Absolute Love

by Victoria Carter, Australia

The ways in which my life has been enriched through knowing Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, are far too numerous to here mention. In short, the absolute dedication of this man, and the vehicle that is Universal Medicine, continues to blow me away. Before meeting Serge, I had long sought wisdom and truth – only ever finding ‘pieces’ of it here and there. In honesty, I’d given up on there being what one might call “true truth”.

I ‘researched’ much, but there were always ‘holes’ – particularly in the people imparting the so-called wisdom, and how they lived their lives, yet also in underlying beliefs that denigrated and subjugated women, people of differing religion, and the rest. And then there was the ‘new age’ – ever taking us outside ourselves to ‘escape’, or even to attempt to arrogantly ‘dominate’ this ‘cruel world’. Could there actually be something with ‘no holes’, that answered ALL my questions, and that actually reflected back to me that I knew ‘it all’ deep within myself? 

It took a long time to fully accept this, yet in my life now I can say a whole-hearted ‘YES’ to there being absolute truth in this world.  It does live within me. And in and through Serge, it is continually and powerfully poured forth.

I readily admit that I am ‘learning’, i.e. to live this truth, and great love, in every aspect of my own life. And this is the beautiful point here – for without all that Serge brings I would not be at a place where I can now live (for the most part) joyfully so, and where I can also (as I’m ready..) joyfully meet and support those parts of myself where I’m not living ‘me in full’.  This is not to seek a ‘perfection’, nor to ‘prove myself’ in an outward, ‘worldly’ sense, but rather to embrace a way of living where I can truly be all of who I am. This is indeed amazing, as previously I had been so given up on there being absolute truth and absolute love in this world, let alone that this could actually be lived, and simply so!  Like many who ‘seek’ something deeper, something with more meaning in life, I had thought a life of true connection was only possible in some far-off monastery in Tibet, or such.

It is this ‘giving up’, and the great sadness in the world that Serge does not hold back in addressing. This, for sure, has challenged places within me, as it challenges many. And yet Serge has never, in any way, ‘told’ me to be a certain way – he’s only ever, in truth, asked me to feel for myself. And ‘feel’ I have – the places and things within I’d long resisted/didn’t feel I could ‘deal with’, and the ways I live/have lived that do not fully honour the precious being that I am, and am coming to know myself truly to be.  Has Serge, or anyone in Universal Medicine, ever asked me to depend on them, to deify them, etc?  Nope.  Has any of this ‘inner and outer development’ ever been ‘pushed/forced’?  Nope.  It’s all been 100% my call.

In knowing that I can indeed honour myself, and have the courage to bring ‘who I am’ into all areas of my life, and to everyone I come in contact with, I am no longer powerless in the face of the great sadness of the world, i.e. the lack of connection, the lack of true unity and brotherhood in mankind. This isn’t to say that it has become ‘all easy’ – there is indeed much in the world that continues to sadden and at times shock me; at other times, I have my own little ‘hiccups’. However, in developing in the ways I bring true connection, love, truth and the ‘joy of play’ to my own life and living, including how I am with all others, I am now not only ‘ok’, but am able to take steps forward in this world as the precious being I am. At times I may even hear that another has been inspired or touched by this love I’m learning to be (which I know simply reflects their own). Without the work and inspiration of Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine, this true ‘living of life’ would simply not be possible for me. I would be hiding away, knowing the love of God, and yet ‘clinging’ to my threads of connection, still trying to ‘get through life’, and wishing for the monastery!

For ‘all this’ – and indeed what Serge pours forth is more than I could ever have imagined – this man asks for nothing in return. He simply smiles in the joy that another has ‘got it’ – that the simple and absolute truth in living life is about us being love; living it for ourselves (for it is who we are), and meeting all others in kind. I can think of no greater gift anyone could ever give to humanity than to be such an awesome ‘reminder’ – an inspiration, true healer, author, clinic director, teacher and friend to so very many – equally. All this and more Serge is – constantly bringing to us the truth, that humanity is at its core deeply and naturally loving, and that we are all, due to the fact we come from God, inherently great beings. He also brings us the fact that what is ‘not so’ is a result of our own complications, our own doing – and that it can all, in time, be undone.

There is nowhere else to ‘seek’. The love of God and Heaven can be a reality upon this earth. It’s up to us.

147 thoughts on “Absolute Love

  1. I went to the supermarket yesterday with some young children, queued for a long time to get into the building thankfully it was a warm sunny day. The queuing was the end result of the current pandemic and social distancing measures that meant we all had to be at least 2 meters apart. But the point is I had so much fun going around the aisles finding what was on my list of things to get. The children were brilliant they were in the shopping trolley one of them was at the front leaning out of the trolley like the girl in Titanic which made some people smile which was great as mostly everyone was dull and anxious. So here was I and the children having fun such a stark contrast to everyone else. Since knowing Serge Benhayon my world has changed so much I can now feel a beautiful richness to life that I didn’t know was possible before. Now every part of life is to be savored for the delight that it is. So that even such a mundane task of going food shopping is full of delights. How amazing is that?

  2. One of the things I have learnt from observing Serge is that even though there are many devastating things going in the world, it’s still possible to live our love and joy, in fact it’s actually necessary. I used to feel so hurt by what I had experienced and by what I saw around me, and for good reason as abuse is not our natural way, however I am learning that I can be amongst it all, deeply care, yet be the love and joy of my soul, which reflects to others that love and joy is their true way also. The love and joy I’m connected to also gives me the opportunity to respond with purpose to what’s occurring around me and make a positive contribution, instead of feeling hurt and withdrawing from life.

  3. “to embrace a way of living where I can truly be all of who I am.” This is an amazing gift on offer for all who choose to find their way to the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom.

  4. “I am no longer powerless in the face of the great sadness of the world`’ A great place to be. In fact what we find within ourselves is power, grandness and grace, to be ourselves in the world but not oppressed by it. Not ignoring what we see and feel, but being a vehicle of change through our own lived way. We are empowered to be much more than we could have ever have imagined..

  5. If we search for the truth about the meaning of life outside of ourselves we will never find it no matter how much people claim or advertise that they can give it to you. The truth is the truth lives inside us all and the difference with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is that they support people to reconnect back to their own truth inside which is always waiting there to be reconnected to, if only we stop looking outside of ourselves for answers and start looking inwards.

    1. Andrew your comment has reminded me of how much of the world is based on finding what’s needed / the answer outside of ourselves. In my experience it’s only been with Serge and Universal Medicine that I have been so deeply supported to find everything within me, and then bring that out to support those around me, and show them that they too have everything within. We are so set up to fail by looking outside of ourselves. Even God is within, as Jesus talked about when he said “The kingdom of God is inside you”. So, there is a lot within us!

    2. There are a lot of people claiming they have answers, in my experience it was never so, there was never absolute truth, ‘I ‘researched’ much, but there were always ‘holes’ – particularly in the people imparting the so-called wisdom, and how they lived their lives’. Very much so.

  6. “In knowing that I can indeed honour myself, and have the courage to bring ‘who I am’ into all areas of my life, and to everyone I come in contact with, I am no longer powerless in the face of the great sadness of the world, i.e. the lack of connection, the lack of true unity and brotherhood in mankind.” This is huge if you think about it as what is going on in the world is deeply sad, abuse, corruption, neglect, a plague of low self-worth – this list goes on and on, yet we have been given the tools to become agents of true change, not through force or imposition but by living the energetic truth of the soul within our lives and reflecting that to others as a source of inspiration. Thanks Victoria, exactly what I needed to read today.

  7. No one can make you develop – it’s got to be 100% authentically your call. I agree that there are many groups or organisations in the world that do try to control you but Universal Medicine is definitely not one of them, it’s just simply a matter of come along and listen and if you like it that’s great and if you don’t that’s totally cool too – and if you want to develop yourself then that is totally your choice too.

    1. The least imposing organisation out there in the world. Serge Benhayon gives everyone space, space for them to choose what is true for them at that point in time.

    1. Yes, absolutely.
      Serge Benhayon reminds us that the answers, the truth, are inside us, not outside of ourselves.

  8. Knowing Serge Benhayon was a life changing experience for me. The tenderness and authority is clearly felt once you meet with him but also his transparency, there is nothing to hide, nothing to pretend, the no need of ‘fix’ or change anything. He inspired me and he is still inspiring me, for the qualities I see in him are within me and in all of us too.

  9. There is an absolute sense of space that I deeply appreciate by being part of Universal Medicine. No one is pushing, no one is calling me to attend any particular course or telling me what to do. It’s up to me to live the Love that I am as much as I can in my day to day. Now more than ever before I receive each moment as an open book to learn from and I embrace my honesty to do so, for the Truth that I can see and live.

    1. What a different place this world would be if we all chose to live Love, ‘It’s up to me to live the Love that I am as much as I can in my day to day.’

  10. There has been a change in what the word Love means. A complete turnaround really. It is not about candles, chocolates and flowers, it is about reconnecting to who we are, what we are made of and where we are from. Love is a being not a doing and Serge Benhayyhas offered us all an example of that which has inspired many others to re-embrace the same. It is up to us to love that truth now.

  11. Serge has offered so much to all of us, not as a presentation of being greater but as a reminder that we too can access the wisdom he brings and that we too can live the love we are because he does so, naturally so, he is a big brother reminding all of us of the greatness we are.

  12. Yes anything can be undone when we open ourselves to being honest and to continuous learning and growing, this is how we move out of old patterns and habits that no longer serve us. The willingness to learn is a great tool to have as there is so much more love to give and to receive.

  13. There is indeed no greater gift I can imagine than what Serge Benhayon offers humanity: the truth of love, our origin and what we are here for on this planet. This is true wealth and being rich and it has nothing to do with money and everything to do with energy.

    1. What Serge Benhayon brings to the world is beyond riches, a true wealth we can all embrace if we so choose.

  14. Wow, Victoria, you’ve put in words so much of what I feel having met Serge Benhayon, how it’s not about giving up, even in subtle ways, it’s not about protecting myself, it’s about being and living in the world, not demanding that it be different and knowing that us living us in that world is all that is needed and that each of us has this in us, we are all great beings who’ve introduced complication and reduced ourselves, and it’s for us to unravel that.

  15. “There is nowhere else to seek”, except within. After meeting Serge Benhayon, I stopped the outer search for answers to learn that ‘We are already everything we need to be’ and our sole purpose is to return to our true and divine essence and ended years of inner disquiet and feeling inadequate in one way or another.

  16. Serge Benhayon is providing a Living example of many things including a deep Humble-Appreciative-Ness that we all feel and we can also start to be a Loving example by reflection to build the Love we all are in complete Humble-ness as a base or foundation.

    1. It is very beautiful to feel the humbleness in such an incredible man; and highlights how much arrogance can be in people, and how disgusting it feels.

  17. Heaven is indeed shining upon us. Only we can shut ourselves down and not feel this. Thank you for making it so promptly obvious, what is so visable.

  18. Learning to live as a whole again is a continuing process for me as well, accepting deeply that I am in fact totally divine, and I have responsibility/power to live as such. The world is still full of holes and dents, but truth has never left us, we took a step away from it.

  19. “In short, the absolute dedication of this man, and the vehicle that is Universal Medicine, continues to blow me away.” The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom do not stop deepening and expanding into ‘so called newer’ principles. The energy goes up all the time and it feels more and more amazing to be alive and a part of something that is so much more than a life without awareness that there is more. In the last 13 years I have experienced many many amazing courses and workshops where I have walked away with what felt like the most precious gift – feeling more of me …

  20. To know that we don’t need to live in a monastery in Tibet to connect to a grandness that infuses our everyday with the commitment to healing our hurts and learning to see way beyond the imperfections of this world we have created is an absolute blessing.

  21. This blog reminds me of where I was when I first met Serge Benhayon. Fifteen years ago, I believed life would never change, stuck as I was in past hurts and patterns that defined and held me back. It has taken years of steady practice (and a few stumbles) to arrive where I am now with absolute trust in my own worth and divinity that supports me to live a simple life with vitality, purpose, love.

  22. ‘Serge is – constantly bringing to us the truth, that humanity is at its core deeply and naturally loving, and that we are all, due to the fact we come from God, inherently great beings’. To transcend from a point of not knowing, aimlessly seeking and feeling lost, to sensing our own inner grandness and feel complete is a miracle and blessing.

  23. Exquisite, that we have in us all that is needed, that no seeking is required, that it’s up to us to unfold our relationship with the innate love we are, and that each and every one of us will do so. It’s up to us when, but the bigger question might be, what are we waiting for?

    1. Good question! It is such a gift to know that it is who we are so is not something we need to go searching for and the simpler we keep our movements the simpler life becomes. Love is who we are so no more searching… live it!

  24. Beautifully written Victoria, Serge is a great inspiration and reflection for humanity, he brings absolute love and truth to everything that he does, and when in conversation with him, you can feel the absolute love that he holds you in too.

  25. A great sharing Victoria, how life changing meeting Serge and learning to connect to your divine essence, here is a man who reflects all that he teaches, with deep love for mankind, integrity and equality for all, he is truly an inspiration who reflects to us what lies within each one of us.

  26. The point is not whether there is something out there capable of answering all my questions, but whether if there is something out there capable of posing all the questions and answering the questions we do not even have as questions.

  27. Whatever path we have chose to travel, we all have the power within to heal ourselves and it starts with getting honest with ourselves which is the stepping stone or bridge to taking responsibility for our not so loving creations.

  28. This is gorgeous Victoria, accepting and allowing what is seen, “I can now live (for the most part) joyfully so, and where I can also (as I’m ready..) joyfully meet and support those parts of myself where I’m not living ‘me in full’.” I have felt completely supported by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine over nine years now, to connect with what is true see what is not and let it go.

  29. So apt Victoria, yes where we as in humanity is our own doing, our complication yet what I hear clearly from your sharing is it does not have to be so and within all of us is a natural, living way of being and so it’s for us to discard and let go those complications and re-learn to live the Love we are. And this is what Serge Benhayon offers us ever and always, he’s an ever loving persistent and consistent shining light for us all.

  30. There is a lot here to learn and speak about. There is a way of life we can live that is making us more ill or there is a way of life to live that supports us to be in true health. It then comes down to which one you are willing or ready to choose. The choice is an ongoing one as there are many parts to how we live that when you truly look at them don’t support you to live at all. Universal Medicine has redefined what we call living.

    1. Yes Ray, Universal Medicine invites us to question life in its commonly accepted form and explore an other way of being that ‘supports us to be in true health’. It is only when we have walked the esoteric path of self care, love, brotherhood and godliness that we begin to feel how bad it is out there. Our antennae now highly sensitized see and feel all that is abusive, where previously we may have ignored or accepted as normal. Our responsibility is to become light bearers reflecting truth wherever we are in the way we live, never by telling others how to live theirs.

  31. The support that is there in the way of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is grand, but so often we choose to not use it to its fullest advantage. It is pretty amazing to see the way we can live and know what love is possible. What we choose is our own but what we can reach is known.

  32. I agree that what I have heard Serge Benhayon present over the years feels very complete with no holes or inconsistencies. It is the philosophy of life that makes the most sense to me.

  33. To know and accept those areas of my life where I am not living in full all that I am yet have a knowing that I can overcome those obstacles to be love is so far from the giving up on truth that I too have once felt – all because of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine’s inspiration to lead the way.

  34. Amazing Victoria, inspired. Yes, a man of truth, love and absoluteness to bring your own love out and light the way forth also, brilliant.

  35. Re reading your sharing Victoria I agree absolutely with your words. We are so fortunate we have an inspiration and teacher in our midst. I feel blessed, and I know that we as humanity are too. Thank you!

  36. I too used to believe that a life of true connection and most importantly harmony was possible, but not on the planet I lived on, as I only had to look around me to see that it was utterly impossible to get everyone on the same love wave. But, through understanding that each and every one of us has a role to play here, I’ve left my skepticism at the door and instead work on trusting and knowing who I am so that I can be a reflection for others to do the same and maybe even realise that we have nothing to prove to each other, because we all just are.

  37. “…the simple and absolute truth in living life is about us being love; living it for ourselves (for it is who we are), and meeting all others in kind.” This is such a simple truth, which, when we understand it, lets us not seek far and wide anymore but take the responsibility we have to live lovingly to the best of our ability every moment thereafter.

  38. I have never seen a business like Universal Medicine before, the service they offer to their clients just continually expands and can not be defined by classical business traits, they lead the way.

  39. You sure are absolute in your expression Victoria – a great representation of the work of Serge Benhayon and what it equally draws from us.
    “It took a long time to fully accept this, yet in my life now I can say a whole-hearted ‘YES’ to there being absolute truth in this world.” 

  40. ‘It is this ‘giving up’, and the great sadness in the world that Serge does not hold back in addressing.;
    This is where people are afraid to go because then it exposes how they are living and contributing to the ills of the world. Serge goes there in full because the way he lives reflects a different and very true point of light and a true way of living on earth that does not add to the already waywardness we currently have.

    1. So true. I have felt the angst of seeing the world and all the mess in it and have wanted to run away and give up because there was just too much to do and it felt bigger than me. Yet Serge leads by example and never gives up. That is what adds to the waywardness, the giving up and thinking it is all too hard. What a lesson.

  41. To rediscover and feel the meaning of true love is absolute gold. Serge Benhayon presents on the true love that is the essence of every one of us.

  42. So true, Serge Benhayon has made ‘truth’ transparent, he has put an end to the misconception that we need to seek something or search for the meaning of life, that we need to find ourselves. He has been saying it for nearly two decades now – everything we have been looking for, is all within and equally so in every man, woman and child.

  43. When we see love lived – the inspiration is like a spark that recognises that same quality within ourselves and everyone else.

  44. Stunning… it is truly beautiful to be inspired and touched by a love we are learning to be… and live what is possible rather than the lesser versions of ourselves so many settle for.

  45. To be able to embrace a way of living that allows us to be who we truly are make the ordinary extraordinary is indeed amazing Victoria.

  46. I can’t help but feel after reading your blog Victoria that we either live whole heartedly which invites outer influences to constantly undermine us through our unresolved hurts and issues, or to live whole heartedly the potential of who we innately are in full commitment to life.

  47. A quality that makes Serge Benhayon stand out from all other teachers is that he completely and utterly lives what he presents. There is no difference, incongruity or inconsistency in anything he does, it is one flow of one life – truth in every movement.

  48. “For ‘all this’ – and indeed what Serge pours forth is more than I could ever have imagined – this man asks for nothing in return. He simply smiles in the joy that another has ‘got it’ – that the simple and absolute truth in living life is about us being love; living it for ourselves (for it is who we are), and meeting all others in kind.” I never stop being amazed by the limitelss of depth of Serge’s inspiration of our true capacity and how to live it.

  49. I love this blog about taking responsibility for all of our choices, where everything matters. Especially how we are with ourselves. The more honest we are (without harshness) and the more loving we are with ourselves the more deeply we connect to who we are on the inside.

  50. Thank you Victoria for a beautiful sharing of coming to find true truth as presented by Serge within your own heart. I too have been searching all my life trying to find God in the doing, when you took me along to my first talk that Serge presented, as I heard Serge speak I knew in that moment I had come home, here was a man speaking truth that my heart knew but had been hidden from me, but was now being revealed.

  51. I have had a similar experience to the one you share here Victoria. Searching, exploring many different philosophies and practices only to find very quickly that they fell short of the complete picture I knew was out there somewhere just waiting to be discovered. And then I found it, in Serge Benhayon, and to my utmost surprise, he then immediately showed me that it was inside of me too all along!

    1. It is quite extraordinary how so many us, in fact practically all of us, have been fooled, and/or not prepared to take the necessary responsibility for so many lifetimes, looking for truth externally when all along it is found within.

  52. To re read your sharing Victoria is inspirational. I totally agree that we are so fortunate in having such a wonderful example of Love in action with Serge Benhayon. my life is so much the richer for connecting with Universal Medicine and The Way of The Livingness Presented by Serge. I too would have been still searching for the missing pieces!

  53. “He also brings us the fact that what is ‘not so’ is a result of our own complications, our own doing – and that it can all, in time, be undone.” And in this there is so much love, acceptance and support. We may give ourselves a hard time about things we have done or do that we do not like, or know don’t support us or that we wish we had never done, but Serge holds us in equal love, with no judgement. He simply consistently and constantly reflects to us that there is another way, and it is entirely our choice, when and if we choose to accept and embrace his inspiration.

  54. ‘There is no where else to ‘seek”. Good, strong, true line! This is it, we live where we are meant to be, there is no greener grass. It is completely up to us to bring ourselves to all that we are and do.

  55. Thank you Victoria, as I read your blog I realised the enormous giving up I had been in prior to finding Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. The world seemed a cruel and confusing place because in my heart I knew that we all deep down know love, yet we don’t live it. I knew that brotherhood and unity was possible globally yet I found nothing of substance to show me there was a practical way forward to achieve this. When I found Serge I knew everything I had felt in my heart as possible and true was true because here was Serge living and expressing it everyday. Now he and his family are a constant inspiration and my days of feeling given up are replaced with joy, purpose and love – I’m not perfect but it’s pretty darn awesome (if not a miracle) what I am living now compared to where I was!

  56. I agree Victoria that initially I found it hard to accept that Serge Benhayon was presenting an absolute truth and love that I was looking for, but had given up on, due to there being so many dead ends in my search for it. What Serge Benhayon is presenting to the world is far bigger than him and one person (and he knows it) and the way he lives and loves every day is the best way to rebuild that trust that much of humanity has lost in love and truth. I am learning to live that level of consistency also so that others also can regain their trust in the same way I have.

  57. Once we realise that our imperfections can provide our greatest teachings in daily life it becomes much easier to see every curve ball and experience in life as a lesson we can learn from.

  58. Victoria, I couldn’t agree more with what you’ve shared here how Serge Benhayon offers us all an understanding that we can live truth in the world simply and always through his lived way, and he does this with absolute humbleness in the knowing that each and every one of us each have this in us, ready and waiting when we choose to live it.

  59. I love this Victoria, ‘There is nowhere else to ‘seek’. The love of God and Heaven can be a reality upon this earth. It’s up to us.’ After spending many years searching outside of myself for the answers this has been an absolute game changer for me. I am forever grateful to Serge Benhayon who has inspired and supported me to re-connect to the truth of who I am and to feel this as a reality – it really is up to us.

  60. I think a lot of people are looking for what is true but in many instances we are looking for what fits with our perceived picture of what we want truth to be so that’s why we can choose things we want to be true but are not really as they will most often eventually show. If we hold on to what is true within us then it’s easier to see it outside and this is a process we all have to discover for ourselves. First time I heard Serge speak I could easily say that this was coming from a place of truth.

  61. Serge Benhayon shows us what absolute love is in all that he is and is reflecting that to us continuously. In that he is inviting us to open up to that same love he is connected to and we all equally belong to.

  62. I very much enjoyed reading this article Victoria. I can feel the deep support that it holds and has personally offered me tonight. There has been a major shift in my body, and my connection to it lately, where I feel the definate gap between my essence and where my body is currently at. In this awareness there is a continuing call from my body to nurture it deeply, support it and hold it as it transforms and becomes equal to my essence.

  63. I love how Serge presents that the power lies with us, that we have the power to create great change by simply making different choices.

  64. In the past I could never imagine that there was an absolute truth. I used to wrestle with this, intellectually. What seemed true for some was not true for others. It was only after meeting Serge Benhayon and learning to come from my heart that I truly felt that there absolutely is a universal truth that encompasses everyone. I did not understand or fathom true love before but now I feel I have an inkling of the possibilities of love. I say that because each time I feel I understand love, I am nudged to go deeper and have another – so now I get it – moment. So my understanding is always expanding as my love is ever expanding and for this awakening I thank Serge.

  65. Thank you Victoria for this testament of the truth that Serge Benhayon brings to all of us. There is a complete and absolute truth for us to know that lies within all of us and is known equally and absolutely within our cells. We are so blessed to be inspired to come back to knowing God.

  66. This is so beautifully expressed Victoria and thank you for this sharing of such a wonderful man as Serge Benhayon .

  67. Beautiful, this blog is very much about self-responsibility. Like you shared Victoria, coming in contact with Universal Medicine and choosing to self-develop in the depth of love and joy has been always your call. And this is beautiful.

  68. Serge Benhayon has inspired me to feel into my inner-heart and find the true love that I knew was somewhere but I didn’t know where to look. Before I found my way to Universal Medicine and the Way of the Livingness love was always an emotional roller-coaster coming with conditions and need. True love has no strings attached, it is there within me all the time because I am love.

  69. “I can think of no greater gift anyone could give to humanity than to be such an awesome ‘reminder’ – an inspiration, true healer, author, clinic director, teacher and friend to so very many – equally. All this and more Serge is”. Absolutely Victoria and how glorious to read of your own inspirational example of absolute love and joy in action which I always see truly reflected through the heaven in your eyes.

  70. Wow Victoria this was just stunning to read… I love the power in what you have shared, connected to the same truth from which Serge Benhayon presents… reminding us that we too are great beings that in connection have the power to undo in time what we have created that is not of love and live the enormity of who we are.

  71. Jane and Suzanne I can really relate. One of the big lies we are sold by religion, spirituality and the New Age is that we are not enough, and we need to get away from ourselves (and life the way it is) to find enlightenment….or even just peace and harmony. The answers are always “out there”. But it’s actually the opposite, it’s through confirming the amazing person we already are and continually connecting to the self and the inner heart that reconnects to love and God (same thing!). The answer we truly seek is ourselves, and true self is love. Living that love is awesome, whether I’m taking out the garbage or cooking a meal, I can be connected to love/God. No knowledge or prescribed way is needed, just me and my connection wherever I am.

  72. Serge Benhayon is truly the power of inspiration. For me spending years reading books, looking for the truth, attending workshops and modalities in the New Age and complementary medicine, all I found was knowledge and information, but the deep sadness and emptiness remained. Serge, on the other hand, inspires through how he lives and by the gorgeous man he is. His living way is deeply felt and inspires like knowledge cannot. Knowledge in itself is simply more emptiness. Being connected to love and living from that is what Serge does. Everything about his life is the living miracle of love. It’s real, practical and lived, no book or word can express it, it’s the living example he brings which shares and teaches so much. Serge has the potential to turn the whole world around, in the exact same way he has turned my world around. Now my life is becoming a living miracle of love, and if I can do it, anyone can.

  73. “I can think of no greater gift anyone could ever give to humanity than to be such an awesome ‘reminder’ – an inspiration, true healer, author, clinic director, teacher and friend to so very many – equally. All this and more Serge is – constantly bringing to us the truth, that humanity is at its core deeply and naturally loving, and that we are all, due to the fact we come from God, inherently great beings. He also brings us the fact that what is ‘not so’ is a result of our own complications, our own doing – and that it can all, in time, be undone.” Beautifully expressed Victoria. So many of us have been inspired by Serge Benhayon, yet never been told what to do – no imposing at all. Yet so many of us have chosen to make life-style changes that have had a huge effect on our lives. Indeed Universal Medicine students are going against the trend – of society becoming more sick and more obese – as we become more healthy and look younger, living more vibrant lives, which affects everyone around us all. People notice.

  74. These are true words, Amina. As Serge Benhayon is living what he is talking about his words stem from all the choices and experiences he has made in his life and as such it is very real what he is saying.

  75. You have penned a truly heartfelt and beautiful blog Victoria. “…I am no longer powerless in the face of the great sadness of the world…” this one line calls for such celebration because you have taken the blinkers off, reconnected to the truth and are seeing with clarity – a huge gift and inspiration for us all, thank you. Serge Benhayon offers this truth and love 24/7 and I too am deeply appreciative of his unwavering grace.

  76. Victoria, I too have been deeply inspired by Serge Benhayon, his message and his consistent delivery of love and know I would not be where I am today without his inspiration and support. He is absolute in his presentation and delivery that we are all love, and that we all can live in a way that is simply about being that love, being us in the world and he walks his talk – there is no push, no diktat, just and always present joy and willingness to meet you and that you are never anything less than him, you have that joy, that love too, and seeing and feeling that you start to find a way to live that joy – that is the amazingness of meeting and having been met by Serge Benhayon.

  77. Gorgeous blog Victoria, Serge Benhayon brought us the understanding of true love and energy. And with this I have found to understand everything that happens in this world better, and that I am here to live my love to inspire others to live theirs in their way.

  78. Victoria, beautifully expressed, to be presented with so much and without being asked for anything – to be met in that is quite something. I know meeting Serge has inspired me to re-engage with life knowing that it’s been there in me always, it’s just about learning how to be that in life, to be love.

  79. I love how I can remain firmly planted in life, going shopping, taking the garbage out, going to work, walking the dog, raise a family, cook real food etc etc AND really thoroughly get to know who I am while doing so. I don’t have to live in Nepal or India or Byron Bay, take drugs, drink only liquids or stop talking in order to find myself! Thank you deeply to Serge Benhayon for loving himself first, and so then being able to share that with everyone who wants to listen.

  80. To me the world seems set up to help everybody escape what they have created themselves. It’s a dizzying merry go round that was almost impossible to get off until I found the vehicle that is Universal Medicine and what Serge Benhayon presents. I immediately stepped off and life has been a continual experience of loveliness ☺

  81. Victoria your blog is an awesome reflection of the gift that Serge Benhayon offers this world – as you say, the love literally pours forth. He presents that there is absolute truth and in time I too feel this to be so, having spent years looking for answers in all directions. I agree that ‘There is nowhere else to ‘seek’. The love of God and Heaven can be a reality upon this earth. It’s up to us.’ Thank you.

  82. “I can think of no greater gift anyone could ever give to humanity than to be such an awesome ‘reminder’ – an inspiration, true healer, author, clinic director, teacher and friend to so very many – equally.” Beautifully expressed Victoria, and it was very lovely to read of your love and appreciation for Serge and for yourself, as you inspire also.

  83. From giving up on truth, to decide that the answer was not to escape from the cruel world, to realise that there is no need to be in a Tibetan Monastery to connect to truth to then start living in a way that honours one self deeply. That is a quite a journey. A very inspiring one.

  84. Serge reconnects us to the knowing of absolute love and truth we all carry inside equally, and not only inside, we are living in God´s sphere and hence are surrounded and held by his love and truth. Everything that is not of God is made by us in separation to his love, hence it is in our power and responsibility to reconnect to that absolute love again and to clear up matters. Serge presents how we can reconnect by our own choice and undo the misery we have created. Simple.

  85. Well written Victoria, what Serge Benhayon has brought to us all is an absolute gift, his unconditional love and support is much appreciated

  86. Victoria, true words of GOLD – strung together like the pearls of wisdom that they are! Love the depth of your expression, as it has left me to feel more and appreciate more once again. Thank you!

  87. Great Blog Victoria, you write so beautifully and honest about what makes Universal Medicine be the truth that it is, and how it helped you to find out that there is a real truth in this world, and it is so simple.

  88. True! Serge is the one who does not let himself get tricked by any doubt or mindful matters. He walks and lives and presents a way of life lived from the super intelligence of the body. Very inspiring!

  89. A powerful article that pulsates with truth. Serge Benhayon is an inspiration to bring true brotherhood to the world.

  90. Delicately and so powerfully expressed Victoria, your notes of truth and of Serge Benhayon – divine music to the ears, with the final note on continuous replay: “The love of God and Heaven can be a reality upon this earth. It’s up to us”. Thank you Victoria.

  91. It is an amazing feeling and momentous turning point when we discover that everything we have ever looked for is within and that we don’t need to go to foreign lands to find it – ceasing to look for salvation or solutions on the outside feels like the ultimate freedom.

  92. This is a beautiful claiming Victoria. I too was searching for truth and through this journey I came across the work of Serge Benhayon which supported me to connect to a place long forgotten – Me. There is nothing more beautiful in this world than this.

  93. I too found the world impossible to live in, and can relate to the ‘holes’ in so-called truth as you say, Victoria. This made me feel very isolated and disengaged from the world – there was nothing meaningful, nowhere for me to be in. What Serge Benhayon presents has allowed me to have a deeper understanding about the Way it is, and exposed my arrogance at the same time. Like you, I am learning, continuously so.

  94. The love of God is truly present on this earth and within each of us. A Beautiful Reflection Victoria, thank you.

  95. This is very beautiful Victoria, thank you. I fully agree with “he also brings us the fact that what is ‘not so’ is a result of our own complications, our own doing – and that it can all, in time, be undone”. A realisation of “what is” and “what is not” is huge for me, it’s a foundation where I keep going back to.

  96. I’ve had a similar journey Victoria with trying to find the truth and it was only in Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I finally went – “ah-ha – this is it!” I had never experienced something like it before that was in no way imposing, taught me to take responsibility for all of my choices – bar none, feel things for myself, and that I am already amazing – all I need to do is connect, appreciate and accept it.

    1. Me too Melissa, the Ageless Wisdom that Serge Benhayon presented to me was something I was looking for for so long, and in a way was at the same time so familiar to me. As you say Melissa, I had never experienced this in this life before, someone presenting to me in clear words and as a living example the truth I felt resonating in me that strongly.

  97. Many questions have been answered for me, through hearing about the Ageless Wisdom. Questions that could not be answered by guru’s, new age modalities, traditional religions. And the knowledge is accessible for everyone who really wants to know.

  98. When I first met Serge Benhayon I was at a point in my life where I had begun to question my existence – with the sort of questions I’m sure many of us have asked such as “what was I here for, what is my purpose, surely there is more to life than this” and so on.
    I had heard Serge’s name on the grapevine at various workshops I had started attending in order to ‘find myself’ which actually left me more confused as to who I was than ever before.
    However, there was something about the mention of Serge’s name that resonated within me, something that made my ears prick up and my body take note of a feeling that here was the answer.
    In 2004 I attended an Universal Medicine Heart Chakra workshop and even though much of what Serge spoke about went over my head at that time I could not deny the immense sense of knowing that this was it, that I had found my way home and that by simply breathing gently for myself that I had found me again deep at the very core of me hidden under all the layers of life I wore to keep me safe and the world out. From that moment I knew that I had to let me out and the World in and express the wondrous love that I felt in me.

  99. Victoria, I love your celebration of you and how you’ve embraced you and the world and how someone living love fully has inspired. Without having met and known Serge this would not be possible – that is so true, I know he has and still continues to inspire me, and you reminded me of how powerful we all truly are, one man has inspired countless others such as you and I to drop the give-up and embrace that love in us, and we in turn inspire others. Like ripples in a pool we all impact far wider than we know.

  100. I agree Victoria that for a long time I had trouble accepting that perhaps there could be a one truth that unites all human beings and that this is possible for everyone to feel equally. And I also had some difficulty accepting that this was very simple and very achievable in normal every day life and booking myself in at the local monastery or relocation to Tibet was not required! But I do realise this now and accept that this in fact the case.

  101. What you share is so beautiful and true. What is evident in the newspaper articles is that they cannot fault what Serge Benhayon presents, so have chosen to rather make up lies about him – which says a lot more about the journalists than Serge. Thank you for sharing the truth about Serge and the reflection you and many others have received from him.

  102. I agree Victoria; we are truly blessed by Serge Benhayon and his eternal Patience and unwavering dedication to humanity.
    Showing us that it is possible to bring Heaven on earth through connection to self and everyday activity, and its not necessary to go to some lofty monastery in Tibet.

  103. You are such a beautiful living example Victoria of the Love that Serge teaches us all to be through Universal Medicine. I have often wondered what to do, if anything, about the world we live in where there is so much inequality, pain and sadness. I am learning through Serge’s teaching that the best that I can do is to see all as Love as in being the Sons Of God and equal to each other. And to love and care and take responsibility for myself which I am still learning to do. Thank you for your inspiration.

  104. “true truth” How lovely, the ‘true truth’ I understand this description well, I have a radar for truth and untruth and mine was often on high alert in the past, as in reactionary and defensive. I now understand that many things that we have as reactions are actually true awareness’s like feeling the ‘true truth’ but in the past this would be lost because I did not know or care for myself with true love. As you say “There is nowhere else to ‘seek’. The love of God and Heaven can be a reality upon this earth. It’s up to us.” We are responsible for how we live and how we relate to this world.

    1. Exactly Samantha.
      As I’ve shared in an earlier comment, I am also blown away by the depth of knowing and living truth – the real deal – I now feel in my body and who I am, over 2 years after writing this blog. I can feel that there was a lot of pain letting go back then from my earlier life, but I knew I’d once again found the gold of absolute truth, that is universally within us all. It is this that allowed what no longer truly served me to just let go.

      Today, I might end this blog with the words:

      “The Love of God and Heaven IS a reality upon this earth. And it is lived, breathed and expressed through US, for WE ARE God’s Children.”

      Thank-you so much for contributing here to the discussion.

  105. Absolutely true and well said. Serge is there unwavering when others shy away, he asks nothing of anyone yet is always there. Without his light, many would still be searching, when in fact they need not.

  106. Hi Victoria, totally agree and can’t think of a better way of saying what you have already expressed about truth ‘And in and through Serge, it is continually and powerfully poured forth.’ It absolutely is.

  107. I can also relate to this blog as I too went on a search all over the world for something of truth and substance and integrity that could perhaps answer why it is that humans are so cruel and hurtful to each other and how we might be able to stop doing it to each other. I too found many things but everything had holes, something missing, a downside, an inconsistency, not complete. That is until I came across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, whose very first lesson to me was you don’t have to seek something outside, you already have it all inside you and here is how you can reconnect to it and feel it for yourself and now you can never be fooled again. In 8 years of watching and observing and discerning I have discovered no holes, no consistencies in Serge Benhayon. He is the real deal.

    1. Beautifully said Andrew. The real deal – entirely. And clearly neither of us are any pushover!
      How amazing it is to revisit this blog. I can still so relate to it, but over 2 years later am quite flabbergasted at the solidity in life and in myself I now feel, leaving me only all the more deeply and profoundly appreciative of the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. The growth and depth of real confidence in knowing who I am now, is to be honest, absolutely enormous…

  108. I can feel the power of feeling and knowing from within that there is absolute truth and absolute love in this world. Thank you Victoria for reflecting this to us as does Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

    1. And that knowing gives life an incredible depth of meaning and purpose that is generally lacking with the majority.

  109. Thank you Victoria, I can relate fully to what you have shared so beauty-fully. What stands out for me is the ‘given up’ on finding true truth – with no questions un-answered. One example is: I clearly remember as a child asking myself; “what is the difference between Soul and Spirit?” But I never asked the local priest for I just knew his answer could not be the truth, but what he had been told by the church he served. I now have absolute certainty from within myself what aspects of myself the Soul and the Spirit are. And truly knowing this difference has had a very profound impact on how I live my life today.

  110. Beauty-full Victoria, thank you for expressing so lovingly what we have all experienced and felt deep within.

  111. Thank you Victoria for expressing in words so much of what I have been feeling. Absoluteness was the word that changed how I looked at everything, there is no giving up in absoluteness, no frustration or anger, when I feel absoluteness I can only feel love. Serge has shown us this consistently, his love never wavers, it is that I am now beginning to truly feel. I love how you say “There is no where else to seek, the love of God and Heaven upon this earth can be a reality. It is up to us” . How true those words are.

  112. Thank you Victoria – for speaking your lovingly truth with such simplistic clarity, and in doing so, truly representing the love Serge is and consistently reflects to us all, without asking anything in return. So gracefully expressed.

  113. Victoria, you reminded me of a time in my life when I seriously contemplated life in a monastery – I didn’t like the outfits though. 😉 As you say, I too found it impossible at the time to live a simple, harmonious life in the ‘outside’ world. That is until I came across Universal Medicine, when I was reminded and I got to feel for myself that life is what and how we make it and that we do not need to be in some remote spot up in the mountains to experience joy and harmony. It is that very fact that attracted me hugely to UniMed and Serge’s teachings – that we can continue to pay mortgages, send our kids to school, shop, clean, meet and greet people, do the mundane things, but all from the essence that we all are, which is love. When we start to live from that place, joy, harmony and simplicity follow and they come much more easy and naturally.

    1. Living in a state where one is connected to their heart is actually our natural state of being so should never be difficult but strange it is as we have not lived this way for so long.

  114. Awesome Victoria, I agree there is no greater gift than the reminder of who we truly are, and the tools to build this connection/way of life for ourselves. Thank you for your inspiring words and the simplicity in which you have delivered them.

  115. Beautifully expressed Victoria. My initial scepticism with Universal Medicine fell away as I too could find no holes. Serge’s loving consistency reflects upon so many people. What a massive mirror he carries for humanity – one which is now being supported by hundreds of others universally.

    1. True Rod, the only holes in my life are the’hiccups I make myself, when I choose to be distracted from the love and connection of who I truly am.

      1. Beautifully expressed Catherine and same here: “the only holes in my life are the ’hiccups I make myself, when I choose to be distracted from the love and connection of who I truly am.”

      2. Yes, the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom expose those ‘holes’, lovingly so simply to show us we are so much more than we ever imagined.

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