A Relationship with Stillness

For a very long time, I was unwilling to stop long enough to have ever discovered stillness.

Stillness is the antithesis of how and what I felt as a child. As babies, we are born with a natural connection to our inner flow and stillness, and it is only through imposition that this can be changed. When our surrounding energy is one of ‘doing’ rather than ‘being’, we will pick up on this and may choose to enjoin the overriding force that comes with doing, where we have lost all sense of connection to God and our innate essence.

From this point onwards, life generally becomes a gradual force of doing and driving ourselves forward to fit in with the surrounding world that is reflecting to us anything other than who we truly are.

What exactly is stillness – is it simply a word that describes no physical movement, or could there possibly be another deeper meaning? Have we ever stopped the continual momentum that seems to run our body at a pace that is so intense, to feel this, and then consider that there may be another way to live life? This may be a feeling that possibly resonates within us as we begin to feel beneath the outer layers that we have built up to protect ourselves and to realise that there is a depth of wisdom that pulses through our body.

By opening up to this possibility, I was offered a space where I could connect to my body and feel within that there could be more than I had first perceived. I was able to feel there were flows of energy and that these changed according to the movements of my body. If I moved with gentleness, my body was more settled, and if I moved in a way that was harsh, my body would feel aggravated and uneasy. Could this stillness possibly be something that was already within – as subtle as the tiny movements that take place in our body all the time as we breathe or our brain sends out a message?

How would it be if we were to be born into a family where everything was about stillness and being – would this not allow us the freedom to gradually grow and mature into a fully rounded person who is in connection both with themselves and equally with those around us? Wouldn’t this allow a flow where we were all working as one, rather than a force where competition has become the only way to survive in a ‘dog eat dog’ kind of world that has dominated and diverted us for far too long?

We all innately know the truth of who we are and how we should be truly living in a way of harmony, cohesion, integrity, and love – but for most human beings the problem is to know how to change this when we have for so long looked outside of ourselves for confirmation.

Having lived and played the game of survival and struggle for so long, it can often feel like a seemingly impossible task to do this on our own. We all need support and a reflection to inspire us, but where do we find this when so much of the world appears to be in the same struggle and stress?

For me, the support came when I was willing to open up and change. ‘The teacher appeared’: I was introduced to the books of Serge Benhayon where I found inspiration, and as a consequence, I have been encouraged to look deep within to find the answers to what had always seemed like an impossible conundrum. When we open ourselves up to that first chink of light, we are expanding our Universe as we allow the light to flow in and lighten our day.

As the cycles of life unfold, we return to the beginning to start life anew and begin to sow the seed of stillness as we return to the In-breath and Out-breath of God. When I gently breathe in and out through my nose and in connection with the whole pulse of my body, it feels as though I am gently returning to a rhythm that brings harmony and a feeling of at-one-ness both within and to the space that surrounds me.

In the words of Serge Benhayon:

“We all came from a single Out-breath and we will all  return back to our source by a single In-breath.” (1)

As I connect more and more to breathing my own breath, I receive a blessing as my whole body opens up and expands and this brings a deep healing, one that each of us can equally access. The problems and the tension are allowed to dissipate when we allow space for our body to be free of the contraction that takes place as we tense up our bodies to ‘cope’ with our daily workload.

As I read these words by Serge Benhayon, they come with a simplicity and clarity that allows me to feel a settlement and a steadiness in my body – a true home where I can rest awhile and connect again and allow the ravages of time to slip away as I feel the expansion and the space that is offered.

The support that this can bring is something that can impact on our daily life as we build a steadiness and begin to feel that there is a stillness residing deep within.

As we begin anew we can feel that we are being offered a moment of unmoving movement and a deep stillness that is in vibration with the Universe and beyond, and further volumes of this impulse that come directly from heaven take us further along our path to feel the eternity that is God and beyond.

We have for oh so many years been searching for this intangible moment and looking outside of ourselves for something akin to the ‘Holy Grail’.

“It may be that what is made legend is not material at all but a source and or style of livingness: a way to move that aligns your physical particles so as to receive the wisdom of God.” (2) 

Throughout my life, I knew that there was a greater meaning to what had become an existence and because I had made my life so complicated, I could not see that something as simple as stillness could possibly hold the answer.

It feels like we are continually searching for the ‘Holy Grail’ without having an inkling of what this could possibly be. To have an infinite relationship with God is beyond our comprehension when we have sought to live life ‘our way’ – a way that is hard and full of tension as we have an inner fight and turmoil continually playing out.

When we meet what feels like an impossible block, this may offer us a moment to reflect and become open to changing what has seemed like the treadmill of life. When we make the decision to get off the treadmill, it can be the moment when we begin to return back to the stillness that is God’s holding Love, where we can realign to our “physical particles so as to receive the wisdom of God.” (2)

By Susan Lee. Now in my seventies, I am enjoying deepening my relationship with myself and my body. I am also appreciating that life is a continuum and that we are forever evolving and enriching. Norfolk, UK.


  1. Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, Volume 11, Ed. 1, 45.
  2. Serge Benhayon, Time, Space and all of us, Book 3 – all of us, Ed.1, p. 415.

Further reading:
Thank God for Serge Benhayon – no longer living a comfortable life
Appreciating the stillness within and sound around me
Who or What is God?

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