How to Apply for Work with Energetic Responsibility

Position Vacant – Lover of Humanity: Apply Within

Position Description:

Due to the intense call out from humanity that has occurred and is occurring because of the atrocities, wars, hatred, abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, pornography, illness, disease, corruption and impending bankruptcy of countries and health systems, applicants are now requested to come forth and consider serving in an evolutionary one-unified way.


The purpose is to return love, harmony, truth, joy and equality to humanity. This role is open to all who are willing. It’s a simple role that requires the understanding of one key quality that supports all other elements and unfoldings from there.

The quality is Responsibility – Energetic Responsibility.


The responsibilities embrace all that is:

  • Evolution – saying yes to true evolution
  • Commitment – to being a student, by your own choosing, of the Universal Ageless Wisdom
  • Co creation – working with God, masters and teachers of the ageless wisdom, equally for the wellbeing of all
  • Reflection – knowing the quality in which you move has a ripple effect on everyone
  • Honouring – living your true self for the whole with love and honouring equal to God’s love, with no attachment for recognition or reward
  • Truth – to be able to respond to and with truth, even when it is uncomfortable
  • Brotherhood – holding self and ALL others in absolute equalness
  • Harmony – responsibility to being open-hearted and observing with love and grace all that is presented before you
  • Essence – re-connection to your divine essence and your unique way of expressing
  • Joy – bringing the lightness of God into the everyday
  • Trust – in yourself, your inner knowing and the Divine plan.

This position is approached from the depths of love, energetic responsibility, understanding, awareness and a commitment to choose to stay connected to the inner-heart.

Time Frame:

This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.


On the job training is an essential component of this position and will be applied by a willingness and responsibility to choose what is evolutionary for our collective re-connection to the divine. Supporting that re-connection for everyone else through your living way is all that is required.

Training and Support:

There is an unprecedented depth of support and awareness available when open to receiving all that is on offer. Included in the list of teachers and role models are: your Soul, fellow students of The Way of The Livingness, who number in their thousands, the Ageless Wisdom, of which there are, and have been, many role models, including Serge Benhayon, who presents these teachings in our current time.


Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.

This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.

It is a role of true Energetic Responsibility, one that everyone is absolutely qualified in doing because all have lived it before.

As we respond to this call of humanity, so too will this position description expand.

Applications are wide open to all – there are no limitations, restrictions or timeframe, selection criteria or interview process. It is as simple as responding if you feel the call to re-connect to all that is available and reflect to humanity that there is another way.

If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In.

By Sandra Williamson, Brisbane

Related Reading:
Responsibility in the Workplace
Every Job Matters
If we don’t enjoy our work …

530 thoughts on “How to Apply for Work with Energetic Responsibility

  1. “Essence – re-connection to your divine essence and your unique way of expressing” A job offer in the service industry of Divinity, open to all.

  2. Absoulutely Sandra, aligning to our Soul 😇and being transparent is key 🔑 to all that has been part of the way we have returned to our essences 🔥 including the transparency about those wayward ways that caused our separation 🤼‍♀️

  3. Oh my goodness Sandra I have just come back to your blog having been in a new managerial role now for five months and my body lapped up every word of what you have shared as it is actively living so much of it and I have to say that it’s nothing short of incredible, finally I feel like my particles are doing what they were designed to do. I am becoming a living arrow to God and there is nothing at all I would rather be doing, not even for a second.

  4. ‘There is an unprecedented depth of support and awareness available when open to receiving all that is on offer.’ When we filter life through our hurts and/or are withdrawn or shut down, even to a certain degree, we cannot let the level of love and support in that is on offer. Once we recognise that it is our responsibility to let the love in and out, the level of support that is offered is something beyond anything I had thought possible.

  5. A job opportunity for all, yet so many of us are crying because we are convinced that unemployment is high & jobs are hard to get.

  6. Responsibility is definitely required in the world today. What I am reminding myself of currently is that there’s no need to preach but simply live it and that is the pick-up that people receive. Without words but they get the message.

    1. Thank you Leigh, we can all be present with the task at hand in conscious presence, and this simple tool is all we need to do and thus also then flows to our relationship with God.

  7. “The purpose is to return love, harmony, truth, joy and equality to humanity.” What a beautiful purpose, live it first, then reflect it and remind others they can live it too – a great job. 🙂

  8. What a blessing to read this blog, so thank you Sandra, as it has deepened my relationship with being-responsibly-appreciative, and how being appreciative is non-judge-mental, so we can observe another and appreciate there Godly-ness that they have come to and this feeling comes from the appreciation of our own connection and this is a deep-humble-appreciate-ive-ness “that everyone is absolutely qualified in doing because all have lived it before.”

  9. Thank you Sandra for this beautiful job description. I love this expression: “Remuneration: Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.” Who would not wants to work under such wonderful remuneration!

  10. You say Sandra
    “Due to the intense call out from humanity that has occurred and is occurring because of the atrocities, wars, hatred, abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, pornography, illness, disease, corruption and impending bankruptcy of countries and health systems,”
    The call may have been made but are we so content in our comfortable ways that we are in resistance to the call? Is it possible that the resistance is the illness and disease we are experiencing, the drug abuse, the need for extreme sports, and the need for 24 hour television? These are just a few of the things that we as a society have manufactured to numb ourselves from feeling what is really occurring.

    1. Thank you Mary, as what you are sharing takes a position that very few see as they are so caught up in this system they cannot see the trees for the woods or they are exposed to so many distractions it seems normal and miss the call. and! Thank God, for The Way of The Livingness, that at-least offers a different reflection, or as Sandra has shared, “reflect to humanity that there is another way.”

    2. This is a great sharing about resisting the call Mary, I hadn’t considered it this way, but it makes so much sense how much distraction we need to not respond to what’s needed for humanity and nature.

  11. This is an application with no perfection – application for the job and to join the team, with humbleness knowing that the job was and has been there for me and everyone the whole time. That done it is now about getting on with it, and joyfully so, and appreciating all the learning that comes along the way…

  12. “It is a role of true Energetic Responsibility, one that everyone is absolutely qualified in doing because all have lived it before” – that is why saying ‘Yes’ is simply a surrender and feels more resonant than saying ‘No’ which is actually us fighting ourselves.

    1. Fumiyo your comment is very true
      “‘Yes’ is simply a surrender and feels more resonant than saying ‘No’ which is actually us fighting ourselves.”
      Why do we fight what we in truth all know? Is it because we have all had a hand in what we have created and there is a part of us that is proud of our accomplishments and that pride is our downfall because we do not look deeper to see that there is so much more if only we surrendered ourselves to the process.

  13. Today I caught myself understanding how we filter our interactions wth others through our hurts and insecurities rather than simply reading the truth of where another is at, which in most cases has nothing to do with the hurt we may be carrying. Our ultimate responsibility is to let go of our hurts so that we don’t impose them on another in our interactions.

    1. That is so true Michelle, what we perceive is going on is filtered through our hurts and beliefs, a great reminder thank you.

  14. I love this job description.
    When I really consider what this means and the fact that every cell of my body is responding with a resounding ‘yes’, It becomes apparent that every other aspect of my life is simply an aspect of this bigger picture whether I am honouring my job description in full or not. And yes “This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.”

  15. Remuneration…”Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.” How can we resist the highest remuneration possible on this earth.

  16. When I connect within, such love is simple. There are a lot of lies, beliefs (more lies) and perceptions (even more lies) that say such simplicity cannot be lived. But that’s not true. With support I am finding it easier to live the love that I am in a world that has been set up to not be love.

  17. I love this, Sandra! Yes, yes, yes to all of the commitments with this job. It is great to feel the joy of responsibility – what else are we here for other than to support one another to get back home?

  18. Sandra, I so love this blog. Today what stood out for me was the time span – there is definitely no retiring from this job.

  19. The level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility… What a great way of expressing, what can be a foundation for everyone’s lives in everything that we do.

  20. what a great understanding to bring into every role. The above is applicable to life – and it is so important that we are able to understand and see energy first. Taking this into a work environment means we are able to see how and why things play out.

  21. “Remuneration: Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.” Now that is remuneration worth having.

  22. This is so brilliantly presented – a position that by virtue of the fact that we are all Souls in a body in this plane of life, is one that we are all assigned to, as is our purpose for being here; to return to our Soulfulness, in union with God and all. It is that we have just chosen to avoid our responsibility, the job we are here to do, to live for the ‘All’ impulsed by our Soulful light, and instead have indulged in our thirst for individuality led by our spirit.

  23. This should sooo be published in a jobs column 👏👏👏 And I love this … because its true ‘There is an unprecedented depth of support and awareness available when open to receiving all that is on offer.’

  24. This is gorgeous to read Sandra. It invites me, very lovingly so, to appreciate being part of the esoteric community of students from Universal Medicine. All the support and inspiration that I receive daily makes my life more joyful, real and purposeful than ever before. Thanks for sharing the steps and keys to apply to the connection within, so simple and yet so profound.

  25. ‘How to apply for work with-in through being energetically responsible’ and the key word change is ‘with-in’ as you have shared Sandra, and because we are then re-connected to our essence and express in the full glory of who we are, allowing us to fully appreciate what true energetic responsibility brings.

  26. Although we can think .. “yes, yes sign me up please” and convince ourselves we have signed up, it may not be true at all if we have not surrendered ourselves to the love of our (inner)heart. Indeed this is something to avoid as it sinks us deeper into illusion.

    1. Thank you Joshua, this is a great comment, because on the surface we can tick the box but it all boils down to our energetic quality and our ongoing surrender to our inner heart.

  27. ‘If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In.’ Absolutely, it’s what we’re all here for, to support and evolve so we all move on to live with the responsibility of who we truly are.

  28. Serving from soul is definitely a call we get from within, the training is in life and in dedication to being the essence of love we are.

  29. When we finally get to the point where our own creations don’t satisfy us- where nothing from the outside feels greater or more important than the depth of what we can feel and connect to, from within, then we start to make more consistent choices that support us to reconnect to that – what is already within us.

    1. And eventually that doesn’t satisfy us either because we have been given everything and are now back to our soul and true selves, so the next step is to respond to the call to support humanity to also have access to developing the same thing. Dissatisfaction, for want of a better word, is part of the honesty that where we have landed is now not it, as the expansion is waiting for us to go to the next level. When we find ourselves saying “there has to be more than this”… beauty awaits.

    2. What is within us is unlimited whereas what is outside us likes us to think that it’s unlimited but in fact it’s not; it’s trussed up, bound up and sewn up and by buying into it we’re gagged.

  30. ‘On the job training is an essential component of this position and will be applied by a willingness and responsibility to choose what is evolutionary for our collective re-connection to the divine. ‘ The support of Universal Medicine in this regard is so appreciated. It gives us the tools to nurture the responsibilities that you outline here.

  31. Re-reading this tonight, my body says a very humbling yes. As I was riding on the train this afternoon home from work standing among many other sons of God, I could feel how what we choose, how we move, look, speak and live can either inspire another or create separation.

    1. I agree Aimee – all that is offered here certainly asks us to consider where have we been, what have we been applying to or more so aligning to? If we are not living as the Gods we are in essence, one and all, why not? We already are all we need lets just go for it.

  32. “It is a role of true Energetic Responsibility, one that everyone is absolutely qualified in doing because all have lived it before.” – this is key – realising that we have all lived this before, and it is in fact nothing new.

  33. Sandra, I have just re-read this blog and loved it! And in particular loved the section on the support – it is so true that the support and training is there should we choose to tune into it and embrace it! So cool…and in fact we are already hired for the job, even if we don’t realise it…after all, that is why we are here!

    1. Thanks Henrietta for highlighting this “it is so true that the support and training is there should we choose to tune into it and embrace it!”. A beautiful reminder for me today.

  34. I LOVE this job – best ever and one I will continue to do until the end of time!

    1. Me too Nicola and how incredible is it going to feel when the whole of humanity is fulfilling the job description regardless of their trade? One united collective all working together with common purpose. Bring it on I say, bring it on!

    1. It certainly is a great gig Chris, and when advertised like this, makes you want to be there and part of it too! Sometimes we can get bogged down in the minutia of life and this can then fade out the big picture which is the great gig itself!

  35. A beautifully playful yet true to life offering. ‘ Supporting that re-connection for everyone else through your living way is all that is required.’

  36. On the job experience is such a great call, we expect ourselves to know everything and then in that expectation we cap ourselves from learning, but we also shut down from the anxiousness of getting it wrong. Being able to learn means you don’t get anything wrong, you are seeing how there is one way of doing things and then you can choose to do if differently. If we don’t learn things in person then we don’t feel it in our bodies as a marker of what is true and what is not true.

    1. So true, being open to learning is absolutely essential for evolving our quality of life.

    1. Very true and we are always welcomed back if so choose – it is open for everyone equally.

  37. It was interesting to read this and for some reason I could feel the urgency as if this was a call for us to unify just as we did when the threat was great during the war. You could feel the commonality of the purpose and the equal responsibility for each of us to commit to playing our part in eradicating this unloving and abusive way of living.

  38. I love this playful reminder that we are born into this job role and the job description is totally applicable to everyone.

  39. This is amazing and one would wonder who would not want that job? What I can feel is how when something is actually made available for everyone equally, and we all have the right to claim it, there is something that tugs us to look for a clause that would disqualify ourselves so that we could say ‘Ah, that is not for me’ and turn our back on it. We would be missing out so much, yet at least we think we could be an individual that way. Such is free Will.

    1. Indeed such is free will, I have experienced this inbuilt need to devalue or debase my quality of connection – it’s so obvious and so boring yet here I am again.

  40. Beautiful Sandra, after reading the job description who would not want to apply for such a glorious position, divinely given to everyone for everyone.

    1. Interestingly it seems that even though this job is open to all equally, and many might appear to apply very few are ready to let go and go to work!

  41. Loved reading this again today.. who wouldn’t want to take up this call to make life about others, instead of ourselves, not in a martyr-style way but simply in a way where we connect to the fact that there is more to life, to our own truth, and live that way instead, when it’s our body’s natural way and we/life feels steady, simple and content?

  42. You would think the call out for service is already apparent with the state of the world, our health and relationships etc. But so long as we still have our personal comforts we do not tend to budge. I also feel that most of us have lost our inner connection and love for ourselves, so naturally the love of other people that should get us off the couch is not there.

  43. You would think I would sign up straight away but boy oh boy do I swing from yes to not all day, not this week! The rewards are obvious and the need great it is only difficult because I don’t want to be responsible for my every ripple at every moment.

  44. You’ve described true on-the-job training; a willingness to constantly learn from the people we meet and what goes on around us, and apply these lessons to our work in order to initiate, expand and innovate.

  45. It is beautiful to read these words – there is another way. These words offer possibility and potential, they give nothing to be held back and everything to be explored. There is another way.

  46. This is a role we all have equally, those who feel confident in the role have a responsibility to support everyone develop their confidence, and so the inspiration continues to grow.

    1. So true Samantha, this is one job that everyone supports everyone, we evolve to the next level together, leaving no-one behind.

  47. The foundation that this blog lays could be shared as a document widely as lost beings we get caught up in drugs or end up with mental problems. Just by sharing there is “Joy,” and “evolutionary for our collective re-connection,” with “a position where you report directly to your own connection” has to take the pressure off what is currently imposed upon us relentlessly.

  48. Love this Sandra a beautiful list – Evolution, Commitment, Co-creation, Reflection, Honouring, Truth, Brotherhood, Harmony, Essence and Trust, these are the qualities we all are qualified to live by if we so choose. No resume or interview needed here, simply offering us the reflection to go deeper within ourselves and to be truly honest with how we can keep on expanding our inner most wisdom and connection with the all, with a willingness to be fully energetically responsible in every way, making it our way of Living everyday.

  49. I love the playfullness of this blog and the way it brings us all together in a common purpose that resonates.

  50. I love this. No need to seek acceptance or permission from another. Simply a choice to connect and live your true potential and purpose.

  51. Thank you Sandra for sharing a job description that all of us are more than able to fulfil by our own Soul connection within and by bringing consistency and commitment to our everyday livingness, reflecting to humanity that there is another way.

    1. Isn’t that the beautiful thing Jill, we are all able to fill the job description which in itself reflects just how much we’ve bastardised our concept of work. We have made work into a hierarchical ladder, with many jobs being simply unattainable to many and although I completely acknowledge that there are so many jobs that most of us are not able to do, it is the ladder that feeds into the illusion of one person being so much better than another, when the truth is we’re all equally capable of fulfilling the one united job description that we’re all here to do and that is to be the livingness of God on earth.

  52. I love the playfulness of presenting in this way and reflecting back to us the truth of responsibility and the opportunity we all have. But the fact is we can be this instantly – it is a question of consistency and commitment to the truth of this and do we realise how key this role is as a reflection to others?

  53. Wow Sandra, I loved reading your job application for energetic responsibility. It is crazy how we avoid connecting and committing to our Soul, when in truth it will stop the endless search of looking outside ourselves for love and recognition. When we are aligned to our Soul all our movements will be impulsed from love and truth, and in this we’ll naturally reflect to humanity the Oneness we are all truly from.

    1. A reflection that lights us All and without it we can be quite lost in the artificial light that has become the normal that leads us to separation not the Oneness we are from.

  54. Once we say yes to the connection within it’s amazing to see how our movements, expression and ways of living in the world also shift to mirror this choice. Our purpose becomes solidified in each and every movement made without perfection but with a joy for learning and exploring the more of the what is. A very cool blog indeed.

    1. Great point Kelly, having appreciation for learning as an opportunity for wonderment, joy and delight makes a Universal difference to the out come for sure as we are open to the loving support of co-creation and with this comes evolution for All.

  55. This reads like a wonderful manifesto, the real deal type we are missing that should underpin every job description and every job itself.

    1. Yes, it would be our ‘normal’ because it unites us and it offers us an understanding of why we do what we do and therefore a purpose.

  56. Hi Sandra, just letting you know that I applied for the position and got accepted! Living with energetic responsibility and loving regard for all is definitely the way forward.

    1. Wonderful Janet – thank you for your loving light and commitment – a true inspiration for us All.

  57. I love it, even the application for the job is within! I cannot imagine not being up for this job when there is such a clear need but I can also see how there are so many for whom this would be too great a call at this time. The patterns of comfort and indulgence might take a while to let go of, but hey, let’s give it a go so we can support each other to turn the tide on the abuse that has been called normal.

  58. Most, if not all jobs ought to have a requirement to be a “lover of humanity” because if we were to deeply love each other then the way we would do our job would be vastly different.

  59. It is a beautiful list you have given us there Sandra – for me above all for starters is Brotherhood, a love for all and standing in total equal-ness. This is a sure and sound platform for life and evolution and any job that may be asked of one.

    1. If we truly lived even just a few on this list our lives would be completely different as would the world.

  60. “This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.” – I love the time frame for this job because it brings home that we are all in this together and that the only way to complete this is to work together and support each other.

  61. ‘Trust – in yourself, your inner knowing and the Divine plan.’
    Really appreciating this quality, no longer listening to what tries to detract me from hearing the inner knowing I do have.

  62. Could this all be too simple, as you have shared Sandra, or can what controls our strings be hiding in the back ground so we feel life is all okay? When really Truth is we are in a mess because we are not connected to our Soul and therefore the Love of God.

  63. Lover of humanity, this was one I pushed to one side for a very long time but it is the key to any job we go for it is about people first, never about money or the position we may hold. Without love for our brothers we live a loveless life and the job we hold becomes meaningless.

    1. Yes, without being a lover of humanity the meaning and purpose of life is without soul; we can become lost to motivations such as survival, greed, competition, to name but a few – all of which can run unchecked, creating a cold existence without warmth or true meaning.

  64. So many people around the world are looking for their purpose but the common thread seems to be very oriented around what “their” purpose is, not what “The purpose” is. What I have learned is that “The purpose” to life is the same for everyone. To put it very simply, our soul (sole) (pun intended) responsibility, is to reflect light in movement and a way to live that is truly loving. There are lost souls that need to find their way home and it is nothing to do with saving people but everything to do with inspiring others.

    1. Yes and then what you ‘do’ for a living is actually immaterial as every job is important.

  65. Thank you, Sandra. What greater remuneration is there than living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love?

      1. If we really understood this, there wouldn’t be the clock watching, putting down every minute worked, and the can’t wait till Friday’s or vacation.

  66. As the PD describes, the world is in a mess and humanity are the creators of this. There certainly is a huge need for people to respond to this and think/act beyond the comforts in their life. Not from frustration, do-gooding or missionary energy but just a love of people and a knowing we are all in this together.

  67. We do have a responsibility to live all that we truly are and present this to the world without reservation so that others can also be inspired to do the same.

  68. “Reflection – knowing the quality in which you move has a ripple effect on everyone” – Sandra, just this one point alone could be a whole lifetime’s self-study. The quality of emanation from us and that then moved – affects everything and everyone universally. Such awareness is unfathomable, though not impossible to take note of even at the smallest level or detail.

  69. “This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.” What an awesomely inspiring and deeply loving line manager to have to report to!

  70. ‘Applications are wide open to all – there are no limitations, restrictions or timeframe, selection criteria or interview process. It is as simple as responding if you feel the call to re-connect to all that is available and reflect to humanity that there is another way.’ – Well said Sandra.

  71. I love the purpose of this role Sandra, “to return love, harmony, truth, joy and equality to humanity.” it pulls us all towards a way of living true to ourselves forevermore.

  72. No need to sign on the dotted line when starting this job, our living way communicates everything…

      1. When we live in a truthful way then we realise that it’s every which way but lineal. Things are coming towards us and from us, left, right and centre and life is simply one constant opportunity to expand. A moment by moment, on the sport opportunity, there is no such thing as going forwards or back, there is retardation or expansion from where we are now, which is on the spot we’ve always been standing on and that spot doesn’t and hasn’t ever changed.

  73. ‘It is a role of true Energetic Responsibility, one that everyone is absolutely qualified in doing because all have lived it before. As we respond to this call of humanity, so too will this position description expand’ Well said Sandra, forever evolving.

  74. When we feel true purpose in what we do we cannot but bring a natural joy to what ever it is we are doing.

  75. A portion that is on offer for every single one of us is to be all of who we are and not alter or reduce this for anyone or thing. This is the responsibility, it is to reflect all of which we are and are connect to and making this our normal way of being.

    1. And why would we think we want anything less than being all of who we are? So true Natalie this is our natural normal, no thinking required but connect to all we are and live this.

  76. Wow I love this blog. It is so so apt and so playfully true too. Love the paragraph about experience and on the job training! I was one who wanted to live life from the back of a cave theoretically, and not in person. Being willing to express, get things wrong and learn is such a change in me I am starting to appreciate- so much more loving than standing on the sidelines shouting abuse at myself and keeping myself afraid of living.

  77. It is deeply humbling to acknowledge the depth of support that is always on offer and something to truly appreciate and take heed of.

  78. I find that having a rhythm that supports my body is extremely important so that a connection to the Inner-most is maintained to the best of my ability.

  79. ‘Truth – to be able to respond to and with truth, even when it is uncomfortable’ Thank you Sandra, our body knows and loves it when we live truth, as that body is the marker of all truth.

  80. An amazing job to sign up for and a beautiful understanding of our responsibility to live life fully as all we are with a love of humanity and our commitment to this .

  81. So gorgeous to read, thank you Sandra, what an amazing job, with universal benefits and universal outcomes. Where do we apply? within — a connection to our inner heart.

  82. I love how you have listed the responsibilities and how it reflects pure grace and humblness for all there is.

  83. In truth we could say that we have applied for and have accepted the position for this work, otherwise we would not be on this planet. And everything else we imagine is our job, role or responsibility are simply our means to apply that main foundation.

  84. This is more than just a job, it is a living way. In fact it is redefining the meaning of a job because one of the keys with this “job” is to just be yourself.

  85. I was drawn to this blog this morning as a reminder to keep saying yes to the connection to my inner most because I can feel my purpose and commitment to humanity is deepening as I commit more to myself. I feel its a mutually beneficial and natural process.

  86. There is so much on offer if we say yes – one is feeling our connection to God actually moving through our body supporting us in our every movement. We don’t have to think what’s next – it comes to us.

      1. Thanks for including simplicity Eva, this is a great indicator what we are saying yes to. If it’s not simple we are choosing another source that has mind and thoughts running the show with complication.

  87. This is our first and foremost job and we may not realise we’re all hired anyway and will eventually have to show up.

  88. It’s so true what you’ve shared, that it is more natural for us to move forward in evolution rather than stay in comfort, distraction and settling for a lot less than what we know to be true. We can all act as leading lights in our families, friends and communities because this ‘flow’ of evolving, deepening the quality of how we live and so forth is very palpable and beholding of others.

  89. I love the fact that we can only truly live all of us by a way of living that has energetic integrity and encompasses all equally.

  90. “On the job training is an essential component of this position…” – There is so much we can learn every day and every moment if we approach it with a willingness to do so and be open to see all that is there to be seen.

  91. “Remuneration = Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.” What a magnificent pay package, there is no other like it in this world and Serge Benhayon is the living and walking example of it.

  92. There is only one job to apply for – and we all did either voluntarily or not – living life being who we are.

  93. ‘If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In.’ – How true – it is all simply a matter of choice to apply the connection within, yet we spend most of our lives complicating it by doing anything but staying connected.

  94. All of the dot points in this blog join the dots, and as one, we can be truly living and reflecting from our God-given Divine inner essence.

  95. Brilliant point – until we are at one with God we are still in separation to a certain degree and thus not fully working with him and or everyone equally but a little bit still for ourselves.

  96. This piece highlights the reality that there is a lot going on in this world that is not so great and is in fact very horrific. And that there is a difference we can all make, as we can all make the changes in our own lives to live with more love and integrity and honesty in our movements through life, so that there is at least the chance for things to change on a grander scale.

    1. Yes the changes start with us. Appreciating that ever choice we make has a ripple effect brings the depth of purpose to the simplest of our movements and intentions.

  97. “Co creation – working with God, masters and teachers of the ageless wisdom, equally for the wellbeing of all”. This is something that is very dear to me in my essence and definitely something I have signed up for. However, when I choose to go off doing my own thing, it’s the last thing on my mind. Learning to come back into line with what is needed for all rather than what ‘I’ want is an ongoing lesson.

  98. The ode by which to live life. Forever applying to this way of living not as a job to do, but as a way to be. I can feel deeply that the constant promotions will be immense, if we but surrender to what is offered by living with energetic responsibility.

  99. ‘Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love’ – that’s the real remuneration, the one that is priceless and beyond any value ceiling we could try to place on it that all of us seek, many of us so desperately, that we settle for the imitation of it, in striving for the forever bigger pay package and the forever more lucrative opportunity where we can shine more.
    The thing is, it can never be a true shine if it doesn’t first come from the knowing of who you are. Without our connection to our Soul we wander empty and forsaken, scavenging for the true riches we seek in identifying ourselves with how much we earn.
    No amount of money or kudos will ever satiate us because what we truly seek is to be in the presence of God’s love – that is, our own love.

  100. If I feel that something in my behaviour or in my environment is out of line with this then I respond ….”This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.” It is a beautiful way of learning consistency.

  101. Great distinction Doug. Working with God is absolute co-creation, working for God can come with ideals that an individual can create a pathway of how things should be.

  102. Every work or service – and actually every moment is a moment of service to our fellow brothers – requires our full commitment to energetic responsibility. This is a journey we all have embarked on.

  103. Could it be possible that we are by divine right bathed in the Love of God so, no remuneration is needed. Then we can choose to be with God’s Love, as always we can; “Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.”

  104. Allowing myself to feel the discomfort I sometimes feel opens me up to being transparent and then from this place of transparency I can get real with what is going on in my life. My livingness begins with the truth of how I am in relationship to self.

  105. Many many times I may not fully understand what the words are asking for, but when my body says yes, then it is a yes for me in life! Applicants may or may not understand all that is asked here in the application, but that does not mean they will not apply and then more will unfold for sure.

    1. So true Adele the body knows – this for me is one of the greatest keys to understanding what the mind can’t yet fathom.

    2. I agree, words can sometimes be confusing or hard to understand but the body knows what’s at hand.

  106. Haven’t we all in essence and in truth applied for this job by the simple fact that we are here.

  107. On the job training is certainly an essential with this amazing job. We are always learning and upgrading and expanding as a ‘forever student’ – and this frame of mind is absolutely essential to a job of such universality.

  108. “On the job training is an essential component of this position and will be applied by a willingness and responsibility to choose what is evolutionary for our collective re-connection to the divine. Supporting that re-connection for everyone else through your living way is all that is required.” – On the job training is the best way to learn, and as it is I also see life as one big school and we are always learning as this is our on the job training.

  109. What I have been pondering on of late is how often people do a job just as part of a to do list, to tick off something. That they come in for their time and punch the hours card and job done. But how much of this is actually putting all of who they are in the job itself? I know years ago when I was working in a simple sales position, things only really began to change for me when I looked at how I was doing the job – in other words, even though I was doing a ‘good’ job and one could even say a ‘great’ job, what changed for me was when I began to see the job as more than a job, I began to see it as my business. This is not to say I was treading on the real owners feet, but rather my approach changed and I began for the first time to express all that was needed to be expressed on the job and learning to not hold back in how I would do things and how I could bring my expression to the fore. I treated every matter as if it was my business and this made me realize how much more care and deepening I could bring – and had been holding back on! And so even though I was working for someone else, by learning to bring all my qualities, was connecting to something deeper within and bringing this to myself, my family and all those around me equally so. What I blessing I received!

  110. Ultimately this is what we need to be aiming for in any job that we do, or any activity we partake in. The way that we live needs to permeate into every aspect of life, with the same purpose and the same responsibility. In every moment.

  111. Yes please, I am applying for this job. Life with purpose with the all. Love it. All jobs can be about the all regardless of the roles we have…does not matter what we do but how we do it.

  112. I am in, a forever student of the Way of The Livingness which is my job for this life and many lives thereafter. The job to unfold me as the divine God I am in essence and to live this to the best of my ability in the human form, until that time we have all resurrected and can move on to our next to go plane of life.

  113. I am so glad that this job application places as number one thing: Lover of Humanity. With this true love, in which there is not one ounce of emotion or sympathy, and which comes from pure observation, we can never go astray.

    1. And this holding of loving observation without emotion or sympathy applies equally to ourselves if we are ever to hold another in this quality.

    2. Spot on Lyndy, when we make the job about self and self gain there is no love for humanity in it. It is only when we bring the openness and connection to all that things begin to truly unfold for us in ways we had never fathomed.

    3. Yes the missing ingredient that is often by passed to bring in more production and results thus diminishing the quality of the service altogether.

  114. If we are taking energetic responsibility it then we could say the tables my turn in an interview and that we are interviewing the company and seeing what level of energetic integrity that they hold and if it is going to support us to be living with energetic responsibility or not.

  115. “This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.” We may be here for sometime then….!

  116. The part that I find interesting is that we do not already know all you have shared Sandra, as it is basic common sense and we fight and resist our most divine connection?

  117. Energetic responsibility is the ultimate responsibility. If we choose it we are in tune with the all and it feels great. If we don’t, we are left in a cycle of consequences which reflect to us the separation and irresponsibility we have chosen.

    1. Yes and those consequences have to be felt to impulse us to see there is a level to responsibility that is being called for. This is not just about ourselves, or about others, we are all equally in and part of this.

  118. ‘If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In.’ – Beautiful Sandra, its simply that!

  119. When we make our work about people and not projects, we are able to bring all that we are, into all that we do.

    1. Great Liane and may I add? Then when others in the project also connect, as they feel the evolutionary pull as it has become about people first, then we can all evolve.

  120. All jobs carry an enormous energetic responsibility – an understanding that our movements, projects, relationships and actions create ripples on many levels.

  121. Did we ever need more of a call to step up for a job role? – this has been or will be a question for each and every one of us.

  122. As you say Sandra , we are all absolutely qualified to do this job – each and every one of us.

  123. If humanity is calling out for something true, trustworthy and consistent, then it is possible and is accessed by living The Livingness of God in our every day.

  124. ‘Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.’ Reading this I realise I am in the presence of God’s love in every moment but do not always choose to move in this knowing and thus make myself smaller than the grandness I naturally am. Feeling the constant simple choice I have here feels light and freeing.

  125. There is a responsibility which feels playful and light, bringing joy and flow into the day, but we have a picture and reinterpretation of responsibility being hard work, heavy and loaded.

  126. Such an awesome detailed description of what is possible when we say Yes to the all. Saying yes is taking full responsibility to what there and not shying away from it on little bit. One of the points I know I continually remind myself of is that of my reflection – ‘ Reflection – knowing the quality in which you move has a ripple effect on everyone.’

  127. I love the responsibilities here and they are so applicable in every job and can be the true purpose we bring.

    1. So very true Michael – it is not only deeply relevant to the ‘job’ evolution but is also the true basis or foundation for any job we do, whether it is our daily job or a task around the home.

  128. ‘Harmony – responsibility to being open-hearted and observing with love and grace all that is presented before you’ not reacting, not engaging in emotional dramas, being still within and observing with detached compassion, allowing what is, with love.

  129. Hah! I just got the delightful play with words at the end. “If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In.” That inner connection is our true foundation in everything. As a famous quote goes “the kingdom of God is within you.”

    1. Yes it is – I love this quote. I’ve just been lovingly and ever so tenderly reminded that it flows through our lymphatic’s and lungs – how delicious it is to appreciate and feel this. Confirming we are never alone.

  130. Co creation teaches that in reality we don’t do anything, ideas, concepts, information and so all come from a much higher source than we are willing to admit. However, when we surrender to this truth and connect to God’s intelligence we are given the most incredible resolutions to our problems. The secret to this success lies in always knowing that what is given is for all equally, not for the benefit of a few.

  131. ‘This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.’ The holder of this position needs to accept we are in it for the long game and that our evolution is on hold until the last man standing gets it! This is true brotherhood in action because it is about all of us – not one single person to be left behind.

  132. ‘The purpose is to return love, harmony, truth, joy and equality to humanity.’ and we can all play our part by allowing those same qualities to unfold within our own bodies or, to be more exact, through re-connecting with those same qualities that we all have innately within.

  133. 4:”Honouring – living your true self for the whole with love and honouring equal to God’s love, with no attachment for recognition or reward”- this is my work in progress. When l can see myself how God sees me, my self worth issues will be a thing of the past.

  134. The thing that stands out for me today is that this is what we can bring to every job and every moment, its a way of living, working and being that is what humanity truly needs.

  135. I am totally up for this, I’m willing to give it my best shot, what’s truly amazing is that in truth and time we will eventually get it.

  136. ‘Honouring – living your true self for the whole with love and honouring equal to God’s love, with no attachment for recognition or reward’ Imagine if we just lived this one responsibility you listed, how different would our world be.

  137. “Reflection – knowing the quality in which you move has a ripple effect on everyone” – you’ve nailed reflection. If we knew this in every moment of our day, the world would change instantly.

  138. ‘Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.’ What more would you actually truly require in any situation – all comes from this.

  139. The absoluteness and simplicity is irresistible in your blog. Thank you for giving a guideline of what needs to be done and what choices need to be taken to get out of here.

  140. This job vacancy should be part of the job description for every new job. If we were to bring all these qualities to each and every job the world would be a very different place.

  141. “Evolution” This alone can keep us busy for the rest of our lives, focussing on our inner expansion and saying “yes” to all that is presented is a life long journey of becoming more of who we are. A real job with a true purpose.

  142. This is such a beautiful comprehensive plan laid out Sandra. Okay, so there it is, all we have to do is implement it, and this is where some difficulty lies as we are surrounded by everything ‘that is not’, by forces going against this truth or distracting from it. Awareness an vigilance is a great key in our way back to Brotherhood and Soulfulness.

  143. Brilliant Sandra. What you have shared here makes me think of those posters from the Second World War asking people to get up to speed with the ‘war effort’ and how they would say ‘this means you’. For whilst those wars were pointless and fruitless for us as a humanity, fighting against ourselves, the reality is we all do have a role in the establishment of the Love that we all deserve. We can’t expect anyone else to do it for us, we truly have to be at the forefront inspiring everyone else.

  144. ‘There is an unprecedented depth of support and awareness available when open to receiving all that is on offer.’ I’ve lived my life in the erroneous belief that I’m here all on my own and am only now coming to understand that actually that’s so false and we’re all supported so so much without realising how much. We’re set up to succeed in returning to who we truly are- the odds are in our favour and not against. Wow did I put in so much energy to think and live otherwise!! It’s a great start to take a step into being open to being supported and not batting off the love and support with a baseball bat at times! I so attacked where I can now surrender.

  145. Even though we are all fully qualified and know all that is required, unlimited on the job training is available.

  146. There is never a moment to lose connection with true purpose. True purpose is true loving divine guidance, without it I flop, flounder and all sorts of unloving thoughts want to take the light.

  147. When we take stock and see where we are in relation to this Job Role that is being offered to every single one of us in the world, we can honestly say that this is far cry from where we are at. What I love about this is how it is down to each and every single one of us to choose it, that in doing so we repeat the benefits but not just us all those around us. Here is where things are truly going to start to change, sharing that there is another way to live.

    1. Each point offers a huge shift in the quality of society, workplace or home we will enjoy – just one of them offers an enormous change. Take Brotherhood in society; holding self and all others in absolute equalness, gone are the fights, disrespect, backstabbing and power-games that are all too commonplace.

  148. I wonder sometimes how bad the world is going to get before we all realise that a return to love is the only road out of what we have created on this planet.

  149. I love the comprehensive list of responsibilities you highlight Sandra. It is a list I will keep coming back to read as you have outlined a roadmap for connection to self and to the divine plan!

  150. We’re all learning ‘on the job’ and there are hundreds of reflections each day that offer us opportunities to observe more, receive more and be more!

  151. Beautiful Sandra, as I am in the job already and can fully subscribe to what you have shared in this job advertisement I too will invite as many who are ready to take this step in joining the ever expanding team of servants of God.

  152. “If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In” No interviews, no complicated application forms to fill in, all that is required is to choose an internal connection to the universal source we originate from and express it in full in all we do.

  153. The greatest thing about learning about energetic responsibility is that it teaches that there is never an off moment from Work, work is family, work is shopping and work can even be done in our side hobbies and projects.

  154. This is an awesome reminder of the true purpose behind all we do and a great reference for me throughout my day at work to always bring everything back to true purpose.

  155. Every single one of us makes up humanity so responding to the call of humanity is simply about responding to what we see in front of us, be it at home, in the workplace, in education, in medicine, in fact in all aspects of society. We can no long turn away and think it is someone else’s problem to solve, it is ours, all of ours to address.

  156. Yes, this job asks us to step away from our individuality, our own comfortable and insular little world, and to consider all of humanity – equally and with appreciation.

  157. Energetic responsibility, which comes from our connection within our bodies, transforms our lives forever.

  158. So profoundly shared Sandra. A job offer for any lifetime, one with availability that includes every one of us as, one which we are all more than capable of and in fact here for, with every day being a new day to say ‘yes’ to the all that is on offer. No mundaneness here, only the awe of exploring the expansion of our multi-dimensionality offered through our evolution back to the majesty of who we really are.

  159. I like how the responsibilities in this role are not burdens but support for us in every way.

  160. I am really feeling and seeing a tremendous amount of available positions just in and around my city.

    I know Heaven is ready to employ every single one of us and all we need do is simply dig deep and choose to return to who we really are; with this Heaven supports us and we feel the call millions are making to see their own reflection in us and the job describes itself to us as we go…

    It’s a job we have been avoiding but anyone can do and it is called “Be Love”.

  161. What an awesome job description that says it like it is! But the fact is, the reason for such job is because we are not living who we are. The world is in a mess and calling for a new reflection. So we have a responsibility, given all that we know, to deliver this in full to humanity.

  162. What an incredible list of responsibilities! How different our workplaces and working relationships would be if these were a part of every contract of employment.

  163. Brilliant Sandra, this is the best Job description I have ever read and it is calling us to the truth of what is available to us and what is our true origins. Its a big fat YES from me and has been for the last 13years to the best of my ability and I am certainly not looking back but only within and I feel incredible, and it only keeps getting more remarkable.

  164. Love the training and support section for this job role – true self development in fulfilling service to all.

  165. “on the job training” … love it!… Learning through life experience, no perfection and a selection process that does not discriminate between those that have high academia education or not, and no perfection or previous experience desirable.. simply to have energetic responsibility… what a job opportunity to evolve!

  166. Yes, Sandra, if we take even a moment to look at the state of the world, we will sign up immediately for this position, stepping out of the imprisonment of living for self and merely ensuring our own and our family’s security.

  167. Sandra I was pulled to the part that says
    “Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.”
    To know that one can come back to the absolute love of God no matter how far someone has strayed is monumental. And that God is absolute love and has no judgment fly’s in the face of most religions.

  168. The responsibilities in this role as ‘Lover of Humanity’ serve us to serve others. And the remuneration of living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love is the best payment ever. Yes, from my body, I am in for the long haul.

  169. Given the state of the world today, God is undertaking one gigantic recruitment drive here! The perks of the job are really immeasurable and come fully recommended.

  170. Reading this blog, my first feeling is, who would not want to sign up for this job? It’s a job with a true purpose; no prior experience required (even though we all have it); responsibilities on the level of living and working in joy, harmony, brotherhood, and connection; an unprecedented level of support; and a true connection with God.

    How can we say no to this, when so many of us as Humanity do say no?

  171. When I read this application of job there are certain things which I had to read over again as they may not be exactly what I understand. If I was told that evolution is my job responsibility, I may not get it right away. How then have we confined our jobs to be, to only be a part of our lives which is separate from the other parts? It is inspiring to consider our lives being one life, that work is equally as important as any other part and it is simply a relationship we have with ourselves and with God. So I may not know what evolution is in a picture, and it may feel foreign to me reading it in words and in a job application, but when feeling it I know what it means and it is a very intimate thing with myself.

  172. There is something that asks us to consider very deeply our relationship to work – that part in the job description that calls for the applicant to have a life-long and indeed lives long position in this job post. Unheard of and overlooked, but totally true.

  173. Seeing God as our employer, its guaranteed that the day will be joyful and one of true purpose.

  174. There are very few jobs for which on the job training is mandatory these days. Many times we must have several certificates and diplomas or degrees to prove that we are accredited to do the job. It must say something about living the truth of our inner being rather than the identity of what we do.

  175. “Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.” when i read this its interesting how we could ask for anything more, given it is everything we in-truth actually want most.

    1. “Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love”, it will be a very glorious day when we are all living this. When that day comes all we will see will be God. God will be everywhere. What’s interesting about the truth is, that God is all there is everywhere, but because of the illusion on top of the truth, hardly anyone truly sees God anywhere.

  176. ‘Co creation – working with God, masters and teachers of the ageless wisdom, equally for the wellbeing of all’ This feels awesome in my body, I’m not alone or lost as I had myself believe and I don’t have to fight the flow.

  177. There is really no conditions you can put on that job hence part of the job is to get out of the way any conditions that unavoidably will reduce not only the task but the customers and oneself.

  178. Employees that enjoy what they do, are naturally positive and committed, are worth their weight in gold.. and then some.

  179. “Co creation – working with God, masters and teachers of the ageless wisdom, equally for the wellbeing of all” – I’m in, I’m with you Sandra!

  180. ‘Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love’ – what better reason for getting out of bed in the morning?

  181. And there is such a job for everyone to fill so no feeling that we can sit back once this position is filled – this is a job role for us all.

    1. That is so true, no natural skill is greater than another all are equally valuable and absolutely essential to bring harmony to humanity and the universe.

  182. It’s quite a job with quite a responsibility. When you put it like this there is no question of what is needed and what we can choose for ourselves and humanity.

  183. I love the support factor here. When we take this role we have more backup than we could possibly imagine.

  184. What would happen if we transpose the Job Spec onto our Education System? I know I would have found school a whole lot more interesting if these subjects were taught alongside our mainstream curriculums.

  185. Sandra, this is bringing the power of love to a point, where everybody willing has easy and playful access.

  186. What a superb blog Sandra! ‘Time frame.This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.’ I have always loved that we will never leave anyone behind, and that we will all ascend without a pocket of astral gloop left behind. Awesome Brotherhood.

  187. I’ve worked with groups for decades supporting them to prepare recruitment documents and make fair selection decisions, not once did we produce a job description like the one produced here. This exposes how much we limit ourselves in life and business practice, reducing everything to finite objective parts when we could connect to our much grander purpose as human beings.

  188. Well, this is a ‘no brainer’ (but heart-full) decision to make. How could anyone resist applying for this position when it offers all the things that we are all equally looking for in life and are here to do in the first place? And if the compensation for the job is… “Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.”….then that is greater than any dollar amount one could ask for! I’m updating my resume’ right now!

  189. I agree Elizabeth, humanity is calling and we need to embrace all the qualities we bring and share them with the world.

  190. Wow this is a very clear and succinct list on the qualities of energetic responsibility, saying ‘yes’ to this work rewards us in many ways, a work in progress but very worthwhile when we commit to this way of life and reflect the true way forward.

  191. Energetic responsibility is a vast subject and one that needs constant study. Done in a light hearted way… it doesn’t have to be a heavy burden, but more can be based from curiosity and finding out.

  192. ‘Reflection – knowing the quality in which you move has a ripple effect on everyone’ this feels so beautiful and portrays the true interconnected nature of us all.

  193. Thank you Sandra for the reminder that this is no one person job but open to us all , if and when, our body is ready to respond. An amazing sharing that should be required reading for us all!

  194. “Lover of Humanity: Apply Within” I love this and it is exposing how many people say they want to love and support humanity but they don’t start with themselves and that is actually the absolute first step we cannot skip or avoid. True inspiration is absolute it comes from a body living the love it wants back into the world.

  195. Sandra, energetic responsibility is the only thing that will address everything on your rather alarming and sickening list of ways of being that we have brought into being, as a result of the choices that we are making in our individual lives.

  196. When we apply: ‘The purpose is to return love, harmony, truth, joy and equality to humanity.’, every job is the one job we all are here to eventually sign up for. The one job is to live the purpose in every area of life equally – one purpose / one life. While we are assigning to it we challenge all the obstacles and conditions we have put in the way and furthermore help others to do the same.

  197. ‘As we respond to this call of humanity, so too will this position description expand.’
    A job description is never fixed, we only have to be all of us all the time and be aware of what is needed.

  198. Reading through the list of job responsibilities, and observing people on their way to work or at work, we are clearly lacking so many of these qualities in the workplace. I particularly enjoyed this one – bringing the lightness of God into the everyday. The list certainly asks us to think bigger and beyond what we perceive our job to be.

  199. This is a real equaliser, Sandra. It goes to show that we can all apply for the same job, as we all have these naturally divine qualities in our essence.

  200. To apply for this position we need to look at why we hold the whole of humanity at ransom for the hurts we have encountered by a few.

  201. A little blurb on the microcosm and macrocosm – I often play with being the CEO of my own company which is my body with all the organs being the employees…so what kind of an employer would I like to be and what kind of employees would I like to have…this is a great way of learning to work hard and lovingly whilst taking great care of myself and all the employees. And this is essentially about life too – being active and doing what is needed and with care and respect and deep love – for God is essentially the biggest head CEO of the company earth, but not many of us realise the job that we have available to us all of the time, and what an amazing boss we can actually choose to work for at any time!

  202. I am now finally saying ‘yes’ to true evolution after many years of being involved in a false version of evolution. A very titillating, spiritual bastardised version of evolution that hooked me in with flashes of stimulation in my nervous system but in truth ensured that J made no progress whatsoever and that I simply thrashed around in my own man made illusion.

  203. Imagine if energetic responsibility was actually part of our job descriptions, and a job description read something like…
    Desired: great IT skills, leadership skills, communication skills
    Essential: energetic integrity and a firm commitment to life
    It would begin to put back into perspective what is truly important.

  204. The real job spec that makes very cell in the body jiggle with joy! When applied to any task restores a deep sense of purpose and integrity that transforms the most menial job into a art worth delivering.

  205. How many vacant positions get filled by empty people? This job description would scare most people away from even applying, feeling they did not have the qualifications! When in truth we are all overqualified and just don’t appreciate what can bring.

    1. Well said Steve – we often are well over qualified but not appreciating who we are nor what we bring! Great to be reminded of this by this awesome blog that calls us all forth to step up to who we are and claim our divine heritage.

  206. If we were to accept that this is our first and foremost job description as it were, there would be very little room for the entertainment of competition and thoughts of not being adequate etc etc in our day to day jobs. When we know we are an important part of a much bigger picture that small stuff that is mere illusion which we feed ourselves with, starts to fall away. It no longer has the focus on it it used to have.

  207. A superbly written piece about energetic responsibility – how essential it is, how it supports us all and that it is never-ending.

  208. Reading this over, I love the training and support section and it is true there is ‘an unprecedented depth of support and awareness available when open to receiving all that is on offer’.

  209. This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility. – This is something that we need to remember every day…. as no one brings the connection to us, all we have to do is re-connect.

  210. Awesome Sandra – the next time I have to write a job description this is my inspiration.

  211. ‘Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.’ This is given to each of us every day if we choose to be aware of it.

  212. It is a big YES from my body Sandra. When I read your blog it offered me a stop moment to see the simplicity of life when I embrace each of the responsibilities from your list and make them the focus of my everyday living, there is no room for bringing in complication.

  213. Connecting to the deeper purpose of life is the antidote to feeling mundane, especially in repeated activities.

  214. I love the lightheartedness with which you express something so profound, Sandra. It also simply and clearly communicates the responsibility and importance of each individual equally.

  215. “Reflection – knowing the quality in which you move has a ripple effect on everyone” When we move with truth the reflection is that of truth. It is clocked, and recognised as such, and is with them for ever, consciously or un-consciously, it is there to return to.

  216. To know what ‘energetic responsibility’ is and accepting this as true, has transformed the way I approach life. Whilst not perfect and with most definite stuff ups I am applying this in my life and wow what a difference it is making!

    1. Rachel like you the depth of embracing what ‘energetic responsibility’ is has transformed my life, the way I am with myself and with others.

  217. ‘Reflection – knowing the quality in which you move has a ripple effect on everyone’. Wow, the responsibility..if we pause for a moment and truly feel the power of this, the power we each have to support others with our reflection of connection to our bodies and how we move them.

  218. A beautiful question to ask is why we would apply to any job in the first place, be it in healthcare, plumbing, administration, social services, teaching, carpentry, cleaning, writing or any other profession. In every case there is the possibility of serving humanity, and each day we go to work we can ask ourselves whether we are fighting the power of us being constellated in that position, or if we’re embracing that we’re there to do something very specific for the community and seeing the magic of that placement.

    1. Yes, Susie. Every job equally provides the opportunity to serve humanity, as we have the potential to bring our full divine essence to it as a reflection for all.

  219. ‘Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love. This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.’
    Love this Sandra!

  220. With this position, bringing our love and joy to every movement, it really doesn’t matter how we spend our day, whether it’s at a desk, in the fields, in an operating theatre, on stage, in the classroom …. everything will feel equally amazing as we are choosing to live the divinity that we are in everything that we do.

  221. “It is a role of true Energetic Responsibility, one that everyone is absolutely qualified in doing because all have lived it before.”
    Indeed Sandra, true responsibility is coming home, returning to divine service, obedient to the Universal plan.

  222. ‘It is as simple as responding if you feel the call to re-connect to all that is available and reflect to humanity that there is another way.’ No expectations, no pressure, when the call is felt application is a simple Yes.

  223. ‘This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.’ I get a real sense of the space and the limitless patience on offer here, a movement for all; there is nothing else in life that has it’s doors fully open like this until the very last person steps on board.

  224. A beautiful playful but oh so serious blog. Thank you Sandra Williamson. Also lovely how you bring it back to the body: ‘ If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In’.

  225. ‘This position is approached from the depths of love, energetic responsibility, understanding, awareness and a commitment to choose to stay connected to the inner-heart.’ An awesome blueprint for living a life of connection which is our true purpose here.

  226. “The purpose is to return love, harmony, truth, joy and equality to humanity.” In previous years I would have dismissed this job offer as being impossible. However having studied with Universal Medicine for the past 11 years, I now know this to be a true potential, as my own willingness to evolve and address my issues is returning me to a love, harmony and joy previously only dreamt of.

  227. It is time for us to step up and take responsibility for change by starting with ourselves and reflecting to others the Brotherhood we all are. With all that is going on in this world now we need many to balance the books. Thank you for the inspiration Sandra.

  228. Reflection is ‘key’, so we ‘allow-others’ to find their ‘own-way’, then ‘they’ too can ‘find-an-honesty’, which ‘starts’ the ‘way-back’ to our most ‘divine connection’.

  229. The list of responsibilities is actually a list of who we are by nature, so it should be like asking us to breathe. However, all this just gets converted through living away from these qualities and buckling under the forces, such as conformity, that ask us to be anything but our true nature.

  230. I love this job description requiring one to ‘ a lover of humanity’. If this were the basis of all job descriptions then the world would really be taking some evolutionary steps forward. This is where it is so key for all of us the make this the number one job description in our workplaces . . . and everywhere else.

  231. “This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.” Very self-empowering and transformational in every way.

  232. Just to add to your point on Reflection Sandra, it is also our responsibility to see all as a reflection as when we do this it allows us to read situations rather than lay the finger of blame.

  233. The only job where we hire or fire ourselves and no one else. That is the one choice when it comes to the job of Energetic Responsibility.

  234. I will ‘work’ on this quality today: “responsibility to being open-hearted and observing with love and grace all that is presented before you”.

  235. Looking at your average selection criteria its about finding the one person for that particular job. This however is beautifully different. Open to all, with no limitations or restrictions and best of all, the position is always available with ‘the boss’ waiting with open arms for our return.

  236. This is one of those blogs Im sure that will act as a great support for any one of us who may now and then forget the most amazing job that we applied for when we first attended one of Serge Benhayons presentations, and the significance of the purpose of our role in it. A really stunning piece of writing, thankyou Sandra.

  237. Gives me chills… and I feel my commitment to this job deepen.

    How bad does life on Earth need to get before we stop running away form making the call or heeding the call being made?

    I know now that a simple application within is all it takes to get started and from there true direction and support are given.

  238. Trust. This has been a big one for me recently as I have been working on a job that was a big ‘step up’ from my previous. Learning to trust in myself, that my Soul has it all worked out for me and that my brothers and unfathomable support walks right alongside me at all times, has been an amazing thing to embrace. As soon as I go solo, I’m rendered nought. With the all, I am a powerhouse.

  239. There is no end to the quality and responsibility we can bring to our work, no matter what job we may have. Even if we do not get paid, we all comtribute to society – the question is what are we contributing?

  240. ‘applicants are now requested to come forth and consider serving in an evolutionary one-unified way’ this is for all of us and we need to understand that all of life is about evolution and that we are all together in a one-humanity and the more we can work together the sooner we will all evolve.

  241. ‘This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.’ We are our own boss with the knowing that we are always learning and refining. The bosses above never judge, criticise or condemn our choices, only lovingly show where we need correction and support when we get stuck.

  242. I felt to read the responsibilities again this morning and ask myself, have I really taken on the responsibilities or am I just coasting and getting by. Something for me to come back to and ponder on which parts I have said yes to and which I haven’t.

  243. No one is asking us to sign up, it’s for us and all of humanity. How awesomely beautiful it is to be knowingly helping humanity come back to our natural way of living together, rather than to be adding to the horrific mess we are currently wading in.

    1. So true Helen, unemployment is impossible when we are open to true service and when in true service (of being the love that we are) the support needed is there.

      Im not saying it is ‘easy street’ but there is an endless supply of support all around us which we have access to when we are working in a one-unifying-way.

  244. “This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence” now that is the ultimate commitment to a job, one that considers everyone and one where I say yes to being part of.

  245. Love this blog particularly the ending ‘If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In’. So simple, just need to say yes to our connection to the Ageless Wisdom and take up the responsibility that goes with the position.

  246. Love this post. When I got the call a few years ago to apply, I accepted without hesitation.

  247. Absolutely love it Sandra. My CV is in the mail and I have a feeling that your mail box is going to be overflowing with applications, for who wouldn’t want the remuneration package that comes with the job. You cannot put a price on “Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.”

    1. Yes and what is offered to all in the process brings even more opportunities for others to unfold.

  248. Gorgeous Sandra. You have summed up what is on offer now from the soul, an all out and wide responding to the call that is available to everyone, because we are the call, it is coming from us, humanity, so we can answer it, because we are our own saviours – the employees and the employers all in one.

  249. You have accurately described every aspect of what a vast majority of the 7.5 billion of us have been running away from! But, we all have always possessed all of these quality’s, we just need to step up and accept our responsibilities.

  250. “This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.” Supremely inclusive, no one is left out or considered not good enough to apply, the most divine equality and diversity policy in the entire world!

  251. ‘This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility’ Love this.

  252. We are all already born with the skills and experience required for this job, how amazing is that? Not only that, our very loving boss God, has placed many, many reminders and reflections for everyone, to remind us of energetic responsibility and why we are here on earth.

  253. I love the way you have presented our lives on this planet as a job in the workplace Sandra! Yes this is our work. This is our way forth, the way, The Way of the Livingness! I have been having fun combining your blogs’ ‘structure’ with an earlier blog about the earth as a classroom. So perhaps when we are at our daily work we could be aware that it is a classroom for learning and that we are all forever students, plus it is the ‘Work’ of the Ageless Wisdom – that is our true job here (and yes we have to make sure we get the bridge measurements right, the medications correct, the job well done in a temporal sense too!)

  254. Yep, no rejection in sight, and no scarcity of positions available – this job is available to all. The yes comes from us and not from the ’employer’.

  255. Nice one Sandra, what a great description the teachings of the ageless wisdom lived,and as time goes on many more will come to understand these truths and then make sense of life, and live with more love and harmony.

  256. What I love about this position is that is open to anyone, no special education or experience needed. Just the willingness to say ‘yes’ and then see what unfolds 🙂

  257. If you apply for this job you instantly get a positive answer. So this employer (God) knows how to treat applicants with respect and integrity.

  258. With a lightness of being and acceptance of our soul purpose on earth we can live with the qualities of love, truth, harmony and joy…this is the job of a lifetime… or in fact many lifetimes.:). No timeframe as you mention, it is a continuous movement…

  259. This is what we all need, a permanent Job, and in doing so we would get rid of so many positions that would become superfluous because no more ‘red tape’ and duplicating work along with positions that just tick the box for political correctness as these would become positions no one would consider as we all align to being responsible!

  260. Haha and I love this and of course I am in. There are so many ways to express what is essentially the same thing and this is telling from the quality first. I love the way in which the uniqueness to express things comes through, like this article and last line,”If this is a yes from your body, simply apply to the connection… With-In.” and I will be back to read this all again.

  261. We can make life so complicated and take many deviations along the way but life really is…”… as simple as responding if you feel the call to re-connect to all that is available and reflect to humanity that there is another way.” Thank you for the reminder Sandra.

  262. “the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.” I love the quality this brings to work, to life and to something that is everyones equal responsibility. A job for all when we connect.

  263. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by the atrocities and disharmony that we see around us in this world, and quite often people don’t know how to deal with it, and often retreating is a common response. This position description offers a way forth of living that can bring more harmony into the world- which is what is needed.

  264. I love this Sandra! Hard to imagine being given a job with no judgement or interview process to go through, but this one is just that, for sure.

  265. I have applied. There is so many perks working with God for humanity. What I love about the role is discovering what true purpose is. Work is never a bore or a task but fully enjoyed. I love waking up and going straight to work. I have a lot more energy and I am inspired by each and every connection I make through others, and especially my own and what I am capable to complete.

  266. Love it, so true Ariana, we just aren’t very aware of it when we do not say yes to who we are.

  267. I wonder if this is one of those jobs that people know will change their lives forevermore. That once they take the job – OK let’s be honest – read the advert, their lives are changed forever because you are more aware there is another way to live and one that feels less constricting. That is what makes this job challenging, it asks us to accept that we are more than we have been living. Count me in 🙂

  268. A job where it is just up to me to say yes, no rejection of you’re not good enough, you have the wrong accent or skin colour, nope everyone is welcome it’s as simple as saying yes.

  269. and when we are ‘vacant’ i.e. not choosing the absolute connection and love within it makes room for everything that is not love to come in hence ‘wars, hatred, abuse, human trafficking, domestic violence, pornography, illness, disease, corruption and impending bankruptcy of countries and health systems’ This position is for all of humanity .. I think it should go in a job section somewhere for more of us to read!

  270. Brilliant Sandra, to feel the possibility of what we all are and can bring and to know that doing so is ‘Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.’ And that this is who we are and where we’re all from.

  271. I meet many people who are very aware of what is happening in the world and want to do something about it but have no idea how, except for the popular, tried many times, ways that never ultimately work. Mainly, I feel, this is because like attracts like, and those who come together to try and do something are separated from the rest of the world. It is all a doing to put it right, and personal, very often emotional, and goal oriented. Whereas what you offer as a invitation is about being, and living the being with energetic responsibility, and deepens and widens our consciousness and perceptions. We all need to stand up and show the way through living it ourselves, then there is no separation.

    1. Gorgeously shared Joan. Your sharing makes me relish just how conditioned we are for someone to tell us our progress yet when we choose to reconnect and say yes to this call/job, it is us from within to whom we report so to speak. This is very empowering.

    2. Great observation Joan, and well said, we have tried so many ways to improve the world which hasn’t worked I do wonder if we switch it around and work on ourselves first what impact this would have on humanity. It’s worth a try as nothing else as you say has come anywhere close to uniting us all.

  272. Brilliant Sandra, as someone who has said yes and is currently in training, it is apparent with the unfolding of each day that energetic responsibility is the gold that brings us home.

  273. Indeed such a playful piece, full of energetic truth especially that the role is an ever deepening and expanding one as we all return to live more fully from our inner heart.

  274. I love this blog, imagine if we all said yes to living in and with the true presence of God, committing to ourselves and each other in every moment, knowing that each moment is a opportunity to evolve.

  275. “This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart; the level of integrity and commitment is your responsibility.” True. No-one is assessing your progress, giving reports about you, setting goals and objectives. It’s free-will to to out and free-will to be in. I choose in.

  276. ‘Applications are wide open to all’ very true, there is no ‘type’ for this job, just a willingness to re-connect, say yes to your soul and see what’s next.

  277. Ha! I love the playful way of expressing our true relationship with life, humanity, the Universe and the innate jpy, responsibility and expansiveness in living according to that.

  278. We are so focused on the functioning, the skills, the things we know, the position we hold, the money we earn, the ladder we can climb etc. that we have lost sight of what we are here to bring and how very beautiful and immensely powerful we all are beneath all these outer shells we have adapted to face life and its relentless demands.

  279. So playful and full of wisdom. This bit caught my eye – ‘This is a position where you report directly to your own connection with your inner heart.’

  280. Gorgeous job description Sandra. It’s so true that for anyone looking to serve humanity and take up energetic responsibility there is a huge network of support available, because we aren’t designed to do this alone.

  281. Great blog Sandra, thank you. Energetic responsibility can feel like a huge ask, but the ‘remuneration’ is well worth it. One example that comes to mind is the absence of blame which I have found very empowering.

  282. The job center offering this job really knows what is required and although the work at times may be challenging it also knows that only with lightness the heavy duties can be done. And so with lightness let´s go to work.

      1. Absolutely Jacqmdfadden04, So much more fun to have ‘lightness in our tool kit’ than ‘struggle in our toolkits'( Sound of Soul thanks!). . . and heaps more healing for all.

  283. The human race is well over due for making this the single most position we all want to fill. How bad are things going to get before people start applying in their droves? And why do we want to carry on living in such misery when Joy is just an application away.

    1. Very true Kev. It it is desperate need and well over due unfortunate by choice. Thank God to all who have already chosen to reconnect and respond to the call, especially Serge Benhayon who has supported many. A blessing that may not be fully realised for a while yet.

  284. The support of fellow students, of Serge Benhayon and the Benhayon family – and not to mention Universal Medicine as a whole – is sublime. It’s so beautiful to have a community of fellow students, working for those who haven’t quite ‘applied within’ but one day will or are well on their way to doing so.

  285. A job for every single person on this planet, Energetic Responsibility,… the pay is endless and the rewards magical, I wonder how many will be willing to step out of their comfort zone and apply.

  286. What a superb job vacancy! On-the-job training coupled with the most detailed and reliable training manual, The Ageless Wisdom and the immense support of a very wise and compassionate tutor, Serge Benhayon and a life long career path. I’ve applied and the beauty of this job is that there is no interview or exam to undergo, all that is needed is an open heart and a willingness to bring the love of God to bear in all we do.

    1. No right or wrong either. Just a continuing unfolding path, a deepening and every moment being an opportunity to learn and love.

  287. Love this post – brilliant – thanks for sharing Sandra. “.The purpose is to return love, harmony, truth, joy and equality to humanity.” I’m in too”

  288. This is brilliant Sandra and shows that no description, task or qualification can separate the truth of us all and in essence this is what true service to humanity feels like when we bring our full selves to the all. Count me in too.

  289. In my job of recruiting, i always say to candidates there’s no such thing as the perfect job – well this job Sandra is a perfect one due to the imperfectness of its ‘position description’ and thus the ‘challenge’ which job seekers always look to have in their next move.

  290. Absolutely we are all qualified in this job, nothing we have to do, just connect and return to who we are as we accept this job.

  291. The job description makes clear the true joy of linking work with energetic responsibility. When we do so, it is clear that it is not about us, but about all. It is choosing to move in appreciation of where you are in the knowing that where you are is an inspiration to many others.

  292. From one of the thousands that have already applied and forever in training, I love it, best job ever! When you find a job, you truly love, you will never work again, for it is always a joy.

  293. Every time we let standards drop and accept a new normal, a normal that is much less than we are, we are effectively throwing the towel in and settling for turmoil and chaos. And that settling is not just for ourselves but for everyone around us.

  294. I really enjoyed this Sandra, the playfulness and lightness goes so well with the absolute truth of the job position on offer. I particularly appreciated how spherical it was, reminding me of how each evolutionary step is done equally for all, and of the joys of brotherhood.

  295. I love this application advert as it is open to everyone, no need for any qualification, just a willingness to return and reconnect to the love we are from.

  296. I absolutely love this Sandra, and I was just saying to myself last week, remember your working for God.

  297. Am absolutely lovely piece, that in all of its lightheartedness, presents a very serious offering. How many of us are open to applying for this position?

  298. I love the list of responsibilities especially the one that means listening to uncomfortable truths – we as a one humanity have much to change in the way we are currently living and it starts with each one of us connecting within.

  299. What I love about this job it is open to all regardless of their background, education, experience, age, whether you are a male or female etc, etc as all that is required in an openess and willingness to take responsibility for one’s own life through the connection to their inner heart leading the way.

    1. That is right Nicola, this is a job that cannot be placed on just one person, it is a shared role and we all have to take part in it. At the moment I think a lot of people are confused about who they are working for, individuality or God?

      1. ha ha very good Chan – although you could also say that God works for us all of the time but we do not appreciate or accept all that is given.

  300. Love it! Yes, I’m in. We are all living here together, so why not choose to make it as divine as we possibly can, without perfection, just allowing ourselves to share all of who we truly are with each other knowing how every movement we make and share affects us all, always.

  301. Brilliant Sandra! No wonder the hierarchy got you to be the one to draw up the application requirements to send out to the world. You’ve done an amazing job! I’ve already applied and I got the job, on the spot. (The kookaburras in my garden have just burst out into laughter).

  302. Super brilliant blog Sandra, I loved every word. I love the playful way that you present the truth and make it so simple to understand.

  303. What a great blog that reminds us of our energetic responsibility – something innate in us all.

    1. True Bernadette, although we do not see it expressed that often in our nowadays societies, energetic integrity is actually innate in us all therefore this application advert is universal and from God.

  304. A job advert that has many people already lined up and what makes this job stand out from others – the absolute joy of living!

  305. Sign me up, I am at trainee stage of skill development, enjoying the work immensely so far, but forever expanding as required…. I am pretty sure I received and accepted this job application several years ago, I just was not aware at the time. I found employment through the training agency called Universal Medicine….

    1. As a fellow worker trained by the same agency 😇 I would like to inform you that if you take the time to appreciate yourself you will see you’re well and truly out of the trainee stage as you are now producing consistent reflections as a Son of God, and amazing inspiration as a sacred woman. And the promotion has come from yourself, your appreciation will help you catch up to where you are 🙂

    2. Yes, I attend the same training agency – Universal Medicine, – a world wide organisation presenting truth, wisdom and integrity beyond measure and voted winners of The People’s Choice, Lismore, Australia.

  306. Love this Sandra. There is so much support on offer, to be who we are, in full and without holding back – all we need to do is take the first step, and keep taking steps forward, and allow the rest to unfold and come towards us. Life is very simple, when we live who we really are and let go of all the rest.

  307. I love your playfulness Sandra. Awesome, anyone can apply for this role, it is open to us all and it sounds like a job we are all born to do.

  308. I love this job description. And I love Serge’s expression that he is only a vehicle and that The Hierarchy and God are the bosses and he just delivers. Now that would be something different if we all could work like this: unity and simplicity would be everywhere.

  309. Haha – love it Sandra. Very well laid out. The perk of this job is the immense joy that it brings – a joy that has always dwelled within us all, ignited forth by true purpose and absolute love.

  310. We are made out of energy and so when we move in life — all we need to do is take this fact with us and live life with responsibility for the energy we bring and the effect this has on our body, being and environment (people etc.).

  311. It certainly isn’t easy to see what atrocities are happening in the current global society, it is a sight to the eyes and an impact on our energetic awareness, so how if one has the will does one go about making a difference, well it is simple. Like you have shared Sandra the breath of God is always there, and so to live decency, respect, harmony and display the qualities of brotherhood not from an agreed upon good basis but from a true living Way, then that is surely making a difference even if we aren’t a worldwide figure or a person with a position of temporal authority.

  312. It is an essential part of the job to allow free will to take its course and not to interfere or impose. A sense of humour helps in this.

  313. Love it especially this ‘Time Frame: This movement will be continuous until the last person on Earth has connected back to their true essence – the whole of which we all are with-in.’ So true. I was going to say we need jobs like this but we already have them … it is how we live and to live this way to the best of our ability .. that is the main job!

  314. Tears of joy Sandra, this could be a job advert that is given to us as we enter this life. It would sure offer purpose from the very start, but of course, we can simply say yes and apply at any time, any life, any age etc.
    I love the remuneration, “Living every moment in and with the presence of God’s love.”, this one line brings doing things for self gain, individuality and reward to its knees. There is no greater remuneration than that.

  315. This is the future, the work for all of us. I love what you share, the job advert and how great would it be if all job adverts aligned to the same purpose as this one.

  316. “It is as simple as responding if you feel the call to re-connect to all that is available and reflect to humanity that there is another way.” I love this part of the job advertisement, there is no need for personal recognition of doing the job, just simple start working on it if it feels like what you want to do!

  317. Best job advert ever! I am applying now … haha and you forgot to mention the other remuneration benefits including but not limited to true well being and health, immense levels of vitality and joy, a stillness which naturally brings with it an authority, a depth of understanding oneself and others beyond imagination, knowledge of the universe and the answers to how life truly works and more.

    1. Thanks for the expansion Joshua, that’s what I love about this job it expands as we say yes to humanity we say yes to ourselves.

      1. Yes, this is a great expansion as the remuneration benefits are not only of this world, they are also out of this world.

  318. Sign me up. Sandra this is a very playful sharing but also reminds me of the absolute responsibility I have to live what I know. The world is calling for it.

    1. I am in this awesome job too. But I am wondering maybe we don’t need to apply for this amazing job because we are all born into it, it is a bit like a humongous family business. What I can currently see happening though is that a majority of the workers are taking a break and having a snooze from Energetic Responsibility but I feel a time will come when all the workers will have to resume their role and get back to work because the alarm bells have been ringing for thousands of years for us to wake up but they are not being heard by everyone, and so the alarm bells are getting louder and louder. Thank God for raising the vibration of the alarm, I am seeing more and more people waking up to embrace Energetic Responsibility.

      1. I agree Chan, we all share this job and it is the best job ever. However, many are asleep and yes the alarms are ringing louder and louder and louder and louder…. Some wake up and decide they are not ready yet and they have that freedom to prolong their absence but then they have to live with the consequences which are ever increasingly alarming!

      2. Yes Chan I had the same thought also Chan that we are all already born into this job, however like all jobs the level of commitment of those in the job can vary. We can take a long break from the responsibilities that come with the job and/or simply get by and do the bare minimum or not even that! Or we can really fly and enjoy the job and everything it offers.

    2. Thank you Chan, I love your words about being “born into a humongous family business” and that some workers are taking a snooze, possibly across many lives, but the bells are ringing asking us each to clock on once again to be all that we are.

  319. On the job experience – it is true that we learn the most by being out in life making mistakes and being willing to learn and grow from them. Perfection is not a requirement, because although we are all equally capable of being amazing when we connect to who we are, we live in a world that we have made to not be in line with this and so we have to learn, and with learning comes mistakes.

  320. Absolutely brilliant Sandra. So many job descriptions are fancy, made up and nothing to do with what you actually do. This is one, on the other hand that is super accurate and one whether we like it or not we will always be held to. Whether we like it or don’t the above role is all of our jobs. So why not say yes and embrace it in full? There is not part in here that says ‘maybe’ or if ‘that person stops being that way then I will be ok’. The only condition is that we are all in.

    1. So true Joseph, there are no self-prescribed conditions hanging over this job, just purely everyone be-ing who they are as their essence is always a constant.

    2. Yes, and thus it does not matter what job we do as our true calling is to bring all of us to every moment in life, living and expressing the awareness we have and the truth we know deep inside.

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