Serge Benhayon – the Truth and Beauty of Evolution

Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.

Like so many words in the English language, the term ‘evolution’ has been bastardised and reduced in its meaning to stand so far away from its original intent that the true meaning itself initially may take on the taint of incredulity in the face of what has been densely layered and imposed upon it. However, feeling the truth in our physical body allows us to discern the facts for ourselves. This is how it happened for me.

One aspect of my Psychology undergraduate studies several decades ago involved engaging with those disciplines which postulate a biological basis for all human behaviour, in particular with the then emerging concepts of Sociobiology, with a focus on publications like The Selfish Gene (1). These concepts built upon their historical antecedents of theories of natural selection and the evolution of man from the animal kingdoms. In this view, we are seen to evolve through a series of genetic mutations – some based on the survival of the fittest, others ostensibly random.

As I listened to, and studied, concepts that reduced women to a monthly oestrous and men to seeking the ‘fittest’ (most visually attractive) mate, as I attended lectures on how human infants and primates display the same behaviours due to their evolutionary relationship, as we were told life was all about the three ‘F’s – feeding, fighting and ‘reproduction’ – my body went into profound turmoil and I into a quiet despair. I sought some kind of confirmation from my colleagues and teachers that this ‘Nature, red in tooth and claw’ and ‘the survival of the fittest’ views could not be all there was to us as a humanity. None was forthcoming.

We all silently swallowed up what was delivered and passed our exams, left university and ventured into the world under the influence of what we had learned. Doubtless there were men who became dominant males and those who lamented that they were not. There were certainly women who focussed extensively on their visual attractiveness to men –– I was one of them.

The disquiet within me remained and I searched far and wide for the truth of our origins and the truth of our purpose on earth. Several decades later, I found it in the Ageless Wisdom Teachings presented by Serge Benhayon. This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.

The Truth of Evolution

Serge Benhayon, through his presentations on The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has delivered to us the facts of our evolution. We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul. However, a singular aspect of us separated itself from this vibration, lowering its frequency to become the etheric spirit, which in turn wilfully descended into a plane of denser vibration to indulge further in the adventure and vibration of individuality. This pursuit of individuality involved the assembling of a physical body to engage even more this thirst for a creation that stands in complete opposition to the harmonious interconnectedness and Oneness of our true Soulful origins.

This disharmony is felt and registered constantly by our physical body as a persistent unease in life and with each other. Hence, one aspect of our evolution is to express honestly this unease and then to begin to resurrect ourselves out of our self-created mess and to begin our path back to our origins – our Soul or our divine essence. This requires us to begin the process of systematically unpicking all of our investments in creation and in individuality.

The feeling essence we are born with (our esoteric or innermost) is our connection to Soul – our true body of Love. This essence can be connected with instantly by anyone through supportive techniques like the Gentle Breath Meditation™.

This truth feels very different in quality to the ‘survival of the fittest’, or the three F’s. It is very evident at times, and very much felt within my own body, that we have a dual nature of spirit and Soul, the former very much ‘me’ focussed and constantly plotting for personal gain, the latter presenting an open heart to others and the willingness to connect, listen and express truly and lovingly.

From this connection with our esoteric essence, a sense of the grandness, the magnificence of Soul starts to unfold and with it an inkling that this is who we truly are. This feels like who we are as a humanity.

Furthermore, nature is known to be the blessing of Divine Creation offered by God, our Father. The Science of Symbolism, another aspect of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, indicates how the whole of nature offers us a reflection of who we are and of the constant presence and Love of our Father. Having explored this for some years now, I can vouch for the fact that these teachings support an exquisite relationship with nature and that nature is anything but ‘red in tooth and claw.’ It seems that our spirit refuses to acknowledge this relationship: I know of nowhere outside of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings that this understanding of divine communication through nature is presented.

Our evolution back to Soul is supported at every turn by aligning with natural cycles; cycles that we have always lived under but have refused to acknowledge and cooperate with in order to maintain our fallen state. The cycles of sleep, of motion and repose, of the seasons, the cycles of women, of the Moon, of the annual perambulation of the Sun, the celestial cycles of zodiacal constellations, all offer us a means of connecting in the physical body with energies that support and offer us day by day, and moment by moment, evolutionary advance. Under the impulse of our spirit we frequently sabotage our connection with these cycles and those that are inevitably necessary – like our nightly sleep cycle – we again reduce to the lowest level of functionality; to merely an act that is required to sustain the physical body. On our path of return to Soul we work with these cycles, understanding the evolutionary blessing they confer and the fact of our interdependence with them.

These truths of our evolution, presented in but a small way here, can be confirmed through our own bodies’ responses and by applying these truths for ourselves. In effect, we become our own true scientists and study ourselves from within, observing the outplay in the external world through how we are in life, and in our changing relationships and understandings.

This Science of Evolution presented by Serge Benhayon, by virtue of its felt-in-the-body truth and in its daily application by people like myself, is not currently popular. Why would this be so? Quite simply because its inherent and completely natural truth exposes the evil of the reductionism we have willingly submitted ourselves to. In our own case, humanity, we have reduced ourselves to the exclusively human realm – even to a sub-human realm – ignoring and suppressing the fact of spirit and burying even more so our esoteric and our Soul, as well as the truth of our multidimensional origins.

A person acquiescing to a reduced perspective of themselves could not present the truth and beauty of our evolution, nor indeed live it. It takes someone fully engaging with their Soul and its inherent multidimensionality on a daily basis to do so. It takes someone who has let go of all individualism and who works with the Grandest Holistic Harmony we could ever conceptualise – the all that is. So this takes a great yet humble person, one who offers the same advance to all others through the power of their lived reflection so that they too may arise to the same state by their own choices, timing and will.

Serge Benhayon is such a man. He lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul and offers all the same path through how he lives and through the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings he offers worldwide.

Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine
Serge Benhayon | Founder of Universal Medicine

In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.

By Coleen

1. The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. Oxford University Press, 1976. Dawkins, R. (1976). The Selfish Gene. Oxford University Press.

Related Reading:
Evolution, and the origins of mankind
What is evolution and what does it mean?
Serge Benhayon – a shepherd of light

555 thoughts on “Serge Benhayon – the Truth and Beauty of Evolution

  1. So many words have been lied about through having there meaning changed so to confuse those who would like to believe in a love fest and all will be okay. The truth is when we start to understand how love works, which in a love-less society is difficult, we first must understand that true love will never harm another especially in the way we use words towards another.

  2. What Serge Benhayon has presented through the Ageless Wisdom Teaching will be the blueprint in years to come as the way forward for Humanity. What Serge Benhayon presents is not from the intelligence of the mind but from the universal intelligence of the universe which is an intelligence we can all access, so therefore Serge Benhayon isn’t teaching humanity anything new but what is readily available to all once we let go of the false imprisonment of our minds. Our minds are pulling in a lesser knowing from the Astral plane which is totally opposite of universal intelligence, I call it artificial intelligence because it is a mockery of true intelligence.

  3. Agreed Coleen, as everything that we are is not taught until the presentations by Serge Benhayon and the revelations that are shared by Serge have allowed us all to remove the encrusted pressure that seemly had invaded much of our lives.

  4. This Coleen is to me the greatest battle within us all. “It is very evident at times, and very much felt within my own body, that we have a dual nature of spirit and Soul, the former very much ‘me’ focussed and constantly plotting for personal gain, the latter presenting an open heart to others and the willingness to connect, listen and express truly and lovingly.”Our spirit is will-full which means it is constantly in opposition to the pull of our soul.

  5. Sure ultimately we may not be able to ‘avoid the amazing truth that we are all of the one Soul’ but my goodness me we certainly have done a masterful job of avoiding it for a few hundred lifetimes or more.

  6. “Serge Benhayon, through his presentations on The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has delivered to us the facts of our evolution. We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul.” When I first listened to the teachings of spirit and Soul my body knew it was hearing the truth.

    1. What has been presented through Universal medicine just makes so much sense, my body resonates with the truth, it’s like a tuning fork. If something doesn’t feel right my body tells me by the unsettlement I can feel. It has always been this way since I was a child, it has just taken me many years to admit that my body holds the greater intelligence not my mind.

  7. “This truth feels very different in quality to the ‘survival of the fittest’,” As a society we may think we have evolved, with our planes, internet High rise buildings etc, but have we really moved on – illness and disease are going through the roof. Material goods won’t ensure our survival.

  8. The currently mass produced forms of evolutionary theory don’t make much sense. What has been presented by Serge Benhayon has made total sense to me as that which I’ve applied to my life has made sense.

  9. If we break it all down to the particles we are made of they are made of the same composition as the universe. This is a fact, so therefore it makes sense to me we are from the universe and we are very much a part of the universe. So why is it we fight our grand origins?

  10. I have re-read this today and feel like I am reading it for the first time. This is a reflection to me that we see, hear things based on what we are willing to see and hear and as we evolve a deeper understanding and therefore movement in our body, so too does perspective of the world change.

  11. We can not have evolution without appreciation and intimacy as appreciation and intimacy are like twins you can not have one without the other. As you have shared Colleen, so many words have been “bastardised”! Appreciation is an inner knowing of our divine connection to our essences and intimacy is letting people in.

    1. gregbarnes888, I am just beginning to understand and appreciate the word intimacy. I have discovered that it is not about jumping into bed with someone but that first we should develop an intimate relationship with ourselves. I have been building this intimacy with myself and it feels stupendous because it means I can resource myself without being needy for attention from other people or the outside world, but feel quite content being with me. This has changed my relationships with everyone because I no longer want or need to be liked or be appreciated or to be seen, because I can feel that what I am building with myself is more than enough. So that now there is no imposition on anyone and that must feel really great for everyone I meet because that just allows them space to be themselves too. So no more playing those emotional games that I played, such a relief.

    1. For myself also LE. Knowing in my body what feels true has been and is amazing. I was so numb to that possibility for so long, not wanting to feel and always looking outside of myself for answers.

      1. sueq2012 I have always known,I know, my body has spoken to me very loudly since young. What I decided to do is to enjoin humanity in the lie we all live because of the security it gave me to be one of the crowd and not stand out in my knowing.

  12. The bastardisation of words is sad – yet, how many times have we said something and meant something else? I often catch myself not expressing something in full and using words which are not precisely the ones that should be used in this sentence. That adds a little penny to the pot of bastardisation every time, and then when lies are printed as truth, I cannot be upset because I know that somewhere down the line I am at fault as well.

  13. “From this connection with our esoteric essence, a sense of the grandness, the magnificence of Soul starts to unfold and with it an inkling that this is who we truly are.” First steps onto the wheel of evolution back to Soul.

    1. We’ve reduced the inherent grandness of us all into rubble and brick dust, even the most glamorous of us all is absolutely nothing compared to the magnificence of our soul.

  14. “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.” Yes indeed time will indeed tell what this man brought to humanity.

    1. As the saying goes, ‘truth will out’. I hope it’s sooner rather than later. Will mankind wake up or will we continue to dull and distract ourselves?

  15. Without Serge Benhayon I would not know evolution as I do now, this man is incredible.

  16. Colleen if we were taught this as part of our education we would have a far better understanding of the mess we are all living in.
    “We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul. However, a singular aspect of us separated itself from this vibration, lowering its frequency to become the etheric spirit, which in turn wilfully descended into a plane of denser vibration to indulge further in the adventure and vibration of individuality. This pursuit of individuality involved the assembling of a physical body to engage even more this thirst for a creation that stands in complete opposition to the harmonious interconnectedness and Oneness of our true Soulful origins.”
    It wasn’t until I attended the presentations and works shops of Serge Benhayon that I heard this and it makes complete sense that there is a part of us the Etheric spirit that is intent on indulging in the most gross behaviours so that it can indulge in experiencing being separate from everyone and in this separation it keeps us away from evolving back to where we originally come from.

  17. Having studied the ageless wisdom teachings for 13 years I can say that I can feel in my body how we have reduced ourselves to be exclusively Human, in some cases even animalistic, which to me is as base as we can get. We have buried and suppressed our natural multidimensional origins and live a lesser life completely dominated by our etheric spirit.

  18. We live under the impulse of cycles and can feel their repetitive nature yet I suspect we push back on that because we want to feel like we are going somewhere and achieving something. If we embraced the understanding that we are not going anywhere but returning to where we came from perhaps there would be more understanding of the cycles we live within.

    1. Yes we as a society are so focussed on doing these days – and achieving as you say, that no attention is paid to our being-ness. Understanding the repetitive nature of cycles and the fact we go round and around the sun – going nowhere, has been very profound for me – learning to feel the stillness within before I move – the in breath and out breath of God.

    2. Most of us see ourselves as arrows, moving forwards in a straight line. We see our days as a graduation from morning to night, we see our weeks as a graduation from Monday to Sunday, we see our months as going from January to December and we see our lives going from birth to death. We basically see life as a series of straight lines and it’s not, there are no straight lines in sight. We live in cycles within cycles within cycles and if we surrendered to those cycles we would be living in harmony.

    3. If we could just get off the hamster wheel of life, so that we could stop and just feel the anxiety and nervous tension we are all living with because we have lost our senses of the cycles we live within.
      As you say Lucy Dahill we are not going anywhere, except round in circles to return to the beginning again.

  19. Coleen I sat with the words
    “imposed upon”
    We have been so imposed upon since our separation from our soul and ultimately God to become un- Gods. Now we have to take those steps back to reunite to our soul so that we can go back to the stars which is where we came from originally.

  20. It changes the whole focus, direction and purpose of life when we live without ‘better’.

  21. Once upon a time we thought the world was flat. Now we know the truth. Today many still feel that evolution is about evolving from the apes. One day it will be understood to be what it truly is.

  22. True evolution is not about achieving a straight posture from having been apes previously – this is all a facade and a distraction from the true evolution we are here for which is to return to who we are and not achieve anything new. Returning to who we are is about our relationship with others, ourselves and God. This deepening is the evolution that we are constantly distracted from by the game of life and all it offers us. At the end of the day, or at the end of the month or at the end of our life we look back and ask, what have I actually invested in? Bettering my life and the technology etc? Or deepening in terms of my relationships with self and God?

    1. I agree with you Henrietta we cannot at the end of our life take any material wealth with us. What we can take is the wealth we have in our hearts which is the reconnection back to God and the universe we are all held in.

  23. I listen to Serge and straight away I am reminded of the vastness of life, how we are all connected and the fact ultimately it is about love.

  24. I agree with you Coleen that the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon have, over time, given my body a sense of settlement so that I no longer feel anxious or nervous and because of this deepening settlement and steadiness which is the complete opposite to how I had been living I know the teachings are true.

  25. I came back to this blog because there is such a wealth information to discuss, because most of us do feel the unease in our bodies and then set about trying to alleviate it in what ever way we can. The unease is there to show us that there is something that is not sitting well in our bodies and needs attention.
    The longer we try to ignore our bodies the worse it will get and no end of distraction will suffice, it’s like having a continual itch that needs scratching, eventually we have to deal with it.

  26. Serge Benhayon offers us the invitation to access the truth and beauty of life. He is a living example of what is possible when we let ourselves be touched by love. We of course can take it or leave it. The invitation is always there.

  27. I have found what you have written is true from my experience of what I have gained and understood from the presentations and workshops I have attended.
    “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.”
    Giving myself permission to live again with an open heart has been a wonderful experience as it has opened me back up to the absolute beauty of the world. I can still feel the way we are with each other and the way we live in the world is quite frankly shocking and disgusting so I withdrew from life because we are in such a mess. Now I understand why it is so important to live in a way that reflects something different then at least there is a choice to be had.

  28. We were grand to begin with and we are to go back to that beginning that was already an end – this is something the world of academia has to keep denying if it wants to hold onto its dominance in the position of power in this world – never mind it being so so reduced.

  29. Serge Benhayon and his family are the living proof that evolution is the return to Soul.

    1. So beautifully said! The Benhayon family and now many more are living the way of true evolution.

      1. And by doing so are leading the way by example and reflecting that there is a different way to the one the majority of humanity is living which is leading to illness, disease, addiction etc.

  30. As long as we keep suppressing our awareness of things we cannot stop feeling then we will have persistent tension and uneasiness.

    1. So we are always feeling. And the tension and unease comes from our behaviours that pretend we are not always feeling. There is so much madness and abuse in the world and we soldier on with our intelligence?! Our bodies show us this is wrong all the time.

      1. I agree with you Matilda our bodies are becoming so rotten through sickness and disease, surely this is the biggest sign that humanity has that the tension we are all living with is corrosive to our bodies.

    2. Well said, it will never go and therefore it is worth offering ourselves that surrender to experience living without that tension.

    3. Of course we’re going to have ‘persistent tension and unease’ because we are living a life so far removed from it’s original nature that it doesn’t actually resemble true life at all (and that’s not an exaggeration). The fact that most of us are convinced that we’re human beings living separate lives of individuality is just one example of how false our ways of living have become. We are the One United Body of God and that’s a living fact.

  31. There is Truth and Beauty in your expression Coleen. I so appreciate your contribution, confirming and inspiring.

  32. One day humanity will start to question all the lies that we have up to now willingly accepted as being the truth and see that what has been presented through Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon makes total sense and we will open our eyes to the truth. “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth”…. So true Coleen and for me this day will not come soon enough

  33. If we were to explore the true and most natural path of evolution as presented by Serge Benhayon we would have to look at how wayward we have been. We have been told that we have evolved from apes, but this is a very convenient lie to think we have moved on and have evolved. To me what Serge Benhayon presents makes sense to the crazy world we now live in, that we are here to evolve back to who we truly are and that we are so much grander and more magnificent than we have been allowed to know or accept.

  34. The Truth of Evolution has been presented to us by The Ageless Wisdom and Serge Benhayon. Some may choose to hold onto academic theories, but all I can say is that I have heard many hypotheses and I know which one feels true to me and my body.

    It’s a bit like comparing the Earth moving around the sun or the sun moving around the Earth… so entrenched were the beliefs at the time that to suggest other than the sun moving around the earth, death was a high possibility. Could it be that our beliefs about evolution are equally entrenched, albeit in the modern age questioning it may not end in the end of your life, but it may end up with personal attack and ridicule.

    1. Yes there are many examples of so called scientific theories that were generally accepted as the truth later on being completely discounted so it is wise to keep an open mind and heart about life and how it all works.

      1. Yes, and the claim we are evolving because of our technological development is absurd when we look at the state of the world – increase in illness and disease, drug abuse, widespread conflict, slavery, climate change and the list goes on.

    2. Well said, we have entrenched ideas and beliefs and mock and ridicule those who question them, but if we didn’t have people who questioned we would still think, not just the sun, but the Universe revolved around the earth.

  35. Serge Benhayon is a gift for humanity … a man who honours and respects every one of us – no matter what our choices may be; who offers wisdom, transparency, truth and inspiration to everyone he meets … and shares the absolute knowing that each one of us is equally as powerful – we are all game-changers if we so choose.

    1. Beautifully expressed Paula Steffensen Serge Benhayon is indeed a gift to humanity, he is one of the few that truly treats you as an equal in that we all have access to the everything he has access to, we are just not choosing to align and be obedient. Which just shows that there is a part of us that still desires creation.

  36. Serge Benhayon is teaching humanity about evolution not through a text book, research based or from knowledge, he teaches from living evolution himself. Every step he makes, I have observed to be about evolution, purpose and love, so when he is teaching, it comes from whole body experience not from anything outside of him but from every way he lives and his connection to the wisdom of God.

    1. Beautifully expressed chanly88 and that the livingness is a continual expansion just as the universe expands, so too we can expand with it. We are all on a wonderous journey back to the one soul.

  37. I find the Science of Evolution presented by Serge Benhayon deeply honouring of our divine essence and it feels apt that it allows me to also acknowledge the fact that we are living so far from that and the repercussions of this choice I witness in our world. Compared to this understanding of evolution of mankind, the other theories such as the survival of the fittest, or random mutations, are an insult to the stupendousness of our true essence

  38. When I hear about evolution, our origins, what makes us up as a being by the varied characteristics that Serge Benhayon presents on it always makes sense to my whole body and not just sounds good to my head. I understand people from a completely different depth than I had previously.

  39. As a child I always knew there was so much more, what Serge Benhayon presents about our evolution makes so much sense, all other versions of evolution to me just don’t add up and completely miss the mark.

  40. The world is so steeped in lies, hypotheses, reinterpretations, etc, to recognise the truth we need to see and feel it lived and embodied in another. We have been taken in by the lies because the mind alone can’t discern these, especially as it’s part of how lies are generated. It’s the whole person, connected to their inner-heart and able to discern with their whole body that makes their way out of the miasma and fog back to the pristine quality of truth. Having a reflection of someone living the truth, like Serge Benhayon does, is a way we can accelerate that return to living from the truth within ourselves.

  41. Colleen this is a great piece of writing as you explain so simply how we came to be on this plane of life and how this is not where we are meant to be. If we could grasp this concept and accept it then may be we would get out of here back to our origins. But there is a part of us that likes to indulge in what it has created and is constantly out maneuvering to stay in the comfort of what it has created even though life is being reduced to the worst kind of behaviour it just doesn’t care as long as it is in control.

  42. Evolution is typically associated with technological progress but have we really evolved? Where does exploration of space, mobile phones and ever-taller buildings help prevent the proliferation of wars, child abuse, sex trafficking, slavery etc.? We may be living longer now as a result of the pharmaceutical industry but has the quality of life improved and for all the amazing development in medicine yet illness and disease is at crisis point with no diseases having actually been cured. Surely true evolution would be the decrease, if not the elimination, of the suffering and the establishment of harmony and brotherhood among nations? There is another way and it is the Ageless Wisdom, presented by Serge Benhayon and put into practice through the lived way of The Way of The Livingness.

  43. The more I go with the flow of natural cycles – the more I feel the magic of God. For instance I never considered that there is a cycle of motion and repose that comes with the moon – teaching us to confirm or evolve.

  44. Although my head has fought it I have long known that my body lets me know what resonates with its homeostasis, its truth and my own full nature and what does not; this is what the feelings (signals) of tension or ease in my body are.

    …When we give this up and trade in what we know from the science of our own body to be told how things are by somone or something outside of us we are seriously lost…

    Its ironic that our culturally established ways of gathering information discount this very ancient and Universal wisdom that Serge presents and that so many of us feel and know to be our truth. But if we consider our deeply seeded desire for individuality we can see how we may want to avoid that which naturally returns us to a one unified understanding and way; to our oneness.

    Though I still try to over ride it I have become far more trusting and honoring of the guidance my own body (particles) provide me and having re-claimed this innate ability to discern truth from untruth/love from what is not love I continually find that my body supports me to live my life in a more and more joyful and loving way.

    1. A great observation Jo. There is much about what is presented by Serge Benhayon which is actually a support for us to build and live what every single one of us deep down craves for, yet there is something in there that can challenge so many of us. That “deeply seeded desire for individuality” is, and has been for eons, the undoing of mankind – prompting us to abandon the only way that will ever have us be truly settled. Hence the constant lack of settlement and the constant searching for more – a vicious cycle which can only ever be broken by stopping and admitting that there is something very wrong.

      1. Golnaz, I keep bumping up against this
        ‘“deeply seeded desire for individuality” is, and has been for eons, the undoing of mankind – prompting us to abandon the only way that will ever have us be truly settled.’
        I can feel just how deeply rooted it is because as you say it is something we have all invested in for life times. So we must not give ourselves a hard time when we fall back into the seeming honey pot of life as the honey pot is an entrapment that keeps us from accessing our soul and the return back to the truth of who we innately are under all the outer layers we have entrapped ourselves in.

  45. Basing one’s understanding of the purpose of life upon the three F’s is a repetition that has no expansion and therefore no evolution or true purpose. Understanding the purpose of life from the perception of The Ageless Wisdom brings a reason for the repetition of life which brings true purpose and thereby the opportunity for expansion and evolution.

  46. The truth of what you are saying here is huge.
    “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.”
    Never before in the history of this planet has so much been given to humanity, supported by the age of Aquarius a constellation that the earth moved into back in the year 2000. As a race of human-beings we have seemingly forgotten that the very cells of our body are made up of the matter of the universe we could say we are the grandness that is the universe. But by the way we behave towards each other and the appalling way we treat this planet it is very obvious we have lost all sense of the grandness we come from. It seems to me that humanity needs people such as Serge Benhayon to remind us of the fact that we have stopped evolving this we witness daily by the brutality we allow at all levels of our society.

  47. When truth is presented, you can feel it resonate in your body, and how there is a settling – a deep knowing that you already knew all that was presented… and as always it is our choice what we do with it.

  48. The ancient wisdom shared by Serge Benhayon offers us the truth and beauty of evolution and changes everything and the world also.

  49. I agree with what you say
    “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.”
    We see before us a man called Serge Benhayon as a human-being and that for many is all they want to see. But the fact is that the energy that makes up the body of the man is a divine being and has for countless ages reflected back to humanity that we do not belong on this planet called earth our origins are from the stars. One day the penny will drop for many this process is already happening and we will look back on the many lives of this divine being and finally appreciate everything that he has taught us.

  50. “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.” – never a truer word spoken.

  51. Agreed Doug, what if we are but just starting the true evolution? I was always confused on what that word actually meant – but when I bring it back to my body everything makes sense.

  52. The degree of evolution I have personally gone through in 12 years is astounding and far out weighs all previous attempts to address my issues. What Serge Benhayon offers us is not a remedy or solution to an ill, but an entirely new understanding of the whole and complete people we innately are.

  53. I find the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are unlike the standard way we learn things when we think we can get the definitive definition of something and that means we have cracked that topic. It could be about evolution or any other topic. The more I study with Serge Benhayon, and in fact even when I re-read the same book or passage, the greater the space and opportunity to go deeper and connect to a relationship and understanding as yet unexplored, patiently waiting and never ever imposing.

  54. Evolution as part of our purpose in our everyday choices in life is very beautiful and brings a whole new way of living the love we are in our expression joyfully.

  55. We are not of this world, a truth that has been extremely evident for me since my late teens. Since Serge Benhayon re-ignited the Ageless Wisdom teachings, many more truths are being brought to light, ones that as we circle around the Sun on our endless orbit going no-where, we will have many eons to ponder on and at some point make into our living truth too.

  56. Evolution used to be an intellectual term. Now I understand in full that I can bring it back to the evolution of my body and my choice to constantly expand and align with something greater.

  57. Evolution, as presented by Serge Benhayon, puts the world upside down really. To know our future is truly our past – that which we come from – that we are returning to – changes our approach to the process itself. itself.

  58. My body has always spoken very clearly to me, however in my waywardness I did not take any notice and was very abusive towards myself. Thanks to the presentations and workshops of Sere Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have made friends with me and now listen to what my body shows me and the more I listen the more I’m shown it is actually quite magical it’s like having a very wise and loving elder as a guide.

  59. The truth and beauty of Evolution presented to us and lived by Serge Benhayon offers us the way forward for all humanity and how amazing it is to have him with us now on earth with all that is going on reflecting another way with a humbleness joy and the reality of true love.

  60. I had a lesson in life recently that showed me clearly that what Serge Benhayon presents is the truth. That everything is energy and all is because of energy, that there are only 2 types of energy on this planet of ours which are passing through us constantly. We cannot stop this process its a fact of life, we have a choice to decide which one we choose to use to move our bodies and it is by the choice that our actions are known.
    Most of us are totally ignorant of this choice or that it is actually energy that moves us. There are many people that don’t want to know and want to live in the ignorance and that’s okay, there are also many people that want to know because they feel within their bodies that something doesn’t feel right and this is okay too. What we don’t have in this world is the ability to live and let live despite our modern surroundings, we still live in the dark ages of suspicion, fear and deep prejudice.

  61. when I heard Serge Benhayon talking about the truth of Evolution it was a massive aha moment, every part of me knew it was true and that everything we had learnt so far had been a lie.

    1. For many of us things going constantly wrong is comfort, as is drama, as are dilemmas, as is procrastination, as is stagnation, as is turmoil. Comfort can and is for many of us extreme discomfort and when things start to go well we freak out.

      1. Alexis I can relate to what you are saying completely, I have been so used to living in the misery of life that when I finally pull myself out of the misery, I can go straight back into it again because it feels more comfortable than living in the joy of life. This is how we have been conditioned in life from young or even from past lives that this is our lot, that life has to be a struggle. Actually it doesn’t have to be a struggle, life can also be very beautiful, perhaps it comes down to what do we put more focus to, the negativity of life or the positivity of life. Living in the joy of life can from my experience take a bit of getting used to but it is something we all deserve, it is our birthright, we are not here to suffer.

      2. That suffering is necessary is a widely held belief, especially within the church. There are so many figures of Jesus in pain, looking mournful on the cross that we are made to feel guilty for even considering that life could be joyful but the whole thing’s engineered in that way to keep us in that sorrowful way of being. It’s set up by The Astal forces.

  62. Why do we reject truth when it stands before us? Defence of our choices, arrogance, a belief that we have to work things out on our own as individuals? Throughout history we have done this, scorning and rejecting those that offer a reflection of truth. This is a deep set human ignorance.

    1. Bringing an understanding that we are born into a preset model of life certainly supports us to understand the entrapment of life. Also coming to the understanding that there are people who actively support this model of life because they get something from it. We are seeing this act out currently where the old guard are defending their right to control and subjugate others to their way. They are like parasites that gorge themselves off of those they subjugate to their will. Of course they will defend this, they will defend their way because they have so much to lose. They have become the untouchables, we could say they have sold their souls to become untouchable. So it stands to reason that they will totally reject the reflection of truth. This is the deep set ignorance you are referring to Matilda.

  63. “Furthermore, nature is known to be the blessing of Divine Creation offered by God, our Father. The Science of Symbolism, another aspect of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, indicates how the whole of nature offers us a reflection of who we are and of the constant presence and Love of our Father.” so beautifully expressed Coleen. The Magic of God.

  64. Whatever happens to us, we can let it be a catalyst to evolve. It’s what we are naturally designed to do – yet so often we conduct an extreme war against the very things that are there to help.

  65. We have made human life so much about function and have become so Busy with that that we apparently do have no time anymore to connect with the universal cycles we are under and to surrender ourselves to these. As surrendering to these cycles will give/bring us the healing we all are desperately looking for, the healing of the hurt that we have walked away from God.

    1. So very true Nico we have made human life about function and busyness. Busy filling our days up with new ‘to do lists’ so much so we have created a ‘function mode’ that we resort to as the way to get through each passing day. We are ‘Human Beings’ living as Humans doing hence our not being able to surrender and connect to the Universal Cycles within and around us.

      1. We only have to recognize that it is a chosen behaviour, or better said an addiction to the business of life, that makes ut to have ‘no time’ to reconnect to that stillness within, the stillness that is our sacredly held origin we are from and are returning to.

  66. It is this thirst for creation that keeps us trapped in the endless cycle of death and birth until we choose otherwise and let this thirst for creation go.

  67. I can totally understand your dismay if not dispair at this impoverished and abject version of evolution that reduces humans to the three F’s and nature to some ferocious and bloody entity. Nothing could be further from the truth but reductionism has a wee bit longer to go yet before more people wake up to the fact that they have always known it to be otherwise and openly state it so.

  68. “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.” Absolutely Coleen Serge Benhayon will in no doubt go down as one of the wisest, incredible philosophist of our time.

  69. There are many people who firmly believe in the current theories of evolution, and these need to be respected. Everyone is entitled to believe what they will. And there can be many arguments about what is truth. But the reality is that this is how war, and especially religious wars, begin. With one side stating a fact that another does not agree with. So, I feel that we must always be gentle in our approach to some of the bigger subjects and even to the smallest ones, with everyone having their own opinions and views, based on what has been experienced along with a respect for each other that gives the space to hold what one believes in with out fear of recrimination.

  70. A family member recently shared ‘The Listeners’ – By Walter de la Mare
    And to me it summed up our current situation where a man has knocked on the door of a house in the dead of night. The house to me represents humanity the man asks is there anybody there? Humanity has heard the knocking at the door and did not answer only the stillness was heard. The man knocked louder and said
    ‘Tell them I came, and no one answered, that I kept my word, never the least stir made the listeners, Though every word he spake fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house from the one man left awake:’
    To me this sums up Serge Benhayon He has knocked on the door of humanity to bring a message … a practical way to live life out of the shadows to walk in the sun light. And no one is listening although we have all heard. It seems that once again humanity is not ready to walk out into the sunshine but content to live in the grey shadows.

  71. “Serge Benhayon is such a man. He lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul and offers all the same path through how he lives and through the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings he offers worldwide.” So true Coleen. Having just had am amazing weekend where Serge presented so deeply. He practises and lives what he presents, unlike so many other ‘spiritual’ teachers, whose courses I have attended over the years. I have never met a man like him.

  72. The truth and beauty of our evolution is offered to us with so much love and understanding by Serge Benhayon its is an absolute joy to listen to and resonates in our hearts expansively with an aliveness in our body that activates who we really are.

  73. Reducing people to the three Fs just allows people to not even consider what is true evolution. It makes anything beyond that an achievement where we can rest on our laurals. What if we are so much more than this and we’re just playing at the shallow end of the pool when really we don’t belong in the pool at all.

  74. How shocking it would be for the majority of humanity to have a mechanical ‘frequency meter’ available for feedback of the level of vibration on a daily basis. It would certainly be exposing of just how far we have gone off the scale – not in evolution, but in individualism and separation from our true essence. The teachings offered by Serge Benhayon bring the opportunity to re-connect to our innermost frequency/ vibrational readings.
    “We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul. However, a singular aspect of us separated itself from this vibration, lowering its frequency to become the etheric spirit, which in turn wilfully descended into a plane of denser vibration to indulge further in the adventure and vibration of individuality.”

    1. While we think we are smart and very intelligent, up to now we do not have ‘invented’ such a frequency meter. Possibly we are avoiding it.

  75. Mankind has for a long time been playing the game of “how far can I stray without any consequences which I can not manage?”. And of course being the gods that we are, we will keep finding short term ways of managing and making things look good when we decide to do so.
    Hurrah or should it be a Whoops? …. since instead of busying ourselves with this ‘game of creating issues and finding solutions’, we could be aligning to the magnificence of a Universe which we are a part of, and in the same way be constantly deepening, expanding and increasing in our splendour.

    1. Beautifully expressed Golnaz. We have wasted so much time and many lives – and look where humanity has come to? Not a pretty sight. Time to align to our Soul

    2. We keep digging holes which we then promptly fill in, with much pride, arrogance and lots of back-slapping all around. Sheer madness, is it not?

      1. Completely mad, and with no other point than to make ourselves feel something/important/good in a world that by and large misses the equality, intimacy and truth.

    3. Well said Golnaz, all we have to do is align to the order of the universe and it will show us how to evolve back to God. We resist and fight like a child in a tantrum while God is lovingly watching and forever beside us to hold us in absolute love.

  76. The beauty and gift Serge Benhayon is offering to the world again with the ancient wisdom is everything and nothing less than what we know inside us all and and who we are making sense of and bringing a contentment understanding and purpose to our lives with the evolution as our way.

  77. I am learning to feel how my body is my best friend, the more I surrender and listen to this friend the more confident I feel in life.

  78. Anything gained by the individual is ultimately empty of the real joy that can be experienced when we surrender to co-creation. Nothing is more rewarding than working together with a one unified purpose to achieve something that benefits everyone rather than glorifying just one person.

  79. Through an ongoing study of the Ageless Wisdom with Serge Benhayon, my relationship with evolution, as well as many other concepts that are fundamental to an understanding of our human life, is forever deepening.

  80. There is so much more to us and the world than what the naked eye can see. When we allow ourselves to see and feel all that is really there to be seen and felt, then true evolution is not about functioning better in our current world, but instead about living what we know to be true in our fullness.

  81. In every presentation by Serge Benhayon on Evolution that I have attended, he has always been able to talk about it in very clear and simple ways, that are so easy to understand.

  82. Evolution was also a scientific term thrown around to describe man from ape. Serge Benhyaon has presented this in a totally different way that actually applies to my every movement. It allows me to see my responsibility with evolution.

    1. I love how the Ageless Wisdom tends to bring understanding to and make precisely applicable in daily life many concepts that we have twisted and made abstract over the ages.

  83. I love how powerful life can be when we live in this way – “we become our own true scientists and study ourselves from within, observing the outplay in the external world through how we are in life”. It’s like instead of being at the mercy of life, we become fully part of it.

  84. As human reaches further and further out in desperation to improve an unsustainable existence Serge Benhayon offers us the move inward, to True Evolution with Soul.

  85. And we know about evolution and our purpose here on earth from the get go. Our bodies respond to the truth of it – which is very apparent in children – and then for any number of excuses we get adept at ignoring our bodies and wander astray.

  86. This is a gorgeous reminder of living in a natural way that honours these rhythms and cycles; ‘The cycles of sleep, of motion and repose, of the seasons, the cycles of women, of the Moon, of the annual perambulation of the Sun, the celestial cycles of zodiacal constellations.’

  87. This is beautiful; ‘On our path of return to Soul we work with these cycles, understanding the evolutionary blessing they confer and the fact of our interdependence with them.’ Reading this makes me realise that we used to live much closer to these natural cycles and how much healthier we were as a society when we did.

  88. In my late twenties I was very fit and healthy, but I lived from my mind and reduced everything down to pure function. I read “The selfish gene” and it appealed to my logical reductionist spirit driven mind. I was almost finished the book when I was hospitalised with an unexplained heart condition. The cardiologist could not explain how such a strong heart was failing. I recovered very quickly within a few days I was active like nothing happened. Looking back now I feel like the lovelessness of the mind that I was aligning to was so abhorrent to my Loving soul-full heart that it gave me a very clear message to choose to live from my heart not my mind.

    1. Bernard you show how powerful the body is and can expose the loveless mind by offering you an unexplained heart condition. Without the teachings of Universal Medicine I wonder if you would have been able to connect the two, rather than dismiss what happened and an unexplained heart condition. I so look forward to the day when conventional and Universal Medicine come together and support us all to have a much better understanding of illness and disease and the truth and purpose of what lays behind each and every health issue.

  89. Thank you Coleen for putting framing evolution in its true context.
    When someone espouses that evolution is about the survival of the fittest this is a great example of the human spirit ignoring its divine origins and glorifying its own creation; dense physical form copied from animals. There is no heart or soul in this mind driven reduced and arrogant spirit justification of itself. If you watch the animals closely there is adherence to rhythm and even the tooth and claw has a harmony and grace. The human spirit cares not for other humans, the planet we live on, or even its own physical body; No animal does anything that is self-abusive unlike the human spirit who identifies with their own self-abuse just to stop from feeling the divinity of the soul. We as human beings are in the middle choosing moment by moment to listen to either our spirit, or our soul. Serge Benhayon is the best example we have of the magnificence available when we choose to come from the soul. We all have an equal choice.

    1. Ironic that we deny our grandness when we choose theories that liken humanity to animals. And then we ignore the fact that we have dropped the bar even below that because yes “If you watch the animals closely there is adherence to rhythm and even the tooth and claw has a harmony and grace”. This actually proves that we are NOT the same as animals, but we do have an aspect of us which is clearly quite wayward and has no qualms in destroying, our environment, our bodies and our lives. The spirit has run amok long enough. Yes it is time we paid attention to Soul-led examples such as Serge Benhayon and remembered that we do have an equal choice.

  90. It is quite sad that we have been in a place where we have to search ‘far and wide for the truth of our origins and the truth of our purpose on earth.’ and do not just readily know and live this. Thank Absolute Goodness for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that is what I say.

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more Vicky. So many of us have given up in this area so much that it has become quite normal to consider it as just wishful thinking that there could be more than the drudgery of a physical life. It is a breath of fresh air not only to start talking about it but to also have the reflection and support that enables you to keep expanding your understanding and relationship with all aspects of life.

  91. It is amazing to think of how much nature and the universe communicates with us constantly and how supported we are by the difference cycles of life that exist and yet we refuse to see or admit their existence. In my experience there is definitely a part of us that is anti-evolutionary and anti-universal.

  92. Just hearing we are sparks of one great Soul makes me feel free. Evolution as we are just functional slaves to survival is so constrictive.

    1. I agree just reading your comment and reading ‘Sparks of one great Soul’ made my being and body go, Yes, now you are talking. We don’t for the majority currently speak like this. I guess though it is not just the language but also actually knowing/feeling this is the truth within our bodies and living it as that is where it really counts.

    2. Yes Karin, I appreciate your powerful statement, it is something I can very much relate to!

      I have always felt a deep settlement in me when I have allowed myself to consider the possibility that we are from a Devine oneness, when I have allowed myself to really feel this connection I know that this is where we belong and will return to.

  93. ‘Our evolution back to Soul is supported at every turn by aligning with natural cycles; cycles that we have always lived under but have refused to acknowledge and cooperate with in order to maintain our fallen state.’ – In fact, everything in society is becoming more and more set up to ignore our cycles. E.g. not that long ago we knew the importance of honouring the day/night cycle however today we are hooked in by entertainment around the clock and have learnt to dismiss our body’s natural rhythm and the signals it constantly offers us.

  94. If I was to fully embrace even one of the teachings of Serge Benhayon, I know that my life would be transformed to an even grander level of love, awareness and joy. The problem is that we resist such responsibility, but also accepting that we are deserving of this grandness.

    1. When we discuss ‘evolution’ how convenient that we make it about something that happens as an abstract, quite unrelated to the choices we ourselves are actually making in life. Yet if we understand evolution to be very much about returning to a stupendous grandness that right now we find hard to even imagine, it becomes difficult to miss the deep significance of what you have shared in your comment.

  95. We are so invested in the short term, because it gives us the supposed get out that we do not need to be responsible. It makes absolute sense that we are connected to a bigger movement within the universe and that we are returning to soul.

    1. I agree, it makes sense when we are willing to swallow our pride and look at the choices we have all made to bring humanity to such state, with absolute honesty.

  96. It’s the evolution of consciousness that is at the forefront of many people’s thinking these days and it is this that Serge Benhayon addresses so thoroughly. His second book ‘A Treatise on Consciousness’ is particularly interesting in this regard.

  97. The equality between us all due to the core of our essence is undeniable once that essence is connected to.

  98. “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.” A deeply powerful and amazing sharing of the truth of the world and all of us in our evolution and learnings with the universe and its cycles as our guide.

  99. You mention here how our evolution with soul is aligned to natural cycles – and this is so true – yes we may be aware of cycles – tides, seasons, day and night – but to truly embody these cycles and know that they offer us so much is profound.

  100. I’ve always known it was important to grow and learn, and now I understand why. There is an innate desire to evolve, in the true meaning of that word, and in my humble description, to connect and understand further who I am and what the purpose of my life is.

    1. Yes, Heather, I can relate to what you are sharing here. It is natural for us feel the impulse to evolve, as we innately know that we are so much more than what we have accepted as the norm in society.

  101. Coleen, you show so clearly and so simply the true path of evolution, one that is not taught anywhere else other than through Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. As you have shown with the 3 ‘F’s we know deep within that something is not true but there is no one else bringing us the truth that resounds in every cell of our body other than Serge Benhayon. To know that nature plays a huge part in offering an opportunity to return to Soul and that we have a wayward spirt that does not want to return to the Oneness we are all from because it enjoys creation and its individual separateness, is something that we need to be willing to talk more about because it makes sense of our world that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

  102. “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.” Love this opening line I could feel the depth of what Serge Benhayon is here to bring, to restore truth and a way of living that we have all chosen to move so far away from.

  103. I know what Serge Benhayon presents is the truth of who we truly are, I know this because I can feel it in my body. It feels as though our bodies respond to a vibration of sound and we can either respond or deny this vibration it’s as simple as that.

  104. We are just so very attached to our individuality but when we can see and fully understand this and know how great it will be when we can live for the all, true evolution will take place and at last we can move on to fulfil what we were actually created for.

  105. “The truth and beauty of evolution” … it is a beautiful process to view life as evolutionary – it brings truth, true purpose and responsibility to every part of our lives… and with this comes a love, harmony and vitality that is a joy to live every moment of every day.

    1. It is beautiful, its depth, simplicity and humbleness is divine and exquisite in it proportions. Everyday life has a meaning that unfolds and deepens our experience of life and the universe.

  106. ‘We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul. However, a singular aspect of us separated itself from this vibration, lowering its frequency to become the etheric spirit, which in turn wilfully descended into a plane of denser vibration to indulge further in the adventure and vibration of individuality. This pursuit of individuality involved the assembling of a physical body to engage even more this thirst for a creation that stands in complete opposition to the harmonious interconnectedness and Oneness of our true Soulful origins.’

    Ok so I know I’ve just quoted a huge whole paragraph but this one paragraph exposed just how reduced we’ve made evolution when we purport it to be about survival and apes to man. I’ll be honest, I struggled with this when it was first presented. I didn’t want to feel the truth in my body but even then I had to ask myself is it any more different as a theory to the ape to man scenario – no. As far as I knew both were theories – sure skeletons of various humans have been found but it was only theory that linked them.

    What I have come to know is that I can feel my spirit inside of me so I know that’s true, as is my Soul when I am connected. I also know the ape to man theory, when I hear it I feel depressed because it’s denying who I am. I also witness every day and in myself the harm of individualism, but I also get to feel the smile of a stranger that lights up my world and shows me we are all connected. I get to feel the wisdom of my body and also my spirit’s attempts to sabotage my obedience to this inner knowing. There is nothing in the ape to man theory that I have ever felt to be true though I get how it has been pieced together as a theory.

  107. The way we reduce everything down to concepts to fit into some man-made-up theory is how our education system works on today. The fact that we are all made of energy and the science of energetic truth is totally missed and dissed. Thank you Serge Benhayon for shining the very much needed light on this truth.

  108. It doesn’t matter what religion you follow what nation you are born in, what language you speak or the colour of your skin ~ the real question remains for us all, have we chosen to evolve? It’s this that determines true success in this life.

    1. So true Joseph, are we choosing to live who we truly are or are we living to what what society proposes is a successful and happy life?

  109. ‘We all silently swallowed up what was delivered and passed our exams, left university and ventured into the world under the influence of what we had learned.’ – You are describing the reality of how it was/is for so many of us, the influence of what we learnt during our studies continually affects the way we see life and how we choose to deal with it, unless we make a conscious stop and start to question it all.

  110. There is so much beauty in life when the commitment to evolution in our relationships and daily choices is consistent. Serge Benhayon and his family live a beautiful and joyful life of love and purpose, and it is the most inspiring reflection for humanity.

    1. Absolutely Janet… every one of the Benhayon family is a true role model and inspiration for us all.

  111. “Serge Benhayon is such a man. He lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul and offers all the same path through how he lives and through the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings he offers worldwide” – made possible because he walks, breathes and lives the truth he is a son of God.

  112. ‘This truth feels very different in quality to the ‘survival of the fittest’, or the three F’s.’ but so known by us already. When we connect back to our essence the truth we feel is all that we truly are and so it is deeply known.

  113. There is much about evolution that we haven’t wanted to know, truly it can be a challenge. It makes sense then, why we have led ourselves up the garden path with all kinds of theories that have distracted us from the truth. The more we distract ourselves the longer we hold back our evolution. There is much to learn about the soul and our soul purpose and all I can say is thank goodness Serge has presented what this is. I know truth when I hear it even if I find it a challenge, at times, to listen to.

  114. Life is to choose how the three Fs feeding, fighting and ´reproduction´ relate to settlement or unsettlement. What do we feed? What do we fight? What do we choose to reproduce?

  115. Everything Serge Benhayon presents is about Truth … some are ready to hear it and some are not.

    1. I completely agree, what Serge presents makes so much sense and it is absolute, but some are definitely not ready for it and I wonder how long it will be before everyone catches up to what is needed for our evolution.

    2. And since those who are not yet ready to hear truth are screaming very loud in resistance, the media and the masses are running with them.

  116. ‘my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.’ – I absolutely concur to this statement as my body responded exactly the same way, it tells me we all deep down know truth when it is felt, question is, are we willing to honour it?

    1. Likewise, that settlement and ease that I feel in my body when I hear what is being presented and when I make choices in my life that are loving and supportive of me, confirm 100% the truth that is presented by Serge and the Hierarchy.

  117. When things get distorted and twisted it becomes hard to discern their true nature. This is what has occurred to what we call ‘life’ to the extent that when Serge Benhayon comes along and presents the truth it seems strange and at odds with all that we think we know.

  118. Evolution is normally presented as a very physical, functional, ‘survival of the fittest’ approach. But what if as is the case with all of life, evolution has an energetic foundation. When I look at the dark patches in history like the atrocities of WW2 and the dark ages when the Catholic church ruled with an iron fist, you can see that there is an energy that we in humanity allow, by not saying no in the early stages and instead aligning to it to be ‘safe’ or be on the more forceful side.

  119. Truth is something many of us don’t want to hear, however, we all know truth when it is presented because we feel it in our bodies – our bodies innately know and respond to truth.

    1. When we have nothing to lose, nothing left that makes sense in the world then we want the truth. What if we didn’t need to go through all of this before we choose to embrace the truth?

  120. It may take us some time, as a humanity, to accept the presentations of Serge Benhayon as the Truth. We are so steeped in Creation, in life as we know it, that we do not want to let go that easily. Life is becoming much more intense and there are a lot more ‘natural’ disasters too. There appears to be more widespread illness and disease not only in our bodies but in organisations and systems that are running the show. A lot of us don’t want to see this let alone deal with it. Some people are waking up and Serge Benhayon is supporting this process. It may take till long past his lifetime that he will be recognised for the great man, the Great Light and Love in the world that he is.

  121. I don’t feel that we appreciate just how sensitive our bodies are and that it cannot feel the truth which resides in all of us if we fill it up with anything that over stimulates it. And as we continually over stimulate our bodies then it does not take a scientist to understand that our bodies are breaking down because of how we use food and drink to over stimulate it. If you put the wrong petrol into a car the engine gets damaged and doesn’t work. For me it’s the same with us if we fill our bodies with the wrong food and drink the body doesn’t work, and it certainly has no chance of feeling any truth.

    1. And therefore we are in a cycle – we dull our body so it cannot react to all it feels and yet we cannot know how to deal with all we feel till we actually let ourselves feel it!

  122. We can not argue with the fact that we feel tension and unease nearly constantly if we are to be really honest about it. Understanding why we are here, in the way that we are here- with a spirit and a soul- Explains so much of why we live in the misery and tension that we do. We are part of a greater all and togetherness that we miss deeply. Most of our problems come when we have only thought about ourselves and how we benefit. When I am willing to admit that I have been operating in a very self seeking way and forgotten where we are from- our soul essence- then I can understand the misery from the choices I have made. How amazing to have these understandings.

    1. And what is more, if we are honest, no one had this level of understanding or clarity until they met Serge Benhayon and listened to the presentations or attended the workshops. Serge Benhayon has brought through the greatest gift to humanity; teachings that have the potential to wake us all up from the deep sleep we have all fallen into.

  123. I couldn’t agree more, Coleen, that Serge Benhayon is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world, bringing truth to the fore no matter what the consequences.

  124. I find it really helpful and confirming when you talk about how your body feels; ‘This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.’ It makes me realise that my body also clearly responds to what feels true and loving and what does not.

  125. Evolution is simple. It is the return to Soul. Serge Benhayon lives it, as does his family, and as can anyone who chooses the same.

  126. The way you describe how human existence and condition is taught at uni is very disquieting – it certainly let me feel that if that approach is all that’s forthcoming it therefore affects our beliefs and thus the way we are with one another. Is there not then a huge case for ensuring what is taught about our very nature is the whole truth, in every aspect, that we get to know our full dimension and purpose as human beings living together.

    1. Yes, very sad because if you are taught to reduce who we are to pass an exam, then that is what is deemed most acceptable. To consider the human existence to be greater than that then challenges the accepted norm and creates a sense of danger for the practitioner. Yet how can they then work with clients who are thinking outside this societal box about being at ease in their bodies? There is so much we do not know, perhaps we need to allow space for the ‘I wonder why’ approach.

  127. “Our evolution back to Soul is supported at every turn by aligning with natural cycles; cycles that we have always lived under but have refused to acknowledge and cooperate with in order to maintain our fallen state.” This is the rather stark reality of the choices we have made up to this point, that highlights how much we have ignored the natural cycles of the planet, to our detriment.

    1. “refused to acknowledge and cooperate” such is the ignorance and arrogance to gently bring back to order.

  128. Serge Benhayon presents the multi-dimensionality of life which brings a deeper understanding and responsibility as to why we are all here and what our true purpose in life is… and this is a gift that is pure gold.

  129. When we understand and view life as evolutionary, there is a responsibility that naturally comes with this. To view life as ‘survival of the fittest’ allows complete irresponsibility.

  130. The irony is that the more seriously we take ourselves and our drive to improve ourself and our life and the more we focus on fitting the pictures of what is considered ‘success’, the more ingrained we are in that “cycle of going round and around”. And it is only when we start to take the steps to returning to living according to our true essence, do we start seeing the difference.

  131. When I was young none of the evolutionary theories made sense to me, it even the religious ones. It was more then a feeling it was about logic and common sense to me. When I met Serge Benhayon and heard how he spoke of what evolution is not only did it resonate deep within me but it was the first time things actually made sense to me.

  132. ‘Hence, one aspect of our evolution is to express honestly this unease and then to begin to resurrect ourselves out of our self-created mess and to begin our path back to our origins – our Soul or our divine essence’. The power of honesty should not be underestimated in how much we are able to feel the truth of what we ourselves have created, from this space it becomes easier to make those necessary changes that we already felt to make, but did not listen. Being honest is how we rekindle the communication with our intelligent bodies.

  133. Yes I agree it is an uneasiness that make you think you might lose out or miss something rather than see that it is the separation that is actually causing and aggravating the unease.

  134. We actually have it so much easier because Serge Benhayon has shown that what he lives is so entirely logical. We have a visual example that can also be felt so strongly in the body. He did not have that reflection. He trusted what he felt from his body. My sense is that we also need to remember that connection and relationship otherwise we could well be followers rather than living it in our own truth.

  135. If the theory of the survival of the fittest were true surely as a species we would have evolved to be preservative of life, i.e. caring, loving and supportive of ourselves and others, rather than the reverse?

  136. In pretty much every area of life we have turned the natural state of the universe which is deepening and expanding into a reduced, goal driven, linear way of looking at life. Our concept of evolution is no different. The Ageless Wisdom teachings have so much to offer, not because of the information that is offered, but because of the space that is opened up for us to reconnect to the depth of awareness and expansion that is in line with our true nature.

  137. Thank you for reminding us of the evil of reductionism, as most of us are all stuck in this way of being, not seeing the wood for the trees, when we can have it all but continue to go round in circles not wanting to see the truth.

    1. Yes, to be honest it hadn’t occurred to me which is incredibly naive and a choice to not see what there is to be seen. When you start to see there is an element of shock that people would do that and shame that you fell for it. Therefore a choice of how to deal with it… truth or denial.

  138. I like what you say about us systematically unpicking all our investments in creation as it is a process that is straightforward and possible. I love it when I see clearly an investment because then I can let it go.

  139. It is only the human spirit that tries us to make us believe that we have to improve ourselves and our societies and that this improvement will bring us salvation. However, when we return to Soul we will discover that we already are everything.

  140. It is not nature that is ‘red in tooth and claw’ but it is our wayward spirit that loves to hang on to this principle and to practice it as in doing so it keeps us distracted away from who we truly are and from our path of return.

  141. The ‘survival of the fittest’, or the three F’s we use to distract us from the fact we are from soul to which we have to return and to the fact that we do not belong to this earth but are brought here to support us in our way back.

  142. So true Coleen… “our investments in creation and in individuality” have created the worldwide mess we currently find ourselves in.

  143. If we base our evolution on the three F’s, then we are choosing to live in a lower vibration that leads to emptiness, loveless (animalistic) behaviours, our choices would lack purpose and it would keep us in separation, the opposite of our true evolution. No coincident when we choose to fight our natural pull to truly evolve, the spirit creates the opposite of the truth and if we fall for this false path we end up very lost. This is where a majority of our population are at on a global scale.

  144. Where is the magnificence of our soul and our connection to the divine in ‘survival of the fittest’? Is everything just random, or is there a rich magic to be read as the Universe interacts with us and our vibration. Are we just flesh and blood, the mechanics of our body… or is there a divine spark inside each and every one?

    1. It makes me laugh that even the fact that we can postulate that we are ‘just flesh and blood’, and can hypothesize ‘the survival of the fittest’, in itself is proof enough that we are far more!

      1. And also proof how far removed we have become from our soul, from Universal order and the divine plan.

    2. In our hearts we know everything isn’t just random… there is too much magic in life that touches all of us at some point in our lives to dismiss it as just coincidence. Just because we cant explain things doesn’t mean they can be labelled random.

  145. ‘From this connection with our esoteric essence, a sense of the grandness, the magnificence of Soul starts to unfold and with it an inkling that this is who we truly are. This feels like who we are as a humanity.’ – A one unifying truth that we all deep down know but so many of us stubbornly deny or resist.

  146. “The disquiet within me remained and I searched far and wide for the truth of our origins and the truth of our purpose on earth.” It seems to me that this “disquiet” is becoming louder and louder in more and more of us…some, like yourself and many others, feel the tension and investigate…others feel it but choose to try to dull it or deny it – could this be why almost every single shop that closes down on any hight street in the UK then re-opens as either a food or coffee shop (or, normally both)?

    1. You basically described life in a nutshell Otto, we all feel the unease and we either search for truth or get immersed in the myriad of ‘medications’ such as food distraction entertainment spirituality knowledge and sports to name but a few.

  147. Life without a focus on evolution of our quality of being is so flat and one dimensional it takes some conviction because we are surrounded by miracles!

  148. Serge Benhayon reminds us that we are part of the one great Soul, exposing the many diversions we plod down in an attempt to retain a sense of individuality in order to delay our return to grandness and unity.

  149. This is so true, that the presentetly touted version of evolution reduces us to sub-human traits and origins; it must suit us though, having swallowed it hook, line and and sinker?

  150. The multi-dimensional understanding of life that Serge Benhayon offers is truly enriching and supportive of our evolution for all.

  151. That we are all on our way back to our Soul (and each of us at our own point in that evolution) is joyful.

  152. “This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.” Our bodies know truth… it is our choice to honour this and be guided by it – or not. Our minds can make up all sorts of excuses not to follow this inner knowing but at the end of the day, our bodies show us the consequences of our choices.

  153. It makes sense that we have a duality like you described with our spirit and soul going on that makes us make the choices we make. Otherwise it does not make sense if we follow the current evolution theories, because if we would have come from the animals why are we ignoring our bodies intelligence? Why don’t we know when a tsunami strikes whilst a cow does? And survival of the fittest also doesn’t make sense as we would be the most ill species in this world.

  154. I always desperately wanted to know the truth but over time gave up that there was anyone or anything on this planet that could support me to get there. I simply accepted that we weren’t meant to know, but when I met Serge Benhayon, not only did I learn the truth I discovered that I had known it all along for when he expressed it, my body confirmed it. Simple.

  155. It is no surprise that the ‘survival of the fittest’ theory of evolution has been predominant rather than the expansive and inclusive return to brotherhood that charts our true way home.

    1. Yes, the survival of the fittest theory is all about self with no responsibility, whereas our “return to brotherhood that charts our true way home” is about us all and our responsibility to truth, to ourselves and each other.

    2. Yes, keep us believing we are animalistic rather than the true multidimensional beings we are.

    3. We would only align with this theory when we want to reduce ourselves and align with the animalistic behaviours which causes us much harm. It is a path of irresponsibility and a sign that we are denying our multidimensionality to avoid true evolution.

  156. ‘Serge Benhayon is such a man. He lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul and offers all the same path through how he lives and through the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings he offers worldwide.’ Yes and this offer that Serge lives for us is nothing more than we can all do… a point of inspiration and responsibility that is our equalness.

  157. Serge Benhayon… “… lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul and offers all the same path through how he lives and through the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings he offers worldwide.” Such a true inspiration and gift for us all.

  158. I love that we are here to evolve… it makes so much sense of life here on planet earth.

  159. Coleen, I appreciate the simple way you have explained how we are energetic beings first and from these sparks descended into being individuals by reducing our vibration. And that there is a willful aspect to us that wants to indulge in the life we then made for ourselves. This explains to me the feeling of unease in my body that something didn’t feel quite right about our current way of living. I tried all sorts of things to try and quell the state of unease or anxiety in my body. It was some years after meeting Serge Benhayon having attended the presentations and workshops that the anxiety levels in my body dropped and I felt I could at last sleep at night without waking up at the slightest sound. It was a well known fact in my family that I could hear a pin drop in the house while asleep and it would wake me up. But really I was so anxious that I could not relax and let go of the tension in my body to fall deeply asleep and so would wake up the next day just as tired as when I went to bed.

  160. Yes there is so much of an owning aspect when it comes to the version of science we have now. I say version because we have yet to see the face of true science where there is an openness to what is yet to be discovered, free of control or wanting the outcome to look a certain way.

  161. Serge Benhayon is an amazing reflection and role model of how to live and express truth and how to evolve back to our grandness and divine origins, our soul.

  162. Yes the dual nature of spirit soul is clearly evident in our choices and the difference can be clearly felt. Spirit keeps us in ‘lack of’, and anti-evolving, whereas there is abundance of love and everything we need when aligned to soul.

    1. It’s true, Jacqueline, the difference between spirit and soul is key to us understanding ourselves and what prevents us from evolving back to the grandness of our true nature.

  163. It’s seems we are endlessly searching for beauty in life but end up with chaos and disease. It only makes sense when you introduce the key missing element – evolution. For considered through this lense, all of life is deeply divine, presenting exactly what is needed for mankind.

    1. And with the end point already a foregone conclusion – we ae going back to where we left off.

    2. Sadly, the word evolution has been bastardised for so long, many people do not know and may have never heard of the true meaning of Evolution. Thank God for Serge Benhayon and for many people who present the truth about evolution, humanity is receiving the true meaning of this very important for word so we can begin to live it and inspire more people to walk the true path of evolution.

  164. Within all aspects of life on earth we are now seeing very clearly the results of the reductionist approach and trying to fix reduction with more reduction. Very clearly it is not working. But we do need to see this so we can stop and ask if there is another way. Whilst we are in making it better or fixing it mode we simply cannot see a way out or that there could be another way.

  165. “…The feeling essence we are born with (our esoteric or innermost) is our connection to Soul – our true body of Love…” Our essence that we feel within ourselves and having the awareness that this is in fact, our Soul, confirms the deep down knowing that there is so much more to life than what is only seen on the surface of human life. If our body’s foundation (essence) is Love, then it brings understanding as to why a human being feels tension, when we live in a world that seemingly focuses on the superficial and not Soul or Love.

  166. Interestingly, Charles Darwin used the word ‘evolution’ only once in print and that was in the close of his “The Origin of Species’ book (1859). Apparently he preferred the term ‘descent with modification’ which seems to support his reductionist theory somewhat better than the true meaning of evolution which means an ‘unfolding’ or ‘unrolling’ back to an original state. The truth is, we are not going anywhere, nor are we progressing, developing or advancing. We are simply returning to something we already are but have not been living/expressing in full. This ‘something’ is not allusive nor is it mysterious. It is simply the Soul’s love and light, reignited in full, in the hearts of us all and from there walked into every aspect and facet of our lives.

    1. “We are simply returning to something we already are but have not been living/expressing in full… It is simply the Soul’s love and light, reignited in full, in the hearts of us all and from there walked into every aspect and facet of our lives.” Beautifully said Liane… Life here on planet earth is quite simple really – we just insist on making it complicated.

  167. I am working at understanding the unsettlement felt in my body and the fact that there is disharmony that is registered constantly by our physical body as a persistent unease in life makes sense to how we live in the world. Learning and knowing the set up to catch us out and keep us back from re- connecting to our Soul and evolving is so supportive to see through the tricks that are played. There is much more to this world than it appears.

    1. In Truth there is only Harmony, until we create a pull of resistance against it and disharmony (tension) arises. From here ‘the struggle’ is born as is our relationship and identification with it.

  168. Coleen I have no doubt as you say that “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.” like in the past when we read about the persecutions that went on in dismay, no doubt we will read about Serge and this time period.

  169. Science does acknowledge these aspects of the process but they consider it a virtue rather than an indication that there could be much more comprehensive ways to get to the truth in addition to the scientific method.

  170. There is a logical fallacy in much evolutionary thinking: Evolution explains a lot of how the world developed and is developing and the fallacy is to assume that evolution is the only answer needed. It is an answer but it is unknowable whether it is the only answer. Those who assume it is the only answer seem to be considering themselves to be particularly scientific and rigorous in their approach but they fall at the first hurdle of logical thinking.

  171. The esoteric and occult understanding of evolution makes profound sense to who we are, what life is all about, ‘where we go’ and how it all works. The mind may struggle with the concept, the body knows it naturally so.

  172. With true evolution comes a rawness that asks us to step up to levels of responsibility that may in the past been blinded by ideals and images.

  173. Although my life took a far less academic route than yours Coleen, I was still consumed with the feelings of being lost and not knowing how to come to terms with the way life was presented. This inner struggle only began to release once I began to become interested in the works of Serge Benhayon. ‘This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.’ – there was a feeling of instant joy that came from deep within – and inner knowing that at last I had was returning back home to my routes.

  174. I never fully understood the difference between the ‘spirit’ and the ‘Soul’ and the ‘Spirit’ until Serge Benhayon shared and explained it in a way that makes total sense. In our world it is purposefully left to allow confusion so that we do not fully grasp the different aspects and hence this can delay our true evolution – however, once you understand it, there is no escaping the simplicity and the call to responsibility from understanding these words and the difference they hold.

  175. People often think of conventional Evolution as mothers growing extra arms or scientists getting bigger brains…but what if true evolution is not about the physical body changing in that way…what if true evolution was about how we are with each other, about the quality of relationships that we hold all together both with ourselves as well as with others? What if our true evolution lies in letting go of many of the constraints that we have taken on board to stop our natural innate expression of the gentle being that lies within?

  176. Yes, it will be interesting to see how Serge Benhayon is presented in the future history books, but I do hope in the meantime that humanity changes it’s habit of not appreciating something magnificent until it is gone.

  177. For the intellectual mind the concept of spiritual evolution as the return to Soul is far-fetched but when we give it or actually ourselves the chance to explore it by observation and feeling, we will discover that it makes very much sense as it not just theoretically explains the psyche and behaviour of us human beings and the indwelling spirit but it gives simple and comprehensible answers to many questions that otherwise cannot be explained so profoundly; actually it turns out to make much common sense and is instantly understood by everyone who is honest enough to trust their immediate feeling, a sense that comes from the body when the truth is met.

  178. ‘we have a dual nature of spirit and Soul, the former very much ‘me’ focussed and constantly plotting for personal gain, the latter presenting an open heart to others and the willingness to connect, listen and express truly and lovingly.’ – And whether we choose to align to one or the other makes all the difference in the world – and if we are absolutely honest we can all feel this difference, whether we choose to be aware of it or not.

  179. “The Science of Evolution … is by virtue of its felt-in-the-body truth and in its daily application…” not popular because it calls us all to responsibility – energetic responsibility … and this is one big Ouch when we look at our lives and the reductionist choices we have made/are making. But its by looking at our choices with honesty and understanding that we heal and evolve.

    1. When we look at the majority of behaviour in our modern day society it is like irresponsibility knows no limit.

      1. Indeed we appear to keep repeating the same self defeating behaviours hoping for a different outcome and there is no evolution in that.

  180. “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.” That will be a glorious day indeed.

  181. Having searched for ‘the more to life’ that I always knew existed, and to make sense of a world that did not make sense, the answers always escaped me, until I met Serge Benhayon who presented the Ageless Wisdom, and like yourself Coleen, my body felt at deep settlement along with a coming home feeling. Thus the searching outside of myself was no longer necessary.

    1. I second this, the Ageless Wisdom came with a deep sense of returning home to something already known.

    2. Jacqui, beautiful to feel your appreciation of what you have embraced and hence been able to turn your life around and know that the ‘search’ is over having found the Ageless Wisdom and the sense it makes out of life.

  182. When we let go of any old behaviours, habits and old ways of expressing and choose new ways of relating and moving that are more self loving and self- caring, we evolve, and we each have that responsibility to continue refining our movements in order to give and receive more love.

  183. Reading this today I now remember watching TV programmes which did experiments based on sociobiology (I’d never knew the term before reading this) and what men were attracted to in women. I’d almost forgotten about this but it’s amazing how theories can stick and make a lasting impression even when not consciously at the forefront. I’m actually really shocked at how much has remained of a programme I watched (is it any wonder it’s called a ‘programme’ – programming the mind perhaps?!)

    I took great notice at the time because I was desperate to feel love. The only way I thought I could achieve anything near this was to be attractive to men – despite knowing this only fuelled comparison, jealousy and deep sadness for accepting all that wasn’t love. I now remember all the programme’s explanation about why certain physical shapes were attractive to men due to survival of the fittest programming, like that shape made child-birth easier, or how certain attributes denoted health. What I can’t believe is how I still had a belief that when I was sick I was unattractive and unlovable! Yes, I can feel the yuckines of the energy I have taken on that my body is clearing when I am sick, but that makes no odds to how lovable I am. Great to realise this!!

  184. Yes, Coleen, Serge Benhayon is connected to a grandness that is the truth for all of us, and he never loses sight of that no matter how lost humanity is or how much he is attacked for calling a spade a spade. This is the mark of a true world teacher.

  185. The only way out of the mess the human race is in is to evolve like never before out of all the corruption, and lies that we face from the media, politicians, big business and the law. We have always had this but has it ever been this bad? The Ageless Wisdom is the roadmap out of the pit most of the human race are living in.

  186. When you explore the true meaning of words as Serge Benhayon is so brilliant at doing, it is incredible how the world and our lives start to make so much more sense.

  187. It is this combination of the teachings and Serge Benhayon’s livingness of them that makes it so powerful. If it was just words with no lived experience of them, it is just that – words. But when someone lives it, and shares it, much more real, relatable and engaging.

  188. Serge Benhayon is the epitome of evolution in the way he is dedicated and committed to honouring everything we come from. To be reflected such truth I now know what I have felt deep within is exactly what is needed.

  189. It is through my body that leads the way and dictates what is true or not and it was through surrendering to my body that led me to becoming a student of The Way of the Livingness, a constant knocking at the door to find what I knew was truth.

    1. Beautiful Caroline, yes our bodies do lead the way, and in my own surrendering to my body, I too became a student of The Way of the Livingness, and as such so many doors have opened within me that I had closed that now I have access to the wisdom and grace within us all equally.

  190. Relying on our mind that will control and manipulate our every move has us second-guessing about evolution and especially reincarnation and the responsibility that the wheel of re-birth entails as the spirit who is seeking any form of comfort. Thus our controlling spirit not wanting to understand how much living in a way that is being responsible, in all we bring through being re-connected to our essences so that those simple changes will be evolutionary.

  191. Is it possible that we have poisoned ourselves to such an extent that it is very difficult to feel the truth in our bodies? I have discovered for myself that our bodies are finely tuned and if supported correctly they can discern far more than our mind because the whole body is involved not just the mind. We have been led down a rabbit hole believing only our minds control our bodies I feel it will take many, many years for the majority to realise this is not true.

  192. I too have searched far and wide to find the more to life, the more to myself, as life as it was just did not add up, there always felt something missing. It was in my late forties that I found The Ageless Wisdom teachings presented by Serge Benhayon, and can remember the feeling of coming home, that is coming home to myself. The doors that I had locked to my inner wisdom and grace, they opened and my body could feel the truth of all that was presented and being offered. I have grown, changed, and refined my lifestyle choices, have a deeper sense of purpose and love to give back all I have been given. Thus my health and vitality have increased.

  193. It’s true, Serge Benhayon does offer the same advance to everyone, even those who attack him, as he can feel the true and untouched essence inside each of us.

  194. Any disharmonious or unloving thought is a judgment – whether on ourselves, others or life situations.

  195. I love how the body does know what is truth and I do now recognise this as a feeling of deep settlement where all my particulars feel ordered and aligned. Recently I completely ignored my body, well I felt a little the trauma it was communicating to me but attributed that to a minor operation and not the person in my house about to do unnecessary and a bad job. I tried to believe the reassurances he was saying and convince myself it was ok. Thankfully I put a stop to the work. Boy did my body talk loud and clear. The man who repaired the damage was amazing. Speaking to him I felt very settled. Time to listen and trust. my body knew all along, no matter how believable the lies I was being spun.

  196. Evolution is what the Universe does – constantly expand. Hence for us to evolve we need to expand.

  197. The teachings of The Ageless Wisdom and, in its modern form, The Way of The Livingness really does bring us back to the truth of what evolution is about and how we go about it.

  198. My question to the scientists and educationists is why isn’t this taught in schools all over the world why is it seemingly kept a secret from humanity, know only to a few?
    “The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has delivered to us the facts of our evolution. We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul. However, a singular aspect of us separated itself from this vibration, lowering its frequency to become the etheric spirit, which in turn wilfully descended into a plane of denser vibration to indulge further in the adventure and vibration of individuality. This pursuit of individuality involved the assembling of a physical body to engage even more this thirst for a creation that stands in complete opposition to the harmonious interconnectedness and Oneness of our true Soulful.”
    The worst part of all of this is when someone comes along and gives humanity the hard facts of life = the truth, there are very few who are willing to hear it because The ageless Wisdom Teachings does expose the spirit completely for it waywardness, it’s love of itself and what it has created.

    1. I would say that we, the people, are very much ready to hear the truth. There will always be those that oppose it, get angry and attack because they don’t want to be exposed as being wrong, but we all know that those that scream the loudest isn’t necessarily those that has the most important things to say… Deep within we know what is true and we shouldn’t be afraid of expressing it, on the contrary it is very freeing to speak what feels true to us as it is for others to hear it and be inspired by it.

  199. The images we are fed through this false interpretation of the word evolution are long lasting and do their devastating work as we all can attest about. We are acting in life far from who we truly are and all have a remnant sense of – “there must be more to life”. When we are honest we must admit that we are led by the images we are fed by in our childhood and through education, no doubt about. And only through this honesty we are able to turn the tide, discard all the images and trust that inner feeling we all have, that inner feeling that is responding to the true meaning of the word evolution and will bring us back to who we truly are and where we belong.

  200. The current understanding of the word evolution does not at all evolves us back to a way of being we have left long time ago, but instead delves us deeper into the self created meaning of the word and that is to glorify this three dimensional world we are in and identify ourselves only on that level and not with the divine origin we are from.

  201. It may be useful at times to narrow the framework in order to focus our attention, for example we can hold our observations and theories under the banner of ‘science’, our reflections and pondering under the banner of ‘philosophy’ and our divine relationship with life and one another under the banner of ‘religion’. But when we drop the bigger vision under which all of these merge and help maintain a far greater awareness, as we have been for some time now, we are in serious trouble.
    What Serge Benhayon presents and how he does it is significant far beyond what meets the eye.

    1. Indeed Golnaz, to the eye it all looks mundane what Serge is presenting but when we allow ourselves to feel deeper we immediately know that here is somebody that looks mundane to the eye but by the way he moves and speaks you get to feel that there is more to consider that is not of this realm of life and too resonates in all of us beyond the limited physical life we have fallen for.

  202. …..”Quite simply because its inherent and completely natural truth exposes the evil of the reductionism we have willingly submitted ourselves to.” It is crazy but true and the fact that we want to protect the reductionism at all costs exposes where humanity is. There is a comfort in reductionism that we don’t want to relinquish and so when someone such as Serge Benhayon exposes it, the majority of humanity want to silence him, and not just silence him but try to destroy him. This to me is totally unacceptable and like stepping back into the dark ages.

  203. I find it beautiful that our evolutionary process involves returning back to our original essence. When there is so much striving and competition nowadays to be better, further, smarter and fitter, the truth of evolution brings us into a different set of movements, where the body surrenders to what it already is and is held by.

  204. Without the Ageless Wisdom we would know evolution to be a mere biological process that is happening to ‘us’, the species but we wouldn´t know that it is a very active energetic pull that asks us to be more of who we are in every second, ie. to renounce and let go of what we have taken on to reduce ourselves for the sake of playing gods instead of advancing to being equal Gods. On top, it is up to us if we choose to self-initiate and speed up the whole inevitable process or not, it is not just happening to us gradually over the millennia, it is happening now and even more so with our participation.

  205. If we are born with this connection to our soul, which all of us are you would think that over all the millennia we have been walking this planet we would get to a stage that keeping that connection would be the be all and end all of life. Shows you how attached to being individuals we are by not making this happen.

  206. “The feeling essence we are born with (our esoteric or innermost) is our connection to Soul – our true body of Love. This essence can be connected with instantly by anyone through supportive techniques like the Gentle Breath Meditation™…” You notice this essence clearly in how a baby sleeps or is awake and at ease. The Gentle Breath Meditation is a great way to re-connect to our natural state of being.

  207. ‘It takes someone who has let go of all individualism and who works with the Grandest Holistic Harmony we could ever conceptualise – the all that is. So this takes a great yet humble person, one who offers the same advance to all others through the power of their lived reflection so that they too may arise to the same state by their own choices, timing and will.’ Wow, the more I get to know who and what Serge Benhayon is all about the more respect, love and gratitude I have for this wonderful man – and I know I don’t even know the half of it – if that!

  208. Life is about evolving, yet we make it about security and comfort. Having been one so deeply entrenched in making myself secure and comfortable I haven’t let my self see and feel the deep, deep ill of it.

  209. Reductionism is so ingrained and familiar that we need to see and experience something and or someone not being caught in it to get a glimpse of what actually is possible way beyond the limitations of what we have identified with. Reductionism cripples us to an extent that is shocking, but as long as we are unaware we consider it just normal.

    1. There are many theories about life on earth that paint us as much lesser beings than we are. We have had to silently swallow these to pass exams etc but the voice of the body that knows we are so much more cannot be silenced. And now thanks to social media, it can be expressed.

    2. This is a great point about reductionism. Looking back over the last couple of decades I am amazed at the things I had accepted as normal in life, just because that’s what everyone around me was doing it. It reminds me of elephants being trained to not run away by putting a chain on the baby’s leg and attach this to a stake. When they are older and capable of running free, they think they are not because they hear the chain on their leg. I heard Serge Benhayon share a great analogy once that we are very similar to this; being taught we are not strong and free and believing it because of things like reductionism.

  210. ‘we have a dual nature of spirit and Soul, the former very much ‘me’ focussed and constantly plotting for personal gain, the latter presenting an open heart to others and the willingness to connect, listen and express truly and lovingly.’ – When we look at today’s society it is more and more spirit driven and endlessly searching for more personal gain, also in the bigger scale i.e. countries agains countires, what gains me/us – as opposed to looking at how we can truly connect and meet from that open, honest and loving place.

  211. To become aware, through Universal Medicine teachings, of the two aspects of our selves, spirit and soul helps me to understand myself more and my movements. The purpose of spirit is to thwart evolution at every turn, and ours to be ever vigilant and not allow ourselves to so easily tricked. Connection to soul offers love, divinity and resolve to continue to be more of who we innately are despite the innumerable distractions offered by spirit. Only in this way do we evolve.

  212. “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.” I love how you say this for our true evolution is true and beautiful and Serge Benhayon supports us to feel this on a visceral level and allows us to explore how we can determine the rate of this through our choices, through the alignment we make.

  213. “great yet humble person, one who offers the same advance to all others through the power of their lived reflection” A true teacher and master is one who’s purpose is to bring others with him and not lead in order to be followed.

  214. “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth”… yes, and also all those 100s of others too who in their own re-connection inspired by Serge Benhayon followed the light in him over the physicality of his human being-ness. Everything is about light and which quality of light we choose to follow to arise our livingness and evolutionary future.

  215. I like the way you have said that there is truth and beauty in evolution. The way Darwin presented evolution was quite animalistic and functional. Whereas the evolution that the ageless wisdom presents, reminds us that we are far from animals and of the grand design of the universe that we are to once again arise ourselves to.

  216. Survival of the fittest does not make sense when it comes to the human being and nor do I find it true for the animal kingdom. For me life is not about competition and survival but for us to learn to live in brotherhood.

  217. Where are the skeletons of the millions of Neanderthal men and all the in between phases if that is in fact how we evolved. I hate the fact that we keep pretending that the discrepancies in our accepted neatly packaged theories do not exist.

  218. Yes, Coleen, Serge Benhayon ‘lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul’, and he reflects this to us without faltering even in the brutality of having his character publicly assassinated. Such is the power of knowing and living love to the bone.

    1. Beautifully said Janet. ‘knowing and living love to the bone’ is exactly what Serge lives. I cannot fathom the awfulness of the brutality he is experiencing. He could so easily have walked away and had an easy, comfortable life but he loves humanity more than it loves itself.

  219. “This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.” It is this feeling of settlement in the body that is key to knowing the truth of what is being said. When felt in such a physical way, it simply cannot be denied.

  220. Knowing that there is a difference between spirit and soul is the huge game changer as I know I am so in spirit when it is all about me and not looking at the big picture as seen by the soul, which is all about everyone and the all.

  221. While the spirit in its arrogance is enjoying the excitements of human life, the body of the human being is suffering the consequences of it.

    1. A blessing when with a deeper connection to soul, we lose our attraction to all the ‘excitements of human life’ No longer required as we settle in the love and grandness of our own bodies and multi-dimensional selves.

      1. A blessing it is Kehinde when we lose that attraction to excitement and enter the life of settlement in just being who we are in the mundaneness that life is presenting to us.

  222. To me the theorem that we, the ‘homo sapiens’ are evolved from the apes to me has never felt as a truth. Although when you are in the zoo at times you do recognise some human behaviour in the anthropoid apes we can see there but I could never made the equation to match because these apes are living so with nature while the human being is not. The human being lives IN nature and not WITH nature and can totally neglect nature for the support that it could give by way of reflection. This tangible fact alone already to me proves that we are not from this world but from another place and certainly not evolved from the apes.

  223. This has been my experience as well Coleen… “… that we have a dual nature of spirit and Soul, the former very much ‘me’ focussed and constantly plotting for personal gain, the latter presenting an open heart to others and the willingness to connect, listen and express truly and lovingly.” The difference is very clear as the spirit plays with our mind and creates tension in the body, whilst our Soul allows an expansion and understanding that is totally inspirational to feel.

  224. ‘Serge Benhayon, through his presentations on The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has delivered to us the facts of our evolution. We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul.’ – And one day we will all return to the one Soul that each and every one of us are part of.

    1. That truth is so far away from the story that we are evolved from the apes, one of the stories that tries to keep people convinced that we are NOT more than only a body living a one time life on this planet earth and therefore can do what we want without having to worry about having to take on any responsibility

  225. The beauty of knowing reincarnation and why we are here allows us access to the wonderment of the universe and all we are part of the ,truth of evolution. The world is missing this truth but it is always there and being exposed now more than ever before thanks to the love and consistency of Serge Benhayon and his living way for us all.

  226. It really restores wonder and purpose to your life to know we are more than animals evolving according to survival and that we are held by intricately designed cycles. I could feel how key living according to these cycles is in order to go with evolution rather than fight or retard it.

  227. We are all sensitive beings and can feel so much. Much of what we feel around us may not be what we like to feel. However, in this lies a deeper understanding as we often seek to remedy that which we feel rather than simply feel it and observe it for what it is. There is no fixing or changing that is needed, other than an open heart to feel what we feel and to know that there is another way of being which we can choose to live at any moment in time.

  228. To present The Ageless Wisdom to a world that on one hand starves to reconnect to it and at the same time rejects it as it calls each of us back into responsibility, a responsibility that requires giving up our individuality, the creation we have heavily invested in, is today as challenging as it has ever been for the messengers who are willing to stand alone if needed, impulsed by the limitless love for their brothers whom they know to be the same by divine right and origin.

  229. ‘This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.’ – I had the same response, recognizing truth by an innate and immediate sense of knowing independent from what the mind and learned knowledge would tell me otherwise. But it is even more than that as we may consider that we are inclined to fool ourselves whenever it pleases us, but with everything Universal Medicine presents there is also a practical application and thus direct experience which allows verifying repeatedly that it actually works and makes sense in life and not just in theory.

  230. The fact we have a spirit and a soul as taught by Serge Benhayon is the only thing I have ever heard to make sense of the way we behave in this world. He brings the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom to us all.

  231. You write: “The disquiet within me remained and I searched far and wide for the truth of our origins and the truth of our purpose on earth.” – it is ironic how many of us search or searched far and wide when we ARE the answer and the answer lives within us. We are taught to look everywhere except within where all is found.

  232. ‘We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul.’ This realization brings us back to realizing that we are multidimensional beings and that there is so much more to us than just the physical we see. I feel very rich to have this knowing in my life and have clarity about what evolution truly is. Also to allow myself to feel that we are all always connected with each other gives a settlement in my body.

    1. Beautifully said Monica, for we are so much more than the mere physical body and to reduce it to just a physical life and nothing more does not honour the amazing beings that we truly are.

      1. I agree, no wonder so many people are searching for ‘there must be something more to life’ than the only existing and sometimes surviving mode. We miss out on the who we truly are by reducing us to just the physical body.

  233. This duality or dual nature that you describe here Coleen of spirit and soul, certainly is the only explanation I have come across so far that makes sense and explains everything I observe in myself and others in life.

  234. Beautifully expressed Coleen, with a clear understanding of the truthful and natural cycles that make up our lives and confirm who we are and our origins. Practising these cycles in my own life has changed the way I live and nurtures harmony joy and stillness everyday. I deeply appreciate Serge Benhayon and how he has brought our attention to these cycles and that he goes on to reflect them in his livingness to humanity everyday.

  235. Tony Blair said that the three main priorities for government were “education, education, education”. Serge Benhayon might say that the three main priorities for life are “evolution, evolution, evolution.” I know which gets my vote!!

  236. “We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul.” – when we remember that we are energy first before we are physical beings, then it suddenly gives our lives far more meaning than just the lump of flesh that we are often first seen to only be. And though you do not have to see life this way, it sure makes sense and makes things so much easier to understand and hence live life.

  237. The Ageless Wisdom and its understanding of how we are part of the natural cycles makes much more sense when we consider that we are more than just functionality and a physical being.

  238. The three “f’s” bind us to the one dimension of life. What supports me to evolve is deepening my awareness of the multiple dimensions of life – expanding my awareness of the bigger picture. If I play small then I remain small.

  239. Thank you Serge Benhayon for bringing forth the truth of our existence: we are much more than physical form we are multi-dimensional and our evolution is to return to Soul. And through The Way of the Livingness. we are supported step by step on the path of return.

  240. Its true Coleen read anything about human evolution and its all about our physical evolution and even perhaps socially, from tribal nomadic people to the people we see today. As a result of the way Serge Benhayon approaches evolution, I ask myself other questions about how I am living and what kinds of choices I am making and the impact that this has on those around me. Its a continual adjustment and step by step making changes because of what I am feeling. I can feel the impact that this has on my own body. Really we need a different understanding on what evolution is, because what we currently think we know really doesn’t serve, because it offers nothing to humanity as a whole.

  241. Evolution, a re-turn to love, to soul to oneness. There it sits in the word written backwards- EVOL-ution, a key for us all. Thank you Coleen and thank you Serge Benhayon.

    1. ‘Mysteries’ are a manmade phenomena, we are ‘The Great Pretenders’. All of us actually know everything, we just do a stella job at pretending that we don’t. Talk about a waste of time!!!

  242. ‘The disquiet within me remained and I searched far and wide for the truth of our origins and the truth of our purpose on earth.’ I very much experienced this disquiet. I knew within that there was more to us and there were times I felt an unbearable despair. I looked to religions, in particular Zen Buddhism, to hedonism and to finding the job that would deliver the purpose I was so desperately seeking. None of it felt true until I met Serge Benhayon. I can’t remember what he said when I first met him, I just knew he was living what I had been searching for, knew but had long forgotten too. To reduce people to an explanation that defines people by the accepted norms of what it is considered evolution is a crime because it tries to convince us this world, our material matter is all there is to us when there is so much more.

  243. Understanding cycles is one of the key elements to the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. I find it a fascinating subject and it is a vast topic. Although I feel I am at the kindergarten level in terms of my personal understanding, I know that my body and I are governed by them regardless of what I think. Being blind and unaware doesn’t change this fact.

  244. It feels like words have been captured in lies rather than being free to represent the truth thy come from.

  245. Coleen, I love what you have shared here about cycles and how the natural cycles that are around us are there to support us to re-connect to our physical body and hence our connection with our Soul. The 24 hour day and night cycle, the sleep cycle, the cycles of the moon, the menses for women and so on and so forth…So many cycles that we can work with should we choose to – what a blessing and constant reminder.

  246. Amazing how something as simple as the gentle breath and feeling the rib cage rise and fall can be so powerful in bringing the body alive in its clairsentience, especially given the world we live in that bludgeons this clairsentience and asks us to not feel all that we are divinely designed to feel! In this lies many of the answers to our current predicament – it is about feeling and from feeling knowing what is needed in each and every moment.

  247. Serge Benhayon supports us to be aware with great clarity of our multidimensional nature and the multidimensional nature of life and at the same time is deeply committed to practical everyday life and commitments.

  248. Thank you Coleen for such a clear, lucid and insightful presentation of the true meaning of evolution and the associated truths that you explain.

  249. I had a long drive this morning, which started in darkness but gently turned into daylight as I neared my destination and so I pondered on this blog as I drove. And then the simple analogy came to share. The teachings of Universal Medicine are leading humanity out of the dark, bringing a new light to the world by which we can truly see who we are and in the process, abandon all the beliefs that keep us small and insignificant in the Universe.

  250. Evolution means nothing without an understanding of what we are evolving to – the glorious Soul as remembered to us by Serge Benhayon, and the crucial fact we are not going any where new but simply returning to the truth.

  251. ‘Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.’ Yes he certainly is ✨ and may many follow in his footsteps so this is completely restored ✨

  252. “Our evolution back to Soul is supported at every turn by aligning with natural cycles” this is an amazingly simple way of understanding evolution, society has made it something that is very different to its truth.

  253. ‘In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.’ Let’s not repeat history by attacking and persecuting truth bearers such as Serge Benhayon, but embrace the golden opportunity we have upon us to turn life back round to being about loving responsibility.

  254. This is a great reminder to feel life from our bodies rather than our heads; ‘However, feeling the truth in our physical body allows us to discern the facts for ourselves.’

  255. Coleen, this is really helpful to read; ‘one aspect of our evolution is to express honestly this unease’. I have found that if I talk about things that don’t feel true or loving that this then is really supportive and allows me to be able to deal with challenging situations that come up much more easily.

  256. To be honest, I had no idea that our bodies had the capacity to know and discern truth, I just thought my body was a vehicle to get me from A to B and that my mind was the most important part of me. I have since discovered for myself that this is one big fat lie. Our whole body is intelligent and is in communication with itself and the universe all the time, our bodies should be in balance and harmony within itself and if it is not in this state then that’s when we get illness and disease showing up in our bodies as a marker that our bodies are out of balance and in disharmony.

    1. Boy oh boy have we (humanity) been living a big fat lie .. for eons! It is way beyond time for us to have the awareness and understanding with regards to true truth. And then absolutely it is for each and everyone one of us to choose what we choose but we must know this first (true truth) in order to be able to choose.

    2. Love what you have shared here Mary – and it is what we are sold from the start that the body is a mere vehicle for the mind. Whereas in fact this reduces us to a so called reductionist intelligence that considers not the magificence of who we are and where we come from and the amazing intelligence that the body we live in offers us naturally so.

  257. I love your opening sentence: ‘Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world.’ He is presenting the Ageless Wisdom to us and it is up to All of Us to live it.

  258. I study psychology at uni also and was dismayed by many of the theories and studies that seemed to me to only ever describe the smallest part of human nature and were completely absent of the grandness within us. I think psychology has a long way to go in understanding the depth and breadth of the human being.

  259. It is so easy to bastardise words because nobody holds them important anymore. We use empty words all the time and this has become our normal. Exaggerating, lying and deceiving to prove a point or to make another person feel better have diminished their meaning and we are left thinking we can use any word to mean whatever we want.

  260. I find it unbelievable that we have been on this planet for the amount of time we have and that the Ageless Wisdom has been so skilfully kept from our way of living and covered up. It really is the only teachings I have ever heard that makes any sense and that feels true.

    1. I agree, it’s astonishing that the truth of who we are and the teachings that come with that are so absent from the world we live in – it makes no sense. And yet we have theories like the selfish gene which are the complete opposite of our actual nature, yeh, people can be selfish but that is just a behaviour and not the truth of who that person is.

  261. You can actually say that there are two streams of evolution, one that says that evolution is the survival of the fittest, an investment in creation, while the other is just the opposite, the claiming of our divine being and the unpicking of the investment in creation and individuality. I do know which is true for me, as it is simply lived by my body, and that is the evolution back to Soul, the divine, by the letting go of all the investments in life and of my individuality.

  262. My attention was drawn to the phrase “our fallen state” and it appears to have its origins in the bible to indicate that we are born as sinners, of which we can only be saved from by the coming down of the ‘saviour’ on earth one day. As there is some truth in it, that we are fallen for the incitement of living in creation/form the divine state that we naturally are, we only can save ourselves from this life in creation by activating that innate divinity that still is always in us, and do not need any deity to come down to save us. What is of great help though is people already living it as an inspiration to follow this same steps as that person has made, and for me and many with me that is Serge Benhayon, who simply shows us by example how it is to live that divinity once again.

  263. “This Science of Evolution presented by Serge Benhayon… is not currently popular… simply because its inherent and completely natural truth exposes the evil of the reductionism we have willingly submitted ourselves to.” This is gold Coleen… we are exposed for the lies we are choosing to live.

    1. The reductionism we live with now suits the levels of comfort we as humanity have said yes to. As soon as someone speaks the truth and exposes the choice we have made – the finger is pointed.

  264. There is a beauty and grace felt when truth is presented… we all know this and we all feel this.

  265. So true Coleen… Serge Benhayon ” lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul and offers all the same path through how he lives and through the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings he offers worldwide.” Serge brings such equality – always – treating everyone as equal no matter their race, religion, culture, past or present situation or behaviour … equality is paramount and felt in every interaction with him and every presentation he offers.

  266. Hearing in school that we were thought to evolve from the animal kingdom never felt true to me and I felt empty with that knowledge and also observed how people believing that gave barbaric behaviours credibility because ‘we all have animalistic tendencies’ for what we evolved from. After reconnecting to the truth of the beings we are, it is clear that the way the majority of us live does not reflect our divine nature.

    1. The indulgence in the animalistic can be read as the extreme celebration of human creation.

  267. It’s interesting how education, studies, research changes / evolves over time… we look back at what was the main thinking of those days gone-by and wonder gosh i can’t believe we believed or accepted that as fact, when we now know this… Its funny how this is also what is happening, when a world teacher, is presenting truth, which is ahead of the curve, ahead of our time so to speak… some get it straight away, but it also comes under scrutiny from others… until one day, just like we have done on reflection of old ways of thinking, the realisation that “… Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world…”

  268. Because of the huge technological developments in recent decades it is claimed that this is evolution yet as a race we have not evolved one iota in brotherly love and moral integrity, if anything that has receded. Throughout the ages the Ageless Wisdom has presented the true understanding of evolution and Serge Benhayon is the world teacher of this for this Age, and the path to truly evolve through The Way of The Livingness.

  269. It is interesting to note how our historic view of evolution reduces us whereas the truth of our real evolution confirms and honours our immense grace, wisdom and integrity. The Ageless Wisdom teachings lift us back to God, the real purpose of evolution, while our old school theories bury us further into a creation that has lost sight of our multi-dimensional intelligence, all encompassing love and immutable co-existence in this grand Universe of ours.

  270. Love the two big words that you’ve covered in your recent blogs Coleen, Hierarchy and Evolution. Both apply to Serge Benhayon, and as you share here, he is a man who ‘lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul and offers all the same path through how he lives and through the presentations of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings he offers worldwide.’

  271. Serge Benhayon presents the truth about evolution and we don’t have to accept an old model we scarcely relate to yet endorsed by society Instead, we’re invited to be masters of our own evolution and this means taking responsibility for the way we live.

  272. I always knew that life was not about the cycle of work, weekends, holidays, earning a living, paying taxes and watching TV. I always knew that there had to be a deeper meaning to life beyond developing those great relationships with family, friends and partners. To have looked far and wide and not have got very far for so many years, to now have come to the point of understanding of what true evolution is and what it means, is very liberating internally.

  273. Why do we believe someone who is supposed to be an expert in their field?
    Is this not us blindly moving forward with no discernment of what is true?
    We know that there are many things that are said or published that are not true, so how do we decide what is true?
    When I heard Serge Benhayon say that the marker of all truth is our bodies, it made sense to me.
    I have made many decisions with my head that I know were not good for me.
    My body is experiencing everything and is constantly making unconscious choices to keep me on track. So why not listen to its wisdom?

  274. Unless we learn to recognise the difference between the spirit and soul then we will continue to live in the ignorance and arrogance of the fact there are two energies we align to. These energies which are poles apart we connect to in every moment and it is us and only us by way of movement that chooses either the spirit or soul to run through our body of expression.

    1. Well said Caroline. We either choose one or the other. There is no half way house when it comes to the differnece between the spirit and the soul and our choices thereof.

  275. Yes, deep down we know that we are much more than flesh, bone and thoughts, and yet it has been Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon in this era that confirms this absolute truth…

  276. ‘This Science of Evolution presented by Serge Benhayon, by virtue of its felt-in-the-body truth and in its daily application by people like myself, is not currently popular. Why would this be so? Quite simply because its inherent and completely natural truth exposes the evil of the reductionism we have willingly submitted ourselves to.’ Coleen, this is a significant statement and one that will one day also be recognised and acknowledged.

  277. ‘The disquiet within me remained and I searched far and wide for the truth of our origins and the truth of our purpose on earth. Several decades later, I found it in the Ageless Wisdom Teachings presented by Serge Benhayon.’ – Serge Benhayon, the man who makes the big questions in life make sense, if we are but open to truly feel what is presented.

  278. Our perception….reduced or fully spherical taking in all angles, or with agendas and self interest? When we come from self interest it is as if we have blinkers on and we will not see the truth, we will not sense the true glory of evolution.

    1. For all of us there are aspects of ourselves and life we still don’t see and are outside our field of perception, until that is we are graced with new awareness. it’s an unfolding, none of us have arrived or ever will.

    2. Well said Samantha, if we seek from self that is all we will find, when we open our hearts to all there is, everything is given.

    3. Very true Samantha, something that stands out a lot with parenting, if we are invested or if we are willing to see what is actually there and what is actually needed.

  279. I looked up the word evolve in the dictionary today and It is from the Latin which means to unfold and I realised that I had been brought up to look on evolution as a grand thing, in getting somehow better and more, even to getting somewhere although where that somewhere is I don’t know. To unfold seems so simple and natural and ties in with what Serge Benhayon shares with us about returning. Unfolding to who we truly are, to our essence can be felt as soon as we allow ourselves the reconnection that you mention here” The feeling essence we are born with (our esoteric or innermost) is our connection to Soul – our true body of Love. This essence can be connected with instantly by anyone through supportive techniques like the Gentle Breath Meditation™.

  280. An evolved master in our midst with no pretentiousness of being a guru in any way. A modest family man reflecting truth to the world, a solid key to our evolution.
    ‘Serge Benhayon ….. lives the truth and beauty of our evolution back to Soul.’

  281. This morning in a conversation someone asked me ‘who or what is your marker of the truth?’ And I answered that Serge Benhayon is for me the man who always lives and stands for the truth, just as some of his family members, but also my body is the marker of the truth. For it settles when there is truth and it feels restless when there isn’t. This made me even more aware of how precious and sensitive my body actually is and how wise and responsible it is for me to support myself with stillness, so the truth is easier felt.

  282. The survival of the fittest could not be further away from our innate truth .. it is interesting that this is what is being taught in Universities exposing that maybe they are not the greatest places to go for true learning.

  283. I agree that the currently accepted scientific model of evolution does not completely add up when I observe human beings and how they behave with one another. There are extraordinary acts of love and kindness and genuine care occurring all the time and as a race of beings history shows we are capable of great acts of unity and collaboration so it just does not make sense that our whole evolution is based on competition and survival of the fittest.

  284. “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.” agreed and this will transform our humanity forever.

  285. Coleen, what you share with us all is hugely important because most of us have forgotten how to feel the truth in our physical bodies, as we have layered this knowing under lifetimes of ideals, beliefs, religions, nationalities etc. What Serge Benhayon is saying is that we are all from God, we are in fact Gods ourselves by the very nature of the universe and the teachings that he brings forth, that allows us to discern these facts for ourselves.

  286. ‘In our own case, humanity, we have reduced ourselves to the exclusively human realm – even to a sub-human realm – ignoring and suppressing the fact of spirit and burying even more so our esoteric and our Soul, as well as the truth of our multidimensional origins.’ So many of us are completely unaware of our origins, a deliberate plot/choice to keep us small and playing the game.

    1. I am aware of how I grew up, I felt at odds with things, like I was here doing what humans do, but there was something missing….and there was, my relationship with energy, our spirit and soul.

      1. And of course the fact that we are divine in origin and that I am never alone and with and of God. Energy first, when we deny this we are constantly on the search to seek relief from the tension of knowing there is something else to life but not being honest about it.

  287. There are not many things in life that feel true in every molecule of our body. Serge Benhayon lives this way every moment. He is the living truth of what we are meant to be and, is always just a choice away for everyone.

  288. There is an undeniable fact and it is that the truth is always felt in our body, so no matter what theories we have been taught, in the end we all already know what is true or not.

    1. Yes, we have been taught to look for the truth solely with our mind, how crazy, when the body already knows the truth.

  289. “This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.” That is exactly what my body did as well Coleen and because of that I also know that I had found what I was always looking for – THE TRUTH!

  290. Unless we are co-creating, as in choosing to consciously create with an energetic source that is supportive of the whole of humanity, then all that we are creating is more of the mess that we are all currently thrashing around in, even if what we think we are creating is a ‘better’ or ‘brighter’ future.

  291. “We all silently swallowed up what was delivered and passed our exams” – I pictured this as a grey cartoon image with hundreds and thousands of students silently swallowing up what was delivered and being on a conveyor belt being rolled out the other side under a sign that says ‘PASS’. A sobering image.

    1. When I read that part I remembered the feeling throughout my education years of having to accept things that did not make sense deep down just because someone who was deemed more intelligent than me had said it is so. All along being fed the thought that what I sense and can reason does not count really. This is such a dishonouring and disempowering set up.

  292. Truly, beautifully expressed, Coleen, so clearly and simply communicating something that can be complicated to share. Thank you.

  293. “We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul.” A beautiful introduction and knowing of who we are and the ancient wisdom teachings that make sense and is felt by our bodies with a divinely glorious contentment and ease. Serge Benhayon is indeed the man offering this to us all as humanity and will go down in history of his lived truth.

  294. “Our evolution back to Soul is supported at every turn by aligning with natural cycles; cycles that we have always lived under but have refused to acknowledge and cooperate with in order to maintain our fallen state.” The natural ebb and flow of the tides, the moon, the seasons,, night and day etc are outside us for us to enjoy, feel deeply and align to; and within we have natural cycles too – none more obvious for me as a woman when experiencing the menstrual cycle.

  295. In a steam room this week I overheard two women talking about this very thing; one said ‘There was a time when we did not have words for “white” people or the concept of different races, we have forgotten that we all came from One.”

    She said this with a deep knowing, it was a confirmation to me that we do ALL know our origins even if we have lot touch intellectually.

    My body tells me, with its many voices of un-ease, discomfort and by developing compromised health anytime I am believing in or acting in separation… to me this is a constant truth pulling us all back to a unified way of being; back together.

    We may fight it but we each hold a great wisdom within us.

    Thank you Serge for living the long unpopular and still greatly resisted Truth.

  296. What is wonderful about Serge Benhayon’s presentation about evolution, is that as with his presentations of every other topic, they are not a list of facts for you to learn, memorise and at a later date regurgitate. Every step is in a way that offers you the opportunity to personally relate to what is being presented, and on the back of that you can accept, be mulling over or reject what is provided.
    Yes the depth of understanding offered is huge. But the most significant part for me is that because of Serge Benhayon’s presentations I don’t just have a whole load of extra information, I actually have a deeper relationship with life, with people and with the whole of the Universe.

  297. When we know what evolution truly is about it is indeed deeply beautiful and a very loving process in which we are supported beyond our wildest imagination.

  298. I always connected the word evolution with us developing from the Apes, or the Adam and Eve story, it is interesting to know how much the word has been deliberately bastardised to keep us unaware of our true origins and the true meaning of our evolution, the journey inward back to Soul.

    1. I had this too before meeting Serge Benhayon, Evolution was about the Darwinian story or about technology but never had I considered it to be about our return to the divinity that we are.

    2. Now, thanks to Serge Benhayon many, many more people understand the true meaning of evolution and starting to live it and returning to the truth of why we are here, to truly evolve.

  299. I enjoy being my own scientist. Making observations and realisations as a result. It’s very powerful in changing numerous behaviours, even the most stubborn.

    1. It is the most worthwhile way to bring about true change for me, once I can’t deny x, y or z it is absolute, then change is effortless and evolutionary.

    2. Yes I agree I don’t have a degree but with the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I too have become a scientist not only of my own life but life in general, it very powerful to be able to understand life from an energetic and evolutionary aspect and not the narrow 2D aspect that most of us live by.

  300. Thank you for exposing the bastardisation of evolution that has trapped so many of us and the humility of Serge Benhayon in presenting the truth of evolution in such easily accessible and relatable ways that support us to return to our divine essence and the settlement in our bodies that follows once we give up the struggle of trying to make sense of so many contradictory beliefs that have bedevilled society for eons.

  301. Reducing human life down to ‘feeding, fighting and ‘reproduction’’ is to make it very two-dimensional, when there is so much more depth to our experiences, relationships and senses.

    1. The irony is that we all experience our multi-dimensionality at times, particularly in early childhood, yet we still not only choose the two dimensional reality, we claim it is the truth.

    2. So true Susie, this was something I once fell for but not too long afterward, I knew there has to be so much more, I had so many questions unanswered. Attending Serge Benhayon’s presentations, everything about life made absolute sense and all my questions were answered as they were right before my eyes and the truth residing within me all along.

  302. Serge Benhayon invites us to unpick what we have taken on rather blindly as we have lived through life with it’s varying impositions. There may have been times when we have questioned and felt that what we are being told is not true, but have not stopped long enough to connect with a deeper knowing and build up a trust with that so our discernment could grow and we could really begin to trust ourselves in all areas of our lives. As we become more honest and transparent the world opens up and we connect to our own power and authority. This may not always be a comfortable journey but it is the way to get to truth..and not just individual truth but truth that is felt by everyone.

    1. This is so beautifully and eloquently expressed and something I can really relate to. I did question life and what I was seeing and feeling but did not stop long enough to connect with the deeper knowing. I did not have the reflection in life to do this as no one around me was doing this. No one was truly connected to themselves … that is until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine who taught me to stop and taught me how to reconnect with myself. The rest is history .. but I am always still learning ✨

  303. I am not sure where I would be today if I hadn’t heard about The Way of The Livingness, or The Ageless Wisdom through Serge Benhayon. I certainly wouldn’t be evolving much at all. The beauty of the teachings is that they are so simple.

  304. This is stunning summary, Coleen, of what has been bestowed on us from the Ageless Wisdom and the teachings of Serge Benhayon. Evolution makes so much more sense from the truth of our divine heritage.

    1. I so agree Janet. The generally accepted view of evolution has never sat well with me. Whereas when Serge Benhayon presented the truth from the Ageless Wisdom teachings, evolution made absolute sense and my whole body aligned and said yes.

  305. Survival of the fittest. Dog eat dog. Each man for himself. Seize the day. Live fast, die young. You’ve only got one life, so live it. All of these sayings (and there are heaps more) are so deeply damaging and are so embedded in our culture. Speaking as a man I can say that I am discovering a tenderness, fragility and love of my brothers that is the total opposite to what these kind sayings make me feel. They are evil – hardening the body and closing down the innate sacredness and brotherhood of us all.

  306. Serge Benhayon gives us the rail map, shows us the ticket office, buys us the ticket, explains how to ride the train, what to look out for and how to care for ourselves on the train. He explains what stations to avoid, he supports us when we go through dark tunnels, he inspires us to look deeper at the glorious views out the windows and he will sit right next to us as our equal (there is no first and second class on this train). The only thing that we have to do is get on the evolutionary train in the first place. That is the biggest choice and that is our choice.

    1. Beautiful Otto, a very accurate analogy. And yet despite all this we still enjoy getting off the train every now and then to sidetrack ourselves just for the sake of it. Your analogy highlights the silliness of this and the effort it takes to get off the train, ignore the wise advise and support and the clear pointing out of the next phase of the journey to then having to find our way back on track after all that. Staying on the train is cosiderably more easy.

      1. I remember a few years ago in England when we all laughed when a train was delayed “because of leaves on the tracks”. And yet we wilfully delay our own evolutionary train for equally absurd reasons.

    2. Wow Otto, I love your analogy, absolutely brilliant. And, may I add, we might have missed many of these trains but they are continuously turning up for us to step onboard, do we enter the evolutionary train or standby and watch it go past?

      1. Agree. The timetable is super regular and never ever delayed; the train will always be there for us. That isn’t to say that there isn’t enormous delay involved in our evolution – but it is always us that causes it.

    3. What a beautiful analogy Otto, you have so brilliantly described Serge Benhayon’s unwavering support and inspiration, each step of the way, as we choose to travel, always as equals, along the way.

  307. You can tell when the body is expressing from a known and truth .. as our body naturally feels this too.

  308. ‘In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.’ Like this seriously needs to happen that all of us (humanity) have a greater awareness and understanding of the true facts of our evolution. The absolute truth. For far too long we have been fed and accepted lies. What Serge Benhayon is living and teaching is an absolute blessing for us all.

  309. “From this connection with our esoteric essence, a sense of the grandness, the magnificence of Soul starts to unfold and with it an inkling that this is who we truly are.” The work of Serge Benhayon is a true Philosophy, Science and Religion that puts us back on the correct path to re-discovering who we really are and our true purpose in this plane of life. Nothing rings more true as Serge presents truth after truth that every cell in our bodies recognize. Studying his work is a true coming home to the majesty of our evolution in all senses of the word.

  310. Coleen thank you for this clear explanation of our downfall,
    “We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul. However, a singular aspect of us separated itself from this vibration, lowering its frequency to become the etheric spirit, which in turn wilfully descended into a plane of denser vibration to indulge further in the adventure and vibration of individuality. This pursuit of individuality involved the assembling of a physical body to engage even more this thirst for a creation that stands in complete opposition to the harmonious interconnectedness and Oneness of our true Soulful origins.”
    This makes total sense to me and explains the unease we feel in our bodies. It is the unease that is our greatest friend because as hard as we try to use whatever means at our disposal to dull our awareness we can never quiet our soul.

  311. ‘This time, my body confirmed these teachings on evolution as truth by responding with a deepening sense of settlement and ease.’ – I so relate to what you’re sharing here Coleen. This is exactly how I felt when I heard Serge Benhayon present, an ease and a settlement – like coming home. My whole body felt as though it was being re-awakened, it was how I felt in my body that was so profound, processing the words that were shared became secondary.

  312. We can feel challenged in life but we will always feel the difference between truth and lies. That is clearly felt in our body by a settlement and ease for the first and a forever unsettlement and anxiousness with the lies. Learning or actually re-learning to use our body like this is super supportive in life.

  313. This is an amazing blog, you nail what it is all about Coleen, there is so much about life that we ignore if it is not pointed out to us. Why wouldn’t we want to live as multi-dimensional beings with connection to the all instead of this reduced form we can never ever be content with. Through the Ageless Wisdom brought to us this time by Serge Benhayon we can get there, we literally just need to get over ourselves.

  314. ‘The Science of Symbolism, another aspect of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, indicates how the whole of nature offers us a reflection of who we are and of the constant presence and Love of our Father.’ A constant presence and yet how often nature is dismissed or not appreciated as one of life’s greatest teachers.

  315. The survival of the fittest theorem is created as another religion to hang onto despite our true religion, the Way of The Livingness.

  316. Serge Benhayon is the one that best can be listened to as he comes to remind us that we are not from here and that there is a plan for us, a plan that is not of this earth but from the universe. A plan we adhere more to than we dare to admit but is heavily resisted by the human spirit.

  317. ‘The vibration of individuality’ compared to the vibration of the soul is so greatly reduced that it’s a wonder we can actually mange to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning. Hey hang on a minute, many of us can’t!

    1. This is so true Alexis Stewart, I was talking to a family member recently who lives in Europe and has never heard of Serge Benhayon, they were wondering what would happen if we were to stop using all stimulating drinks for a month? They wanted to know why they are seeing on the BBC news youths totally out of their bodies because they have taken some sort of drug – they seem to lose all bodily function.
      I put forward the fact that our bodies are in a perpetual state of unease because we are not living who we truly are and is it possible we are resisting this knowing by distracting ourselves by whatever means it takes, rather than stopping and listening to what our bodies are communicating to us. And my family member understood what I was conveying as it made sense to them. It makes sense to our bodies, not our mind, and there lies the difference, it’s called whole body intelligence.

  318. “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world”. Evolution is beautiful, even when it’s ugly.

  319. “Serge Benhayon, through the Ageless Wisdom teachings and his livingness of them, is restoring the truth and beauty of our evolution to this world”, the power of The Ageless Wisdom comes from the living of it. Without the living aspect, The Ageless Wisdom lays dormant.

  320. Yes we’ve reduced ourselves and we do not want to see this as a humanity and so we ignore those like Serge Benhayon who remind us we are so much more. Yet increasingly our bodies, our lives and all that is happening on this planet reflect to us the truth for aeons we’ve ignored, that we are so much more than mere humans and that we have two aspects of us, spirit and soul, and knowing this we can begin to understand the choices we truly have, to align to our spirit or our soul.

  321. A key marker of evolution is the way it offers everybody and everything expansion in every way. If something feels narrow or limited in some way – it’s not evolution but just us seeking improvements to our day.

  322. What Serge Benhyaon presents has helped me enormously to understand the world and its people. What he presents just makes sense – from everyday practical details of life to the full magnitude of what we are as a multidimensional being, while exposing the lies we have been accepting all along. And it is not because he is well-read or gifted, it’s because he is deeply connected and surrendered to the truth of who he is. This is one man the humanity will remember.

  323. Yes and how encompassing is it? We are all equal, from the same source with the same emanation. It is up to us what we do with that, but the foundation and the roots are all there with nothing held back.

  324. There are so many things that have been shared through Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon that explain life as we live it, for example the fact that everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy. This simple expansion of a well known teaching offers us a responsibility and accountability that is perhaps unusual in our lives to date. The fact that there is a difference between the spirit and the soul – I for one never even considered it, yet it makes so much sense. This for each of us to discern for ourselves, but we do have the right to have this available to discern for ourselves without influence from those who find these concepts too challenging.

  325. There is no question we feel so much more than we have been educated to be aware of, and therefore an intelligent way to move through life is to build a relationship with our body. As you have shared, Serge Benhayon encourages us to develop and deepen that relationship so we can start to be discerning about what we have said yes to. What a reflection, what an inspiration.

  326. When the petty jealousies have died down and out, when we are ready to be honest and express the huge discomfort and unsettlement we live in and under, the Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom on evolution will take their rightful place in our lives and put an end to the tyranny of reductionism once and for all.

  327. Deeply beautiful, poetic and expansive to read Coleen. I think I will need to read this a few times to allow the extent of the beauty to sink in.

  328. The attraction of Darwinism and natural selection is that it is clearly true and observable, even in relatively short timespans. The problem is that the theory is also clearly incomplete when it comes to humans.

  329. “Our evolution back to Soul is supported at every turn by aligning with natural cycles; cycles that we have always lived under but have refused to acknowledge and cooperate with in order to maintain our fallen state. If we were to accept that we live under cycles and not the linear life that we think we live, we would begin to see that life could be very different and all that we believed to be true is in fact a lie. Cycles expose how we are living, they expose that we have moved so far away from what is natural to us all and we have done so that we can maintain our fallen state. The more I feel into this the more I feel how arrogant we are. Thank God for Serge Benhayon for without him we would still have no idea that we are living under the greatest illusion of all time.

  330. The Ageless Wisdom teachings make sense of life here on earth – they bring meaning, responsibility and purpose back to our lives and the way we live.

  331. I love how you have so clearly delivered everything I too have discovered and experienced from the ageless wisdom most of which I had felt before and was at Joy to finally hear someone present it in full and explain the missing links as Serge Benhayen can because he lives it in full – a master of human life. Those that listen or read the truth from a body that lives it cannot deny that they feel this same truth in their own body and with this we can either be at ease in a deep settlement or it may bring up a reaction, resistance or a fight against it. No matter how much the truth that Serge Benhayen presents ges bastardised, avoided or denied will not ever change the fact of these truths and the outplay it is having on mankind because of them. It all comes out in the wash and will be seen when eyes are ready to open.

  332. “… we become our own true scientists and study ourselves from within, observing the outplay in the external world through how we are in life, and in our changing relationships and understandings.” Our bodies and our responses make true scientists of us all – our lived experience and our way of living is something that cannot be denied.

  333. In many ways we think we have evolved as a race, like look at what we have created, invented and built? But what about the way we live, how we relate to each other and our level of love lived, has that evolved much? On the surface, it may look like we are evolving but in truth when we look at the state of humanity, we have not evolved much at all. I didn’t understand or open my eyes to this until I met Serge Benhayon, a man who is living the true path of evolution, exposing the many illusions of what life is and leading the way for humanity to truly evolve.

  334. This is an awesome statement Coleen that corrects the many ills and lies we have swallowed about our true origins and who we really are. I too never bought into the ‘Evolution from the Apes’ story, it doesn’t make sense to me because in general human beings are so out of touch with the natural cycles of the world that the animal kingdom is innately connected to, why should such an intelligent evolving species jettison such a valuable quality? Meeting Serge Benhayon and studying the Ageless Wisdom has confirmed what I felt from such a young age, that Human Beings have arisen from another source and for the first time in my life I was shown how to consciously re-connect to my Soul, my real origin. What Serge offers humanity is immense, mind blowing, deeply life changing and very, very effective, proving time and again that our real evolution begins internally and has nothing to do with our genes, body shape or physique, but everything to do with resurrecting our integrity, wisdom and connection to God.

  335. There is so much more to us than being mere humans, the sooner we realise this and embrace it, the sooner we can begin to develop a relationship with our body/Soul and hence enrich our lives in ways unfathomed. However we must beware of the pitfall of the spirit which likes to hijack the path to Soul. Hence why making it about the body and our communications and relationship with the body is key. This is something that I find very helpful in making it practical in my every day life – working with the body and how it feels, its posture etc.

  336. ‘In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.’ – Serge Benhayon is most definitely a name that will be recorded and deeply acknowledged in history.

  337. You have written here an incredible article, and one line particular really stands out for me: “to begin the process of systematically unpicking all of our investments in creation and in individuality.” I love this because it summarises the path that I have been so lovingly shown, by Serge Benhayon, as a true path back to the Soul.

  338. True evolution which is the return back to soul does indeed start with the body and our relationship with it for this is the bridge to the Soul.

  339. Hearing the understanding of evolution as presented Serge Benhayon in the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom has brought a settlement in my body from the persistent searching for the meaning and purpose to life.

    1. Hear hear Jonathan no more searching required as the Ageless Wisdom supports a deep embodiment of truth for all.

  340. When we align our body’s cycles and rhyths to the flow and rhythm of those in nature we are then aligned to the Universe.

  341. I agree Jane and would add that the one thing I found through Serge was myself and in that God and everyone else.

  342. The teaching of spirit and Soul as presented by Serge Benhayon and the Ageless Wisdom and now by my own living experience is the most important teaching I have ever heard and makes complete sense of life. This understanding plus the understanding as presented by Serge that not only is everything energy but also everything is because of energy, when fully lived soulfully allows us to return to who we truly are.

  343. The gift Serge offers us is that we are ALREADY everything so our evolution is a return and an inner deepening and not a going out or attaining.

  344. As a society we pay an awful lot of attention to the cycle of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, and yet ignore the non-manmade cycles you’ve shared which are crucial to our lives and rhythm. Even the seasons ask us to behave differently and look at particular areas of our life, such as autumn and the opportunity to get rid of things much like leaves fall from trees, or spring and ‘spring cleaning’ in tune with nature; how much of this magic do we utilise?

    1. We prefer our man-made cycles that are, more often than not, vicious circles and keep us glued to the same old movements that have not ever truly worked, only allowed a certain level of functionality.

  345. Serge Benhayon has indeed shown me what true evolution is and how it not survival of the fittest but to return to who we truly are. Thank you for this sharing as it highlights how we have misinterpreted the word evolution on so many levels.

  346. I too have always known that what I was being taught didn’t add up but I didn’t know why not and I didn’t know what the alternate version might be – until I met Serge Benhayon.

    1. Questioning and not making sense of the world and all that is offered as the answers until I met Serge Benhayon. Delivering the soul so lovingly and unimposing through the teachings that have been part of our lineage for aeons.

    2. All the studies I have followed in my youth have never brought me the answers to life I was looking for but instead left me even in a void. Until I met Serge Benhayon whose teachings and presentations made sense and as you say Otto, add up and made the whole to me visible again.

      1. I so love your expression. This is a brilliant analogy – the truth will always surface or, as you say, we can be responsible and walk towards our inevitable evolution speeding up the process by digging out the truth that has laid buried in our bodies for so many lifetimes.

  347. Your blog is a text book of the future – a future being livd now by many students of The Way of the Livingness, as inspired by and taught by Serge Benhayon – the Don of evolution!

  348. Kapow! What a sizzler of a blog Coleen bringing the truth about Serge Benhayon – a selfless man in his way of living and encompassing every person equally so from love.
    “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth”.

  349. This is deeply beautiful to read. I remember feeling so so sad when taught about ‘evolution’ and survival of the fittest at school. There is a whole multidimensionality to us this dampens down and ignores- dampening down is something I still do in many areas of life in my bid to survive. But it feels abhorrent denying the divinity we are and something I am dropping bit by bit.

  350. Evolution certainly has been brought to many many people – and humanity through Serge Benhayon .. his presentations, courses and workshops at Universal Medicine, all the Esoteric modalities, music, his ‘purple books’ his Living Way … A definite turning point for humanity as one day, history will offer more to realise.

  351. Life can be so simple and so very clear but this requires a way of living that keeps ourselves aware and open.

    1. Yes life IS very simple and we work very hard at making it complicated which is why we get so exhausted.

  352. “…In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth….” Yes, humanity is indeed at the cornerstone of this era – The middle of the ‘U’ in the ‘U-turn’ back to Soul. History is being written.

  353. Serge Benhayon is the real deal, he walks what he talks, and when presenting, you may squirm in your seat, or you many zone out, either way, your body knows truth when it is delivered. My life has transformed and healed so much since I found the teachings of the The Ageless Wisdom and The Way of the Livingness and now feel the purpose of my life.

  354. It wasn’t until I found the ancient wisdom teachings specifically the difference between spirit and Soul, did I understand so much about the life I had lived and my past choices. In dealing with and clearing my past hurts, I was able to let so much go and in doing so changing the energy allowing me to once again reconnect with the energy of my Soul which is an ever deepening process.

  355. The process of systematically unpicking all of our investments in creation and in individuality is a crucial one in our evolution. I have experienced how there is an extremely stubborn part inside me that doesn’t want to surrender, doesn’t want to take responsibility for the outcome of the made choices and does everything it can to stay in control. By opening my eyes to this part and the consequences for myself and others I get more awareness and more willingness to say no this ‘non evolutionary’ behavior.

  356. I love how my body goes into a settlement when the truth is presented. As soon as I met Serge Benhayon my body settled, what he presented on why we are here on this planet and what our true purpose is made absolute sense and I experienced this absolute settlement for the first time in my life. Like a long search had come to an end and I finally found something that supported me to connect back to my soul and innate wisdom.

  357. I know to ascend out of a momentum of self-abuse and not loving or appreciating myself this life and many before is to understand the celestial cycles of zodiacal constellations as taught by Serge Benhayon. Attending the retreat and many workshops since when he incorporates these teachings it is wisdom at its best hands down!

  358. I love the way you have so succinctly described evolution and the way we can lovingly evolve back to who we truly are through our own bodies: ‘These truths of our evolution, presented in but a small way here, can be confirmed through our own bodies’ responses and by applying these truths for ourselves.’

    1. Interesting how Darwinism focuses only on the physical and still misses how truthful each one of our bodies is.

  359. Very well captured, Coleen – ‘This pursuit of individuality involved the assembling of a physical body to engage even more this thirst for a creation that stands in complete opposition to the harmonious interconnectedness and Oneness of our true Soulful origins.’ Serge Benhayon shows us how far away we have wandered from our true nature, with a relentless love for all.

    1. Thank God for Serge Benhayon, forever lovingly leading the way for all to evolve out of the misery, pain, and suffering we have created here on earth. He is the living example of how it is possible to live heaven on earth embodying our soul and how accessible this is for us all.

  360. The body knows what is true and when presented with the Ageless Wisdom Teachings we either surrender or resist the reflection. The body is naturally content and at ease; the Ageless Wisdom Teachings supports me to deepen the contentment inside through choosing to let go of the disharmony I have allowed to enter my body.

  361. Serge Benhayon presents on the path of return back to soul in such a way that it is very accessible to all. He can just present it, the rest is up to each of us to accept it or not.

    1. And this is our true path of evolution, so simple, accessible and the only way to evolve is when we reconnect to our soul and no-one can do this for us.

  362. I have also experienced the same unrest or uneasiness in my body knowing that there has to be more to life. And felt the same settlement and knowing when I came back into contact with the ageless wisdom teachings. We actually all know them to be true.

  363. When something is felt in the whole body then we understand the truth more clearly. But it takes someone living that truth to help us recognise it in ourselves. Serge Benhayon is one such person.

  364. I hear you Coleen I studied one year of psychology 101 and got out. It was meaningless, divorced from truth and utter reductionism of us to behaviour of rats and monkeys. You’re right my body knew the truth and registered the non truth very clearly. I thought I was a failure for not getting on with University at the time but not really as I saw through it for the farce it is. Having a MA now I appreciate we have to study but there are much more enriched ways for this process to occur.

    1. And in time, when reductionism is dead and gone, this will be the norm and with it the enrichment and expansion that follow such a move.

  365. Gosh the first 5 paragraphs alone show the absolute appalling state our education system and just how archaic it is squeezing people to fit into these boxes that are not of truth or love but what someone has ‘decided’ will be!!!! All I can say is thank absolute goodness for people like Serge Benhayon who not only stop and question such systems but from knowing and living absolute truth expose them for the insidiousness they are.

  366. ‘In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.’ Yes, scorned in his time by a few, but supported by many more, the true facts about Serge Benhayon and the real meaning of our evoltion will come to light as only truth does in the end.

  367. There is much to see and dis-cover about ourselves, our essence and the world and universe we are part of. It has always been there for those who were ready to seek and study but never before has it been so clear and accessible as it is today, through the teachings of Serge Benhayon. The wisdom of how our bodies work, what we are a part of, the universal laws, the essence and origin of who we are and why we are here is now available to all on a worldwide scale.

  368. It feels so retarding. So diminishing. So abominantly evil and benign to reduce ourselves and our perception of everyone to purely physical flesh and bone when we know innately we are far more than physical. The very fact that we all feel a level of tension we need to quell in what ever way possible highlights the fact that we know and indeed feel something is not cohesively true about the way we live as a race but very very few seek to do little about it.

  369. The Ageless Wisdom teachings of spirit and soul, and therewith the multidimensional truth of who we are is fundamental for understanding true evolution, the return to who we divinely are.

  370. It is a beautiful thing to uncover the truth of the meaning of the words in our language. And at the same time is greatly exposing to our own creations and resistance against what we innately know the truth to be. Bastardising the truth to suit our spirits agenda is a game that has been deliberately played for eons and it will be coming to an end relatively so by the increase of awareness.

  371. Beautiful sharing Coleen – love the simplicity of the truth you share. “In the not too distant future, history too may record both the true facts of our evolution and the man who selflessly presented this truth.” Serge Benhayon’s wise presentation about evolution resonates deeply within me and makes more sense to me than the knowledge-based approach that is usually regurgitated.

  372. Coleen what a great exposing of how we lap up information, we sometimes question it but then without another true version end up making that our reality. What a blessing and a settlement that we feel in our bodies when we feel and connect with the truth of evolution. Of returning back to living as the God we are.

  373. Hi Colleen, I remember this
    “As I listened to, and studied, concepts that reduced women to a monthly oestrous and men to seeking the ‘fittest’ (most visually attractive) mate, as I attended lectures on how human infants and primates display the same behaviours due to their evolutionary relationship,”
    I wasn’t at University but working at a Zoo and this was the flavour of the lectures I attended and what I felt was that it reduced human-beings to function; I felt too that there was something missing and it was not until I met Serge Benhayon many years later that the missing pieces were at last revealed. What Serge Benhayon presents makes total sense as he has the answers to many of the unsolved questions I carried with me from those lectures.

  374. Coleen thank you for this simple explanation of our lost state of being, as you say
    “We are energetic beings – sparks of one great Soul.”
    Thanks to the Teachings of the Ancient Wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon we have once again the opportunity re align to our soul.

  375. “Serge Benhayon, through his presentations on The Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has delivered to us the facts of our evolution.” Thank you Coleen for expressing so clearly what I also feel.

  376. This is a great piece of writing and offers us a chance to feel a deep settlement and stillness in our bodies in relation to the cycles which support us in evolution and the presentation of the Ageless Wisdom by Serge Benhayon, in doing so offering us the choice to connect to the same source of this, our Soul and the Universe.

  377. What an amazing blog Colleen, until coming across Serge presenting the Ageless Wisdom I was completely lost. Religion as I knew it seemed to hold little truth or represent too many hypocrisies for me to fully engage in it. And life, not being a materialistic person had to have more to it than just getting by and accumulating things. The Ageless Wisdom makes sense of it all and I always had the feeling that we were not supposed too be here.

  378. By reducing “ourselves to the exclusively human realm”, and within this realm ignoring the importance of the cycles we live in, and in some cases cycles within cycles, we have denied ourselves the truth of our divine origins. Humanity as a whole may not be ready to hear and accept this truth right at this moment in time, but there will come a time when it will be undeniable and in that moment we will open the doorway to our waiting evolution.

  379. Perfectly encapsulated Coleen. It is only when we understand what true evolution is, that we begin to understand the extent of the mechanisms and forces we have put in place to resist it.

  380. Great stuff Coleen, the current popular ideas and theories on evolution fall short of the truth of our divine connection to the expansion and evolution of the universe with us being a part there of and gods in fact by our particles. Learning to surrender the spirit and repose thus allowing the wisdom to come feels to me the way to go. Rather than rag dolling the body and mind with theories at the total expense of the body. A beautiful and powerful piece of writing. Thank god for Serge Benhayon for making the ageless wisdom teachings more accessible to all than ever before .

  381. To be willing to return to the kindergarten of life, starting with ‘felt-in-the-body truth’ opens us up to re-explore the meaning and purpose of life. Thank you Coleen for this invitation to a fresh approach.

    1. I love your expression Matilda, ‘To be willing to return to the kindergarten of life,’ because it beautifully communicates where we are at in our evolution. We are learning to reconnect to the divine and know we are not separate to it but from it and so know all that is glorious about us is of and from God. I know I have not mastered or fully understood humility but I know spiritual pride feels ugly and it’s it. I wince when I hear of people spending billions on space exploration and the search for other ‘intelligent lifeforms’. There is no consideration that we have it all here already and that lifeforms, so to speak, could take the form of formlessness – so what we cannot see or touch.

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