Words from the Student Body about Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine

by UniMed Student Writers

This site is intended for students who study with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon to write about and share their experiences of Serge Benhayon and his work as a presenter, author and practitioner of Esoteric Medicine. It was started by a group of students who felt that their experiences were either not being documented or were being at times mis-represented online and in the media.

This site is not written to convince the reader of the merits of Universal Medicine. It is one of the central tenets of the Esoteric work as taught by Serge Benhayon, and many of us share the same view, that each person should have the right to discern for themselves whether they feel the Esoteric presentations to be of truth and value or not. It is not for us or anyone else to impose our views or chosen ways of living, on another. Having said that, it has recently become apparent that it is imperative that our voices and stories be present on the Internet lest the only source of information about us be that which originates from third parties.

There will be many people from many professions and walks of life whose contributions will be shared here. Among us are doctors and lawyers, cleaners, accountants, waiters, teachers and builders. We are normal everyday people with varied backgrounds and experiences. We share a commonality in that the words and teachings of Serge Benhayon have resonated with us and inspired us in one way or another.

Despite recent criticisms leveled at Universal Medicine that it is a “cult”, we are not writing here to make sure our name isn’t muddied, or because we fear for the reputation of our so-called ‘cult leader’ or guru. We write because through the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and because of our own choices and commitments, we have enjoyed changes in our lives that are truly and deeply worthy of sharing. Our stories are often inspiring, and the connections we enjoy with each other and with our many friends who have no interest in the Esoteric (and who are respected for that), are many and varied. We are not unaware that everything we do can easily be viewed through cult-coloured glasses. Yes, most of us don’t drink or smoke, yes, we eat similar carb-light diets, although many in the student body do not. Yes, many of us listen to the same student-produced music – although there are many among us who find it not to their taste at all and aren’t afraid to say so.

Once accusations of ‘cult’ and ‘cult leader’ start to be thrown about, any discussion of that person or group is necessarily going to be approached with high levels of caution by the casual observer, making a considered discussion difficult. The student becomes painted as the follower, the cult-worshipper – a mind-controlled drone of the master who has no freedom of expression. To state it categorically, Serge Benhayon does not run a cult and is not a cult leader. He runs workshops for paying participants who do make varying degrees of changes to their health and well-being as a result of attending. When and if these changes are made, it can be difficult to accept that it is by free-will that a person has chosen a particular way of living, especially if that chosen way, by virtue of its contrast, might challenge another’s chosen behaviours and way of living. But we will leave that for the reader to feel for themselves. We can only trust that our words and experiences might be felt and considered free from a pre-decided position as is often the case on other online forums, especially, but not limited to, the Rick Ross Cult Education Forum.

Serge Benhayon – a brief history from a student’s perspective

Serge Benhayon is the founder of Universal Medicine, which began in 2000. He is a practitioner whose Esoteric Medicine practice has actively worked in unison and in complement to Western Medicine for a number of years. Serge Benhayon also runs workshops and retreats that allow participants to experience true care and rejuvenation in their daily living routine. Resoundingly, the courses and retreats present the possibility that we can claim a deep care and responsibility for our daily choices and actions in very practical ways. Should the participant choose it, this awareness is then taken into their daily living. Many hundreds have benefited from the teachings to date. While none of the teachings are prescriptive, the benefits of certain ways of living are presented for those who participate to choose for themselves whether the teachings are of benefit to them or not.

The teachings are at times unconventional insofar as they do break with what are considered everyday accepted habits of the human being. Some examples of the teachings presented below:

  • The most rejuvenating sleep is between 9pm and 3am (proponents of his work go to bed at 9pm and rarely later).
  • The consumption of gluten is responsible for a dulling effect on people on an energetic as well as physical level (the latter is also and in more recent times becoming widely well-documented by scientific studies).
  • Alcohol and ‘recreational’ drug-use is born of a desire to numb oneself or distract oneself from dealing with their core issues and or for ‘dutch-courage’ in social situations – but if a true joy is known and connected to in the person then the need to alter one’s state by way of ingested substances ceases.
  • Alcohol consumption is often triggered by exhaustion — as its high sugar content is a key factor in the want to consume it at the ‘end of a hard day’.

Of late some of Serge’s teachings have come under heavy criticism, this is not surprising as the presentations are necessarily confronting to a human society that is living less than a harmonious and joyful way of being. The presentations are often challenging on many levels. For instance, certainly people are much more likely to want to hear that ‘red wine is good for them’ rather than to hear that it is in fact a poison to the body and at the energetic level very harming. Interestingly, Serge has never told anyone not to drink alcohol, rather he has presented the energetic consequences as he knows them to be. This puts a lot of people off-side, but then, both students and critics alike have observed that he doesn’t seem to measure or calculate what he says simply to deliver that which people will want to hear.

Resoundingly Serge Benhayon’s teachings impress upon the student or observer the deep responsibility we all have in every choice we make — “what and how we live, is lived by everybody thereafter”. (SIB)

In the following posts, what we write, we will write for everybody. Feel it, view it, reject it, rejoice in it as you see fit. We don’t ask that you agree. Just that you read it with an open heart.

Stay tuned.


There is much more to come.



462 thoughts on “Words from the Student Body about Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine

  1. There are many blogs written to share about every day life and to be inspired by.

  2. “what and how we live, is lived by everybody thereafter” – SIB. A Very powerful realisation and responsibility.

  3. Although this was written six and a half years ago it is still totally apt today and the testimonials of the truth and healing that has come about, and continues to expand, because of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, are all the more important as the attacks and vilifications intensify.

  4. This is a refreshing statement about the simplicity and transparency we live as students of the Livingness. Nothing to hide, nothing to be afraid of. Just the living result of our free and self-loving choices.

  5. It is important for our future generations that there is a place that they can go to learn about this man called Serge Benhayon and the people that met him and felt inspired by his living way to reconnect again and listen to their bodies rather than their minds, so much so they became students of their own life, their own livingness. .

  6. What is expressed in this blog is as true today as when it was first written, as do the comments that we initially written in response to it.

  7. Many people in the world have gone through life-transforming events. Many have connected to something which for them is the truth, there are so many presenters, so many writers, and so many complementary therapists in the world. Yet, what is happened is that Serge Benhayon and the students of The Way of The Livingness have been targeted and attacked as a result of living in a way that challenges the status quo. For the people who are behind screens and typewriters are not writing anything of truth, anything that is a true representation of the events in place.

    During a Universal Medicine course there is no brainwashing, there is simply a presentation of teaching, some banter, some jokes and a place where the public feels comfortable enough to share their deepest hurts, talk about what truly troubles them so that it can be resolved and they can live a life of love.

    The presentations about energy are challenged as if we are not all aware of energy, almost as if the people who are challenging this notion are saying that we can’t feel anything, we don’t know if a person is lying or not, we can’t tell if another is dodgy.

    It is sad that this is the state at play, and people are being considered delusional for expressing their true feelings. People are being attacked for speaking the truth and called crazy for bringing up a different perspective to life…

  8. “what and how we live, is lived by everybody thereafter”. (SIB) This is worth pondering on very deeply. It talks about energetic integrity and energetic responsibility in everything we do in life and also how we are. Every choice matters, in fact every movement matters.

  9. These blogs are a joy to read and they are deeply inspiring. They are written from the writer’s lived experience and inner wisdom and they invite the readers to ponder, to be inspired and share. I read these blogs every day, I love how relatable they are and they are so honest, open, inspiring, and supportive.

    1. Likewise Chan – I too am inspired in so many ways by the simple words and the experiences of each writer bringing and presenting all the different perspectives that we can learn from and learn to understand.

  10. We each have our own story and experiences to share, that are important to be heard. Especially in a media landscape that only print what will sell rather than what will benefit. Big difference.

  11. Thank you to those who set up this site as a starting platform for hundreds of people to share their experiences. Such lives and changes that need to be shared for they are gold.

  12. It is very convenient to call another person who is challenging us “brainwashed” or a “follower” simply because we don’t want to admit the truth standing in front of us.

  13. Agree – we are not here to convince or impose our choices on anyone. But telling the truth, we shall not stop. The truth worthy of sharing with entire humanity, as they will one day find themselves agreeing with, and most probably kicking themselves for not having done so sooner.

  14. For me there is no doubt that Serge lives love from the inside out, he moves with such grace and at the same time holds an amazing presence, his depth of wisdom seems endless and he stands for truth, not only for himself but for humanity as a whole.

  15. Serge simply delivers the truth, raw and uncut. I have never ever met someone who can do this with so much love and passion for life. I have been Soooooo inspired by this beautiful man Serge Benhayon, I will be forever grateful for the wisdom he has shared.

    1. Me too Sam, I am deeply, deeply inspired by Serge Benhayon and I am always blown away by the way he delivers truth with absolute love. He is a gorgeous man with a huge heart consistently sharing and supporting people from all walks of life. He has inspired thousands and thousands of people to commit to life and return to love, to live in a way that is our natural way filled with love and truth.

  16. This is brilliantly written, thank you. Everything Serge presents, whether it’s the best time to go to sleep or how holding back in relationships affects us is felt in the body, it’s not something that gets ‘told’, it’s something we feel for ourselves by observing the affects of our physical and energetic wellbeing in our daily choices. The body is always expressing (and confirming) the truth and if we listen and adjust our lifestyle that then becomes our truth.

  17. I am a student of life and Serge Benhayon has shown consistently that he is that also, I am inspired every day by that humbleness, because he lives with such consistency and care.

  18. What a gorgeous spelling out of truth. The biggest cult if ever there is one has to be the one that accepts, defends, and promote all the things that are slowly burying humanity. The alcohol, the sugar, the things we eat and drink that we know is not truly healthy or good for the body we defend and want to be good even though we know it is not. There are though many on this planet that knows and can feel that there is something else to life. That there is a life within life that can be revealed if we just know how to unfold it. And yes some things make it impossible such as alcohol. And I would also say that sugar is one of the most toxic things there is if we want to feel the stillness that is within us. If heaven is within then obviously we cannot have a racy body, for heaven is found in the stillness, when the body is at rest with itself and everything else.

  19. This site as well as Serge’s work, are pure transparency. No investments, nothing to hide and everything exposed, for the reader to freely discern by themselves.

  20. I have been blessed to read most of the blogs written on this site, they come from the heart and they are real people’s stories. I start each day by reading blogs and it has supported me in so many ways, I am grateful that so many volunteers make this site so active and interactive. If you are interested in what Universal Medicine is about and what values the people that attend presentations hold, then this site answers all those questions and more!

  21. With the hindsight of reading this blog after 5 years of publication, it is clear of how much ground has been covered thanks to this initiative and how much people have started to share themselves with those who are ready and open. It has been a massive process of discovery, of learning how to express and just going for it. A lot has been said. A lot remains to be said.

  22. This article in itself is extremely well written and informative so we can make up our mind or at the very least open to the possibility of supporting ourselves to see another part of life. I don’t know how many times I have seen or experienced it, you hear something about someone and you cast a view without actually talking or experiencing that persons perception. This view is often loaded one sided and we go ahead only at some point to get to know the person even briefly and your whole view changes and you wonder how you could have ever seen it any other way. If you want to know the whole story then you need to look at everything, take part of a view and that will colour everything so you only see that part, open up to everything and you can see it all and then from there make a choice.

  23. What I have realised through my association with Universal Medicine is how much I have been willingly giving my power away no matter how much I would have liked to consider myself as free. Instead of trusting and knowing what felt inside myself as true, I was constantly looking for approval or being validated as right. Learning to live by my inner-most (esoteric) has been the best choice I have ever made in my entire life – and it was made accessible and possible to me because those who had made the same choice did not hold back living that way.

  24. I went to see an old friend of mine recently and the topic of Serge Benhayon came up and in the conversation that followed I was seen by my friend to be a follower of Serge Benhayon.
    And this intrigued me and I stopped to feel what was being said.
    I feel that what Serge Benhayon presents makes sense to me, I met Serge Benhayon 11 years ago and decided to just have a go at some of the things that Serge Benhayon presented as my life was not full or happy I was just scraping by, to the world I looked successful, but inside my body I was a mess.
    I now lead a very successful life on the outside and feel joyful on the inside.
    I don’t follow Serge Benhayon but there is great value in what he has to say, I have learnt so much, and it is so practical and to me is far more beneficial than any education system currently in use.

  25. I’ve been reading these blogs for a few years now and have connected with some absolute pearls of wisdom in what others have shared. No matter what is occurring in my life I pretty much always happen to read the wisdom of someone in their similar experience. These blogs and their comments are very supportive, appreciated and relatable.

  26. Everything presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine make perfect sense, we know our bodies are refreshed if we go to bed earlier, and we know alcohol is a poison to our body, it’s simply a question of whether we want to admit these truths and make our lives as truthful and vital as possible.

  27. My life has definitely changed since meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, it has been a slow transition, as I have found there is much truth in what they present, never pushy, never dictatorial a presentation where truth will always stand up for itself, and as a result I live the truth I know, and that allows me to feel far more joy in my body. A cult – no, a man who stands for humanity – yes!

  28. When we consider the lies that have been told about Serge Benhayon as well as many students of the Ageless Wisdom, it’s actually really incredible to read the content of the blogs and the other websites that have been created to express the miracles that have occurred in the everyday lives of students. The media has a long way to go before they begin printing the truth, which benefits all and of course part of that is calling out what is not true. However some can’t see their own blind spot. The ponderings on these websites are great philosophical works related to living everyday day life. These are not only a record for the future but a blueprint for the future as well.

  29. This is a great article to revisit and demonstrates what people, if they so choose, might be prevented from accessing by the misinformation and downright lies that have been spread about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  30. Interesting to read what the initial reasons were for this blog, for I dare say now that they have changed, and this blog site serves a much deeper purpose, not only to facilitate the expression of those who might not ordinarily have a voice, but equally to document the lives of those who by way of the way they live their lives are seeking to show that one can live an extraordinarily ordinary life, full of the challenges we all face, and yet still find an inner steadiness and open-ness and zest that all crave but few find.

  31. “In the following posts, what we write, we will write for everybody. Feel it, view it, reject it, rejoice in it as you see fit. We don’t ask that you agree. Just that you read it with an open heart.” This beautiful and something we can all take into our lives, if we did there would not be the separation and wars that we see in the world today.

  32. Well before coming to The Way of The Livingness I had already felt what gluten, alcohol, drugs, dairy, sugar and late nights were doing to my body and had made the appropriate changes so I felt not imposed on in my body. I was finding I was getting bloated, lethargic, racy then dull, possessed and tired so this was not a new thing that Serge Benhayon was presenting to me, my own evolution was sharing with me what my body needed.

  33. So true Katie I also feel that my life and relationships have reached a level that is so inspiring for me as I was so lost and my level of joy is forever deepening as I become more aware.

  34. Thank you for writing this blog, as you have expressed what I feel about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I have no desire to impose on other people my chosen way of living. I haven’t always lived in the way I do now, so I have a comparison if you like between the two ways of life. And since meeting Serge Benhayon and his family I have chosen to take far more care of myself as I came to realise that actually I was very dismissing of myself and led a very self harming way of life. As I grow to appreciate myself more I am much more able to lessen the self bashing and deepen the self care.
    Our stories need to be heard because it gives other people the opportunity to decide for themselves if they want to give up a life that actually doesn’t work, I know because I was caught up in it all trying to make it work. I now live a life that is much more steady and joyful because I am not constantly second guessing myself and the internally dialog of constant criticism has almost gone.

  35. I love that in the face of those who prefer to report sensationalism and misinterpretations rather than facts, that this website has been set up to allow people the chance to truly feel those that have committed to living and benefiting from the principles of Universal Medicine … and see that they are just genuine people with genuinely extraordinary stories worth hearing for they show the transformational power of living a simple and loving way, often against the norm.

  36. Presenting truth to a world that believes it knows truth but does not really is not an easy matter. And is not a risk-free one. Lots of people heavily invested in the status quo (even if they think they are not or even if they think they are revolutionary because they do not like aspects of the status quo). They do not like to be presented that there is a bigger truth. But there is one. The truth, moreover, works in our total favour. It will take a time for this to be discovered and accepted.

  37. Gorgeous introduction of the mega beautiful website, which there are more related websites of, that represent the light shed on the truth and possibilities that Serge Benhayon has brought to earth by his teachings and lived ways. Hence, those who experienced like to contribute and give back their stories, so that it does not just stay for them and or relatives, but for the whole world to know, As in every experience needs to be shared and possibly inspire many from the angles we all come from. So it is good to know what it is that is being taught and presented by Serge Benhayon to see it being lived by people from all over the world, who are all sharing their part of their journey.

  38. You hear comments like…only a true friend would be that honest….and I hear stories of people saying it was hard to hear but they are glad they did….but it is rare that we are that honest in life. When I read this about Serge Benhayon – “he doesn’t seem to measure or calculate what he says simply to deliver that which people will want to hear.” – I was struck by how much he holds us in true love and is a true friend by delivering what is to be said and what we need to hear, which can be at times what we don’t want to hear. A true friend he is.

    1. Truth is sometimes a hard pill to swallow and when it is so simple and presented in a loving way as Serge Benhayon does this is surely a sign of a true friend. Thank you Sarah!

  39. Once you have been hurt, and we all have, there will be a natural mechanism to protect ourselves from raising this hurt. Truth is a great way of exposing our hurt. Truth does not pander and customly produce what we want to hear however, it must be expressed with love for it to be a truth – Truth and Love are One and the Same. Truth does not hurt for it is love. Truth exposes the falsetto of what we ‘think’ is a Truth when in fact it is not and it is a Belief we now invest in. A simple way to expose if truth is a belief you have invested in is to ask the question – Is it equal for All?

  40. I write on this page because I am interested in humanity and take my part in accountability where we are now AND where we will go. I write because I count – as everyone does. I write because I have something to share, as my life changed a lot from a depressive and very ill way to joyful, connected and healthier way. My development is a responsibility as well, as my choices may inspire others.

  41. One of the many things I appreciate about Serge Benhayon is his absolute dedication to speaking the truth. Sure some things are not easy to hear, but how else will I grow unless I hear what’s truly needed? What this has taught me is that love and truth are not separate things, even with that which is not necessarily easy to hear I always feel the love its delivered in, and the choice is always mine what to do with it. But, at least the truth is there for me to hear and consider. That is very refreshing.

  42. Yes indeed this blog site is testament to a quality of life arrived at and enjoyed at least in part because of presentations by Serge Benhayon from Universal Medicine. That quality comes from presence of body in most of daily life and the understanding that there is an innate wisdom that comes through our bodies. Serge Benhayon has been presenting this for many years and it is the cyber abuse conducted by a small band of media savvy detractors that highlight how empowering it is to live from that body intelligence and how threatening it is to those utterly relying on and lost only in a disconnected intelligence of the mind.

  43. As stated the blogs written about Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and The Way of The Livingness on this and other websites are not to argue or prove something but, “We write because through the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and because of our own choices and commitments, we have enjoyed changes in our lives that are truly and deeply worthy of sharing.” In this time of crisis in the world what we have to share offers an alternative harmonious and loving way to live that exposes the cause(s) of the present and historical path of suffering and destruction.

  44. it is interesting that changing your life-style to the extent it is done by esoteric students is only considered possible if there is no free will or some kind of forced situation. This arises from a society where many try really hard to change their habits but often give up because they do not succeed. So the question arises why these people attending workshops with Serge Benhayon are so successful? This is a question worth asking and worth studying if looking for a true answer where this success is coming from. To dismiss it and putting it into the ‘cult’ basket really is sticking your head in the sand not wanting to see what is going on.

  45. “We share a commonality in that the words and teachings of Serge Benhayon have resonated with us and inspired us in one way or another.” This is so true, there is nothing that Serge Benhayon asks me to believe in, what is presented is felt with every cell of my body. I may resist, but at the end of the day truth is known, and it is my choice to stay with what I know to be true or turn my back and walk the other way. For me there is only one choice and each day I am learning more what this means. As Sara Harris says it is all about responsibility and it is this that we don’t like to hear and why there is so much resistance to what is presented.

  46. Serge’s teachings are about responsibility. If I didn’t live with the level of responsibility I know now, my life would be in complete disarray, even if it seemingly looked good from the outside. Our choices not only affect your own bodies but everything and everyone around us. So being aware of this and choosing wisely, for me, is now the only way to live.

  47. “Serge Benhayon’s teachings impress upon the student or observer the deep responsibility we all have in every choice we make — “what and how we live, is lived by everybody thereafter”. (SIB)” For many this level of responsibility is too great as it means that one has to take and face the consequences for choices and actions one has made that would be very painful to deal with. However, because this is so exposing their only resort is to attack with lies those who do choose to endeavour to live this level of responsibility.

  48. When someone brings truth to humanity there will be some that resist and that’s expected. The majority is however screaming out for a true way forward and that Serge Benhayon presents with ease. That’s why people always wants to ask him questions at events and presentations.

  49. It’s important that we tell our stories and share our lives in this fashion for the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom make a huge difference to the quality of our lives, when we live them. It’s not to convert or to tell people what to do at all, but simply share what it’s like to make completely different choices and what this brings. I have to say that I have a greater respect and understanding now of the choices we make and understand that we all need to reach this ourselves and no amount of being told what do do will ever get us to this point. We do need to do this for ourselves.

  50. A most unimposing read, written from the foundation of an esoteric student who makes the tenet of being unimposing on the world and others a central tenet of their life – without perfection of course, and neither in a way that does not call out the truth of all things when the call arises. Thank you.

  51. “This site is not written to convince the reader of the merits of Universal Medicine. It is one of the central tenets of the Esoteric work as taught by Serge Benhayon, and many of us share the same view, that each person should have the right to discern for themselves whether they feel the Esoteric presentations to be of truth and value or not.” This basic tenet of ‘discerning for oneself what is true’ is a cornerstone of all that is presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and when adopted as a foundation in one’s living it is truly liberating for oneself and others.

  52. Two and a half years from the inception of this site and the commitment to writing, living and expressing of how we feel on the subject of Serge Benhayon has not abated. We started as a small spring but as we move forward our banks continue to widen. We are forever moving forward and growing everyday.

  53. It is a great point made here that Serge Benhayon has never held back from speaking his mind. No pandering, in particular to students but no treating of anyone differently and such integrity and consistency, when combined with the fact that Serge never speaks about anything he does not experience for himself and has tried and tested, becomes too much to fathom for some people, even to the point where they have to make up lies and throw abuse to see if any sticks. Well none has stuck now for over three years since a tirade of abuse by two or three desperate people with internet savvy and there is no greater proof that Serge is the real deal than that.

  54. Serge Benhayon is bringing truth and honesty to humanity and in this truth, the unloving way we are all living and the disease and sickness resulting from this is exposed. It is no wonder some do not like this exposure but there are also others who love it as it is inspiring them to live the love we truly are fully in all our expression with integrity and joy.

  55. “Resoundingly Serge Benhayon’s teachings impress upon the student or observer the deep responsibility we all have in every choice we make — “what and how we live, is lived by everybody thereafter”. (SIB)” This is so true and the more I take responsibility for my life and everything I do and say the more I am able to say with a resounding yes that this is absolutely true. Thank you Serge for not wavering under the pressure of those that are not willing to take responsibility in their lives and instead choose to attack and hound you for bringing a true and more honest way of living.

  56. Coming from atheistic background for me religion and cult are the same. I would never consider to be religious in a common meaning of the word as well as being in cult.
    Universal Medicine is true religion. I don’t really care if some people call it cult. What is presented by Serge Benhayon is true way of living. And I will be the student and learn it to the best of my ability.

  57. I absolutely agree that it is imperative for our voices and stories to be heard… for people to express their truth in light of the many mistruths told elsewhere about Universal Medicine and the students within. It is a deeply appreciated initiative that will inspire many.

    1. I agree Samantha it’s very important for our stories to be heard for the purpose of introducing others to a true and evolutionary way of living.

  58. ” If a cup of tea can warm the hands on a winter’s day, loving words can heal the whole person given the right time and place.” That is so lovely, Sam. For many this may not be the right time to heal but the words of these blogs will be here, always available and will be read in the right time.

  59. The Student Body who are dedicated to the Work of Livingness as so visibly exemplified by the expansive work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are truly a remarkable community of men and women. No where in my lifetime of observations in people of different races, culture and languages exists those who represent the different fabric of our humanity, and yet able to express what truly matters for a human being so he or she can truly live the truth of their body freed from the shackles of illusion that otherwise imprisons the mind over a lifetime.

    Their blogs are collectively a true example of the reawakening words that may likely speak their volumes for many centuries because they deeply inspire us for men, women, children, families, relationships, work of every sort, Medicine and Healing for the future generations.

    A handful of those who may be vocally critical of the Student Body and Serge Benhayon are yet to see that love is the ultimate connection that all people share no matter where, how and why they ended up in their individuals circumstances of life. Love is inevitable, so is the truth that is lived by all who are students of love that continues to expand and deepen on a daily basis. If a cup of tea can warm the hands on a winter’s day, loving words can heal the whole person given the right time and place.

  60. To write without imposition is a rare thing indeed, but a central tenet of those who follow the path laid down by Universal Medicine. Does this mean that students of Universal Medicine always get it right. Absolutely not. Life is all about learning, and thus why those who align to the philosophy of Universal Medicine call themselves forever students.

  61. Thank you to all the Universal Medicine students who contribute to this blog, I love reading these articles and accounts that describe joyful lives now being lived because of changes made to one’s way of living. I know for sure that if I had not met Serge Benhayon that I would still be blind to the fact that I am a being of love, as is everyone, and self-loving choices in my day-to-day bring that loving awareness into all that I do. Serge Benhayon presents, I listen, then I choose to make self-nurturing changes or not, never is or has there been any order or directive, simply an allowance to make a different choice.

  62. It seems too good to be true in our world today to offer something that truly benefits peoples lives for the better and not only in subtle lifestyle changes, but massive energetic changes throughout their interactions, and daily way of living. It has to be a cult! But while this can be said from the point of view of how hundreds of cults in our past have actually promised a ‘true’ way and actually delivered the exact opposite, and what Serge is sharing is asking greater responsibility and love in our lives which many may resist, let it not taint the truth that is there before us which is a man truly offering a way for humanity to see beyond its turmoil and muck to the truth and beauty that remains innately there in us all.

  63. It is such a blessing that Serge Benhayon is with us and that he continues telling the truth about the lives we live compared to where we could have been if we would have chosen otherwise. He points us to a personal responsibility we have to develop about our lives, to a level we have never been told before. Although this is challenging at some times but to take on this responsibility to the best of my ability already gives me a life where the love that resides in me gets space to radiate through my being and is in everything that I do. This is a way of life that wants to be shared with whoever is looking for it. Thank you for initiating this blog site, as this will be a place that will hold the expression of the developing students in a well documented way.

  64. What’s interesting is that many religions do tell people how to live and prescribe certain choices as essential to belonging. However none of these religions are called a cult. Could it be that the word “cult” may at times be used to belittle any new or different emerging religions? “Cult” is colloquially a poorly defined and highly emotive word designed to scare and conjure up panic. Perhaps we should be more scared by what we now accept as the “norm” (drug use, obesity, global ill health, domestic violence et al) and actually seek to learn from new things because what is currently going on in society is nothing short of disastrous. What we have now is not working.

    1. That’s a good point Melinda, a lot of religions (in fact not just religions but such things as being in a certain club/hobby or from a certain part of the world) have a dictated way of how to live one’s life. With Universal Medicine there is none of that, if anything copying lifestyles is advised against as each person is to feel their own way for themselves. Only presentations on what is healthy from an energetic point of view and that when the energy of our choices is ‘healthy’ or from love/fire that trickles down into the various aspects we call life. One is dictating and demanding of others to follow and is not questioned, the other allows all to freely choose how they choose to live and is being attacked and dubbed as the dictating one – what?

      1. Yes, Leigh, it is a strange irony that the one, The Way Of The Livingness, that advocates the individual to discern for themselves what is True is the one that is attacked. Could it be that if those that are dictated to were to do the same then those organisations would no longer have followers?

  65. We have had our wake up call, that was presented by Serge Benhayon he has been the alarm clock that has allowed us to awake and find what we thought we had lost or did not remember we had. We live in a way that feels right in our bodies. If others have not yet chosen to look at the same possibilities that are also within them does not given them the right to criticize us. We should on one hand thank them for their criticism which has allowed us to stand up, and as Anna has said; “gives the general public an opportunity to hear the truth and discern what feels true for them about Universal Medicine.”

  66. This is a powerfull and important blog about this website and it is still relevant today as when it was written over 3 years ago. This site and many others have offered a space to students to express their truth about their own experiences with Universal Medicine after falsely being labelled ‘brainwashed cult members’. This also gives the general public an opportunity to hear the truth and discern what feels true for them about Universal Medicine.

  67. Such an awesome introduction to what this website is all about, expressing the experiences and truths of many who have benefited from reclaiming their health and vitality after being inspired by the words and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Thank you all for sharing your insights I am daily inspired by the truth in which you now choose to live.

  68. “We are not unaware that everything we do can easily be viewed through cult-coloured glasses.” This is the phrase for me. The fact that this can happen reflects two things: people have experienced real hurts when joining groups and there is apprehension about this group being one of them. This is a legitimate apprehension. From there, whatever decision about giving Universal Medicine a go or not is just fine. Regarding this, what we can do is to present the fact that Universal Medicine does not add hurts; it helps to really deal with your hurts. This is a huge and significant difference. The other thing to mention is that the fact that Universal Medicine is by far not a cult makes clear that the cult thing is part of the lens through which someone looks at Universal Medicine. The cult belongs in someone else’s eyes and not in Universal Medicine. This is also huge.

  69. Although this article was written 3 years ago it is as pertinent today as when it was first written and the blogs on the website are vibrant and inspiring to read.

  70. It is a gift to have all these stories and experiences captured here on this website, be it the blogs themselves or the many comments they entail. This is a platform to grow and evolve together.

  71. We have a voice and a lived experience to share of how our lives have changed so much, since being introduced to Serge and Universal Medicine. The simple truths of taking responsibility for my choices, bringing self care and self love into my way of living, and sharing this way with others, have brought with it a more joyful and vital way of being.

  72. From the first time I went to a Universal Medicine workshop I knew that it just made sense. I came from a place of wanting to know the Truth and this is what I found. Serge Benhayon presents all there is to understand about the life that we live, and this can challenge our view of normal that we have held for a long time. Thank goodness there is someone who stands for Truth and doesn’t hold back – for society has much to relearn.

  73. From the age of 13 I chose to treat my body in ways that was not only dishonouring but for the most part cruel and abusive. Apart from occasional bouts of ‘time off’ lasting 2 – 3 months at most, this continued for 25 years, and almost without question by those who cared for me – as it was ‘normal’, yet all the while knowing full well this was not the way to be living or more aptly – existing. It has only been through the unwavering consistency of support I found in Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I finally began to make different choices for myself. Choices founded on loving me, rather than punishing me on every level. For this to raise reaction for people who don’t know me, goes to show just what I big call it is. It is more expected to treat ourselves badly than it is not – is that not what deserves investigation?

  74. All that is needed is an open heart. We have spent so much of our lives in protection, trying desperately not to get hurt again, but through the work of Universal Medicine, we can heal our hurts and open our hearts once again to experience each other from a non-judgemental and very loving foundation. There is nothing more beautiful than being truly met by someone who is just themselves, no guards, no measuring, just holding you equally with them.

  75. I am one of those people who has experienced changes in their life that are definitely worth sharing… and celebrating “…we have enjoyed changes in our lives that are truly and deeply worthy of sharing…” This blog site and others like it are necessary to consider what has has been said, its not about trying to prove anything or persuade, it is just about countering what is not true and sharing another perspective.

  76. It is interesting to read back on this post a couple of years later, for it still stands true to this day what is written. Hundreds of blogs later, and people are still writing about the various ways in which their lives have changed. The Way of the Livingness is a religion. It is a religion that incorporates all of life and does not see one aspect of life as any more or less important than the next. It is a religion that does not seek to convert, not does it seek to provide dogmatic principles for all to follow. Its flavour is unique to every individual, and in that way it is the most personal of religions, even though its underlying tenet is one of brotherhood.

  77. Something occurred to me reading this very simple presentation of who Serge Benhayon is and what he teaches….if he were a “cult leader” as purported, he would selling a far more seductive message, to tantalise and lure people in. The energetic truth that Serge shares is far from seductive. It is pretty much a wake up call about every single aspect of life….Zero lure, zero tantalisation. He teaches the responsibility he lives, and expects no one to comply with it. That people then make similar choices is a reflection of just how inspiring he is. Let’s be honest, he is fit, glowingly healthy, vital, has a lot of friends, and lives an amazing life. Quite a lot of people, having observed this man over time, have come to the conclusion that how he lives really works. Thank you, all the proof I need is there, backed by the way my life has changed since making my own choices based on the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom.

  78. Yes it is so true Amina that what Serge presents is what we already know but for whatever reasons have not chosen to live. Serge has chosen to do so and is the living example that it is possible to do and that we all can if we so choose.

  79. If I had only listened to what I wanted to hear and not heard what was needed for me …
    NO way would I be living.

  80. I, too, have had many people suggesting what I should do in life but Serge has been the person I feel who has truly helped. This is because, as you say Toni, he always encourages and supports one to feel, explore and decide for oneself what is most appropriate. That is so empowering.

  81. “There was no following Serge or Universal Medicine, it was a Confirmation of My Own Truth” this is what Serge presents to us to discern for ourselves and definitely not to be his follower but to walk equally together.

  82. This is a really beautiful write up on the purpose of this site. Having attended a number of Universal Medicine workshops and integrated some of the teachings into my life, the life I live now as opposed to ten years ago is so much more content. I am much more confident, outspoken and open with people than I was back then. I really enjoy reading the blogs on this site. They always remind and inspire me to continue committing to what I feel in my heart is true.

  83. I completely agree Brendan we need people like Serge to show that there is a different way to the one that is at present the most dominant and is not working. A way of life that, “can be consistently joy-full and loving, and that the best part is that feeling like this is actually natural.”

  84. Everybody is continually being steered back to who we are in truth. The whole of life is geared up so that it can be used to find our way home. It does not matter how long we take, how much we resist, we shall all eventually end up back where we started. Serge Benhayon has arrived home and simply presents to us that home is still there and that there is a way of getting back that makes the journey a little less hazardous. He has no investment what so ever in whether or not we believe him or indeed how we choose to get there.

  85. I have certainly never felt ‘brain washed’ by Serge Benhayon, but would say that when I first read his books there were many ‘Aha’ moments which for me was a connection to things I had previously pondered on. I found it freed me up to look more deeply within as up until this time I had kept so many of these thoughts to myself, and it felt freeing to know that I was not alone any more. That there were other people in the world who had also been pondering!

  86. Having a clear and open site that shows the experiences of hundreds if not thousands of people in complete contrast to the nasty accusations about Universal Medicine by only a hand full of people is an inspiration in itself. It shows there is a way to deal with abusive behaviour without retaliation, ignoring or stooping to the same level as the abuser.

  87. Yes, Serge is certainly the light that never goes out however dark it is. A quality of that Light it enables one, if one so chooses to look, is at our love-less choices and take responsibility for them. By having that support it has enabled me to look at mine and by doing so to find my own light. Thank you Serge, your family and Universal Medicine.

  88. As we each live inspired by Serge Benhayon’s presentations, the love we build into our lives is unmistakeable to those around us, as is the vitality of our health, and the sparkle of joy in our eye that comes from living connected to self free from past hurts. This is a living document of truth for each person we encounter, this truth is much greater than the lies that have been written, as people can feel and see for themselves that which is true.

  89. “Resoundingly, the courses and retreats present the possibility that we can claim a deep care and responsibility for our daily choices and actions in very practical ways”….so true and recently I have become aware of how many choices I actually have to make throughout the day….trillions i reckon! Well maybe more like 86,4000 as that is how many seconds there are per day and every second of the day, we make choices about our lives. Universal Medicine has really presented this to me and the power and freedom that comes in. Gosh I am so glad I decided to do their courses, it has been an amazing life-changer for me – and I know I am not alone in saying that!

  90. I still find it amazing how through the example of Serge Benhayon and the Benhayon family my approach to life, and for thousands of others too, have changed so radically for the better and still there are those who attack and vilify him, his family and anyone associated with them. Absolutely disgraceful.

  91. Oh such a common story that we feel there is more to life than which is society’s norm and thousands like you Doug are discovering that in truth there is more thanks to the inspiration of Serge Benhayon and all that he has brought.

  92. ‘it has recently become apparent that it is imperative that our voices and stories be present on the Internet lest the only source of information about us be that which originates from third parties.’
    Here here, still relevant today!

  93. “As my self appreciation grows with what I have discarded, my appreciation for Serge has grown with it. He has always known what gems I had buried and never accepted me as anything less. He does this with every single person he meets. He is a true inspiration and as I turn round now to others and feel them for the amazingness that they are despite what they present I know that I am on my way to expressing love the way he does.”
    I feel what you have expressed here about Serge, Michelle, is so true and that he has inspired so many to be on the same path as you – expressing love the way he does.

  94. Thank you for providing a forum for us to share our experiences of what has been presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. The beauty of what is written in these blogs is that it is real. It is the lived experience of many people. This is not some theory about some utopian way of life. This is real world lived experience with amazing changes and revelations in people’s lives.

    1. This is so true Lee. Having spent many years in the New Age Spiritual illusion believing it was real it was a life changing paradigm to experience Universal Medicine and discover the true reality and not a theory. As you say these blogs are the real experiences of so many people.

    2. Exactly Lee, the student blogs are real stories from people from all walks of life all around the world – who have discovered so much about themselves and how loving we can live our lives. So that everyone may benefit, we have chosen to share these stories with the world. These blogs are encouraging, heart warming and truthful.

  95. Thanks everyone for putting this together to let the public know who we are and why we live the way we do. I can tell you for sure that if Serge Benhayon were a cult leader running a cult, they would not see me for dust! For anyone to attach the ‘cult’ label to a group who makes healthy choices seems really bizarre to me, except that the name-callers must be trying to justify their own UNhealthy choices by criticizing anyone whose choices show them up. And to single out Serge Benhayon does not make sense. For example, hang out at any gym, fitness centre, health shop, sports field, and you’ll see groups of people taking on particular regimes of eating, exercising, sleeping, music, language, the whole bit, usually inspired and guided by a key founding person. Yet they are not called cults. Here’s an awesome contrast for you: I once attended a full day workshop with 400 other affiliates of a nutrition company. In the next conference room were about the same number of attendees at a drug company workshop. Morning tea was an epiphany! The nutrition 400 poured out smiling and communicating with each other, to a spring water station, herbal teas and a delectable spread of fresh fruit, vegetables and hors d’oevres. About 4 people went outside to smoke a cigarette. In contrast the drug company 400 poured out looking stressed and scowling, to a coffee urn, soft drinks and a (to me nauseating) spread of sticky, creamy buns and biscuits, chocolate, fatty and salty unhealthy foods, and more than half of the 400 took off outside to smoke cigarettes. Were these two groups actually two cults side by side? Were the healthy group a cult and the unhealty group normal? No, in truth they were just two ‘special interest’ groups who make different choices in their way of living.

    1. Definitely Dianne, our choices in life are up to each individual. Serge Benhayon’s inspiration has simply placed truth about energy in the mix and how the Students of The Livingness are now sharing that truth to inspire others. Did I forget to say that we can all choose an energy of love, love that has a divine purpose and truth.

  96. I have found Serge Benhayon to be at times challenging and as you say “Of late some of Serge’s teachings have come under heavy criticism, this is not surprising as the presentations are necessarily confronting to a human society that is living less than a harmonious and joyful way of being.” However I have felt for myself and I have always felt the truth of what is there even if it has been uncomfortable. The teaching may not be for everyone at this time and that is fine. However the issue of misinterpretation and attack is not okay and it is important that there are some places on the internet that speak the truth of what Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon share with humanity.

  97. Beautifully expressed words about Serge Benhayon. True, some of his words are a ‘shock’ or ‘jolt’ to our often preferred way of living, but, if openness is at play and we are honest with ourselves about what is going on for us, then we can consider these ‘words’ and act on them.

  98. Once you start doing the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine there is no going back to the way you were living, as you simply don’t want to. You can feel that is real…. for me there is no doubt. It all makes so much sense. You start to truly live life and not just exist, I have so much appreciation for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and will share that with the world.

  99. Top post and well worth a second read.
    I have never followed anyone as I have always done what I want even if I get it wrong. Serge Benhayon teachings make sense and so I give them a go and do what I like in the end.
    However, over time I realised that harming my body hurts me first and then all those around me are affected so it had to stop.
    I now live a life of True Responsibility which is a life of True Consistency.
    I know that my choices affects everything and everyone and by taking responsibility I am doing my part to not harm me, others or our planet.
    The work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have allowed me to offer my services to the community in a way that I never even dreamt was possible. Many many people who don’t even know of Serge Benhayon are receiving his teachings through people like me.

  100. Here are a list of some of the things that has changed in my life since I came to the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon:
    My food intake, which consisted of many foods that ‘I ALREADY KNEW’ weren’t good for me, but didn’t want to change, like, alcohol, wheat (gluten), sugar, dairy caffeine.
    I used to weigh over 27 stone…I now weigh just over 15 stone.
    My confidence in myself has increased considerably.
    My self worth has increased.
    My appreciation of myself and what I bring has increased.
    My acceptance of who I am has increased.
    My acceptance of others and who they are has increased.
    When I sleep I now get a better quality and feel much more rejuvenated when I wake up.
    I don’t do excessive workouts at the gym.
    I don’t push myself to work if my body is tired.
    I am much more gentle in everything I do.
    I express how I am feeling so much more.
    I take responsibility and accountability for all my choices.
    My health, wellbeing and vitality have increased.

    As I said, these are only some of the changes I have made in my life and they have all come about because of the inspirational presentations by Serge Benhayon.
    If anyone considers that this is a cult, then maybe the whole world could do with joining!!

    1. Thank you Tim, I agree the whole world will one day through free choice join what Serge Benhayon has started! It is now up to the Students of The Livingness.

    2. Ha Ha Tim love your last line, and love the list of changes like you say it is just the tip of the iceberg for the real depth of change is inside you when you’re connected to the divine source! It’s curious that the world would rather slay us than join us… something to do with not wanting to change from eating and drinking what ever we want me thinks! If I was in charge of a country I would definitely want to know how we have been inspired to make changes, lasting changes to all areas of our lives increasing overall well being therefore reducing the cost on public services.

  101. Becoming involved in Universal Medicine has completely changed my life. My lifestyle choices are now ones that support me in a positive and loving way. I therefore feel more vital and a sense of joy I could only dream about before. Waking up with a sense of exuberance about life, even during tough times is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you Serge Benhayon and all your family for all the love and light you bring to the world.

  102. I like the responsibility in Serge Benhayon’s quote: “what and how we live, is lived by everybody thereafter”. It actually supports me in my daily choices. Instead of it being a burden.

    1. This is a really profoundly simple comment and absolutely shifts responsibility from a burden to joy-filled endless opportunities. To lead by simply living truth – there are no followers only those that connect and accept that this is their way too.

  103. I agree the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have always been presented as something that one is free to choose or not.
    There are no ‘have to do’s’, it is definitely not a cult and Serge Benhayon is not a Guru, I say this with absolute authority, having once been part of a cult for most of my life.

  104. Having now known Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I can ‘hand on heart’ say that this is a very clear, honest and truthful description of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  105. I applaud the UM Student Writers for what they have outlined here and most importantly that this is not to convince or persuade anyone. It is merely a great testimonial of what has been presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine; priceless wisdom that does call for us to truly look inside ourselves, a deeper honesty than we have been used to living with and if so inspired, making simple but also grand changes in our lives to live with the joy we all want, deserve and in fact are.

  106. I see so many students changing over the years I have known them. The change is in the quality of their bodies, voices, expression, and the way they live their lives, and the quality is gentle and clear and light. This comes about through a true commitment to themselves, and the responsibility they take for their choices every day. It would not be possible for this kind of change to occur if they were being mind controlled or belonged to a cult. People may feel that this quality is uniform and thus suspect cult activity, but actually every student follows their own path in their own way and at their own pace, and certainly are not clones but the very opposite, living life and expressing the truth of themselves in the world. This comes from the teachings of Serge Benhayon that we all need to discern the truth for ourselves.

  107. This is such a practical and easy to understand description of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and why people can sometimes get put off side by the teachings. I particularly love this part “he doesn’t seem to measure or calculate what he says simply to deliver that which people will want to hear.” There’s not many presenters or people in general that don’t change what they say as a way to keep people ‘happy’ or please others. Most people don’t always say what they deep down feel and know out of fear of how people will react. I Know the Words of Serge Benhayon will go down in history, and Serge will forever be known as a true world leader. It just may take time for people to be willing to accept this, in fact maybe one hundred years.

    1. Great point Danielle it is really very rare that people can say what is needed to be said without softening or sweetening the delivery in order to not get a reaction or anything, Serge in no way does this and as much as it is refreshing it is also challenging! I, like you, know him to be a true teacher.

  108. “We write because through the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and because of our own choices and commitments, we have enjoyed changes in our lives that are truly and deeply worthy of sharing.” – Absolutely, there is no agenda here other than giving people the opportunity to read the truth about Universal Medicine and the profound transformations that many people have experienced in their everyday lives with the support they’ve been offered.

    1. When I reflect on the many many changes in my life, since attending Universal Medicine workshops and having esoteric healing sessions I marvel at what has occurred. There have been so many changes, many that I’d even forgotten about until I take the time to write them down. It blows me away every time.

  109. To witness so many transformations amongst Universal Medicine students, myself included, is nothing short of miraculous. We freely chose to make changes to our lives that are beneficial and now reap the rewards. The beauty is that we affect not only ourselves but those we come across, and so inspire each other – and humanity – to know that there is a different way.

    1. Very true Sue this is where the proof is in the pudding so to speak : ) – the before and after shots are just incredible and evidence that there is another way to live.

  110. I agree with your words David – no longer can we, the student body be not responding to nor expressing that which we know from our personal experience is certainly not the truth.

  111. On the path I had at one stage in my life chosen to walk, there was no doubt in my mind that I would have ended up severely ill. I met Serge Benhayon over 10 years ago now and through the wisdom about self love he imparted to me I now live a life where I now know my life will not end up in the severity of illness. Serge is an amazing friend and mentor and I for one am glad that we have met in this lifetime.

    1. Yes, I too, would be in a very different place if it was not for Serge Benhayon and it would not have been a happy one. He is the true friend and it is a blessing to have met him in this lifetime.

  112. Serge Benhayon is truly a very open person. The words that come from his mouth are about truth and love. He has no hidden agenda, and we are blessed to have someone in our lives like Serge, and Universal Medicine.

    1. Absolutely Mike, in our sophisticated modern world where deception and ‘hidden agendas’ seem to be the norm, Serge is truly a breath of fresh air!

    2. So correct Mike. I have never before encountered anyone with the same level of integrity and openness. He is a role model for all men that is the greatest inspiration of a loving, tender, committed and successful man that we can aspire to.

  113. My life has changed immensely since I first chose to attend Heart Chakra 1 workshop where I met Serge Benhayon. At that time I was in search for something. I felt that there was more to what life, as I knew it, was offering. I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for but I knew that I would know what is was when I found it. Interestingly enough what I discovered was, what I was in fact searching for was with me all along; my connection to my inner-heart, to my Love, my Soul, to me. From this point of realisation and connection, is where my life truly began to change. I now had marker, with me 24/7, that could guide me to what was and is truth and love in my life. All I had to do was connect to this. I no longer needed to search for truth or love of for someone to tell me what truth or love was. What Serge presented, with the utmost integrity, care and love through his lived experience, for me was the opportunity to choose to feel who I was from a place within my heart. How much more truth and love does one need? And from here I am able to live from what feels true, what feels loving and what feels supportive to me. And as a result I live a life of increased joy and vitality. I am constantly refining my way as I deepen my connection to my Love and Truth. This is a journey I cherish as I have learnt so much already as I continue to choose to return to more of the Truth and Love that awaits. I am constantly inspired and deeply grateful for the Love and care that Serge Benhayon holds for us all, equally so.

    1. I agree Carola, it surely is one of the most attractive aspects of the teaching, that we each contain within us, everything that’s needed.

      1. It is the most empowering of things shared, the fact of the crazy games we play to avoid that ‘knowing’ is quite something to behold. Yet with the patience of a saint Serge says the same thing in a different way to support us to unbind ourselves and be free to be the love we always were!

    2. I agree Carola it is from my involvement with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I have been able to honour the feelings that I have always had and made loving choices for myself for the first time in a very long time.

  114. Great blog, outlining the fundamental tenets behind Universal Medicine’s teachings – truth, discernment, self-care, responsibility for our choices. The truth behind how we’ve chosen to live life may hurt momentarily, but very quickly it actually starts to heal, if we choose to heed it.

  115. Daily on the internet there are new studies & reports on the harmful effects of alcohol & drugs, the allergies & digestive issues caused by gluten, the detrimental health effects of obesity, then benefits of good sleep patterns. Most people read the evidence & agree that there would be true benefits to making changes in their lives. Along comes a man (Serge Benhayon) who is very dedicated to health, love and humanity. He makes these positive changes in his life, shares them with others who also choose to make changes, which result in a much more vital & joyful life. Suddenly these people are reported as being in a ‘cult’, they must be brain-washed??? It appears the journalists are reporting the wrong story here.

    1. It seems the journalists in question just lazily pigeon-hole everybody according to their own jaundiced view of the world. When somebody unique comes along like Serge, they are completely bamboozled, and reach for the easiest and closest label to hand, in their rather small box of labels, to attach to him.

  116. ‘the deep responsibility we all have in every choice we make — “what and how we live, is lived by everybody thereafter”. (SIB)’
    Exactly what is written above is my feeling why people react to what Serge presents. There is so much comfort we want to hold on to. Being responsible for every single choice we make gives a whole new perspective to our behaviours and if you feel the truth of it also means changing things in your life. I love Serge his open, no nonsense, never holding back presenting full of love and always respecting where each human being is. I love how equal in love he holds everyone and the inspiration he offers me to connect to my soul and inner knowing.

    1. I feel you are spot on here Monika as to why some people react to Serge because the self-responsibility for one’s life feels too great for them. Similarly as to why so many people love Serge and are loved by him because he treats everybody equally with the same love and integrity.

    2. I love this Monica. Each time I take responsibility for my life there is more wisdom, understanding and a deeper connection with our Soul. Each day I feel it I marvel at the great wisdom within me that is within everybody. All inspired by one man – Serge Benhayon.

  117. The truth is that what Serge Benhayon presents without any need or agenda is simply responsibility. The question is, who is and who is not ready to take it in full – and the beauty is that either way, from where Serge stands, there is no judgement.

    1. Serge Benhayon lives all that is shared and presented, there is absolutely no question about that. The love that he has for all humanity is like that of no other, he is selfless in all that he brings and it is an honour and a blessing to have him in my life not only as an inspiration and role model but a dear friend.
      I thank him for all that he is, brings and shares for all humanity equally so.

  118. One of the many things I love about Serge is that he says things as they are. I can understand that many people do not want such plain-speaking honesty in their lives – an honesty which simply speaks the truth, regardless of whether or not you will like it – because it will bring things to their attention which they do not want to hear (that alcohol is far more damaging to the body and to our quality of life than conventional medicine is currently telling us it is, for example); but for me, I value such plain-speaking very, very highly, and Serge is amongst the only people I come into contact with who presents me with the Truth AS IT IS like this, without ‘measuring’ the amount of Truth which he thinks I can handle. And I know that many others value this in Serge very highly too.

    1. Well said, Conor. I absolutely agree with you. There have been times when I was ‘squirming in my seat’ at some of the things Serge said, but the squirming only comes from knowing within myself that what he says is true and I’ve been neglecting aspects of my health and life. That I’ve been not wanting to see particular things and keeping them buried or denying them to myself. The small period of discomfort in hearing them is nothing compared with the forever-after lightness of having them revealed and dealing with them, so they are no longer hanging around in me like unseen burdens. Like any healing: its painful to have lumps cut out, stitches removed, vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, etc, but so much better after the sickness is out.

      1. Great Analogy with the illness and disease Dianne, and ‘hanging around in me like unseen burdens’ seems to sum up beautifully those hurts that we have yet to deal with.

      2. Yes I love this analogy Dianne better out than in! Recently having lots of tummy trouble I always feels better when its cleared.

      3. Yes Dianne, I am with you all the way here. I too have felt the discomfort in nominating where and when I have been dishonest with myself – where I have been less than truly loving. Living for days, weeks, years with this stuff buried and un-admitted to does not make it go away. It hangs around making me feel heavy and burdened and in a state of tension and not feeling very good about myself. The moment I accept that this feeling is there, that I honestly want to deal with it, talk about it and admit it, the most miraculous thing starts to happen. I start to let it go and I get to understand why that behaviour was there in the first place in complete allowing, understanding and love! I then get to realise something else amazing too – it was all just energy and it’s cleared in seconds. All that time being burdened by a heavy energy when it simply takes moments to say ciao to it!! As you say it’s gone – never to return. I feel that a few moments of squirming are definitely worth it.

    2. Absolutely spot-on Conor, Serge does not ‘pussyfoot’ around the truth, he is 100 percent committed to it. This can be uncomfortable and squirm inducing in the short-term, but in the long term it is very liberating.

    3. So true Conor – plain simple truth is about as unpalatable to many people as it can get. Like everything else if it isn’t glossed over, airbrushed, brushed under the carpet, ignored, distracted, numbed, manipulated and even basterdised people aren’t interested. Keeping things simple and real for some paradoxical reason is just too hard to digest. The point is simple truth is exactly what works and has us living vital, joy-filled lives. I love it – bring it on!

    4. I agree with you Conor. As much as it is uncomfortable, the energetic truth cuts to the bone. I love Serge for this, and also the brilliant humour that delicately holds everything together.

  119. When one reads words like ‘Cult’ and ‘Guru’, one instantly sees in one’s mind’s eye, groups of hopelessly disconnected human beings wandering aimlessly having unquestioningly submitted to the will of their ‘leader’ and to all intents and purposes have become ‘brainwashed’. The ‘followers’ have been worn down by the apparently unassailable arguments of the leader who like any despot, wields an absolute power over the hapless followers. There is no love, just submission and domination.
    How any intelligent journalist can equate the above with Universal medicine is absolutely laughable.
    Universal Medicine is the very antithesis of a cult.
    Its adherents are bright, intelligent, successful and free thinking people, who understand the simple logic of self-care and self-love and the common sense of eating and sleeping properly in accordance with the body’s wishes. As a result they enjoy better health and put less of a strain on the hard-pressed national government’s health resources!
    The man behind Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon, is the complete opposite of a Guru. He ‘Presents’ teachings which are based on ancient wisdom, never instructs or orders. He never tells anyone to do anything, instead preferring people to discover for themselves while taking part in ‘workshops’.
    Everyone exercises free-will and no one is compelled to do anything they don’t wish to do. He is totally consistent in that he and his family live the life that he teaches.
    As a direct result of Serge’s unselfish and tireless commitment, very many people have turned their lives around.
    Healthy, joyful and fit, have replaced sick, depressed and unhealthy. Nobody is being exploited, abused or ‘ripped off’, words that journalists seem to recognise as old friends when desperately searching for yet another ‘story’ to sell newspapers. The BAD news for these scribblers and their jaundiced view of the world, is that nothing but GOOD news is coming out of Universal Medicine!!

    1. Hear, hear! Well said Jonathan. I totally agree with you. Serge presents just common sense and it´s up to you if you listen to his presentations and if you´re going to try and find out for yourself what is true for you and your body. If this means being in a cult then I am in. 🙂

      1. Karin, detractors can call it whatever they like, it isn’t going to change how I regard Serge Behayon and Universal Medicine. Like you, I’m in, body and soul.

      2. Brilliant Jonathan. Everyone is free to come and free to go. Those that are ready to hear the truth can’t get enough and those that aren’t ready can walk away. It is those that don’t want to hear the truth, that have created the media circus that now exists.

    2. Brilliant Jonathan, ‘Nobody is being exploited, abused or ‘ripped off’ but are in fact turning their lives around! The joy in the student body is easy to feel in the numerous blogs which have been written and which give witness to the multitude of changes people are making every day.

    3. So much of note said here, Jonathan, thank you. Two stand out points for me: Serge lives openly all that he presents as witnessed by all who know him and his family. The changes that have taken place for students of the livingness, from unhealthy, disconnected and irresponsible to vital, engaged and responsible, are simply miraculous.

      1. True, Serge does not live a closed off life, he is a man who always walks his talks and does this all the time. He doesn’t present something on stage and then act something completely different off stage. Also, through his unwavering consistancy with what he presents on and off stage, is why so many people are inspired by him and have changed their lives dramatically for the better because they see a true role model who is living truth.

    4. It is the antithesis of a cult, absolutely for one if you chose to never attend another course not one person from Universal Medicine would contact you to try to get you to come along, I know I haven’t done a healing course in three years. You come to what you want, you leave when you want, free will is the basis of true love and it is in bucket loads with Universal Medicine.

  120. Wow the amazing comments on this page are a true testament to how many people’s lives Serge and Universal Medicine have deeply touched. I am definitely one of these people, from the moment I met Serge he has shown me nothing but the highest form of integrity and spoken nothing but common sense that I could feel to the bone was true. To describe the way this has changed my life – I wouldn’t know where to start – but I am eternally grateful.

    1. Meg, I count myself so blessed to have come across Serge Benhayon. My life has changed enormously too because of him and the choices I have been inspired to make. I have been attending his presentations and workshops now for 10 years and to not attend them anymore is unthinkable, not because I am addicted to them, but because every one of them takes me on a journey to a deeper, more honest, more loving, more understanding relationship with myself. This in turn impacts on all my relationships as I hold all others in the way I hold myself. It is also an utter joy to be with Serge as I haven’t found anyone on the planet like him – his gentle humour and deep loving wisdom blows my socks off! Inspired is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel when I am in his company, not to mention the total love and respect I have for him or the love in which he holds me and everyone equally.

    2. Meg it’s beautiful what you say, my experience is the same. Serge and Universal Medicine have been amazing and the truth they stand with and present, is so beautiful. My life has changed in all directions – there is just so much to share, I am extremely grateful to have met them all.

  121. The Ancient Wisdom teachings that Serge presents are timeless and make so much sense even if they go against so much that we accept as ‘normal’ in society today which is perhaps why some people find them so challenging.
    For me I felt I had spent my whole life searching for the meaning of life and often been disappointed with each thing I tried to fill the hole inside me. However the first time I listened to Serge talking it felt like a huge weight had been lifted and I knew that my search was at an end.
    In the last few years I have made many changes as I have been ready to assimilate them into my life and friends and family have commented on how much healthier and happier I am which is hard to square this with the media allegations of being part of a cult that has such negative connotations.
    Choosing to take responsibility for your life and the choices you make would seem to me something we should be encouraging everyone to do and sharing the amazing transformations in so many of the student body to inspire others would be a great way for a journalist interested in real news to start.

  122. I love this article as it feels like the springboard into what is really going on. Having only just read it now It amazes me that the same cult brandishing false allegation articles are still flowing around the web…that no one is holding this up and saying “hello, here is the truth”…it is a work in progress though and it is this I appreciate. The truth for me is that Serge is the one man I have had the pleasure of meeting that really exposes and asks the tough questions. The one man that truly “boldly” goes. When I feel what it is like to be inspired I can always relate to this as a lot of “tough” questions get asked but then not committed to. So they fade away, Serge not only asks the tough questions, but then lives and breathes in a way that highlights pure dedication and commitment to the true feelings of the answer. It’s magical to be a part of.

    1. So well said Phil. It is astounding that the false allegations are still continuing yet what a response of love and support for Truth it has inspired that will eventually lead to a change where such actions will not be tolerated. This inspired by “The one man that truly “boldly” goes”, Serge Benhayon.

  123. Serge talks about us deeply caring for ourselves, nurturing and loving ourselves, being responsible, and when we can be like this with ourselves we naturally bring it to others, and at the same time he inspires us with a living, walking, breathing example of what this looks like. He inspires us and we inspire others. It is simple, so why does this cause disbelief in a few?

      1. The ultimate in walking his talk, in fact one of only a handful of people that I have met that actually do. Deeply inspiring.

  124. A man called Serge Benhayon is living a way of life that is supportive and loving to himself and all he meets. He is sharing how everyone can live equally supportive and loving to themselves and those around them. From my experiences Serge Benhayon brings the ‘common’ back into ‘common sense’ – something that is not so common in the world today.

  125. The openness shown by the Benhayon family is amazing. They inspire love, honesty, and truthfulness, Being part of the Universal Student body has helped me become a better person, and more aware of what I was and where I am today.

  126. Totally agree Phil, it is a great thing to be part of this student body and to feel the love and support from within it. It’s a free choice and one I willingly make to be a part of. Never before Universal Medicine had anyone made total common sense of the chaotic world we live in. Serge Benhayon achieves that every time I am fortunate enough to hear him speak.

    1. It is so true Stephen no one before Universal Medicine has made sense of this cahoots world we live in. It is not by any clever theory but practical common sense.

  127. I love being a part of the student body, I love listening to the revelations presented by all, and I love having the beautiful Serge Benhayon support me back to myself. Deep appreciation.

  128. Thank you to the Universal Medicine student writers for this clear and balanced factual information about what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is about, with no imposition, just an offering.

  129. Bravo, it’s super awesome that this blog exists to chronicle the many and varied experiences of the Universal Medicine Student Body of whom I am one. Meeting Serge Benhayon and attending Universal Medicine courses has inspired me to change my life. Over the last 7 years I’ve gone from someone who was stressed, over-weight, pushy and hard to work with, with a serious attitude, to someone who’s lost serious amounts of weight without really trying (dropping gluten really helped), who enjoys work and is very committed to life, has a renewed and lovely relationship with her family (we like hanging out which is lovely) and someone who can admit she loves people and who enjoys being with them and they with her. It really is life-changing and the thing is, I made the changes. Yes I was inspired by what Serge presented but it was never a diktat, and I’m not the type of person who would follow one (I’d run a mile), so the idea that I’m some zombie cult follower is so far off the mark, all I’ll say is read the stories here, be open, and you may like them, you may not, but be prepared to be inspired.

  130. What struck me during the first Universal Medicine presentation that I attended was this normal everyday guy (Serge Benhayon) presenting on the truth of energy. A presentation on how everything in the world has an energy, this you can feel – in fact we all feel it all of the time, it’s just that only some pay attention to it. None of this was dazzling or enticing, none of it was ” ohh I have a gift fall at my feet”. There is no gift!!! Just common sense. The presentation was we are ALL able to feel energy everywhere all of the time. For example I can feel when my son says I’m good and he is not. I can feel when I walk into a room that is silent but there is tension in the air. I can feel when I am talking to a salesman on the phone and they are trying to screw me over. I can feel when I have said Yes to a social occasion but really I wanted to say no. I can equally feel when a friend has agreed to help out of an obligation rather than a sincerity. I can FEEL when someone has an alterio motive. We all can feel, I have always been able to feel I can now just feel more due to paying attention and attending Universal Medicine presentations.

    If I am in a cult (as the media has labeled anyone attending Universal Medicine courses) then presumably I have been fooled and lack the necessary skills of discernment. The irony is that the ultimate form of discernment is discerning energy. In other words you can ALWAYS feel someone’s intent well before there is any physical proof. So the more you are open to feel people and life (as taught by Serge Benhayon and tested and tried by me) the more discerning you become.

    Try it!!

    1. That’s it. Just suspend disbelief for a moment and ask yourself honestly: ‘Can I feel the quality of what someone is saying and sometimes the words do not match? When I walk into a room that looks amazing, whilst my eyes see that it looks great, there is another feeling in my body that is different?’ We do feel everything…the opportunity is to allow ourselves to be aware of that and then live by the common sense that that supports.

      1. This is a great way of showing, Rebecca & Matilda, how we all able to, and do use, feeling to a lesser or greater extent. What Serge presents is that the more we acknowledge this and increase our awareness of this we are then more able to discern the truth and not be conned. It is no wonder that those who are corrupt want to undermine what Serge expresses as it exposes them.

  131. When I first met Serge Benhayon I had facial paralysis on one side due to a brain tumour operation and was about to have an 8 hour reconstructive operation on my face. He helped me understand the cause of the brain tumour and helped me sail through the operation with a feeling of self love and care and complete lack of fear.
    Now it has been 6 years since then and I have been learning a more gentle and truthful way of living taught by Serge and Universal medicine.I have only ever felt and seen great loving care and integrity from Serge, his family and Unimed practitioners.
    Thankyou for the loving and practical support that I and so many of us have been given.

  132. Hi everyone,
    I just wanted to share that going to the workshops that Serge and the Uni Med team have presented have exposed my many ways of thinking that don’t really fit with what is truly going on. I’ve learnt that love cannot only be imagined or felt in the mind and that what Serge has presented so naturally has simply shown me that when you let yourself feel, true love is there and it is in every person’s inner-heart.

    1. Thank-you Rhiannon. Your expression here is truly precious.
      with love, Victoria

  133. I connected to my heart, and let the rest go. 
    Just felt the need to express this to you all.

    Over the years I had always felt the need to remain protected around my mum, I take full responsibility and admit that I always used to bring up past situations and feelings in order for me to remain protected around her, and I often / always used this as an excuse.I never gave her the time or chance to express the love that she truly is deep down.
     It wasn’t until earlier this week when I started to really ponder on this and feel into it more deeply and I came to the conclusion that: by me remaining protected around her and not allowing my self to express in full I am hurting her and my self as well as everyone else around me a lot more deeply then what I originally ‘thought’ I was.
    This weekend I connected to my heart and let everything else go, it was the first time since I can remember that I no longer felt the need to hold onto the hurts or remain protected around her, it was / is truly amazing.
    The time that I spent with her I remained love and stayed connected to my true self. ( I was finally able to express to her from my heart and she was able to do the same). I truly had the most amazing weekend with her and I cannot wait for our new Loving mother/daughter relationship to start. I am looking forward to making many more loving memories with her.

    I truly believe that this loving relationship would never of happened if it was not for the love that universal medicine and Serge brings to the world, and I cannot express my love enough to all of you.
    With love Brooke 

    1. Wow Brooke you are truly emanating your incredible light, I’m so very proud of you. Now you see the real love inside you which we could always see but now you feel. Big hugs k x

    2. Another amazingly powerful sharing from you Brooke. Thank you so much for being the inspiration you are, and expressing so amazingly in your words.
      (And I’d say your ‘new relationship’ has already well started!)
      with deep love and appreciation, Victoria

  134. After reading the articles last week I felt absolutely appalled and disgusted and while the 7 news report about Serge and Universal medicine  was not a complete demolition Job channel 7 could have done a lot better. (I was ready to go up to Mount Cootha my self after seeing it).

    After watching the channel 7 news report about Serge and universal medicine last night at a friends house, I arrived home and my mum met me at the door, and told me that my sister had seen the news report and had been calling her non stop about how I am being “brained washed” and how I am in a “cult”. I simply asked my mum how she felt about this and her response to it all was amazing (bear in mind that my family have not always had an open mind about this and I was expecting to get the third degree from her as well). She expressed to me that anyone who saw the way it was presented would think that it was a “cult” but told me that whatever I was doing is making a huge difference in my life and to keep doing it.
    She feels that universal medicine is the “best thing” that could of possibly happened to me, and that each and everyone of us know the real truth.
    I’ll admit I was shocked at first as I was not expecting to hear that answer from her, but it came from love. 

    An amazing and loving man wrote “if you do not choose to see truth, truth will make you see it” (S.B) 
    For in the end love always wins and everything that is false will be exposed.
    Together we all can finally put a stop to this nonsense.

    Xx Brooke

  135. I personally would like to thank Serge and all the Universal Medicine Practitioners.
    He doesn’t tell me what to do or think, (I wish he did sometimes haha – but that wouldn’t be me deciding what is right for me) Neither dose he say that Western Medicine is bad eg. actually far from it.
    What Serge has made me aware of is that I have a responsibility in my own health and way of living. Combine that with Western Medicine and the way I see it I have the best chance there is.
    Yes when I was first attended a Uni Med workshop & years ago, I admit I thought “no way” is this for me.
    Why?? Because I was presented with what I now know was the truth.

    We all know that truth isn’t always nice to hear.

    Hence this is clearly not about making friends for Serge.

    I didn’t want to hear that the alcohol and drugs that I used recreationally were to numb my feelings as well as take the edge of life eg.I wasn’t ready to ask myself “Why do I need to take the edge of life?”
    It didn’t suit me and I didn’t want to face those truths, so I carried on living the way I was living until I could not longer pretend any more. I had to face what I knew deep down was true and that was what Serge had presented to me all along with no judgment, criticism or pressure – just the simple truth.

    When I met my partner he drank and used drugs that where socially acceptable.
    I had to decide for myself, whether or not I was going to accept that in my life. I realized that I didn’t want that in my life and yes our relationship nearly ended, but years later and still today we are together. Not because of Serge or Universal Medicine but because of the choices my partner and I made for ourselves in our own lives.

    My partner & I live and have always lived active lives, including surfing which my partner has in common with Serge and his amazing sons Michael and Curtis. So as far as “No exercise” goes another false accusation in recent press articles which is far from the truth.

    My Partner, only 4 weeks ago, had knee surgery in Brisbane. Serge and all the other Universal Medicine practitioners that he had been seeing for healing sessions where and always have been pro the surgery and provide him still now with supportive treatments which are helping in the healing process.

    I have never ever in my 7 years of going to Universal Medicine heard Serge or anyone one else for that matter claim that they can or will heal breast cancer or any other illness.
    To me it is simple – how can taking responsibility for ones own choices, health and way of living be harmful to one’s self or to anyone else for that matter.
    Taking responsibility is about truth, and truth is one of the biggest things missing in society, and unfortunately in these recent articles as well. And to me the media that have the power to touch and reach so, so many people, have one of the biggest responsibilities to represent – truth.

    Maybe one day we will see truth being represented in the Media as a consistent part of life.
    Again, I will be eternally grateful to Serge and all his family for inspiring me and so many others to be true, as well as having the courage and integrity to do what I and many couldn’t do – be true, no matter what.

    1. Thank you for sharing Trish. What I feel is particularly significant in what you express is the fact that Serge does not try and win friends by what he presents. Instead he just presents the Truth with unconditional love and at times that can be very difficult to accept because it means we have to take personal responsibility as you so rightly say.

  136. I met Serge Benhayon and found Universal Medicine about 2 years ago, with the assistance of my partner Victoria. I had been working in Central Queensland for a couple of years and had recently returned to Brisbane. Victoria and I met via RSVP and we instantly formed a very close bond. While Victoria didn’t specifically mention Universal Medicine, she did mention in her profile her interest in esoteric healing. We spoke openly about this, which scared her as she thought I might think some concepts were too radical, but everything I heard made sense, and sounded good.

    After listening to some Universal Medicine recorded presentations I attended an EDG and met Serge. He presented as (and still is) a lovely, gentle man, not trying to “be” something or trying to “do” anything except present information for those who are willing and open to hear it.

    I was already questioning the effects of gluten and dairy in my diet, as I certainly had strong physical symptoms from milk and cheese, and suspected gluten was also causing digestive issues. A friend of mine also questioned gluten, despite his doctors raft of tests and trials of various medications, he ultimately proved his theory right. So I haven’t had any radical diet or lifestyle changes, just a confirmation of what I had already believed.

    Since then I’ve done a detox program and will do it again shortly, as well as attended many presentations, several courses and two retreats. Throughout this time Serge and his team of practitioners have been extremely helpful in several ways. Each and every one of them displays the same level of care and love without imposing anything which isn’t in my best interest or theirs. I’ve seen a variety of people for private sessions (Miranda, Michael, Allison, Stefan, Denise, Victoria, Danielle, Terri-Anne, Penny, Sandra and more) and just like Serge, they are the most loving and caring people I know. Indeed, it’s a wonderful experience just knowing them.

    I now feel more in control of my life and much better equipped to make quality self-loving choices surrounding everything I do. I was already fairly even-tempered and feel even more so now. In general life feels very stable, simple and un-complicated. I can only wonder, what living in a world where everyone lived in a similar way, would be like.

    Thank you Serge, thank you Universal Medicine and all involved.

  137. The first time I attended a lecture on Esoteric Breast Massage, I came into contact with the work of Universal Medicine. My mum was a breast cancer survivor, my aunt had it, so I was very interested in the topic. When reading about official breast cancer prevention research, advice goes on diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction. My mum has grown her own veggies her whole her life (organic), she is outside working on the garden every day (ticking the exercise box), she didn’t have problems with her sleep, so her only harmful problem was stress I assumed.

    The Uni Med lecture was very interesting, pointing out how we as women need to take care of our stillness inside. We also did a short meditation which was very effective to bring me to feel this peace immediately. Whenever I attended a session with a practitioner of Uni Med therapies, I felt deeper inner peace, I felt softer and it also helped me observe what really makes me become stressed, how I loose the stillness, and then feel anxiety. I’ve been having sessions now regularly for a year and a half, I do feel they contribute enormously to my improved quality of life, and most importantly they are a great inspiration for me to live as a satisfied and happy woman.

    I’ve met the founder Serge Benhayon once when he led a weekend workshop. I did feel deeply refreshed at the end of that weekend. There was nothing controversial there. And I must say I do find Nathalie Benhayon’s presentations very practical and inspiring.

    Beside this work I still visit my GP if I feel something is not right with my health. When I told a nurse that I am not sure if I know how to check my breasts, could she check them for me, all I got was a leaflet which I already had, and an answer: ”The leaflet is all that I can give to you.’…Well, not really much.

    Grateful for Uni Med work and very happy to continue.

  138. I went to my first presentation by Universal Medicine about eight years ago. What really struck me was this was the first time in my life I actually felt I was hearing the the truth by what was presented, and not been made or asked or brainwashed into believing in something called ‘faith’. I was brought up a Catholic and since leaving home at age sixteen I ceased practicing and embarked on a serious mission of numbing myself with alcohol, cigarettes and recreational drugs. I was definitely not searching for anything in the spiritual sense, i.e Gurus, spiritual New Age or trips to India to find myself or anything like that. I thought I was perfectly happy in my numbed out state.

    It took me a while before I cut out dairy and gluten but the results were pretty amazing I went from 16st to 14st in a very short time. It took me about four years to finally stop drinking as the more self-loving I became, the less my body could tolerate alcohol. I had to take indigestion medication on a daily basis due to my lifestyle or suffer horrendous heartburn, now I no longer suffer that problem. Then finally each time I had a cigarette I could feel the nicotine and the chemicals go right though my body to my toes and it wasn’t pleasant. I was a party loving animal who thought nothing of missing a whole nights sleep in pursuit of a good time, all the while rapidly heading towards liver, heart and lung health problems. I now go to bed every night sober, and wake-up after a proper sleep, refreshed.

    I now have a beautiful daughter and the relationship with my wife just gets better as time goes by as we learn more and more about how good life can be without all the distractions and things to numb us out.

    For me, only good has come from what Serge, his family and Universal Medicine Team present.

  139. Serge Benhayon is one of the greatest men that I have ever meet. Serge has only ever meet me with love. The consistency in his delivery of the love that he is – is very inspiring.

    I am not a follower of Serge – I am a dedicated student of my own love, and in-turn am re-learning how to allow my great love to express in the world. Through Serge Benhayon, his family and Universal Medicine I have begun to truly live love. I still have much work to do but I know that I also have the support and true guidance to heal myself.

    Before meeting Serge Benhayon I was lost, sad and lonely. I was a heavy drug abuser, drinker and smoker (although I was trying to quit). I have not touched drugs, alcohol or cigarettes for about five years and I know I will never do so again. I am still healing much of the damage that I caused myself/body from the 12 year addiction. The Universal Medicine Clinic is where I go to clear all of the putrid energy that I let in from the love-less life I chose back then.

    Without the refection of true love we are all lost. Serge is living true love and presenting that we just have to re-connect to the great love that lives within us all. The tools to re-connect and then to live this in full is what is presented at the Universal Medicine workshops.

    So thank you Serge and the Unimed team so very very much – LIGHT THE WAY.
    With love, Simone Ellis

  140. The way of the livingness.
    Becoming a student of Universal Medicine was a choice made because I knew there is something wrong in this world. A world full of comparison, jealousy, hatred, wars being fought over power and greed. A world that seems like it has forgotten what it is to live harmoniously. It brought me the question as to if we have ever lived in a way that is or has been harmonious.
    What is harmony. What is love?
    Is harmony where we live beside another and tolerate them?
    Is love a roller coaster ride? Getting on and riding the waves of high to low to high again. Or could that possibly be emotional love?

    Serge Benhayon has not only taught me how to live in a way that is more loving but has allowed me to question how I see love, and in that, totally redefine what I previously though love was.

    Things within my life have changed dramatically since my choice to become a student of the livingness. I have gone from having a bath because I am totally exhausted, to having a bath because I enjoy how the warm water feels on my skin. I have gone from cooking a meal because I know I have to eat, to preparing a meal because I know how amazing it will taste and how I am making something that is going to support me in my day.
    I have changed the way that I buy clothes for myself. Going from buying and dressing in a way where I needed others to recognise me, recognise that I bought something new, and needing them to comment so I get to feel ‘good’ about myself.. to knowing that I am already wonderful and dressing in a way that it doesn’t matter if anyone comments. I don’t need people commenting to make me feel good.

    The way of the livingness. It is something that serge presents, to allow students like myself to see certain disharmonious ways that many people are living in.

    These are only a couple of examples of things that have changed since attending Universal Medicine workshops. I also see different practitioners at the Universal Medicine Clinic both in Goonellabah and in Brisbane when I have different emotional issues that I need help with. They are there for me and I have never experienced any kind of judgment, hostility and /or resentment. Only love, the unemotional type of love that is consistent and unwavering.

    I have a lot of gratitude for Universal Medicine. I feel that Serge is coming from a place of love, and it is only through that love that I am personally, along with many many others, learning a different way.

  141. Serge Benhayon and his family and all the Unimed team have helped me to bring understanding to life. For me it has made life alot more enjoyable than the misery and lack of love for myself that I lived in previously. If Serge is guilty of anything it is that he has touched the lives of thousands of people with the true love and compassion that does NOT exist when we look to the outside world. Serge and his family deserve an award not to be ridiculed.

    1. Beautifully and simply expressed. It is so true what you say about Serge, his family and the impact he has on thousands of people. He is all they say and more.

  142. Before I came across Universal Medicine in 2005 I had lost trust in humanity. With hindsight I had also given up on life – although to the majority of people I appeared to ‘function’ and be fine.

    Finally, I found Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and slowly a trust grew. They embodied the highest level of integrity that I had ever come across. To me, that is so important. Life was not about their selfish needs.

    I am increasingly touched and inspired by the amount of love Serge and the Universal Medicine practitioners have and how that is shared with everyone equally. To see and feel that is beyond words.

    I can never ever thank Serge Benhayon enough for how he has empowered me to turn my life around and return to being me and being love.

    So thank you Serge and Universal Medicine.

  143. The teachings of Serge Behayon have inspired me to understand myself on a deeper level, put simply – to know myself and to understand what is really going on and why. His teachings have presented a way of connecting to myself that I already knew but had pushed aside in favour of what I had been told, seen or led to believe. They have inspired a level of self care, love and responsibility in me that continues to grow day by day and flows on to others I come into contact with, from family to friends and work colleagues to seeming strangers on the street, it makes no difference now because I feel the pull of brotherhood. One of the most awesome things I have experienced is – when I allow myself to reconnect, be the real and full me, I feel amazing and people notice, they can feel it. This is undeniable. How this can then lead on to inspire them is the most beautiful and graceful process ever. This, is truly magical to me.

    In a world that is largely dismissive of engergetic awareness, Serge continues to uncover what is really going on, what motivates our choices, why we choose what we do and how it affects everyone and how this ultimately creates the world we live in today. He is not afraid to say it as it is. Not only all of this, but how we can change it all to make what we have harmonious for all, if we are prepared to feel and be honest. These teachings are all encompassing, that is why they make complete sense and this is why they work.

    Personally I feel incredibly grateful to Serge and UniMed for being so accessable and for being a living example of the work that is presented. It is not just presented, it is LIVED and this continues to inspire and remind me that I can live it too.

    Rachael Kane

    1. I love how you express that Serge explains and presents the importance of energetic awareness when society in general is so dismissive of it. He does this in such simple and direct ways that makes it so understandable. There is so much that we generally take for granted that if we only took responsibility for with energetic awareness life would be so different for humanity.

  144. I’m 17 and have only just started my esoteric way of living. It’s fair to say that there where many times I stood back and had doubts about the esoteric, but regardless of what I thought it was quiet easy to see that that was stemming from me resisting and wanting to stay comfortable and relaxed was in the self-abusive way of living and not wanting to look at the mess within myself. Since being introduced to Serge, Unimed and the esoteric I feel a lot more of me. I’m a lot more confident, I’m less tired (I used to have glandular fever), and I’m slowly finding love within myself and not relying on males to give me the attention I never give to myself. I’m slowly finding how to treat my body to accompany how beautiful i know I am, thank-you to Natalie and the women’s presentations for sharing what every women has somehow forgotten. I have found a way to survive school without crying my eyes out and stressing when a huge mass of assignments get thrown at me and I’m not constantly worried about fitting in. The things I have stopped (drinking, staying out late with friends, eating main meals of gluten and dairy) was not because of anything anyone told me to do but because it was quite plain to see from the many migraines, lack of love for my body and self confidence as well as glandular fever that it was hurting me and disrupting my body. Serge and Unimed gives everyone the chance to feel for themselves and find what they have truly been missing and searching for and I’m so thank-full that they are able to share their love and truth for everyone to come back to.

    It’s quite plain to see that Serge has nothing to do with a cult. The articles in the recent press wont stop the love 🙂 Thank you for sharing your truth Serge, Natalie, The Benhayons and everyone from UniMed, you’ve helped me to start finding mine.

    1. The body just never lies hey Emily! You’re right the press won’t stop the love!

    2. It is lovely to read from someone so young being able to hear and live the wisdom presented by Serge and the Benhayon family. That you will have so many years ahead to build on this foundation instead of having to undo years of self-abuse. It is a joy to know that you, and others like you, will be an inspiration for others.

  145. I haven’t met Serge or attended a UniMed event yet, but what Serge and other students have shared has inspired my life. It wasn’t long ago that I asked whether Universal Medicine was a cult. Some foreign principles, such as “We save ourselves” and words like “Christ consciousness” put me on guard, along with my own resistance to feeling Whole Truth.
    In hindsight, I see it was ME in a cult, influenced by religious dogma and society’s values. And I desperately wanted someone to save me from my emotional pain and sadness. But what I have since experienced on this Path is love and self-empowerment; that I CAN be this love and that I am NOT sadness – I am so much greater. For me, these love-filled moments are fleeting, but my foundation ever-so-slowly grows as I allow more honesty in my life. I am grateful to Serge and those students that have lovingly shared Truth with me “as it is”. And for shining the light which I know is in me too.

  146. For the last week a friend of mine, Serge Benhayon, has been persecuted in the press and TV media. What has been written is out and out lies, fabrications and mis-truths made into sensational stories. One such lie, is that Serge is anti the medical system, an accusation that in my experience with Serge, has been the absolute opposite.

    I have know Serge and Universal Medicine for seven years and my life is truly richer for it. When I met Serge I had a deep, deep fear of the medical system after various nasty experiences with doctors and hospitals. I couldn’t even walk into a medical practice without hyperventilating, experiencing extreme anxiety so much so I found it near impossible to hold a cohesive conversation through sheer fear. Forget about even going near a hospital!

    Because of this I became an advocate of everything ‘natural’ and ‘alternative’ in a bid to avoid the medical system. However the truth was that I needed medical attention but I was avoiding it at all costs.
    I started to attend Serge’s presentations and was a bit surprised that he supported and worked alongside the medical system. If you were into complimentary medicine how could you also be into western medicine? It just didn’t fit with my beliefs.

    But because everything else Serge spoke about resonated so very deeply with me I started to listen. Slowly and gradually over time I started to understand through his presentations the importance of western medicine, how it could work hand in hand with complimentary medicine and how avoiding it was to the detriment of my health and quality of life.

    I was supported by Serge and the Universal Medicine practitioners to get over my fear, to seek medical help and to trust that I would be safe in the medical system.

    And last month I had the operation that I had avoided for years. And what is more it was a wonderful experience. I was supported all the way by my surgeon, hospital staff, Universal Medicine and my friends, including Serge. And it is a big THANK YOU to him for getting me back into the medical system.
    From my experience I would highly recommend Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine to everyone.

    1. It is such a common belief that if one believes in complimentary medicine one does not support Western medicine. However, as you so rightly express, Alison, Serge Benhayon is a very strong supporter of Western Medicine. Like you when I first met Serge I was of the opinion that Western medicine was the ‘baddie’ but since encountering Universal Medicine I have come to appreciate the huge benefit and support it can give.

  147. What has happened to some loveless people in this World who enjoy misrepreseting and misinterpreting – why do they do it?
    Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and practitioners speak of self-love, love, acceptance, allowing, understanding, that we are all a brotherhod of man, that it is empowering to feel from our hearts thereby discerning the energy all around us because everything is energy. Why has such an attack taken place on a man who loves us all equally? We all make choices – I know who I choose to read or hear speak and that man is Serge Benhayon.

  148. At age 50 I was 15 and a half stone, unhappily pretending to be happy, had a career hopping from job to job, and felt completely stressed out. I had tried all sorts of different alternative therapies, healings and counselling, none of which truly helped.

    Now at the age of 62, I am a trim 9 stone and working in a simple job that I love. My health has improved enormously, my vitality has increased and I’m having lots of FUN.

    What made the difference?

    Universal Medicine and the presentations of Serge Benhayon.

    Ten years ago I had already understood from my doctor that a medical condition I had was caused by stress, and was determined to do something about reducing it. It was the presentations from Serge that helped me to really understand how I was producing my own stress by the way I was living.

    Whilst continuing to take all the medication prescribed by the doctor, I began to identify areas of my life that needed to change:-

    I realised how I was living two days in one – by constantly distracting myself thinking about what had happened in the past or what was about to happen in the future, instead of staying present with where I was.

    I had spent most of my life trying to be what I thought other people wanted me to be, I was not being my true self.

    I learned that through constantly judging others I was hurting myself more.

    I could feel how, getting emotionally wound-up with issues at work because things were not the way I wanted them to be, I was just tensing up my muscles unnecessarily and making my body age more quickly on the inside.

    So what have I changed?…
    I was a big eater of dairy and gluten and constantly craved sugar because I was so exhausted all the time. Now I go to bed early, and have stopped eating gluten and dairy. I no longer get the huge colds produced by the mucus from the dairy, and I am no longer bloated by the gluten. I still eat heaps (No-one is perfect) but the food I eat feels much lighter, and my weight stays the same.

    I am being more me – no pretending to be anything else. That’s been the biggest change – I am having fun learning just who the True Me is.

    I get far less emotionally involved in situations at work, accepting much more that it’s just ‘The way it is’. I am more accepting and less judgemental of others and that makes life so much simpler and more fun!

    Serge’s presentations are very simple and they make sense. He doesn’t tell anyone what to do, just presents his own living examples from the way he lives himself and it’s up to us what we do about it.

    His family and practitioners are all lovely to work with – professional, caring and great fun. The joy they experience and their love for humanity is evident in their everyday lives. They are wonderful role models and present inspiration for how my life can be.

    1. Your comment about colds reminds me that I too never have mucus and my daughter has never had a cold where she has a horrible green nose streaming, which all of her friends get whenever they get a cold. Just one of the benefits of not eating dairy!
      Having seen you transform in the past 10years Carmel it is no understatement that you are a super sexy beautiful woman now who is a great role model for those of us looking towards the next generation for how to age and live. You get younger and more loving every time I see and met you.

  149. In response to the accusations of Universal Medicine being a ‘cult’

    If this wasn’t such a serious matter with potentially far-reaching consequences it would be funny. The idea that Universal Medicine is a cult is not only wholly untrue in every conceivable way, but also totally preposterous given that everything presented by Serge Benhayon is based partly on the principles of everyone being equal and the importance of taking responsibility for ourselves and our choices. Given this, the question I have been asking myself, is how did these few detractors of Universal Medicine get to feel this way? I know for a fact that it never has been and never will be anything to do with Serge Benhayon, his family or the other Universal Medicine practitioners that conjures the thoughts of ‘cult’ in the minds of others. Don’t just take my word for this, take a look through the many testimonials and article written so far on these pages and others, which completely echo my feelings about Serge and Universal Medicine. So where has the fuel for the fire come from?

    Is it possible that as a student of Universal Medicine I have at times reinterpreted what is being presented by Serge and Universal Medicine in a way that has enabled others to perceive me as being part of a cult? The short answer is yes. And here’s how:

    From the first moment I met Serge Benhayon (6 years ago) I was held by him to be his equal. This has never changed. I however could not accept this – the excruciating lack of self worth I had, along with a need and longing for someone else to ‘fix’ me meant that for years I would try to give my power away to Serge. Every attempt to do this was lovingly rebuffed and met with the call to take responsibility for myself and my choices. But still I would try. I have reinterpreted some of the things that Serge has presented to make them into doctrine or rules I had to follow, (‘Serge said…..’), all so that I wouldn’t have to take responsibility for myself. It’s a very comfortable position to be in to blindly follow a way of living that someone else suggests without first feeling it it is true for you – it gives us that ‘someone else’ to blame when the going gets tough. But it was really hard work to hold this course because I was constantly being reminded by Serge and Universal Medicine that there are no rules and it was up to me to feel if what was being presented was true for me. What I have also realised is that by doing this I was giving myself a reason to struggle, make life complicated and possible to ‘get wrong’, which just served to confirm me in my chosen worthlessness. But one of the countless beautiful things I have learned from Serge and Universal Medicine is that it’s impossible to get ‘being myself’ wrong. Only I can know how to be me. It is only since I have truly been embracing this and truly allowing myself to feel this in my body, that I have been able to feel and accept the equality I share with everyone. No-one can be more and no-one can be less. We can however choose to feel more or less and this is where we have to accept responsibility if this is what we are choosing.

    I know that if Serge did not choose to live a life of absolute integrity, responsibility, commitment and dedication to himself and all others equally (he does), and if he wanted to put himself above others (he doesn’t) then he could have taken advantage of my desperate need for approval, recognition and acceptance and been my guru (he didn’t). But instead, and because he does choose a life of absolute integrity, responsibility, commitment and dedication to himself and to all others equally, he has supported and encouraged me time and time and time and time…..and time (!) again to take responsibility for my own choices, past and present, to fully accept responsibility for these choices and let go of the guilt, the shame, the pain and the hurts which I had been choosing for so very long. This is work in progress, but I can truly say it is joyful work which every day reveals more of my amazing self to me. Every day I commit to being all that I am to the best of my ability (there’s no perfection here) and every day I feel myself being in love with Me a little more.

    In choosing to be less with Serge, his family, other Universal Medicine practitioners – in fact with anyone, I can feel how I was adding fuel to the flames of those who felt they had an issue with Serge and Universal Medicine. There is no need for blame, guilt or shame. This realisation has simply served to deepen my commitment to life – to myself and everyone else equally, to take total responsibility for every choice I make and to just be Me.

    My deepest appreciation and gratitude to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for your unwavering dedication to life. You are a constant inspiration.

    With love,
    Lucy Martyn

  150. We feel that Serge and his family in their deeply loving and tender ways have been such an amazing inspiration for us as we learn to live with eachother. We are forever inspired by them, and forever greatful for the gift that is thier time with us. We as family grow stronger every day in our ability to just be ourselves with eachother, thanks to our own committment and to the reflection that the Benhayon family has brought to us.

    Thank you so very very much.
    Shami, Orrin & Moss

  151. I have a few very simple questions for the journalists who have really just provided us with a snap shot of the world we live in.

    When you meet something head-on in your own lives that does not sit right with you, and you feel a reaction in your physical body to it, do you go about resolving it in the same unloving way that your pen has taken to the page to write these un-truths?
    Why do we feel so uncomforatble about someone else’s choices?
    Is it possible that in your life you have been faced with “difference” within yourself, or with your friend, sister, brother, mother, father, son, daughter, colleague or even someone you don’t know or have never met before. Did you /or do you approach that person with a respect for equalness, and a willingness to express what you truly feel and allow the other person to do the same? Did you take the time to inform yourself before you spoke thus inviting the truth in.

    The Northern Star’s “about us ” section states that your “stories are told through the eyes,ears and mouths of local people and “that the style is informative and bright with a warm and friendly feel”. I am a local and I did not feel you represented my story, I felt you misrepresented it. Do you really feel it was informative, warm and friendly?

    Is it possible that reporting or questioning in such a way that excludes facts, truths, fairness and equalness just gives rise to anger, frustration and fear and only encourages others to support this arrogant and unsubstantiated view. I am not quite sure what you are really trying to say to us all? We may all as readers/viewers have learnt something together from these articles/interviews if they were written from a place of love and truth and not with the intent to separate people.

    I have known Serge and his family for 8 years and the only thing they are guilty of is assisting me to ask the questions of myself that no other teachers in my life have thus far encouraged me to deeply ponder.

    Do I take time to really feel how I am living ?
    Do I think about the choices I am making to support the way I am living?
    Do I really give myself permission to be all that I know I already am ?
    Do I allow others the same by leading by example?

    Why is it that simple questions like these create so much REACTION in so many people ?

    With love and great respect for what I have learnt and continue to learn and love about myself,

    Chrissy Caplice

    1. I agree Chrissy, these are questions that need asking and answering. The fact that so many lies and untruths were published in newspapers should be enough to make the journalists stop and consider their sources and their approach to balanced reporting. Universal Medicine asks us to be responsible for our choices in life, and supports us and inspires us to do so. I feel it is time for the journalists to also be held responsible for their choice to publish the truth, or in recent cases, not publish the truth.

    2. The list of questions “that no other teachers in my life have thus far encouraged me to deeply ponder” are also left to you, and all who attend presentations by Universal Medicine for the individual, to answer for oneself. No one, and in particular Serge Benhayon, endeavours to give you the answers or attempt to persuade you to a particular way of thinking. The question you pose as to why people react to these questions is a very important and revealing one.

  152. I would like to add my personal experience of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and it’s practitioners Much has already been said which echo’s my own experiences, but I would like to highlight two aspects which for me which really stood out. When I first attended a Universal Medicine presentation by Serge around two years ago, I was very skeptical and intent on not being tricked or fooled in any way. Ever since that first introduction I have been struck by both the level of consistency and common sense of the message . Serge is incredibly consistent in his message and presentation on energy, health, love and the esoteric. Going right back to the first book written by Serge the message is the same – we are energetic beings, everything is energy and everything is because of energy, we come from love and in truth are made to express love, we must first take care of ourselves before we can possibly do so for another and the wider world, we are responsible for everything in our lives due to the choices we make.
    I’m always amazed that Serge delivers what is essentially the same message every time, yet does so in a way that seems relevant and meaningful for what the time/situation calls for. There is also consistency in his state of being, more so than from anyone I have ever met. He is able to live the message he presents and demonstrates a love and care for humanity that is very inspiring. Consistency is also critical for practitioners of Universal Medicine – adherence to a strict code of conduct and integrity that must not ever waiver. I have seen many of the practitioners and without exception their level of integrity is very impressive.

    The second thing that stands out for me about Serge is how much his message makes sense to me. Common sense or a feeling that something makes sense is very underrated today and in fact often derided and over-ridden. Today it seems that unless something comes with a double blind, neutral, evidence based study then it can’t be true. This presumes that we humans don’t have any innate sense of the truth of things – yet ask most people and they’ll tell you otherwise. Serge has never told me what to do, but he has asked me to honestly question things and then make a choice based on how it feels to me. There are many examples: Serge has never said don’t drink alcohol but has asked me to question why I willingly ingest a poison that harms my body. Dairy has never been outlawed by Universal Medicine, but I have been asked to question why on earth we consume the breast milk of a cow, especially if it causes sinus issues. Bread and wheat products are established staples of our world yet if I’m asked to feel them in my body they feel heavy and bloating – and if I actually look at the current science I find a growing base of evidence that demonstrates how harming they actually are.
    Universal Medicine presents many other things for me to consider such as:
    Self love leads to love of others – makes sense.
    How I am in all ways, affects other people – makes sense.
    What I do is not who I am – makes sense.
    My body has an intelligence that can guide me to better choices/decisions – makes sense.
    I can’t tell someone what to do, I can only inspire them by how I live – makes total sense.

    Since asking many of these questions of myself and then applying some common sense wisdom to my everyday life, I find that I too am starting to embody the truths which only a few years ago were not part of my life. This is an ongoing process about which I have much to learn, but I find I have become more self loving, gentle, honest, truth-seeking and consistent – all qualities demonstrated first to me by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. For this I am forever grateful and hope that my own living of these principles might one day inspire others to ask honest questions of themselves and live a more love-filled life.

    With deep love and thanks, Dean Whitling

    1. I agree, Dean, Serge’s infinite patience and understanding is inspiring as is his consistency. He says the same thing over and over, rephrased in different ways so that we can fully understand and embody it. We are allowed our own space and time to evolve, making changes in our lifestyle is always our choice, as is the time we take to make those changes.

    2. Awesome Dean what you have presented is so simple and I love the way you write, I could not stop reading. It does make total sense, as does everything you have said.

  153. Has anyone stopped to consider the absurdity of this situation?

    Someone is standing here asking of us to be wise, be open, be honest, care for others, commit to life, nurture yourself and be responsible and at the same time inspiring us with a living, walking, breathing example of what this looks like … and with every practical tool possible being offered to us to have this as well if we choose to … YET – this same person is condemned and asked to stand trial for standing by these principles of absolute integrity and truth.

    Q. Would any of us question our own parent, relative or close friends asking these things of us or would we feel the absolute love and blessing and care of the person?


    1. Absolutely Deborah, it is absurd and complete madness that Serge Benhayon can be accused of being a cult because he is willing to stand up and show us what true love is and for inspiring us to live in a way that reflects that love.

    2. This is so true. All my life I had been feeling ‘there has to be more to life than this’ and ‘why are we here?’ When I met Serge Benhayon and listened to his wise words I knew I had found someone who could help me feel the true answers to my questions. Thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine it now all makes sense and I can feel the joy and love of reconnecting to who I really am.

    3. Awesome reply Deborah, so simple. You are so right, this is totally absurd. Since when has taking care of yourself with love and integrity become something to condemn or to be pilloried.

    4. Beautifully posed question Deborah and the answer is what you say, if someone we knew asked this of us we would know we were loved truly.

    5. I completely agree, and for me when Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and the Student body came under fire from the media, who were publishing lies left, right and centre about misconduct and other malicious untruths, it is my past experiences that I fell back on. All I can go from is what I have experienced with Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and the Student body thus far. Have I experienced misconduct? No, I have experienced absolute love, integrity and respect. That is how I know what is being reported is lies. That and hundreds of others people can’t believe where these stories are coming from.

      1. Have I experienced misconduct, abuse, manipulation and control? Yes. Have I ever been the perpetrator of misconduct, abuse, manipulation and control? Sadly, yes. Have I ever experienced these things from Serge Benhayon or any other Universal Medicine practitioner? Categorically, NO. Has Serge Benhayon and other Universal Medicine practitioners supported me to lovingly understand why I have done the things I have done? Yes – with more love, understanding and allowing than I thought was humanly possible. I have been lovingly held and allowed the space to make many realisations, heal many deeply buried hurts that resulted in those choices and to express more of the real, loving me. I am now deeply appreciative of myself as a woman, of the love I embody, of the love that I am and of the love that I now express. I simply can not fathom the utter untruths that are hurled at Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

      2. Awesome Michelle, its amazing to hear how your life has changed, and see how Universal Medicine has done so much, by doing so little – simply supporting you.

      3. A powerful and clear reply Deborah, and your comment, Rebecca, truly supports this. For as you say all the hundreds of people who are willing to stand up and testify to the integrity and love of Serge Benhayon, it is from personal experience we all speak.

      4. Being able to speak from personal experience gives an amazing amount of weight to what we say – far more than abstract numbers and statistics from a research study, lives experiences of hundreds of people tells an amazing story, worth looking at.

  154. In my experience Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have been incredibly supportive while also remaining unimposing, unwaveringly so.
    The first time I met Serge it was only brief, yet profound. He presented no need and I felt ‘I am no more and no less than any other’ simply by being in the quality of his presence. This message and quality of living has been consistently presented to me ever since, even when I choose not to listen or feel that I am in deed no more or no less!
    Yes, I am not perfect and there have been times where I choose to be less, seek to be more than, or to control others (all avoiding wanting to feel!) and sometimes have mis-represented knowledge presented by Serge and UM for the same reason. Beautifully, throughout all this, no matter where I am at, I have not been judged nor rescued but simply allowed to feel the impact of my choices. As I do I am able to see and choose for myself to change old abusive patterns. And of course the simple message keeps comes back the same: you are no more or no less…!
    With the consistency reflected by Serge and UM I am learning to trust building re-connection with myself, to feel and let go of old hurts that I have carried as a form of protection and guard in the world, and yes, I am even beginning to feel that indeed I am no more and no less :). As I do, I feel lighter, I can feel my body un-harden and I have been able to re-enter professional work (after being afraid to do so after burn-out a few years ago).
    I am and will be forever grateful for the reflection offered that has allowed me to see that what I previously thought was the only way to get through life, was not it and that living life can actually feel amazing.
    With heartfelt thanks and love,
    Susan Hayes

    1. It is incredible to be felt that “you are no more or no less.” The way that you express being support by, “Beautifully, throughout all this, no matter where I am at, I have not been judged nor rescued but simply allowed to feel the impact of my choices” is so freeing and self-empowering.

  155. I first heard Serge on the radio in 2009. He was talking about illness and disease and how our daily choices affected our bodies.  It was so refreshing to hear someone finally talking sense. Since then I have seen Serge personally and been to his presentations, courses and workshops and there I’ve been met with nothing but what should be common sense, encouragement to ask myself for answers to life, support and (not the fluffy emotional kind) Love – purely and simply.

    Serge and all the people who make up Universal Medicine for that matter, are always the same whenever I have seen them, unwavering in who they are and what they do for everyone equally, that, even in itself, is inspiring.
    Byron Bay

  156. I am seeing some of the stories out there, perhaps belatedly, and wanted to comment from my experience. I am quietly getting on with my life in London, looking after my kids, working hard at my job, renovating my home, enjoying time with friends and family when I can. Since having sessions with Sara in the London clinic, having been introduced to her by a wonderful physio, Andrew, and reading some of Serge’s writings as well as hearing him and his daughters present, I have steadily been looking at how I live my life and enjoying seeing how it doesn’t have to be as stressful and pressure-filled as I make it. I am enjoying (although I find it hard) slowly turing the tide: trying to get to bed earlier, walking more slowly, worrying less about what people think. It’s certainly not cult-ish from my perspective (unless you call 2 kids and a husband a cult) and yet there is a magic to it. My husband sometimes thinks I’m weird, when I ask him to close a door gently, for example or when I say something which doesn’t match his experience and so I can understand where people are coming from when they say outlandish things about UniMed. It’s easier to judge other people than it is to look at yourself (something else I’m working on!).

    So, I’m going to truck on regardless and I will try to keep listening to what makes sense to me. I hope others feel able to do the same. There’s lots more work to do.

    Jenifer Swallow

    1. Keep trucking on Jen! Slow and steady, we just keep on keeping on as you describe. There is a magic to life when we make the choices to be aware and responsible.

    2. You go girl, it’s awesome to read these simple, steady stories of everyday extraordinary people, who are living more love thanks to the inspiration of Universal medicine and its practitioners. Thank you for sharing.

    3. Jenifer, I am so inspired by your commitment to yourself and the understanding you express. To continue to express what feels right to you in the face of judgement needs this. Thank you for your honest sharing.

    4. “It’s easier to judge other people than it is to look at yourself” so true. Those who are attacking Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are definitely not willing to look at themselves first.

  157. I am here writing to express my experience and deep appreciation for the living example that Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon, the Benhayon family, the Esoteric Practitioners, and the many who have participated in considering what is presented by Universal Medicine have provided me.
    5 years ago I was 20 years old, “picture perfect” from the outside. I was studying Biotechnology at a local community college. I was intelligent, witty, fit, logical, popular and naturally talented when it comes to sciences. Heck, I had it made going in to science, it was easy success in life and I was good at it, and everyone was proud of me for it. Aside from this seemingly fast-track-to-success in my life there was another side to me that not so many people saw, if anyone at all. I had been emotionally crushed by the turmoil in my family life and the way that I had learned to treat myself as a result, as well as the extreme pressures to be perfect in looks, personality, academics etc. Such that by this time I had already filtered through various extreme diets, exercise programs, tanning booths, shopping sprees trying to look like what I thought was “good looking”; and even though I was already naturally beautiful and not overweight I elected to have plastic surgery. It goes to show that I was completely lacking in any true self-worth, and had no idea what self-love was, how to do it etc. and the only role-models I had were those found on the front page of magazines. Not only did I not know how to Love myself, there was nothing in the world that ever helped me with the deep loathing that I had accumulated – not religion, not spiritual new age ventures, not science. This wasn’t outside of my conscious awareness either, because I spent my evenings usually crying myself to sleep because I could feel that while I was doing everything “right” in the world, I still felt completely empty, and often depressed. This kept me from having any true or healthy relationships adding to the despair I was already feeling. (All of this is all too common in young women today.) Something was clearly wrong here.
    Here I am 5 years later, and I can say that Universal Medicine has made a world of a difference in my life and that of my acquaintances. Thanks to Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon, and practitioners – I have found within me everything that I was looking for all along. Through healing the impositions that kept me from loving myself, my body, and anyone else, I now know today from my own practices what it means to self-love. I have a relationship with myself that speaks beyond words, it is in the way I am present with myself every day, and it is clearly seen and often commented on by others. It is all things that I already know, but never had the ability to express until Universal Medicine showed me that it is possible. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have only ever stood for Love and self-Love in a world that is clearly void of it, as is evident in our youth today, as well as in a society of rising illness and violence. It is plain to see that the Benhayon family actually serves as top-notch role-models given the dedication that they have with the integrity in the way they live, both with themselves and with others; their presence and dedication is truly inspiring.
    Surely when I began introducing what I had learned with Universal Medicine to my home life with my family, they too reacted initially – saying that it was ridiculous and unnatural to be gentle all of the time, to make self-loving choices all of the time, to allow time to reflect on what choices are made each day etc. It was uncomfortable at times. I’ve even been called strange, silly, weird, and stupid for being responsible, not partying (drinking and doing drugs), not dating loveless men, not having a “good time”(clubbing etc) while I’m young, not studying at the expense of my body, not participating in dangerous and stressful sports…But after time has passed, many have come to see that the simple choices I have made to bring more self-love into my life really do bring a certain spark to my presence and an inspiring and integral way to live. In this, there are no more empty feelings because I complete myself. It has not caused any rifts between me and my family nor my friends; in fact it has only brought us closer and made us more honest with each other, and the same definitely goes with my partner as well.
    It is worthwhile to mention that in all of my interactions with Universal Medicine in the past 5 years, I have never been told what to do, only presented with the truths of life for me to feel into and decide for myself what to do with it. Thus I can say that the recent articles referring to Universal Medicine as a cult are absolutely absurd and falsely fostered (Medical Observer, Sun Herald etc. out of Australia). I have only ever participated in Universal Medicine events by my own effort and accord. I have never been coerced into attending or staying – it has been by my own choice to take the time to consider what has been presented and apply it in my own life. Any such statement calling Universal Medicine a “cult” should be thoroughly re-evaluated. Take my example: I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, (ie nowhere near Universal Medicine establishments or practitioners) I still look like myself, I’m still in school studying genetics, I work at a cancer research facility, I still have a social life, I’m in a relationship (which includes an active love-life), I still travel, I still exercise, etc…As you can see, I do not live isolated, and I haven’t “given up my life for Universal Medicine” – instead, like Universal Medicine, I have re-given my life to myself and then out to others. I have made a commitment to be myself in the life that I have, to honor what I feel, to make self-loving choices, to not put myself into harmful situations, to allow others to make their own choices, to speak and express from a present state of being rather than from reactions and emotions – simple practices that have been presented by Universal Medicine and supported by its practitioners. As a result of my choices – others in my community have been honored and inspired without ever being introduced to Universal Medicine. This isn’t so different from what is taught by the Dalai Lama, and I haven’t ever heard of him being called a cult leader. In my experience, Universal Medicine has been nothing but an absolute asset to myself, humanity and society. I daresay people my age (and all) are desperate for the very thing that I have found only Universal Medicine and its affiliates to offer.
    Furthermore, I have never seen, heard, or felt anyone that is more dedicated to living a life of truth and integrity than Serge Benhayon and the practitioners of Universal Medicine. In all of my interactions with Universal Medicine, its practitioners, participants, and its techniques I have only ever felt deep consideration, honor, and the space to be myself and feel what is true – I have only been encouraged to build a loving relationship with my body, (this includes seeking medical attention when I need to), and take responsibility for my choices. This has brought an amazing amount of awareness and self-love to me and those around me, for which I am eternally grateful. I have used my own choices and my own funds to attend these, and never have I felt pressured to do so. It is unfathomable how this can be twisted into words that depict the complete opposite.
    Lastly, just felt to say that it has been amazing to come together and express ourselves and what Universal Medicine means in our lives, really a true joy to read and sit with. It has been an awesome reminder as to why I choose to have Universal Medicine as an integral part of my life, and a self-inspiring reminder of my commitments to me and to humanity. Thanks to all. With Love, Nykole.

    1. I agree Nykole, it is awesome to read all the replies here to the false claims. It is very inspiring and beautiful. Like yourself, love and awareness of how I go about my day, inspired by teachings from Universal Medicine, has been of such benefit to my life that it is unfathomable it has been twisted so much by the press and those who have other agenda’s than health and wellbeing.

  158. I went to listen to serge because I had begun a course of esoteric study and meditation around the Bailey books. I come from a world of science/technology and proscribed behaviours as an airline pilot and I valued the opportunity to listen to and attend a course based around love.

  159. Seven years ago, following a very strong inner impulse, I found myself crossing the Tasman to participate in a two day course with someone called Serge Benhayon, someone who I heard very little about but someone I knew I had to meet. Amongst the chaos and the dramas of my life that knowing was crystal clear.
    I arrived exhausted, over weight and under nourished in so many areas of my life with no idea that that I was about to be presented answers to the many questions I had been asking for what seemed like forever.
    And when I stepped through that doorway I felt the most overwhelming feeling that I had come home, even though so much of what was presented to me in the next two days shook the very foundations I had existed on for the previous 55 years.
    As Serge presented what he knew to be be true I kept hearing myself say “I know that – I’ve always known that – so why haven’t I lived it?”
    At the end of the two days I knew that I would be back and on returning home Serge, knowing that there was no one there I could share this experience with, said that he would always be at the end of an email to answer the questions that arose. And he was, never preaching but always encouraging me to find the truth for myself. I soon realised that I had always been looking for someone to save me, but with the wisdom and common sense that Serge imparted I soon became aware that the only person who could save me was me. My life was my responsibility.
    Serge unconditionally offered the tools to make those changes, but made it so clear that what I did with them was always my choice. He has never once judged me or told me what to believe or to follow him blindly, as I had done with others in the past. In fact one day when I shared something painful with him he turned to me and said “It’s about appreciation Ingrid. Not appreciation of me or Universal Medicine but of the opportunity you now have to change your life” The words of a cult leader – no way!
    Now seven years later, and soon to be 63, the tired body that I had existed in for all those years has been replaced by one full of life, one that can work long days and one that is nourished on all levels. And now thanks to the wisdom, the truth, the love and continual support that has always been offered to me by Serge and the whole Universal Medicine family I am able to share the possibilty of this new way of living.

    1. Your words so beautifully describe the fact we must save ourselves, through taking responsibility for our life and choices. Serge Benhayon is an unwavering support, but he can’t do it for us, and has never tried to. He is one of the first people I have ever met, who can stand back with utter love and let you discover what is true for yourself with no involvement, just support, sometimes spoken, sometimes silent.

      1. So well said Rebecca, “He is one of the first people I have ever met, who can stand back with utter love and let you discover what is true for yourself”. It is an incredible liberating experience to be loved so unconditionally.

      2. I agree Jonathan, it is liberating, its like being truly treated like an adult for the first time

  160. I have been having a burning feeling for days. An injustice has been committed. I need to express publicly. I can´t stay quiet when so many lies have been spread in the media about Serge Benhayon and his family.

    1st LIE: Serge is a cult leader: UNTRUE. Serge is a family man who works long hours as a practitioner in a clinic, and writing books and giving presentations and courses, and doing tremendous work for humanity.
    He encourages everyone from the beginning and every time to feel for ourselves, not to do what he does but to experience and decide. Those are the first techniques he teaches: to connect to yourself through the gentle breath and feel what you feel and then decide what you do in every aspect of your life be it food, drink, drugs, relationship or work.
    Serge is all about freedom, if you listen to him, you can´t scape the fact that you are a result of your choices.
    And the frustration, jealousy, even anger towards him or his work comes from realizing that we had not chosen love and joy for a long time.

    2nd LIE: we are followers: UNTRUE. “We” are people who work in different areas and types of work all over the World, and who have chosen and continue to chose to follow our own heart to slowly relearn and develop a healthier, more loving way of life. The challenge is precisely the opposite to what the defamatory articles on the press, the challenge is to find someone who doesn´t ask you to follow him but yourself.

    3rd LIE: Serge is against medicine, totally untrue, CLEARLY THE OPPOSITE. Serge is more pro medicine than most health professionals that I know, and more pro medicine than myself, and I work as a nurse in a hospital. He never even said esoteric medicine is an “alternative” to conventional medicine, always a complement (and it is). I have seen him recommend people to go to the doctor, I know that practitioners advice people to go to the hospital when needed, and during a healing course I have seen an ambulance cause someone was not feeling well.
    And these are things I have seen, not that I heard or someone told me, that is the difference.

    I met Serge 3 years ago. The first thing that struck me observing him, his whole family and universal medicine crew was the love in their eyes, the joy they emanated. Then, what I found quite unusual is that they weren´t asking anything from me,(of course you had to pay, haha) that no one was asking anything, just offering.
    And then equality, that we were all the same, that, although they looked much happier than me, I Could feel we were all the same. Serge insists that he is not special, we all have an inner heart we can choose to connect to, the difference is just the choices we have been making up to now for years and years.

    The first sessions I had with Michael, Serge and Mary-Louise gave me a feeling in my body I had never felt before, I was truly alive, very still , I felt a vibration that I call love for the first time, never felt that with parents, partners or friends. Anybody who would feel that would want that in their life all the time, in every moment. And yes, I am hooked to that, not to the Benhayons or to universal medicine, but to that quality in my body and my life. I am hooked to remembering to choose that every second of my day, I am hooked to discarding anything that is not love in my life, I am hooked to creating that and living that and bringing that love to my work and my family and the World. How can I not love Love?

    I have had all types of sessions for more than 30 years, I was very “alternative” before, and I can say that no one has treated me with such tenderness, gentleness, respect and love as the Benhayons and every single one of Universal Medicine practitioners. I once (or maybe twice…) couldn´t stop crying because I found such gentleness for the first time in my life. And the great news was that I could give that to myself. So really, It is not about Serge, if Serge is a fraud or not, it is about if the techniques help us, help me reconnect to myself, heal myself and my relationships, and bring that quality into every interaction in the world.
    So, if Serge didn´t exist, (and thank God he does) I would still choose to return to Love in my body and my life.

    Serge, his family and colleagues are A BLESSING, not just for me or the students of universal medicine, for everybody including the journalists that attack them, they would feel the blessing if they opened a little bit, to the fact that there is love in the world, that not everything is corrupted, that not everything is about selling copies, that there are true honest people in the world.

    Julia Manglano

    (to be continued)

    1. Thank you Julia, for your comments. I especially liked your mention of the tenderness, gentleness, respect and love that the Benhayons and every Universal Medicine practitioner treat with. This has been my experience also and I also had thirty years of various non esoteric medical and complementary experiences in which that quality was not present. Unfortunately this care in treatment is still so rare and the media attack could help to keep it like that. Let’s hope it rouses curiosity rather than prejudice. Judith McIntyre

    2. wow Julia you blow the accusations out of the water. I too feel so amazing and connected to the source of love when having a esoteric healing or doing the gentle breath meditation on my own and nothing else has ever gotten even close to that feeling. Once you have felt what is there to be felt you can walk away – we just chose not to.

    3. Another amazing comment and testament to your way of life, and the integrity and love of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Thank you.

    4. I totally agreen with Judith’s comment regarding Julia’s reference to “the tenderness, gentleness, respect and love that the Benhayons and every Universal Medicine practitioner treats with.” but what I also find so important is Julia’s addition, “And the great news was that I could give that to myself.”

  161. I met Serge about 3 years ago. He is a very genuine gentle man full of integrity and love. My life has changed heaps for the better, since meeting Serge and the Universal Medicine Team. Just by making some simple lifestyle changes that I chose to make and connecting to what I truely felt in my body and living in away that is truely honouring me and other people around me. Thank you Serge and the Universal Medicine Team. I support you all the way…

    With Love,

  162. When I was first introduced to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine in 2006 I was by society’s standards successful and healthy. I was a complimentary health practitioner of 16 years practice in remedial massage and kinesiology. With my partner we had a kinesiology clinic with a waiting list of several months, not from advertising but from word of mouth as a result of our success at achieving functional change and improvement for our clients. I was on the international board and UK instructor for my primary discipline, presented at international kinesiology conferences, and with my partner had founded our own college and was in the process of establishing a fully residential centre for its premises. I was fully convinced of the veracity of my discipline and work that we practiced with many testimonials to confirm this. My intention of attending the Universal Medicine workshop was to expand my repertoire of skills as a colleague who I respected had recommended the course to me. However, within the first hour of attendance I was being posed with questions that challenged the whole foundation of my approach to health and healing.

    This was done not by force of argument but by a few simple and gentle exercises that enabled me to feel and experience my body in a way that no other modality had achieved in the hundreds of hours of courses and treatments that I had attended over the years. And a few simple statements such as, ‘As everything is energy, as stated by Einstein and universally accepted as a fact, then everything must be because of energy,’ and ‘As there is love and there is murder, rape, paedophilia and other such atrocities, which are not loving, there must be different energies – either love or not love.’ This simple fact had been demonstrated experientially in the exercises in the first hour. The question was posed to me, and the 29 other complimentary practitioners on the workshop, did we discern what energy we were using in our healing? If so, how did we do that and was that in energetic integrity? The theme of energetic integrity was one that was developed and explored throughout the weekend and was significant for my partner and me.

    Both of us believed we had a very high sense of integrity. We felt the success of our practice, our clients trusted us, and our future college was founded on integrity. To maintain that integrity we could not ignore the questions that had been posed to us on that course, not just about energy but the whole approach to healing. On no other complimentary course had I ever been asked to discern the nature of either the energy I was working with or its impact on my clients. This, to me, was particularly relevant as in my experience of all the complimentary therapies it was kinesiology that professed to be the one that responded to the energy of the body most truthfully and impartially because of its connection through muscle testing. Yet even in a course entitled ‘The Energetic Sciences of Man,’ which I myself taught never was the difference between the two energies – love or not love – presented, let alone to discern them and to determine with which one I was working. It was just taken for granted that with ’loving’ intention everything would be all right and the marker for this was that if the pain was relieved and the function of the body was improved then the person had benefitted. However, as was presented at the weekend, function alone is not a true and valid marker for wellbeing. If it was how come sportspeople and very top athletes who have the greatest care taken of their bodies that money can buy and science can deliver still get ill, and have mental and emotional problems?

    I was a very stubborn and argumentative man and did not take easily to what Serge presented for to do so meant everything that I based my living on and, in fact my actual identity, was built upon false foundations. Over the coming months, with a shower of emails to Serge with questions, arguments, defences he never waivered from his gentleness, consistency and love of reflecting back to us what we were saying in a way that made us question and find answers for ourselves. Never once did he argue or attempt to persuade us to his way of thinking. Always just presenting us with choices to discern for ourselves what was true, with no judgment with whatever we chose. Within kinesiology there are many contradictions but there is always a rational, intellectual or clever argument to explain the contradiction but to not truly answer them. Serge was able to reflect to us that to have energetic integrity there has to be a consistency of truth, a one unified truth that is true for everyone and without contradictions.

    After attending a further course and experiencing the healing we received and gaining some more understanding of what was being presented we came to the realisation that we could no longer continue practicing kinesiology or with the plans in which we had invested so much time and money. This did not mean we suddenly ‘rolled-over’ and became groupies of Serge and Universal Medicine. Far from it. The questioning and exploring continued and so do did the patience and love to all our doubts and fears. Gradually over the months and now years, as we practiced and experimented with a new way of living, we developed not just a trust in what Serge presented but a knowing for ourselves what was true or not from our own experiences.

    From a practical perspective it was not an easy decision to give up the kinesiology and all our dreams but from our heart and from truth it was an easy choice. We realized that that there was a difference between a loving intention and being love and that the former was no longer enough. It has meant for both of us starting our lives and living from a totally new beginning which is still unfolding. However, never once have either us regretted our choice which has led us to establish a lifestyle which is much simpler, healthier and full of so much joy and love. It has also lead to much deeper and more profound understanding of health and healing than I ever received from the hours of study, training and practice that I undertook. It has also resulted in the appreciation of modern medicine that I never had or was supported to have by the different complimentary and alternative therapies I experienced.

    Throughout my time of knowing Serge Benhayon and the Benhayon family they have been a constant inspiration and a support. Not a support to whom I have given my money and power, but true and loving friends who have helped me to discern for myself truth; to be beholden to no-one but myself; through learning to love myself to express love to others; to be ‘the One’ myself and that everybody else is an equal One. I truly feel that if Serge had treated me as anything less than an equal, as he does everyone else; had tried to persuade me to his way of living, or had seen him attempt that with anyone else I would not have been able to have made the choices that have lead me to such a fuller life and as a side effect the loss of 4 1/2 stone (29 kilograms) in weight. To have done any of these would have fueled my stubbornness and resistance to change. His inspiration of just presenting truth and allowing the individual to make their own choice and still hold them in love, even if their actions were not loving, and then lovingly reflect that back, if appropriate, are not the actions of a guru. I have also learnt the true way to enable someone to heal. Supporting the person to heal him or herself with no imposition or ‘fixing’ the problem. His example is an inspiration to us all of what we can achieve. I thank him so much for showing me a way, by his own example, whereby I have had the courage, FOR AND BY MYSELF, to no longer be the argumentative, arrogant, angry man protecting the frightened and hurt little boy inside. Thank you Serge and Universal Medicine for enabling me to be the loving, gentle man I truly am.

    1. It is beautiful to read your story of coming to Universal medicine. Having known you before Universal medicine, and having watched you and your partner grow and claim the amazing people you were all along has been an amazing experience.

      1. Beautiful. Thank you Rebecca. Yes, it is also lovely to see you develop from the child to the beautiful young woman you are.

    2. Jonathan, what a hugely impressive testimonial for Universal Medicine you have written here! In its magnitude it reminds me of the conversion of St. Paul on the road to Damascus.
      Your immense sacrifice must have been unimaginably painful!
      The strength of your courage and conviction is now rewarding you in ways which you may not have realised before but which far outweigh the illusion of prosperity and comfort that you formerly enjoyed. Amazing Jonathan!

  163. Why is it that media is allowed to get away with making up false information and creating articles that in no way gives the true facts for the reader to be left to make up their own minds on what we feel is the truth….is this not just pure manipulation and out right wrong doing? I find this very disturbing. This is probably why I very rarely read them!

    For some clarity on what has been printed recently on an man that has not once claimed he is ‘the one’. I have known Serge and Universal Medicine for 8 years and in that time he has NEVER claimed he is ‘the one’, he has NEVER once told me what to do or not to do. Serge has always presented from his consistent way of living and over the time I have known him this has been the key part of the inspiration that I have been blown away with. What ever he has presented which is in workshops or courses that I have chosen to attend and paid money for has always made sense and the amount of love, grace and care he has for individuals and the human race I am yet to meet in another.

    With the choices that I have made in my life since attending Serge’s presentations I can honestly say I am a better person for it. The self love that I have started to build is beautiful – a stark difference to the life I was choosing to live… which to most and to myself back then was normal.. but when I got to a point after living my adult life of drinking, smoking, drugs and doing what ever I wanted and not even wanting to feel what it was doing to me (come on, how can alcohol be good for you when the next day you feel completely rubbish and for me in most cases throwing up to release the poison that I had put in) I knew there was something more to life.

    During my time with Universal Medicine I have had many sessions with extremely professional practitioners and not once was I asked or told to do something. I choose to have all my sessions and I have not been asked to commit to anything. When the Esoteric Breast Massage technique was introduced I felt to have one which has led to regularly having them and they have ALWAYS been with a female practitioner. They are gentle and none imposing and the integrity of all the practitioners at Universal Medicine is something that I have not experienced with any other modality.

    It has been a true blessing to have been in contact with Serge and Universal Medicine, one that I would not change for anything nor anyone.

    Yours truly,
    Natalie Hawthorne

    1. A beautiful letter Natalie, so clearly and strongly expressing truth. What the media gets away with is wrong, but so long as there are people willing to stand up to it, things can begin to change.

      1. I agree Jonathan, it is the responsibility of those who see the lies for what they are, to speak up and expose them.

  164. It isn’t easy to write when you know your words could be picked apart and used against you, or could create a backlash. But I am writing anyway, and so have many others. What does that tell you about how I (and many) feel about Universal Medicine, Serge, and all the practitioners within UniMed? I know myself better since being introduced to Universal Medicine, after years of feeling too shy or awkward to function in life as well as I knew I could. I am completely free to come back and forth (or perhaps not return) as I wish. My experience with Serge and UniMed has been one of absolute integrity.

  165. My life before Universal Medicine?
    Oh Crap!
    Ever felt like “what’s the meaning of this life anyway?
    Or even worse…thinking that you do know what it’s all about and then life’s still crap?
    OR…did I just not want to know? Because if I did know…ummmmmm maybe my life was not so great because I was making it not so great…

    It was so easy to continue to NOT feel what my body was telling me. How I was living my life and not wanting to know what was going on in my life. How many expectations I had invested in others, how I floated through life taking on every one else’s stuff. So easy to pretend things went wrong in my life because of others actions, so easy to point at others as the cause of my own unhappiness. You know the way of it…we’ve all blamed life itself for our feeling of “living in a toilet bowl” or being part of a game and no-ones letting you know the rules!

    Yet at the same time, I FELT deep within that it was not because of anything or anyone else that I felt no true meaning in my life. I was then very gently shown by example and presented with a way to look within myself. Through the teachings of Universal Medicine and the living example of Serge Benhayon and his wife and family it became very clear, by observation if by no other method that the life they were leading held only love for themselves and all others around them. And, that included myself.

    Oh yes, I have always been described as a loving person, people have always come to me to talk things over or ask advice. But until I began attending the workshops and began taking responsibility for my own health, my life and the energy of what I let into my life and that which I reflected to others then–what and who I felt I was, was really not the loving being that I know I am. I have had many years to look for a ‘quick fix’ to life…uh it’s not out there…Oh no!…yep…I found it’s not so quick and it was ‘inside-not outside’ and no one else can do it for me…I can’t hand my life over to someone else like a broken bicycle and say “make that work again will you?”

    I am on the way to ‘feeling’ what my life is about, living from and as my ‘true self’ to others, not living a life of ‘reaction’ to what life presents. I am ‘feeling’ my way personally, as Serge and Universal Medicine present information, ancient wisdom, that when heard feels like, “Ahhh…I knew that!, so how and why have I not been living it?” Through listening to what my body tells me truthfully is happening I changed my diet and eating habits a few years ago. I can say without any doubt that I have gone from a tired, physically exhausted overweight body that only managed to ‘get through a days work’ to a vital worker each day who ‘enjoys a days work’ and returns home each day, sometimes physically tired but never mentally exhausted and I sleep at night. How many people can say at this time in this world that they are sleeping well?

    Who hasn’t looked for happiness?
    When I first started attending the workshops I was looking for ‘happiness’, I now know, through being honest with myself, that my understanding of happiness was anything which stopped me from feeling how I had been just getting through life, up until that point. Because happiness was for me a fluctuating state of being that required something to feed it continually to allow it to be felt, and that it relied on others or objects or thrills to bring about…and if others didn’t give me that, what then? BUMMER! I found myself out…happiness wasn’t really what I wanted at all…well if I didn’t want happiness what did I want? Oh no…this meant I could no longer blame anyone else if I didn’t have it…whatever it was…mmmmmmmmmmmm…there’s an awful amount of self honesty required in all this!

    I now have something very precious, true JOY in myself, joy in looking at life and really feeling this great gift of life itself. I now can be the ‘real’ me with my children and with my grandchildren, simple joy in their company, love without having to receive anything in return, the same love a small child gives, no reservation, no exchange in anyway, a way of ‘just being real in the presence of another’. No one has ever had to tell me I was love–this has always been my truth. But Serge has been the one to show me by example and teachings of the ancient wisdom how I can truly ‘live’ that love and reflect that to those around me. Shown me how to live life from my innermost…love.

    So? I have not turned into anything!
    I have become more honest with myself. I am responsible for my own life, my own energy, for whatever I reflect to others and I can truly ‘just be’ the real me, not the ‘me’ that used to make others comfortable as they too looked for and chased an allusive and fleeting happiness. I am so grateful to Universal Medicine and Serge for all the love and care given to myself as I have ‘unfolded myself’ to a point of realising that–I know–I am truly no longer getting through life but ‘living’. I know my life is a loving gift and how I live it, the loving energy that I live my life in, the love that I am and reflect back to the world is truly, ‘just joyously living’. I am on my way home to myself.
    Barbara Horne

    1. This is great Barbara its like a little walk through the life of living on the treadmill to living with vitality and joy. ‘just being real in the presence of another’ it is just a returning to what we were so effortlessly as children, Like you it is something I am so grateful for being shown the way home.

      1. ‘Shown the way Home’ The first time I met Serge Benhayon and heard what he had to say I knew absolutely that here, at last, I had found MY way home. And that if I looked, and listened, I would find that all I needed to know, I already knew deep within myself, buried under the detrius of old ingrained habits and beliefs that had never served me. Life is now a gentle joy of discovery as, with the help and support of Universal Medicine practicioners and the Student Body, am peeling away the layers that hide the true me.

    2. Great piece of writing sharing how we do not need to ‘get through life’ but in fact can ‘live’ and to do that with joy. Thank you for sharing how searching for happiness is such a false path to the thing we are looking for.

  166. I am a qualified Naturopath having received my diploma of applied science from the Southern School of Natural Medicine. This school was incredibly science based and most subjects were based on medical science. And yet almost all of the students who finished the course were highly strung, stressed beyond belief, living on caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and even recreational drugs. How is it that a Naturopath can practice ‘natural health’ when they themselves lived this unhealthy way? I was no exception. For ten years I practiced this way, hypocritically with an attitude of ‘do as I say, not as I do’. It was not until 2007 when I received a rude awakening by an esoteric practitioner whom I’d been seeing personally for some years that I realised this. When I approached her about working at her clinic her response was simple. ‘No Janine, you could never work here with the energy that you maintain, with the unhealthy habits that you hold.’ It was a slap in the face as I realised how true those words were. How could I possibly think that I could treat another person to become healthy when I still smoked and drank, ate unhealthy food and treated myself with such lack of respect? Just like with any other esoteric practitioner she did not tell me what to do. My practitioner did not insist I change nor do anything different. She simply stated the obvious. This was the turning point for me to begin to look at the way I lived my life, how I treated others, and what my obligation was in my career. I stopped practicing Naturopathy and since that time I have dedicated myself to developing a healthy, self-loving way of living all with the gentle help of my esoteric practitioners. Some are psychologists, some are chakra puncture specialists, and recently I have begun having esoteric breast massages. All modalities have been incredibly helpful in helping me clear the old baggage of held emotions, unhealthy patterns and dysfunctional beliefs. I still have a long way to go, but I am so relieved to have met and been touched by all the practitioners of esoteric medicine, including the Benhayon family, who have been nothing short of kind, loving, patient and above all professionally ethical. I have the utmost respect and love for these people who have helped me to come out of my shell for the first time since I was a small child, and really begin to live life and connect to other people with an open heart. My husband (who also visits esoteric practitioners) regularly attend the Universal Medicine workshops and retreats and our lives and relationship have become so much deeper and enriched from them. I honestly believe that we would have divorced some years before had it not been for Universal Medicine. Any articles that slander the Benhayons, Universal Medicine, the esoteric practitioners’ and their modalities are nothing but sensationalised lies fabricated to support a desperate media organisation.-

    1. This is a great confirmation of the integrity the Universal Medicine practitioners hold and live by. The fact you were not able to practice at their clinic due to your choices is really unheard of in other professions like naturopathy. For me in psychotherapy we can smoke, drink and over eat and no one bats an eyelid. What is awesome is that you didn’t go to the papers and cry about Universal medicine being a cult, you stopped the harm you were practising and started again, with building self love and care with yourself and your body. Its easy to see how others find this very confronting and want to dismiss and discredit those that are saying there is another level of integrity to live by.

    2. I completely agree Janine, the esoteric practitioners and Benhayon family do not tell you what to do, but rather they present simple truth and honesty that you have the choice to connect with and feel or not. I have not met any other people who maintain such high levels of integrity in their work, it has been a blessing to have been touched and inspired by their way of life.

      1. The level of honesty the Benhayon Family and Universal Medicine live is indeed a level of honesty beyond most of our levels of comfort, to say the least! It was quite challenging at first to see things I had been avoiding…but worth every bit of work and tears as I am more and more myself, I no longer feel the struggle of ‘surviving’, or the misery of merely existing but a deepening sense of purpose; that I am here to be ME in all that I do.

    3. A great confirmation of the depth of love and support that is inherent in Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presenting the truth AS IT IS consistently, without ever forcing it to score points, or holding it back to be popular. It is just lovingly presented for the listener to take up or leave as they choose. This is such a huge gift, because I know without the truth lovingly reflected to me over the past 8 years I would still be stuck in so many disempowering patterns which I have instead had the opportunity to see and do something about.

    4. Thank you Janine for sharing your story. It is ample evidence of the inspiration of Universal Medicine and the integrity it inspires. Nothing is forced upon anyone. All that is offered is the simple truth without judgement. As a result there is the realisation that it is possible to make different choices which one can choose to action or not. Simple.

  167. So many people long for something more in life, we look for something to show us that there is more to life than just existing, that we aren’t just a recipient of what life throws our way. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has shown us that there is a way to be joy-full each day and not just “get through it” or “thank God for the weekend” and so on. The truth is- thank God for Serge. Without his work there is nothing as true and real as what he presents and lives.

    Whilst there have been a few who call Universal Medicine a cult or Serge Benhayon a cult leader,  my own experience is that these comments couldn’t be further from the truth. 

    I have known Serge since 2001 during which time I have had many healing sessions with not only Serge but also with Natalie, Michael and Curtis Benhayon at the Universal Medicine clinic. I have also attended many workshops and courses. The first time I met Serge I knew he was the real deal and 11 years later he still remains the same honorable man. Serge Benhayon and his family have consistently shown a dedication to people and a commitment to love like no other. 

    My experience with Serge and the Universal Medicine team has been one of absolute integrity. The simple and practical changes I have made in my life inspired by Serge have made more sense than anything in this world.

    Thank you Serge and the Unimed team for showing me that the love I see and feel in you is also in me too. 

    1. Thank you, I agree. My experience has also been far from what a few have misrepresented in the media. It is beautiful to read truth being expressed here on this site.

    2. Casey-Lee,
      I absolutely feel this way as well…
      “The simple and practical changes I have made in my life inspired by Serge have made more sense than anything in this world.”

    3. Well put Casey-Lee.
      Being joyful every day means, no need to escape in to numbing drugs or alcohol, no need for stimulants like coffee,
      no need to be always ‘Doing’, in fear that boredom may strike at any moment, but just Being,……. and being totally fulfilled.

    4. “I have also attended many workshops and courses. The first time I met Serge I knew he was the real deal and 11 years later he still remains the same honorable man. Serge Benhayon and his family have consistently shown a dedication to people and a commitment to love like no other”.
      I have not known Serge quite as long but my experience of Serge and his family is this same consistency, so would also like to add my thanks to them for enabling me to reconnect to the love I am.

  168. I have always felt the calling to truly heal myself and to be of true service to others. I have received most every form of complementary medicine and therapy there is, done years of trainings and received university degrees in natural health care – traveling the world in this quest. Still, I continued to feel that there was something more. It was exactly one year ago today, July 26, 2011, while visiting Australia that I was exposed to the work of Serge Benhayon and The School of Universal Medicine when I had a session with Victoria Carter. This was a profound experience for me. I immediately began studying through distance education and integrating healthy changes that felt right for me in my life. This June, I traveled to England and was fortunate enough to take some of the workshops and courses there with Serge, and have sessions with some of the practitioners while there. I can say that I have not felt so amazing in my own body since I was a young child, nor experienced as a practitioner, patient or client, anything as truly healing. This is not a feeling that I felt after a session and then was gone for me, but one that I can return to again and again simply by connecting to myself and through the choices I make in my day. As many other post here repeat, never have I met anyone, or any group of people with more integrity and true love for all of humanity than Serge, his family, the Uni Med practitioners and the students. I have enormous appreciation for Serge and all the esoteric students.
    With love,

  169. I remember meeting Serge when i was 18. My Mum was into all sorts of ‘spiritual’ healing, I went along with it, but never really got into it. Over the years i have attend Serge’s workshops and presentations and seen him as a client. It has changed my life in a very simple and subtle way. It has shown me how to be all that i can be, and to express that in a world that is made up of greed, corruption, false perceptions of people, and a world that is celebrating sex and alcohol, because lets face it, your the odd one out in a crowd if you don’t drink, and being a virgin is almost Taboo. For me now, my life is completely changed, I am learning to be ME in this world, where everyone is so quick to judge. I have learned to self nurture, to self love, to be caring with self in all that i do, and yes this includes the food that i eat. I am in a committed relationship, and we have just had our first child. By being my loving self and becoming more of me, it has changed my relationship, it has made it if anything more deeper, we share more, we communicate better than ever and there is such a love there it is beautiful, and to top it off we have just had our first child. Its like the icing on the cake so to speak. Serge was the light in the tunnel of darkness, that said hey guys there is a different way. He is the reflection of all that he presents, to put simply Serge is Amazing.

    1. I love how you describe Serge as “the light in the tunnel of darkness, that said, hey guys there is a different way.” It is so true and as more of us walk the Way so more and more people can step through the tunnel.

  170. Serge is the most inspiring man that I have ever met. He lives in a way that is so simple, and so humble, in a way that is dedicated to serving and loving all of humanity. Everything he does is about what is true. I have been inspired by his dedication to truth, I have been inspired by the way he stands up for what is true, even when falsely accused, I’ve been inspired by the way that he doesn’t back down from what is true, but takes it out to the world. He doesn’t hide, or take the course that is safe, he takes the course that is true. His commitment to and knowing of what is true is beyond anything that I have ever known. There is nothing in this world that can make him waver from what he knows to be true.

    If one man can hold so firm to what is true and not buckle, then so can we all.

    If one man can live his life in the greatest integrity, then so can we all.

    If one man can live his life dedicated to love, then so can we all.

    Thank you for the inspiration that within me, and within us all, is the same integrity and the same strength to hold firm to the love that we know is true.

    with much love,


    1. Beautifully expressed Maxine. The true inspiration of Serge Benhayon is that the integrity, truth, love and commitment he demonstrates in his living is within us all.

  171. A couple of years ago I attempted suicide. The journey back to wanting to live has, at times, been very difficult for me. The one simple thing that has supported me most as I have moved forward from that time of being suicidally depressed is the Gentle Breath Meditation, as presented by Serge Benhayon.

    For me, the simple truth is that this simple meditation practise has been amazingly powerful and life-enhancing. It worked for me at a time when therapy and anti-depressant medication seemed to make very little difference in my recovery.

    Looking back at the time since my suicide attempt I have come to a realisation: without the Gentle Breath Meditation I’d most probably be dead right now. As melodramatic as that my sound, I feel it to be true, because I never have suicidal thoughts or impulses any more. Never.

    The ability to connect to my Self via the Gentle Breath Meditation has been a life-saver for me. Thank you, Serge.

    1. RP, you’re in the company of a good friend of mine with a similar story. She lives far away and so we connect on the phone from time to time. Every time we spoke, I could feel that she was sliding deeper into depression and hopelessness. Ironically she was a mental health worker! Though I feel her contact with patients was contributing to her downfall. About 3 years ago I suddenly felt to call her and discovered that she was sitting with a full packet of medication in her hand intending to take them all at once and end her life. I know her, and I knew she could and would do it. I asked her if she could do one thing, for me if not for herself: wait a few days until she received a CD in the mail? She said yes. I expressed posted Serge’s Gentle Breath Meditation at once, and called her to ensure she got it. She played it, did it. Then called me. She said she’d “never felt so loved before” and it turned her life around completely. She realized for herself that real love must come from inside oneself; that looking for it outside will never work. And that was a great revelation. Shortly after this her financial and work burdens began to lift, support came from the most unexpected places, and she had no more thoughts of suicide. So thanks be to Serge for bringing the gifts that saved the life of my friend.

    2. As I went through a life-changing period in my life it was the Gentle Breath Meditation that was my foundation of rock that enabled me to stay consistent on the path that I knew was correct but that had so many challenges on the way. From past experience I know that if I had not had that foundation I would have really struggled to have kept going.

  172. I give eternal thanks for what Serge has showed me. I have nothing but love and gratitude for a man that has helped change and enrich my life.

  173. I am a bit of a novice but I still want to share my experience.

    I first heard about the teachings from UM nearly a year ago through a friend. It felt right but it also rocked my world in many ways, so I resisted… for a while..

    I have always been looking for ways of being good to myself, already knowing the somehow lack of love sometimes in my ways. So I decided to slowly give a try to change my diet and see for myself how my body is if I re-introduce dairy and gluten and also decided to become more aware of what i am doing and take it from there. Once I was more and more aware of myself, I realised how unloving I really was, so it has been a challenging journey. I also realise my subtle comforts that I use to get me through like food even the gluten and dairy free!

    It has been 7 months now and I can say that there is no return to dairy or gluten (still working on my sugar) and more importantly I am now beginning to enjoy the loving way I am being with myself. I am now just beginning to get it, the simplicity of Love and the Joy it brings.

    This awareness has been possible thanks to the inspirational, loving presentations and books of Serge Benhayon and the support of his daughter Natalie (who I have had 1 session as yet). The decisions have all been ME!

    So the most sincere Thank You to you Serge and your family for reminding humanity what true love really is.

    With Love

  174. I came to know Universal Medicine and the modalities practised by its practitioners about a year ago. Within this time I have made small but profound changes in my life. Yes I have given up gluten, and sugar (I had eliminated dairy from my diet many years before this) and feel notably healthier because of it. I started this process through experimentation. I gave it a go to see how I would feel, if I do eat something sugary now I feel the effect it has my body and it doesn’t like it. This is why I have made dietary changes because I feel the benefits in my body. I have continued along this track incorporating more of the tools and techniques that Serge and Universal Medicine present because I feel that they work.

    What has personally struck me the most about what Universal Medicine presents is that we are responsible for the life that we have. For many this can be hugely confronting and at times it has been for me but at the same time hugely liberating, it is presenting the fact that we have the personal choice to change what is not working for us.

    So over the last year I have begun to feel what is not working for me and at times have looked to my practitioner for answers to how I can make changes. Again and again I have been supported that I need to feel into what is right for me as there is no prescriptive answer to this, that it is constantly evolving. I have never been told what to think or how to act or how to be.

    Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine present a way for us to re-connect to ourselves to re-discover who we are beyond the expectations of what we think we should be. I am slowly re-discovering who I am and it’s amazing!

    1. What a powerful tool our body is if we ‘listen’ and respond to what it communicates. Sometimes I need support to understand what it is communicating and as with you, Anne-Marie, Universal Medicine Practitioners do not tell me what to think or do but support me to reach my own understanding.

  175. In my 5 year association with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I have experienced nothing but the highest level of integrity, care, support and love. I have attended workshops, courses, experienced sessions at the clinic and several retreats all of which have given me a deeper understanding of myself and the ways in which I, like everyone has a responsibility and a choice in the way in which I live. It is through these choices we can either heal or harm, yet every choice we make does have an impact on ourselves and others, as fundamentally we are all connected. Never before have I experienced that level of truth and it is something that I have always felt yet never seen reflected in life. That was until I came upon Universal Medicine. For the first time I felt I was made aware of how much I had lived in a way where I had always saught love outside of myself, yet here I was being shown a different way, love came from me and from that love all those things I had looked for from others I now found within. While my story is still an unfolding one, and at times a challenging one, I would not for one moment regret, negate or turn my back on the amazingness that is Universal Medicine.

    1. “While my story is still an unfolding one, and at times a challenging one, I would not for one moment regret, negate or turn my back on the amazingness that is Universal Medicine.” So many people, myself included, say the same thing, not because we have become brain-washed blind followers but because to turn away from Universal Medicine would in fact be to turn away from oneself.

  176. Thank you Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for your support over the last two years and much love and support for you. When I was first given a Universal Medicine audio to listen to, by a dear friend, I was an angry, self abusive mother of two, and not a particularly pleasant person to live with for my dear husband. Slowly however, with the gentle teachings of Universal Medicine, I took responsibility for the choices and behaviours that I was engaging in on a daily basis and found the person beneath the anger. I found me. I am still married. I still live in a middle class suburb of Melbourne, doing the school run, I am still a mother to two beautiful boys and I am still married to my lovely husband. The difference. I am me, I am gentle, I am nurturing and I am loving.

    1. Yes, acknowledging the Truths presented by Serge Benhayon does not result in sudden outlandish behaviour but only in ever increasingly self-loving choices that not only benefit oneself but also everyone else.

  177. Dear Serge
    I’m not very blog savvy so have failed at trying to post my support.
    You have my total support in this untruth that was in today’s Northern Star.
    You, your family and all the Uni Med practitioners have always been a great role model for me. I have learnt so much about me from you guys that in all my attendances with councillors and other health practitioners could not even go close.
    I’m still the forever student and have much more to learn…
    Heart felt gratitude Serge.
    With love,

  178. I am so very proud to be a member if the Universal Medicine family. You have all been so very articulate and have covered all the things that I felt to say. I shall just simply add that I have known Serge and his family for 13 years and they have been and are, an ongoing inspiration to me of how to live one’s life. They have the greatest integrity, professionalism and love in all that they do and they reflect this to us all. Thank you Serge, Natalie, Curtis, Simone and Michael for being who you are and for helping us all to live our lives in Joy.

  179. I’m truly over the moon, having such truth delivered by Serge benhayon – when there are so many things in our time today, that don’t make sense.

    A single man with utmost integrity and love for all of humanity causing all this noise…

    Imagine a 1000 of them!!

    1. Perhaps then we will not only be ‘over the moon’ but on the other side of the Universe? Having met Serge I do already live in a Universe that is so different.

  180. In a world that constantly asks us to be busy, competitive, see ourselves as separate from others and seek outside ourselves for recognition I have found Serge Benhayon to reflect a true way of living, one that is filled with true love of self and humanity, joy, harmony, stillness and absolute truth. His presentations have provided information that has allowed me to choose to live my life in full rather than exist. I have become responsible for my own life and the decisions I make rather than being a victim of circumstance or other people’s behaviour. How I have done this is by making a choice in every moment to feel in my body what is true and not by following anyone.
    Due to my choices, I now live my life with a quality of true love that was always there in essence but never felt on a day to day basis. These loving choices support me to feel all that I am and honour me while I go about my real, practical life filled with roles such as wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, school mum and registered nurse. The difference now is that I do these things with the quality of the real me not the quality of living up to the outside world’s expectations or driving myself to attain perfection.
    Living with more responsibility and awareness in my life has deepened my love for myself, the love and appreciation I have for others and my commitment to life.I no longer fear expressing who I am or shy away from being me. It has also empowered me to choose to slow down, allow stillness in my life and to see every person I meet as the same amazingness that I am. The most awesome thing is that I now confirm for myself who I am, what feels true in my body and that I choose the quality of my life.
    I have heart-felt appreciation for Serge Benhayon and the awesome reflection he is
    with love,
    Bianca Barban

    1. “The difference now is that I do these things with the quality of the real me not the quality of living up to the outside world’s expectations or driving myself to attain perfection.” To live this way is such a truism and once realised so obvious and common sense yet so few live it. Like you I have such deep appreciation for Serge for being the reflection he is for me to realise this.

  181. I felt to expand on my comments left on the Northern Star website under that heinous article, because they did not allow enough space…..

    I’m with you, JenniG1, and the other women here who have actually experienced EBM and I’d like to address this newspaper article and some of the comments I see in this forum.

    I have had 5 EBMs, all from women, all very professional, gentle and loving, and have benefited enormously. Their practitioner fees are in line with those of the region’s other trained practitioners in diverse modalities, so what’s the fuss? I have also attended Serge’s presentations and workshops, and he has never, ever claimed to cure me or given me “advice” or told me what to do, merely made suggestions for how I might take more responsibility and make more discerning and aware choices, leaving it up to me to run my own life. Even if at first I’ve doubted what he said, it later proves to have been true.

    I’m a university-qualified medical and biological researcher and teacher of long standing, and am currently investigating the quantum energetic basis of science, medicine and in fact, everything. If Einstein were around you critics could get him to confirm the pre-eminence of energy in every aspect of our lives, so please start to admit that just because you perceive everything, including medicine and healing, in purely material terms, doesn’t mean you know it all, and maybe, just maybe, you might be missing something important. Good science is always: “this is our best approximation just now, but what we don’t know is and will always be far greater than what we do know, and we have to keep an open mind while we explore.” In fact, some branches of science are way ahead of current medicine. I know, I worked there, taught doctors, surgeons and medical students, and try to keep up with advances.

    The critics of Serge Benhayon, and all the others I’ve read in the media recently, are behaving like Flat-Earthers. Everyone who has ever tried to tell the Truth in our “civilization” has been murdered, decapitated, cruxified or at least castigated, slandered, shut down or had their funding pulled. When someone nowadays is treated that way, you have to wonder whether perhaps they might be telling truth that someone or many someones don’t want us to hear.

    Regarding relationships, I see the critics presenting nothing but mud-slinging at something they are afraid of because they don’t understand it, and because perhaps they realize it would expose their own deficiencies in loving themselves and others. I’m in my late 50s and in all my amazing life so far have seen very few marriages that were truly loving. I watch beautiful women all over the world marry, and gradually become contracted and unhappy, numbed-out by overwork and less than who they truly are, most complaining of “feeling sucked dry and unsupported” by their husbands. So if a few women do leave their marriages after learning how to self-nurture, it would not be any different from any other past or present situations where women wake up and realize that they are not living the loving life they want, and when their men don’t listen, they are left with the choice to go on suffering, or leave. To pin this on one practitioner’s influence is to discredit the women themselves, and their innate ability to choose, to grow and to develop all throughout their lives. Perhaps the men criticizing Serge are merely rabidly jealous (and afraid). And perhaps the women criticizing him are afraid to look at their treatment of themselves (no criticism sisters, I’ve been there too). Yambaman’s comment says it all: men are hungry for breasts and the love they contain, but they speak before checking the facts, that EBM is ONLY to be practiced by women. Guys, if we all become fully loving women, you won’t be starving OR jealous any more…so let us get on with it please!

    Tetrahedron you seem like a reasonable person, though when you mention “this group’s unusual quirks” I feel to clarify – I’ve personally chosen to go to bed a lot earlier, stopped consuming drugs (including the legal ones), stopped watching violent films, stopped soaking up emotional music, stopped rushing and stressing myself, adjusted the way I eat, exercise, walk, work, treat other people and generally treat my body to be much more loving, gentle and present, and my body loves it – all of it! I would recommend these natural healthy changes to anyone. Good on Serge for sticking to his path in spite of the attacks. He walks what he talks, in case you critics are not aware.

    As for the Northern Star, I have had prior occasion, in different contexts with different people, to witness this newspaper’s publication of uninformed and slanderous attacks on people I know personally, people who are also telling truth that organizations like the TGA, in FACT and not in some conspiracy theory, are trying to shut down (because they don’t want us to hear truth. Carefully peruse the TGA’s executive appointment policy – very educational). I’m probably on the firing line now for having said this, but I can’t bear the lies! The paper’s stories on EBM and Serge contain little truth and what there is is distorted, out of context, and makes me wonder, then as now, who really owns this paper and what their real agenda is. But they are not alone in this; the media in general is at fault.

    While typing this I note that the editor has added a comment to the effect that the paper is doing some follow up and amending the story. Thanks for that, however I will be very interested to see what you actually say next… and I’ll be ready with my keyboard…..

    Interesting notes:

    From a 2007 press article in the USA:
    “While distorted science is used to promote synthetic chemicals that are extremely dangerous and almost universally ineffective, the same sort of distortion is used to attack anything that could compete with high-profit pharmaceuticals. Bad science is used to attack vitamins, nutrients, and all natural therapies that powerful corporations can’t patent to make real money….
    ….with all the scientists and all the money and all the research, we still have no cure for cancer from the world of medicine. Not only that, they have delivered no cures for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, strokes, dementia, osteoporosis, or kidney disease. In fact, after decades of research and tens of billions of dollars in funding, conventional medicine has cured nothing!
    ….What have the scientists been doing all this time with all this money? The industry is far more interested in treating and managing disease, because that’s where the profits are found.”

    And this, a court case in 1954
    A practitioner recommended reducing red meat and dairy intake and increasing exercise for preventing heart disease, which at the time was contra the medical profession’s dogma and evoked a violent response from them:
    **Federal Trade Commission commissioner Elman wrote in his dissenting opinion: “It is the glory of a free society that a man can write a book contending that the earth is flat, or that the moon is made of
    green cheese, or that God is dead, without having to ‘substantiate’ or ‘prove’ his claims to the satisfaction of some public official or agency. It is arrogance to presume that in any field of knowledge, whether dealing with health or otherwise, all the answers are now in.”
    And the outcome of this case?
    “In the later years of the case, Rodale’s lawyers introduced new testimony from some of the same leading medical experts that the government originally used at the initial FTC hearings almost 20 years earlier. One by one, these experts refuted their original testimony, claiming they “didn’t know back then,” and admitted that many of Rodale’s original claims had since become established medical facts.”

    THIS PATTERN IS REPEATED over and over and over in science and medicine – there are vast numbers of examples of: first the violent rejection, then the questioning, then the change of paradigm when the newly presented idea proves to be true. So how about reserving judgement on Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for a generation or so?

    1. You make great points Diane and I can appreciate your last one of,”how about reserving judgement on Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for a generation or so?” However, I do not feel we have to wait. There are now thousands of people who have chosen to discover for themselves, myself included, whether what Serge Benhayon has to say is valid or not and they have not found what he has to say is lacking. Everything that I can check out for myself has turned out to be true and the quality of my life is beyond anything that I have previously expected it to be.

  182. Dear Serge,

    When I received the email regarding the newspapers etc, it didn’t cause me to react, it led me to reflect on my relationship with Universal Medicine.
    I have been discovering more of myself with Unimed for the last 4 and a half years and I have felt so supported and held during that time in a way that I would like to be supported and held from a partner. Non-imposing,truly loving and with absolute commitment to the all. That is what I feel from you Serge. And it’s not something that you have given me, I know that if I don’t allow something it aint happening. I now know everything starts and ends with us, with where we choose to be with ourselves but we can only choose that through self love, only then do we start to feel the truth of who we are. You have reminded me of how precious one single moment is and how magic can happen within that moment and so I take this moment to say, I have a deep respect and appreciation for you and I thank you for you.

    with much love, Julie Chung

    1. “I have felt so supported and held during that time in a way that I would like to be supported and held from a partner. Non-imposing,truly loving and with absolute commitment to the all.” I had not thought about the support from Serge Benhayon in quite that way but it is so true and a beautiful way to describe the love that is offered to all by Serge.

  183. What Serge presents is really simple. Care for yourself and nurture yourself deeply. He shows people through his daily life and presentations what happens when you make the choice to love yourself, and I think we can all agree that not many people truly love themselves these days. Through making the choice to make yourself a priority, the stuff that isn’t caring, naturally falls away. It’s not rocket science, it stuff that just makes sense.
    My life these days is just lovely. I naturally connect with people as a result of truly caring for myself and hence others as we are all equally worth it, and magic happens. Serge is not the one, he is one of us, it’s just that he truly loves everybody which most people cannot say they do. And it is amazing to be with someone who does.

    1. It is so true that Serge is not the one, he is one of us and we are all the one. I love how you say, “Through making the choice to make yourself a priority, the stuff that isn’t caring, naturally falls away. It’s not rocket science, it’s stuff that just makes sense.” It is amazing what changes occur when one does this.

  184. I’ve had several sessions with a number of practitioners trained by Serge. I’ve found them all to be very respectful, helpful, considerate, professional, patient & generous with their time. When I take personal responsibility & act on the information presented to me, my physical & mental health improve. Serge has directly provided me with valued support by way of clinic sessions & responding promptly in detail to my emailed questions. I’ve repeatedly been impressed by the efficiency & professionalism of the Universal Medicine “support staff/team”.

  185. Having first met Serge in 2004 I felt something completely different to the out-of-control life I was living.

    Whilst still challenging on many levels, The level of integrity, love and support shown by Serge and everyone at Universal Medicine is something I had never experienced before.

    Over the years this consistency and true support has provided a constant opportunity to look at how I live and gradually choose to make changes that I felt were true and loving for me without once being told what to do.

    There is no-were else I know that truly cares so deeply.

    Thank you Serge and Universal Medicine

  186. i feel there is no need to restate any of the wisdom, that my fellow brothers have thus far lovingly shared. what comes to me, as I start my own expression, on the teachings, that serge has and continues to present, is, “don’t shoot the messenger”.

    serge’s main message, is not one of gloom and doom, but one of the JOY of re-connecting to ourselves, through choosing to self-love and live from the inside, and not from what maybe offered from the outside.

    my own journey of the re-connection to self-love, actually started moments after I had a huge bleed into my brain, from a ruptured AVM, on 14/09/2001. I didn’t understand the true significance of this, nor over the years, as I was listening to my own feelings about my health and around choices that I had made/make, until I found my way to serge’s teachings, in october 2009.

    these teachings have and continue to gift me the clarity to remember, that I am LOVE, no matter what is presented to me. even a body, that is physically changed and a brain that has been damaged, that causes continues tight, burning pain in various muscles and fibers, doesn’t change this wondrous fact.

    serge nor any member of the universal medicine team, that I’ve seen to assist myself with choosing to be me, have never stated, that I must do or choose any of the lifestyle adjustments offered to benefit the body, or attend any workshops or events. i only choose what feels right for myself.

    with love, jacinta

  187. I have known this Gentle-Man Serge Benhayon since the year 2000 & he is a man of integrity & Love.
    He gives his time purely to assist people in any way possible.
    This Gentle-Man Serge Benhayon is funny, amazing, loving and Real.
    I have witnessed him & his beautiful family for the the past 12 years & they all have the same awesome qualities.
    Serge Benhayon is no cult leader & Universal Medicine is no Cult.
    Eminate your incredible Lights & let people feel that love anyway.
    So high five for Serge Benheyon & the amazing Unimed team.

    Kerry Lyons
    (the Italian mother)

  188. If I look back over my life, it seems that I have always been searching for truth. Truth about who I am, why I am here, how to best look after myself, how to have successful relationships and most all, to understand/know what love is.

    I have looked at religions, (being raised as a catholic and seeing the hypocrisy before I was 13 years old, I didn’t have much expectation here) various belief systems, healing modalities, etc. In short, everything I looked at fell over because some part of it, or the lead teacher, had some glaring in congruency with what was being presented. Also, how any issue I worked on, was never resolved.

    I did learn however, how to look after my health to a reasonable degree and I worked out that I had to listen/feel for myself what was true for me.

    I found out about Serge and Universal Medicine from a friend who had treatments and was attending workshops. I went along to a presentation for myself and found it very difficult, in fact the first year or so was difficult. I kept going because I knew I was hearing truth about the questions I wanted answers for. I’ve had to face all the areas of my life where I wasn’t caring for myself or others – this journey continues. Throughout the last 3 years I felt for myself, as Serge suggests, to feel what is true, or not, for myself. I have seen/felt that Serge, the man, isn’t perfect. Also, I have found that all he has said, all that he lives, (after my own investigations) is true.

    At last, I know something to the questions I had, I feel love and most of all, I have felt who I truly am. I will always appreciate having met Serge Benhayon.

    much love,

    Mark Payne

    1. Yes, on initially first encountering Universal Medicine what is presented can be very challenging – a tug-of-war between not wanting to hear what is said but to keep listening as one knows that what is being presented is Truth. Like you Mark, by keeping listening I have found answers and most importantly Love.

  189. I first came to the Universal Medicine Clinic in late 2009. I had tried many conventional and new age practices in an effort to find a way to make life better but instead it only created more chaos. I wasn’t living life. I wasn’t enjoying life.

    Serge, the practitioners and fellow students offered me a way forward. Over time I came to learn to take responsibility for my life instead of continuing to think that life happened to me. I have moved from self loathing to self care and already the way I live in life is changing. I am becoming more confident, aware and loving not only to myself but to those around me. I am looking at the world differently – with more understanding.

    Each day I am seeing more and more of the thoughts, habits and behaviours that stand in the way of me living a joyful and harmonious life. And where other modalities have failed Serge and those around him have passed the test …my test … the toughest of tests.

    Thank you Serge and the Unimed Team!

    1. It is such common sense and simple what Serge and the Unimed Team present – so direct in fact that at times it is difficult to accept. The simplicity being in the taking responsibility for one’s own life that it is one’s ” thoughts, habits and behaviours that stand in the way of me living a joyful and harmonious life.” What a revelation and a life transformer this has been for me.

  190. I was born with a very severe eye condition that plagued me well into adulthood. Throughout my childhood my parents took me to every profession under the sun, both orthodox and alternative. My last appointment organised by my tireless mother was with the Sydney Eye Hospital and the practising top eye specialist at the time. He examined me when I was having ‘an episode’ which included severe swelling and redness of the eye and surrounding area, excruciating pain just to blink, extraordinary sensitivity to light and a high level of anxiety and stress the condition brought. The diagnosis was that he had never seen anything like my condition, he would have to prescribe Steroid cream to bring down the swelling and that I would eventually go blind. My family and I were devasted. I did not follow this course of treatment.

    Fast forward to the year 2000 when I met Serge Benhayon. My second session with Serge and he was able to tell me exactly WHY I had this condition. Further to his explanation, the next time I had ‘an episode’ I saw an eye specialist who discovered small blisters all over my eyeballs, which upon bursting from blinking, were leaving sharp edges, causing the incredible pain, aggravation and swelling. The symptoms confirmed totally what Serge had told me during my appointment with him.

    From this point I slowly started introducing the suggestions made by Universal Medicine about diet and overall lifestyle. Although it took some time for me to be fully committed to myself, as I made the changes, my eye symptoms and episodes started to subside.

    Now, some twelve years later, I am almost completely symptom free with no medical intervention whatsover. I am certainly not blind and can even drive without sunglasses (unheard of for me!). My general wellbeing has improved out of sight.

    So do I need scientific proof that the teachings of Universal Medicine – which are drug free, loving, clear and practical – actually work? I am that scientific proof.

    Serge Benhayon has the highest level of integrity of any man or woman you will ever meet and my good eyesight and overall health are a testiment to the success of his teachings and the support offered by Esoteric Healing.

    Eternally grateful.

    Jo Swinton

  191. I have known Serge Benhayon for nearly 10 years. There is no doubt that what he presents can at times be very challenging. It is challenging because he presents something we do not want to face and that is that we live our lives denying our own truth. Because of that we make choices that are not true for us and when we are presented with this we do not like to hear it. We do not like to hear things like the fact that alcohol is a poison and that it has a harming affect on us. We do not like to hear that our choices in life affect our bodies. We especially do not like to hear that “everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy ” SB, because that would mean we would have to take responsibility for everything we say and do.

    When I first met Serge I certainly did not like hearing those things. However, as I learn to be true to myself and stop denying what I feel I am learning to take responsibility for everything in my life. Rather than this being a burden it is an amazing joy to know that I am fully responsible for myself. My life has become much more simple and much more joy-full.

    I have the deepest appreciation for Serge. He lives everything he presents. Whether he is at home, in the clinic or presenting workshops he is always the same. He is a true inspiration and a loving refection.

    Thank you Serge and all at Universal Medicine.

    With love,

    1. Yes, sometimes hearing the Truth can be difficult to hear and accept. Consequently at times it can be difficult to accept what Serge presents as he only presents Truth. However, taking more responsibility for my choices and learning to be true to myself since meeting Serge my life has transformed beyond recognition. Thank you Serge and Universal Medicine.

  192. I have only be attending the universal medicine courses for one year which have helped change my everyday life from being rushed and chaotic to gentle and nuturing
    And I have been around a few practitioners for the past 3 Years

    serge doesn’t tell people how to live their life
    He offers inspirational true stories about how he, his family or friends make choices that are nuturing, loving and caring in day to day life.

    In fact I actually emailed serge once with what to do in a emotional situation and he said “sorry I do the presenting and you do life, be love….”
     So he was definitely not telling me what to do, he offers inspirations, and has taught every moment we have a choice, which is completely true. 

    So the choice is ours, always!

    So there is a simple choice between what we truly want or want others want

    What we feel we should do over what we think we should do (from ideals, beliefs, outside influences)

    What’s self nuturing and what’s self harming.

    So to me Universal medicine offers inspirations and support of 

    A lifestyle not a diet. 
    A livingness not a cult. 
    Self love not selfishness.
    Inspirations not persuading. 
    Brotherhood and oneness not a secretive cult. 

    With love
    A 20 year old young lady who inspires and reflects a different way to all other young woman men teenagers around me! 

    “how do you do it”
    “I wish I could live as health as you” which I say “you can”
    “you are shining”
    “I get this amazing energy from you”
    “you’re my inspiration”
    “your skin is like when you were 12 again”
    “you always brighten my day”-quotes by customers at my work, friends, people I meet
    “I am so proud of you” -my family
    “your skin is so vibrant”

    Yes it’s always a choice and I will keep choosing love and joy

    Thank you thank you thank you, universal medicine, the benhayon’s, practitioners and students

    You are so inspiring and supportive 

    Thank you for inspiring and supporting me to change my life

    I have never felt like this since I was a little girl 

    Special quote ” I have my baby back” – mum to my friends mum

    1. “So the choice is ours, always ….. What’s self nuturing and what’s self harming”. A beautiful, clear and profound endorsement of why to choose self nurturing.

  193. I have been a student of Universal Medicine for five and half years. During this time I have never been told by Serge or any of the practitioners what to do or how to live my life – in fact quite the opposite – though often I longed fervently to be handed the answers. Serge has always responded to my “dilemmas” with loving encouragement to feel for myself what is true, that I contain all my own answers, no matter how many times I bought him the same dramas dressed in different clothing.
    His time and support were there for me 100% during a recent run-in with cancer,and in all our communications he was genuine, professional and real. And pro-medicine and surgery. At no time did he discourage me from seeking medical assistance.
    Serge holds us all equally. His teachings are consistent, showing us we all contain the capacity to be this same integrity and love.
    And there you have it – “Words on Serge Benhayon” – Integrity. Love.Truth. Three words that resound again and again through these emails. I consider I am truly blessed to share in the times and teachings of this amazing man.
    Keep shining on, Serge!

    Jenni Tozer

    1. Integrity, Love, Truth certainly do respond again and again in all the comments from people who encounter Serge and for everyone equally that, ” with loving encouragement to feel for myself what is true, that I contain all my own answers.”

  194. I’d like to share a little of my journey with Serge Benhayon with you all.

    For most of my life through to my late 60’s, I was a very nervy, highly strung, withdrawn woman with very little self-confidence and few friends. I spoke sharply and very fast (nervy), and was always rushing to do things, totally unaware of how this was affecting my body. I hated myself and my role as a woman. I buried myself in books so I did not feel any of this. I was widowed in my mid 60’s and continued my search for why I felt so unhappy inside. My husband had been pretty controlling, but as I realised much later, I had let this happen. He was a good man and never violent physically. Who knows what our relationship could have been if I had been the woman I now am.

    In my late 60’s I was introduced to Serge Benhayon and his healing practices. I also discovered his wonderful family and loving practitioners who have supported me over the last 6 years or so. Now well in my 70’s, I am a very different woman, and proud to be one. I am being told by friends that I am getting younger, as I get older, and inside me, I feel it. I am at last learning to be playful. (still learning).

    With the consistent love of Serge, his family and his wonderful staff, my life has been transformed. My life is now such a joy, and the wonderful camararderie I have with fellow students is a joy to behold and feel.

    I have never been told by Serge to do anything, but have been guided to feel for myself what was right and true for me. His only suggestion to me has been BE LOVE. Our work is based on discovering the love that we ALL truly are in our essence. I have now seen there is another way to live this life we are all part of. We work on ourselves AT OUR OWN PACE as we unfold. There is no pressure, rules, beliefs or dogma. Serge, his family and practitioners all SHARE with us what they themselves have learned.

    Yes, I CHOOSE to eat no gluten or dairy, and eat what feels right for my body, go to bed early and get up early and TRY to honour my body in all that I do, i.e. I no longer over-ride how my body feels.

    I have developed a deep sense of and love for myself and others that leaves me in a wonderful joy most of the time. Yes, I have little ups and downs, but very few now. I am still A WORK IN PROGRESS and will be for the rest of my life. I now have a lovely number of friends within and outside the student community. I no longer rush anywhere, bury myself in books to escape, but embrace life and people fully.

    For this beautiful transformation of myself, I am heart fully thank full to the man I now regard as a great friend, SERGE BENHAYON, the two words that epitomise Serge and his work are LOVE and INTEGRITY. Heaven knows where I would have ended up without meeting him. A very lonely, bitter old woman by now, blaming anyone but myself for how I was, and not taking my own responsibility for how I would have been.

    1. What a wonderful sharing Beverly particularly potent because of you discovering this later in life when a lot of people have given up on life being any different. Very inspiring.

    2. What a lovely sharing Beverley, thank you. A particular aspect that I find so inspiring that it is never too late to learn and change. Being in my sixties I feel at times that old habits are so ingrained they are not possible to change. However, the more I continue to do so the easier it becomes and your article is very supportive.

  195. Four years ago I met and worked with one of Serge’s students. I was having problems with my knee which resulted in my visiting my osteopath every week. Whatever treatment I received, the result was the same – a day or so of relief and then back to square one. My colleague offered to treat me on a number of occasions, and eventually my pain and misery overcame my cynicism sufficiently to give it a try.

    It was a revelation. I didn’t, and don’t, believe in mumbo jumbo and magic. But something happened which was profound – a long term apparently chronic injury was resolved using a couple of stones and half an hour’s relaxation and breathing technique.

    It’s nonsense, of course. So much so that I took three days unpaid leave (I work as a contractor, so all leave is unpaid) and went on an introductory course so that I could try to understand what happened and, perhaps, learn to do the same.

    I arrived expecting it all to be smoke and mirrors. I left a wiser, humbler and distinctly less sceptical man. There is no smoke. There are no mirrors.

    What I learned has had a profound effect on my life, for the better. I haven’t put it all into action yet, but I’m getting there. I can see the effect of my words and actions on others, and I can see the effect that others’ words and actions could have on me if I chose to allow it. I am calmer, more at peace, happier and healthier. I have made no commitment to anyone except myself. Nor have I been asked to.

    Like other correspondents, I have found myself examining my life and finding areas of it wanting. This has been my choice – nobody else’s – and correcting those arease, or not, is my choice as well. Some things I will live with because I’m not yet ready to take that next step. Others I am in the process of correcting, and it’s a cathartic process.

    Whether I end up choosing to become more involved with Serge and Universal Medicine or not is still undecided. But wherever my choices take me, the experience and understanding that I have been shown are something I treasure.

    Thank you for that.


    1. Thank you for your honesty and the fact that at the time of writing you do not know if you will pursue further what Serge presents. With the allegations that Universal Medicine is a cult this as is demonstrates that no pressure is put on a person to subscribe to what is presented. It is completely the individuals choice.

  196. Six or seven years ago I lived a very scientific life, basing how I ate, exercised, lived and worked on the latest research and what the news was saying, most of the time it didn’t really work and I’d end up giving up or looking for something else. Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon has offered another way that works with the scientific facts – suggesting that I could feel what individually applied to me, from the scientific facts and latest research. Not discounting or denying what science, medicine and latest research is saying, as there are many great facts and evidence here, but that I can feel individually what applies to me, what my body needs and what feels best to most deeply honour, nurture and care for myself. Because we are all individual, what is needed for me may be different to what another needs, or to what that scientific paper is saying.

    To feel what works and doesn’t work for me in life I’ve had to become deeply in tune with my body and my emotions, even my thoughts – feeling how various choices impact on my body and my emotions – not just the type of food I eat, or exercise I do, but also the type of thoughts I have, how I engage with others and how I hold myself in all that I do. At first it seemed strange, to make choices based on how my body responds to things, but the more and more I get in-tune with what I feel the more I begin to feel that inside I do know what choices are best for me and I always have. Everyone connects to this on a daily basis – for example having a hang over and very obviously linking it to the night of alcohol the day before and feeling ‘I won’t do that again’ – or eating the massive bowl of pasta, being bloated and lethargic and very clearly linking it to the food and feeling I won’t do that again. The will power to not do it again is to me what self love, self care and self honouring is – because if I loved myself and my body why would I do something to it that makes it feel like that.

    So every choice I make comes from my feelings on the inside, not what any other person is saying, not Serge Benhayon and not Universal Medicine.

    I do thank Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine deeply for sharing with me how to re-connect with my inner feelings, and what my body is telling me – by living this way him self, with self loving consistency and commitment. Serge Benhayon is not a cult leader and Universal Medicine is not a cult. He’s just an ordinary guy showing that we can connect to our inside feelings and our body and feel how to live from here. We are ‘The One’ in the same way Serge is ‘The One’. We are the one that has the access to another way of living, to inspire others to connect to such a way, so they too can feel they are also “The One”.

    To the best of my ability I no longer look to anyone or anything to tell me how to live, this includes Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who have not once told me how to live, but shown me that I can connect to my inside and decide from there. I will often ask for advice or direction from Serge and University Medicine, to get the same reply every time, you must feel for yourself, it makes me laugh or even get somewhat frustrated. Funnily enough this way of living from the inside out is somewhat different to how I previously lived my life and to how most others live, it is much more honouring of my body (which makes sense if I am tuning into the reactions in my body). It is also no coincidence that if a number of people connect to this way of living, in response to reactions in their body’s, than naturally we may all begin to live in a some what similar way, when we feel that a lot of the foods we eat, other things we consume and how we live is somwhat quite toxic and unloving to our bodies.

    My life, my family and my work is now a much much more loving space to be apart of and to share with others in the same way that Serge so openly shares his life with us. And in the same way that Serge didn’t tell me what to do, I will not impose my choices onto another and tell them what to do. I can still keep my finger on the pulse of modern science and medicine, take what is needed from this, but also bring my own individual feelings and expression to this.

    The Work that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine represent has not only supported my work in exercise physiology, chronic disease rehabilitation, research and university lecturing, but it has allowed it to become of an even greater quality and integrity with more love and care that I can share with everyone I work with.

    Thank you Serge and Universal Medicine

    1. A really clear simple way of explaining that what Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presents is not all ‘cultish’ but in fact the total opposite. I love ‘living from the inside out’ and hence all your choices come from yourself and not from Serge or anyone else.

  197. I have been aware of recent allegations and misrepresentations published by individuals against Serge Benhayon and the practitioners of Universal Medicine which suggest, amongst other things, that practitioners associated with Universal Medicine are against the practice of Western Medicine.

    Firstly, I would like to point out that, from the perspectives of our dedicated practice staff, a number of patients approach us requesting to be treated according to an integrated model of western medicine and complementary healing. I am also aware of a number of highly respected medical practitioners and allied health professionals who either work alongside Serge Benhayon, or who may have clients referred to or from Serge and Universal Medicine. Essentially, nothing could be further from the actual truth than any suggestion that Serge and Universal Medicine are “anti-western medicine”.

    I currently practise as a Consultant Thoracic Physician at St. Andrew’s Place, Spring Hill, Brisbane, with subspecialty expertise in the medical care of lung and relevant chronic diseases. Since 2003, I have had extensive experience in regional medical care as a Visiting Thoracic Physician to Central Queensland and since 2008, the Northern Rivers region of NSW. This is alongside the primary role as the Visiting Thoracic Physician to St. Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital in Spring Hill, a 250-bed tertiary referral centre with highly regarded track record in cardiorespiratory and cardiac surgical care.

    Samuel Kim MBBS FRACP MPH
    Integrative Pulmonary Care & Medical P/L
    Blue Hills Lung Centre P/L
    Please find the complete article on the BLOG by the MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS.

  198. How can a healthy woman get breast cancer? That is the question of our times? Illness and disease rates are sky rocketing and no-one knows the answer. Not one person from the medical professional could answer my question, but one person did – Serge Benhayon.

    Serge Benhayon advised me to have the treatment and helped me to understand that my body needed the medical treatment. I had resistance to medical treatment because if the cancer didn’t kill me the chemicals (drugs) would. I had never smoked, never taken drugs, no alcohol, I had never abused my body. I was a yoga teacher for goodness sake, and very healthy.

    I had 5 months of chemo and 5 months of chakra puncture as a complementary therapy to support me whilst undergoing the chemo. I had no adverse reactions during the 5 months, none. I sailed through chemo. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the chakra puncture made a huge difference to how my body coped with all the drugs going into my body. After only four weeks (first cycle) of chemo, the tumour was reduced by 50%. End of second cycle, the tumour had gone, I could not feel it. In less than a year I am cancer free and healthy.

    My previous very healthy life style was missing one ingredient: LOVE, self-love. My body was so badly abused because I lived a life without any self-love, true self-nuturing or self-worth. I was the person who took care of everyone elses needs, except my own. Through the presentations and courses from Serge and Unimed, I was able to take responsibility for all the loveless choices I had made, and that’s when true healing occurred for me,

    The chakra puncture is from Serge Benhayon. I will be forever grateful to him for his amazing insight and wisdom of the human body. His knowledge and understanding of the human body and why we get illness and disease is unmatched. Right now the world needs people to assist others back to TRUE health and to a TRUE way of living and back to Self-Love.

    Thankyou just does not express my heart felt gratitude to Serge Benhayon, his family and all the Unimed team for without their help/guidance my breast cancer journey would have been a very different story.

    With Love

  199. As the famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said towards the end of the 18th Century,

    “All truth goes through three stages, first it is ridiculed, next it is violently apposed, and lastly it is accepted as being self evident.”

    Even though the work of Serge Benhayon may seem unconventional to the consciousness of the majority of society today, the ancedotal evidence appears to be ever increasing with regards to his work. The teachings which are expressed by him, never instruct or impose on those who choose to listen.

    The current structure of our medical system is one centred around evidence based medicine. This process requires medicines/therapies which are measurable, and large groups of people to be studied. (The majority of these being funded by multinational drug companies).What if there were healing modalities which are currently non-measurable with our current technology, however caused a healing in those using them.

    The work of Serge Benhayon appears to satisfy the principle medical ethics of non-maleficence and beneficence, whilst always allowing the autonomy of the individual. A set of teachings which promote greater levels of self-care and self-love, whilst also the greater love and care of the rest of humanity can only work to assist the current state of our existence on this planet.

    As science expands in its knowledge and its ability to measure the “non-physical” realms of our existence, it may be that the presentations by Serge Benhayon are accepted as being ‘self evident’. Like a lot of things which are confronting and challenging to us as humans, the opposition and reaction that his work is igniting in people may actually be the beginning of the unfolding of the truth.

    with love,


    1. The quote from Arthur Schopenhauer is very accurate as is in the case with what is presented by Serge Benhayon. You say, Peter, that the presentations by Serge ‘may’ become self-evident – to me there is no may be, they will be.

  200. What can I say ?

    Serge’s teachings have enabled me to find who I am and feel the love that I am. Since I was a child I have always felt that there was more to life than “this” that is the world with its destructive emotions, its emptiness and its harshness . Sure enough, I have searched in religions, philosophies and new age modalities for years before I got a healing session from a student of Unimed as I was going through yet an other spiritual crisis and heavy bouts of anxiety and panic attacks. That was 2007, literally weeks before moving back to France after 15 years in England. The following year I started to attend Unimed workshops and courses and I “knew” that it was a healthy way to live – it felt true, simple and obvious.

    My life has now a solid foundation and an abundant richness that is simply amazing.

    I think Serge knows how grateful I am to him for showing me the way to reconnect to this amazingness.

    With all the love that I am.

  201. When I did my first Heart Chakra in London 9 years ago I had loads of friends, was married, had a good job and was retraining as a psychotherapist. I was also 3 stone heavier than I am now, had asthma – a life long condition with an attack which saw me in hospital 8 years ago, had terrible hayfever and constant chest infections in the winter, and was constantly exhausted.

    I now have been the same weight since I stopped eating gluten and dairy 6 years ago and stopped drinking. I no longer suffer at all from asthma or hayfever and have pretty good energy levels most days. I remain married. The friendships I have now are based on mutal enjoyment of each others company. I’d like to say I’m joyous all the time but I am not, nowhere near, but I am less emotional, more real and honest about who I am and how I live and I’ve got a way to go there too.

    What I have learnt from the years of courses and presentations is that I am responsible for me and what I do in EVERYTHING that I do, I know that may not appeal to everyone but the truth it remains, untouched by current trends of what is normal in our society.

    When I have a healing session with a practioner or are at the courses I feel amazing, in a way that no where else – not yoga, therapy, meditation has ever come close. And these changes in my life and what I have shared are why I often are stopped by a feeling of absolute appreciation and love for Serge and his family for presenting another way of living.

    Vanessa Hawthorne

  202. I am so incredibly grateful, every day, for discovering the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. My experience of Serge over these past few years is of someone who is willing to tell the truth, who is not afraid of being exposed, who is prepared to open his heart to the world and love without judgement and who has the utmost integrity in his work and in how he lives every day. For me, this is someone to be inspired by. If someone is here, showing me how it is possible to live in this world, not just being happy and ok with life, but is consistently able to share joy, openness and love, then I want to know what I can do to help me discover that for myself.

    So that’s what I have done. Over these past few years I have made some changes. It all comes down to common sense really. When I can feel that something I am eating or something that I am doing, is not helping me to feel more amazing in my body, then I choose not to do it anymore. And there may be some things that I eat or do that help me to feel more amazing, so I incorporate it more into my life…simple really…and incredibly empowering…to discover that all I have to do is feel and listen to my body and then make the choice. My body loves me for this! As I begin to feel more and more amazing, I realise that I am just feeling more and more myself…and this just feels natural and normal and incredibly freeing. Being more loving with myself feels so lovely…how is it that anyone could interpret that as being wrong??? A lot of what I was doing before was just numbing me, keeping me, and others in comfort and not allowing me to feel the potential that life can be so much more than we are led to believe.

    Without Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, I may not have had a reflection of truth and one of love, not the emotional kind of love, but the love that is consistent and uncompromising in it’s presence and is encompassing of all equally. If I didn’t have this reflection, then it would have been very difficult for me to know how to feel and hold this love that I feel in my body today.

    What a blessing for us all, if a person is willing to stand up and be that reflection…in the face of how we think and believe life ‘should’ be and everything we have thought as being ‘normal’. Being amazing is normal…being loving is normal. That’s how it feels to me now anyway…and I will continue to allow myself to be inspired by Serge, by myself and anyone else who reflects something true and loving in a world that shows us quite the opposite.

    Forever in appreciation,

    Sara Harris

    1. As you say it comes down to common sense and as you so rightly express Serge Benhayon has been this amazing reflection for thousands to see and realise that normal is OK. In fact more than OK, it is fabulous in so many ways.

  203. Hi there,

    I just want to say that I have never met a person with such integrity and truth – presenting and living it.

    Never has Serge or Unimed told me what to do, what to eat or how to live.
    It was always a reflection responding or not in my body, my own truth.

    Why is it a cult to eat things which help my body to be more vital?

    Why is it a cult to not drink alcohol? Especially after seeing how it can bring down families and loved persons.

    Why is it a cult to go to sleep at a time which truly rejuvenates you? I do not go always at 9 o’clock pm to bed and I feel the day after what it does to me..

    I have been and still am inspired by Serge, his family and Universal Medicine. Through his consistency he has proved that what he teaches and lives – is truth. A truth which I have also in me.

  204. Serge Benhayon was the first and until now the only person who could explain to me why our world is the way it is. What he presents makes absolutely sense – why people behave the way they do, why their is so much dis-harmony, harm and love-less-ness in our society – and how it is possible to change that. Not to improve my life but to serve the whole. One of the most important things I learnt from Serge’s presentations is that to love myself and to take care of myself is not selfish but the basis to be loving and caring with others. Never ever has Serge told me to change something but he showed me how responsible I am on a daily base for my own health and well-being. Realising this I have changed a lot of my old behaviours, with the result that I feel much more healthy and vital than ever before. However, I haven´t changed them because of a discipline but because it feels natural and harmonious to my body.
    Thank you, Serge, for showing us the love that we already are.

  205. I could tell you about how I came to Universal Medicine and also how I met Serge Benhayon but instead what I feel to express is this:

    From everything that has been presented to me I can honestly say that I will never walk away from my commitment to myself again. Universal Medicine is a body that has shown me and presented to me a way to live that I live by my own choice. There is absolutely no cult. No one tells me to do anything or checks up to see if I am living in a certain way. There is no reward if I do something and no retribution if I don’t. Instead everything I do is my choice and my choice alone. The only thing Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have ever given me, and indeed continues to do so, is inspiration and support. And for that I will be eternally grateful.

    It always puzzled me when friends or family used to say to me “you are in a cult” because it didn’t make any sense. How could I be when everything I do is my choice and my choice alone and is based completely on how I feel. I’m not saying that everything I do is perfect for indeed it is not. I am learning how to live my life again. How certain choices affect me and how indeed those same choices I make can affect others and the way I am with others too.

    It’s funny now because those same people who used to say “you’re in a cult” no longer feel that way. They have seen me grow into the woman I am now and my relationships with them has changed. I’ve noticed that they are more open with me, as I am with them. There is an honesty when we are together that didn’t used to be there, because I am more honest. They tell me how they feel more, about their worries and what’s going on, because I can tell them how I feel.

    I can truly say that yes Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have inspired me to make different choices. And I can also truly say that these choices I continue to make have given my life meaning, purpose and a sense that I am worth it, that there is a different way to live – and that way of living actually makes me feel alive.

    With love

    1. Wow, Fiona. That’s great because your experience that you’ve shared just shows how much free- will there is in the presentations and how you go on in life outside of those presentations, which clearly shows its the opposite of what a ‘cult’ is.

  206. From a child I was so upset by how easily people would say and do things to hurt each another. It was illogical to me. I saw people who loved each other do it, I saw people who didn’t know each other do it. All the while, as a child I felt a little bit of me ask why we did that. It hurt to see it and I didn’t want to feel it. I watched how adults handled pretending not to be hurt and I did the same. I started drinking from a young age, looking for intimacy, for love and to make sure those words were not turned on me. I was the life and soul of the party ensuring I did whatever I had to do (to myself) to ensure people liked me. That went on for years. Living a totally self indulgent life.

    By the time I met Serge in the UK – 9 years ago now, I was a very accomplished at not being honest about most things and I remember I had a lot to learn about what love really was. I met him with all of my accomplishments – he met me with himself. He has been consistent with reminding me of how amazing I am just being me. Too simple I said – for years. How do you open up to question a way of living that you have worked so hard to create? It is like having to admit the world is round, not flat…a big gulp… and then an even bigger gulp to take a bit of responsibility – as a child you knew that already you just listened and followed the adults you thought knew better.

    His courses have been lessons in a loving way of living. I have loved each and every one – come home and experimented with how I could bring it into my day to day. I have learnt so much about my body – from listening to my body – how to eat, how to sleep, how to be tender, gentle and nurturing. It has taken me a while but then how long did I susbscribe to ‘the world is flat’ theory? At least I cannot be put to death for chosing to go to bed a little earlier than I used to!

    I really enjoy my children now, they are really cool people. My husband and I date which is heaps of fun. My friends and I talk, play and work. I am enjoying me, I am engaged in life, my work has changed enormously and is not solely as a practitioner any more. I have remembered that it is ALL about love – for ourselves and each other. No harm. As a human race we have much to learn about that – it doesn’t make me sad anymore and I don’t want to avoid it – we have to be honest enough to say enough.

    Thanks Serge, Thanks Universal Medicine for opening my eyes and reminding me that I have a choice – and how important it is to make that choice in everything I do, say and think….or that choice will be made for me and the world will be flat again.

    1. It is such an important point that we have to engage in life, not avoiding the unpleasant and painful parts so that we can be honest and say enough is enough.

  207. Three years ago, at 48 years old, 20 kg overweight and experiencing a thryoid and adrenal issues that left me coming down with various viruses every 2 weeks, I tumbled upon an esoteric practitioner and Universal Medicine. For a number of years, I had been treated by a Doctor and Natropath that enabled me to function while taking a handful of supplements and medications each day.

    The meeting of an esoteric practitioner and choosing to commit to esoteric treatments and lifestyle changes, saw my health improve to the point that my doctor recommended that I could cease my medications within 6 months of this meeting . This felt like a mircle to me. From here, I chose to attend the workshops offered by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    How I feel about myself and others feels completely different since committing to myself through what Serge presented at the workshops. I can honestly say that I have developed a greater love for myself and others, which is still unfolding. At no point, did I feel pressured to change my diet, my sleeping habits or the way I was with myself and others. If anything, I felt very supported to embrace changes that felt appropiate for me in my own time.

    These changes, have resulted in me assessing my relationship that had been very unsupportive for over 30 years. I feel now I have more loving interactions now with soon to be ex husband than I ever experienced in our long relationship. I know my relationship is going to end due to the love and honour I now hold for myself, and for my husband, it is not going to end because Serge or any Practitioner told me to end it. What Serge and Universal Medicine always presented to me was always to make it about love first and foremost.

    Sharon Gavioli

  208. What I have observed as a Student in the last 8 years from the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine…

    1. Feel what is True & Never give your power away to anyone or anything

    2. Reconnect with your own Body.

    3. True Health starts with the basics… sleep, food, lifestyle – choose to be responsible for your own life

    4. The more you care for you….the more you can care for others.

    5. Be discerning….

    6. To Inspire your loved ones – show them that by being Your Self….they are in fact already amazing just by being Them Selves

    7. Love Yourself….first …then express this love… in the way you do the ordinary things in life.

    8. We are all the same…we are all connected.

    9. Make conscious choices and see your life as an opportunity

    10. Be responsible for your own life

    11. You never need to quote another person. If something feels right for you…then Live it.

    12. Love is uncompromising and the truth is something we can all connect with.

    I appreciate Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and the way they have reflected to me the truth I already know.

    I am a Student of my Own Life.

  209. 3 years ago a friend gave me a CD of a presentation given by Serge Benhayon. In this presentation Serge asks whether it is possible that the energy we choose in every moment of our lives, creates life as we know it to be?

    This simple question gave me an opportunity to be honest about the energy I was living in and to start to observe and feel how I was living. I came to see that my body was not here to be betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way. For example it tells me when I am tired as my body aches and my eyes feel heavy; it also tells me when something I have eaten is difficult to digest as I have pain or bloating; it tells me when someone is angry as I feel unsettled. The body is very talkative as these feelings are show to me all the time – I simply need to observe and listen to them!

    What has developed for me since is not a spiritual pursuit, a belief system or a mystical adventure. It is a`practical way of being every day, where I choose to feel and connect to me. It is lived. I know it in the way I walk, and talk and cook and eat, write this message and so much more. It feels like love to me.

    This question that Serge asked also suggested the possibility that I create my own life. Whilst the level of responsibility and honesty required to look at how I am living can be difficult, it is a wonderful gift as it means I have the free-will to change the quality of my life by changing the choices I make.

    This, self-initiated healing is what I have experienced with the support of Serge, Universal Medicine, and the Esoteric practitioners. It is truly beauty full and the greatest thing I have known in my life. I am deeply grateful to Serge for bringing an honesty like no other I have felt, because that is what I know love to be.


    1. “I came to see that my body was not here to be betray me or let me down, but had been trying to tell me the truth every day, in its own way.”
      I love this Joseph. It has been a deeper awareness than I had before how I actually fight my body. That my body is like my enemy when I want to do things that are not in harmony with it i.e. keeping going when I am tired. Instead, as you say, it speaks truth and if I listen to it rather than deny the truth it is communicating I, my life and everything else I experience is harmonious and joyful.

    2. What you have written here is so succinct Joseph! Formerly I would over ride too all the messages my body was giving me from what I was eating to any emotion I was feeling. Quite often I would stubbornly push on through things, even if I was tired. Not once would I consider the quality in which I did things or the energy I was allowing to run my body. As you say, what is offered by Universal Medicine is so practical as it inspires a way of living that puts connection to the body first which then tells you very clearly what choices are needed to be made.

  210. I have been a student for 18 months or so. I first came to the clinic and workshops out of curiosity. I found practitioners that were truly supportive and never lecturing.

    I had always thought that I was healthy & happy. I was overweight, never exercised, watched a lot of TV & spent a lot of time at the pub. Not too mention the fact that I completely ignored everything that I knew I needed to address like how and why I ate, the excuses I made to myself about not going to the dentist and doctor. It goes on, but you get the picture. All of this and I work as a Nurse and a Herbalist.

    As I learn about being truly gentle with me and loving with me all of what I was has changed and continues to change because I am choosing that way to be.

    The most amazing thing that has happened to me, so far, is that I have gone from running away from my work as a nurse to totally re-embrace this as the work that I choose to do. I really want to be there. Nothing about my work environment has changed. Only me. I now love what I do and I take this with me everyday that I am at work with people who are sick and dying and other nurses who feel like I used to. Imagine having a really busy day, chaotic but having fun and being joy-full at the same time. The quality of nursing care I give has changed enormously because of how it is that I care for me. This blows me away!!

    The other amazing gift that I give myself everyday is that of time. I rarely rush to do anything now. I take my time when I prepare food. I have time to sit and read or have a cup of tea with a friend.

    I’ve discovered and continue to discover that being me in the most gentle and loving way can be so simple.

    Jen Smith

    1. We tend to moan and blame others for when things go wrong but as you have shown, Jen, if we change ourselves then our relationship with the world changes. We then experience a whole new world. Isn’t it amazing!

  211. I first meet Serge Benhayon in 2001. Serge supported me through 2 year long treatments medically prescribed by a doctor for Hep C. His insight, healing and care was incredible.

    Over the years since I have attended courses in healing and talks on many subjects, some of which were challenging to conventional thinking, and sometimes I felt a reaction but later started to understand more of what Serge was presenting. I can understand some people not wanting to consider this as the truth and blaming Serge for their reactions to what he presents, at times I felt the same way.

    Serge is not a Cult, you can choose to attend courses or not, there is no pressure to participate at all.

    As for the Men who blame Serge for splitting their families up, not one has put his name to any allegations made against Serge – which shows the quality of their character.
    Many of the men and women have contributed to the grubby attacks on Serge through anonymous internet blogs.

    I consider Serge Benhayon a personal friend and a brilliant Practitioner and Presenter with the utmost integrity.

    Steven Leca

    1. Yes Steven, I totally agree that what Serge presents can be very challenging and like you I initially often reacted. However, I was not able to deny the Truth but I appreciate that for some people the Truth can seem too painful to face and the reaction can be to attack the messenger. However, that does not make that right or appropriate – it is still abuse and it is for us to expose and speak the truth when we know it.

  212. I have been one who has investigated much in my life and this curiosity has taken me to all corners of the globe searching out there somewhere for a truer way of life, for something more than i saw myself and those around me living. I was a so called successful woman,with my own business and comfortable lifestyle in tact. This lifestyle I now see was actually very unhealthy and deeply lacking in any true self care. My busy day was fueled by 3 cups of coffee and as long as I got the job done I i imagined this was a ‘successful’ day… all at the expense of my body.

    I came in contact with Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon some 9 or 10 years ago and since then have attended many presentations, courses and have also had sessions at the clinic. At first I found the presentations very uncomfortable as if I was honest i had to admit I had never really taken responsibility in the true sense for my own self care and also chose not to see how this was also affecting those around me.
    In all of the time I have known Serge Benhayon he has shared and reflected nothing other than Truth, Love, Integrity and generosity of self. This I have observed is not just with some but with all equally. There is a consistency in Serge’s way of living that i can say i have never ever witnessed in another.

    What Serge is sharing is what he himself lives on a daily basis and this can be truly felt. He has a genuine love of humanity and this is the foundation of all of his teachings. I for one have the deepest respect and appreciation for Serge and his family for shedding light where it is needed for us all equally to become more of who we truly are… and that is amazing!
    Thank you Serge for waking us up to the ourselves.

    1. Here, here Victoria. The foundation of the teachings by Serge is truly based on a genuine love of humanity and come from the sharing of what he lives on a daily basis, demonstrating the common sense of this way of living.

  213. I have attended Universal Medicine courses and events since 2005 after being inspired by someone I met who attended. From the very first time I saw Serge present I knew deep in my heart that what was presented made complete sense and that more importantly it was what I already knew to be true.

    My life before was what you would call normal. Married to a lovely man, with two beautiful children. We had a nice home, good steady income, went on holidays and we ticked all the boxes. Beneath the veneer on the outside I was a woman in complete turmoil. I had just come through a period of suffering from depression and anxiety attacks, which is something I had been through before. I was exhausted and sleep deprived, had little to no support. From speaking to friends when I was going through this I would say 70-80% of them were on anti-depressants because they felt the same way. So that was life in suburbia.

    My life before children consisted of jobs in the Print and TV Media and some time studying. That period of my life left me exhausted and jaded to the point where I became chronically fatigued and required time off to heal. During this time I saw first hand the total lack of integrity in these fields (from the photoshopping of images in magazines, to the willingness to do “anything” for a story by journalists). I saw the way that people lived in that industry: running on empty, taking drugs, alcohol abuse, addiction to caffeine and sugar. I was constantly sexually harrassed in one organisation – who supported those who were the perpertrators and those who complained suddenly were given no more shifts and bullied by their superiors – and yet at the same time would run stories on their evening news bulletins about this in general society.

    It was during the time of my illness I was diagnosed with Gluten and Dairy intolerance. I stopped drinking alcohol (although I rarely drank anyway) and I returned to taking better care of my body and living in a rhythm that felt more natural, getting to bed earlier and listening more to my body. I felt much more clear and calm immediately, and this was 13 years BEFORE meeting Serge or doing any Universal Medicine workshops. Even back then just making those simple changes to my life made me a source of ridicule amongst some and brought up challenges for others – even though it was a medically diagnosed condition by a highly respected Allergy Clinic.

    So in the back of my mind I was always concerned that if I did too much or didn’t take care of myself I knew that the symptoms I had experienced in the past would return and that usually the only solution presented to me was to take medication to numb the feelings and that counselling just didn’t seem to even get close to what was beneath it all.

    Since participating in Universal Medicine courses I have learnt to take greater responsibility for my choices and how I respond to life. I have learnt to trust more and open up again to others, to not be in protection and expect to be hurt by life. This has been challenging, but I truly love who I am now and the way my life is unfolding.

    What I find so beautiful about Serge and Universal Medicine is that it is always a presentation. Serge lays his whole life out there to be examined. He only shares what he actually lives. He is completely honest – even sharing that he is not perfect. I have never been told what to do, eat, how to sleep, who to talk to, who to live with, to not see a doctor or seek medical help. I have never been told who I was in a past life, I have instead been inspired to see that it is only important to know who you are in this life and to examine what has made you who you are.

    Universal Medicine and Serge has only ever inspired me. Serge has always encouraged me to develop confidence and trust in my own feelings and to empower myself to make my own decisions. All of the changes I have made in my life are my own changes and have not been as a result of being told what to do, simply by being inspired by what I see actually works for another and trying it out for myself.

    Serge has complete and absolute integrity and I feel that what I have observed is that Universal Medicine is so much more than Serge. He has always presented that. It is and has never been about building empires or egos, it has always been for everyone and anyone who CHOOSES to connect to it and the love for humanity that it represents.

    So today, I am still married to the same lovely man, developing and growing together our own way even though he doesn’t do all the healing courses. I still have two beautiful children who are free to choose whether they connect to this or not, I still have a family doctor (who doesn’t do Universal Medicine courses and who knows I am completely normal), I still have friends and family that I talk to that aren’t involved and that I love as dearly as those friends I have that do the courses. I have no more anxiety or depression, instead I love my life and I am learning everyday what it is to be me and enjoying every moment of the experience.


  214. My life to most would have appeared “normal” in that I had ticked all the boxes: good job, successful businesses, great family, good relationship, plenty of friends, good health and the material possessions to go with it all. However I always felt like there was something missing, that feeling of being in a crowded room yet felt the loneliest one in it.

    Why is it that it is not until a so-called ‘disaster strikes’ – something that upsets your everyday ‘normal’ life such as a life threatening illness or a marriage break-down – that you begin to re-evaluate and question your life?

    If I am ticking what I thought was all society’s boxes “being the good, hard-working, kind, law-abiding citizen”, eating what the so-called experts tell me is healthy and nutritious foods, regular GP medical check-ups, and exercising accordingly then pretty much nothing really bad should happen to me, Right? Well we all know that ‘good law abiding citizens’ experience illness and disease, with which we are met with: “God works in mysterious ways”, “Oh you poor thing”, “Life happens”, “Get on with it”, “At least its not cancer”.

    It may have seemed easier to sit on the sidelines and not choose to make any changes to my life, waiting for a Doctor to ‘fix’ me, with me playing no part nor taking any responsibility for how I lived on a daily basis. I could feel deep inside however that I needed to change the way I was living to help and support me and the medical profession in my recovery.

    Whilst I knew that change was needed I did not want any disruption to my life; continuing to maintain the gruelling and long work schedule, enjoy whatever alcohol-fuelled nights out I could squeeze in to take the edge off the working day or week, a diet high in carbs, sugar and gluten and plenty of late night work fests to try and fit the never-ending to-do list in while trying to please everyone all of the time…and somewhere in there run a household, an office and several businesses as well as maintain friendships and relationships. Hmmm…I’m exhausted just writing that. Looking back to 2006 I can hardly recognise that was what I called my life.

    I had always been open to the possibility that there was more to life though I was too busy working to actively seek answers so it was easier to just go with the norm. When I heard a presentation given by Serge I absolutely knew that what he was presenting was true, and change was inevitably necessary whether I liked it or not.

    Those who know me know well that I do things my own way with no-one being able to tell me what to do and when. Not at any time has Serge nor any of the practitioners ever told me what to do, rather they have been living and loving examples that have supported and inspired me in knowing that I am also worth doing things differently for, to love and care for myself and inspire others in a similar way.

    My life is a true and heart-rich life in the making.

    1. It is so easy, and supported, confirmed and acknowledged by society, that the external world is important than ourselves. However, as is presented by Serge and Universal Medicine, “I am also worth doing things differently for, to love and care for myself and inspire others in a similar way”.

  215. Ten years ago a friend who saw that I was in a lot of pain over a relationship breakup and miscarriage, treated me to a session with Serge who I had not heard of before. My first impression was of a humble person with not a drop of arrogance or superiority in him, and yet a quiet unimposing confidence. I felt very safe with him, quite unlike other healers I had visited in this area. It took a while for me to grasp what he was sharing, as I have a strong scientific orientation that wants tangible proof of things before I accept them. And sometimes I’d arc up when my pet illusions were challenged. I’d tried lots of things in my search for something that would stay true, stand the test of time, and everything else had fallen flat in that regard so I was pretty skeptical. I’ve always had only one “guru” – my own heart, and that is still true to this day. As I got to know Serge and attend his classes, I began to realize that deep within, I already understood what he was presenting, and that very sensible, practical, timeless wisdom HAS stayed true and shines ever more brightly as the world gets crazier. Nothing else in my life has helped me so completely and enduringly to develop myself into a more loving, present person, and to deal with the intense challenges of life over the last decade. I am deeply grateful to Serge for staying the course of what he knows to be true in spite of the criticisms, and grateful to myself for seeing the benefit of his work!

  216. Being around Serge is like receiving a reminder notice of who you truly are – who we all truly are. And because he lives it himself, you can feel it. His level of dedication to truth and love is so amazing that it has inspired me to be more of me, more real and honest and loving with myself and others and as a result I can feel a deep love building within me and it’s not mystical or far out, it’s just simple. Simple loving practices that make sense in my body.
    It does not surprise me that there are those out there who wish to put Serge down. What he brings is not a sugar coated version of love as most of us would like it, but rather the truth of love as it is. This asks of us a level of responsibility, commitment, dedication, self love, and honesty that few are ready to embrace, and I myself at times have struggled with. But I have no doubt in my heart whatsoever in what Serge brings, and for the first time in my life, I can say that I know true love – as it has always been within me. It took Serge with his dedication to love to remind me, and for this I am truly thankful.
    And so my question to all is: Isn’t it about time that we as humanity started to consider something other than the same old paths we’ve been treading for 1000s of years? Paths that quite obviously do not work if we are to look at the true state we are in as a race. The world is obviously crying out for true love. It is quite absurd that rather than to explore what is already here for us to be with, we still choose to attack, deny, resist and crucify it?

    With love, Anna

    1. As you say, Anna, isn’t it time humanity started considering another path and through the inspiration of Serge and Universal Medicine we are beginning to walk this new path. As you say, “What he brings is not a sugar coated version of love as most of us would like it, but rather the truth of love as it is” and so some will resist. However, they will not stop us as the Love is too great.

  217. On first being exposed to Serge via choosing to attend his meetings and courses I spent many months facing resistance to what he was saying. And still do.

    It was very confronting to meet real love – after a lifetime of baby-boomer self-engagement and self-seeking within all the usual disguises.

    Real love means a love that is felt as equal, does not waver, wants nothing for itself and just serves. And Serge in my experience, embodies this – with such intelligence.

    And I know this because it feels like me. As ever, the art is to live it.


    1. So true Alan, that meeting real love can be confronting. One would imagine that it would be the opposite. However, it is confronting because the love is totally unconditional, one experiences the space to feel all that has been unloving within oneself without judgment and to know that that is not one’s truth but in fact, irrespective of that, one is a beautiful, loving person. As you say it is then “the art to live it.”

    2. Yes Alan and it is the inspiration that knowing it can be lived that all the Benhayons offer even when what they live seems unbelievable there is so much dedication and joy to their livingness it can feel very exposing to the lack of both these things in your own life!

  218. It seems that since ever I have been searching for my home. Not that something was wrong with the environment I was living in, I was brought up in a loving family, what I needed was always there, it just felt like something was missing. Like that home was only temporary.

    I thought travelling is the answer, so I became a passionate traveller, always hoping my next ticket would bring me to a place I would feel at home. To speed the process up, I even became a travel guide. I travelled the world to most amazing parts of the world, even settled down for a while in places and with people I liked most. But no matter how perfect the scenery and how lovely the people, there was always that little bit missing that I could call a place home.

    Hand in hand went the fact that I was a searcher of Truth. What that was I could never really tell, I just felt that the world was not living it. I would often feel pushed into the corner by the rules of society and never felt appreciated for who I am but only for what I did. The structure was driving itself, not caring of anyone involved … unless you play by its rules of course, but even then you get rewarded by the things that don’t really matter – prestige and recognition. While searching, I’ve come across many different modalities that ‘should’ help me find the answer, but although many of them sounded nice and seemed pleasant, here too – something was missing.

    One of my travels brought me to Australia, where I’ve met Universal Medicine. When I heard Serge speak for the first time, I, for the first time heard words that were coming from a knowing, from someone living the words he presented. That known seemed to be the same part I’ve felt over the years – that part, that was searching for Home and Truth, the part that simply knew there was something more to life. And when I heard him, I just knew he is presenting the way. And that it is revealed in simple, loving, gentle ways and choices that are unfolding a path back to the true us.

    On this unfolding path many things that are not true start to fall away. Choosing to be you in a society that is hardly allowing that can be challenging. Sure it’s sometimes hard, but whenever I am in doubt I just ask myself the question: Is this love? It’s just so natural and so simple!

    I have taken many esoteric sessions, which have helped my body greatly. Together with the choices I take on a daily basis, it is for the first time since long time that I get up feeling rested, not needing the coffee and my days are spent in much greater awareness of myself and my surroundings. I can feel amazing without any stimulant in my body. Even the pain in my back, caused by an accident years ago, is now gone.

    The following happened when I last went to the Universal Medicine clinic before I left Australia. Whenever I would arrive at the clinic, I could feel the loving space that the presence of the people there established. The feeling I felt that day was even stronger than I could feel before. There was stillness, there was love and everything was in place and created harmony. I sat on the bench to soak up the loveliness and a beautiful insight was revealed. What I was feeling wasn’t something outside of me. For the first time since god knows when, I was actually feeling myself. And I realised I was home.

    With love, Ana

    1. As the saying goes, ‘Home is where the heart is’. Thank you for sharing your journey of your return to your home/heart – it/you feel full of love.

  219. What can you say about a man who is in every way absolute love; a decent, honest, genuine person who presents on love and and how we can through our own inner-self choose to live joyful, loved fulfilled lives ourself. Universal Medicine and Serge came to me though some recommendations from friends about 2 years ago, who described him as an inspirational man, impulsed by a deep love of humanity and presents age old teachings on self love.

    At the time my lifestyle was fairly normal for a hard working professional in finance, I was no stranger to stress, anxiety, drinking, relationship difficulties etc etc … on top of that my doctor suggested that lifestyle changes could help the ever increasing blood pressure.

    My first presentation from Serge was in the UK and was an absolute revelation, true music to my ears … at last a courageous and perspective man who through love and a passion to help humanity was prepared to look at all the ills in this world head on and speak his truth. Everything just made so much sense, just so simple to love and self love … or as I recall Serge putting it, we can all be students of our own love if we choose to be.

    Less than two years on through my free choice to introduce the wisdom into my life, my world has moved forward in leaps and bounds. The lifestyle changes that followed in diet etc. were all very natural adjustments in the course of me loving me and being with myself for the very first time. I now lead a well balanced, joyful, love life and with no blood pressure issues …. and it just keeps getting better and better.

    I can say with all my heart that Serge and his family have been incredible, so supportive, honest, professional … their inspirational love has already touched so many hearts, their wisdom has enriched so many lives in so many ways. I feel so proud to be associated with them all and to be able to share their example in integrity, truth and true love with others …. Serge in total appreciation I thank you deeply.

    With love, Paul

  220. When I first read about Serge Benhayon – on his website – I thought “This can’t be ‘true’, because if it is, the whole world is ‘wrong’. So I rejected it for two years. After those years I was honest enough to see that I was judging him on what I read and heard. So I finally, 3 years ago, booked a ticket and went to my first workshops. And the ‘funny thing’ was, as soon as he started talking, I felt like I was home – at that time I didn’t even have a clue what that meant.

    In the years before I went to the workshops, I already quit eating dairy, sugar and stopped playing football. All this was because I felt that it didn’t either support me physically or emotionaly. All by being honest to myself. Which wasn’t and isn’t always easy for me. Not towards myself, nor to be judged by others, (and even left behind) or being afraid of this.

    How do I discribe the almost indescribable as to what I’ve experienced, re-learnt, over the last three years? It’s been A M A Z I N G. At every level of my life, basicly, my re-connection with life. Which includes partner, kid, family, work, friendships. And I can honestly say, it has not been easy. But when I look back and honour my courage and self-love I see that my life has become very simple (not easy). And that it – my life – has a purpose. And that’s for me the main message: what is my unique expression? And Serge can’t give me ‘my purpose’, I have to feel this for myself, accept it and then go for it. Or not. It’s my choice. But what Serge can do and does is present what he lives, his truth, explaining that – in fact – I’m the same as every-body else and then leave it up to me whether I resist or not. And I can’t resist because every-thing I feel in my body says YES. Thank you Serge for choosing to live from be-ing you in full.

    How A M A Z I N G that every! every-thing! I already know inside of me when my whole life I’ve been looking outside of me for answers or the truth.

  221. I am an expat Australian living overseas. By today’s standards I would be considered a very well educated, well adjusted, ‘average’ middle class person. I have been an ‘observer’ of Universal Medicine for many years. I have engaged with Serge’s presentations via audio and via the universal medicine website. I do not consider myself ‘a follower’ of any one individuals way of life and this includes Serge. What I enjoy most about listening to Serge’s presentations is that they aren’t in any way prescriptive or imposing, rather, I find them to be very practical and insightful observations and inquiries. Much of what Serge discusses makes sense to me.

    Inspired by some of Serge’s presentations I have chosen to make some changes in my life. These days, I am more organised than ever before. I feel lighter and healthy than ever before. I awake well rested. And most importantly for me, since I have been engaging with Serge’s presentations the love between my husband and I has become deeper and more honest. My husband has not engaged with Universal Medicine at all, he is a very rational, logical person and accepts the changes I have made in my life as he cannot deny that they make practical sense and are, in truth, loving choices.

    This has been my experience. I feel nothing but sincere appreciation for Serge and his presentations.

  222. Serge is an incredibly beautiful and amazing man. I have never met anyone with sooo much integrity and so much love that is consistent.

    He brings awareness to what is not love which is much needed and throughout my life and all the people I have met no one has felt to genuinely do this.

    Serge rocks : ) The whole UniMed team rock they are amazing Thank you xx

  223. When I heard Serge speak, his words touched my heart, they resinated a truth I had always known, but had long ago turned away from, choosing instead to indulge in my life being out of my control, so I didn’t have to take responsibility for any of my choices, or their impacts on myself or others. I would just wait it out till someone invented a pill to make it all better for me.

    The annoying thing was, no matter how hard I tried to leave the truth I know within myself behind, it never left me alone, it was always there whispering to me… When I was 15 years old suffering from chronic headaches and cutting myself for relief, it was the voice from my heart saying “this isn’t you” or when I was 18 on acid and lying in a hallway “this isn’t you” or when I was 21 and drunk “this isn’t you” or when I was 23 screaming in a rage smashing a glass against the wall “this isn’t you” or when I was 26 stoned just to make it through the day and not have to feel “this isn’t you”…and so on (and on and on).

    I’m 37 years old, the more I let myself be and live the truth I have always known, the more I confirm “this is me” and I am The One – just like everyOne else.

    Thankyou Serge, thankyou Universal Medicine, thankyou esoteric students, you inspire, you challenge, you rock!

  224. I started having sessions with Serge in 2000 and since then have been an student of Unitversal Medicine. Before that even though i was functioning in the world, in truth I was suffering from exhaustion, depression and hopelessness,
    In these last 12 years I have changed tremendously, I am healthy, fit , joyful and have lots of energy to now truly be of service to the community.

    In my experience Serge is a man of the highest integrity. He has only ever encouraged me to discover the truth within myself.
    The fullness of support, love and healing he offers to his clients and students is truly outstanding and very inspiring.
    The teachings he is presenting have the possibility of truly serving humanity and this planet.

    From the depth of my heart, thank you Serge!

  225. After listening to interviews from Serge’s website, I was thankfully reminded that truth is within, and that love, soulfulness, integrity, gentleness and clarity are the true gifts that come with living as a human being. There is so much confusion, Serge is a breath of fresh air, and what I love most is that he encourages you to live your own truth, in a way that allows others to live theirs.

  226. I have known serge since i was 9. My mum was searching through alternative medicine when western medicine’s only solution to her back troubles was a major operation. Every thing she tried out she would asked if i wanted to come along. I was more interested in playing in the woods. But when her practitioner recommended going to see serge i decided to take up the offer to have a session. I arrived with my teddy bear and had the best conversation ever, from a kids point of view serge talked to me like no adult, not even my mum, had ever talked.

    From there i started attending courses and found in serge something i hadn’t found any where, something i could trust.
    Now at the age of 15 i don’t drink, do drugs, and hold on to your hats, i go to bed early and universal medicine has given me the confidence to stand by those choices. I don’t fit the typical teenager stereotype but to me thats a good thing.

    When i look around at school i see so much that most adults don’t realise is happening. The age for sex has dropped to around 9 and drinking, smoking and doing drugs is no longer what the cool kids do but what is expected. There is pressure to conform to do the things that the majority are doing. And what the majority is doing is sleeping around and bragging about the fact they smoked so much weed they are sick. Girls are going into relationships that are abusive and not based on love.

    At the courses i am in a place i know holds no expectations of me and supports me in MY decision not to participate in the goings on at school. At school my friends know about the fact i am a esoteric student and totally except it. I have never spoken about it unless asked and have never asked them to attend.

    Living to the best of my ability esoterically on a daily basis has changed my life, for the better. Without Serge’s teachings showing me that to be myself is enough, i would have conformed to the typical teenage steriotype. To me going to bed early is the least drastic life choice of the two.

  227. Hi everyone,
    I am a student of Universal Medicine and I can honestly say that I always will be. 

    Before I became involved with Serge and Universal Medicine, I was living a life that was empty that is –I was checked out and abusing my body in many different ways and forms. I was shy and it took a long time for me to be able to trust someone and let someone in.

    I’m not going to say that I am free of issues or hurts because I am still working on them. But what I can honestly tell you now is that Serge and Universal Medicine has made a huge difference in the way that I have chosen to live.

    From the moment I went to a Universal Medicine event I felt a change inside of me, for the first time in my life I didn’t have to put on an act or be protected I was accepted for who I am- that is gentle, loving and precious. I no longer had to pretend to be hard or tough. 

    For The amount of love in the room at any Universal Medicine event is absolutely amazing. I know that I can talk to Serge about any thing and everything and he has never thought less of me or judged  me, he just remains love. 

    Serge is The most loving and amazing person that I have ever met and is someone that I hold quite close to my heart and I always will.
    As for Serge being a ‘cult leader’ all he has ever done is present the truth with love and the highest standard of integrity. He has never once forced anyone into a certain way of living– we are all still well and truly able to make our own choices and nothing that I have ever done was because “Serge said” it has always been left up to us to choose, there has never been no right or wrong way in doing this. 

    The choices that I now make come from a loving regard for myself instead of emptiness and loveless-ness. If you opened your eyes and listened to what he actually says and not twist the words around to suit yourselves, you will no longer be able to run with the untrue stories that have been published. Serge is a man of true integrity and the highest standard of love and always will be. 

  228. I have been a student of Universal Medicine since 2007. I had been searching and seeking for answers to life for about 3-4 years before then and had explored the various religions and New Age spiritual movements and had taken part in personal development workshops. Prior to that time I would not have been found near any sort of personal development workshop, any religion or any spiritual group – I was a hard-working, hard playing (self-destructive) professional with no time for any of that stuff that I saw as unnecessary and just a crutch people needed to get them through life. Things then changed, and I began to ask some of the bigger questions in life, to consider that perhaps there was a bit more to us than I had rather arrogantly and ignorantly perceived previously. As i delved into different teachings I had the sense that yes, there were answers I just had to find them and I was determined to leave no stone unturned in my quest.

    My first weekend with Unimed workshops was eventful. As part of the workshop we did some exercises that involved being aware of what we were feeling. Having been someone who lived in their head and who numbed myself for years, i grew increasingly frustrated at my apparent inability to recognise what I was feeling. In that frustration at the end of the second day I had a go at Serge about something he said – without holding back! His response was gentle and loving, albeit a bit confusing to me at the time as I did not understand then what I do today re the harm of emotions. Now I am all too aware how reacting in anger/frustration etc is toxic for me and those around me. However, even with that little episode I also knew/felt that here I had found the answers I had been looking for, answers that made sense even if at times they challenged my pre-understandings and that the need to search further afield was over. Of course the answers are contained within each one of us – but I could recognise in Serge -someone that had walked this path himself and thus could assist us on the return journey to who we truly are.

    Fast forward to today and over the past 5 years I have experienced Serge to be a consistent presence of love throughout that time. That does not mean he is ‘lovey dovey’ or ‘airy-fairy’ or full of bliss – far from it for none of that is love in-truth. He does not hold back from saying what needs to be said, from calling out the ills of humanity all so that we can be empowered to know why things are the way they are and how we can live in a way that is loving, healing and nurturing for ourselves and all others equally so. The esoteric work and Serge’s presentations are based on the fact that we are love – but we don’t live lovingly and that results in our suffering and ills. I know for myself that Serge Benhayon is not a cult leader and that Universal medicine is not a cult…..it is a group of open hearted people who endeavour to take responsibility for their lives and to bring the truth of the love they are to all that they do…..simple as that.

    So yes – if one chooses to live a life that is self-loving then lifestyle habits, dietary habits, sleeping habits will change – not because ‘Serge says’ but because we get to feel for ourselves how making these simple changes improves our health, vitality and wellbeing. I use to eat everything and anything in total disregard for my body – now I can actually feel the consequences of eating certain foods that are not healthy for me. I use to detest ‘picky eaters’ who wouldn’t eat this or that and certainly didn’t want to become one – but the proof of the pudding as they say is in the eating in that I can now feel how different foods can affect me detrimentally and how great I feel when I listen to my body and eat truly healthily. One of the side-benefits in doing so is that I am now lighter in weight than I have been throughout my adult life having previously unsuccessfully endeavoured to lose weight many times. Other benefits have been to be more aware of what I’m feeling and to be much more centred, much less frustrated/angry etc and more accepting of life and all that comes with it….all feels great to me!

    Thank you Serge Benhayon and the whole Unimed team for your unwavering love, truth and support – your dedication and commitment to love and truth are inspiring.

    1. Great presentation Eunice. Very clear and informative. You are very correct when you say Serge is, “someone that had walked this path himself and thus could assist us on the return journey to who we truly are”. It is in the fact that he is sharing his own truth and not something learnt from a book or been told by another that gives the power, authenticity and authority with which he presents.

  229. It was through the reflection of a new found friend here in country Victoria where I live that I felt a clarity and love that I had not felt before. I knew something was different.
    I attended Gentle Breath Meditation for some months (never hearing the words Serge or Universal Medicine), and started to feel ME in a new way, a real way. When I was ready, I found my own way to some interviews with Serge Benhayon on the website and started to understand the effects ‘energy’ has in our lives, ALL our lives.

    I started to listen to my body, and made alot of changes to my lifestyle choices. I was ready and felt the inner joy that is ‘ALL of US’ instantly, as I was making the changes from what I felt to be true NOT what I BELIEVED or was TOLD to be RIGHT (as I had done for many years in the past). I started to observe rather than absorb the energy of life around me and found that in time and with some practice, I could do this more and more and could HOLD myself differently than ever before, and this feels good.

    I am gently unfolding in my own way, and in my own time. I have attended a Healing Workshop, Retreat and some other presentations offered by UM that I have lovingly paid to attend and have found them to be a loving support for me in my everyday life at home with my family. Simply, the truth resonates in our hearts, and to live in Joy each day, (on the most part) and truly connected to the Love that I am and We ALL are, is no comparison to the exhausted, stressed, sad, emotional, sometimes angry person that I was.

    For me, this work is about everyday self-loving choices, so simple. I feel lighter, clearer and live with a consistency that I have not experienced quite like this before. I enjoy time spent alone and I am able to be more and more honest with myself, as I can now feel in body when something is not true for me anymore.

    I am very grateful for the true reflection, consistently presented by Serge and the Esoteric Student body, as now I am open to the Love of all whom I meet, because they get more of the TRUE me.

    With ALL this LOVe Mary-Lou Reed

    1. A lovely testament to the power of reflection. First the reflection of a friend and then the reflection from one’s own body and experiences. A true demonstration that knowingness is within us and not in the outside – the outside being but the reflection of what is already within.

  230. hello I am a 38 year old man who has known Serge and his family for about 6 or 7 years now. up until that point I had my share of problems; in relationships, family issues, with work and with myself. As much as I would have liked to rectify myself I lacked the tools to do so. I tried many things from; yoga, chi-gung, buddhism to growing my hair long, not wearing deodorant and going to peace marches! haha! I tried working really hard and at the other extreme being a surf bum on the dole. You could say I was a bit lost in the world and searching for some identity.
    When I met Serge for a healing session at his clinic it was a wonderful experience, he never judged me for all the ridiculous things I have done but just met me for who I was and allowed me to feel, through some simple hands on healing techniques, that I was actually a very wonderful, gentle and loving man. This is who I am. Anyone who would like to slander Serge should really sit with him with an open heart and feel this, it is a most wonderful experience, sadly something that few in the world truly offer.
    I had a terrible relationship with my mother but now we catch up and its quite lovely to spend time with her, I was very much into substance abuse and now don’t smoke or drink at all, and I can feel a sense of purpose in my daily living to be much more gentle and loving with myself, its not that he ever told me to do this or that, just that he shows a way of living so that you can actually be loving towards yourself and be caring towards yourself. Being more loving towards one-self and then naturally towards others, who or what, and from what basis, can slander that?
    thanks Serge for the simple and practical wisdom that you have taken the time to share with us and cant wait to see you again soon.
    p.s he is also a really good surfer a snappy dresser – totally cool and loving! where else can you find that?

    1. “I can feel a sense of purpose in my daily living to be much more gentle and loving with myself, its not that he [Serge] ever told me to do this or that, just that he shows a way of living so that you can actually be loving towards yourself and be caring towards yourself.” There must be now thousands of people who can say the same for their lives. Serge’s gentleness is the living example of the true Power of Love and it is there within us all to re-connect to and express.

  231. I have attended courses lectures and special events run by universal medicine for several years now. I have never found what Serge has to say to be dogmatic in any way what so ever. Never has he told me what to eat, how to behave or what to think, he has merely presented a way of being and it has been for me to take what I will from this. And I can say that for me what he presents makes sense on an experiential level. I am more aware of how my body reacts to certain foods and how I am in certain situations and as such I now make different choices. I am less anxious, happier and more content with life than I have been prior to meeting Serge.

    We can choose to listen and act on what Serge presents or not. It’s simple.

    Thank you Serge!

    1. I lived in the UK for more than 7 years. During the last 4 years of this period I found the teachings of Universal Medicine. I can only say that these years have become the strongest foundation in my life, eventhough I now live in South America (a very different environment and far away from all these teachings), the scope of what I experienced in all the workshops I attended to, is greater and far more powerful than anything I learned from my blood family, my school, university, from any relationship, trip, etc.

      It has been me who has made the choices, none has imposed any believes or rules on myself. Serge and his wife Miranda Benhayon, together with all Serge´s family, have inspired me so deeply that I can´t find enough words to describe. Their presence have always been so loving, so clear, so firm, so truthful, so humble that it was impossible for me not to feel that there was a difference here from everything I knew before.

      I have slowly changed a life of partying and self-abuse, looking for acceptance and love, for one where I feel more empowerd to be and feel me, in stillness and simplicity, and a life where I truly want to care for others, not just for myself. I now have concrete tools to deal with my issues and traumas. I truthfuly want to thank Serge for his presence, for his work and this love.

  232. I found the articles recently written about Universal Medicine to be sensationalized, ill-informed and biased. Good research, reporting and science is based on observation and a sincere intention to understand what one is researching, not to speculate. It seems that the intended outcome of the journalists and small group of critics was to condemn and exploit Universal Medicine rather than seek to truly explore and observe the associated practice and teachings.
    When a particular end result is sought observation tends to be poor, things are missed and incorrect conclusions are drawn. All of the comments and interpretations relating to Universal Medicine and ‘Serge’s teachings’ were taken out of context which is tremendously misleading. As Serge indicated in his email to students, Universal Medicine seeks to understand and address the fact that “… we need more love in our lives, ..we need to be more self-loving, ..we need to care deeply, and that society is lacking of nurturing”.
    The journalists and critics did not seek and failed to understand this ‘core purpose’ of Universal Medicine, conveniently misinterpreting pieces of information and teachings offered in Serge’s presentations.
    From the ‘far out’ (universal laws, reincarnation) to the very specific (emotional
    causes of illnesses’), everything that is offered in healing courses, presentations and session is in the context of serving and supporting humanity to be honest about the way we are living and to bring more love into our lives – from a spherical understanding.
    So it has always been about feeling the whole lot and discerning from that. Like Serge said in one article, ”What I present is part of a whole and if you take one piece outside the whole it sounds absurd. I agree, it sounds ludicrous.”

    I feel the irresponsibility of those involved in creating these misleading allegations, as they seem to want to blame and point the finger, giving their power away, rather than accepting that their choices have led them to their current situation in life – whatever that may be though I would suspect that it is not a joy-full one.

    In a mature society of course we expect professional practice, integrity and responsibility from others/organisations in positions of care. I have not come across another organisation/group/movement/religion that comes close to the professionalism, integrity, respect, care and love that I have experienced in attending the healing sessions and presentations delivered by Serge and practitioners represented by Universal Medicine.

    Personally, in my experience with Universal Medicine as a student of 3 years, I have come to know in-truth that we are love, we are from love and here to be love – and everyone has the free will to choose to live from this understanding, or not. Such is the gift of God.

    1. The choice of free-will is the gift of God and it is the true understanding of free-will and how to discern Truth that Serge presents. Many do not like this as it would mean seeing and no longer accepting the many lies that are accepted as truth in society. For those people to do so would mean forsaking much of their comfort and that they do not wish to do so instead they attack the messenger. In this case the messenger is Serge.

  233. I first came to Universal Medicine around 4 years ago. I had dallied with different spiritual teachings and read loads of spiritual books, done psychedelic and recreational drugs, studied reiki, massage, etc. etc. etc. All of these had varying, though temporary levels of making me feel good for a while. But eventually the underlying discontent with the way my life was would creep back in and the search for the next thing to “add to my tool belt” would begin again.

    I was then recommended to have a listen to the series of recorded talks given by Serge. Upon listening to the first of the recordings I could immediately feel that there was something different being presented here. Some of it did not quite “work” with what I had been reading or doing up to until then, but the question that was being posed to me, not by Serge, but by myself was “but what has actually been working in your life up to this point?”

    So (eventually) I started making changes. Many of those changes (especially around food) were ones that I had already made or had been feeling needed to change. What was being revealed to me was not “You need to change like this, and be this way to be a good person”, but it was the fact that while I had known, and had wanted to make changes in my life, I couldn’t make them stick because I didn’t know WHY I had made the choice in the first place to have the things in my life that weren’t working. Or more precisely, I didn’t know that I had even made a choice for those things at all. So now I started to make choices that I was actually aware I was choosing to make.

    Was it easy? No. It is referred to as “The Work” and not “The Holiday” for a reason.

    Was it smooth sailing and did my life change over night? No. It has been very challenging at times. But in the past four years life has become much simpler and much much more enjoyable.

    Did my eating habits change? Yes. But I had already stopped eating sugar, caffeine, dairy and wheat, so what Serge presented in these matters simply served to confirm what I already knew. From there it was just learning to continue to trust myself in what my body was telling me it didn’t work well with.

    Did I start going to bed early? Eventually. And now I have more energy in my day than I have ever before all without needing anything to “get me going in the morning” or through the day.

    Did my relationship end? Yes it did, but it was a relationship that was propped up by casual drug use and neither one of us was happy. Had we continued we were on a path to probably have a baby to try and keep things alive between us, which would have been incredibly unfair to both the child and us.

    Did my lovemaking change? Yes! For the Better!!

    But the big question for me (and for many people) is this: How do I feel about myself? I feel better about who I am than I ever have. Ever. And my life has completely turned around. Not because of Serge. Not because of Universal Medicine. But because of Me. Because I know now who I am and I choose to live as That as best I can.

    Have I learned from Serge? Yes I have, but what he has taught me is that I already know all that I ever need to know. I just need to keep trusting that, because it has not ever led me astray.

    1. “my life has completely turned around. Not because of Serge. Not because of Universal Medicine. But because of Me. Because I know now who I am and I choose to live as That as best I can”. This is such an important statement. Nobody can change another, only oneself can do that.

  234. The beautiful thing about meeting Serge (and the work of Universal Medicine) is the realisation that everything presented in the workshops is consistently loving, truthful and real. There are no hidden agendas or false premises. All Serge does is expose the truths about humanity and humanity’s choices from an inspiring and authentic personal foundation and he presents a way forward that each individual is at liberty to choose for themselves or not.

    Never have I been told what to do, asked to behave in a certain way or conform to a set of rules. I have been free to make my own choices based on what I feel is MY truth. This practice has developed my deep inner knowings about life and humanity that I have held so close and personal for so long. I felt relief hearing the same feelings aired in public by Serge and Universal Medicine.

    Over the past six years I have relinquished many harmful habits, made new and nurturing choices that have resulted in a huge change in personal circumstances that make life a joy to live each day. I no longer seek anything else except my own inner love to fulfill me. The side effects have been to stop drinking alcohol, go to bed early, loose weight, feel great and love people again – and this is something I have witnessed in so many of the people who attend the workshops, including my gorgeous partner.

    The benefit for society in general is that as each person connects to their own inner love, we bring it in to our daily lives. We are eager to commit to all we undertake to do, regardless of profession. The overall focus shifts from “what do I need?” to “what does everyone need?”. Thanks to Serge there is a growing body of people who are developing a life based on truth, harmony, stillness, joy and love – with the knowing that this is what they truly are made from.

    Anyone can hear this, but at the end of the day, nothing compares to feeling it for oneself. Try a workshop or two and see how your body feels at the end of it. Give yourself the opportunity to make your own choices based on your own experience and see if this is the real thing or not.

    I have connected to my truth again and it doesn’t matter what anyone says, I will always honour that now. All I can say is – thank you Serge from the fullness of my heart for having the grace, courage and perseverance to share your truth, even in the face of adverse reaction.

    1. Great point Rowena that once a person connects their own inner love and lives it in their daily life, “The overall focus shifts from “what do I need?” to “what does everyone need?”.”

  235. Have your ever walked in a room and felt so welcome and so much love , with no judgement of who you are, or where you’re from? You could be a complete stranger but yet treated like true family from the moment you meet Serge Benhayon or any one from Universal Medicine.

    I met Serge when I was 12 years old (2002). I was a very shy, withheld young man. I spoke really fast and I felt ashamed to speak because no one could understand me or just wrote me off. My confidence was really low as I felt unaccepted but after meeting Serge I felt that there is someone that listened to me and actually wanted to know my story with no judgment on how big or little my issues were, but a man that has nothing but so much love in his heart.

    If you meet me now I’m a man with the big blue eyes and a big smile on my face, I’m very playful, no longer shy at all and enjoys life to the fullest , all because Serge Benhayon took the time to listen to my story with no judgement but with a open heart .

    As for Serge Benhayon’s teachings, and Universal Medicine’s workshops, if you went to one of his talks or workshops you would learn life lessons just by opening your eyes and listing to a true man speak his truth and present to you with true integrity.

    Apart from seeing Serge as a man that lives what he presents everyday, I see Serge Benhayon as a true friend that is always there if I ever need him, with no reserve or judgment, just a open heart and dedicated to make it all about people.

    Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon is far from being a ‘cult’ or being a’ cult leader.’ He is the most amazing man you will ever meet and he will never, never make you feel less and he is there for everyone equally. Universal Medicine has one of the highest codes of ethics in the world , a business that has absolute integrity.

    There should be more Serge Benhayon’s in the world because if there was the world would be a better place and have much more love and integrity.

    with love, kris lyons

    1. I love how you start the testimonial. It is such a true description of coming into the presence of Serge Benhayon and/or a Universal Medicine event. It is totally inclusive and welcoming, this not what a cult is.

  236. I was at an all time high, literally, before I came across the work of Universal Medicine. I was a hospitality professional in Sydney at the ’top of my game’ chasing accolades and peer group acceptance for being the best at what you do!
    With a decent income, the lifestyle of choice was long hours, accepted large amounts of alcohol and drugs, late nights and later mornings and many friends in the same boat. The crash was consistent with those choices and it hurt.

    I made a commitment to change my life and slowly, slowly it started, I knew that the way I had been living from very early on in the piece was not right, just did not feel right at all.

    After a period of self-healing I found the workshops of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and whilst I was confronted with the lack of love in myself all I could feel was the fact that love was possible, it was there and I had felt it.

    Some seven years on I am getting to be more of me in every moment, life is much more simple and the true quality of life can be measured by me for me always…am I being love in this moment or not. Easy really.

    Deep gratitude & much love to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for being the vehicle that has allowed me to experience for MY SELF the love I truly am, always have been and always will be.

  237. I became aware that there is some talk about Universal Medicine being a cult and Serge Benhayon being a guru.

    I had been in a cult for many years before I met Serge Benhayon and that cult was based on a guru – disciple relationship.
    And I can say that when I first met Serge Benhayon I tried to make him into a guru, just out of habit and emptiness, it was the way I had learned to treat people that presented great wisdom and knowledge.
    But truly there was not one single meeting that I had with Serge where he did not treat me as his equal, no matter how devote or “wanting to give my power away to him” I presented myself.
    The truth is, I have never in my life been treated with so much love, respect and equality as Serge has treated me and this had an amazing effect on me. It has built my confidence, my self-respect and my self-love deeply.

    In retrospect:
    10 years previous in a cult and in devotion to a guru had left me in utter emptiness, desperate for love and totally in disregard of my body. Not being able to have any loving relationship, not with a man nor with my family. Trying to find some kind of sense in life through drugs, promiscuity and escaping reality with spiritual practices.

    Whereas the last 10 years following the advice of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon have brought me to a place today joyfully married to a very loving husband, holding a responsible position in my job as a store manager and practitioner, being part of life and its reality and the relationship with my family is simply amazing,

    Now go figure: which one of these do you choose?

  238. I have been a part of Universal Medicine since it began & am honoured to have had the opportunity to have found this work.
    I first met Serge when he was practising out of a room not much bigger than a wardrobe, & there was something about what he was presenting that i knew was right.
    There was something about him & all that he represented that i felt to be true, in a way that i had never felt before.
    Serge never preached, he never said do this or do that, it was what i could see & feel that made me go, mmm there is something to this that makes sense.
    Unlike that of the world that i was living in that felt to be completely backward.
    We had wars, people were being judged for their colour skin, the way that they dressed, spoke, you were slotted into boxes to fit into this category or that, & if you did not fit in to any category then you were labeled, difficult, hard, troublesome, a loner, strange, eccentric & the list could go on & on.
    Serge never judged, he accepted you for who you were, he accepted you for who you truly were, not who you thought you should be to fit in or to be accepted or recognised.
    It is this that is what made me go, hey i don’t have to be anyone for anyone, it is ok for me to be me.
    My life has changed, not because someone has told me to but because i could feel that there was a truth in what it was that was being presented.
    This is something that one cannot truly judge in such critism if you are open to making the choice to take responsibility for your own actions & choices, & to not blame someone or something else for who you are, what you are or the way your life is & has become.
    We have the opportunity to be who we truly are, to have a life of joy, harmony & love if we so choose it.
    Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon has provided me with a constant, unwavering reflection to be just that, me, in all my glory, if & when i so choose to be.
    I have an amazing life with a wonder-full family & the choices that i make, whether it be to go to bed early, to not drink caffeine, alcohol or have stimulants to dull me from my day or myself, to not eat gluten or dairy so that i can feel my body in its fullness of me, to deal with my stuff & not blame someone else for what is going on with me or around me, is my choice thru something that i have felt & experienced to be true.
    This support & love is offered to all whom choose to connect to it.
    My life is now full-filled, not because of what i have or what i have achieved but thru the love that has been shown to me & the love that i am now able to connect to & have for myself & others. It is this love that gives me all that i need in my life.
    Living in a way that i do, eating, sleeping, being etc, yes have all been things that have been spoken about & presented thru Universal Medicine & shared by Serge, but it is thru my own choices of trying it for myself that i have found that there really is something to this.
    I am now finally beginning to live a life for me with me & for this i thank Serge & Universal Medicine for what it is that they have shared & will continue to share.

    1. It is a truly amazing experience to be met without any judgment or criticism, to be be totally accepted for just being who you are. With the way society is and and are brought up in, the first time this happens it so liberating. For some, though, it is too much and their response is reaction. However, if one accepts and takes the responsibility for one’s own actions and choices the result, as you share Nicole, it is life changing in ways that are so rewarding.

  239. The ways in which my life has been enriched, through knowing Serge Benhayon, and Universal Medicine, are far too numerous to here mention. In short, the absolute dedication of this man, and the vehicle that is Universal Medicine, continues to blow me away..

    Before meeting Serge, I had long sought wisdom and truth – only ever finding ‘pieces’ of it here and there. In honesty, I’d given up on there being what one might call “true truth”. I ‘researched’ much, but there were ALWAYS ‘holes’ (particularly in the PEOPLE imparting the so-called wisdom). Could there actually BE something with ‘no holes’, that answered ALL my questions, and that actually reflected back to me, that I knew ‘it all’ deep within myself? It took a long time to fully accept this, yet in my life now, I can say whole-heartedly, ‘YES’ to there being absolute truth in this world. It does live within me. And in and through Serge, it is continually, and power-fully, poured forth.

    I readily admit that in my own life I am ‘learning’, i.e. to live this truth, and great love, in every aspect of my life. And this is the beauty-full point here … for without all that Serge brings, I would not be at a place where I can now live joy-fully, and can also joy-fully meet (as best I can, as I’m ready…) those parts of me where I’m not living ‘me in full’. This is not to seek a ‘perfection’, or to ‘prove myself’ in an outward, ‘worldly’ sense, but rather, embrace a way of living where I can truly be all of who I am. This is indeed, amazing.. as (before) I had been so given up on there being absolute truth and absolute love in this world, let alone that it could be lived. Like many who ‘seek’, I had thought a life of true connection only possible in some far-off monastery in Tibet, or such.

    It is this ‘giving up’, and great sadness in the world that Serge holds back nought in addressing. This, for sure, has challenged places within me, as it challenges many. And yet, Serge has never, in any way, ‘told’ me to be a certain way – he’s only ever, in-truth, asked me to feel for myself. And ‘feel’ I have – the places and things within I’d long resisted/didn’t feel I could ‘deal with’, and the ways I live/have lived that have not fully honoured the precious being I am. Has Serge, or anyone in Universal Medicine, ever asked me to depend on them, to deify them, etc? Nope. Has any of this ‘inner and outer development’ ever been ‘pushed/forced’? Nope. It’s all been 100% my call.

    In knowing that I can indeed honour myself, and have the courage to bring ‘who I am’ into all areas of my life, and to all I come in contact with, I am no longer powerless in the face of the great sadness of the world, i.e. the lack of connection, the lack of true unity and brotherhood in mankind. To joy-fully develop in how I bring all this to my life and living, including in how I meet all others in life, simply would not be possible without Serge’s work. I would be hiding away, still trying to ‘get through life’ (and wishing for the monastery!).

    For ‘all this’, Serge asks nought. He simply smiles in the joy that another has ‘got it’ – that the simple and absolute truth in living life, is about us being love: living it for ourselves (for it is who we are), and meeting all others in kind. I can think of no greater gift anyone could ever give to humanity, than to be such an Awesome ‘reminder’, inspiration, true healer, author, teacher, and friend – all that Serge is – who constantly brings to us the truth, that humanity is, at its core, deeply loving. And that what is ‘not so’, is a result of our own complications, our own doing – and that it can all, in time, be undone.

    1. I relate to all that you have expressed Victoria. It is so true that all the changes and amazing developments in myself and I see reflected in so, so many people “simply would not be possible without Serge’s work”.

      1. It is amazing to revisit this blog a few years down the track Jonathan.. And with that passing of time, my appreciation and absolute knowing that Serge Benhayon has brought, and continues to bring the truth of us all, has only deepened… and to say ‘immensely so’ would be an understatement.
        My own life stands as living testimony, as does your own and countless others today. Wow…

  240. For many years I could have been called a student of many things … traditional religion, eastern philosophies and different professions. Each made many promises of a better life and invariably they all led to the same thing … a desire to keep looking.

    In 2004 after wanting to dismiss what was being presented to me, I made a choice to take up Serge’s challenge…”don’t follow me or do what I say, just test it for yourself”.

    Personally, I find it strange people are talking about cults in relation to Serge, as this is the first time someone/something has made no demand that I follow them or do what they say and that includes the mainstream religion I used to be part of. In fact at times when my appreciation for what I had re-learned about myself from people connected with Universal Medicine, turned into a desire to ‘follow them’, it was quickly rebuffed and I would be reminded where true love lies – within me and through what I do for myself.
    Most importantly while I appreciate what Serge presents, I am no longer ‘looking’ for anyone other than myself, to deliver me a life that is productive, joyful and one that makes a difference. AND I have never felt more consistently connected to that joy.

    1. I love how you express the difference between what Serge presents and other approaches to life – ‘desire to keep looking’ while from Serge and Universal Medicine it is, ‘I am no longer ‘looking’ for anyone other than myself, to deliver me a life that is productive, joyful and one that makes a difference. AND I have never felt more consistently connected to that joy.’ What a profound difference it and requires no following of rules or people.

  241. I have had the pleasure of knowing Serge for a number of years and from my experience, I have seen the level of commitment and care he holds for everyone equally, never have I seen him interfere in someone’s life.
    I have come to this conclusion, not by blindly agreeing but by seeing time and time again, in different circumstances, his high level of integrity.
    Serge has taught me a tremendous amount about health and more importantly, that I didn’t care to know myself deeply. The caring person that I am today, I wouldn’t be if I hadn’t met Serge.
    So – Thank you Serge –

    1. I can completely endorse when you say that Serge never interferes in someone’s life but always supports them in their own choices whatever they maybe. In doing sovereign I know, including myself, I have grown and benefitted by that love and support.

  242. Looking back at my life, before I heard of Universal Medicine or attended any events, my life looked fantastic – I was young, healthy and successful with a beautiful partner, great job, big house, flash car, lots of friends, amazing holidays and every thing I ever imagined my life would be when I was a child. Yet on the inside I was a mess, I was lonely and totally miserable. I came to see that my life was empty, that I was hurting myself emotionally and that I had not really resolved any of my issues. That was 8 years ago … and now I am a little older, truly healthy and vital, I still have the same amazing beautiful loving partner, the same job but now in my own business, a bigger house, faster car, even more wonderful holidays, many true friends and a 5 year old son. But most of all I have ME and that was what was the missing ingredient in my life – I missed the real me. So thank you Serge and Universal Medicine for presenting the things I already felt inside and knew for myself but wasn’t choosing. THANK YOU for encouraging me to truly express more of who I am.

    1. Yes, discovering me is amazing. Without that it does matter what trappings of society one does or not have. And like you without the Benhayon family and Universal Medicine I would not have found myself.

  243. I have been a student for one and a half year. I come from a traditional Catholic family in Brazil. Thanks to all the choices that I’ve been making, I can say today that I am connected to ‘me’ and ‘my truth’. Letting go of the ideals and beliefs that came with religion has been a huge step in my life.
    Sleeping earlier, new eating habits, no more alcohol, etc, etc…. are just few examples that changed my body and my energy, I can’t describe in words how amazing it feels. After I started to experience how lovely I was I wanted more and there there is no turning back on my love at all.

    1. “After I started to experience how lovely I was I wanted more and there there is no turning back on my love at all.” This is such a true statement Gustavo. Once we discover that loveliness we only want to deepen that awareness. So the choice becomes not of ‘giving up’ on old ways, such as alcohol, but choosing what supports and strengthens that love.

  244. I have been a student of Universal Medicine since 2004. There have been times during this period where my life, my circumstances, my relationships, my parenting, my work and physical body have struggled with the teachings presented by Universal Medicine. At these times I felt the tension of knowing I was more but the way I was living and treating my body did not reflect this.
    During my 8 years as a student of Universal Medicine I have developed a way of living through my choices which honors my body and how I feel. I wake up now feeling lovely and have developed a nurturing and loving relationship with myself first and foremost. I then get to take me and spend time with my beautiful daughter and loving partner. I also get to be at work and spend time with amazing people.

    What is so strange about all of this so far?

    The thing is I get to live every day pretty much without issues, distractions, mood swings, highs and lows, stimulants, reactions etc. I actually get to feel love, joy and harmony with myself, my family, friends, work colleagues and people I meet. I love my life being the way it is.

  245. Universal Medicine does not make us different or change who we are.
    We are given a choice to feel the love that we have. If we feel the love in ourselves we can feel the love in others.
    It is important to share our love with all of humanity. All we need is to be love.

  246. A recent quote I read and re-read daily … “the only people mad at you for speaking the truth are those living a lie … Keep Speaking It(author unknown)!
    Combined with the information I have learned from the paid courses I have willingly chosen to attend run by Universal Medicine, the question I recently asked myself is: “What do I want to reflect to others”? As a person working with children and the general public of all ages on a daily basis I am aware I have the potential to influence each person I come into contact with, simply by them just spending time with me. So my question is “what do I choose to reflect?” … one of “responsibility and self-loving choices” or one of “a victim to circumstances in my life who chooses to self-harm with the foods I eat, the drinks I drink and the activities I partake in”. I realized that in the past I have chosen the latter, that is, on a daily basis I would turn up to work and do my job and in my own time eat foods that didn’t agree with me and left me feeling yuk, drinking alcohol to wash away the stress of my week and smoke cigarettes to accompanying my glass of wine … and in my younger years even taking drugs to really not feel the dissatisfaction I had with my daily life. I realized now that by these choices I was simply reflecting “a helpless victim to the circumstances in my life”. I asked the question … “is this really what I wanted the children I work, my clients, colleagues, employees, family, friends and all others I spend time with to see as a way of life, I endorsed as being the “right way for their future” … the answer was clearly No!
    In the last two years with the support of the Universal Medicine team and my close friends I have now begun to choose a different option. Some of my long-term friends or acquaintances have indicated to me that by me swapping my “daily coffee intake, my weekend alcohol binges and all night parties along with my rewarding fish & chips” for “herbal teas, early nights, nutritious meals and daily light exercise” as being “a little weird”; with some friends even choosing to stop accepting my invitations for a catch-up as they struggled to accept my choices and wanted my friendship based on the condition that I kept ‘drinking’, ‘smoking’ or ‘be in some other way self-harming’. However, my western medical doctor, who has been my GP for the past ten years, stated at my last 12 month check-up: “whatever you are doing, keep doing it! Your weight has dropped to a healthy level, your stress levels are significantly reduced to non-existent, your blood pressure is normal, your life-long skin condition seems to be under control for the 1st time, your poly-cystic ovary syndrome has gone and you feel great. See you in 12 months for your next check-up”.
    So some members of the public may say I’m weird, my western doctor however – who has no affiliation with Universal Medicine – says “keep doing what you are doing”. My family on a recent visit said “Wow … you look and feel amazing, I’ve never seen you like this before! What are you doing?” …
    So the question is left … “Do I keep doing what many say is weird or do I go back to what mainstream says is ‘normal’?” … the reality is there is NO question for me as there is only one intelligent answer … self-love definitely wins over self-harm!
    So from the deepest level of sincerity I can find, I say to all the Benhayon’s, the Universal Medicine team and my friends … “Thank you for reflecting to me an alternate way of self-love, one I freely choose to keep observing so I can offer the same reflection to others. Thank you for committing to share the love that you live and feel – giving us the possibility that there is a more joy-full way to live.
    With Much Appreciation,
    Tanya Curtis

    1. It is a great point you make, Tanya, that how we live gives a reflection and role model to others. I echo your choice of ‘weirdness’ as being my preferred choice, too.

  247. It is an easy reaction to highlight a person as ‘the leader of a cult’.
    My wife and I have been involved with UM over a period of years and at no time has there been any pressure felt to change or to follow anything but that which resonates as truth for us. We have been joyfully married and in love for twenty six years and we can only say that experiencing UM has enriched each one of us individually and together as a couple.
    Anyone who sees this work as ‘dark’ or ‘negative’ is entitled to their opinion though I would invite them to look at the concrete changes in the lives of individuals who through their choices have brought more love into their lives.
    We have found it enriches our life and our relationship with others.
    Do we feel we are following Serge? Not one bit. He shared his experience and we made our choice on what was presented.

  248. I have found Serge and all the practitioners that work with him to be nothing but love and supportive in the 9 years that I have been connected to Universal Medicine.

    The changes in my life have been of self love and love for everyone I come in touch with equally. The fight I had within and with the world no longer controls me for now I feel I can choose to live from the love I am.

    Thank you Serge !

  249. I have done Universal Medicine courses and had sessions at the Universal Medicine Clinic for 5-6 years now. Over this time I have made changes in my life, not because anyone told me to but simply because I could feel certain things in my life were making me unwell, unhappy and unsuccessful.

    Some of my family that do not do any of the courses or have not had any sessions have seen this change and celebrate it. I mean why wouldn’t you celebrate someone, who you love, for stopping bad old habits and building a loving successful life. Serge is the most decent, honest person I know. To say otherwise, now that’s absurd. 🙂

  250. These article’s written about Serge Benhayon are weak, empty and meaningless – Serge’s work is about day-to-day life, energetic wellness and harmony – he is not a guru, they are not and have never been a cult, he has never promoted to “Follow him”, all Rubbish all lies!

    Serge Benhayon talks the truth which most people don’t like because they would rather check out and hide behind their own bullshit. He helps people understand the truth in healing – essentially that we are our own healers by the energy we choose and the choices we make. His wisdom and workshops serve as a true healing in respect to natural science and philosophy.

    I have NEVER met someone with the highest level of energetic integrity – he has helped me and my family in more ways than I could ever thank him.

    Keep doing your thing Serge (haters gonna hate) … I’ve got so much love and respect for you brother …

  251. These notes were written by me last year when in northern Vietnam, visiting the hill tribe people near Sapa…

    Looking out over the rice paddies of Thanh Phu village I feel a touch of envy for the easy acceptance these people show for what is. Life here is uncluttered with need for new plasma TVs and 16 valve urban 4WD’s. The Tay people I’m staying with and the h’Mong group just few villages away at Lau Chai are so joyful with everyday life its a pleasure to spend the day with them. We have much to learn about what it is about life that brings joy and contentment.

    Even so the desire for improvement is creeping in and seems to be growing in the younger people. As they become acquainted with western life there is a pull that is stealing the contentment away from them. The wish for education is a desire that seems to be “good” but I suspect they are exchanging wisdom for education. The earthy kind of wisdom of people in touch with themselves is being pushed aside for that western ideal of knowing endless information about stuff.

    Is it part of the human condition that we fall into an endless seeking of making things better? And in doing so we get caught up in what is external to us, and get further from that innermost stillness which holds a deep wisdom. What comes with that innermost connection is a joyfulness that we can still see amongst the mountain people in northern Vietnam, and what seems like an elusive dream for most westerners.

    Its getting in touch with that inner stillness that brings me to Vietnam, and particularly to Hoi An where I’m attending some presentations by Serge Benhayon on the topic of actually putting into daily practise that connection with the innermost. Serge is Australian and its kind of surprising to find that the person who has been able to help me actually feel that inner connection is not living in some tibetan monastery but is an everyday kind of guy who likes surfing and lives in Northern NSW.

    And he’s hosting a retreat in Hoi An, where I’ll be for the next few days and where I’ve come for some more hints that may help me in my daily practise of connecting with my innermost. The ancient name for innermost is esoteric, and you can think of this as an esoteric school of ageless wisdom. Because what he presents is not new, but something we all have within us. But the externally directed lives that we lead take us away from that connection and its more a matter of remembering what we already know, or connecting to what is already within, than learning something new.

    That connection is something that the mountain people haven’t entirely lost, and what most westerners have shut down, or covered over with daily busy-ness.

    Over the years I’ve been to various so-called personal development courses, and been to retreats by spiritual teachers of different colours. But the telling thing for me is that it has only been the presentations of Serge that have helped me to actually feel that inner connection in a way that is solid.

    There have been glimpses of this in my life from time to time, but mostly I haven’t known what I was feeling and have let go of it, and gone back to thinking rather than feeling. When I have noticed that connection in the past I have tried to figure it out, using my engineer’s training, and in doing so have got lost in thought and analysis.

    The truth I was missing is just about acceptance of what is, by feeling, not by analysis.

    For me the journey to myself was a stop-start and erratic path of seeking which did not bring me closer to contentment. At times I achieved a passing acquaintance with joy and stillness and it came more or less accidentally, and it proved to be fleeting. With Serge’s guidance I have come to a deep understanding, a visceral knowing, of that stillness that is within us all. And a knowing of how to get back to it often.

    My inner connection with myself is now much stronger and although I am sometimes still distracted by the busy-ness of life, I now notice much more quickly when I stray. My reconnection now comes more easily and is more consistent.

    Thank you Serge for reminding me of the ageless wisdom that is within us all.

    1. “Serge is Australian and its kind of surprising to find that the person who has been able to help me actually feel that inner connection is not living in some tibetan monastery but is an everyday kind of guy who likes surfing and lives in Northern NSW.” For me this is such significant statement of the validity of what Serge teaches. What he brings is not some airy, fairy wishful thinking but practical, everyday, common sense understanding of how life is, works and how to live it in a way that is joyful, loving and harmonious not only for oneself but for others and the planet.

  252. I have been a student of Universal Medicine for 4 years. Throughout that time I have attended many presentations and healing workshops. . . And yes I have changed some of the ways I was living. Like anything in life I didn’t or don’t blindly follow I put Serge’s teachings to the test.

    1) I started to go to bed earlier. . . And it’s not rocket science but I felt better.

    2) I started to look at why I was eating sugar. Well actually I knew it was because I was exhausted from the stress of my day. But instead of just accepting this as a part of life I started to look at what was “draining me” throughout the day that had me reaching for chocolate at night.

    3) I found that what was draining me was very simple. I was letting interactions with people, situations get to me as well as putting pressure on my self to achieve more and more. So as I put this to the test (observing what drained me). I started to be more honest with myself about my life.

    4) by being more honest with myself I have started to make different choices for e.g. I don’t drink alcohol, if I get angry I don’t blame others I ask myself what is going on with me, etc.

    The list could go on and on and i am constantly refining my choices and how i live based on what i honestly feel. I know this stuff seems simple . . . Because it is. And that is actually the way I really like my life.

    1. 🙂 awesome
      so true
      thanks for sharing

      its truly so simple

      choosing what makes you feel truly vital and health over what makes you feel drained and unhealthy

    2. Yes, by taking care of ourselves a little bit we become more aware of what is not working for us. This makes it easy to change a few more things which leads to further improvements and after a while you look back and say “Wow” because your life has changed beyond recognition…for the better.

  253. Having been involved with Uni Med for some 7 years all I can say is that, all though at times it is challenging, it is never anything but loving and supportive. The presentation of information is just that, a presentation. What one chooses to do with it, is their choice. Personally, I could not be more grateful for the awareness it has given me and the changes I therefore was able to make in my life. Thank you Serge for being the constant loving presence that encourages us all to be love as well.

    1. It is my experience, too, that Serge just presents information and it is then for us to determine for ourselves what to do with it. There is absolutely no coercion or attempt to convert to believe what he presents on his behalf.

  254. The teachings and work of Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine team are founded in love and very simply have re-enabled my life in all regards. The true depth of Serge’s work can only be felt by lived experience and though I may have a way to go in my own healing, the loving support and foundations I now have serve as a constant guide through. I am forever thank-full for his dedication and integrity. It is a profound wisdom that returns us to the natural love that lives inside us all.

    1. “It is a profound wisdom that returns us to the natural love that lives inside us all.” Like you I am forever thankful to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for reflecting and supporting me, and countless others, to re-connect to this natural love.

  255. I participate in the Universal Medicine workshops and presentations. Coming to this work has made a huge improvement in my health and well-being. For years, in fact most of my life, it was very difficult for me to breath through my nose, but the understanding that I have developed from doing this work has allowed me to listen to what my body truly wants or needs. As a result I have made big but very simple changes to my life that allow me to now naturally and gently breath through my nose. I have great appreciation for the work that Universal Medicine does, as it has helped me to connect to my body, and make my own choices in life that benefit, not just me but those around me. It is great for me to stop a moment and see how my body is reacting to say certain foods, or lifestyle choices I make. In the past I would never have thought to stop and listen to my body, and as a result I was constantly stressed, rake thin and relying on caffeine to get me through the day and a drink to unwind in the evening. Not a joyful way to live, that is for sure. I am trained in clinical sciences and I do not discard my training but with my new found understanding of energy I can see how my emotions and choices affect the way I am living. I can say that I now truly enjoy life.

  256. I can truthfully say that in my whole life, I have never met a man like Serge Benhayon.
    From the first moment I walked into his healing room in Alstonville in 2002 I felt something completely different to anything that I had ever felt my whole life.

    Since that day, I have had the pleasure of seeing Serge many many times…. He has been such an incredible marker for me to have had someone consistently be the same way with me and everyone else I have been in the presence of, ever since, every single time I see him for the past 10 years. That’s pretty outstanding and completely inspirational. Serge inspires me in many ways but it is this consistency of openness, of truth and of love that bares no comparison to anything else. It’s been inspiring me to be that way too ever since.

    I can’t imagine the world without the love he presents, in it, and all the love he has left and will continue to leave in his wake.
    The truth is of course, that we are all the same special and amazingness as he is, we all have the same capacity for integrity and love and care for others but thank God someone has been there to constantly reflect it and thankfully he was there to reflect it to me because I had given up on seeing that in the world. It’s given me the inspiration to look at the world from their amazingness first rather than the mess. Nothing can really compare to that?

  257. What a great idea to provide a forum for Universal Medicine students to publicly express how the teachings of Serge Benhayon have inspired and helped to improve their lives. I look forward to watching it unfold (and throwing in my own 2 bobs worth)!

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