Email to A Current Affair

by Angela Perin, Edens Landing, Australia

Dear Editor,

I write in response to the piece on ACA aired on 17th August 2012 ‘Healing community dubbed cult’ and am writing directly as there does not appear to be a facility to comment publicly online, nor the direct opportunity to counter the mis-truths and mis-representations of the truth which have been presented in your story.

It is disappointing that your piece of modern journalism (under the guise of informing the public) has focused on sensationalism and ratings, rather than representing wholesome truth. In doing so, it marks a dis-service not only to and against those being reported on, but to the wider community and public who are largely relying on such pieces of reporting to represent honest investigative journalism.  It is interesting how the truth can be de-compartmentalised and/or reinterpreted and presented in such a way as to present a mis-truth, and that by taking parts of the truth away from the whole that this can devoid the meaning of the whole truth, as has been evident in your reporting in this instance.

Much has been written lately in response to the totally unfounded mis-allegations about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, including those that suggest that Universal Medicine is a cult – both from those directly and indirectly associated. Enough in fact that it is surprising that ACA has continued with this angle when it is clear that this is a total untruth.

I have been associated with Serge and Universal Medicine for just over 2 years, and to suggest that Serge is running a cult is absolutely false. I have never been told what to do, including what to eat, when to sleep, how to exercise, with whom and how I should form relationships etc. I have by free choice attended healing sessions, workshops and presentations and have never been imposed upon at any time. I have simply been offered, and only ever by example, a way of living that supports me to listen to and connect to my body – a way of living that allows me to take more care of, and nurture myself.

The truth is – whatever Serge and Universal Medicine – have presented (and continue to present) is what I know to be truth already. The presentations have simply confirmed what I already know to be true, and have allowed me to make choices which support the truth I know. Through connecting to my body, I have been able to make more loving choices to support my body and myself in relationships and the way I go about things in everyday life. Amongst others, these choices have included choosing a gluten and dairy free diet (because I could feel these foods were heavy and numbing in my body), choosing not to drink alcohol (not only because it is a known poison, but also because I could feel that I was using alcohol to escape my life, and that I didn’t really feel ‘me’ when I drank), choosing not to drink coffee (because I was using coffee as a stimulant and to combat the constant exhaustion I was feeling), and going to bed early (because I ‘was’ exhausted and am now honouring this as a time for my body to regenerate each day).

Yes, it is a fact that currently the majority of the students are ‘female’, however this does not discount or discredit the growing and increasing number of men who are making the same self-loving choices to care and nurture themselves that we women are. Is it simply not possible that women initially are generally more willing to look at their issues and what is truly going on and make supporting choices around this, but that by example and support, men are just as able and willing to be as self-loving and caring as we woman are re-learning to be? Therefore is it not possible that this is the true reason why there are more females choosing this way of living initially, but that this is in no way exclusive to the many men who are now also bringing a care and tenderness to their bodies and lives that is offering inspiration to both men and women?

Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine as individuals and an organisation conduct themselves with the highest degree of integrity, respect and professionalism that is second to none. They offer by reflection a consistent way of living that is always supportive and respectful of the choices of an individual, and which is never judgmental or critical. I have never felt to be less because of my choices, in the past or in the present – whatever these choices have been. I have only ever, and continue to be, met with love, and the inspiration to make loving choices for myself.

Perhaps if the media reported on the way of living many of us are now truly living and in full truth, there would be no story to report on.

Is it not therefore possible that the way of living being presented here is too simple for many of us to accept and embrace, and yet it is one which deep down, all of us are looking for? And is it just not possible, that the true way of living begins with self-love and care, and listening to our bodies?

To Serge and Universal Medicine, I am deeply grateful for the commitment to humanity they have in presenting a way of livingness that is inspiring, and is truly about love.

69 thoughts on “Email to A Current Affair

  1. ‘Perhaps if the media reported on the way of living many of us are now truly living and in full truth, there would be no story to report on.’ However, that would be great news to be read and great inspiration for many people.

  2. Unfortunately on the whole the media don’t let truth get in the way of telling a good story and many many people all over the world have been on the receiving end of their supremacist and biased way of operating. We have given the media far more power to persuade and influence our society then they deserve.

  3. Now, we have ´cult´ ´specialists´ all over the place who are ready to issue their verdict, taking advantage of the means at their disposal to reach the public abusing it in the name of good, and of, I protect you.

  4. The media are not interested in printing the truth, and I don’t believe it will happen until people actually demand the truth in mass, rather than enjoying the cheap distraction of lies and the targeting of amazing people who are genuinely doing amazing work in the world – such as Serge Benhayon.

  5. What stands out is that we are fed the ideals, thoughts and beliefs that are not ours. We have made life to be about function and surviving, the opposite of why we are here for : to be love. It is that simply; that we like to make things complex again, to sustain the lies we live that we have created. Being it one icecream flavor or the other, it still is icecream. What I am wondering also is how many of us have protected these ill ways, that are actually not of our truth, and that us doing so, must come to an honesty that this way of thinking and living is again not ours, not of truth, not part of our love. Honesty is key for it breaks and eliminates the dirt we have polluted the earth with. Separation was never ever part of us: love is.

  6. As am I, it is one thing to know a way of living to be true and quite another to make the commitment to actually live what one knows to be true. In today’s world it takes a willingness to let go of everything you thought was right and correct and to allow what is truth to be moved, lived, felt and shared in ones body.

  7. When truth is so simple and so obvious, could it be that some find it too embarrassing to accept it because of all the detours of complexities they have invested in in the field of so called scientific research and religious and philosophical discussion? And when the interest is actually in everyone equally, how can they possibly get their investment returned solely in their own favour to put them in a position of superiority? I guess some people would not like that.

  8. ‘The presentations have simply confirmed what I already know to be true, and have allowed me to make choices which support the truth I know.’ Serge Benhayon presents what I consider to be absolute common sense, I too have stopped eating gluten, drinking coffee and alcohol, as a result I feel much lighter, I no longer mask the feeling of being tired, and I am fully aware of what I do, the choices I make are through my own discernment.

  9. Being presented with a simple way of living, one that is deeply caring for oneself and all others can be deeply inspiring and indeed for some deeply challenging; so why not be honest about that? Rather than denigrate how others may live, why not state it’s not for you and you may even find it disturbing, at the very least. There is something deeply manipulative when someone presents falsehoods as facts as a way to totally rubbish someone they do not agree with, and as a journalist this is an abuse of the power that media can wield, and shows the corruption of our media and indeed what all of us have allowed in this. It’s time we truly held our media to account and asked that they presented facts rather than their current diet of biased agendas and untruths.

  10. I couldn’t agree more with what you say here, Angela. I’m attending since some years to Universal Medicine workshops too and not only I haven’t ever been told what to do in/with my life, but I have been really inspired to live my life in a growing self-loving way. Inspiration never comes with imposition, but with the reflection that may ignite the individual to freely choose to explore the same from within their unique features.

  11. Lies can not sweep away the truth, only try and linger it.. The key with the media spreading lies is that they try to obscure that which Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is bringing to our world — that carries the core strength of change. As we know, we live in a world where we have two energy sources: love and evil. As presented by Serge Benhayon, – “For every force there is an equal and opposite force” – and so, when truth is expressed forwards, of course evil will seek its way to entertain and mislead mankind away from it. But it only takes the willingness of one person to see right through the lies. Truth is always there for those who choose to see it.

  12. In-form derives from the Latin informare “to train, instruct, educate; shape, give form to”. So, let’s not be naïve regarding what journalists are doing regarding Universal Medicine when in the name of in-formation, the public get mis-informed.

  13. It seems to me that the first question an investigative journalist – or editor – asks themselves is not ‘what is the truth of this matter’ but ‘what will stimulate the most reaction’. The truth is relegated to a very poor second – which is a great shame because the truth is something that we all need and will transform humanity. Equally of course, the ‘readership’ or ‘viewership’ has a question to ask itself too. ‘Do I want to know the truth or to be entertained and stimulated?’. The demand is probably a bigger issue than the supply.

  14. I haven’t watched TV for a while because I have way more purposeful things to do with my time, like developing businesses, contributing to community events, editing women’s health blogs and enjoying the connection of my family – 4 years ago I wouldn’t have said this and my re-connection to purpose is very much to do with what Universal Medicine presents.

    1. I feel more and more people will turn off their TV’s because it will become evident that what is presented is not truly informative and ‘nourishing’…any more than fast food is.

  15. These days you could hardly call ACA a place for the truth to be told and in fact I don’t and haven’t watched it for years. It doesn’t let them off the hook with what they do to people in the way they report things. It’s all ratings based as that’s where the money is and so stories aren’t viewed or edited in a way to bring out a balanced true report, they are targeted in a way to bring the most hits, but we all know this. It’s great to see people writing directly to them if they are seeing something that is far from the truth of what it actually is. I am not sure they will take any notice but letters like this consistently will slowly wake someone up within there. At the forefront of every story and of everything should always be people and when the focus is on anything else then there will always be someone misrepresented.

  16. For everyone who seeks to join a cult or would like Universal Medicine to be one, you will be very disappointed. Universal Medicine is actually the antithesis to a cult on every level.

  17. It is as rare as it is gorgeous to be met with no judgment or criticism for any choices you have made and only ever be met consistently with love and respect. We could all learn enormously from this way of treating people, the world would be in a substantially better place.

  18. Angela beautifully put, from the presentation by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have changed many of my own choices, not by persuasion, but simply because what was presented made me simply look at my own life and through the choices I have now made I am much healthier and my contribution and commitment to life is very rewarding.

  19. Let’s face it, journalists know that it is extremely difficult to be able to counter what they write. Leaving aside credibility matters, the public does not have the same space in a publication to offer a different version if what is presented is not true. And this, the journalists know. So, they have the upper hand. When they misuse the power they have over people who decide not to discern what is true and what is not, there is assured damage. They know it and they go for it.

  20. “The truth is – whatever Serge and Universal Medicine – have presented (and continue to present) is what I know to be truth already.” Could it be possible we have swayed so far away from truth we have given up on it and don’t know it when it is staring us in the face.

  21. It is simple… there is no cult, no guru and no self-serving megalomaniac heading Universal Medicine. Unfortunately the truth does not sell sensational newspaper stories however, and so it remains to be discovered by those willing to see beyond the scurrilous lies and fabrications.

  22. As I am now 12 years attending Universal Medicine Courses I can say: you can try to make it a cult and try to give Serge Benhayon the position of your guru – but it does not work at the end. It does not work because Universal Medicine, the courses, retreats and all what it supports does encourage you to take responsibility; to connect back to your knowing and use it wisely for the best for all. If you give up on yourself completely – you are lost, because nobody will take what you offer here. You are supported in to be yourself and serve the community – not to give up on you and become a blind follower. In fact I am encouraged to step up, be and express the woman I am in full and so reflect to the world the true beauty and sacredness which lies in every women body. This does shake the world, every single ‘own’ world of those who like to stay with ‘how it is’ and they will rebel against this new trend. But the seeds are set and they are growing and flourishing – no matter what is written in any paper. They can delay the truth to become more available for all – but they can not stop it.

  23. Whenever I go to my doctor (which I used to avoid pre Universal Medicine) she is always please with my overall health, blood tests and the choices I make in regards to my diet and exercise. So given that my doctor would know what the current illness and disease figures are it would make sense that she would be delighted with a patient who is taking responsibility for their health. It’s a pity that sections of the media choose not to see this same thing, But I suppose they don’t see the everyday effects of our everyday choices like my doctor would do – even though it would be in their face everyday.

  24. The media have mastered taking part of the truth away from the whole, which makes it a lie, and presenting this to whoever will listen with a blatant intention to create emotion and a sensationalist response. There is no regard for people in this and certainly no representation of anyone but themselves, for telling a story based on lies is all about their own gain.

  25. Well here’s one man! And there’s no secret that women at large are more prone to talk about their issues and more open to change but we men are catching up just so you know : )

  26. Does the media ever really admit when it has made up or re-interpreted information to deliberately misinform the public? It doesn’t seem so, when they have been given the true facts by so many and yet have not retracted one word. When will the day come when the media will be truly held accountable for not abiding by its own code of practice?

  27. Thank you for your expression Angela, awesome article. The levels of deceit and corruption in the media are to such an extent that the whole industry will surely suffer with their own lack of integrity and continuing bias – people are disillusioned and have had enough – will a true investigative journalist please stand up.

  28. It is deeply disappointing to read the level of mis-truth and shocking misrepresentation that the media has portrayed about Universal Medicine… however the rot sadly runs much deeper than just this airing, for it is one we have allowed to fester through our silence to the point that the media feels they are entitled to say whatever they like for a good story, whether it is based on facts or not. The world needs to stand up and speak out if we ever want to receive the truth we deserve through the media.

  29. The media have missed out on the very thing that everyone craves the most, that love that is within each and every one of us. But true to consistency as I have known and observed Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have carried on regardless. The more these words are written the stronger the foundation becomes in that people are asking for the truth to be published in the media, all forms of it, and not just the sensational lies that entertain for five seconds.

  30. Even in the face of these horrible lies put forth by A Current Affair and other media Serge Benhayon has not shed one iota of his commitment to love and integrity, in fact he just keeps powering along because of his devotion to humanity, the truth, and serving all equally. Wow, if only the media had that as their intention and foundation!

  31. Beautifully said Angela, the portrayal of women in the ACA interview was appalling. We were made out to be ‘brainwashed, vulnerable and unable to make decisions for ourselves’ – nothing could be further from the truth and yet ACA wanted to run a story that denigrated women in this way. And never mentioned the fact that women whose marriages broke up were for good reason and because of domestic violence in many cases. Of course this truth was cast aside in favour of a sensationalist story of women hooked by a ‘cult’ – such a disgrace to report such lies and miss the opportunity to truly report on the benefits of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon’s extraordinary commitment to people’s health and well being worldwide.

  32. A beautiful expression of truth Angela, thank you for sharing and exposing the truth for all to see. Deeply inspiring.

  33. There is no innocence behind publicly dubbing an organisation to be a cult. This is a kind of accusation that once made, it will always be there. As a journalist, before launching any kind of accusation that could really ruin someone’s reputation, I would make absolutely sure without a blink of doubt that it is true. What if the press was grossly used by someone running a personal agenda against Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that found the way to damage it by claiming it is a cult, and a dangerous one? Unfortunately, what I am asking is just the truth.

    1. It’s a good point Eduardo, if A Current Affair had falsely claimed someone was a rapist or murderer they would be facing a court case. Why is the derogative and slanderous word cult or “cult leader” used with impunity? What’s also interesting is there are many spiritual and religious groups, some quite wild and whacky, some extremely dangerous, yet none of these were targeted. It’s quite extreme the slanderous stories about Serge Benhayon when he is simply talking about self care and lifestyle choices and taking responsibility for ourselves. Considering what’s out there, what Serge has to say is very sensible. I don’t feel the media is interested in the truth at all any more. It’s all angles and sensationalism.

  34. Thank you Angela for sharing your much needed letter, you are right if the story had been investigated first there would be no sensational story rather a true to life story that would re-imprint the normal as a world full of miracles and a willingness to stand in truth and the love we are.

  35. Serge Benhayon really does present a way of living that IS about Love, something I have never come across before with anyone presenting and offering healing courses. As I always say, he IS the real deal.

  36. I am also deeply grateful to Serge Benhayon and Uni Med practitioners for the guidance and support that they display.

  37. No other organisation in the world, that I have come across, offers healing at this level. Healing that is based on taking care of ourselves and all others – not from benevolence – but real, practical open hearted care where hundreds of people have literally transformed their lives and reversed illnesses through changing the way that they live. My personal experience is that there’s no magic potions with Universal Medicine, but real ways that we can make lifestyle changes (as Angela) has described, if we feel that it resonates with us. If anyone doesn’t relate to what’s said there’s no condemnation, criticism or judgement from Universal Medicine practitioners or Serge Benhayon as EVERYONE is allowed the space to choose what’s right for them.

  38. Thank you Angela. Never before have I come across an organisation (Universal Medicine) that encourages you to deeply love yourself and all others and take loving care. There are many men as well as women listening to Universal Medicine presentations and attending events and making lifestyle changes. Changes that are truly transforming their health and well-being and making a difference in all aspects of their lives. This is the true story worth reporting on.

  39. We can’t change the way the media is and how it chooses sensationalism over truth to get ratings and make money, but we can offer alternatives. Bring on “Natalie with Love” and any other media expression of truth and love.

  40. Thanks Angela for your time to write a response so that others have the opportunity to hear the truth of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. What you have described as your experience of Universal Medicine is also my experience. This is the true story and should be the story that is reported upon – people choosing to live a way that honours and supports them, in turn they are healthier with more vibrancy than ever before.

  41. Angela the way of living that you have described will one day be lived by all. There can be as much resistance and as much stalling as people like, but ultimately every one of us will be living with self love at the core of our lives and love itself as the fabric of life.

  42. Angela the lack of care or will to report facts and truth by the current culture of journalism is something that has to stop. The complete abuse of power that was shown by a current affair is one example of this. As thousands will testify Serge Benhayon does not tell you what to do, nor are you held in some captive congregation – there is simply a deep inspiration from someone that truly loves humanity and who lives this daily – something very rare to find and very special when you do.

  43. “I have simply been offered, and only ever by example, a way of living that supports me to listen to and connect to my body – a way of living that allows me to take more care of, and nurture myself.” Hear, hear Angela, I agree wholeheartedly.

  44. Thank you Angela, I agree it is up to each individual’s free will to make our own choices, this Is what Serge Benhayon presents. How can the media get so distracted by lies?

  45. I find it interesting that the media says it is there to serve the community, to keep the community informed of what’s going on, but is this honestly the case. Here we have a media source bashing a community group for their own gain, for better ratings, for sensationalism. Need I say more?

  46. On the matter of more women than men it would only be fair to say that whatever courses, workshops, sessions… that offer new possibilities to form a lifestyle that is more sensitive, caring, questioning the norm, deepening relationships, naturopathic, etc women are always the majority or first to check it out. It doesn´t need a “charismatic” man to lure them, they are simply closer to knowing that something is missing and usually more willing than men to wend their way.

  47. Awesome article Angela, I really enjoyed and appreciated its truth. I love how you say ‘Is it not therefore possible that the way of living being presented here is too simple for many of us to accept and embrace, and yet it is one which deep down, all of us are looking for?’ Now that is a fact worth publishing. What a pity for everyone that the media with its present bias and poorly regulated level of journalistic integrity cannot feel and accept this same truth.

  48. “ marks a dis-service not only to and against those being reported on, but to the wider community and public who are largely relying on such pieces of reporting to represent honest investigative journalism.” I feel this sums it up beautifully, Angela. There has obviously been no consideration for the people being lied about, but those reading these lies are also harmed by the purposely sensationalised mis-truths.

  49. A great letter Angela to call to account the media and the lies that some journalists choose to spread instead of reporting the truth. As you say “Is it not therefore possible that the way of living being presented here is too simple for many of us to accept and embrace, and yet it is one which deep down, all of us are looking for?” that’s all it boils down to. No cults, no crazy blind followers simply a presentation of a way of living that is inline with your own body, which will be different for each person.

  50. It becomes more and more apparent what lies and sensationalism are behind what journalists write and present. Thank you for exposing the corruption here Angela and for presenting the truth as it actually is.
    Yes, it is possible, ‘that the way of living being presented here is too simple for many of us to accept and embrace, and yet it is one which deep down, all of us are looking for? And is it just not possible, that the true way of living begins with self-love and care, and listening to our bodies?’ Yes, definitely.

  51. Yes I also watched the clever editing, usage of tone of voice and quip one-liners or commentary in which to further corroborate the (false) allegations made in the press.
    I agree with you Angela, it also taints not just Serge and UniMed practitioners, but all of us who are associated and what we feel to be our truth. In this way it is a total mis-representation as you clearly expose.

  52. ACA appeared to have a set agenda to defame and denigrate not only Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine but women in general. This was ‘tabloid’ style journalism at it worst. ‘Anything goes’ when it comes to raking in the viewing figures so the truth and a balanced point of view fly out the window. Relationships break down all the time, it is a fact of life, but what about all the countless relationships that have been helped by what Serge and Universal Medicine offer? Hmm, I guess that doesn’t make for such interesting reporting.

    1. It is rather sad, that relationship break up stories sell just as well as love stories, but it is these stories and especially the fluctuation people go through that confirms people in their own inconsistency in life.

  53. Dean, you have a very good point there, it’s all very well feeling that this portrayal is unjust, but in fact it is us, as a (global) population, that allows others to get away with this kind of behaviour by not speaking up when something is not right – even when it is not affecting us directly.

  54. It’s quite ridiculous how ACA and other journalists, in their thirst and desperate need to juice up the sensationalism of their story, so it sells, have taken the “majority woman” part and run with it.

    Over the last 15 years I’ve attended countless self-development and healing workshops of which only the last 2 years have been with Universal Medicine and its very much common place for there to be more woman at such events which makes the media hype about the “majority woman” in Universal Medicine a moot point. From what I’ve observed during those years and as Zoe points out above is the fact woman are generally more open and willing to uncover the false and unloving ways of living and thereby lead the way AND their partners when it comes to matters of health and wellbeing. Simple as that.

    Investigating the deeper truths behind why woman are leading the way in taking responsibility for their life and state of wellbeing would be a far greater journalistic service to the public than the manipulated and regurgitated emotionally based mis-truths that they’re currently peddling the public.

  55. ACA (A Current Affair) is one of those established main stream TV shows, watched by millions of Australians, and I have watched it hundreds of times, that has been getting away with sensationalist, emotional based reporting that skews the truth for many, many years now. But I see their success as a reflection that we as a nation of people are generally unwilling to speak out against what is not right (unless of course it directly affects our lives and our comforts in which case we become like rabid Bull Terriers).

  56. Angela,
    Well written, and it feels great how you can express this openly and directly to ACA with such clarity. Your words would echo those of many others, myself included, especilly about how it is our free will to make these loving choices to better support ourselves.
    Thank you.

  57. Angela, I too watched on in disbelief at how truth can be so totally transformed into mis-truth, half truth and false information at the editing (of words and image) and composition stage of a film. I noticed how context plays a huge role in representation and perception of truth and, to be blunt, how low this piece was willing to stoop to get a story/attract viewers/promote themselves.

  58. Thank you Angela – well expressed. Yes ‘people going to be bed early’ is hardly a headline winning title for a programme! I know celebrities always say the press write rubbish and untruths and we think yes that’s prob true to some extent but a bit of us thinks some of the story will be true……now I know the press can just write rubbish, lies and mistruths for no other reason than to sell a paper – certainly got nothing to do with telling the actual truth!

    1. So true Eunice I used to be quite gullible and read the celebrity magazines, somehow believing the stories are true, but I stopped reading them as it is such a waste of time to read stories that are either made up by the press or by the PR of the celebrity, just for the sake of selling magazines and for celebrities to be famous.

  59. I agree with Angela it is true if ACA investigated deeply into Universal Medicine they may find that there is no story to fit their genre of journalism. It is also interesting to note that more women go to the GP / Doctor / medical professionals then men and it usually the women partners of men that support them in looking at their health and motivate them to do something about it.

    1. Hi Zoe, totally agree If ACA investigate deeply into Universal Medicine they would find the story was very different, a real scoop in fact, how the root cause of ill health can be understood and loving changes made to support themselves alongside of western medicine.

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