In the company of Women

by Jinya, UK

The Internet seems to be growing limitlessly. With this has come the explosion in the use of images, and especially the proliferation of the female image in many forms. The Internet  being a largely unregulated platform, has become a breeding ground for the quick sell disposable images of women. Highly sexualised imagery has become the accepted norm; the Internet has been instrumental in spreading this denigration of women across the whole media in general. Magazines for the top shelf have existed for a long time, but in recent years the distinction between the age-restricted porn, the ‘lads mags’ and other trashy ‘coffee table’ media has become less defined. It’s all the same offensive rubbish, coloured differently.

The judgment of women based upon their outward appearance is a deeply rooted behaviour. And on this false foundation, the sexualisation of women has become so ‘normal’ and so accepted by our collective psyche that it carries on with no regard as just another facet of life in the 21st century. It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’. They have learned to play ball with this as their point of existence, rather than truly live from their quality. The media has gone berserk without once stopping to consider – is anyone being hurt by this use of another human being?

Women are being hurt by this. I know because I see it everywhere, and most women have come to accept it as their preordained fate. I work in a male dominated industry where I see the denigration of women happening every day. However, I am also fortunate to know women who are living in contra to this abusive way: they are women who are no longer accepting such awful treatment in their lives. They inspire by standing up for what is true and reminding us that we (women and men) are much greater than this.

So what happened? How did we get to a point where it is commonplace for women to be maligned and abused in the media, their workplace, at home or anywhere, and to be judged to be ‘less than’ the impossible ideals that have been set for/by them – all at the same time? This abuse is constant…  there is no letup.

How did we get from the natural feminine grace that women exuded only 50 or so years ago, to this point where they are lauded for being rushed off their feet trying to meet the demands of being a 24/7 mum, a career woman, a good daughter, a loyal friend, a loving wife; a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron? This is what we have come to accept and expect as ‘normal’ (slightly caricatured but true): this ‘normal’ is indeed very strange. No wonder caffeine is the second highest selling substance in the world, and alcohol and drugs are very much relied upon to unwind at the end of the day.

What is going on when men need women to be this way? What’s going on when women need to be this way for society to consider them equal to men?

I have always appreciated the beauty and sexiness of women, but until recently I had always put those qualities before who they truly are – underneath their skin. I have always loved women and being in the company of them, but I have to be honest and say that the ‘love’ (or need) I have felt was measured against what women could do for me. Women have been a source of affection, companionship, distraction, amusement, fun, mental/physical turn-on, infatuation, lust, sympathy, empathy, guidance, appreciation, admiration, inspiration, recognition, acceptance and approval. This might sound like a fairly innocent list on one level, but what I wasn’t being honest about was that I was seeking them from a need that grew out of a consistent dissatisfaction with myself and my choices. Without judgment, I can say that I had been used to being very self-orientated – with little or no love for myself. The distraction from, and the numbing of, my emptiness was my barometer of what my ideal ‘love’ looked like.

Before I started to deal with my hurts, I was going through life hurting and blaming others. It’s an ongoing development, but I have realised that what really hurts me is not allowing myself to be tender, and looking outside of me for fulfilment. The abuse of women is there because of the hurts that men carry around beneath their tough exteriors. Women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer – likewise, men have to start listening and changing. As it has for aeons, the cycle of hurt goes around; being passed from men to women, women to men, men to men and women to women like a never-ending doubles tennis match… wearing wooden clogs instead of Nikes. Something has to give!

Is it possible that true equality is not so much about women achieving the same status as men in society by ‘beating them at their own game’, but more about men dealing with our hurts and letting go of ideals and beliefs so that we would not need a woman to be anything other than her already glorious self? We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life. Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.

Hurts would stop going round and round.
The world would become very still.
That would be true equality.
Maybe even harmony.

746 thoughts on “In the company of Women

  1. I’ve come to learn that if I experience a moment of feeling disrespected, ignored, rejected, abused etc., the bottom line is at some point or currently I have/am doing the same to myself. Address that and I will never allow it from another. No one is a victim in life, we all have had a role in everything we experience in life.

  2. The way the media treat women is horrendous, what is very evil is that it’s done in a way over time that we are now so accustomed to we turn a blind eye.

  3. “Before I started to deal with my hurts, I was going through life hurting and blaming others” Ah that old chestnut! yes I am sure we all know this one well, you hit the nail on the head Jinya, if we don’t deal with our hurts we will be forever blaming others.

  4. Whilst I am not condoning any form of sexism, as women we have to take the ultimate responsibility for how we are treated. We are treated this way because we have allowed it by seeing and believing ourselves to be lesser. By connecting back to our essence we become empowered and in this empowerment we have that ability to show both men and other women the falseness of what we have aligned to.

  5. “What is going on when men need women to be this way? What’s going on when women need to be this way for society to consider them equal to men?” – these are the questions that require and deserve deep honesty if true change is what we are after. How do we know how else to be other than our natural innate way? Unless of course we are being driven by the ultimate negation towards the essence of who we truly are.

  6. I appreciate having role models like Natalie Benhayon and many other women today who live their power on a daily basis. This is not because they have accumulated wealth, achievements or have a succesful career but by their connection with themselves, the honouring of who they are, the way they live and the beauty they share is something that inspires me so much.

  7. Finding a woman who moves completely free of any ideal, belief, image or expectation is really inspiring, nurturing and makes me see that this is the way of being we all deserve.

  8. As a woman I’m becoming more aware about the huge self-demand and expectations I’ve placed on to myself and how conditioned I was during the most part of my life. Feeling inadequate, not good enough brought me to seek relationships that wouldn’t have to be in the first place and at the end resulted not as fulfilling as I expected. Today healing my hurts and taking the responsibility about the abuse I’ve allowed with myself is a choice that truly empowers and makes me see what true equality is about.

  9. ‘a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron?’ Love this line, it’s so apt. And it’s great to call out that there’s an underlying critique of women when they don’t fulfill this perfect picture of beauty, health and excellence in all that they put their hand to.

    1. The way we live as women and energetic truth of who we are as women are poles apart, but it doesn’t have to be a huge traverse to get across. In a moment we can connect to that essence, the learning (and journey across) is how to stay connected and live in a way where the balance is tipped.

  10. When the focus of supply and demand changes to us all demanding to be met for who we truly are then the supply of denigrating material will have no market.

    1. I love the wisdom of what you share, Mary… no demand – cuts off the supply. We simply need to understand what it is that we are truly missing so that we don’t seek anything that lessens us.

      1. When we can appreciate who we truly are the qualities we have outshine any outer picture or ideal. If we can collectively do this gone will be the filters we use to measure each other up and in its place a deeper awareness in the acceptance of everything we reflect to others and they to us.

  11. When we don’t impose on others our needs but live beholding of ourselves and one another then we can truly appreciate ourselves and each other.

    1. There is no way we could have girlfriends if we don’t have appreciation for ourselves, what we can have are relationships based on who’s thinner & has better hair but never an intimate, open and loving relationship.

  12. Both men and women are born into a world that from the first moment places them in little boxes of beliefs, as to how they are expected to grow up. Blue for boys and pink for girls, is the first box, and many other soon follow; boys expected to harden up as they age and girls expected to look a certain beautiful way. So, it makes sense that when men and women come together, relationships often suffer as neither of them are living as their true selves, but as their societally determined, false counterpart.

  13. True attractiveness comes from the spark and self acceptance/ appreciation from within. It does not matter having the perfect size or eye colour. We feel and respond to what we feel way more than what we see, as we are all vehicles of expression of energy- it is a lie and a great reductionism if we treat each other as superficial objects and make it about looks, instead of energy.

  14. The media we currently have is just a reflection of how far we have strayed from men and women living in truly loving equality, not with women fighting to outperform men but with both genders fulfilling their innate purpose to live from love and express it to all in whatever shape that takes without pictures of an outcome.

  15. And what does it say about men’s view of women and women’s view of themselves and each other?

    1. We are ingrained in our perception as being only physical. Living disconnected to our much higher greatness as energetic beings develops an instant hurt in us. As we don´t want to feel that hurt and having only a few true reflections in this world that we are so much more, we try to fill that gap with desire and mere physical excitement. Leaving us even more empty as we were. Only through renouncing the lies that play out in this world that keeps us as living robots, something like porn will be reduced and acknowledged as pure poison to our sensitive beings that only search for true intimacy.

  16. Women have so much to bring but not in the way they have allowed themselves to be fashioned into.

  17. There is a gap for women to claim themselves for who they are not what they do. This is so evident to me and such an opportunity for us to live in a different way.

  18. Expression is so valuable in this situation, expression where it does not only mean the use of words but to be ourselves in every move we make, every eye contact and every touch. This is what is repressed, and this is what is to be brought to the fore because through that a steadiness is built and no disrespectful comment or stare can bring a woman down who has this settlement in her own body.

  19. Women and Gentle-men living from their essences is what we as a society are actually searching for but in living in that re-connection as is presented in The Way of The Livingness we need to take Responsibility and live with a Deep-Humble Appreciative-Ness of our Sacredness.

  20. Ahhh my whole body relaxes at the thought of more harmony, stillness and truth where we drop the incessant drive for solutions.

  21. “Hurts would stop going round and round…The world would become very still….That would be true equality. Maybe even harmony.”
    Now this is one world I would really want to live in and would absolutely appreciate every single day. Is it possible? Yes, it is. It all begins with making different, deeply loving choices, not just for ourselves, but for all.

  22. I think in many ways women have created this situation for themselves, if we don’t hold ourselves as precious and if we don’t consider ourselves as beautiful and if we don’t take care of ourselves and never disregard ourselves – are we not asking the same from the world around us?

  23. There is a lot to say on this subject – and for me, I would start with, why do women feel they need to be something they are not? It’s not even a matter of being more than who they are, because who they are is greater and more grand and gorgeous than they could ever imagine. So, from a woman’s perspective, we are not trying to be more but actually being FAR LESS then the beauty we are all within.

    1. Being someone we are not takes up a whole lot of energy. Energy that plays out with deeper levels of disregard in the body that we often ignore but are impacting ourselves and others greatly.

  24. We are always far more then our skin colour, our nationality or our gender – we are multidimensional – and when we realise this we have no more need for any equality law – we just know we are all one and the same unique expressions of God.

  25. True essence of women comes with an invitation and lets us know the way of our world is not it. Having invested thousands of life times creating and maneuvering, trying to prove we are as good as god, I don’t think many of us want to hear that, even though we have had our inkling. There’s nothing to prove. We are god.

  26. When there is no imposition we can be ourselves. When we are ourselves there is no imposition as what is within us does not impose. When we allow the imposition in from the outside is when we crush ourselves. And it is the now inner imposition that seeks to falsely defend and protect itself, all the while allowing more imposition in.

    1. Well said Leigh. And for me, that imposition is there waiting for each child from the moment they are born, and continue to be placed on them as they grow; the impositions are endless, imprisoning who each child naturally is. And the only way to counter these impositions is to honour our children as the amazing beings they are and to support them to hold and expand this awareness as they grow into the adults of the future.

  27. Until you lay it out like that you don’t realise the extent of the games we have all played for way too long. To look behind the masks, to stop playing the games, to let each other in and, quite simply, be ourselves. Yes, that would be a harmonious world.

  28. I love how you call out the abuse from the media but it equally needs to be looked at, why women allow this abuse. You are not a victim of something if you but allow it to happen. Where is the disempowerment of women in the first place?!

  29. Yes, in fact everything on this plane of life is designed to crush our sacredness. It needs a deep commitment to re-connecting to the greatest source available- sacredness. The movement of the universe in human physicality.

  30. Jinya, your honesty is a great inspiration for many men to consider how they interact with women. Absolute honesty is the first step to change anything in life and it is great you are pointing out, that work and healing needs to be done first in yourself to then heal a relationship between two or more people. Imagine everyone would live that kind of responsibility?!

    1. Absolutely it is only when we heal the relationship with ourselves that we can approach others without need whether men or women.

      1. We are not here to use each other to stay in comfort and retreat but to evolve each other. We are each others gateways to heaven. This is though only possible, when we let go of our hurts and step into our power of reflecting a true way. The way of always supporting another to become more.

  31. Question that comes up for me- were women truly exuding grace 50 years ago or has that not already been also a version of being truly graceful and in their power? I agree, that it gets more and more extreme, but if there would have been a true foundation and livingness in women, we would not be at this point right now in our society.

  32. “We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life.” That we do and equally the true essence of men in expression, and that is something that we all hold equal responsibility for in the way that we live our lives first and foremost.

  33. When our perception and need for love comes from an emptiness it is insatiable and can never be fulfilled.

  34. This is such a beautiful self-reflection Jinya, if we all allowed ourselves to be so honest and open with ourselves the world would be rapidly becoming a different place. We all deserve deep love and care and it is for each of us to learn to bring it to ourselves and be it equally with everybody else.

  35. This is a great opening point Jinya – the sexualised images of women usually found on the top shelf men’s magazines are now available in the easy to reach domain of the Internet (from the comfort of your own home) and accessible to all, even children, at the click of a button if the appropriate measures (net nanny) etc. are not put into place. We have normalised this abuse and in doing so we have allowed the true essence of a woman to be pushed underground so that women do not feel safe to express this in the world because they are so caught up in trying to live up to who they should be and what they should look, speak and act like according to society’s ideals and not according to any truth within their own bodies.

    And your closing point is spot on in that it is only when women live from their true and most sacred essence, will the men be able to surrender their protection and layers upon layers of hardness and express all that delicious delicateness and tenderness that lives and breathes within them.

    So we can see here how this situation is a complete set-up – by women not living their sacredness, men are deprived of expressing their own innate divinity also.

    1. I didn’t realise how clever the set up was because it is like a stand-off with no-one wanting to be the first to blink. Well, it has to stop so let’s be bold and surrender to who we are, getting to knwo what it feels like to be fragile, tender and delicate and see what magic happens.

    2. The changes are indeed remarkable but are at this stage small and from the few who have chosen to live in a way that honours their true essence, thereby not giving voice to all that seeks to drown out such expression. However, by reflection of these few, the many are also offered the opportunity to arise back to the one and same truth that lives within us all.

  36. There’s such a deep respect and love for all women and men that you offer here Jinya, thank you, it’s beautiful to read.

  37. True equality is also about women dealing with their hurts around men and allowing themselves to live their preciousness and sacredness alongside men.

  38. Women and Men are as deeply delicate and as tender as each other. The fact that this is not the lived experience of many shows how far we are living from our true essene

    1. And no wonder, everything there after is destructive and simply false. Are we really looking at the root cause in society or are we trying to find solutions which will lessen the appearance of the problem maybe but never truly renounce the grand separation we are living in.

  39. We have existed in pictures of who we are, instead of living from our heart. The frames and borders of these false art pieces cut in and restrict our true essence from being seen. The sooner we stop giving these constrictions credence the better for everyone alive. Thanks Jinya for pointing out the illusion and lies.

  40. I was with a group of women recently and observed how beautiful it is to be with women who are learning to let go of the automatic tendency to compare themselves to other women. This allows the natural beauty in a woman to shine through as well as their ability to nurture and support others.

    1. Comparison is pure poison. Whenever I go into it, I can feel how much I reject everything I am in that moment. How can you ever compare yourself with someone else ? Knowing that we all lived more than 2300 lives? Looking at this fact it is more than ridiculous, as it is impossible to compare yourself with another one’s lived lives.

  41. A woman who lives and moves in Sacredness is such a powerful reflection we need to see in society, it totally dissolves any hurt and brings understanding and a deep wisdom that everyone can feel.

  42. I would also say Jinya that when we women also deal with our hurts we naturally as part of that process bring out the beauty, sexiness and sacredness that we had tried so hard to hide. And in turn claim back what we gave away and what facilitated the vicious denigrating cycle.

  43. This blog really exposes one of the reasons as to why men are content to allow women to move in such a way. It provides comfort for them and asks nothing of their evolution. When a woman stands in her true beauty and sacredness a man is asked to stand in his true tenderness and sacredness, now wouldn’t that revolutionise the world.

  44. I spent many years of my life in fear of men after a few scary situations, but now see that through my own deepening awareness and connection with myself I have uncovered much more about who I am and have also deepened my love and appreciation for men equally so. When we first look at our own behaviours and or ways of being in the world we see how this outwardly affects the whole. To let go of things in our lives that are not from love we can then open up with honesty to more of who we are and in essence return to the sacredness of us all.

  45. I love your honesty here and this would be a pretty awesome normal ‘when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’.’ I feel here as well as all (women and men) looking at our hurts we also need to look at what we have tolerated, demanded, supplied, ignored and accepted as there is a whole host of things to heal here.

    1. I agree Nicola, a very valid point which just goes to show how we are still very much going the wrong way.

  46. A very needed sharing Jinya, how all of us if we do not address our hurts, add to the merry go-round of those hurts and in fact perpetuate being less than who we are, and this is the abuse we see all around, the gross abuse is obvious, but the subtle is far more wide spread and in the end it’s all abuse. So it’s to deal with those hurts we have and feel and watch how we become more who are and meeting others in that space is automatically less about need and imposition and more about the joy of connecting with another.

  47. Navigate life from what you feel and you will not dwell on gender but become a great appreciator of energetic quality. It’s this we should prize, not body parts. Thank you Jinya for speaking out on this key topic.

    1. I agree Roslyn, I have read this blog a few times already and every time I read it again I learn something new.

  48. This is a hugely significant point you make, Jiinya, that men’s abuse of women arises from a denial of our unresolved hurts, it changes the whole dynamics and focus to address the situation and it is so true.

  49. One of the greatest hurts imposed on the man is the woman not being the woman. We hurt one another more than we let ourselves be aware of, by shutting down our true qualities and not bringing the beauty and preciousness every woman holds within her and the care and delicateness every man has within him. And hence we perpetuate the war of the sexes, the war within ourselves and the war that takes place in our lives – subtle wars we don’t see and the much bigger ones we can’t deny. ‘

  50. ‘We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life.’ Absolutely and when women are in their essence men are able to honour their own inner tenderness and express from that tenderness which honours everyone around them.

  51. Jinya what you outline here is the game that is being played for women to feel they have to be something they are not in order to get ahead. When true evolution is the journey of us coming back to who we truly are – which is a contrast to what the world sets up women to be.

  52. I have been looking recently at what is normal in society and what is my normal, and I’m coming to the conclusion that there is no normal. What i do on a daily routine is my normal but it changes as I change. It will be lovely when we all drop the judgements, and connect to our essence, men and women as our normal daily rhythm.

  53. As you say Jinya the cycle of hurt has been going around for aeons and we each and everyone can be a link in breaking it.

  54. Thank you Jinya for this honest account from a man’s perspective about the way women are viewed. From a woman’s point of view I would add that we accept these images of women as a means of playing ‘less’ in the sense that we fixate on an ideal we then devote out lives to ‘achieving’ because we are yet to acknowledge, accept, appreciate and live the sacredness that lives deep in the heart of every woman in the world, no matter her positioning, religion, race or creed. It is a game of playing small so we do not have the responsibility that comes with playing it BIG.

  55. The saddest part of this all is the way I see women now pushing themselves to be something they truly are not. Performers, porn stars, provocateurs – all of it is so far away from their true strength and grace as you say Jinya. Yes they can change in themselves but we also need to pay attention to the possibility they are just responding to our demand. Are we truly willing to live with the true power, glory and delicacy true femaleness brings?

  56. Its a great point that only 50 year ago the grace of a woman was highly valued, but today that seems to be gone. I for one feel that women can claim back that grace as it is naturally part of who we are, and in that we set the standard for how we want to be treated.

    1. Grace is such a beautiful word and one that feels to have been less tarnished than most of our words. Yes let’s men and women claim back and value our natural grace and stop living disgracefully.

  57. Thank you for this writing Jinya , describing the play between man and woman as a doubles tennis game is very accurate , for someone some day will have to catch the ball and say the game is over and this writing contributes to that day.

  58. We women have accepted a lot that we know is not true and allowed significant downgrades in the quality in which we carry ourselves. This is a hard pill to swallow but we have actually allowed what has happened rather than standing firm and not letting society slide.

  59. If we think about this not as genders but as quality, how are we in regards to femininity? Are both women and men at home with stillness, sweetness, nurturing and grace? Or do we fight it each and every day? Do we accept this quality in ourselves? Are we we willing to sit in the company of God’s delicacy and care? For if not will we ever realise the true equality that is there? Thank you Jinya for highlighting for me the true imbalance we currently have – it’s not solely about our sex but all about our flavour and essence we are here to live.

  60. This article feels all the more powerful coming from a man. It encompasses everything that sadly goes on with both men and women, its honest and raw and beautiful. I think in a way, things have been snow balling to the point that I myself have become numb to what is considered “the norm”. These style of articles will go down in history, they are a big part of shaking and waking us up from what we have all allowed to be.

  61. As a woman in the past I was my greatest denigrator, I would put myself down, judge myself harshly based on my weight, compare myself to others and often turn in on myself. This then was also the type of treatment I received from others, in particular, from men. As I have started to change this within myself and appreciate and love myself more the quality of my relationships has also changed dramatically. We all have our part too play in what is normalised within society.

  62. Such a beautifully honest sharing this is, thank you, Jinya. We don’t realise how our own little hurts might have any correlation to what is out there in the world, but deep honesty like yours allows us to see our power/responsibility in all that is. And the objectification of women, the inequality between sexes … any so-called world’s problem in fact doesn’t seem to have any answer unless we make it our problem, something that we are personally, individually, contributing to – as that is precisely how it was created in the first place.

  63. Have you ever temporarily lost your sight? Or closed your eyes for a while like you do at night? Have you experienced how you respond to life completely differently? It’s like we are addicted to seeing life in a certain way, that blinds us and makes us numb to what is really going on. If you were to sit around women without your visual senses I wonder what you would feel, how would you sense the femininity and grace that is there? How would you describe the essence of them? So delicate, divine and nurturing at heart. You’re so right Jinya, when we are stuck with the literal, superficial way we see women we miss their true and absolute beauty.

  64. When we need anyone to be something for us we have totally disconnected from who they are as a person and turned that person into an “object/thing”. People are not “things” but glorious, divine beings.

  65. “Being a 24/7 mum, a career woman, a good daughter, a loyal friend, a loving wife; a veritable Swiss army knife of a person” how true is this statement, this is where women have landed, needing to be a swiss army knife of a person. We are used to being everything to everyone and then negating what it is we are here for.

  66. I have found by having more love and appreciation for myself I see and feel differently about women. As your list showed all the reasons in the past, can I say most men still use, is what we needed from women to be for us, is no longer required by myself, you and many other men? We now accept and respect women for the amazing persons they are and the love, tenderness they bring to the world.

  67. How far as a society have we gone that we see the outward appearance the marker of how we perceived a person to be? Judging a book by its cover is so harming as we are not choosing to see the innate qualities of togetherness and love that resides in us all.

  68. In all of this there is a need for us all to be another way, live another way and relate to each other in another way. The way we are going around and around isn’t supporting us. We are becoming sicker and unhappier as the time passes and we are seeing moving norm’s for us to think that we are all ok. The conversations need to go deeper and deeper at every meal table, what is going on? Why do honestly I feel this way and why am I chasing a never ending to do list. Life will often throw up more questions than answers but what if every question and answer had the same origin? The way we are living, the way we move ourselves around our world is bringing to us the life we have. Want to have things change or make a change? It will require us to make a different move and in that then you will have a different reflection or read of life.

  69. A beautiful blog to read and be inspired by Jinya; inspired to be a woman who lives in contra to abusive ways;
    “They inspire by standing up for what is true and reminding us that we (women and men) are much greater than this”.

  70. Their judgement of women and how we are portrayed in the media just doesn’t seem to abate, it is image after image showing women in uncompromising situations and they are just wrong in a lot of instances. Yet we as women keep buying these magazines and feeding the very hand that wants to bite us.

  71. Beautifully and tenderly expressed – after all, everybody gets harmed when we consider and treat each other as lesser, whether that be because of gender, skin colour, affiliations or any other so-called distinguishing characteristics.

  72. Women are taught from very young that they are judged worthy or not by their body. By how their body looks. As a society we teach them that in allowing the media, pornography, sexting and so on. When you stop and think about this for a moment, it is appalling.

  73. ‘Hurts would stop going round and round.’ Putting an end to that cycle would be a miracle in itself…and of course refers to men also. They would feel the reflection and realise they don’t need to play the role society has also formed for them. We really have lost our way, but the more we talk about it and bring attention to the reality of the situation, the more it will become too ridiculous to allow to continue.

  74. This is an incredible sharing Jinya! I appreciate what you have shared here and your honesty. Although there are no surprises I just love that you have been so open and have turned around your way of thinking of and treating women. Many can learn from reading your blog and be the richer for it both women and men. I thank you from all women.

  75. Aspiring to a world where the hurts of everyone stop going around and around playing out like a continuous ‘doubles tennis match’ which only serves to feed the unrest, the disharmony and exacerbate the hurts all the more is something we all need to collectively address and transform in today’s world.

  76. You illustrate so simply Jinya how we both, men and women are so far off from who we truly are. It’s a sad state of affairs when we define how we will be, based on the stereotypes we see – but there’s another way. In connecting to how we are in inside, we can learn to live, speak and move not in relation to ideals but what feels good.

  77. Just because women have got used to being treated harshly and abused, just because they don’t seem to mind does not mean it’s a true for men to carry on being so unkind. Why wait as you say Jinya for women to stand up and say ‘no’, when inside every fibre and cell we as men, already know, the way we currently are is not right and needs to change to be much more loving and light.

    1. That simple choice to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to what runs us that is driven from the outer is food for thought in our current climate. The rates are increasing in both directions – follow the trends or coming back to who we truly are as women.

  78. Women can offer us all the way forward in life, guide and nurture us to return to our inner light, inspire and inform us to care better for one and all. Like a fire that you find on a chilly night, why fight the fact that this is a super power that they can bring? As men we don’t need to compete for position but relinquish control and false power and surrender to our place as equally beautiful beings just with different powers inside. Thanks Jinya for this blog and what you write.

  79. The last couple of days I’ve been spending some time with some female friends of mine, and realising how I have compared myself to them, saying ‘oh women like to share and gossip with each other – that’s not for me’. I can see today the totally false way we can measure ourselves as men, based on what women do. What a sad state of affairs it is that we think we need to be the opposite way. Now I am imagining what the world would be like if guys like you and I Jinya openly sought each other out to share how we feel and what it seems our life is about. I suspect we would find we have so much that is there to share, and so much power to heal on offer too.

    1. Honouring one another by just allowing this simple expression speaks volumes of how we can strengthen our relationships with so many and building quality into our conversations.

  80. Hi Jinya, you say it so accurately how when we live life with a bundle of hurts we just leave space for more abuse to come through. Sadly the anger and dismissiveness usually ends up being directed at those closest to us. What a twisted way this is to be, to inflict difficulty on those most open to Loving us. It’s not what women or anyone deserve.

  81. How gorgeous this is to read Jinya, exposing the accepted denigration of women that is all too normal and familiar in everyday expression. A deeply healing blog. Thank you.

  82. Women are sexy and beautiful and it is there in us all it not something we need to do or be or an act,or a role. When we do that it becomes empty and void of the delicateness and the power that women have.

  83. Very beautiful Jinya, your honesty around why you have sought the company of women is very touching. It goes to show, the answer to society’s inequities amongst the sexes does not lie in men merely appreciating what it is women bring to their lives and respecting them for that, as you did. It lies in each person’s deep honesty of what it is that truly motivates them, and in so, reclaiming the fullness of who they, without the need for another to make them feel anything more than they already are.

  84. We bemoan the way women have been chaperoned into becoming more like men to achieve equality. But I feel the super important thing you share here Jinya, is that way beneath the gender wars lives a battle for our essence – and the divine true quality that both women and men bring. The stillness grace, true care, knowing, universal wisdom that is inside us – wow the world is so in need of this. So let us not settle for the stereotypes and tasks we do – let’s make our life all about quality and embracing what is true.

  85. “Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.’ this is so true, that at the heart of all men – no matter how tough or distorted they may appear – is this tenderness. We all have a part to play into why we have this state of play as our normal and as women can take responsibility for our part in going along with the normal expectation and losing touch with our sacredness so therefore will men be able to go back to living from their innate sacredness too.

  86. Thank you for your honest sharing of your relationship with women, it is much appreciated. I am a big fan of healing your hurts as if you don’t and leave them festering away (even buried deeply they still fester), they play out in all different ways (and mostly harming). Your blog is a great example of how they can play out from men to women and exposes the harming way it does that.

  87. Absolutely, we have a long way to go in the deep acceptance and understanding of each other – to allow and to support both men and women to express their true essence and divinity. This begins with each of us as a role model for all.

  88. This problem runs deep and old. 50 years ago a single woman could not apply for a home loan. She was regarded as unstable and a poor risk without a husband. 50 years ago a woman without a husband was an object of ridicule and pity, and branded with the demeaning name, spinster. 50 years ago it was impossible for a woman to report being raped without be blamed from bringing it on to herself. At that time very few women were able to reach beyond the position of secretary within organisations unless she was lucky enough to come from a wealthy background or be possessed of extraordinary drive. These are just a few points of many that could be raised about the lot of women in the past
    We need to be careful about the way we regard the past, and ensure we are not looking back through rose-tinted lenses. This is important, because without clarity we miss the very subtle (and not so subtle) nuances of the disordered relationship between women and men. The innate and true melting tenderness that women hold in abundance has rarely been valued in human history – it is found in rare and precious pockets, short periods of our collective history. It is to those true times and places we must turn for our reference points so that we build a solid foundation on the qualities we need to evolve as a species.

  89. Recently I’ve had to consider what sacredness means, and I can tell you it has not been an easy question. I’ve spent most of my life being everything but sacred…in fact I don’t believe I’ve ever even used the word until more recently and even then it feels somewhat unnatural, only by contrast to how I’ve chosen to live. I am no longer choosing to see it as a weakness but instead an enormous strength. The clarity that I know can come from connecting to oneself, our sacredness, is pretty much out of this world. And what greater strength is there than clarity and being able to see everything for what it is?

  90. The fact that women are often considered less shows how way off we are as a society, it completely negates the fact that we are all here for the same purpose. What if we made equality one of our primary principles and we saw people first, and gender was second? Could you ever hold one person as less? Be it a man, woman or child?

  91. This is a great article, and gives me pause to reflect on just how ingrained it is in men to see women as less, even when they claim they treat them equally. It takes a lot as a man to truly unravel this belief system to its absolute core to the point where you truly stand beside a woman as an equal in every way.

  92. “I have always appreciated the beauty and sexiness of women, but until recently I had always put those qualities before who they truly are – underneath their skin.” Me too. The images around women and sex / companionship / affection are never-ending. The truth out of this is for every man and woman to be honest about it. I know for me if I allow these images to have their way with me I am not taking the responsibility and the time to be tender and delicate with me – to honour my sensitivity and all I feel as man and who I am.

  93. An amazing piece Jinya. We need to hear more on this, and from you about this. It is all said below but I recommend reading the blog if you have not or read it again ..
    “The judgment of women based upon their outward appearance is a deeply rooted behaviour. And on this false foundation, the sexualisation of women has become so ‘normal’ and so accepted by our collective psyche that it carries on with no regard as just another facet of life in the 21st century. It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’. They have learned to play ball with this as their point of existence, rather than truly live from their quality. The media has gone berserk without once stopping to consider – is anyone being hurt by this use of another human being?”

  94. So many people do not choose to address their hurts and so do find comfort in choosing to blame others as a way to avoid the responsibility that is needed, but few realize this, let alone that so many of their hurts are caused by them not choosing to live the tenderness and amazingness they are, and instead seek fulfillment from the outside world which in comparison can only produce a hurt… never living up to what is possible. This awareness is gorgeous and even more so that you have shared it for others to contemplate the possible root cause of their struggle and treatment of others.

  95. Beautifully honest blog Jinya, there is deep responsibility we all hold to live the quality that a man and women hold within, and a deep responsibility to appreciate that which emanates from within every man and women.

  96. ‘I was seeking them from a need that grew out of a consistent dissatisfaction with myself and my choices’ When we allow self judgement and criticism to have sway we become blind to the qualities in us that we, and all others appreciate. Why not express our appreciation and build on that?

  97. A beautiful appreciation of women and what they bring Jinya, but also the responsibility each of us plays in bringing who we are in full to each other, and not demanding the other to be it for us.

  98. We have come a very long way from decency and true respect for others and have slid down the scale to absolute abhorrent behaviours and what we will accept. There are those that are speaking out but we certainly need much more of this to make greater change back to a truer way of living in the world.

  99. There was no intrinsic need for Internet to become a trading place for women’s sexual imagery. But it did become such repository. This means that the thirst for such images was there all along and the Internet is just a reflection of humanity and of where is at. The good news is that this can change.

  100. If we use emptiness as the barometer of what love looks like we not only gauge all our relationships from an emptiness, but it can also lead to an insatiable reliance on external stimuli to fill that emptiness.

  101. Being tender also includes receiving the love and support of others. So often as women we can push it away because it doesn’t come in the form we may want it to.

  102. The link you draw Jinya, between these deeply held hurts and the roles that we play is a great point to make. We can make life about performing better, being stronger or faster but the whole time we are still trapped in an ideal about what a man or woman should be that is not true or clear. Why? It’s the hurts that make us give up, settle for less, and play small in ourselves. It’s these we are to look at, let go and dissolve so we can enjoy life as we naturally were designed to be.

  103. We all have the responsibility of appreciating a man’s tenderness, starting with very small boys. From young if a boys essence is honoured surely their foundation will be so solid and true that it will be natural for a man to honour the essence of another.

  104. So much to consider here Jinya and we all have a part to play “Women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer – likewise, men have to start listening and changing.”

  105. The level of embeddedness of the ill-will towards women from men is astounding. But where and how have we allowed this to be? As women our task is to strongly feel our beauty – our inner beauty, all of us – and live that so we accept nothing less, from ourselves or others.

  106. The notion that women are not the victims of abuse is one that will disturb those who take the view that the are. But to hold us as victims is doing us a massive dis-service and feeding the disempowerment story that comes with victimhood. We all have within us the strength to say no, to change our circumstances, to change the narrative of female disempowerment. But it first requires a full reclaiming of our innate sacredness – a quality we have long lost touch with.

  107. There is a TV show here in Australia set in the 50s. The female lead, a housekeeper, embodies many of the qualities identified here. She is not technically ‘beautiful’ but has a delicacy and an honouring of herself – as does her male employer – that makes me feel too that we have lost something in our rush for ‘equality’. Equalness absolutely, but not at the expense of our gorgeous, womanly selves.

  108. ‘ I have realised that what really hurts me is not allowing myself to be tender, and looking outside of me for fulfilment’ Thank you for your honesty here Jinya, and could this not be true for us all, men and women alike?

  109. Women are far from victims here. If a woman chooses to halt the hardness, to halt what is no natural to her and let herself be open, fragile, delicate, tender — all the qualities that we are meant to be, all of us, both sexes would shift the game-plan. Women are the leaders here – the trouble is, women for a long time have been leading the way down the wrong path and men are following bewildered, lost from themselves and you have the world as it is today, disheveled, unbalanced with suffering the name of the game.

  110. “The judgment of women based upon their outward appearance is a deeply rooted behaviour.” This is so true, there is a judgement of women, so much of how we are in the world is about what we look like, our outer appearance, these are ingrained in behaviours that do need to change.

  111. Great Blog Jinya, I loved your realisation ‘I have always loved women and being in the company of them, but I have to be honest and say that the ‘love’ (or need) I have felt was measured against what women could do for me.’ Beautiful how you have now come to realise that women don’t need to live up to others expectations, their beauty is in them being themselves, and connected to what’s true.

  112. Images and pictures generated in magazines, film clips and the media in general impose such a false and deceiving foundation for young girls of what it means to be woman. As from here they spawn their own worsening culture of images that stem from competing and trying to ‘outdo’ each others’ pictures to achieve the greatest number of likes, popularity, acceptance or the most attention. What happens when this activity is taken away, what is left for the girls and young women to feel of who they are? There is no foundation for them to fall back on as all that they have defined themselves as being who they are is through the images they present and compete with. It is these images that have plagued us and we have fallen for for centuries, and as such is why we are this point we are today. We all hold the responsibility of returning to our greater sense of knowing, that our power is lived through our connection to who we are within first, our essence, where women know that their connection to sacredness is their natural way and the men know that their connection to tenderness is their ultimate strength. It is through living in connection to our power, whatever our incarnation, that we inspire, heal and truly embrace the power within all equally to also be lived as it naturally should.

  113. I noticed this was written in 2012 and it is great as a man you have spoken up as to how women are perceived a lot in the world, especially in the media/adverts as being objects ‘It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’.’ Since writing this I would say, that on many levels this has become more extreme especially within the social media, media, advert, music/video world. So what this tells me is that we, both men and women, need to speak up more and not accept the abuse we see around us, including in magazines as adverts as being okay or ‘normal’.

  114. ‘‘Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’ – Beautiful and Open sharing Jinya. Thank you for expanding my understanding of the part hurts can play for the men in our lives and how we can support them by committing to fully claiming ourselves as women. We are one brotherhood and by working in unity all will unfold as it is meant to.

  115. Beautiful writing Jinya, as women we first need to truly nurture and care for ourselves so that we then no longer accept anything that is not in line with this quality. When we become everything for everyone and lose ourselves we then don’t have a foundation to register what is abuse and we accept much more than we should.

    1. Yes MW I totally agree. It is up to us to set the standards and not fall below what we know is true, not shrink in the presence of men (or women for that matter) and stay in our power. The ability to connect to this true way of being is through our caring and nurturing of ourselves not through “girding our loins” – putting on our protective belt and armour.

  116. Thank you Jinya. When I read this I can see that men have everything to gain by appreciating the true qualities of women and honouring them. Male suicide is through the roof, men’s health is also at crisis point. We cannot harm another without harming ourselves.

  117. There is so much that goes on for women in life, yes we really are expected to be a swiss army knife person. How we are portrayed in media, on the internet and the like, is not good enough. But it is up to us as women to stand up and say that it isn’t ok, if we don’t nothing will change.

  118. I love how you end this blog Jinya, with a simple return to an essence of stillness. This resides in both sexes its true but it is something I find women bring out so naturally in men. Your words remind me how sublime it is when we choose to connect to this feeling inside, then we are in a groove that has nothing to do whatsoever with the ideas we have built about what men and women should look like. We are then finally free, to just be.

  119. It’s a big realisation when you describe women as a Swiss Army knife of a person, or as becoming caricatures, it’s true! Our ability to morph into what we perceive society wants is phenomenal, we are always open to demand…. which doesn’t leave us in a position of knowing our qualities, much less the sacredness that is the beauty we all deeply are. Time to reboot our programming and come back to ourselves which is the balance and power we hold within that is then there for all to feel.

  120. If we all choose to live with a quality of stillness, delicateness, sacredness and expressing who we naturally are, then perhaps all our current ill behaviours will simply not exist. Equality would be our everyday way of expressing and love would be our norm.

    1. To have love be the norm is the craving that everyone feels yet what is offered when we hold back our natural way of being and understanding often gets in the way of what is needed. So simple just – ‘be love’.

  121. From a males perspective, I totally appreciate when a female is expressing from her essence as this assists me in being able to freely express from my tenderness.

  122. We have lost sight of the true source we all can equally express from, where we all have the ability to be delicate, tender, wise, open, fragile, strong etc. One’s quality is not defined as male or female but both expressing from inner connection to an open heart which does not segregate according to gender

  123. The only thing I would add or challenge here is that that the same forces that seek to repress women and seek to judge them purely by their looks are not something new, and were around 50 years ago as much as they are today. The only difference is perhaps – 50 years ago it was more acceptable for a woman to embrace her femininity. These days, there are schools of thought that are quite strong that see it as a step backwards for a woman to embrace her femininity, to embrace her delicateness, or her fragility, as feminism has become about outmanning the man. But who is to say men have it right? What of a man’s own delicateness and fragility? Such are the ideals around what it is to truly be a man, that such thoughts rarely cross a man’s mind. And should women choose also en-masse to embrace a way of living that is characterised by being hard nosed, then were does that leave any of us? The greatest travesty of the way women have been admonished for being women is that as a society we have said “no” to many of the traits that women naturally exhibit – open-ness, fragility, delicacy – that are in fact not womanly traits, but human traits that both sexes are equally capable of. It is just that we have traditionally called them feminine traits because women have naturally exuded these traits, where men for a variety of reasons have repressed them. And so it is to our great loss that feminism in itself seeks to expunge these very virtues from women, all for the sake of declaring that they are equal to men. When really, what women should be saying to men, if you want to rule the world behaving like that, then go for it, but I will have nothing to do with you. I can then guarantee, if women stood up and said no, every man would come crawling back like a little boy for having been so admonished. The fact is, the violence, the hardness, the coldness that men exhibit to maintain their grip on the world is nothing if it is not supported by women.

    1. Could it be that women hold the key, and that key is sacredness. In her full power a woman would never suffer any nonsense, from anyone, let alone a man, so I agree, women have allowed themselves to be subjugated over the centuries because they have lost sight of who they truly are in essence, and the world will only return to harmony when women claim back their sacredness, which will allow men to express their tenderness and sensitivity which is lying just under the surface of the roles that they play.

      1. which would draw men to express more freely not only their tenderness and sensitivity, but equally their own sacredness, a quality equal to both men and women.

      1. Yes, I agree Katerina. To honour the tenderness, sensitivity and sacredness in men and women in equal measure, is the key for treating all people with respect rather than any form of denigration.

  124. It is beautiful to re read ( occasionally) your sharing “in the company of women” Jinya. I love the combination of humour and truth, and as a woman I understand my part in this way of viewing women by allowing or accepting some of these views to exist. As we women gain back our self respect and value ourselves as the equals that we are, our future generations will not accept what many women have had to put up with in today’s world.

  125. When a man only sees a woman for the way she looks he is missing out on SO much, and the same is for any of us, what we see is such a small, tiny part of what is really there.

  126. I feel there is deep truth written here in relation to healing our hurts – for as Jinya shares, until we do, we go around hurting and blaming others for our self-inflicted pain. It is our responsibility to recognise this game and put an end to it making the space for the expression of our true selves to come through.

  127. The expectations of what each gender should be are killing us and sometimes they are silent messages communicated but never the less we end up with what we have got because we don’t live true equality.

  128. Hi Jinya . . . “I can say that I had been used to being very self-orientated – with little or no love for myself.” . . . this is a great way to describe the difference between being full of oneself and being full of true love for oneself. We can be truly full of our self when we are taking the All into consideration with everything we do, say and think and this can only happen if we connect deeply to our very essence, an essence that is alive within each and every one of us just waiting to be connected to. To connect we can start by stopping and feeling our body and listening to the messages it is relaying to us on a moment to moment basis.

  129. Jinya, I love how honestly you share that ‘Before I started to deal with my hurts, I was going through life hurting and blaming others’. Until we address our own vicious cycle of hurt and its ripple effect that feeds and exacerbates the hurts of others and our own we will always have disharmony in our relationships.

  130. We objectify the outer form of women because secretly we do not want to connect to the immense power of the living Stillness that lives within. For once this is being lived, connected to and felt, then it calls all others to arise to this point also. The subordination of women has its roots in a very ancient evil that seeks to halt our true evolution back to the love that we are. We each play a part in this.

  131. Hi Jinya, women are not the only ones being hurt by this as these attitudes also hurt the man so in the end everyone losses.

  132. Brilliant, honest and inspiring blog Jinya. It is by choosing to hold onto our hurts that we are able to then hurt others, once we let go of our hurts and heal, we are able to appreciate who we are and others. When we see men or women as less or superior to us, then we are not choosing equality but a divisive way of living that feeds our continuous cycles of hurts until we choose to break this cycle and start loving ourselves and each other.

  133. This is beautifully honest and very honouring of women Jinya – thank you for your power-full expression. The more women embrace their true qualities and express without holding back in any way, this inspires and supports men and others to also drop their guard and to express their tenderness and true selves.

  134. Awesome blog, calling for deep responsibility in us all to live all the love we are, so we can all reflect the power each and everyone of us holds.

  135. Jinya it’s nearly four years since you wrote this piece and in that time the situation has escalated, with young primary school boys and girls getting involved in copying adult behaviours that they have possibly watched on the Internet, they have taken child porn to a whole new level. One wonders how low can we go before this evil is called out and exposed, and that’s the evil of the Internet which must be held accountable and regulations and boundaries put in place.

  136. I have had moments of great sadness over recent years when I have observed so many women feeling that they needed to be like a man to succeed in life, especially in the business world. They began to dress like a man, walk and talk like a man and making every effort to beat “them at their own game”. Yes many women have made their way to the top of their fields, but for many there has been a huge cost along the way mainly the hardening and the contracting of their naturally delicate bodies resulting a range of illnesses and diseases from the toll of trying to be someone that they not, instead of embracing and living the most beautiful being that they innately are.

  137. As I develop a loving relationship with myself and my awareness grows I can see for myself how hurting it is for a man to not allow himself to be and live the sensitive, tender and sometimes vulnerable man that I know he is. When a man does allow these beautiful qualities to emerge he is incredibly beautiful and a joy to be with. I feel very humble.

  138. It is great to hear a man speak out like this Jinya. The sad truth is that many of us have lost ourselves, both men and women, and need to redevelop the deep connection with ourselves that truly inspires change and, as you said, there are those who are living examples of how we can be, living in the power of the true woman and the tender man and many more who are aspiring to live this also. It is great to witness ‘the turning of tables’ as has been introduced by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  139. I too have experienced being in the company of women who live in their true power. Not the power we’ve been taught, but true power, where their love and acceptance of who they are is claimed everyday in everything they do. This is inspiring, because it’s never about how much they can do and how good they can look while doing it, it’s the quality in which they approach life that leaves a true impression.

  140. Powerful article Jinya. I particularly love this line ‘ …a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron?’
    The unattainable expectations of perfection have created so much divide between us as we all compete to do things better, do more than the other and make it look easy. The state of women’s health across the world is a pretty clear example of how this method isn’t working.

  141. Incredible Jinya, truly beautiful and very inspiring to read. That is true, we are never at the mercy, and always responsible for our own doing (living). So we are here to inspire to be loving in our living with self and others. We are never alone , we are always connected with all there is, and we must be aware of the difference between harm and healing again, so we can track we have lost our true healing towhere we can pick it up again. A big beautiful start this is.

  142. Yes no wonder caffeine sales are so high Jinya, with all this exhausting effort going into maintaining something we are not. One day in the future humanity will look back on our behaviour and it will be clear for all to see how absolutely crazy and so far from the truth we were!

  143. This is a powerful observation Jinya “The judgment of women based upon their outward appearance is a deeply rooted behaviour.” As women we can either keep buying into this or we can go deeper and know that how we look is divinely designed and to think otherwise is simply a lie.

  144. Jinya the tenderness of men is truly heart melting and very delicious to feel. As women we need to be ourselves so that men find the courage to allow them to return to their naturally tender way of being.

  145. I loved reading and really appreciate your brilliant article on today’s women Jinya. This part is hilarious but at the same time so true “How did we get from the natural feminine grace that women exuded only 50 or so years ago, to this point where they are lauded for being rushed off their feet trying to meet the demands of being a 24/7 mum, a career woman, a good daughter, a loyal friend, a loving wife; a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron?’

  146. That list of needs seem very familiar. As a woman, the way that I have used men is pretty much the same. These needs have been so ingrained regardless of our gender and it takes a great deal of courage to re-look at what is really going on and seeing that we really are not meant to be related in this way.

  147. You make some excellent points Jinya. For so long a womans body has not been honoured for what it truly is. Many of us have not been taught the truth about the purpose of our body other than for reproduction and sexualisation. To learn that our body has the ability to hold the qualities of stillness and sacredness have been life changing.

  148. The growing illness here is the level of comparison that continued to be rife in all walks of life. How can we consider to be valued and respected for the truly amazing women we are when we choose not to look at where is all starts – with US? The teaching of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has brought the realness of this topic to the world!

  149. Exposing where we have lost ourselves, and then also returning to truly connect with and deeply appreciate the true quality of both the woman and the man, as has been presented by Serge Benhayon and Natalie Benhayon of Universal Medicine in particular for years now, is vital in our world today – a world spinning so wildly out of control in so many ways…

  150. Powerful observations and admissions Jinya, thank-you for sharing here. You are so bang on the money in saying that a woman is expected to be “a veritable Swiss army knife of a person”. This is the responsibility of us all – we have lost ourselves in continuous striving to be more, and lost the essential quality of who we are – both men and women alike.

  151. I agree – I feel the world fear what women actually bring – a presence and a quality that asks us to be tender, delicate, to deeply nurture and live from that. But is the world ready for that or is it easier to focus on equality based on numbers? It is easier – that is why when we eventually get to that equality where woman and men are represented on a 50-50 basis we will see that we are still void of something and that is the quality.. Quality is everything and that is what we are truly missing.

  152. Thank you for addressing this topic Jinya and exposing how both men and women are contributing to the ongoing abuse of women.

  153. Well said Jinya, we need to value women not their looks but for the depth of stillness and beauty they bring. I am constantly blown away by the grace and power my wife brings. The stronger she becomes in herself, the more I completely melt in her presence. The power women hold when they connect to it is huge – it is hard to fathom how they so easily get caught up in the superficial things when literally they, as we all do, hold the keys to the Universe.

  154. More honest conversations are needed about how it does hurt when we feel another being sexualised or imposed on in other ways. We all do know the sacredness of life and to treat each other as any less than sacred is awful to feel. Then if we bury this feeling enough, we become desensitised and so more capable of the same behaviour or of allowing it. So it is very important to feel, express and share what we feel is going on, without reaction but with rawness and honesty.

  155. Gender abuse is something that is still rife in society, and is not something we like on the whole to recognise in full. Articles like this help to refresh us to the reality that there is still a long way to go before we fully cherish and respect what both genders can bring to the world.

  156. Gosh it’s so lovely to hear a man speak this way about women – what if we all cherished each other and allowed everyone to be who we are? The whole world misses out when women try to be like men.

  157. Who said we had to do it all ourselves? Who said how to be a woman looks like this and how to be a man looks like that? Even asking these questions reveals the lies we have been fed to believe who we are and how we should be. Recently in an esoteric counselling session I realised that it is okay to be the one to lead in relationships when it comes to certain strengths and qualities. This was huge, because I had always believed and was told this was controlling and selfish, where as it was the complete opposite and was actually supportive, not only for my direct family, but for everyone involved. We would then appreciate each other and there would be no room or need for jealousy or comparison… because each person brings to the party what is needed to live and work as one on earth.

  158. This is like a breath of fresh air on a situation I have been struggling with, and I can see how our choices directly affect societies consciousness in regards to equality. If men and women gave themselves permission to know who they truly are and what they bring to the world, then we would not have the conflict, tension and resentment that is so rife now, that keeps us separate and un-appreciative of each other.

  159. When we truly appreciate the beauty we hold within, there will be no need to compete for equality, because when we are naturally ourselves we are naturally ourselves with each other.

  160. small correction – women did not necessarily express their natural grace 50 years ago either – back then they were simply imposed upon to consider a different set of ideals that kept them equally suppressed. Women’s rights have come a long way over the past 50 years – choice, financial freedom etc – but it has come at a price as women seek to outman the men in order to compete.

    1. A valid point raised Adam Warburton as I track the women in my life and those elders who have shared the expectations and societal demands that were imposed over the years that were never spoken about. A hidden conversation but a clearly marked societal norm as a given role and ideal of how to conduct themselves in society.

  161. I think it’s great how you call out the so-called ‘normality’ of the ideals and pictures that women try to live up to as not being normal at all. So much of life is imposing beliefs and ‘shoulds’ that are false and cover up the true expression of women but we can reverse this and reclaim living what we know to be true from the inside out.

    1. Yes the word ‘normal’ has become the acceptable norm. don’t bat an eye lid on how often the media, daily conversations or interactions with our families play little to not respect to the innate qualities that women bring. Is it possible that there is a level of comfort that women sit in or react to when it comes to speaking the truth that is far from the loving qualities we truly have and can live?

  162. “We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life.” This is so very true Jinya. The sacredness that women carry within them is very needed to bring an out of control world back to balance. However, women themselves have to connect with this sacredness first before they can bring it to all of humanity.

  163. The physical beauty of a woman is nothing compared with the beauty of her essence.

  164. “A veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron” – this sums up the expectations of women in society brilliantly. Expectations that women have allowed and choose to be part of. We can say no at any moment, but in order to do we have to value ourselves. And this is the viscous cycle – the set up of society supports lack of self worth.

  165. ‘We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life. ‘ Yes we do. Currently we have women trying to out-man the men, a situation where everyone loses – men often feel emasculated or competitive whereas women lose all sense of being a scared and divinely precious being. Women have a responsibility just as much as men, to call out the abuses being perpetrated towards women (and men for that matter). It is our silence or complicit acceptance of the media portrayal of women that has us in the rotten situation we have now. We think we can’t change the world by our choices, but we can – it was our choices that led to this mess and it’s ours that will get us out.

  166. Its so wonderful to step outside of the role of being a man and meet others, men and women from a place of love and openness. It is a place where truth and harmony live and where we know that all are equal. It is also a place from where we can see gender bias and the weight of insecurity and protection and not feel stifled or inhibited by them.

  167. Jinya,
    Both women and me have to deal with and heal their hurts for there to be an equality, for while, yes many men have needed and used women for their comfort etc, so have many women used and needed men for the same. So not only do men have to let go of their hurts, ideals and beliefs of what a woman should be, but we, as women have to let go of the very same beliefs and allow ourselves to shine as the women we are. Then no matter how another may wish to in any way hold a woman as less than who she is, the woman will simply not allow it to be so.

  168. Jinya – what you recognise is something that happens so often but is not talked about. Women seem to have built up a huge resistance and put a guard on to compete with men, when really what a woman can bring is the nurturing and divine feminine that is an absolute balance to the world. If we have women fighting for their rights, then they are not allowing the strength of who they are to be the foundation. I also know a few women who are living in a way that honours who they are, and it is not what they do but how they are that gets noticed. What they do is a bi-product of the quality they live with and carry – to me that is a true role model, and that shows me that it is possible to just be who we are and make a huge difference.

  169. Whilst it is true to say we are all equal on the inside, there is a certain physicality to our existence that means we are not so. It is that physicality that we need to honour in full, and appreciate when it comes to matters of gender equality. This is not to say we should have gender equality – quite the opposite. Women have been repressed for too long, their opinions not listened to, their voice squashed by men. We need women in the workforce, in leadership roles, etc. But equally we need to give women the true freedom to be themselves in such roles, and not have to feel to play the “man’s game” at the detriment of their own body in order to succeed.

  170. Brilliantly written article Jinya. I recommend this being published in every tabloid, every media related publication. How could anyone argue with you? You shared the responsibility between both men and women, without any blame. The bottom line being that we each need to appreciate who we are at our core and stop giving our power away to what we think we need to be to others.

  171. ‘…I was seeking them from a need that grew out of a consistent dissatisfaction with myself and my choices’. Wow, what an honest statement. I love this Jinya. I think you speak for many of us when it comes to need.

  172. True equality is not about women achieving the same status as men in society by ‘beating them at their own game’ as playing the same game and beating men at what they are naturally good at only feeds the insatiable comparison and jealousy monster. Equality is about each of the sexes claiming and living their innate qualities in their everyday life and although in many ways they may contrast each other, when we actually learn to appreciate how our differences complement and bring the best out in each other, the world literally lights up.

  173. This article shows how responsible we are for healing our hurts and lack of self-worth for we don’t only harm ourselves through our manners, but all women and men and kids who get abused by our empty movements and lack of connection. Thanks Jinya.

  174. Thank you Jinya for being so honest about the part you have played in the cycle of hurts that men and women have engaged in for so long. As a woman I feel a deep sense of responsibility to truly claim myself as a woman and to stop using men in the needy ways I have done in the past to avoid dealing with my issues and healing my hurts. In this my appreciation for all their qualities has grown and I celebrate men in all their tenderness and gentleness.

  175. The only thing I would say is that women were not much different 50 years ago – only they wore a different kind of mask. Women have clearly been subjugated for as long as men have been willing to use their physicality to dominate the conversation.

  176. In modern day society ‘the judgment of women based upon their outward appearance is a deeply rooted behaviour’. But we need to be aware that this outward appearance not only includes a female’s physical characteristics but also what they do. How do they measure up to societies roles and expectations of being the good wife, good mother the good everything and all round self-sacrificing women that holds everyone above themselves, sometimes even at the expense of their own needs and health none of which is at all nourished from the ‘natural feminine grace’ that is our true expression.

  177. I simply love your honesty shared here Jinya. The key to change is acceptance and appreciation of self and others equally so. When can learn so much from our own relationship with ourselves and appreciate who we are and this flows on to everyone we cross paths with. Men and women are exquisitely different in what they hold, but are all needed in their natural state of expression to bring equality to the world today.

  178. “They inspire by standing up for what is true and reminding us that we (women and men) are much greater than this”….this is what the world needs that the Benhayon family and Universal Medicine practitioners bring in spades – that we are greater (far greater) than what we are currently living. If people don’t stand up and call out abuse and also live in a way that shows people there is another way to live, we remain stuck and lost and very hurt. And as you share Jinya, the world has enough hurts in it and it is our responsibility to heal our own hurts.

  179. The us and them – be it women vs men, placing another group outside oneself allowing denigration and inequality, sometimes actively implementing it, with a look, a comment or a silent consent. The outplay of individuality, always an us and them, or a me vs the rest.

  180. Jinya – you share here how porn and men’s magazines have become much less defined. I absolutely agree – and see daily how the media really does blur the boundaries. Music video clips seem to reveal more and more women’s skin and suggestive moves, celebrities are even sporting ‘the naked dress’ on the red carpet which shows them in not much more than underwear and a bit of fabric. It is crazy how there seems to be the next goal of how revealing one can be – but how does this teach our children about respect, love and empowerment? We have collectively accepted and painted a very bleak picture of women – and it will take all of us to start saying no to exploiting the body and yes to embracing the naturally beautiful and sexy woman that has always been there.

  181. It is beautiful to read the honest way you describe your past relationships with women Jinya. It brings home to me, how whilst we may all have manipulative tools and games we have learnt to get by, underneath we all long for the same stillness grace and harmony.

  182. Jinya , this is a truly inspiring sharing. We are all responsible for the situation we have landed in, we women for accepting this treatment from men, and men, who have been birthed and nurtured by a woman not respecting and seeing women as equal, partly because many women have been bullied into believing they are not by some Religions and society in general. I particularly love your last four sentences. ” Imagine if” Hurts would stop going round and round.
    The world would become very still. That would be true equality. Maybe even harmony” Thank you Jinya.

  183. “Women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer – likewise, men have to start listening and changing.” The other week a male client I was visiting made an ‘innocent’ remark which was denigrating for both women and men, he had done this before and I always reacted leaving him and myself less than we truly are. This time I claimed my power and just said no without any reaction but just feeling the truth in my body and I gave this man the opportunity to feel how men and women are equal and how we share the responsibility to live together in harmony.

  184. The responsibility we both have to deal with out hurts and let go of our ideals and beliefs is immense for we are denying ourselves the true magnificence of living who we innately are alongside true connection and the heart melting tenderness we all have the potential to express.

  185. “Hurts would stop going round and round.
    The world would become very still.
    That would be true equality.
    Maybe even harmony”, and love, and tenderness, and joy and brotherhood; how wonderfully divine would that be.
    Thank you Jinya for a very powerful blog, I love what you have expressed.

  186. If we responsibly checked in with ourselves before we interact with others, then we can feel where we are at, so then if something comes at us from another we may be more prepared to choose our own love, so then not lace the interaction with our needs or feel to protect.

  187. Gorgeous, what is so powerful about this blog is that there is not held back in exposing the lies that we have accepted so far in society, in this case about women and men. It is interesting once seeing it written on paper how we have become far away from our innermost quality (being, who we are) but have been making it all about doing things , achieving things – while forgetting our beingness once and for all. It is time to come back to our original way of being – just think about a new born baby – it is about quality first.

  188. Human beings seem to give their power away to what goes on in the world around them. The proliferation of sexualised images around us is now saturating our daily lives, yet we have accepted it. Perhaps this is because we care so little for ourselves, so we care so little for others. We know it’s very harmful, including for children, yet we do nothing about it. It’s the “doing nothing” part that is of interest here.

  189. Just because the majority do it doesn’t mean it is ok – men and women have accepted something as normal which is so very far from normal. It is hard to know any other way, but there is another way.

  190. Jinya I can really relate to what you have said here. As a man my lack of self love definitely led me to impose on women to meet my need for love and a feeling of my own worthiness. Of course this never worked and only led to stress and resentment in my relationships. I now realise that the loving relationship I am developing with myself is the only way I can ever heal the hurts I carry and that this in turn opens up a joy and freedom in my relationships with women that had not been there previously. It has also allowed me to open to the beautiful, loving, supportive connection that I now feel with other men.

    1. This is revolution 1timrobinson, truly amazing change! What stood out for me is the fact that by changing and opening a relationship with yourself opened up the contact with you with men and women, I mean that seems the best change ever! Well done and continue what you are doing.

  191. Jinya, love what you have written – the other day I was driving home from work and there was a ‘ute’ (pick up truck) in front of me – and on the back of this ute was a sticker picture of a blonde woman sitting in an ‘alluring position, with barely any clothes on. It made me reflect on the objectification of women and how it makes us as women feel very disregarded as the gorgeous beings that we are. As I sat there I felt an embarrassment and discomfort that it is so ‘normalised’ to treat women with such contempt and disrespect. And I could not help but think that every single woman has been someone’s daughter, is potentially someone’s sister and someone’s mother, or auntie etc. So if and when a person chooses to publicly display images such as the one I saw (or privately chooses to indulge in such images), then how would they feel if that was their mother, their sister, their wife or daughter being posted up and publicly displayed? This might just change the way that they see things, and get them to realise that women are not objects, that women are sentient beings that deserve respect and love and care. It may take a bit of time for the world to come around to such a view, but once a person connects on a deeper level to what is going on, it is so easy to see that such behaviour is deeply disrespectful, and hence it is about bringing respect back to self so that it can then be shared with those around us.

  192. Gosh this really stood out for me……”where they are lauded for being rushed off their feet trying to meet the demands of being a 24/7 mum, a career woman, a good daughter, a loyal friend, a loving wife; a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron?” This in itself could generate so much discussion, where and how did it become the norm for women to have to shape shift into all of these personas. It is time for women to not have to feel that have to fit into any of these buckets, but be who they are in full. Not with an expectation attached.

  193. It’s a cycle we can break if each of us take responsibility for our hurts and start to make small steps toward trusting ourselves and one another.

  194. Comment from Swiss army knife:
    Good third of my life I’ve been that woman you write about, Jinya, – mother with two kinds, full time working, studying, cooking, shopping, partying, being sexy, juggling men, friends, family, job. When I divorced the first thing I got ( ironically) was a knife sharpener-the only thing which was missing in my ” independent” woman set of skills. Honestly I was capable of doing everything what men can do – some things even much better, so why would I rely on someone, be frustrated that they are not reliable, have arguments about children upbringing or my spiritual search, cook and wash and have sex without even ” Thank you” ? I would rather be on my own and be sure that I do everything properly, how I like it to be done, on time, and no one to blame.
    What I didn’t know at that time – how to be a Woman. All the stillness and fragility was out of equation. I didn’t know that walking in male energy, doing things which woman shouldn’t do is damaging to my body, against my feminine nature.
    Years passed by. Slowly but surely I am dealing with my hurts, my trust issues. Only now I started paying attention to my body, caring for it, establishing connection with my tenderness. As well as appreciating men in my life, what precious gifts they brought me – be it children, understanding of human nature or intolerance to abuse name but few.
    You are right, Jinya, we must talk about our true equality, our true nature, our harmonious union and act.
    Forever thankful to Serge Benhayon, his wonderful family, Universal Medicine and all men and women for reflecting love, harmony and making changes.

  195. It is time we stopped looking at gender equality as a war, and started to deeply question what we so readily accept as being the predominant nature of both men and women.

  196. I have a feeling that women have rather made a rod for their own back in trying to be everything to everyone, competing with men because we feel less in ourselves, striving to be better in our work, wanting more and more objects in our lives to fill our emptiness. This has not worked. Women are becoming exhausted, disillusioned and our health is suffering. But there is a different way to live, and this way has been presented to me by Serge and Natalie Benhayon and Sara Williams through the Women in Livingness Groups and Esoteric Women’s Health. What you are saying is awesome Jinya and I truly appreciate your sentiments as a man speaking for all women everywhere. Women need to take responsibility, stop blaming the world, start to love themselves and connect to their power and sacredness within, begin to appreciate themselves and know that they are enough. Once we stop letting abuse in and having more regard for ourselves then things will begin to change. Watching Natalie and Simone Benhayon and Sara Williams is truly inspiring to me on how what being a true women in this world looks like…. and what’s wrong with looking sexy in an apron (men too), true sexy that is!!!

  197. Ha, ha … Back again. I must really need to read this blog a few times. Perhaps it is to actually appreciate how powerful and glorious my presence is and stay true to that in the face of the absolute atrocities we are bombarded with constantly. Love wins in the end it’s true.

  198. I appreciate anew your wonderful sharing Jinya. How different our world will be when women appreciate themselves and men do too. Thank you for your honest sharing.

  199. It was lovely to come back and read ths blog again, I love your honesty and can feel the love that you have developed for yourself and for women. Thank you.

  200. Here I am back for a reread and so soon! When I read “It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’.” I was reminded of how in the bird kingdom the females are these delicate, sweet but quite plain looking creatures and whilst they may not have the glamorous plooms of their male counterparts they are the ones that seem self assured and confident while the male prances around insecurely the get attention in hope that she will choose him as his mate. I remember a man walking passed me at a train station once who called me a “plain Jane”. I was deeply hurt by this comment as I knew it wasn’t true – it was a callous judgement and almost felt like it was designed to throw me off feeling the quality I naturally hold which is much like the female bird. These days the way in which I live defines my beauty and my divinity can be expressed no matter what I look like compared to the images projected at us to measure up to.

  201. It was lovely to re-visit your blog Jinya and recognise more clearly how both genders play a constant game, neither speaking up with the honesty and clarity and expressing what we really feel. I have been learning recently how much this comes down to how little we truly express to each other on a truly loving basis, we usually express from a blame or a hurt and so no one gets to hear or feel what is really being said and all we do is end up going round in circles and re-living old patterns.
    “The abuse of women is there because of the hurts that men carry around beneath their tough exteriors. Women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer – likewise, men have to start listening and changing.” This sentence Jinya alone would resolve a lot of our issues that we have in our relationships.

  202. With the internet these days you no longer have the top shelf mag but plenty of women willing to sell themselves as porn models for all to see, just look at sexting to start with! I didn’t realise how much I had accepted the objectification of women until the other evening when a man was sharing how funny he found a sign on the back of a Wicked Camper Van … As a woman amongst the boys I laughed at the joke but then caught myself … Oh my God, I was going along with this charade still! I appreciate the great insight that happened in that moment and how my body felt. It has been grand to read a male write such an open and honest blog. I feel deeply supported by your words Jinya particularly “Women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer – likewise, men have to start listening and changing.”

  203. “…Women are being hurt by this” Very true Jinya, but men and children are also being hurt by this too. Women trying to out-do men in their workplace – taking on more and more to ‘prove themselves’. I’ve done this too, all because I didn’t feel good enough as I was. Women thus harden up and some raise children to live this way too, instead of being with their natural grace, tenderness and playfulness. Schools then compound this, wanting children to ‘toughen up’. Appreciation of who we are – whoever we are – should be taught in schools. I know so many people who find it difficult to accept compliments……

  204. Jinya I love your honesty in stating that although you have always enjoyed the company of women it has been about what they can do for you – how they can fill your needs. I feel this can cut both ways, with women also needing men to fill their emptiness, expecting love to come from the outside rather than fountain from within.

  205. It is clear from what you share Jinya that this way of sexualising women deeply hurts men too. We then miss out on feeling witnessing this warmth, stillness and nurturing grace that women naturally are.

    1. Exactly Joseph. Sadly, we are all playing a part in a game that most don’t even know they are playing and yet are wondering why they keep going around in circles and aren’t able to move on. When we have blogs such as this available for people to read, the possibilities are immediately broadened so that we can understand how interconnected everything is. We can all play a part to change this status quo that is keeping so many people stuck, not knowing anything else is possible.

  206. Not allowing our hurts to take over and dictate the way we relate to one another and the amount we let one another in is a big work in progress and one I feel I am making big progress in. We miss so much when we carry these hurts as if they are some sort of currency that is actually worth something. Instead the truth is these hurts hold us back and if we look at one another in an equal way and give each other the chance to change like we want to change, the hurts start to melt away. We are holding them against ourselves as much as another, it’s time to let go.

  207. In your sharing I can relate to a lot of things, especially this one “the cycle of hurt goes around; being passed from men to women, women to men, men to men and women to women like a never-ending doubles tennis match”. How crazy is that – to play this blaming game. I know this too well from my past. The most important thing for me was, to tell my partner in various situations “I’m not guilty”. It was very often about defending myself and equally looking at the guilt in others. I did this mainly, because I didn’t want to feel my own emptiness. Since I don’t run away from my feelings in my body, my life is getting better and better.

  208. It is the set up – men walk around hurt and with no trust of women, and women walk around with hurts, not trusting men. It’s a vicious cycle that will not stop by itself whilst we hold onto our hurts. The cycle can only be stopped by our own choices to let go of the hurts and heal and bring back trust into our relationships. From there we can see possibilities, we can see how relationships are truly ‘meant to be’ – relationships that allow the other to be who they are and bring their qualities to share and hence the support is there from one to the other and the other to one. In this, when one steps into their true power, then the other is offered the same opportunity and if they too step into their true power they ignite by inspiration more of the same in the other..and so the pull and the inspiration is endless and exponential. This is the evolution that we can offer each other in relationships. And the best part is, that it is just there waiting for us to say yes to.

    1. Very well said Henrietta, I love how you sum this truth up into such a neat package, thank you and I want to say YES every time but my hurts are real party crashes at times and sometimes they turn up when I don’t even want them there and I find myself saying ‘no’ as I am so busy dealing with my hurts and trying to get them out that I miss the yes moment. A work in progress to not let the hurts dominate the space.

      1. Ha Ha – yes hurts can be BIG party crashers! I can so relate. But what I have found is that once we fall for them enough many times, it becomes more and more clear to us eventually not to fall for them again. Call it a learning process if you like. You just have to hope that the person you are in a relationship with does not get bored with the game you are playing and walk away….which exposes the fact that it is a game and that you can choose to play it or not play it! Ooops – here it is again: choice! The thing we so don’t like to be reminded of. I know I am far from being free from the game playing, but when you put it in such simple words, boy oh boy do we begin to look silly when we choose a game over a loving relationship with another! I mean how much time can we waste? I so needed to say this to myself this morning!

    2. You are so right Henrietta the game is fixed. It has always been like a merry-go-round, but that is driven from outside, it is closer to the ones on the playground, you have to push yourself to keep going and we just don’t want the ride to end so we become like Sisyphus and continuously push it forever in an attempt to run away from our hurts but never go anywhere. Until we chose to stop pushing.

      1. There has to be some way to stop playing the game sjmatsonuk…after all the game would not exist if we did not allow it to be there. On some level we have allowed it to be created and so we now get caught in our own trap. But surrender is a key word here – we play the games and push ourselves and the merry-go-round to keep going to distract ourselves from our hurts. But should we stop even just momentarily, then we could just surrender to an openness and in this the game evaporates. But ah how strong the illusion of the merry-go-round can be! the question again is around choice!

  209. If each person takes responsibility for who they are and the choices they make by reflecting deeply what is really going on, there will be big changes in the love and respect we all have in our relationships. So many choices separate rather than connect. Your honesty and openness in your comments Jinya, have expanded my understanding regarding some of the outlooks, needs and truths around the male/female relationship. Thank you so much for sharing.

  210. There is a never ending abuse and it is something that we are all equally part of sustaining. As you say Jinya, at the core we allow the abuse because it covers up the other hurts we have…so we hide a hurt by creating a new hurt…crazy.

  211. This is so gorgeously true…”We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life.”
    Thank you Jinya.

    1. Equally so, as women accept and live more of their innate essence, so too will men. Both can equally inspire another to return to this innate essence that is within each of us.

    2. Yes Irena, from a mans point of view a woman expressing from her essence is simply divine

  212. If men and women simply appreciated each other for their different qualities and strengths and used these qualities to understand and complement each other this would go a long way in bringing true equality to the sexes. Not equality in what we do but an appreciation in what we can express and accomplish together.

    1. Hear hear Suse, equality is not about everyone ‘doing’ the same thing, but it is certainly about everyone ‘being’ their natural selves and appreciating the unique qualities we ‘are’ and ‘have’ which together make up the whole.

      1. Angela that’s what I feel equality is not about everyone doing the same thing, but about us all bringing our own essence, our own qualities, being ourselves without and reservations, and expressing our truths.

  213. Thank you Jinya for bringing up this topic, we as a society really need to talk about this important subject if we are to bring more harmony to our world. I am really impressed by the quality of the comments and peoples willingness to contribute without blame or judgment, just a commitment to truth and honesty.

  214. This is quite profound Jinya, while reading it I came to realize that men in our society are stereotypically strong resilient and logical, it is deemed that feelings and emotions get in the way and are left to be entirely the domain of women. As men we toughen up and shut down our feelings in a misguided logic that we will be more of a man. Could it be that men actually want to be more in touch with their feelings and are jealous that this is accepted and honored in the female gender? Is this Jealousy and resentment that we have abandoned our feelings so huge it is the root cause of misogyny, the rift between men and women, and the domestic violence that follows? All we need to do is respect and honor the feelings of both men and women.

  215. As I read your words Jinja, I can deeply feel that true equalness comes from acting on it myself first. When I truly accept myself as a sensitive and tender woman I develop the holding quality to that in every women and men equally. That is the moment when I have a chance to meet others at the eye level and develop the ultimate truth of oneness. That only will help to redefine equalness and stop the out of control abuse of women as sex-objects and men as perpetrators.

  216. “The abuse of women is there because of the hurts that men carry around beneath their tough exteriors. Women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer”.-
    So true Jinja. Only until we both deal with our emotional hurts within, can we connect to and appreciate the tenderness, preciousness and sacredness that is our natural essence.

  217. My answer to this is self-love. It puts an end to a needy search outside of me and sets the foundation for unconditional love. As unconditional love is the only winner of this harmful tennis match that you mention, Jinya!

  218. As a school teacher I see first hand the impacts of pornography. It’s going to take some undoing to call out the consciousness of the porn industry. Students are choosing to obtain their information about sex from pornography and are getting laced with explicit images that shouldn’t be seen by young children. The accessibility of porn is a deep concern and the impacts are already being felt all over the world.

  219. This is a brilliant blog. You have called out the denigration of women and opened the door for further discussion on how to heal this merry go round of hurts. One day the hurts will cease and we will begin to choose another way. We all have to play our part in healing these so called ‘norms’ that are heavily imposed upon us and learn to connect to one another’s essence. To feel the beauty and magic in such moments and to appreciate how amazing those true connections feel. We need to stop getting hooked into the false facade of the outter and connect from within.

  220. What is confirmed within me with this is the depth of responsibility we must each claim before we will have the stillness and harmony we seek within our world. A journey well worth each of us taking. Yet, even within my own relationship with my husband, after many years, we are still uncovering the subtle games of inequality we play.

  221. Beautifully said Jinya, so many great points you raise in this blog, here is one of my favourites – ‘ Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.’ – Yes let’s make being amazing our new normal.

  222. At those times when I have allowed myself to connect to that absolute stillness within me, it is exquisite to say the least and all women have this within. That absolute grace and natural tender loving way is pure gold, that holds you with its silent but powerful beholding love and absolute knowing.

    1. Imagine all of us connecting to one another with this exquisite love. Once people get to truly feel this powerful beholding love they will begin to let go of the obsession with the outter and begin to connect within.

  223. ” … the natural feminine grace that women exuded only 50 or so years ago, … ”
    Yes when we look at the Grace Kelly’s or the Audrey Hepburn’s of previous decades, both men and women are touched and inspired by their grace and feminine-ness … I wonder if it is not up to women to realise and ‘hold’ their own grace with firm and clear determination and dedication, and show the world their true female strength, rather than try to ‘beat the men at their own game’.

  224. The proliferation of porn is certainly a big factor in the way women are seen, one statistic of late is that 1 in 8 clicks on the net are porn related. The way men have treated women through history is appalling, there is no doubt about this, it also true that we have all been hurt in one way or another, so man or woman, responsibility is needed and support for each other is the only way we can all come to harmony and equality.

    1. I agree Mark. As a secondary school teacher I see the impacts of porn on students and it’s effecting kids much younger nowadays. Their behaviours are overly sexual and sexting is completely the norm. Both genders are responsible in healing what has unfolded, sadly I feel this will take some time yet.

  225. Thanks for not holding back Jinya, and saying it exactly as it is! Our true responsibility as men and women is to say no to the abuse we have allowed of ourselves (ie. lack of self-care, over riding what we truly feel, accepting less in relationships, pandering to the needs of others etc) and then that which we have imposed on others. I have realised that for me, this abuse is simply being or accepting less than who I naturally am and the more I work on this for myself, the less I am directing this abuse at, or accepting this, from others… When we make it about everyone in this way, we have the power to change the current ideals and beliefs about women, and truth only needs to start with one… Meaning we all have the power to bring about change by the way we choose to live…

  226. “The media has gone berserk without once stopping to consider – is anyone being hurt by this use of another human being?”
    True that the media doesn’t stop, but rather practicing, that hurting another human being is one point that guarantees the sell. And this seems to base on a vicious circle of revenge from all the hurt that is not dealt with. And so true, that not dealing with our hurts has led to deeply loveless relationships with oneself and with another, (between man and woman, men and men and women and women) based on neediness and of course revenge, in a more or less conscious way. So the ongoing mutual hurt is inevitable until the point we stop it and start to deal with our hurts to develop true love – for ourselves and for each other. And as this pattern occurs on a personal level, it plays out on a social level up to every area of life. So great, that Serge Benhayon leads the way to cut this vicious circle through his teachings and living example and so much men and women have started to live the same – so the circle is already intermittent.

  227. Thank you Jinya for a very beautiful blog, it really touched my heart, for me to be more of the beautiful woman I am.

  228. True the abuse of women is from the hurts that men have not dealt with. They have expectations on us in many forms and that pressure is having a huge impact on today’s women. Exhaustion being a major one.

  229. I think this will be a group effort. Yes men dealing with their issues and women dealing with theirs yet at the same time helping each other out rather than making a big deal about gender differences by seeing and sharing each others’ strengths as our way we move forward.

  230. I have found it natural to adore women. To be loving, kind, gentle etc. It is easy for me to do this when I am with a women however if I am in the presence of other men my natural tenderness towards women can change so I can be seen by other men as being a man. Buying into the whole game that is played out in society.
    This is robbing both myself and all of women.

  231. Jinya, thank you for speaking up. By detaching from your own hurt and need you can see how much women are being hurt by media and the male dominated world – a world which men, deep down, do not want either. It’s great that you can say, ‘What really hurts me is not allowing myself to be tender, and looking outside of me for fulfillment.’ I feel this is the case for all men if they were able to feel the truth of it. Your expressing this will help more people see through this crazy game that we play to avoid letting each other in.

  232. Jinya, I love your honest perceptions and understanding of men and women and the game we are playing to avoid our hurts. It’s crazy how we put up walls to protect ourselves from hurts and cut ourselves off from the love we so crave which is within us and reflected back to us by others. The ‘cycle of hurt’ goes round and round until we stop blaming the other and deal with our own hurt.

  233. Thank you Jinya for the depth and honesty of your beautiful blog. It is a gift to read and appreciate yourself as a man and myself as a women and all women and men for their true innate essence and love. The honouring of our real selves underneath all our hurts, ideals and beliefs is simply amazing. Your article brings this honouring and truth lovingly back to us as a society and way of living that is truly beautiful loving and profound at every level. Inspirational.

  234. Thank you Jinya for addressing this in your blog. Great questions you ask and very needed as really it’s not working for us the way things are.

    1. It’s like the world can see that it really isn’t working for us, anywhere in the world and yet we continue doing the same thing year in year out and not taking responsibility for creating true and everlasting change and love in the world.

  235. I totally agree with you Jinya, allowing ourselves as men to be tender and sensitive is the place to start with and for that we have to let go of our hurts first. The ultimate hurt of being rejected as the sensitive and tender men we innately are.
    And with you I want to celebrate the beautiful women we know that have chosen to live the true woman in them and have stopped and have exposed the abusive ways of female behaviour you described. “They inspire by standing up for what is true and reminding us that we (women and men) are much greater than this.”

  236. Living with harmony, equality and stillness what a beautiful way to be. Thank you Jinya for the absolute truth you have expressed.

  237. Even if but 1 out of every 10 person honestly asked themselves the questions you raise in this stunning blog Jinya, the world would begin to feel the impact. I’m no mathematician but what you have so powerfully expressed here holds great potential for a change to what for so long has become normal.

  238. It will be beautiful when the cycle of hurt ceases and men can express tenderly and woman can no longer be judged by the outer shell. Harmony is possible if we are all willing to debunk the many loveless ideals and beliefs we’ve sold out to and begin to take responsibility for the hurts we don’t want to feel. There is a different way, a more loving way to be, we all have to simply stop normalising what is out there and begin to let people in and say yes to love.

    1. Beautifully expressed Tracey. When we deny what we truly feel by selling out to the the pressure of society’s expectations, ideals and beliefs, all our hurts stay exactly where they are and are effectively stored to deal with at a later date. People apply an outer shell of protection in the vain attempt to stop getting any more hurt. The sad thing is this does not allow the hurt inside to be expressed and allows these same hurts to fester and even grow and multiply. Taking responsibility and letting go of all our past hurts is vital to heal and to do this we all must support and nourish each other to encourage the tender expression of our hurts and what we are feeling regardless if we are male or female.

      1. I now know that the protection I had built up over the years actually didn’t protect me at all. The outer shell of protection in fact added to the deep hurts already festering. If we can bring truth and healing to our hurts and not bury them then we can begin to truly heal and realise we are not our hurts, we are love.

  239. Just to add it is very beautiful to read this from you as a man Jinya, very healing to feel.

  240. This is truly beautiful to read Jinya and I agree with you. Men and women are both missing out when we stay in our hurts and keep the world as it currently is, including the objectification of women and their bodies. I am deeply appreciative of finding my true self-worth and starting to feel my inner beauty and starting to nurture this. We probably all do not like the way it is but as you share there is a different way to live together as men and women: “Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.”.

  241. Before I started to deal with my hurts, I was going through life hurting and blaming others. Yep, an ‘old’ pattern of mine too, that thankfully I became aware of. So with the hurts all men carry and all the hurts women carry, it is little wonder, men and women can not relate. I know I could not truly relate to man, until I cleared and healed the truth that I made myself less (not man). When both sexes deal with their hurts and stop blaming the other sex, then man and woman can begin to re-imprint and return to how we used to relate to each other; seeing the reflection of God in each other. And you are a role model Jinya of man expressing his tenderness…..

  242. Wow Jinya, what an inspired and inspiring blog. I love your line.. ‘The distraction from, and the numbing of my emptiness was my barometer of what my ideal ‘love’ looked like.’ This is profound and so true…

  243. Loved coming back to this one Jinya, a very important message and I love the way you express it. Thank you

  244. Jinya your description of women often trying to be Swiss army knife like in juggling a million different things made me laugh but is also sadly true. I think we have a lack of true self-worth epidemic, where we’re then striving to be something to make up for the lack we feel from not connecting with or accepting the beauty, power and love that is already within us all.

  245. Feels like women have been generally seen for everything but who they truly are and we have been seeing the results of this with women not honouring as deeply the true loveliness, sexiness, beauty and grace that is there deep within them. A true sacredness of God that never leaves.

  246. Thanks Jinya, you have managed a fine balance here between the responsibilities both women and men can embrace to change the culture of competition and inequality both within and between genders.

    1. Hear hear Simon, both men and women have a responsibility in changing the way the world is treating woman.

  247. Hello Jinya, I just read your blog for the 2nd time and the relevancy of everything you share in this blog is touching me even deeper that last time. I now am realising that I do have a role in this. That I’m part of the ‘game’ that we men play. That I do have a possibility to speak up about anything denigrating towards Women. e.g. loud voices, control, images online or in papers, magazines, etc. As is in the blog, it’s everywhere. And I’ve also come to realise that I have held and are still holding Women to ransom for my own hurts. And by choosing to not communicate or express them I’ve had the belief that I was winning, gaining, but fact is that I am losing, because I’m not myself. And when I’m not myself, everyone else is also missing out on my Love. Wow, there’s an even greater responsibility to express, express, express. Appreciation and hurts. Thank you Jinya. Let’s start expressing, together.

    1. Loved to read your honest share Floris. What struck me was that recently I have discovered how I held all men to ransom, because I held the belief that men made me less, when in fact the original truth was I made myself less, and unequal to man. That truth got lost some-where along the line as more hurts accumulated on top and thus got distorted….Was very healing for me when this got exposed, and I can feel I already relate differently to men since then, as in, I can show all of me… all of me without needing anything in return or feel that the man in front of me wants something from me.

      1. ‘I held all men to ransom, because I held the belief that men made me less, when in fact the original truth was I made myself less, and unequal to man.’ Very empowering to read this and take responsibility for our part as women. If I don’t hold myself as less then no-one can make me feel less. If women truly lived from their quality with true purpose then men would not be so likely to treat them as ‘mere objects’.

  248. The true essence of women is so powerful that everything is being been done to undermine, denigrate and crush it. It is vital for humanity that we expose every attempt to manipulate and control women and it is for women to speak up, claim and proclaim the gorgeous, beautiful, tender, loving and truly sexy human beings that we are.

    1. I feel the fear humanity has of a woman who is truly connected, because they do know just how truly powerful this woman can be. It’s no surprise that enormous effort has gone into crushing the essence in women. We must all evolve and heal the hurts that have led us to buying into such false ideals and beliefs that have led us to be so disconnected.

  249. Your honesty shines through Jinya. A rare example of a man speaking about women and exposing how degraded and objectified women have become. The sad thing is that many women have bought into the lie, trapped in a cycle of their own choosing, juggling endless roles, trying to be all things to all men. We’ve lost the way of just being ourselves, and living life simply – both men and women that is.

  250. Jinya, I absolutely love your vision of a new ‘normal’ for humanity in which women, and men too, are free to be nothing but their already glorious selves.

    “Hurts would stop going round and round.
    The world would become very still.
    There would be true equality.
    Maybe even harmony.”

    I am absolutely willing to work towards it by developing myself, building my connection to and expression from my innermost untainted gloriousness.

  251. This is a beautiful blog, I can feel how true it is that there are hurts in men, me included, that has made them search outside of themselves for what they already are, and with this project these needs onto women. Thank you for making this clear again to me. And giving me the opportunity to truly look at where there is a need or a true adoration of women in my day to day life.

  252. What a beautiful blog Jinya. It is crazy what women expect of themselves and allow from men (and society). If we live as our gorgeous selves and no longer accept anything less than love, what would men do? There might be a transition period but there is so much beauty in the possibility of living that way. For both men and women we have accepted something as normal which is so very far from normal. It is hard to know any other way, but there is another way.

  253. All true, but there is also the point that we women allow to be posted as subjects, especially sexual ones. I do not talk about those women in the world who have no chance as there is a men or a group or a culture which forces them against their own will. I talk about us women in a free western world e.g. who choose to be traded like objects. In the film or advertising industry. It is beautiful to have gentlemen like you and a growing number would be appreciated, but we as women need also to step up and embrace what we bring.

  254. Jinya, I can imagine a world where men no longer impose upon women, a world where we are all honoured for who we are rather than only what we can do for another. But in my everyday work as a teacher, I often encounter abusive and derogatory comments and gestures about women, usually sexual in nature from students about each other as well as toward me. Yet I notice how certain sexual phrases are so commonplace that children use them without blinking, knowing full well what they mean…..and only a few dare to speak out in dissent. If they do, they are soon isolated and eventually, more often than not, they enjoin the behaviours. It’s a real dilemma especially amongst boys, to choose to put their true feelings about women first or to be accepted by peers all conforming to a false image perpetuated by hurts not dealt with. The natural tender hearts of these boys and girls are sorely missed.

    1. I too teach and it’s common place for me also to hear derogatory comments towards the girls from the boys and also vice versa. What’s sad to observe is how common place this behaviour has become and how so few are standing against the tide of denigrating women and calling things out for how they truly are. It doesn’t help that nearly every music video clip has a man singing with sexy half naked women all girating around them. It’s constant and in the kids faces relentlessly, as well as the easy access to pornography, so it’s no wonder we find ourselves in the predicament we do all over the world.

  255. Thank you Jinya for going deeper in meeting yourself by dealing with your hurts and so being able to meet us women equally. It’s so healing to read this article and feel that there are men honouring themselves and us women for who we truly are. Very precious and lovely.

  256. Thank you Jinya, It does start with a woman reclaiming that gorgeous sense of herself, that naturally lives within. Re-connecting to this exquisite essence draws the line in the sand, indisputably assisting her to feel her sense of worth and love, and from this point, accept nothing less than love. The ‘Women in Livingness’ forums hosted by Natalie Benhayon have initiated this change in many women around the world.

    1. Yes johannebrown17 but it is the combination that will make the change. Women reclaiming our natural divinity and grace – yes – and Men looking at how they want/need from women and letting that go. Men like Jinya who are taking the first step to look at their relationship with women and what they place upon them and healing their own hurts is a great step towards true equality. Thank you Jinya.

  257. Thank you Jinya, I so needed to read this today. I love your honesty and for starting this very needed conversation.

  258. Being treated like a commodity – that sounds so alien to everything that life is, to what a woman or a man truly is. It is akin to the world of robots where sensitvity and love have no place. Is this what we really want? I don’t think so. I don’t feel so. Let’s drop the imposed ideals and beliefs and begin to heal the hurts that they have given rise to. As Naren Duffy suggested “we are still dealing with each other through a lens of idealism based on what we think another expects of us as opposed to the connection to ourselves and what it means to truly express from that connection.’ Re-connecting to our own inner nature will allow us the sensitivity to know how we would like to be treated – and deep down isn’t that with love and respect?

  259. I really loved reading your blog Jinya – “a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron?” made me laugh but as you say in all truth women are so much more and as we break the cycle of hurts between men and women this world will be changed anew.

  260. This is such a powerful call to humanity, Jinya. There is a deeply rooted system of beliefs at play in the way the sexes treat and relate to one another that seems to be getting exaggerated to extreme levels. Men and women are in many areas moving into stereotyped cliches of themselves. Men are ballooning up to super-hero sized physiques, while women tone and implant themselves to achieve over-sexualized pneumatic bodies. Men indulge in super driven hyper-greed to amass piles of wealth never before seen, while women take fertility drugs to produce 6 or seven babies at one time. Of course these are extremes, and the vast majority of people do not live like this or aspire to this, but it does show that we are still dealing with each other through a lens of idealism based on what we think another expects of us as opposed to the connection to ourselves and what it means to truly express from that connection.

  261. Jinya, this blog is rich with the respect and appreciation you have for women. I agree that men need to look at their part in the impositions placed on women in society today but equally, women need to stop accepting these limitations and dishonouring of their truth.

    Both men and women need to heal their hurts and make different choices for us to move towards true equality.

  262. Whilst reading your blog Jinya I am aware that (in general) women keep getting distracted off the real task of reconnecting to themselves rather than connecting to something that is much more powerful and healing, that being connection to themselves.

  263. Absolutely Rebecca, women have also paid a part in their being treated as mere objects and their looks as being the focus of their attractiveness. Women have accepted this. Both men and women have to face up to and deal with their hurts before this situation will permanently change. And as we come to a realisation of this truth, we have to speak up openly about it.

  264. “It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’”. I love this very thoughtful blog, Jinya and how you have called out men for their behaviour in abusing women and treating them as objects. I also love how you ascribe this happening largely because of the failure of men to deal with all the hurts they are carrying, which they then take out on the women. Absolutely agree, but women also have a part to play in this. While they accept this position, the situation will not change. But it is not for women to become aggressive, or join the men in living in male energy to prove themselves. That is absolutely counter-productive. I am one of those women who has been willing to unearth and build on my true qualities as a woman, such as nurturing, stillness, my fragility, and more lately delicateness. It is still very much a work in progress, but it is amazing how powerful I now feel as a result, not necessarily what others might expect. I certainly do not feel weak, and there is now no way that I would accept being treated as a commodity, or accept abuse. And I am now prepared to speak out strongly, but lovingly, when I am treated as a commodity.

  265. I have always admired the inner strength in every woman. I have been blessed to have met many women who can see the falseness in society that Jinya has described, and do not play ball with it. Instead they carry themselves with grace trusting their own heart.

  266. ” … a veritable Swiss army knife of a person … ”
    I find this analogy so apt for so many women I see in my life, especially at work where nursing staff are run off their feet plus running families at home plus running around caring for elderly parents plus running a social life of sorts plus running at the gym and on and on … it’s not right! And we wonder why illness is so rife in our so-called advanced society … !

  267. You make so many pertinent points in this blog Jinya. “The media has gone berserk without once stopping to consider – is anyone being hurt by this use of another human being?” The fact that we are all getting hurt by this needs to be recognised and accepted. Once this is done we need to look at why we have allowed this. As you have so honestly shared it comes back to hurts and how we put need ahead of truth. Thank you for this awesome blog raising awareness on how women have been affected by men. As you so clearly point out however it is something women have allowed and it is time for us to say no to it.

  268. This is yet another area that our media has let us down. You are absolutely right Jinya and what you write regarding the media. It’s sad, worrying and concerning that girls and boys are growing up with this as normal. The perception of what a women should be is distorted from an early age, creating many issues in relationship to self and others.

  269. Jinya, your blog was so tender to read. It was beautiful to read this from a man’s prospective, and a deeply honest prospective. It we all dealt with our own hurts the world would become much stiller.

  270. “Hurts would stop going round and round. The world would become very still. That would be true equality. Maybe even harmony.”I love how you have ended your blog, so powerful and wise. How amazing our world would be if we all lived in stillness, equality, love and harmony. Let’s keep on working towards just that.

  271. Men and women have infinite ways of relating. Most of them emerge out of them living disconnected lives. A lot that we see daily comes from there. Connecting to each one’s beauty, qualities and values gives a different perspective. It is a bit like we allow ourselves to see and be seen by something very intimate and very dear to us.

  272. Jinya, powerful points for reflection. Your comment – ‘ The abuse of women is there because of the hurts that men carry around beneath their tough exteriors’, invites deep consideration of what is happening that these hardened exteriors are developed in the first place. As a woman in the world it is my responsibility to re-connect to and live my tenderness in the raising of my children and in all interactions with others.

  273. A wonderful; disclosure Jinya from a Man to Women in general. We don’t always hear the truth concerning what men think of women from the Male population therefore it is all the more inspiring when we do. I absolutely agree with you on the changes that both women and men need to make, and a big part of this is to know that we are all equal and each need to heal the hurts that have been inflicted by each other. This is great reading and food for thought!

  274. This is a gorgeous and honest blog, thank you Jinya. We all have a part to play in this scenario, and the awareness from a man is heartfelt for a woman to read, to feel a true understanding of who we are and what we bring, and that a woman in her true feminine power actually brings out the loving tender nature of men.

  275. As I re- claim my delicate, tender graceful divine true self and live more and more from my essence I realise how empty I felt inside as a being. When I truly connect with my authentic self I naturally treat myself with so much more loving, nurturing tenderness. This was something I learnt through the teachings of Universal Medicine, in my earlier life I had no idea how harsh I was with myself both physically and emotionally. As I change the people around me change or slip away and I naturally attract more like minded people.

    1. Hi Margaret, I can relate to your finding that in the past you had been harsh with yourself, physically and emotionally. I too have come to a realisation of this in myself, as I have taken part in presentations by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I have chosen to have many healings from great practitioners and continue to work on myself, finding the true woman that is within me that is gentle, nurturing and quite delicate, and gradually embodying those qualities. There is no way now, that I would do the things to myself that I used to do. It feels awful in my body to even think of them now.

  276. Likening today’s women to a sexy version of a swiss army knife, sharp and ready for all that life challenges is a brilliant analogy Jinya. It makes me wonder that just maybe women would be less sharp and cutting if they weren’t so busy trying to be super women in all that they say and do, and thus men would feel far less rejection and hurt. After all it is the hurts on both sides that causes and feeds the battle of the sexes in the first place.

    1. I can certainly relate to being brusque and cutting with men in the past just trying to prove I was just as capable and reliable as them. When I stopped competing against them I found them to be equally tender as myself and having less need of protection to avoid being hurt.

    2. Well said Suse. When I was trying to do everything and be a sexy swiss army knife I was very cutting and icy. As I begin to drop all of that, my tenderness comes out more and more and I let people in more. I’m learning to live more from my essence and as I do so, the way others treat me changes and is more loving and honouring of who I am. I made the change and that called a change in others.

  277. Jinya, you ask some great questions that very much need asking so both men and women can start to be honest about our own well being and why things have changed so dramatically in the last 50 years. These questions don’t just belong on a page, in order for TRUE change they need to be thoughtfully and actively discussed between us as we as a society already have the answers to our woes.

  278. It my second read of this blog, I didn’t deliberately try to search out this blog again but when I got a few paragraphs in I realised I had read it already. The funny thing was I just couldn’t stop reading. I am going to search your name up and see if you have written anything else as I could simply listen to you all day. Your writing is accessible, honest and powerful. Look forward to your next blog and if you haven’t written any others, start writing…
    Much appreciation Jinya

    1. I agree with you sarahraynebaldwin, Jinya’s writing is indeed beautiful and easy reading. I also have to say often when I read the same blog a sentence or paragraph of profound wisdom that I didn’t seem to notice the first time I read it sometimes seems to literally jump off the page to teach me something I am now ready to learn or for me to simply appreciate. Its totally awesome.

      1. Yes Suse, if i had of gone into my head and stopped reading the blog due to having ‘read it already’ I would have missed the magic that was there for me this round. That is the blessing when something is written universally – there no limitations and it is ageless wisdom.

  279. Women and men have their own natural true qualities. Both can be gentle, tender and lovely in their expression, but nevertheless they express in a different way which brought together is a completion in itself. But what does this mean? What does this look like? One could say a man is capable of building a house physically with more ease and a woman can easily fill it. Both are supporting each other in the process, because one can not truly be without the other. But this is just symbolically. One could also say they work together like the riverbed and the river. This all is something I am still exploring, what does it truly look like to be nurturing as a woman and caring as a man?

  280. Brilliant blog Jinya and so beautifully written and expressed. I agree that if both women and men took responsibility for our hurts, re-connected to the tenderness that we all equally are within, claimed and expressed our true essence, we and the world that we are all a part of would be absolutely beautiful, living more harmoniously together in constant inspiration.

  281. “a veritable Swiss army knife of a person” – what a great analogy! The sexualisation of women, accepted by both men and women needs to be arrested. And I love Jinya how you have exposed this and shared your observations and tenderness on this issue; accepting your own responsibility with your own hurts and inspiring other men and women to do the same.

  282. Perhaps I have rose coloured glasses on but being old-er I remember a time when the pervasive images of sexualised women were far less available. When I mention this to others I’m told not to be prudish and move with the times. I think it hurts women so much to be portrayed in this way that, rather than to deal with the huge hurt, we take the easy way and go along with it, thus participating in our own abuse.

  283. Reading through the comments I have to agree with what is being said here, that this false divide between men and women has to end and that the only way to do that is for women to re-claim themselves as the sacred and nurturing women that they are and for men to re-claim themselves as the divinely tender and caring men that they are.

    1. I agree with you Elizabeth, we all know what is broken in the relationships of men and women that has become the accepted norm and something we just have to live with… No, we do not. We must all re-claim the true essence of who we truly are and move forward.

  284. My feeling is to truly move forward we have to see ourselves not as two sexes, men and woman and see ourselves as one, no matter what gender we express through. That we all equally can have a balance of both femaleness and maleness within our bodies from which to express.

    1. Gyl yes this would be one way to move forward and to remove the neediness each sex expresses for the other.

    2. So true Gyl this is very much my feeling on equality. When we are truly with ourselves and in harmony both male and female expressions are present. This indeed unifies us and the differences melt away.

    3. I agree Gyl. We are not born gendered. Gender is the behaviour that men and women align to as we adopt our identities of the sexes we are born with. Baby boys being dressed in blue and girls in pink is an example. Gender is our identification with the outer and when we start to live from the essence of who we are within – which is without sex or gender – we will find true equality.

      1. Wonderfully expressed Jinya – the thinking about gender creates a type of separation. Underneath we have all the same essence and we are all children of god.

  285. This is such a strong imbedded belief many many woman hold to look out and compare ourselves to one another thinking that we need to do and have all these things that will make us a woman. It couldn’t be further from the truth if it tried, interesting that it is set up like this. Once I started to let go of all the ideals, beliefs and ‘pictures’ of what I had taken on and started to re-connect to the Sacred Woman within then and only then did I realise how far gone I really was.

  286. Feeling my tenderness and grace as a women is something that I did not feel as a young women and into my 20’s or 30’s. It is something I have had to re-develop, now coming into my early 40’s, I can say that there is a delicateness and divinity that I do hold true, it does feel amazing to connect to this and know that also we all as men and women equally hold the same tenderness and grace within.

  287. That was great Jinya with some humorous bits thrown in as well. I agree we need to take this weird manipulation and misunderstanding away , between man and woman as we are one of the same. There is so much depth to go to in love and understanding each other in our true gentle and tender ways. If we are ruled by hurts or ideals and beliefs it difficult to see our true selves.

  288. “Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.” And woman would be tender also; there would be no competition, comparison or jealousy.
    Equal love would be felt between the genders. True harmony.

  289. I enjoyed your honesty and reflection on how you have treated women and what you have needed them to be for you. I am inspired by women who radiate a deep love for themselves and know who they are, when the beauty of within shines on the outside. There is a quality to this that melts people and it is this that will bring people back to their true essence.

    1. And when a woman does radiate such a deep love for herself, there is no “use” of her. Any needs placed upon her fall by the wayside. She is her own woman and in that she offers her all to others. She cannot be imposed upon. And this is something all women are capable of.

  290. Thank you Jinya, this is a beautiful blog for both men and women. I love the introduction of tenderness and fragility. It is OK not to be able to do it all – the swiss army knife is an image I will not let go of lightly!

    1. I agree Lucy, what is present, possible and even imminent for Men and Women could be a whole new world of relating.

    2. Yes Lucy! The swiss army knife was a classic way to describe the many roles and tasks a woman is expected to fulfil, all while looking super sexy as well. Time for women to put all the extensions back in their slots and live in a realistic and authentic way, true to their natural essence and not what society has demanded from them.

      1. Absolutely Jo, sometimes I find it difficult to put all my extensions away while doing asana yoga, but the more I live my essence the easier it becomes.

  291. What an amazing blog! There are some great points to reflect on. We women sure do have a responsibility in saying ‘no’ to abuse. We cannot any longer fall victim to that which we create in the first place!
    ‘The abuse of women is there because of the hurts that men carry around beneath their tough exteriors’. This is a great reminder supporting me to have the understanding so that I can observe myself and not react if any form of abuse comes my way.

  292. Reading your blog brought a big smile to my face Jinya, especially the last four lines where your lightness brings the whole blog together! Thank you for exposing and discussing such an important area in all of our lives. It is time we put aside out hurts and began to relate in far more loving ways between the genders. And appreciating what we each bring.

    1. Absolutely Henrietta, appreciating is most defiantly the key. We can get so caught and identified in our hurts that we don’t know who we are without them but if we realise that the hurts are in truth holding us back and not protecting us then life would be a lot simpler.

      1. Simple is the key word here gorgeous Sarahraynebaldwin! Without simplicity we get complications, we have difficulties, we get bogged down, we lose ourselves, we get depressed. Keep it simple and life smiles back at you again!

      2. Henrietta your reply couldn’t have come at a better time, a simple reminder to keep it simple has set the tone for my day and I can feel life starting to crack a smile. Thank you.

  293. A beautiful blog Jinya. It is beautiful to read a man speaking so honestly about tenderness. Women have allowed themselves to interpret men’s physical strength as seeing themselves weaker. To feel our tenderness is an inner strength in all of us.

    1. I agree Mary, our real strength as men and women is our tenderness, delicateness and preciousness that is innate within us all. Our job is to learn to live with that level of exquisiteness in the world without any hesitation.

  294. Wow, Jinya. I am bowled over by the stunning honesty and depth of insight you share in this article. One hugely stand out line for me is:

    “is anyone being hurt by this use of another human being?”

    We need only look at ourselves and our immediate families to answer that question with a heartfelt, ‘Yes.’

    For me, the next question would be, “Do we want it to stop?”

  295. You have certainly written some “normal” shattering truths in this wonderful article Jinya. It is sad that we live in a world where abuse of women is considered normal, but to have you speak out and say “no it’s not normal” and to claim the tenderness that you are as a man, is so very inspiring and ground breaking.
    As you say, we all carry our hurts, and those hurts are triggered by anothers – the hurt merry-go-round, that is not so merry – but by beginning to be totally honest about how we are feeling, and to take responsibility for all our actions, the much needed healing between men and women can begin. Thank you for paving the way for this long overdue change.

  296. Huge blog Jinya ! Amazingly honest and insightful. If men and women both understood how not to impose upon each other, nor be in relationship for some need or gain, but rather take the responsibility of being everything they can be and bring this to each relationship, then the truth of relationship could begin to unfold, and this could revolutionise.. well… everything.

  297. This is great Jinya and has made me consider how we can ever hope to have equality of the sexes when we have not brought into harmony the expression of the two genders deep within ourselves? It seems to me that the outer battle of the sexes is a reflection of the inner war we wage against ourselves at the cost of true stillness, equality and harmony.

    1. Beautiful Liane. I had not thought of it like this – but so true. If we could find that harmony within ourselves, then everyone else would feel it and may then be able to recognise something the same within themselves.

      1. I agree Annie C, I too had not thought of true equality for the sexes as coming from the harmony and balance of the two genders within ourselves – but it makes so much sense. Thank you Liane, your words are pure wisdom.

    2. Bringing it back to what seems the same solution to all our woes, win the within and you win the war on the out, or bring harmony within and you will feel it on the out.

    3. Beautifully shared Liane. I agree the outer battle of the sexes is a reflection of our own internal struggles. As Jinya beautifully expresses true equality can only be when we deal with our hurts and connect to the true essence within ourselves and others.

    4. I love how deep this comment is and that you always seem to have a different prospective for truth Liane. I really relate to the point you have made, we so often look out at the ‘perceived problems’ and then try to solve them out there. What your comment brings is true responsibility of our part and that is empowering

  298. It is so great what you have called out here, i love what you wrote….”How did we get to a point where it is commonplace for women to be maligned and abused in the media, their workplace, at home or anywhere?” This is so true, when did we say it was ok for women to look disempowered and objectified in music videos, that selling magazines and newspapers are all about headlines and trash. This has happened because we have ‘all’ allowed it to. We are all responsible, even if we want to blame the media and others, we are it, we are allowing this. SO it is time for us to all take more responsibility, only then will this all begin to change.

  299. I would say that it is definitely true to say that we do not appreciate women in society enough. A woman fully claimed is something that a man should never fear, but rather appreciate in full all that she has to offer, for she has the potential to change the world – not through what she does, but by claiming who she is.

    1. “She has the potential to change the world – not through what she does, but by claiming who she is.”

      I love the wisdom and truth of your words here, Adam. Could this be a reason why women are so maligned, to inhibit their connection with themselves?

    2. Yes it is in the claiming because it is always there for all women, all the time, sitting, waiting patiently for us to claim the exquisite and sacred beings that we are. Oh and very sexy, playful, cheeky and sassy. But it is up to us to say yes to that and live in a way that supports that.

      1. Yes Sarah, each and every one of us can align to these qualities within through being loving nurturing and honouring ourselves.

    3. That’s beautiful Adam. A fully claimed woman is feared – by men, women and often the woman herself. But what a tender and loving power it is and yes, one woman has the potential to change the world.

  300. A lot of women become exploited by what they read in magazines and most conform to how they think they should be, to fit in to what they think is expected of them and to be taken notice of, and men do the same thing. It is all a facade really. When we stop enjoining this separating practice and accept our own and each others individual amazing natural way of being then it is possible we will see each other as all being equal and appreciate what either gender has to offer.

  301. Beautiful Blog Jinya, and so true, it is the imposed image on women that is making the world look so skewed, I feel I have an enormous responsibility to not ‘use’ women to fulfill my needs and be open and see them as equals, not needing them to be more or less than me. This blog gave me some thought to how I actually am with women, which is great!!

  302. It’s up to each and every one of us to speak out against that which we find abusive and demoralising so that we develop a harmonious society that is a joy to be a part of.

  303. Men and women need to work together to create the harmony in the world. Thank you, Jinya, for initiating the discussion and great points to ponder about how we can support each other along the way.

  304. Jinya, I love that you acknowledged the tenderness that is in men and I agree that the more men who express from this quality the more gender equality there will be. Women of course also need to do their part by expressing from their true essence.

    1. Agree Elizabeth,

      There can be many reasons why a woman is not living her essence. (the same goes for men)

      If the desired result is to get an individual to their essence and with the proper support, behaviours would naturally change to make way for this new way of being.

    2. I agree Elizabeth. True equality is about both men and women expressing from the natural quality that is within, in preference to living via a set of ideals and beliefs imposed from outside.

    3. Absolutely Elizabeth both genders have a part to play. As a woman receiving the depth of care and support offered by a man through the tenderness of his heart’s expressions makes me melt into the absoluteness of my innate beauty.

    4. Unfortunately society doesn’t offer much support in men expressing tenderness and women expressing from their true essence. It takes courage and strength to do so, but it is a courage and strength we all have.

  305. Thank you for sharing the awareness you have come to through deeply re-connecting to who you are. The true equality in feeling and expression from both men and women in their tenderness is what it is all about and the responsibility rests with each of us equally. An honest and thoughtful sharing.

  306. I agree Jinya, it is the responsibility of all of us, women and men, to stop the cycle of hurts and be in equality and harmony.

  307. Jinya, I love the vision you paint wherein men are able to deal with their hurts and return to being openly tender and gentle and women no longer buy into the current myths about what is sexy etc and return to expressing themselves in the knowing that what is inside is where true beauty lies.

  308. Thank you Jinya … I love the summary of appreciation you have for who women truly are and what it is we bring. It’s an ever-evolving opportunity to bring all of my glorious self to everyone and everything I do. Understanding and appreciating as you describe that women need to live our part of the plan, supporting men to love theirs. As we all start living our truth we will be living as you say:
    The hurts would stop going round and round, the world would become very still.
    That would be true equality, maybe even harmony. Bring it on I say ☺

  309. A beautiful piece of writing, about an important topic of how we have objectified women, and how as a society we all then miss out on the amazing stillness and inner beauty women naturally bring, thank you Jinya.

  310. I absolutely loved reading your blog Jinya, thank you.
    Particularly, this sentence stood out… “but I have realised that what really hurts me is not allowing myself to be tender, and looking outside of me for fulfillment” as once I began treating myself with tenderness and self love, it certainly stopped me looking outwardly for confirmation of love, because all the love you want is what you already have within you. And then you start to see this same quality in everyone, man or woman, which brings equalness back, restoring balance.

  311. This is an absolutely beautiful blog and it is so needed to speak about this. We have become so used to what a woman should look like and what she should be able to do that we often do not question this anymore let alone even realise what we have allowed our way of being to become. It is a blessing that you bring awareness with your words to this topic, that we are all responsible and that we need to take a deep look at how we let our hurts dictate our lives.

  312. This article clearly states how we both, men and women, are choosing to keep the roles we create ticking over and feeding this way of living, as being beneficial. Beneficial to whom, the kids who get a frazzled and exhausted mother, the husband who’s wife is too busy to slot him in some quality time together and a mother who is lost to herself under the illusion that she is fulfilling her role as a mother, wife, work colleague, best friend, devoted daughter and so on? Who’s winning here?

  313. Thank you Jinya for your honest article. As I have been building love for myself those hurts and needs have been disappearing and I am getting to know who I truly am more and more. For all to live from this essence, that is within us all, for sure would bring real equality.

  314. This is such a great blog, Jinya. I can really feel the games that are played and how this ‘going around and around’ is just keeping us all less. Only we can choose to stop the game, get off the merry-go-round, connect to our true essence and live from love – to live true equality in harmony – isn’t that what we are all longing for?

  315. Great article Jinya, thank you for exposing this never ending game that is played out, never looking at the hurts it masks, always able to blame another.

  316. Jinya thank you for your amazing blog. I really enjoy reading it, being a woman who has experienced much hurt this life and I know that I am healing them all and letting them go in exchange for my glorious self. Step by step but it will be done 🙂

  317. You speak with the equal voice of women and men. Your honesty is deeply felt. Written with truth, elegance and precision, no fluff, all super real. Thank you every sentence is pretty much a quote- just gold! “It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’.” It is true however I feel this can come from the pressure from men but also the lack of connection of women with themselves. The ‘need’ from both parties. Until we all heal our hurts will this inequality disappear, where humanity will then connect in their absolute equalness, when we are all in our fullness.

    1. Yes, it’s not that we have to tell men that they have to be better men, but about men challenging their falsely held views about themselves and how they relate with women. Women also share the responsibility in doing the same for the expression of their gender.

  318. This is a wonderful article. It is true there is a wide spread acceptance of a certain version of women that is spread through out the media that many do not question or live outside of. This article exposes this and it also shares a man’s experience of becoming aware of the possibility of women being something more, in true equality. It is gold, thank you.

  319. From my experience I too have found that the needs I have sought to fill through women have stemmed from my own lack of self love, which has left hurts unhealed.

  320. What is so beautifully revealed when we deal with our hurts are feelings of equality with loving appreciation for what both women and men naturally bring. The quality of exquisite sacredness of women and nurturing tenderness of men. To have these qualities as the thread that binds a relationship, no matter what gender, rather than a hurt that configures the boundaries of a relationship, is definitely worth the effort. Dealing with our hurts not only redefines the relationship boundaries, but shatters them so there is a limitless opportunity to allow love to be felt rather than the awkwardness of a hurt.

  321. Jinya your article beautifully expresses the dilemma we are in. It is heartening to hear a man speak about appreciating women for who they are – I could feel my whole body relax when I read those words. If men and women were to appreciate each other for who we are, how beautiful would that be?

    1. I had exactly the same response in my body as well hartanne60. It’s lovely to have a man express so honestly and openly Jinya as well as read the responses from other men on this blog of how you all really feel. We can’t wait for others to start making the changes – we have to be the one to do our part irrespective.

  322. “A veritable Swiss army knife of a person” – that could be the description of the 21st century person! No matter if we talk about women or men. The only thing that comes on top for women here is the fact that they are the ones bringing in the natural “nurturing” aspect – giving birth and caring for the kids and the home. So what have we become as a society? I agree with you that it is on all of us to face the fact that we can’t keep running on and on – if there is still a bit of self love active in us. That’s something everyone has got to name for themselves and others, if they can sense it. That’s how we can truly support each other.

  323. It is amazing to read this amazing piece of truth from a man!!?! Your observations are impressive and a real solution to the problem we have in the world when it comes to relationships in any shape or form between men and women. Your love for true equality is felt and very much appreciated.

  324. Thank you for the depth that you have gone to in this article Jinya. Here here to all that you said, indeed what a wonderful world we would and will live in when this becomes the norm.

    1. Totally agree Heidi – it may be a while off but one day it will be, as every single one of us is being pulled back to our truth-full origins.

  325. “Is it possible that true equality is not so much about women achieving the same status as men in society by ‘beating them at their own game’, but more about men dealing with our hurts and letting go of ideals and beliefs so that we would not need a woman to be anything other than her already glorious self?” Absolutely so Jinya!
    In acceptance and appreciation of who we naturally are as woman and men, true harmony will exist.

  326. Jinya, thank you for a deeply insightful and honest article. When we don’t take responsibility for our everyday choices and our past hurts everyone is affected, not just us. Women and men have been in this cycle for ages — or tennis match as you put it. But the moment we start being honest with ourselves we start saying no to this hurtful game.

  327. I really enjoyed reading your article Jinya, it is so true. When I think about how much effort it takes not to be who we really are, it’s no wonder the work place is full of exhausted people.

  328. What has astounded me is that women have actually objectified themselves for such a long period of time we have yes to the most bizarre and brutal beauty practises to maintain an attractive appearance. Ancient Egyptian women crafted Bromine Lipstick. Because of the poisonous ingredients, the side effects were brutal,
    Ladies of the Renaissance and ancient Egyptian times created Arsenic Hair Removal, which was done with highly poisonous arsenic and quicklime, which is used to make cement.

    Early days of beauty through to the Victorian era(think Queen Elizabeth I of England) saw the use of Lead Facials, Toxic white lead was a popular ingredient and was frequently used as a mask or treatment to whiten the skin and provide the unearthly pallor that was considered desirable at the time. Women would pluck their brow hair back an inch, or even more, to create a fashionably high forehead.
    And the list is extensive traversed across time and cultures – Corseting, genital mutilation, neck rings, foot binding, lip plates, nose stretching, ear stretching, Plastic surgery, labiaplasty, teeth removal, teeth sharpening.
    It is like women keep getting distracted off the real task of reconnecting to themselves and have fallen for the constant modification of our bodies rather connecting to something that is much more powerful and timeless – our connection to ourselves and showing this natural and individual beauty to the world. It is like we are afraid of our own power. We have all come across a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and it refreshing, inspiring and a little discombobulating as it highlights how uncomfortable we are in our own skin.

    1. It is disturbing to read about the harming things that women did down through the ages in order to look “beautiful”. And what is very more disturbing is that we as women are still doing a modern day version of the same things.

    2. Thank you Nicole for bringing history into this. I was not aware of these harmful treatments women put themselves subject to and thought it was only something of the recent years. But I have to revisit this and acknowledge that this way of living was already there for centuries where men and women keep each other in the illusion that this is the way how we should relate to each other.

      1. This has been going on for since the dawn of time – it does put it in a different perspective.

  329. In this age truth is a rare and wonderful commodity, and it behoves one, if we know what truth truly means, to live in such a way that simply inspires those around us, because truth itself has a resonance, and can be felt by everyone

  330. “Is it possible that true equality is not so much about women achieving the same status as men in society by ‘beating them at their own game’, but more about men dealing with our hurts and letting go of ideals and beliefs so that we would not need a woman to be anything other than her already glorious self?” I think you hit the nail on the head here Jinya it is time to reclaim the true women and men we naturally are.

  331. Beautiful Jinya, what a deep respect and love I feel while reading your blog. The world would be in a completely different place if men could be men and women could be women, all naturally so. It’s time for all of us to reclaim who we truly are and for women to allow men to be men, and for men to allow women to be women. But mostly, to allow ourselves to be who we truly are.

  332. Jinya, this is a super great post on exposing the differences that exist between the genders and how each sex has fostered the indifference that ends up with a de-naturing effect – I’ve found that we seem to have lost the ability to know how to be with each other, the naturalness and grace of a woman we once had as you say in the 1920’s or 30’s, has been removed in favour of fast-sex-woman abusing (not showing off) her beauty or majesty. What a shame. And equally what joy too that there are women who do (now) live with their majesty, as you describe. Your words here offer much deep contemplation in regards to the objectification and sexualisation of women when you ask: “What is going on when men need women to be this way? What’s going on when women need to be this way for society to consider them equal to men?” The answer and medicine is LOVE.

  333. I am trying to find my way back to the glorious woman I am and with that help the men in my life have a true reflection of a sensitive gentle women who respects herself enough to show there is another way not just follow society and accept less.

  334. Thank you for your article, although the subjects you touch on is familiar and have been covered in other blogs I have read they were mostly written by women. Coming from a man it feels extremely powerful and holds a different flavour in it delivery.
    Collectively as women I feel there has been a global desensitise to how we are represented in the media alone. Even though we have supposably been ‘liberated’, what I have seen growing up is women reacting to the past and essentially just jumping on the other end of the same seesaw. Thanks to Universal Medicine for presenting the living example of what life can look like when you get off the seesaw and actually truly soar as a woman.

  335. When we, as women, stop turning a blind eye to the abuse we suffer on a daily basis and reclaim our power, men will share with us this new awakening and meet us in equality.

  336. “Is it possible that true equality is not so much about women achieving the same status as men in society by ‘beating them at their own game’, but more about we men dealing with our hurts and letting go of ideals and beliefs so that we would not need a woman to be anything other than her already glorious self?” This would be true equality, and yes, we definitely need women to be women and bring all of this to every facet of life.

  337. Brilliant article Jinya, calling out the fact that the denigration of women in society is an issue that requires the complicit partnership of both men and women. Both genders need to learn to question the roles we are asked to play from birth if we are to break through the gender divide that exists in society. We need to learn to embrace the obvious differences, whilst also owning the fact that there are qualities that we have learnt to associate with one particular gender, when in fact such qualities are indeed genderless – and I am talking here in particular about qualities such as delicateness and sensitivity, both of which are the natural birth right of every human being. Should we learn to embrace such, then we would quickly find that much of the abuse and manipulation that exists between men and women would disappear.

      1. Deep down we know that when we are seen for who we truly are, our gender melts away.

    1. Very interesting little thread Adam Jinya and Liane all your words only enhance this already amazing blog, thank you and I totally agree ‘ These qualities are indeed genderless.’ and
      ‘Deep down we know that when we are seen for who we truly are, our gender melts away.’
      I Love when I find these little bits of gold.

  338. Thank you Jinya, I enjoyed reading your blog. What struck me was your reference to our hurts. Imagine if it was normal to express our responsibility or lack thereof according to whether we have been aware of or dealt with out hurts! Woman, man or developing child, the world would change immediately!

  339. Thank you Jinya for this very honest account. Often we can feel an ache inside and spend so much time looking for things to distract us or to numb the pain. Your sharing is a great reminder that if we start to look within and love ourselves we can start to heal.

  340. Jinya, the amazingness of women being women is what is needed, the more of us that live from our essence, living lovingly in our lives the more it will be seen and normal it will become. This is certainly now in the face of many with the magazine, Women In Livingness being published and made available in news agencies. This magazine flies in the face of all others in is level of integrity and in the way that it truly supports women.

  341. I agree Patricia, if we refuse to buy and read trashy magazines we are saying “No” to women seen as sex symbols.
    But the real change starts with us individually, accepting, appreciating our true inner beauty and learning to express from here fully. Then others will see true beauty radiate from within out and from here the essence of who women innately are -love, stillness, harmony and joy, will be known to be in the other woman equally so.

  342. Jinya thank you for the wake up call. The way women are depicted is hurtful and in the past I have averted my eyes believing there was little I could do. But every little action counts, such as refusing to leaf through trashy magazines in waiting rooms or work place and speaking up when the opportunity arises.

  343. I agree Kristy, I felt a great honoring whilst reading this blog. I could feel what pressure I place on myself and where I could bring more honoring in.

  344. Jinya I loved your blog. It was very empowering to read for me as a women. It showed me how I allow these pictures of women to become normal again over time. I see them on the Internet and feel how unacceptable they are then after a while I become numb again not wanting to feel the impact they have on me. This blog was a great offering to men to heal their hurts, start creating change within them selves to come to a place of true equality.

  345. Yes I agree there are hurts going around and around and it needs to stop. Each person needs to take responsibility for their one hurts and reactions. Perhaps that begins with acknowledging we have them. How different is that interaction, as some meetings I have recently been to have felt, with each person acknowledging that they have their own hurts and bringing humility and not competitiveness.

  346. Jinya, this is a very powerful article and spot on. Yes, imagine, if women were allowed to just be their truly amazing essence without feeling imposed upon and our men were not carrying around their hurts and distorting their view of women. I cannot but be reminded of the old saying…’the world would be a better place’.

    1. What a world we would live in if this was the reality. But I do feel that Serge Benhayon’s teachings are helping support so many people in re-connecting and living from their ‘truly amazing essence’ and learning how to shine their light even in the times where people are imposing their ideals and beliefs onto one another.

      1. The world can be a very imposing place, but if we hold ourselves in that connection to our true essence, as a man or a woman, we will finally lay these ideals and beliefs to rest and live without imposing on each other. We will return to a way of life that is truly honouring of ourselves and each other. And I agree Natasha, Serge Benhayon is an amazing support to many, as he is a living example of someone who is living in his “true amazing essence” for us all to feel.

      2. You are absolutely right there sandrahenden, and it is by living the beauty of truly honouring ourselves and each other that I have been able to be re-inspired to be back to life. I was on the way out so to speak, withdrawing so much that I was having bouts of psychosis . By starting to honour myself and honour those around me, the power of this has been incredible. It has changed the way I see and feel about so many things.

  347. Thanks Jinya for such an honest open sharing, I have experienced friendships with such men, tender yet powerful, non-imposing yet fully engaged and constantly reflecting and inspiring me to open up to being more of who I naturally am. As this unfolds in me, I am no longer withdrawn, guarded, and ready to run; instead the world, every man I meet, gets to know more of the real me, more open, playful, loving, honest, supportive and engaged. The development of trust and healing in these relationships has been tremendous and ever-unfolding.

    1. This is very beautiful and inspiring Annie. Such friendships are real it is just the choice to feel what is there to be felt and take an honest step towards a person rather than pulling back with a doubt, hurt or fear.

  348. Imagine….humanity could be like this and it is possible..I am learning how to be open and be myself and I live with a man who is doing the same…and we are learning together to be in equality and share true love….”Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.” Lovely blog and great to hear about your journey as a man.

    1. So beautifully expressed Samantha. Just imagine if every other person, whether in a relationship or not, were choosing to live as you and your partner are doing: “we are learning together to be in equality and share true love”. What a different world it would be.

    2. Yes, if this relationship is actually our natural way as men and women- how far we have strayed from our true essence and the way of living together that supports us all to grow?

  349. Feels so true to me Ninya, that we men have to heal our hurts so we can regain the tenderness we naturally are and that from there the need to treat women as second class objects will cease. I too work in a male dominated industry and I can feel that it hurts when men around me talk about women in a denigrating way.

    1. I am in the same position nvanhaastrecht, working in a bus garage that has about 700 staff of which there are about 70-80 women, there is a lot of ‘banter’ and some blatant abuse towards the women and although they accept it, sometimes I can see and feel that it does bother them. I know I used to be the same, using ‘harmless’ banter to make me look and feel better, but the more I have connected to my tenderness the more I see the natural beauty in women and I don’t feel I have to use that banter anymore.

      1. That is definitely worth sharing with the world, Tim…so many men would not be able to conceive of letting go of the ‘banter’ around women. You have done so as a natural result of connecting with yourself….so many men need to know that this is not only possible, but real.

  350. This is a great article Jinya I have throughly enjoyed reading and feeling the impact we have on each other as men and women. When our needs need and our hurts require soothing the roles are chosen so that the responsibility of who we truly all are together is never seen or lived.

    1. So true Lee. What a setup! Imagine the harmony when the hurts and needs are identified and healed.

  351. Jinya, I like the way you include men as potentially benefiting from a shift from current inequality, sexualisation, denigration and impossible standards of acceptable that have become the norm for women to have to live with in todays society. Men would so benefit from not playing this illusionary game and I can imagine a word without it every bit as beautiful as you outline … right down to harmonious.

  352. This is so meaningful to feel a man express so honestly about his relationship with women, how it has been and how it is unfolding now…it is beautifully balanced about the man and the woman and living from their quality rather than the strangulation of our society and what’s expected of us and so forth. As a woman i really felt seen by a man. Thank you.

  353. Yes Jinya, it would be harmonious.
    How beautiful if everyone stayed connected to their heart and lived all that in every moment of everyday. The forces of society, the unregulated Media, magazine and internet presentation and exploitation of women have a lot to answer for. We have a choice in how all this impacts on us and this choice has the potential to bring all the things you mentioned stillness, true equality and Harmony

  354. I really like how you express women ”have learned to play ball with this as their point of existence, rather than truly live from their quality.” Living from our quality is a beautiful way to live.

  355. ‘Is it possible that true equality is not so much about women achieving the same status as men in society by ‘beating them at their own game’, but more about men dealing with our hurts and letting go of ideals and beliefs so that we would not need a woman to be anything other than her already glorious self?’
    The game is up. Let’s put down the ‘racket’ and begin to deal with what is truly going on. Thanks Jinya for sharing your awareness and this awesome blog. 🔥

  356. Thank you for this blog Jinya. What struck me reading this was how much we use each other as both men and women when we don’t have a love for ourselves first. Without us feeling full with our own love, we walk around with an empty cup as it were looking for who can fill it up. People become commodities, conquests. We see this on a mass scale on the sexualisation and objectification of women, and women to a large degree have played ball with it because it gives them something — some level of twisted recognition, but recognition nonetheless — in the place of being truly met for who they are. As Johanna has shared the turnaround to this appalling way of treating women and treating each other, starts with us. It starts with each woman and man as you have done here, calling out this state of play for what it is, and saying no — this is not how I want to relate to a fellow human being. And very importantly, for each woman to stand in her inner beauty and grace and thus not be defined or swayed in any way by the hooking hooks of our society and media. The more women do this, the less emptiness there will be for the media to feed off and try and fill up with the false beauty it currently espouses.

  357. Thank you Jinya for your awesome blog. I feel it starts with one woman, being absolutely true to her self, loving and staying connected to her gorgeousness from within her, that then when she looks into the eyes of another woman, this she can’t help but see and feel, the same gorgeousness in the other woman. This interaction then between the two women, has the potential to break down the barriers, judgments or protection we unconsciously have, (between woman to woman) opening up the chance for the another woman to also feel her own gorgeousness… It starts with us, taking responsibility to stay with love, that then, we can’t help but let our gorgeousness out!

  358. We have fallen a long way from the elegance and grace women carried in the 1950’s. We may be more equal in the workplace but we are so busy being the veritable ‘swiss army knife of a person’ we have lost sight of the true woman. We have let it slip away and allowed the media to create an image of women that is ugly and two dimensional. It is time for us to draw the line in the sand and come back to what being a woman is really about and accepting nothing less.

  359. So true I know as a woman how I have allowed myself to be abused in the smallest of ways. I can identify with trying to ‘do it all’. When we do start to call it out and say NO it’s amazing how relationships change.

  360. The state of abuse towards women is out of control worldwide. It changes from country to country with gang rape acceptable in some countries, genital mutilation accepted in others, domestic violence and lack of equal pay the norm in almost every first world country. Add them all up though and what we have is a world where the preciousness and delicate nature of a woman is almost lost and not valued. The time has come for this to change, but women will need to make the first change – and decide to be who they really are, and let no one else take that away – no matter where they live in the world.

  361. You are right Kristy. These conversations are beautiful and powerful when they are initiated by men. They must come from us both, men and women, to get to the nuts and bolts of who we really are, and what actions we need to take to let go of the images that leave us all compromised and wanting.

  362. I love your honesty and the depth you have gone to in this piece Jinya, I have no words for what it feels like to hear a man speak from his innermost like this as you have. It is extraordinarily precious and I feel I need to take some time to ponder on what you have written and re read before further comment.

  363. Thank you Jinya for this great sharing for all to read. I can so relate to “looking outside of me for fulfilment” and eventually “something has to give” and for me up until that point the patterns of behaviour remained the same. As Melinda expressed so beautifully”The responsibility to be love is always equal”.

  364. I feel that men have an equal responsibility to create change. A true gentleman offers an enormous healing to a woman by setting markers for self worth, and by showing other men how to truly be. Men carry the same ability to speak up about how things are, and as you have shared, it starts with becoming honest about why men need to relate to women in a way that is not honouring for either gender. Men currently are very willing to disrespect women as a way of accessing relief from the self abusive way they live. Waiting for women to change this will not alone bring change, because men need to bring change to how they are living and support other men to do this. They need to make a choice to return to being true gentle-men. There is not only an expectation for women, as commodities, to meet the needs of men, but an expectation from men for women to change it all. Men already know in their hearts what is right or wrong, but they are not taking action on it. They are not willing to stand out as being different. Waiting for women to call out the abuse is just another part of the game. The responsibility to be love is always equal.

  365. this felt like a very supportive blog for both men and women to take responsibility for how we are with each other and how we allow the world to become.

  366. Someone was sharing with me the other day that they live to a natural steady rhythm that they can feel inside them. It’s the same rhythm -beat of nature and how we so easily allow ourselves to beat to a different drum, faster, racier, harder and the way she supported herself to catch the wanting to run ahead was paying attention to the beat within, the steady flow. I found this a very powerful and simple image.

  367. Wow great blog Jinya. Very honest and powerful. We have all lost our natural way of living. Along the way most of us have lost respect for each other, ourselves and have a fear of showing love and tenderness. It is amazing to acknowledge what is happening to us and around us. We can then make a choice to change what is not true by making changes from within. I find it overwhelming to expect the world to change and heal, waiting for a miracle to happen but what I have come to realise is for true change to occur I must take responsibility and start by changing myself first. To heal my own hurts and naturally that will inspire others around me to do the same.

  368. I was first married in the sixties and experienced all sorts of suppression from my husband, then in the eighties I became part of the feminist movement and hardened myself towards men. Since attending Universal Medicine presentations and finding support among the practitioners to feel my own hurts, I have experienced a wonderful opening towards men. They are men like you Jinya who are willing to feel their own hurts and to express with tenderness. I love your last few lines and have experienced this to be true. I can now open to the tenderness in my sons, my family members and men everywhere.

  369. Hello Jinya, I love that you have highlighted both men and women in this. Men and women equally have a part in all of the mess that has been created. If we look inward to heal and feel and not outward to blame that would be a good start. If we deal with our own things this changes the world around us. The only reason as an individual your life is a ‘mess’ is to reflect where you need to look first to heal. It is no one’s fault but our own responsibility to deal with what is around us. It may seem too big but look small first and just deal with whatever is first in line in front of you. I think we are all worth it.

  370. I loved reading your blog and what you’ve shared here Jinya regarding many ways women try to do, do and keep doing more to be not only so called equal to men but more. I esp. love the ending of your blog.
    I do know from my own experience in past (still learning to go deeper with it each day) that I used to be amazing multi tasker and do too much at the stake of my well being because I used to get seen/recognised for all that I did. Also, I used blame others for my hurts & not taking responsibility of my own choices and getting hard with myself and then in affect with others. It was awful feeling in the body and for others to feel that when I communicated with them. Learning to 1st accept that I made a choice to be where I am at and take responsibility in the role that I played in my own life experience was very liberating and from there I learned to express my hurts as I felt rather than the old way of not express and harden. I also started to feel how I felt in my body and what I am can handle and do things from there. I still do many things but those are done from my being rather than some outside source of recognition. Then there is no need to be seen as equal to men or women as you are feeling enough within you.

  371. There is a lot to happen in the development of true harmony between women and men, as well as women and women. The amount of abuse happening in the world today is unfathomable – and society is becoming more numb to it as the exposure increases. This is not ok. Thank you Jinya.

    1. So true Amelia, we cannot accept the amount of abuse that actually exists in our society towards ourselves and each other

  372. Thankyou Jinya – how beautiful to connect to the love between men and women when they step away from their hurts. It is so deeply honouring of us all as equals.

  373. I really appreciate all the expression from men and women about getting beyond gender and seeing ourselves all as amazing and joyful beings. We carry so many hurts related to our gender. Through Universal Medicine we have begun to dig deep and bring these hurts and the behaviours that they trigger more to the surface and be honest about them as Jinya is. I feel that this is becoming an important part of the foundation for moving beyond gender to a greater truth of who we are.

  374. Thank you Jinya. This melted me, to feel your deep honouring and love for women…and men equally. When we live from our hurts, the world becomes a mess…yet as you so beautifully point out, taking responsibility can open up to the possibility of living in harmony…the most natural and normal way, accepting nothing less.

  375. “Women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer…” This is a very poignant point you make, Jinya, for I have been uncovering all the reasons why I personally have accepted all different types of abuse and not consistently spoken out against them. I have come to see that there is an undercurrent of a ‘lack of self-worth’ program running in the background in every interaction I have and before I know it abuse has happened in some way shape of form, even if it is someone very subtly putting me down, and I have not addressed it there and then. It is only later when I ponder on the interaction that I understand what happened. Thankfully, now having realised this is a pattern I am slowly catching it earlier and earlier, but I can also feel that I indeed to not deserve it and that is one of the biggest programs I have broken in allowing myself the freedom to now call out abuse energy faster. Because I now allow myself to feel it whereas before I had gotten so use to it I didn’t take any notice of it.

  376. I loved what you wrote, Jinya, thank you. It’s about “men dealing with our hurts and letting go of ideals and beliefs so that we would not need a woman to be anything other than her already glorious self? That is so beautiful, how amazing it would be to be on the receiving end of just that, to live that. It’s up to me too, we all need to call out the abuse and put a stop to the ‘accepted norm’, to reclaim ourselves back to the exquisitely tender women that we are.

  377. Thank you Jinya, it’s awesome what you have expressed here, it makes me ponder on the enormity of this issue in the world today. We were already beautiful, tender and amazing before these ideals here imposed upon us, in a sense we have been robbed of our true beauty but only because we bought into the lie. As we as women begin to reclaim ourselves, we will return to what is true to once again live as the naturally powerful beings we once were.

  378. Just beautiful Jinya. Thank you for such a gorgeous article to read. Both men and women for numerous reasons sadly hold themselves and the opposite sex less than their true essence. It is inspirational to imagine the equality and tenderness between us when we stop imposing on each other and living up to societal or self imposed expectations and just express who we naturally are.

  379. This is a great conversation to start especially by a man. Men are raised against their naturally tender and caring being to become hard and though and part of this is to objectify and sexualise women. It starts with both genders becoming open and honest about the game that is being played and that we are equally part of, then when we change we can allow our children to grow up as they are , creating a whole new foundation that will be respectful, loving and caring in every direction.

  380. An inspiring article for both men and women honouring the truth in us all.
    Yes, as we deal with our own hurts we allow ourselves to live in the world in openness rather than in protection.
    I love how you point out that for this to happen, it is the responsibility of both genders to bring the understanding and for each to support the other.
    Thank you Jinya,

  381. I enjoyed reading what you have written here Jinya. I felt your tenderness and your honesty in sharing. Especially where you say
    “Hurts would stop going round and round,
    The world would become very still,
    That would be true equality,
    Maybe even harmony”,

    That will be an awesome normal.

  382. I totally agree Kristy. This is a gorgeous blog Jinya and I feel truly met and understood reading this. It encompasses us all, men and women equally with love and grace and clearly spells out what is going on between us all so we can see and take responsibility for our part in it. Thank you for bringing this much needed discussion into the public arena.

  383. Thank you Jinya for your article – I feel I am only just coming to terms with allowing myself to feel the extent of abuse of women in society – from the so called normal and accepted forms of abuse that you have talked about in your blog, but also the more extreme forms of abuse such as sex trafficking etc. It appears to be easier to turn a blind eye to such things – to pretend that they are not happening, yet this is just a coping mechanism in order not to feel the awfulness of the situation. In allowing myself to feel how denigrating and disempowering it is, the full stench of the situation allows me too to stand up and begin to put an end to this abuse by voicing how I feel. And as you have mentioned in the blog – it is about us standing and acting together as men and women to ‘clean up the mess’.

  384. “And on this false foundation, the sexualisation of women has become so ‘normal’ and so accepted by our collective psyche that it carries on with no regard as just another facet of life in the 21st century.” So it has, we have collectively been pushing the boundaries of what is normal in a very fast pace the past few decades, completely ignoring the detrimental affect on both men and women resulting in a very harmful, over-sexualised society where our precious young people are deeply harmed in their self image and self esteem.

    1. I agree, Carolien and Jinya, the sexualisation in our society is so normal now. We lost sight of what is accepted and normal here. When young beautiful women start studying and join student associations it is completely accepted, normal and even needed to belong, they present themselves in a ‘sexy’ almost ‘slutty’ way. The themes of the student parties have names like ‘hooker’ party and none of the girls speak up.

  385. I agree Kirsty, so very honouring to read this piece of writing written by a man and so very important that we are expressing openly honouring ourselves and each other, allowing true equality and harmony to evolve.

  386. I would like to extend a big thank you for your honest presentation of what I feel has been a hideous situation/expression for a very long time – your blog is an example of the truth just coming from within, and so beautifully from a man who feels the truth, because it needs to be verbalized. The truth of the situation needs to be called out. I could never understand the easy acceptance of the need of these displays. The actual situation of the demeaning of women in the male dominated/orientated workplace I recall from family members having worked in engineering, car mechanics etc. the ‘pin-up girls’ I found to be such an expression of degradation towards the female body, and women in general – and this unsavourary behaviour does not seem to have diminished at all in 40 years, if anything it appears the degradation is more overtly visible. Yes, I agree with you Jinya it is way past time for women to call out “this is not acceptable behaviour” and not just turn the other way mumbling that it is a ‘man thing’.

  387. Jinya your expression as a man is really valuable here and makes true equality and harmony not just an ideal but something others will get to experience as you live your light.

  388. Such a well written blog, I particularly found this sentence resonated with me: “but what I wasn’t being honest about was that I was seeking them from a need that grew out of a consistent dissatisfaction with myself”.

    With much water to go under the bridge yet, I feel as I’ve tuned into my own loveliness and become more steady and loving of myself, there’s no need to have a certain type of woman in my life. Rather, at some point I look forward to sharing my beauty with someone who knows and lives theirs – regardless of how the masses view this.

  389. Yes Jinya, “women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer”. However, it also needs men to support women here and to call out truth whenever and wherever there is an opportunity. It has, as you say, become commonplace for women to be maligned and abused and men challenging other men who are speaking about women in a derogatory or non-respectful way, can make a difference. Thank you for showing the way and for the honesty in your blog.

  390. Gorgeous Jinya. It is so lovely to feel the honouring of both women and men in your blog – true equality. Conversations about women being equal to men have often felt like a competition or something that has needed to be proven ie. that women have had to prove they are equal to men by doing things as men do, being as good (or better) than men – as if there could only be one winner. This hasn’t worked as can be seen in our world today as you have written here Jinya, and not forgetting the out of control rise in women’s health issues also showing us that the way we are living as women isn’t serving us.

  391. Great blog Jinya! I personally can feel that it is almost a taboo to talk – as men – about our behaviour towards Women. I can feel the love and care we (I?) actually have for every single woman in this world. It’s up to us to chose a different way to be with women. And for women to choose how to relate with men. All behaviour that is not presenting the Beauty and Truly Tender men and women we are is a mere cry to be seen and heard.

  392. Changing the norm is called for here, it is time for men and women to speak up and not accept anything less than who they truly are.

  393. An awesome read Jinya.
    I particularly like what you write here, Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.
    Here, here, to that as I have indeed felt that true tenderness from men that have chosen to step into their naturally tender and caring selves and it is truly delightful.
    It has to start with us women, saying no to the abuse and choosing to re-connect to and come from that innate and sacred all encompassing pulse that resides within and has the power to bring about great and wonderous change. You cannot help but feel true equality with men/all and know them for who they truly are within when that absolute grace and stillness, touches your heart.

  394. I so love this blog; it’s showing us where we are going, which is still a very long way from what we have now going on with men and women. Working at a shopping centre I am actually outraged daily to see men walk around with pornographic drawings of women displayed on the front of their T-shirts – reducing women to a consumable ‘item’ – just like a beer ad in the past. Even many men with wives and children think nothing of wearing porn on their shirt while going out on the town with their young families.

  395. Women being their true self and bringing all of that with them to the workplace, home & society generally would be amazing. As a man, I am working on dealing with my hurts so that I don’t need the women in my life to be a certain way or give me something that I ought to have within me. If I am love and fully express who I am then I don’t need to ask my partner to make up for my own shortcomings.

    1. Well said Lee, and the same goes for women too. If women deal with their hurts and issues, then their partners don’t have to be something that they are not either.

  396. It’s good to see that this game is more and more coming to an end, slowly but it has begun to change. Since we have the women’s and men’s groups working with Serge and Natalie Benhayon there is much of this stuff, beliefs and roles coming up that can be looked at. This is very helpful and for me, as being in a couple/relationship with a woman, who is also doing this kind of work, it is truly awesome how old consciousness is breaking and leaving for a partnership of true love, honesty and equality.
    Thanks to Universal Medicine.

  397. “The judgment of women based upon their outward appearance is a deeply rooted behaviour.” I agree Jinya and this judgement is not just the objectification of women by men – it is something that has become so ‘normal’ and ingrained that it is an all too easy judgement made by women against women and by women against men. When we stop imposing, competing and taking advantage of each other we can have a different accepted ‘normal’.

    1. How women are made to be second class citizens has become so normal it’s scary. It’s even there on the TV news between the male and the female presenter. It’s so ingrained in our psyche that many don’t realise we are doing it.

  398. I agree Jinya that for a long time men and women have been locked in a dance that is an arrangement that looks convenient and comfortable on the surface but actually does not really help either sex. And you are right when you suggest that if men and women stopped and looked at what was driving themselves to keep dancing in this harmful way and took responsibility for changing their own dance rather than blaming the other sex then the whole set up would be broken and this could only be a good thing for all relationships.

  399. Jinya thank you so much for sharing this with the whole world. Women and men equally need to listen to what you have written. For me it is also another question: Why do we as mothers not stop this???? We as mothers can support our sons in being tender, fragile and still right from the start of their lives – but what do we choose – we choose to make them hard so that they can be a man – verrückt (crazy). For me it feels like a great joy if women and men can start to change together each in their own loving way . . .

    1. That’s a great point Ester. Mothers can start by supporting their sons in being tender but still being boys.

    2. This is a great point of change when we bring it back to ourselves and sharing this with the children but also everyone around us. Taking time to look after ourselves. Being tender is something that I have experienced to be the complete opposite of how we are all living our lives in today’s world.

    3. So true Esther, mother’s allowing their boys to remain tender, and also for women to not be entirely at the beck and call of their children. I am not arguing for selfishness and negligence with regard to children, rather women deliberately taking time to care for themselves. That way children get to see the truth of what a woman is – very tender herself, capable of great stillness and a steady presence, around whom men can melt.
      That is the essence of a woman, not the images we have been sold on magazines that sell us all very short.

  400. I loved your blog, Jinya and especially your conclusions…It is up to women to call out the abuse and it’s up to men to listen and change for true benefit for all. I loved the analogy of a woman as a “veritable Swiss army knife of a person” because that is how it feels sometimes and no one likes to be used, no matter how clever our ‘devices’ are. We are all here to be of service, together and united. Feminism has certainly failed us all if the separation between the sexes today is any indication. Yet, if as you say: “The abuse of women is there because of the hurts that men carry around beneath their tough exteriors”, which I certainly feel to be true and men commit to making true change in order to address this, the glory of us all can be lived….and easily so, too!

  401. Yes Jinya, there is nothing more lovely than a woman just being herself; we have all felt moments like this. We must change the culture to create an atmosphere where women feel safe to be lovely like those moments in every moment.

  402. It is something very new to me to hear from a man what has been presented here. I want to celebrate the love and honesty and lock in the amazing feeling in my body that has made itself known. Thank you Jinya, for sharing your growing awareness and insight. The world has supported and encouraged women to separate from themselves, and men to deny their hurts by numbing and distraction. It is a Web of lies that some are now challenging thanks to ‘ soul full’ people like yourself and the openness and expression encouraged by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine

  403. Wow Jinya, I love the depth of all you’ve shared here. Could it also be possible that women are also holding men in a certain way of being, based on having their needs met, rather than setting aside their hurts and truly meeting the men in their lives?

  404. I was very touched by the honesty in your blog Jinya and among many things the one that stands out most to me at the moment is the way you described your former relationship with women with such insight.

  405. Lovely blog. We always expect women to be something in order for ourselves to feel accepted, as it is our own lack of true self-worth that expects expectations of others. How awesome would it be for a man and a women to talk and be truly and totally met with themselves, and then with each other ! Woah.

  406. These balls in the air… you are right there are so many. I realize that there are so many that I set myself up for failure in them all. My house is never tidy enough, my assignments are late, my cooking is not what I had hoped. The thing I have also learnt is that because a monetary value is not attached to my work.. attending college, doing assignments, running kids to social and extra curricular events, shopping, cooking, cleaning, bed making, washing, folding, tidying up, helping with homework, feeding animals, doing hair, hearing the stories from school, attending school events…and it goes on… then I am not valuing what I do. If each of these things paid money I would no doubt not feel the need to take on two or three paying jobs. I would also give myself the appropriate time to complete these tasks and not arrange such a ridiculous schedule simply because I myself do not value what I do because I am not being paid to do it.

  407. This blog really talked to me Jinya! So much of what you so honestly share is echoed by my own experience with women. Like you I always believed I simply “loved women” but the truth was I was “identified” by women and “needed” them to be, reflect and/or fill me with the love and tenderness I otherwise felt void of… Not to mention to nurture and comfort me emotionally so as to avoid looking at or feeling my hurts. Dealing with my hurts and letting go of the ideals and beliefs that a woman is to be anything other than her naturally glorious self is indeed liberating and leads to ever-deepening true equality.

  408. What about one of the first things we do is to not buy those magazines and start speaking out about the abuse and disrespect in the way the media write about women. We may then begin to recognise the true equality between men and women and that it has nothing to do with how we look or what we do. Then it is possible we will have the beginning of true harmony for all.

  409. Jinya, I found what you have written quite profound. Reading this blog there was line after line that resonated for me because it covered so many aspects of what is going on. What really stood out for me was your words ‘… I was seeking them from a need that grew out of a consistent dissatisfaction with myself and my choices.’, and ‘… I have realised that what really hurts me is not allowing myself to be tender, and looking outside of me for fulfilment.’ I will take these reflections with me today and allow myself to just notice how and when I may be holding myself back. Thank you!

  410. Dear Jinya,
    I really enjoyed reading your writing. Yes the sexualisation of women today is very much out of hand, and yes it is because of the hurts we all carry, both Men and Women. Living this way is so deeply discouraging and very demoralising, living in a society that for the most part only sees our body parts is deeply hurtful and certainly keeps us trapped in the not good enough lie. To now know deeply that inside of every woman and man is a deep connection to our soul that oozes love and equality for all is so very heartening. It is even more heartening to live this way and watch as it gets reflected around me. Yes it is time that both men and women begin to change. In my experience for the most part it is the woman that has to stand strong against any treatment that is in any way harmful, representing a strong loving platform for men to see and to begin to live from as well. Women everywhere should feel safe in every part of their life. At this point in time, I for one feel lovely within, but feel absolutely barraged by the stereotype that abounds in our world today.

  411. This is a gold I really felt the depth and warmth in the writing of something that is tearing at the fabric of us as a community, without being condemed but the concern and love for us all to say hey that abuse thats happening 24/7 it’s not ok but it is ok to speak up about

  412. Awesome to read a man’s perspective in your article Jinya. It’s time for change, for women to claim themselves as true women letting go of the ideals and beliefs that we carry of what we think makes us a woman, but rather re connect to our innate essence that can only be found by delving inside. And for men to re connect with his tenderness. Then we will see true equality and true love.

  413. Hurts would stop going round and round.
    The world would become very still.
    That would be true equality.
    Maybe even harmony.

    what more can be said…. Harmony is a real possibility

  414. It is touching as a woman to read an article by a man as you have written here Jinya that holds so much love and understanding for women without making men less. I really appreciate the way you described how your hurts influenced the way you were seeing women and at the same time mentioning women’s part in saying no to the abuse – both taking responsibility.

  415. So many great points being made here. What struck me was ‘Highly sexualised imagery has become the accepted norm’, and in particular the word ‘accepted’.
    Both men and women need to say ‘no’, highly sexualised imagery of women and girls is not normal and needs to be considered unacceptable as it is harming to both children and adults. Boycotting websites, publications, advertising and companies that use such imagery would have an immediate impact.

  416. I love your blog Jinya, it is a beautiful and honest expression of the truth of men and woman, and I agree “women do have a responsibility to themselves to no longer accept, and to speak out against, the abuse that they suffer,,,”. But I also feel that to do that we have to start truly loving and appreciating ourselves as women first. I also feel that men are under a lot of pressure today to “perform” and if we, as women connected to our true essence and tenderness, then men would breath a sign of relief, as this would allow them to be true men too.
    How wonderful would it be like if men and women were living their truth and the world was FULL of stillness, gorgeous.

  417. Very great to read from a man´s perspective!
    Again I am realising the role – or better said the choice and “responds-ability” we have as a woman. If we express our sensitivity men also can become more tender…

  418. Absolutely touched my heart reading this. I never have written such words and sentences about the true and equal responsibility of men and women in their lives. It is so great to feel and hear what is being shared on – either men or women being not themselves – actually playing the game. What stood out for me was the point : that we (man or woman) are responsible for abuse. We as women should not allow any form of abuse whatsowever, and be the gracious quality we have all deep inside. And for men dealing with their hurts and letting go of ideals and beliefs as well, what also continues the abuse. Are we not all responsible for this? Great question. I love this end sentence:
    ‘Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.
    And so, we will come together as men and women, equally and in full togetherness.
    This made a tear roll on my cheek.

  419. A beautiful and powerful blog Jinya, thank you. I can feel how when we are stuck in being “self-orientated” this allows women and men to behave without any consideration of each other and that this perpetuates the cycle of abuse. All it takes is the ripple effect of one re-connecting to their essence and providing this loving reflection for all, so we then have the choice to be naturally responsible for the way we live and the way we treat people. For me and many others the inspiration to re-connect to the love I naturally am and make choices from this space has come from Serge Benhayon. I deeply appreciate that this reflection was there to call me back to my natural essence of love.

  420. Imagine the harmony in the world if everyone had dealt with all their hurts, all their deep buried issues. All those issues that we have long shoved away deep deep down in our bodies to not feel, even for a second, where we are at, the way that we have been living and the dis-harmonious state that we are in. If people only knew, that which I’m starting to come to know by Serge Benhayons teachings, that if we did allow ourselves to feel the hurt that the world expands exponentially and the exquisiteness of love is just so amplified it is almost unbelievable. I only know this because I have started to ‘go there’ .. only briefly .. only scatting the surface because my hurts run deep but by opening up and trusting people again and talking about how I feel on different occasions I can see how much this is supporting me and will continue to support me to open up in the world and feel the true devine beauty that is available to us all.

  421. “Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal”. Yes that would be amazing! I know I have started this road but learning to reconnect to the naturally amazing woman I am. Great honest sharing, it is much appreciated. Thank you.

  422. And this does not have to be a fairytale. If one by one we step into our own driving seats and live with ourselves leading rather than all our ‘issues’ (which we can deal with and reliquish along the way!), then we can meet all others without combat, comparison and competition. Guards down, the joy of being around men and women who are not in conflict with either themselves or each other is palpable.

  423. This is an incredible and so needed ask, for men to stop expecting women to be a certain way, and for women to really let go and be themselves. I believe we would be in a far better place inside ourselves if this was the case.

  424. Jinya a great article. Currently we have almost an entire world full of hurt people all seeking to not feel their hurts. Hurts give us the illusion that we are not whole and so we seek relationships in the false belief that someone else can bring the bit that we’re missing. Everyone will eventually heal their hurts and as more and more people do we shall transform relationships (and I am talking about all relationships….family, friends, shop owners etc.) from the dysfunctional illusion that most have invested in to the glorious union that they can be.

  425. Jinya I love how what you share is asking both men and women to be responsible. Only then will we truly be able to heal and live harmoniously together.

  426. Way to go, Jinya, awesome blog. You should send it to all the newspapers and magazines in the world.

  427. Beautiful blog Jinya. I was today in the city and reading your blog now, I just could feel how empty most of the women were in the sense that they all were so focused on how they looked. Our beauty is in us always as you described and far more than the outer image or what we can or cannot do.

  428. This is a great blog, Jinya with many aspects to it. I feel to comment on the part about what women could do for you in relation to your lack of self love. I can really relate as a woman needing many friends in order to feel good about myself. I was so attached to having friends and I had huge expectations of them. If they did not phone or contact me or missed my birthday I would get cross with them. I was so “loyal” and would phone them regularly and meet for coffee, outings, shopping etc. My need for friends was grounded in my own lack of self love – I was not enough and needed them to fill this void- how sad is that!! Now I have several gorgeous women in my life but I do not “need” them as I used to and we share more quality and loving times together -getting together on impulse rather than expectation.

  429. “We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life.” Beautifully put, Jinya, “the true essence” are the significant words here. I was influenced by the Women’s Liberation Movement when it started to grow, and women started to “claim” themselves as equal to men, or even superior to men, but in that claiming they very often became more male than the men in order to establish their rights. Women gave themselves up to a male energy and lost much of that essence and were no nearer that beautiful stillness and fragility that is actually so powerful. This happened to me, and I have spent the rest of my life searching for my woman self.

  430. Wow. What a beautiful article Jinya. Your caricature of the ‘new normal’ was hilarious because it was so true.

  431. A great blog, Jinya. It is defiantly the on going volley of hurts rebounding off each other, not to mention the male dominated society that we have created in fear of the awesomeness harmony and stillness that a true woman brings to the world. In my own life it feels so important to look deeper into the hurts, from there the issues can become non issues and seen as reactions only.

  432. I like what you have presented Jinya, as it does feel now is the time to make these changes. It feels as women we have to stand in our truth and call this out, by doing so taking responsibility for our part of this equation. We can set the example and allow the true tenderness that is within men to come to the fore.

  433. Thanks Jinya, your tenderness is heard and felt.
    What a crazy round-about of hurt and hurting others we have created. Well expressed.
    Thanks to the men and women that have already started to take responsibility for the way they live and are working on their hurts, it feels like the round-about is already losing momentum and we are getting to see and feel the true beauty of men and women again.

  434. It’s so heart-melting (and rare) to hear a man speaking with such depth, honesty, understanding and openness about the subject of women and men. And what you have written Jinya helps dispell the notion that either gender is to blame and is solely responsible for ‘fixing things’ by ‘changing their behaviour’. It is about every human connecting to their completely equal inner love and tenderness and allowing themselves to express that without reserve.

    1. I love it when we stop battling between the genders…and this article offers such a moment. The endless one-upmanship exhausts us all, bringing us all down to a sub-standard quality of interaction and relationship. We are all in this together with equally extraordinary gifts to bring, men and women alike.

      1. True Matilda, why IS it called the “battle of the sexes” ? Oh, we do love our drama, especially when it could be so simple, just to accept ourselves and re-connect to our true essence and live as One, in harmony.

    2. Dianne I love the simplicity and profoundness of your last sentence. “It is about every human connecting to their completely equal inner love and tenderness and allowing themselves to express that without reserve.”

  435. True, Jinya, and this is not only seen in how we men look upon women, it is how we look upon our own femininity. Which man likes his femininity? And from what age on do we learn to suppress it?

    1. Yes, Felix, it happens very young in many families. I have observed with sadness the sweetness of very young boys (3-4 years old) disappear rapidly under a veneer of toughness often encouraged by the dad particularly. Then there is the onslaught now of their exposure to the media, iPads, mobile phones, TV and computer games, all very numbing of their natural tenderness. It takes a tender man to turn the tide with young boys so they can feel something different.

  436. Great blog Jinya, I can feel the potential that women and men have, to really meet each other. I know that men long to live their innate tender qualities and that they are in a prison, like the women. Men and women have to be more honest with each other, learn to communicate in a way that is not coming from gender based judgements, but from a place where we recognize we are all in the same predicament.

  437. How did we come to the point where as women feel we need to be everything to everyone all the time and not even considering ourselves in the mix during our everyday activities, until we are exhausted at the end of the day. As you say Jinya… What is going on?

  438. Your sharing Jinya is very important in the worldwide “abuse barometer” as what you rightly present as abuse is considered normal by so many people. The need we have for another and relating from this need. It is of absolute importance to claim abuse for what it is and stop reducing it to its most extreme expressions. Abuse is everything that is not love!

  439. This is beautiful Jinya, lovely to feel your tender gentle self in your writing. I particularly like what you wrote at the end .
    “Hurts would stop going round and round.
    The world would become very still.
    That would be true equality.
    Maybe even harmony.”
    It will be wonder-full when we achieve this!

  440. Thanks Jinya. A friend and I were just commenting the other day on how we used to take the long way around when we saw particular groups of guys hanging out together at school to avoid the sexual abuse and objectification that would come from them. As I got older, the comments got a bit more refined, but the energy was the same and this continues to happen occasionally in my adult life and I hate it. But since I have been living more of my fullness I have noticed how I have been able to walk right by groups of men and not hear them utter a single word. Perhaps they are speechless or just can’t believe what they’re seeing 😉

    1. Yes, me too!

      When I was much younger and used to get a few comments etc from groups of men what I noticed was that as soon as I stood firm within myself and made eye contact, not with aggression (though sometimes!), the men who I felt were wanting to intimidate me and have fun at my expense stopped what they were doing and looked away. I realised they were quite meek actually.

      I also know how I played into being small and used some men’s attitudes as a ‘reason’ aka excuse for doing so.

      I’d forgotten about this but it just goes to show how powerful we are when we say no to any type of abuse. I never get comments nowadays and had just put it down to being older – but maybe not!

      1. That is so powerful, that when you stood up for yourself being you the door was closed for them not being themselves and the untrue behaviour couldn’t get through.

  441. Wow Jinya, this is a beautiful, honest and openly expressed blog. As I read the last few paragraphs I could really feel what it would be like if men and women felt free to be who they truly are, sacred, tender, loving. The new norm would be a world where everyone would want to live, and no longer have the need to numb and look elsewhere for what is innately inside us all – love. Thank you.

  442. We were just discussing this in our office recently and relating this to how we often go into overwhelm trying to juggle the demands of family life and expectations of work – we recognised that we had all been in that place before. Why do women keep saying yes to too many things, wanting what society says is the “best” for people around us and not stopping to truly connect to ourselves first ? I have learnt that I have a choice which is the first step. Learning to saying no is the second step.

    1. Nicole, what you ask ‘why do women keep saying yes to too many things’ is at the heart of the abuse. Is it that we were raised in families where the mother was more involved with her children than the father, doing everything in the home, organising their lives and all the father was seen to do was pay for it all. This is an exaggeration, and it wasn’t totally like that for me, my father was around a lot, but looking back he was a sort of wicket keeper for my mother – he was there to catch the balls that mum missed when we threw them. I’m sure that influenced much of my saying ‘yes’, and my stubborn independence. All it got me was exhausted, and now I often make the choice to say no.

      1. Mostly in society we use the term abuse for serious acts of physical, mental and emotional and sexual violence and there is no doubt that there are horrendous acts happening globally,
        But before it gets to to such horrific circumstances what have we said yes to along the way leading up to that point. We can start to make a change by saying No – and deeply honouring all that we are.

    2. I love what you wrote Nicole. I have come to realise recently after years of trying to keep all the balls up in the air and getting exhausted in the process, what a powerful and self loving word ‘no’ is.

      1. What I am realising in this last week is that there is a whole other new set of No’s that need to be said. particularly in parenting the desire to say yes and fix and sort things out for children is so strong but sometimes they need to sit in the chaos and disregard they have created to feel the consequences of the choices they have made – Life is a such an efficient teacher.

  443. I was amazed to discover how “normal” it had become for me to view a woman as “a veritable swiss army knife of a person”. The expectation I have put upon myself is huge. I know I am capable of a huge potential but what is not ok is the expectation and the imposition. And it is the quality of a woman that must come first. Beautiful blog.

  444. This should be posted on the front page of a newspaper and given to all young girls and boys at school to read and feel deeply what is here presented. We are all responsible for the equality we all so desperately want, but for us all to commit to feeling our hurts, then watch how lives would change as a result of that. It would be truly amazing.

  445. I love this post Jinya, I could feel the grace of a woman and the truth that we all have to stop playing these games, it is neither a man or woman’s fault for where we are at, but our own responsibility to deal with our hurts and be honest, see past the protection we or another may carry to the true gentleness, love, playfulness and joy that’s inside us all.

  446. I love this blog Jinya – you really crack it open and lay it all out for us to see and feel how we are as men and women. I appreciate the depth you have as a man who knows the true beauty and essence of all women and who is willing to share with us your tenderness to show us a true way.

  447. Wow, your final two paragraphs just totally blew me away! You are so right, it isn’t about equality in the way we think it is, its about looking inwards and being honest about how we impose on each other, men to women and women to men and how this is keeping us from truly being the wonder that we each are and can offer humanity. If we just bring all of us, with no inhibitions and no expectations of another, it would be an amazing world to live in.

  448. There is so much gold here JInya! I love it… and it is something I have been discussing with friends recently, observing dynamics between women and men in the workplace. Imagine if from young children we learnt or more like it, were encouraged to always feel the truth in any situation and who people truly are… underneath what some present to the world? There would be so much more understanding and appreciation of the qualities that each amazing person brings to the world, not the current ‘dog eat dog’ flavour of living and working and what a person (women, man or child) can do for us. Humanity needs more of this – “We need the true essence of women in our homes, our companies, our shops, our schools, our hospitals, in industry, in government, communities and every single part of life.” and the true essence of men and children. Beautiful Jinya thank you!

  449. Thank you Jinya, your blog has touched me deeply. After reading it I can feel the long lost appreciation of women in their essence, and am inspired and feel supported to bring my essence to the fore.

  450. Yes, women are being hurt by how we are portrayed everywhere. I see the pressure that teenage girls live with as I live with one. they are forever pulled away from their inner beauty and strive to be like all that they see around them. It is very sad.

    1. Yes it is truly sad, that teenage girls are not supported to accept themselves for their own inner beauty. The trying to become something that society supposedly wants or recognises is only a pull down into self-loathing and low self-worth which must be addressed later on.

  451. Jinya, such a beautiful call out of what is not true from either women or men. Instead of an ‘us and them’ mentality which is how it is in the world, you offer the opportunity to see it as ‘us and us’, together and the same but different and how together we can all express from our natural way of being.

  452. Abuse of any woman is an abuse of a man too, because we miss out on seeing and feeling the true awesomeness that every woman is. The idea that any one of us is gaining some kind of upper hand could not be further from the truth. It is a beautiful call you have written here Jinya which could be extended to each gender – are these ideals and stereotypes we carry true? What if they are actually stopping us from relating and being the joyful, tender, loving beings we naturally are?

  453. The aeon old fight between men and women is devastating to both genders. I can totally relate to your description of needing women in all kinds of roles to compensate for the lack of love, joy, preciousness… inside. As ugly and painful men´s behaviour towards women is and as much as it is for us as men to fully take responsibility for that and deeply appreciate women in their natural beauty and glory, it is not a matter of guilt but one of honouring ourselves in our glory and tenderness as well. The moment we cherish ourselves as men we can´t but be at awe of a woman´s stillness and glory. Abuse comes from hurt and need; taking care of one´s hurt deprives abuse from its source.

  454. ‘Imagine’ an alternative ‘normal’, change can occur but as you say we cannot wait for it to happen. Self appreciation and self worth can be built and then comes an opportunity to walk out as a woman in her true essence. The communal spaces of life, the world and it structures would benefit greatly from having women living from their true essence of stillness being involved and participating in the system. This could awaken true change to a new ‘normal’ in harmony.

  455. With the recent success of the no more page 3 campaign this article couldn’t be more relevant. There is a groundswell happening and what Jinya writes about is where we will eventually go.
    Hurts will stop going round and round.
    The world will become very still.
    That will be true equality.
    And harmony.

  456. Jinya you have definitely hit the tender loving care nail on the head. Hopefully the continual cycle of issues from both men and women will soon pass and people will learn to deal with their own hurts and return to their true loving tenderness within.

  457. Hear hear Jinja! I love this article you have written. Thank you for bringing up how men can be abusive of women through their own hurts. It is something that I’ve seen quite often and can see how it can escalate into further disharmony if we react back and don’t stop and take a look at the hurts that are driving it.

  458. I totally agree with Elizabeth’s comment and what Jinya wrote. I also really appreciate Jinya writing this very honestly. Thank you so much.

  459. Jinya, it is so true what you write here. Until both men and women deal with their hurts we will continue this current abuse of each other. Both women and men need to be allowed to be who they truly are.

    1. I love how Jinya captured how we impose on each other because we don’t deal with our hurts and yes Elizabeth so true the cycle of abuse will continue until we stop protecting against our hurts and deal with them.

  460. I love so many lines in this blog especially, “Without judgment, I can say that I had been used to being very self-orientated – with little or no love for myself. The distraction from, and the numbing of, my emptiness was my barometer of what my ideal ‘love’ looked like.” what a cracker — spot on. A total gem, a revelation.

  461. Jinya, It was awesome to read a perspective from a man on this subject and great to read. Women are being hurt from the judgement based on outward appearances or by what we do. Its not only men making these judgments but other women too – which is sad because we all know how bad it feels to be judged this way yet do it regardless. Its great knowing women who do not slip into this and are willing to not play the ball game.

  462. This is so beautiful Jinya. Reading this again your words just sing off the page with truth. There is such an acceptance and understanding in your writing of how it is, how it has been, what is needed and how it could be. Written with such gentleness and grace. An absolute pleasure to read something like this written by a man.

  463. “Hurts would stop going round and round.
    The world would become very still.
    That would be true equality.
    Maybe even harmony.”

    Lovely Jinya, and thank you for this blog, it is indeed time for women to feel their own true beauty and worth and say no to the abuse that is often endured, and time to see that ‘heart-melting tenderness’ that men are, indeed, so capable of expressing. I have discovered, as I accept and celebrate who I truly am, that the men around me also begin to express who they truly are too, like I’ve somehow given a long awaited permission to do so…so maybe that cycle of doubles tennis with wooden clogs on (ouch!) can be changed to a gentle stroll, arm in arm, in comfortable and supportive footwear – no competition there!

  464. This blog has shown a very interesting point – constantly playing the blame game has not worked and it is only making matters worse as this ‘battle of the sexes’ continues. As the saying goes: ‘An eye for an eye makes the world blind.’ If as individuals we stop blaming others then that cycle stops with us and doesn’t get passed on. Then people get to see a living example of how it is possible to get off the not-so-merry-go-round.

    1. I love it Leigh how you are saying: “If as individuals we stop blaming others then that cycle stops with us and doesn’t get passed on.” That are great words to remember and I will take them into my day, in fact they are so great its worth considering putting them into a “Sayings” compilation!

  465. A great article Jinya that asks us all to look at the stereotyped behaviours most of us slid into. It is beautiful to feel the tenderness that is truly there in each and every one of us.

  466. Jinya, it is a sad but true picture you have painted here in regards to how women are viewed, used, and abused both through the media, and especially by us men. I agree with your call to end this vicious cycle by focusing on why men have forgotten their own natural tenderness and have predominantly become hard and tough out of fear of rejection. It’s ridiculous to see how men sometimes blame women for not accepting them, and then just use them to try to temporarily satisfy their emptiness or lack of self-love. I had certainly been guilty of this to some extent in the past, but now focusing on what I can do to build back that love for myself by making many small choices during the day that support me to be more gentle with myself and others.

  467. I love this Jinya, Thank you for your honest sharing.
    “Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’. Then we would experience the naturally heart-melting tenderness that all men have the potential to express.”
    So beautiful.

    1. It is also important that women stop imposing on men, I have found through my own experience that there is a huge imposition from women onto men, which adds to the men shutting down their tenderness and the love they feel from and for women.

  468. ‘It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’. They have learned to play ball with this as their point of existence, rather than truly live from their quality.’ Sad but very True that this is the case for men and women. Both are playing the same game until one chooses to put the racket down and take the clogs off. Thank you Jinya for bringing your own perspective on this, your appreciation for yourself and women today.

  469. Now I know why one of my prized possessions was a Swiss army knife! It could solve every problem that needed doing and I was constantly looking for problems that needed fixing. I have lost my obsession with this possession and I have also lost my possession of this obsession. I have found the woman I am.

  470. “a veritable swiss army knife of a person” I love this line, it is so true that the demands that are placed on both women and men are so ridiculous, we are expected to be a certain way, look a certain way and perform endless tasks to perfection based on a plastic model created by society. It is immense that you have written about women from a man’s perspective Jinya, we as men need more reflections about how it is to really respect women and not reinforce the stereotypical view created by society that is so damaging to women, and ultimately to men as well.

  471. Jinya it’s very true that the images online have become the norm, which is what is now accepted by many, and as they get more extreme or unrealistic so too do the views of many people. What was once considered top shelf pornographic is now as you rightly point out table top reading.

  472. Great to read from someone who has put down the racket and stopped playing and instead started appreciating the opposite sex! Of course we have all played, and we all have that same responsibility, you are right – while we are playing and competing against each other we are all in effect losing.

  473. Great blog, Jinya, time to stop those hurts ‘going round and round’ by dealing with them. Not by passing them on to another under the label of blame.

  474. “The world would become very still.
    That would be true equality.
    Maybe even harmony”
    This is so beautiful Jinya, and I have every confidence that one day the world will be like this. It is up to us all to make it so. .

  475. Great blog Jinya, what stands out for me is that we objectify women in our society and then believe we can switch to a mode of respect where we as men then value women as if we are turning on a tap. There can’t be true equality between women and men as long as the image of women is not one that is based solely on the love and appreciation of each and every individual, free from sexualisation and exploitation.

    1. I agree Stephen. It’s not something that we can turn on/off to suit our situation. It has to come from a deeper respect of each human being and I feel that it comes down to the way we live and how honest we are with ourselves that will bring the true authenticity to a relationship based on equality.

    2. A great point, Stephen. Beautifully expressed. And if we don’t know who we truly are by essence, what is that ‘equality’ based on?

  476. Thank you Jinya for calling out what we men have done to women forever and our part to deal with it. ‘Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’.’ We may not be many yet but we are coming to change the world.

  477. Jinya, how beautifully you write from the tender and true man you are. The whole way women have come to accept how they are viewed, and live out those roles assuming it is just the way life is, you have made so clear. My womanself can feel how abusive we have been to ourselves by not owning and expressing the truth of who we are, that gentleness and tenderness within.

  478. This is a beautiful revelation Jinya, of the game playing that is so ingrained in society.
    I love the reference to women having to be a ‘swiss army knife’
    I’ve certainly felt the weight of that and even now – as I learn to appreciate me for just me – I sometimes feel that pressure creep in.
    And it’s also funny to watch women judging other women on this topic too. Like from this drive to be the ‘perfect woman’ it even extends to women comparing themselves to other women. How awful is that!

    But – as we know every moment is a choice – and if a handful of women and men can change this behaviour – then it already shows a huge possibility in the world. More of that, please!

  479. This is a beautiful blog Jinya very true points and some laugh out loud phrases, my favourite being one that describes me not so very long ago: “a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron” Ha ha, I can laugh with you on this one, sad but true. Sad in the sense that I knew no other way, to be to feel I was ok in life, or that I was worthy. I needed to show myself and others that I could do all that men did, and more. I was a teen and early twenties in Thatcher’s booming 80’s and fell for “you can have it all” that filled the ether at the time. Not too many years into my life I found that gaining ‘equality ++’ turned out to have a triple whammy on my body and psychological wellbeing, with depression and a serious endocrine collapse. I can laugh now but it has taken a fair while to turn the tanker around and start to take a new course towards true equality.

    1. Hi Rosanna.. did the “you can have it all” fill the ether and the shoulder pads? I had a Mother who was a single parent with six kids and a career. I think that’s why this topic is so strong for me. She was a swiss army knife with a hundred different tools in it. I do feel the sadness that we live in a world where equality is an issue.
      The fact that this blog article exists at all is sad, but yes we need to start making the changes individually, so that in time the big picture will change.

    2. and now you are effortlessly sexy and gorgeous just for being you! It is exhausting living all these roles and it hurts. It is seriously time to get off the merry go round!

    3. I can relate to the “you can have it all” too Rosanna. Like you I was a “product” of the Margaret Thatcher era and I feel it should have come with a health warning sign that said ” living this way long term this will damage your health.” The “equality” was based on drive and being better than instead of equal to. The drive I allowed myself to go into was hardening my body to such an extent that I could no longer really feel how sensitive and hurt I was under the hardened shell I had created and how this was really affecting my health.

  480. Jinya I love your blog; it’s so honest and so reflective of what I experience in the world between men and women. For years I have not dealt with my hurts but sought to get my needs met by men. I feel I am just at the beginning of a beautiful process of allowing myself to be me and dealing with my hurts. I appreciate men for who they are and not what they can do for me (the latter feels so yukky!). My relationship with men is now one of equality and mutual appreciation and is just unfolding.

    1. In all honesty, I can’t say I live that equality in my everyday to the fullest. Yes I have let go certain behaviours with women that I had identified as being ‘me’, but it’s a work in progress. I feel that by deeply developing a connection with my inner world, I will see how those things that separate us like gender are illusions, a distraction from the essence inside.

      1. Ah! gender illusions! I like that, it gives me a lovely sense of the essence of who we are and then the things like gender that we use to separate from ourselves, not just from each other. That gender becomes a way of protecting ourselves from feeling the truth of who we are is a new understanding for me. Thank you,

  481. Jinya, this line is the reason we are on a merry go round because both women and men are not looking at what lies underneath the abuse. “Before I started to deal with my hurts, I was going through life hurting and blaming others”, This is so true and I have played my part in doing this too. So as men and women we never really get past the hurt and the blame and the conflict this causes.

    1. It’s really the easy way out to blame others for our hurts, because then we never have to own up to our own choices. In the context of my relationships with women, I’ve allowed my need for ‘love’ to come before honouring myself, thereby creating even more hurt.

    2. I totally agree Alison, we sometimes get so wrapped up in our own hurts, we don’t give others the space to deal with theirs, and continue on the merry-go-round of blame and counter blame.

      1. I agree Alison and Catherine – it is extremely easy to get caught up in blaming others for our own hurts instead of stopping and seeing our part to play in it all. By taking responsibility for ourselves and the way we live it means we can no longer play the extremely comfortable and unchallenging victim card.

  482. I like your double tennis match analogy, ‘wearing wooden clogs instead of Nikes. Something has to give!’ In the past I’m always waiting for someone else to say, ‘maybe we could take the clogs off?’, but now realise it is up to me to choose the right shoes to wear for me first, and that is enough to show someone else the clogs might not be the most supportive choice too.

  483. Beautiful Jinya, I loved reading your blog. What you have written feels so true, ‘It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’. They have learned to play ball with this as their point of existence, rather than truly live from their quality.’ How lovely, my body lets go and relaxes reading ‘we would not need a woman to be anything other than her already glorious self?’.

  484. I love this blog Jinya, you’ve got it spot on… There is nothing like a tender gentle man…. I am lucky I have one as my boyfriend and he looks better in an apron than me all day long, and he wears it!

    1. I agree Rachael, ‘there is nothing like a tender gentle man’, or indeed a woman in her sacredness and her power. When we choose to connect to our innate tenderness and express from here then it is inspiring for all to see, showing that we do not have to be hard and tough rather sensitive, loving and tender.

  485. There is so much imagery of women as sex objects and women as perfect in magazines, and this has totally affected me and how I think I should be as a women. I’m becoming more and more aware of this, letting go of the need for attention from men, and the pressure I put myself under to be perfect and learning to feel who I truly am and how sexy and amazing I naturally am as a woman. Thank you Jinya for this amazing article supporting women and men.

    1. I have seen with my own eyes when women stop aspiring to those media created ideals and start honouring themselves, then seeing a beauty emanate from them that has substance, an essence.

  486. Jinya, this is such a loving and tender blog, a homage if you will to what both men and women can be when they stop living from their hurts and live and be who they truly are. As a woman to have a man describe so clearly how it is for us, is very moving and I truly appreciate it. How we’re objectified and the constant demands on us to do – you’ve taken it and exposed it so clearly and you’re right, it hurts us all. And your closing questions offering a different way, I feel the infinite possibility of what you’re offering all of us, how this shows a light for us all, a different path, a loving tender way for us all. Thank you.

  487. A great article Jinya. The Swiss army knife part stood out for me too so thanks for sharing your loss of the knife and the realisation that you have been wanting to be everything. I lived a lot of my life trying to be everything to everyone and now like you I feel that being love is truly what counts and for that it is first ” about us taking individual responsibility and waking up to the fact that the love we build for ourselves is what is going to save us all ” . Absolutely.

  488. Yes Amina you have touched on something very deeply ingrained in the human psyche. Our expectations have us chasing our own tails and setting ourselves up to be hurt. If we are left free to express and share our inner truth, there would be no need to expect anything from anyone. A wise woman once told me that to have expectations of anyone is to hold your love back. Wise words indeed.

  489. Jinya this is a brilliant article, thank you so much for your awesome expression. I love the Swiss Army Knife reference that too was awesome. You have a beautiful way of detailing an incredibly broad situation that is being ignored like “the white elephant in the room”. It won’t be dealt with until the changes are sought one by one, in taking responsibility. It all starts with self as I am feeling and as you remind us through your words. Great reflection and revelation here.

    1. Interestingly, I recently lost my swiss army knife. I’m usually pretty good at not losing things and I was a bit peeved because I was given it for my 21st. But then I’ve been looking more deeply at this and felt that it was a metaphor or a message if you will. I have been trying to be everything – a swiss army knife – and losing it was saying, actually I don’t have to play that game anymore. By being the true me and living that, I am already everything. And if there’s is something that I can’t do, there will always be someone who can. That’s why we all have each other. Men and women are both trying so very hard to please one another and even if we do manage to please someone, it’s only for a brief moment, until the next moment when we feel the need to please again. This formula just doesn’t work and as you say Phill, it is about us taking individual responsibility and waking up to the fact that the love we build for ourselves is what is going to save us all.

      1. What an excellent comment Jinya – I love how you looked deeper into the loss of the swiss knife and came up with something that feels true – you don’t need to be everything anymore. The knife was a symbol of that and now its gone.
        I love your whole blog and the comments and its time this discussion reached more people. As Phil said we have to start making the changes and you sum it up “it is about us taking individual responsibility and waking up to the fact that the love we build for ourselves is what is going to save us all”. A quote from heaven if you ask me.

  490. It is so true how we have been led into this battle with ourselves as women to become equal to men. The equal-ness is already within and naturally holds us all. We are all tender, we are all love, and we all have it right at our fingertips. Thanks to Universal Medicine and the livingness shown to us and lived by the Benhayon family we know this is not something reserved for the future, but accessible today should we chose it.

  491. Yes I can imagine a world like you describe in your last paragraph Jinya. And I could feel the hurt that I carry that life is not like that, not even close to be like that, we are far far from that. And in this hurt I have to be living in a way that protects myself from feeling this, otherwise I would find it very difficult to walk around in this intense sexualised environment.
    I guess what I am feeling now is that it is possible to walk around not in the protection to have felt the hurt of where we are at and realise that it can all in a moment change when we connect to the truth of us being equal sons of god. When I connect to that I feel such love and no fear whatsoever. Building this feeling will support me to walk on the London tubes without feeling the need to protect myself from what is being expressed around me. Having this image of what you have described is in fact how I feel at Universal Medicine courses, I have never felt imposed upon sexually or otherwise in that environment so it does exist, I am just appreciating how inspirational the way the men are with us as women at Universal Medicine courses and especially Serge Benhayon – he is so tender and loving to all equally it lays the platform for all others to conduct themselves. Shows tt is available we just need to chose it.

    1. Beautifully expressed Vanessa – thankyou. When I lived in London I would walk around encased in iron armour as my protection, but it didn’t work. The men on Universal Medicine courses are gorgeous in their tenderness and openness. Powerful blog Jinya, many thanks.

    2. A great reminder Vanessa. It is all there if we choose it. Accepting the fact that we are all equal sons of god does away with all the deviations we have created to not feel and see it as truth amongst us all. Stubbornly perpetuating a way of life that hurts and is obviously not working, as we don’t have harmony between the sexes at the very least, is another way to cement the belief that ‘that’s life’. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s not idealistic. Not utopian. It’s choice.
      I am constantly inspired by the men who participate in the Unimed work for their commitment to keep developing their tenderness deeper and deeper.

      1. Beautifully expressed Vanessa, I too have felt how it is be to in an environment where I’m not imposed upon and can be just me, and around women and men both in their tenderness – thanks Universal Medicine and all here for showing me there is another way to be. As you say here Jinya it is a choice and we can choose to develop and stay connected to our tenderness.

  492. A game changing blog, Jinya, which has a place as a feature article in every lads’ mag!

  493. As a seasoned clog wearing tennis player myself, it is so amazing to read your wise words Jinya. How beautiful the world could be if we put an end to hurting each other and treasured ourselves and one another for who we really, truly are – glorious and loving beings. And you are so correct Jinya, it’s up to women to stop accepting the abuse. Once we do that, then our men only have one place to go and that’s inwards, to re-discover their glory buried under all the painful things they do not wish to feel. Our future is looking and feeling amazing. Thank you for sharing yourself so honestly.

  494. Great article Jinya, reading your list of the all singing, all dancing untrue woman brings it home to me how, we as women have fallen into this extremely unrealistic role.

  495. Great article and your questions are huge that we as a society need to start looking at. It has to start with – we are all worth more than this – self reflect on where we are at and play out towards woman and men today. Time to be tender with each other and let go of all the should be’s and just be.

  496. Great words Jinya. It is an outline for us all to follow. Loved ‘Imagine when men stop imposing on women, and every woman you come across is being naturally amazing and that became the accepted ‘normal’.

    1. I find it very interesting how as human beings, throughout history, we have abused the word ‘normal’ to excuse our ill behaviours and wayward activities. ‘Normal’ has actually been quite abnormal when seen from love. Drinking several coffees to get through the day is normal these days and we have all the excuses to say why we need it – i like it, it keeps me going etc etc… but as soon as we call something ‘normal’ we relieve ourselves from any reason of challenging the status quo, to look at what we have accepted with little or no discernment. Perhaps that person drinking several coffees is exhausted and if they were to look at why they were living that way, it would be a great opportunity to evolve. Calling things ‘normal’ prevents our evolution.

      1. So true Jinya, and what is most concerning is that we are normalising overly sexualised behaviour which is becoming more and more prevalent and damaging to the potential for a healthy respect for women by men and young boys.

  497. Thank you Jinya, for an amazing expression of your tenderness and what is possible when we deal with our hurts. I love all of it but the last few words are great to consider 🙂

  498. This is such a beautiful, tender blog Jinya. As has been pointed out in the discussion above, what is going to bring true and lasting change is that we all (men and women) take responsibility for what we as a society have created. We have all been complicit in where we are at today. It’s shocking how ‘It has become so accepted that women are mere objects, and their attractiveness is their main ‘commodity’. They have learned to play ball with this as their point of existence, rather than truly live from their quality.’ Until relatively recently I wouldn’t bat an eyelid at for example, some of the adverts I saw around depicting near naked women in provocative poses. But all this contributes to maintain the status quo and keeping us exactly where we have put ourselves to be. I love how you turn it around at the end with the what ifs.

  499. Great article Jinya that needed to be written. As a parent with a five year old daughter, I shudder to think of her growing up in this time where pornography is so readily available, especially in schools on children’s telephones. This is not acceptable. How can this not be regulated? We all need to take responsibility for this, from making people realise that page three is not acceptable, to tighter regulations of how and what people can access. The compulsory use of a credit card would be a good start.

  500. I also feel that the energy of porn can have a very harming effect on everybody who is sensitive to it. The superficial side to it can be ignored by putting porn magazines at the back of the shop but it’s true that people get hurt when they are made aware this industry exists and is used by a lot of people for pleasure. I remember that the first time I started using the computer around 7ish years old, one of the first things that accidentally popped up was a very explicit video and I felt offended by what I was watching. It really did hurt to see that this was what was being used on the internet.

    1. Growing up I felt uncomfortable around these magazines too and felt that it was something I had to live up to, but didn’t want to. I then took on that there was something wrong with me because I felt uncomfortable conforming with what people were saying was cool and how you had to be.

    2. Hi Rhiannon… Yes I agree. Porn is really harmful and it’s very insidious because it’s widely accepted as being ok. Which really shows where humanity is at in regards to the harm we accept as being ‘normal’. Like Marijuana is thought of as being ‘ok’ because it’s naturally occurring, porn is considered ‘ok’ to do in privacy, because it’s a naturally occurring activity (as it exists in our world today). But the sad thing is that it is so far removed from the love that we are and the love that can be confirmed by the act of making love. Nobody connected to their true essence could go anywhere near porn and as you pointed out, the harm of being exposed to porn is long lasting. For aeons, people have allowed things to go on as long as they happen ‘in private’. Many industries are based on people exploiting people for pleasure – to fill their emptiness. However, if we consider the possibility that EVERYTHING that we choose, do, say and think has repercussions on everybody around us and in fact, the whole of humanity, those secret activities are not so secret. The life we live is lived by all.

  501. Wow. I love the what ifs, Jinya. The inspiration of men in their tenderness and power, alongside women in their sweetness and glory…bring it on.

    1. Well said Matilda. What an amazing difference once the hurts are healed. I love, “a veritable Swiss army knife of a person”. A beautiful blog, Jinya and thank you for sharing the tenderness and care that men can and naturally have.

  502. With all the recent abuse scandals that are being exposed daily, your beautiful blog made even more sense. By you asking yourself these questions and sharing them with us shows the merry go round that we are on, and underlying all this is the hurts we carry and don’t deal with. Thank you Jinya for writing so clearly and with such tenderness.

  503. Jinya this is a beautiful and honest blog, that has helped me to feel a very deep sadness that I had glossed over – it is a sadness of having tried so very very hard to measure up to the men at work, at having hardened, and made myself as good as I possibly could be at doing a good job, and yet knowing that at times the men that I sought to be like and the bosses that I wanted to impress, looked at me, and said to themselves ‘yes, but whatever you do, however good you may get, you don’t look the way I like women to look.’

    1. Thank you Catherine for sharing this. It is indeed a sadness when we feel how much we have abandoned our true selves by playing into these games and it never brings the love that we are deep down really seeking, even when it looks like we are getting the response we want, it isn’t fulfilling and feels empty – very empty. And if I pause to feel it, there is great sadness.

    2. I agree Catherine. I can also feel a very old hurt about the way we have related to each other as men and women. There has always been a knowing deep down about how the way things are in the world doesn’t make sense with that knowing. The knowing is that it is all actually very simple to be equal but as human beings we have complicated everything. And it seems that because deep down inequality does not feel true, we try to do anything on the outside to create equality – like fighting for equal wages etc – which is all important, but it leaves the most essential part of true equality, which is that in the innermost there is a world of love within each one of us and if we heal our hurts and surrender to that world of love, we will remember straight away that every single human being is our long lost yet not forgotten sibling. An equal son of God.

  504. Awesome article Jinya. I agree, it would be a good place to start for men to ‘deal with their hurts and to let go of their ideals and beliefs’.

    1. Hi Tim… Yes I really feel that this is the starting point. We hurt ourselves by buying into any ideal – whether it be about how our families behave, what kind of partner to have, what kind of life we want to lead etc. All these ideals stop us from just being and enjoying life through living the tenderness and preciousness that is underneath all the hurt. We have hurts we don’t want to feel, so we buy into ideals to distract us, then because our ideals are ideals, they remain so by their very nature and thus do not ever deliver what they promise, which gives us the justification to stay hurt and be hurt more, and ultimately blame the world and hold it to ransom. It is an ugly ugly game we play and are played by. So if we put this much effort into staying hurt, imagine what could be done if we put the effort into healing, letting go and accepting? It is limitless. We would become masters of our own loving expansive choices instead of the choices that keep us in the wallowing hurt.

      1. So well said, thank you Jinya. I love your balanced account of how both men and women have played their part in this ‘game’ and the way you have addressed this with no blame or reaction – just presenting it how it is is inspiring to read and in turn inspires change in us all…

  505. Thank you Jinya. I loved how you said – The media has gone berserk without once stopping to consider – is anyone being hurt by this use of another human being?

  506. I agree Doug. Over the years I have often seen TV commercials etc that portray a man to be inept and inadequate. Yes we are already equal. We need only to shed everything that says we aren’t.

  507. Jinya how I loved your post. The last part…..”Hurts would stop going round and round, the world would become very still, that would be true equality, maybe even harmony” – I could feel at that moment what that could be like if we stopped and all healed our hurts. Thank you Jinya.

  508. Jinya, I felt to come at this from another angle. I was discussing this subject with a male friend and he made the point that he felt that men were denigrated in the media to a huge extent as well. He cited large numbers of adverts portraying men as unintelligent and often being shown as dumb or moronic by a vastly smarter female. Perhaps men and women should take joint responsibility for turning this around, after all ‘equality’ is what we already are – not something to aim for.

    1. With all these articles in the press about denigration of women as of lately, I sometimes scroll down and scan through comments. Often men do point out the same argument/fact as your friend. At times this is done in reaction and it feels like defence, perhaps even a lack of willingness to accept their direct/indirect part in the overall abuse, (same can happen with some comments from women!) but at other times it feels that men are ‘waking up’ to the abuse that is inflicted upon them too. It is correct that at times the media does not do justice to men either and although the level of women abuse seem to have reached sky high levels, it is important for both men and women to say NO to any abuse (children included of course). By addressing the issue of the abuse of women this will have a knock on effect on men’s abuse and of course the other way round – so everyone’s the winner 😉

      1. This is a great article by Jinya and I agree with you Doug and Dragana, men and women have a responsibility to stop the damaging denigration of women and men. Recently I was listening to a bit of a ‘supposedly’ comedy on the radio. Two women rubbishing each other about the stereotypical portrayals of women. It was deeply unpleasant but was broadcast as comedy with plenty of canned laughter. I could feel the abuse to women in general. Also in TV adverts men are frequently portrayed as ineffectual incompetents. Who is making these adverts? Perhaps we should be raising this with the Broadcasting Complaints Commission. If we do not stand up and challenge what we feel is not right it will continue unabated.

      2. I agree Dragana, we men are starting to ‘wake up’ to abuse, whether its directed to men or women. Articles like these are bringing these issues to the fore and with more people gaining an awareness it makes tackling these issues easier.

  509. A lovely thought provoking blog made even more enjoyable by the fact that the first half of the article I couldn’t tell if it was written by a man or a woman. By the end it was clear but with the non-traditional male/female name of the author, I was able to hear the words without a gender based bias. Thanks for the experience.

  510. What you have said about, “What is going on when men need women to be this way? What’s going on when women need to be this way for society to consider them equal to men?” feels really true. We don’t stop to consider how we are. It feels so refreshing to hear such honesty from a man. Until this point I have never stopped to feel how imposing men’s ideals and beliefs are on me and all women… it really is huge and something we carry subconsciously day to day. A huge weight of expectation… but then, as women, we have allowed it haven’t we! Time for a rethink!

    1. I agree Rachel, we have allowed it, colluded with it and even raised our sons to perpetuate this ill behaviour. Time indeed for a rethink.

  511. Wow Jinya, this is so very gorgeous, it has offered me so much to reflect on as a woman and to feel. I can truly feel the sense of glory you know is present in each and every woman and man, just beautiful…

  512. Beautiful Jinya. You are correct, there is so much abuse of women and the female image that many of us have become numb to it. The damage that it’s doing is untold. When we connect with our true nature and express only love, then the abuse is exposed. It’s up to all of us, collectively to change this, and we can if we really want to, make huge and amazing changes.

    1. Rowena I love that you point out that it is, ‘when we connect with our true nature and express only love, then the abuse is exposed.’ Our true nature has no place for abuse so when we take the responsibility and connect to our inner truth ‘huge and amazing changes’ can happen in no time.

  513. Jinya, there is such a beauty in what you’ve expressed here. As a woman, to be held in such care and regard by you is deeply moving, thank you for openly saying what is very needed.

  514. I feel you hit the nail on the head Jinya when you mention that there are women who are “standing up for what is true and reminding us that we (women and men) are much greater than this.”

    It appears that men are oblivious to their actions and it often takes women to stand in their truth to get the message through. And if women don’t, men will continue to go along their merry way, oblivious to the subtle (and not so subtle) ways that we denigrate women.

    Yet this is crazy – surely men should have the common sense to see the role they play in bringing down women. Mmmm…obviously not. Fortunately there are articles like yours that bring awareness to this issue.

    It’s a responsibility, based on love and equality, for each and every one of us.

  515. This is SUPERB, Jinya. Your honesty and willingness to look deeply into your old way of life has brought out so many wondrous insights. Ones that clearly show the way men and women relate is a cycle that needs to be stopped and replaced with living with honesty and love. Let’s stop the old, stale doubles match of hurt that is ‘bouncing’ between the sexes and enjoy what unfolds.

  516. LOVE IT! I have to thank you for a good laugh in reading this:
    How did we get from the natural feminine grace that women exuded only 50 or so years ago, to this point where they are lauded for being rushed off their feet trying to meet the demands of being a 24/7 mum, a career woman, a good daughter, a loyal friend, a loving wife; a veritable Swiss army knife of a person – all whilst holding a backward dog yogic asana, baking a pie, and looking effortlessly sexy in an apron? This is what we have come to accept and expect as ‘normal’ (slightly caricatured but true): this ‘normal’ is indeed very strange. No wonder caffeine is the second highest selling substance in the world, and alcohol and drugs are very much relied upon to unwind at the end of the day.

    1. When you read it like that, the ‘Swiss army knife’ of a person and that is our normal, it is simply crazy.. Only the statistics of breast cancer is an insight that it isn’t working for us.

  517. Jinya, It feels so loving and supportive to have a man express in this way – the tenderness and honouring with which you have written, together with your honesty and choosing to take responsibility where it feels warranted. Thank you. As you say it will take both men and women to free us from the shackles of the current beliefs and attitudes about women we are holding as the norm, a degradation which is in fact affecting all of us, both men and women, no one goes unscathed. The norm you propose at the end of your article – now that is a norm worth developing.

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