The Gift of Responsibility

by Joseph Barker, Australia

3 years ago a friend gave me a CD of a presentation given by Serge Benhayon. In this presentation Serge asked, is it possible that the energy we choose in every moment of our lives, creates life as we know it to be?

This simple question gave me an opportunity to be honest about the energy I was living in every day.

I came to see that my body was not here to betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way. When I ate something that was not for me, my stomach hurt. When I didn’t speak honestly, I got sore, stiff and hunched. When I got stressed and racy, my body felt drained of energy. The body really speaks loudly, when you let it.

What has developed for me since is not a spiritual pursuit, a belief system or a mystical adventure. It is a practical way of being every day, where I choose to feel and connect to me. It is lived. I know it in the way I walk, and talk, and cook and eat, write this message and so much more. It feels like love to me.

Serge’s question brought home that the responsibility for my life rested with me. Whilst this can be difficult to face, it is a wonderful gift as it means I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me.

This self-initiated healing is what I have experienced with the support of Serge, Universal Medicine and the Esoteric practitioners. It is truly beauty-full and the greatest thing I have known in my life. I am deeply grateful to Serge for bringing an honesty like no other I have felt, because that is what I know love to be.

101 thoughts on “The Gift of Responsibility

  1. I agree with you Joseph when you say
    ” I came to see that my body was not here to betray me or let me down but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way.”
    Since young, I have been fighting what my body has been trying to tell me and thankfully it never gave up in the despair of me never listening to it. The biggest support my body received was Universal Medicine and the Benhayon family all of whom supported me to see that I was in denial of who I truly am, a very loving and warm hearted woman which I have spent years denying. I am not unique we all have this amazing capacity to love ourselves and other people we just seem to spend all our lives fighting this truth.

  2. Energetic awareness and energetic responsibility have been two life changing factors for me. As you mentioned Joseph it is self-initiated, we free ourselves but not alone. Serge simply reminds us whats true and whats not.

  3. “It is a practical way of being every day, where I choose to feel and connect to me. It is lived. I know it in the way I walk, and talk, and cook and eat, write this message and so much more. It feels like love to me.” Living Love is a Divine presence that is felt by all.

  4. That in every moment we have a choice may first be a hard pill to swallow in a world where we have made responsibility a burden, but in truth it allows us to claim the power back that we have and lets us live a life of truth with every step more.

  5. Yes, the energy we choose is the energy we live.. and every detail of our life is connected to that initial choice, so when something is not working, it is not those details what we need to address, change or fix but the energy behind them and this can be done with honesty, claiming back the responsibility in our life.

    1. Amparo Lorente Chafer, We have not been taught to look at the energy behind any situation, when we reconnect back to this natural ability then life opens up to us because we can see and read everything. Nothing can be withheld from us, we can see straight through the lies which makes life very simple.

  6. Indeed – true healing is self-initiated. Healing is our re-turn, and it is an exercising of will.

  7. ‘is it possible that the energy we choose in every moment of our lives, creates life as we know it to be?’ Great question from Serge because it evokes us to look at our lives and the energy we choose and how those choices play out, bringing a realisation of the responsibility we hold for our choices.

  8. “Is it possible that the energy we choose in every moment of our lives, creates life as we know it to be?” This question should be placed in every fridge around the world.

    1. I will add to your comment Eduardo by saying that discerning energy should be taught along side how to read and write when young because if we were taught how to read energy it would be impossible to take anything personally because the energy coming through someone would expose what energy they were using, fire or prana.

  9. “Serge’s question brought home that the responsibility for my life rested with me.”
    This message is quite often forgotten in our everyday lives, which leaves us jaded, annoyed and irresponsible. In such energy we do not see or feel the power we truly hold over our lives. Taking responsibility, and claiming our lives is the freedom we all want to live. Stopping saying we want freedom, and instead putting responsibility into practise is what is truly required.

    1. Leigh we will never have freedom in the sense that is what people want, the human-being is a receiver of energy either from the one soul or from the astral plane. Our responsibility lies in which source we chose as from there our movements will be decided. To be irresponsible then has to be a flow of energy from the astral plane which is encouraged because in the irresponsibility we are not in the flow of energy from our soul.

  10. “Serge’s question brought home that the responsibility for my life rested with me. Whilst this can be difficult to face, it is a wonderful gift as it means I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me” – I agree. I didn’t like that I couldn’t blame anyone or anything, but it is eternally more empowering to know I am responsible hence have the power to bring true change, and actually it is the only way to undo all the choices I have made previously under free will.

  11. Our human body definitely speaks loudly to us when we are listening. Every ache, pain or discomfort is meaningful and is communicating to us something we need to know. Like you Joseph, I am learning more and more that my body is ‘not here to betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day’. This problem was that I had not been appreciating its wisdom and grace with the level of understanding possible.

  12. I find this quote truly freeing, “is it possible that the energy we choose in every moment of our lives, creates life as we know it to be?” This way you can assure yourself of how things will be from here forward, you don’t need to wish, pray or hope but merely dedicate to each moment and be aware of what you are choosing. So if things aren’t as you want them to be then don’t try and change the picture but feel how you have walked to that point and with that feeling walk the next part. At any point life is reflecting to us how we are, how we have been and the only way to change that reflection is for the person behind it to make the change.

    1. I’m beginning to realise life is a choice by choice moment and that it all depends on the energy we chose to align to. Have we purposefully sped up the way we live life so that we cannot feel that moment by moment choice and then wonder how we had an accident, or said something that we instantly regret because our minds are racing ahead of our bodies and when we live in this way the body is unable to fully communicate that there’s a problem until it’s too late.

  13. To realise that I am solely responsible for the energy that I choose, and how this is what inevitable shapes the way my body feels, literally, and the world we live in, has been life changing. As now I find that embracing energetic responsibility ultimately offers us an ever-deepening journey of self-honesty, self-discovery and connection to our truth within, which has been nothing short of empowering as this allows us to consciously bring more of who we truly are to the lives we live.

  14. Our body shows us everything we will ever need to know and when we listen and heed it’s messages we grow wiser and a whole load healthier too..

  15. The more we connect to our body, the more it is able to tell us how best to support it, and ourselves at the same time, and the more we take responsibility, and acknowledge how our body feels, the easier I have found life to be.

    1. Sally I agree with you but there’s more, because the more we reconnect back to our bodies the more we are able to access the universe, this to me has to be the ultimate access to all that the universe is. What else do we need or could possibly want?

  16. It so true that what Serge Benhayon presents is not, “a spiritual pursuit, a belief system or a mystical adventure”, but a practical, common sense, loving and fulfilling way of living – The Way of The Livingness.

  17. “It is another’s one fault” is an easy place to go to. We can always explain what happen to us based on interactions we have with others. This is only a part of the picture though. The other part, more invisible to us and also the one we do not want to look at, is our part in it. What are we saying yes to? What is the contract we have signed with people regarding evolution? What is that we offer?

  18. “I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me.” In the same way that we are responsible for which food and drink we take into our body so we are responsible for which energy we choose, which then leads to all the choices we make.

    1. agreed Mary everything starts with us and the more we are willing to be aware of the energy we are brining through or catching ourselves going into reaction over the energy coming through someone else, it becomes easier to make the choice to align to the energy that is non harming of ourselves or other people.

  19. So many people are unsatisfied with their life and as a result tend to look outwardly for something or somebody to fix or improve it. It is almost unheard of to become aware of our own choices in how we move through life and the quality in which we do things in and then adjust them to become more loving and in honour of what we deserve. However, those that have been inspired to do so as a result of the teachings of Universal Medicine have benefitted enormously by the responsibility they have committed to to be the one with the true power to change their life.

    1. Samantha it’s interesting isn’t it that we look outside of ourselves to others to fix us? How many people have gone seeking a guru, or some spiritual new age technique to give them answers to their life issues. I know many people who have done this including myself and ended up deeper down the Rabbit hole of life feeling even more lost and lonely. Universal Medicine supports people to take back responsibility and re-attain their innate true power this is life changing as it supports true self confidence that we are actually very capable of handling life issues.

  20. As much as we want to blame others for how we are feeling and the ‘things’ that have happened to us in our lives we are ultimately all responsible for how our own lives have unfolded. The sooner we accept this fact the sooner we can start to make the necessary choices to live our potential.

    1. Very true Suse, I played the victim card for most of my life, it wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon and attended the workshops and presentations that I came to the understanding that by blaming everyone else for the life I was living, I had given my power away and had become a doormat for everyone to wipe their shoes on. Taking back my power changed the dynamics and my life changed completely and continues to change and grow in positivity. The presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are truly life changing for anyone who is truly looking for the answers to life.

  21. Responsibility brings a ‘self-initiated’ healing – that really brings it to the forefront of our choices doesn’t it? The energy we choose to live in is the key we have not been given as children yet is how we are able to take responsibility for what we do and why we do what we do.

  22. “Serge’s question brought home that the responsibility for my life rested with me. Whilst this can be difficult to face, it is a wonderful gift as it means I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me.” Beautiful, simple and absolutely true.

  23. When we accept being responsible for our choices it can be daunting at first for it is so common to place the blame on someone else, when we see responsibility in its true light it can bring a joy in the knowing that we have the power right in our hands to change our life to one of self love joy and harmony.

    1. Jill It’s interesting to watch young children and how they try to blame each other for something they did that they know they should not have done. Where do they get this ability from at such an early age to blame someone else for their ill choices?

  24. Its amazing how the very simple questions posed by Serge Benhayon can take us on a journey to understand life in a whole new way and our part in that.

    1. Aimee we can spend a whole life time in a relationship waiting for things to get better and then in our old age be very bitter and resentful that nothing has changed because we were waiting for something to change without initiating the change ourselves.

  25. Responsibility gives us access to power. If we deny responsibility we are powerless.

  26. Our body speaks volumes and there is always the choice to regard or disregard what it is showing us and by choosing to be responsible for our choices we are indeed giving a wonderful gift to ourself which then all benefit from. Responsibility “means I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me”.

    1. deidremedbury I have a family member who justifies why they cannot do something to change the dynamics of their marriage. I have come to the realisation they want to talk about the misery they know they are in but at the same time its very comfortable because it is so familiar and so they do not want to change. They are making a choice to stay in the misery. Our choices reflect the life we live.

  27. What you write here is too huge for humanity to grasp… or is it? If we consider that all illness and disease comes from us delivering to our body an energy that will manifest illness and disease then the answer is a given isn’t it! Make sure that you bring to your body an energy you know will make it truly well.

  28. My body also becomes sore and stiff when I am not honest. This is a massive communication which i would have previously shut down and then blamed my body for not feeling good.

    1. Simone my right shoulder becomes sore and stiff when I’m at work and I do not discern the energy coming through people first but see them as work colleagues or clients. By not reading energy first I’m going into self protection rather than staying open and reading energy coming through them. I wonder what it is about energy we don’t want to read and so pretend life is all about the physicality and not energy first?

  29. Oh Mary, I can very much relate to what you have written here! In fact if I hadn’t come across Universal Medicine I’m pretty sure I would still be living that weird existence of ignoring my body’s signals as much as possible and giving full favour to what was going on in my mind. What a recipe for serious illness and disease! Just as you say Joseph – when we view living with gentle consideration of our bodies as an act of love the whole landscape changes and far from self responsibility being a burden, it’s a joy.

  30. ‘I came to see that my body was not here to betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way.’ So many of us live with a resentment towards the body. This has certainly been my experience and I am gradually learning to listen to what it is telling me and when I do it is simply amazing how it communicates so clearly.

  31. Responsibility is something that many appear to shy away from and yet it is clear from your words that when embraced, can be a deeply loving, healing and rewarding way to live. To know and live this is indeed a gift.

  32. Serge Benhayon has been the inspiration to feel true love in my body and as I choose to live in an ever more loving way with myself I experience this equal love in others.

  33. This is a lovely blog to read Joseph. When we reject responsibility then we are rejecting ourselves. Serge Benhayon presents how to live love on a practical level and always from the inside out. Thank you for this inspiring blog which captures the simplicity of living love.

    1. shelleyjones44 When we reject responsibility then we are rejecting ourselves.
      that’s a big ouch for us all to consider how many times in a day do we then reject ourselves?

  34. One of the things I particularly love about Serge Benhayon’s work is how practical it is. As you say Joseph, it is not ” a spiritual pursuit, a belief system or a mystical adventure.” It’s very much about the way we live and the choices we make, which is completely up to us. It’s not looking outside of ourselves either, but finding all we need within.

  35. Joseph, You make me realise that taking the responsibility in my life is actually a gift and not a chore as I used to feel taking responsibility for me was. It is the gift of having the choice to take conscious steps in life, choosing for what feels right in the body instead of following the advice from somebody else that was my convenient way to avoid taking responsibility.

  36. Joseph I love what you shared, especially this line “I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me.” – it brings it all back to the choices we make, empowering ourselves to simply start living the life we feel at any moment. How beautiful and simple is that!

  37. “I know it in the way I walk, and talk, and cook and eat, write this message and so much more.” I can feel where my level of responsibility is at in all of these things… even in the way I sleep. Thank you for this beautiful and simple reminder.

  38. Taking responsibility is a ‘gift’, every choice we make determines the quality of energy we live in. Not only simple but very power-full when the choices we make everyday are truly loving.

  39. Jospeh your heading says it all. Once we see what a gift responsibility is we feel so honed to have accepted it.

  40. In the last 6 months I’ve started to work in age care and the most confronting thing has been seeing the quality of people’s lives at the end of their life and understanding that it is the way it is because of the choices they have made over the last 70, 80 or 90 years. What’s confronting about this is the awareness that we are all the same, what I am seeing in the elderly people now is what my life will be unless I choose energetic responsibility.

    1. Danielle I have also worked with elderly people in a hospital environment many of the elderly I have talked to wish they had made different choices when they were younger they look back and see that there were clear choices to be made and for whatever reason at the time failed to take care of themselves. Especially women gave themselves away because of what was seen as the right thing to do by societies rules only to discover that the rules were false and entrapped them into a life they then later regretted.

  41. It is really amazing how thanks to Universal Medicine, we stop taking our body for ransom as an obstacle to our pursuits and we start appreciating the fact that it talks to us and that everything it says is on our favour.

  42. Joseph, I love how you say that your body is not here to betray you but actually always tells you the truth and consistently so. This is the greatest gift we have in our bodies, a very very fine and sensitive living organism that gives us all the information that we need to know whether something is good for us or not.

  43. I love these two sentences “I came to see that my body was not here to betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way.” and “I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment.” For me both of these two sentence’s say it all and they are the type of wisdom we can access when we re-begin to live impulsed from within.

  44. “I came to see that my body was not here to betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way.” This line is really powerful. Today I have been appreciating the way our bodies speak to us. I was confronted by a spam email that encouraged me to “lose weight fast” feeling how crazy it is that huge industries have been built on the lie that our bodies are betraying us and stopping us from eating or doing what we want.

    The truth is what we really want is love and the body shows us love in action every day by reflecting our choices and presenting what we need to see in order to take responsibility. Thank you for sharing your experience with us Joseph.

    1. Leonne I agree with you when you say that
      “The truth is what we really want is love and the body shows us love in action every day by reflecting our choices and presenting what we need to see in order to take responsibility.”
      Is it possible that humanity has been sold a lie when it comes to the word love? This word is so bent out of shape from its true meaning that we think that love is the emotional kind of love that we are saturated with everyday. How come we can say on our wedding day that we will love, honour and obey but then end up fighting, arguing, to the extreme of violence towards each other? Love is a beholding a reverence of holding everyone in such preciousness that there is no way that you could harm yourself, never mind another person. This is the love that we are not taught to cherish, but resides in everyone of us and goes seemingly unnoticed so caught up are we in our seeking outside of ourselves for emotional love which is non sustaining and non fulfilling.

  45. To me the body is like an instrument that expresses at every moment what is really going on. The only question is if I know how to listen and understand, and that may take some time to be relearned, but the benefits for my health and overall wellbeing are phenomenal. My body and its ability to know by feeling are my greatest source of knowing and making wise choices. My body is my teacher.

  46. Joseph you beautifully unlock the joy of responsibility here, how it’s the key to our empowerment and when we see and live that we change our lives. No one else can, but we can. And how you describe your body speaking to you spoke volumes for me today – our bodies just present the truth, unvarnished and no matter how our heads try to rationalise it, that truth remains and keeps being presented; it turns on it’s head all ills we have as our barometer shows what’s true, and presents us with a choice in that to change or not – what a gift.

  47. Joseph, your words – that this is not a spiritual pursuit or a belief are just gorgeous. What I felt was the depth of knowing you have connected to and claimed a most natural way of living. And I can vouch for this way of living too, it is the most natural and simple way to be with myself with others and will all of my life.

    1. Katerina what I realised from your comment is that this way of living, The way of The livingness takes all the trying out of life. For someone who has tried hard all their life to get ‘it’ right, to do the ‘right’ thing, I have tied my self in knots to support other people, all from the energy of trying. Which is not only exhausting but a complete waste of energy as I cannot fix other people or the world no matter how hard I ‘try’. How many of us have fallen for betterment, trying to make the world a better place to live in? The way of The livingness is deeply profound as it supports everyone to take the opportunity to re-evaluate their life to be willing to look to see if there is anything that needs changing or updating. To give up trying is a huge release from wanting the world to ‘get it’ and so make the necessary changes.

  48. Thanks Joseph for an brilliant blog. At first the idea of self responsibility seemed like a mystery. I thought I was already a responsible person so why was I still feeling like something was missing? But once I understood its true meaning, I saw it as a wonderful opportunity to take control of my life. I didn’t have to wait on anyone else to ‘get it’ or to ‘fix things’ – or to try and do this for anyone else as a ‘good’ person ‘should’. I just need to concentrate on how I live my own life and know that all the choices I make are counted. I now realise that my body has loads of wisdom and that there are amazing esoteric practitioners available to provide extra support it needs be.

  49. Joseph what I am coming to realize more and more is that I can only really be responsible for myself. It feels a relief to come to know this as I have spent a lot of energy in my life feeling responsible for others and the events around me when in truth I neglected to be truly responsible for myself.

    1. Alexis we have been taught by certain religions that we should take care of others before taking care of ourselves, this is especially directed at females from the dogma of the church. The opposite of this is true if we build a bedrock from within first we can use this to support others.

  50. I wholeheartedly agree Joseph that being aware of the responsibility that we hold for the choices that we make in our lives every day is an empowering gift. As are our bodies that, if we choose to connect to, reflect to us the quality of love that we are choosing for ourselves. I am also deeply grateful for the truth and love Serge Benhayon lives and brings as I am constantly inspired to choose to live the same for myself with everyone.

  51. Joseph I love how you simply describe connecting with you and then living your daily life “feels like love to you”.
    This is beautiful. It feels so real and I’m inspired to choose feeling the love that is there when I move in my everyday what ever it is… just feel the love first then move on with the task second.

  52. “it is a wonderful gift as it means I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me.” – Yes Joseph, we have the power to change our lives through each of the choices we make.

  53. I love the poignancy of these blogs. I always find the one I need to read!
    A new and deeper level of responsibility has surfaced for me in terms of how I conduct myself, especially at work..but of course it goes everywhere with me. I am feeling the choice in every moment and knowing that the power to make a choice is mine.
    Inseparable then from responsibility is awareness, for it is the awareness that has opened my eyes to that “something” that I could not see before…but having seen it, it can never be ignored again.
    It is now my responsibility to bring that awareness to my life. And all I can say is thank God for Serge Benhayon and every teaching that brought me to this point.

  54. Following on from this ” is it possible that the energy we choose in every moment of our lives, creates life as we know it to be?”, I’ve just finished an amazing Universal Medicine retreat that supported me to more practically understand what this means. What I took home was that the way that I move in every moment, in terms of the quality of my connection, my posture, the quality in my movements influences everything in my life, such as what I will then choose to eat, how I will choose to eat and even when I will choose to eat, and this is just related to food, it’s related the same way to every part of our life. What Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon are sharing is HUGE and I’m also so grateful to be here to hear such wisdom that nobody else is sharing with such clarity and conviction, because Serge lives it.

  55. The ‘What if’ Is full of Love, holding and the absolute truth that we know the answer and will bring it forth ourselves. This Is the’ Fullness of Love’ in action. Thank you to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for knowing who l truly am and being completely confident that I will come to that same Knowing in my own time

  56. Joseph, what stood out for me in your simple yet profound blog is, how we are all responsible for the state of our lives which, as challenging as this can be at times, it is also the key for us, if we choose to make changes in our lives.

  57. Beautifully and simply said Joseph. Understanding that the messages my body is consistently giving me is offering me the opportunity to love and nurture myself in the choices I make in the way I live.

    1. Yes, Mary. I am reassessing there is no end point to how much I can cherish and honour myself and my body. The deeper I go with this, the deeper is the love I feel right through my body which is then what I bring to everyone else. Years back my smile might have looked pretty on the outside but it had no substance to it, because I had no joy in life really — just ups and downs. Now when I smile the world gets all of me in the joy that I live and the self-loving choices I’m making. And that’s a pretty awesome smile 🙂

  58. I feel the appreciation in this email, about learning and understanding about responsibility. It takes a real courage to begin to look at energetic responsibility and it’s something that is constantly refined.

  59. When we hear a word ‘responsibility’, often we hear it as a burden, an obligation, something that we want to be without but cannot get away with, but I agree with you, Joseph, responsibility is a key to true self-empowerment.

  60. This is very beautiful Joseph, thank you. Indeed, a realisation of “responsibility for my life rested with me” is a truly beautiful gift. Thank you very much for writing this. I really enjoyed reading it.

  61. The general understanding of responsibility is often charged with guilt or mistaken for burden. What I realized by the presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is that responsibility goes hand in hand with self-empowerment and are inseparable. As long as we reject responsibility we also disempower ourselves.

  62. ‘Serge’s question brought home that the responsibility for my life rested with me. Whilst this can be difficult to face, it is a wonderful gift as it means I have the key to changing my life, simply in how I choose to be, in this and every moment. It simply starts with me.’ I agree Joseph, it is indeed a wonderful gift.

  63. I loved your article Joseph. I can feel the absolute truth in your words, and completely relate to and appreciate them. Thank you for sharing.

  64. “Serge’s question brought home that the responsibility for my life rested with me.” Might the call to take responsibility for all that we do, think or say, be what the media are in truth upset about & fighting against?

  65. Thanks Joseph, what you describe feels like love to me too. And I agree taking responsibility for ourselves can be challenging but is also very enriching for everyone.

  66. I never saw how clear the link between love and responsibility is until I found Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Now I see that I am walking away from love when I refuse to take responsibility for my choices.

    1. I love the way you put that Leonne, that you see you are walking away from love when you refuse to take responsibility for your choices, that will stay with me.

  67. Hi Joseph, A really straightforward blog about how it is. Your final line says it all for me ‘ I am deeply grateful to Serge for bringing an honesty like no other I have felt, because that is what I know love to be.’ And I couldn’t agree more!

  68. ‘I came to see that my body was not here to betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way ‘ – I love how you expressed this, I’ve had a very similar experience in discovering my body actually can tell me the truth of how it feels and what is right at any given moment, and is not just being an inconvenience to me.

    1. Thank you Joseph, Meg and Mary, I agree our body is like a canary in the mines, it gives us the warning when we are prepared to listen to the smallest feelings and not over-ride them!

  69. So simple and true. Our body is our ”marker of truth” as Serge Benhayon has presented. Simply meaning that our body knows what is true for it and what is not and it will tell us so if we listen. If not it just speaks louder and louder until we do.

  70. Thank-you Joseph. We are blessed to have hearts such as yours expressing simple truth so clearly, and with such love.
    with love, Victoria

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