This Beauty

Bombs in stadiums, houses reduced to rubble, children with limbs blown off, whole nations displaced, toxic chemicals in our water stream, politicians who plot to skim off all the cream, brutal bashing of our closest partners, drug addiction through the roof, sex trafficking and child abuse. One look at the world today and it is clear things aren’t going so well.

This beauty.

Whilst we might live in peaceful suburbia with our widescreen TVs, pretty gardens and nice neighbours, if we are honest there’s a knowing underneath that somewhere else there’s great pain and distress for other people who are our brothers. Yet this chaos has gone on for so long… all of history it seems. What possibility is there to end it?

This beauty. 

No charity, movement or leader has ever been able to change this warring world and those that tried have typically been hung, drawn and quartered.

So we proceed to ‘make the best of it,’ to keep a stiff upper lip and look after our own patch of dirt, as long as we have our entertainment, sport and technology. All the time – chaos reigns.

So where on earth to from here?

This beauty. 

Yesterday I met my son. I’ve seen him on video screen two times before but back then he was pretty much a big-headed blur.

But yesterday, as my wife lay down and the scan was done of her body, my son’s 21 week old physique appeared up on the monitor. I heard his heart beat rapidly and saw his perfectly formed arms and hands move about. He wriggled as if to say, “Look, can you keep this photo shoot quick?” and “I’m not a fan of paparazzi.” But as the nurse moved the scanner around, I felt myself welling up, so deeply touched inside.

This beauty. 

Like a picture of the universe miniaturised into a human form, this young but ancient being looked back at me from the TV screen and said, “Hey Dad!” As I marvelled at his gorgeousness, I began to cry. I worried for a moment about what the nurses might think of my seeming weakness, but I couldn’t contain the tears inside. It was beautiful and such a relief to let them out. And then it dawned on me.

This beauty.

Since finding out I was going to be a dad four months ago, I’ve found myself getting easily upset, feeling distant, hard and overwhelmed. During what seemed like it should be a time of joy, I was struggling on. As my wife was sick, I dedicated space to focussing on her, on organising everything she needed and keeping the house in order. And yet I seemed to be in a permanently bad mood.

I talked to friends occasionally and got some support of sorts – and was encouraged to consider my secret fears about this great new responsibility. Yet this distance in me remained. What was going on?

This beauty.

Things started to occur: our internet connection went down, the central heating failed, and my car was crashed into – as if something or someone was trying to get a message to me. But I didn’t have a clue.

I met with a friend, Michael Benhayon, and he suggested there was something I hadn’t let myself feel. But what terrible thing could this be I wondered?

This beauty.

As I sat crying in the scan room it came to me. I had been holding back from feeling the absolute beauty of my son, being pregnant and us all being one. As this sank in, I cried with my wife in the waiting room – just standing there with my heart.

As I did, it became clear to me that there’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.

This beauty.

It’s not a physical or intellectual thing or what clothes you wear, but a quality you can feel – a grandness that connects us to the universe. It’s the ‘wow’ you get when looking at the sweetest flower, a vast landscape or array of stars – something you feel in your heart. It’s like a magnetic pull for me.

I’m starting to see we feel it all the time, but do not let it be at all. We wait till those close to us are nearly dead to reveal how much they have meant to us; we dismiss the subtlety of our sensitivity and think we need to toughen up. We hold back the pure poetry of our sweet dear heart in case its preciousness is not welcome in this world. But in doing this we perpetuate the very hurts and hardness that we hate.

Even as I write this here, I can feel myself battening my feeling down in case it gets out of hand – how ingrained we are!

For too long we have subscribed to a view of ourselves as wicked, flawed and vicious beings. There is something in us that wallows in this. But it’s all just a game to let evil reign. This is the biggest case of mistaken identity known to man, like a delicate bird that is trying to be a bull. It’s quite absurd.

This beauty.

Is it possible that terror need not exist if we just cease and desist from holding back our heart?

Yes, this world is full of examples of horrors that we create and it’s revolting to feel how far from that beauty we live. But the way forward is to reconnect to our true nature, not to bludgeon it.

As I lay with my wife in bed last night and I placed my hand on her belly, it felt like I could hear my son speak. He let me know that the beauty that I felt with him is there in everything, in me too, and all I need to do is live knowing this is true.

Yes, we have frail imperfect bodies but our beings are so much more than that. I figured he should know as he has come back to do it all again in another lifetime. I went to sleep holding him, holding me, appreciating what he is teaching me.

This beauty.

I know that the way I’ve written here is normal and equally felt by people all around the world. Imagine if all 7 billion of us started to share the beauty that is within us all. There surely would be no room for petty arguments and squabbles. Just because we have ignored our divinity for aeons past doesn’t make the mundanity true – who we are. Our hearts are full of so much love. Holding it back is poisonous.

We are this beauty – can we handle that?

Published with permission of my wife.

By Joseph Barker, Beautiful man, Designer, Drawer and soon to be parent, Melbourne, Australia

Inspired by ‘I am Beautiful’ by Bianca Barban (1), Michael Benhayon and the teachings and presentations of Serge Benhayon and Natalie Benhayon.



Related Reading:
I am beauty-full just for being me – a message from the author
Opening my heart to love again
Building love in our life

437 thoughts on “This Beauty

  1. What I am beginning to understand is that by holding back what I know in my heart is true in some misguided idea that I can protect all that I hold dear I am in the illusion that truth needs protecting. Truth needs no protection of any kind. It may seem that the truth has been sullied by the lies we perpetrate about God but nothing can touch God who is our universe. I am beginning to understand that as hard as we try to bury truth it rises to the surface and exposes the rot we live in.

  2. “the way forward is to reconnect to our true nature,” The magic is knowing that in the inner-heart of all is a shared beauty and love.

  3. I have felt recently just how easy it is for us to cover up the beauty that we all innately are. I have felt bad about the way that I have behaved on a couple of occasions, not only do I feel bad about the way that I have behaved but I also started to feel self doubt as well as a liberal sprinkling of comparison. There’s no point cognitively ‘knowing’ that we are the beauty of God if we can’t feel it because feeling the fact that we are the beauty of God is the only way that we can ever truly know it.

    1. Alexis, We have been lied to on so many levels and denied through the many and various religions that we espouse to that God is some sort of vengeful ogre that can only be communicated with, via some sort of priest or special person who has the ear of God. We have fallen for all these lies and so buried the feelings that we have of God so that he is not part of our everyday life. Yet he/she should be because the very air we breathe is the body of God that we live in. We are as much a part of him as he is of us. And that to me is incredibly reassuring that in this chaotic world there is the beauty of God that surrounds us and holds us all.

  4. “Our hearts are full of so much love. Holding it back is poisonous.” and hence why we find so much illness and disease in our world.

  5. We have so normalised living in disconnection that we are not awake to the enormity of the beauty that is there to claim. I remember being so touched at the sight of my own baby in a scan that suddenly in that moment of sighting, everything aligned. I melted and cried too. There is nothing more touching than being reminded of what we actually belong to.

    1. We have normalized having a baby we have lost the magic of when the sperm meets the egg and what takes place is nothing short of the ‘big bang’ suddenly cells appear and keep dividing they have a plan and a purpose all the cells know exactly what they have to do to make this human- being. Cells are being switched on and off it’s like a vast orchestra being played. How do the cells know exactly what to do? How do the cells know to grow a foot with toes and hands with fingers where is the blue print held to do all this? When we lose the magic of life we have separated ourselves from God, when we separate from God we make life all about function, to get through life, ticking boxes.

  6. Appreciation of the beauty within of what can came through us, along with the intimacy that comes with an open appreciative-ness and thus we are letting people in so we then also share this with everyone, and this is a simple thing that should be taught at schools.

  7. It is crazy how desensitised we have become – with the amount of information constantly being fed to us, all of these things have become our normal. We’ve learned to accept it as the way it is and are just focusing on living our better lives – more money, better material things & holidays further away from where we live. In all of our connection with the globe we are ensuing disconnection – we are all saying it but how many of us have truly felt the ramifications of our movements away from one another?

  8. Thank you Joseph, there is something so moving about what is written here, it’s a universal truth expressed, the voice of the heart, and deeply touching. I found myself having a cry tonight from what you have written, I know in my heart the truth of the beauty we are and can live together, and the pain of seeing it and experiencing it as it currently is.

    1. Melinda I agree with you that what Joseph has written is deeply touching because as you say it is written from his heart. We do know that we are so much more than we are led to believe, it is as though there is an unseen barrier that prevents us from connecting back to the grandness we all come from, which is the grandness of the universe. The unrest we all feel is the testament that we do know and the unrest will always be with us until we eventually reconnect back to our inner heart again and know that nothings else matters more than this connection.

  9. This is such a beautiful article Joseph. “I had been holding back from feeling the absolute beauty of my son, being pregnant and us all being one. As this sank in, I cried with my wife in the waiting room – just standing there with my heart.”. Its so true – we don’t allow ourselves to feel the beauty that does exist all around us and in our hearts.

  10. If all the wars and abuse that occur in the world are a result of resisting the grand love that we are and all the unloving behaviours that occur on a day to day, moment to moment basis, then how grand is this love that we are on the inside that it requires such a counter method?

  11. Your love, preciousness, sensitivity, adoration of your wife and son and complete openness can palpably be felt. Such a beautifull read and as reading I reflected on how at night I have started to move my shoulders in a certain way before going to bed, what I am noticing in this movement is this absolute delicateness and sensitivity within that I am ignoring or not allowing to shine out throughout my day, it feels similar to the feeling you felt when you met your son for the first time, that is …. the magic of us all ✨

  12. Feeling the wonder and beauty of an unborn or new born child is to realise that we are all of this same beauty.

    1. Yes, and so many of us let it go as we grow up in society today. Re-reading this post brings me back to appreciation of all the beauty that exists in us all.

  13. We have created our own reality which is far removed from our true nature and essence. We fight our divinity and our ways are becoming more animalistic day by day as we drop our standards of living. I saw a teenager recently surrounded by police and some of his male friends he was so out of it just like a Zombie either by taking drugs or alcohol and I wondered to myself why? The why came to me a little later is it possible that this teenager cannot cope with the intensity of his sensitivity and feelings and so bludgeons them to bits in an effort not to feel life what is really going on in it. Is it possible that he is trying to run away from his sensitivity it’s almost as though we are terrified of actually allowing our sensitivity and fragility to be seen as society has deemed this as ‘sissy’ especially in a boy. What is it that current societal values do not allow men to express themselves in their true beauty?

  14. So gorgeous to re-read your exquisite blog again today Joseph. These words resonated – ” All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.” Yes – This beauty.

  15. Just loved re-reading your post Joseph. “This beauty.- It’s not a physical or intellectual thing or what clothes you wear, but a quality you can feel – a grandness that connects us to the universe. ” Beauty isn’t a visual thing but a quality that emanates out from someone or something – gorgeous to feel.

  16. “All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.”
    -This powerdul claim makes a lot of sense to me because how could someone who has fully embraced and accepted their divine origin and beauty which is equal to God possibly hurt another person or cause any suffering to those in their lives? Also, if all men would allow themselves to express as tenderly and with such sensitivity as Joseph has in this blog, there would certainly be so much more harmony and true brotherhood and compassion in the world.

    1. We as a collective have not allowed men to cherish the sensitivity they are naturally born with. It gets crushed from an early age and then we all miss out and wonder why the world is in the state it is currently in.

  17. Perhaps allowing ourselves to see the rot and not simply blinding ourselves to it, or putting our blinkers on, allows us to see beauty in greater depth too?

    1. I agree rachelmurtagh1 to see through the rot to fully realise that that the life we lead is not what it is meant to be. We have been led by the nose into a chocolate box of delights which keep us away from the truth of who we are, by the distraction of the many different tastes of the array of chocolate on offer.

  18. It seems that we are very observant and reactive when we see the atrocities that go on in the world but we overlook the beauty. Maybe if we just changed our focus a little and appreciate more, life would start to take on a new meaning and then we change from the inside out.

  19. I distinctly remember when both my children were born and I first held them in my arms shorlty after. There was simply no doubt in my mind that as human beings we are all highly sensitive, delicate, precious, powerful beings that are super grand and universal and definitely not just physical instinctive animals. You simply cannot come to any other conclusion if you really stop and allow yourself to fully feel what a baby feels like.

    1. So agree – I too remember holding my children when they were babies and knew they had been here before and was blown away by their preciousness and exquisiteness. I get that privilege every week now when I go into my local hospital to support new parents with feeding – such a privilege – feeling the beauty of the newborns.

    2. Totally agree with you Andrewmooney when we hold our children we are reminded of our own sensitivity and exquisiteness which has been crushed within us but can never be extinguished. If we were to allow ourselves to reconnect to this inner quality we to would feel our own divineness and this is the gift that babies and young children share with us that beneath all the rot we are also divine. The other gift they reflect back to us is living in the moment something that as adults we also lose.

    1. And my grandchildren too – who are staying here with me currently, reflecting their innocence and transparency, reminding me of my own. .

  20. It doesn’t matter if we are untouched in our daily lives by the horrors that go on elsewhere, we know there are vile acts being committed. Trying to ignore this only adds to the pool of energy that feeds these despicable acts. It’s very sobering but what is also true is the absolute beauty of who we are that we can embrace without worrying about how we’ve perhaps not lived it for a while. It’s the return that counts.

  21. There is a purity in a newborn baby that reminds us of our own… that inner essence that is forever unsullied by life. It is important that we are touched and inspired by this.

    1. Yes and appreciate and confirm our own beauty. How many of us put ourselves down and look at ‘what is wrong’ rather than who we truly are. Babies just are – and are loved and adored for just being themselves……..

  22. Our hearts are full to the brim of love for ourselves. I am learning to let it out and not be afraid of the reactions from others. We are love so lets be honest and live it.

  23. This beauty, that we do not allow in full – we do know, we feel it, we say we do – but no way allow in full, and that already is an attack, a dismissal. In full intake, it stops the world.

  24. It’s so deeply stilling to read this. We so often do not equate beauty as our shared collective truth, especially with the horrors of this world in terms of extreme and violent behaviour, but also because of the daily way we whittle ourselves down and deny there is anything good about us. It’s true, we do wallow in being less, when the true step that needs to be made to restore ourselves and this world is to embrace and live from our love and universal beauty.

  25. We cannot fix a problem with the same tools used to create it. We must step back and look at it from outside the picture.

  26. ” One look at the world today and it is clear things aren’t going so well.”
    This is so true and this writing has shown the potential that is available to us all if we only let it out and give birth to our true self.

    1. Taking more responsibility for ourselves, our health, vitality and how we treat ourselves and others every day would be a good first step. This is entirely possible. A new world awaits.

  27. ‘No charity, movement or leader has ever been able to change this warring world and those that tried have typically been hung, drawn and quartered.’ If we first seek to stop the wars within and those in our own back yard so to speak this will then have a ripple affect out to the world where wars after eons are still currently happening. It will truly be a day to celebrate when we no longer have war.

  28. This beauty reflects to us constantly that there is more to the world than we know in creation, and shows us we come from a greater divine origin.

  29. Joseph – this is so beautiful and feels absolutely true; ‘Our hearts are full of so much love.’ It feels super important to appreciate this beauty and love.

  30. “Making the best of things” seems to equate these days to finding a temporary solution or relief to the disharmony and tension of living less than our harmonious nature.

  31. There is much to be said for allowing ourselves to love so deeply that we cannot but hate anything that threatens, undermines or interferes with the purity of that which we love. And whether love is represented in the preciousness of a newborn baby, the exquisiteness of an interaction with another, the magic of nature… it is the same love.

  32. It’s reflective in each and every one of us…. A delicate beauty within yet so many layers of everything else on top.

  33. The beauty of a sentence that reveals it all: “As I did, it became clear to me that there’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.”

  34. Thank you Joseph for the reminder that there is beauty all around, and that it is for us to allow ourselves to see this and also not be scared to embrace it.

  35. With this beauty that is within us all comes our own personal responsibility to self nurture, self care and self love. From this place we can recognise and nurture that very same thing in another.

  36. A beautiful sharing and realisation of the beauty we all are and the acceptance of this is deeply heartfelt and essential to rebalance the world we have created today. What an amazing way to allow this than in becoming a parent with the true responsibility this brings us.

  37. This is such a wonderful blog that makes sense of a world that doesn’t make sense if we don’t figure that something’s at play to keep us from our beauty. And this beauty is there within us all – we can all feel it even if we’re not consciously aware of it. Like today a person just found themselves sharing with me everything that was going on in their lives without really meaning to, but knowing that it was the support they needed.

  38. How beautiful that your as yet unborn son gave you a reflection of your own heart Joseph. It shows us the energy of Love passing through us for that connection to take place, and how your surrender to it by loving yourself enough to let go and not be affected by what others think brought that about.

    1. Joan we are so governed by what others think, in fact I would say that we’re not even aware of it most of the time because it’s just our modus operandi. I feel that it’s especially true when we’re talking to others, it affects what we say and how we say what we say. It also affects things like the way that we walk, the clothes that we wear, the music we listen to, even the food that we eat. Which begs the question ‘who are we being if we’re not being ourselves?’

  39. At some level, it has to be breaking our hearts to see the beauty of a child when born but at the same time know the cruelty and ugliness man is capable of. How have we got to the point where we appear to be immune to it all?

  40. It only takes one person living from this beauty for many others to see and feel it as a possible and real way to live life.

  41. We are so much more than we appreciate, so appreciation needs to be deepened so deeply until we see the true beauty we are.

  42. How messed up is the world, when it takes the looming responsibility of bringing a child into this world for us to reawaken what can never be lost and only forgotten, the beauty that lies within us all.

  43. In the midst of a huge day on labour ward yesterday a white feather landed on my left hand whilst I was computing some notes – touched by heaven and reminded of the fact that we are always held.

  44. The more I am prepared to see the ugliness of the world the more I understand and realise the beauty. And then the ugly is exposed as the counter and resistance to the beauty. It makes sense of this nonsense that we create, perpetuate and accept.

    1. This is something I feel I am currently learning. To see the ugly .. all of it! but not get lost in it. To take off the tunnel blinkers and see the bigger picture ✨

    1. I can feel this too Alexis – it’s like the word beauty cannot even describe or represent the magnitude of what is on offer.

  45. ‘For too long we have subscribed to a view of ourselves as wicked, flawed and vicious beings. There is something in us that wallows in this.’ This is so revealing. We are choosing to stay in an image of ourselves which is not true. There is so much more we are when we feel the quality we are from within. This is to be expressed in everything we do.

  46. The horror can prevail because we do not allow ourselves to see the beauty in each other and the beauty that is all around. We are the makers of the horrors in this world so we can stop it any time.

  47. It’s funny how we or I often assume that what I’ve not felt is something awful when what if it’s the beauty of life that I daren’t feel? What then? 🙂

  48. It is true, if we simply look around us and observe the world we are living in, it is pretty bad. Yet, even in the midst of the worst of it, the heavenly element, that inner beauty, is the foundational essence we are connected to, always – all we need do to start to turn it all round is to let this essence be the source of our expression.

  49. The list’s of what we have become or allowed to flourish unabated is a reflection of what we have had a hand in creating. The beauty is claiming who we truly are and reflecting it to all.

  50. Our way of life reflects that we have not been living who we truly are to the point that we have forgotten that we are not part of the life that we have created and rather something beyond beauty.

    1. I love this, it’s like let’s totally go there. We won’t be disappointed and the beauty will never cease.

  51. Appreciation is a beautiful blessing that will keep us going as it holds us when we understand how our beauty and that of others is an integral part of being divinely connected. Understanding we are all connected so we have a responsibility to everyone and then to not get caught in deprivation but be present with our Loving movements can bring about changes through its simplicity.

  52. ‘I know that the way I’ve written here is normal and equally felt by people all around the world. ‘ Yes, we all know this and this is very powerful to acknowledge, that we are all equal and do know beauty and do know the ugliness when it is not lived.

  53. We have become so desensitised to everything that is going on in the world, it’s almost as if we’ve torn our hearts out and handed it to the dogs. Gun wars in schools and bombs chopping off limbs used to be traumatising, nations used to mourn the loss of their children and today it has become a norm. What is it going to take for us to wake up? How far can we really go?

    1. This is true Viktoria, we have become so accepting of the atrocities of what man can inflict on each other that we no longer become horrified.

  54. On the one hand we can give up, drown in our own hopelessness; and seeing the state of the world this could easily be justified. But if we see beneath this we get to feel the beauty that is always there. I know I struggle with the awfulness and my own actions at times but I know this is because I am missing the beauty I know is there and that I could live 24//7. So, instead of giving myself a hard time for any failings, why not just surrender to this beauty even if it does mean a journey through feeling all that I’ve chosen that isn’t from this beauty so I can return to it?

  55. I know for me it is easy to slip into the ‘make the best of it’ way of living but there are many moments in every day that remind me of the exquisite beauty that is possible to be connected to and to live with every day. This is the potential to really thrive not just survive.

  56. We spend so much of our life looking with our eyes at the physical manifestations and surface layers of our world, but feel a little deeper, feel underneath and the gold will be seen clearly underneath.

    1. So true Rachael, looking starts to take prescedwnt over feeling so we forget the connection to the divine beauty within us constantly.

  57. Ignoring and dismissing whatever has already been felt in life can interfere with what we are aware of, as it is the felt sense that allows us a whole body intelligence in life.

  58. Children are pure gifts from heaven, and whether we have children ourselves or not, every one of us can learn so much from their innate wisdom.

  59. True beauty is in the eye of the beholder … we must feel beauty within us to be able to truly see it for all the glory that it is.

    1. Ah yes and beholding for me means to truly observe, allow and accept everything is the way it is and to not project or expect things to be the way I want them to be or wish they could be. Whenever I place demands on the world around me I stop seeing the beauty.

    2. No amount of self help ideals and beliefs can begin to truly support us until we recognise that we are precious beyond words and that we are love rather than be taught to seek love.

  60. ‘…this chaos has gone on for so long… all of history it seems. What possibility is there to end it? This beauty.’ Sometimes the answer is right under our nose and yet we seem hell bent on pursuing the same methods which have as yet not resolved our issues.

  61. It is a choice to see the beauty that is there, instead we tend to focus on all that is not to our liking in this world.

    1. True Esther, our focus on the latter means we lose sight of the former. Living in appreciation of the beauty holds it as a foundation for us to observe all that is.

  62. Reading this has made me appreciate that often what I resist isn’t because of something horrible about it but allowing myself to feel the beauty of it and perhaps the sadness of not allowing myself to feel it for so long.

    1. This is such a perceptive insight. We can deny beauty because we are hurt that we have disconnected from it. What a slippery character the spirit is – to catch it is so healing. We can indulge in the sadness and go on a merry-go-round with it for lifetimes, when it only takes just one moment to reconnect to it and to let the sadness go in the appreciation that we have now given ourselves permission to go there.

  63. Our eyes are skewed to see beauty in a certain way, but beauty is felt way before it is seen.

  64. I got told today a young man is about to become a father. The first thing I thought about was your blog. I know he’ll probably never read it or have much of an interest in doing so, but I just felt me having read this will bring a perspective and understanding that I never had before that, without saying anything, I will somehow bring when I am with this young man.

  65. This beauty we carry within is beholding and when all around us is chaotic and warring, we’re able to hold steady within, be still and quietly emanate the love that we are.

    1. This week I’ve been revising about how to communicate empathy and get to understand another’s frame of reference. It’s felt like falling down the rabbit hole in order to satisfy educational demands and certain standards and, I’ll be honest, I’ve felt like I lost myself. So reading your comment fully confirms what I know and emanate when I hold steady. There is no need to walk into another’s mental and emotional frame of reference and both be lost in the quagmire when what connects us is love.

      1. Yes Anon, ‘what connects us is love’. It can be draining to try to reach another. When we surrender to the Love we already are there is no need to do or try to be anything other than be yourself.

      2. I’ve recently stepped back from always being the one who connects with others, phone calls, emails etc. The desire to constantly keep in touch with family and friends was part of a picture I held about being a ‘good sister or friend’. I’ve left this behind, the focus now is to deepen my relationship with God and self and appreciating the new spaciousness in my body.

      3. It sounds like you are studying counselling as that is what I am studying too. Indeed its easy to get lost in that world with regards to what people want you to do, believe or know in order to tick boxes; so its great that you have been able to take a step back, see this and reconnect to what is true for you .. after all is that not what it is about anyway?

  66. Very touching blog Joseph, what really comes across to me from your writing is how touched we can be by the birth of a baby and the responsibility of what comes next, and that there’s always more to feel.

    1. Agreed Julie with our Son and Daughter we feel the grandness they are and yet the delicateness at the same time, the power and yet the responsibility to support and nurture this incredible being to be all that they are.

  67. We discount that people on the other side of the world are our brothers because they are not of the same flesh. Our ability to put borders between us and our neighbours builds walls between people who’ve never met, it creates stigmas and judgements about those we have never interacted with. We are doing ourselves such a disfavour in this behaviour and we don’t even let ourselves be aware of it.

  68. Ooh my, so gorgeous to read this today and be reminded that the chaos we see and feel in the world is not who we are and attempting to fix it is not what’s needed; instead we learn to live and be with the beauty we are, for that’s the rub, our chaos exists because we have an issue with and deny our beauty, so our job is to live and express the beauty we are.

  69. I too have noticed at times when I have embarked on deepening in an area, for a period I am even more sensitive to everything that was contrary to the qualities I am deepening in. e.g. I may be deepening my openness to people, but because I am also deepening my awareness and alignment to being open with people, every pocket of protection and hardness which I might have easily ignores up to now, starts to stick out and feel awful. Sometimes I forget this and rush to assume that I am going backwards.

  70. This beauty is divine and within every one of us – all we need do is choose it.

  71. “It’s not a physical or intellectual thing or what clothes you wear, but a quality you can feel – a grandness that connects us to the universe. It’s the ‘wow’ you get when looking at the sweetest flower, a vast landscape or array of stars – something you feel in your heart.” And the Universe is constantly providing reflections to support us go there. All we need do is not fight it.

    1. We are the grandness of the Universe and our purpose once back to the full knowing that we are, is to continually keep expanding the Universe to more and more grander versions of itself. How utterly sublime is that? How could we have ever walked away from that? But we did and now look at the mess we’re in.

  72. Focussing on the beauty and living with love and appreciation feels like a very joyful way to be and allows there to be more love in the world. I have noticed how children are naturally so full of love and joy no matter what is going on in the world, they are a great inspiration for us all.

  73. It is so true Joseph, we have felt the love of who we truly are and also the harshness of not living and appreciating that beauty.

  74. It makes so much sense, that if we continuously fight the ‘beauty’ that we naturally are, the fight within us will eventually become the fight around us and if not brought to a halt, this fight will naturally flow out into the world. So, with the majority of the world fighting who they innately are, who they are born to be, it makes so much sense of a world that is in fight mode, a world that on the surface appears to be in chaos instead of the inherent harmony and beauty it holds within, just like us.

  75. ‘Yet this chaos has gone on for so long… all of history it seems. What possibility is there to end it?’ such a trick to keep us resigned to a fate of this being our nature when it is what we have become, not come from, which is our true nature of being love.

  76. No need to critique but appreciate the beauty that is there, then step by step all the ugliness will fade as we are giving it less and less of our time and energy.

  77. Joseph, thank you for reminding us of this; ‘Our hearts are full of so much love.’ Reading this I can feel that we can get so focussed on the negative so caught up in issues and in this we miss the simple love that we and others truly are.

  78. We don’t need to change the whole world just ourselves and this then offers more and more people the same opportunity and there can be a ripple effect which spreads throughout humanity.

    1. Yes, and all we have to do is accept the beauty and love that is within us and allow ourselves to live it. Living in a way we want the world to truly be.

    2. And that’s the magic Michael – ‘we don’t need to change the whole world’. We will stop being overwhelmed by the bigger picture when we bring our focus back to us, and begin to make changes in our life, one loving step at a time and as we do those loving ripples of change cannot but begin to flow out into the world, dissolving the chaos as they flow; love does heal everything.

  79. I have myself been caught up feeling so much frustration, and as much as there is so much in the world that is ‘uspide down’ and inside out’, I have also forgotten to let myself feel and see the beauty around me – in the simple smile of my 12 year old son, the playfulness of my dog, the gentle gaze of my husband, and so much more. And so it is that I am working on appreciation of myself and all around me…this is bringing back the beauty, re-igniting the purpose and meaning in life.

  80. The world truly is a mess, but this is a key part that we all play in adressing the issue – letting ourselves feel the beauty. Thank you Joseph! – “As I did, it became clear to me that there’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.”

    1. Powerful words Andrew – they show how it is all about energy – what do we choose in life, the beauty as shared by Joseph OR the denial of this beauty which must mean something else takes its place?

  81. The waves of love I feel pulsing through my body as I read this Testimony and how these waves grow and expand as I let myself claim the truth of what has been written here is all the evidence I need to know this is true – it is true of us all. Thank you Joseph.

  82. “…..the way forward is to reconnect to our true nature, not to bludgeon it.” Absolutely agree with you here Joseph. And it is only by reconnecting to the truth of who we are, who we knew we were when we were little children, that we can begin to reclaim this True Beauty that is unquestionably innate in all of us.

  83. This is such a testimony and inspiration to let out the beauty we feel in moments where we think it’s not ok to express them. I am allowing myself to see and feel the beauty in life, to not cut myself off in case I feel all the times I’ve been mean to myself especially, and jealous of others because their choices have been far more embracing of the beauty that surrounds us. When I don’t run away from beauty I feel the fragility of life in all its strength.

  84. The lists of atrocities in the opening paragraph is quite shocking, particularly when we consider that we are supposed to be the most advanced species on this planet. Clearly when we disconnect from this Beauty, humanity heads off down some very extreme routes, which makes me wonder if we are not holding true to our innately beautiful wisdom, does something else slip into the void that then drives this atrocious behaviour?

  85. What a beautiful awakening you experienced Joseph, we fight the war within ourselves until we allow a moment of surrender, to feel the grandness and oneness and love that we have been missing.

  86. ‘Yet this chaos has gone on for so long… all of history it seems. What possibility is there to end it?’ Like you say so beautifully here, in not denying our innate beauty anymore.

  87. This beautiful blog is written by a man who knows this beauty is within him too. Such a gorgeous blog Joseph, I love re-reading it again and again.

  88. Parenting101, first connect, feel the equal-ness and understand how divine we all are and that no one can take away the brotherhood we all share when we choose Love and our global family.

  89. ‘All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.’ it is in holding back all that we are which allows an expression of what we are not to be prevalent and be erroneously believed to be our nature.

  90. If we do not allow ourselves all that there is to see and feel we will always just have a snapshot of what is really going on.

  91. ‘Things started to occur: our internet connection went down, the central heating failed, and my car was crashed into – as if something or someone was trying to get a message to me. But I didn’t have a clue.’ This got me to pondering how often do things happen that we think are isolated incidents or we think are practical things unrelated to how we are in life. I do notice when things happen and I can’t put them altogether. Rather than trying to work things out I can feel what’s there to let go of it.

  92. Children have so much wisdom to offer the world if only we treat them as equally wise. They dont have the filters that we as adults have taken on and so the truth they present is very timely, honest and real.

  93. Amongst all the ugliness in the world .. the greed, corruption, abuse etc true beauty and love can always be found.

    1. Absolutely Vicky, and when we all connect to our beauty and live from there, I am sure the greed, corruption, abuse etc. would not stand a chance.

  94. “So we proceed to ‘make the best of it,’ to keep a stiff upper lip and look after our own patch of dirt …” And what a lot of pain and harm that ‘stiff upper lip’ attitude is responsible for, as we learn to batten down what we feel inside and turn a blind eye to the inhumane behaviour that plays out around us as a consequence.

  95. ‘I had been holding back from feeling the absolute beauty of my son, being pregnant and us all being one. As this sank in, I cried with my wife in the waiting room – just standing there with my heart.’ – how very blessed we are to have you in our world Joseph. I so love the absolute beauty of everything you are sharing here and how very important it is for us to feel able to share the truth of what we feel within – always.

  96. It is the opposite of what we imagine is the way to solve the current disharmony and conflict. The strategies and protections are not working and yet our innermost hearts are always there to be confirmed and deepened.

    1. We are the creators of our own disharmony and toxicity in which we are all trying to live, when we are able to accept this fact as truth, the tide can change and harmony be restored.

    2. I agree, we can come up with many more solutions but if we do not let our hearts guide the way nothing will truly change.

  97. Appreciating the beauty present in life and nature means that we express it more and more ourselves.

    1. Yes we do – it becomes so much more normal. Today in a shopping centre I passed a number of young children in a row. I melted with every one of them as I connected to their utter yumminess. When we make appreciation our normal life is so much richer, naturally so.

    2. Yes, and it is a beautiful way to live by. To see the beauty in another and around and not get stuck on the imperfections.

  98. ‘All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.’ If we really appreciated the truth of this we would surely have to see how beautiful we are. Anything that takes us from this beauty has to be so vile – be it dramatic and obvious or the sickly good that people try to be – because otherwise we couldn’t deny we are this beautiful.

  99. So often when we focus on the bad we look to ‘good’ and ‘kind’ acts as the way to solve our issues. Rarely are we encouraged to go deeper and connect with our real Beauty, but when we do it introduces a new dimension that restores honesty, truth and much needed wisdom to our world that empowers us to find resolutions to the ills born from our beauty-less choices.

  100. Holding back from living all the love that our heart is, causes more and more self protective barriers to be erected, erroneously thinking that this will keep us safe. Unfortunately barriers only create more poisonous energy of anxst, supremacy and wars to continue. “Our hearts are full of so much love. Holding it back is poisonous”

  101. Deeply felt and well-expressed Joseph. From the moment of our separation from the truth of the oneness with God that we are, to explore the way of individualism, we have been denying our innermost beauty. As you say, there is no ‘fix or solution’ to this dilemma of the ugliness we continue to live with and perpetuate by fighting this beauty It is only by choosing to return to our true connection with true brotherhood and oneness will things change.
    “As I did, it became clear to me that there’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty”.

  102. Live knowing we are Love, it is what we come from, what we are made of and who we are. Babies and the magic of their simple beingness remind us so clearly of our origins.

    1. Babies do so remind us, little balls of light they simply share with the world. Such transparency of love is so beautiful and in us all no less.

  103. When we allow ourselves to see the beauty there is we are able to start to say no to the lovelessness there is and then more beauty can be seen and equally the lovelessness and so with every step we take we can return to the true love that we deep down know.

  104. Yes, and it is for us to see and choose the beauty instead of the lovelessness in all its forms.

  105. What immensely beautiful Beings we are. Thank you Joseph for putting this immutable truth firmly back under our noses and expressing all your delicate beauty in the process, an awesome role model for us all to emulate.

  106. This rang true with me
    “For too long we have subscribed to a view of ourselves as wicked, flawed and vicious beings.”
    And I strongly feel this view of ourselves comes from certain religions that for centuries have had us believing that we are sinners and that God is judgmental and angry. This ideology has kept us away from our inner beauty and of course God.

    1. I have always felt it incredibly perverse to think of ourselves as unworthy, as sinners and so on and yet this is a consciousness I have definitely taken on. Undoing this and coming out of it continues to be a work in progress, but the more I claim myself by appreciating what I bring and the more I claim myself in the certainty of the love that I am the less I am touched by it.

  107. The biggest problem we have is when we do not see ourselves as part of the problem, and point the finger at everyone else. With awareness we take full responsibility for life as it is and work with ourselves to clear debris, hurt and misery in our own lives so we can be the truest and most loving reflection to others.

  108. We come into the world with this beauty, yet somewhere along the way we lose it and begin to mirror the ugliness we see in the world. But all is not lost, we can choose to return to the truth, love and beauty within all of us and for the sake of humanity it is our responsibility to do so.

  109. ‘Our hearts are full of love’ … and to hold that back deprives us all of the pure love, joy and harmony that resides within every one of us.

  110. “Is it possible that terror need not exist if we just cease and desist from holding back our heart?” It is. When we choose to express the love in our hearts, we bring forth an all-encompassing vibration that restores true order in this world. The big question for me is why are we so invested in terror when we all contain the power within to restore this beauty to our lives, societies, economies and politics?

    1. That is a very good question. Why do we invest so much in terror and dare I say it – distraction? This is a great time of year to contemplate what we choose to put our energy towards.

  111. We can not hold a candle to that inner beauty, and once we understand that the flame of life comes from within there is no looking back only us choosing to stagnate.

  112. Your openness with the realisation that you are going to have a little person to look after brings out your tenderness with the responsibility Joseph. What a beautiful journey.

  113. ‘We hold back the pure poetry of our sweet dear heart in case its preciousness is not welcome in this world. But in doing this we perpetuate the very hurts and hardness that we hate.’ imagine if we all just let go and made life an expression of the love in our hearts…

    1. Thank you for pulling out and thus emphasising this quote ‘We hold back the pure poetry of our sweet dear heart in case its preciousness is not welcome in this world. But in doing this we perpetuate the very hurts and hardness that we hate.’ …letting go and making life an expression of the love in our hearts is a wonderful way to step in to the New Year. I have been reminded recently in the power of our expressing with joy the true qualities of our fellow human beings and allowing ourselves to appreciate who and what we are…..for feeling beyond our physicality, honouring ourselves all those that support us.

  114. Despite the immense ugliness of the world, I agree that beneath all this turmoil, evil, abuse and corruption is a beauty to life that cannot be disturbed or altered.

      1. Yep great analogy – and underneath that black silt is the purest, cleanest, most amazingly beautiful water.

  115. Seeing the depth of beauty of who we are and also seeing how far we are from living this beauty is profoundly necessary. Without knowing our beauty it is easy to give up on who we are. Or even accept what is not love as near enough and so good enough – an entrapment more confining than the brutality that exists that is obvious. With beauty we know what is not, and will never be beauty.

  116. To me this is the utter of joy of children; their delicacy, beauty and delight reminds us of our own and if we pay attention, reminds us of who we are and where we come from.

  117. There is so much beauty to see in the world, so much wonder and so much divine magic, but we often put our blinkers on and miss it. What if we focused on the beauty and not the misery, would this not draw out more beauty and magnify it, rather than staying in the magnification of the ugliness? I love the point you make, Joseph and flipping our focus around may just flip the world around too!

  118. Sad but true, most people choose to believe they are less and focus on what is wrong with themselves, simply because they don’t know how to feel their own intrinsic worth and beauty.

  119. It’s easy to see how some people are fearful of bringing children into this world. This blog is a great reminder for us to see the beauty in ourselves, others and to hold onto that preciousness.

  120. ‘Our hearts are full of so much love. Holding it back is poisonous.’ we have to use such a force to do so that we are using something from outside of our body not express what is inside.

    1. We are love, how wonderful is this? We don’t have to do anything or be anything more than we are. I forget this and get caught up in trying to achieve being me which is a little crazy. To consider it’s all a matter of letting go of these drives and just being makes life very simple.

      1. Isn’t it crazy that we sometimes ask, ‘how do i be me or more of me?’ when we already are. Perhaps we are looking for the ways in which to understand that we have lived as what we are not, and it is this which can be released as and when we are ready.

  121. I love what you are sharing Joseph…the importance of staying connected to the amazing beauty that lies within us all instead of focusing or getting upset/angry about the world status and needing or demanding that it gets fixed by the world leaders. Our responsibility is to reflect a known truth- our divine beauty within. This is what will make a difference to humanity.

  122. At some point all those distractions and comforts are going to run out and then we will really have to face the truth of the abyss we have created. It is the Beauty within us that will provide us with the energy to face the many extreme situations that are inevitably coming our way.

  123. ‘So we proceed to ‘make the best of it,’ to keep a stiff upper lip and look after our own patch of dirt, as long as we have our entertainment, sport and technology. All the time – chaos reigns…’ This sums it up well. We have accepted the ‘every man for himself’ and chaos as normal. We are so entrenched in this that to consider another way of living seems unachievable. Yet, what if it was as simple as accepting our own beauty and the beauty of another, cherishing them and us, it would be impossible to abuse others?

  124. Beautiful, love how you have expressed this, A great reminder of the all that we are. I feel deeply moved. Thank you Joseph.

  125. Joseph, I love how you also address the expectations around becoming a parent.

    It is a very precious time but how many parents to-be don’t experience the delight and joy that they are expected to? Quite a lot I imagine.

    How many parents to be struggle with all that they are feeling? Is there the support there to understand everything that could rise up in someone who is soon to be a parent? This is a big topic.

  126. What do we do when we feel ‘this beauty’?

    Can we let ourselves feel it? Can we let others feel it?
    What happens?

    I often use something to offset what I feel- like an argument or anything to unsettle. But the fact remains that it is beauty we feel first, before any disturbances.

    1. Love the simplicity of this – that it’s beauty that we feel, before anything else. Beauty is our baseline, our default, that our bodies and our senses know so well, inside out, and respond to when given the opportunity and the space to feel it.

  127. “Bombs in stadiums, houses reduced to rubble, children with limbs blown off, whole nations displaced, toxic chemicals in our water stream, politicians who plot to skim off all the cream, brutal bashing of our closest partners, drug addiction through the roof, sex trafficking and child abuse.” Evidently we have a lot of beauty to restore in this world, so time to get cracking!

  128. “As I did, it became clear to me that there’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.” Most beautifully and preciously expressed and I so very much agree. We can continue trying to find solutions and come up with a thousand and the greatest ideas how to make this world a better place but if we do not open our hearts and see the beauty that we already are no true change will come of it.

    1. I use to believe the answer to injustices and abuse was political or social activism as well as demonstrating. But if political activists have not opened their hearts to love and embraced the beauty that is within us all. they paddle in the same murky mud of ugliness, unable to see themselves as part of the problem.

  129. “It’s not a physical or intellectual thing or what clothes you wear, but a quality you can feel – a grandness that connects us to the universe.” Indeed it is. This quality that can be felt is far and away beyond anything that we can see, or understand with our minds.

  130. “Things started to occur: our internet connection went down, the central heating failed, and my car was crashed into …” It is awesome the way you have been able to see these events as messages that were pointing a finger at your current state of being, when so many would put them down to being random bad luck that has nothing to do with how they are choosing to live.

    1. Life is an open book ready to be read at any moment but I know for myself that for most of my life I never even picked the book up, let alone read it. Even now, knowing that life is a living explanation, I’m a very lazy reader.

  131. ‘All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.’ This is huge and if we really appreciate it, the healing is so simple. Just allow ourselves to embrace our beauty.

  132. This beauty that lies within is something we have learned to cap, to measure – only offering it to a certain few, conditional in a sense … when this beauty is universal and for all.

  133. “Our hearts are full of so much love. Holding it back is poisonous.” What a reality check this is Joseph … but indeed very true. To be the love we innately are is not encouraged in todays world -until Universal Medicine- hence the lovelessness and poison we currently live worldwide.

  134. Your words allow us to go deeper within and to feel and claim our own inner beauty. Thank you Joseph for being who you are and sharing this so wisely.

  135. When we fully embrace all that we are we are in harmony with the Universe. We have no other need except to be – to be at one with ourselves and our innately tender beingness.

    1. Gorgeous. Just simply making the choice to be offers so much in the moment that it cuts through the flatness and monotony of function bringing joy and purpose, even to the most mundane of tasks.

  136. When we connect to this immense beauty inside us, it becomes extremely evident just how sick at heart our world is. Healing this sickness is a huge job, one that can only begin with each of us making it our no.1 priority to seamlessly weave this grace into the fabric of life so that every where we turn we are met by a quality that lights up the path ahead, one of absolute integrity.

    1. I love what you propose. To “seamlessly weave this grace into the fabric of life so that every where we turn we are met by a quality that lights up the path ahead” is far more powerful, harmonious and facilitator of true change than to jump in the same pit and fight, or on the other end give up and just hope it will all go away. Connecting to the beauty that flows through us and leaving footprints of absolute love and integrity as we go through life is a great way heal our sick world.

  137. ‘We are this beauty – can we handle that?’ is a great question to end with as I am often blown away by the depths of love I can go to within and can at times find it too much which makes no sense but shows that to allow it more I need to accept and appreciate myself more and then I can not only handle it but fully embrace it.

    1. “We are this beauty – can we handle that?’ is a great question and an equally relevant question is “everyone else is also that beauty, are we able to recognise that?”

  138. ‘Like a picture of the universe miniaturised into a human form, this young but ancient being looked back at me from the TV screen and said, “Hey Dad!”’ I am not a parent myself, but to see your child for the first time this way must be an incredibly touching, humbling and gargantuan experience all at the same time.

    1. When I first saw my daughter this way, it ignited something in me. When we are pregnant it supports to feel the bigger picture – to feel where we are from and the infiniteness of it.

  139. “One look at the world today and it is clear things aren’t going so well.” Very true Joseph … but I wonder how bad things will have to get before we as a whole humanity will truly see ‘this beauty.’

  140. ‘Is it possible that terror need not exist if we just cease and desist from holding back our heart?’ Once in our heart the love found there is very beholding and settling. To me the most scary thing would be to lose connection with this once again.

  141. The title of this blog had me looking at and marvelling at the photo that introduces this site, words on Serge Benhayon. I would like to convey my appreciation to all those that put this site together and the one who chose this photograph and the one who took it in the first place. Thank you too Joseph Barker who has brought our attention to a deeper awareness and appreciation for the beauty of this life.

  142. Everything in life is designed for us to not see and feel beauty. And we must not fall prey to the evil that stalks and sucks us into the energy of distraction, horror and hate. And even in the midst of it all, we can walk away, holding our own exquisitely settled and loving selves. .

  143. A beautiful and powerful blog Joseph and we thank you. Confirmation of the beauty that is within and all around us and gentle reminder that we can birth beauty all day long, but only from a foundation of taking tender loving care of ourselves.

  144. Powerful return to appreciation. It’s easy to get caught up in the outside world but we have love inside that we can express in it like a light in the dark.

  145. This is the second time I have read your blog knowing that ‘this beauty’ was about your new born child and indeed the beauty within you. And I wondered how after reading the first paragraph which talks about the tip of the iceberg of what is going on in the world (and it is not good) does someone feel about bringing a child into the world? There has to be a deeper fundamental knowing and purpose or life, of us, of the Universe to know that despite all that is going on it is actually okay, in that, we have all that we need within us and all that we need within to heal and to bring about healing and this is what Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon not only teach but live. It is called Universal Medicine for a reason … because that is exactly what it is.

  146. It strikes me that life is getting more and more about distraction and stimulation which only serves to leave us feeling empty and in doing so we are missing the real beauty and depth that surrounds us.

  147. This beauty is shared by a man who went to sleep holding his unborn son, holding himself, appreciating what his son is teaching him. This beauty is shared by a man who has allowed the depth of his own beauty to expand forth for all the world to witness just as he shares the joyous beauty of what his unborn son is sharing with him.

    You are this man indeed, Joseph, a man bringing the exquisite beauty of his most tender, delicate self to the table extending an invitation for all and sundry to pull up a chair.

  148. There are many stories around of experiences women have had during and just after pregnancy. It offers a deeper insight into our relationship with this period of life and the impact of the various elements. Yet I have come across hardly anything from a man’s point of view. Delightful to read. Thank you.

  149. I can completely relate to that feeling of tension or grumpiness because I am not allowing myself to feel something – and it always come back to the beauty I am refusing to see or resisting in the world around me or in myself. Amazing how it comes back to that simplicity.

    1. And it always feels amazing when I let go a little more and just feel all of it, all of what is there to be felt… whether the sublime, the ridiculous, or the mundane (if there is such a thing) there is always a magic inside just waiting to be touched.

    2. Refusing to see and resisting the beauty in the world around me is how I blindly stumbled through life until coming across Universal Medicine. I couldn’t see the beauty in the world around me because I couldn’t see the beauty in me. The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are indeed all about simplicity, Andrew – the language of the Soul.

  150. So gorgeous to read this. I can really feel how tender you are. I know when I deny my fragility I let in stuff that I can get grumpy, angry all sorts. We have a world being so defensive they are offensive in the attacks. We need just surrender and we are reconnected to our beauty and that of the world’s. It really is that simple.

  151. Yes, let’s simply open our hearts to be and to love each other for doing nothing other than that. It doesn’t matter if it ‘does’ anything, it will make a small difference that will grow and grow.

  152. It begs the question what have we abandoned within us that anyone might even consider planting a bomb or plotting a mass murder, when we have all gone through the same miraculous process of arriving in this world, vulnerable, beautiful beings who can arouse such deep feelings of beauty and joy in one another?

    1. Yes and how is it that we can be so denatured as human beings that come into the world as highly sensitive and very delicate to commit such atrocities to each other?

  153. “… it became clear to me that there’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse.” Only when we realise just how precious, tender and sacred we are will we truly make a move to cease the abuse, war, corruption and greed that dominates this realm. Thank you Joseph for being such an immense reflection for us all, wearing your extremely delicate and beautiful heart on your sleeve so that we can all be reminded of our real essence.

  154. Hardening ourselves against what is there to feel makes for a very hard world and an arduous life, no matter how pretty it might look on the surface.

    1. In feeling that hard empty world, my immediate reaction is to go into protection. In understanding however that in so doing I contribute to the hardening I am reacting against, it has supported me to bring some understanding to the hurt of it so that I can work on letting it go and remain open.

  155. Beautifully and very timely said Joseph. Can we choose to feel and deepen in the sensitivity, beauty and tenderness that we are and not keep hardening?

  156. The beauty of life is there all around us if we looked beyond the horrible acts in the world. A baby reminds us of this.

  157. ‘This beauty’ is always with us, constantly around us if we are willing to truly see and feel the wonder of the universe.

  158. How amazing would our lives be if every one of us the world over focused on ‘this beauty’?

  159. The tenderness of what is expressed here is so touching. Every such expression plants a seed and confirms the possibility for the whole of humanity to return to living such a glorious relationship once again.

  160. When we are open to evolving it is gorgeous to clock how divinity is shown. When I saw my daughter in my first scan the profundity of the moment opened me up and I realised that I had been living more shut down than I had thought. The beauty that was simply there blew me away.

  161. When I have allowed myself to disconnect from the beauty within, there is something I need to seriously look at. It may be that I need to be more aware of what I am being offered or a hurt may have arisen and I have gone into protection, but whatever it is I cannot let it fester because of the separation it is creating within me and hence to another. What I do know is that whatever has been brought up, it is to support me, my evolution and that of others.

  162. I am definitely appreciating the beauty in this blog and allowing every loving word to sink in – this is what this blog is all about really – do we allow ourselves to fully feel everything there is to feel including the love that is there all around us constantly calling us to be more love?

    1. And as presented here, it’s not always words we need to express … a look, a touch, a movement – all are ways of expressing our truth.

  163. This universal beauty is in all of us and the greatest hurdle we have to take is to let go of our attachment to the physical world we live in as it is the beauty of the universal man that needs to be lived instead in order to let all the atrocities we encounter in the world to cease.

    1. Beautifully said Nico. Admitting we are more than the physical and connecting with the beauty that resides in all of us in our multidimensionality, instantly disarms our fighting.

  164. Joseph thank you for what you share, for the greatest evil of us is that we do not allow ourselves to show our beauty and worse we can wallow in that non-allowance; we have replaced our beauty with outrage against the world and its evils, failing to recognise that in doing so we’re still not allowing ourselves to live the beauty we are. I feel that you, your experience with your son is a reminder for all of us to reflect the beauty we are.

    1. Yes this is beautiful – and what I understand from what you write here and what Joseph has written is that we don’t have to even fight or rage against the evil or try and take it on, we just need to bring out into the world more and more of the real beauty that is inside all of us, and then automatically evil has less room to breathe and exist on this planet.

    2. There is such an irony in our shutting down and resenting the world for not confirming us in our beauty and yet we then continue to confirm to others that the world is not beautiful as we do not show that innate beauty in us. Others, in reaction to the fact that they can’t see beauty anywhere shut their own down in turn. We have such a responsibility to hold true to who we are, not just for ourselves but for what we then reflect to others.

  165. The beauty, awe and wonder that is our natural relationship with life is always there for us to claim, enjoy and live. The world currently doesn’t support it but as you share Joseph it is always our choice.

  166. “For too long we have subscribed to a view of ourselves as wicked, flawed and vicious beings. There is something in us that wallows in this. But it’s all just a game to let evil reign” This is very true. We do wallow in this and it is part of letting evil reign. It is ouch but good to see our part in this.

  167. ‘This is the biggest case of mistaken identity known to man, like a delicate bird that is trying to be a bull. It’s quite absurd.’ We can think so badly of ourselves and it’s only this thinking that keeps the lie that it is going. When we drop the lie we feel how absurd it is no matter what deeds we did when in the energy of such thoughts.

  168. Amazingly beautiful and haunting description of the contrast of a glimpse of the soul-full-ness of a life just beginning and a look at the state of the world today. How far we have fallen.

  169. To be able to see the beginning of life in the womb is a very humbling experience. I love how you have shared this Joseph.

  170. I recall having a moment of fear around having a new responsibility when my son was born. In the past, I would have said this fear is normal but now, I understand it is not normal at all because any form of fear is not a part of us but it is an energy that comes into our body to destabilise us and put doubt into our heads as a way to deter us from embracing responsibility.

    1. Love your comment. I can really feel how fear is there to deter us from embracing and enjoying our responsibility.

  171. Children are pure gifts from heaven – deeply connected to themselves and their inner wisdom, they are a joy to be around.

  172. Joseph I am so deeply touched by the beauty that is shared in this blog. A powerful and inspirational writing that reflects that the truth of re-connecting with our true nature is the only way to free ourselves from the consciousness of external horrors created in this world, that obscure the reality of our innermost heart, where love, truth, harmony, joy and stillness are absolutely indestructible.
    “Yes, this world is full of examples of horrors that we create and it’s revolting to feel how far from that beauty we live. But the way forward is to reconnect to our true nature, not to bludgeon it.”

  173. ‘All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.’ This is profound and a completely different perspective to looking at our world’s problems.

    1. Yes – I agree and this teaching puts us in the driving seat of our lives. We do choose the quality with which we approach everything and therefore the quality of everything.

      1. No one I know of, apart from Serge Benhayon, has ever presented on the fact that we are glorious first, that we all have a divine essence and that our basic hurt, is that we do not meet and see each other from this essence first. Simply meeting a child in their beauty, their essence and sweetness is all that is needed to maintain that sparkle and joy. A child who is met in their essence and confirmed for who they truly are cannot grow into an adult that harms another.

  174. I know there is a love for humanity I am avoiding, avoiding this love is also avoiding feeling the devastation we are living by. In the past I always thought I avoided just feeling the awfulness of a situation and not the absolute beauty of who we are and life.

  175. All that Serge Benhayon presents of the Ageless Wisdom and making The Way of The Livingness one’s way of living enables one to hold ‘this beauty’ amidst the realities of the world and thereby be a light showing that there is another way.

  176. ‘As this sank in, I cried with my wife in the waiting room – just standing there with my heart.’ There is a vulnerability in expressing from the heart that is powerful.

  177. This sentence jumped out at me Joseph, ‘But it’s all just a game to let evil reign.’ You have expressed with such love and understanding of ‘this beauty’. Anything that nudges us away from the truth of this beauty, is a game intended to keep us enslaved in struggle and to believe that ‘this is our lot’. You have awakened us to the evil intention if we are prepared to reflect and feel as you have here. Thank you so much for this beautiful reflection Joseph.

    1. ‘But it’s all just a game to let evil reign’ and reign evil does because how many of us see the beauty of life, other than for the briefest of fleeting moments?

      1. In reality it is quite absurd that we are constantly surrounded by beauty and yet we refuse to see or feel it!

    1. If we all give ourselves permission to live and share this beauty, our world would be very different.

  178. If we allowed ourselves to see the beauty there is we would easily say no to the horrors in this world.

    1. Absolutely Esther, and when we deeply connect, embrace and live this beauty, anything less feels like an assault on our body.

  179. ‘This beauty’ is always there – it is the world we live in if we are willing to open our eyes and truly see with no blinkers.

  180. Joseph to have such a beautiful sharing presented by a man is exquisiteness itself. Inspiring to both men and women to say hey, we are all “that beauty’ and equal in our tender approach. Thank you.

  181. “No charity, movement or leader has ever been able to change this warring world ” This is true and even though there is technological and medical advancement the suffering of humans has not lessened, to say the least. This should make us pause and open up to the possibility of another way, a way that has been offered to us over the ages but we have stubbornly denied. It is time, to connect to the beauty inside all of us and make the changes from there.

  182. What a precious gift it is to receive reflections from a being who is as yet not tainted with the pressures of earth life. The greatest gift back to your son would be to support him to maintain such depth of wisdom, love and clarity in his everyday life regardless of those challenges.

    Observing the exquisite transparency and tenderness with which you write, I know you will offer him that and more.

  183. I remember the moment both my children were born. It was an absolute miracle and I just lay in total wonderment at the pure beauty of birth. There were few words then to decribe how I felt, and I have no more now.

  184. I’m so loving coming back to this blog. Yesterday in my volunteering on the maternity ward meeting new parents with their newborns brought back how tough everyone tries to be in order to cope with all the physical and emotional upheaval after birth. Your transparency with this is a great gift and a reflection for us all – to stay true to what we feel.

  185. Holding true to this inner Beauty is our only way out of the immense mess we have made of this world. When we tenderly and resolutely hold fast to our integrity it empowers us to address the ills we have allowed to fester on the inside which have influenced the quality of our choices and actions. When we permit our integrity to rule the roost again, corruption, greed and malice will not find a foothold in our societies.

  186. “Yes, we have frail imperfect bodies but our beings are so much more than that.” Is it not exactly that which our kids are showing us – we are so much more . . . how beautiful it is to be a parent and to get the chance to re-connect to the grandness inside.

  187. This is so true
    “No charity, movement or leader has ever been able to change this warring world and those that tried have typically been hung, drawn and quartered.”
    And today in spite of us all thinking we live in a modern society and living in a world dominated by technology nothing has really changed as those people that are encouraging us to wake up out of our stupor are suffering the same fate as all the other masters before them. So my question has to be what is it about ‘love’ that we resist to the point of public derision, and a modern-day witch hunt via the media?

  188. Joseph, reading your article I can feel how we can see hardness in the world and that we have a choice to react and harden up ourselves or a choice to stay beautiful and sensitive and tender and to offer a different reflection. All of the hardening up and toughening up does not protect us, it simply makes us hard and protected. Staying open and sensitive is what allows us to live with joy and to not be so affected by what happens around us.

    1. ” all of the hardening up does not protect us” this is true and mostly makes the world keep spinning in the same way, we are all hurt and all coming from protection and thus all justified to stay there. But the protection keeps us from connecting with the beauty that we are and this is what hurts us most.

      1. My default position is to harden when I feel things I don’t like, and then all of a sudden I have to shake myself out of that as I realise that it’s not longer the full and true me walking through our home. The true protection comes for the depth of feeling and connection to the universe that means no matter the situation I have an understanding for what, why and how.

      2. Yes I can easily slip into it as well, default position is a good word for it. It takes an awareness of the body to clock it quickly and in simply letting go, returning to a tender or at least gentle way of movement already makes a big change towards returning to the true quality I would, could, express without the protection.

  189. In the world, there are just over 6000 people that die every hour and 15,000 that are born. These births are all full of love and wisdom. Are we choosing to miss the golden opportunity they bring with them for all of us?

  190. Oh Joseph, I had the sweetest smile on my face as I read your incredibly beautiful and tender blog, thank you for being you and for sharing your very amazing self with us all. ‘We hold back the pure poetry of our sweet dear heart in case its preciousness is not welcome in this world. But in doing this we perpetuate the very hurts and hardness that we hate.’ Thank you for not holding back.

  191. This is so deeply beautiful Joseph, and what a special messenger you and your wife have as a child. God is communicating all the time, but are we listening? Could we surrender to all the beauty and love that’s on offer if we were to listen? And, so true about the state of the world “All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.”

  192. This is so gorgeous. Years ago an ex partner of mine turned to me and said, ‘who in their right minds would want to bring a child into this world it’s so full of atrocities?’ and back then I too wondered. Now I know there is such love and our children, if we listen and nurture them, will bring so much wisdom.

    1. I felt and wondered about this too – before I had children. But if we now know that there is a different way to live – and we can reflect that out to others – then the world may observe and possibly learn and change too. If we don’t have children then we can’t show them that there is another way then we are bound for never ending chaos. The question could be ‘why are we having children?’ The beauty is we don’t have to actually bear children ourselves, as we meet children every day out in the world.

  193. ‘All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.’ If we ever not able to understand why the world is the way it is, this sentence alone explains it all and if we read the rest of this blog, what you get is a depth of love and honesty that simply blows you away. Amazing Joseph, the delicateness in the way you express is very powerful. What a blessing you offer us all.

  194. The world is a mess, it’s not difficult to see and that’s such a stark contrast to the beauty that we hold within.

  195. Your blog is incredibly beautiful Joseph. Thankyou for opening your heart for us all to feel and see the beauty that lies within us all.

  196. “Is it possible that terror need not exist if we just cease and desist from holding back our heart?” Absolutely Joseph we have created terrorism and all forms of abuse by separating from our heart and from our essence. We have let go of the one thing that holds us all in Brotherhood, and it is through this separation that we allow abuse to exist.

  197. “We hold back the pure poetry of our sweet dear heart in case its preciousness is not welcome in this world. But in doing this we perpetuate the very hurts and hardness that we hate.” So true Joseph, and thank you for not holding back yours.

  198. There is so much focus these days on the negativity of this world but if every one of us were to appreciate the pure gold we offer one another by reflection, and what nature offers us by reflection, this world would naturally transform.

  199. A beauty-full presentation Joseph – there is so much to appreciate in this world – if we open our eyes and our hearts to truly see all that is constantly on offer.

    1. In the heart and soul of every man, woman and child there is such precious beauty – why focus on anything else? A very lovely offering Thank you Joseph Barker.

  200. “Yes, we have frail imperfect bodies but our beings are so much more than that.” – When we stay within a world of function, we miss out on all the beauty that lies within and around us to be seen and felt.

  201. Joseph, what an absolutely gorgeous sharing – and one that is ‘infectious’ in its tenderness and opening of the heart.

  202. Thank you for your moving and raw contribution; it is deeply appreciated and a superb wake up call to stir us from our not so comfortable but deemed comfortable slumber if not stupor.

  203. Joseph I have just re-read your blog and was deeply touched once again. Thank you for sharing such a deep part of you. It’s that deep part of you that is able to connect to the deepest part of us all.

  204. Every one of us is made up of the immense beauty mentioned here. We know it through and through, and anything less than that really hurts and we would do anything to not feel it. That is why it hurts so much to witness all the atrocity in the world and we have so many ways of numbing ourselves. Ironic that these strategies themselves indirectly, and at times directly, create the ills of our world .

  205. We are so desperate to see and feel this beauty around us and within us too. But we often get caught in the images that are not beauty.

  206. What an exquistely beautiful blog Joseph that brought me to tears too as I can feel exactly what you are talking about. Thank you so much this blog should be read by every person on the planet.

  207. So true Joseph. Pregnancy is a special moment to truly appreciate the alchemy of three souls choosing such an intimate relationship and this can be truly felt in the depth of the love expressed in this article. What a magical and special time it is and one that should never be taken for granted.

    1. Beautifully expressed Rowena, it reminds me of when I was pregnant and I agree this is a very special time. I appreciate how it was a beautiful reminder for me to reconnect to my body and live this beauty. I often felt very beautiful and I moved in a way that was very delicate, gracious and in flow. I remember crossing the road and feeling very powerful and felt I was being surrounded by love.

  208. Thank you Joseph for expressing all that you felt and your deepening awareness of beauty. Two days ago I received ultrasound images of my niece’s first child in formation. I felt the magic and beauty of life in that moment. We all have the potential within us to connect to this beauty instead of the ugliness that pervades much of life.

    1. And to let that beauty inform us that it is our true nature and let ourselves live and express this beauty rather than the ugliness of the systems and ways of living that we have collectively created.

    2. Beautiful Kehinde ” We all have the potential within us to connect to this beauty” There is no exception to that rule.

  209. “As I did, it became clear to me that there’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.” What a most powerfully insightful realisation. To share that realisation is to endeavour to live it in every movement we make.

  210. So beautifully expressed Joseph. Many lesser men would try to hide the depths of their feelings at that time. Thankyou for sharing our tenderness with the world – what a reflection for us all – to be open to love and beauty.

  211. Beautifully expressed Joseph. It’s ridiculous really when you think of the atrocities man can succumb to and yet still produce something as pure as a child.

  212. Wallowing and indulging in that which is not true only delays that which is inevitable. I have understanding that some of our behaviours can be more difficult to overcome than others but with commitment to oneself and the universe it is possible to surrender and turn the tide to live the beauty and love that we are in every moment.

  213. Joseph, I love what you are sharing in this article. I can feel the absolute truth that we are all beautiful and divine and I can feel that we can easily get lost in reacting to the atrocities that happen rather than focussing on our beauty and love.

  214. We feel everything and so we do feel the pain and distress of other people who are all equal to us, so is it this pain that we are all trying to numb with drugs, food, drink, anything so that we don’t have to face up to the disgusting world we have made for ourselves knowing that we are now so out of control, so lost we are struggling to get back to ourselves again.

    1. Equally preciously expressed Steve – each birth is a blessing a gift given to us all, and we cannot forget our own birth having been a blessing to all those around too. Every one of us brings qualities that are unique and a part of bringing back alive into livingeness the true beauty that lies within us all.

  215. ‘Our hearts are full of so much love. Holding it back is poisonous.’ This makes me feel the fact that there are no middle ways to solve this mess we have created. The only option possible to really make a change is to claim our beauty and living it to offer something really new and true to the whole we live in.

  216. ‘Fighting and denying our own beauty’ – this sounds ridiculous and we would think that that would be the last think we would want to do and we would never choose that for ourselves consciously – but we do. This beauty is so much more than what we can frame and we stand in front of it petrified saying ‘That’ll do’ or we tell ourselves we somehow understood it while it keeps expanding. But that is us. We are that.

    1. It is what we most want and we end up fighting it nail and tooth – one could say it’s ironic but that is too mild a word. Could it be said that it is obscene (originally referring to darkening, from the Latin ‘obscurare’ before it acquired a sexual connotation) to fight what we are and arrogantly defend the effort and its ugly outplays?

    2. I reckon that is one of the causes of our misery, we try to frame this beauty, own it, protect it and not share it. If we surrender and accept that we are this beauty, then there is no way we would want to own it and try to hide it.

  217. Thank you for sharing you and your son with us as it is such a beautiful blog Joseph. The magnificence of love through the magic of GOD.

    1. We are very good at seeing the ugliness in the world but in our reaction to it we miss out on the abundance of love and beauty that is there. Simply by changing our focus we can open up to so much more.

  218. Hear, hear Ariana, beautifully expressed and I agree. I am totally inspired and will share this blog with my family for us to learn and deeply appreciate too.

  219. Wow Joseph, what a beautiful, beautiful blog. Our world needs more parents like you who are willing to see and feel the beauty within and in all of us.

  220. Oh Joseph, this would make anyone reading it cry tears of joy for beauty, for delicateness, for tenderness, for awakenings, for connections, for real love, for truth, for everything we know and have been missing because we have not simply said yes to it.

  221. How many of us ignore, hide away, harden and protect our hearts and all that they express? And yet such beauty as shared here, can be with us all if we but open the door, let love in and express all the love that is there to share.

    1. So true Paula. Hiding away in protection and hardening shows us why we have the world we have. Opening our hearts and sharing from there – a way forward for society….

  222. How inspirational can our sharing of truth and expressing the honesty of our feelings be … an awesome blog that deeply touches us all Joseph – thank you.

  223. This is pure gold Joseph … no matter where we are at in live, no matter our situation or circumstances, yes we are this beauty – always and forever.

    1. How amazing is it to live this beauty and openly share it with the rest of the world. I agree, we are all this beauty.

  224. “We wait till those close to us are nearly dead to reveal how much they have meant to us” – this captures so much of how we are currently living. And your son (and you and your wife) are showing us how we can truly live.

    A beautiful sharing that touched me deeply and moved me to tears this morning. Thank you.

  225. Simply Beaut-i-ful Joseph. This is so much more than positive thinking but the expression of who we are in full.

  226. This beauty, that you express to us and reflect in your way of life Joseph, is the beauty you see reflected from your son. In deepening this you will be able to support him to never ever let go of it and thus always know who he is. What a beauty-full gift to all!

    1. The ripples of your reflections will inspire others to reconnect to their beauty – truly a gift that keeps on giving.

      1. Yes, as in the world of energy the ripples keep on going, there is nothing that stops them and so it is like a wave of tenderness and sensitivity going around the world giving everyone the opportunity to feel this quality for themselves for a moment. It never ceases to amaze me to know that everything, every single quality of energy in this world and of the universe is flowing through us at all times and it is a matter of will and choice to what we will feel and express for ourselves.

  227. This beauty is felt only and always from within and the more we connect to it and make it who we are the more we will see it and invite it to come out in others.

  228. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty” This is such a big thing to acknowledge. Changing this world starts with reconnecting to, accepting and bringing into expression who we truly are and for this we need to let go of all the things in this world that we identify with and have invested in.

  229. The profoundness of this statement is huge. “There’s no strategy or political program that is needed to fix this world, no ban on armaments or world summit to solve drug abuse. All of it, every last bit is not coming from horrible human beings but from us fighting and denying our beauty.” If we stopped to reflect on the revelation offered here, we would see why all the talk, effort and investment in solving our world and societal issues has not got us anywhere.

    1. Yes the so-called solutions aren’t changing anything really. Bigger better buildings aren’t it, nor faster transport or internet. Claiming our beauty and our multi-dimensionality – could this be the way forward?!

  230. This is a touching blog, Joseph. ‘This is the biggest case of mistaken identity known to man, like a delicate bird that is trying to be a bull. It’s quite absurd.’ I agree. One day we might all realise just how delicate and beautiful we are and this will transform how we live, express and work.

  231. Joseph your blog brought tears to my eyes because I could feel the depth and openness with which you could feel everything around you and how your unborn son had touched you so very deeply. Why do we hold back what we feel so strongly to the point of making us hard and angry? Why do we resist love so much so that we harm others, your blog makes us stop and feel what we are doing to ourselves and why the world is in such a mess. Express the love that is deep within and it would not be possible to have all the abusive and violent behaviours that we have in the world today

  232. What a beautiful sharing of how you are able to be so vulnerable in a moment that is fundamental. I don’t think men truly let themselves feel the joy they experience when they see their baby on a scan.

  233. Thank you for sharing how your son inspired you to embrace your beauty Joseph. This evening I am meeting my daughter and her husband after work to hear their baby’s heartbeat and can already feel how my grandchild’s coming is supporting me to surrender to this beauty that is constantly there to be connected to just waiting to be shared.

  234. Oh Joseph how truly beautiful to read your words and to show the tender beautiful man you are. Feeling it all.
    Congratulations to you and Leone on the birth of your baby boy.

  235. While the horrors that are mentioned above are taking place in this world, a man shows his tears of joy for seeing the Beauty in his son. That’s deeply truly beautiful Joseph. It feels like the medicine we all need, expressing and being the bundles of love we really are in our day to day.

  236. Very beautiful to read Joseph. When we deny our own beauty we cannot in truth see the beauty in another. And as you say there is so much beauty in every single one of us and when we allow ourselves to feel and see it there is no need for drama and the horrors that are so prevalent in this world.

  237. Subscribing “…. to a view of ourselves as wicked, flawed and vicious beings” is the greatest self-abuse we inflict upon ourselves and by subscribing to it we inflict that evil on others by our reflection and hence perpetuate it.

    1. And this is the poison that infects us all if we allow it but we always have a choice to reconnect to our innate beauty.

  238. Truly beautiful, thank you Joseph. When we ‘feel’ the amazingness of the birth of a being rather than just the miraculousness of the physical occurrence one cannot help but be reminded of the fact that we are so much more than mere physical flesh. Whether we allow ourselves to acknowledge this knowing however is questionable for as you pose the question, “We are this beauty – can we handle that?”

  239. Joseph thank you for sharing the beauty that is in all corners of life and our ability to see it, embrace it and appreciate it beyond words. Wherever we look, in whatever we look there is beauty.

  240. I love your words! The awe and purity of being that we feel when connecting to a newborn or not yet-born is amazing, but then to accept that we are just like that naturally underneath the coat of learned identification with norms and standards, is sometimes not so easy. Up come all those fears of being different, judged, hurt etc. In my life I have learned that one must be clever and have a great intellect to be accepted by others, when my nature is really just very simple and joyful. So I never felt good enough. Now I surrender to and embrace my true nature, I am joyful, sweet and almost childlike sometimes, and low and behold, smart and clever people are jealous! Because they know, it’s the truth and they want to get there too.

  241. Thank you Joseph for sharing your feelings. Just reading this I can feel the resistance to being the love that I am on a grander scale. This is definitely a blog I will come back to time and time again.

  242. What you have said here is so true
    ” We wait till those close to us are nearly dead to reveal how much they have meant to us”
    I was visiting someone recently as a family member had just died and the love they had for that person was not fully expressed and they were feeling the devastation of holding back the immense love they felt but never shared with the deceased. Why do we do this? What is it about love that we find so hard to express?

  243. This is such a touching blog to read because I could feel how we deny our sensitivity and toughen up instead; even though it is the last thing we want to do because we do all know on some level that we hate what we have created. But having created the monster that is now out of control how to reign it in? By not holding back our innate and beautiful love as this holding back is what has made such a poisonous society.

  244. The more I live honouring me the more my day is filled with love and even when I know I have made a dishonouring choice, I pick myself up to love and honour me again.

  245. “We hold back the pure poetry of our sweet dear heart in case its preciousness is not welcome in this world. But in doing this we perpetuate the very hurts and hardness that we hate.” Thank you Joseph for sharing your journey and in the process inspiring us all to reconnect to the power of the beauty that resides in us all. True courage is allowing this beauty free rein in a world that has forgotten just how awesome we are, because when truly felt, nothing can resist this immense Love that can quite literally melt the hardest of hearts.

  246. “Imagine if all 7 billion of us started to share the beauty that is within us all. ” yes, just imagine…….. One day….. Until then those of us who choose this can reflect it out to others – and the domino effect will do the rest.

  247. ‘Imagine if all 7 billion of us started to share the beauty that is within us all. There surely would be no room for petty arguments and squabbles.’ Absolutely, how beautiful to appreciate and show our beauty and not feel that we have to be hard and protected, how very different the world would be if we all lived in this way. Thank you for choosing to show your vulnerability for being a role model for another way to live.

  248. I can relate to what you write about Joseph. How many times have I held onto my view, my behaviours, my reactions with a hold that says ‘this is who I am, and I’m not letting go of how I have been for what seems like forever.’ We know it feels horrible when we are behaving like that. None of that is who we are.

  249. I am deeply touched by your words Joseph for so many reasons, the honesty, the rawness and the simplicity you have written with to share something that has come straight from your heart, you have connected to the grandness we are from in a way we can all relate to as we all know the beauty and precious of an unborn child and that beauty never goes away.

  250. Wow, the sensitivity and transparency that you write with stood me still. Then I wondered why? because you have just described feelings that we all have, that are normal to us, sure nothing special? But these are the feelings of beauty that we push down every moment if we don’t allow ourselves to feel them, I can relate. The beauty of this article is that you make it so simple and so easy to understand – we miss our beauty and if we connect to this then we will stop killing ourselves and each other.

  251. Joseph, thank you so much for sharing this, this feel very true; ‘Our hearts are full of so much love. Holding it back is poisonous.’

    1. I love this too as it really, in a nutshell, tells the story of this world and all our lives.

  252. The beauty of feeling the presence of an unborn child is an opportunity to feel the magnificence of love that we all are.

  253. Very beautiful to read Joseph. When things are out of sort we quickly think something is wrong and we are doing something that is really bad that needs to be stopped, but what if it is indeed something absolutely amazing about ourselves that we are fighting and ignoring at all costs? Could this not indeed bring out the worst in us because we have to harden and tighten to not just be who we are – which is naturally beauty.

  254. Beautiful expression Joseph! When my daughter came into this world I felt a love that I had not let myself know in this lifetime or maybe many before and have now come to know what a gift it is to know love like this, as it is there to show me it can be like this for one and all if we are able to choose it.

  255. Gorgeous blog Joseph – thank you. It is very true – we create and come up with all sorts of behaviours and patterns simply because we cannot handle the beauty and divine qualities within. The truth of the matter is we don’t want to claim all of who we are because of the responsibility that comes with that however as I write this comment, it is a lame excuse to not be the beacon of light that we are in the world.

  256. This is such a beautiful blog Joseph, as it makes its way from the destruction in the world to your beautiful son, growing day by day so he can take his place in the world, once again. The beauty within him is growing as he grows and I can tell by the time he arrives you will be welcoming him with the knowing of ‘the beauty’ he is bringing with him, the beauty that he naturally is. How blessed is he to have a father who will recognise the beauty and will encourage him to live it and stay connected to it throughout every stage of his life.

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