A Response to False Accusations of Sexual Misconduct & Abuse by Universal Medicine & Serge Benhayon

Foreword by Rebecca Baldwin

Background: In 2012 many of us witnessed how a small group of hate-bloggers captured the attention of the local and national media with blatant lies and false reports of diet and lifestyle concerns about those who attended Universal Medicine presentations. Subsequently a spate of error-riddled and defamatory stories, were pumped through the usual and predictable channels. While there were some who were undiscerning enough to consume the junk-media, there were many more who saw right through it and in many ways it did nothing to disrupt Universal Medicine’s service offerings. Indeed, as always, due to the huge demand for its’ services, Universal Medicine continues to steadily go from strength to strength.

In effect the hate-bloggers who instigated the media attention were left unsatisfied and as their numbers dwindle, their anonymous online smear campaign has become increasingly outrageous and questionable. Their latest lie, is that Serge Benhayon’s healing techniques are sexually abusive. Anyone who knows Serge Benhayon knows how patently ridiculous that claim is – straight from the same ilk of the ‘Serge Benhayon gives Breast Massages’ lie that was made famous by an easily manipulated press who last year pimped out its pages to become a mega-phone for the hate-blogger’s lies and hate-campaigning.

Knowing the seriousness of giving airplay to false allegations of sexual abuse, especially where not a shred of evidence accompanies, the press have so far been wise enough to not touch these baseless and false accusations but unfortunately it remains on the hate-blog – a blog already once removed in its entirety by Google, because of its defamatory content. Of course the Internet being what it is, it has simply been cut and pasted to a new blogging platform and so the defamatory content remains.

And so as the hate-bloggers hit a new low, those that know the truth will steadfastly address the lies. Using false allegations of sexual abuse smacks of a very insidious brand of malice, as it attempts to play on people’s worst fears about men. In an age of Internet anonymity easily abused, this is a particularly cowardly act. In this very courageous piece by Kyla Plummer, she exposes the absurdity of the lies that continue to be perpetrated by an anonymous few.

(This article was originally published on the Truth about Serge Benhayon blog: Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse and Creeps… Statistics and My Story)

by Kyla Plummer, Bangalow, NSW, Small Business Owner

Accusations of sexual assault are extremely serious and should never be taken lightly. The statistics that follow clearly show that sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual violence are currently major issues in modern society.

  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men are abused before the age of 18 (Fergusson & Mullen. 1999).
  • 1 in 5 women and 1 in 20 men have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15 years  (Australian Bureau of Statistics, Personal Safety Survey, 2005).
  • 93% of offenders are male (National Crime and Safety Survey, 2002).
  • 82% of recorded sexual assault victims were female (Trends in Recorded Sexual Assault, Australian Institute Of Criminology, 2005).

On a world scale, we are unfortunately familiar with sexual abuse. However, I don’t need statistics to know this abuse is widespread… I have first hand experience of being sexually assaulted, as have many of my female friends: in addition, some of the men that I know have been sexually abused in some way during their lives.

When I was 19 years old and pregnant with my first child, a registered Osteopath indecently assaulted me. He was recommended to me by a prominent, progressive and highly reputable Professor of Medicine based in Melbourne.

When I was 11 years old, I remember one of my father’s creepy friends commenting on my breast development, when my Dad wasn’t in earshot. (Creepy [Urban Slang] – commonly used term describing sexually inappropriate or perverted behaviour and/or; to derive sexual gratification through dishonorable means.)

At 21 a well-known local businessman propositioned me to prostitute myself.

At 23 I woke up with a man having sex with me when I was too intoxicated to defend myself.

Many women have experienced men initiating sex with them when they are too intoxicated to resist.

A close friend became pregnant after being raped at 16.

Another friend recently told me that she had been ‘felt up’ (or indecently assaulted) by strangers in the street too many times to count….

These experiences are not isolated; there are millions of these stories…

We all know what a creep looks like: most people know what creeps feel like or what creepy behavior entails. Most of my female friends also have a sense of when someone is using their body to get off in some way – we get it every day, even simply walking down the street, or in the workplace, or with the extra special attention of a creepy uncle or family friend.

I do not and would not engage any practitioner, doctor, massage therapist, dentist or anybody else that is going to come in close contact to my body, who feels or acts creepy. Perhaps back then I got stung or tricked more easily, when I was not as sure with my convictions and my rights. That Osteopath managed to trick me into breast massage (he was a man!) by insinuating that it was for therapeutic purposes: he also suggested internal muscle manipulation! Yes… he attempted to get me to allow him to vaginally and anally manipulate my hip muscles?!? I left and never went back. Thinking back, even before these atrocious suggestions, the way he checked the alignment of my bones whilst I was in my underwear without a robe, was creepy enough to begin with – and unnecessary to my treatment.

Yes, I should have reported him, but like many victims of sexual abuse, I was humiliated, traumatised and felt stupid, like it was somehow my fault. I did have him blacklisted by his peers with the co-operation of the Professor who had originally recommended him, but I could have done more, and so should have that Professor. Due to my circumstances, at that time I could not face the ordeal of pressing charges; however, I did not keep it to myself and sought support of those close to me as well as relating the incident to theProfessor. I would handle this differently with the strength and certainty that I now possess, and would never allow that to happen to me again: I could never be tricked in that way, belittled, made to feel inferior, prudish or immature, like I was made to feel if I did not allow the sexual advances of that man – actions he attempted to hide under the guise of Osteopathy.

I take great offence to anyone suggesting that I don’t know what sexual abuse is. Or that I am somehow too stupid or manipulated to know what sexual assault is – I KNOW, it has ACTUALLY happened to me. To suggest that 100’s, if not 1000’s of women who all have awareness about sexual abuse, and by the statistics shown above at least 1/3 may have personal experience of this abuse, are suddenly rendered unaware of what’s happening during their treatments at the Universal Medicine Clinic, is patently ridiculous and deeply offensive to these people who conduct themselves impeccably in their everyday lives.

The person or persons responsible for accusing Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine of sexual misconduct clearly have had no experience with real abuse themselves, or they are very confused about what it means, or THEY HAVE AN AGENDA… but most likely, all of the above. The character and motives of these people require serious assessment and they should be held accountable.

Unfortunately, in a world rife with sexual abuse there are also those who attempt to ruin others’ lives and reputations by malicious accusations. They know that by doing so they will tarnish the reputation of the accused even if they can get no further with it than the initial complaint. It is a serious offence to wrongfully accuse someone of sexual assault or misconduct, and it is also a gross insult to the countless real victims of sexual abuse. That they attempt this smear by employing a social media site that is notorious for taking no responsibility for the sometimes dubious and outrageous content shared on various pages, is a definite indication that there is an agenda at play. To me these are not the actions of a genuinely abused person, but rather those of one on a mission. Furthermore, the image uploaded on this same site suggesting sexual interference with a client is laughable for its anatomic inaccuracy, betraying total ignorance of where ‘lady parts’ are located. (The image refers to ‘a young woman’ – how do they even know this?). Thousands of these treatments have been given, with no recorded complaints. EVER!  Excluding this one anonymous exception.

My experiences with Serge Benhayon and practitioners of Universal Medicine are the dead opposite to these allegations. I have never felt any underlying sexual suggestiveness or behavior from him and / or them. NEVER. I was and continue to be always treated with respect as a woman. I have never been touched inappropriately. I always consented to the treatment I received from the Universal Medicine Clinic and these treatments were administered professionally, with client care of the highest standard.

In short, Serge Benhayon does not possess an ounce of the abusive energy that was described previously. So it seems to me utterly ridiculous to accuse this man of creeping… it is simply disgraceful. There are plenty of lovely and genuine men in this world who don’t find the need to objectify women, and just because some (men and women) behave this way does not mean that it needs to be normalised in any way, shape or form. As a woman, it is a true relief to be around non-creepy men – I prefer to call them real men – as I believe this is our true nature and that creepiness (amongst many other unsavoury behaviors) is a product of a civilization that is clearly out of control. I know plenty of men and women who are inspired by the way in which Serge Benhayon conducts himself professionally, personally, within the community and notably, the way he treats women with the utmost respect, equality and care. In my opinion and experience, Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.

678 thoughts on “A Response to False Accusations of Sexual Misconduct & Abuse by Universal Medicine & Serge Benhayon

  1. What is shown from this blog, and the forward by Rebecca Asquith is that we can’t ignore or stop calling out the lies and corruption that have infiltrated every part of our society. Serge Benhayon has been singled out because he is willing to speak the truth no matter what, and expose the corruption that we have shut our eyes to, because it would expose how we have become bystanders, and allowed the deceit to continue. There is not an ounce of truth in the lies held against Serge, his own values in life, his love of humanity, his understanding of how the world works, means he is incapable of the things he is accused of, because it goes against his very reason for being, his raison d’être.

  2. The power-full forward here by Rebecca still stands today because, the same lies are still being printed. The only difference now is more of the corruption is now more in the open.

  3. ‘In my opinion and experience, Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.’ I completely agree. Like many woman, and men I’m sure, I know what creepiness is, I really do. Serge Benhayon is so, so respectful and void of any of this sort of energy, no matter how subtle, that I learnt the true caring nature all men are beneath any seediness, and learnt to trust again. And this is huge as I was so messed up by sexual energy being around me that I tried to avoid looking or behaving like a woman and became very aggressive.

  4. The legal system differentiates between legal and illegal and makes clear that what is not explicitly illegal is legal. Yet, when we accuse someone else to do something that is illegal and that never happened, you are abusing the legal system and the accused one. The legal system may recognize the abuse or may not even bother with it. That is beside the point. You are abusing the system and everyone with such a behavior.

  5. ‘My experiences with Serge Benhayon and practitioners of Universal Medicine are the dead opposite to these allegations. I have never felt any underlying sexual suggestiveness or behavior from him and / or them. NEVER.’ I can add my voice to the many testimonies that Serge Benhayon acts with full integrity to both women and men. I can also truthfully say thank God that I have never suffered sexual abuse, but I do know what sleazy advances from men feel like. I have never experienced this from Serge, not one jot, not in any way shape of form, not ever. I have only ever experienced the highest form of regard, care and understanding consistently so over a period of 13/14yrs from the time I met him back in 2005. Quite frankly, I stand in disbelief that such outright lies are made, believed and upheld about a man who deserves no such treatment.

  6. Sexual abuse against men and women I feel is on the increase. With the onset of the internet and pornography available 24/7 people no longer seem to have boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not. For practitioners to take advantage of their position is truly abhorrent and you have had first hand experience Kyla to know the difference when someone is being creepy and using their position to impose on another and to know that when you met Serge Benhayon there was no sexual undercurrent whatsoever. I know for myself that Serge Benhayon has the highest integrity of anyone I know, and I trust him implicitly and I have not felt or witnessed any sexual abuse of any kind, and so it is hard to come to terms with the fact that there are certain people that without any proof whatsoever have accused him of things he is not capable of doing.

  7. I am not a fan of other people in the press telling me what I should or should not be doing, thinking or feeling. I’m self aware enough to know how things feel for me, and to make decisions on that basis. Meanwhile the press are guilty of being played by other people’s agendas and take no responsibility whatsoever as to the impact that has on other people’s lives.

  8. I find that some people seem personally offended by what Serge Benhayon teaches and they then take any action at their disposal to attack anything associated with Serge. The surprising thing is the venom and the ruthlessness of the attacks that I have observed.

  9. Thank you Kyla for this powerful and deeply inspiring delivery and living testimony to the true Living Way of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine practitioners. Without reservation and from personal experience, I whole-heartedly agree with your words. Serge Benhayon lives with a depth and standard of integrity, decency and respect that is rare in this world and by reflection, offers humanity a return to true brotherhood once more.
    “My experiences with Serge Benhayon and practitioners of Universal Medicine are the dead opposite to these allegations. I have never felt any underlying sexual suggestiveness or behavior from him and / or them. NEVER. I was and continue to be always treated with respect as a woman. I have never been touched inappropriately. I always consented to the treatment I received from the Universal Medicine Clinic and these treatments were administered professionally, with client care of the highest standard”.

  10. It is clearly being shown by extremes in weather patterns, mental and physical health problems and disharmony rife throughout the world that something is seriously amiss in the way we are living. Humanity is hurtling down a very slippery slope with the ever-growing lack of standards of common decency and respect. The change begins by choosing to be more aware of how we treat ourselves and being more honouring of the body – this builds a new foundation from the centre (our opening heart) like an ever-increasing ripple on a pond for our inner flame to be re-kindled to a brightly burning fire, offering humanity the reflection of a different quality to live from. We all have our part to play in this.

  11. It’s important that we report abuse. I have been through a horrendous sexual abuse case and the best thing we could of done at the time was report it so it was out in the open and known to be what it is ABUSE!

  12. So true what is presented by Universal Medicine has always been of the up-most integrity and Serge Benhayon understanding of True-Love has shared how words can be re-interpreted by being nudged slowing away from their true meaning to create a way of living that is not true and thus keeps us from re-connecting to our essences. And when connected to our essence Love is what is shared universally to all.

  13. To accuse another of sexual abuse when clearly there is not a trace of it existing outside the devious minds that plot and plant such a thought into the minds of others, is an act of great abuse that needs to be called out for what it is so we do not keep living in the cesspool we otherwise live in, when we do not uphold standards of decency amongst us.

  14. “As a woman, it is a true relief to be around non-creepy men – I prefer to call them real men – as I believe this is our true nature and that creepiness (amongst many other unsavoury behaviors) is a product of a civilization that is clearly out of control.” I totally agree Rebecca with everything that you have said in the above sentence. It is absolutely beautiful to be around true men like Serge Benhayon.

    1. A woman can feel every ounce of “creepy behaviour’. There is nothing but an unwavering respect and deep integrity of woman when in the company of Serge Benhayon.

  15. I too have had several experiences of sexual abuse towards me. And so I am pretty aware of what it feels like. I can also say that not one Universal Medicine practitioner – male or female – has ever come across to me as creepy.
    They are absolutely honouring and I feel completely comfortable in their presence. I am very aware of what it feels like to have any of this creepiness come my way – and not one bit of their energy reflects this. It is beautiful to feel the genuineness of these people.

    1. It really does not matter whether you have studied with Universal Medicine or not, we can all feel the integrity or not of other people and situations if we choose to. Its what guides us through life and its worth developing that sensitivity as much as we can.

  16. “1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men are abused before the age of 18 (Fergusson & Mullen. 1999).” This statistic is appalling and shows us that as a society we are in deep trouble. Then when a man such as Serge Benhayon comes along and speaks out against sexual abuse he gets abused back by cyber trolls spreading all sorts of lies. To me this shows that we as a society are not yet ready to face the level of abuse that we inflict on each other and ourselves.

  17. I had a colleague once who was falsely accused of sexual misconduct. It took him 2 years to clear his name and sadly the system often assumes guilt before innocence with these things. Even though he cleared his name it still affected his career and his reputation. It is a very indecent, sneaky and low thing to do to falsely accuse someone of something that is indecent.

    1. And that is precisely the point of this whole abusive exercise. It is not to prove someone has committed a crime they have not, it is simply to make people think they ‘could have’ committed this crime so that their name becomes stained, not in reality (for in-truth the quality of someone’s name is a direct reflection of how they live and not just a by-product of the lies that are hurled at them) but deep in the minds of those who have swallowed this bait.

  18. I have never been raped but I have experienced creepy men, first as a ten year old with a man running a children’s puppet weekend, as a thirteen year old with a man exposing himself to me in the street, as a fifteen year old after a party with a boy’s hand up my skirt, in my twenties having a breast cancer check by a medical doctor, as a thirty-something year old with a work colleague propositioning me, and as a sixty year old being chatted up by a ‘nice’ man in a park who wanted to take me somewhere quieter. These may not seem major incidents and they were not consistent abuse, but I recognise the feelings of vulnerability and ‘how did I let myself get into this?’ We tend not to report these incidents because we feel stupid or don’t want to cause trouble. In the case of the doctor I see now I should have done because I’m sure he went on to abuse many more women in that way. Men in their natural essence, what you call ‘Real Men’ are so naturally tender and respectful it is a shame that so many men can act this way. And I agree, I have only ever been met with the utmost respect from Serge Benhayon and all the Universal Medicine practitioners. Their Code of Practice is more ethical than anything I have seen.

  19. This article says it like it is, many of us know what sexual abuse is, simply from our own experiences in life. With this knowing I also know that there is none, absolutely no sexual abuse or imposition in any of the men that I have encountered that are choosing the teachings of Universal Medicine to be a part of their lives.

  20. In the 12 years that I have known Serge Benhayon I have only ever seen him conduct himself with the utmost genuine respect towards all the women he meets. Here stands a man with outstanding integrity who, through his personal conduct, is empowering women to reclaim our authority and sacredness and consequently these women, self included, will stand and vouch for his impeccable conduct. In my opinion a person who accuses Serge Benhayon of any misconduct clearly has not spent much time in his company and driven by a desperate attempt to discredit his reputation is grasping at straws to find ways to bring him down.

  21. “Knowing the seriousness of giving airplay to false allegations of sexual abuse, especially where not a shred of evidence accompanies, the press have so far been wise enough to not touch these baseless and false accusations but unfortunately it remains on the hate-blog – a blog already once removed in its entirety by Google, because of its defamatory content. Of course the Internet being what it is, it has simply been cut and pasted to a new blogging platform and so the defamatory content remains.” – this goes to show that our current laws are needing to be up-graded, and are not as yet covering such areas of growth like the internet. And it also shows that platforms such as google and other platforms are not holding the space with true integrity and their main goal is certainly not to support and foster harmony in society and a safe space to express. This needs to change – but the demand must come from all of us as a collaborative, as they will not respond to the few who call out singly.

  22. What is upsetting is that due to the false allegations those who may feel impulsed to come to a course etc and they search the internet and maybe find the absolute vile descriptions of Universal Medicine and the implications of abuse will be put off. To think that could have been me if I hadn’t come to the work a while ago is to be honest devastating, as the internet really wasn’t a big deal then you had to go with what you felt and when my friend mentioned a workshop with this guy from Australia I was I am there. It was absolute, but with how we are today quick search on google and then if there were all these pages of abusive allegations it would make me second think about it.

  23. “In my opinion and experience, Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” I could not agree more with the above statement.

  24. These accusations about Serge Benhayon are lies, unfounded and complete lies, and 100% lies. Total slander and lies to attempt (but fail) to take Serge Benhayon out and away from his essence, but it is never going to work.

  25. Interestingly in the last few months we have started to see many key figures in society exposed for their abusive behaviour. It’s clear there’s so much more corruption that we are only just beginning to see. You are certainly not alone in your experiences Kyla, the greatest thing we can do is realise this abuse is not us and bring even more light to life. To be controlled by past hurts is to let the abuse have control and win.

    1. Spot on Joseph – corruption is being exposed more so now than ever before…and so it should be. It is better that the false foundations are seen before more of the building is constructed upon it, for the more you invest in something when the foundations are hollow, the greater the damage when it comes crashing down.

  26. In the 9 years I have studied with Universal Medicine I have never once felt anything other than a deep trust and respect for Serge Benhayon. There is not one ounce of imposition of sexual innuendo or ‘creepy or sleezy’ energy in the way he moves, speaks and the genuine warmth as he meets and greets everyone eye to eye.
    “In my opinion and experience, Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not”.

  27. History is full of stories of great men and women who were accused of all sorts of things just to silence them. The accusation of sexual impropriety against Serge Benhayon is the same thing-it is designed to cast doubt in people’s minds so that they do not get access to the truth of what he presents. Same story, different era.

  28. It has to be really concerning for some that a group of people, who have chosen a diet and a lifestyle that in spite of not being mainstream are totally in sync with what the body feels is natural to it, are doing ‘too’ well. ‘Too’ much wellbeing is totally un-acceptable. It exposes ‘too’ much the others and their choices. So how can I make sure that this well-being dis-ease does not spread out? Although it may be hard to believe, this is how some people think and come up with creative (well not really) ways to target those that make them truly uncomfortable.

  29. “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” I have known Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for 10 years and Serge has always made sure that everyone is treated with the upmost dignity and respect.

  30. Despite all the slandering …”due to the huge demand for its’ services, Universal Medicine continues to steadily go from strength to strength.” – the proof is in the pudding!

  31. There is the story of the boy who called wolf which most of us have heard about – if you are going to call the village to arms about a situation, then it best be a real situation as opposed to a fictitious one, for otherwise you are wasting people’s time and resources and no one will believe you when you really call wolf when there is one! This analogy is actually deeper yet in its damage when it comes to the accusations around Serge Benhayon – he is someone who stands with utmost integrity, and for someone to attempt to destroy his reputation, not only is this totally unacceptable with regards to the attempted damage to the individual (Serge), but there is also the greater damage to our society where money, time and resources are taken away from truly needed cases of abuse because of being distracted by a someone who presents a lie. It is time for us as a society to stand up for the Truth and ensure it is available to all.

  32. With the way abuse has proliferated our societies it is rare to find an organisation without abuse, Universal Medicine is one such organisation, in my experience of attending presentations and courses. I have experienced abuse in my life, as most women have, we know what it is and we know what it looks like, smells like and acts like, to suggest otherwise is highly offensive.

  33. It says something important about the way we are in our world that we take acts and incidents of abuse and then twist them and use them against each other again. What sick kind of recycling is this? We label people as perpetrators but do not stop to see the true mastermind behind all of this is energy. So if we are to make a new way forward – all we need to do is be clear in ourselves, not get bogged down in this mud slinging game. As far as this goes it’s just more of the same. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla.

  34. It seems sexual abuse is rife in our society, and as such it is by definition accepted by society. It is up to each of us as the members of society to change that acceptance, and disallow any abuse in our lives.

  35. If sexual abuse has happened first hand, we would never accuse another falsely of what sexual abuse is. As the experience of abuse is deeply traumatic and if we have allowed ourselves to feel, we would know how far from our natural this truly is. Therefore, what this shows is we can actually abuse what is abuse when we have shut down our natural ability to feel.

  36. During the first few years of knowing Serge Benhayon I would often be in tears as a direct result of the level of integrity and personal responsibility he lived with and the depth of care and utmost honouring of every single person.

    I remember him explaining how if he was to arrange the chairs in the meeting room, he held the awareness that someone will be sitting on that seat and therefore every detail in how he walked, touched and moved the chair mattered. I had never ever gone that deep into considering my actions, and he was just sharing it so humbly as a most natural fact.

    Over the years I have witnessed hundreds including myself being inspired to deepen our level of care, integrity and responsibility because of his example. He is by far the most open, loving and honouring human being I have ever met.

  37. This is brilliantly said Kyla. For whether we wish to accept it or not the world is not the place we would like it to be. If we are not careful it can end up affecting us in the saddest of ways. So if we come across something that is clear, something that is true, something that is free of this junk and feels loving to you, then we should champion it, embrace it with our heart and find out just how this quality manages to exist amidst our polluted world. It might be difficult to believe but Serge Benhayon has this integrity in spades and has been an absolute inspiration to me. Knowing him has supported me in the most profound way and totally changed my life. Talk about blessed.

  38. It’s easy to write words, to type your finger on a keypad as I do here – you can express anything you like and in a moment it’s there, in black and white right before your eyes – it’s concrete or so it seems. It’s something different though to live your life in a way that corresponds to what you write. So many claim truth, honour or good practice in type but do our actions add up to these values? Or do we fall short in a serious way? This brilliant blog reveals that there is a dark side to our world we don’t want to face – we’re living the opposite of what we say. Do we want to continue to hide our head from the facts or are we willing to change? If so, all we need to do is surrender to the crucial importance of the energy we choose. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla.

  39. “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” And the only way to attempt to taint a man like Serge Benhayon is to lie, as there is nothing of truth to be found in the accusations made.

  40. The internet seems to have become a bit of an anarchic free for all where people can say whatever they choose about each other, no matter the truth, no matter how abusive or destructive it is. We need stronger laws to deal with abuse and hate crime on the internet and though social media. Yet, perhaps what we need even more, is to take the time to reflect on why we have allowed this to manifest and what it is telling us. How is it that we have such disregard for our fellow man that we will shed all sense of decency and be openly abusive about ‘him’? This is not our nature and therefore we have deviated from the truth of who we are somewhere. This is what we need to address first – or we will simply recreate the disharmony again and again.

  41. Well said Kyla Plummer. I have known Serge Benhayon for over six years now. Serge is a role model for men the world over, a man who lives and breathes the love that is innate within him with absolute integrity and complete respect for all he meets – men and women alike.

  42. In a world where the misogynistic or creeping behavior of men is seemingly more common than it is not, it is deeply inspiring to meet a man who reflects a respect of women that is as you say the epitome of a true Gentleman, who for any woman who has experienced the former cannot but deeply appreciate not only being unimposed upon but being held and treated in the high regard that Serge does. He is a role model of what is possible and exposes all lies and accusations of anything other through his unchanging living way.

  43. We do know what abuse is and what if feels like and what it looks like, to suggest we would be aligned to this sort of energy is truly repulsive and deeply offensive as you share. It is actually abusive in itself to accuse women of colluding with abuse like they have accused Serge of. There has never in my experience of being and working with Serge in 15 years ever been anything that gave me cause for concern. In fact the opposite is true, I have learned to deeply nurture and care for myself like I have never been taught anywhere else. When we love ourselves more we say no to abuse more easily and more firmly.

  44. If you say something often enough, it will come to be known as a fact, even if it is not. This is the key to propaganda, and the most successful propaganda plays on people’s inherent fears and suspicions, so that whilst they may not necessarily believe what they are being told, it will sow the seed of doubt enough so that they accept what is being said, just in case it proves to be true.

    1. And there in lies our responsibility to not be a puppet to our media and fears, to foster real connection with ourselves and with those around us so that we innately know love and this foundation can never be rocked or messed with.

  45. Falsely accusing Serge Benhayon is a last stand, because there is nothing factual with which to criticise him. I experienced this recently listening to some people abuse the chef Pete Evan, they resorted to talking about his “fake tan” and that to me said they had nothing real with which to criticise him. However accusing someone of being a child abuser takes it to a whole other level, it is abhorrent that anyone should be allowed to get away with this in a so called civilised world. The more we stand against abuse the less breathing space abuse has.

  46. It is noteworthy that this obsession by a handful of people with making up false accusations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon is still going on 4 years after this article was printed. There seems to be a new flavour and angle every month. Yet absolutely none of the derogatory tales and complaints to regulating bodies have held because there is no shred of truth in them. What a waste of time and resources for everyone, even that of the perpetrators themselves. I am astonished that we still do not have systems in place to address such atrocious behaviour.

  47. Sexual abuse crimes should be taken very seriously, yet often they are not. False sexual abuse accusations are horrid for all the obvious reasons and also because they ridicule real sexual abuse cases. Making up false claims should be criminal as often the implications and consequences are detrimental.

  48. “Knowing the seriousness of giving airplay to false allegations of sexual abuse, especially where not a shred of evidence accompanies, the press have so far been wise enough to not touch these baseless and false accusations but unfortunately it remains on the hate-blog – a blog already once removed in its entirety by Google, because of its defamatory content. Of course the Internet being what it is, it has simply been cut and pasted to a new blogging platform and so the defamatory content remains.” – this is a serious issue we are dealing with. Firstly to make fake accusations about sexual abuse is not only bullying towards the person they are saying it about, but it is frankly abusive towards victims of sexual abuse too as it creates the boy who cried wolf effect – so that when actual sexual abuse does take place, a blind eye is turned to it. To then do cut and pastes of this only perpetuates the abuse on all sides. How low are people going to stoop before they realise the damage they are creating around them and ultimately to their own brothers and sisters?

    1. It is absolute abuse to undertake spreading lies about sexual abuse when there is none. It is abhorrent.

  49. What is written here is not fabricated or dramatised it is simply stating how it is. It is powerful because it is backed by the authority that comes from speaking from a real lived experience. One does not doubt or question what has been presented by these two women for we as women have all experienced to one degrees or another elements of what is presented here. We all know what “creepy” feels like. We all know what a man of integrity feels like also. And Serge Benhayon has lifted the bar in the integrity stakes . . . .”“Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” . . .hear,hear!

  50. The beauty of reading again this blog is that it is so solid that there is not even the slightest hole to manipulate anybody out of what is being expressed so clearly. Pure true; pure gold.

  51. This forward by Rebecca Baldwin and article by Kyla Plummer is true media. After reading it you are left to ponder very deeply on what is being presented, to reflect on the state of the world and to see the evil that abounds. Both speak from their lived experience and this is very powerful indeed. In a very short space of time they dispel the lies being told about Serge Benhayon.

  52. These accusations made against Serge Benhayon are nothing short of evil as his integrity is beyond question.

  53. This is a powerful introduction Rebecca to a powerful blog Kyla. It feels to be written on behalf of all women and men who have experienced real sexual abuse. To even suggest that Serge Benhayon is anything other than the true gentle man he is, is ridiculous and a crime as is clearly pointed out here. I know all that has been written to be 100% truth as not only have I known Serge Benhayon for the last 13y ears I have known these two women all their lives as I am their mother

  54. Spot on Kyla… “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” I have been around Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for the past 15 years. I have attended almost every healing course as either participant or assistant facilitator and nothing has ever come close to tainting the impeccable way in which Serge conducts himself. To be accused of sexual misconduct is ridiculous beyond words, and proves to me the clear agenda by those who attempt to make something of that nature stick. They cannot ‘muddy’ his name by any genuine or true means, leaving only the most outrageous lies to attempt this in the eyes of those who have yet to meet and know him.

  55. There has been an insinuation by the reporting media that ‘the mostly women’ do not know that we are being taken advantage of. However in what you have shared Kyla and certainly in my own experiences too, we do know and we know it very clearly. I have had a similar experience with a practitioner when I was travelling in India. I have had no such experience with any Universal Medicine Practitioner and there is no sense of anything inappropriate when talking with Serge Benhayon. It is clear that those originating these stories are not being truthful and clearly have their own agendas which are less than honourable.

  56. When there is a genuine ill in our society like sexual abuse, then a false accusation is very powerful. It directs all the existing anger and hurt from the true abuse at that person and it also allows those who are engaging in such abuse to deflect attention from themselves. In addition, the patently innocent but falsely accused person riles those who engage in the abuse as it triggers their guilt.

    That is why falsely accused people can get attacked much more than actual abusers.

  57. This blog and the words you present Kyla continues to knock my socks off. Considering what you say further wow, just how much are we ourselves with the world or do we present what we think with an agenda running through it too? For it is clear these agenda’s bring abuse, and lead us a long way away from the truth we are here to live.

  58. Kyla your blog has been great to re-read today. As a man you get to hear and feel also sorts of creepiness directed towards women covertly from the safety of the man cave, one ‘man’ to another – such as the classic men’s only ‘locker room’ setting, the pub or sports setting. You therefore get to experience a more hidden side of the sexual banter that in mixed company would never be shared. You become discerning of certain characters and personalities who are more prone to such abusive rhetoric and more likely to follow it through. For this reason, I consider myself to be a very good judge of the type of character and never in ten years, not in any situation have I seen, felt or heard any comment or gesture from Serge Benhayon to suggest an perversely sexual energy is being entertained. Any suggestion of it is just ridiculous in my mind.

  59. Thanks for sharing Kyla – we do know when someone is acting or behaving in a way that is not right, we can all feel it and the important part is to voice it out, to not be afraid thinking it’s normal when it’s not. Men should never think for one second that it’s ok to objectify women in any way, and they should be called out when doing so.

  60. Standing up and denying the lies is the only way to overcome the evil that is perpetrated by the energy that people align to, so that the lies that have been printed shall ‘not last’ the test of time. Truth always needed to be expressed so the lies can fall away, so standing up for what is true shall always overcomes those who align to the lies.

  61. ‘As a woman, it is a true relief to be around non-creepy men – I prefer to call them real men – as I believe this is our true nature and that creepiness (amongst many other unsavoury behaviors) is a product of a civilization that is clearly out of control.’ Hear hear and thanks to the inspiration of Serge Benhayon more and more real men are speaking up and feeling empowered to make changes in the way they relate and call out the abusive behaviour of their peers. We need to appreciate this and join them in speaking up at every opportunity until humanity no longer accepts this out of control behaviour as in any way ‘normal’.

  62. Thank you Kyla for sharing your powerful story, I have also had experiences of being disrespected and abused as a woman and feeling too much shame to report incidents but I have always had an absolutely clear sense of when someone is behaving in a ‘creepy’ manner and do my best to steer clear of them. From my first meeting with Serge I could feel the total lack of any of this energy coming through him, in fact I have always felt held in total respect and this has enabled me to rebuild my trust in men and become more open in all my relationships. These completely false allegations will prevent some from accessing the invaluable services of Universal Medicine and that is a crime against humanity.

  63. I often cringe when I see the sexual innuendoes and advances by people in work or social settings, perhaps because I was very much part of that, thought it was funny and ultimately thought I might score as a result. Yet observing that from the outside, the way that in society we treat each other, the abuse that is laughed off, the comments glazed over or the way someone’s eyes look at another person it shows something is not right, but it is normal. Well that was before I met Serge Benhayon, his non imposing nature and absolute integrity and quality reflected to me how to be around people, how to be open yet not allow one ounce of sexual connotations, energy or abuse. I have learnt much from observing Serge over the years and so too have many people I know. He never drops the ball on this even for a second and it is inspiring to see and learn true relationships that can be possible.

  64. Serge Benhayon’s life purpose is based on service for humanity and these baseless allegations made about him are coming from evil

  65. It is quite disgusting when newspapers add imagined sexual misconduct to the one that is already happening.

  66. There is something huge in what you say Kyla, for what is it that will make us see the opposite of what is there? What is happening when we fight and attack true beauty and integrity? Could it be that this attack does not start and end with sexual abuse, but begins with when we deny and dismiss the beauty in ourselves? We tend to think our life will change when we uncover some horrible secrets about ourselves and then repent. But what if this too is the opposite and life changes when you start to love you?

  67. What a powerful piece and what an horrendous ordeal at the hand of the Osteopath Kyla. It seems fairly obvious that your own experience there is hugely different to your experience of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. I wonder why so many people’s testimonials as to the integrity of Serge are dismissed, it would seem because it doesn’t fit into the smear story that certain people want to tell.

  68. I have experienced many of the healing modalities, including Esoteric Breast Massage and there is nothing sexual about them one-eyeota. They are all genuine complementary therapies, supporting people to feel who they truly are and then reach understandings around why their behaviours and choices may not be in line with what they are feeling. They are very supportive and nurturing.

  69. It is a very tragic thing when someone gets accused of sexual abuse when there is absolutely no evidence of it. Those who accuse in this way are wanting to do as much harm as possible because people are naturally alert to any form of sexual abuse given its prevalence worldwide. We always need to discern what people’s motivations are in accusing others.

    1. Yes, it is very attractive to say that there is no evidence because it is particularly well hidden. The inquisition’s spirit is alive and well in our tabloids and the former quality press.

  70. This article categorically and emphatically shows that the allegations and insults hurled at Serge Benhayon are complete lies. Where are we as a race when we let such bare-faced abuse just ‘go’ with a shrug of the shoulders and a ‘oh well’? It’s time we saw that this brand of denigrating people is harming us all in the most serious way, for we all live in the middle of people treating each other this way. What quality is this to live in every day? Thank you Kyla for having your say.

  71. Serge Benhayon is the antithesis of a creep. His genuine respect and care for all women (and men) is absolute. I couldn’t feel more safe than I do in his presence.

  72. I love what you write here Stephen and my sense is there are many men who feel the same way. Somehow, despicable abuse of children was taken as normal in some areas of our community, and not enough people who heard of it or knew about it spoke out and said it was not ok. We have a responsibility to change this normal, because chances are there is someone else thinking they should do the same but afraid to make the first move.

  73. “that creepiness (amongst many other unsavoury behaviors) is a product of a civilization that is clearly out of control.” I agree wholeheartedly that this is a move away from our natural way, we are absolutely out of control and seemingly speeding at a rate of knots to destroy ourselves at earlier and earlier ages. It is desperate times we are utterly irresponsible and distracted, I am not sure how much longer this current state of affairs needs to continue before the world starts calling time.

  74. Rebecca Baldwin, you have a way of communicating the ways of evil in a way that is not morbid but rather inspiring in its prose. I could read a book by you on corruption and be left feeling that I had in fact just read a book on the light of the world. That is a rare gift – to communicate the fact of evil but not weigh the reader down in despair about the fact of its existence. And this is not to say you sugar coat your description of the world with talk of fairies and unicorns, or lay down words of false hope. To the contrary, you lift the lid on every corner of darkness. However, what you remind us of by the delicacy of your prose is that corruption always shows us by virtue of its very existence that there is indeed a greater light – otherwise why would we say that something has been corrupted, and not just accept evil as being something that is just innately so, and always has been? If a murderer was just a murderer, it would not hurt to see their actions as such, for we would simply be able to accept that the murderer was just playing out according to their own inner nature, as does a shark or crocodile when it is hungry or aggravated. But we know better than that. For something to be corrupted, it must have once been grand, and it is this truth that you connect to so powerfully in everything you write. Thank you yet again for making my day.

    1. I so agree with all you have said here Adam. What a fantastic point you make about the fact that for something to be corrupted it must have once been grand. So very true.

  75. Great points Adam. We have allowed processes such as those to become the norm, for stories to run rampant when they are just this, for media hype and frenzy to run amuck regardless of the lack of truth or evidence. What is equally as harming and sad to see is that people are having to justify themselves in the wake of such behaviour, when truly they should not have to.

  76. The statistics on sexual abuse and sexual assault are quite shocking to read, yet based on the years of such studies these statistics are based on (1999 – 2005) I have to wonder how much worse it actually is now?

  77. “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” Never was a truer word spoken.

  78. A deliberate attack made through fabricating lies with the direct intention to cause harm to the reputation and wellbeing of anyone person by another is deplorable. The acceptance of this without question by society is truly irresponsible.

  79. Thank you Rebecca for nominating how disgraceful these allegations about Serge Benhayon are. Anybody who has met Serge knows the utmost integrity that he holds.

  80. Exposing sexual misconduct is becoming more common place and this is a welcome step but for detractors to jump onto this trend and falsely accuse a totally innocent man like Serge Benhayon of misconduct that has never and will never take place is criminal.

  81. It’s not surprising that as time has gone on that the original smear campaign has gone nowhere. Sure, the same people are still trying to raise all sorts of claims but still nothing is substantiated and they are still out on their own with no real support base. In the mean time, Universal Medicine and the support for Serge Benhayon has continued to grow. No need to say more about where the truth lies.

  82. The horror of sexual molestation creates outrage and there is little that is more despicable, disrespectful and dishonouring of a woman or man. To accuse Serge Benhayon of sexual inappropriateness is a sure way to raise suspicions that are likely to stick around; a clever tactic to create public wariness and judgement. Truth and honour are standing 3 years on and there is not an iota of evidence to incriminate Serge Benhayon. The wonderful thing about this amazing man that is proof of his self understanding and broader understanding of the minds that develop such hate, is that he continues to be himself, present ‘another way’ of living that reflects to these haters the lovelessness and lifelessness that they offer society. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for bringing this out in the open!

  83. Well said Natalie. Making false allegations about anyone is just plain evil. The internet is a medium that these lies and many other forms of abuse can be spread indiscriminately without any form of boundary about what is being shared. Our society’s tolerance of those that abuse others in this way needs to without doubt be addressed legally, for nothing else will stop them.

  84. It is a very sneaky tactic indeed to accuse another of sexual molestation when none has happened. Sexual assault is serious and can have long lasting and deep effects on a person’s life. But so too can a false accusation, a set up, an attack accusing another of such heinous crimes when none has happened. Many of us in society can relate to sexual abuse, having experienced sexual assault or know someone that has and how this has changed our/their life – and so it is easy to get ‘triggered’ to act when one hears that there has been sexual abuse, and jump on the bandwagon to ‘save the person’. And so we should be there to support and put a stop to such behaviour. But what if the person has never done anything even close to sexual abuse, what if the person has an honest and open way of living that does not allow one ounce of sexual energy to soil their relationships with everyone – what if someone decided to fabricate lies about this person, lies about them sexually abusing others, and then spreading these lies like wildfire? Can you see the sneakiness of this tactic – even if the liar gets proven sometime down the track, the damage has been done as the word has spread and the doubts have snuck into people. Then there will always be a certain avoidance, a certain uncertainty, a certain doubt that will make people steer away from someone such as Serge Benhayon who has so much to offer our society and our world. Kyla, your article puts a clear stop to the lies – it exposes them for what they are, and this is what is needed when we know that lies are being propagated about someone who stands his truth with openness and honest, as does Serge Benhayon.

  85. It is crazy to realise that even though defamatory material can actually get removed off the internet, there are those sneaky enough to just copy and paste the stuff onto another site, perpetuating the defamation. This makes it hard to regulate what gets put up on line, and sets up a situation of lack of rules and boundaries. Lack of rules is not an excuse for people to be irresponsible and abusive on line – there is a basic understanding of respect for others that is innate within us all – it is not something that we have to be taught at school or by our parents, but it actually exists within us from young, only some choose to bury it deep within themselves and forget that it exists. This respect needs to be revived for us all to live together in society, and this will see the end of the defamation and bullying because once respect for self and another is developed there is no place for defaming or bullying.

  86. Thank Rebecca and Kyla for highlighting the ridiculousness of these claims about Serge Benhayon. As many have said before me, Serge Benhayon is a man of the utmost integrity and the claims made are in the imagination of some very morally corrupt people. My family and I fully support and appreciate having the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine in our lives.

  87. It is very sad how easy the internet today can be abused, e.g. to allege something about another person, which is not true. And most of the time, the cyber bullies hide behind a fantasy name, so it is normally not possible, to identify the real person behind it. For me they are cowards, and it is so ridiculous, what they have said about Serge Benhayon. Everybody who knows him, knows, that he stands for integrity, love, joy and responsibility. I’m very grateful about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, he is a role model for the future.

  88. Even though this was written in the past, and the hate blogging continues into the present day, this line is still true “Indeed, as always, due to the huge demand for its’ services, Universal Medicine continues to steadily go from strength to strength.” Universal Medicine represents something so pure for women, in fact I have never felt so honoured and respected before, and this includes formal workshops, clinic attendance, and in Universal Medicine social events. They have the strictest standards for all, and as a result I feel really supported and honoured as a woman. To not always feel safe around men in general because of the unpredictable nature of socially acceptable “creepy” behaviour is something all women can relate to – to be supported and respected as women to be free of it in all environments presided over by Universal Medicine is what should have been written about in the papers. Because in today’s day and age, that is extraordinary.

  89. Thank you for your account Kyla. To falsely accuse someone of sexual abuse is deplorable. It is well known that one of the reasons many cases of sexual abuse go unreported is because the victim doesn’t think they will be believed and chucking around false allegations simply serves to make this more difficult for real victims. My experience of Serge Benhayon is that he is the last man in the world who could be described as being ‘creepy’. He is a man who lives with true integrity in every way.

  90. Sexual abuse is a weeping sore on the skin of humanity. The sorest thing is to mention a case or call another a sexual abuser. As a group we haven’t dared look into just how widespread and profoundly harming this behaviour and abusive energy is in our world. Just because I haven’t been groped I might consider that I haven’t been abused. But the fear around indecency and inappropriate touch makes many women and men live in a state of fear for people getting the ‘wrong idea’. So we can see that we are truly all impacted by this sexual energy. Serge Benhayon is living testimony that it is possible to live clear from this force and share loving connections with people that have true intimacy. He is an inspiration showing the way for us all to deal with finally this abusive way of being. To have someone call him out as an abuser himself is revealing to me, in that it shows how easily manipulated we are when we ignore and hide from energetic reality. If we let ourselves feel the energy that is present in life, how could we ever let ourselves be guided by a priest who molests small children? How could we be fooled by an outward picture again? The way the detractors address Serge is clearly abusive. Thank you, Rebecca and Kyla for bringing this to light and showing clearly for all that sexual abuse is simply not right.

    1. I totally agree Joseph “Sexual abuse is a weeping sore on the skin of humanity.” These false and ludicrous lies about Serge Benhayon are deplorable – to have the words “sexual abuse” even in a sentence next to Serge Benhayon’s name is an utter and profound disgrace. Serge Benhayon is the epitome of integrity and real love for all.

      1. Yes I was struck by that comment as well. It is indeed. I have had many creepy moments where men have either said or touched me inappropriately and I can vouch 100% that in all of my dealings with Serge Benhayon and all male practitioners and students at Universal Medicine, I have never EVER felt anything but complete love and respect and not on OUNCE or SKERRICK of anything creepy that I have experience many times on the streets, in offices and in other practitioner situations.

      2. Well expressed Shelley, and what an easy way it is to taint someone’s reputation by associating sexual abuse with them. So anyone who has not met Serge Benhayon and does a search of Universal Medicine online is going to be met with these harmful lies, and most likely believe there must be something in them. That is an utter criminal disgrace.

  91. My experience of Serge Benhayon is that of a pure gentleman. Before meeting Serge I did not know what it felt like to be treated with utter respect and dignity by a man. I have met Serge on many occasions over the last five years and each time I meet him I’m left feeling how worthy of Love I am. Now, as a result, in all of my relationships I have a clear benchmark on how I deserve to be treated and can detect any creepy energy from men a mile off.

    1. The same with me Shevon. I also did not know what it felt like to be treated with deep respect, love and dignity by any man before I learned to know Serge Benhayon. And the beautiful thing he does not expect anything but gives a pure reflection of the love I am.

    2. Totally agree Shevon, not only has meeting Serge and how he is with me and everyone equally I now can see that in so many men I interact with that they are truly gentle and tender, most are willing to be this given half the chance.

    3. Vicky I have had the pleasure of knowing Serge for 14 years and the number one word after love is consistency, every time the same level of respect, decency, openness. That is my experience and I have worked with him ‘behind the scenes’ and nothing changes, he is the same on stage as he is in the kitchen before dinner.

    4. This is how we should be treated, this should be our normal and it should be how we treat others and be their normal. How extraordinary that there is a need to justify what is normal and what is not. Mud is slung without a care for the person on the receiving end or for the truth.

  92. As a woman I also know the energy of sexual abuse and innuendo from innumerable situations of my life. I am able to sense the slightest intent of this manner and have a gone a long way of becoming aware and strengthen myself to not allow it anymore. So I can confirm a 100 percent, what you are writing here about, Kyla. I have never ever experienced the slightest form of indecent conduct from Serge Benhayon or any other Esoteric Practitioner.
    It is another manifestation of the same abusive energy, to accuse someone falsely for our own gain and – so to speak – a form of satisfaction. A lack of awareness, responsibility, self-love and love for others – and not acceptable.
    I love the sentence you wrote: “As a woman, it is a true relief to be around non-creepy men – I prefer to call them real men – as I believe this is our true nature and that creepiness (amongst many other unsavoury behaviors) is a product of a civilization that is clearly out of control.” as it is casting a true light on where society is at now but also can evolve to, through a deeper awareness and responsibility and definitely through everything, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is bringing to humanity.

  93. Thank you Kyla, what a valuable blog to have written. I too have never felt an ounce of creepy energy from Serge Benhayon, let alone experienced or heard anyone else experience anything of the sort. It is so wrong to allow that kind of slur to be left out there for others to then question whether it is true or not. The intention is to muddy his name and the question has to be asked by all good journalists…what is the personal agenda of the person making this accusation in this instance? Social media is a terrifying loudspeaker resource in the hands of people who have no attachment to truth.

    1. Yes Lucy it is very clear that there is a personal agenda here, but with media as it is today with so little accountability the onus is on whether it will sell papers not whether it is the truth. We as the public have to suck eggs because that is what we have paid to read.

      1. Yep and that to me is the horror. I can remember as an adolescent being so angry at the twisting of facts and the plain lies I read in the paper, I only ever wrote in once, anonymously because I was scared of the backlash. I realise now we have to engage, we have to speak up or we have to suck eggs about the media we have. I am still learning because even today there is still something else I could do with my time, which is what some industries count on. Choices, always choices.

  94. How disrespectful that these cyber bullies have attacked you without knowing ANYTHING about your life at all. Utterly ridiculous

  95. I have experienced ‘creepy’ men and they are not nice to be around. Serge Benhayon and the male students of Universal Medicine have never given me ‘the creeps’ and I have never been made aware of any inappropriate sexual behaviour. I may feel challenged sometimes, because the love that Serge Benhayon lives may be reflecting that I am not living that way, but that has inspired me to make different choices about how I am living my life and how I see myself as a woman. I can only assume the people making these accusations are feeling similarly challenged but refusing to look at their own lives, instead plotting to ‘ruin’ another by way of revenge for their own dis-comfort.

  96. “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman”. Thank you Kyla for so clearly calling out the false and insidious lies of sexual abuse against Serge Benhayon. Your descriptions of true, and oh so common, acts of abuse highlight graphically that it is so foreign and contrary to the behaviour of Serge Benhayon.

  97. I find it ironic that we are in a society that has stooped to the extent that there is escalating seedy and sexually explicit movies, games, advertising and websites easily accessible by all ages, even newspapers have half naked women – all of this accepted as the ‘norm’. Then we have a bunch of individuals with websites riddled with obscene commentary choosing to brand Serge Benhayon with those qualities they themselves are steeped in. This is whilst Serge Benhayon categorically represents the absolute opposite to all of that. In fact he inspires a depth of integrity, love, honouring and care of individuals at a level that before attending Universal Medicine I had never even dreamt of.

  98. An awesome article that really exposes the lies for what they are, and highlights the depth, strength and wisdom of two incredible women, who are also Students of the Way of the Livingness. Mindless fools? I think not.

  99. I first met Serge Benhayon as a professional practitioner over ten years ago at the time my three teenage daughters and I attended private sessions with Serge. I have never met a man with the depth of professional, integrity and far more than just common decency than Serge. He does not have an once of imposing energy of any sort. Anyone who has had a session or attended a workshop with Serge knows without a doubt the depth of true Love Serge expresses from.

  100. I think most of the women know what ‘creepy’ behaviour is, as unfortunately it can be found everywhere, for e.g. at work, on the street, even at the dentist. We all have very good sensors to recognise it. Sexual abuse accusations are very serious and once spoken out they stick on that person, justified or not, and it is likely that people get a distance to the accused ones.
    In case of Serge Benhayon these accusations are utter ridiculous. How many women and men back up Serge’s integrity and conduct with clients and people in general as remarkable, respectful and absolutely honouring. This is worth pondering about. If there would be any truth in the accusations there would not be such a great resonance of support and testimonials.

  101. Hear hear Kyla and Rebecca. Utterly absurd that those lies are being written and for a split second have been taken seriously.. Even though I can understand that meeting Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon can bring up stuff to surface (issues, pains, hurts etc.) IT is the dishonesty in the person who made the accusation that is creating a lie. Therefore this accusation has in truth nothing to do with Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon, but actually has everything to do with: the person who is casting their issues and pains on another (in this case Universal Medicine) – an incredible loving business which exist out of contrary qualities – love, no abuse. NO further explanation is needed. Everything is felt, so is it felt that this accusation is holding no reality or truth.

  102. Kyla I would say you are extremely qualified in knowing what constitutes sexual abuse and have a very finely tuned radar as to any hint of such offence. While totally trusting of Serge Benhayon personally, in all his interactions with people including myself over many years, it is great that you have come forward and dispelled any doubt in the mind of people not familiar with Serge and the wonderful healing modalities presented by Universal Medicine.

  103. It really is disgusting and convenient to say women associated with Universal Medicine are brainwashed and therefore are unable to discern if they are being sexually abused, or involved in sexual abuse in any way. It definitely is the furtherist thing from the truth in this case, with the lies spread a deliberate and cheap attempt at spreading fear and mistrust. It is unfortunately effective however in casting doubt where none should lie. Therefore these lies continue to need to be countered, and the ridiculousness behind them exposed.

  104. Something stood out to me as I read this blog. I know from my own experience if we don’t allow such sexual abuse to occur there is this feeling of being considered or deemed as lesser as a human being. Which sounds absolutely crazy – the perception that a person is prudish, or awkward or any other derogatory term used to imply being lesser if we say no towards being treated as an object and actually lesser than the being that we are for the perverse momentary pleasure of another that does leave us feeling dirty and most definitely smaller and lesser. The fact that such behaviour is illegal and known as a wrong and something we generally do not want if life is then made into ‘if you don’t join in/accept you are less etc – How does any of that make sense? And why have we allowed this behaviour pattern occur?

  105. Kyla and Rebecca thank you for a clear, unequivocal call-out of abuse, and how those with an agenda will stoop so low to destroy someone who lives the absolute opposite of what it is to abuse. Such accusations dishonour both men and women and display utter callousness for fellow human beings. Literally this abuse is all about their end and their agenda and to hell with anyone or anything (integrity, truth, love) which might get in the way – they don’t care as long as they get their way. It’s ugly, vile and not to be tolerated.

  106. It’s an abomination and ridiculous to accuse Serge Benhayon of any impropriety whatsoever. As you so rightly say Kyla – Serge is the epitome of a true gentleman and holds both women and men with the same high regard and as the equals that we all are. In the five years that I’ve been attending Universal Medicine events and in healing sessions with practitioners there has never been a shred of sexual impropriety.

  107. I know women and men who have been sexually abused or assaulted, as kids or adults. I myself as a woman can very well feel a creepy behavior with others or approach to me. I could feel this already as a young child. Accusing someone for being sexually abusive is a serious accusation and should always been treated very carefully.
    I have never ever felt any creeping behavior in Serge Benhayon or and other Universal Medicine practitioner. In contrary I never have experienced such a high level of integrity and code of ethics in every approach of those practitioners with full respect and loyalty towards their clients.

  108. I completely agree with what has been shared in this blog. Not because of being a follower of any sort but because I too have experience of creepy and Serge Benhayon is on the completely opposite side of the universe to creepiness and such like behaviour. Those horrible acts are also a very sticky feeling, they stay with us for a long time if we allow them – you don’t just suddenly or magically forget what creepy behaviour feels like!

  109. In all the years I have been attending Universal Medicine events I have only ever been treated with the utmost love, care and respect by Serge Benhayon and other practitioners, with not a ounce of sexual impropriety insight. I have never felt so safe and honoured as when I am in this wonderful environment and will continue to attend these events freely and without any fear of anything inappropriate occurring. I fully agree with Kayla, when she states so clearly: “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.”

  110. My response to these accusations is that they are utter rubbish, complete lies and totally untrue. Simple.

  111. Excellent article Kyla. How sad it is that lies and false allegations can still continue to exist when it is evident that it is only to hurt and damage something truly beautiful. I am becoming more and more a loving gentle man. The man I have always been but never had the guidance to know that it is ok to be who I am, this gentle, this caring and still be a man. This is due to the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. These false allegations are highly offensive.

  112. Thank you for stating the facts so clearly, Kyla & Rebecca. I too can attest to the absolute respect and integrity that Serge Benhayon brings to every interaction with every single person, both men and women, young and old.

    1. Yes Carmin, I can also… I have had numerous creepy and inappropriate encounters with men throughout my life, I imagine most women have, and I can smell creepy a mile off these days at a glance. Serge Benhayon does not get any squeaky cleaner to my nose, in fact has become the benchmark for honour and respect for all human beings, not just women and inspires me daily to not only honour myself more, but all others too.

  113. Lack of validating false lies and running with them because they are sensational is not clever – in fact it is abusive and immensely irresponsible. Because of Serge Benhayon and the quality with which he lives, many words such as love, care, support, integrity, truth, relationship have all a far far deeper meaning and significance. The example and marker he has been providing about our true essence is a powerful and precious gift that is leading the way for humanity.

  114. The love, integrity and deep honouring of every single person with which Serge Benhayon lives is truly inspiring and a marker for the quality relationship possible among all people. I have always cared deeply about people, however from Serge Benhayon I have a learned a far greater level that this care and responsibility can go to, and am still learning to deepen it every day. How can those who have tried to spread false rumours be so immensely irresponsible to try to tarnish such a great light and inspiration for humanity.

    1. Yes it makes no sense Golnaz, unless of course you consider the rather glaring fact of jealousy. There is much to be jealous of… Serge Benhayon is not just extraordinary in the depth of love and care, integrity and self-responsibility he takes in every last minute detail of his life, but he is also extremely successful in every sense of the word from a temporal point of view. There is a great deal to be green over when your own choices are so irresponsible, completely self-serving and unloving and your success in the world does not rate mention.

  115. Very true Rebecca – the lies that have been written about Serge Benhayon are ridiculous and totally without evidence. It is time those who spread and feed such lies be held accountable.

    1. With you all the way on that one Angela and Rebecca. The hate speech propagated through these lies are not just hideous, they deny people the right to the truth– and that this is socially tolerated is just as hideous as the lies themselves.

  116. No man has ever treated me with the level of integrity that Serge Benhayon has in the 10 years I have known him. I have witnessed this same genuine love and respect towards all women that come into contact with him. He is a gentleman in the truest sense and as Kyla and Rebecca have said it is utterly ridiculous what these hate bloggers are writing abut him and it is an absolute lie. They need to get some support to deal with their jealousy of him.

    1. Indeed I can only imagine that the hate bloggers who make up these lies of sexual misconduct feel sadly lacking in their own ability to treat people with the level of integrity and respect that Serge Benhayon has consistently demonstrated.

  117. Thank you Rebecca for the background; and thank you Kyla for the in depth testimonial. It is a very good point you make that sexual assault is so widespread that most women would have finely tuned radar to sexual abuse down to its precursor creepy behavior, snide remarks, misogyny, or even underlying sexual suggestiveness. This is backed up by the fact that there have been no complaints from any of the many women who attend. Many times I have heard Serge himself explain at great length the subtlest ways in which women are denigrated in society and encourages men and women to not accept the slightest thread of it by speaking out and putting a stop to it. The very first presentation I heard encouraged us all to me very discerning all the time and don’t go along with anything or anyone that feels creepy. All this provides an atmosphere where it is known that the slightest disharmony will be corrected. It is here that people feel safe to talk about their most sensitive problems (for some like me the first time in my life.) So for some revenge blogger to say that sexual abuse is widespread among the Universal Medicine community, I know it could not be further from the truth.

    1. Bernard, you speak for all who attend Universal Medicine events when you so rightly say that ‘for some revenge blogger to say that sexual abuse is widespread among the Universal Medicine community, I know it could not be further from the truth’. I have been attending Universal Medicine events for more than 10 years and can attest to the fact that I have not come across even a hint of impropriety, quite the opposite in fact!

  118. I agree with Kyla Plummer and Rebecca Baldwin that in a world where creepiness and sexual abuse is so common as you have described, it is disgraceful and very disrespectful that some internet trolls decide to use this to their advantage for their own ends by attempting to tarnish the reputation of a truly honourable gentleman, Serge Benhayon.

  119. Important point Adam. To cloud the waters in regard to sexual abuse by making false allegations affects true victims and this is unacceptable.

  120. In my experience Serge Benhayon is a man of the highest integrity and this is something he lives in everything he does. To me this is simply a case of suggesting the absolute opposite of the truth to discredit him and his work and this is completely unacceptable. Not only is it unacceptable, it is a travesty for those who would otherwise truly benefit from his amazing work. Knowing Serge Benhayon and attending his events has given me the opportunity to truly transform my life in the healthiest of ways. Abuse – no chance!

    1. It is lovely to hear so many men attesting to the truly honourable nature of Serge Benhayon. It is one thing to come from a woman, and is very needed, but it is very powerful also hearing men speak out not in defence, but in testimony.

  121. I could not agree more that Serge Benhayon is a true gentleman with utmost integrity and deep respect for women. It is from his teachings and loving way that I have curtailed my own self-abusive behaviours so that now I stand as a beautiful and claimed woman who would tolerate no such abuse – the allegations against him are indeed the opposite of all that he stands for.

  122. Thank you for your courage in writing this blog Kyla and exposing sexual abuse in its’ many guises. I can honestly say that I agree unequivocally with your statement and that I’m one of these women so inspired:
    “I know plenty of men and women who are inspired by the way in which Serge Benhayon conducts himself professionally, personally, within the community and notably, the way he treats women with the utmost respect, equality and care. In my opinion and experience, Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.”

  123. As these hate bloggers make up blatant lies against Serge Benhayon relating to sexual abuse, they are not only undermining a decent man, but all decent men…making up such serious lies against one man who holds such high respect and the qualities of a true gentleman and cares for not only women but everyone, puts down all decent men….many women including myself have been met with the utmost respect and care from Serge Benhayon and for some of us, we have never experienced this depth of respect as a woman from a man. That’s why we are speaking out, we are women who hold respect for ourselves, who say NO to abuse in any form and appreciate that Serge Benhayon has been an inspiration in this.

    1. ‘ . . . we are speaking out, we are women who hold respect for ourselves, who say NO to abuse in any form and appreciate that Serge Benhayon has been an inspiration in this’. What you say here Karoline is spot on. Far from being ‘mindless followers of a cult leader’ as the media has so portrayed, the female students of Universal Medicine are some of the most intelligent and independent woman I have had the honour of knowing.

  124. Kyla and Rebecca

    This is an outstanding blog exposing the truth around women knowing the difference between a creepy man and a man of true intregity- a gentleman as shared by Kyla. I am a woman who also has experienced sexually inappropiate behaviours from creepy men and can also share that I have felt nothing but the deepest respect and honouring of me as woman by Serge Benhayon personally and at any of the Universal Medicine workshops.
    Actually the way I was treated was beyond anything I had ever experienced in my own life so it gave me a new yardstick of how women need to be treated and expect to be treated. In light of this, these claims of sexual abuse or inappropiateness are completely outrageous and a disgrace.

    1. Yes Sharon, I too have experienced sexual assault to varying degrees as many women have and I will not accept it to any degree. On the contrary to the lies of the bloggers what Serge Benhayon presents is about self responsibility, love, respect and saying NO to abuse in its many shapes and forms. So how can a woman be feeling so respected and honoured as a woman by a man who is ‘creepy’ sexually? The two do not mix at all….

    2. As a man, the example of Serge Benhayon has raised my awareness of what it truly means to honour and respect women and indeed everyone in my life.

  125. I feel these people just throw out lies and see what happens. Lies are cheap, nasty and hurtful and that is what these people want to achieve – hurt as many others as possible, if we let them.

  126. An excellent summary Simon. Serge’s standing in the community is thus that so many people know for themselves the unprecedented integrity beyond doubt and even the foulest of lies could not create the slightest wobble. This unprecedented care and decency is called for in the world and this ‘real deal’, once found is not readily tarnished with the brush of jealous hateful lies.

  127. It is completely and absolutely ludicrous that Serge Benhayon be falsely accused of an act that requires an energy of which he ‘does not possess an ounce.’ The energy which he does express is so far removed from that abusive sexual energy as to be in the next galaxy.
    As for the maligning ones, ‘the apple never falls far from the tree,’ does it?

    1. Yes Coleen, well said… Serge ‘does not possess an ounce’ of abusive sexual energy. Never have I felt more safe, utterly respected and completely honoured in the company of a man.

  128. Rebecca and Kyla, what you have written here is very real and true of what is many peoples experience of unwanted sexual behaviour. Every woman (and man) knows sexual misconduct, it is felt far before any action takes place and therefore IT IS clear in this case that there is an agenda at play. In all of my time and experience with Serge Benhayon and each and every qualified practitioner of Universal Medicine, never have I felt, nor witnessed any indecent behaviour of this kind. The allegations are simply ludicrous, and obviously just coming from someone who is out to get another. Pure and absolute lies.

  129. It is so very true, Serge Benhayon is an inspiration to men and women alike for 100% integrity and responsibility in everything, from self care to care for humanity. Your account says it all, any creepy behaviour would stand up to such a paradox.

  130. The other part of this sad but necessary blog is the extent to which our society as a whole is riddled with real instances of sexual abuse. What is going on that this is the case? Why is our media going (falsely) after one man when sexual abuse is rife in our everyday lives and should be called out like it has here for us all to respond to? We have created and allowed something awful to exist among us and this needs to be addressed beyond the various commissions of inquiry. We need to ask what are we doing, or not doing, en masse to create this situation.

  131. Thank you Kyla Plummer for sharing your story with such candour. Your own strength of character speaks volumes and brings clarity to this very murky situation. I too know Serge Benhayon to be of the highest integrity and I also know what a creep is and Serge is definitely not that.

  132. We all know what allegations of sexual abuse can do to a person’s reputation – destroy them. To make a false allegation in order to deliberately harm someone is beyond evil. That Serge Benhayon has not let these deplorable actions impact him is testimony to his strength and clarity of character.

    1. He is an inspiration Victoria. He has not tried to hide, as so many people would naturally seek to do, even when the accusations are completely false. Few people could not only stand in the way Serge has done in the face of such belligerent condemnation, but remain openly loving and active in his community. There is no bitterness in him, no blame. The way he lives in love in action. He is my role model in grace and power.

    2. I agree Victoria, not only has he not let these heinous acts affect him, where others may be, and with good reason, considering taking a step back, Serge Benhayon has carried on and gone from strength to strength. This speaks volumes about the true quality of Serge Benhayon.

  133. All women know when a man is being creepy. We feel a mile off. No matter what our age and in fact from a very early age. You cannot fool us. Serge Benhayon is absolutely one hundred percent a man of truth and integrity. One has to question the character of the ones pointing the finger as people often accuse others of what they themselves are capable of as that is their mind set..

    1. This is so true Kathleen, ‘All women know when a man is being creepy. We feel a mile off’, I can feel if there is anything sexual or untoward going on with men that I meet, I have never felt any sexual energy or anything untoward from Serge Benhayon and the men that I have met associated with Universal Medicine, I have always felt very safe and very loved without any sexual energy whatsoever.

    2. Strong comment Kathleen and I have to 100 percent agree with you. The lack of integrity and inexcusable character of the finger pointers (some of which are known to me personally) are the only ones that should be under the microscope… as their treatment of all people, but woman especially, is deplorable.

      1. Spot on Sarah. There is an old saying that goes like this; when one points the finger there are always three fingers pointing back to them. If you point your finger you will see what I mean.

    3. I agree Kathleen. What does it say about the mind set of those who are willing to spread this kind of malicious accusation? Where does it come from in them?
      It is also true to say that men can equally discern a ‘creep’ – and there is nothing creepy about Serge Benhayon in the slightest.

      1. Yes great points Richard and yes well said ” men can equally discern a ‘creep’ – and there is nothing creepy about Serge Benhayon in the slightest.”

  134. Kate I wholeheartedly agree, ‘Serge Benhayon is the very antithesis of abuse..’ and it most certainly is a ‘vile abuse…to state otherwise.’

    It is an abuse to try to tarnish a man that brings true love and regard to humanity; it is an abuse to put off those who may otherwise have accessed the grandness of what is on offer; it is an abuse of the safeguarding system that is in place; it is an abuse to all those who are making legitimate abuse claims as it puts their claims into doubt by the fact that false claims are made; and it is an abuse of all the 1000s of people who associate themselves with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, their families and friends. One abuse is too many.

    1. Yes Karin, I agree 100%. In my experience, Serge Benhayon has the utmost respect for women – indeed in my 33 years I have never before been treated with such a deep level of respect, equality and care. I know Serge to be a solid, warm and caring man of utmost integrity and any attempt to taint his name and, by association, his family, his friends, Universal Medicine and the many who attend the clinic, courses and events is an obscene abuse. It is obscene and deeply irresponsible to make such false claims, and incredibly disrespectful to all those who have actually experienced abuse in their lives.

    2. You are right Karin, abuse towards Serge Benhayon has spread like wild fire across the globe. All abuse has far reaching implications and affect and is utterly unacceptable at any degree, let alone so blatantly as in this case.

  135. I too am one of the hundreds of women who have attended many a workshop and presentation by Serge Benhayon and have never once found him in any way anything but highly respectful in all ways to women. I would go as far to say that he is the most respectful man I have ever met and does not display one ounce of the energy that is outlined in the accusations made by the media. These are simply ridiculous made lies as part of a hate campaign that has no basis of truth what so ever.

  136. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca for setting the record straight. Serge Benhayon in my consistent experience is a man of unparalleled integrity who has raised the bar beyond what is ordinarily considered possible, and definitely far and above the norm of how we treat ourselves and what we’re willing to accept from others.

    From this lived example I have personally gone from a life where abuse was frequent and normalised, to a total transformation of being not only willing, but empowered and responsible for how I treat myself with loving care and speaking up at even an unloving tone of voice directed at me, (let alone a cyber troll spreading the most vile of lies and denigrating the most dear of men, and all of us who so responsibly choose to attend Uni Med events and improve our lives off the grid).

    Serge Benhayon is the very antithesis of abuse, and in polar contrast actually lights the way in care and self care beyond what most of us commonly imagine is possible. It is a desperate deliberate vile abuse (yes abuse) to state otherwise, and a direct harm to those who have suffered genuine abuse. To knowingly use an utterly false allegation such as this as a calculated ‘move’ in a stated blinkered objective to ‘bring down’ Serge Benhayon, knowing even false mud tends to stick, is a travesty to the many who experience genuine abuse, and those amongst us who may be seeking a way to move beyond abusive, disrespectful, or dishonouring lives, who deserve to readily find unparalleled support such as is offered through Universal Medicine. Thank heavens I and others did find this support – the transformation has been beyond what I imagined possible.

    1. Totally agree with you Kate. Such utterly false allegations are themselves abuse towards not only Serge Benhayon who has been a leading light in living a life of love, care and integrity, and the hundreds of women who have increased the level of care and honouring of themseleves as a result of knowing him, but the allegations are also abusive towards those who have actually been at the receiving end of abuse in their lives, and “those amongst us who may be seeking a way to move beyond abusive, disrespectful, or dishonouring lives, who deserve to readily find unparalleled support such as is offered through Universal Medicine.”

    2. Brilliant Kate, it is an abuse to falsely accuse another, and absolutely dishonouring to do so.

  137. Not only have I not seen any inappropriate behaviour, my understanding of the level of care and honouring I can offer another has gone up many-fold as a result of witnessing the way Serge Benhayon conducts himself in life. I am forever deepening my appreciation and understanding how amazing human beings are directly inspired by Serge Benhayon. This level of love, deep honouring and integrity is a true blessing in the world. Misleading people away from such a loving reflection that most are craving for is an absolute crime against the whole of humanity.

    1. So true Golnaz, so too has my level of care for another gone up many-fold as a result of being inspired by Serge Benhayon. This is the case for so many, the complete opposite to the accusations (lies) of a few.

    2. So true Golnaz, the level of love, truth, care and joy that Serge Benhayon and family exude is second to none. I am forever grateful to learn and feel what it means to truly be loving with myself and therefore others. Something I will never shy or back away from claiming how truly amazing it is to reconnect with myself and what have learned through Universal Medicine.

    3. Indeed it is Golnaz and I second what you say. The level of love, care and honouring I bring to life now has been raised many fold, through my association with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  138. it is totally unacceptable as you say Natalie, it is such an insult to all the women and to the men of the esoteric community and a reflection of society at large that this sort of character assassination can happen with no legal consequences.

  139. Agree Natalie, it is totally unacceptable for cyber bullies to maliciously lie and accuse a man ‘of the very thing he is clearly not’. Like you, ‘I am one of hundreds of women that have attended Serge Benhayon’s workshops, courses, sessions’. I have known Serge for over 11 years and during that time Serge has always shown ‘genuine care, respect and’ absolute integrity no matter what. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for setting the record straight.

    1. Yes thank you Rebecca and Kyla for setting the record straight.

      Serge Benhayon shows me a respect and integrity that is beyond anything I have ever seen in the world. He constantly inspires not just me but so many to live in a way that simultaneously holds themselves and others in equal love and respect. This is huge. It makes the allegations seem incomprehensively ridiculous.

  140. So true Rebecca, not one real complaint of sexual misconduct and dozens of testimonials that Serge Benhayon holds women in deep respect and with an integrity matched by no other man I know.

  141. When you talk about creepy men Kyla I know exactly what you mean. I remember exactly who the creepy men were in my childhood, the priest, the schoolteacher and some casual men on the street. I could always feel that there was something disgusting about these people and stayed well away from them. So as a woman I know exactly what creepy looks and feels like. Serge Benhayan is the opposite of a creepy man. His whole way of being is non-imposing and it is so great to feel that. Never have I felt anything other than pure love and integrity in any interaction I have had with Serge Benhayon so to accuse him of sexual impropriety is pure slander.

  142. An amazingly beautiful and honourable blog allowing us to truly understand the integrity and love of Serge Benhayon. His love of life and his fellow man are evident from his clear dedication to life being lived fully. Anyone accusing Serge of being a ‘creep’ clearly has an agenda – a very suspect and perverse agenda, and that is clear for all to see.

  143. Absolutely Brendan! They know the damage it inflicts on the falsely accused so they should be held to account.

  144. This article lays it to rest. Well said Rebecca and Kyla.
    Interesting to note that while those bent on attacking Serge Benhayon still regurgitate their lies – and still keep peddling the accusations to anyone that will listen – or who has not the reference point of having encountered Serge for themselves (thus realising that the accusations are not possible from such a man, and rather open to being affected by the primeval fears the perpetrators of the lies are aiming to invoke) that for all the accusations that have been falsely made – nothing has ever come of any of them. I find this remarkable that more has not been made of this – national media attention and countless Government Body investigations of false claims – Very serious accusations of different nature – and not one has lead to any action. No police action – no charges laid to defend in court.

    Quite Simply because there is nothing to see here. Nothing dangerous or even slightly risky.

    Just the new face of what is possible for us all if we choose to live our lives with the same level of integrity, dedication and commitment to life.


    Simple and so very VERY powerful.

  145. Clearly those that do not respect honour and appreciate what a sexual assault victim has been through are just as evil as the perpetrators themselves.

  146. We really need to stop and question the very driving force behind our society when one man, Serge Benhayon, who is absolutely dedicated to supporting every single person on this planet, and that means anyone and everyone; who lives with a level of integrity that most could not fathom (I’m not even sure I understand); who is a true role model for men, a true friend and true presenter, is accused of sexual misconduct. As every enquiry has found out there is nothing but absolute respect, integrity and love in all that Serge Benhayon lives by. So why then are a few still allowed to spread such atrocious lies? Rebecca this is a great response to them and one that many thousands who know Serge would agree with. We now need the governments to step in and put a stop to cyber criminals that try to destroy reputations for their own self amusement.

  147. Kyla I thank you for your courage to speak out in defence of Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine Practitioners and at the same time reliving your painful experiences. I cannot believe anyone who has had anything to do with the wonderful care, love and respectful conduct given when treating Clients that Serge and the other Practitioners give , could ever accuse them of sexual abuse or misconduct in any way ever! I have so much respect and Love for these people and have never been treated so well by any Medical Practitioner in General Practice ever! My appreciation knows no bounds.

  148. Serge Benhayon is a man of the highest integrity and the deepest level of care and honouring towards people I have come across – ever – and this is not because I have lacked people of integrity and care in my life, on the contrary I have always looked for and gathered such people around me. However through Serge Benhayon I have been introduced to a depth of care and integrity that I had not even dreamed about before. How can anyone accuse such a person of sexual misconduct or any other activity showing a lack of care and honour without a shred of evidence? In my book such accusations are more a reflection of the state of the mind and conduct of the accuser.

  149. Thank you Kyla for writing such an honest and open article.
    Your experience proves that you know sexual abuse and understand the harm it causes, and provides a very powerful testament to the absolute integrity of Serge Benhayon to anyone who has not met him personally. This is so important because everyone can benefit from his remarkable work, and it is a crime that people might be turned away by the lies that have been published by a malicious few.

  150. Thanks Kyla for writing such a brave article. I agree with you – Serge Benhayon does not have an ounce of creepiness about him. In any session I’ve had with a Universal Medicine practitioner I have felt nothing but the highest level of care and professionalism.

  151. I agree Kyla it is totally absurd that any one would accuse Serge Benhayon of sexual misconduct or as you so beautifully describe as being ‘creepy’ He is so totally the opposite, I have never been in the presence of a man before who is so loving with out a single ounce of ‘creepy.’ Serge Benhayon re-instilled my trust and faith in men.

  152. Every woman knows what creepy is because every woman can feel whether she admits it or not. There are hundreds of women who without a moment of hesitation would attest to the fact, that Serge Benhayon is the total and absolute opposite to the term creepy.
    Interestingly enough the media has never shown any interest in these many woman but is only listening to the one woman who is making up fantasy stories because she is suffering from severe issues within herself.
    I am extremely sensitive to creepy and have always been, my alarm bells when I come in contact with this kind of approach are very instant and very loud. Serge Benhayon I have known now for 15 years, met him in many different situations including having regular private sessions with him and he has never ever been anything but completely non-sexual and respectful to me as a woman while being incredibly supportive for my healing and evolution.

  153. It is an old principle of propaganda to accuse people of the exact opposite of what they are, especially if these people behave in a worthwhile way.

    Accusing them of the opposite strikes a chord with those who know the victim “I always knew these people were just putting on a show. In truth they are the opposite of this. Now I know.”

    Very nasty, very effective. There is no real response.

  154. “As a woman, it is a true relief to be around non-creepy men – I prefer to call them real men – as I believe this is our true nature and that creepiness (amongst many other unsavoury behaviors) is a product of a civilization that is clearly out of control. “Unfortunately this is so true about our society.
    Serge is a man with absolute integrity, he has an absolute love and respect for everyone equally. Everyone who knows Serge knows the man that he is. The man that he reflects, he has a consistency and a committment to humanity like I have never seen before, those who know him know that there is not an ounce of truth in what these people are saying. Even with all these lies that are being said about him it has not changed the man that he is in any way.

    1. Absolutely, the consistency and integrity that Serge Benhayon demonstrates in his relationships with people and the fact not one allegation have ever been substantiated or victims ever come forward speaks volumes. It seems only to infuriate the hate bloggers further because truth prevails.

  155. I too take great offence to anyone suggesting that I don’t know what sexual abuse is. Or that I am somehow too stupid or manipulated to know what sexual assault is. These kind of accusations are incredibly abusive, demeaning and arrogant. They simply don’t wash. There is no foundation for them whatsoever.

  156. “..a world rife with sexual abuse there are also those who attempt to ruin others’ lives and reputations by malicious accusations. They know that by doing so they will tarnish the reputation of the accused even if they can get no further with it than the initial complaint. It is a serious offence to wrongfully accuse someone of sexual assault or misconduct, and it is also a gross insult to the countless real victims of sexual abuse.” Serious yet false allegations are attempts to smear good people’s reputations. When will the press and social media platforms take this seriously? Thank you Kyla for your sharing.

  157. This article alone puts to rest any comment or allegation that has been thrown the way of Serge Benhayon. In many fields Kyla would be considered an expert in the area of sexual abuse and misconduct from what she has shared. I say this with all respect to Kyla in that someone with her life experience as she has described would know when something similar approaches or touches. Thank you Kyla for this brave and clear sharing of how things are and for standing by what you know to be true. I agree with you and support all you are saying.

  158. To understand that the thoughts I had as a young man towards women, were most certainly not my own, but an energy feeding them through me, has allowed me such a deep understanding of the interactions and outplays we experience in life that, when we are given a moment to feel them, know that this energy source driving these thoughts never felt right in my body – somehow foreign and imposed upon me and therefore on others too.

    Having been offered an understanding of the energetic reasons for the way life is by Universal Medicine and being given the opportunity to re-connect to my own stillness and therefore begin an awareness of feeling in my body the Soul’s light of stillness thus offers the opportunity to have a means to compare this against the imposition of consciousnesses fed by the astral plane that impose on and through me towards others. This allows me to have a choice and to begin to build a relationship with the energy source I choose to allow my thoughts to align with.

    Clearly the more I allow the Soul’s light to impulse my every expression means that, amongst others, the way I now am around women no longer carries any form of ‘creepiness’ but an open, tender, honesty and True love for all equally.

  159. Great forward and brilliant article, thank you. As you so rightly state…”It is a serious offence to wrongfully accuse someone of sexual assault or misconduct, and it is also a gross insult to the countless real victims of sexual abuse”. I really responded to you sharing that you would not let these situations (sexual abuse) happen to you again because of the inner-strength you now have and the irony is that has been re-connected to through being a student of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  160. My response to the false accusations:
    simply take some time to listen to words presented by Serge Benhayon,
    you will be offered an opportunity to change your life for the better……..

    1. Wendy these are wise words – it makes you realise that if you do choose to listen openly to what is shared there is nothing but life changing gems and a simplicity we all deeply want. On the other hand if you come with an agenda to fulfil your only option is to create a lie as there is nothing harmful that Universal Medicine does or supports.

  161. Great article Kyla, thank you for writing what so many women experience throughout their lives, and how it is pretty much the accepted normal way. Serge Benhayon is absolutely a world apart from that so called ‘normal’ and disrespectful way of being.

  162. Hi Kyla, great blog! Having been subject to a variety of sexual abuse over the years as you have, I am very aware of what this energy feels like, even if they don’t touch me or even speak to me I can feel it if it’s there, to me that creepiness is very obvious and cannot be disguised. Shortly after I became involved with Universal Medicine I felt completely comfortable to discuss a sexual issue I had been having with Serge Benhayon. I instinctively knew it was absolutely safe to do so, I could feel his energy, to me it felt totally clear, someone who I could speak to about my issue and who would hold me in the respect and love I deserved. I have always felt he is a man whom you can speak to about anything at all, the absolute love and integrity this man holds is not short of inspirational and something I aspire to be.

  163. There is so much being offered by Universal Medicine, such wisdom and clarity being brought to humanity that it is unthinkable that, to those of us who are associated with UM, that anyone could stand in the way of what is being offered. There is so much that can be offered to so many that one must reflect on what on earth would oppose such a proven vehicle of healing and social responsibility.

  164. Thank your for exposing these lies Kyla. Serge Benhayon has nothing but the highest integrity and deepest love for all. I have never felt so safe and cared for by a practitioner until I met Serge. I never once felt exposed. I too have had sexual abusive incidents in my past and for these hate bloggers or cyber bullies to imply we are brainwashed and that we support abusive behaviour is outrageous and completely disgusting. Like I said, I have never felt more safe with Serge Benhayon as he has a deep care and respect for all.

  165. Agenda most likely, Kyla, whatever the personal history and experiences of these hate-bloggers are. Have you noticed that when someone wants to hurt, defame and ostracize another, the usual attributes targeted are their sexuality, mental stability, business and financial dealings, relationships with people, and anything that incites fear or makes them seem abnormal? Same old tactics are being used here against Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon; same old energy coming through just another crop of angry, agenda-driven people who do not want the truth to be known and will ‘shoot the messenger’ rather than be exposed themselves.

  166. Brendan I completely agree, in todays always on (yet perhaps not connected) world the damage that individuals can inflict out of pure hurt and hatred should not be accepted. To deliberately accuse someone of sexual abuse knowing it to be false and then let the fear spread is unacceptable. The laws need to catch up and fast. Accountability and responsibility for what is expressed is key.

  167. My radar for creep energy is as clear as a bell. Serge Benhayon has not one ounce of this energy and his deep respect and honouring of women is absolute.

  168. Thank you Kyla for sharing your story. I went to a healer and while he was massaging my abdomen I felt extremely uncomfortable. I opened my eyes, looked him in the eyes and thankfully he stopped. It felt creepy and of a sexual nature and I never returned. What I experienced was not big but what I felt was not right. I went on to have sessions with Serge Behayon and I was treated with the utmost respect and more importantly I always felt safe.

  169. A powerful, factual blog, that shows with absolute clarity and truth difference in what it feels like to be sexually abused and not. The huge message that comes through is the fact that in falsely accusing another of this they are not only deliberately manipulating and trying to completely destroy another but they are causing deep wide speared harm and treating those who have ben sexually abused with absolute contempt and disregard. Serge Benhayon does not have one ounce of sexual energy or abuse in him. There has never been a man who lives, practices and presents with such integrity, respect, responsibility and absolute love.

  170. Most great article. I love it all – every word. In my opinion and experience too I can absolutely share that: ”Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not”.And I mean this with all my heart. Serge Benhayon is a man to love and not a man to hate – therefore hating does only harm, and specifically because those accusations about Serge being a sexual abuses etc. etc. are no way near any truth – and therefore harming him and so all the readers and people that knowing him deeply. Therefore it is with such important to adress all the lies – and share the truth – which is that Serge Benhayon is a true and loving man, not for 99% but a 100%. A big thank you Kyla.

    1. Well said Danna, Serge Benhayon is a man to love, there is nothing about him you can hate. There is so much love in him it would be impossible for him to do any of the things that he has been accused of. Serge is without doubt a true gentle man.

  171. Well said Kyla. Making false accusations of sexual assault is extremely serious. Those who indulge in making up such lies, and for what purpose other than to discredit another human being are creepy. Serge Benhayon in his work and the way he lives is an inspiration for integrity and love for his fellow human being.

  172. well said Kyla, falsely accusing someone of sexual abuse actually dis-honours all of the people who have ACTUALLY been abused.

  173. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca for exposing the evil of the cyberbullies.
    I only can say I don’t understand how somebody cannot feel the immense love and care Serge Benhayon has for the world and the respect he treats every woman, how somebody can not feel the harmony in his family. The person who is not able to feel this love, where thousands of people are feeling it, the person must be either totally ignorant or totally lost. Sad, that this loss is expressed in such a hate campaign.

  174. With the amount of actual sexual abuse and devastation in society requiring desperate attention why would any half decent journalist choose to follow bogus leads without research or make up stories about this very serious topic? What kind of mindset would even dream that this behaviour is acceptable? With such serious irresponsible journalism going on, we need proper regulation that ensures members of the public are served by this profession and not abused by it.

  175. That Serge Benhayon is a true Gentleman, as you say Kylie, redefines the word, and is pause for thought in itself . A Gentle Man. With the qualities of gentleness that shine through in everything that he does, presents, says, even in the way he moves. To those of us who know him personally he redefines all the best qualities of humanity, and then more.
    Even under the constant and grinding barrage of abuse from highly dysfunctional, disturbed, and creepy people, Serge continues to be a beacon of what is possible for us all, and must be supported to continue bringing his extraordinary beingness to humanity.

  176. Your livingness that absolutely knows sexual abuse inside out is strongly felt, and with it comes the power and authority to speak absolute truth. It leaves no doubt to the falseness of the accusations made by the hate bloggers and fully honours the integrity of Serge Benhayon.

  177. “Using false allegations of sexual abuse smacks of a very insidious brand of malice” – brilliant piece that highlights the agenda of hate campaigners and the harm upon harm of knowingly using whatever false allegations to try and fulfil their aim to ‘bring down’ Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.
    Utterly harmful and disrespectful – and in fact abusive – to the many true victims of actual sexual misconduct.

  178. If everyone adopts how Serge Benhayon lives – if they choose the same level of love, integrity, responsibility, honouring of all people, we would not have such a mess in our world. Any behaviour showing a lack of care would stand out by a mile, anonymous lies and cyber-abuse would cease and journalists would choose to serve the public with unbiased truth instead of churning out made-up twisted stories as entertainment.
    I am delighted that there is a new website about Serge Benhayon (www.sergebenhayon.com) because we can all learn a lot from the inspiring way he lives his life.

  179. Superbly written article Kyla and powerful to boot! I wholeheartedly concur that in my experience, Serge Benhayon has never expressed an ounce of abusive energy or creepiness towards me. He is indeed an extraordinary man with an unwavering respect of women and a genuine love for all expressed with the highest integrity. Always. It is a blessing and an inspiration to know a man of such impeccable repute so I am happy to stand alongside you and everyone else and steadfastly address the lies until the truth is all that is known.

  180. Sarah summed it up so well – We all know someone that is creepy and wants to ‘get off’ sexually from you, I have had that happen many many times in my life. Sarah makes a great point and I agree 100% – I would never in a million years let a man near me by choice who had that intention for any healing or presentations. I would run a million miles. The notion that Serge Benhayon is one of these people is ludicrous and obvious spiteful lies. Serge is a man that I feel totally relaxed and absolutely comfortable in his presence all of the time.

    1. I have felt not one ounce of sexual energy from Serge not once in 12 years. Simple.

      1. Ditto! To accuse Serge Benhayon as sexually predatory is the most ludicrous thing I have heard. The malicious and cruel determination to convince the world that this is so – to warp, twist and blacken the reputation of a man who is so clearly the opposite, is heinous in the extreme.

  181. I agree Kyla. We can feel when someone is being creepy, when there is sexual innuendo at play and where there is an agenda being played out. I have also experienced the bracket creep of lies and innuendo that have left my persona in tatters and slurs on my reputation. It is very difficult to deny a slander when it has already been put ‘out there’. But I feel and know truth when it is presented by/to me and that is all I need to be aware of.

  182. Slinging mud is what blatantly lying about another used to be called, the idea being that some of the mud would stick even though none of it was true. In this case the slinging of mud has been the ridiculous accusations that Serge Benhayon has participated in sexual abuse. Well in this case none of the mud will stick – this man is impeccable as anyone who knows him, or in the case of these mud slingers has even met him, would know. There is no sexual abuse or impropriety of any kind. Full stop..

  183. Hear hear Kyla, powerfully shared from experience to shed light on the rubbish that has been written against Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. An article that is representative of true journalism with a stunning exposé by Rebecca Baldwin and a revelatory factual experience from Kyla Plummer. Thank you ladies for standing tall and speaking your truth. It is absolutely inspiring.

  184. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for your expose of creepy behaviour and for spelling out so clearly what many of us know – that Serge Benhayon is a world leader when it comes to living as a true man, with immense integrity, respect and love for his fellow man.

    1. I totally agree Bernadette, Serge Benhayon is a world leader that holds utmost love, integrity and respect for ALL of his fellow men and woman. If all were to experience the quality of Love that Serge lives with and by, then they would have an understanding that these ludicrous lies is just simply evil hate being hurled at him.

  185. Rebecca I have known you for a number of years, before you met Serge Benhayon and after. I also know Universal Medicine and the off the chart crystal clear care and integrity they hold in every service offered. To consider there are a select few accusing Serge Benhayon of abusive ways, when he is the man that has supported you and continues to inspire so many other people around the world to live with deep self respect and from there say no to abuse in every way, including self abuse is beyond ridiculous, it is insensible and straight up criminal in nature.

    If it weren’t for Serge Benhayon I would most likely still be viewing men in a negative light. Protecting myself in the anticipation I was going to feel creep energy. It is through Serge Benhayon’s exquisitely gentle manner, including his sons and family who have supported me to feel the fact there are men and women in this world that are clear of sexual energy, who talk to you holding absolute care and love, not because they want something from you. This alone has been very healing and allowed me to feel open and loving to men just as with women.

    The Benhayon family has reflected the opposite of creep, and in this they have allowed many to know what is creepy and what is not based on the genuineness they live and express to all men and women equally.

    Rebecca and Kyla the fact that you can write this article in the clarity and power that you have conveys that you are not a woman that will stand for mistruths, or any ounce of conduct that is not of the love and integrity you know, stand for and express. Undoubtedly it is this expressed truth that will expose the harmful agenda these few people are running as more people are equally inspired to stand for what is true, what is love and call out anything that is not just as you have in this case. Thank-you for offering this inspiration in all that you have written.

    1. Emilia I share your absolute appreciation of the level of love, integrity, care, support expressed by Serge Benhayon and how he has supported myself and many many men and women to live with immense self respect and honouring. I also share your incredulousness that anyone could claim anything less than the deepest level of love and integrity about Serge Benhayon or members of his family – every one of them provides a great example of how we can each live in service to the whole of humanity.

      1. I can only agree with Golnaz here and share all you have expressed Emilia. A truthful, loving,honest authentic man with absolute integrity in all he deals with, be it men, women or children! I am so blessed to have met Serge Benhayon and his family and all that these wonderful people present to all of us, living in service to humanity

    2. Beautifully said Emilia. To accuse Serge Benhayon of what he has been accused of is utterly crazy. He has changed the game. Most adults have learned to mis-trust and fear one another, hide, self medicate in one way or another, check out, have functional rather than loving relationships and make life all about ‘me and mine’ – how closed, but unnecessary! Serge Benhayon has single handedly shown us there is a different way. As you say Emilia, the genuineness of what Serge and his family live has exposed the light on the contraction of humanity. It has brought it into sharp relief, revealing the choices we have collectively been making against the choices many of us are now beginning to make. We all know the effect those collective choices have on us as individuals but it is only now we can articulate them in truth and see them clearly for what they are. Simply by introducing the concept of self care, love and nurture has allowed me to have a different relationship with myself and the world. I could not have started this had it not been for Serge’s shining example.

  186. Ah, Kyla, thank you for expressing so powerfully on this. I am so grateful you have expressed so clearly what I feel to my core too. I am so appreciative you have written this so the community and world can hear and feel the intensity of the outrageous lies that have been put out there about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.
    Like you and many millions of other women my experience of men has included some unsavoury incidents which led me to believe most men were creepy and had hidden sexual agendas. I had little to no trust of men. How terrible to be living like that in the world and denying all the beautiful men that are out there or worse still, never giving a man the opportunity to be the beautiful person he deeply is.
    So when I met Serge Benhayon, and other men at Universal Medicine events, it was one of my first experiences of seeing the beauty in men and one of the first times I was able to open up to trusting men – my world changed.
    So to read about these accusations is outrageous. I have had sessions with Serge Benhayon and absolutely know the difference between integrity and creepy; healing and abuse. So when I read about these accusations I am indeed deeply offended that I do not know the difference. I absolutely do know the difference.
    I do not exclusively see only Universal Medicine practitioners but when I do, it is because my increased respect and love for myself actively seeks a health practitioner who I know will conduct themselves and treat me with the love and respect I have learnt to bring to my life in recent years.
    Thank you Kyla and Rebecca for this awesome and truthful journalistic article.

    1. Absolutely agree with your comment Gina, spot on. And I reiterate what you say, any allegations made against Serge Benhayon are completely baseless and false, and it is outrageous that accusations made in this manner should be allowed to be publicly available to view on the internet. They’re simply not true. I also love your comment –
      “So when I met Serge Benhayon, and other men at Universal Medicine events, it was one of my first experiences of seeing the beauty in men and one of the first times I was able to open up to trusting men – my world changed”…
      I found this too, the men who attend the Universal Medicine events are like no other, they are open, honest, warm and tender and treat all the women there with the utmost respect. Of course, this is true of ALL men in the world if they choose to connect to themselves and allow the true man to come out, and let go of the false ideals and beliefs and they have been brought up with.

  187. There is not an ounce of abuse or creepiness only the absolute presence , love , responsibility and integrity you feel with Serge Benhayon and this makes him unique and the role model for the world . If only everyone could be like this. Thank you Rebecca for sharing this, calling abuse out and true accountability.

    1. I agree Tricia.The respect and care that Serge Benhayon has for women and all people for that matter is beyond compare. To make accusations to the contrary is an outright lie and a huge abuse towards all women and men who have experienced abuse and this needs to be called into account.

    2. Well spoken Tricia, Serge Benhayon is truly unique and a role model for the world. Not only that, but he is wholly committed in presenting himself as equal to everyone too, and never puts himself higher, or lower, than anyone else. Everyone that I know who has met him can truly attest to feeling this too.

  188. Thank you for setting the record straight Kyla, and also to Rebecca for the back-story. Your last line for me sums up Serge’s personality “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” In a world where respectful gentlemen are rare Serge is the ideal role model. This turns the spotlight to the origins of the accusations.
    “The person or persons responsible for accusing Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine of sexual misconduct clearly have had no experience with real abuse themselves, or they are very confused about what it means, or THEY HAVE AN AGENDA… but most likely, all of the above. The character and motives of these people require serious assessment and they should be held accountable.” I could not agree more.

  189. I wonder, Kyla, whether the people who falsely claim sexual abuse by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, HAVE actually been sexually abused themselves when they were children. Is it possible they carry so much anger, shame and resentment from such abuse that they cannot bear to see other people happy, being loved with respect, integrity and intimacy that has no sexual creepiness or agenda to it? So jealous, in fact, that they would do anything and say anything no matter how false and violent, to denigrate and take down the people they envy?

  190. Sex is more than the act and to be ignorant to this shows how needy and completely ignorant one is to its impact, much less the dishonour it brings.

  191. Beautifully written Kyla and Rebecca. Thank you to you both for this direct and precise response to the outrageous lies and innuendos spread by these trouble making hate-bloggers.

  192. Absolutely Kyla, Serge Benhayon does not have an ounce of creepy, he is a very genuine man with such a warm heart. It shocked me to hear of false allegations of sexual misconduct as well, knowing Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine – and having received treatments in their clinic for many years I know that these are just completely un-true. The absolute opposite of what is true.

    1. Totally. These lies put out in the public space, deliberately designed to cause as much harm as possible to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, are not only lies but the very opposite of what is in fact true. Thousands of completely sober people attending Universal Medicine Healing courses, many of them experienced and esteemed doctors and health care professionals, who felt safe and supported. This exposes the absurdity of the anonymous cyber-abusers’ mischievous and malicious claims.

  193. Yes, I fully agree – Serge Benhayon does not contain an ounce of abusive or sexual energy (aka creepiness) that has been claimed. All it takes is 5 minutes with him to feel the purity and absolute respect he has for all people, man and woman.

  194. How is it that there are so many men so lost that all they know is this kind of sexual behaviour. It is so common that the milder forms are almost ‘normalised and how is it that so many women are intimidated into staying quiet when they know things are not right.

    To create such a litany of lies against Serge, the one man I know who first showed men what they are truly capable of, and what true beauty and tenderness can be found within them, is beyond belief.

    1. I so agree Annie. It is hard to believe that one man who is leading the way for men to reunite with their precious tenderness by his own living example could be lied about so outrageously.

  195. I have spent most of my life in fear of men and the power many choose to wield over women.
    My own experiences, the sharing from friends and the known atrocities committed against women in the world all added up to my mistrust and anger towards men.
    This began to change with my involvement some 5 years ago with Universal Medicine when I met Serge Benhayon, Michael, Curtis and many more during workshops and presentations.
    The tenderness, respect, equality, integrity and love for all that I have been met with by these gentle-men is unprecedented and revolutionary.
    Thank you Kayla and Rebecca for this extremely powerful writing and amongst the many truths you have shared, for telling it how it is – that everything that Serge is being accused of is everything he is not.

  196. Not in a month of Sunday’s could one imagine Serge Benhayon, being a sexual predator. He has so much love of humanity, that it would be the last thing on his agenda. Why would stoop so low, when he is married to such a divine lady as Miranda.

  197. Thank you Rebecca for writing this. It is a shame and a pity that we actually need to write this, when it is so clear and beyond question that we are dealing here with a few people who’s only intention is to bring Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine down. This is their only agenda and they will say and do anything, to achieve this goal. They will even come up with these accusations. I am a woman, I know many women who have been assaulted and I myself have also experienced sexual assault. To use these lies and to accuse somebody of this, you must be really desperate. My experience with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is the most loving, honest and respectful I have ever come across in my life.

  198. Rebecca what you say is so very true about Serge Benhayon. He really is the epitome of a true gentleman. When the lies started being published about Serge I had not met him yet. But I knew they were lies by the quality of his character through listening to his interviews, reading one of his books and experiencing some of the modalities he had developed, so much so that I felt very upset hearing about them. All men and women have so much to gain from what Serge lives and shares.

  199. Wow, google removing the hate blog entirely, definitely says something ! Too bad the internet is what it is for it to come back…
    I love what Kayla has written. She is entirely spot on with women knowing what creepiness feels like and being able to recognise sexual abuse/assault.

  200. I absolutely agree Kyla, there is nothing about Serge Benhayon or the practice of Esoteric Healing that is “creepy”, as you call it, and I recognise that feeling from practitioners I have encountered in the past. Anyone who is the least bit sensitive and feels the energy others come with, could not fail to notice it. I remember it from childhood when I did not know what it was but felt uncomfortable and frightened, but I became well aware of the motives as I moved into my teens and the creepy feeling was followed through with something more explicit. For anyone to accuse Serge of this is utterly ludicrous, he is the most respectful and loving man I have ever met, and I have never felt the slightest hint of “creepy”, in fact the total opposite, an energy so clear it is transparent, he hides nothing, there is no hidden, lusting sexual energy to hide.

  201. Absolute respect, gentleness and deep care is all that I have received from Serge Benhayon and his sons Michael and Curtis over the years that I have known them, they are true gentle men and treat everyone with the deepest respect, beyond anything I have ever experienced in my life. It is through the deeply caring and gentle support that I have received from Serge and his sons that I now know and feel the true essence of all men.

  202. Resorting to accusations of sexual molestation against Serge Benhayon is evidence that those intent on ruining Universal Medicine have sunk to a desperate and vile low. They have failed because hundreds have testified, myself included, on the Love, integrity, and truth of Serge. Energetically clear, unimposing, respectful of all, men and women, a shining example to us all.

  203. I love what you have written here and I completely agree with you. Serge is an amazing man, and a true gentleman, the way he has dealt with these lies and slander, with the same incredible integrity as always has been amazing to observe – I’ve never known anyone else to be in a situation even half as intense as this and not react or retaliate – an example of the true gentleman he is.

  204. Great article Kyla,I am inspired by your expression.

    Like many have mentioned before me,I know the feeling when someone is being sexually irresponsible/abusive and I have never had that feeling around anything Serge Benhayon is involved with and that includes his family and fellow practitioners.

    The level of care and trust provided by Universal Medicine is something I would personally recommend to anyone who is unfamiliar with U.M so they can experience it for themselves.

    I can’t help wondering what has happened to these people that keep propagating such false damaging lies about Serge and Universal Medicine. Obviously something fairly sinister has occurred for them to be so far removed from basic common decency and respect for their fellow man.

    I respect the right a human being has to make a choice to ‘not heal’ their hurts but we need to respect the right someone has to heal. Unfounded slander like this confuses people especially when there is such an enormous amount of people out there who are harmed by the abuse of sexuality and need genuine help.

    I wonder if our detractors have considered how truly brave they would need to be to actually take on someone who was sexually abusive?
    I wonder if that would be too close to their own hurt.

    love bj

  205. I may be biased but I doubt it considering all of these comments. I honestly love the way you both write, the strength and directness of this article is what we are all crying out for.
    I have never been more sure in my life of someone’s human decency as I am with Serge Benhayon.
    Thank you both for who you are, I love you.

  206. To knowingly make publicly false allegations of sexual abuse ‘to bring Serge Benhayon down’, and of course anybody for that matter, is totally reprehensible and irresponsible. Inadvertently causing harm is one thing, but to set out with malicious intent to cause great harm to others requires a great deal of hurt, bitterness and jealously. These accusers clearly fail to understand the ramifications of the karma such actions inevitably bring and would do well to listen to the presentations on this topic from the very man they have chosen to attack.

  207. This is the height of journalistic irresponsibility. No true research, no care for those harmed by the damaging comments and no regard for those who actually have experienced sexual abuse when such false articles make a mockery of the real stories.

  208. Hear, here Rebecca! I have never been inappropriately touched or have heard of anyone having the experience of any kind of abuse with in Universal Medicine.. Serge Benhayon is the most loving and caring man that I have ever met, who has a high regard for all people and lives with an amazing integrity.

  209. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for exposing the ludicrous and insidious lies about the nature of Serge Benhayon. Never have I detected an ounce of inappropriateness in the way I have been treated by Serge Benhayon (or any Universal Medicine practitioners). Quite the contrary, the absolute respectfulness and integrity of Serge Benhayon has shown me what true care and true love really is.

  210. Agreed, Serge Benhayon conducts himself with the highest of integrity, responsibility and love for everyone he meets. Never has there been any kind or impropriety, to state such a thing, is ludicrous.

  211. Thank you Kyla for sharing your experience. I agree completely with what you have written – sexual misconduct is a serious allegation and the people making up these lies lack insight into the effect this has on all, particularly the alleged victims. As you have said there is absolutely no creepiness or hint of adverse or over sexulisation from Serge Benhayon. The way Serge conducts himself in public and in private is an inspiration to many men and women, myself included.

  212. Serge Benhayon and his family are a beacon of inspiration for men and women that true relationship always holds love, honouring, equality and truth at the core. In fact they forever inspire me to a deeper understanding of what these qualities mean. Instead of giving airplay to hate-bloggers and falsely accusing the Benhayon family of behaviour that is not even in their nature, the media can learn a thing or two from them about a commitment and dedication to truly serve the public.

  213. I agree “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” Time to explain how he really is and how we really are – time to care for ourselves and time to speak up!

    1. Yes Sandra, why are we living in a world divided in 2. A loving one and a not so loving one? And why don’t we all rise and start saying NO to the not so loving actions and deeds. Why we choose silence above expression? If we would – in a loving way, just from ourselves – all express what we feel in normal daily life, what would change? Today I had 2 beautiful conversations about the state of the world and how to approach it. Being silent and accept it? Or talking about it, writing letters, etc. Every one counts. It takes only one… One ripple of True Love creates another one and so one. Until the time that that ripple is received and accepted by every-one… I’ll start with me:-)

      1. “I start with me” – Yes Floris, that’s the only place to start. We can see where the world is at and we can ask ourselves: ‘what did I’ to let that happen? And ‘what did I not’ to let that happen? I found myself in the illusion of ‘what happens out there has nothing to do with me’ but it can only happen because I let it happen. ‘Doing nothing’ against abuse is supporting abuse.

  214. I can totally support Kyla’s observation of Serge Benhayon. My experience of him, in healing sessions and presentations, is of a man who is the most trustworthy I have ever met. I can sense when there is any sexual motivation behind a man’s attention, even in the mildest form like just a fleeting thought, and there is none at all coming from Serge. He treats everybody, man or woman, with the same sincere care and attention, I feel totally safe with him.

  215. Well said Kayla and Rebecca. I have only ever experienced exquisite care and respect from Serge and any of the practitioners in his clinic. The false accusations are sickening and definitely creepy … the feeling from these persons makes my skin crawl.

  216. Thank you Kayla and Rebecca,
    I too know the feeling of sexual energy and now thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I know the feeling of true love. The two are worlds apart. For any one to say Serge is a sexual predator, simply and sadly means that they are so closed of from them selves that they are unable to feel true love.

  217. It is interesting to me that anyone could publish anything that suggests the food choices of UM students is dangerous. But this kind of untruthful reporting is not limited to universal medicine. I recently attended a cooking course promoting GF, sugar Free, dairy free meals and was staggered to learn that well known newspapers were also writing slanderous stories about this organisation and reporting the harm in eating this way. Is it a reaction to a reflection?

    1. Hi Wattle, there must be more at stake… I also benefitted HUGELY after giving up dairy, sugar, gluten and alcohol. I even gave up all carbohydrates. What I found out after all, that it is NOT that you can’t or are not allowed to eat certain foods and certain foods not. But that in the end every individual has to feel and decide for themselves what does benefit them and what doesn’t. Great comment from a friend today after eating pancakes from almond meal, banana’s, eggs and blueberries: “It tastes yummy in my mouth, but it doesn’t nourish me as the other foods that I eat do”. I totally agree! This is what it is all about. Does that what I eat and drink support my body to be all of me? And that’s a question that is to be discerned for every one individually.

    2. Yes it is pretty standard at the moment for media to slam these changes, the thing to be ever conscious of is the papers are puppets for advertising, and grain is big business in the world as is dairy. Their are very strong vested interest in people remaining in comfort!

  218. Thank you for sharing so honestly. When I started reading the statistics I was horrified that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men are abused before the age of 18. I thought wow that means 1 in 3 of my female friends and thought “that can’t have happened” and then I realised I was the 1 in 3! I have experienced verbal comments (in the workplace) and physical sexual abuse (whilst training in gymnastics) and I was so ashamed that I barely admitted it to myself let alone anyone else. I clearly remember how disgusting it felt and I would NEVER allow myself to be in those situations again in any form.

  219. Hi Kyle and Rebecca, thank you for writing this blog with so much care, honesty and clarity. It’s been a blessing to read it. And I admire your courage Kyl to write such a personal blog on the sexual accusation made to Serge Benhayon. The hundreds of people that I’ve met, including myself, all have the same experience with Serge. I don’t know anyone who’s dedicating his life, time and energy more to love and humanity than he does. In all his presentations and courses, integrity is the first and foremost basis he mentions every time. And that, he makes very practical as well. He’s certainly an inspiration towards me and could be an inspiration towards so many, if not all… And as men, we’ve got to deal with our hurts on intimacy instead of abusing women sexually because we assume it’s somehow their ‘fault’.

  220. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla this is a very powerful and important piece of writing for you clearly highlight the ridiculous, outrageous and insidious nature of the accusations against Serge Benhayon whose very being personifies what true integrity looks and feels like in a world that has sadly been familiar with the very opposite. Sexual abuse as my mother once said. .. ‘ is just something that happens to all of us and is better kept to yourself.’ And this is why even the statistics cannot reflect the truth.
    I also take great offense to anyone suggesting that I don’t know what sexual abuse is! I also understand that this kind of slander can only be delivered by a person or persons that are capable of viewing women in the same demeaning way a potential abuser views their victims.

  221. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla, I fully agree with what you express about Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine practitioners.
    In my experience I have never felt imposed on, in any ways uncomfortable or sexually abused and yes I am well aware of what creepy men feel like and look like.
    As you say ” Indeed as always, due to the huge demand for its services, Universal Medicine continues to steadily go from strength to strength.” It is wonderful and very important for the world to
    read about the truths expressed in these articles and blogs, about the truly loving man Serge Benhayon, who has the utmost respect for both men and women equally and who is as you say an epitome of a true Gentleman.

  222. “I take great offence to anyone suggesting that I don’t know what sexual abuse is. Or that I am somehow too stupid or manipulated to know what sexual assault is – I KNOW, it has ACTUALLY happened to me.” Great blog, very clear and powerful. I am a woman who has experienced varying levels of sexual abuse, from walking down the street, going to school, older friends of family being inappropriate and more. I would say there is not a man or woman in this world who has not encountered or committed some form of abusive behaviour in their life. It is pervasive, and requires challenging. I have attended Universal Medicine courses for the last 8 years and had personal Esoteric healing sessions, and I will always value and appreciate the amount of integrity, support and respect offered, it is the exact opposite of abuse.

  223. Anyone and everyone who has ever attended a Universal Medicine Healing Course knows the truth about Serge Benhayon and his absolute integrity with respect to touch and another person’s body. Any contact with a clothed and / or covered torso is made with the utmost care and respect. This point is made firmly and repeatedly by Mr Benhayon himself, and participants are all closely supervised to ensure that in any contact with the torso, the hands of the practitioner are at all times positioned appropriately. To suggest otherwise is simply a blatant lie.

    1. I totally agree with you David. Serge Benhayon has always presented with the highest integrity, respect and care when touching another person’s body. A level that I have not witnessed in the present health care system.

    2. Serge Benhayon is integrity personified.
      That’s what makes the trolling and cyber-abuse sent his way so bizarre and ludicrous.

  224. The truly wonderful thing about the work of Serge Benhayon is that from day dot he has presented on the importance of not over-riding your feelings and on the importance of feeling the energy behind everything, even nice words and kind deeds. This is something that every child knows, that people might say nice words but feel terrible to be around.
    He has therefore given us the very tools to call out anything that is not true. Why would anyone do that if they had something to hide? Serge Benhayon clearly has nothing to hide.

    1. Absolutely right Elizabeth, why would anyone give us the tools to call out anything that is not true, as if he were not totally respectful and coming from the utmost integrity, we would know it so, as our wise and loving bodies would tell us.

  225. Kyla and Rebecca,
    What a outright powerful blog we have here.
    I agree with everything that you are both saying and the statistics are indeed seriously alarming.
    To live in a world where THIS type of ill behaviour is so incredibly common is downright scary and it is why I back Serge Benhayon all the way because the energetic integrity he has for all women and men is just simply inspiring.
    His modalities are there to bring true healing back to a world that has seriously and alarmingly lost its way.
    There is absolutely no sexual behaviours being thrown around and these accusation should be dismissed totally and utterly and the accusers should be assessed as to see how THEY are living and what qualities they are choosing to align to because it is seriously the opposite to the loving ways of this one man, who is inspiring many hundreds of people to make more loving choices within their day to day lives.

  226. Kyla I couldn’t agree more with everything you have shared. As a woman who has experienced a creepy man episode as a young girl, I can also share that Serge Benhayon is the most respectful, honouring and caring man that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. To suggest he is involved in any form of sexual misconduct is simply a disgrace and a complete lie!

    1. Exactly Dean there is no truth in them, they are ridiculous but what is disturbing is how someone can continue to propagate this rubbish to try to bring down someone who simply stands for truth – something the world certainly needs – and receive support and airtime for their abusive and unfounded campaign.

      1. I agree David, stop bringing down those people who simply stand for truth like Serge Benhayon. The world needs them so badly… but renouncing abuse and bullying is everyone’s job.

    2. Very True Dean, but I’m glad there are blogs such as this where the truth can be expressed for those who have not yet had the chance to meet Serge Benhayon in person, to feel for themselves what a true gentleman he actually is.

      1. True Janene. He is a true gentleman and a very caring person. Many people love and respect him for that alone. Yet there is something else about him, something rare and exceptional that goes beyond these qualities; he is a person who has actively and publicly dedicated his entire life to supporting people to heal, move forward, get out of their comfort zones and truly evolve. In fact from all accounts he literally breathes that purpose… I have not met anyone quite like him.

    3. I have met Serge Benhayon and he has a tangible quality that I can feel, but can’t quite describe, it’s sublime being in his presence. He is amazing and anyone that says otherwise is under the greatest illusion. I dare say that many people find him confronting because this brings up in them the fact that they’re not being love themselves, in affect they’re in denial.

  227. Very great blog ! I agree, Serge Benhayon and his whole family is absolute pure and truly living and presenting in full integrity. It is very destructive to make these false accusations to someone pure.
    But everyone who knows Serge Benhayon will confirm he is the most clear and supportive gentleman!
    Yes, “worth to be studied” as a role model for the world.

  228. One of the beautiful things about Universal Medicine is their work with men, supporting men to connect back to their gentleness and tenderness. As a result, it’s a joy to be around the men associated with Serge Benhayon, they are very different to what’s considered the “norm” in society, they are true respectful gentlemen that any women can feel comfortable with, as opposed to the all too common experience of dealing with men in public who treat women as prey, as sexual objects, act in a creepy or pervy way, or make women uncomfortable in some other demeaning manner. What’s fascinating about being in the Universal Medicine body is the equality of beauty that emanates out of both women and men – it is stunning to be around. Men really are innately beautiful and Serge Benhayon is leading the way with this, supporting women and men equally. Based on what’s going on with men today and how they are, and the benefits men are receiving from studying with Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon really needs to be applauded, if not studied. The benefits of supporting men to be true gentlemen would be huge for society. As we can see from the statistics presented in this article, it’s very needed.

    1. Yes excellent point Melinda.
      It does influence men for the better, being involved with universal medicine. I have never come across one creepy male in all the 8 years I have come to know the students and all the 3 Benhayon men- quite the opposite. They have helped me rebuild trust in men after many episodes of abuse and sleeze in my childhood and teenage years.

  229. Serge Benhayon is nothing his detractors would have us believe. He is in fact everything that they so desperately want for themselves but are thus far unprepared to address the reasons why such good and wholesome livingness alludes them. Today they choose hate over love, desperation over harmony and anger over joy. Meanwhile, Serge Benhayon’s life continues to be one of abundance that prospers all equally.

    1. Well said wattleblossum, you can feel their desperation, and maybe in reality, they are distraught because Serge Benhayon has chosen love and they have not.

  230. So true – I definitely know what creepy feels like, and when I am being objectified. The feeling is unmistakeable and to suggest that I am somehow blind to this when I walk into a room with Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine is ludicrous.
    I also know what being in the presence of a man feels like, who completely holds you in love and loves nothing more than to nurture and honour that. Serge Benhayon is one of these men, and I now know many more like it – everywhere in the world. These men should be celebrated for all that they are, just naturally being their loving selves.

    1. Even as a man I know what a creepy man or woman feels like. I have never come across this with anybody at Universal Medicine or Serge Benhayon.

      1. I have never felt this either Christoph. Everyone treats everyone else with the utmost respect and there is no “creepiness” whatsoever to be felt. Spending time with fellow Universal Medicine students is indeed an honour, and the more I re-connect to myself, the more I shall endeavour to take this feeling out into the world for others to feel too.

  231. Thank you so much Rebecca and Kyla. This is spot on. “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” The accusations being made in relation to sexual misconduct are criminal.

    It is Serge Benhayon and the entire Benhayon family that have reminded me that men can be deeply caring, genuine, can live with integrity and have not an ounce of need or sexual imposition.

    Growing up, I would so often go into ‘protection’ around men, whenever I could feel they ‘wanted something’ from me. I could sense it a mile off and would shut down, I did not trust most men.

    The consistent integrity that I have experienced from Serge Benhayon – at ALL times has allowed me to let go of this protection, and to see and feel the true qualities of a man. This is an enormous healing for me, and one that in no way could happen if there was the slightest impropriety present in Serge, or Universal Medicine.

    1. Yes right Kylie, the truth is actually the opposite to what has been falsely publicised. It is Serge Benhayon and the entire Benhayon family that have actually reminded so many people that men can be deeply caring, genuine, and can live with integrity…

      1. Absolutely Dean, I know many men, whether connected with Universal Medicine or not, that are truly caring and sensitive, and are re-connecting to their innate tenderness, and it is lovely to see and feel. Serge Benhayon and all the men in his family are living examples of love personified, and I trust all of them implicitly. To say otherwise is just ignorance.

  232. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla, A thought provoking story for me! I was sexually molested at 8. No way was this ever going to be an energy that I would perpetuate. Having been molested, I can recognise that energy and it is definitely not in Serge Benhayon.

  233. Wow, such power, conviction, and authority in your words Kyla! What you have lived through and the way you have conveyed this in the article leaves no doubt of the truth you speak.

    1. I totally agree Marshall! The power, conviction, authority and razor sharp clarity of Kyla’s story speaks volumes of the inarguable truth about Serge Benhayon. Serge is indeed the epitome of a true Gentleman. Sadly unfortunate is he or she who is misled to think otherwise..

  234. Hear hear Kyla, I totally agree, Serge Benhayen is epitome of a true gentleman, I too have experienced practically everything you have and know full well what that sexual energy feels like and NEVER have I felt this from Serge or any of the Universal Medicine practitioners. What I have received from Serge Benhayen and Universal Medicine practitioners has been the greatest support to understand and heal the harm to do with such events.

  235. It is so true that women, having experienced creepy energy all their lives have a very acute awareness of any inappropriate or unwelcome sexual energy or behaviour. I have never met anyone so free of any manipulation or abusiveness of men or women as Serge Benhayon. It was through his conduct and quality that I have learnt so much about how to treat all men and women with respect and equality.

  236. I totally agree Kyla and Rebecca, to publicly smear Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon is shameful. As you state “It is a serious offence to wrongfully accuse someone of sexual assault or misconduct, and it is also a gross insult to the countless real victims of sexual abuse.”

  237. I have a history of being sexually harassed and I am also a mother whose daughter was sexually abused. I feel I know this creepy, criminal energy well. In fact I have been able to heal my mistrust of men by attending Universal Medicine events and sessions as I have encountered men there with integrity I have not known before. To suggest that Serge Benhayon has an ounce of creepiness is so untrue and could only be suggested by someone with a hidden agenda who is deranged in their thinking.

    1. It seems to be a case of you see and feel what you want to, projection of your own hidden thoughts onto someone else. I agree with you there is not an ounce of sexual creepiness, I am trained to spot it and would stand in a court of law to say so.

  238. Dear Rebeca and Kyla what an absolutely rock solid piece of indisputably honest writing. Kyla by sharing such personal details you bought lived knowledge to the topic and in so doing bought the undeniable truth. Strong stuff.

  239. Great courage and honesty Kyla in expressing what it is to be sexually abused and how “creepy” men behave.
    “1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men are abused before the age of 18”- shocking statistics
    I too have experienced this and know how damaging it is –
    with low self worth ,self loathing, self acceptance issues and fear of intimacy with men and lack of trust around men.
    To then accuse Serge Benhayon of this- is utterly outrageous and ridiculous. I have known Serge for 7 yrs and his behaviour is impeccable- honest, deeply caring, loving, he holds everyone equal, very respectful at all times. Serge and his sons- Michael and Curtis Benhayon are the epitome of true gentleman. It has been because of them that my issues around men have healed.

  240. I have known Serge Benhayon for fifteen years and what I have observed is the integrity, respect and honouring he holds all women and men in is equal. Through his choice to live a life based on love, he is inspiring hundreds of men and women worldwide to re-imprint every relationship in their life with love, respect and understanding. The results are manifest – observe the student body of Universal Medicine and you will see a large group of genuinely loving people interacting in this way. It’s a first for me, and in truth, probably for the world. Anything to suggest Serge Benhayon conducts himself otherwise is preposterous.

  241. “what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” Absolutely. Serge Benhayon is a man of enormous integrity. It is preposterous that news about him in the media should be completely the opposite to what is true. These stories are robbing people of witnessing a man who lives in a completely true and honest way 24/7. He is an inspiration to many who know him, but this cannot be seen by the general public when stories of this ilk take over the press.

  242. Huge article Kyla and one well worth being read more than once. So easy to throw out accusations, yet hearing someone with a radar that is so finely tuned as yours, confirms the way Esther and Lance disseminate lies without care of concern, about how they effect Serge AND how they might effect people that have actually experienced this in their lives.

  243. The statistics about how many people are impacted by sexual abuse is super alarming, however I am a high school student and I know way too many young women who have been physically or verbally sexually abused.

  244. It is certainly criminal for someone to falsely accuse another of sexual offences as the hate bloggers are doing to Serge Benhayon and his family. In another context I’ve been observing the effects that such false sexual claims are having on a family and its children – terrible distress, sickness and suffering. There should be automatic jail sentences for people who harm others by falsely claiming sexual offences, as it affects so many innocent people all at once!

  245. I too can testify it is really easy to spot inappropriate practitioners and sometimes really hard to know in the moment what to do. I have never felt that with Serge Benhayon or any of the practitioners I have been to who have trained with Universal Medicine. I would have no hesitation recommending the deeply nurturing and stilling techniques. There is no way at all that I would not be able to spot it and as you so clearly say – it is an absolute abuse to imply this is the case about a man – it is a cheap, low blow.

  246. I support Kyla, Rebecca and all the above respondents in their support for Serge. I have only met Serge a few times but can feel his total respect for all people and the integrity in his commitment to presenting what is true for us all. All my family connect with Serge on a reasonably regular basis – this would not happen if there was any “creepy” feelings in these connections.

  247. As you rightly say, Kyla – Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and creepiness or abusive behaviour don’t go together, never have gone together and never will. Everything about the Ageless Wisdom is a total antithesis to objectifying human beings in this way, as it is the antithesis of objectifying them for a vicious vendetta on the internet or by sending out so-called press kits. Creepy and abusive on the other hand is the behaviour of those who wrongly accuse anybody of sexual misconduct because it denigrates and insults the real victims of the real abuse that goes on in the world day by day, minute by minute.

  248. Yes as women we know when there is that creepy vibe with someone. Serge and his family do not possess an ounce of that. it is actually through the genuiness of Serge and his sons that I learnt to trust men again.

  249. I second this . . . as I am sure hundreds more would,
    ‘I know plenty of men and women who are inspired by the way in which Serge Benhayon conducts himself professionally, personally, within the community and notably, the way he treats women with the utmost respect, equality and care. In my opinion and experience, Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.’

  250. Yes I totally agree, Rebecca ‘what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.’ Terrible shame indeed, however I do find it interesting to note that Universal Medicine continues to go from strength to strength. The lies just don’t hold up. The proof is in the pudding it seems.

  251. The sexual abuse experiences that you talk of here Kyla and Rebecca are seriously alarming.
    The ingrained fear and self-loathing that seems to be a product of these sexual abusive experiences is of huge consequence worldwide. Young woman and young girls everywhere are growing up struggling with low self-acceptance and self-confidence issues and for them to then experience sexual abuse is incredibly damaging.

    The sexual predator energy that comes with this sexual abuse totally renders young women helpless and inferior. For most it changes their whole way of relating in life. For their life is then rocked by sexual abusive experiences which changes the way they behave, the way they dress and the way they interact with all those around them.
    How scary it is to feel and know just how common it now is within our world within ever corner of the globe.

    I too, unfortunately, have experienced sexual abuse and it is only though the healing modalities and the constant deepening and understanding of myself and my behaviours through studying with Universal Medicine that I have come to bring the strength of me back into the world.
    It doesn’t make sense that as a product of sexual abuse experiences I am re-learning what it is to have true confidence and true strength back in my life and my daily livingness.
    How can this have happened under a man that is supposedly a sexual predator himself. That doesn’t make sense!

    For me, the empty words that are being conjured up to bring down Serge Benhayon are never going to work because they have no truth and no real claim within them.
    The only thing that phases me is knowing that this man is genuine and a decent human being who is being indecently attacked because of some personal vendetta because one or two people don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions. Actions that are now being deemed criminal in intent

  252. You are true, Kyla, it is such a wonderful feeling to know men who have no sexual thoughts and demands in their mind and body. Serge Benhayon is a real man full of love and respect for woman and everybody living on this planet earth. I feel deeply graced that I know him and that I am able to attend workshops and courses.

  253. 361 comments (at present) all attesting to the ability to discern a sexual abuser (some through personal experience), to the impeccable integrity of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and to the false claims of the smear campaign perpetrators – plus many thousands more. When will the media pick up what could be a hugely inspiring story of a whole community standing up for respect, decency and truth? Come on journalists its right here on every page ….

    1. Thank you, Kyla and Rebecca for exposing lies and standing up for truth.
      I am with you, Helen. Why media is so sold out and can’t see the great damage which the lies bring to the society? We lived in fear and distrust from the beginning of the time on this planet. Serge Benhayon is presenting us another way of being – loving, caring, all inclusive – with total integrity and NOT a hint of abuse in any form – and he is accused of all the sins. That’s insane and totally wrong and us speaking up for truth can’t be denied.

  254. Hi Rebecca, your very well written account of how these false accusations came about was very interesting to me. Knowing the history of how the hate bloggers intensified their hate campaign gave a clear picture of their agenda. And Kayla, I agree totally that even if someone has not been sexually abused you know what creepy feels like and Serge Benhayon is definitely not. Serge Benhayon is a “Real Man” as you describe, with the utmost respect for all women and men.

  255. Thankyou Rebecca and Kyla ,when women who have come across sexual abuse and know exactly what it feels like, speak up and say what it isn’t, then it makes sense that we should take notice.

  256. In reading your blog Kyla, I could identify many occasions in my life where I was treated disrespectfully and was approached by men with creepy behavior. Actually, much more than I thought! And no, this behavior would not be tolerated by me anymore, because of who I am now and my awareness of energy.
    Thanks to Serge Benhayon, who is the first role model in my life to show me what a real gentle man is like, and thanks to all the men that find that same gentleness and grace thanks to his teachings and being an example, I know what true relationships are, can be and will be.

  257. I have known Serge Benhayon & his family for 9 years – during this time I have had 3 children – the support, care and integrity I have been met with has been unwaveringly professional and respectful. Indeed my young children are growing up amongst the Benhayon family, many of the UM practitioners & students – if you look into my children’s eyes and ask them about their experiences – these accusations will be shown for the utter deceit they truly are.

  258. Not only is Serge Benhayon above reproach, but he has empowered many women to truly value themselves and become the powerful, amazing, true women they truly are. Because of the teachings of Serge Benhayon, no one would get away with any kind of suspect behaviour around these women. This is the opposite to a sexual predator who demeans the victim and keeps their self esteem as low as possible to be able to continue the abuse.
    Kyla and Rebecca are beautiful examples of amazing, beautiful women, fully empowered. How ridiculous to say they, or any of us, could now be fooled.

  259. “I know plenty of men and women who are inspired by the way in which Serge Benhayon conducts himself professionally, personally, within the community and notably, the way he treats women with the utmost respect, equality and care. In my opinion and experience, Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not”.
    I am one of those women who are inspired by Serge Benhayon, I am eternally grateful and appreciative of his wisdom and integrity.

  260. I totally agree Kyla we all know what creepy behaviour feels like and most women will have come across some level of it in their life. To accuse one of the most profoundly decent men I have ever had the good fortune to meet of such behaviour is …. actually words fail me to describe how outrageous this is. Serge Benhayon has the utmost regard and behaves with true honouring of everyone including all women and children. I have seen this and felt his honesty and openness to all many times.

  261. I totally agree with these comments. Creepy is certainly not an adjective that could be used to describe Serge Benhayon. His respect towards woman is exemplary.

  262. Serge Benhayon is the most impeccable man and health care practitioner I have ever had the honour of knowing and so are his sons. Nothing about him even slightly hints at creepiness and believe me I can pick creepy from a hundred paces – for I am one of the 1 in 3 women statistics.

  263. Kyla, this is a powerful telling of the true state of play in the world re: sexual abuse. I appreciate how you have contributed your story in support of Universal Medicine and their truth and integrity.

  264. Thank you Rebecca for this beautiful testament to the absolute integrity and respect of Serge Benhayon.I too know Serge and his love and care and honouring for humanity is outstanding and second to none in every way. He is a real man dedicated to living a truly, caring, respectful and Loving life and is the Inspiration for the world.

  265. Thank you Rebecca an Kyla. I have also never ever been at a place that feels to have more integrity than the workshops and courses presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I have never experienced any sexual tinted approaching by anyone associated with Universal Medicine. This is a true grace to feel and unfortunately still quite rare in this world.

  266. I have done many workshops put on by Serge Benhayon and to imply that there is any sexual abuse of any kind is a total lie. There is no doubt in my mind that Serge Benhayon’s integrity and respect for women is beyond question. I agree that the character and motives of these people require serious assessment and they should be held accountable.

  267. Awesome blog Kyla!

    I agree wholeheartedly that there is absolutely zero creepiness expressed through Serge Benhayon!

    The opposite is in fact true! He is a real man dedicated to living a truly, caring, respectful and Loving life.

    It is as simple, yet as profound as that.

  268. What a powerful expression here Kyla. I can totally second all you say – firstly I have known Serge Benhayon for over 10 years and all I have ever seen and felt coming from him is true loving and caring support and respect and honouring towards and for myself and women (and men) at any time. There is just not a shred of an ounce of doubt in me about the genuineness of Serge Benhayon and what he brings and shares with all of us – humanity at large. And I also know Kyla and can only say her strength and steadyness and clairty is beyond any doubt as well. She knows exactly what she is talking about and I love the strength in your expression Kyla.

  269. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca for sharing such personal experiences that you have encountered. There’s no doubt what so ever that you are living proof, and vigilant enough, to know that what has been erroneously reported about Serge Behayon is a complete lie, and defamation of a decent, solid, professional man. I know Serge Behayon to be a man of absolute integrity, and the gross misrepresentation of him smells only of a smear campaign.

  270. Interesting that Google removed one hate blog in its entirety, a responsible move by Google, but with only partial success in cleaning up the internet it seems from the hate blogging and abuse that abounds.

  271. Kyla, I whole-heartedly agree with everything you write here. A huge number of women will have had first hand experience of unwanted sexual behaviour and we can smell creepiness a mile off. To then come across a man such as Serge Benhayon who holds all women and men in absolute respect is such a breath of fresh air, it’s a massive healing in itself given so many of us have become accustomed to being guarded because of past incidents with men that were creepy in nature. To have a man who is such a true gentleman with utter respect for women accused of such vile and false accusations is disgusting — and it certainly shows that the accusers have their own malicious agenda that is driving this.

  272. So emphatic, so awesomely said. Kyla and Rebecca you make it crystal clear that the only abuse taking place here is on the part of people making baseless accusations and false allegations. This was originally posted over 2 years ago, yet the unfair treatment of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and it’s students continues. Just as abusers in the street are brought to book – the same must occur on the net too, otherwise many more will continue to be harmed by false claims, slander and bullying behaviour.

    1. I agree Joseph, there should be equal consequences for actions and words on the internet, because they have equal consequences to the ones that happen in physical life.

    2. Fully agree Joseph, laws must be enforced upon the abusive activities of people on the internet in the same way as these are available for the abusers in the streets. Lets say no to the anonymity on the internet and lets enforce that our true and real identities will be required for signing up for any account on the net.

  273. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca, it plainly obvious the agenda in which these lies about Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine were created. An agenda that is immoral and evil. Thank you for being so honest Kyla, what you share is unfortunately so common in many women’s lives.

  274. I f Universal Medicine preached or taught creepy energy, I would not be a student of Universal Medicine. UM teaches nothing but truth and love. It is like being a child wrapped in safe hands, with love all around.

  275. Rebecca and Kyla, I know exactly what you mean by creepy energy – I too was exposed to it as a child in various contexts. And I can add to your confirmation that there is no creepy energy whatsoever in Serge and the Universal Medicine practitioners. I feel utterly safe with them, always.

    1. I agree Dianne, Rebecca and Kyla there is not an ounce of energy that is creepy what so ever that Serge Benhayon lives. He lives the complete polar opposite of these ridiculous malice lies. He lives one of absolute love, care and integrity of such a high standard – one that I have never experienced from any other human being I have met along my path. I am super grateful to have meet Serge on my path and enjoy every second walking with him together choosing to connect to the divine love that we are.

    2. I can also vouch for the respectful and completely amazing way in which I have been treated by every one in the Universal medicine team. I have never felt anything less than completely safe and comfortable.

    3. Dianne, I had similar creepy experiences from unwanted advances from males as a teenager. From this strong stand for truth and clarity by Rebecca and Kyla it strikes me how much of this behaviour is out there and probably normalised and discounted by many. I related so much to Kyla with :
      ‘As a woman, it is a true relief to be around non-creepy men – I prefer to call them real men – as I believe this is our true nature and that creepiness (amongst many other unsavoury behaviors) is a product of a civilization that is clearly out of control. ‘
      Our society is out of control too when disturbed people with malicious agenda’s are free to falsely accuse others of sexual abuse using the IT and social media.
      Dianne like you over these last 15 years I have always felt safe and held in such respect, love and with such integrity by Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine Practitioners. It is from Serge Benhayon’s consistent respect, care and true love for all equally that has helped me trust in men again. This was a profound healing for me that helped me see as Kyla knows that there are real men, true gentle-men amongst us.

  276. I have encountered men who behave in a creepy and sexually abusive way many many times. This ‘creepiness’ is something I can see and feel a mile away. Hardly surprising given we live at a time when just about everything is sexualised to the hilt.

    I have seen Serge, Michael and Curtis Benhayon as a client and every time these 3 men have treated me with nothing but respect and care. I have never felt the slightest bit of sexual energy from any of them. In fact these men have shown me just how lovely men naturally are and I no longer believe it is ‘normal’ for men to sexualise women as a result.

  277. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for such a truthful article. That some members of the media have chosen to become megaphones for hate bloggers and actively disseminate their lies with a complete disregard for the truth is an absolute abuse of freedom of speech. Its totally unacceptable and totally should be corrected.

    1. Yes Suse, in fact the meaning of freedom of speech is fast becoming freedom to abuse.
      I wonder what it takes to bury completely the trait of human decency, that we all have, to make such accusations against Serge Benhayon, a man who least deserves it?

  278. HI Rebecca, you talk about people who have made these disgusting false claims as having some kind of agenda and using the issue of sexual abuse to get their agenda some media attention. Its all a well orchestrated ploy to get some mileage for their own issues. Anyone – especially a woman who has had any contact with Serge Benhayon knows that he lives and breathes a deep respect for women.

  279. Kyla, after reading this I can clearly see that there is nothing wrong with your abuse radar, where it stands today. Perhaps this is why you can so easily point to and pin the abuse streaming from this gang of cyber bullies. It takes great courage to stand with truth and shine a light when trolls are lurking in the park. Many others duck and hide…

  280. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca what a powerful piece of writing.
    The statistics are full on and so very high – this world we live in is indeed so very out of control. It is no wonder then that when a man comes along that is in control or a better word, totally energetically responsible that it rocks this world of crazy out of control abuse.

  281. Thank you Kyla for this very clear and strong blog stating the facts about the criminal activities of those cyber bullies. It is pure evil to acuse someone of sexual abuse just because it fits their own agenda and it is abusing all the victims of sexual abuse and taking their accountability away. Using false accusations of sexual abuse as a weapon to destroy someone is undermining real victims’ credibility and has to be stopped. Thank you for standing up for truth!

  282. It is completely shocking to hear such ridculous allegations, Serge Benhayon is a man with the upmost integrity, I have never felt more safe, respected and cared for in his presence.

  283. Thank you very much for this wonderful respectful and powerful presentation of context of the fact of sexual abuse, and the dangerous abuse of false accusations on the other hand.
    As I share the experience of sexual abuse and creepy assault as a woman in different situations of my life, I absolute agree with your description of the integrity from Serge Benhayon and any other Unimed Practitioner I ever have experienced. As you said right, I also always and without exception experienced “client care of the highest standard”. And I can smell the slightest creepy energy against the wind, as every woman, having experienced creepy assault in her life is easily able to do.

  284. It is a good indication of the state of our press when they choose hate and lies over love and truth. Time and time again, press institutions have chosen to align with, and channel, the falsities of a disgruntled few, rather than to honestly acknowledge and share the lived truth of many. But this raises the questions, if the press is not telling the truth, then what are they telling? If they are not serving the public by effectively and transparently communicating truth, then what public function do they serve? Or have we become so blind and lazy in our perception that we are knowingly and willingly pouring our money and time into publications/media outlets which we know are feeding us false information at best and tarnished lies at worst?

  285. Great blog written by Kyla and Rebecca. Kyla you are exactly right, all women know what creepy feels like. It’s almost offensive to tell hundreds of women who attend Universal Medicine or have met Serge Benhayon that our creepy meter isn’t working. We know what unwanted sexual advances from men feel like as we get them all the time. To say we don’t is simply ignorant to how innate women are. Not only that, but Serge Behayon comes into contact with many people on a day to day basis, and no one has got this feeling from him. Or any man that attends the workshops for that matter.

  286. These accusation don’t make any sense like you say Kyla unless you take into consideration that there is a small group of people who actually seem to hate Serge Benhayon with a vengeance which overrides any sense-ability whatsoever. To be fueled by such an uncontrollable distaste for someone becomes an obsession and as we all know to live with an obsession is not a healthy way to be and wow, what a destructive path a few people can make amongst many fields of gold ie. living examples of what one man has brought to humanity purely by presenting his loving ways and showing us it is possible for us all to live this way. What a despicable trick to play by making attempts to twist what is absolutely loving into claims of sexual abuse and assault delivered in a disgusting and offensive way. The minds of these people should be questioned from every angle.

  287. Well said Rebecca, anyone that knows Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine knows that these reports are lies. Sadly, their attack on Serge is an attack on every man that lives their true tenderness, truth and love, attempting to de-rail these real and true men from gracing the lives with their fullness with those around them. Thank you Serge for bringing the fullness of who you are and holding the truth of tenderness, gentleness and love in all that you are and your interactions with all others – truly inspiring

  288. I never thought about the fact, that a false accusation like the one Universal Medicine and especially Serge Benhayon experiences is actually also an offence to all victims of sexual abuse. And it is so true. Such an offence actually comes with the exact creepy energy that they falsely accuse Serge Benhayon of. I have received treatments with Universal Medicine modalities for almost 10 years now and I never had a “creepy“ feeling. I also experienced sexual abuse as a little boy.
    The Universal Medicine treatments actually helped me to heal from these childhood-traumas.

  289. Why do people want to discredit Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, what has he done to warrant such abusive behaviour from other human beings.
    Are the accusers frightened of meeting the truth face on.

  290. I have just one thing to say. If you believe a person is perpetrating a crime or sexually abusing someone you go to the police and allow them to do their job, as a concerned a decent human being you do not set up a hate blog and spread your allegations across the internet. Where on planet Earth is that considered normal sane caring compassionate behaviour?

    1. I have never felt uneasy in the presence of Serge Benhayon nor have I heard any such comment from any other person who has had a private session with this amazing loving and supportive man. I can only speak for myself but he has been nothing but full of integrity at all times.

  291. The need to falsely accuse Serge of sexual abuse is a cheap nasty trick because as Kyla Plummer puts it accusations of sexual abuse should never taken lightly and it is we have a in build mistrust of anyone we feel is in any way slightly creepy. The accusations sow a seed of doubt in anyone that does not know Serge Benhayon or the community of Universal Medicine, and this has been deliberately and maliciously planted by the hate bloggers to do exactly this. There is no truth what so ever in the allegations and there never will be. All my dealings and interactions with Serge Benhayon have been entirely respectful and never ever once have I felt anything dodgy about him. If you know the man you know this to be true and the accusations to be lies.

    1. Well said Zoe, and as Mike says above – go to the source if you want to find the truth. Find out for yourself instead of listening to malicious lies or gossip. Hear say is insidious and will always be a fabrication.

  292. Spot on Adam. These hate campaigners attempt to besmirch Serge Benhayon, and his family. They try to cast the people who attend Universal Medicine events as ignorant, unaware fools, who cannot see what is going on. They deter people from coming to Universal Medicine events…just in case, and they denigrate the real suffering of real victims.
    As you have stated Adam, they play games with people’s lives, ignorant of the multiple levels of harm they inflict.

  293. Each one of us has an inbuilt threat detector that alerts us to the potential for danger and certainly to the creepiness you describe, Kyla. I have met Serge Benhayon personally, many times and my threat detector has always stayed in ‘idle’. Without any doubt on my part – and as a woman who has experienced enough of the manifestations of creepiness you have described to truly ‘know one when I see one’ – I can confirm that there is not one grain of creepiness, sexual undertone or intent in the man himself or in the modalities he provides and teaches. On the contrary, the level of integrity, care and respect is second to none. What absolute irony then that the perpetrators of these accusations don’t operate by the same standards and that our current cyber laws allow such lies and persistent abuse to continue unchecked.

  294. I completely agree with this article, we have this ability to sense creepy behaviour. Even if it is just in a look from someone passing by. And when subjected to such abuse the last thing I felt to do was call out to the world and post it online for all to see. It was a ‘keep quiet and never speak about it’ situation where I felt I could not tell anyone. This appears to be a theme as you have shared Kyla which questions these so called claims of abuse that Serge Benhayon has performed. When I look into his eyes there is not even an speck of creepiness and never has been.

  295. We live our lives to the very best of our ability. Ocassionally we will make mistakes, but we will always come home to love and caring about all others besides our selves.

  296. I aspire to live my life the way in which Serge Benhayon conducts himself, professionally and personally, treating all with the utmost respect, equality and care. Humanity needs such loving beings.

  297. A great article to read from a real understanding of sexual abuse and clearly demonstrating the harm and vileness of this way of being. Serge Benhayon is an outstanding example for us all of the absolute opposite to all the abuse and cyberbullying he receives. His integrity and deep respect and understanding of humanity is beyond any other in the world. It is this very fact that seems to call him out for attack by the perpetrators themselves as their agenda.

  298. I agree Ariana, these lies are there to harm us all not just Serge, as we all have truly benefited from Serge and Universal Medicine with all their presentations full of integrity and love.

  299. If one needs to know the truth about Serge Benhayon, go to the source, not conduct a host of lies and untruths about a person, annihilating ones good character for their own ends.

    1. Well said Mike, in fact its makes so much sense you wonder why anyone would do anything else?! Shows how biased we can be if we want to fulfil our own agenda instead of seeking the truth of the situation.

      1. Yes, well said to you both. It suits those that have called Serge into question not to meet him, because if they did they would have to admit what they have been doing and how they gave been living…

  300. Through the mass manipulation of the true meaning of abuse we can longer discern as a society…to the point where hate bloggers can just throw it around as if a ball to then be kicked around by the tabloid press…leaving real victims once again vulnerable as the severity and seriousness is seemingly disregarded. We all know what abuse feels like…when are we going to stop numbing ourselves and start truly supporting each other?

    1. It is scary how we have accepted abuse into our lives as being normal. You are right Phil, we numb ourselves moment by moment to stop feeling this fact. It is time to change this trend. If we don’t, just how bad does it need to get before we wake up and realise this isn’t the way to go?

    2. Yes Phil. Your analogy is great here at summing up how we have lost touch with what abuse really means. We have dumbed it down so much we only apply it to seemingly extreme acts of lovelessness. The truth is that any loveless word, gesture, comment, act is registered and felt by someone and it hurts whether we like to admit it or not. Our days are littered with others in reaction to life throwing off dirty looks, sarcastic remarks, bitchy comments and judgments. This is all abusive. When we hurt we get abusive through the walls of protection we build. Time to admit we do this everyday, allow ourselves to feel the pain of it, heal the hurts and create a new foundation from which to live life.

      1. Wow Michelle, this is super powerful stuff. I was recently in a conversation where the individual expressed that Abuse to some degree is acceptable because you can’t be held accountable for someone else’s reaction to something…with what you say in mind, it’s vital we start to take responsibility and ownership for what we are putting out there. Someone reacting to something may not have anything to do with us, but checking in and taking stock of what was said would be paramount.

      2. Yes we have become very complacent in having abuse around us in life. I witness it at one time or another every single day, in the street, on the train, at work, in news articles, on the phone, in person, as Michelle says “Our days are littered with others in reaction to life throwing off dirty looks, sarcastic remarks, bitchy comments and judgments.” It is indeed time to admit what we see and feel, and lovingly speak up when the moment presents itself. And also be open to keep checking our own possible contribution in the matter & taking responsibility for that.

  301. This is a very serious subject. Not only is there no evidence to suggest that these accusations towards Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are true after all this time but, by making these false accusations, they are making light of a very real evil that lots of men and women have experienced first hand. I, like many others, have only experienced a quality of truth, integrity and respect from Serge Benhayon and indeed any practitioner of Universal Medicine. Accusing people falsely is just as bad as committing the sexual abuse itself, in fact I would say it’s worse – as it promotes a fear into people’s minds in an attempt to destroy someone just for the hell of it. This behaviour is not on and it’s time to say so. To stand up for what we know is true and to expose the lies for what the are.

  302. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for exposing the evil at play in the false accusations of sexual misconduct and abuse by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. These accusations are utterly ridiculous. I have been attending Unimed courses, workshops, retreats and presentations for 7 years now and NEVER have I experienced or even felt an intention of any misconduct or abuse by Serge Benhayon or any practitioners of Unimed. Their level of respect is of the highest standard and their care and love for humanity is absolute. I trust them with my life.

  303. Thank you Kyla, your article has reminded me of a ‘breast examination’ by a doctor in a women’s healthcare clinic when I was in my 30s. It felt decidedly creepy and I felt truly uncomfortable but gave my power away to him and didn’t feel that I could ask him to stop, and I didn’t report him to the clinic when I could have done, just never went there again. Several of my women friends who went there had similar experiences, but none of us spoke out, thereby colluding with the abuse, which would have continued for several years. We could have stopped it much earlier if we had spoken out. Now I can, thanks to the inspiration of Serge Benhayon, who is encouraging us all to feel what is true and to express our truth lovingly.

  304. The accusations of sexual misconduct are an indication of the state of the mind of those who are making up the stories and nothing to do with Serge Benhayon who has inspired thousands of people about deepening their love, responsibility and their relationships. He lives and breathes a degree of consistent love and integrity that I have never seen. In fact he provides an inspiring benchmark for many who choose to develop a deeper level of love and care in their lives.

    1. Very true Golnaz, Serge Benhayon has inspired thousands of people to deepen their responsibility and commitment to life with honesty and integrity, inspiration the accuser would do well to take on board. This is not the work of someone who sexually abuses people and to seek to undermine Serge Benhayon in this way is extremely calculated and evil.

      1. Yes the utter calculation and manipulation of lies and deceit to me is unfathomable. On the one hand we have something that is so inspiring that to describe it with words can not do it justice and on the other, the polar opposite that seeks to undermine and destroy a love for and in humanity that has started to grow with clarity, power and grace. ??

  305. “what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.” Absolutely. It’s absurd. Here is a man who is a living example of Love and who’s behaviour does not contain one single ounce of abuse, and he is being accused of this very thing. The people who know Serge know these are absolute lies, and it is painful to witness these lies being spread.

  306. Thank you for the articulate and well researched response you have written to these false allegations.

  307. These false accusations are so far past the ridiculous stage you can’t even see the stage or make out where it might have been. Wise up Lance there is too much evidence to support Serge Benhayon in the truly wonderful human being that he is.

  308. I agree with the comments, you get a feel for people who give off vibes of something not quite right. In my whole 7 years plus of attending Universal Medicine courses, not once have I ever had any sense of anything being untoward, and if I had I would not have introduced my two daughters to Serge and his family.

  309. I work in a field where it is my job to be aware of potential neglect or abuse of children and adults. In my 12 years of experience you can tell that something is not right, you get a sense of it, invariably over time this is proved right. The only sense I have had of Serge Benhayon is that he is living in a way that is full of love and over time this has been proven to be correct but to a far greater extent than I thought possible.

    1. Yes, I agree Vanessa, Serge Benhayon has proved over time that he is living full of love, but I have also been stumped at the enormous extent to the depth and breadth that he expresses it. It’s almost unfathomable how it is humanly possible to be that loving, understanding, wise and caring for all. Fortunately, Serge has made it his job to show the rest of us how possible it is and has shown through his livingness how we can also live and express with the same amount of love…. definitely a work in progress, but to know that it is possible changes everything. To attack those that bring a great light and love to others has sadly been the way through history and this case is no different.

      1. Yes Rachel it is inspiring beyond words and does change everything. When I think of what Serge has been through in the last 2+ years with these constant attacks on his character and other events in his family life and in him is a strength and love that is unwavering it really is amazing grace and power.

  310. I completely agree with this article – the statistics don’t lie in revealing that most women confidently know what sexual or inappropriateness feels like when directed at them, and for the online trolls, it is an insult to anyone actually a victim of true sexual abuse. This article points out the evident absurdity within these false claims made against Serge.

    1. I agree Cheryl, their behaviour belittles anyone who is a true victim of sexual abuse but what it does show us, is what type of people they are and how low they are willing to go, even at the expense of the countless people who are and have been abused. To conduct oneself in such a manner is despicable, with no care for anyone but themselves.

      1. If the intention were really to help humanity by exposing sexual inappropriateness, you wouldn’t need to do it at the expense of a whole group of people who have experienced that which you are trying to expose. It just doesn’t make sense, and through that nonsense the lie is clearly visible.

  311. Accusations keep flowing, when will these people learn to act like decent human beings, rather than trying to poison the minds of others with continual false lies and deceit.

    1. When we know we are infinitely powerful by nature yet do not live this we may look for misuse of power and force in a distorted bid to reconcile living so much less than we truly are…

  312. It is mind boggling that these accusations are being made when having first hand experience of the level of respect, love and tender care that is exercised by Serge Benhayon and all Universal Medicine practitioners and students bar none.

  313. Beautifully put Rebecca with such a clarity on abuse, abusive energy, creepy and sexual manifestations that are out there but also the abuse of cyber bullying and the destruction of people’s lives as a vendetta.
    The absolute Integrity of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is the most treasured thing in the world by all his students and those who know him personally and is beyond anything or anyone out there.
    That he should be slandered and attacked in this way is outrageous and needs to be called for what it is. Thank you Rebecca.

  314. Good point Vanessa, if after two years of continuous complaints and getting nowhere, I should think most people would be inclined to let it go. But yet these detractors carry on. For any discerning reader the simple question that must be asked is…Why? When every claim has been rejected and proven to have no element of truth, why do these detractors continue with this farsical crusade of persecution.

  315. I love this blog. It presents the ridiculousness of the reports against Serge Benhayon. The real life stories of abuse presented here are REAL and all too common. This blog is written by someone who KNOWS what abuse is, and is therefore qualified to stand up and state that her interactions with Serge Benhayon contain not one iota of abuse. Thank you Kyla.

    1. Exactly, Rebecca. Time and again there have been accusations and insinuations of sexual abuse by one or two people who are clearly paying to an agenda and have not been able to produce a single actual witness or victim. These accusations have been countered by the accounts of hundreds of people, including people like Kyla who have first hand experience with sexual abuse and know exactly what it feels like, who have nothing but praise for Serge Benhayon’s deeply held respect and integrity for those he treats.

  316. The absurdity of these accusations is similar to a tramp arriving in an expensive hotel and accusing the proprietor of stealing the collection of cigarette ends he was saving to smoke later. Not only is it untrue, it does not even make sense. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine’s most basic teaching is the utmost honouring of all individuals at a level that is unheard of in society. Also personal responsibility for one’s choices and actions with integrity is a basic foundation. Within this framework, and the love and care encouraged in every aspect of life, it is ludicrous to even bring up the seedy nonsense that has been written as an accusation. The accusations have nothing to do with Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine, but what they do show is the way of life and the obsession of the people uttering the nonsense, just like the earlier case with the tramp who was obsessed with the cigarette ends.

    1. I like your analogy of the tramp and expensive hotel, Golnaz. It paints a true picture of the absurdity of what is happening with Universal Medicine. The utter nonsense that is being spewed out is nonsensical and only reflects the low depths at which the “authors” live and have stooped.

    2. Golnaz, love your analogy, it conjures up a ludicrous image which one would likely never see in reality… As you say ‘Not only is it untrue, it does not even make sense’. The false allegations against Serge Benhayon and students of Universal Medicine do not ‘make sense’. It is time that we as a society stood up against the scaremongering and malicious attacks of cyber bullies and called the perpetrators to account

  317. What crime has Serge Benhayon committed that people keep pointing the accusing finger at him.

    1. Is it possible Mike that Serge Benhayon’s only crime is being so genuine, loving and absolutely truth-full thereby reflecting the lack of that in others? Those who cannot face the reflection because they haven’t lived it react and abuse him?

    2. That is at it seems Mary – and it is quite saddening I feel when anyone is falsely accused, especially one such as Serge Benhayon who is clearly the epitome of true love, deep consideration and respect and this is as I have found him to be so these past 12 years.

  318. What is most bizarre about the whole scenario is that these accusers in fact know very little of Serge Benhayon but are using lies in attempts to discredit him, which continually fail by the dismissal of each of their absurd complaints.

    1. Absolutely Ariana there is no mistake that they have planted this seed of doubt, it is so easy to say when there is no consequences. Fortunately 2 years on there are no ‘victims’ no charges. I would say that is evidence enough that this is a complete fabrication of someone who has another agenda.

    2. I agree, the seed of doubt may have been planted in many people’s minds who have not met Serge Benhayon or anyone affiliated with Universal Medicine – for those who have met Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine team will know that the lies are lies. I too am here saying NO! to this form of abuse and applaud having a place in which to do so.

    3. does it not make you wonder about everything else we have written in our newspapers and media all around the world, there is little interest in truth.

      1. Absolutely Vanessa – got a great quote for you from Janet Malcolm of the New Yorker magazine:
        ‘Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible.’ A shaft of honesty.

      2. One that would not make her popular with her colleagues Alan! A flicker of light and truth amongst what is a very dark damp world. But is it a world we have accepted and therefore been complicit in creating.

  319. Those statistic’s are frightening and shocking… I find it even more shocking and devasting, as you pointed out, for Serge Benhayon to be accused of the polar opposite in how he conducts his way of being in all aspects of his life. The cheap sexual assaults or abuse claims are simply ridiculous once you meet Serge Benhayon – The way Serge lives is truly inspiring, deeply respectful in every sense of the word towards woman and men equally. An integrity so high that I have never seen it in another human being to date. That speaks volumes!

    1. Yes Natalie, Serge Benhayon has an unparalleled integrity. There has been no one who has or could inspire me more. I don’t mind how many times I have to repeat this as the love I have connected to because of his inspiration is simply life changing. I was pondering on this this morning, and I honestly do not know where I would have been at to date if I had not been lucky enough to meet him and open enough to understand and start to live his presentations. As you say Natalie there is no other human being that I know that can match Serge in his wisdom, love and integrity. The quality he holds everyone in is unsurpassable in its gentleness, revelation and strength, and as Ryan has said above, it would be easier to convince me that the world were flat rather than to convince me that Serge was anything other than the pure love that he is.

    2. Absolutly Natalie It is shocking and a crime to accuse Serge Behnayon of anything but absolute integrity deep respect and love in all aspects of his life for all humanity.

  320. Absolutly Golnaz it is ridiculous that someone can get away with blatantly stating something so untrue. The spreading of such lies and accusations with the agenda to destroy a honest man’s reputation is completely evil.

  321. This is beyond ridiculous. How can anyone get away with publicly stating something so blatantly untrue and damaging. Fortunately Serge Benhayon’s impeccable integrity and his immense love and dedication to humanity provides a solid foundation so neither he nor his relationships can be affected by this. However these vicious attacks have a catchment zone far greater than Serge. They paint a false picture that can impede someone who would otherwise seek and benefit greatly from his teachings and healings as I have.
    Such cry-wolf behaviour makes a mockery of the horrendous real stories and figures about sexual abuse and contributes to people being numb and complacent about the topic

  322. Some people in today’s world have become out of control and slap hazard in hurling abuse to create stories by the media. These abusive attacks and slander that the media has attempted towards Serge Benhayon are an insult and totally unacceptable. As Rebecca pointed out there are hundreds of intelligent, wise and strong women that attend the workshops that Serge presents with the utmost respect for both Woman and Men – to imply they suddenly lose all these qualities and would allow the so called abuse is ridiculous. Serge is one of the finest examples in the world for the love, care and respect he has for both Women and Men.

  323. This sort of sexual assault is so common place that there has been a whole movement created to record ‘everyday sexism’. It is abhorrent the amount of sexual abuse that is in our societies, unfortunately making us women experts on when sexual abuse or inappropriate actions or even thoughts are taking place, as we can tell by the way someone glances our way if they are being sexual in any way, WE ARE HIGHLY ATTUNED TO SEXUAL ENERGY. So it is more than a little insulting to say women who attend Universal Medicine are somehow oblivious to a sexual perpetrator. The people who have made these accusations use the most vile language and are excessively aggressive. There is no story here just the abuse by and of the media.

  324. I read this blog quite some time ago and it was great to re-read it now. I find the way it is so easy to keep lies circulating on the internet shocking and, no matter how many times the authorities keep quashing these false accusations, they keep resurfacing on the net like a stubborn cancer that won’t heal. Our society is very sick from quenching up sensationalist nonsense and spreading lies and deceit through this medium. The one who is making allegations of abuse is in this case the abuser. It is also shocking that the law isn’t yet up to speed to make the teller of these false accusations accountable for their actions. Serge Benhayon has the highest level of integrity of anyone I have ever met and to say that he is contra to that is deeply insulting.

    1. “The one who is making allegations of abuse is in this case the abuser. It is also shocking that the law isn’t yet up to speed to make the teller of these false accusations accountable for their actions.” Well said Rachel, and this is just one case! There is a lot more rot in this world that is currently ‘allowed’ to happen.

  325. Thank you for the power and conviction with which you write. Lying and accusing someone of sexual abuse is a complete disgrace and definitely should not be taken lightly. I, like you, have experienced forms of abuse and there is absolutely NO WAY I would ever put myself in those situations again. I am so discerning with people now and have a lot more love and respect for myself. I would not associate myself with anyone if I felt they were wary or could not be trusted. There is in fact NO WAY Serge Benhayon would treat ANYONE with anything other than the highest level of integrity and respect with no imposition to another whatsoever. He has in fact taught me to start to live holding that same level of integrity with myself and others, to discern others and have a greater amount of love, respect and care for myself.

  326. It is disturbing to read of how commonplace the threats are to women within our society. We have created an acceptability that things will happen and that we should just live with this. As a man it has been very easy to shut my eyes to this and be unaware of what is going on. This blog is very powerful in presenting a lived experience of sexual abuse and the necessity to keep calling out that which is unacceptable. It feels important to celebrate and appreciate men who are true gentlemen, providing examples of how to live with true respect for women, for other men to see and feel.

  327. Absolutely Ryan I’d never looked at it like that but I can’t image anything that would convince me otherwise. The only thing I’ve felt, seen and experienced over the past 10 years has been a loving support and deep, deep care and respect for everyone I have ever seen Serge Benhayon meet or speak about, including the very people who are throwing out false accusations of sexual misconduct and abuse against him. It’s incredible but its also just his normal.

  328. Serge Benhayon is absolutely the most gentlemanly man I have come across. He is extremely respectful of women and men, and has always presented appropriate behaviour and touch during courses, to a level beyond what I have experienced in the past. It is a very low blow to make false allegations of sexual misconduct, and would breed doubt and unease in most cases, even if unfounded, but in the case of Serge Benhayon, and because of his impeccable behaviour and integrity that has been consistent and is obvious to those that have met him, there is no room for doubt. That is quite amazing in itself.

  329. I’ve known Serge Benhayon for more than half my life and have always felt very comfortable and at ease with him

  330. We have all been subjected to inappropriate remarks and being touched up or even leered at, but in the last eight years I have never so much as witnessed the slightest impropriety with Serge’s behaviour or that of his family.

  331. Brilliant point Ryan, and I’m in total agreement. To know Serge Benhayon over such a prolonged period and know his livingness in every moment under any circumstance, only confirms all that I know and feel to be true. Anything else could be challengeable, but not that.

  332. I have been in situations of sexual abuse and I can certainly tell if a man has any sexual intention around me or others. I do know what sexual abuse is, even in it’s more subtle forms, and to say otherwise, well, that’s just insulting.

    I have known Serge Benhayon for over 10 years and I have never felt any sniff of any abuse, sexual or otherwise, none. Serge Benhayon is such an honourable, truly gentle man with such integrity. It is seeing and feeling how respectful he is with both men and women that has helped me trust in men again and see ‘real men’ for what they are, tender and caring.

  333. The allegations against Serge Benhayon are nonsense. Accusations without proof – dismiss. Sege Benhayon is a remarkable beautiful man who lives a life of love and transparency. He shares this love with us all equally, not an ounce of” creepiness.” Having been propositioned by creepy men in the past, I know when to trust and when not to. I trust Serge.

  334. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for this article, Kyla it is so true that ‘it is simply disgraceful’ to accuse Serge Benhayon of sexual misconduct and abuse, because this could not be further from the truth. Serge is a gentle, respectful man.

  335. An absolutely amazing article – thank you. It is indeed an insult to suggest that, as women, we don’t know when we are being abused. Personally I became so used to abusive and predatory energy from men it felt quite strange when I first came across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and experienced NONE of this. What Serge lives and represents is true Love, and NOTHING LESS. How absurd that he could receive such appalling accusations by people who have never even met him.

  336. Serge Benhayon is a true gentleman in every sense of the word. He treats everyone the same, with love and respect. He is someone we can all look up to and be inspired by him.

  337. Thank you, there is a great clarity and power in this article. I have been attending Universal Medicine courses and experienced Esoteric Healing Treatments for nearly 10 years and have never felt imposed upon or been the recipient of any behaviour, suggestion or intention that is in the slightest part abusive.

    And yes, like you through growing up in this world, I have first hand experience of abuse against myself as a girl and a woman, because it is pervasive in our society. Yes, I know the difference.

    My experience of Universal Medicine has consistently felt completely honouring and respectful of myself as a women with no intrusion on my body or personal space.

    Esoteric Practitioners and Serge Benhayon have true integrity.

  338. That is such a powerful testimony for the integrity of Serge, Ryan, and I agree that nothing could make me believe anything other than what I know him to be, the sincere, humble, consistent and loving man you describe. As a woman I have also had those “creepy” experiences with male practitioners, and have never felt any of that with Serge. He is an amazing role model of how practitioners can and should be, how extraordinary that he is accused of what he so obviously is not.

  339. You have only to meet Serge Benhayon to know that none of these made up lies are true. Integrity and decency and qualities that we can all feel in another, if we so allow it.

  340. To degrade a person is despicable when you probably have never met that person.
    I have found Serge Benhayon to be an honourable and trustworthy person.
    One feels extremely comfortable around him, and Serge Benhayon is open and honest, and a true friend.

  341. Absolutely well stated Kyla, about the fact of Serge Benhayon’s undeniable integrity. Thank you for your courage to stand up and speak the truth.

  342. It is indeed insulting to be told you don’t know what sexual abuse looks like, that we are in some way being manipulated into being zombies who will lose our ability to know exactly what sexual abuse is. As you say Rebecca 1 in 3 of us have had experience of some sort of sexual abuse. We know what it looks like, it’s also on bill boards, magazines etc – the sexualisation and abuse of women is prolific, giving us all solid ground to be able to recognise when it is happening and I for one, along with hundreds of others can say that Serge Benhayon is in NO WAY sexually abusive or abusive full stop. To say otherwise is deeply disturbing and slanderous.

  343. This feels so great, the truth is from within the body that we all know. I have also felt the predatory energy from a look, it’s there in an instant, never a thought. And I have NEVER felt that from Serge Benhayon.

  344. Rebecca thank you for a true blog about the Truest man I have ever meet in my life. Serge Benhayon has the deepest love for both men and woman which is clearly expressed in his honourable, respectful and loving way towards others. Obviously the person/s that have made these ridiculous accusations have never met Serge. They would be gob smacked by the Integrity in which Serge conducts himself. In the many sessions I have had with him through to the group workshops this is clearly evident. I have not once felt uncomfortable around Serge, the complete opposite – at ease, safe and cared for. A real man that is an inspiration for all. Thank you Serge.

    1. Hi Natalie I read a great blog by Ray Karam today about how the body knows the truth – it is something felt — this is a feeling we lose touch with the more we remove ourselves from truth — what you express here is that you know the truth in your body and that is exactly where we have to look lest we be duped by the deliberate ‘wolf cries’ or disturbed individuals that have lost all sense of that word. It is great to know that we forever have a marker that cannot be taken from us when we listen to the body in this way – here is the blog by Ray Karam: http://truthaboutuniversalmedicine.com/2014/08/27/my-friend-the-truth/#more-2190

  345. Thank you, Kyla for sharing so openly, and demonstrating the power of one voice. I have felt too often the predatory energy in a look or approach from a man. My body repulses. To suggest that Serge Benhayon has in any way disrespected or abused any woman would be laughable, if it was not so disgraceful, and in all the time I have spent with him I have been met with an honour and tenderness that is inspirational.

    1. Beautifully expressed Matilda – predatory energy is vile to experience. In 6 years of knowing Serge Benhayon there has never been anything other than being met fully with honour, respect and tenderness

  346. Great blog Kyle bursting with strength and truth. It scares the hell out of me all the statistics in your article, I have a 5year old daughter and this is not what I want for her growing up with (or anyone else’s daughter, sister etc). These matters need to be addressed as the stories you hear are shocking.
    Accusing Serge Benhayon of any misconduct is absurd let alone anything sexual. As is previously commented on he is a true gentle-man.

    1. Yes Kevin as you say the statistics require us to stop and really take a look. In contrast, here we have Serge Benhayon, embodying and living everything we crave and desire in life – a perfect role model to learn from.

  347. Really connected with your blog Kyla. As women, we have ​​all probably encountered ‘the creep’ in one form or another. Serge Benhayon has such love and integrity for all it’s hard to see how anyone could be allowed to make this false allegation. What these anonymous bullies have written about him is pure evil.

  348. Incredible blog Kyla. I too have never felt anything creepy from Serge Benhayon, nor any of the other male Universal Medicine practitioners and to suggest such a thing is absurd. In a world where abuse is such a prolific and serious issue that needs to be addressed I cannot understand for one moment why someone would waste time and distract by targeting the very gentle-man who is actually making a difference in the world we live in.

  349. What a brilliant and courageous article. Sharing your experiences of sexual abuse highlights how ridiculous the accusations thrown at Serge Benhayon are. As you stated Kyla you would see right through any sexual abuse and it is utter nonsense and trash talk to suggest there is any impropriety on Serge’s part. He is an absolute role model of how to act with impeccable decency, honour, appreciation and loving care for all men and women. It is a criminal act to suggest otherwise.

    1. A true gentleman writing about a true gentleman, thank you, Stephen. Serge Benhayon lives with an integrity and tenderness that, previous to meeting him, I had not encountered. His works serves to inspire many other men to live these qualities, all of which they already are. This is a far far reach from the truly insane hate campaign against Serge and all who live and work with him.

  350. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca you have clearly stated what we all know, that Serge Benhayon is a truly gentle man utterly and completely trustworthy…such a shame that someone would want to defame him in any way. As Rebecca says “using false allegations of sexual abuse smacks of a very insidious brand of malice.” These people are seriously out of order.

  351. Here, here Gill, 100% true integrity and from the moment I met him, I too trust this man implicitly and innately. There is nothing in Serge Benhayon that seeks to harm another, in fact just the reverse, his humbleness and deep Love grace us all. A true living example of who we all truly are and a person who has inspired me to re-claim my Love within.

  352. I have met plenty of ‘creepy’ men in my life, from when I was a very young girl in the Middle East, always being touched because I was blonde, to being an adult where lewd suggestions were often made by the men at work. When I was 13 a man exposed himself to me in the street, which felt terrible. I experienced a physical assault when I was 15 and made the mistake of going out with a boy who wanted sex when I didn’t, but was able to stop him from going too far. I have experienced a suspicious breast examination by a fully qualified medical doctor who stood behind me and talked about personal things, which felt very uncomfortable and creepy. Now these things are not as serious as being raped, but they still felt ‘creepy’ and sexually orientated. I have never experienced anything like that from Serge Benhayon or any of the men associated with Universal Medicine, they have all, without exception, treated me with the utmost respect, and I always feel safe in their presence.

    1. Great comment Carmel, I have had plenty of experiences of sexual impropriety in my life and know exactly what it feels like. In my very first session with a Universal Medicine practitioner I felt completely safe. Safe to speak as I felt to and comfortable in the space. I had complete trust in their integrity. Since, that initial introduction, the level of respect and care from every single practitioner and students alike has blown me away. It is an extraordinary organisation that inspires extraordinary things. Long may it last.

  353. ‘Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman: what a terrible shame that a man of this quality would be accused of the very thing he is clearly not.’ Absolutely. But not a surprise when we have erred so far from living the qualities Serge Benhayon naturally emanates; there is such deep mistrust of men (so the false accusations can abound) and jealousy when someone seems to have got it. The opportunity is to be inspired and live for ourselves that which is naturally within.

  354. Anyone just has to read all these testaments here from all these people from all walks of life, from both men and women to know there is not a dodgy bone in Serge Benhayons’ body. Anyone can feel the honesty that is in these comments. Thanks Rebecca and thanks to everyone who commented

  355. “I know plenty of men and women who are inspired by the way in which Serge Benhayon conducts himself professionally, personally, within the community and notably, the way he treats women with the utmost respect, equality and care”. I love this quote taken from the blog. I love the way this blog states with absolute authority that we know what abuse is – we have experienced it. We know what respect and care are – we have felt that too. For anyone to say otherwise is to make the claim that we do not…it is an insult to our understanding and our awareness.
    As Amita stated above, Serge Benhayon is a man of truth and the most pure integrity. He is living inspiration for how a man can be with women.

      1. Absolutely Rachel Serge is an inspiration to both men and women to how we can interact and care deeply for one another.

    1. The depth of care, honouring and consideration shown by Serge Benhayon to everyone, man or woman, completely blows my mind again and again. In fact as a result of his consistency in seeing the best in me and honouring that, I have learned to be more appreciating of myself. I have also learned a great deal about how to relate to others in a deeply loving and caring way. If anyone cares to see the truth in front of them, it is not possible to hold anything other than love and deep appreciation for this truly wonderful man.

      1. Yes Golnaz the depth of care and love shown CONSISTENTLY over 11 years that I have seen is evidence enough that there is a way to live that is beyond the sleaze and disrepute we have become so accustomed to by some of those who are leaders. Serge has shown on and off stage that he is the same, caring, firm, loving man who is only lead by what is truth and love. A true leader.

      2. Beautifully said Golnaz. Serge Benhayon has inspired me to be more honouring of myself and ‘how to relate to others in a deeply loving and caring way.’ He is a true role model for humanity.

    2. We absolutely know what abuse is, we absolutely know what it is not. Anything that undermines this fact is getting in the way of our living an innate wisdom that sees the big picture for all of humanity, and inspires us to walk in life alongside everyone.

    3. Very well said Rachel. To undermine someone’s experiences and say that there is abuse somewhere that there is not, and to talk about people who have experienced abuse, and then experienced the lack of abuse and true love when they met Serge Benhayon – as if they are stupid, mindless or untrustworthy – is disrespectful, ignorant and very arrogant.

    4. I agree Rachel, we know the difference between being around someone we trust, and being around someone who makes us feel uncomfortable. Being around Serge Benhayon is a totally non invasive experience, he is, as Amita stated, a man of truth and utmost pure integrity.

  356. Serge Benhayon is a testament to truth, a man with responsibility and integrity. The way he lives and his loving way is inspiring. His light and purity reflects In his livingness. A man of truth.

    1. I whole heartily agree with you Amita. Serge Benhayon lives what real love is. He is a true inspiration dedicated to bringing such love and light back to humanity. I completely trust Serge Benhayon and the integrity on which modalities he presents are based, is beyond compare. Amita you are so correct Serge Benhayon is certainly a testament of truth.

    2. A man that continues to express “be discerning”…how often from a role model do you hear those words instead of the false outpouring of glamour infested narcism? Asking the individual to always start from their true feelings rather than slip into the blind herded sheep mentality…

  357. Looking at all the comments here to the integrity and loving way Serge Benhayon lives and works is indeed testament to the Truth and harmlessness he lives and shares with us all. Thank you Serge.

      1. Here here from me too. And the joy of it is that the way Serge lives is sharing with us how we, too, can be, and holds all of humanity in equal love. What he is offering is a gift beyond price. Another thank you.

    1. I agree Mary, the tide seems to be turning when it comes to online harassment. Where before it was not considered, more and more attention is being brought to the issue, hopefully for the better.

  358. Well said Kyle! I absolutely feel any misplaced sexual thoughts or intentions well before anything is physically/visibly out of place. My sister and friends have expressed the same sense of knowing when someone is out of line BEFORE they even step out. As a girl, a woman and previous female massage therapist (for 20 years) I have had tons of confirmations of this when, after feeling the sexual energy from a man, being indecently proposed to! I have NEVER felt such deep respect and pure intent as I feel from Serge Benhayon and the practitioners who have him as a role model. Serge espouses the most impeccably clear sense of responsibility and integrity.

    1. Absolutely agree, Jo, Serge Benhayon and all the practitioners trained with Universal Medicine have such a high level of personal integrity. Over the years I have had many ‘alternative therapy’ treatments, some ok others not, but after having experienced treatments through Universal Medicine and the Benhayon, family, there is no way I would let anyone not trained through Universal Medicine give me a treatment. I thank Serge Benhayon for showing us the responsibiilty we have for the way our own behaviour affects others.

      1. Absolutely true Catherine. I too have had many such treatments and in fact studied and offered treatments before I came across Serge Benhayon, and nothing, absolutely nothing had prepared me to even imagine the depth of care, honouring and integrity he has consistently offered everyone. It is such a joy knowing that there are many many people now inspired by him to give such quality treatments and to interact and live at the same level in all aspects of life.

      2. I completely agree Catherine, ‘after having experienced treatments through Universal Medicine, there is no way I would let anyone not trained through Universal Medicine to give me a treatment’.

    2. Thanks for your sharing Jo. This really does confirm that we feel everything and that we know when something doesn’t feel right or we are left feeling uneasy.

    3. Absolutely Jo, Serge Benhayon has given so much to humanity a beautiful man of great honour. There is absolutely no way this gentle loving man would do anything that was not out of the deep respect he has for women. To suggest anything otherwise is complete lies.

  359. I really agree Kyle. I’ve never met a man more honourable than Serge Benhayon. As someone who has not always felt comfortable around men due to concerns of any ulterior motive or unwanted sexual attention, I have to say I have never felt this with Serge Benhayon. I always feel well respected, honoured and at ease.

    1. I totally agree with you Shevon. With Serge Benhayon there is no worry or unease, like there can be around some men. He has such a tangible respect that I always feel completely comfortable and honoured as a woman.

      1. I agree completely Shevon and Rebecca. Serge Benhayon has deep respect and care for women that can be felt. All of us have felt the opposite, with a person that makes us feel ill at ease or insecure. That has never been the case with Serge, having known him for more than 7 years.

      2. I so completely agree, around Serge Benhayon I feel so at ease and comfortable, like I have know him for life times. The respect as a women i receive from him is unconditional love.

      3. That is my experience too Rebecca. Serge Benhayon has been the first man I have met that I can genuinely say I feel completely at ease with. He is a true Gentleman and has always shown me and everyone I have seen him engage with, the greatest respect. It is very inspiring.

      4. Absolutely Shevon and Rebecca. I for one would certainly not be still associated with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine if I got an ounce of a feeling of anything inappropriate from a practitioner.

      5. Very true Rebecca, Serge Benhayon and his family hold a respect for themselves and each one of us that this world is no longer used to. It has been lost along the way to truly respect each and every person you come across whomever they are and this has and is being reigniting by all the Benhayon family. Without respect you cannot be an equal and so respect is about true brotherhood without an ounce of judgment.

    2. I really agree Shevon. Having experienced abuse with a couple of practitioners, from the moment I heard Serge Benhayon speak, I totally trusted this incredible man. I experienced a few one to one sessions with Serge when I first came to the work and from that point on, knew this man was the real deal, totally honouring and empowering.

      1. Lorraine wow, that is beautiful that you got to experience such honour and respect to what you deserve after experiencing the complete opposite elsewhere. The one thing that I have noticed is Serge Benhayon has always been honouring and respectful no matter what, every time. Truly loving support that you just want to be around.

      2. I too had a session with Serge Benhayon when I first came to the work and felt completely respected and not judged at all, unlike with some other spiritual male practitioners who I had seen previously. I felt completely safe and honoured for who I was. I agree Lorraine.

    3. So true that there is no man more honourable than Serge Benhayon. He is consistently loving, open, honouring and supportive – he inspires everyone he meets. Many, many men have been inspired and are now also embracing their gorgeous inner caring and tenderness. I find this a true joy and a blessing.

      1. I agree Golnaz, Serge Benhayon is the most honourable and inspiring man I have ever met. He has shown us men that it is perfectly normal to show tenderness and love to other men and women and that it is not a sign of weakness. In fact it is more of a weakness to hide my tenderness as I am hiding the real Me.

      2. I agree Golnaz and Tim. Serge has shown us that there is a different way to live as a man, without all the hardness and protection, without the need to compete with every other man, either openly or not. He has shown us through example that to live as a true man is to be loving and to live with gentleness and tenderness and for myself, this has transformed my life.

      1. With you there, Natalie. Serge Benhayon is so open in all his interactions with others, and meets everyone with the same equality, tenderness and love.

  360. Thank you Rebecca for writing such a true and amazing article so clearly and standing up for us all as women and men and for all the comments on this, highlighting the abuse in the world everywhere. When one man who dedicates his life to exposing all that goes on with 100% love and integrity to be there for humanity and stand for truth and brings amazing healing techniques to help us heal ourselves, is attacked for this, it is disgraceful in every instance and scandleless.
    I have known Serge benhayon for 11 years and his love, integrity and way of living is an absolute inspiration for the world the whole of humanity and this is what all those who know him are saying and it is this amazing love that should be highlighted in the press, media and everywhere.

  361. I am proud to be one of those women who, whilst working alongside Serge Benhayon, has been inspired by his integrity, love and deep appreciation for life. As has been so eloquently put in this blog and following comments, Serge Benhayon is a true gentleman living with the greatest tenderness and respect for humanity.

  362. Wow, what an amazingly powerful article. Thank you for the clarity in which you have shown that the lies a few are spreading are not only harmful because they are void of truth, but disrespectful to those who truly have experienced abuse in their lives. Abuse is all too common in this world, but I have found in Serge Benhayon a man who treats women as his equal, with the greatest care and respect.

  363. Hi Toni, this is what is so crazy about the accusations. Serge Benhayon is the one that supports those that have been sexually abused to heal and bring love back into their lives and yet he has been targeted as the one that is then accused as being the abuser – this truly makes no sense. There is something truly wrong with this world that such a truly beautiful man can be attacked and such atrocious lies fabricated about him and yet the media choose to do nothing about it. The internet needs to clean up its act before more harm is done to all the countless innocent people that are abused and falsely accused daily on the internet.

  364. I grew up in an environment where inappropriate sexual attention and lewdness by men towards especially girls and young women, was the norm – you just had to walk down the street to have men following you and making sexual comments. I know what this attention feels like and can tell it a mile away. But I have not once experienced anything other than total honouring, respect and the highest level of care by Serge Benhayon. I am astounded that anyone can write an article painting a seedy picture about someone who is the complete antithesis of all that. I too have found that Serge Benhayon has shown me by example that there is a greater amount of honesty, integrity and love within and my life is all the richer as a result.

  365. Thank you Kyla for your honesty and calling it as it is… as you say it is ridiculous to think that hundreds of women across the globe are being abused without their awareness of it!!! So many have experienced the opposite – in other words true healing of abuse and honouring of being a woman through the words, treatments and healing presence of Serge Benhayon.

  366. Thank you Rebecca and Kyla for expressing truthfully. I have known Serge Benhayon for 6 years and in that time I have observed him in every instance to be a loving, caring gentleman with not an ounce of “creepiness” anywhere in his being. He is a true role model for men and all humanity and in no way an abuser of anyone in any way shape or form. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just not prepared to see truth and love in living reality.

  367. Thank you Rebecca, Kyla and everyone for making me more aware of such an important subject that so needs addressing, from the article itself to Lee’ s comment on pack behaviour, and how serious this abuse is and how equally serious false accusations are.

  368. Absolutely, Jane. Serge Benhayon: a gentle-man in every way, living with deep integrity and a love for all humanity that inspires many to know what true relationship is.

  369. Thank you Kyla – I agree with everything you say. It is absurd to suggest Serge Benhayon is anything but a true gentle man. All that know him, even after one short meeting, know this to be the truth.

    1. I completely agree Rachel and anyone that has met Serge Benhayon will instantly know and feel he is a truly beautiful, gentle and loving man.

  370. I love how your article simply presents truth, rather than defends. There is nothing to defend as the wild allegations are unfounded and outright lies. Every session and interaction I’ve ever had with Serge Benhayon and also Curtis Benhayon and Michael Benhayon, have never had any imposing, sexual or abusive connotations – having worked in the City for almost 10 years, surrounded by many ‘powerful’ men and having worked in the VIP lounge of a nightclub whilst at uni, I know sexual and imposing behaviour when I see it. Thank you to Serge, Curtis and Michael for inspiring men everywhere that there is another way to be and to treat women. This has inspired my dad, brother and fiancée, along with many other beautiful and gentle-men that I have met at UniMed events over the last decade.

  371. I’ve just found this blog and wanted to say thank you. I know what it’s like to be abused and there is none of that energy in Serge Benhayon. It’s so simple – he cares and he brings love.

  372. Thank you Rebecca, it’s so true, never have we been offered such an amazing and true reflection of what it is to be a human and what it is to be a man. Serge Benhayon and his beautiful sons, Michael Benhayon and Curtis Benhayon, offer a deeply loving, gentle, respectful, tender and true reflection of true men. It’s such a blessing and one we should observe and learn from with every atom of our beings! Creepiness and sleeze is not their style in any way, shape or form, it simply does not exist within them and this comes from a woman with a very sensitively attuned radar for creepiness and sleeze.

  373. This is a very powerful blog – with such abuse going on around the world and the serious allegations, it is a very important writing to ensure the truth about the absolute love and integrity that Serge Benhayon shows, is brought out into the light. From my personal experience over the last 10 years I know there is not one particle or speck of truth in any of the allegations/attacks. Thank you for voicing the truth. Serge Benhayon continues every day to be a true loving inspiration.

  374. Jane well shared, I totally agree! Serge Benhayon is a man of true integrity and Love. Lies are always exposed.

  375. I a billion percent agree with every word you have written here. Abuse is not something we should take lightly and having known Serge Benhayon since I was a young woman (16/17), I can with everything state that I also have never felt anything but the utmost care and respect from Serge.

    1. Seconding Meg here I have known Serge Benhayon since I was 19 (I’m now 30) and over the years I have never once seen Serge mistreat anyone rather always being there no matter what with absolutely no judgement – showing true love and care to all.

  376. Thank you Kyla. Some people have lost trust so much that men can be genuinely loving, that attacks and lies are a way to push Love away. My experience of being around Serge Benhayon is that his presence asks you (without words) to feel and fall into your own beauty and strength as a woman. My experience is such that when I attack another I am just pushing the Love inside of me away.

  377. It is a year since this blog has been written and everyone’s amazing comments, and Serge Benhayon is still being attacked and accused and abused and harassed by the press and certain individuals that have absolutely no evidence, not a single shrapnel of proof behind what they are saying, complete lies and yet it is still being allowed to go on. All I have seen are testimonials from thousands of people saying the total opposite to what he has been accused of, and for me, and that he has the most integrity of anyone they have met. I have known Serge for 11 years and he has shown me by living example of what true integrity and honesty is, there is not a single particle in his body that could even think let alone do what he has been accused of, and it is time for the press to truly investigate him and write about the amazing things that he is bringing to humanity instead of trying to destroy a truly amazing person based on lies from a few individuals.

    1. That is absolutely ‘the call’ here Alison. Exceedingly well said. Let the true story be told. The testimonies here alone would make for one enormous expose on this single ridiculous and insidious ‘accusation’ alone.

      A cracker story is offered here! A man who has inspired countless women and men to know that true integrity can once again be trusted, and that all women absolutely know the difference between a man holding such integrity, and one who does not. To say we do NOT know and are oblivious to more sinister intentions of this man is an absolute insult – utterly ridiculous.

  378. Thank you for sharing this blog to show the world that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon treat women with respect and treat them professionally unlike the osteopath.

  379. Amina, this is beautiful, I can feel the love glowing through your words. Everything Serge Benhayon presents is love – pure and simple.

  380. thanks Jane …agreed… thanks to everyone that has commented here so far. As we can see, many people have something say regarding the many issues raised in this blog and foreword.

  381. Dear Kyla and Rebecca,

    Reading through your blog and the heartfelt responses by both men and women, what you have intimately expressed is very important for the general public and the diligent students of the Livingness. Knowing and having witnessed firsthand of the highest integrity that Serge exemplifies in his healing sessions, courses and many more amazing work he does with people from all walks of life, the recent false allegations against him are openly corruptive of the fairness and transparency that the very foundation of our society is built on. In the modern age of evidence-based this and that, his integrity and love for humanity is the very visible evidence that alone should inspire even those who have complained and accused falsely. He lives and practises what is of truth.

    As assault against women (and men, too) in verbal, physical and sexual nature has persevered throughout our human history, and continues in all corners of our globe whether or not we decide to become apathetic and ignore, or come to our senses and recognise their lifelong impact on our friends, relatives, families and colleagues. In my two decades of training and practising years in conventional Medicine alone, I have triaged in emergency rooms and medical wards of women who were violently raped beyond what I can describe here, cared for them physically while being assessed by the police and legal system, and still later seeing directly the consequences of those rapes and assaults from decades ago, some insidiously presenting as ‘asthma’ or ‘breathlessness’. Through these encounters, the alarming public health statistics, the endless media articles and academic papers published every year, one realises that the core issue is, as much as it is directed on the individuals, our collective responsibility to recognise that they are very much part of human life when it is lived lovelessly and without deepest respect and dignity for our fellow human being: women, men or children.

    Serge through his work and writings presents to us and reminds each one of us that love is what truly heals us. Thus, what the recent allegations has done is denigrating the very reality that affects humanity, and also, directly shows us as the general public that there are many who do not really understand what integrity and love means. Through your writings and the blog replies, the public can begin to understand love, and allow love to inspire people all around us. Through this, we may not only see one less assault/rape or one more healed but more and more women being nurtured in her natural divine beauty as revealed by yourselves.

    Thank you again for your beauty full writing and courage to reveal of the truth for all women and men who truly care and love.
    Sam Kim

  382. There have been many excellent comments so far and I can agree with them all.
    I have found Serge to be impeccable and decent in his dealings with me at all times. I have grown in confidence and self respect as a direct result of what I have learned from him and how I have been treated.
    My enhanced sense of trust in people is due to the love and dignity I am reclaiming, thanks to my choice to work with Serge, his family and his Universal Medicine Clinic.
    The legacy is ongoing and my future has never felt so bright.

  383. I can not believe anyone could make these accusations. I am a 45 year old woman, I went to university, got my law degree and I have a succesful law practice in one of Holland’s big cities. You might say I am not a complete idiot. I am also a mother. I look out for my daughter, because there are still a lot of creepy men in the world. Believe me when I say that I recognize sexual abuse, or even sexual suggestions from a huge distance. I have plenty of experience with it. I bet every woman has.
    I have had sessions with many of the Universal Medicine practitioners. I also had breast massages. From wonderful, skilled, loving women and I never doubted their integrity. They told me that professional standards and a code of ethics keeps a close eye on that integrity; this is also one of the things Serge emphasizes during presentations. There is nothing sexual about the breast massages by Universal Medicine. It is a profoundly healing experience.
    I was also fortunate enough to have a session with Serge Benhayon himself. No, not a breast massage. You get those from trained female practitioners. During the session, which took over an hour, I never felt the slightest hint of sexual abuse or sexual innuendo. On the contrary: I was struck by the lack of it, because sexual abuse or sexual inuendo are something that most women encounter every day, by co-workers, clients, in car washes or even in the local supermarket. Yes, Serge Benhayon treated me as a woman, but as the tender, sensitive yet strong being that I am and not like an interesting package of beauty, bottom and boobs. Being in a room with a man like that was a revelation to me. He was caring, understanding, gracious, sensitive, brutally honest, respectful, funny and loving. People who know Universal Medicine will know what I mean by the word loving.
    As I mentioned, I have also attended quite a lot of presentations by Serge Benhayon. Again: nothing sexual going on there. On the contrary: what was presented was that making love to your partner doesn’t mean you have to have sex. Love can be made while doing dishes, talking or walking together, for instance.
    I don’t know the small group of people who are seeking to discredit Serge Benhayon, but it seems to me that they carry around a lot of anger and fear. Their behaviour is nothing but harmful. I am confident that the truth will prevail.

    1. Thanks Ingenoor for a clear, real and strong testimonial to add to the collection. And I agree, the truth will prevail.

  384. I like you Kyla find it deeply insulting to be accused of not being able to assess whether I am being duped by another, sexually or otherwise. Unfortunately like yourself I am one of the 1/3 statistics. I experienced date rape and had a resulting pregnancy from that rape. In that instant I worked in the pub as a barmaid that the local high flying stock broker frequented every night who subsequently raped me, I too was too drunk to consent. I had at that point in my life had a couple of one night stands, where I had too much to drink and had sex when I wouldn’t have done sober, on neither of those occasions did I feel taken advantage of, the difference with the night I was raped was the sexual power and control displayed by the man, the intention of his was to rape me, to confirm what I felt on leaving, as I woke up – having passed out – he passed me a condom and said next time you should use one of these. The next day I felt horrific, I knew something awful had taken place but couldn’t say anything because I was the barmaid, drunk seen having fun with said man earlier in the evening, my word against his. Mine, is like you say, not an uncommon story.

    Serge Benhayon has only conducted himself in an exemplary manner when I have had sessions with him, he has NEVER looked at me in a way that is sexual or wanting power over me. In fact the second session I had with Serge I was asking him about some training I was undertaking and asked if I was choosing the right speciality he looked at me and said “do you really want me to disempower you?” and that was that, no I did not and yes I did know exactly what specialty to pursue! These are not the words of a man interested in power over another, and that is what rape is – as is well known, it is not the sexual act, it is the having power over another ‘weaker’ than you. My experience of Serge Benhayon and ALL Universal Medicine practitioners is to empower you to connect with how beautiful and divine we are and live your life with that love for yourself and from there love humanity. It saddens me that there are those in the world who are so far away from this love for themselves that they should spend their time and energy in trying to attack those that truly serve and love humanity. And as such I know that Serge holds the perpetrators of these lies in the same love he has expressed for me and all students of Universal Medicine equally; which is in itself remarkable.

    1. thanks Vanessa… you have demonstrated here so clearly that even on occasions where you were heavily intoxicated you were able to assess what for you constituted sexual assault or not (even though by law all sexual acts performed on a person that is significantly intoxicated is sexual assault).
      Interesting as you and myself, as well as many other women have now been accused of being apparently unable to determine that we have been abused sober and lucid, during business hours, in a respected and well established clinic that supports health and well being… HOW ABSURD. You have every right to be insulted and so do I.
      I am passionate about women’s rights and part of this is recognizing when it is convenient to make women’s voices less or devalued by continually referring to them as less, weaker, easily manipulated, fooled or controlled – this is simply a direct ploy to continue to allow the suppression of women – what are they afraid of I wonder? When an individual or group is involved in this then they can in no way attempt to act as if they are in fact concerned for women’s rights or well being at all, as they have thoroughly exposed themselves through these statements or suggestions or being involved in this opinion of women in the first place.
      Note: being for women’s rights does not make anyone a man hater, as being for equality and reasonable treatment of fellow human beings is in end a human rights issue, and we are all human, are we not?
      It is not just Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine that this ludicrous mud has been slung at… it is also been squarely thrown at us. Individuals going about their lives, upstanding members of the community, family orientated and committed, beloved by friends and colleges alike and generally people of very high moral standing. What should be celebrated is a wonderful bunch of people who are living simple, powerful and exceptional lives… I am one of these people and I get to live this everyday, now that speaks volumes.

      1. Thank you Kyla, absolutely true. We are a group of women from all walks of life…competent, intelligent (just look at the extraordinary writing in our blogs), with an unusual willingness to heal our issues…yet somehow we are not capable of telling that we have been abused, manipulated and to cap it all off, wheedled out of our deservingly earned money. Insult on top of insult. Enormous disrespect to Serge, enormous disrespect to us.
        Thank you to you and Rebecca for getting this conversation started. It is deeply appreciated.

      2. Strong words as always Kyla, and yes it is not about one person or organisation. This IS about a group of people choosing to live simply and lovingly who are being vilified because they choose to take care of themselves and say “hey I’ve found something that really works for me”.

  385. In my travels I have seen many therapists, experts and professionals, whom you could easily call sleazy, creepy or even abusive. What I have learnt about the need to respect people (women in particular) from Serge Benhayon and others within Universal Medicine, is testimony to the fact that these terms have not applied and do not apply to Serge or other UM practitioners.

  386. For almost a year now there has been a concerted online campaign by two people to bring down the reputation of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and its practitioners. As you state this campaign of lies and innuendos was pick up by the media in the early days which lead to a frenzy of false allegations, lies and sensationalism being reported in the papers and on some low grade TV shows. However, the media interested soon petered out due to there being no story to tell. They even resorted to dirty tactics and secret filming, bursting into to meetings and hurling accusations – interesting this footage never went to air. Why? Because there is no story to tell. Instead of finding a man who was supposedly up to no good they found Mr Benhayon to be a well respected man, with the the highest levels of respect and conduct for and with his clients.
    As the wheels fell off the campaign to bring down Universal Medicine they have had to stoop to more and more ridiculous tactics and wild accusations. This time the media knowing there is no dirt to dig did not take the bait. So that must tell you something.
    Accusing anyone of inappropriate behaviour or sexual misconduct is scurrilous and a deliberate attempt to place doubt about that persons character, as after all people will often think “there is no smoke without fire”.
    I have known Serge Benhayon both professionally and personally for 9 years and in that time not once has he been anything less than 100% caring and respectful. Not a single whiff of sexual overtones or personal agenda. I too, as does everyone, innately know when someone is being creepy, leery and lecherous or sexually inappropriate. And I can say honestly that in every dealing myself or my family have had with Serge, his family and Universal Medicine practitioners, that we have experienced only total respect, care and love.
    The fact that Google removed the anonymous blog because of the defamatory content speaks volumes. Does this fact in and of itself not bring into question the motivation behind these downright nasty and insidious allegations that are being posted namely by two people?
    Rebecca and Kyla thank you for your strong words and giving people the opportunity to see the truth, and the terrible injustice in the way people can hurl lies and accusations without being accountable for their own words.

    1. Hi Rachel – yes you are correct – their numbers are dwindling and they have now had to resort to making pseudonyms to make it appear as though there is more of them than there actually are.

      “As the wheels fell off the campaign to bring down Universal Medicine they have had to stoop to more and more ridiculous tactics and wild accusations. This time the media knowing there is no dirt to dig did not take the bait. So that must tell you something.” With all their noise and posturing and the constant output of lies on their dark little corner of the interweb one fact remains — there are no ‘victims’ coming forward — because there are no victims — only hundreds of people blogging about their positive experiences of UniMed. And those that find UniMed is not for them – well most of them are the same as any other decent human being — they are respectful of other peoples right to choose how they want to live their lives; and they have this really decent way of not telling you what health and well-being workshops you should attend on the weekend.

      The hate-bloggers are obsessed with money – as if having a successful business that helps hundreds of people globally is a crime. I wonder why they aren’t campaigning against corporate greed that robs people of their health and wellbeing? There are plenty of companies that capitalise on selling products that poison the populace. Why do they not begrudge CocaCola its profits?
      Of course the inference is that we are wasting our money and we are too stupid to realise it and so we need to be saved from ourselves. This is hilarious. If they were genuinely concerned about people they would be spending their time helping people that were actually seeking help. And the money obsession is so old — the cost of a lecture with Serge Benhayon is $5 – what is that, the price of a coffee?

      Going to Vietnam to a retreat with UniMed… Cost…not much different than an annual trip to Bali..another argument that is just flawed. In time the absurdity will come to light of the whole farcical media campaign..until then..we keep telling it how it is…thanks for this awesome sum-up Rachel — I love your work.

      1. Thank you Rebecca – you make some very valid points.
        Since when has it been a crime for a business to charge for its services and make a profit from them? Personally I find $5 for an 1 hour lecture very good value, as are the cost of the workshops. An hour treatment with any complimentary practitioner would set you back around $70 so Serge’s fees and those of other Universal Medicine practitioners are very reasonable.
        I know my own mind and am very capable of choosing where to spend my money and I consider anything that I pay towards improving or maintaining my health and wellbeing a good investment – be that a visit to the doctor, dentist, naturopath or for esoteric modalities.
        Most health retreats cost hundreds of dollars per day to attend, comparatively the ones held by UM are very good value for money.

      2. Thank You Rebecca. I Love everything you write as your words are clear, strong and very powerfull. You have the ability to debase these utter lies about Serge Benhayon and bring a reality check about what is really going on and in your words ‘telling it how it is’.

        Thank you Kyla and Lee for your deeply honest words that are felt and needed for humanity as a whole to wake up and smell what is going on.

  387. When I was 15 I was seeing a very well known and respected Acupuncturist and Chiropractor in Brisbane that my parents thought very highly of. I had glandular fever but he felt to ask me questions about the sexual positions I favoured and suggested positions to me that would benefit my condition. I never told my parent til I was an adult as I felt ashamed and thought I had done something wrong. This made me very wary of male doctors and practitioners for many years and gave me a very keen radar for anything slightly off.
    11 years ago I had my first session with Serge Benhayon. I was amazed at how at ease I felt with him and how respectful and caring he was. 11 years later I know Serge to have the highest integrity of any person I know and as Desiree so beautifully put it ‘it has taught me to lift my own bar to new heights’.
    It is so very easy to throw false allegations around, but it takes far more courage to lead the way in truth and integrity in the face of lies.
    Thanks Kyla for having the courage to stand up for both and bring this topic to the world for the truth to be known.

    1. wow Penny, thanks for sharing. Like Kyla, there is no victimhood in your reflections — you can look back clearly now and know the experience of this was at the time traumatising but it is clear that you have healed so much around trust with men since then.

    1. Well said Simon – and if that was so the world would definitely be a different place.

  388. I have known Serge Benhayon for more than 4 years and I totally agree with Kyla when she says: “Serge Benhayon is the epitome of a true Gentleman”. He is indeed a true role model for all men on this planet.

  389. Simply because it cannot be said enough, and because I know for some in this world it is difficult to trust that any one man could actually have true integrity and love without imposition or asking anything in return, I will add to the already beautiful sharing above:

    As many others have expressed I too have seen my share of abuse and sexually inappropriate behavior. As a woman in this world the odds that you do are sadly greater than not.
    Whether it be sexual abuse in the family, a masseur with ‘slipping hands’, a man groping on the bus, a client wanting something else than is on offer, a teacher seducing a pupil….. I had came to believe that this is how men innately are and that ‘sexualisation’ is just something that I’d have to accept.
    But through knowing Serge Benhayon I have learned that this is not so; that men innately are actually very loving, tender and caring human beings. That there can be affection without any hint of sexualisation. That there can be a hand laid on a shoulder with such care and without any hint of anything other then love.
    Serge Benhayon’s standards in how he worked has inspired me to raise my (already high) level in how I work. In the 6 years that I have known Serge and the other practitioners of Universal Medicine I have only experienced integrity, love and care of the highest possible level – in courses, sessions and personal encounters. I am an intelligent person and I have in my adult life always been able to suss out those that were not coming from the right intention. And I know I would have had alarm bells ringing if Serge had been one of them.

    In this day and age of the fast spreading of information through all the media, we are asked more and more to take responsibility – not only for what we say or write but also for what we read and hear; for what we accept as truth or not.
    Rumors spread like global wild fires and it is tempting for some to run with it and for others they use it as an excuse to not follow through on the truth they had originally felt.
    So… to all who are in doubt, feel what is written and shared. Allow yourself to observe what is going on and maybe ask yourself the question: could hundreds of people be confirming the same thing? Could all these testimonies of love, care and integrity be said by so many if this was not exactly what Serge Benhayon lives?

    I know he does, from my own personal experience. And I know he has inspired myself and countless others to live in the same way.

    1. Hear, hear Carolien. One attempt to place doubt in the minds of others (as Rachel Hall said – utterly scurrilous)… vs. testimonies of the true love and deeply inspiring integrity of this man. Hmmm… And every testimony written with such ease, honesty and heartfelt celebration – from clear and astute discernment on the part of every individual.

      1. So true Victoria and Carolien. Those testimonies are written with such lightness, sometimes humour and always with grace. No “dragging down” of others, no insults, no innuendo….just pages and pages of love, inspiration and the simplicity of lives truly changed.

    2. So true Carolien, for some, that much love is too much, and they retreat into their pain.

  390. In reading all the above blogs I too can say that throughout my life, I never really felt safe with men, there was always a protective layer so I also never really could open my heart . In my teenage years and as a young adult, I thought that men having sexual vibes or inappropriate behavior towards me was normal and that I should have sexual vibes towards men to be accepted and wanted. With Serge Benhayon I feel totally safe and seen and respected. He is for me an example of how I wish all the men would be. The men that attend the events and courses with Serge are becoming much more honest with themselves and their hurts and I feel I can have true friendships with men for the first time in my life.

    1. Thank you Simone, you speak from my own experience. Never have I felt so safe and respected as a woman than when I attend Universal Medicine courses and workshops. And to repeat Michelle: “…there has never been even the slightest hint of any sexual innuendo, jokes or degrading of women in any way,…” from anyone at these gatherings.
      Honestly, where does that happen?
      I personally do not know of any other place than Universal Medicine gatherings where I feel this safe and respected. I have built some male friendships that are so deeply loving and caring and yet there is no sexual attraction or agenda going on what so ever. For me that is unheard of and I have never experienced this in my entire life before I learned about Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.
      What we as a group offer each other through expressing truth and love, for me is simply amazing and it shows not only the unquestionable integrity Serge Benhayon holds but what an inspiration to others he is.
      For me Serge Benhayon is an inspiring example of how I wish for men to be and behave.
      How anyone can accuse him of sexual misconduct is incomprehensible to me unless they had the intention to bring him down because they somewhat feel challenged by his great example of male integrity.

  391. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca for writing this blog. I am a young woman and I know when someone has underlying sexual intentions. I have met Serge Benhayon several times in my life and I never ever have felt any underlying sexual suggestions or disrespect or anything like that from him or any other practitioner of Universal Medicine.
    To me it is therefore absolutely ridiculous to accuse Serge Benhayon of sexual misconduct. When I attend a workshop of Universal Medicine or have a session with a practitioner of Universal Medicine I feel deeply cared for in a way I never experienced anywhere else. The integrity Serge Benhayon lives and works with is the highest I have ever experienced.

  392. The accusations, lies and failed ongoing attempts to discredit Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon remind me of the importance of feeling safe and unconditionally regarded for who I am. That is what is missing when one is threatened to the core by unwanted sexual or other imposing advances. Thank you to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon for creating a space where safety, transparency and respect permeate every encounter.

  393. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca for your blogs. I too know exactly what it feels like to have been sexually abused in more ways that I would like to describe. This in the past had made me put up a protective shield or brick wall as some would call it, to dull myself and to not be attractive so that I lessen that kind of attention.

    I have also had experiences with practitioners of various kinds as well as teachers of other non-esoteric ‘healing’ modalities be inappropriate with their sexual gestures and way they have spoken to me or touched me when in a ‘session’. But I have never ever felt this way when in the presence of Serge Benhayon or any of the Universal Medicine trained practitioners. In fact I have even been able to have Esoteric breast massage with female practitioners (as it is never performed by men) and feel total integrity and safety at all times.

    I have had many esoteric healing sessions with Serge Benhayon and never felt anything but the utmost of integrity. For anyone to make false claims of sexual abuse just makes me feel sick, as I could never imagine why they would ever say such ridiculous things.
    As a Practitioner myself I have also attended many workshops and courses held by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon and the professional integrity of the courses are the highest I have ever experienced…ever, in my 40+ years of studies. You only have to look at Universal Medicine’s ‘Code of conduct’ to see what level of integrity we work by. Even the insurance companies have said that Universal Medicine has the highest level of integrity for course practitioners.

    Any session with any of the esoteric practitioners that have studied with Universal Medicine will show anyone the real truth…that they all work with the highest level of integrity ever.

    1. Beautifully said Sue. I particularly love what you share about the Esoteric Breast Massage. It is an extraordinary modality — the delicacy and respect with which is it is delivered, by the dedicated accredited women who practise it, is in itself a healing.

      1. Thank you Rebecca for your reply. I realised later that I forgot to mention that it was and still is with modalities such as the esoteric breast massage and other esoteric modalities as well as what is presented by Universal medicine and Serge Benhayon that has helped me to clear the sexual abuse issues that I had hardened from and buried in my body which then consequently prevented me from having a loving relationship, so that I can now enjoy a new level of love with myself firstly but also with my family and husband. Without the support of Universal Medicine I would have surely continued on a path of yet again another failed relationship – rather than feeling the joy from within that I now experience.

    2. Thank you Sue. I can say that I have had sessions from practitioners in the past that have been laced with sexual inferences. These sessions made me feel awful, and intimidated, but also ashamed and somehow to blame. I have NEVER felt that way in healing sessions with Serge….with any of the Universal Medicine practitioners. Not only that, I have felt the absolute opposite, of being treated with the utmost tenderness and respect.
      For these hate bloggers to presume that we do not know and cannot discern the difference is ridiculous and offensive, and I agree with you….sickening.
      Serge, as beautifully expressed by so many in this thread, is a shining example of what a man. He is an inspiration to all men, showing them they can be very masculine and tender and respectful to all women. He is an inspiration to all women, showing us that men have the potential to be utterly loving, completely respectful and allowing us to develop trust in that again.
      The true ugliness of this hate blog is that it seeks to attack and distort the truth that is here offered to humanity. Kyla’s statistics, her shared experiences, and experiences shared by many on this thread, expose how common sexual abuse has become. Sexual abuse shatters our trust, and perverts it to the point that the only thing we trust is how badly people will behave. Serge Benhayon and the Universal Medicine practitioners stand for the complete opposite of this. All that they say, all that they do is consistent in its love, its purity and in its respect for all people. By attacking this amazing level of integrity, these anonymous cyber and real-life bullies are showing how damaged they truly are, that they cannot conceive that there is any decency in this world that can be trusted.
      That is why it is so important for us to “get loud” as Kyla said, and to let people know that there is something in this world that represents truth, love, integrity, a true way of relating, a place of absolutely safety, where we can deeply rest, and be all of who we are.

  394. What Kyla wrote is so true, clear and clean that it is impossible to twist or refute. She has put it right: there is not a single ounce of abusive energy in Serge Benhayon, not a spec of it. I have known him for four years now and never felt anything that could even resemble inappropriate or even harming (not even subtly so), neither in a private session nor in presence of more people. Just the contrary, the level of care, love, respect and integrity has always been the highest one. So high these levels are, and so clean, open and clear is his presence that my body registers every time I see him, the difference it makes being in his presence. Thanks to this, we men have a rare gift: a raw model of what a real gentle-man is, that is deeply inspiring us to do life differently, not from the hurts we all carry in our bodies, but from the deeply known innate love we really are. So, I subscribe and stand by Kyla’s words all the way. They are simply completely truthful. And, the beauty is that given that she knows (in the same way I know) with not a single ounce of doubt or hesitation that what we are stating is only the true and nothing but the true, the whole of humanity has in Universal Medicine a true point of reflection; another rare gift.

    1. Hi Eduardo… thank you for the heart felt comment and for backing up my words with your own voice and experience. Here’s to another true Gentleman.

    2. Kyla’s blog is incredibly powerful, and exposing of the lies that are being invented to try and damage Serge Benhayon. Eduardo puts it beautifully when he says “we men have a rare gift: a raw model of what a real gentle-man is, that is deeply inspiring us to do life differently”.

      I’ve known Serge and his family for over 10 years.. not only is he an inspiration, but his whole family are the same which leaves me in no doubt that here is a man who lives equality and respect with every fibre of his being.

  395. Kyla this is not the first time I have read your article and actually everytime I do I get alittle bit shaken. I have in the past been a person whom has under the influence of drugs and alcohol expected, no demanded, sexual satisfaction from women. And this article highlights not only the blatancy of this behaviour but that it happens at every opportunity. What I have been feeling is the shame and guilt of choosing to be a part of that which perpetuates lovelessness in our society. It has become more obvious for me as I allow myself to feel choices that I have made from a young age about women and consequently how I then interact with men, pack behaviour in particular allows you to numb even further from the obvious wrongs taking place. This all comes at a price in that it compounds the negative behaviour which effectively becomes a foundation from which others take their lead. “Yes, I should have reported him, but like many victims of sexual abuse, I was humiliated, traumatised and felt stupid, like it was somehow my fault.” Creepy & abusive behaviour has become so prevalent that we as a society allow it, with our indifference to so many abusive behaviours have they all melded into one?
    When did we drop our moral compass? How do we allow a lack of fundamental and basic controls of behaviour? Hurting other people through senseless behaviour has it’s consequences, they potentially shut down allowing the perpertrator to continue on until the next need can be satisfied.
    Having been a part of and to some degree also experienced abuse against me, I can see how one feeds the other. It is then truly amazing that a man who stands like a shining light of integrity and truth within our very midst gets coloured and tainted with these baseless accusations.
    Having known Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for some years it is truly outrageous that this mud has been thrown in an attempt to discredit and trample on the work for humanity that Serge brings. As he stands so full of love for himself and humanity I stand beside him as an equal and yet absolutely aware that I have made choices that have made me lose that love and integrity along the way. He tells you not what you should be or how to behave but presents the fact that we are love, plain and simple. This has allowed an amzing transformation from lost man to true man that has taken place for me and other men around the world. For this I am eternally grateful and deeply appreciative.
    Rebecca thank you to you for bringing this back around again. This time the pull was too strong to not write and share my own truths. You both are an amazing example of love in action and that’s an amazing sight to observe and feel.

    1. Lee it is awesome for you as a man to speak honestly about your experience, you too are a shining light of how things can be different.

    2. Wow thank you Lee for this amazing message – it is so powerful to hear about your own transformation and your understanding of abuse and the deep care you have and so lovingly express towards women. You are a true Gentleman and an awesome person full stop.

    3. Thank you Lee. What a real and honest comment that brings to light many issues within our society. I am sure many men could relate to what you said in the first few paragraphs, but I wonder how many would have the courage and clarity to expose those past choices and behaviours for what they truly were.
      Like you said, ‘When did we drop our moral compass? How do we allow a lack of fundamental and basic controls of behaviour?’
      These are the questions that begin to expose the current state of affairs within humanity. This is what we all need to be discussing, not the lies about Serge Benhayon, but the truth about the state of the world.

      1. “Thank you to all the above for your honest and courageous exposing of the rot that has crept in and swamped our societies everywhere. It is this truth and tragedy that needs to be exposed and the questions asked as Lee and Kyla have.
        As a teenager I just accepted the creepy lewid comments from men of all ages about my breasts or body. Although I was not physically abused I was abused by the looks , the words and the way I was touched at times. I shrunk from my beauty and fullness, lessened myself and had countless disempowering relationships.

        It is a very real crime however to post false accusation of sexual misconduct on the web (or anywhere else) – and it is a worrying reflection of the standards of our online environment that slander such as this stays there. There is a bigger picture that needs to be looked at – where these false accusations of Serge Benhayon; desperate, ridiculous and driven by the uncontrolled emotions of a very disturbed person/persons – are published and then picked up on my the media – when there is clearly an intent to harm and mislead through these crazy lies.

        I have known Serge Benhayon very well personally and professionally for over 12 years. I have had many sessions with him and other practitioners of Universal Medicine and there has only and ALWAYS been deep respect care and loving support.There has NEVER EVER been a hint of anything that was sexual or inappropriate.
        It is from Serge’s consistent love for himself and all others equally in his personal relationships and all other relationships that has inspired me to grow in my love for me.
        I have known hundreds of women who have had sessions with Serge Benhayon and other Universal Medicine practitioners and there has NEVER been one complaint of any inappropriate conduct – only a deep appreciation for the support and true love and care they received.
        It is way over due to ask questions of the bigger picture as … “How do we reset our morale compass back to true care, respect and love for all equally?”

    4. Thank you for your honesty Lee. It has become such a normal way for men to be, that it takes courage and a lot of love to see it for what it is, and then speak about it. How strange and awful is this world that so many men are acting this way, yet the accusations are thrown at one who lives with such honour and respect for women?

  396. Rebecca and Kyla, thank you for letting us know and speaking up against these utterly false allegations about Serge Benhayon. Every word you write is absolutely true and I say YES to everything you have said.
    I am now 65 years of age with a broad experience of life and in all these years of living I have never met a man who lives his life in such integrity as Serge Benahyon. Integrity has always been very important to me and I certainly know it when I meet it. This integrity is in all of us equally as a way of being, but, before meeting Serge Benhayon, I had never encountered anyone who has chosen to fully embrace it and live their life from that truthful place. I have witnessed and felt Serge Benhayon’s love for humanity and for all equally, and it has been a revelation to me that someone has been able to demonstrate this way of being in such an unassuming way in a world that is being exposed as increasingly lost and corrupt. This man has been nothing less than a shining beacon of light on earth.
    All my appointments with Serge Benhayon and other practitioners at the clinic have been conducted with the highest integrity and respect for me as a woman. Never has there been a hint of sexual misconduct or inappropriate behaviour at Universal medicine clinic or any of the courses I have attended.
    Bring on the time when people will be willing to be aware of the energy of truth or hate in the words they read on the page. Words written in hate can never be true as they are not based on true observation, which is love.

  397. I’m not sure I’ve ever read a lie further from the truth than the one accusing Serge Benhayon’s treatments of being sexually abusive. I have had several treatment sessions with Serge Benhayon and attended many courses and workshops over the last 6 years and not once have I ever felt abused in any way. In fact, and this comes from many years experience of having a variety of different treatments ranging from acupuncture and massage to counselling from both male and female clients, I have never felt more safe, honoured, respected, and deeply cared for as a woman than I do as a client and student of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. As I reflect on this now there has never been even the slightest hint of any sexual innuendo, jokes or degrading of women in any way, which I have experienced with the odd male practitioner in the past. I also know as a student of esoteric healing and massage that Serge stresses the absolute intergrity and respect we must uphold in touching another person’s body and I have indeed experienced this not only in sessions with Serge Benhayon but also in sessions with other esoteric practitoners.
    In truth, Serge Benhayon brings to his treatments, and to what he teaches others, a level of intregrity, respect, care, and professionalism that I have not encountered before. This should be celebrated and also held up as a standard for others in the practice of healing.

    I wholeheartedly agree with Victoria Carter’s words that Serge Benhayon is a shining example of a real human being.

  398. Having lived through my teenage years and sexual abuse, my twenties and thirties with sexual abuse in the workplace to the extent of having to look down corridors to see if it was safe to traverse the office and the awareness of all the sexual connotations that came my way during my life I feel I have an excellent radar now in my sixties! I work with the elderly and I can say that an 85 year old man who would have been sexually abusive to women in his 30’s or 40’s or throughout his more active life and has not addressed his issues then his behaviour is no different at 85 – just a little slower! So my radar is still working fine! Having said all this I can say that I have attended many courses, workshops and events with Serge Benhayon and when I am at any event with Serge Benhayon there is nothing to experience on my radar other than true love and respect for everyone around him. To suggest otherwise shows that those who do so need to look to themselves and address their issues as they are clearly exposed.

    1. Barbara I can also say my radar is finely tuned, and never once has Serge Benhayon or any other Universal Medicine practitioner caused my radar to blip. I can say my radar has become more accurate through the teachings of Universal Medicine. The only role Serge Benhayon has played in the effect of the abuse I suffered as a child (the abuse happened before I met Serge Benhayon) is he has helped me heal the pain and hurts by re-introducing me to the Love I naturally am within. It is sad that someone would spread such lies about a truly beautiful man, the man who helped me re-build trust in my life, who showed me it is okay to let go, and move on.

    2. Beautifully said Barbara – their lies tell us more about their issues than anything else.

      1. Yes, they are telling us more about their issues… and how exposing is that considering the full blown rant they are on.
        Far more than me sharing some experiences on a ‘taboo’ subject of sexual assault. I mean really, in this day and age surely we are able to be open about the truth of what it is like to live as a woman in society in relation to sexual issues and abuse. I have no shame in sharing past experiences, what would I have to be ashamed of?… that I was a victim of sexual abuse and assault like countless others? Should I remain silent because it is not a pleasant subject? How archaic. The only way to put a true stop to the rampant sexual abuse that is so common within society is to get loud about how it really is, put an end to shame in relation to this issue and raise the bar on what is acceptable treatment of women and our fellow human beings in general.

  399. As a woman, who has experienced sexual abuse as a child, and who has felt what its like to have a guy make unpleasant passes on me, what it feels like to have someone stare at you with ulterior motives, or to feel what its like when someone touches you without integrity, with their own sexual desires, I can say from my own experience I have never ever experienced that with Serge Benhayon or any of the practitioners at Universal Medicine.
    What I have experienced has actually given me hope in the fact that there are some real “Gentle-Men” who exist and that not all men are creeps and just trying to get into my pants.
    What i have experienced is respect, care and support.
    To me it just exposes what lies these people are making because its just so far from the truth.

    1. Rosie you make such a great point here about how someone looks at you, we can feel their intention clearly especially if it is sexual. I too have NEVER felt Serge look at me, let alone touch me, with sexual energy being the motivation. Serge has only ever looked at me with love, acceptance, and grace in the ten years I have known him.

      1. Excellent point Rosie and Vanessa
        We can feel the intention behind another’s actions. It’s obvious particularly to those who have been abused in childhood. I have never experienced this to be the case with Serge. He is a totally clean guy who simply loves people and lets us be.

    2. Hi Rosie – yes I totally agree. It also exposes the level of corruption on the internet – that anyone can target another person and get away with absolute defamation and when it is taken down it just gets pasted up somewhere else. Also concerning is that people can make it appear as though they are many, simply by making multiple accounts and pseudonyms — hate-blogging on overdrive — this is a massive problem on the internet generally

      1. Corruption on the internet via the ability to falsely ‘build up’ the status of an issue should be made impossible. We are facing a dangerous and endemic situation – exemplified by this situation (and so many others).

        A question, using this situation as an example of internet hate campaigning and cyber bullying:

        Why is it that the protagonists steadfastly remain anonymous everywhere on the web whilst making their claims and attacks?

        An answer – as I see it – in 2 parts:
        1. Because the claims are false – if indeed we believe a claim is true generally we are prepared to publicly stand by what we claim – supported by truth
        2. As active haters and or bullies, individuals are well aware of the capacity for another to anonymously target them right back, and that they would have no recourse against such action themselves.

        What will it take for the many demands being made already to ensure that our internet be used in a fully accountable manner by all, be acted on?

  400. I am dumbfounded by these allegations simply because i know Serge Benhayon for the deeply respectful and humble man that he is. His level of integrity, as with all practitioners of Universal Medicine be they male or female, is exemplary. Thank you Kyla and Rebecca for this blog which explains the real truth about this situation.

    1. yes it is indeed shocking to see the extent of the lies that a driven and very angry few will go to.

      1. Yes it is shocking and I am still perplexed by this accusation and these lies and a few points beg to be spelt out again;
        1. I have never been touched on the ‘vulva’ by Serge Benhayon or anyone form Universal Medicine and then brainwashed into being unaware of it. – WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! even typing that looks and sounds ridiculous – I cannot believe anyone could or would suggest that seriously.
        2. Furthermore, I have never attended any workshop or course run by Universal Medicine where anyone was instructed to touch or actually touched any woman’s ‘vulva’. As I stated in the above blog I would never be involved with any person or group that encouraged or allowed or suggested sexual interference with anyone. Absolutely never.
        3. It is very convenient to attempt to make light of women’s experiences but suggesting that they are vulnerable targets (?) or that are damaged by sexual abuse experiences from their past. I do not hear any damaged women speaking on these blogs. Rather, those that have moved past there sexual abuse experiences with grace, strength and clarity and the writing of their stories only brings attention and light to a very dark subject.

        Surely, I made this abundantly clear in the above blog, but perhaps not for a few – so I thought I would break it down with the above points and lay it out there so there is less (or no) room for misinterpretation.

      2. I agree, the depth of deceit and malice used is shocking. And also that the majority of the media is so sold-out and lost that it regurgitates this kind of rubbish.

    2. I totally agree Janine, Serge Benhayon has so much integrity – he lives his truth and inspires many along the way. What we have seen here is a total injustice to humanity.

  401. Throughout my adolescence and adult life I have been the recipient of COUNTLESS unsolicited abusive experiences of a sexual nature – ranging from lewd, insinuating and revoltingly creepy through to actual physical attempts to grope and molest me. All of this by men, who assumed they had some right to that behaviour! Over and over I have needed to assert and defend myself against such attention in one way of another.

    I have also been witness (in my workplace) to an individual being falsely accused of sexual misconduct as a personal attack against them – and to the lengthy ensuing trauma experienced by them in proving their innocence and remaining ‘tarnished’ by the experience.

    As a woman and a long-time expert in what sexual misconduct and harassment is like to experience – and as one who is prepared to always call it out, I can state that NEVER at any time in the 12 years as a client of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, have I experienced anything less than absolute respect for myself and my family – and NOTHING that could be interpreted as sexual in nature.

    As you say ‘It is a serious offence to wrongfully accuse someone of sexual assault or misconduct, and it is also a gross insult to the countless real victims of sexual abuse.’ It will not be tolerated.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experiences here Helen. It is indeed most awful and reprehensible to falsely accuse someone with sexual misconduct where there is none. Eventually it will be obvious to all (if it is not already) what has happened here and the nature of the people making these false allegations.

    2. Hi Helen…. Clearly by your strong statement you are completely capable of recognizing what is and what isn’t sexual abuse. Furthermore, you have witnessed what happens when someone uses this serious accusation to attack another. It is disgraceful, but it is up to us to speak out against this, so thanks for your voice and experience on this important issue.

      1. HI Helen,
        Like you, I have also known another man (a medical doctor) to be wrongly accused of sexual assault and he too, like Serge Benhayon is a true gentleman.

        I have known Serge Benhayon for many years and my husband and I have always admired his genuine care and respect for women. It is such a crime that people use this very emotive and destructive form of slander to push their agenda. To me this just shows the absolute depth of desperation that this smear campaign has now dropped to, very, very, low.

        It is an absolutely devastating crime, to cry wolf about sexual assault when men and women are truly suffering from this everyday.

      2. Hi Kyla…yes we must hold firm against all such behaviours. It is a sad indictment on human society that this takes place at all.
        We live in a world (supposedly a developed world!) where hatred, bullying and adopting either the attack or defense position are accepted as normal and part of life – the struggle for survival replaced by the struggle for position.
        By taking a stance against such actions we can make a stand for the ability of mankind to rise above the dross and become harmonious with one another!

  402. Thank-you Rebecca and Kyla, for stating the truth.
    “Using false allegations of sexual abuse smacks of a very insidious brand of malice, as it attempts to play on people’s worst fears about men.” To attempt to place such levels of doubt in people’s minds with these allegations, is utterly reprehensible, and clearly comes from someone in deep inner pain. I have known Serge Benhayon for over 12 years, and have never, ever felt, seen or heard of the slightest insinuation of sexual abuse or misconduct on his behalf. I have had personal sessions with him, participated and facilitated in many courses and workshops (so get to see ‘what goes on behind the scenes’ – & I can tell you that the impeccable integrity is no different to what goes on ‘in front’!).
    Such integrity in itself, before I met Serge, was indeed a rarity in my experience with both men and women from many professions and walks of life – particularly those who were/are practitioners of some sort (in medical/complementary medicine) and those who present truths about the human condition. That Serge’s level of conduct has never, ever faltered is something that deserves to be championed, celebrated and shown to the world – as it demonstrates how we all have the potential to relate to all with the deepest levels of respect, dignity, true love and care. That if we treat any other as ‘less’ or abuse them in any way, we are surely lost as a humanity.
    And so, although he never would ask for it or expect it, I absolutely hold Serge Benhayon as a shining example of what a true and real man can be – a man who holds all with the equal respect, deep love and care they deserve. Those who seek to tarnish this, and the reputations of anyone who truly lives in such a way, can never ‘win’, for the truth, in time, always comes to light. That it continues to be lived everyday is a far, far more powerful statement, than words of fear-mongering coming from such ill intent to harm.
    I greatly admire Serge Benhayon for being unwavering in who he is throughout these testing times. Many would have descended into the muck and the fray, but this man has an integrity, born of his deep love for all humanity, that could never be wavered by such accusations. Let the world hear through blogs such as this, just what the truth really is. There is nothing to defend here, as many, many people know all too well – only a shining example of a real human being to celebrate and cherish deeply.

    1. Beautifully expressed Victoria and I whole-heartedly agree. As you say, there is nothing to defend here, through our Livingness we shall keep the truth visible for all who wish to see it.

      1. Thank-you Doug & Carolien. Clearly the world needs to know more and more of the truth about someone so deeply inspiring, who would never abuse the trust placed in him by others, and has, through ‘all of this’ continued to get on with what is important for humanity.
        Also, I know myself, as I’m sure do many others, that my own ‘heart is true’. This should never be hidden, nor held back for fear of attack, of false allegation… Serge has been and is, an amazing example of how great a love lives within us all – and that this love is far more powerful than anything seeking to stop its activity.

    2. Love the last line here Victoria. There is nothing to defend here, as many, many people know all too well- only a shining example of a real human being to celebrate deeply. And as Serge Benhayon continues to shine and get brighter, having more people link in with Universal Medicine and offering even more to humanity through his livingness what will some in our society do? They will choose to try and cut him down, they will throw whatever lie they can at him because lets be straight up there is nothing they can get him on that is real, so they lie and continue to lie which demonstrates how jealous and desperate they are. And this is what we have within our society, and it is not new it has been around forever. Some stand up, shine and offer love to the world and others try and bring them down. But there have always been people who bring love to the world, there have always been people who stand up and shine. So I choose to fully support Serge Benhayon and his family and to shine and bring love to the world as that is what they have inspired me to be.

      1. Thank you Sally. Powerfully expressed. That, from our deep knowing of what love truly is, we shine and offer this love via how we are, in our daily activity and interactions with all we come in contact with. Whether others make whatever attempts they do to pull it down – via jealously, a deep-seated inability to trust, and/or a deliberate ill intent to harm – is something that has been seen through the ages. It is nothing new.
        As is the True difference made in this world, by those who shine and continue nonetheless. The darker side of human expression shows us just how deeply those who stand in truth are needed – yes, still. And I can honestly say also, that were it not for Serge Benhayon, I would not have been inspired myself to stand in and by the love I have always known – ‘the darker side’ I refer to, had so beaten me down…

      2. Beautifully said and I agree with all the comments as Serge Benhayon and his sons, Curtis Benhayon and Michael Benhayon, show that respect and tenderness is the norm! I have experienced abuse by at least two therapists and was in such shock I did not feel able to share it with anyone at the time. Now I can trust again.

    3. Absolutely! Thank you Victoria. This says it all. The truth and integrity that is Serge Benhayon is truly inspiring; and yes, it is to be celebrated and cherished deeply.

    4. So true and beautifully expressed Victoria. Serge Benhayon in the 10 or so years I have known him has only ever reflected love in the truest expression of that word, whether that be in a personal one to one session or in a group. Serge Benhayon’s unwavering love for humanity is so very inspiring.

      1. Victoria, Sally and all, I love how you have expressed this, so very true. I’ve known Serge Benhayon for 8 years and he’s someone of absolute integrity, deep love and truth. Through his example and the deep care, respect and honour he’s treated me with always, I’ve raised my bar, and now treat myself with that greater care and that has rippled out into my family, my friends, my work. Without the shining example of Serge and Universal Medicine I wouldn’t know this. And to hear the accusations of abuse against him are so patently ridiculous and false and born of desperation to sling mud in the hope that something might stick. It couldn’t be farther from the truth and it’s a sad reflection on our society that we allow this anonymous mud slinging – it’s not ok and thanks Kyla for your blog so clearly dissecting and calling this out.

      2. So true Victoria, in fact I agree with what both Victoria’s have written.

    5. As others have stated below, I fully agree. I too can state that I only ever experience the highest integrity from Serge Benhayon, a man who has very deep care and respect for humanity.

      1. Thank-you Golnaz and all. Clearly from the depth of our hearts we know what is true, and have all been so deeply touched as to the reality of the love and truth lived that Serge Benhayon offers by example, that our words here resonate as a one unified chorus. My words are your words, your words are my words. The truth is the truth and it is ‘owned’ by no one person, but us all. This is truly beautiful.
        And ‘with you’ Monica G. Mud can never stick when there is no mud in nor on the person it’s hurled at in the first place. The mud so hurled inevitably falls back at the feet of the one who falsely throws it with nought but the intent to harm. Perhaps its mound will become so high that the truth of this will inevitably have to be seen, and the reality of such actions accounted for.

  403. Kyla, your courageous article cuts through the insidious smear campaign from cowards who do not have the courage to reveal their names. If I had to nominate a single reason as to why I have continued to be a student of Universal Medicine for more than six years, it is integrity. Serge’s integrity, along with his love for humanity, has been inspirational and a role model for myself and many other men. We have discovered there is another, more fulfilling way to live, along with a higher level of respect and love for ourselves and others. And that is a lovely way to live.

    1. Yes Rod, Serge Benhayon’s unwavering integrity and love for humanity is an immense inspiration to everyone, as is his tenderness, care and openness.
      I have witnessed many men like yourself choose to live and express the same qualities. It is truly beautiful.

  404. The level of respect I have been treated with by Serge Benhayon, and all Universal Medicine practitioners actually, taught me to lift my own bar to new heights. I too have experienced sexual assault throughout my life and had been living in a protected hardness to not having to ever experience it again. But holding a hardened crust around me of course affected my relationships with everyone – as this protection easily is perceived as a ‘back-off’ when in truth it was just there to not ever having to experience one more transgression. But as stated above through the treatments at Universal Medicine and with the grace of the teaching by Serge Benhayon I have come to address these hurts and am now able to live a life where any sexual misconduct has no place whatsoever. So yes Kyla – you very rightly expose that in this day and age if you want to destroy someones reputation all a ‘hater’ has to do is sling the mud of ‘sex offender’ and it will stick like nothing else. BUT we as a society have to see and feel through these allegations and be able to discern when it is true and when it is conveniently constructed lies out to destroy someones graceful standing as in the case of Serge Benhayon.

    1. I agree Desiree
      My dealings with men were quite warped as I simply didn’t know how to be around men who didn’t pander or want something form me. Dealing with Serge and his sons has been a welcome relief and I am very glad I chose it. I feel supported and accepted and totally at ease with Serge and his sons. They are wonderful human beings who have literally given me a sense of true hope that men can be awesome

      1. I totally agree Felicity, Serge Benhayon, Michael Benhayon and Curtis Benhayon offer us all the reflection of a way of being which is truly inspiring. A way of being which shows us who true men are and how they live.

      2. I totally agree with you Felicity. This has been my experience too. I have seen Serge Benhayon, Curtis Benhayon, and Michael Benhayon inspire other men to connect to their own natural gentleness and tenderness – this is deeply felt on many levels and provides a healing for us as a society. The respect they have for woman is so inspiring they are the true role models of our age.

    2. Absolutely Samantha, well said – “Serge Benhayon, Curtis Benhayon, and Michael Benhayon inspire other men to connect to their own natural gentleness and tenderness – this is deeply felt on many levels and provides a healing for us as a society.”

    3. Beautifully said Desiree. And this is where the responsibility aspect comes in – learning to discern and not take things just at face value.

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