What Does My Body Know?

My body has always amazed me with its ability to know what is ahead. A few years ago I moved from a climate that is warm in winter to a climate that is very cold in winter. I arrived at my new home in the summer, however as I am really thin, I was feeling a little bit worried about how my body would cope. Strangely I began to put on weight – not a lot, just a couple of kilos. I was amazed as I had never put on weight in this way before. I knew that my body was preparing for winter even though it was still warm in my new home. How did my body know what was ahead?

This made me ponder on many past and recent experiences I’ve had which simply confirm the amazing, yet natural intelligence of the body:

  • Recently I went to a dinner party and a friend of mine who is breastfeeding mentioned that scientists are beginning to hypothesise that babies signal the type of breast milk they need through saliva backwash while they are suckling. This hypothesis is congruent with what scientists already understand about human physiology. What we do know for sure is that breast milk changes to suit the infant that is drinking it – a fascinating process referred to as translational immunology¹. Our bodies are clearly intelligent; they are able to change the milk they produce based on the needs of a baby. Therefore, the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind. Could you arrive at the exact structure of breast milk required by a baby solely by thinking about it… and in no time at all?
  • My partner and I went shopping for engagement and wedding rings. We walked into a few shops but they didn’t feel right and we didn’t try anything on. We walked into one shop and our bodies felt great – we had a lovely connection with the sales staff. We bought the first engagement ring I tried on. The ring did not fit the pictures I had, it wasn’t anything like what I had decided I wanted… but my whole body said yes (which was similar to what I experienced when I first met the man I will soon be marrying).
  • In my 20’s I had severe acne. It was painful and disfiguring and I still have physical scars that remind me of what I went through. For 12 years I ‘cured’ my acne with a contraceptive pill. This pill is now off the market as it caused fatal blood clots in quite a few of its users. I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones but use of this medication took a huge toll on my body. It wasn’t until I addressed my abusive diet of chocolate, coffee, sugar, stress and fried food that I was able to truly heal the cause of acne in my body. When we don’t address the root cause of a disease our body has to move its messages (symptoms) around. It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.
  • At the moment I am housesitting with my partner and we are looking after a highly sensitive bird named Pedro who makes a certain sound whenever we argue. It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do. We’ve learned to observe him and his movements and we don’t argue so much anymore! Animals trust and act on the intelligence of their bodies far more than we do.

In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention… and the fallout from these decisions? W-e-l-l-l, it’s been anything but pretty.

The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement. I can hear it loud and clear when I take good care of it, lovingly put myself to sleep early, eat food that makes it feel light and zingy, drink plenty of water and observe life rather than getting caught up in reactions.

In my 30’s I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had. If it wasn’t for Serge and his incredible presentations on whole body intelligence, I am sure I would still be suffering with a whole range of unpleasant medical complaints.

I could write a book on my experiences of the intelligence of the body but right now my body tells me there are other things to do.

Published with the permission of my gorgeous partner… and Pedro.

PS. A few days after I wrote this blog I discovered we had purchased our wedding and engagement rings from a woman that also happened to be the mother of a close friend who has been a huge support to my partner and I. This was a beautiful confirmation of the fact that our bodies really do know far more than our minds.

By Leonne Sharkey, Melbourne

¹ Clinical & Translational Immunology (2013) 2, e3; doi:10.1038/cti.2013.1
Published online 12 April 2013

Related Reading:
Listening to your body
Whole Body Intelligence – it Lives within us All
The Body is Intelligent

756 thoughts on “What Does My Body Know?

  1. Serge Benhayon is the real educator of life, I hated school trying to understand and learn from rote which makes life all about our minds. The education everyone receives from Serge Benhayon is simple and makes sense as it involves our whole body intelligence rather than just relying on the mind to get us through life. By listening to my body I’m letting go of the need to fight my way through life in order to be heard or understood.

  2. This is fascinating
    “At the moment I am housesitting with my partner and we are looking after a highly sensitive bird named Pedro who makes a certain sound whenever we argue.It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do.”
    Humans consider themselves rather arrogantly as being more intelligent than animals. I disagree we have in many cases disregarded our sensitivity, is it possible that Pedro is sensing a change in the body movements which set up a certain vibration that can be felt by him, as a disturbance to his surroundings?

  3. Understanding that every pimple on our body is a message on how we are choosing to live is like having a Pedro aware of our every move.

  4. Establishing a loving relationship with the body is very key to not get overwhelmed and anxious by the intensities of life. This is a choice that brings me back to a very known way of being that is really joyful and precious. It is a stillness from which we can live with no pain and suffering, but with the fullness we all deserve.

  5. “the body never gets it wrong.” This is very true and these days I know that if I need an answer to something that my body is going to provide a more truthful answer than the mind.

  6. I really appreciate what you have shared here about the body working hard to keep functioning. It really supports us in our arrogant and indulgent ways doesn’t it?

  7. Our bodies do know, we have to learn to re-listen, as you have shared Leonne, and when we do the simple answers have always been there. It has always been us who have turned a blind eye, so it is up to each of us to re-trace our foot-steps that have been taking us down the path of illusion and in retracing them we can heal and feel what our bodies have always been sharing.

  8. Leonne what you have shared about breast feeding is utterly amazing and yet so normal for the body to adapt and make the changes. There is so much that science doesn’t know about the structure and makeup of our bodies I am in awe of what our bodies are able to do as it shows me that there is an intelligence at work far beyond what our minds know.

  9. The mind can often get in the way of the intelligence of the body, and in our society this mind intelligence is what we learn to rely upon. Serge Benhayon presents a way of living that holds the body intelligence as something to really listen to, for there is much that is offered in this form of intelligence. To neglect the body intelligence and only use the mind does not offer us the full potential of how we can live.

    1. Absolutely Henrietta spot on using our minds keeps us less, that’s why we are encouraged to use our mind over the body in this way we are as a race of Human – beings kept under control. Which is how institutionalized religions has kept us down trodden for years. But the worst thing about this is that we have allowed them to do it by not taking responsibility for our own lives. I put up both hands and feet because I have allowed this myself that’s how I know we all do it.

  10. A gorgeous sharing Leonne – and one that does confirm in so many ways the truth that our body has to deliver for us at any time whether we choose to listen to it or not.

  11. Love this Leonne..’The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.’ This wisdom is always there, whether we listen to it or not, It is worth questioning our choices we’ve made when we don’t listen to it.

  12. I’ve got a lot of evidence from lived experience to show that my mind doesn’t make sense and with my body coming out tops each time. Both of their track records have proven the body is better by far. And yet I still hold onto certain situations or parts of life operated from my mind. It takes time for my pride to be dissolved and admit that the body is more intelligent and it is and should be the leader of life.

    1. Leigh Matson is there a part of us that doesn’t want to admit that we have been hoodwinked by an as yet unseen energy that has totally monopolised humanity, we talk about freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of movement etc., but that to me is an illusion in itself because we are not free at all. Because we have convinced ourselves we think, we think we are totally controlled and totally suppressed by our minds.

  13. The intelligence of the mind can act as if it’s quite superior, it dismisses the body, dismisses the senses, and can often see itself as being more or less than others. The body though just knows, the senses just sense and feel, and there is a trust involved. For me there is always a feeling of wisdom when I trust what I sense and feel, and listen to my body. The mind on the other hand seems to want to reduce everything else so it can feel big and dominate!

  14. “the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind” Oh how I love this sentence and I am learning more and more the truth of it as a lived experience.

  15. Your story about Pedro the bird reminded me about a dream I had the other night that warned me about something that was going to happen the next day. I didn’t realise at the time that the dream was a warning, but when that thing started to happen the next day, I remembered and was able to understand and deal with it with so much more awareness as I had been prewarned.

    1. Amazing Nicola and something we should really all remember. There is so much support offered by our bodies that we can choose to make our movements ones that honour it, then what can pass through it can make our lives so much simpler.

  16. Our body is amazing. It does things beyond our comprehension and imagination, things that we cannot possibly even will to make it happen. Even more amazing is how we still allow the mind to override what the body knows and communicates when we know the body’s intelligence to be absolute truth.

  17. We fight, we curse, we take our body for granted and all the while our body uses its intelligence to get us to a stop . And the moment we surrender and become loving with our body, it is as meeting an old friend as we do know our body carries the wisdom of the universe.

  18. Our bodies are so much more aware than we allow ourselves to be are aware of – it would serve us to listen to them more!

  19. If it were not for our amazing bodies, we all would be in a very bad place. In our reductionist existence we love to locate our intelligence and often we do it in our brain. The truth is that intelligence cannot be located in one spot because it is in every part of this body of ours. We approach the matter of intelligence with a mind that thinks in terms of centers that relate to the other parts hierarchically, when in truth there is no such a center but parts that can work in harmony together. This is the main guarantor of intelligence.

  20. We only have to silent the reckless mind to be able to listen to our wise and caring body.

  21. I do recognise to be hard with my body when it shows a pimple or a rash. But when I am like that I am not open for the wisdom it has to share but prefer to stay blind and deaf for what it wants to tell me as I prefer to live from my calculating mind instead.

    1. You sound rather hard on your mind too Nico. I find that my mind responds beautifully to love as does my body – and together they are such a great team.

      1. Thank you Nicola, possibly I just talked more from how I was in the past than how I am now from the moment I have accepted in full the honesty my body holds me in.

  22. ‘It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth’. So well said, and I have personally experienced this and now I honour and listen to my body and all its wise communication and my life has totally transformed.

  23. “My body has always amazed me with its ability to know what is ahead.” So true and when I ignore or interfere with it’s loving signs I find life gets really complicated.

    1. When you allow seeing how our minds at times are acting you can observe the complication that it creates when it is in complete negation of the signs and the wisdom of the body.

  24. “When we don’t address the root cause of a disease our body has to move its messages (symptoms) around.” I have a feeling that if every one of us was presented with this truth, that we may finally begin to listen to our very wise and very patient body. But its patience has been known to run out when we continue to refuse to listen and there are no more places left to move the dis-ease to – those are the times that we will probably be abruptly stopped in our stubborn tracks.

  25. ‘Animals trust and act on the intelligence of their bodies far more than we do’ – that’s so true and yet we consider ourselves more intelligent, and yet for example we overeat, and often for many of us to a point where many human beings are obese, this rarely happens in the animal kingdom where food and the body eating it is treated with a great deal more respect than many humans often muster.

  26. I loved reading the p.s. at the end and the confirmation of listening to your body when it said a clear yes to the ring that was nothing like what you had in mind, and then it turns out you bought if from the mother of a very good friend. Yep, our bodies are amazing if we only but listen!

  27. The intelligence and innate harmony of our body is incredible as well as being super consistent and not needing great accolades or recognition to keep doing what it does…

  28. With whole-body intelligence, we embark on a reawakening journey, that redefines from the ground up, the way the world looks at life the universe and everything

  29. There is much to be learned from studying the intricacies of our bodies and how they feel – about ourselves, how we react and respond to life and others, and they to us. There is nothing that the body doesn’t know and doesn’t tell us. Our willingness to pay attention to it and to listen is what makes the difference in how we use its information to let go of and heal old and unhelpful patterns of behaviour and embrace and live in full the potential we all hold.

  30. Our bodies are always communicating with us, to make changes or refinements to our lifestyle choices, which we ignore at our own peril, as the body then has to shout louder to get our attention, usually in giving us a big stop moment in the form of illness.

  31. Interesting that we can put ourselves by thought into the future physically and our body suffers in the meanwhile as it only knows presence. Through its presence it communicates to us what it needs to be prepared for the future not by us having anxious thoughts, what could happen and what we “think we need to do”.

  32. We get blessed all the time when we truly act upon our impulses and don´t discard our body´s signals. This blessing is always present and on offer, we simply have to follow its own rhythm.

  33. Animals do not eat and behave without respect towards their body. They are a great role model to observe for us humans, as they only do things to keep staying alive and they listen to their physical instincts all the time- because as they know, they otherwise would loose their life, if they wouldn´t.

    1. We can lose our lives also as we simply don’t listen to our bodies, we can end up with a health condition which often stops us from continuing living in a self disregarding way. Often the ill health can be the way we begin to listen to ourselves again. For humans not listening to our bodies may not be as immediate as what animals experience, however there are always consequences.

    2. Yes, animals are so connected to their bodies, they live honouring the impulses and as a result they are also connected to the rhythm of the planet and therefore are forewarned about dangers that might be coming.

  34. There are so many animals that confirm to humanity that they have an intelligence way beyond ours. How is it for example that Swallows and House Martins fly to Africa within a few months of leaving the nest and return the following year to the same nest site? That is a huge journey for anyone to undertake. How is it that Monarch Butterflies can fly from South America to North America, and Bats can fly from the UK to Eastern Europe and back? How is it that Animals can sense danger long before human-beings and yet in our ignorance we think they are dumb and we are the intelligent species?

    1. Feeling the energy before the outward expression is something we can all do. For example, something kicked off at work at the beginning of the week. The next morning I was feeling the energy of the day and of my work colleagues. I could feel the disturbing and abusive energy had not changed, and sure enough, within minutes of arriving at work, a colleague was in my face gunning for a fight. In expecting this, I quietly removed myself, walked away and got on with my work.

  35. Our bodies are made up of divine particles that are so beautiful in contact with the universe and obey the laws of the universe, what more do we want? All we have to do is listen and take super good care of it and the magic of life can happen.

  36. I love these examples Leonne. Our minds are busy calculating, generating anxiety and stress, checking out, worrying and trying to work things out, and meanwhile amazing processes and communication is taking place in the body that we are walking around in. Our bodies are constantly communicating, and on so many levels. We choose whether we want to listen to its loving messages or not. It is always a question of how aware and tuned in we want to be. Often we disdain the body for its loving messages, seeing them as inconvenient instead. We are always forced to tune in when we ignore our bodies. There is an amazing way to experience life when we tune in to our bodies and its natural ability to connect and be sensitive. I am inspired.

  37. When we don’t address the root cause of something we tend to just knock the top off it so it grows with exactly the same vigor as before.

  38. I agree our body is the greatest guide, where our head can mislead us in the wrong direction, the body always knows the truth.

  39. Our body is truly remarkable in that it is the very thing, that when listened to supports us to evolve.

  40. To consider how our body does all that it does on an unconscious level with all the different systems, cells, molecules and messengers 24/7 is truly amazing, there is such an intelligence at work there and by tuning back in with our whole body we can access an intelligence that is truly harmonious for us all.

  41. When we simply allow to feel and receive instead of getting tricked by our eyes by looking out and what we want and need, life becomes very simple.

  42. I agree our bodies know, we can treat them very badly but they continue to lovingly let us know that this is not the way to be treating them, they beautifully continue to return and clear the toxicity we choose, to a true homeostasis, a healthy and true way of living.

  43. Thank you for this reminder that our body knows what is ahead. I sometimes find that I am about to do something like pick up a weighty item, and my body will tell me what that will feel like and suggest a more flowing, harmonious way to do it. My body also seems to know things in the more distant future, like a window of space that opens for me to complete something that I thought I had to do now. This always amazes me and the honouring of this is something I would like to keep building.

    1. Yes, they appear to go hand in hand, so to speak, I am learning all the time where I can disregard my body or choose to listen to it. The wisdom for me comes from a surrender and reconnection to a true knowing of stillness and truth within. It is an energetic awareness that often can be over ridden (if we choose it) by our daily doings and indulgences, but once honoured, we have a bench mark that I can see can be developed and foundational way of being that continues to nourish it self.

    2. Allowing our body to have a voice, that gets listened to, is indeed very wise. The wisest choice you can make as a human being, because it is the key to know that we are in fact much more than only human.

  44. This reminds me that we don’t have to ‘try’ to be intelligent but instead allow ourselves to connect with the innate intelligence in our whole body.

    1. It is all there, we are even living „in“ the intelligence, and still do everything possible as mankind to ignore it and instead seek for outer intelligence. Pretty ridiculous…

  45. Our bodies show us the choices we make, lovingly so, though it does not feel it at times, it is our unloving behaviour that our body in its amazing intelligence is wanting to heal, for healing through love is its natural way.

  46. What a magical example : so practical at the same time, whilst we recognise the truth within our own selves. Like Pedro could sense your movements going towards an argument.. This deeper intelligence is what actually helps us and supports us further to evolve in life ! And all of our relationships.

  47. Whenever I go shopping the only thing that matters is my connection with the people in the shop because if that is not there then I can never find anything that I like in the shop.

  48. It has taken me a while but I have finally come to understand that “the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind”. I have also come to realise that my mind is actually a trickster, very devious, very calculating and seemingly always trying to divert me from what is actually good for me and nudging me to what is not. And to think I used to consider my mind to be the seat of my intelligence, like most others on this planet, but that belief has been totally dismantled as I have slowly come to know the incredible intelligence of my body, a body which only ever wants the absolute best for me.

  49. I agree the body is quite remarkable and never gets it wrong. I am slowly starting to appreciate this and my body a little bit more, as I have spent aeons ignoring and overriding it.

  50. A gorgeous simple message showing us that life is so simple and that our body knows everything already, no matter how hard we play or complex we make life to be.

  51. The intelligence of the body can support anyone on a path of wellbeing and health.

  52. From my own experience I don’t feel the mind is that intelligent and I now wonder why I listened to it rather than what my body was always communicating to me. I now have a far greater understanding that negative thoughts are coming from a pool of energy I was tapping into and these were not my thoughts at all. This is where we are led astray when we think we think it’s a huge trap that keeps us in our minds rather than connected to the whole body.

  53. Amazing article Leonne I had to comment and share how true the body’s awareness is. At the time I was struggling to identify the awareness in my body. I sat on the couch and had a feeling to log on to http://www.unimedliving.com. I started reading an article that popped up first When I got to the end of the article the link to this article grabbed my attention. As I was reading it I just knew it answered my questions perfectly. My body knew all along I just had to relax and follow the urges I was feeling.

  54. Thank you Leonne, it is real, our body knows truth and it’s real. Honestly, nothing in truth is more greater than listening to your body.

  55. The body is the seat of our intelligence, for the universal wisdom we all have access to is found deep in our inner heart. If you would like an example of this, just watch the way a small child moves. They move with their WHOLE body and all their responses to life come from this movement. Now compare this to the way most adults move and you will find for the most part that we are walking ‘heads on sticks’. This is how we reduce ourselves and by virtue of our movement, cut off the access we all otherwise have to the divine intelligence that is continually streaming through us.

    1. Great observation Liane. I have also noticed this with others and myself! In that when walking there is no true deep connection with our whole body especially when connecting (or not) with our feet to the ground when we are walking.

  56. It is for this reason alone and then some that we cannot allow the scientists to take over and control science in the similar way that the church took over and controlled religion and what was allowed as religion and what wasn’t.
    “Therefore, the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind. Could you arrive at the exact structure of breast milk required by a baby solely by thinking about it… and in no time at all?”
    If we through laziness give our power away to the scientists we will be heralding into another dark age.

  57. Not many people realise how intelligent our body is. In general we are not taught about the intelligence of our body but instead we are taught about the intelligence of our mind which is not so intelligent when we look at where this intelligence has taken us.

  58. “It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.” – For sure there is so much to appreciate in what our body reflects to us rather than seeing it as the enemy…

  59. And how smart is the mind when it makes decisions that harm the body, the very body that houses the mind?

  60. As humans we seem to have really disconnected to the wisdom and intelligence of the body. In nature animals respond to changes, including changes not yet here such as seasonal and weather shifts, as their bodies prepare ahead of time to ensure they survive. Each year in my home ants invade very aggressively about 4 weeks before cold weather hits in autumn, it’s a different time each year when the cold arrives, but they know ahead of time and they search for food to stock up.

  61. We often are preparing for things without having a clear idea (in our minds at least) of why, but our bodies know and the more we can listen to them and honour what they tell us, the more we can hear from them. Our very own feedback loop, forever speaking to us, and while at times we might find what they tell us inconvenient, isn’t it just amazing that we have this truth-meter showing us how it really is.

  62. When we connect to the intelligence of our body and live life from there, everything falls into place in the most miraculous manner.

  63. ” Therefore, the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind.”
    This is quite funny when one considers its the lower intelligence of the mind trying to study the higher intelligence of the body when it come to science research. It simple to understand why brain science is in such a mess.

  64. That we have such an innate intelligence that is within us puts a very interesting reflection into the whole world of education, the way it is conducted today.

  65. The body is constantly feeling the energy of everything around us, in us and through us, it is becoming aware of its amazing intelligence that we come to know truth as it really is, from an energetic understanding.

  66. We belong to an intelligence far greater than the human mind alone can fathom. However, if we insist that the mind is the be all and end all of our intelligence, then we remain blissfully unaware of such truth.

  67. It’s amazing how talkative the body is, constantly sharing with us what’s going on in it and how it wants to be treated, and yet how often do we react to it by ignoring, overriding or just doing the plain opposite of what it wants, just because we can?
    We all know that it feels amazing when we take deep care of ourselves: our sense of wellbeing and life in general improves on every level, and the more we make self loving choices, the more natural, and easier, it becomes to make them again.

  68. ” This was a beautiful confirmation of the fact that our bodies really do know far more than our minds. ”
    When we talk of the body it includes the mind , when we talk of the mind it excludes the body.

  69. I never knew that about breast milk, that is very fascinating and a beautiful example of the amazingness of our bodies and the interconnectivity we have with others.

  70. It is so refreshing to read a woman appreciating her body and marveling at its intelligence when she puts on weight!

  71. I love how whole body intelligence is something that is innately considering of the all – it’s like through our particles we are connected with an intelligence that just knows what is harmonious for all.

  72. It is well worth listening to my body because it always guide me to be more loving. I’d like to share one example, when I was introduced to alcohol as a teenager, every part of my body was communicating to me that alcohol was toxic, and thankfully I listened my body messages and I chose to stop drinking.

  73. We have a propensity to ignore our body’s subtler signals when we get sick, to just carry on…Why does it take us to get really sick before we begin to listen to our bodies, to stop, rest and pay attention?

  74. Our body sure knows what is best for us and maybe this is exactly the reason why we go out of ur way to abuse it, ignore and shut it down as what it communicates with us is not the same as what the mind or spirit wants.

  75. “In my experience, the body never gets it wrong.” So true and it is our openness and willingness to read what it is saying that makes the difference.

    1. The body never lies or gets it wrong – it is so solid even in a world where there are so many lies and twisted truths, where we are constantly being persuaded this way and that way.

  76. What you have shared Leonne that babies signal via saliva backwash the type of milk they want to receive from the breast.That is truly fascinating and it shows to me that our bodies are highly intelligent and naturally scientific.

  77. I have had many amazing warnings from the nieghbourhood birds and dogs about what is brewing or going on in others and myself. It confirms and reminds me everything everywhere is connected and can feel everything. An amazing reminder of the responsability of the power we all hold, and that if i am only thinking inside my head and not feeling from my body – I am disconnected and i totally agree – any choices that come from the disconnection always end up harmfull! Amazing! I just love this science and the amazing man that has brought it to life Serge Benhayen.

  78. Yes our bodies to know and in a way that our minds often cannot keep up with. What an amazing tool we have to support us in life.

    1. I agree Monica, it is only recently that I realise what an amazing gift we have, the intelligence of our body is here to support us through life but not many people are aware of its power and learn how to utilise this gift to the max.

  79. Give your body a voice to speak& you are never misled in life. As you will meet YOU and everyone else again through your body, the most divine vehicle that was given by heaven.

  80. I love this because it is appreciating the wonders and true magic of nature and the divine, including our bodies. And also just how sensitive and aware of our surroundings we truly are .. aka Pedro 💕 ‘At the moment I am housesitting with my partner and we are looking after a highly sensitive bird named Pedro who makes a certain sound whenever we argue. It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do. We’ve learned to observe him and his movements and we don’t argue so much anymore! Animals trust and act on the intelligence of their bodies far more than we do.’

  81. I was surprised at the breast milk fact, this would probably change instantaneously as it wasn’t that long ago a mother would feed other mothers children. The body screams intelligence…. This leads me to my next point; It is crazy we champion intelligence in our world and believe it is only a set few who are really intelligence as we are all intelligent…. if we weren’t, our body would simply drop dead as it would stop functioning. After reading this you could never believe you are not intelligent again!!!

  82. If we were to start, even in the most simplest of ways, to pay attention to the messages from our body, then slowly but surely, more messages could be heard, and the wisdom that is available will develop.

  83. This confirms there is a natural order to life, meaning there is a flow or connection that is innately within us that flows to the beat of a greater drum. So we only need surrender or allow this flow or connection to move us in order for all to be with us. This makes is so so simple as many things I am finding are and yet there is a complication to this all and if we choose to align to the complication then life is difficult and things are tough etc. The more and more I/we bring things back to the flow or connection and this is what will become our norm or first choice and the more it will be available for us all.

  84. My body always knows and tells me when cold weather is coming, it can be quite mild but I feel the cold weather on the way and my body wants warmer clothes or layers to keep warm, even though the cold hasn’t arrived yet.

  85. What a beautiful expression of writing your experience with you and your feelings by the support of the teachings brought to you by Serge Benhayon. I am equally very blessed to have come to meet Universal Medicine and so the works of Serge Benhayon, that have brought me closer to myself (truth and love).

  86. Our minds play all sorts of games and tricks on us and the biggest one is that the mind is all knowing and all intelligent. But if I look at what my mind has asked of my body, I have to say it is far from intelligent.

  87. We have it all right with us and yet we keep on searching for the answers, inventing more and more things, making life more complex and complicated.

  88. The body does know and this blog is a timely reminder as to when to stop and read what is on offer to explore next. It may be a simple task of stopping to take stock in the moment but either way the stop allows one to reconnect to the body and what is on offer to appreciate and celebrate.

  89. So many wonders in here, consider the body can change what it is delivering the moment a baby let’s it know what it needs. That just blows my mind because it is outside my normal way of understanding the body. It is just so much more responsive and communicative than I have given it credit for which would suggest I have reduced my awareness because it hasn’t suddenly decided to show me!!!

    1. I agree and we say it almost like there are many parts and yet it’s all one. We only need be truly real on what we feel and stop creating the ‘nice face’ of life and all will take care of itself from that realness. We have so many pictures of how we should be in any given moment that we have buried the ‘real’ feeling down deep. All of life and all the support is there at any given point as we are saying and so we only need to truly go there in order for the next part to be supported in the same way. Stop the faces and truly face what we are actually seeing and feeling, no more perfect pictures or good or right, just real.

    2. Yes it is that simple isn’t it Simon, to listen to our body’s intelligence and we will be lovingly guided through life.

  90. Body intelligence is a topic that could transform the day to day way of living in life. If the body decided (rather than the mind) what we eat, how we move, how we dress, and how we interact with others, everything would be different.

  91. I know this sounds weird but what if we considered our body to be us, rather than a separate thing we might think that has this intelligence, what if we just accepted that this intelligence is in fact who we are. If we work to our full potential as a whole, then of course the intelligence comes from all of us and not just a part, the brain etc. We need not worry about right and wrong when we operate using every part of us, for we are connected to a flow that is not only flowing through us but all around us.

    1. I’ve often wondered why we think our intelligence comes from our mind, which actually is not a part of our physical body. Therefore we could say that we hand over our body to something that does not exist. Strange I know, but interesting to ponder on.

  92. ” It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do.” I feel we do know when an argument is going to happen a lot of the time but we tend to ignore the signs until the argument is upon us. Everything is energy and tuning in to what is going on around us like Pedro did can either stop an argument or make it less intense. I am learning to do this, far from mastering it but when I do it really makes a difference to how the other person responds.

  93. Our bodies know and yet we often over-rule them with our minds. There is much we can learn from animals and young children here in the honesty they express in their body, and it’s something that’s there ready and waiting for us always, our very own best friend, our body.

  94. Because our body is far more intelligent than we think it is important to not react to what we feel because what it might be showing us is always there to have us grow and expand.

    1. And listening to our body and connecting to its intelligence is the best thing we can do. The more we honour what we can feel in our body and take note of its intelligence, we will be blown away by what we are capable of and what we can access, our multi-dimensional intelligence through our body.

  95. I love the way you say your body is telling you to go and do something else!.. our bodies know when something is complete and it is time to move on and this is a lovely way to live if we are open to listening to these messages.

  96. ‘It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.’ I absolutely love this! If only this is how we appreciated our bodies…what a difference our world, our lives would be.

  97. We marvel at how animals just know things and know them in advance. What you show here is that we (our bodies) know too, we just haven’t practiced listening to them.

  98. It is true that our body never gets it wrong, for our body has lived the sum total of every single choice we have made.

  99. We really do communicate by movement far more that by word itself. We all know this because we can have dynamics and issues with another person without saying much to them at all! Yet we think communication is just from our mouth. It makes me wonder whether what we are communicating is always what we would want to say if we are verbally expressing it.

    1. When we accept that the thoughts we allow are no different to the words we speak out loud we get to appreciate the level of responsibility we have for everything that passes through us.

  100. Whenever I’m struggling to make a decision it’s because I’ve gone in my head and I’m trying to work it out. I can spend years up there, strategising, listing pros and cons, but I never get anywhere because I’m circulating the same thoughts around and around – just like stirring a big bowl of soup, hoping that the more I stir, eventually I’ll be able to see clearly right to the bottom. But it never happens. It’s only when I take my ladle out of the soup and let it settle, that I get clarity. There is great clarity in stillness and the space that it provides to feel what the answer is instead of try to get to it through my mind.

  101. When we have to think, when we doubt, when we are not sure, when we are confused, they are all signs that we have left the connection with the body. When we are with us, the body knows, there is no trying and it is very simple. All it takes is to respect its messages.

    1. Yes, and surrender to be able to hear what the body already knows. Just as Pedro sensed the argument, there is no question that our body senses it too, we need to consciously choose to surrender in order to remember how to listen and understand what the body is sharing. It is magic, medicine and should be our normal all at the same time.

  102. I really have learned over time the natural intelligence of our body, this is what supports me everyday to live, what is key is to not fight against it.

  103. Our body, the vehicle of our soul, has so much love for us that we are constantly being communicated the adjustments that need to be made to allow even more love.

    1. The body never gives up on us – even when it’s sick and ill, it’s not punishing us, but simply clearing out the poison we’ve allowed in, discarding what is not naturally part of us.

      1. Well said Bryony. We are forever held in an incredible love and the more we open to it the more we see that we are all held within it.

  104. Thank you Leonne, this is very confirming to read. The body senses and knows so much, it’s the bigger picture it is connected to, the all. I find the mind is very isolating and when I am with the whole body I feel the opposite, expanded, connected, aware of and part of the whole.

  105. How true, our body ‘never gets it wrong’ whilst the many choices we make from our minds and the complications we create from such decisions is what we think is daily life – yet it is not. Life in anxiousness from such decisions erodes our health, relationships and confidence. The ability to halt living with our mind in control and instead allowing our body to feel and present what is known is a natural truth within each of us, all it takes is the willingness to allow it.

  106. Our bodies just do know in any situation how to be and what to express. It is only our mind that is interfering and makes us to hold back some times or even for lives, lives in which we are looking for answers outside of us while we walk every day with the goldmine of knowing inside. All this sounds insidious but is actually how I perceive we people in general are living.

  107. Bodies know what hits home for them. Bodies know what is coming our way. Bodies know how to communicate what they need. While the mind understands intelligence as bringing light into fog, for the body there is no fog.

  108. Today I walked up to my car and in my body felt that something was not right, I clocked the feeling and had a thought to check the oil when I looked I was nearly out. Thank fully I listened to what my body knew and filled the oil up before driving away.

    Awesome I had understood the warning from my body this morning but interesting I had not checked it earlier and had let it get to that point.

  109. When we talk about taking care of our body things like how we sleep, eat and exercise are often the first to come to mind but I think it’s a great point you make about how being aware of our emotional reactions is important too – for if we hold onto or identify with emotions rather than allow ourselves to observe them and see what they are showing us then we won’t be able to feel clearly what our body is communicating with us.

  110. I am humbly accepting more and more how much my body does know; how instantly it knows what does and does not support and how much of a friend and guide it is. Making decisions has become simpler and simpler for me the more I include my body in the decision making process… actually letting it speak and actually listening.

    1. I find it humbling too – the intelligence that is contained within every particle of us; it reminds me that I’m part of a grand whole and that there is always a bigger picture to see in any situation…

  111. I certainly had this ‘whole body yes’ when I met my wife and have had it on other occasions too. We are seven years on now and choosing this relationship has been a wonderful decision. Today, I am learning to deepen the relationship I have with this whole body intelligence. Life feels very different when I live fully in and from my body rather than the mind. I am working with feeling and sensing rather than thinking and what I can say so far is that it my body continues to prove itself to be a very wise guide indeed.

  112. Such beautiful confirmations Leonne that our body knows well before our mind thinks it knows. Learning to trust the body and its responses is a process of surrender because we are so used to using our minds to control situations.

    1. Absolutely – we have invested so much into the intelligence of the mind at the expense of our body’s unparalleled natural wisdom.

  113. The more I listen to my body the more I am in absolute amazement by it. It knows everything and all I have to do (sounds easy and it is really) is to be open and allow myself to receive all its messages no matter how uncomfortable they may be. My body supports me enormously in life much more than I am willing to accept and appreciate. It has all the answers and as I begin to live what it means to be surrendered in life the less doubt there is when listening to it. It is very beautiful to feel the truth more consistently within my body which I have always known and to live it in my life.

  114. Reading your blog I got a renewed sense of how amazingly supported we are, right down the to birds in our life! It brings so much joy to know that we never walk alone because we always have our body with us.

    1. Yes and the level of trust that is offered by the body when it calls us to listen by our movements allows us to feel the joy and vitality that is so missed by the levels of anxiety and exhaustion that is plaguing our current society.

  115. Leonne if you wrote a book… I would buy it! It is so interesting to observe how we as a society champion disregarding our constant bodily communication. We see this communication as a hindrance. As a result, we have industries that center on supplying products that enable us to manage, mask and nullify the symptoms/communication our bodies respond with when we are living in a loveless way, so that we can continue to indulge in our lovelessness. Yet our bodies offer us in every moment the opportunity to embrace, embody and live empowered by the love we are within, as therein is the intelligence which always knows what it is that truly supports us best.

  116. When I was around 20 years old I can remember wanting to know the key for accessing the stars and universe. Since then, through the work of Universal Medicine, I have discovered that my relationship with my body is the key.

  117. The body does have all the answers I could ever need. The resistance to following this lead comes when I don’t accept the way life can be lived as apposed to the failing way I have attempted and invested in the mental pictures of life.

  118. Absolutely but do we use it? How many lives would be saved in natural disasters if we were more aware and listened to what our bodies are showing us?

  119. Our bodies are so responsive when we listen and care for them and the more we do the more immediate the responses become.

  120. We can gain much clarity about the understandings of life observing the details of the world around us and by listening to the wisdom of our bodies – they provide many opportunities and signals to help guide and enhance all that we learn do and feel.

  121. the intelligence of our body is amazing and the most natural thing on earth – so it makes no sense that we spend so much time and resources fighting against it.

  122. There isn´t even a speck in our body that is not part of an all-encompassing intelligence, so we may ask where does a lack of or a lesser intelligence come from and override the body. Obviously it only can come from outside. This notion or possibility needs to be explored and challenges our common concept of intelligence to a much higher extent as may be realized on the first look.

  123. The most wonderful thing about the fact that “the intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement” is that we don’t need a book to tell us how we’re feeling, or a friend or even Mr Google. The feedback is right with us in every single moment; all we have to do is stop and listen. That does sound very simple, and it actually is, but so many of us have a way of making it very complicated and then end up losing the connection to our endless source of true intelligence; our body.

  124. Wow… even our saliva has intelligence! There is no doubt that our bodies are incredible given the examples here and the fact that every cell is in constant communication – how can society deny the fact of energy and universal intelligence when this is going on?

  125. A great blog Leonne. I really need to be reminded at times to truly listen to my body and not my head! I too thank Serge Benhayon for his presentations of the Ageless Wisdom.

    1. I agree Roslyn, there are times when I actively choose not to listen to my body as I don’t want to feel what is going on but in doing so all I am doing is creating a delay and a lag because my body will eventually show me whether I want to listen or not and when that stop moment comes it is far far worse than what I didn’t want to feel in the first instance.

  126. How honest and endearing a friend our body is to us – forever our seer, expressive, reflective of our choices and wise counsel and a servant until our last breath.

  127. The truth is we all have those beautiful confirmations of the fact that our bodies really do know more than our minds and that all we have to do is live in a way that honours the body, as we learn to develop a loving relationship with ourselves first. Our loving reflections of our lived truth offers another a different choice and the permission to love themselves.

  128. ‘This made me ponder on many past and recent experiences I’ve had which simply confirm the amazing, yet natural intelligence of the body’ this is true Leonne . We only have to look back and take note and appreciate all the times our body has shown us truth.

  129. We have the amazing thing our body and yet we attempt often to override it and dictate to it with the mind how we should be and how it should – we try our hardest to shoehorn it and yet it lovingly shows us always the truth, and not the one we often want to see; it shows us how what we do and how we are affects us and it forever offers us a way to come back to living the truth of who we are, what a gift and it’s with us in every step we take.

  130. A gorgeous reminder that shares we know everything when we connect to our body, our hearts and do things from there. We all know from the all. We dont need anything as we are already whole.

  131. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement. I can hear it loud and clear when I take good care of it, lovingly put myself to sleep early, eat food that makes it feel light and zingy, drink plenty of water and observe life rather than getting caught up in reactions.” . . . . .This is a very noteworthy paragraph for when we are not taking care of ourselves the body only can be heard when we are already on the downhill slide but if, as you say Leonne, we take good care of our body it can be heard the moment we are a little out in our eating, our expression, our movements and/or our thinking.

  132. I was pondering the other day on the humble spider which is making a nest in our garden at the moment. I always see it’s web become ever so more intricate and well designed in such a way that it is clear the angles and forms of the web are far beyond that which the spider would be able to compute in its mind. Incredible the intelligence that it is showing naturally which simply comes from its body!

  133. The simple process of tuning into our bodies is most definitely a microcosm of tuning into the bigger picture of life… It’s like our bodies and the universe are an interconnected hologram

    1. Very true Andrew as shown by the animal kingdom that sense of the change of weather long before it happens. They use their body intelligence and respond, where as we can use our mind to over rule and disregard the body. We need to make the body king again and not the mind.

    2. Yes Andrew, I know so! The mind tries to keep up and run the show, but the body will always have a head start… Every cell is like an antenna to the Universe.

  134. It has also been my experience that when I take care of my body it really takes care of me by allowing me access to an enormous amount of wisdom and understanding.

    1. Absolutely – our body serves us, even at the times when we don’t care to serve the true truth on offer.

    1. So true Simon – and yet if we were to listen to our body’s intelligence our choices would be far wiser, an intelligence which is available to us all the time.

  135. Recently my body has shown me what it knows and it is preparing itself for what is to unfold. When we live life in trust to the body, there is never any worry or concern as we are always in the best hands when what the body expresses is being respected. Then there is no rush and no drive, simply obedience and surrender.

  136. If we allow ourselves to really listen to what our body is telling us instead of entertaining the thoughts being fed to our mind seeming miracles can occur.

  137. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement. I can hear it loud and clear when I take good care of it,…” And herein lies the key as in the past my body was always giving me messages but there was so much other chaos in life happening that paying attention to it wasn’t part of the scenario. I had no care for it and at times it was quite inconvenient with what it showed. So even if I did pay attention but the message didn’t fit the picture, I would be dismissive. However once I started caring for it, it has become more important to pay attention and makes a big difference in the way I make choices. Thank you Leonne, for a playful read 🙂

  138. Thank you Leonne for a great sharing. It makes me wonder why we would listen to anything else but our bodies when we have such amazing truth offered to us through our own bodies!

    1. Indeed, we listen so easily to our minds and to what is outside if us yet all we need to know is already with us, from the wisdom of our body.

  139. I am constantly learning from the wisdom my body offers and if ignoring it, it just keeps on presenting the same message in a different level of severity until it is honoured once more.

    1. Very true Stephanie. The intensity increases, becomes loud and clear and so obvious yet we can still resist what it is communicating with us but through choice by nominating each step we say ‘Yes’ to a greater responsibility.

  140. Sometimes I get a gut feeling which is trying to tell me something, but this is very different from a general feeling throughout the body. From experience the gut feeling is simply telling me that there is something I am uncomfortable with, so it is not necessarily a ‘no’, but an opportunity to look at the discomfort and what is underneath it.

  141. The body knows everything about us, it is wise to be gentle and to care for it, to listen and to respect it. It is equally wise to accept and not judge it, to be understanding to its behaviours and to be aware when it has detoured from its wisdom and to be able to discern and to be honest about the consequences.

  142. The body proves to us over and over again, it knows us to a tee and is our best friend if we choose to listen to and honour it.

  143. We life in a world where our lives are based on our minds and that we use our eyes to see, and believe our visions – but, we actually are mistaken. We truly in fact live in a world where all is energy and much more is expressed than our eyes can see or mind can watch. Hence, we need to truly ponder on the intelligence we have used.

  144. I sit here wondering what sort of signals my body gives me that are amazing. I know they happen but I can’t really say I’ve sat and gone ‘Wow, thats amazing what you so naturally do’. Moments like when my jaw tightens when I think about eating something I know won’t agree with it – I don’t have to eat it and experience symptoms for days to find out. My bodies sensitivity to tones of voice or the way people move helps me understand and communicate on a deeper level than superficial words may do. That lightness you felt in the ring shop I have felt in house hunting and in job interviews and questioning if I should accept date invitations and following that feeling rather than what looks attractive in my mind has always been a success.

  145. We marvel at big screens with many colours, glasses that can display computer games, or cars that can drive themselves, but gosh Leonne your words here make it clear to me that our body is advanced and intelligent in ways we can’t begin to comprehend. The way we get frustrated and angry at what it does, is like being given a Lamborghini and ranting because you think you deserve a go-cart. Imagine what could come if we finally got out of our body’s way?

  146. I think more and more I’m appreciating – What doesn’t our body know?! – it’s more how much are we willing to be aware of it…

  147. ‘What Does My Body Know?’ Such great reminder that I need no more than to be with the truth of my body and the loveliness of me.

  148. Our bodies are so intelligent as you have shared, they know exactly what is needed in each moment.

  149. Translational immunology and other related disciplines with an openness to going beyond what we think is true will in time prove and confirm what we already know but on the whole choose to ignore – the body knows best and its wisdom is accessed through whole body mindedness.

  150. If only we were reminded and taught to develop or confirm the awareness our body brings us, when we were young children, as I’m sure this would have such positive bearing on all relationships. … the self care relationship on our selves and our relationships and interactions with one another.

  151. What does my body know? Well it knows everything about me for example, when I am tired, when I am depleted, when to eat and what to eat, when there is danger around etc. Any resistance then to being in the body is an avoidance of being the grandness that we are.

  152. I love this blog. My mind still wants to rule the roost a lot of the time and yet I know that the body has an intelligence that we can rely on and the more we honour the body and it’s wisdom the more is revealed.

  153. It’s always a treasure when I honour my body in full – and when I don’t I feel how our body has to catch up for us.

  154. I am still developing how to live completely within the wisdom of my body. It is a wonderful learning and as I observe myself I get to know what expands my body and being and what contracts it.

  155. There are certain poor choices I have made over the years that I have felt, I could never give up. But then as I open up to more care and self love these choices no longer feel appealing, which shows to me the benefit of just taking care, and allowing the body to signal the rest of the way. Our only job is to pay attention to this whole body intelligence.

    1. When we don’t listen to our bodies, everything we do becomes an arduous job that never has room for love or self-care. So, as you have said Stephen, when we make listening to our body an integral part of it and have a job we love doing, can we even call it work?

      1. For sure Steve, at the very least it changes our view of what it means to be “at work”. Work no longer has to be a drag but something that is a natural part of our life, and not at all something we need to seek relief from with weekends and holidays.

    2. Very good point Stephen. I can still feel a struggle at times to let go of my mind leading the way, but to take the bodies lead has repeatedly proven to be the more successful and supportive choice. For example: The mind will push me to go to work, feel terrible and be sent home and take longer to heal. The body is more inclined to call in sick, rest and recover faster.

  156. Wise words indeed Leonie;
    “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement. I can hear it loud and clear when I take good care of it”.
    Take good care of it yes, and accept the responsibility to listen and respond with love light and power.

  157. I too have come to know that “the body never gets it wrong”, but it’s the mind that is the one that leads us very cleverly away from the truth. After not trusting the messages from my body for most of my life I am now loving the connection I have rebuilt with it; a connection that offers me a constant hot line to the truth.

  158. Imagine growing up with the understanding that our bodies are intelligent and we have access to the wisdom of the universe if we allow it. What different lives we’d live – not in the pursuit of knowledge or kudos, but in harmony with what we know is there to do, and in our own unique expressions and timings.

  159. I find it intriguing that many of us, myself included, live most of our lives in our head, seeing our mind as the receptacle of our knowing and our body as something needed to get through life, and it is not until our life goes astray through our minds choices that we can even contemplate that our true wisdom resides within our bodies, is ever present, and more than willing to share its intelligence.

  160. When it comes to illness and disease our bodies are way more intelligent than the way we behave. For instance I was sick last week, took the day off work after consulting with my body. Yet the next day even though I knew I wasn’t 100% I expected it to do a ‘full speed ahead’ day. Needless to say by 2pm I was exhausted and aching again and very humbled by how smart and considerate of me my body is.

  161. Our body holds all we need, and so it is up to us to cherish and nurture our vehicle of wisdom.

  162. So beautiful Leonne and such an amazing sharing and appreciation of all we are and all that is shown and known to us “the intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.”

  163. It is true that our body never gets it wrong and we are forever provided the wisdom and foresight to navigate life and live the absolutely true us.

  164. The body is the marker of all truth as said by Serge Benhayon , Thanks Leonne for sharing your body felt experiences of life. For me learning to live by feeling and checking in with the body is so much more supportive than the disconnection of the part to the body and therefore abusing it .

  165. The other day just before heading to work I had a feeling to take my larger, warmer jacket. This was out of the ordinary as I had not needed it all winter, and so I ignored the impulse only to find that when I was coming home that evening, there was an icy wind and the temperature suddenly dropped. My body knew and wanted to prepare for it, and yet my head took over and rationalised that there was no need…

  166. We know that animals know the cycles of nature and can sense things ahead but we do not give ourselves credit to be able to do the same. What you describe here shows that we know too, it is only that we ignore it and use a lifestyle of distraction and overstimulation that dulls our senses and thus our awareness of all that we (could) know.

  167. I am blown away by the level of detail our bodies register, when we make the space to listen there is so so much it has to say.

  168. Great sharing, thanks Leonne. The fact that Pedro could feel an argument brewing before it happened, is fantastic proof that everything is there in the field of our awareness to be read and discerned.

  169. Our bodies hold the answer to every question we have; how empowering, freeing and divine is that.

  170. How true it is that our body deeply knows and is forever forewarning us of what is to come should we not heed our inner wisdom and call.

  171. Yesterday I went into a supermarket to get myself something to eat for lunch because my head was telling me I had to eat as I had been working hard physically all morning but when I tried to feel what I needed to eat I didn’t actually have to, so I walked out empty handed . Something that I have never done before.

  172. I can so relate to this one ‘In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention… and the fallout from these decisions? W-e-l-l-l, it’s been anything but pretty.’ Even now I am not fully listening to what my body is telling me .. yet it continues to endlessly love me!

  173. After reading this blog one wonders why we would ignore the intelligence of the body when it clearly offers us infinite wisdom and truth that supports us with everything in life.

  174. My body has felt quite tense this morning so I stopped and listened to it’s message, asked myself why, I realised I was rushing against time. With this awareness I have stopped the rushing and the tense feeling has gone. I appreciate so much what my body shows me.

  175. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.” How very true Leonne, this is true intelligence to be listening to our bodies and understanding what it is that we are trying to say.

  176. I am coming to realise more and more that this body, one that I have lived with for 50 years, is more profoundly intelligent than I can possibly imagine and that it knows before my brain does what truly supports me to live a full life.

  177. It’s well worth paying attention to the wisdom of the body because we can learn an enormous amount about how to live life in full and in truth. For one, the body does not judge. EVER… despite all the rubbish we abuse it with it still never chooses to abuse us back with judgement.

  178. I’ve spend the last week having an incredibly close relationship with my body as it’s quite clearly told me things need to be done differently. It’s amazing how instant our relationship with our body can be and how quickly that relationship can blossom into something quite magnificent and totally life-changing.

  179. By the very nature of the particles that make up our being, we must be in tune with the Universe and all its Light and Wisdom.

  180. It is truly wise to listen astutely to our body and to heed our infinite grace and wisdom.

  181. Following the natural impulses of our bodies, those moments when we know 100% what is our next move… are totally magical. We have no picture or outcome, but by following the truth of those impulses, everything falls into place!

  182. It is a totally different experience and quite often a quicker experience when we feel into a purchase rather than follow what fits our pictures about what is right or not.

  183. When we listen to our body that deeply, we are living and constellating the future.

  184. When we start to develop a relationship with our bodies we can tap on a level of intelligence which is far beyond anything we know from our minds, as each particle in us is aligned to the multidimensionality of the stars we can once again live the simplicity and flow of heaven on earth simply by meeting life through our bodies and not our heads.

  185. Love that term ‘translational immunology’ highlighting how the particles in all things are constantly communicating with each other.

  186. What you describe beautifully here, Leonne, is that we can trust our bodies and that it is ok to listen to them and learn to go by our whole body’s feeling instead of just following our head.

  187. We indeed know through our body as everything is passing through the body, is recognized and registered. The moment the mind directs the focus towards the body´s communication we are aware of what the body knows; distracting the mind away from the body keeps us unaware of this enormous knowing.

  188. I used to find myself getting frustrated with my body as it wouldn’t do what i wanted it to but stopping that pattern of abuse and listening to my body instead has opened up a whole new way of being with my body.

  189. Love it Arianna – the body does know it all and connection to the body means we have access to it all, what more can we ask for?

  190. “In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention” – funny how our education system makes the head intelligence the focus rather than the body intelligence! Really the body one should lead the way for the head intelligence, then we might just actually get somewhere!

  191. As a society in general we tend to put a lot of credence on information that is gathered from outside sources – such as studies or tests done in labs and yet we don’t seem to place the same value on the knowing or intelligence that we get from our own body – this is something we could bring much more into our education system, supporting kids to grow into adults who have a deeper appreciation of the wisdom and intelligence of their whole body.

    1. I agree, Fiona, and maybe we could actually study our bodies, their innate wisdom and accuracy when it comes to knowing what supports us to stay well and healthy.

  192. The body is always simple, real and honest about everything; not so the mind that only thinks it is often in ignorance of the reality of one´s choices. The mind doesn´t necessarily like the body’s simplicity and truthfulness. The moment the mind honours the body it humbly lets go of its own self-serving agenda, submitting itself to truth – these are great moments.

  193. I have always found the intelligence of the body fascinating, it’s a science, it makes me so over joyed to read a blog that really encompasses what it looks like on a practical level. Universal Medicine is a school for learning more about what the body is capable of.

  194. it is very easy to write off the body as being nothing more than a vehicle. But it is far more than that. It is a conduit, a sensory organ in its own right, and when used in its totality, offers a bridge to understanding life from a completely different level.

  195. A very beautiful sharing on the intelligence and knowing of our bodies and all they show us if we are willing to listen and live in a way that this communication becomes part of our lives allowing a beauty and simplicity and making life about love and observation rather than getting caught up in reactions to it all.

  196. Our body knows how to access the wisdom of the universe and our mind knows how to override it.

  197. With your body having the answers, it is like walking around with the universe at your finger tips.

  198. ‘It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.’ this is a very true statement – we make our body wrong rather than our choices in how we are treating our body, a body that is actually a ‘walking miracle’ if we stop to appreciate the mechanisms of this body, and that it carries something deeper within it, an intelligence – body intelligence. How much would the quality of our lives be changed if we adhered to its intelligence.

  199. Leonne, first of all congratulations on your beautiful relationship and upcoming wedding! Secondly, I love the way you have lightheartedly shared about body intelligence in this blog. I also found it hilarious to read about the bird Pedro and how it could feel any shifts in energy and hence supported you both to be more aware of it too and hence change the way you were with each other. Our body is a true teacher, and it is about how much we are willing to listen and to take on board and embrace that shows us how much we are willing to be the forever student!

  200. There are two forms of intelligence mentioned here…. one is very natural, working only on an ease and a flow. It is a Livingness of awareness of what is going on. There is no question of whether something is right or wrong as it simply just is. The other form is based purely on our minds remembering and recalling how to respond from previous experiences it has had. It is very exhausting coming from this place alone as we are not living in the full moment and awareness of what is occurring around us.

  201. Even in the simplest of examples like not dressing warmly when the weather is cold – it is interesting to take note whether we do listen to the body and improve the situation or how often do we ignore, ‘toughen-up’ and grin and bear it… The body certainly gives clear indication to what it needs.

  202. Our bodies are way ahead of us, most of the time, they know best, they communicate with us and all we need to do is listen. I agree, decide from the body not the mind alone.

  203. I’v been waking up tired in the morning for a few weeks now so last night I listened to my body and how affected I have been by looking at a screen or looking at my phone late at night before going to bed. By just paying attention to how my body felt, the want or need to stay up and get things done on my computer just vanished. I woke up this morning feeling more energised and I have for quite some time. I look forward to putting myself to sleep and winding down in this way from now on.

  204. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.” – so easy for us to tune into yet how often do we actually use this tool?

  205. I’m starting to really appreciate that this body I have negated for such a long time, is my home in every movement I make, and how I live in it. This body, our body, is a living, intelligent vehicle and if we really allow ourselves to be awake in our body, it actually guides and speaks to us in it’s way. For me, I’m learning to bring awareness and understanding to my body, to what it is showing me.

    Love this sharing Leonne, you show how magnificent the body is in its own unassuming way.

  206. Just like animals can sense earthquakes and tsunamis before they happen and move to higher ground.

    1. Well said Leonne – when we silence the voice of the body (or more like drown it out with other noise, as it cannot really be silenced) then we allow ourselves to be distracted by the other directives that we tune into which do not necessarily respect and care for ourselves as fully as the body does. We are effectively blinded…and what a blessing to allow the connection again and return to ‘seeing’ all over again!

  207. The only reason we might question the intelligence of the body is because we override its messages and use our mind to lead the way and make decisions. Once connected to the intelligence of the body it is indisputably the greatest form of intelligence there is on this plane of life. I’m loving relearning to listen.

  208. Yep – I will be listening to my body today, and not ignore it’s helpful messages and guidance throughout the day!

  209. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.” It is with great joy and curiosity that I too am now starting to develop a relationship with my body where I actually listen to its constant reflection of truth.

  210. What does my body know? I would say everything because my body lives with me day in and day out.

  211. Wow, amazing! I am so used to using my brain for everything, I’ve analysed life, read books, listened to ted talks, just so that I can gather as much knowledge and be as intelligent as possible because “knowledge is power”. Yet, this knowledge drove me deeper into bulimia, drugs, abusive relationships, whilst I was analysing all of my situations rather than listening to my body’s screaming messages to run out of the club, put down the joint, and never again sleep with somebody who I didn’t love. It’s a challenging path, but the most amazing thing is that I know my body knows, I know that it is so intelligent and the more I surrender to wiser I will become.

  212. The more we commit to develop the relationship with our bodies the more we understand there is a beautiful flow to life where nothing happens as a coincidence but it is perfectly synchronized for our own evolution, when we truly appreciate this and move in this awe, there is no other way than to surrender to the flow of the universe.

    1. Yes, Francisco, it is beautiful to connect to the flow within us and all around us, ever deepening our surrender to the grander rhythms that we are intrinsically a part of.

  213. In the past I had no relationship with my body in that I paid no attention to what it was showing me, which at times it was very loud with constant exhaustion, pains, brain fog, illnesses, food reactions etc etc. The thing about this list is many of the symptons are seen as normal life. It was after getting really sick with digestive problems I started to pay attention mainly because I was in so much pain, this was my real incentive at the time if Im honest. However it was then, as I listened and acted on the messages, my body showed me more as it felt like it was going ‘ah at last shes listening!’ From there and then meeting Serge Benhayon I developed a more loving and caring relationship with my body which today I fully appreciate how this amazing vehicle constantly holds the answers that can support me in every way, through life.

  214. The vastness of knowing and intelligence of our bodies is simply amazing as shared here so beautifully that we cannot deny despite how hard we may try to do this. A very loving knowing shines out from the simplicity offered here.

  215. Our bodies are made up of particles from heaven and are capable of transforming us in any one moment if we choose to work with and abide by their enormous ability to bring through great wisdom and the deepest of love.

  216. I love the intelligence of the body, it returns us constantly to where we need to be. My body is making me rest deeply at the moment, and the mind is having to stop planning and listen to the very loud messages from the body, the whole body intelligence knows everything.

  217. Very true Leonne, I found that when something does not feel right it always turns out to not be supportive of me – whatever my mind says to justify.

  218. I find that my body will naturally take extra sleep a few days before if there is going to be a night when I will be working late, even if I don’t consciously know that I will be late it is like my body has already planned for it.

  219. This is such a good sharing and I love how Pedro was on it well before what was about to take place. Super cool you were willing to see this and be open to connect to the body and honour what it was communicating with you. There is so much we can learn from our bodies if we just surrender to them and let them communicate to us everything that is there.

  220. There a redefinition of abuse needed with what we call abuse. Sometimes our bodies say yes to things our minds might find challenging to accept and embrace. For instance our bodies say yes to no alcohol yet we perceive that we need alcohol to keep us going. In the fighting of the bodies yes however small the resistance might be is in itself an abuse on the body.

  221. So awesome what you present here Leonne – when you factor in the way we are communicated to constantly through symbols and dreams, it becomes really clear to see our body is the true ‘information highway’ the internet pretends to be. Our physical vehicle allows us to know, understand and access everything we could possibly need, as long as we treat it with respect, love and don’t speed.

  222. I find that my body is also tremendously helpful with what is happening right now, giving me lots of clues how I am expressing at any moment. I then have the choice to modify my expression.

  223. Our bodies know what the universe knows – everything that is needed.

  224. There is that saying, my body is my temple, which is basically true as everything we ever need to nourish us, and that which is absolutely divine, is housed within this body, so it needs our complete honouring, cherishing and sustaining, of the heavenly quality that it holds.

  225. Thank you Leonne for this incredible piece of writing. So much to ponder on and I have just downloaded the article about the breast milk response. Love it – the celebration of our bodies and their wisdom.

  226. “My body has always amazed me with its ability to know what is ahead.” I have noticed recently how my body will tense and tighten if I have made a choice that will not prove supportive, just after I have decided, and how I have over-ridden listening to it ,only to be confronted with an issue a little while later. I was given the warning signs and refused to listen to my bodies signals. Ah the benefit of hindsight.

    1. One of my key insights was that feedback from my body is supportive not annoying!

  227. When we listen to our bodies and follow what they feel rather than what our mind is telling us to do, it can be quite extraordinary what unfolds before us. We can end up in places or situations where we would never have imagined being, but where we are offered deep healing on a level that we may not even fully understand or comprehend, and that can possibly be from many lifetimes ago. Our bodies hold such wisdom within, it is absolutley crazy that so often we conscioulsy override the messages they give us.

  228. It is very true that when the body clears the ill choices we have made we can curse it! When we get ill it’s a nuisance and disrupts our lives instead of appreciating what the body is reflecting and showing us for us to not repeat those same choices that led to the illness in the first place.

  229. The most loving relationship we can ever have has always been looking at us in the mirror. But, instead, we nitpick and criticise what we see because it doesn’t match the pictures in our heads!

  230. Developing an evolutionary relationship with my body, respecting and cherishing it for the divine vehicle it is has put a whole new slant on what true health is about.

    1. Wow, Jenny I would love to know more-any blog in sight for the near future regarding your evolutionary relationship with your body? There is always more we can do to respect and cherish our bodies to a greater degree of regard and the rewards are incredible.

  231. I’ve moved to a hot country but it’s Winter and the houses don’t have central heating and first thing in the morning it is very cold. Heating is expensive when you use electric heaters, so I put on extra layers, but I’m finding that my body gets very sluggish or I eat more just trying to stay warm. My head says ‘No, save money’ but my body is saying ‘But I’m cold’.

  232. When we committ to meet life through our bodies we have the ability to see past what is actually being presented and be one step ahead of what needs to be done as we have the ability to connect to great wisdom through our bodies.

  233. What I love is that we carry our ultimate intelligence with us always – no need for books or reference, just the willingness to develop a respectful and listening relationship with our body.

  234. When we can let go of the insidious control of the mind over the body, we can live a life that is like in heaven so to say, miles away from the constrains our mind actually is trying to force our body to be in all its cunning ways.

  235. The world is flat, the earth is the centre of the universe some minds in the world still consider these to be true just do a google search. Maybe there is some other energy at play if we consider ourselves intelligence, and still live under these beliefs, so how could it be that we live in this much illusion in the 21st century?

  236. Crazy, yet it is happening everywhere. Indulge in the mind/thoughts and in an instant the beauty is missed.

  237. I have had some amazing experiences with feeling what my body knows well before I do. Each time this has happened it has been when my body is allowed to be in its natural rhythm, feeling what is needed in the next moment. For instance, I may feel not to do a task, even though my mind thinks it is the best/only/most efficient time to do it. But when I listen to my body a much more perfect opportunity arises later, with no stress or need to get it done. I also find that as I am moving my body warns me if I am at the wrong angle, or if something is too heavy to lift with one hand. These messages are always spot on and are the best manual handling practices I have ever found.

    1. This is so true, Fiona, and perhaps every manual handling course could cover feeling deep within the body first, rather than an instruction to move in a particular way. Every body is different, so if we can feel what angle to be at, for example, then our every move will be in total alignment.

  238. I recently had a photo shoot where the photographer was amazing in that she was totally unimposing and naturally brought the best out of me, a few times she asked me to enjoy being in my body, well this was quite reverlotionairy for me as I hadn’t until then really given myself permission to really enjoy my body and how it felt in its entirety. There is something so naturally innocent and joyful when connecting to our physicality.

    1. I would love to see the photographs, Samantha… the confirmation of the sweetness and simplicity of being in life connected to and honouring of our bodies.

  239. There is something so simple about life when we are in that flow, connected to how we are feeling – quite the juxtaposition to how complicated my head can make it.

  240. I tried hard to live up the ideal of an intelligent mind that can understand and explain everything, that holds the solutions to all our problems, feelings I considered irrelevant, the body just the carrier of the mind to act on its will. It was only with the understanding of the teachings of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon that I realized that this was a vain endeavour, not just for me but humanity. When finally I started to redevelop a connection to my body, awakening the intelligence and knowing of the body that I started to truly understand what was required to offer true answers to the woes of humanity, everyone individually and collectively, ie is the reawakening of our innate beingness. It is a way of living, an unfoldment, it is evolution propelled by our whole body intelligence and its connection to universal intelligence.

  241. It is interesting how most people seem to fight against the natural wisdom of their bodies, and how we learn to push through and override this innate knowing already from very young.

  242. It is beautiful how our body can give us the signals, when we stop to listen and honour those signals with our each movement, we can instantly feel the change.

  243. I always get cranky when I know what my body is telling me and I choose not to listen to it. I am upset at myself for disregarding its messages. Being aware of this, it is much simpler to just heed these messages. Saying what I need and respecting that, even when I am with people is a deeper respect to everyone than to disregard myself. To alleviate any further arguments between my partner and myself (one is already too much), I now know to take care of myself even more and if in situations where we could not immediately change, the way for me is to deeply surrender, still coming back to Love. No perfection, but Love is greater.

  244. Our body knows it belongs to a greater body that we know as ‘God’ or ‘The Universe’ and as such it is very obedient to that which governs it and naturally wants to move in tune with these rhythms. It is only when we introduce the ‘untrained mind’ into the equation that things begin to go awry. Thus our task is simply to rebalance the two; body and mind, so they can work in tune with each other and not let our mind get a-head of ourselves.

  245. When we are young we start to doubt the wisdom we know and feel because we are not given permission to articulate it or to get confirmed in it. When we start to rely on the head it gets messy and so deviated do we get from the body that to completely surrender to it again takes time. For me it is a huge work in progress to let go completely and trust my body without overriding from my head, but in those moments when I am with my body there is nothing more confirming or yummy.

  246. “My body has always amazed me with its ability to know what is ahead.” – How can that be we may ask, how can the body know more than the present moment and the past experiences? This is miraculous somehow, at least for the intellect, but it feels very natural as soon as we allow ourselves to trust that knowing and give it a chance. Why wait for the after effect of ‘hm actually I knew this was going to happen’ or ‘I knew it !’?

  247. It is interesting how often we do get a nudge of a thought to do something, organise something, follow-up on something, and how many times do we think I’ll do it later, and then forget, and then whatever we thought of happens… ‘Oh I should have done that when I thought of it!!!” You are right, the body does really know… we just have to listen and follow the impulse…

  248. There is a wealth of true intelligence conveyed in our every movement and at rest.

  249. The intelligence of our body is completely mind blowing if we but care to read the signals we are continuously given.

  250. Wow. I spend a lot of time worrying about whether I’ve made the ‘right’ decision about things. This shows me that I have not been listening to my body or treating it in a way that makes its messages easy to receive. All of that uncertainty can be eliminated by building a relationship with my body.

  251. I love Serge’s simplicity to life. We complicate life so much, even what we feel from our bodies we can complicate – Serge keeps everything very very simple and clear.

  252. I have just read another blog about body intelligence, it is great we are starting to wake up to this more, appreciate and realise the wisdom and divine intelligence that our body is.

  253. I love the confirmation that you shared at the end. There is so much more that happens before our little minds begin to process the information. Whole body intelligence has a lot to offer.

  254. ‘ the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind’ Our body is an incredible teacher.

  255. Serge Benhayon also reminded me of the wisdom of the body…that clairsentience is an innate ability to feel. All we have to do is reawaken our awareness to it and life transforms.

  256. What a beautiful sharing and confirmation of the intelligence of our body wholeheartedly with a joy, knowing and appreciation for all we are and the magic of this way beyond the mind in every way. A real treat to read and appreciate ourselves and to treasure our body and all it communicates to us.

  257. We are living in an arrogance of knowing everything through western science when there is so much more on offer when we tune in to our own bodies.

  258. “In my 30’s I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had.” when I met Serge in my early 20’s I was reminded the same thing, at first I really struggled with building connection to and with my body, after all I had prided myself on being smart and used that to get through life. However with a willingness to make life about truth I built more and more connection to my body, something that is very much continuing to this day.

  259. Very slowly and beautifully, I am letting go of my mind control and allowing my body to have more of a share in the decisions that I make in life. I have allowed my mind to rule for so long that it takes commitment to let go of the hold that I have oh so stubbornly held on to. I know when I do listen to my body I can feel the appreciation for the new level of love I am living and gradually deepening.

    1. Me too Rowena. My body was always clear in it’s messages but I chose to see them in different ways and didn’t like my body because of them. Now I appreciate all that it shows me as my awareness deepens and expands.

  260. It has been the movement of my body in connection not just my body moving that opens the doors to the magic that is true intelligence. That intelligence is often very simple in responses to questions or on the spot decisions that have consequences at a later time.

  261. The more I connect with my body, and truly honour how its feeling and the messages it offers me moment by moment… the more fascinated I become with what else it can show me. The grace and wisdom of our bodies is truly inspirational.

  262. We truly underestimate the wisdom of our bodies… they are so much wiser and way more intelligent than our minds will ever be.

  263. My body is like an extremely aware decision support system. There will be a revolution in what is called artificial intelligence in computers but the ability of my body to know truth goes well beyond that.

  264. My body’s teaching me to allow space in my life. That I am not to control life, but simply ‘wait’ until it impulses me to take action. There’s nothing wrong with taking action without the impulse, but it’s not needed. It is beautiful to experience that life and so many people are trustworthy. And not only that, that they do what is agreed on, but sometimes it takes a little while. I love how my body teaches me to let go, surrender and live with the flow and rhythm of my life. Life loves me and I love life, no matter how hard I’ve tried or try to ignore or dismiss this fact. How wonderful is this? How precious is this? How wise is this?

  265. I just want to say how much I really am starting to really appreciate how amazing my body is. How much I can read energy and nothing actually is a mystery other than how amazing and magical life really is.

    1. Yes, all we need to do is listen. It is hard to explain just how special that is.

  266. I am reminded of a dear friend telling me that we should use our eyes to confirm what we feel rather than gauge or assess the situation.

  267. ‘It wasn’t until I addressed my abusive diet of chocolate, coffee, sugar, stress and fried food that I was able to truly heal the cause of acne in my body.’ This is such a great example of the choices we make and how they impact the body but how we are in denial of them. Of course if we abuse our bodies with substances or emotions that numb, or make us racy the body will react. It is impossible to divorce ourselves from the fact that we are housed in bodies that are very incredibly refined, intricate and delicate and yet we treat them as if they were plated suits of armour!

  268. When we trust in our bodily intelligence we actually waste less time too, as evidenced by the ring story here, no umming and aahing, just a feeling of what was true.

  269. My body knows the instant I am not choosing to be loving, as when I am less there is room for other energies to enter.

  270. In each and every cell is an innate intelligence – proven by the fact that cells know intrinsically what role that they are required to play or form into before the brain is even itself formed.

  271. Even at the simplest of understanding of how our bodies work – we really can’t deny the absolute marvel of how it supports us to live. What is becoming more and more obvious is the many ways we can choose to ignore and over-ride the preciousness we innately are.

  272. I have also found that my body never makes a wrong decision, my head constantly does so… hmmm with such striking evidence, I am wondering why it is that I can still override what my body is communicating with such ferocity.

    1. I agree and find the same thing. What is it that drives us to override what we our body is telling us? It is as if internally we have a self destruct mechanism that does not want us to feel amazing!

  273. The more I connect with my body and deepen my understanding about what is truly going on, the more sense it all makes, not because I rationalise it in my mind, because I feel it in my body and know it to be true.

  274. ‘the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind’ – yes, it absolutely does, yet we we don’t currently live in appreciation of this fact. It’s as though we arrogantly assume our bodies have the same limitations as our minds, because of the misconception that our intelligence is held in our mind, which is so clearly not the truth. Our bodies are all-seeing, all-feeling and all-knowing, our minds are limited to what we think we know.

  275. When I needed to buy a new car a few years ago I did not have to look very far although negotiating with the purchaser, who was selling on behalf of his wife, was interesting as he did not want to budge on the price. Something in my body was saying yes though so I returned the next day to take another look. The vendor said there is someone I would like you to meet and I discovered that his wife was a very lovely woman I had not seen since I was a child. She, her previous husband and her children used to come and swim in our pool in the summer. My brother and her son were best mates at school and had continued to be so for over 50 years. We went out together in the car and I drove her around places she had not been for a long time. We enjoyed our time together. Although there were superficial things about the car I didn’t like I knew I had to buy it and it has been far the best car I have ever had, comfortable, reliable and just the perfect size.

  276. Awesome examples of the body’s intelligence Leonne, but equally, what a delightful story about the engagement ring… learning to listen to the body is an art in itself, but one well worth the effort.

  277. Just for the last few days I have been appreciating how much my body reads situations and is completely accurate that I can see perfect words yet my body knows they are not true as the words do not resonate with my body’s vibration, it jars or something just isn’t quite right and now I honour that as I have realised by staying quiet I become complicit with the energy that is coming through the person. I don’t need to know what is going on I just have to be open and transparent and say simply ‘that does not feel quite right to me’

  278. We generally rely on our heads to get us through sticky situations, solve problems and make our decisions. We also compare ourselves and look up to those with superior intellects, but what if our BODY was actually smarter than our heads? That, as you’ve shared Leonne, we have access to instant, detailed and multidimensional intelligence all the time that we just don’t appreciate?

  279. The body shows us very clearly how we are living, by giving us all kinds of signals, – and if we could only live and really listen to our bodies hundred percent, many of our woes would not exist.

    1. Absolutely – our body provides instant feedback and on loop for those of us who are deaf by choice and ignorant to its call.

  280. Our bodies work so hard to eliminate the consequences of our toxic choices and then suffer further abuse when we complain and ignore any communication that exposes the results of our ill choices. Today I commit to honouring my body and paying attention to what it is saying.

  281. I have noticed even those bumps and knocks that happen to my body, that these are signs to remind me to come back and be in my body. It’s like the body is talking to us all the time, its whether we are prepared to listen and honour it or not.

  282. The more I have deepened the connection to my body, the more I feel connected to this innate wisdom. I have surprised myself on many occasions recently with the depth of understanding, awareness and wisdom being expressed through me. There is definitely something in this connection to the body in full and it is something we can all explore for ourselves.

  283. “It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.” thats so true, we get upset when our body works hard to heal itself, I sometimes still do get upset by this, yet our body is lovingly showing us something about how we are living is not true.

  284. This is such a delightful blog. I love all the stories here. This is how our lives can be if we listen to the body. And it can be light and joyful.

  285. It is so beautiful when we follow what we feel, the magic of God unfolds before us and reminds us constantly that although we may think we are in charge, the wisdom within our bodies is attuned to a far greater intelligence that knows absolutely about all things. Letting our bodies lead the way is the modern day resolution to our ills, restoring a depth of joy, vivaciousness and vibrancy to life that is totally bypassed when we live from our heads.

  286. The bottom line is the body knows best and if we don’t listen to the body over the mind we get ill, very ill and the mind might try to rationalise it, it was bad luck, wasn’t my fault, cancer just happens but the body knows exactly what it is trying to teach us.

  287. The super intelligence of our all knowing and omnipresent God flows through our bodies constantly and therefore when we step out of its way, this unfathomable intelligence is able to lead the way.

  288. Leonne there is much to love about your blogs but I especially love the chatty way in which you are able to share great wisdom. In sharing in this way you are making the ageless wisdom digestible to many.

  289. True Gyl. I picked that up when I reread this recently. The mind will tell you that things are good or bad, right or wrong. The body will simply reflect the truth. There is no judgement when we connect to the wisdom offered by the body.

  290. This blog reminds me how powerful it is to appreciate the intelligence of our body. I am in my head all the time but if I focus on this I end up self bashing and of course I stay stuck in my head. When I simply appreciate what is on offer I’m inspired to connect to my body.

  291. ‘What’s going to happen? What will it be like? Will I be safe at night? How can I be sure I will be ok?’. Our mind as you beautifully show Leonne, seems to be perpetually stuck in this loop of trying to control life. To say it doesn’t work would be the understatement of the century. So what if our body holds the knowledge we seek and is so darn sophisticated and smart we don’t even realise it? What if it’s preparing us for the future it feels coming every day? The more I accept this as reality the more I see how much my body has to say.

    1. I love what you are sharing here, Joseph, about our bodies feeling the future and preparing us for what is coming. Why on earth would I want to reduce my life to a mundane pattern of control when I have the possibility of being open to what constellates before me, presenting me with opportunities and learning that I would never be able to even imagine, knowing that I am already being prepared for, and supported with, whatever magic presents.

  292. The intelligence of the body fascinates me more and more as I undo old ways, explore my movements, observe the world around me and discover the real joy and vitality that is possible when we connect with our bodies and learn from its vast wisdom.

  293. ‘ but my whole body said yes ‘ This is an undeniable feeling, like a flash of vibrational expansion…the body gives true read-outs of any situation.

  294. Our body is certainly very intelligent and your blog Leonne beautifully confirms this. I too have experienced the intelligence of my body guiding me through life and only in the last few years I have started to appreciate how amazing it is.

  295. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.” – it’s something we can always come back to no matter how dis-connected we may think we are, that intelligence is always there ready to be brought back to our way of living.

  296. ‘In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention… and the fallout from these decisions? W-e-l-l-l, it’s been anything but pretty.’ It is a bit of a provoking thought that if the body is never wrong, why do we not listen it and not only that not learn from the fallout of not doing so time and time again?!

  297. I am amazed how we can con ourselves into such level of complacent numbness. We are forever reminded by nature and the Universe that there is a rhythm and flow to everything. There is a natural harmony. If any species displayed even a fraction of the self harming and neglecting of their own bodies, relationships and environment to the extent that human beings do, quite rightly there would be a big uproar and investigation to find out the cause of such a major anomaly!

  298. It has been a sometimes uncomfortable but ultimately wonderful unfolding coming to the understanding of the wisdom and intelligence of my body. Time and again this has been proven to me, time and again I have made not so great choices and really great choices. Either way is a very transparent and often immediate gift. Thanks to the wisdom shared by Serge Benhayon I now know that how I feel in my body is to be trusted well before what my mind may tell me.

  299. I love this Leone, it’s filled with joy and wonder that our bodies hold. A rhythmic connection that connects all to the ebb and flow of the universe. A multidimensionality that confirms we are all made of the same stars.

  300. I love how you found your wedding ring, how it was a whole body experience. What a beautiful reminder of the joy you share with your partner each time you see it.

  301. I like how you describe how your body actually not only knows but knows already ahead of time what is needed. We underestimate our body’s intelligence and have chosen our mind instead.

  302. Our bodies are so aware of everything – what will support us and what won’t – that they even sense what is going to happen next without us even seeing or hearing it… now that is true wisdom and intelligence.

  303. Our body knows the energy it is feeling in the moment. When we loose presence we rely on the mind to interpret what is going on.

  304. Reading this I am reminded that My body really does know it all. If I ever feel I don’t know what to do I will know that I have disconnected from my body.

    1. It is amazing isn’t Leonne when we appreciate the intelligence and wisdom of our body. I realise after reading your comment how well looked after and loved we all are by God, blessing us with particles and intelligence from the universe that make up our whole entire body.

  305. I have no doubt that if we were raised to love and appreciate our body, and the endless messages that it gives us, there would be no way that we would “curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.” We would be listening and acting on every message and thanking the body for being such a great messenger and a very wise companion in life.

  306. I find the dichotomy of the mind vs the body very fascinating. Our minds seemingly know more than our bodies in the sense that our mind is the one able to do amazing mathematical calculations and solve problems etc. The body does not seem to have the ability to do this alone but it has another form of understanding life which is great if not more so than the mind. The body has the ability to know truth from energy and it is always 100% accurate. Problem is that we think from our minds in absence of the body which gives us the ability to use intellect to abuse the body we live in!

  307. Who would ever have thought that intelligence is found in the movement of the body? That’s the point, you cannot think it with the mind, only experience it with and from the body. Then the mind knows from the body but doesn´t think or imagine it hence it is a whole-body-mind knowing.

  308. Our body’s intelligence is awesome and yet so often I still chose to override it. The arrogance of the spirit is huge but the more I choose to trust my body the more my life flows with beautiful confirmations at every turn. Thank you for sharing your examples Leonne and love how Pedro was such a great reflection for you both. There would be no more wars if we listened to our bodies as animals do.

  309. “In my experience, the body never gets it wrong.” And hence do we have the humility to listen to and follow this knowing without question, or override its messages with our arrogant and often self interested agendas?

  310. You write about breast milk Leonne, and ask any mother and they all will have stories of how the body responds during breast feeding. My own experience was something that I was not aware of until it happened and that was, the breasts can activate and get ready even before the baby wakes in the night for a feed, it is as if the body energetically senses the baby coming out of it’s sleep, and I am sure many women have experienced that when you hear the baby stir or cry the breasts suddenly become active, in response to the baby.

  311. Leonne the simplicity that comes from life when I let myself listen and follow what I feel in my body is everything I’ve always wanted yet it is so simple I find i sometimes question it!

  312. It is also my experience too that the body never gets it wrong. It has been life changing to make the shift from letting my head operate and control my life, to listening to my body. Our bodies are super intelligent and have much to communicate, and we only have listen and reap the glorious benefits of good health and vitality.

  313. Without Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I would never have had understood the true intelligence of the body. It is a blessing to be initiated into the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom. Before this I lived solely in my head and had a superficial relationship with my body. Now I have a deepening and honouring relationship with my body and listen to it much more.

  314. “It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.” This is so true and the reason we have so many illnesses and diseases today, showing us that we are poisoning our bodies in so many ways, and that the only way to discard the overload is through the body. We are the cause for our body breaking down and it is only when we take full responsibility for this that we will stop blaming everything other than ourselves for the body no longer being able to cope with our ill choices.

  315. My body knew a lot – it knew it didn’t want to smoke cigarettes and it knew when to get involved with a woman or not – I have had a number of awkward moments where my mind said one thing but my body refused to do what I wanted and I ultimately respected that. I wonder how many difficulties I avoided that way.

  316. “What Does My Body Know?” – every thing…being the recipient of all choices.

  317. I love what you share in this blog Leonie and it is fascinating how we as the intelligent species can ignore all the signs of our body yet animals are sensing things as you say well before it is even happening. They pick up on the surrounds and if there is any natural disasters about to take place they know to look after themselves. We certainly can learn a lot from them and honouring what we feel is going on.

  318. Our bodies often know well ahead of time, it just takes a while for our minds to catch up. I know I need to live more connected to my body, and in the future I will, but the transition is challenging because I keep judging myself and making it hard and complicated, instead of just breathing gently and feeling my body as often as I can remember, and gradually allowing the remembering to be more frequent, because the forgetting is simply a deliberate choice not to feel, so all I need to chose is to allow those feelings… giving myself permission to feel and knowing that it won’t hurt. The hurt I think about is just an illusion, the biggest hurt is me not being me.

    1. I’m with you Carmel. Ever since this blog was published I’ve been dealing with the fact that I’m still living from my head most of the time. This blog has been a huge support to me because I shifted my focus to appreciation. Instead of ‘trying’ to stop being in my head etc I’m making the wisdom of my body my focus. When I listen to my body I appreciate the outcome of the choice. No rules or demands on myself, just a choice to focus on what is true.

  319. What you have written about how your body provides wonderful intelligence “when” you take good care of it: “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement. I can hear it loud and clear when I take good care of it, lovingly put myself to sleep early, eat food that makes it feel light and zingy, drink plenty of water and observe life rather than getting caught up in reactions.” This is significant.

    How many of us spend most of our lives trashing and abusing our bodies and only interested in our mental goals and pursuits? No wonder this great insight about the incredible wisdom of our body is lost to so many of us, we don’t give it a chance!

  320. The body tells us exactly what we know is true – as it knows the absolute truth. But it is up to us how much we listen and when we do so. Our mind can override that which our body is clearly showing us until it has come so far that we can no longer override it with our mind. But we can start to listen from our body and stop listening to our mind.

  321. ‘ The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.’ – Indeed, an intelligence available to all of us, question is are we choosing it?

  322. ‘The ring did not fit the pictures I had, it wasn’t anything like what I had decided I wanted… but my whole body said yes’ How gorgeous it is when we give our body its say when we are making choices. A whole body ‘yes’ is a million times lovelier than a picture driven one.

  323. The knowing we have in our body registers the vibration or quality we carry towards the next moment or situation, ie what we bring to it, thus we also know already our state of being and how we will be able to respond or react to any moment in the future. Knowing one´s quality then is key to determine or at least affect the quality of the future. We move future in the present hence it becomes our future.

  324. I was reminded about your blog the other day as I was going about my normal day, my body was talking to me very loudly and my mind was trying to override all the signals. My car keys ended up going ‘walkabout’ till I made the decision it had been asking me to make all morning – go figure!

  325. Our body does know it all, even the future! Amazing that it started to prepare for cooler climates. How can we ever discount it in favour of our mind. Our mind is a wonderful instrument when in connection and service to the body’s natural intelligence but it can become our own worst enemy when we let it run feral, picking up all sorts of ideas from harmful sources.

    1. Yes, our body seems to know a lot – even small things like getting dressed in the morning the body knows what to wear for the day.

  326. A wonderful confirmation of the innate intelligence that we all have access to if we choose to listen to and honour what our body is communicating to us.

  327. The body is so very truthful to us Leonne,.. “It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.” It gives us many opportunities to return to a healthier way of living and we complain it is interrupting how we are living in a certain way, when it is correcting us and showing us the true way.

  328. Deeply accepting we are one with the wisdom and true intelligence on offer is key to opening the floodgates for more of the Universe.

  329. The intelligence of the Universe is supporting us in every moment and within our every particle… we are free to listen to and accept this super intelligence highway or take the alternate route.

  330. Great blog Leonnie. Our mind could never think thing through at the speed of light that our body feels things.

  331. Pedro sounds like a beautiful bird. Animals have a way of teaching us simple and profound life lessons.

  332. A cracker of a blog Leonne, and agree on how our bodies are amazing in knowing what is ahead. 2 years before I moved back to Scotland ( was living in Holland) , my body was preparing for this move before I knew I was moving. Another example was when I was sick, my body clearly let me know what food to stop eating and the new foods that my body asked for that would truly support my recovery. A simple example was I was a vegetarian for years, and when I was sick my body asked for meat and I listened and obeyed and started to eat meat and to my surprise tasted delicious….How did my body know? There are many more examples I can give, but these 2 given are amazing.

  333. Thank you Leonne, the intelligence within our bodies knows it all and it is for us to learn to break through the mental constrains and tune in to the all knowing part of us all.

  334. Wow that was amazing Leonne about your wedding and engagement ring. Our bodies do know a lot more than we give it credit. Also I have found when I listen to my body, it is about making loving choices but when I listen to my mind its agenda is very often about recognition, fitting in and unloving choices. It is interesting to observe our current society is very much dominated by our minds and we are often encouraged to disregard our bodies. For example, the use of alcohol, eating fast foods loaded with sugar, salt and additives etc. and the list goes on.

  335. ‘My body has always amazed me with its ability to know what is ahead.’ – and its wisdom is there for us to tap into any time we choose, so it seems the only thing stopping us from knowing what is ahead is our choice to do so.

  336. Thanks, Leonne. I love how Pedro was picking up on everything and reflecting back to you arguments that haven’t even happened but were brewing in the air! There is no end to what we can feel and read about ourselves and others because of our interconnectedness.

  337. ‘In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention’ this is so true – for years I made choices which were hugely detrimental and yet in my head I also found reasons to make them despite the consequences – my body on the other had would never have lead me in this direction.

  338. This morning I was doing a yoga session and as I was sitting I was feeling my legs and how they were placed – my hips and feet were turned outwards in surrender. However in one small moment my hips shook a little and showed me that I needed to turn them in. I didn’t command my body but allowed it to move of its own accord. The moment was very simple but its communication was very powerful – surrender isn’t needed here, but an engagement and preparedness to move – you need to be on..

  339. We are supposed to be more intelligent than the animals, but time and time again they show us how sensitive they are to their environment. I remember the account of the big tsunami that hit in 2004 and how the animals all went to higher ground hours before it hit.

  340. When I consider the beautiful and amazing power of the body to eliminate toxins and to heal, I find myself wondering what it would be like if we did not give it toxins or unhealthy things to ‘keep it occupied’. I am discovering that when my body does not have these jobs to do, it is innately harmonious and that this is our natural state of being and in this harmony, I have a lot more energy. I realise that in the past I have abused this naturally harmonious form in a variety of ways, not appreciating its wisdom. It is a joy to begin appreciating and experiencing it again.

  341. I love the reflection you get with Pedro, it shows how many animals act far more intelligently than us simply through the fact they respond to what they feel. And what is felt happens long before what plays out or what is seen.

    1. So true, David, animals don’t ‘think’ to question what they are feeling, they just respond, instantly.

  342. The magic of our physiology is quite awesome and there is no man made chemical plant or machine in this world that can match the fineness, precision and speed at which the body can adjust its hormonal and chemical responses to what is needed in the moment. Super intelligence that far outstrips what our minds can invent.

  343. “‘I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had”. Thank God we have people like Serge Benhayon who humbly and constantly reflect an absolute alignment to the Fiery energy of God and the true connection to the wisdom of the Universe flowing through him in every movement and word he speaks, for us all to know this is who we all are in truth.

  344. The more we trust our bodies and live it as an example for others, the more it will totally revolutionise the way we all live and speed up our evolution. The body and mind no longer have to be so separate.

  345. Choosing to override my body doesn’t bring me any good or love. Never. Often when I am tired I am more dismissive of myself which then leads to disharmony within me and can lead to arguments to those around me. To me it seems like the arrogance is grander when I am tired which doesn’t take care (at all) of my body. When I do listen to my body, there’s a flow in which miracle after miracle happens. My body is my guiding vehicle, simple and Divine.

  346. Learning to love the messages from my body instead of constantly wanting it to feel another way has allowed me the space to hear more clearly the messages it’s constantly giving me.

  347. We read energy through the sensitivity of our body. So it makes sense to bring clarity by caring for our body in the most sensitive way.

  348. The fact that most of the world celebrates trashing the body for entertainment is an indictment on how driven we are by mental intelligence at the expense of the body’s natural and innate wisdom.

  349. Reading this is a great reminder that the answers to all my questions are known. My mind knows that my body has it covered but it actively seeks ways to maintain control.

  350. “What Does My Body Know?” – hmm so much more than what we think we know from the insightful and revealing post you share Leonne. The body’s supple and multidimensional intelligence reigns truly supreme over any logical construct of a restricted frameworked mind.

  351. I think we all need a ‘Pedro’ to warn us of imminent arguments! I am coming to see how we actually setup arguments to relieve tension, as distractions from our own issues and miraculously at times to avoid feeling the depth of a gorgeous connection and the ‘what’s next’ between you. If we have an early warning signal (which we actually have in our bodies) we can take a step back and not go down the rabbit hole of right and wrong.

  352. We do curse our bodies for not putting up with the rubbish we put into them and the way we run them. We expect them to keep going, even though we know that if we treated a car that way it would deteriorate in no time. It’s like we take for granted the amazingness of how adaptable our bodies are, instead of exploring how it can run if it was well cared for. It is so true that the body never gets it wrong. It is factual and honest and can be relied upon as our wisest counsel if we want to know the truth about how we are living.

    1. What you are saying is what we put in we get out, which is true for everything in life. If we put love and care into our homes, our homes support us back when we return to them. The same goes for building a business, caring for and driving our car with responsibility so the engine lasts etc., yet we completely ignore the need to care for our bodies in a way that supports them to perform at their optimum. We are all living well below our potential, which because everyone is doing it has become our normal. What if our normal looked and felt completely different, if we learnt to love and deeply honour the messages from our bodies?

    2. Our bodies really are amazing when we think about quite how badly we generally treat them or have treated them. Yet they do their best to recover as quickly as possible. It does though get to a point where we feel like we are constantly playing catch up mode. So what if we treated our bodies with the love, care and respect they deserve and so they did not have to work to recover – what then would be possible?

    3. Yes I was wondering how amazing life would be if I did allow myself to be impulsed from my body’s intelligence and not sabotage it’s natural way, it’s constant re regulation back to harmony.

    4. That is such a simple yet great point – we take advantage of how well they run when cared for by being arrogant and consuming things that means the body has to work extra hard to process them. The car analogy is a great one.

  353. As I am reading this blog I am also reading my body in this moment and this has deepened just by the call you have made Leonne to honour ourselves and the attention to detail the body offers. We have the recipe for ‘Whole Health’ right under our nose – but are we all listening? As you have shared Leonne – ‘In my experience, the body never gets it wrong’.

  354. Another well studied example is our bodies preparatory response to exercise. It knows that it is going to be required to carry out exercise and so changes it’s state to be able to complete this before it even starts – truly amazing and widely under appreciated.

  355. If the intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement then I truly have a trusted and accurate compass.

  356. The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement. Absolutely Leonne, the brain has nothing on the wonders of our amazing bodies and what they hold.

  357. The body really knows it all, quite amazing though that we don´t recognize it for the enormous intelligence it has by reducing intelligence to the linear way of thinking the mind is favoured for. But of course this can only occur by the self-aggrandized wanna be mighty mind degrading the body as its pawn. Eventually the truth presented by the body always puts the arrogance of the mind in its place, teaching a lesson in humbleness and honesty.

    1. Beautifully said Alex – re-connection to the body is powerful beyond measure in exposing the arrogance of the mind filled with false ideals and beliefs we have about ourselves, others and thus the world.
      “Eventually the truth presented by the body always puts the arrogance of the mind in its place, teaching a lesson in humbleness and honesty”.

  358. We do know everything! Whenever there’s a flow in life, we follow the impulses of our body, don’t we. What we’ve not been taught is that the teachings from life never stop. We’re designed to forever grow in love and Wisdom (which are one and the same). Our body will lead the way, it meticulously communicates what to do and when. But do we listen, are we willing to listen? If we would accept and appreciate the value of our body, for most of us the relationship with our body would completely change.

  359. From the understanding of how much ‘love’ we are we can appreciate our bodies and what they can bring to the table so to speak. Movement towards that table is our expression and through the movements that it makes this allow the connection to deepen within the body.

  360. I find it amazing how quickly my body responds. I can feel really tired and then just connect to a true purpose and my innate sacredness and immediately my body charges up and I’m ready to go. It’s so responsive and accurate in what it can tell me – I ignore it at my own peril!

  361. I have been pondering how the body communicates with movement. The whole body intelligence knows when we need to stop walking, it knows when we carry a too heavy load, it tells us when we have overeaten. The issue is how much we can override the body by our own arrogant choices.

    1. When to stop walking – yes, this is true – my mind can be set on a target and if it’s a circular walk, I have to complete it to get home, but if it’s a there and back one, I have noticed that sometimes I don’t go as far as originally planned and that feels OK.

  362. Science is making great discoveries at the moment into the nature and the origin of our body’s intelligence and as such – our place amongst the universal order that lives surrounding us at every moment and angle. And when we are able to bring these sciences into the act of living everyday life, this is when we as a one humanity will really begin to understand who we are and what this earth life is truly for.

  363. It just makes so much sense that we don’t feel as confident or as solid within ourselves if we aren’t fully present with our bodies, as I know when I am not, my lack of presence brings with it a vagueness and unnecessary thoughts can get in which are never complimentary to feeling good about myself. But when I’m connected with me, everything is there for me to feel and know.

    1. This is such a vital point for everyone. We are sold so many items, gadgets and services under the false hope that they will help us feel more confident and more okay with ourselves. Yet, as this blog and the comments show it is all about being fully present in our body and building our own appreciation of the grandness within us, even if it starts very small.

  364. That is amazing how the body knows what type of breast milk will best support a baby.

  365. My body knows everything it needs to. Its particles are constantly interchanging with those around the universe, therefore any intelligence that is known is also accessible through my body.

  366. Could you arrive at the exact structure of breast milk required by a baby solely by thinking about it… and in no time at all?’ Clearly the answer is no – just another confirmation of the brilliance of the body.

    1. I was pondering on this after reading Leonne’s blog about this exact point you’ve shared Eva. I was wondering if our body is already highly intelligent and our minds seems to disrupt or counteract our body’s intelligence, then what would it look like if we align our minds with our body? To connect our mind and our body as one, how powerful would this be?

      1. Indeed Chanly – without the constant interference from the mind, our body would be allowed to be the super power it actually is designed to be.

  367. “…many past and recent experiences I’ve had which simply confirm the amazing, yet natural intelligence of the body:” …and this is it. We look at our body’s abilty to know and call it amazing, and indeed it is, but ultimately it is the most natural thing. We need to appreciate and confirm this every day.

  368. ‘I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had’ – thank you for this beautiful reminder, Leonne. It’s so easy to take for granted the enormous wisdom freely available at our finger tips, every moment of every day. Super cool.

  369. ‘It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do.’ – and we still consider ourselves to be the most intelligent species!

  370. ‘It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.’ – so true ….. we always know the truth, our bodies are constantly communicating it to us, but we try very hard not to hear, or distract ourselves sufficiently so we can wander down a different path and continue to make irresponsible choices – until one day we see the light and start listening to the one voice that has always been there loving and supporting us without judgment, our divinely, wise body.

  371. Reading about the baby signalling the mother about what type of breast milk they need offers me the picture of scientists focusing in on how different parts of the body function and the amazing communications that take place innately within us. But have we ever looked at the whole body as one and its amazing wisdom and communication ‘skills’, honouring this wonderful vessel we all have in full? The more I explore this for myself, the more I sense that there is vast communication happening between our bodies and our environments, other people, space, things, nature etc etc. I get the clear sense that we are all part of something very grand and harmonious and it is through honouring the wisdom of our bodies that we can reconnect to this and live in harmony too.

  372. It is truly amazing what the body knows and reveals to us if we are willing to listen. I love the way the buying of your rings constellated when you choose to go with what your bodies indicated and then had further confirmation after the event.

  373. That’s the thing our minds can’t think fast enough or even wide enough to come up with what our bodies do! Yet we arrogantly consider our minds king and often our bodies a nuisance especially when they clearly tell us we’re off track. Our bodies are amazing and having our bodies fully engaged while we use our mind gives us a fuller more truthful way to live life.

  374. This is absolute gold, Leonne, how the body is “intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.” It is super important for us to consider if we appreciate the deep wisdom and constant loving communication from the body.

  375. Thank you Leonne. Our body knows the truth so well, that we at times have trouble admitting that.. In truth our body is the boss not us, or our minds. This blog is showing us that our body knows what is true to do, and is always in respect of the whole of being, the mind is a contrast to that – hence it is our body that needs to lead our way, not our mind.

  376. I was at a presentation and expression workshop yesterday. Usually I get nervous when presenting to others and can get myself into a real tizz. What I practiced yesterday was simply relaxing into my body. I didn’t know what I was going to say, apart from the topic heading. I stood up, and what came out just flowed. I am learning to trust my body, as it knows a whole lot more than I give it credit for.

  377. We often look at people from different parts of the world and see them as different, judge them as different but what if our bodies are adjusting to what is needed based on where we live? This is what our DNA shows and yet at the same time we fight those differences instead of embracing them and appreciating them.

  378. Love this magic Leonne, both in how our body and its processes can flow amazingly but also in life around us when we connect, build relationships and look after ourselves.

  379. When we study human biology one of the first things we are told is that the body is made up of gases, particles and atoms, invisible things that when compressed creates a multi-functioning body that man has yet to match in intelligence, efficiency, wisdom and knowing. Our real perception of our bodies has yet to be fully unveiled but without doubt they are the most amazing connection with the Universe that we live in. The real trick lies in connecting with and caring for this multi-dimensional collection of particles, so we can read, honour and respond to the multitude of messages it receives every moment of the day.

  380. If we all lived from ‘Whole body intelligence’ there would be a vastly different way of living and being than is currently experienced in the world. Emotional issues would be a thing of the past and separation between people would be impossible. Whole body intelligence awareness presentation need to start at the very beginning of the school system, to keep us connected to that which is already there, rather than it being covered over with false layers of ideals and beliefs as it is now.

  381. It is fascinating how the mind often has a completely different opinion and perception of things than our bodies – from my experience in my life so far, listening to my body is far more wise than only relying on my head/mind.

  382. When we really let go of what we think is the way to do things and allow the body to communicate what is right for that moment then we live a life that is in connection to the Universe, this is essential because we are all a part of it.

  383. I find that so intriguing that your body knew to gain a few pounds to cope with a change in climate and it was great that you were able to realise the connection between the two. We are so limited, our over use of the mind at the expense of our bodies.

  384. The body does know. i remember how I used to feel after eating an evening meal: heavy, sluggish, all I wanted to do was sleep and would do so in front of the TV. This was my body’s way of saying I had over eaten and also eating the wrong foods, including plate full of starchy. At the time, I didn’t make the connection and continued eating this way for many years and I began to put on weight. Now, after eating my main meal of the day my body feels light and energised because I’m eating different foods, mainly vegetables, salads and fish. As the body changes with age and depending on work patterns I’m constantly refining what I eat to reflect this.

  385. The colder climate is a fascinating point, as we see different climates and wonder how we would cope, some fear hotter, some colder, and yet our bodies adapt. For me I am understanding that warmer is more supportive for my body as there is less bracing with the cold, but even in warmer climes there is a need to wrap up warm when it gets relatively chillier, our bodies know best but we need to respond in kind to those signals.

  386. I feel that l have not listened to my body enough in life.
    I do remember putting on more weight while visiting a colder country. There is so much more to discover in our relationship with our bodies. It is just like having a relationship with another person. We can read other’s body language so why not also connect with our own?

  387. This is key, that when you take care of the body it is “..loud and clear….” with its awareness and communication. So taking care is the first step towards Self love and a confirming step of the love that you naturally are.

  388. Thanks Leonne, I have also observed my animals respond to things I am not yet aware of but their bodies tell me something is not right. They also know exactly the time I’m due to serve their dinner, regardless of my movements – their bodies even feel time and they do so very precisely. My dogs always know the difference between when I’m going to just take me for a walk or walk them, if I am very clear that the walk is just with myself they don’t make fuss, but if I even think once “I’ll take the dogs” they go nuts, and even when I am deliberating and think “maybe I’ll take them” they know and jump about. I can’t even think “walkies” without mayhem!

  389. Absolutely awesome blog Leonne. Fascinating about breastfeeding. It reminded me of when I was in the hospital a few days after giving birth to my second child. I was mentally preparing myself for painful breasts for the first two days after childbirth because I thought I was going to experience similar pains and swelling due to my body over producing breast milk after giving birth to my first baby. But I didn’t experience any pain or swelling and I mentioned this to the nurse. She delightfully told me that our body is very intelligent because apparently our body deliberately over produces milk the first time because it doesn’t know how much the baby needs. But by the second time it already knows exactly how much to produce, so that was why I didn’t experience any pain or swelling. I remember feeling very appreciative of my body’s intelligence and feeling absolutely amazed at its natural intelligence.

  390. This is a great blog. There do seem to be lots of indications that the body is more sophisticated than a system that responds to stimuli only.

  391. Wahh Leonne, i just LOVE your blog, the examples you use to ‘explain’ the stupendous intelligence of our bodies over the rational thinking mind are superb. And as for Pedro, is he rentable ha ha.

  392. What happens if we don’t appreciate and understand that our body works the way you describe Leonne? My experience is we start to go into all sorts of patterns to eradicate and block out what we sense. Then we can get fixed on solving and dealing with these as if they are a hard to fix mystery. But the whole time the real issue is not this but what we actually know.

  393. It is this whole body intelligence that needs to be taught in our education system, and shared and role modelled for all our children.

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more Paula.
      How awesome that will be when we do. We need to find ways to do it in our families.

    2. Our lives as well as our overall societies would look very different if we were brought up to truly understand and by that, deeply respect and appreciate the whole body intelligence.

  394. I have come to appreciate my body more and more since attending Universal Medicine presentations and workshops, and having healing sessions with Esoteric Practitioners, and have come to realise even the little details are important to acknowledge and appreciate. From my second period onwards, I always knew when my period was about to start because my lower back would ache in two spots the day before. I found this fascinating and liked my body for doing this every time without fail. However, until recently, I never truly appreciated this consistent and dedicated message from my body… and this is just one message of many that our bodies offer us every moment of every day.

  395. Thanks Leonie, amazing to consider the innate wisdom that the body has and how its primary focus is to support us each step of the way

  396. Our bodies know the truth and also the detail of what is next for us. The particles are intelligent and the communication is very personal to us. As we are more receptive to our bodies’ messages they refine as we do, and this awareness is ever evolving.

  397. Our bodies do know, more than we may realise. I love the p.s when you found the lady you bought your rings from was the mother of your friend. I had a similar situation where my mother who lives in a different state had bought me a piece of jewellery that I found out later was made from the daughter of one of my friends. It is a quality and connection our bodies recognise and feel, and when we honour that life flows. Congratulations on a beautiful union.

  398. Our bodies are the key to resurrecting ourselves from the dark dark shadows.

  399. I love the simplicity of these examples Leonne. This kind of magic is happening all day every day and we take so much of it for granted. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Yes, there is a lot of joy in appreciating and confirming what our body is capable of and how we are able to co-operate with it.

    2. This kind of magic has the potential to be our everyday experience, it’s just that we constantly interfere with the natural process and as a consequence have made life so incredibly difficult for ourselves.

  400. The body is amazing that it responds in this way and in advance of what will be required of it. We seem to have lacked the understanding to work with our greatest ally until now.

  401. We are supposed to be very intelligent beings therefore how can we ignore the intelligence of the body as it holds the key to our true health and well-being.

  402. When we leave the body we feel wobbly, and if we leave it enough times, we start to completely erode our sense of self worth and knowing of who we are. It is by re-establishing our connection with our body, by choosing to be present in everything that we do, that restores us to who we know we truly are.

  403. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement. I can hear it loud and clear when I take good care of it,” This is the secret when we take care of our body, our body responds back letting us know how its doing.

  404. I have been having fun observing life, emails, people, situations etc over the past few days and it’s actually fun and really interesting. I have seen there are so many things I would not do and say.

  405. Just showing us there is no distance at all and communications are instant.

  406. So true, and yet we choose the mind to rule – with consequences we often don’t like. Why on earth would we do this when we know as the body lets us know all of the time what choices we have made!

  407. Fully love your information here on breastfeeding and how the body adapts to the need of the baby – wonderful research indeed. Your blog would be awesome to share with the breastfeeding organisations and midwives too so that this information can become really easily accessible to all the mothers to be and their support.

  408. “It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth. – Oh my, ain’t that the truth! The body shows us and we feel uncomfortable or in pain, and we wish it all away yet the communication is just there for us to reflect deeply how come we receive messages from our body that hurt us? Where are we not loving, not connected, not appreciating, in overdrive etc etc – and our awesome body tells us so. All we have to do is listen and adjust accordingly and the quicker we listen, the less discomfort the body has to give us.

  409. Congratulations on your engagement Leonne. The way you bought your engagement ring is very supportive of your coming marriage.

  410. I really love your sharings here Leonne, there are so many awesome points backed up with experience and that brings the authenticity to all that you have here expressed.

  411. Love your last sentence Leonne- “I could write a book on my experiences of the intelligence of the body but right now my body tells me there are other things to do.” It is so awesome when we have made the connection to the body in such a way that we can hear and read its messages – and when we follow what it tells us life feels so much more harmonious.

  412. Yes, our bodies are amazing. I am working at stopping and checking in with my body. Remembering the trust that I had in myself. Questioning all the experts. Does a book really know what I need?

    The more I listen to my body, the more it speaks. Maybe everything I need to know about life is there.

    It is time to question the intelligence that has created our world. Is it really what we wanted? Maybe our own body’s wisdom knows what our world needs to get back on track.

  413. “…the body never gets it wrong” – if we were to fully embrace this one simple fact, our lives would be transformed overnight. All the answers are already there within us.

    1. yes, our greatest education is founded on our connection with our body and it’s communication, this is true intelligence. Our body does not leave the mind behind, it invites it to consider the whole.

  414. Our bodies are pure love – heavenly intelligence within our particles, systems and processes and an all-knowing heart.

  415. Leonne, I love how you write..”The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.” It is always available, never too late to listen to (until we draw our last breath), never judging, simply waiting to communicate when we make the choice to listen.

  416. Oh, we all need a ‘Pedro’, but wait, we actually have, it is our body. Just need to resensitize and honour it again.

  417. When you consider the possibility of translational immunology there can surely be no doubt there is a divine and universal intelligence at work in our bodies. It’s simply amazing… and it’s just one of no doubt millions of the exquisitely precise functions that take place in our bodies every second of every day. Even those we consider erroneous (illness and disease) are not – they are simply communicating to us that we haven’t been living in a way that is in harmony with this same intelligence.

  418. ‘When we don’t address the root cause of a disease our body has to move its messages (symptoms) around.’
    Yes. So if we haven’t, for example, healed the root cause of say, our cancer, yet go into remission, the condition will either re-emerge in the same form or in another form. And if we pass over with the root cause unhealed, it will manifest in our next incarnation. This latter explains why infants, small children and young people can come in with diseases and conditions ordinarily equated with much older people.

  419. My body is an instrument that can allow me to receive communication from soul. The more lovingly I treat my body the clearer the messages will be.

    1. And that is such a beautiful thing to behold when truly embraced. Communications from the soul are awesome and the clearer and more loved the body is the clearer the soul can come through.

  420. I happened to be speaking yesterday about the intelligence of the body to a person that followed his mind. He asked me questions and I answered them. It made me realise how attached we become to the mind in society thinking it knows everything and it has all the answers when in truth it is the body’s intelligence and its way it communicates with us that is really worth listening to.

  421. Love this blog Leonne – the message is a simple but very powerful one. ‘It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.’ I love this revelation too – again very pertinent..

  422. Our bodies are nothing less than miraculous. We would all do well to truly honour them as such.

  423. When I first met my wife I had – what was at the time – a rather unusual sense of having no doubt whatsoever about the relationship. My whole being was saying yes. In fact I questioned myself because I had beliefs that said this was not possible – but thankfully, I chose to challenge this belief system and go with what my wholeness was telling me. This innate sense was spot on and we now have the most wonderful relationship. I also reflect that in the past I have ‘known’ innately that my body and my being were saying ‘no’ to relationships – but I overrode them and went ahead anyway. Like Leonne says – the results were not pretty.

    1. I too had a very similar experience when I first met my partner. The clarity and absoluteness I felt when we met left no room for my mind to distort or doubt what I was feeling. It was crystal clear the connection I felt between us. Similar to you, my whole being said an absolute yes.

  424. This is a great confirmation of the intelligence of the body, and how the mind is no match by a long shot. The body has no agendas whereas the mind is driven for self if left unchecked.

    1. Very true Julie. Coming from the mind there’s not one ounce of consideration for others and self. When we align to our body we cannot but think about ourselves, humanity and the All… there is simply no comparison.

  425. Leonne thank you for this blog. I havn’t appreciated how incredibly intelligent my body is. Your blog has made me feel more appreciative. I had never heard of translational immunology before. Truly fascinating.

  426. Reading all these examples of how ‘the body knows’ highlights the fact that we should be appreciating our bodies much more than we do. They are precious instruments of information and wisdom. They are so much more valuable than any information we can receive with the mind. It is all there within us waiting for us to feel it. Totally amazing.

  427. It can’t be too far away in mankind’s evolution that we all get back to listening to the wisdom of our bodies because as you pointed out what we end up with is not pretty when we are ruled by the mind. Just look at the state of our overall health worldwide and look at the state of the planet.

  428. “In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention… ” as I ponder the same I have to say that I fully agree, when has my body got things wrong? I can’t recall a time, when has my mind got things wrong – every day. And in fact its not really about getting them wrong its more for me that when I listen to my body I do what is true for my body but that is also true for everybody. When I listen to my mind, well – anything can happen and its often not great for me as well as everyone else.

  429. We use our mind to think what is ahead and try to plan, but when we do it is usually comes from a picture of how we want it to be, based on a need or expectation. Our body on the other hand just knows, there is an inner sense of what is ahead and if we listen and follow through there is a magical quality to it that expands to the next thing. The more I listen to my body the more confirming it is of the next step.

  430. Ah Brendan, yes so wise – all the choices I least like come when I am switched off from my body and living from my mind.

  431. When I am with and living from my body I feel safe, it’s like I can handle whatever the world might throw at me. The moment I slip back into living from my head I feel far more shaky, vulnerable and lost.

  432. I love the description of Pedro the bird’s responses. I used to have a cockatiel who would get agitated and noisy whenever I would make a move to leave the house disconnected with myself. He would get all needy and act as if he was being abandoned. Yet if I was steady and connected he was fine being left alone.

    It took me a long time to realise the anxiousness he was displaying is also something I feel within my own body whenever I am disconnected to myself. If I paid more attention to my own body I would not need him to keep reminding me that something was off!

  433. “What Does My Body Know?” My body knows the Universe, because the Universe and it are One.

  434. It is interesting how we perceive what the body breaking down means. We get annoyed by it as you say Leonne but really it is simply offering us a correction or adjustment or important message about how we have lived up until that point in time.

  435. It is quite awesome when we truly surrender to the messages and feelings in our bodies, it can lead to some very beautiful and magical connections that could never be planned that way.

  436. “In my 30’s I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had.”
    I appreciate deeply that I learned to know Serge Benhayon and his family. Through them I experience constant support and all of them remind me of who I am and how precious my body is in the way that it communicates constantly with me. The more I treat it with delicacy the deeper gets the communication.

  437. Our body and the amazing things it does every moment is often taken for granted and abused by our minds but never quits protecting itself, from our ill choices.

  438. The whole body intelligence presented by Serge has been a revolutionary and transformational concept for it has allowed me to embrace an understanding of the wisdom of the body and a choice to no longer deny it with the the arrogance of the mind. Its ridiculous that we grow up being taught that wisdom is something that you gain with age or with knowledge when in fact it is with us all along.

  439. Reading how your body put weight on in preparation for the up coming winter is interesting, as it shows that our body lives in, and responds to, cycles. It also shows how easily we have a tendency to dismiss the body knowing and rule with the head, and therefore not live in a flow but rather push or impose upon ourselves an image, picture or ideals and beliefs.

  440. Greetings to Pedro! What a wonderful reminder and alarm bell for disharmony and strife.

    1. Love this – yes Hola Pedro 🙂 We all have a Pedro within – we just need to listen …

  441. Whilst I didn’t know about babies being able to ‘request’ a specific make up of breast milk, it doesn’t surprise me at all, rather I appreciate the vastness of what we still aren’t recognising about the wisdom available to us through our bodies. There are so many limits that I’ve accepted throughout my life, particularly in regard to the body, it feels amazing and very honouring to lift the lid and deeply appreciate the knowing that I/we are so much more magnificent that I can currently fathom.

  442. ‘It wasn’t until I addressed my abusive diet of chocolate, coffee, sugar, stress and fried food that I was able to truly heal the cause of acne in my body.’ It is interesting that you label chocolate, coffee and sugar as abusive, seeing as so many people see chocolate as a treat, coffee as a necessity and sugar as a pick-me-up. Stress and fried food seem to be accepted as normal by society as well. When we truly listen we can feel the abuse, until then the abuse fields itself by stopping us from feeling anything.

  443. Wow, what a beautifully confirming blog about our body’s innate wisdom and absolute commitment to love. My body was tingling with joy as I read your every word, thank you, Leonne.

  444. I was just talking about body intelligence with my husband, how honest and totally loyal our bodies are to us. They continue for example to give us a cough and phlegm when we eat dairy… and doesn’t just give up because we’ve done it for years, it steadily and consistently brings home the truth every time, constantly giving us an opportunity to listen and choose differently.

    1. Great point here – ‘doesn’t just give up’, no it does not, it keeps repeating the same message over and over and many of us stubbornly refuse to get the message let alone heed it and pay attention to it. What a difference it would make in everyone’s life when we listen and adjust accordingly, I know for myself it has made a huge difference how I feel in my body since I have started to listen and connect the dots to the ‘i’s ….

  445. I used to work at night and had to drive to places I had never been to before. It was often hard to read the house numbers but I would get a sense of which house it was when I drove down the street. I learnt to trust this sense which was like an expansive feeling in my body as I came towards the house I needed to visit.

  446. Thanks Leonne, I loved reading your stories and I am sure we all also have a life time of stories if we choose to be aware. Our bodies are certainly amazing and our greatest friends – sadly we very often do not reciprocate by being loving friends to them.

    1. So true Nicola, treating our body like our very best friend is what makes a huge difference in everyone’s life, as the body will lovingly treat us back the same way.

      1. Yes it makes a huge difference when we treat our bodies with the love and respect they deserve, however they always respond with love regardless of how we treat them. The thing is that we often don’t interpret their messages as love and fight them. We even do that with each other – try saying something loving (which is truth) to someone who does not want to hear it and they may well find your words to be abusive and react accordingly.

  447. This is such a fresh approach to the intelligence of our body, and such great examples. If we take how sensitive we are to energy out of the picture we lose all the early warning signs available to us from the Universe we all co-exist in. Pedro is a lesson for us all “It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do.” There is always warning before an arguement – you can feel it in there air – from there it is a choice.

    1. Great point – yes warnings are there way before the ‘outbreak’ – and it’s all about choice then like you said Lucy, the choice to connect deeply first or to just let rip without discernment of the warnings previously given.

  448. The love we have for our own body will show us a path of understanding all around us we never thought was possible.

  449. Tuning into our bodies is the best in-house entertainment I’ve ever experienced and by far the most worthwhile. It offers back a huge amount of loving support and wise insights if I’m willing to observe and listen. Often it is only something very simple to adjust and respond with, so it can go on with its role as simply and gently as possible. Numbing out with external entertainment and activities at the expense of my body is where the hick-ups start and over time my health suffers.

  450. Pedro is most definitely a parrot with purpose! We know so much and sense so much with our bodies that are totally overridden by the mind. When we look around at the world today we can easily see how this has not worked, ever, and we need to really start living in another way. Thank goodness for Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom teachings that simply share that path of return.

    1. Hear hear; with you all the way – thank you Serge Benhayon for all you bring and share with all of humanity equally so.

  451. Our body is very intelligent and animals register movement. I could observe this with several dogs in our neighbourhood. They tend to listen to somebody who moves gracefully and flowing more than somebody who has a more hard movement.

  452. The more I listen to my body and make choices from there, the more I realise just how incredibly intelligent and wise it is, and therefore so am I!

  453. If we listen to and honour the communication from body’s intelligence our life becomes increasingly less stressful and increasingly harmonious.

  454. “In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention… and the fallout from these decisions? W-e-l-l-l, it’s been anything but pretty.”

    I hear you sister! But what makes me curious is that I know this, and keep making decision from my mind. From this point. it is good to explore – with no judgement, pressure or perfection – what is driving me to make these decisions, what momentums, way of living, old patterns, beliefs are keeping me from choosing my body over my mind. Fascinating to explore.

  455. It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth. This is so spot on Leonne, and I absolutely love the delivery of this blog, so light and playful, but at the same time, delivering a very wise and clear message.

  456. I’ve been looking at buying a new car recently and the process has been really interesting, it has become much more about feel than anything else. Sitting in a car and feeling if it is right, taking stock of the previous owner and how they feel, does the car feel supportive, is it a good fit for me. So many little things I am feeling but not perhaps fully grasping yet, but trusting is such an important part of anything we do, trusting the innate sensitivities and intuition we all have.

  457. I feel that many of us do not appreciate enough the sheer wonder the body is and how resistant and tolerant it is to abuse, including the abuse we sometimes do not realise it is constantly under. It without complaint still commits everyday to supporting us to heal, no judgment, no criticism, just loyalty and love.

    1. I completely agree Joshua. We do not appreciate our bodies for the wonders and blessings that they are and the opportunities they provide for us every day.

    2. Totally agree Joshua, we tend to take so much for granted when we are walking around in a living miracle.

  458. Reading this I am reminded of tsunamis and how the animals, who are in touch with their bodies, could sense something was wrong and ran to the hills. Not listening to my body causes me great anxiety.

  459. When I’m feeling ordered and in the flow of life there are so many magic moments that confirm our bodies do know in advance what lay before us.

  460. Could it be that we belong to a universal intelligence so vast and interconnected that its every part works obediently and harmoniously towards a far greater plan than anything our human mind can think up? Loved your examples of this hypothesis in action Leonne.

  461. I would like to add to your illuminating blog Leonne, how exquisite it feels to be at one with my body, when I am checking in with my body there is no tension, need or drive, and how beneficial this is for my well-being.

  462. The mind is the lowest form of intelligence, receiving knowledge shrouded in illusion and glamour.

    1. Well said Alexis, we really can’t say we don’t feel, we can say we don’t choose to feel or we ignore it or numb it because in truth our bodies register and know everything.

  463. Leonne, your example of how when you surrendered to the wisdom of your body, you were lead to the most gorgeously perfect rings, for me is a beautiful example of what happens when we simply let go. Letting go includes letting go of the reins that most of us have entrusted to the mind, along with it’s side kicks ‘Ideals, Beliefs and Pictures’. All of those things act like decoys to the truth of life, dispel them and life starts to appear in all it’s glorious majesty, not only as it is now but as it has always been, simply regal.

  464. I am getting to feel more and more that the intelligence of the body can transverse many dimensions and therefore has access to a far greater amount of information, as opposed to our minds that despite their seemingly vast range of topics are actually very limited indeed in their ability to access anything outside of their narrow world.

    1. Yes, letting go of all those ideals and beliefs means life can be simple. I’ve been caught up in the struggle of life, it’s given me what I thought was my identity – making it against the odds to great applause from my imaginary audience!! But letting go of that struggle is as simple as letting go of the reins. Thank you for the reminder.

  465. ‘In my 30’s I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had.’ – My entire understanding of the exceptional intelligence of the body is all thanks to Serge Benhayon.

  466. Thanks for sharing this – there is so much wisdom in all of your examples and I really love reading what the body is constantly offering us. What the body is able to communicate is always changing based on how much we are willing to listen.

  467. “When we don’t address the root cause of a disease our body has to move its messages (symptoms) around”. Wise words indeed, and yet there is far deeper to go than current medical understanding of ‘what the root cause is’ in order that existing disease and illness does not become a second, third or fourth layer of illness.

  468. Second blog I have read today on Whole Body Intelligence as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. There is definitely something for me to be with here and connect and allow myself to feel this more. Our bodies are truly amazing I feel we take the magic of them completely for granted. If we get ourselves and heads out of the way it is amazing to feel just how much it knows.

  469. The intelligence of our bodies is amazing, it’s awe inspiring to think about how it naturally adapts to what is truly needed, and this is an intelligence we have access to 24/7 if we so choose – it is not something bestowed upon us by a degree or accolade but innately in each and every one of us.

  470. We could do a simple observational stock take of what the wisdom of our body has brought us and what the mind has brought us. I think I am having the same results as you!

  471. If we view life the way you describe yours in this story, how can we not call these events miracles? I mean it’s absolutely amazing. And the way you appreciate them (maybe you should write that book!) is the key to it all.

  472. ‘In my experience, the body never gets it wrong.’ This is my experience too Leonne and I wonder with such wisdom on tap 24/7 that I still often forget to listen.

  473. Beautiful, Leonne. When our heart and body lead the way through life, we cannot go wrong.

  474. ‘I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had…’ The same is for me too Leonne…whole body intelligence whilst completely natural for us all is not something we have made our conscious normal, yet when connected to transforms life completely.

  475. How freeing would it be if we would accept that we never ever have to think about life ever again? That we could simply surrender to our body and follow its impulses. I don’t always listen, but I do feel the truth of the simplicity, knowing and power (and so much more) that my body contains. Which makes me wonder how we could describe the content that is within my body and how this content actually can ‘exist’. I’m getting a sense that we don’t ‘own’ it as such. And that we don’t have to either, no control needed. In awe with life and my body.

    1. This is something I am still learning to trust Floris so your words are a great support! To start with I felt very uneasy about not planning, but there is no question that in the moment I know exactly what is needed. The more I surrender the more at ease I am but trusting the surrender when there is not a name was really hard. So I called it love – surrendering to love. I suspect I will be forever a student of the magnitude of the support that is available to me when I surrender to that space.

  476. I love how my body knows and is able to tell me that something will support it or not. When I listen to it I feel great, I am able to make great choices and life has a beautiful flow to it. When I don’t listen, life becomes more complicated and I dont feel so great. So then I have to ask myself, why I do I not listen to my body all of the time…?

  477. Leonne what a beautiful expression and confirmation of the fact that we do truly know what is needed and what supports us when we let go of thinking with our mind and step into allowing with our bodies.

  478. I strongly relate to this. At work I’m doing coaching sessions and I always notice how clear and precise my body’s telling me when a conversation is done. This is not only what I feel, but always what the other or others are feeling. As I am writing this I can feel the magnificence of the science that our body is connected to. It’s up to us to choose to listen or not. Beautiful and sacred.

  479. I used to not want my body because of all that it was showing me, illness, pain, exhaustion.. now it is my best friend and guide and I appreciate all it shows me as I learn to listen to all its messages.

    1. That’s true, Ruth. We often don’t want to feel our bodies, because they reflect back to us the unloving choices we have been making. But the truth is there to be felt and to learn from.

  480. The body truly is the marker of all truth and to me it is so evident in animals – their ability to sense the danger of an on coming Tsunami and move to higher ground when we, supposedly intelligent and superior beings, do not.

    1. Along the same lines the Lions at Whipsnade Zoo, grew a longer winter coat and shed it in the Summer their bodies also knew what to do instinctively.

    2. It is ironic that most people live a life that completely bludgeons the body through food, drink, emotions, activities and general lack of regard. At the same time we spend inordinate resources on building gauges and measuring equipment to forewarn us of such things as earthquakes and tsunamis, and when we do have them there is so much pride in that accomplishment.

      All of this while animals have from day one been reflecting to us that we have access to an innate ability to sense the dynamics at play around us and that it is our body not our mind that can offer us this level of wisdom.

      1. I agree Golnaz, a great expose on the seeming intelligence of the human race, so caught up in the next thing outside of ourselves that we have forgotten (not unintentionally) the intelligence that is found within our own bodies – but this intelligence comes with values and standards and belongs to the laws of the universe and therefor does not make us feel the rush and identification of the individual.

      2. Yes Rebecca. And there lies the seed of our ongoing downfall: the incessant drive of the spirit for recognition and its penchant for being an “individual”, regardless of what needs to be sacrificed.

  481. Our bodies are constantly communicating with us – not with words but with feelings and sensations – and life is very different when we listen and respond to its wisdom.

  482. I love the example of Pedro. What a gift he is to your relationship. I’m sure that we can detect conflict this early on too, we just choose to not notice and not admit it.

  483. I go to up to five or so different places of work everyday and go round many roundabouts but my dog Roxy always gets up from her seat to look around and ready herself to jump out moments before we arrive at the next place, how does she know this? She definitely wouldn’t have the memory of every route or the time it takes from one place to another in her mind so this must be body intelligence as well.

  484. The only way we can know truth is through the body, there is an absoluteness that is felt with every particle that offers an expansion to learn and. grow from The mind on the other hand has a different agenda and wants us to be right and wants to own what we know and there is no true expansion although at times it may feel like it. Once the difference is felt it is not so easy for the mind to overrule the body..

    1. This is awesome wisdom Leonne – thank you. It proves who is taking care of whom.

  485. Make our body the part to make choices from and everything (E V E R Y T H I N G) in life will be more loving. Thank you Leonne. And congratulations to you and your partner.

  486. ‘It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.’ How true is this! I have often found myself cursing the symptoms but nowadays I can appreciate them as messages from my body to show me what exactly I need to work on in order to deepen my connection to the love I am in my very essence.

  487. I’ve just re-read the bit about the baby signalling the type of milk it needs when suckling, this is beyond anything the mind could have concocted. We live in an intelligent, powerful and amazing bodies, our sacred temples. Not only should we pay attention to the constant conversation it has with us, but treat it with reverence, regard and love.

  488. These days I regularly consult my body about the decisions I have to make in daily life and it never lets me down. Tuning into and really appreciating its immense sensitivity is an ongoing lesson in humility, constantly exposing my arrogance when I choose to override its evident wisdom and innate knowing, always to my detriment.

  489. The intelligence of our bodies really has not been explored and I hope in the future we dedicate as much time and exploration to understanding that perhaps out bodies may hold a different and greater intelligence than our minds do – it would completely transform psychology and the way we live day to day.

  490. I like what you say Leonne with the line “I could write a book on my experiences of the intelligence of the body but right now my body tells me there are other things to do.” That to me is true intelligence as our body knows what is needed and is not like the mind looking for personal gain and learning to trust on our body instead of our mind to me is a wise thing to do, not only for myself but for all of mankind.

  491. There have been countless moments for me too when I have looked back and regretted not trusting what I felt in my body and instead run with the far lesser intelligence of my mind. There is no point living in regret, although some days I do find this harder than others as if I had trusted what I knew inside things would be very different which is a direct result of the choices I made to dismiss the amazing wisdom I hold within.

  492. Beautiful blog about the body and its intelligence which we have only scratched the surface in understanding and appreciating.

  493. I love that you asked Pedro for permission, that’s cute. Animals are so wise, I am so fascinated with how they responded to the Tsunami in Thailand by moving to the high ground whilst all the people carried on as if nothing was happening. If we trusted our bodies more perhaps the death tolls in these incidences would change dramatically?

  494. Interesting that you mention here Leonne, “the very inconvenient truth” our body may be bringing to us… How exposing it is, when we accept the fact that our bodies will continue to show us whether we are making honouring daily choices in our daily living, or resorting to the “toxic” ones… that we consider it so ‘inconvenient’ when something goes on.
    We are offered countless opportunities to truly surrender ways of being that have harmed and may continue to harm ourselves – our listening to the body’s messages offers a fundamental for life, one that deserves to be in our education from the outset.

  495. Love this Leonne, and absolutely agreed – the awakenings to my own body’s (and others’) intelligence, particularly since coming to the work and teachings of Serge Benhayon, are an ongoing and amazing constant in my life.
    We are, as a whole, barely touching the surface of the knowing that is possible from within us – a knowing that will, if we surrender to its flow, lead the way to embracing a life that is lived soulfully, in the deepest of Love, Joy and connection.

  496. There is so much to appreciate about the body every day, as it is making life sooooooo simple for us, have we realised? There is no need to think or doubt about anything, as the body gives us the truth and honesty right away. True intelligence in a human being is measured by the ability to surrender and say yes “let’s go for it” from what we have picked up from our bodies.

  497. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.” Moving in constant connection to our body’s naturally magical intelligence. A super combo for life and a super blog too thank you Leonne.

  498. ‘The ring did not fit the pictures I had, it wasn’t anything like what I had decided I wanted… but my whole body said yes’ this is very interesting, because I have sometimes made a decision based on what my whole body says and although it didn’t make sense intellectually, it has proven to be absolutely correct.

  499. Ah – beautiful Leonne, I love the revelatory way you unpack life’s events then join all the dots again to show it’s all part of an amazing bigger picture. What I get from all that you say is way our body intimately knows that these dots exist, because it is made up of atoms and particles. It’s only our head which uses its cells to override what is naturally sensed. How crazy is that? We have developed ourselves into a machine, geared to deny, block out and wipe out! No wonder we seem to be so practiced at starting wars. I’m feeling we should give living from our body a try. Ps big props to Pedro.

  500. Really enjoyed reading this blog Leonne, the Pedro story is fascinating, like the animals that sense a tsunami or tornado, we humans also have this sense but continually block it through our lifestyle choices, how much could we have access to that we think we don’t know, it is fascinating and incredible really the depth of wisdom available, and evidenced in your story in how the body responds so naturally to every choice we make.

  501. So the same intelligence that directs Pedro to feel what’s coming is the same body-based intelligence we have available to us.

  502. Two lines stand out for me today: ‘…the body’s intelligence far surpasses anything we can think with our mind…’ and ‘…all the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.’

    Leonne, so well said. Your examples ring loud and clear as to the body’s intelligence and yes, while we are still invested in thinking the mind is ‘it’, we will always resent the messages it sends us by way of ill health.

  503. Pedro sounds like a treat. By observing animals and their natural instincts we are can learn a lot about our ways, and they remind us how to live with respect to life.

  504. Beautiful Leonne, confirmation that the body and the natural wisdom it shares are always there for us to access. I love the lightheartedness in your blog.

  505. Love this Leonne it presents how much simpler it all is when choose to listen to the intelligence of our body rather than allow the complication of the mind cloud what we can feel.

  506. I love the sharing about how the rings you bought were from someone you were already connected too- that is cool- this happens a lot in life but often we don’t stop to appreciate it enough.

  507. In time it will be known that the cardio-centric way of life far outweighs and surpasses anything that the mind can come up with and concoct.

  508. Thank you Leonne, it is a great thing to honour how sensitive you are and to simply just let this take you wherever it may lead to.

  509. Our bodies are quite amazing when you think about it, it just takes a little while to let go all of those areas in life where we have been so trained to go to the mind first. And when we do, the experience is absolute confirmation of the bodies power and ability to bring through great wisdom and deep love. After all, the best way to nourish our bodies is with our own self love, no question.

  510. What you have shared is a miracle Leonne, as we all know from an esoteric point of view we are all connected but to have your best friends mother do your rings this is a true blessing from God.

  511. When we listen to our body, life is very simple, straight forward and harmonious.

  512. It’s so important to acknowledge to ourselves how we do get very clear messages from our body, as in the case of you and your partner purchasing your wedding rings from a friend’s mother, despite you not knowing this at the time. It’s a great confirmation.

  513. When we live in a way that is true for our bodies its like the whole universe jumps on board and there is a flow that keeps on responding the more we keep moving in that flow. It is very beautiful to live in this way without perfection though as sometimes I find myself distracted by something that doesnt feel true in my body, but there is always an opportunity to start over again and choose a different quality to start with again.

  514. ‘It’s intelligent enough to know how to eliminate the toxic choices we make in order to keep us alive. All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth.’ – Too true, we blame the body for the very choices that we, with the help of our minds, have made. How crazy is that!

  515. ‘In my experience, the body never gets it wrong.’ – Beautiful Leonne, we would save ourselves a lot of agony if we made this simple fact our leading star.

  516. Beautiful examples Leonne and yes our body is far more intelligent than our mind on its own ever will be. Living in connection with my body has ‘opened up my eyes’ for what it is truly communicating. And this is a constant and consistent support in daily life.

  517. An absolute delight to read and feel the appreciation of the our whole body intelligence that is available to us 24/7. And a round of appreciation for Pedro, what an amazing energy barometer to have on hand to notify in advance of pending stickiness looming. However we can tune into this in our own bodies any time.

    1. Yes I agree Sandra we all have the awareness in our bodies to feel the future in the same way Pedro does!

  518. The intelligence of our body is a truly magical thing for us to realise with our minds. But in truth it is so natural and we all know how it feels. It is a great learning to return to living our truth in full.

  519. Once we all get back to using our whole body intelligence, this will be when the real fun starts and true evolution will begin.

    1. Ah yes, I agree we do. He is a treat and what a lovely way to be steered in the right direction.

  520. I absolutely loved reading this Leonne and look forward to re reading it. Especially the part about the baby, that is amazing, wow we are so amazing.

  521. The mind trying to play catch up to something that is already known and lived and has been that way for many years. Like in the article when it was talking about breastfeeding and how the baby and mothers body have a communication that directly moves the breast milk to where it needs to be for the baby at that point. Do we trust this? Or are we again pulling it apart and testing this natural magic in an attempt to prove to ourselves that it is happening and give it a name and yet it’s not only happening but has been happening for who knows how long. There is little trust in what is already felt and the moment we try and play around and prove it it already becomes less than the truth of what it is. If you don’t trust more than what you see then how will you look at something that can’t be seen?

  522. Really insightful Leonne and quite humorous at times – one of my favourite combinations.

  523. It’s only when we can get the mind out of the way and give ourselves permission to meet life through our bodies that we realise that we have access to so much more than we ever imagine, it is reclaiming our all knowing natural way of being.

  524. I love your sharings Leonne, always so precisely observed and playfully expressed.

  525. ‘ I met a man by the name of Serge Benhayon. He was the one that reminded me that my body held the answer to every question I had. If it wasn’t for Serge and his incredible presentations on whole body intelligence, I am sure I would still be suffering with a whole range of unpleasant medical complaints.’ Yes Leonne – without the wisdom Serge Benhayon’s presentations on body intelligence, and taking on the self responsibility of living and caring for myself and my body in a healthy way I would definitely be a health statistic. Instead, at 57 my body is feeling lighter and more responsive than ever.

  526. ‘All the while we curse it for showing us the very inconvenient truth’. What a great line of truth. We continually shoot the messenger in an attempt to quiet what is being asked of us and that is to take more responsibility for our movements.

    1. Yes, a key insight is that the feedback of the body is supportive of us, not trying to restrict us.

  527. I love how when I listen to my body and ignore my mind that is trying to make sense of a decision that I have made because it feels right even though there may not be any logic to it, that events synchronistically all fall into place, and chance meetings are had or unexpected opportunities arise. To be in the flow of life in this way really is gorgeous.

  528. This story shares the incredible truth about how brilliant our bodies are and it reveals the fact that every one of us has wise guidance literally at our finger tips… if and when we choose to listen…

    1. I have known a number of people who had severe acne and took medications with strong side effects instead of asking or being asked if it could have anything to do with the steady in take of pizza, sugar, chocolate etc…

      This strikes me as an obtuse avoidance of taking responsibility to look at what is causing the issue.

      As much as we all avoid responsibility it is always the less painful path in the end!

      1. True – and I would go one step further and question what lies behind the need for a steady intake of food that is not supportive to the body? The food may contribute to the physicality of this condition but there is already an energy at play that influences us to reach for such food.

  529. Lovely story about your wedding ring and a confirmation on how the body instantly lets us know and yes I so agree with this ‘If it wasn’t for Serge and his incredible presentations on whole body intelligence, I am sure I would still be suffering with a whole range of unpleasant medical complaints.’

  530. How often do we share of the coincidence of meeting someone or observing how things come to play? Is there more here to ponder on the bigger picture of how our body knows and is waiting patiently to respond. Thank you Leonne, for sharing the many simple examples that so many of us would have experience in our lives if we choose to stop and feel what the body is truly communicating with us.

  531. I love the examples Leonne. The one about the rings I can relate to, I never thought too much about marriage and weddings and actually did not expect to marry already but hey here I am! but that is beside the point. Even though never having thought much of it there were ideas of what a engagement ring should look like but all that fitted the picture that I tried on felt not like me and I felt like a picture princess instead of myself. Then I found one which was perfect because it felt right and make me feel like me. That is the most important thing in the end. Pictures will never fulfil us, true choices will though.

  532. My experience with the intelligence my body holds is that it is forever bringing to light more understanding, knowledge, acceptance and love. The greatest feeling of late is the very real joy that my soul holds, the more I choose to honour what my body requires the more I feel this joy. It seems silly to say, but it is taking a very solid commitment to allow the joy I feel inside to be lived moment by moment in my body.

  533. We feel our body instantly if we choose to not numb ourselves away from it. Simply said so, we know the truth – we only need to choose and be willing to accept that again.

  534. How honest we want to be determines how present we want to be with our body. As Leonne shares, our body holds an intelligence far greater than our minds, with an honesty that cannot be ignored.

  535. Great sharings.. there are worlds to appreciate about our bodies and how they communicate.

  536. The difference between our bodies and our minds is that our bodies are always completely honest… whereas our minds can take us on many and varied distractions away from our innate truth.

  537. I can so relate to this…”In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention.” and like you Leonne… the fallout was not pretty!

  538. What a confirming blog for all of us! I especially appreciate your words ‘Animals trust and act on the intelligence of their bodies far more than we do.’ because I’ve noticed that dogs are sensitive to ‘atmospheres’ in a house, if anyone is upset, the dog reflects that.

  539. Wow, the fact breast milk changes based on the needs of the child is amazing – our bodies are so intelligent and as you share, often know what is needed before the mind does.

  540. Could you put a body together in the perfect way the body has been so accurately formed and architectured such that each cell is naturally the correct number to support what is needed by the whole? I don’t know about you but I certainly couldn’t at least not from my mind alone.

  541. The intelligence held within our bodies is so much greater than what we deploy from our minds. When we dismiss our bodies’ intelligence we are effectively dismissing our own greatness.

  542. This is an inspirational sharing Leonne. What you share is so true and if we look at the way our body has responded perfectly to situations that have later been confirmed as spot on, it is amazingly accurate.

  543. I love the examples of the natural awareness in our body. Thanks Leonne.
    And what a brilliant reflection offered by Pedro of the extent of this wisdom, if we choose to avoid ways of numbing our connection to our body and instead honour what we feel as you and your partner did when shopping for a ring.

  544. Oh my this is one of my favourite subjects as the body is infinite in it’s wisdom and really all we have to do is reconnect to it and allow ourselves to feel what it is sharing with us and our lives will change. I have experienced this in so many ways for myself and I often have called my body the ‘greatest life coach’ you could ever have.

  545. It makes a huge difference when we bring the body into the equation as it holds the key to a far greater intelligence than we can access with just our mind.

  546. Like you Leonne, and I am sure many others, “the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention”. In fact you would have thought that after only a few of those disastrous decisions that I would have suspected something was not quite right, but I just carried on making them and hoping that the next time would have the outcome I wanted; there was always a lot of hoping. These days my mind and all the hoping has been relegated to the very back seat as I have come to know without a smidgen of doubt that it’s my body that’s the wise one, my best friend and trusted voice.

  547. “The intelligence of my body is available to me in every moment and every movement.” There isn’t a brain, school,university, book, computer or anything else that can deliver us that! The body is the uber-master.

  548. Thanks for sharing this – wow what amazing wisdom our bodies have. I continue to hear stories that confirm this as well as feeling it in my own body. It is so cool how we don’t have to overthink things – we can just surrender to the body. And very telling what you share about acne and how this is the release of toxins in the body that we are putting into it. Everything happens for a reason.

  549. Thank you Leonne, I feel very joyful reading your blog. I know the truth of this and can’t help but feel deep appreciation for our bodies and a inspiration to celebrate this, something we do far too little of.

  550. I love the fact that breast milk changes instantly depending on what the baby needs, this shows how much we are naturally connected and our bodies communicate to each other from this connection

  551. Fabulous blog Leonne, your experiences and observations are living proof that our body’s intelligence far outweighs anything we attempt to invent in our heads. Serge Benhayon has joined up the dots for us through his extensive teachings and way of living, bringing us home to our most powerful ally, our body and it’s multi-dimensional intelligence.

  552. To over-rule the strength of the messages from the body, we have to pull in a lot of energy; it takes a great deal of constant effort to over-ride the natural flow of the body. Hence, the world is exhausted.

    1. This is such a great point ottobathurst, ‘the world is exhausted’ because we have not been listening to the natural wisdom of our bodies. Yes, it takes a constant effort to live a-‘head’ of ourselves and it highlights the importance of reacquainting ourselves with our bodies and it’s natural movements.

      1. Oooh. LOVE what you have done with ‘a-head’. When you take a moment to actually feel into it we can feel that the brain actually takes a force to run it – thinking things through requires effort, whereas the messages of the body flow utterly freely.

  553. “It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do.” What a beautiful example that our bodies communicate far more than we realise or appreciate and if we tap into that resource, as you so beautifully share Leonne, how much more harmonious life is.

  554. Leonne, I so enjoyed reading your blog and smiled my way through it. Our body is hugely wiser than our mind. It is so wise that it even lovingly says to our mind ‘don’t stay out there in the cold doing your own thing and thinking you have all the answers which are in disregard to the rest of me. Come and join me so we can have an intelligence that comes from the whole of my body, mind included.

  555. Ha Ha! I love the fact of ‘Pedro’ being an early warning signal for approaching disharmony and offering you a moment of reflection to change your movements and lessen re-actions.
    “It has come to a point where Pedro senses an argument 5 minutes before we do. We’ve learned to observe him and his movements and we don’t argue so much anymore! Animals trust and act on the intelligence of their bodies far more than we do”.

  556. Our bodies really do know whats best for us. But not only ourselves but when cared for we can bring that care that the body has for ourselves to others.

  557. Our bodies sure are here to support us in every way possible to return back to the love that we are. What would happen if we fully surrendered to our bodies and worked with it rather than constantly trying to fight it. Would we then realise that we are far more than purely our bodies and come from something much greater which our bodies/particles are constantly aligning us to if only we choose to surrender.

  558. Having pictures hold back our evolution but by being open and responsive our body knows what is true for us. Letting go of pictures and sensing a knowing from our body when something feels true or not we learn to live in a flow that not only supports ourselves but everyone around us too.

  559. Our body does know a lot, doesn’t it? And what each unit knows, we all know. It is an amazing masterpiece, its intelligence is incredible and even without us consciously knowing about how, it keeps doing its own thing while our mind likes to prove its righteousness yet keeps proving otherwise.

  560. Leonne what you have shared about breast milk is fascinating I had not heard of this and to me it is another instance of just how intelligent the whole body is and shows to me how limited our minds are. And yet we place such a huge store in it’s ability to regurgitate information and mostly over ride what our bodies are telling us to the detriment of our health.

  561. These are such wonderful examples of the body’s intelligence Leonne, I love them, and there’s many more too as you say. When the mind and body are working together in unison, we have a harmony of such true intelligence in the body that we can listen to.

  562. Leonne, I love your sense of playfulness and fun. And this is how we can all live if we stop the intesity of the mind and live in the moment with our bodies.

  563. Wow Leone what beautiful clear examples and expressions of the amazingness of our knowings and intelligence from our bodies and all they show us and how much they look after us. The interrelatedness of things in our lives unbeknown to us can be so remarkable and deeply connected with our body’s intelligence and its part in this can only be divine and magical in all it is, does and where it comes from.

  564. Perfect timing for me at the end of a week when I have been paying ever more attention to my body and its messages –and feeling the delicate harmonious balance it lives in. What I am finding is that when I am tuned in and listen very carefully to the energetic responses that can be felt, I can tell when I am getting out of balance or something has, or is trying to affect me. We currently champion the mind and the intelligence in our lives but our bodies have something even deeper which to me is wisdom. As you share here Leonne, the body just knows how to eliminate toxins from our body – it doesn’t need the mind to understand and label the toxin first. What else can this bodily wisdom tell us?

  565. Amazing Leonne. We all have a relationship with our body but sometimes the relationship just isn’t a harmonious one. For instance, the feeling of anxiousness can become quite familiar in the body and a drawing point from which to make decisions, but through developing a different way of being that can change!

  566. “In my experience, the body never gets it wrong. In contrast, the bad decisions I have made from my mind are too numerous to mention.” A great post Leonne and I so agree. My mind has got me into some un-wonderful situations. I may not like what my body is telling me – but at least the body is honest.

  567. So true Leonne, it also shows that openness, honesty and integrity can also be read by the body and when choosing this as part of our living way it becomes a part of every moment and every reflection life brings us. We know what we know because we are so deeply guided by the true connection we have with our body.

  568. This is super cool Leonne and reminds me of when just before the big tsunami in Thailand many animals retreated up the hill, where as the humans still lay sun bathing on the beaches below.

    1. Animals are often described as having instincts about these types of things (cows lying down when it’s about to rain for example). But if we are in tune with our bodies and remain fully aware, we would surprise ourselves at what we know.

  569. Shutting down the body’s intelligence even for a split second can impact on the body in ways we cannot imagine. I’ve learned there is no off switch and to stay permanently switched on, but don’t always honour this truth.

  570. Beautiful what you share, I agree our bodies do know when we get the head out of the way. I knew when I met my husband he was the one I will marry, the bungalow we are living in now, the first time we went to view it, I knew instantly that we were going to buy it and that was going to support us for a few years. Also recently we went to buy an eternity ring and I knew straight away which one I wanted to buy.

  571. “the body never gets it wrong.” Our body is tuned into the vibration of truth but we have to learn to listen to what it is telling us.

  572. to me it is sometimes easy to listen and act upon the clear signals my body is giving and in other occasions it is much harder because my mind is interfering as when I would listen I have to tread new roads, roads in life that challenges me in bringing more of me to the world and takes me out of a comfortable, but according to the signals of my body, actually not so comfortable situation.

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