By being a more astute editor scrutinizing the quality of thoughts in your mind you are freeing yourself from the cloud of illusion.

  362. So true! It’s not just food, air and water that we consume, it’s what we read, and listen to as well. I now find it difficult to listen to most types of music, and by pass the magazines at the check out. I am not one to really watch the news or current affairs although will do from time to time, disercernly. Social media is the same, we (society) are ravenous consumers. Even though I use it, it’s once again with disercenment as there are some great articles on there that can contribute to our evolvement such as one’s from

    1. I agree Kate – and when we start to clean up our own ‘internal affairs’ our discernment can open up too.

  363. I have never considered the rubbish thoughts in my head as an internal media. I can see, thanks to your blog that that is exactly what it is, just empty silly stories that keep me entertained. So long as our need to be entertained is greater than our truth, the media will not be challenged or change.

  364. I can really relate to all you have expressed Adriane.Thank you for helping me be more aware.

  365. Thank you for the insight into the junk media we consume and the effect that this has on our health. I too at times allow my own internal junk media to run wild and as editor in chief am responsible for the quality of the journalism. I love this analogy and can feel how I let the self deprecating stories take the front page and run wild at times.

  366. I can relate to the internal negative thoughts that can get out of hand if not monitored. I have recently been feeling more and more how cold and hard these thoughts are and how they affect my well-being. Great topic Adrienne, thank you.

  367. Great parallel: what about our junk inner-press. I am going to focus on that in the coming days and observe what comes through or to be more honest: what my chief editor inner-press lets through.

    1. I’m going to be joining you in the observation of my inner-press, Caroline, and to see what gets past my inner proof reader!

  368. Hello Adrienne, this is a fantastic piece and I loved what it bought to me. Our ‘internal media’ and the damage that is caused by it, I wonder if we imagined having a printer hooked up to our thoughts and that printer prints every thought. But not only that because we don’t ‘check’ our thoughts the paper would just float off in the wind and it could be picked up by anyone and everyone for them to read. Because they are our thoughts, your name would be printed on every piece of paper. What if the world is already like this, it is just there is no real physical printer. But every thought is out there, it’s just that we can’t see it but we can certainly feel it. I wonder if this would make us more responsible with how we think and what we think. We don’t think we have to be responsible because they are just thoughts. But I love how Adrienne you make this an ‘inside job’ and made this so personal. If you don’t like what is happening on the outside, the way to change that is to look inside first. It is possible that if we cleaned up our internal media that this would then clean up the external media. We can bring more responsibility to this, I know after reading this I am going to be more careful with what I send to print. Thank you Adrienne.

    1. Great printer analogy Raymond and I agree that the first step is always to look within and clean up our own act. I suspect you are right – that if we all do this, our external media will also reflect this.

    2. “If you don’t like what is happening on the outside, the way to change that is to look inside first. It is possible that if we cleaned up our internal media that this would then clean up the external media” Thanks Ray and Adrienne I feel that this can be repeated over and over again in as many ways as possible as it is the key to all true change..

      1. I have spent years and years…. and years battling with my own internal media, until I discovered that it wasn’t me all along, and that realisation then gave me the choice to say no, no more am I listening to the voice that wants to keep me down and stop me from being who I truly am.

      2. Hi Sandra, I realised why we listen to that voice and why we find it so hard to simply allow ourselves to be who we naturally are; this is because that voice identifies us and the other just is.

  369. I find gossip mags can be so addictive, it’s obvious they are not put together with integrity, day in and day out we create the demand for them.

  370. This is a great challenge to put to me. This is a good place to start, to clean up the media within and therefore to really be an expert when it comes to discerning the media that I read and hear.

  371. Adrienne this is an awesome blog.
    You say that you had an ‘internal media’ running inside your head 24 hours a day.
    Well you are not alone.
    We are on a diet of junk media, mind mess and matter and we are consumers not only of toxic food, but through our consummation with all our senses combined – hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and feeling. Gosh.. I feel heavy just thinking about it!
    It is time to STOP the Press and sit our own Editor in Chief down to say… Hey enough is enough. Where is the love? 🙂

      1. Kathryn and Stephen, me too! You have left me pondering who exactly is at the helm of this vessel!
        I have often wondered where these thoughts actually come from, surely the brain must be impulsed from “somewhere”, and that somewhere MUST be from the outside in……?!
        It’s time to out the pirates of this vessel and launch myself into True Thinking, from my body.

  372. Thank you Adrienne, This should be the headline news! “There is a responsibility to be discerning of the quality of what is presented in the media, and for paying attention to the possibilities behind what is being said”

  373. Yes Adrienne, how many of us were in the habit of looking ‘to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed’ until we saw first hand the misinformation and lies they indulge in daily to get a so-called ‘newsworthy’ story! It is inspiring that this experience led you to become aware of your ‘own internal media’ and to claim your role as ‘editor-in-chief’. We all have these random thoughts on one level of another. You have brought a greater awareness to our responsibility to clean up our ‘inside press’ by ‘living truth, respect, tenderness and care’ within ourselves. Cleaning up the media starts with us!

  374. Thank you Adrienne, a totally inspiring article. Gosh we do have such a responsibility to be aware of the type of thoughts we allow that then affect our lives and the people around us.

  375. Yes this is truly powerful to read and feel. The internal stories we run are often times given so much ‘press’ that they are bigger than the tallest building- overshadowing us and urging us to take it all on. We do so, often at the detriment to the whole of us, for as you point out Adrienne we are what we eat.

  376. This is so fantastic, so powerfully written with such verve and joy that I am in awe! You’ve hit the nail on the proverbial head here, Adrienne and reading this has been perfect timing for me as the gutter press have been trying to take over my thoughts for quite a while now! And it’s true, it’s what we allow in that in turn affects all we say and do and it’s high time I axed a few long running serials myself. Thank you for such an inspiring and truly uplifting blog.

  377. A great piece of writing to highlight how junk food and drink is only at the surface of our choices. When I go to the depth that Adrienne is calling out, of the diet being read and listened to and being ‘entertained’ in my head, I recall how before Universal Medicine, it was too scary to go there – it was too overwhelming. Now with a foundation of body awareness and connection to a growing sense of stillness within, I feel I can ‘go there’ much more often and with much more honesty of feeling. Sometimes, the quality of thought is quite different because it is a felt thought – coming from a different place inside and this implicates the truth that it is not about stilling the mind, but about connection and true quality of thought that can replace the junk diet.

    1. That’s great, Simon, that with your new foundation of body awareness and connection you can now ‘go there’. I like how you describe a “felt thought”, as if we are thinking with our bodies and not our head, it DOES feel different. We CAN feel with our bodies. Since Universal Medicine I have began to tackle the incessant chatter, not trying to still the mind, as you put it, but by feeling with my body what is true for me, inside and out.

  378. Awesome and powerful blog Adrienne- lots to ponder upon !
    What quality of energy are we allowing in from the outside world- from TV, radio, music, Internet, newspapers, tabloids, conversations & emotions of others ?
    Are we discerning of it as being truth or not before absorbing it?
    It then makes sense that this constant barrage of unchecked internal media is contributing to our ill health in society. And it starts with us cleaning up our own internal press.

  379. It also makes me think about communication in general, how we speak with each other. Do we speak from excitement, gossip, hearsay etc or do we speak only the necessary words. What stays lingering in our minds? What do we do with words spoken by others? Very interesting blog and a lot to ponder on!

  380. A very powerful and accurate statement, equating the lies and misinformation the media put out with the internal junk being churned out by the mind.

  381. I love this blog Adrienne. The mind run amok is insane – rambling on and on in a never ending stream of anything but the present moment. I find it really helpful to use Universal Medicine’s Gentle Breath Meditation (GBM) and Esoteric Yoga to help me realign my mind and my body into the same place at the same time. Then I can focus on what I am doing in the here and now and not wandering off in my mind into the there and then.

  382. An astounding image Adrienne of how much junk we consume in many ways. It is worth becoming aware of this so we can make conscious choices about how much we actually consume.

    1. Having a long history of consuming ‘junk’ food, I had not considered deeply my choices around what I read or view media wise. It is indeed an area which I could clean up as it provides another way for me to check out to what I am really feeling and be influenced and swayed by the outside world.

  383. This is gold Adrienne. The responsibility lies first with ourselves and all that we accept from ourselves and what we allow to be our inner media. I have always known that the media is not true so I mostly did not buy papers or magazines or watch the news etc. I have learnt in the past couple of years that if I am not willing to say no to all the inner rubbish for myself then I cannot truly say no to the outer rubbish that we are fed.

  384. Thanks Adrienne, this is a great piece on the internal conversations we experience. If there is a boot camp for those unable to control their inner media, it would probably be overrun with applicants, followed by a reality TV show, computer game, various paraphernalia…..

  385. Hi Adrienne. What a corker of a blog. I love what you raise about how what we consume through all of our senses could be contributing to our obesity issues and that we have our own internal tabloid press running internally – gosh no wonder our tabloid press has a firm hold as it appeals to that way of thinking that we have developed and let go and let it run our lives.

  386. I love what you have presented here Adrienne – that we are in fact the editors of both our internal dialogue and that which we read in the outside world. It is amazing how easily we can accept this style of reporting without truly feeling if it is in fact truth or not. Thank you for what you have shared, there is lots to ponder on here.

  387. I am learning to not take what is fed to me as truth. I now stop and check and feel my breath and I stop and feel what I am reading and thinking. There are lots of times I am on auto pilot but I am working on bringing more to account. Thank you Adrienne for this timely reminder. It is the truth – the energetic integrity of the words and thoughts that matter

  388. After reading this comment again I realised how insightful it is Adrienne and I love the connection you have made between junk food and the Media which can also feeds us a lot of junk. How in both cases if we are not discerning with what we eat, read, or allow into our thoughts, how harming it can be to the physical body and to our emotional state of being.

  389. This is an amazing insight into the harm that is done through irresponsible media that is now all-pervasive and accepted as the status quo in our society. As you so beautifully put it Adrienne, we have become consumers of a toxic diet of sensationalist stories and lies, and unless we take self-responsibility for this, we start dishing out to ourselves — and then to others are well. And the answer is not found in avoiding and withdrawing from the media either. Burying my head in the sand to not know what’s going on because it’s all so awful is something I tried for a bit, but being in ignorance also perpetuates the rot. We empower ourselves and start making true air waves that can instigate change when we discern for ourselves what agenda might be behind a news story, what is true and what is, to be put quite frankly, filth — and having no qualms for calling it so and calling the media responsible to account. That’s the responsibility we all have, and that is what will eventually change the landscape and power balance of the media.

  390. Just love this article and your honesty – “here I was, editor-in-chief of my own internal press… and it was shabby”. Great insights into how we run stories in our head and how we have the power to change it. Simple and powerful writing, thank you. I will be making myself editor-in-chief today and watching what goes in and out quite closely (and lovingly!).

  391. Such a small thing to do – to start by being the ‘Editor-in-chief’ of your own mind first, but the rippling effects of this is mamonth. Your committment Adrienne, to continually look for the truth in all aspects of your Livingness has brought with this sharing a simple, but profound truth. We are never powerless in bringing more loving awareness and clarity to the world, and if I (and all of Humanity) take this onboard, what an amazing world to be part of.

  392. You offer a very perceptive and expansive idea around consumption. I know when I limit incoming data I am much more able to be present to myself, others and the tasks at hand. Thanks Adrienne, your insights are appreciated.

  393. Your comment; the visual correlation for the diet of junk media that we indulge in…. Wow I had really vivid picture of people with their heads so full of “junk” it wasn’t pretty.

  394. “Internal media” and “diet of junk”, so true. I have my own diet of junk running too. If I allow it to run on, then it could get out of control, it then affects the quality day, my sleep and how I feel about myself and others. It’s very empowering to realise that we CAN choose to not listen to the incessant ramblings going on in our mind by giving it something else to focus on, our bodies! In comes the Gentle Breath Meditation, as presented by Universal Medicine, another amazing way to quiet the chatter.

  395. Adrienne I love how you describe yourself as “editor-in-chief of my own internal press… ” In doing so you support all of us to understand that we have a choice about the stories we run in our internal press. We don’t have to let them control us but rather be discerning about their quality and where they come from, is it from feeling less than who we are, from comparison with another, from a having a bad day… I have found that as I become more aware of my own internal media I have also become clearer about the external media and what is really going on. I can now feel the emptiness in the weekly magazines, and the angles in news stories. The truth is we have allowed this to happen and so it’s up to us to start the clean-up.

  396. I love the analogy with junk food. Cleaning it up is an inside job and one for which we need take personal responsibility.

  397. What a brilliant question to ponder Adrienne! “Is it possible that obesity, weight issues and heaviness of being are related not just to food, but to the quality of what we consume through all our senses combined – hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and feeling? ” Much to ponder there, and thank you for this blog!

  398. I feel completely inspired by this blog, I am going to observe my internal media today and being my own chief editor, see what I allow to get printed. Loving it and starting….now!

  399. Wow I never thought of the internal dialogue as the media – what a great analogy, thank you Adrienne. It will used it to clean up and refine the inner-press in my new inner dialogue project!

  400. This line: ‘Cleaning up press is an inside job’. Wow. Why sit back and passively absorb the junk media we are constantly fed when instead we can choose to observe and internally edit and BE the change (love) that we want to see in the world? We live in an age when many are realizing the ill effects of junk foods in the body, looking at the effects of ‘junk thoughts’ on the mind is the next practical step. Love it Adrienne.

  401. Everybody likes to get absorbed by the drama not only around them but, through the media etc, it makes people feel included and not isolated. Once we truly start trusting ourselves and feel into what is right and wrong, then we realise there is no need to get wrapped up in the drama and focus on the truth, life becomes a lot more clear.

  402. Ive just re read this amazing blog Adrienne and am in awe of the gorgeous way you have unveiled and exposed the correlation between what and how we think and what is being presented to us in the world today. Particularly in journalism but also in the fields of music, film, fashion, food, the list could go on and on. We are constantly bombarded by the world and it is reflected in our minds and our thinking, or is it the other way around? Is what we are choosing to think being reflected back to us by the world we are creating? Being responsible for what and how we choose to think feels like a fantastic first step to cleaning up what we choose to accept in the world also.

  403. Sensationalism sells news, whether it’s true or false doesn’t matter. You can always recant later. By then the news makers have made their money so they don’t care. News makers want the shock feature that makes you go wow, but society has become so desensitised that they have to be more and more outrageous in order to get that wow factor that sells papers and tv time. We are the gatekeepers to the door of our minds so we must be vigilant and censor and evaluate everything that tries to get past us. We have the power to allow in or refuse entry.

  404. Adrienne this is such a powerful and supportive read, in that, with the exposé of my internal press comes the realisation I am indeed the editor-in-chief ! Brilliant….

  405. This article is GOLD. Adrienne has hit the nail on the head – how can we truly discern the print media and ask for truth if we are not doing this in our own mind? I too will often allow many negative, judgemental and putting down thoughts about myself, but after reading this article I see that I can step up and be the ‘Editor-in-chief of my own internal press’. I can stop and feel any thought I get immediately, if it is not the truth and just a twisted attack or put down of myself, or even words that speak up and praise, but from an emptiness or falseness to not feel what is really going on, then I need to call these out immediately. Not send them to press, and instead ask for nothing but the truth. Once I begin to do this on a daily basis in my mind, then naturally I will do the same in my every day life, when reading the news to feel what is true and what is garbage.

    1. This article brings me straight back to reality bam!!! How most of my time is spent in my head, thinking truth is in facts, knowledge, information out there. Rather than living from a place (my heart) where I can feel and discern what is energetic truth and find true answers rather than convenient short term solutions or fodder for stimulation. Thanks Adrienne

  406. A real thought provoker of a blog. We have allowed ourselves to become inured to what is presented in the media and to take in a diet of media fast-food, media snack-bites, degustations and 6 course dramas. All provide a diet that overindulges and overpowers our senses to the extent we lose our ability to discern truth from fiction. But using our own ‘inner press’ is the antidote – our own, time-tested barometer, a clear lens on the truth of things that starts from within in noticing what we are choosing to feed ourselves.

  407. Adrienne, I appreciate this call to consider the state of our ‘internal media’! For most of us,one glance in there is enough to realize something needs to change if I want to be a healthy, loving, joyful person!

    We can take control of our own press and demand integrity.

    “As I began to pay attention to the quality of my inner-press and the effect it had on my physical and mental state of being, I started to axe certain stories that weren’t accurate or true and began to discern what the feeling was of a piece. ”


  408. I love your statement ‘cleaning up the press is an inside job’. Paying attention to the quality of my inner press affects my mental and physical state of being, so I can have awareness and know Truth. Simple, thank you.

  409. I love this blog. In bringing to awareness that the junk we consume through our senses just as much as through what we eat, we learn that we pollute ourselves just as much. The tragedy is that we have numbed ourselves so much we have lost discernment as you say – on the surface fooling ourselves we want to hear the truth whilst still consuming media stories that are unhealthy because it suits us. I also love how you have claimed that cleaning up this mess begins with how honest and how deep we are prepared to go in our relationships to ourselves. When love, tenderness, nurture and care is our everyday then demand for sensational stories or stories with bias or agendas have no pull. Stories that present truth and only the truth will start to gain the upper hand as we simply won’t be “buying” that other stuff.

  410. “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally.”
    A great point Adrienne, a great place to start with us developing truth and therefore easily knowing the difference in what we read, watch and listen to and from here take responsibility in what action, if any, is required.

  411. What an expansive article. Thank you, Adrienne, for throwing open the doors of responsibility. Everything we consume literally (food, drink, drugs…) and abstractedly (media, books, conversations…) has an impact on us. We feel it all the time and our responsibility lies in whether we are prepared to be honest about it. I am super aware at the moment of the mental chatterings that take up so much space in my life. With understanding I just keep pruning them off until I can find their roots and pull them up and out completely. This clears my ‘vision’ and provides countless opportunities to feel what is really going on in any moment, article, interaction etc.

  412. Re reading has been a great little reminder to ” pay attention to the quality of my inner-press”.

  413. A great article Adrienne, we have learnt to pay heed in some respects through a greater awareness at least, to the food,drink and substances we consume into our physical bodies. However we are far off realising as a society that we could be being harmed by the thoughts we have, the tv we watch, the music we listen to, the newspapers we read. When we step back however it makes complete sense and the first step as you say is learning to discern for ourselves what feels true. Seeing the whole truth and not just fragments makes a huge difference.

  414. It was good to come back and read this article again. “Cleaning up the press is an inside job” and it’s one that seems to continue and will forever be a willing part of my life. I realise that as I come to one layer to clean up another one is waiting at a deeper level. I love the awareness and understanding this brings and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Yes, it can get very uncomfortable at times but I can feel with each unravelling how I live a truer, lighter life in connection to my inner heart and divine expression.

  415. I loved reading this Adrienne, thank you. It is so easy to see and feel the effects of junk food eating on our bodies, but far more hidden when it comes to junk stories in our head, whether created by the media or self created. And so unless we are prepared to stop and look at the quality of thoughts we are choosing, these stories can just run and run and run. It is very easy to see what we are being fed by the media and put the blame out there but much more honest to stop and feel what we are feeding ourselves and the effect that has on us and those around us.

  416. This is a great article. Relating the effect on my body of junk food to junk stories in my head makes a lot of sense. Junk food can be eating too much or eating out of habit when I am not hungry which can leave me feeling heavy. Choosing to consume junk stories in my head can have the same effect.

  417. Adrienne, I love this – really great blog. I can feel how I too have been an often time sloppy editor in chief and let thoughts and stories run which are junk and something I would chide another on. And I often try this, but truly I need to start with me, and consider what thoughts I allow. They’ve changed massively but there are still times when it’s wild west and a free for all, and when this is so I will desperately look for something out there to distract me, a sure sign, my internal landscape has been filling with junk first as I’m now looking for the outer junk to justify, comfort and or confirm that. And actually it’s more subtle, those small thoughts, little lapses which in the past wouldn’t have mattered so much now have a bigger impact, and so it’s looking at and refining these and making the adjustments with them as I go, and not tolerating them, and then from there I know I approach my outer landscape differently. The inner really does reflect the outer, and the best thing is we are in charge of the inner – we can choose to change it.

  418. I’ve never really stopped to consider why does the press make up and abuse their power of providing the news? Why do they sensationalize some aspects? If we look around there are more than enough real stories that gain no attention – stories that are shocking and inspiring. If the newspapers were to print the true reality of what is going on perhaps there would be no need to sensationalize, make up and use their power to abuse.

  419. Wow, what a completely different way to look at the media as another thing we are ‘consuming’, and I have to say it was very revealing to feel for myself what is the nature of the internal media going on in my head on a constant basis. Yikes! This blog is so powerful in so many ways. It shows how the outside media of TV, radio, newspaper, internet, etc. is driven by the demand or needs of the consumer. It’s like they are just giving us what we are asking for, based on our own need of feeling superior, less, emotional, for an energy boost, etc., and are therefore just as responsible for the output as are the major media outlets themselves. I am now looking forward to making some sweeping changes in my ‘mental media company’ and cleaning house from what I may have thought was harmless to watch, read, or listen to. It’s all being absorbed by us on many levels, so why not control it the way we do our diet. Brilliant Adrienne!

  420. Wow ! your last line Otto, “gorging on junk thoughts and junk media ” has truly hit home for me to pay more attention to this self abuse and way of checking out. Thank you

  421. ” Even if the words sounded right, if the feeling didn’t, I knew it wasn’t a keeper. I also began to notice how I was in myself, what I was looking for ….” Thank you Adrienne. I am so much more discerning now – and this unfolds ever more deeply as I connect with myself. It is all about choices. Yet sometimes I still choose to ignore the messages……”Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch”.

  422. This is such a powerful blog. It really stops me in my tracks to consider the junk in my head as junk food in my body and to equate the effect it would have with the effects of eating badly. This is deeply accurate. They are both abuses of my body and both exhaust me, deplete me, affect me, hurt me. I have given up all junk food. I haven’t given up all junk thoughts. Very powerful. Taking it further….there are rules, guidelines, government advice, health warnings, National programmes, awareness courses, support groups, advice lines to help us tackle the problems of junk food and obesity, because as a nation we are beginning to understand (even if we don’t act) about the very extreme problems that a junk food diet can induce. It is our choice what we eat and many, many people all over the world are beginning to take that choice seriously and become ever more pro-active in that relationship. Yet at the same time, we all gorge on junk thoughts and junk media……what if we started to pay as much attention to this other deeply unhealthy consumption.

    1. What a great point you make here Otto about the junk thoughts and junk media that we as a nation just get consumed in. I see and hear people all the time talk about the latest news and get involved as if its happening to them and they are living the actual experience even if it has nothing to do with them. I know I was the same until I learnt how to discern and not get caught up on a daily basis. Its time we really started looking at the way we allow junk thoughts to come into our head and steer us off track.

      1. Well said Otto and the following comments. They all add to this powerful blog. It is so true Bina, “Its time we really started looking at the way we allow junk thoughts to come into our head and steer us off track.”

      2. Very true Bina. It is so important to look at the ways we allow junk thoughts to get in. I know that I allow the comments of others to affect me simply by listening to them and believing what they say. This can then affect the way I feel about myself. I am still learning how to detach from comments and judgements that other people throw at me.

      3. Great points Bina. If we don’t get involved in the drama, we don’t get drained of energy and we are more likely to be able to discern what we let in.

    2. That’s a great point Jane. I agree with the feeling of clarity that comes when we clear out physical ‘junk’.

    3. This is a truly great article Adrienne and awesome response Otto. As I sit here reading I can feel the internal dialog of junk media wanting to run its course and distract me from my true purpose in life. Thank you both for sharing

    4. A great expansion on what Adrienne has so powerfully presented. Great food for thought! Pardon the pun! Seriously this IS a profound blog that could be submitted for publication in certain newspapers that have presented junk about Serge Benhayon. I will ponder on my junk thoughts today and in the days ahead.

  423. Adrienne, I think your visual image of people starting to resemble what they consume is very accurate. I can imagine Junk TV devotees with their visual diet of excess, developing
    a sort of obesity of the mind where everything is pumped-up
    to unreal proportions.

    1. Jonathan I love what you have written, ‘sort of obesity of the mind where everything is pumped-up to unreal proportions.’ It reminds me of the saying ‘we are what we consume’ and also of the chickens pumped up with water to sell.

  424. I found it to be an interesting point you raise Adrienne about reading stories that might make us feel better or lesser than another. How easy it is to live in comparison to something we read, we can literally compare and judge in everything. That junk you speak of will always come, so how we set our mail system, is the key to staying on track. Love this article!

  425. The bit that stands out for me is “what I could’ve said in a conversation long gone”. So often have I exhausted my brain and my body by chewing over something I could have said, or said differently. My internal press can be very critical of myself and others. This article is an inspiration to let go of the background chatter and just feel the truth.

    1. So true Mary, entertaining any thoughts is exhausting. . . best let go of the chatter and feel the truth, as you say.

  426. I have come back to spend time with this blog again, Adrienne, as it helps me to stop and make sure I discern what junk is rattling round in my head and gets magnified if I follow a story line, then act on or express it in a useless and unloving, (to me and everyone else,) gabble. There is always time to stop and really observe the thought coming in and feel what has come from reaction and protection and let it go, or what has arisen from the heart. That is worth speaking.

  427. So true the point you make here about a ‘junk diet’ of media and music and so forth. It is a fresh way to look at an industry that we need to be much more aware of. It is so ‘easy’ to read a paper and take it for gospel, but at the same time, we do really need to feel behind what’s written. Every one has a subjective opinion, even journalists and reporters, so it feels very important to ‘observe and not absorb’ more and more.

  428. I’ve just re-read your article and love it for calling me to address the larger media I ‘consume.’ What’s interesting is that I recently wanted to ‘treat myself’ with some ‘light entertainment’ and watched a news quiz, a music quiz and a chat show that, in the past, I found very funny and enjoyed because of the group aspect of an audience watching and the inter-activeness of it all. I was attracted by feeling I was part of a group, I wasn’t alone and I was included by my understanding the jokes’ references.

    However, I watched the programmes and felt disappointed. I could see so much disharmony – contestants not liking each other, trying to outdo each other, not in terms of points because part of the joke was that the final score didn’t matter, but in terms of attention in the form of wit. I felt there was a real lack of support for each other and the people they spoke of. It wasn’t light hearted entertainment at all but potentially depressing as being derisory of others is billed as harmless fun.

    Anyway, it just furthered my resolve to commit to cleaning up the junk in my head so that I can be truly light hearted and fun with those I meet.

  429. Thank you Adrienne, I have been struggling with switching off some thoughts over the past few days and re-reading your blog today has really assisted and reminded me to know that I can make a different choice, every single moment of my day. phew!

  430. Humanity has a responsibility to discern and express what are acceptable media publications, reports and articles.
    ” Words can inspire or lift, damage or destroy and, ultimately change peoples lives forever”.

  431. This is such a great article, it highlights the responsibility we each have so that instead of blaming the outside world for what is wrong in it, we can look to ourselves and how we live, and choose to live differently.

  432. Thank you Adrienne, there is much here I can relate to. Having a busy head and getting too involved in dramas at work are a constant reminder to come back and take stock, especially as it is exhausting and my quality of sleep suffers if I can’t switch off. Thank you for the reminder.

  433. Wow, Junk TV can be just as bad as Junk Food! It is obvious to me how junk food can be unhealthy for me and the effect on my body is clear – I can feel bloated, tired, and get an insatiable desire to eat more. But the effect that junk TV and media has on us is not so commonly discussed. There is a growing awareness about the negative effects of being on Facebook and twitter constantly and not being able to shut off from work, phones, laptops etc. It seems there is a lot more to look at here that is affecting our health and the way we feel constantly. Great Blog!

  434. I love the analogy presented here of our thoughts or mind being our own press machine or media and we are the editor in chief. This has inspired me to have another look at how much free reign I give my mind to think whatever it wants without always checking the quality and without screening those sensationalistic stories based on fabrications not facts that it likes to run. Great to be reminded that I am the chief not my mind!

    1. I agree Andrew, and I love the fact that we don’t put toxic food inside us, therefore, why would we let this junk enter our minds? To understand that I have a choice in this is a great realisation. Thank you Adrienne.

  435. Thank you for a great blog. A beautiful reminder of how we are not only responsible for being gentle and loving with our bodies, but for being gentle and loving with our thoughts too. I have been learning to catch harsh and judging thoughts that come in and dropping them knowing that they are not from the true loving me. It is another layer of responsibility which as you say helps us to expose how this is played out on a wider scale in the media. Such a great insight.

    1. I agree Rebecca. I too have been catching harsh or judgmental thoughts, stopping them in their tracks. It’s an inside job, clearing out the clutter of the mind, knowing they are not from the real me. This article is so thought provoking, one to re-read as more layers come to the surface for clearing.

  436. A great blog Adrienne, I am feeling how much all this ‘media junk’ is just clutter in my mind and a distraction from living a way of life that will support me and others around me.

  437. Sadly sensationalised and biased reporting seems to be what a lot of people like. As you say Adrienne , knowing the truth about Universal medicine and how it has been mis-represented has made me more aware of how much misinformation we are being fed by the media and others. Since learning to discern for myself the truth of things I have become so much more aware of what is going on.

  438. Adrienne, what a perfect analogy; our mind running our own internal media all the time…imagine how hilarious it would be to print this stuff in it’s usual everything-gets-approved-state!

    People would be laughing so hard because we all have similar thoughts and so much of it is rubbish! Thank you for a dose of perspective on our internal AND external media!

  439. Awesome article Adrienne. you’ve made me realise that, even though I’ve cleaned up some of the junk in my head there’s lots more to clean up! There is no room for allowing rubbish and I am not a helpless victim to what I digest. In fact I’m complicit because I can discern and feel when a story is pure sensationalism or reporting because people need to know what is going on and act perhaps. I have to admit times when I have sensational news story cravings and I need to look at what is going on for me to want to fill my head up with this. These stories are always at the detriment of another – ouch!

    1. I’m with you in this Karin, a big Ouch! moment for me too. Not that I read a lot that comes from the media but there have been times where I have been drawn in and allowed my mind to be filled with these thoughts.

  440. Thank you Adrienne for putting into words so beautifully, something that has always rather concerned me; The apparently uncontrollable background noise of this ‘internal media’ running 24 hours a day. Dealing with it, I find challenging, to the point of occasionally saying something out loud, in an attempt to silence it!

  441. Fantastic blog Adrienne, real pleasure to read. I had only last week coined the term “Sam TV” for what was dropping into my head and although I have spent years looking at this stuff and working towards being present. It was only last week that I really recognised how possible it was to turn it off. I said to my self “No, that’s Sam TV, off you go, not necessary thanks, I want to look at the trees, look in someone’s eye, feel how my body feels in this moment, not be distracted and reduced by gossip and drama!”. I have been deciding to turn off the drama and gossip that pops in there – Your blog is funny and I laughed, in knowing yes, I have been there as have many others. We are responsible for what comes into our mind or rather what choose to tune into – thank you for the reminder, valuable.

  442. Oh yes Adrienne it’s so easy to fill those moments when in queues and around others with glib comments without really paying attention to what is being magnified, just by my expressing it.

    For me it’s not just constantly editing what I say, it’s also learning that to just be quiet and still around others is OK.

    1. Yes Kathie, I agree it is also learning to just be quiet and still around others and knowing and feeling this is OK. I am enjoying these moments with people and to not feel awkward or wanting anything from them is a beautiful experience.

  443. Thank you Adrienne for your article, it is so easy to get drawn into what is presented in papers and television. But since I have been looking after myself more and tried to be present, as you said, we might not know the truth but we can feel it!

  444. Such a powerful article and the parallel between junk food and junk media is brilliant, really bringing to life that what we’re doing to ourselves from the inside is the same as what we’re doing with junk food from the outside. As you say, once you’re aware, it’s then about choice – whether to run the junk piece or to allow the qualities of truth, respect, tenderness and care to prevail. I guess key in all this is developing an ability to discern, so that those junk thoughts don’t get their foothold more frequently than we’re able to notice them and nip them in the bud.

  445. This is so awesome Adrienne and has certainly given me food for thought. I have been fully committed to not eating any junk food for several years but have not been nearly so vigilant with the junk media that I have often allowed to take over my mind. Acknowledging the impact that allowing this has on those around me, as in Golnaz’s great example, inspires me to focus on cleaning up my junk media from now on. Thank you for sharing.

  446. Stunning read Adrienne, I love the question “What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense?” That would make a great scientific study! Its a beautiful way to regard our internal media that does seem to run of its own accord, until we realise that is it up to us whether or not we allow that story to run, and edit what goes to press or not. I am beginning to feel that the nature and quality of some of my thoughts are not really me, they really don’t represent me, so am learning to eject them sooner. Its quite amazing, but as you say, the more I clean up my internal press, the more I am beginning to discern on the outside what doesn’t match this blossoming quality.

  447. I love that I’m the ‘ editor in chief of my own internal press’. So true, I shall start the clean up internally of what’s going on, on a daily basis from now on, thank you. As you state, if we’ve stopped putting junk food into the body, why do we allow junk thoughts in?

  448. ‘I looked to the press to be entertained instead of accurately informed.’ I felt this to be such an honest statement and something I too have done. I have enjoyed reading this and am glad I am cleaning up my own internal media. It is creating a lot of space in my life.

  449. Thank you for sharing this amazing article. This article will bring awareness to the fact we need to change this junk mail going through our heads.

  450. This is pure Gold. I love your insight into the ‘junk’ we consume. It is all so easy to point the finger at something else but to recognise that it is what we let in and to choose to clean up our own internal media takes absolute Integrity, Truth and Responsibility – something I have felt lacking in so much media today but also lacking in ourselves! To bring the Responsibility back around to us in the way you have is genius and has certainly made me stop and start to reflect on the junk that I consume, especially the thoughts in my head. Amazing, thank you.

  451. And until we clean up our own junk press the world can’t change, it starts with us first!

  452. Wow this is absolutely massive what you have clearly and simply brought to light in a way I have never read before, and that is the rubbish stories that can run through our heads. Cleaning up is definitely an inside job whilst being discerning with the outside.

  453. Thank you for this fun and poignant article. So true, with the press just like the food that we eat, the more we take care of ourself, the more glaringly obvious it becomes when even something we are about to consume is just not cutting it.

  454. The parallels you describe between the outside press and our inside press are so true, and no wonder the world media sensationalizes and trivializes as it does if we are all allowing our inner processes to do the same. From now on I am going to become my own editor and clean up my inner press. It is a brilliant image that will help the process of cleansing so much, thank you Adrienne.

  455. I love your post Adrienne, a playful and inspiring read – I shall be deep cleaning my internal press, thank you

  456. Such a great article Adrienne. Thank you.” Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally” this really illustrated to me the responsibility we hold in all that we do. I know I have certainly fed Junk Media by buying into it and by creating my own internal dramas. Every deed and thought effects the world we live in. The world is indeed a reflection of how we are living. If we want truth, love and tenderness in the world this can only come about by developing and living these qualities with ourselves first. Thank you for sharing the responsibility that we all hold.

  457. This is a diamond of a blog, I love the description of “supply and demand” we get supplied with the quality we allow. It’s another level of responsibility and really highlighted to me the importance of everything we let in and how it will affect us.

  458. I love this article. I love the way you talk about your own internal media and also the correlation you draw between junk food and junk media. The way you expose that the forces behind the two are the same is spot on and I can vouch for that. I still do it. There are still times when I am feeling empty or disregarding or tired or in need of a break or a pick-me-up and I will be drawn to the sports pages of the newspaper. I don’t follow sport anymore. I don’t care for a team or any particular result, yet will still turn to this junk media. It is exactly the same as another person using junk food. Exactly. And whilst we may not be getting obese, we are still doing huge damage to ourselves and our bodies. Visualising and expressing it this way is immensely powerful. Thank you.

  459. I love this blog Adrienne and it made me stop and consider my internal media.
    “There on my walk with the rubbish internal media flowing, I began to understand that cleaning up the press began with me:” Awesome revelation.
    Thank you for bringing this to attention. It offers an inspiration to flow with.

    1. I totally agree Beverly it is up to each and everyone of us starting with ourselves.

  460. Thanks Adrienne – I love this part: “Cleaning up the press is an inside job: the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally.”

    1. So true Simon. Loved your comments Golnaz. Great article Adrienne. Thought provoking and a reminder to make sure our thoughts are true thoughts, not some down-loaded junk mail!

  461. A important article to re read thank you Adrienne for expressing so clearly and exposing the media and the many lies and untruths spread out there to create stories and sensationalism. But also the true harm people are put through and the lives that can be destroyed all on a whim.
    Yes we all have the responsibility to not accept what is happening and put out there and to feel the truth and not take it in.

  462. Of course Adrienne, thank you. If we are not in full relationship with ourselves we can be fooled by anything. In looking outside of myself for solutions I have been constantly mugged by what I read in the papers, getting pulled into the drama and sensationalisation. As the misrepresentation of the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine continues, it becomes clearer and clearer that we as individuals have to take responsibility for what we accept as ‘normal’ and allow to continue unchallenged.

    1. Well put Matilda – “in looking outside of myself for solutions I have been constantly mugged by what I read in the papers”

  463. I was once on the underground train reading and considering the fact that I and all people are connected, that there is a bond of love between all of us even if we resist it, and I could feel how much I actually loved everyone. I was glancing at everyone with an inner smile, I felt open and caring and very joyful to be amongst so many lovely people. I got on the escalator and a woman walked past me, all I can recall is that all of a sudden out of the blue I had this horrible harsh judgemental commentary about what she was or was not wearing and I was seriously shocked. Not only were the thoughts miles away from what I had been reading and contemplating, but they did not even feel real or true and I could not work out how I got from the previous moment to these thoughts. It was such a stark and dramatic change that I saw it – I saw that the thoughts were clearly not mine. I had received some package and I could claim it as mine and run with it, or I could say ‘no’ that does not belong in my body and my life and I will have none of it. It seems these thoughts can be a bit like the music that you subconsciously hear and then you end up humming it for ages without wanting to do so. I now know that we have a huge responsibility to take care of our internal environment and clean up our internal press. And as you say: “the more I develop truth, respect, tenderness and care within myself, the more I can recognise when it is present in what I read, listen to or watch – internally and externally.”

    1. I agree Golnaz, it is shocking when you get these thoughts and catch them, in fact what can be even more crazy is if I react to that left of center thought and then go off into giving MYSELF a hard time – double whammy of critical thought!

    2. I love it Golnaz. If we can catch these moments when what is not us comes in, we can reject them and remain being our true self. Go with the thought and we are lost until we can find our way back.

    3. Thanks Golnaz, I hate those judgemental thoughts that come in, and then I feel bad for having them, and wonder why and oh I’m stuck in a loop of bad thoughts. It is great to realise all those thoughts are our choice, and that we can always choose to stop them.

  464. Hi Adrienne, I felt this was a really unique way of looking at our own internal dialogue which we send to press or not. Really fabulous and insightful. thank you

    1. Completely Agree Judy, it’s great to reflect on where those thoughts come from and take ownership for allowing our own junk media! And with that the inspiration for a junk free media!

  465. Absolutely love this. It has been oh so easy to eliminate the junk food, and to stop doing things that I know are no support to me – but to fully filter all my thoughts too – that’s a biggie! What’s worse is that they are so insidious – they creep in without even making the thought in the first place, they just trip in from nowhere and before you know it you’re hooked. Definitely one to work on and definitely a true support.

    1. I totally agree Mary, as a society we don’t often see drama as being harmful – we tend not to see it for the poison it is. Yet it is there and left unchecked can soon become a very unhealthy addiction.

    2. Yes the thoughts are insidious and they can come in from ‘nowhere’, and so easy to get hooked. I have noticed how any thoughts I entertain, anything I choose to read or listen to has an impact on me far longer than that moment and far greater than immediately meets the eye. Definitely an area worth working on.

    3. I agree Mary ‘the poison drips in negative thoughts’. Often, if I read a newspaper today, I don’t get beyond the first couple of pages before I have to put it aside, my body does NOT want to read that negative stuff.

  466. Thank you Ariana for writing such an interesting article. Correlating all we read, feel and take into our bodies – not just food but junk of any form, also adding to the weight and hence numbness we carry around with us each day without taking note of it all but allowing it to amass and take over our thoughts, minds and bodies. I Love your de junking clean up from inside and then not allowing it to come back by making changes and living differently and more honestly and lovingly, and how that affects your body. Beautiful.

  467. This was a really interesting article. I found what you said really interesting about how you write an article and how that affects you in the body. Great perception towards writing facts and publishing them out for the world to see.

  468. Love your blog Adrienne. So well written and starting from this moment on, I will be paying far more attention to my own press. Such a great tool presented here.

  469. Adrienne, This blog is awesome, reading it again it sunk in on another level, I really am responsible and can choose the internal stories I run with. And I love how you nail it ‘Even if the words sounded right, if the feeling didn’t, I knew it wasn’t a keeper,’ great way to clear out and truly feel and this can be applied everywhere – fantastic.

  470. This is a brilliant piece of reporting Adrienne! I love the analogy and the inspiration of being editor in chief of our own lives, and how we quality assure our being will then assure our ability to discern our outside, really excellent reporting.

  471. What a beautiful exposure of our internal and external junk media stories that run and run unless we choose to stop them. Thank you, Adrienne.

  472. I love the revelation in this article. If we are running that kind of junk media about ourselves, what kind of self-media are those who actually write junk media running? The question comes up ‘how do they sleep a night?’, but in truth what is being show by Adrienne is how our thoughts about ourselves create the possibility for junk media to be created in the first place.

    I especially love the realisation that you looked to the news to provide entertainment. I remember I used to become incensed about media in the USA when I lived there. There was a very clear pattern that had developed which was lead with the gruesome news, but end with the feel good piece. The ‘news as entertainment’ has grown and grown and now become a type of journalism that is widely accepted. The question that always comes up though is: Is it the viewers/readers who are asking for this or is it the news companies who have found through their research that people will respond more ‘favourably’ (as in not change the channel and watch the advertisements ) to entertainment news as opposed to truth-full news?

  473. I too love this article for its REAL look at the internal media that goes on, and in asking the question of what are the symptoms of the media we internalise. There must be some right? Everything is after all everything. As with so many of these blogs it’s great to hear your perception of a shared experience. Enjoy your return back to what is truly you.

  474. Thank you Adrienne – such an amazing article… I can totally relate and find that I also consume a lot of drama from media sites, and actually take on a lot of energy by indulging in other people’s problems even through my phone/computer.

  475. I love this article Adreinne, thank you for writing it. It puts things in a lovely context and inspires me to take far more responsibility for my own internal editing of stories I may choose to run with.

  476. Thanks Adrienne, what a penny-drop moment inducing blog! I mostly appreciate the reminder of the fact that the more we develop truth, respect, tenderness and care, the more able we are to discern what we consume as loving or not. I’ve not had a TV for years as I got out of the habit when living in Asia and upon my return to the UK, when staying with people who have TVs, it was really easy to feel the unloving nature of almost everything aired. But I have never quite seen my own internal thoughts in the same light as TV… So thank you for this deeper perspective, I feel this will greatly increase my awareness of my internal media!

  477. A great Article Adrienne that I related to in so many ways. Sometimes the issues of the world do seem so big that we turn a blind eye and say to ourselves “what can I do?” But your message about just relating it to ourselves was very powerful. I have started to monitor my internal dialogue and clean up what thoughts I allow myself to run with. The impact of a made-up negative story can have a devastating effect on how you feel and then act as I have too often experienced. Thanks for the reminder to be discerning about everything we allow in, including our own thoughts.

  478. Beautifully expressed Adrienne and a wonderful reminder that taking personal responsibility for my diet includes what I consume in every sense. Love it.

  479. “I didn’t eat junk food but I had allowed a constant diet of junk with my internal media. I had begun to discern media externally but here I was, editor-in-chief of my own internal press… and it was shabby.” Wow thank you Adrienne, this is marvellous reflection and a fantastic reminder for me that I am chief editor of my own thoughts.

  480. Dear Adrienne, what I appreciate most about this inspiring blog is how you bring it back to us and looking at our own patterns – ‘that my demand actually determined the quality of press that was supplied’. This is another great example of how we can start to turn things around… if we stop being consumers of junk, start discerning and calling for articles and news items of truth and genuine care for humanity, there is more chance that this will be supplied to us.

  481. Thank you Adrienne, this is a great reminder of the stories we run with and if not careful get hooked into. I can relate to being in a doctor’s office and reading supposedly true, horrendous stories about people’s lives and getting hooked into every detail but at the same time wondering if the stories were real or embellished to sell the magazines. Then later in the day the story would still be there in my head, playing out.

  482. A great insight Adrienne into what we allow to run in our own heads affects how we receive information from the external media and how it all affects our body.

  483. Thank you Adrienne. I have always taken what is published in the press or news on the box with a pinch of salt. The old joke that “how can you tell when a politician is lying… his lips are moving”. All of this awareness is just accepted as a truth of how we have let the world evolve. The media attack on Universal Medicine was a wake-up call for what we have allowed the world of instant information to become, freedom to lie about anything with very little recourse. We have chosen to present the truth to world.

  484. Adrienne – I love how you describe our unwanted and often out of control thoughts as internal media – it makes so much sense. And I love the reminder that we have a choice about the quality of that internal media. I have recently started to pay more attention to mine, and in particular to how, if left unchecked, I can allow that media to play havoc with my relationships. Knowing that I am in control of what thoughts and emotions I allow in has been so freeing.

  485. This is a huge blog Adrienne and you are saying much here for those who really are ready to clean up the inside media junk.
    I love what you say about discerning.
    For me I will read to keep me posted about what is going on in the world but to keep developing my discernment so I do not get hooked in and see it for what it is.
    Interesting that when real people like Serge Benhayon are attacked by the media for speaking Truth it has an affect on All of us who are part of that Living Truth that he teaches.
    Thank you for sharing.

  486. Loved this blog Adrienne, very inspiring and you have captured the internal dialogue and how we can let it run unsupervised, no different to the press.

  487. Wow, Adrienne. I loved reading each word you wrote, an inspiration to start making in ourselves (loved the ‘inner-press’) the changes we want to see outside. What a great reading for the start of my day.

  488. Wow, a brilliant piece Adrienne, thank you so much. I have long been concerned about the nature of my own internal ‘media releases’ and now have added impetus to give my old PR agent the boot!

  489. Adrienne, an amazing piece that has me reflecting internally at all I allow. The truth is there is a lot of rubbish. Thanks to this beautifully expressed blog I now get to celan up my insides a little more, how awesome is that!

  490. Adrienne, I don’t think I’ve read one of your blogs before but it was worth waiting for this one, so true and so beautifully written. Food for thought for everyone, thank you.

  491. This is an amazing piece of writing…

    I love the concept of cleaning up ones internal press. I have personally noticed my internal press is what keeps me stuck or lets me grow wings and fly. We are totally in charge of our internal press, we can change the energy and themes of our internal press in seconds, how freeing is this?…

    1. Wow Toni, absolutely we so can change it in seconds and yes it’s freeing, it really is up to us. How awesome is that.

  492. Thank you Adrienne! I am enjoying the clarity and simplicity you bring to the correlation between media, internal media (mind chatter) and junk media “diet” and its constant affects upon us.
    Particularly inspiring to me – “Gradually, the quality of my internal media went from rubbish to beginning to have the qualities of respectful expression – truth, tenderness and care”.

  493. Thanks for this discussion. I have just been working with this same issue – of listening to my inner media talk and noticing that it can be inaccurate and misleading. For example, the internal message (also on a walk, by the way) was “she doesn’t understand me” and I was feeling some self pity with it. Then I looked at it with some discernment and saw that it was I who didn’t understand myself. Immediately I felt much less emotional and also took more responsibility in my approach to the experience the message was about.

    1. How beautiful. I too often find, when I have reacted to some situation, once I allow myself to return to my stillness and look again from that place I see a totally new and a much more loving and responsible interpretation. The more I am taking the care to live from that stillness and recognise how that feels for me, the more I can recognise those ‘foreign’ thoughts when they come and know in that moment something is not right.

    2. Exactly Judith, I love how and what you have expressed here. This is the very point we need to understand as we are always reacting to ‘the other’ when the other is only showing us our very own issue. Just as Adrienne has so clearly expressed here about cleaning up our internal media is the only way to truly clean up the external media..

  494. Hear Hear! Fabulous, inciteful, clear blog Adrienne. Just what I needed to remind me to keep up the awareness!

  495. Adrienne, I like your article – by discerning oneself and how we view the world, we are less likely to be fooled by the media. It makes sense. A good read for journalists.

  496. What an awesome way to say it Adrienne – our internal press. ‘What if we are what we ‘consume’ in every sense?’ Wow. It was fantastic to feel how our state of being is so clearly reflected in the media we produce.

  497. Adrienne, you have expressed a truth here that has touched into my relationship with junk media both externally and internally. Thank you for this inspired revelation – very powerful and I can feel the depth of your understanding of yourself here too.

  498. Hi Adrienne,

    I loved this account of our intelligence ‘diet’ and how it effects our physical and emotional health. That last paragraph, especially awesome. It is confirming to read accounts of others about the choices we have, about the quality of love in our bodies we can choose, that then brings responsibility.

  499. Adrienne this is such a perceptive and beautiful expression of truth about that age old teaching “to heal what is within us before we set out to change that same issue outside of us”. I love your honest and playful expression of what you noticed within yourself – and your practical application of responsibility – a beautiful example for all of us.

  500. I love this – thanks Adrienne for publishing this piece. It makes sense that our junk food/mail thoughts would certainly effect the quality of our health – for sure.

  501. Awesome blog and very inspiring. Thank you very much. It´s great to become more aware about the ‘internal media’. It is also a huge revelation that we consume ’empty calories’ with ALL our senses!

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