Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym

I was in the gym the other day when I bumped into someone I hadn’t seen for years – an incredible young man, very wise beyond his years.

He asked how life was and I shared what had been happening for me. We chatted some more about his life, then he asked if I was going on the treadmills. “Yes” I replied, so he said he’d come join me.

We spoke of the abuse he receives from the public at work: he is Muslim in his faith. He gets it all the time. He laughs and shares that these people who abuse him have got nothing on him, if all they can come up with is calling him a Paki. Don’t get me wrong, there are other things like attacks on his car and attempts at physical abuse. I can tell he is hurt by the way people treat him; I would be too, as that is not love. I do not like racism or abuse at all in any shape or form. Even though I find it deeply sad that we treat each other like this, I laugh, because his words are true. This man is incredible, gentle and wise and says no to abuse.

We talked about Mohammed and how this young man believes in Jesus too: he’s not the only person of Muslim faith I’ve had this conversation with. Another person shared you cannot be a Muslim if you do not believe in Jesus. Mohammed and Jesus were both prophets and taught the same thing, The Ageless Wisdom.

He shared how someone started to bad mouth Mary and Jesus in front of him. He replied, “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I loved his reply and said, “This is no different to online abuse.” There are people who troll the Internet with a personal vendetta, or simply to abuse another, as the person abusing has not taken responsibility to heal their own hurts, so they deliberately go out to attack people. If we do not agree or like what we see on the Internet, – switch it off, go to another page, but do not use it as platform to hide our identity behind, or for some not to hide, to attack and abuse people.

He shared about how we are lost… is this what we have come to as a society? We discussed how we are looking to the material world to give us answers, or to alcohol and food, but we will never find it there: it hasn’t and doesn’t work, no matter how tall our buildings are, or how fast our cars or computers are, or how much we numb ourselves to fight our awareness or emotional pain. We are a mess. We have not evolved. We build the tallest building in one country; what does another country do but decide to build a taller building, whilst people, our brothers, are being killed all around them.

We talked about how we have lost respect for one another and ourselves. He shared that respect has to start with respecting ourselves first.

He talked about what he loved about visiting Morocco: people all eat off the same plate, they share and eat together – it’s about community and brotherhood. What I loved about this was his love of community and brotherhood, people coming together to eat, to talk, to be together, something I feel we are all desperately missing in the world and our lives.

This conversation was no coincidence or mistake. What we talked of were the values and the living ways of The Ageless Wisdom, even though this young man has not heard of The Ageless Wisdom in those words before. Jesus and Mohammed amongst many others, including Serge Benhayon, are all here to teach and reflect the same thing, The Ageless Wisdom. This religion is about how we live. It’s about re-turning to a way of living we have all lived before, it’s about re-connecting to our Soul, it’s about people, truth, understanding, true love and deep care for ourselves and each other, brotherhood, equality, community, respecting each other and ourselves.

People the world over can see and feel things aren’t okay, that the world is a mess. We are all looking for connection. For me conversations like these are pure gold.

I could have easily made some excuse, “Oh no, I have to walk by myself,” but we are not here to walk alone.

Today it was me, my brothers, Mohammed and Jesus that walked in the gym.

By Anon

Related Reading:
Serge Benhayon – The next World Teacher of the Ageless Wisdom
What is true religion?
The Way of The Livingness

528 thoughts on “Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym

  1. ‘The Ageless Wisdom – This religion is about how we live. It’s about re-turning to a way of living we have all lived before, it’s about re-connecting to our Soul, it’s about people, truth, understanding, true love and deep care for ourselves and each other, brotherhood, equality, community, respecting each other and ourselves.’
    Now that I have discovered the ‘The Ageless Wisdom’ teaching and felt for myself that this is a true way to live I wouldn’t want to go back to my old ways of living which was to be withdrawn from people and checked out on life, it was a horrible existence I would say a living nightmare in comparison to the joy I feel in my body now.

  2. “but we are not here to walk alone.” The Ageless Wisdom teaches us to live in Brotherhood with each other and open our hearts to love all equally as we walk The Path of Return together.

  3. People have such deep wisdom, it’s so important to honour what we observe and feel, and not just go along with how society is because the masses have normalised a certain way of life.

  4. I love those conversations and connections with other people. Far more enriching than talking about the weather or other pleasantries.

  5. These kinds of conversations are so supportive, most people have values and qualities they hold sacred such as respect, integrity, decency, etc, and talking about these together brings a richer way of being in community and growing each other. What the World Teachers like Buddha and Jesus shared is a truth we all equally have within ourselves, and activating these truths through conversations together is very powerful.

  6. Every step we walk together in brotherhood is a step to healing the wounds of the world.

  7. What a great level of appreciation you have shared, as when we see this most divine reflection in another we also have to consider first that we also recognise our own divinity and thus living in appreciation of this fact, thus we are living in True-appreciate-ive-ness.

  8. ‘People the world over can see and feel things aren’t okay, that the world is a mess. We are all looking for connection. For me conversations like these are pure gold.’ I loved reading about this conversation myself. What this young man was sharing was so confirming and yes – gold. Thank you for sharing this, it was a pleasure to re-visit.

  9. Is it possible that when we are hurting we lash out at others in a way to alleviate the pain of our own suffering? So it would make sense to heal our own hurts then we wouldn’t want to hurt others. The fact that we do hurt others all the time shows the level of hurt we carry in our bodies.

    1. Great insight Mary, and the lack of our surrendering is not justified, because when we surrender to our hurts it takes them out of play and allows true healing.

    2. It makes sense to me that education could really factor the whole being in, including hurts and how to support and heal ourselves and each other. What’s the point of learning knowledge if we are out in the world hurt, hurting others and maybe hurting ourselves even more also? A great way to begin that healing process would be to acknowledge every human being is love in essence and base the systems of life, including education, on love

  10. There is a book about separation and what happens in society when we let this run rampant – I recall reading this book called “Animal Farm” in high school years ago and I still remember the an extract where some animals told others “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others” showing how fast we are to bastardise even the word ‘equal’.

    1. From memory there was also the theme with that book that ‘power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely’ – unless of course you’re in the absoluteness of the soul which is true power! 🙂

  11. Beginning with at least a basic level of respect and bringing this back to our world and our relationships is a good start. From here there is more potential to build.

    1. How easy is it for us to disrespect others and how often and quickly does it happen? In answer to my own question I would say that we do it all the time without any conscious awareness that that’s what we’re doing. A negative thought about someone’s voice, haircut, work ethic, a pregnant pause, the raise of an eyebrow, being critical, being condescending, putting someone down, the out and out berating of another, call it what you will but we all do it all of the time and there is no decency or respect in any of it.

  12. “If we do not agree or like what we see on the Internet, – switch it off, go to another page, but do not use it as platform to hide our identity behind, or for some not to hide, to attack and abuse people.” – yes, there is a red “X” at the top of the tab that one can click on to close the internet page, it really is that simple!

  13. I agree with the person you were talking to. I personally believe we are so lost but there is an arrogance to our way of living that is extremely detrimental to ourselves and this plane of life we are currently living in we have such
    An arrogance in our belief that we are the dominant species that we do not consider our universe, and the affect we have on it. I feel that if we go outside the boundaries of the universe there will be corrective action and are we not seeing this with the global weather conditions? No one seems to be joining the dots of the bush fires, floods, devastating winds etc. If we live in disharmony to the earth and the universe we must suffer the consequences.

  14. I agree with what is being shared here that we have lost respect for one another and for ourselves, we do not hold life as having any value. We are totally lost and as we abandon our societal values we have become gross and animalistic, this is a very slippery slope to be on.

  15. If we do not agree or like what we see on the Internet, – switch it off, go to another page….’
    people should do that more often to avoid hate, anger and frustration.

  16. I agree – a conversation like this is pure gold. How often do we rob ourselves of opportunities like this by holding onto judgement, reducing the unfathomable magnificence to mere pettiness, making this world a very lonely, love-thirsty place?

  17. ‘What I loved about this was his love of community and brotherhood, people coming together to eat, to talk, to be together, something I feel we are all desperately missing in the world and our lives.’ I know that this was something I was acutely aware of as a kid growing up in the suburbs of North London. I deeply ached to be part of a wider community and thought it was something that only happened in days of old.

  18. When I see a country lauding the fact that they now have “the tallest building” in the world, it leaves me feeling empty, as on a global scale it means absolutely nothing, when all around this so-called icon, people are suffering in many awful ways. It’s time to return to a way of living where the welfare and consideration of people comes before anything else, especially any tall buildings, and big profits.

  19. Anon, what an amazing conversation you had at the gym that day. When we are open to one another these kinds of conversations can occur.

  20. “but we are not here to walk alone.” I love this simple statement. Simple and true, resonating with our hearts.

  21. When we don’t have pictures about other people we can have the most inspiring conversations with anyone.

  22. Being truly religious is not about believing in one particular religion and ignoring and abandoning all other religions – this is what creates war. Being truly religious is seeing and loving another for who they truly are in their essence no matter what religion they choose to align to.

  23. We feel and know the same things. Collectively we know what truth, love, harmony, stillness and joy are. We have felt them and we experience the opposite everyday. I have often caught myself being surprised that someone has experienced something in the same way or feels the same way. It confirms every time that the illusion of individuality is strong but not true.

  24. What I got today by re-reading this blog is that over history there has always been someone, or many, who re-connect to their souls and know they are the one/s, and that we are all the ones. But not everyone is ready to hear that and stand up and live and speak the truth, so they do.

  25. We can find a common decency and understanding of brotherhood in many people we meet in everyday life. Being open to this shared universal wisdom and truth concerning humanity, opens up our experience of relationships and heals our habits of separation and isolationism.

  26. ‘People the world over can see and feel things aren’t okay, that the world is a mess. We are all looking for connection.’ This is a drop of gold to take into our days… when we realise this collective yearning, we can work towards it, rather than continue the divided and separatist way we have come to accept as normal.

    1. Correct, and so many of us keep trying to make the best of it, or hoping that it will change, the awesome thing about honesty is that we can start to change, if we keep trying to prop things up or make do, we will not be able to bring true change. We are all more than this chaos, selfism and abuse, we can arise if we choose to honour what we know.

  27. Conversations like these are pure gold, Anon. The connection you had with your friend at the gym was very beautiful. I love it when I meet people who are willing to deeply connect and open to sharing their wisdom. The Ageless Wisdom is now being lived once again by many, many people across the globe, and I am so grateful to have found it again. I know I have walked this path once before and the Ageless Wisdom has ignited many, many people’s lives and to live with true purpose.

  28. People the world over are looking for answers everywhere. We can all feel it is not true how we are living and that the solutions we are being sold are not the truth we need. Yet few are willing to be open and honest about what they are really choosing in life and how they are really going. It is common to put on a front or guard, yet it is conversations like this that the world needs.

  29. Love this sharing, yes the ageless wisdom is there for all to see and feel through it’s many teachers.

    1. The Ageless Wisdom, just it’s title is magical. It evokes for me a real sense of the wisdom being an activity that has stayed current and alive since the beginning of time. Not only that but a wisdom that will always be relevant to anyone and everyone who inhabits the earth regardless of what time period we’re in.

  30. It’s so true…We are not here to walk alone… It is in our nature to be recognising, connecting, and feeling that deep connection which, once our eyes are open to the energetic interplay of everything, supports and sustains us on our journey home.

  31. Oh the power of when we are open and transparent with another expressing all that we feel ✨

  32. It is interesting how we often fail to appreciate a sense of true community and brotherhood and judge another for their differences. Similarly we often fail to call out discrimination and racism for fear that we will become the minority or target of derision.

  33. I love the calling for oneness that your friend is asking for. No discrimination or judgement, just understanding and allowing of us all to be ourselves, each on our own path of return back to Soul.

  34. There is so much islamaphobia in the world, it is so unnecessary I have many muslim friends and oh how I feel blessed to know them, their sense of community and looking out for one and other always inspires me.

  35. When we connect with people in this way we ignite the brotherhood that is within all of us.

    1. So true Bernard, these connections remind us how much we are all so deeply connected as One and that our pull back to brotherhood is never lost.

  36. Absolutely agree Doug, those that followed these great teachers were unwilling to live the purity that was clearly shown to them. This reinterpretation/misinterpretation has caused untold damage and division between men. I consider myself so blessed to have heard Serge Benhayon speak the ageless wisdom with the clarity of living immense love every day.

  37. This is a beautiful sharing as is encapsulates the fact that as we are all Souls in a body, when we express and share from this quality we all speak the same language, share the same understanding and know the same truth; and that is of love. Our Soulful light is what unifies us all, something we cannot ever escape as hard as we try, and it is in living our love that will return us to realise the power of oneness we are all from and are here to live as a humanity.

  38. Beautiful what you have shared, thank you Anon, in the heart of every human being is a longing for community and true brotherhood, when we connect to our divine essence we innately are connected to each other.

  39. “We” are definitely “not here to walk alone” and if we do we are walking in total opposition to the way we were born to walk; alongside our brothers and our sisters. Walking alone because we consider others to not be worthy to walk alongside us is bringing separation and division to a world that is already in enough pain, whereas walking with everyone as an equal is offering us the healing power of harmony.

    1. Very beautiful Ingrid, and indeed, we are not here to walk alone but to walk in harmony with each other. I love your reminder that we are all brothers and sisters. We are always offered the opportunity to connect and walk together as one and not in separation.

      1. Always Chan, and when we don’t take up the opportunity to walk together, something happens to remind us, like some natural disaster or emergency that re-ignites the truth that we are all one.

      2. We can reach out and connect to anyone at any time but most of us prefer to stay within our very controlled borders of who we deem it’s appropriate to reach out and connect with and who it’s not. We are the ones keeping ourselves small and isolated, we’re doing it to ourselves through our daily choices.

    2. Well said Ingrid – as soon as there is a sense of someone feeling superior to another or at the other end someone feeling lesser than another, then there is no unity. Unity is about equalness and hence is never about being better than or more than or more superior than another.

  40. The Way of The Livingness is religion that calls for love in every move we make.

  41. Everyone knows something is not right in the world, but it’s like we like to pretend everything is ok, so it’s important that start these conversations so we don’t ignore what is happening, because while we pretend everything is ok nothing will change.

    1. Agreed Meg and the hurdle is that we are not willing to be honest about our responsibility of the way the world is today. And so, the more of us that reflect how humbleness is actually empowering the more we also reflect the power that honesty and responsibility have in founding true change.

    2. I agree Meg – we can all feel things are not working, but do we express it? Do we share our experience, or better still listen to others and perhaps even start to take action about it, changing the way we move as a starting point.

      1. I agree – to at least live in a way that does not contribute to what is not right in the world is a great starting point.

  42. It’s true, we have lost respect for others and it does start with ourselves. I remember listening to elders when I was a young girl and teen in the 70’s and 80’s saying how concerned they were regarding the lack of respect in the world. At the time I didn’t understand, my world was full of school and friends, but looking back I can see how our standards have been dropping over time, so much so that there is now a considerable lack of decency and respect in the world.

    1. Choosing to be more open to feeling what is truly going on in the world we offer us the understanding that there is so much to observe and deepen the quality that we can live and offer in return.

  43. This reminds me of the original/true meaning of religion which is to re-connect ..this is about reconnecting to the God, or the essence, in us – within ourselves and with all others – so chatting like you did in the gym in a sense is being religious and the fact that you had with you some of the great teachers like Mohammed and Jesus quite natural.

  44. Everyone is full of wisdom and beauty – the question is are we living it in ourselves? Or do we leave it as pretty verbal decoration only?

  45. Such beautiful words – “we are not here to walk alone.” – and so very true. They are a gentle reminder to not walk past the next person we meet, they may just have a wise and life-changing message for us, and we for them. Life is all about people, whether they come into our lives for a few moments or forever.

  46. ‘Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym.’ Imagine if we took ourselves, our brothers/sisters, Mohammad and Jesus with us, not just to the gym, but into every area of our life, what life would look like then? Possibly something akin to the lived teachings and living way of both Mohammad and Jesus… now wouldn’t that be amazing.

  47. We all know the truth deep down don’t we, but our hurts and our need to protect them have us inclined to bite before we get bitten. Conversations like yours are the beacons of light that take away the hunger to protect at all costs and open the doorway to undoing this misery. Walking with and beside in such beautiful and unifying conversation, without a need to get anywhere, takes us far.

  48. We all have this wise young person inside of us. The true leaders in life have always been the one who just connect to this. That’s all we are here to do.

  49. As long as we see others as different, separate, lacking in wisdom or beauty somehow, we will be trapped and kept away from truly knowing ourselves.

  50. I love to come back to this blog, the title alone lifts my heart. It is the simplicity in the everydayness and the sheer beauty in simply being with and meeting people that make my every moment.

  51. Recently, all of my conversations with people from all walks of life – at the supermarket, the bus stop or the dinner table at home, have been about the state of the world. We all know what mess we are in, we can all recognise the devastation in our fellow human beings and we can all make small changes to our lives and bring a change for the all.

  52. In our essence, we are all the same, no matter what our age, religion or background. Great sharing.

  53. There is such equality in connecting with people with an open heart and mind, no judgement, or just upholding a tolerance of our differences. Rather a focus on the similarity and sameness of our quality in our inner hearts.

    1. When we ‘tolerate’ another what we’re actually saying is that we’re pretty nicked off with them but we’re holding it together enough not to show it outwardly. Pretty awful eh?

      1. Toleration is contraction and tension in the body and can be felt by others whereas as acceptance and inclusion is an expansion in the body and can also be felt by others.

    1. One day we will all return back into the one pot of God, no me and you, no them and us, no divide whatsoever between us, just the One Glorious United Body of God.

  54. So true, at the end of the day we are all looking for love and connection.

    1. Deep down we all know that we’re not being who we are in truth and that understandably creates a tension. To be the unlimited love of God but to not live it is a constant stress on our bodies. It takes an enormous amount of force to not be the love that we inherently are and so when we do start to live the love that we are the body is able to breathe a massive sigh of relief as it no longer needs to constantly pretend that it’s something it’s not.

  55. The title just makes me want to laugh: “Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym”. In one simple humorous stroke it breaks the indoctrination of so many ideologies that still after years cause a reaction in my body.
    Of course Mohammad, Jesus and in fact every single Soul-led person would have an open and intimate relationship with every single person, and certainly with one another. And how ridiculous that we can segment life into places that you imagine such a person would and would not visit, the most ridiculous one of them being that you have to go to a special building to communicate with God – as if you cannot do so anywhere and at every moment of the day.
    It is wonderful to be able to see the absurdity of the world we have created in a humourous way.

  56. Every one of us has pure gems of love, truth and wisdom within … not to hide away but to share for all.

  57. A beautiful sharing and appreciation on the joy and openness of meeting and engaging truthfully with others beyond the trivialities of life. I love this sharing and it brings a smile and joy to life to know the depth we all feel and know inside and the love for humanity we are part of.

  58. One thing to really appreciate about the various blogs and comments is that they continually bring so many things to another level of conscious awareness and thus the possibility of understanding the far greater picture of entrenched, outdated and detrimental ideals and beliefs that bind us into an old way of being that keeps separation firmly in place – from the same essence we all hold equally within.

  59. When we live disconnected from ourselves we live disconnected from each other and we start to rely on pictures that are fed to us from the world around us. And so we end up in a world where people are judged and punished not for what they have done but for having some kind of affiliation with a religion, group, race or nationality to name but a few. We stereotype and generalise, we allow ourselves to be fearful and distrusting even if we have no personal reason for it. What this blog shows is how we are all each a human being, equal and the same, yet with different expressions, and if we connect to ourselves we can again connect to all others, be open and meet them for who they are, regardless of their affiliations and be blessed by the reflection they can offer us.

  60. I love how relationships can develop with anyone and everyone we meet, and the joy of conversations like this one that can happen in any day.

    1. It lifts us up when we have conversations like these because we are going past the superficial chit-chat and sharing deeply what our hearts feel and who we are.

  61. I love how everyone has a sense of what is true. By opening up and conversing with people we can draw it out and confirm it. Human connection is the most powerful thing.

  62. Living in a multi-cultural society like London I see on a daily basis how separated we are by race and religion, oh sure we tolerate each other most of the time but actual true brotherhood is rarely seen so your gym experience just goes to prove we are one brotherhood, we all do want connection and all that other stuff just gets in the way.

  63. I feel that it cannot ever be underestimated, the cross-over between religious systems of ideology, because this essential fact delivers to us, and even if it is just a tiny possibility, that all of the great world teachers were and have been talking about the same thing, and thus – were accessing the same source. Which blows apart religious separation, violence and hatred.

  64. What I love about this blog, is that it shows how these meaningful conversations can occur in any public venue … it’s not only reserved for a nominated church building …

  65. We judge, de-humanise and categorise people so easily, not looking beyond the skin, hair, job, where they live…in fact it is often there before we can blink.

  66. “What I loved about this was his love of community and brotherhood, people coming together to eat, to talk, to be together, something I feel we are all desperately missing in the world and our lives.” This is what I have missed all my life because I have been in hiding, playing safe or I though, by cutting myself out of community, now I have found true community, where equality reigns and i am able to come out and be the true me, by communing with me I can feel all of humanity is my community, my brothers.

  67. I love how this young man says no to abuse and the beautiful way in which he reflects to the world that he won’t accept it.

  68. It is really challenging when you know people are abusive towards you simply because you choose to have a different set of beliefs than another, without even knowing anything about who you are or how you participate in life. The fact that their information comes from set tactics the media have used to denigrate any religious group, without even looking at whether the information is true or not. We desperately need education on discernment of information.

  69. It is our want of individuality that lets us run so blind and blinded through life.

  70. I sometimes forget to marvel at the fact that we all know we are off course, and that in every day conversations there are drops of golden insight and wisdom that proves we know that it is in connection and relationship with everyone that we learn and grow. Thank you for appreciating and sharing your religious moment in the gym.

    1. So true Matilda, we all need the reminders that are reflected to us when we are a bit off course.

  71. It is true, we have forgotten that life is about people, truth, understanding, love and deep care for ourselves and each other, brotherhood, equality, community, respecting each other and ourselves for the divine and multi dimensional beings we are.

    1. Yes, beautifully brought to a point Nico, we simply have forgotten that life is about people. So it is time that we bring it back to the care and deep love we all deserve.

      1. Sure Esther, we all deserve deep love and care therefore for instance it is deeply disturbing me that society has lost its true purpose that is to serve the people. Nowadays it looks like society starts to creak because it is only about budget and organizational problems which should be insignificant if we would make it about people first. There is something serious going wrong.

    2. Forgotten? Or actively ignoring? We know the true value of all you list here, Nico, and are invited by articles such as these to appreciate the miracles that rain down on us every day, often in the moments of connection with others.

      1. Yes Mathilda, actively ignoring might be a better way to describe the ignorance of our divine origin when lived will be the source of the so called miracles that hen will take place into our lives and of many others who we are with

  72. Now we all ware walking our own way in separation, but one day we will all walk together as one, as being our natural and true origin.

  73. We all yearn for connection we have just unlearned how to do it and you give a very simple example how easy it can be, just opening up to another by sharing how life is.

    1. Indeed Esther, it is actually so simple, to open up to people and to the transparency of the divinity we are.

  74. Thank you for sharing your experience of walking with another in conversation and the joy and connection this brings. It’s easy to stay in the comfort of walking by yourself yet there is such richness when we open to another and let conversation flow.

    1. I agree – getting out of our own comfort zone can be magically enriching.

  75. The power of two, a rich and beautiful window accessible to us all, a journey through the openness, communication and equality that brings us back to our true ageless divinity.

  76. For me this is another example of there being no such thing as coincidences for it is clear that you meeting this young man whom you hadn’t seen for a long time and you sharing this experience in this blog for others to read is of true value. It is truly worth appreciating articles like this that demonstrate how simple life can be when we are willing to connect and express openly with one another, that really we are all the same – we are all, as you express, brothers. I love the title “Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym”.

  77. ‘He shared about how we are lost… is this what we have come to as a society?’ – Yes, it is and as uncomfortable that may be to admit, we are or have all been the contributors of it.

  78. Religion and our different world views should never stand in the way of true connection between one human being and another. There is nothing grander than the love that we have for each other.

    1. And nothing more unifying. Love will take us beyond the need for different religions and cultural beliefs… we will be able to let go of our identification with belonging to one or other group.

      1. Yes, so simple and beautiful. It is the power of love that will unite us, and this power lives within us all.

  79. I love your encounter at the gym as it shows it can happen anywhere. In every moment, in every encounter true brotherhood is there for us all.

    1. I love that too Esther – all we need to do is to be open to truly connect with each other and the rest takes care of itself.

  80. It is amazing how when we are open and aware things can expand and constellate and bring a wisdom and magic to our lives with others in sharing and brotherhood .

  81. We all have the opportunity to say no to abuse in life, and staying silent just feeds the cycle of abuse even more.

  82. What I love about this is – what if Jesus went to the gym in his time, would people have known they were stood beside Jesus, or, would they have just seen a regular guy working out? It really demonstrates that you literally never know who you are stood beside.

    1. That’s awesome Meg and so true. The same could be said about all of the great teachers through history.

  83. The knowing that there are those in the world who think deeply about who we are and why we are here provides great encouragement to continue sharing the Way of the Livingness. It is a basis for a life of truth and love, and that is surely what everyone in the world needs.

  84. I love this title . . “Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym” and I love this blog. When we truly connect to another we are in brotherhood as we have connected to the All.

  85. How we live in our life allows us to bring a Livingness that is all encompassing so we see the pot holes in life before they arrive. Then we can actually start to avoid any pit-falls well before they have a chance form, so any ill energy is spotted before it develops. “This is no different to online abuse.” When we understand the energy behind any form of abuse we simply don’t give anything but True Love, and this is from all of our body then we can hate any form of lying, ill energy as it can be distructive.

  86. Life was not meant to be lived walking through life alone – when we walk in brotherhood we embrace harmony and love.

    1. I agree Susan, life was not meant to be walked alone, in fact it was designed for us to work and walk together – something I’m sure in time we will all fully realise and put into practice.

    2. …and this is something we can learn to be open to. If we are used to walking alone it can feel so scary to start opening up to others, but when we do it can feel amazingly beautiful.

      1. I agree, this is something we can learn as opposed to seeing ourselves stuck in the category of being a loner who is on an eternal path of not opening up to others. It actually comes down to making a different choice.

  87. What a gorgeous sharing Anon, the beautiful sharing and sense of brotherhood and equality is deeply felt when reading about your experience, thank you. This is what the world longs for deep down, and is desperately missing, true community, love, equality and acceptance.

  88. Wow! I had no idea such deep conversations were going on at the gym! Just shows you there is no place off limits to discuss the love we naturally are and where we have deviated away from that.

    1. Me neither Fiona, I may just have to start going to the gym for the conversation and brotherhood!

  89. ‘I can’t wait for the day we can all realise we are all brothers and all this nonsense like race,religion and nationality are seen for what they truly are, the tools for keeping us in separation’ – Kevin, that day will be heaven on earth.

  90. There is so much feeling and love waiting for us to share, if only we put aside our solitude and fear. Connect to others and you’ll realise our true magnititude.

  91. I love the feeling from the title that we have all of the masters with us all of the time wherever we go irrespective of which religion we have chosen to follow.

  92. The deep sense of equality and brotherhood emanating from this article is a healing in itself – it is very unifying and confirming the natural sense of us belonging together as can be felt in the body.

  93. I can’t wait for the day we can all realise we are all brothers and all this nonsense like race,religion and nationality are seen for what they truly are, the tools for keeping us in separation. We really do need to speak where ever possible of true religion and the oneness we are all from.

  94. ‘People the world over can see and feel things aren’t okay, that the world is a mess.’ And we have very different ways of dealing with this reality.

    1. That is the key point, whatever the place or location, whoever the people we all see that the world is not the place it could be. Yet each of us could change that first by changing the way we live.

  95. We can walk around in such arrogance and righteousness and yet when we stop and take the time to truly connect with another, it’s so clear to feel we are all absolutely equal.

    1. So true Lucy, the harm done by arrogance and righteousness in separation is ages old, and yet just simply making space to realise the connection which is always between us all, and to allow this to come back to the fore in our interactions with each other, means we can again feel the potential of us all living together in brotherhood once again.

  96. The gym environment is always so tense – each person intensely into their own workout. It’s a very serious and often isolating affair! In contrast how would it be if we were to frequent the gym with a bunch of close friends? Would our behaviour change? Would our workout transform from an intense and isolating experience into more of a shared, collective, open and fun experience? I love the title of this blog. It speaks of brotherhood in an everyday setting. We have this opportunity everywhere.

  97. “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all.” – good advise to be aware if what we are saying is contributing to abuse, discrimination, disharmony or enriching everyone through truth, love, honesty, sincerity, the willingness to be more of who we are.

  98. ‘We discussed how we are looking to the material world to give us answers, or to alcohol and food, but we will never find it there’ – We are desperately seeking relief from the emptiness and pain that we feel on the inside.

  99. When we don’t heal our hurts it leaves us open to attack – for us to attack others. It is therefore our responsibility to seal that door and heal our hurts otherwise we are in a cycle of hurt and abuse that feeds itself on and on.

  100. We are all deeply connected and so remaining open to this despite the hurt that is caused by abuse is amazing.

  101. What an amazing difference when we base on conversations on love rather than belief systems and assumptions. All of our culture, nationalities, religions, gender and backgrounds actually cease to matter when we make love the common denominator.

    1. Belief systems draw a line in the sand that say you are there and I am here and we are different.

  102. We hear a lot in the news and local papers about the people who get into a mess or make ill decisions in life, but there are so many people who have wisdom beyond their years like this young man you describe, who can see past the abuses of this life to the bigger picture beyond of the truth that we are all equal and one community to find our own path.

  103. Life is so full or potential moments to meet someone and connect much deeper than the simply superficial conversations we can fall into – be it at the gym or the checkout or on a walk.

  104. If we stop and consider it, there would be no doubt that if Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha and in fact any other Soulful being sat together there could not be anything but love, harmony and joy. So how ridiculous is it that humanity has been fighting one another in their name.

  105. It feels so poisonous and arrogant to not hold another as equal. We do it all the time, make ourselves to be better or even lesser than another, rather than meeting them and their reflection as equal to ourselves.,

  106. As long as we understand community just as an exclusive group of people united by some individual characteristics like nationality, culture, family, same interest like a soccer team or hobby we will not experience the community of the one humanity but be in separation with each other as demonstrated by institutionalized religion for aeons.

  107. ‘We talked about how we have lost respect for one another and ourselves. He shared that respect has to start with respecting ourselves first.’ – A major and very wise point, it is not only that we need to respect ourselves, we also need learn HOW to respect ourselves. When all we see everywhere in society is that the norm is to dishonour ourselves, we need to find our way back to self-honouring and self-respect.

  108. The title alone is very embracing, inviting us all to the brotherhood that we are.

  109. ‘People the world over can see and feel things aren’t okay, that the world is a mess. We are all looking for connection. For me conversations like these are pure gold.’ agreed – we have made life about our differences and what separates us which is all man made rather than all that connects and unites which we can all feel deep down.

  110. It is so important for religious discrimination to come to an end. We need to start treating everyone as equal irrespective of what caste, income, religious and educational background they belong to. The world talks about peace, but can peace be a reality if the first thing we judge a person by is their religion? Irrational stereotyping has become a common reality in our world. I hope that people change their way of thinking so that hatred does not spread in various nations.

  111. Your blog demonstrates just how powerful these natural, honest and open conversations are.. how two (or more) people talking the way you did completely blows away and counters the rot that discriminative behaviour has between people

  112. I like how your friend at the gym responded, Anon – “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all.” Something Universal Medicine has taught me is that everything matters, because each word, thought and gesture has an energy that ripples out into the world. This goes along with the adage that if we take responsibility for the little things, the big things take care of themselves.

  113. A brilliant understanding of how the ill patterns in life perpetuate. Thank you for your honesty, Doug, and the inspiration to be someone who reviews how things are and calls out or makes changes in the behaviours that are not supporting our unity.

  114. A beautiful example of the magic on offer in our every days, always there, but maximised when we are open to one another, to conversation and sharing. That day in the gym a moment of brotherhood was embraced and laid down as a new foundation and inspiration for us all.

    1. Yes, it is so simple and so pure and so precious to meet and be met and truly converse and be with each other.

  115. Many messengers, same message. We are all one family, what a glorious day it will be when we finally get it and start treating each other with the immense respect we innately know and deserve.

    1. And we each have it in our grasp to support this change. It makes such a profound difference when any one of us chooses to live in such a way.

  116. I wonder if the abuse this gorgeous young man receives isn’t so much to do with racism, although this may be the temporal excuse, but rather a reaction to his amazing light and the level of love being offered when he meets people. It’s a very ugly human trait that we have, to lash out and attack things that we find confronting – such as the hurt we feel when we’re met with a depth of love that exposes the lack of love that we hold for our selves.

    1. Yes, fighting the light when we don’t recognize it in ourselves is a very common reaction.

  117. Yes, wonderful honesty. It’s so common for adults to experience hurts and then repeat that behaviour on the next generation. ‘I had to go through pain so why should you be any different’ kind of process. My experience is that, to treat another with love one has to heal the wounds one felt growing up, so then love can flow unhindered. I see young women making loving choices I never made at their age and I check in with myself for any jealousy and remaining hurts. I do an internal loving acceptance to that internal part of me that maybe still smarting from how I’ve treated myself recently and in the past which is still present.

  118. ‘Today it was me, my brothers, Mohammed and Jesus that walked in the gym.’ I love this line, such connection, purpose, understanding and brotherhood – we can all live this way and are so much more than any pettiness that surrounds us.

  119. It can be so easy to fall into niceties like the weather and small talk, but when we make conversations meaningful and deep from the moment we meet someone, we provide that opportunity for them to connect and express things they feel but might never say.

  120. I love the way you do not need to have even heard of the ageless wisdom to live it. That’s because it’s our natural way, the way that says no to abuse, to separation, to anything that leaves us living less than who we are. This unites us all, regardless of what mainstream religion we are born into.

  121. Absolute magic happens when we are open, connecting and communicating.

  122. I love the openness and the appreciation with your fellow gym companion. I find that often the greatest insights and revelations come when I have similarly chosen to be open and playful with what life is presenting in the moment.

  123. That’s a great example Doug – we adopt and repeat the behaviours that have so strongly affected ourselves.

  124. Amazing conversations like this take place when we are open to everyone regardless of faith, culture or race. We all are one and the same in our hearts. By living this fact, brotherhood naturally emerges between us again.

  125. This conversation could so easily have been missed if you hadn’t opened the conversation, either with a look, a gesture, or a comment. These discussions are pure gold, so special and so easy to get into with anyone we meet. After swimming this morning, I had a similar one with 2 women about how we were brought up to be seen and not heard, and how this had affected our expression throughout our lives. It is never too late to being to express.

  126. ‘This man is incredible, gentle and wise and says no to abuse.’ – It goes to show that when we don’t identify with what is being thrown at us, even if it may be hurtful, in our core being we are powerful and wise beyond measure.

    1. I really must start going again, haven’t been for months now – and it shows. You never know whom you’ll bump into.

  127. We have been blessed by so many Seers who constantly show us the true Way to live in harmony with one another. Thank God for Serge Benhayon, our modern day Prophet who never wavers from the job of empowering us to resume our God Given love and get back on track towards co-creating true Brotherhood on Earth.

  128. What if, there was a way to capture force behind our hate and discontent we create for ourselves and others, would there be an energy crisis?

  129. ‘we are not here to walk alone.’ – we are, each of us, an equally valuable part of the whole – like stars in the night sky, if one of us chooses to disconnect, the sky is dimmer for everyone, we all loose out. Walking in brotherhood together, we light up the Universe.

  130. I love going to the gym and connecting with the women who are there. Women I probably would not meet up with anywhere else. The gym I go to is a all women’s gym in Goonellabah, it is vey community based.

  131. “… we are not here to walk alone.” And when we do it makes us very sick at heart. Our natural and immutable way is to be connected, to our selves, to God and to one another. A lack in any of these areas brings a deep sadness, as we feel the loss of an essential part of our selves.

    1. I run a travel company and this is what I love sharing with the world – that we are all human kind. You might think someone in India is different from someone in Australia, Israel or Singapore. But connect from the heart and there is no difference.

  132. Recognising the essence, the gold sparks in a religion rather than being caught in the differences and contradictions will let us realize that true religion is not an institutionalized, dogmatic, man-made thing but a very personal relationship with the divine that is equal for every person as we are all the equal sons of the one God and hence lead us to the one religious way we eventually will all encompass – the path back to Soul.

  133. The title of this blog ‘Me, my brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the gym’ gives a simple impression of the grandness and feeling of brotherhood… I love it!

  134. The way of life inspired by the Ageless Wisdom presented through the many wise men and women throughout history, is actually what most of us wish for but have somehow given up on. I certainly had until I met Serge Benhayon and started to witness one person living the deepest level of love, care, transparency, integrity as well as joy, humour and incredible wisdom. And then started to witness hundreds of others be inspired to start having a go at living the same. Now I know that it is so very possible to actually connect to the love and brotherhood I used to only dream about and to start living it in the world.

  135. ‘He talked about what he loved about visiting Morocco: people all eat off the same plate, they share and eat together – it’s about community and brotherhood.’ should this not underpin true religion? all people coming together and not being separated by different versions of a fractured truth. The Way of The Livingness is this and truly unifies us all.

  136. Reading your sharing Anon I felt tears well up in my eyes, tears of sadness and joy. Sad that we are so afraid to speak our truth in case we incite some form of abuse or ridicule, and yet joyful because we know others know the truth, and live it as best we can.

  137. There is a lot of abuse in the world and it will only change when we will start to talk about it with each other and break the silence. We have to start to feel the tension in our bodies with this abuse and not try to ignore it and numb it because it is natural to feel tension with abuse, it’s an indication that something has to change.

  138. It is beautiful to share our Ageless Wisdom in everyday conversation, as it is something we all know and have access to when our lives are lead by the impulses of our inner-heart.

    1. When we do share openly from our hearts, others naturally align to the truth that is being offered… because they recognise it as being their truth too.

  139. Just as news can be twisted to suit the media it appears that religions can twist the words of their prophets to suit the agenda of the ruling hierarchy of the day.

  140. A moment of true connection really reminds us we are ALL of the same essence, no matter colour, creed, age or location. I love these unifying conversations.

    1. So true, Victoria, and this moment of connection can be shared in so many ways, the way we hand something to another, a tender touch on the arm, a smile, the way we move to let someone pass. We are expressing and communicating with each other constantly, even when no words are shared.

    2. And every one of these conversations that happens is to be hugely appreciated for the tide changing impact it has; opening up opportunities for the next and the next… a ripple effect beyond our understanding or control.

  141. The Ageless Wisdom is a way of living that is known to us all should we choose to reconnect with it. Its principles based on love and truth. Decency and respect are our natural qualities when we do not impose false ideas and beliefs over an otherwise clear spark of divinity.

    1. Beautiful Victoria. At any moment we can all connect to the Ageless Wisdom, divinity and what lies within our own hearts.

  142. There is so much abuse in the world that starts with self-abuse. I only walk slowly and in presence on a treadmill, running feels to me to be too forceful and an abuse to my body. Walking on the treadmill and talking I can probably not do either.

    1. I agree, Jane, gyms can have a very intense energy. However, I really enjoy going, doing my own thing and being quite unaffected by what’s going on around me. I feel I am re-imprinting another way to be at the gym – enjoying being with me, connected with my body, feeling into what is needed on that day, with lots of gentle stretching.

  143. Yes, and we are clever at creating situations that keeps us in separation.

  144. “Me, my brothers, Mohammed and Jesus at the Gym” Love the feeling of brotherhood, of purpose and wisdom… and the simplicity of everyday life that is represented in this title.

    1. It’s a great title isn’t it! I reckon if Jesus and Mohammed were literally at the gym together, the conversation would be identical to the one Anon had with his friend. Wisdom, love and truth are the same no matter who is expressing it.

      1. Love it. When we see each other as brothers, that is the kind of conversation and heart connection that comes of it. A little different to the abuse we see playing out in the world. Perhaps we all need to go to the gym and walk on a treadmill together 🙂

      2. So true. The original reflection offered by such Soulful beings has always been the same, and it seems the interpretations and twisting of the essence has come into play. What if we stopped focusing on the differences fabricated by the reinterpretations and connected to the brotherhood and oneness reflected by the original reflections?

  145. ‘Me, my Brothers, Mohammad and Jesus at the Gym’ – This headline makes me smile of joy. The simplicity of all being brothers as opposed to being opponents that we need to somehow watch out for.

  146. The smallest exchange with someone, when coming from a place of true connection, literally has the power to change someones life. It is so worth taking the time for moments such as this.

  147. We are very lost as a society if we abuse people online. Our being lost is seen in so many ways in society: the abuse and the abuse to cover up the abuse or even try to remedy it (!).

  148. Imagine if we all tapped into the wisdom of this young man, the way we interact and how we would view the world would fundamentally shift.

  149. How can we even pretend we are here on our own when we have over 7 billion brothers and sisters to share this small planet with. We are definitely here together and thus as you so beautifully say not here to walk alone.

    1. Exactly Esther – it is crazy to think we can dismiss those we ‘don’t like’ or disagree with.

      1. Yes, we think we can pick and choose but completely ignore that we are all here together and every single one of us has a part to play and there is much to learn from each other so we can live in true brotherhood one day; all of us.

  150. In ordinary conversations lie the moments of magic that support us to grow and evolve.

  151. This reminds me of my dad who would invite every door-knocking religious person into our home and chat with them… he was curious to find out about their beliefs and way of life… and some became regular visitors – they never ‘converted’ him but they all enjoyed the conversations and connection.

  152. There is joy in realising that we are not alone and in fact are all connected, that everything we do effects everyone. Often the mind does not want to know this.

  153. How much do we respect ourselves first and what does this mean for each of us? I think we have definitely strayed very far from knowing what repect is for ourselves. If we don’t know and live in a respectful way with ourselves then it’s impossible to respect someone else. When we self-care and deeply self-respect, then that naturally forms the respect and care that we take to people.

  154. Conversations like this are pure gold and should be encouraged. It’s far more uplifting to have these types of conversations than keeping things insular and only connected to our own little world, and the things that affect us directly.

  155. There is such a simplicity and intimacy when we just allow another to be and are open to sharing what is there to be shared.

  156. It’s true that when we have a set picture of how something should or needs to be that we stop the natural constellations that are happening all around us, in your example here of “Oh no, I have to walk by myself,” we would have all lost out on so much!

  157. So often we can be very quick to judge with our eyes and only see the superficiality of life and others, but when we look deeper we see we are all the same, we are all made of and from love irrespective of our skin colour or outer appearance, the more we see each other as the same the more we start to truly embrace others and life and stop trying to fight everything and everyone.

  158. “… respect has to start with respecting ourselves first.” And the more I do, the more innate it becomes to respect other people and in doing so realise more and more that we are all one family.

  159. Yes, racism is clearly still rampant in communities, particularly noticeably in the UK when the Brexit took place. We think we have moved on and evolved but how can we say so if we are still being barbaric towards one another?

  160. It is beautiful to relate Mohammed and Jesus together, as both being prophets who spoke of the Ageless Wisdom. And I love this because it makes clear the difference between the words of a prophet and the scriptures of a religion, and how sometimes these are not the same, or carry the same meaning, or message.

  161. Today seems acceptable and normal throwing accusations to people freely without any responsibility. Condemning a group who doesn’t fit in our ideas about what should be ‘right and good’ is becoming the new normal in the everyday life of many. Racism is starting to be a tendency that no one questions, this is concerning as actually this separates us, puts us in different boxes when we all are brothers and sisters, made from the same blood.

  162. We are all equally feeling the current mess in our society and are all looking for connection as this blog shows. What is shared here is indeed pure gold. It reflects to me that in evrry encounter there is the potential of love and togetherness in connecting and sharing. I will take that into my day.

    1. This is beautiful Caroline… “… in every encounter there is the potential of love and togetherness in connecting and sharing.” Every moment counts!

  163. What ever our skin colour, race, nationality, culture, age, rich, poor or education, we are all one and united in The Ageless Wisdom.

  164. Brotherhood is a way of living together we all know so well and deeply long for but is rarely found in our nowadays societies. It is one of the innate qualities we all have within but because of us choosing of a life emphasized to mainly benefit ourselves or a selected group, like family, society or country, we have lost the true meaning of living together as one that is at the basis of brotherhood we one day will return to.

  165. ‘What I loved about this was his love of community and brotherhood, people coming together to eat, to talk, to be together, something I feel we are all desperately missing in the world and our lives.’ – I agree, Anonymous, as our lives become busier and more frenetic they are also becoming more fragmented, held together with an ever increasing use of technology – but this doesn’t come close to the loving warmth we feel when we come together and connect with each other in person. There is something very solid and absolute, no room for uncertainty. Of course, it’s much easier to pick up the phone and have a chat, but what matters most is the quality of our connection with each other, being present with our selves and making the time and commitment to each other means more than a more frequent phone call which is more convenient for us because it’s ‘easier’.

  166. True conversation reveals the truth effortlessly like unravelling a ball of string. What we mainly settle for though is an exchange of pleasantries or protective strategies. This doesn’t help us at all.

    1. So true Joseph… ‘we mainly settle for… an exchange of pleasantries or protective strategies’… statements and ways of being that we are comfortable with, that don’t ruffle feathers and supposedly keep us safe but are exhausting to maintain, and ironically keep us away from ourselves… our innate wisdom and truth that we love once we start expressing it – and as you say it is effortless.

  167. What a blessing it was the day I began to shed my armor and let people in, we can bring such riches to each other when we let one another into our hearts.

  168. This sharing is so beautiful – goes to show that no matter what faith we have, whether it be muslim, christian, jew, buddhism or no faith at all – we are all one and stem from the same source.

    1. Yes exactly Eva, no matter how we frame it, what we call ourselves or identify with truth is when we stand ‘naked’ we are all one and the same.

  169. It just goes to show when we let go of the walls of protection from within and are open to others that truly inspiring connections and conversations can happen.

  170. It makes sense that how we live is true religion. Most religions teach and preach with very few of their followers actually living love day to day.

  171. You just need to observe the type and amount of junk food that many people eat to know that we have lost respect for ourselves, as otherwise we would not poison ourselves with food. We would be respecting our body and only eating food that would support us.

  172. With the example of the religions today and the wars and hate that result of them, you can see, that everything, that originally united us- regarding the true meaning of religion-gets used and bastardised to keep us separate. What if religion was once upon a time something that actually confirmed us in who we are and that we are all the same by essence and by this fact connected with each other at any time and forever?

    1. The moment we make it about- I have something better than you, religion and its meaning failed and expresses nothing but separation.

  173. I love that reply: “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all.” There would be less disharmony if the disharmonious would stop expressing their anger, frustration or hate towards those, that don´t hang onto these emotions. As it is only but destructive.

    1. I remember my dad saying this around the dinner table when we were growing up…. along with ‘if we can’t have ‘peace’ around this table how can we expect to have world peace’. Simple wisdom that brings the focus back to us and the quality of energy we are expressing in. I never forgot that.

      1. Amazing how words spoken with truth can influence and impress you your whole life. What amazing responsibility and impact we have, how we communicate and with what vibration.

  174. A great wake up statement “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all” which would probably put an end to many conversations and exclamations. In fact, it is useful to once in a while stop and reflect what energy are we tapping into and what is the purpose behind and the impact of what we are putting out.

  175. Yep we are not here to walk alone and when I see all the separation between people because of religion, race or nationality and know how senseless it is and know that there is an energy behind driving all this to keep us in separation because without the separation that energy would cease to exist in that form.

  176. I was born in Iraq where there were Catholics, Jews and Muslims all living contently side by side, it was another country’s interference (USA) that broke up the harmony and created separation under the guise of ‘Democracy’. How people can see religion as a reason to kill a fellow human being is for me beyond reason.

    1. I agree Carmel – could it simply be because they are not true religions and are easily manipulated into false behaviour in the name of ‘God’ or even ‘Democracy’?

  177. Imagine if we could adopt as a rule the saying ‘If you don’t have anything good to say about someone don’t say anything at all. Could this as a simple rule create more harmony on the planet?

    1. Yes, well this statement ‘If you don’t have anything good to say about someone don’t say anything at all’ could definitely can be taught from parents to children, and exchange the word ‘good’ for ‘true’

    2. Love this ‘rule’. It will make all the difference. I would like to add the simple statement: ‘If what you are about to say is not loving about the other, don’t bother mentioning it,..also when it is about yourself.’

    3. Indeed, and then actually beginning to stop the negative judgements in our own mind, by just not entertaining them anymore.

  178. Yes and believing that what we do only impacts on ourselves as the choices we are making are effecting others, we are all connected whether we choose to see this or not.

  179. We can connect with people in all areas of life and have the most beautiful and inspiring conversations.

  180. The wisdom and love emanating from this young man is so tangible and it is so true that respect starts with respecting ourselves and if this truth was lived there would be no place for abuse in our world.

    1. Very true Helen, we have to first to start with respecting ourselves and then without trying we naturally respect everyone else. try it the other way and all we end up doing is exhausting and depleting ourselves trying to help others without changing the way things are.

  181. “We talked about how we have lost respect for one another and ourselves. He shared that respect has to start with respecting ourselves first.” Therefore when we look at society and see the lack of respect between each other, we know that the world would be changed vastly to be shown and accept how it is we can know our own worth first, and live with oneself in respect of that….

  182. It is the extent to which people and religious institutions have bastardised the teachings of prophets from a basis of being separate to the knowing of truth which has developed separation between religions and not the teachings of the prophets themselves who were in truth all connected to the same source of truth.

    1. Very true, Michael, it’s the re-interpretation of what the prophets shared by religious institutions that has caused the separation and division between religions. This bastardisation has come about as the truth may well have been felt, but these religions have been started by ‘individuals’ who have been distracted from serving the whole and everyone equally, it’s been more about their own needs and desired outcomes which has then twisted the truth and laced it with untruths. Because of this individualism, there is also judgment, comparison, competition and greed.

  183. Yes, when we seek to advance ourselves through material and external means we are neglecting the only way we will truly evolve, which is to expand and deepen our connection to the universal truths we know innately within.

  184. I love how this conversation took place at the gym – a lovely reminder that we can take our innate wisdom and love into every pocket of society and that we can meet it there in equal measure through others bringing the same.

    1. The moment we measure to express or consider the possibility that wisdom can be shared or listened to in any limited way, we miss many very precious moments in life, that are otherwise on offer.

  185. I love how this conversation took place at the gym – a lovely reminder that we can take our innate wisdom and love into every pocket of society!

  186. Respect is the thing isn’t it. If we simply respected each other, truly respected not tolerated, so much would be revealed.

  187. We are not here to do it alone, that is so important to live and remember for too many and too often we’ve made it about me and mine and that does not work for any of us.

    1. Yes, Monica, as with everything in life, when we come together and work as a team with a common purpose, supporting, inspiring, enjoying each other not only is it a very joyful experience but we get there so much faster and everyone grows and evolves in the process. No one is left behind.

  188. When we feel a true connection with another it ignites a joy within us that totally inspires us.

    1. 100% agree Paula, and the intimacy we bring to and deepen in this connection is natural and joyful.

  189. I often work with groups of young people from very different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds, working in varied job roles. It is a joy to observe the interaction between them as time spent with each other often brings about understanding and dispels previously held assumptions and beliefs.

  190. “it’s about re-connecting to our Soul, it’s about people, truth, understanding, true love and deep care for ourselves and each other, brotherhood, equality, community, respecting each other and ourselves.”

    This is the kind of world that I am working towards.

  191. This was no chance meeting, as you say Anon, but a perfectly constellated communion of two souls, confirming one another in your connection to the universal truth that is available to us all.

  192. “an incredible young man, very wise beyond his years” – goes to show that wisdom can come through any age.

  193. There is no divide between people, only one we create ourselves. I live on the fourth floor of a building in an elders community and when I use the lift always introduce myself and find out who I’m sharing the lift with. It’s a great way to get to know people. Better to initiate conversation, than wait for others to do so.

    1. Lovely Susan, small and simple movements offered lovingly have the greatest ripple effect on others.

  194. Gosh what a cosy picture that title paints and it may seem like a lovely tale. And yet it reminds us of the fact that in heaven they (all our former Ageless Wisdom teachers) actually do all sit together. It makes our religions look rather small and silly…

  195. We have been blessed by so many incredible prophets throughout the ages, the latest one being Serge Benhayon, who have at great personal risk presented us with the true facts about our selves and our responsibility to all beings. Our resistance to the love and wisdom placed before us is shocking really and our arrogance quite embarrassing. What gives us the right to think we are any better than another being, on what grounds can we really base such an argument when, as Sons of God, we are all completely equal?

  196. The great teachers in life are not perfect saints, who exist on pure air – it’s just people such as us who know there is more to us than physicality only. That said every true teacher seems to know that working out is also a necessity! We are designed to cherish our health.

  197. Being gentle and wise and saying no to abuse, now that’s inspiring.

  198. Once again why do we only take what we like or what is convenient from the teachings of the ancient wisdom when if we live it all of the problems of the world would be solved and we could all live as one brotherhood.

    1. We have always seemed to take shortcuts, and cherry pick the good bits and ignore anything that requires us to accept responsibility. We are not meant to be hermits living in isolation because we are all part of something greater when we come together with others.

  199. There you can see, it is only a matter of connection to know the all knowing truth. It has nothing to do with age or if you ever had a workshop or session with Serge Benhayon. It lies all in us, waiting to be reactivated and shared with everyone.

  200. I recently watched an interview with a police officer who was talking about societies obsession with consumerism rather than community and how this is leaving us far more disconnected and without the support networks we need in place, and without the nurturing and loving upbringing children need. Community based on respect, brotherhood and love for each other is more supportive than one based on separation, individualism and greed.

  201. I sometimes get frustrated that those in positions of power are often the last to speak out against issues because they put keeping their power over using it to represent the truth. But in our everyday lives, we can have amazing conversations and express our truth and although seemingly small, it is incredibly powerful.

  202. After such a Loving approach as was shared on the walking machines and what felt and discussed about the Ageless Wisdom how can people kill in the name of religion? Could it be it is what we think and the energy we are aligned to allows us to maim or kill another? So if true then we maybe turn to The Way of The Livingness and see what a divine reflection brings to us all in every area of our life.

  203. Love it, how powerful.

    Yesterday I took part in a local election and what absolutely warmed my heart was walking into many different polling stations where the tellers outside who were representing different parties with their different badges on where all getting along some like old friends they had not seen in ages.
    Yes these people had different views to one another but it did not stop them from connecting and enjoying each other’s company. It was gorgeous to see.

    We all have love in common – we are all from love.

  204. There have been many teachers over the years who have presented the ageless wisdom to humanity. When will we start to really start to stop and listen to what they have presented?

  205. We may pretend or choose to not know truth –The Ageless Wisdom is known by all within and currently lived by few. We are all on a Path of Return (willingly or not) to be love and live in harmony and deep respect for the divine essence and equal-nesss of all, within the all.
    “Mohammed and Jesus were both prophets and taught the same thing, The Ageless Wisdom.’”

  206. “but we are not here to walk alone” – This is a simple truth that could make a lot of difference if we started to bring it (brotherhood) back as a core value in communities.

  207. I love how this young man spoke to you knowing the same values as the Ageless Wisdom without knowing about it. But he does know it in his body and he lives it because this is the natural way to be.

  208. ‘If we do not agree or like what we see on the Internet, – switch it off, go to another page, but do not use it as platform to hide our identity behind, or for some not to hide, to attack and abuse people.’ …. I hate that as a society we are allowing this abuse and even enabling people to attack each other anonymously via online platforms. I feel the personal accountability of the person making the accusation is very important, without that it’s very easy for people to make all sorts of false statements, damaging another’s reputation, whilst leaving their own in tact.

  209. There is a saying, ‘don’t judge a book by it cover’ is appropriate because we see exactly from your blog, truth and The Ageless Wisdom has the potential to speak through all people, irrespective of what religion, culture, age, race they look or dress like

  210. Even though at this point in humanity it may seem we are living quite removed from the Ageless Wisdom it is a knowing that we all hold within, regardless of our nationality, religious beliefs, financial status or standing in society, and as much as some may resist it we are all constantly being pulled back to our original love and oneness.

  211. When there is an openness to really feel what is happening in the world and talk about these matters, we can make our way back from our individualism and separation.

    1. I agree that through these open and honest conversations with each other we can begin to really see what is going on in the world and find the answers we are seeking.

  212. Beautifully said Elizabeth. Often it’s the not having the conversations in the first place and listening to the stories of others (that we form opinions on) that gets us into trouble. But the more we connect with others, we understand that there is no difference between us, that in life we all want the same things. We are building a road based on respect and non-imposition of our opinions and beliefs.

  213. What we have achieved, whether magnificent buildings, bridges, technology etc really show for nothing if we look at how we treat one another. The conversation with this young man highlights this. We can all see that there is something not right in how we relate to one another, even ourselves. If we made the same investments in our relationships as we did our infrastructure, we would be a long way from were we are now. Maybe if we consider that relationships are part of the foundation to societies infrastructure.

    1. Your comment reminds me of how the UK and London put everything into building and getting London ready for the 2012 Olympics with such focus and commitment and what was achieved in a short space of time was remarkable. I love what you share here, Jennifer. If we converted that kind of commitment we have to building our buildings and infrastructure, to making life all about relationships the world would definitely be in a very different place today.

      1. Sydney did the same for the 2000 Olympics and the way everyone was for the fortnight of the Olympics as well, we showed how together, warm, welcoming and genuinely caring everyone could be together. But it didn’t last. Once the Olympics was over we returned to our ways, for it to become a “Do you remember when..” moment.

  214. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings have throughout the ages continued to offer humanity a way to resurrect ourselves in order to realise and live the true potential of why we are here, to live the harmony and power of oneness, of Brotherhood and restore our sacred way of being so that this world can be ignited with the love, that through each of us, is our divine purpose of being here.

  215. I agree with you Anon, we’ll never find the answers in the material world, so these type of conversations play their part in making the time we share with each other meaningful and deepening.

  216. Deep down we all crave connection, love and harmony, but we have dug ourselves so far into the pit of ‘separation’ that we re-create it in every which way. … and so we pile on more and more separative layers in life because we don’t want to see our first point of separation and how far we have moved away from our true selves ….that is the hardest to admit to.

  217. Anon, reading this really makes sense to me; ‘ Mohammed and Jesus were both prophets and taught the same thing, The Ageless Wisdom.’ This crucial fact has been hidden and lied about. It is beautiful that you are sharing the truth, equality and love that these teachings were originally about.

  218. Pure gold this blog is – shedding the light on what brotherhood is and how easily we actually connect when we make it about truth and humanity. I love that. Thank you for bringing back what is actually so simple: living love in respect and with each other.

  219. ‘respect has to start with respecting ourselves first.’ this is true, so many of us live completely unaware of the amount of times we abuse ourselves and our bodies in a day. Allowing ourselves to feel more deeply will help us to feel anything that is not loving or respectful.

  220. I didn’t know that Muslims also accepted Jesus as a world teacher, however I was turned off exploring the main religions at a young age, so that doesn’t come as a complete surprise. Though the more I have understanding of the Ageless Wisdom, the links and lineage of the world teachers makes complete sense.

  221. It is wonderful that this man, who has received this abuse, could openly speak about it, rather than feel the resentment of insults hurled at him. Despite the hurt he acknowledges, he has such a great understanding of himself, knowing what is true and what is not. so the abuse does not affect him. What a beautiful gym session you both had.

    1. I agree Gill this is really inspiring that despite receiving abuse the man in the gym’s conversation was towards true brotherhood and not resentment, anger and bitterness.

  222. I love how the Ageless Wisdom speaks to all people from all backgrounds and cultures, because it is at the heart of every man, woman and child, our common heritage.

    1. That is our true heritage Janet, not anything to do with where we were born or necessarily the family we were born into.

  223. I rediscovered the ageless wisdom through the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, and they have been life changing as I have gained deeper understanding of myself and of life, and how everything counts, everything is seen and we do not get off with anything, although we may like to think we do.

  224. It’s so easy to go into our own little bubble when we are at the gym. Most people have their headphones in which does not invite contact with others. I love this example of an interaction that happened because of your openness, and how this lead to a conversation that was evolving for both of you. Just beautiful.

  225. And when or if another chooses to not make life about people, brotherhood, truth and true love because they are hurt, to keep offering love… it is for me to accept and have understanding.

  226. I work for a company that embraces all nationalities from all around the world, when I attend meetings at the Head office they provide lunch and it is usually themed so that we get to eat food from different countries not just from the host country. As a company we are a really mixed bunch of people from all walks of life coming together because working for the company is very much like being in a very large family and we extend that family feeling out to our customers and they appreciate being so well looked after and genuinely cared for. The word I feel to use is that there is a huge amount of respect and understanding towards each other and as old fashioned as this may sound we have seemingly lost respect for ourselves and from that have become intolerant of others and this to me is where abuse sneaks in. If we don’t respect ourselves how is it possible to respect other people?

  227. I’ve had so many other similar conversations with people from India and the muslim faith too Anon, so everything you share and also about what the man shares too, is very relatable and common. Though these conversations are not limited to those countries or faiths, I have them with people from all over the world, those who are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, Eastern European, Iranian and so on … and it, and we all come back to the same issue or point in the world not being loving and respect being lost. The universality of what we observe and speak shows the universality of us all irrespective of faith or background; we are all the same, and want the same too.

  228. When we connect to people, these cultural differences get pushed into the background, and you can feel that we are all the same.

    1. Julie spot on, Its amazing how we all feel the same and religion, skin colour or football teams don’t need to get in the way.

  229. I love this reminder – we are not here to walk alone – we are here to walk in true brotherhood,
    re-turning and re-aligning to the same innermost essence to re-connect with our Soul in full again.
    ‘I could have easily made some excuse, “Oh no, I have to walk by myself,” but we are not here to walk alone.’

    1. It shows how every situation, even with a stranger can be an evolving moment to grow. And not only for oneself but everyone around equally. The people in the gym were dearly blessed by that conversation!

  230. I very much enjoyed reading your blog Anon, and it makes me think even more how ridiculous the state of the world is when we spend all this money on servicing the war machines and bigger and bigger everything and we still have homeless, starving and uneducated people. We are so very much not listening to the fact that it is all extremely pointless and a huge distraction from what the wise ones from the Ancient Wisdom through out the ages have been showing us.

  231. And this way of living happens not just in a congregation or a special type of building – but in everyday situations just like walking at the gym.

  232. Being patriotic to our countries and holding ourselves and others from the same country as better, I feel adds to the separation that exists in the world.

    1. I agree. I have been spending a lot of time in America and have observed how not only are many of them very patriotic to their country, but also then very patriotic to their specific state. I hear conversations between people and can feel that someone thinks something of someone from Oregon, when they are from New Jersey..or we have separation within separation!!

    2. What is also interesting is the the Trump effect. Many people in America who are vehemently opposed to Trump then seem to become even more patriotic and protective of “their country”. They are furious at what their country has become….as if they have some kind of ownership of it…or as if it is part of who they are…I’m not going to get involved in the politics of it all since that is just a smoke screen, but it is fascinating how people turn inwards rather than out; because the truth is that by turning inwards we validate politics..whereas if we turned out we would eventually live in a world without politics…which, if you were inclined not to like Trump or Obama or whoever your political leader was, would in fact be the truer way to get rid of them.

      1. It’s also interesting how the people of America, or any country for that matter, who are “…furious at what their country has become…” don’t look at how they have contributed as an individual, family or whole. There is a lack of responsibility which creates blame towards leaders and other groups. There will be no true change in that scenario, only more separation, fighting and lines drawn.

      2. Americans do it about Trump/Obama. Brits do it about Brexit/Remain. As you say, we are all experts at pointing the finger; but how does that actually evolve anything? Brexit was a wake up call for me; whatever their reasons and whatever I felt about them, a gigantic proportion of the country were shouting very loudly that something was wrong. This is of course a complex and layered discussion but the over-riding question is how did we get here, how did we get to this level of separation, what is my part in this and what can I do to change that?

  233. As a society, we numb ourselves to the eyeballs so we don’t have to be aware of what is really going on lest we might have to take responsibility for our share of it.

      1. Ha! A great reflection. Our behaviour seems to mimic the three monkeys so well: not ‘see’ the evil, not ‘hear’ the evil and if we do still sense the evil to not ‘say’ anything about it!

    1. Well said Gabriele – it is not only our awareness that we wish to avoid but also and perhaps more so the responsibility which follows.

    2. As long as my little world is ok, I don’t care about any other. And I only do so much, that is needed that I can stay in my perfectly self created comfort. This is sadly the attitude of most of the people. Everyone fighting for their own territory, and never truly at ease with life and other people. No wonder humanity is becoming sicker and sicker.

  234. There is another side to this article that is very pertinent. That is that we have the reality in this world where we think that it is ok to abuse another because of one’s heritage. Surely, in this time, with the great advances we have in technology, of which many of these products are made in different countries, that such abuse of another is quite ridiculous, as without the collaboration of all countries, we would not have such access to technology that we now do. And technology is only one small part in just how many products we consume that come from other parts of the world.

  235. It is amazing to have conversations that deeply connects us with each other and when we talk about things that supports us to have a greater understanding of life. But often our daily conversations tend to be superficial and shallow, and we end up feeling a bit drained and incomplete especially if we haven’t been fully open to deeply connecting with one another. Can you imagine how this disconnection affects us on a daily basis?

  236. ‘He laughs and shares that these people who abuse him have got nothing on him, if all they can come up with is calling him a Paki.’ – what a gorgeous reflection of someone who knows and lives the magnificence of who they are, unashamedly and unreservedly with absolute understanding for where others are at in their lives, enabling him to not take these insults personally, rather, to laugh them off as the juvenile slurs that they are.

  237. This is profound…”… we are not here to walk alone.” Life is about brotherhood, about community, and yet how many people feel alone in the world even in the middle of a group of people – why is this? Could it be because we have lost connection with our innate inner knowing, our essence, our true selves and so we have no true connection with others either?

    1. Very true, Paula, feeling isolated and alone has nothing to do with whether we have people around us or not, how many friends we have or not, it’s all to do with our willingness to connect with ourselves first and then how much we share of ourselves with others depends on how open and honest we are prepared to be.

  238. When you write about the tallest buildings and that countries then go to compete and build a taller one, when around them people are dying, I was struck by the sheer evil and corruption that we allow in our society that permits such behaviour.

    1. Australia is apparently going to have some kind of space program now with a commissioner at its helm – ever more money wasted in a futile attempt to create more good and better.

  239. How wonderful Anon that you could have an honest discussion about religion in a gym of all places. Its one of those topics that we fear discussing because of the immense hurt caused in the name of religion over the eons. Even though they may appear to be insignificant conversations, they are not for they are opening up the opportunity for everyone eventually to bring our discussions of religion back to what it truly means, our return to God and our relationships that put us on that pathway.

  240. When we truly connect to one another, we see that any apparent differences are only skin deep. Delve in deeper and we are one and the same.

    1. Beautifully expressed Jennifer, Love what you’ve shared. It is so true, when we let down our barriers, open our heart to people, we can feel with every part of our body that we are all exactly the same, we are all equally divine, exquisite and magnificent beings.

  241. Lived religion on the treadmill, no church but a gym, no preaching but sharing wisely about life and what really matters.

  242. This is ground breaking in itself….”This religion is about how we live.” how we live, not what we say or do, but how we are with ourselves and each other, Love or not Love.

  243. There is much to be inspired by in this blog and it awakens me to my responsibility to be having more of these conversations; to be de-mystifying and normalising the whole subject. I mean, which is more important to us, which is more everyday/every moment – the weather, or our relationship with our brothers? By making it very real, practical and transparent we will start to dilute the separation that is caused by the divisive elements of organised religion.

    1. I agree, Otto, I’ve always been very interested in learning more about other people’s religions as without this understanding, it’s easy to feel the division that Religions cause in the assumption that theirs is the one and only true faith. This can then easily transfer to the person as well, as a society, we have a tendency to be wary of people who are different to us, which stems from ignorance. The more we take the time to understand each other, we realise we are same, same, just different.

    2. I agree Otto. I recently walked in on a lunch room conversation about religious beliefs on being gay and what the bible says. It was interesting to observe how some were speaking from their religious beliefs and some where speaking from a openness and honesty and were sharing how they just couldn’t come at their being anything wrong with being gay. It was not the usual lunchroom banter and it was refreshing as we all got to explore, whether we saw it that way or not, what was actually there within us about this topic.

      1. It’s great to read the consciousness behind what people are saying as that then stops it being personal because we can see that it isn’t actually them that is saying what they are saying, This is very useful all over life – and supports us in not getting wrapped up in it all.

    3. If we take the easier option of saying ‘no” rather than “i wonder why”, then our society will remain divided. As you say Alison, understanding is the key.

  244. How astonishing that the foundation of the different religions is the same, an invitation to remember the fact of the love, connection and oneness between us all, and the divinity that is our true nature. Yet under that umbrella we have been alienating and abusing others for eons. It shows that if we choose, it is possible to bastardise the truth of anything, even that of God.

    1. I love what you say Golnaz about the foundation for all religions. What I hear with that is that tolerance is not needed, which is often regarded as the pathway to peace between regions. But is we simply return to this foundation, our foundation the need to tolerate one another is gone, for we are one.

      1. Thanks for expanding this Jennifer. This is one of the things that I have loved about what Serge Benhayon presents right from the beginning. It is never about patching up or making anything better. All issues are always the tip of a much bigger iceberg. We need to go back to the most fundamental truth, and use that as the foundation to build a true all-encompassing way.

  245. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that we are not here to walk alone. Indeed, we never do walk alone – but we can of course choose to shut off from our brothers who walk alongside and within us.

  246. What a beautiful opening up and talking with another and how often the opportunity arrises when we least accept it and allow ourselves to walk with others. It is Beautiful to appreciate that we can walk with jesus, mohammed and each other every day and bring the wisdom and aliveness to our lives with a quality and spring in our every step.

  247. I agree that connections like these are gold, which are proof that we all have so much to offer one another from whatever walk of life we are from.

  248. We are all innately one and the same within… and it is this quality that is far more important than what we do, say or think.

  249. It’s so true that we are not here to walk alone, and any interaction can offer us a point of evolution and expansion when we are open to it.

  250. What an incredible young man your Muslim friend is, I would love also to have a good talk with him. There are people everywhere who live from their hearts, who observe life and develop wisdom, who care about others and who won’t drop their standards. This young man is a shining light in a world where such inner beauty could easily be a normal way for all to live, until that time he has to walk amongst human beings who are a mere shadow of who they could be.

  251. It is so true, if we can’t be respectful and decent, then don’t say anything – this doesn’t mean we can’t disagree or have a different opinion, but there are ways to express ourselves that are not abusive or hurtful to others.

  252. This is something I really appreciate about Islam and the foundations of that religion. ‘Another person shared you cannot be a Muslim if you do not believe in Jesus. Mohammed and Jesus were both prophets and taught the same thing, The Ageless Wisdom.’ The foundation of true religion is that we are all one and to be able to engage on this level is gold.

  253. Thank you for sharing, we are offered so many chances to walk alongside our brothers and today I choose to take the opportunity to connect with whoever crosses my path.

  254. “If you don’t have anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all.” Love this because it brings the conversation back to love and it is then the choice of the person to choose love or at least not continue in the same way. It also shows that the wise man was not going to enter into a conversation that was not loving and supportive.

  255. This is very gorgeous to read. We can learn so much just by being willing to connect to others.

  256. It’s really interesting what you’ve shared about your friend believing in both Mohammed and Jesus, something many people don’t believe to be the case with ‘separate’ religions who each have their own prophet, and it is the same with each religion having it’s own God. But what if we are creating even more separatism through assuming things about religions and people’s beliefs, and that actually there were more similarities between our values no matter what religion we identify with?

  257. Reading you post Anon, I’m into another dimension where with the undeniable fact of energy, and the fact that energy never dies but expands, can feel the enormous truth of energetically being with Mohammad, Jesus and the brothers.. at the gym or anywhere!

  258. Yesterday, I had a conversation with some I met for the first time. She said when she met with her friends the topic conversation is ‘revolution’, fighting the establishment and racism to make a better world. I said when I meet with friends we speak about evolution: changing ourselves in order to change the world. We connected, and committed to meet again.

  259. And you cannot be a Christian in the true sense of the word if you despise in any way, shape or form Mohammed or a Muslim associated with this religion. When we come from God how can we live in separation to our brothers and sisters?

  260. The Ageless Wisdom is not owned by anyone and is there equally for everyone to access and has been presented by many through the ages. Lovely to connect to people on this basis and understanding that this can be truly unifying.

  261. I live right in the heart of a very multi-cultural part of London and although people are mainly nice to each other it is still plain to feel the separation that religion and culture create. I wonder how long it will be till we understand that brotherhood is all of us together and not us split up into groups.

    1. As I read your comment I got the sense that we walk around holding our bodies in a way that shuts other people out. Imagine if we walked around in bodies that were open and ready to connect to others?

  262. ‘We spoke of the abuse he receives from the public at work: he is Muslim in his faith. He gets it all the time.’ I cannot imagine going to work everyday and getting abused in this way but are most of us accepting abuse at work if the way we are treated by our work colleagues and bosses is anything but love?

  263. I love this; it makes so much sense while at the same exposing the un-loveless behaviours of many. The many world teachers who have been amongst us in the past, Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha to name just a few, and the one who is with us today, Serge Benhayon, offer teachings based on love and brotherhood with abuse of another nowhere to be found in what they share. When we step out of the comfort of our homes we never know which one of our ‘brothers’ we could possibly meet today, so never judging another is so very essential; we just may miss out on a very important lesson if we do.

  264. How long will we continue to invest in physical life, like building the tallest building, the fastest car, the longest bridge, the tallest ship until we stop and find that life is not about the external advancement but instead about the advancement of the connection with our inner most where all the answers to life can be found as they have always already been there for the many ages we live here as a human species on this planet earth.

  265. If we choose so we can walk every day with Mohamed and Jesus instead of on our own which is our common way.

    1. So true Nico, we can walk with heaven on earth, when we choose to do so.

  266. “I could have easily made some excuse, “Oh no, I have to walk by myself,” but we are not here to walk alone.” – So true, Anon, and I have found time and time again that when I just trust my body to guide me I end up in similar conversations with people I had never met that result in us getting to a deep feeling of connection in a building way. So cool to see how you did just that here and were perhaps reunited with an old friend.

  267. If we met a wise teacher today, would we realise and open up? The thing is everyone we’ll meet today is there to educate us in some way. We are the one who is here to evolve and everyone else is the one to help us to.

  268. I feel like I could read this every day for the rest of my life. We are not here to do this alone.

  269. Beautiful blog and this is a very different way to have conversations about religion than the current ‘norm’; open to hearing what someone has to share, what they are passionate about and feel to be true in how the world operates as well as in history, without any discrimination or judgement.

  270. We are surrounded by equal brothers… all we need do is to truly connect with one another and wisdom is innately there for all equally.

    1. Paula, I totally agree we are all equal and in that why not allow ourselves to connect to each other and enjoy the wisdom we can all bring.

  271. I like the fact when you talk about our fellow messengers of the Ageless Wisdom you feel them and much more. It is the same with Our GOD. I absolutely love talking about God. The equalness and surrender you cannot but feel. How real and playfull he is. You cannot make a mistake you just are. The love is palpable and a joy in being present. There also comes a point that the feeling is to be lived and shared with all and not to walk any less than what was felt as Anon has just shared with us. We are all messengers of God.

    1. I agree Rik, we are all messengers of God, we only have to become aware of this fact and in general I can say that many people are in ignorance of this reality and choose their own creation in life instead.

  272. It is not the colour of our skin, culture or religion that sets us apart, it is the poison we allow in when we engage in denigrating each other because of these differing expressions. Underneath our skin and deep within our hearts, we are all the same. So many of our religious and cultural practices actually concur with the fact that we are inherently divine and extremely loving beings, as shown to us by the many prophets who relentlessly lay this fact before us.

  273. “He talked about what he loved about visiting Morocco: people all eat off the same plate, they share and eat together – it’s about community and brotherhood.” Sharing a meal together in this way has an intimacy with those present that is hard to match, and it is that that is so lacking in our world of fast and convenient foods that so many consume while on the go or in front of the TV.

    1. Yes, a great point you make Sandra, so many of us are living so far away from this, there is no connection. We are eating whilst texting, on the go or even when we are driving. We seemed to have lost the importance of gathering for a family meal.

      1. Yes Fiona and Sandra, and there are many older people and lonely people lwho eat on their own every day. Only yesterday I was listening to a man who has started an organisation called elderventure which aims to bring young people who have no idea how to cook together and teach them, and then take the food to those living on their own and share a meal with them. This really exposes how we have lost that important family and communal connection, but also shows us what needs to be done to begin to bring people together to share food round a table so that it may become valued for the many benefits it brings for all of us.

      2. Connection is the very substance from which we are made and yet our living connection to one another feels so incredibly tenuous. I would say that the majority of people struggle with true connection. How did we manage to make that which we are, into something that feels foreign in our bodies?

    2. When I ate frozen ready meals years ago, there were family size portions. Today’s main selections are single meals. Could this be a reflection of our isolation from others?

      1. A great point Steve. Even the freezer section of the super markets are enticing us to eat alone…

  274. What a beautiful sharing of how some people look at the world – talking openly of how they feel and being able to share it with someone who relates to this. A very cool blog on how many of us can live in connection to everything, knowing absolutely in their bodies what the Ageless Wisdom is.

  275. Awesome Anon, and just goes to show that The Ageless Wisdom is within each and every one of us and to be expressed in our every day life .

  276. More than one profit and understanding the ramifications of this, could be a ‘world changer’ so instead of being like lemmings and blindly following, we understand that there will always be another God inspired servant who will share divine wisdom.

  277. What a lovely crowd at the gym reflecting how we are actually all one, one soul, one breath, one movement and all part of the same universe.

  278. The Ageless Wisdom has been brought to us again and again over time and the message has always been the same, pure and simple. This was so for both Jesus and Mohammed who shared a lived way of life, a message of love and brotherhood Only the disconnected minds of men can bastardise this lived wisdom into the religions we have today. Now that we have once again a teacher amongst us, what will we do?

  279. Anon, I love your description of the Ageless Wisdom, this is so beautiful; ‘it’s about people, truth, understanding, true love and deep care for ourselves and each other, brotherhood, equality, community, respecting each other and ourselves.’

  280. Most Muslims are very tender people. Well they all are in fact as we all are as a race but most muslims do indeed have a level of openness, brotherhood and love and understanding towards each other that I have not always seen in the western countries.

  281. How many times did we say that “Oh no, I have to walk by myself,” and have learned it the hard way. The Ageless Wisdom teaches us another way, the way and that is that ‘we are not here to walk alone’.

  282. If these are the conversations at the gym then we have to ask why they are not replicated in board rooms or government cabinets.

  283. It is awesome to realise that there are actually no different religions as all current religions originated after world leaders who were aligned to the Ageless Wisdom. Knowing this makes all the conflict and war that is going on because of being from different religion even more ridiculous and pointless than it already is.

  284. I love what you have shared here. I have lived in many Muslim countries and felt very at home as I do anywhere else in the world, because I have travelled heaps and consider myself a citizen of the world, not an Australian.

    1. I know that when I haven’t, I feel a loss, a missed opportunity because of what ever was going on for me and that only happens when I am making it just about me and not seeing the bigger picture at play.

  285. “Today it was me, my brothers, Mohammed and Jesus that walked in the gym.” I love this Anon, for in truth we are never walking alone and the choice is ours to connect with the love that constantly surrounds and imbues us. Mohammed, Jesus and our brothers are always and forever with us every step of the way.

  286. Beautiful, what you show is that we all naturally want the same thing but we are not willing to claim it in all aspects of our life. Your conversation with the wise man should be our regular way of conversation, knowing that there is a way to live that supports everyone and that way is Brotherhood, as shown through the Ageless Wisdom, a wisdom that has been in around for thousands of years.

  287. That is some workout! What an inspiring connection and conversation. As you so rightly say ‘we are not here to walk on our own’. Loved this, thank you for sharing.

  288. Love the way this conversation deepened and did not stay on the surface of ‘gym talk’. Just shows you can have the most amazing sharings anywhere!

  289. This shows how we can all work together no matter how our background or patterns differ, but we all know this way of living is possible. The more we build conversations and relationships like this, the more people will understand we can change the world.

  290. I love this, because deep down we all know the world is not right, and even though we try our very best to pretend everything’s ok – we KNOW something is missing and we know we are looking in all the wrong places for it, and what if change is as simple as just starting to talk about it?

  291. The palpable strength, equality & connection of these two men is deeply inspiring, proof that as we return to all the we have already lived we can only be met by our innate oneness.

  292. Yes, I too find in my everyday conversations a commonality in people’s perspectives of what is happening in the world and the importance of bringing true values of love, integrity, respect and decency back into our lives and relationships.

  293. We are so lost, so lost that we can abuse, threaten and be intolerant of medical staff that are trying to do to the best of their ability their job, while being undermined by the public who act so disgracefully against them while receiving treatment.

  294. With the state of the world as it is conversations like these are hugely important to break down the mis-trust and judgment that exists to show instead the commonality of us all and that, “we are not here to walk alone.”

  295. Beautiful Anon. And so too especially your line here – “Today it was me, my brothers, Mohammed and Jesus that walked in the gym” – love this, i can even feel it too!

  296. Its a good point – we just need to give people the space so that we can be in relationship with them, to truly listen, connect, feel. Its not complicated unless we make it so.

  297. To become aware and see the judgement I can give out in my day is a moment to reflect, a marker in my body as to where I am at, as from this moment I can call it out and change my movements to loving ones.

  298. What an awesome conversation to have – this is what we need more of these days, instead of the nonsense that has become our norm.

  299. Its not possible to distance oneself from a feeling of disease inside, no matter how much we might try to bury it, escape from it etc. And love the conversation – it is not something weird to identify it, to know what is really going on and realise that society has it all the wrong way round. It is simply a question of feeling what is going on.

  300. I love conversations like these, I have often had such heartfelt conversations that are so full of wisdom with Muslim people, I find many have seen so much atrocity that they are willing to be honest about how the world is a mess.

  301. We are not here to walk alone and when we are open to asking for support, support is always there.

  302. A beautiful example of Brotherhood as we all walk the treadmill of life and realise we are all on the same path of return.

  303. I love that, we are not here to walk alone as we most certainly aren’t and when we make it about community and brotherhood instead of all the abuse that goes on then maybe we do have a chance of living as to the Ancient Wisdom taught by the long line of wise ones that have been amongst us.

  304. That is so true, we never walk alone but always with everybody with us. It is only our separated mind that can make us think that we walk alone, but we never walk alone, we all walk here together with the same longing to belong to each other with respect and appreciation for who we are irrespective of our race, religion, nationality, culture, age, and the language we speak.

  305. It is The Ageless Wisdom we are all connected to and can draw from if we are humble enough to let go of the supremacy of the human intelligence from the mind.

  306. I had so much joy to read your awesome Blog as I love the conversation you both had. As you both so beautifully demonstrated – it is all about the connection we have to ourselves and with others. This moments of deeply felt connection is what made our lives so joyfully.

  307. There are many moments where there is an opportunity to connect with another and have a conversation that is evolving for both, we just need to say yes to them as you did, instead of finding the myriad of excuses not to.

  308. What are profound and beautiful piece of writing… Inspiring and sobering, and also… well really…. makes me want to go to Morocco 🙂

  309. A beautiful blog. Apropos food – it has recently been in the news that those who had lap band surgery (making their stomach smaller and making it very difficult to eat too much). These people are taking up smoking and drink more as the causes of their over eating have not gone away.

  310. ‘…we are not here to walk alone.’ I am embracing this more each day and marvelling at the beauty of people in my life. All my life I thought and prided myself on doing it alone. I’m noticing there are still pockets of this but even here where I’m doing a task on my own, or simply just being with myself I’m realising I’m not on my own, I can open up to being with God and still be connected with people even though there’s no-one standing right next to me. This makes me consider there are no private moments where I can indulge in watching loads of TV or eating lots of rubbish because I am under the illusion that it won’t affect my connection with myself and others when it so clearly does.

  311. The simplicity of being willing to listen to another knowing that they are wise gives birth to all manner of igniting conversation and insight. It is this holding of your own equality that makes it possible.

  312. I am not sure about Mohammed but we all know how it went for Jesus! We always want to kill the messenger, as they are not selling anything other than truth and the fact that we cause our own suffering on masse.

  313. Correct we all know we are in the biggest mess the whole world over, no where has a healthy well society.

  314. And what great company you had – interesting to note that in your experience, many Muslims do acknowledge Jesus and the role he played as a messenger from God. I have not ever heard a Catholic say this about Mohammed.

  315. This sharing demonstrates the The Ageless Wisdom is not some intellectual concept but the truth that is innate within us all.

  316. “… but we are not here to walk alone.” Indeed, it is not our nature or our way. It really is time to open our eyes up to the truth that we are all one family and in that we are all worth taking deep care of each other. Respect does begin with self and then naturally spreads outwards, wise teachings from all our prophets, Jesus, Mohammed, Serge Benhayon and more, who lay The Ageless Wisdom before us time and again, so that we may learn how to return to the deeply honourable people we are.

  317. What a beautiful, honest and very real account of what it means to live as someone who gets abused for seeming to be ‘different’ when actually all they are doing is simply living what they know to be true.

  318. Beautiful, how the Ageless Wisdom is universal and available and you do not have to belong to anything or listen to anyone to know it.

  319. Deep down we are all absolutely beautiful, the more we allow ourselves to see that in others the more the barriers we put up fall away and the connection blossoms.

  320. Deep down we all know what is and what is not appropriate and respectable behaviour, and yet we have in our society allowed standards to drop and hence the religious vilification and abuse that we get to be witness to or be the brunt of. But it is never to late to bring back the standards and stand for the truth that we all know within.

  321. Beautiful sharing Anon! And great work out with some wise beings!

  322. Yes, no differences at all! We seem to feel more at ease delineating ourselves by outside appearances or allegiances to groups, beliefs or doctrines, but underneath it all there is no difference between us.

  323. What I got from this is how much our current society sets up life to retreat from it, we go to work, looking forward to the moment when we can get home and retreat, we go to the gym and want to avoid other people, we go to the supermarkets and can’t wait to get out or to go through the self-checkouts so we don’t need to interact with anyone, we use food, games, social media all as a form of retreating from life and from the world. We need to question, where will this end up when it is our very nature to connect with others.

  324. I love your walk in the gym and I love you met a fellow brother who knows we are so much more than we are living. We crave connection and community and each have the potential to live that with ourselves first and then with others.

  325. Gorgeous blog Anon, thank you for sharing, it is amazing to feel the connection and openness between you. It certainly reminds me that we do not have to walk alone, and that there are many people who are deeply connected to themselves, to love and truth. When we meet, we have the opportunity to have an evolving conversation or not. Your conversation was certainly evolving.

  326. When you place Serge Benhayon’s name next to some of the great teachers of the past, it gives true magnitude to the purpose of his work as he carries on the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom.

  327. What a gift to read this today. I love this story, this encounter, this sharing of life, this wisdom, the connectedness, the equality and the stunning finish – ‘we are not here to walk alone’. Indeed we are not.

  328. It is so simple, all we have to bring to each moment wherever we are is ourselves and the rest will unfold. Celebrating your openness and willingness for our brothers to work through the connection you had at the gym Anon and know that this is available to each of us everyday as we interact in the world with work, colleagues, friends, strangers and family.

  329. Where have we come to as a humanity when such a conversation is seen as a ‘special’ moment? What is shared above is far from that, it is our true, deeply felt normal.

    1. Well said Leigh. If this true ‘deeply felt normal’ there would not even be the need to be expressed as it would just be life.

    2. I agree Leigh but most of us are invested in avoiding having any kind of true or intimate conversations with each other lest we have to out ourselves as the imposters that we are.

  330. “I could have easily made some excuse, “Oh no, I have to walk by myself,” but we are not here to walk alone.
    Today it was me, my brothers, Mohammed and Jesus that walked in the gym.” Beautiful, and you show how very simple this can be.

    1. Incredible isn’t it that we are, in truth One United Whole and yet we are able to distort the truth to such an extent that our lived experience is one of feeling isolated and alone.

  331. I so love this story of going to the gym and doing a workout with a wise man. The truth is any one of us is wise when we are living from our essence so in fact the gym experience described here can be ours everyday if we so choose.

    1. Spot on Elizabeth – wisdom lies within each and every one of us, and it is simply for us to put this into lived practice for us all to benefit!

    2. Absolutely the wisdom is clearly there in our young and old we seem to lose sight of it in between. We also know what is required and the quality of how we live will determine how much we move from the status quo to actually being with our souls and living the ageless wisdom.

    3. I agree with you Elizabeth, we can have these conversations every day and with everybody, we only have to claim this in ourselves and not wait until it comes to us otherwise we might have to wait for the rest of our lives. Someone has to start and I choose to let that Ageless wisdom come through me as best as I can.

  332. I can feel the feeling of oneness and brotherhood in your blog, Anon, very beautiful and a great example of walking together our true and original way of being together.

    1. Yes I can too, I can feel your love of community and brotherhood and how you were both sharing from a place of equality.

  333. Sharing the teachings of “The Ageless Wisdom” in this blog has come from a Livingness and The Way of The Livingness is all about true expression, so that these are the types of Loving conversations we should always be having!

    1. Absolutely agree Greg, this article definitely sets a standard for conversation. One we all already know, it is just that we have stumbled in living what we have known. Like any stumble though, we stand up and go again, let’s all claim again the joy, lightness and all encompassing love that naturally invites true caring evolving conversation.

  334. Love how you chose that moment to walk with another in equalness and connection – this is the way back for us all to restoring brotherhood that is our birthright. And each moment offers a step towards that way.

    1. Me too Annie, I can feel the beautiful connection and oneness between Anon and his friend. This also reminds us that we can have a deep level of connection with everyone we meet.

  335. I loved your blog Anon, thank you for sharing, it opens up our eyes to how people we may see as different as actually so very similar and identical to each other. Rather amazing to consider that it was also only in the last month that I spoke to someone of the Muslim faith who also shared how they see Jesus and Mohammad, amongst others, all as prophets, not just one.

    1. I find that amazing, this willingness of Muslims to acknowledge another of God’s messengers who has falsely been claimed by one institutionalised region as theirs and theirs alone – such openness and acceptance even though, as we all know, Islam as an institutionalised religion itself has many lies and untruths that are being purported as well.

    1. And how we just have to learn to live it all the time and once we live it even much of the time then there is more gold available.

  336. Sounds like a great work out 🙂 These conversations are not had enough -and there is so much gold in them – we can all feel what is not true about how we are treated and how the world is, and there is deep value in expressing this.

  337. We need so many more conversations like the one you had in the gym, Anon. The man you spoke to is quite a treasure and how gorgeous that you recorded his words… they will now be in print forever.

    1. We certainly do Rachel, the beauty in meeting people who are not afraid to show their wisdom, openness and connection is a blessing. I love conversations like this and it is something we can all learn and grow from. This makes me wonder, why settle for conversations that doesn’t support our evolution and why not make every moment an opportunity for us all to evolve?

  338. Such a pleasure to read your blog Anon. It brings the ancient origins of living in brotherhood right into this present day 21st Century. The setting and place may look different but the foundations of brotherhood remain and are known.

  339. In that moment in the gym the whole universe was with you-what a way to do a work out!

  340. True brotherhood, community, equality and respect for one another are values we certainly need to re-build in general in our world and interactions like the one you relate here are the real building blocks of that…

  341. It strikes me as I read this how nationalism (let alone religion) is a convenient compartment to preserve in order to avoid the truth that we are all equal – and therefore everything needs to change – and that doesn’t mean competing to build the tallest building.

  342. Thank you, this is a wonderful example of the brotherhood that is bubbling away under the surface just waiting to be expressed with anyone. We just have to not block it! I have had similar conversations with people around the world who hold different faiths: Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Navajo, Sioux, desert peoples of India, Ba’hai, Shinto, Buddhists, different branches of Christian, Pagan, Jewish, others whose faiths I can’t even remember the names of…. and we loved every moment of our open-hearted connections and sharings. We are all the same equal brothers behind the outer appearances….and we are all equal in love.

  343. Thank you Anon, I feel I too joined you on the treadmill. Yes there is much hurt and abuse in the world and very much in our faces these days but there are also many people with eyes to see and heart to feel and share.

  344. ‘It’s about re-turning to a way of living we have all lived before, it’s about re-connecting to our Soul, it’s about people, truth, understanding, true love and deep care for ourselves and each other, brotherhood, equality, community, respecting each other and ourselves.’ All of this cares not about the height of the building or the speed of the car, as the man said, these things don’t matter but brother killing brother does.

  345. We are all together in this, all separation is false and leads to continually rejecting the truth that we all are part of the whole. We are all related, we all want to love and be loved, we stem from the same origin, this is our truth we are one humanity.

  346. We are so much closer than we think. If only we could get over the apparent divisions and segregation’s we’ve created in our heads, we would see our shared divinity. A great place to start is to know everyone that you meet, in the petrol station, gym or supermarket is equal to Jesus, the Buddha, Mohammed or you or me. We just have a track record of not living this potential. Imagine if we did – now that’s a worthwhile exercise. Thank you sweet Anon.

    1. Yes I completely agree we do not have to scratch very far beneath the surface of human made beliefs and divisions to feel the divinity that is common to us all.

  347. There is so much to feel reading through this blog, the anger, the hurts, the frustration and the injustice. But letting that all go, it is so moving how you have re-imprinted how we can respect each other and live in brotherhood, it is very healing to read thank you.

    1. True, lots to read in what Is shared, what I got also was this attack of being pigeon holed as one sort of person or another, like we need be in different camps or other sides, rather than together, it is so harmful that we perpetuate these behaviours and do not come together with what we share.

  348. “…we are not here to walk alone”.

    So simply said but so powerful to feel. This is the essence of who we are, for we are the many who are One, breathing the same breath.

  349. Absolutely LOVE this blog! The inclusiveness and humbleness of the man you speak of is very palpable as is his lack of judgement and criticism whilst the the same time not backing down or holding back. Very inspiring.

  350. ‘We are not here to walk alone’ – yes, there’s not a single person that has it all and is perfect in every way. We’re here to evolve and learn and a huge part of that process is learning from others and their reflections, and appreciating what others are learning from our reflections too.

    1. Another part of the not doing it alone thing is knowing that we are endlessly supported in so many ways- and being open to asking for and accepting that support, even if it comes in a different format to what we might have expected.

    2. Without interaction with others and our relationships with them we would be denied the opportunities to learn from such breadth and scope of experience and wisdom. Absolutely every one of us brings something to the table that we can all learn from to grow together.

  351. So true, we are not here to walk alone. There are always openings for connection with others and it is beautiful when we allow these to blossom, whether it is an hour or so in the gym or five minutes at the check out at the supermarket or several hours on a plane we are forever being given space to enlighten ourselves and to engage with others who may appear to be different but in essence are the same – we are all, in essence, the same.

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