If Clairsentience is Truly Innate and Natural, then How is it that Most of Us Remain Completely Ignorant of it?

If clairsentience is truly innate and natural, then how is it that most of us remain completely ignorant of it?

Clairsentience is the ability to read, feel and identify the energetic quality of what is going on for oneself, other people and the world in general. It confers the ability to observe situations without being hooked by them as we simply register and clock energy without reaction. In connection with the inner heart centre, we sense and feel what corresponds to our essence and what does not. In fact, all the nuances of energy are felt without judgement. We may feel a person is lying or disregarding themselves or us, but understand that this is their choice of energy – no more, no less.

Clairsentience is the natural complement to the fact that “If everything is energy, therefore, everything is BECAUSE of energy (Serge Benhayon). If, as the Ancient Wisdom presents, we are actually beings that are made of, and sustained by, energy, it is logical that our Creator would provide us with the ability to read energy – that of ourselves, of others, of situations, places, events and occurrences.

I have observed this ability in myself and in many others who are reconnecting with the centre enhoused in the physical body in the chest – the inner heart – where the ability to feel and read energy resides. The sense of when something feels ‘right,’ when something is potentially harming, the awareness of a need to connect with a distant loved one the nanosecond that they are troubled, the ability to feel energies that are precursors to illness in the body, an impeccable sense of timing, knowing how to truly care for and nurture oneself – these are all basic expressions of this ability to feel and to sense energy from within oneself without reliance upon external input or advice, but from a sense of feeling that then brings a knowing.

The Ancient Wisdom presents that all children are born with their clairsentience completely intact. Working with children my experience confirms this is so until they reach a certain age – usually somewhere between the ages of 7 and 12. At some stage in this age range there is a switch of allegiance from the clairsentient inner heart to the head, where children become more mind-based, more mentally driven and then leave behind the simplicity of feeling and reading energy from the inner heart. Instead children have learned to relate to how things look and to the ideals of success and achievement given to them by the outside world of parents, education, media, culture and religion.

Thereafter there seems to be a collective sense of convenient amnesia – we wilfully ‘forget’ that we have this amazing yet natural ability within us so we engage with the world on its terms, not on what is being felt within us.

Realising this, I could not but ask: “How could this possibly be? We wouldn’t willingly suppress our vision, our hearing or any of our five physical senses, so why does this occur with clairsentience?”

My understanding of the why and the how also came from within the Ancient Wisdom teachings, which present that we are a tri-partite being: we are human, indisputably so, but we also have a spirit and a Soul. Human – spirit – Soul – three aspects, one being.

Human life is dominated by the spirit, which prefers and uses mental and emotional energy as its fuel to sustain its way of being. The connection with and use of our clairsentience basically sounds the death knell of the spirit that keeps its human aspect ignorant of the spirit’s own existence and enforces its mental idealism and beliefs so that it can maintain its domination of human life. Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are and with the key to our energetic freedom, clairsentience, hidden away inside of us. This happened to all of us the moment we chose the spirit’s mind over our own clairsentient inner heart.

To remain clairsentiently aware, or to reconnect with this awareness, means that one realises there is a choice of energy and that one can choose Soul. This exposes the existence of the tri-partite being; that we are human, run by a spirit, with a choice to return to our origins – to our Soul. For most, this awareness brings up the clairsentiently felt fact that we are indeed Beings having a human experience that is not ultimately who we truly are. This awareness has long been withheld from us by our own spirit, as it is the forerunner of the ending of the spirit’s dominion over human life.

What other reason could there be to systematically bludgeon out the awareness we are all born with so that by the end of Primary School there is little or no clairsentience remaining in conscious awareness? It has been exchanged and overridden by the ruminations of the mind with its ideals, beliefs, expectations and drive for success – the mental prison referred to earlier.

Clairsentience also reconnects us with what we innately are – Love. It has been my experience that once this is felt, there can be no further selling out to the cold, loveless values of the spirit – the aspirations, goals and drive for success, the self-loathing and self worth issues, the competitive individualism, because energetically we readily feel how empty and worthless they are.

Instead we feel our inner home of Love and commit to returning to who we truly are, feeling our way, loving step by loving step.

So how come so many of us are ignorant of our clairsentience? Do we need to look to the ‘enemy within’ our own minds, to our own choices and to the energy we are choosing to live our lives by? Could it be as simple as discarding ignorance and then choosing differently?

Perhaps our best option is to allow ourselves to feel the truth of these questions.

By Coleen

Related Reading:
The Gift of Clairsentience: Reclaiming my Ability to Feel Energy
Coincidence or Clairsentience – Understanding Our 6th Sense
What is true love?

482 thoughts on “If Clairsentience is Truly Innate and Natural, then How is it that Most of Us Remain Completely Ignorant of it?

  1. Coleen what you have written gives us all a clear understanding of just how we are dominated by our spirit.
    “Human life is dominated by the spirit, which prefers and uses mental and emotional energy as its fuel to sustain its way of being. The connection with and use of our clairsentience basically sounds the death knell of the spirit that keeps its human aspect ignorant of the spirit’s own existence and enforces its mental idealism and beliefs so that it can maintain its domination of human life. Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are and with the key to our energetic freedom, clairsentience, hidden away inside of us. This happened to all of us the moment we chose the spirit’s mind over our own clairsentient inner heart.”
    No one has really taught this in this lifetime in the way that Serge Benhayon has. Serge Benhayon completely strips away and exposes the grip that the spirit has over our bodies as it forces its dominance over us. The worst thing about this, is that we are tricked into thinking that it is us making the choices when it is this other aspect of us we call the spirit. The biggest lie is that we think we think and we have the freedom to think. We do not think at all, we are fed our thoughts from the consciousness of the Astral plane, we are just puppets of an energy that has complete control over us.

  2. Understanding the “tri-partite being” expose much of what is going on in our society as the lies about our health and lockdowns are asking nothing of us to be responsible for the energy we align to but are a simple but huge distraction at every level to silence the innate love from our inner heart as you have shared Coleen.

  3. Reclaiming our clairsentience is the gift we can offer ourselves as we become aware of the energy in and through everyone and everything.

  4. Reconnecting back to the love that I am is everything to me; I know now how I have been tricked by this other part of me that I have allowed to take me on a ‘wild goose’ chase away from everything that I held dear. Clairsentience is what connects us back to our soul and once this is felt within all the lies start to fall away and are seen for the hollow and worthlessness they truly are.

    1. Absoulutely Mary as another cliché share life throws up many “red herrings” to keep us from the true understanding of our alignment to the movements that distract us from being in True Movement and walking the path of True return,

  5. Brilliant Coleen, what a writer! Thank you, it encompasses and explains so much and so simply, the truth about our tri-partite state and how key clairsentience is to our well-being and to our return to Soul.

  6. Because human life is so dominated by the spirit it’s hard to see anything different if everyone is doing the same. It took someone living from their heart for me to see the difference or fact that there is another way.

  7. My question is, is the Truth a question or a knowing from our Livingness? So that once we return to that lived knowing we do not question it! Then deepening our connection to our Soul becomes our human-ness, lived with all 6 faculties in-tact and everyone should be made aware of what you have shared Colleen as it is imperative for our evolution.

  8. Coleen this is a brilliant discussion to be having with each other and you have written so clearly our downfall as clairsentient beings that get trapped in our minds because the spirit wants to dominate at all costs. It is only by having these types of discussions that we can start to unravel the sneakiness of our spirit and reclaim our natural way of feeling energy first.

  9. If children were taught and supported to deepen and express from their clairsentience then adults would not be able to lie.

  10. Awareness and sensitivity are a gift to us – but they feel like a curse when we do not know how to handle them.

  11. One of the challenges I am finding lately is that I know I am sensitive and feeling much but it is understanding correctly what it is that I am feeling. The head so often wants to get in the way and re-interpret what we feel and so it destroys or thwarts the original message.

  12. Sometimes it can be painful to open back up to our Natural Clairsentience – for the simple reason that we get to feel how we have fooled ourselves by making life black and white instead of colour by denying the fact of clarisentience. And so it is in some ways more ‘convenient’ to not feel than it is to feel, even though this stunts our own growth.

  13. Why are we not taught this from the beginning or at least school? We seem to learn about everything else but the fact that we are as you say Coleen
    “tri-partite beings; that we are human, run by a spirit, with a choice to return to our origins – to our Soul.” That it is our spirit that dominates our bodies so that we are left in the ignorance of who we truly are.
    Thankfully that dominance of the spirit is beginning to slacken as I can feel a grandness growing in my body. If I can feel this then surely everyone else has the ability to feel the same if they so chose.

  14. I love children’s spontaneity and wisdom, but it is interesting to see how this begins to disappear between the ages of 7 and 12. In a way it is no surprise given that the education system asks us to use our mind and does not consider the inner heart or any other part of the body as being significant to supporting us to learn. From my own experience thinking outside the box is frowned upon and made to feel inferior especially if you don’t follow a set way that the schooling system expects you to study.

  15. I agree – when we identify ourselves from the spirit’s perspective and its survival in creation, it totally makes sense that it would serve us to forget about clairsentience, but we don’t even have to use clairsentience to know this plane of life is not working. If we allow ourselves edge towards honesty even just a tiny bit, we know our internal, and external, disquiet will never cease unless we stop the way of the spirit.

  16. When we choose to love ourselves, feeling our connection to the all, we are on our way back to living with our Soul and then our body will show us the truth of how we have been living in denial of our true power.

  17. The way that Universal Medicine imparts the experience of reading energy is incredible, because at no point are we told what is or is not true, there is simply the offering of an experience, and what you then do with that is up to you.

  18. We can either ask “If clairsentience is truly innate and natural, then how is it that most of us remain completely ignorant of it?” or what does it tell about our ways of going through life that everything that is innate and natural is not part of our movements?

  19. Just that statement that we are made of and sustained by energy is a showstopper… Now this should be philosophy 101 in every university, indeed in every health care degree as well.

  20. Coleen I had never heard of the word clairsentience until I met Serge Benhayon it was not known to my family, nor was part of my education growing up. But this doesn’t surprise me as there is so much more that I have discovered since knowing Serge Benhayon that has been kept from Humanity. His presentations are a real eye opener. It’s almost as though there is another dimension to life that is actively being kept hidden from us. And more and more I feel as though I’m living George Orwell’s book 1984 where the people in the story are being controlled without knowing they are being controlled as they are so numb to their external environment.

    1. Yes Mary it has been kept hidden from us, on the other hand we were willing to play this game and chose to be unaware of what is truly going on while our body can be so loud and clear with presenting us the truth of how we are living but we will get there sooner or later. We cannot escape only delay the truth of why we are here.

      1. By saying yes to the game as you put it Annelies our bodies are then configured in a way, so that the way we move compounds the energy of the ideals, beliefs, comparison, sadness, depression etc. So it becomes our way. We have lived this way for lifetimes so it make sense to me we have forgotten who we truly are and where we come from. The only way out of this I feel is to break down the configurations of energy in our bodies so that we can move freely and not restricted by all these ideals and beliefs that we get saturated with from the day we are born.

  21. There can be no judgement of anyone when we understand that everything is simply a choice of energy and that eventually we will all return to the choosing of love over loveless-ness.
    “In connection with the inner heart centre, we sense and feel what corresponds to our essence and what does not. In fact, all the nuances of energy are felt without judgement. We may feel a person is lying or disregarding themselves or us, but understand that this is their choice of energy – no more, no less”.

    1. When we allow ourselves to read the energy and not get caught up in the physicality then everything is known to us there can be no judgement because we have all chosen an energy that is so disregarding to ourselves and others. By bringing it back to energy it makes life so simple as then it is less likely to get embroiled in emotions.

  22. Beautiful blog, Coleen. One of the sentences that stood out for me: ‘we are indeed Beings having a human experience that is not ultimately who we truly are.’ The realization that we are not from here and are on our way home to our true origin in the Universe made so much sense and brought such a deep settlement in my body.

  23. There is an incredible depth and wisdom to this article that shows us the way back to a place where everything is simple because with clairsentience, everything is energetically known.

  24. We know and can all feel the difference when we and others are living and expressing from the cold intellect of our mind vs when we live and express from the intelligence and warmth of our inner-heart.

  25. As you describe, we wouldn’t willingly sacrifice one of our five senses, yet most of us let go of our sixth sense at a young age. I volunteer in a primary school with a class of six and seven year olds. On occasions I go into the younger age group class and I see the transition from an open clairsentience to the dulling of it. Not helped by the education system ( or parents who are not aware of it either, nor were their parents beforehand.). Understanding how the spirit works was a game changer for me to learn, and made sense of so many areas of temporal life.

  26. We do know clairsentience yet we allow our mind to override what is being conveyed and try to own it, rather than just accepting it for what it is.

  27. Perhaps our gut feeling, which is not clairsentience and our mind constantly interfere so we have a difficult time distinguishing between them?

  28. This is indeed the question isn’t it. So it really behoves asked all to reawaken this innate quality so that there is a reflection back to the world of what we truly are.

  29. Coleen thank you for writing so clearly how it is we lose our clairsentience, the spirit does seemingly hold all the cards so to say and is extremely willful and the only way to bring it back is to connect to our soul which has the higher vibration of the universe and bring our bodies vibration up so that the spirit is pulled into that vibration back to the soul it separated from.

  30. The world is so full of distraction (disguised as entertainment) its not hard to understand why our innate awareness and ability to sense energy is smothered.

  31. If we relentlessly throw images at our children no wonder at some point they will cave in and let go the inner knowing as what they feel never matches those images. We know innately it isn’t right but if the constant message is that you are the one that is in the wrong you will eventually give up and give in and join the majority.

  32. I too have observed that “switch of allegiance from the clairsentient inner heart to the head, where children become more mind-based”, in the children I have a lot to do with, and they too are in the age group you share. I know that this is their choice and to make sure that I have no investment in them staying connected to their clairsentience. At the same time, I do not hold back from sharing this understanding of this beautiful and very natural sense that I too buried at this age, but what they do with what I share is of course totally up to them.

  33. From your opening question about Clairsentience being innate and why aren’t we aware of it… Yes indeed… Our bodies belong to God every particle, and yet we know this not as well. This is why we need someone to light that fire, that spark within us.

  34. Children are amazing, they just come out and say what they are feeling, to adults this can sometimes feel uncomfortable as they play the game fostered by the spirit. Our inner knowing is always there we just need to connect to the body and feel.

  35. Even though we are born with everything we ever need, when everything around us is set up to erode our natural confidence and knowing, it is not surprising many of us start doubting our feelings and eventually give in to outer influences.

  36. Many times I’ve been in awe of the way children express. This blog inspires me to embrace my clairsentience more and express what I truly feel.

  37. It can be a challenging thing to begin to feel the world around us. We have learned from young to block, numb resist and fight what we feel. But essential and along side feeling what the world around is, is knowing that “everything is energy”. Then we understand that how we live and move through life is based on an energy and an energy we align to, and everyone is in the same boat.

  38. There are many aspects of life that simply do not make sense until we include the relationship of spirit and Soul in conjunction with our understanding of our physical human form. Our collective amnesia as you beautifully put it about clairsentience is one of them.

    1. There were so many questions I had about life that were never answered in over twenty years of spiritual searching. I came to Universal Medicine presentations, read some purple books by Serge Benhayon – and everything was explained and made complete sense.

      1. Sue, is it possible that Serge Benhayon has lived many lives connected to the one soul, so that every time he reincarnates he brings that connection with him. So then is it possible that the vast majority of us have not lived in the connection to the one soul and so when we reincarnate we are disconnected from the vastness of the universe? This disconnection then colours the life we live. Serge Benhayon has always said he is not special. We all can access what he can access. It’s just that we are not choosing to instead many of us chose the comfortable life over a true way of living which naturally happens in the connection to the one soul.

  39. There is so much that can be explained when we read the energy behind a situation and as a result, we would take things less personally if we were taught how to do this from you – or should I say not taught how to discount it from young! The consequence of not personalising would be much higher self-esteem and much less drama!!

  40. Within everyone of us is this extraordinary ability to feel, and know, without doubt the energetic interplay that is happening all around us

  41. It’s really sad that the schools have become a tool of disconnection from children’s clairsentience.. How would it be another way of educating children that honoured this innate sense and wisdom? Maybe starting by us, their educators, honouring ours too?

  42. This switch of allegiance from the heart to the head – when this happens, it naturally follows that our mental ideals can start to flavour our relationships with others, to the extent where we ignore what we feel and know is true in favour of what we’d like something to be. Our only loyalty is to the truth that we can feel, not to anyone else’s version of it.

  43. To wilfully forget what we know is our natural way of being is the marker of where we choose to be in each and every moment.

  44. What I find so very sad is that living from the mind doesn’t allow us to feel the steadiness and freedom that is our birthright, that which comes from living in the body. To live life and never connect with the reality of who we are is the saddest thing, for everyone has the amazingness of the solidity of our body, all that is needed is to surrender to feel it.

    1. Eduardo school is a sea of energy and we knowingly send our children to school knowing they are going to get smashed by that same energy. We know this because we were smashed by the very same energy when we went to school and as long as we keep perpetrating this evil how can anything change? We are all born sensitive human- beings. From my own experience of school, which I hated, we learn how to harden so that our sensitivity is crushed by the onslaught of the energy that is the current education system. We are not taught how to nurture our sensitivity and to honour what we feel. So then how can anything change?

  45. Our clairsentience is very natural to us, an unspoken language we are using every day that is communicating volumes. We cannot turn off our inner feeling though we can dull and distract from it in many ways when we are not prepared to accept or follow its counsel.

  46. In my experience we choose not to be aware so that we don’t have to do something about what we can feel – i.e. say something, rock the boat, risk upsetting someone, losing a friendship etc. But when we let go of all that we’re afraid of and just go for it – allow ourselves to express with no holds barred, it frees us up, and our relationships too. We all benefit from more real, more loving, relationships.

  47. ‘systematically bludgeon out the awareness we are all born with’…. that is indeed what actually takes place, and what we have championed as a human race. The feats of achievement regarded more worthy than the Godly essence we can see emanate through a child’s eyes in the wonder that they are – and so that wonder dims its light to succumb and enjoin to a way of relating we know is so short-changed and false all along.

  48. Children are so naturally connected, it saddens me to see that we do not nurture this quality in them in fact its almost like it is forced out of them, those that do remain clairsentient then face a world that is not that and find themselves facing the grim reality that much of what they see is a lie.

  49. And the beautiful thing is we never lose our clairsentient heart, we just disconnect from it. And when we are ready regardless of our age we can resume our relationship with it and resuscitate that childhood wonderment of people, life and the world around us we replaced with the mental prison of our thoughts.

  50. I agree Doug – it is interesting the level we will go to to avoid responsibility even if it means we sadly shut down our innate wonderment and appreciation of the world around us.

  51. I have no doubt about this, I have two children and I am watching them grow and they were born with a natural clairsentience, not given it, not learnt but live it and I know I have been ignoring mine, but I am inspired to return to it and live from it and it has changed my life.

  52. ” If clairsentience is Truly Innate and Natural, then how is it that Most of Us Remain Completely Ignorant of it?”. This is a great question and in many ways easy to answer. The truth is we do not want to feel all the things that we feel therefore pretend that we are not feeling everything and use all sorts of things like food, drugs and alcohol to dull down our awareness of what we are feeling. We don’t want to feel all that is there to be felt because we carry hurts but underneath that is the fact that we do not want to take responsibility for ourselves.

    1. I would agree that the ignorance is chosen when we want to buffer all that is felt. Yet in allowing ourselves to truly feel we are more equipped to respond to what is before us.

  53. Unfortunately, even though we know that we are a “tri-partite” being, we have not understood the waywardness of the spirit, as it has kept us locked away from the origins of our soul. That is until Serge Benhayon reminded us all again that our spirit is the cause of all of our woes.

  54. We can’t profess not to ‘know’ because energetically we all do know exactly what is going on, always – yet we can choose not to know, to give in to our spirit and the manipulating games it plays, luring us into believing that we can get away with doing exactly what we want, or rather, what it wants. In truth, we never get away with anything, every choice has a consequence, all of which will catch up with us, ultimately.

    1. Yes Alison, it is an abdication of responsibility on a grand scale and away from a way of living that offers us such freedom! What a clever plan by the spirit. I see it as a grand form of bullying, to make you feel less because you choose to honour what you know, rather than join the masses in the denial of what you think means you will fit in.

  55. I agree “there seems to be a collective sense of convenient amnesia” when it comes to the awareness of our sixth sense, our naturally inbuilt clairsentience. So how wonderful it is that the collective does not quite include everyone, including you Coleen, and who are now letting the world know that yes, we have this natural sense that for so long we have been disconnected from, but that can be reconnected to with one simple choice.

  56. “Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are.” And we champion this way of life, which can see success externally but often with an inner misery which is managed by alcohol, distractions, or other forms of “medicating” ourselves

  57. And it is only when this awareness of energy is acknowledged and incorporated in our education system will humanity have the opportunity to truly evolve.

  58. Coleen, ‘. We may feel a person is lying or disregarding themselves or us, but understand that this is their choice of energy – no more, no less.’, What you are sharing in this article about observing and not reacting to what we are feeling is great, I know I can react and get caught up in others choices of energy, rather than staying steady and observing what is going on, I love observing children and the simplicity and naturalness of how they respond to all that is not love, it is a huge shame that this clairsentience is not encouraged in children as this is a an essential part of who we all are.

  59. “We wouldn’t willingly suppress our vision, our hearing or any of our five physical senses, so why does this occur with clairsentience?” ” A great question Coleen, and one definately worthy of exploring. There is much to ponder on here.

  60. Some of us have not forsaken the ability to feel, but because this ability is not the normal of most of the world, we are seen to be different and sometimes ridiculed to be unrealistic (such as needing to compete and earn a lot of money for security), so we close down not so much our clairsentience, but more so our openness to express.

  61. It is my experience that once our bodies get to feel and reconnect to the love that we naturally are it feels so complete that we want more, because as you say Coleen the self loathing and self worth issues just melt away and is replaced with confidence. For me having experienced both ways of living in the world reconnecting back to the love within my soul is the most important goal of my life.

  62. Thank you Coleen, I love this notion of being given all the tools we need to be in this world, so that we may learn and return to our true way of life.

  63. I think part of the trouble is that clairsentience is often presented as being a ‘special gift’ rather than something innate and natural that we can all re-connect with and appreciate how much we do actually feel all the time… And how this way of feeling is intelligence as well – that intelligence is not just how much you can recall…

  64. I think most of us check out literally the whole time, and to reconnect with our clairsentience requires us to be aware of what we feel, so it makes sense that if we’ve vagued out we are no longer aware of what’s happening in that moment or what we feel in our body, and these two things are both key in being able to feel the truth of what’s happening at all points the time.

  65. Why wouldn’t we stay connected to our souls and the divine directly? Choosing to go through a third party that holds a distorted version of our potential and loveliness doesn’t make sense. Yet it is the option that is espoused and the current format that we are all expected to follow.

  66. It does make absolute sense that we can read energy because this is what we are in essence.

  67. Why indeed do we deny our natural clairsentience, a great question Coleen; one in which many people are beginning to ponder and to claim back their clairsentience.
    I love the fact that teachers, like you, encourage children to be aware of, and express, their inner knowing, light and love.

  68. ‘Could it be as simple as discarding ignorance and then choosing differently?’ – Can you imagine if this was a value taught in schools, so that as kids grow up they have an immediate understanding that the world is there to be read and that ignorance to what is truly going on for people and around the world does more harm than good; the best and only way to deal with what we innately feel is to express it.

  69. Interesting words you use, Coleen – ‘discarding ignorance’ – implying quite rightly that ignorance is something we choose as it suits us, when in truth we are all-knowing.

  70. It is an interesting question to ponder .Why do we deny our natural clairsentience? Is it because it provides ‘too much’ information – information that would show us how responsible we actually need to be in our lives.

  71. If clairsentience is truly innate and natural, then how is it that most of us remain completely ignorant of it? This is such a great question and it is so hard to believe that with all the people that inhabit the earth there is only a small percentage that even know what it is.

  72. Even though we may not admit it we clock so much from the quality that can be felt in another’s body. This is clairsentience at play and it is important that we start to support our children to articulate what they feel so that they don’t dismiss what they know or feel like they have an issue with not knowing when they really do. When our kids ask us if we are feeling angry and we deny it, they don’t go ‘mum you are not telling the truth’, they instead internalise it and go ‘I must be mistaken with what I know to be true and I must be wrong’. In other words by not supporting them to talk about what they are feeling we are instilling in them a self-mistrust.

  73. To reduce our intelligence to how things look according to our recollections and our ideals is indeed a reduction of understanding on a grand scale.

  74. Observing some babies recently and how they move – it really struck home how in their bodies they are. I was observing a one-year-old especially, as she walked and fell on her bottom, walked and fell on her bottom. There was no oops from her – just an acceptance of one minute her body was doing something and then next minute it was doing something else as she was learning to walk – no reaction – just getting up again, and again and again. I was also observing how she was just feeling everyone and just taking it all in, how she was looking at people and how she was feeling in general. So much presence, connection and joy there – simply living from the body and her clairsentience.

  75. Could you imagine a primary school system that encouraged you to keep this sixth sense – clairsentience? The world would be a very different place and I could see the whole university system changing from an intelligent based model to a inner-heart based model.

    1. Gorgeous prediction Sarah.
      The thing is that it would not be difficult to turn our whole world round to one based on love, truth and honouring of the wisdom and awareness we all have within. Absurd isn’t it that these qualities are actually our natural essence and we don’t have to try. What we do need to do is to stop trying so hard to live the exact opposite to our true essence!

  76. Living who we naturally and truly are is all we need to do – this is very simple – but I can say that I made it very complicated in previous years where I aspired to be something that I thought the world wanted me to be.

  77. It is devastating to realise that we have disconnected from our felt sense to the degree that we are unaware that we are no longer living from our natural essence the inner heart. We choose to stay in ignorance otherwise we would feel the impact of not living in harmony with ourselves and others.

  78. To really understand what you have written here Coleen, we indeed need to allow ourselves to simply feel, and if we feel we don’t feel (which is a feeling already), to learn to feel again by simply allowing for this possibility of feeling in our daily life. When life is lived from the head and the body just used as a tool that needs to function and thus is made to be hard and tough it takes a while to return to the tenderness and fragility our bodies so naturally hold.

  79. Agreed Coleen. It is so vital that we become aware of the fact that we have a Soul and a spirit – the etheric spirit who never ‘dies’ but who has stepped down from the truth of the Soul – a spirit who is running our lives with no respect for the body we live in. And so we trash the body indulging in a myriad of behaviours emotions, ideals, food alcohol, drugs, entertainment. This very spirit as you have pointed out Coleen does not want us to know the magnitude and beauty of the Soul-ful life on earth as it will mean the end of its ‘rule’, so of course ‘clairsentience is the first thing to be targeted through the spirit’s agency! Because through this beautiful sense we know what is loving and what is not, and can align to truth.

  80. There is so much more to us than we choose to live, and so much more wisdom than we choose to acknowledge.

  81. ‘Clairsentience also reconnects us with what we innately are – Love. It has been my experience that once this is felt, there can be no further selling out to the cold, loveless values of the spirit’. That deep and beautiful Love which we all are immediately shows up the loveless spirit for what it is. This has been totally clear to me, and yet there are times when i do sell out to the cold, loveless values of the spirit, as when I get racy, get impatient, sink into indulgence with eating etc. It takes a simple but consistent ,momentous alignment, all the time to stay expressing that Love.

  82. “Thereafter there seems to be a collective sense of convenient amnesia – we wilfully ‘forget’ that we have this amazing yet natural ability within us so we engage with the world on its terms, not on what is being felt within us.” – there is little in our current education system and our world that fosters us to hold onto clairsentience as a way of living, in fact almost everything in our world is geared to do the opposite and shut us down to live only from the head. This way we can be controlled far more easily.

  83. The enemy is certainly within Coleen. If we were to defeat this inner foe through expanding our awareness (nobody gets hurt except the cowardly spirit) then there would be no conflict or war, simply expression and observation: ‘So how come so many of us are ignorant of our clairsentience? Do we need to look to the ‘enemy within’ our own minds, to our own choices and to the energy we are choosing to live our lives by?’

  84. There is a ‘choice of energy’, one is narrow, selfish and hard and the other is for all, expansive and gentle….I know the difference I am reconnected with soul and I am forever appreciative of the inspiration to return to the wisdom of the body. Something I knew as a child, never lost, but buried, which is now being resurrected and lived again.

  85. Thank you Coleen for a great article on something that is innately within us but had been shut down by the way the spirit runs us in this world. To be able to read, observe and understand any situation without judgment is a great gift that comes from the divine love we are within and come from.

  86. So true we do in fact know what is true or not in accordance to our inner heart.

  87. Great dissection of the energetic bind we find ourselves in, Coleen. I feel the other reason we abandon soul and clairsentience is that EVERYTHING about our societies, our cultures – about human existence – is set up in favour of and to promote the spirit’s mission… which is to maintain its dominion over us. Of course it is this way – for it was the wayward, separative spirit that lead us into the human experience in the first place, when it chose to walk away from co-creation and oneness into creation and individuality

  88. Our innate gift of clairsentience is so beautiful and to be treasured and coming back to this it brings a steadiness, flow and understanding to our lives with a quality that is a divine knowing from inside us all.

  89. Thank you, Coleen. The “switch of allegiance from the clairsentient inner heart to the head” is the greatest tragedy of our time.

  90. The more quality time that I allow in my day to connect to my body the greater the depth of clairsentience.

  91. I love your descriptions, Coleen, of the various ways we are reading energy all of the time, without even realising it. I find that the more I have even brief moments of stopping to connect during the day, the more in touch I stay with the constant communication and knowing of what is going around me.

  92. Coleen I love your description int he first paragraph in which you basically state the importance of observation.Learning to read and from that observe, not make things personal, nominate the energy and staying open to the best of my ability has changed all my relationships and the way I am responding to the world.

  93. Beautifully said Coleen – “Clairsentience also reconnects us with what we innately are – Love.” We can only be clairsentient when we are being love.

  94. I volunteer with refugees and asylum seekers young and old, many do not know the English language very well yet I am always pleasantly surprised at how much we communicate without words. Feeling someone’s intention and the the energy they are in is far more important than mere words.

    1. What beautiful proof, Samantha, that we are all feeling what is going on all of the time, and can connect to one another very naturally at this level.

  95. The more I accept and practise my innate clairsentience the more at home I feel in my body and in the world… a feeling that I reckon is worth developing.

  96. So strange to clock this shift from the body to the mind. Its very normal, its how our whole education system is set up, and we are heavily rewarded for it. But the question is – is it natural?

  97. Whether we choose to feel or not, we are the same human race. Those who choose to feel are not better or more superior. Everyone can choose to use this quality that is innate to us from birth. Whether feeling is our chosen communication tool or not, the core issue is we want to
    communicate. We want to understand and be understood. And that is only made possible with Love.

  98. ‘Clairsentience is the natural complement to the fact that “If everything is energy, therefore, everything is BECAUSE of energy” (Serge Benhayon, 1999). If, as the Ancient Wisdom presents, we are actually beings that are made of, and sustained by, energy, it is logical that our Creator would provide us with the ability to read energy – that of ourselves, of others, of situations, places, events and occurrences.’ It is all about energy, the science of energy – the purest of sciences. And the reason that the science of energy and clairsentience is so rejected by science is that it would have to wake up big time to see what it has ignored.

  99. There is no doubt, we know what is true and what is not and we have gone to elaborate lengths to build a structure of thought around us that prevents this simple and powerful ability. As you say Coleen ‘In connection with the inner heart centre, we sense and feel what corresponds to our essence and what does not.’

    1. A brilliant expose of the madness of our claiming that we are intelligent when we look at the state of our world and the chaos and discordance that we have created. On this track record, it can only make sense to reconsider and explore other approaches. Whole body intelligence and clairsentience is making more and more sense to me.

  100. “… convenient amnesia – we wilfully ‘forget’ that we have this amazing yet natural ability within us…” Yes, it is convenient as we ultimately do have the final say in our choices…

  101. Bury yourself deeply in physicality, so deep that you no longer think to look up at the stars, and you will forget that a true relationship with life is not just with what you can touch, and not even one with the stars for that matter, but with everything that lies in-between – space. That is where the magic is, and that is what we have forgotten.

    1. I love what you have written Adam. What a travesty it is to distract ourselves with the seeming busy-ness of life and forget the expansive essence of our relationship with the whole of the Universe.

  102. Re-awakening clairsentience is one of the most beautiful things that we can encounter, it really is such a wonderful confirmation of the energetic reality of our universe, and it is simple and natural

  103. Thank you Coleen just so clear as to how Love is . The title of your blog reminded me of the story of the “emperor with no clothes “. For me its also the silence as much as the ” ignorant of it ” Clairsentiences that is . Its like it is illegal and you will be punished if you open you mouth about it as in the similarity of the story of the emperor’s clothes. But one child did voice the truth as you have now .” Hear “, :” Hear ” .

  104. “Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are and with the key to our energetic freedom, clairsentience, hidden away inside of us.” This answers and explains so much about how we are living and the illness, disease, suffering and wars that we now consider a normal way of life. The Ancient wisdom explains everything so simply making sense and offering another way of living from the wholeness and truth of who we are in connection to the all we are innately part of.

  105. There is so much discrepancy about us as human beings. I spent years of studying psychology, as well as many other avenues that attempt to provide an understanding why as humans we keep settling with such degradation of ourself, and nothing ever manage to come even close to making sense of it all. That is until I met Serge Benhayon and heard the most simple, yet profound explanation of the difference between spirit and Soul, and everything started to fall into place. Thank you Coleen for taking the conversation there. This understanding ought to be a foundational part of our education.

  106. ‘Instead we feel our inner home of Love and commit to returning to who we truly are, feeling our way, loving step by loving step.’ I love the gentleness with which you express this which makes it feel so much more achievable, no beating ourselves up for what we have chosen in the past, just an ongoing commitment to keep returning to Love.

  107. These are indeed great questions, Coleen, forcing us to look at our culture of individuality that is so far removed from the oneness and brotherhood we naturally yearn for.

  108. Thank you Coleen. As I read your blog I get to feel that living in my head is a choice. My spirit likes to tell me that it is normal to be led by the mind but my body knows better.

  109. Reaction and drama have, along with lack of awareness though deliberate ignorance, been man’s greatest enemy. We imagine that the ‘enemy’ is outside and we plan and strategise and blame and destroy anything out there so as not to simply and humbly look within and see what we ourselves are living. As you say Coleen, clairsentience ‘confers the ability to observe situations without being hooked by them as we simply register and clock energy without reaction.’ A great new/ancient strategy for true harmony.

  110. Could it be that it is convenient to remain ignorant to our clairsentience as in acknowledging it comes with responsibility.

  111. Thank you, Coleen, for such a simple and accessible explanation of our all-knowing true nature, of the spirit and its dominion until such time that we take back the reins – “This awareness has long been withheld from us by our own spirit, as it is the forerunner of the ending of the spirit’s dominion over human life.”

  112. It brings up much sadness to feel how in choosing to align with ‘a collective sense of convenient amnesia’ for so long I have not only disconnected from my clairsentience but also from the love that I innately am. Choosing to let go of the negative thoughts that have plagued me for so long is supporting me to have confidence in my ability to connect to my clairsentience and allow it to support me in my daily choices and thus deepen the love I have for myself.

  113. How come we have suppressed our innate ability to connect with the Ageless Wisdom and to lock ourselves into a way of living that is lead by the mind and ignores our inner heart? To begin the path back to trusting our own inner awareness brings a simplicity and wisdom that is beyond anything that we will gain by maintaining control and relying solely on our mind.

  114. I like your logic here Coleen. Yes, if our Creator is sending us ‘letters’ every day then surely he would also ensure that we have the ability to read them too. So if his communications come in energetic form, then we will have the means to sense what is being ‘said’ – and this is clairsentience.

    1. Yes, we are missing out on so many love letters from God when we shut down our clairsentience and take life merely by face value.

  115. It is totally absurd that we as a race totally neglect the one thing that could save us from so much misery and indulge in spirit driven pursuits and yet we do and it seems we will still for some time to come unless enough of us can really truly start living it to inspire more to do the same.

  116. Does the collective and convenient amnesia around our ever-present clairsentience provide a handy excuse for our lack of responsibility?

  117. ‘Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are’ and this imprisonment without walls is the least obvious, yet most tightly controlled of all.

  118. In these words, all is said ‘Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are and with the key to our energetic freedom, clairsentience, hidden away inside of us.’
    Our world is based on championing the mind and love is understood as emotional love it seems. But the LOVE, true love is an intelligence that comes from something greater, that is our divinity within which is connected to all that is Universal. Thus clairsentience is feeling beyond the senses, it is feeling the ‘unseen’.

  119. It is true Coleen, we would not willingly shut down any of our other senses, so why shut down clairsentience. But in fact we do ‘willingly’ shut down our other senses too (though on not such a large scale as a group) – we can get hearing problems, eye problems, taste problems – some people can’t feel touch and others cannot smell – for the same reason that en mass we shut down our clairsentience – we don’t want to see what’s going on, or hear the truth. But, as you say, It is very clear to see that our education at school is primarily to educate us to shut down our clairsentience – an education to ‘prepare us for the world’ or more accurately ‘to prepare us to protect ourselves from knowing the truth about what is going on’.

  120. I was talking to someone very wise and they shared with me that if we read and feel what another is doing we have to read everything, it’s not an off and on thing. So everything will be felt and for most this is a huge step, one that will require responsibility, which we really prefer to avoid.

    1. This feels true to me, that we avoid reading because we don’t want to read all that is happening, just some of it so we don’t get the full understanding of what is being shown.
      I know someone who has a problem with their septic tank, the sewerage is leaking out above ground. And to me it shows that the people that use the tank don’t want to look at the mess their lives are in, which cannot be hidden from view anymore as energetically all their ‘crap’ is in the open above the ground. But rather than read with their natural clairsentience what is truly going on they want to blame others for the state of the sewer system. If I were to explain what was really going on they would not believe me because they have spent their whole life blaming other people for their disappointing life, they could not at this stage in their life consider their part that they have played in their misery. And I completely understand this because until I met Serge Benhayon I had no concept of being clairsentient.
      I had never heard of the word and to be honest I too blamed everyone for my misery. To me the world is collectively lacking in responsibility and that is why we are in the mess we are in. Could it be that what I’m being shown is that what is occurring and being exposed in this persons garden is the microcosm of what is happening in life which is the macrocosm?

  121. Thank you, Coleen. You have provided us with a great opportunity to reflect on why we choose not to admit to ourselves that we see and feel everything.

  122. Ture Coleen, we know innately who we truly are but like you have shared we must allow loving step by loving step for again feeling in full who we truly are.

  123. ‘What other reason could there be to systematically bludgeon out the awareness we are all born with so that by the end of Primary School there is little or no clairsentience remaining’ – This is an excellent point and question Coleen. I was chatting to a primary school teacher the other day about the incredible amount of pressure the teachers and children are under to perform under the new ‘syllabus’ (although should be renamed regime) set out by the Government… At her school the kids only do English and Maths save for 45 minutes to fit in ‘everything else’ at the end of the day. Subjects like PE, art, topic and history can really support young kids to express themselves and stay in their body, feeling what paint colour is needed, working together in a team and so forth and it’s an absolute disgrace that these things are now given so little time from the entry point into school, and as you’ve shared a bludgeoning of clairsentience.

  124. I know when I try and figure things out from my head, everything just gets complicated and sometimes very stressful. When I allow myself to connect to my body and become still, the answers come easily without any trying. I am learning to trust my body and discovering how wise it is.

  125. We are naturally clairsentient. Clairsentience is something that we are born with but shut down as we don’t like what we see in the world.

  126. This is so true, that we do make a choice to let go of our clairsentience, something that is so innately true to us, yet we let it go.Coleen you have very clearly outlined why this is so, we have a spirit that wants to run the show, keep us in drama, emotion and reaction. I am feeling this more and more in my life, how an energy that we can’t see, can so dominate our lives.

  127. Going through life without all our attributes is like being a duck with only one wing you will never get to fly and it is the same when we loose our ability to be with our divine intuition, we will never know who we truly are.

  128. “… all children are born with their clairsentience completely intact….” The question to ask is why do we shut down our natural clairsentience?

  129. This really hits the mark, Coleen, as it calls for us to question why we all know and feel everything but choose to shut down our greatest natural gift.

  130. To feel, read and observe the energetic quality of what is going on we have to be open and willing to see it and this can be challenging especially with loved ones. But I know if I am to live the absolute love I am in every moment it is a responsibility I have towards myself and others to read everything no matter how ugly at first it may appear to be.

    1. This is very true, and not easily done just like that, Yet the reflections that can be offered for consequently expansion or healing can only come from when we truly read and express what we read in the love that we are, holding the other in the love that they are too.

  131. ‘So how come so many of us are ignorant of our clairsentience? Do we need to look to the ‘enemy within’ our own minds, to our own choices and to the energy we are choosing to live our lives by? Could it be as simple as discarding ignorance and then choosing differently?’ YES, in a word. Our ignorance is our greatest enemy. We all know that with road and traffic rules we cannot pull ‘ignorance’ of the law’ out as an excuse. We still get booked! Same with universal law – we will get booked whether we admit that we are ignoring the law of love or not.

  132. A brilliant blog Coleen exposing how humanity has ignored their innate clairsentence which has basically got us into a mess, making the steps to re-connect to our clairsentence is an empowering choice and allows us to understand life and people.

  133. I know for myself I have always been aware of things and felt more than what purely my eyes could see. I always had an inner knowing yet would dismiss it to fit in with others or please them. The more I embrace what I am sensing the clearer my feelings become. It is something we can all re-connect to as after all it is something naturally we all do without even thinking about it.

  134. I was talking to a young child recently and she was explaining that someone she knows at school gets stickers for having neat joined up handwriting, while other children don’t get stickers. And so for me this shows why it is we leave our hearts for our heads because we are actively encouraged to do so when at school as it becomes all about what you can achieve and less about who you are. And that you are less if you don’t get a sticker and someone else does. It also encourages competition against one another so is it any wonder that at a young age we give up on feeling from our inner heart and instead relate to life via the ideals and false achievements imposed on us by the education system.

    1. It is the same as children being told to colour inside the line and if they do they get rewarded in some way for it! There are so many situations where children find themselves feeling compelled to follow what is going on around them as if there is only one way to do things instead of listening and following their inner heart. Does it really matter as to whether the child has done neat handwriting or coloured inside the line? Surely how the child feels, their wellbeing and whether he or she has truly enjoyed the exercises without any imposition takes priority and if this was the case I question would the child feel that they needed to be rewarded such as a sticker at the end of it?!

    2. Yes, Mary. Every child deserves to be celebrated for who they are inside.

  135. Such good questions and ones we can build on for ourselves. Clairsentience is something that has to be felt for ourselves but without someone reminding us that this is natural for us it is easy to forget we ever had this connection. There is a profound cost to walking away from this early warning system and this innate connection with others.

  136. The answer to this predicament is quite simple. If you hold onto your clairscentience, you have to feel the tension that underpins all of life. That is not easy to come to terms with, especially when you open your front door and allow yourself to feel the world in its entirety. This is important to acknowledge and understand, for it explains why it is often actually very difficult to remain connected to the true love of one’s Soul and of God. As they say, nothing worse than having the light turned on when you are used to the dark, for it exposes what you otherwise have got used to living with. In other words, shutting down our clairscentience is simply a coping mechanism used to enable us to cope with a form of life that is actually for a large part devoid of our true essence.

    1. Indeed, I am very much reminded of a scene from the movie The Matrix, for those who are familiar, in which one of the characters who is freed from the world that the rest of humanity lives in – whereby human beings are kept hooked up to machines, and offered an illusion of reality to live out – cannot cope with the actual reality of life. And so, he betrays his fellow brothers and goes back to the robots running humanity and asks to be hooked back into the machines, so that he can continue to be comforted by the illusion that was being fed to him. In other words, he is asking to shut down his clairscentience, so he does not have to feel the rot of the world as it truly is.

  137. We humans are excellent forgetters. We forget the horrors of war when we plunge into the next one. Ah! It is justified and necessary we say. But if we truly remembered, no one would lift a gun against another and they would insist that every means of resolution be explored and not a stone left unturned until another way is found.
    We forget our social/political/economic failures. We follow other nations into policies that have proved disastrous, as though we can do better, or maybe it wasn’t really that bad. We fall into the trap of the same mistakes being repeated, only to be appeased by the next round of promises that this person or team has the answers.
    We forget the mistakes we have made in science – the introduction of species, the annihilation of others, the excessive manipulations that proved themselves to create horrific outcomes. Onward we go, citing progress as we brush the errors under the rug of forgetfulness.
    Yes, we have mastered the art of forgetting.
    How then can we deny the possibility that we have forgotten so much about ourselves? We leave behind our childhood in the rush to be an adult – autonomy! freedom! beckon. Yet what a price we pay. The profundity of the essence of soul left behind for the excitement of a freedom that gives full reign to a spirit. The freedom does not taste so sweet as we imagined, nor is it as free as it might wish. In place of the controls that surrounded us in childhood, there is a persistent dull ache that something is not quite right.
    No wonder we choose to forget.
    And although we forget, there is a glimmering sense of this truth that sits at the very edge of our awareness. May I say, lest we forget, for here is the core of our suffering. We are a species of aching individuals and this is an ache no medication can ease.

  138. What we feel or sense can often be dismissed as irrelevant or wishy-washy – not something to truly tune into and develop a deeper understanding of what it is communicating to us. Or that it is a special power reserved for a ‘talented’ few. But what if it is an innate sense we all have but just may have buried or ignored and by returning to it we can return to a more truly intelligent way of living and understanding the world of energy that we live in.

    1. The question here is then – what energy is it that we allow to diminish our natural given senses to override them with an unfeeling mind…

  139. Whenever I’ve convinced myself that I can’t feel something and don’t know the answer, it’s because I’ve left my body and gone into my head, stressing myself out with ‘trying to work it out’. When I let go of needing to know, and just reconnect back to my body by focusing on how I’m walking or breathing, life is much simpler. We all have this knowing and this clairsentience- no one is born with more or less of it, but how we live every day determines how much we allow ourselves to feel and see.

  140. I love the questions you pose for us here, Coleen, so that we can enquire for ourselves why we choose to relinquish our all-knowing nature?

  141. If the universe if made of energy and we are part of the universe then it makes complete sense that we should possess a sense that enables us to detect energy and discern its quality.

    1. Hear hear exactly so. Every part of us is part of the whole therefor it knows all about the whole just as the whole knows about the part.

  142. If we are naturally clairsentient beings, which we are, then it is a choice we make to not be consciously aware of all we feel and know. Why is a question of responsibility to our true purpose. I really enjoyed reading you blog Coleen.

  143. ‘If, as the Ancient Wisdom presents, we are actually beings that are made of, and sustained by, energy, it is logical that our Creator would provide us with the ability to read energy – that of ourselves, of others, of situations, places, events and occurrences.’ This statement says it all and exposes how natural reading should be for us, so why is it that most of us do not read energy consistently?

  144. We are all born with the ability to read energy, meaning, we all innately carry this quality – however it is a quality that most of us as adults are not aware of because as we grow up we learn to dull and distract ourselves away from what we feel on a daily basis, it has become a norm to override our most natural sense.

  145. If I speak with people about this subject I always ask them about the things they are aware of without there being a physical expression to go on. In this every single person always finds that they ‘know’ things that they never stopped to wonder about how come they know them. Such as when you walk into a room where there has just been a fight. We use all our senses on different levels and to stop and look at how often this already occurs in our lives is a great first step in reconnecting to the clairsentient beings that we are.

    1. I know exactly what you mean Carolien, recently I spent a few days with some of my family and I brought up the subject of feeling what is going on all around us, and they knew exactly what I meant and contributed to the discussion by sharing with me their experience and take on life. They had not taken the time to stop and wonder what they were feeling and just accepted that they could sense what was happening taking it for granted. Now they are more aware they are expanding their awareness because they feel it gives them an edge over life, re-engaging with life so that they feel more in control over what is happening to them.

      1. Great, Mary, it makes me wonder if maybe, when we speak more openly about what we feel, we will find it is much more common and we are aware of much more than we could otherwise imagine.

  146. “If clairsentience is truly innate and natural, then how is it that most of us remain completely ignorant of it?” If we know it, then we must also know exactly how to ignore it – so we are in effect the masters of our supposed ignorance.

  147. To support our children to maintain their clairsentience, to maintain trust in their inner knowing, to develop and deepen their self awareness and ongoing appreciation of the uniqueness they bring just be being who they are will change humanity beyond recognition.

  148. “Clairsentience is the ability to read, feel and identify the energetic quality of what is going on for oneself, other people and the world in general.” A deeply reflective thorough sharing on Clairsentience and the absolute importance of this in our lives and the world and the blindness we all live in by ignoring it. It is a deeply reflective sharing and leaves a lot to feel with our responsibility to all we are and know and how we cannot deny our innate divinity and knowing from the Universe we are part of.

  149. “If clairsentience is truly innate and natural, then how is it that most of us remain completely ignorant of it?” Great question Coleen, indeed why are we. In answering this question we must also consider our level of responsibility when connecting to and expressing our clairsentience; much to ponder.

  150. I just love this phrase Coleen . . . ‘ a collective sense of convenient amnesia’ – this describes the human race (and myself of course) to the T. The universal constellations are living inside us but we conveniently forgot to go within and be given everything we ever dreamed of. Instead we go ‘out, out, out’ desiring to set up colonies on Mars, further engraining our forgetfulness that it all resides within us. I was just playing with your words and thinking how good ‘a convenient sense of collective amnesia’ also sounds!

    1. I love how you’ve built on the original, Lyndy – ‘a convenient sense of collective amnesia’ feels like a deeper nailing of what’s going on. Awesome – we are cooking 🙂

  151. Its a great reminder that we are human beings so we need to start being with ourselves more.

  152. My experience is that when I act from the mind I have less trust in my innate capabilities, whereas if I trust in doing things from my body, without overthinking, essentially not looking for reasons I can’t do something, then the trust I have in and from the body allows me to make a success of virtually anything.

  153. “We are indeed Beings having a human experience that is not ultimately who we truly are.” – there is no scientific evidence for this as such, however, a part of us deep within knows this to be true and we spend all our lives often not wanting to fully feel the extent of this and then having to accept this. However, there is a simple answer to our woes, for it is not about admitting that we should not be here and then moaning and lamenting about our existence – instead it is about celebrating the knowing that our presence is far grander than what the physical can ever or will ever sustain and so our challenge lies simple in bringing and living this grandness to the best of our ability in a world that is upside down, inside out and configured to not let us show who we truly are!

  154. “Clairsentience is the ability to read, feel and identify the energetic quality of what is going on for oneself, other people and the world in general. It confers the ability to observe situations without being hooked by them as we simply register and clock energy without reaction. In connection with the inner heart centre, we sense and feel what corresponds to our essence and what does not.” We are all born with this gift and it goes no where, however we often bury it deep within and neglect to use it. This is a very simple explanation and a reminder of what clairsentience is and how simple it can be for us to use it if we so choose to.

  155. Its such a great question – why don’t we as a society know how to read energy? When your ability to read energy has not been activated, then you might think that is a ridiculous question, and even that there is no such thing as “reading energy”. But truth be known, every person on the planet has this ability, and so the question returns, why don’t they know they do? Thank goodness for Universal Medicine opening the door to anyone activating this skill if they choose to.

  156. I love this expose of the human spirit and its cunning was to keep us away from the beingness we would so otherwise naturally live. “Human life is dominated by the spirit, which prefers and uses mental and emotional energy as its fuel to sustain its way of being. The connection with and use of our clairsentience basically sounds the death knell of the spirit that keeps its human aspect ignorant of the spirit’s own existence and enforces its mental idealism and beliefs so that it can maintain its domination of human life. Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are and with the key to our energetic freedom, clairsentience, hidden away inside of us. This happened to all of us the moment we chose the spirit’s mind over our own clairsentient inner heart.”

  157. Feeling energy is the most basic tool that has been given to us for us to evolve back to who we are. Yet, it is the very one tool that we fight most. There’s so much shame, guilt and ‘making ourselves smaller attitude’ when it comes to appreciating and honouring our natural ability to feel. Thank you Coleen for writing so clearly about an incredible important topic!

    1. Beautifully said Floris – feeling energy is such a basic tool, and we have chosen to forget in case we realise just how powerful we really are!

  158. I love this Coleen . . . “Clairsentience also reconnects us with what we innately are – Love. It has been my experience that once this is felt, there can be no further selling out to the cold, loveless values of the spirit – the aspirations, goals and drive for success, the self-loathing and self worth issues, the competitive individualism, because energetically we readily feel how empty and worthless they are.” . . . and this will be the future of this world as our awareness grows.

  159. Ignorance of our clairsentience is explained by understanding the 3-part being as you describe. Many things makes sense from this understanding of who and what is running our show most of the time and our efforts to remain undisturbed in our game of life.

  160. Feeling is our most natural sense. We can feel even when we are in the womb. We can feel everyone around us as a baby before we can even speak. We know when someone or something does not feel safe. t’s so natural we dismiss it as one of the senses as we take it for granted so much. But it is the sense that we can develop the most, and the one that is most reliable.

  161. If we let ourselves be really honest and humble we’ll connect back to the time most likely in our childhood when we made that choice. A choice to switch off our awareness, our knowing that life is multi-dimensional, and buy in to a way of behaving and relating that comes from the mind first. It was the choice to make ourselves fit in and to reduce that magnificence we could feel and that all others could feel.

  162. It would serve humanity well if we fostered and nurtured clairsentience during the primary school and even secondary school, as it would no doubt allow more honesty and truth in all relationships

  163. It’s mad how we remove ourselves from this special gift we all possess, you are right we wouldn’t wilfully give up any of our other senses.

  164. It is my experience that once we re-feel the sparks of wisdom from our inner heart, the choice to build here or stay in allegiance with the machinations of our minds alone, is very clear. I have chosen the former and am blown away daily by the simplicity and sense of life when lived from the heart (clairsentiently) first.

  165. ‘This happened to all of us the moment we chose the spirit’s mind over our own clairsentient inner heart.’ this is hugely significant and worth pondering on and I had not thought of it in these terms before regarding clairsentience, but then why would I if still choosing the dominating influence of my spirit over my mind.

  166. “If, as the Ancient Wisdom presents, we are actually beings that are made of, and sustained by, energy, it is logical that our Creator would provide us with the ability to read energy – that of ourselves, of others, of situations, places, events and occurrences.” I love the logic in it. It shows that there is a lot of things in the world that give us the answers if we are to look closely and in detail what they are showing/telling us.

  167. When we start to take responsibility for every action that we make whether it is verbal or physical we will naturally start to connect to our clairscentience. The more responsibility we take the more aware we become of everything around us and that energy precedes everything, without this we are ruled by our ideal and beliefs that over rule our cliarscentiant ability to feel absolutely everything.

  168. Coleen, this feels so true; ‘Thereafter there seems to be a collective sense of convenient amnesia – we wilfully ‘forget’ that we have this amazing yet natural ability within us so we engage with the world on its terms, not on what is being felt within us.’ Reading this I can feel how clairsentience is not encouraged in children, that if children stop expressing the truth of a situation and what they are feeling and are instead in their heads like many of us adults then it can make it easier for us as adults, we do not have to answer awkward questions or be exposed for the unloving way in which we are living, maybe this is one of the reasons why we do not encourage clairsentience in children.

  169. Our five senses are amazing but we tend to take all of them for granted. Restoring our sixth sense as the foundation of our lives brings added dimensions to the other five with astounding results, which in turn supports us to cherish and honour our bodies and everything we feel.

  170. “We wouldn’t willingly suppress our vision, our hearing or any of our five physical senses, so why does this occur with clairsentience?” I want to add to this that we also do suppress our five physical senses as for instance we do interpret what we see and do not see the whole picture for all that it actually contains. We only see what we want to see and all other information is taken out and it is not difficult to guess which aspect of our being is behind this control of our life.

  171. I may have already said this in my precious comments but I keep coming back to the fact that we are perhaps conveniently ignorant of our clairsentience so we can avoid taking responsibility and avoid evolution. Why would we choose to ignore one of our most powerful senses?

  172. Very true Coleen: ‘Instead children have learned to relate to how things look and to the ideals of success and achievement given to them by the outside world of parents, education, media, culture and religion.’ What we do to children in the education system and as parents is a crime against humanity. Yet we cannot blame anyone for this, because we were brought up under the same system as kids What we can powerfully do is observe this crime and live according to the integrity of being connected to the inner-heart and continually feeling and reading the energy of everyone and every situation – not denying or burying our precious clairsentience.

  173. I don’t feel we are ignorant of clairsentience – many of us have been aware that we can feel things that are more detailed than we get just using our eyes and ears. It is just that this form of clairsentience is quite limited as it can only detect one type of energy. I agree, though, the other type, true clairsentience is almost completely unknown.

  174. How are we so ignorant of clairsentience? In some cases it is because we are constantly asked to be by the herd we belong to. In others it suits us to be unaware and therefore comfortably avoid making any changes.

  175. I like the way you’ve framed this enquiry Coleen, that a part of us (our spirit) keeps us locked in our minds and away from the truth we can feel. But as we start to reconnect to that inner heart we begin to see and feel the coldness of the mind and the prison it is.

  176. There is a sense of competition that we have drummed into us as we get to school age. We lose our feelings of connection with all and instead see each other as competing to excel in the mental and physical pursuits of life. Therefore our minds take over and our intuition is smothered by our thoughts. Thank you Coleen for a thought provoking sharing.

  177. You are absolutely right with your title Coleen, “If Clairsentience is Truly Innate and Natural, then How is it that Most of Us Remain Completely Ignorant of it?” It does not make sense except that we have become so shut down away from who we really are, by following the strong mind and disconnecting from the very powerful body.

  178. ‘If, as the Ancient Wisdom presents, we are actually beings that are made of, and sustained by, energy, it is logical that our Creator would provide us with the ability to read energy – that of ourselves, of others, of situations, places, events and occurrences.’ – Wow Coleen, I can feel the enormity of what you have presented here – THIS makes sense, well beyond the words you are offering us in this paragraph.

  179. We are able to connect to such a depth inside of ourselves as well as reading others! I’m astonished how ‘good’ we actually are in reading energy! Wouldn’t life be much more simple if we allowed ourselves to be completely transparent, not hiding the non-loving choices and the pains we’ve faced in the past. We’re very good in pretending that we’re fine where we’re actually not. I would love to contribute to a completely open society where reading and supporting each other is the norm. I know that I am to start with me:-).

  180. Our minds, if we allow it, can be a real bully and our own worst enemy. It is such a gorgeous moment when you catch a thought that wasn’t loving passing through you and realise in that moment, it’s not you, it was fed to you.

  181. Great responsibility is felt when we return to the truth that we are far more than the physical being we have been lead to believe we are. Part of breaking free of this great illusionary belief is to except, allow, nurture and let through our clairsentience, the very thing that allows one to feel we are multidimensional.

    1. That is exactly right. It is also a great and enjoyable journey of discovery as more and more is felt and discerned.

  182. The emotional treadmill we are put onto when we go to school is like a factory that is churning out a product without any true caring so that there is no understanding that what comes out the other end is poisonous to all concerned. When our clairsentience is nurtured it becomes a true intuition, which allows us to read life’s situations so we do not get caught in the emotional turmoil that is destroying life. As I am sitting here writing this I can hear children shrieking or screaming, and this is allowed with the thoughts that this is being normal but all I could feel is the emotional turmoil the children are in.

    1. Here here Greg, I also hear the struggle and discord in the constant shrieking and crying of children in my neighbor hood.

      The question we all could be asking ourselves is:
      ‘Am I part of a world that makes it normal for little ones to dumb down their awareness to ‘fit in’ or am I one who is standing up to feel what is really going on and living in a way that offers the reflection that it is OK to keep feeling and being who we really are?’.

      1. Being responsible doesn’t stop at childhood for those high pitch voices from adults or the so-called baby talk are definitely from someone who is being lesser than who they are.

    2. I totally agree, Greg and Jo: I hear many sounds expressed by children, many of which are assumed to be healthy and normal and yet I observe that they are either screaming and yelling out harmful energy they have taken on OR are reacting to this absorbed energy by numbing themselves. We often call these sounds excitement or boisterousness – to me, they are neither; they are the sounds of a being in pain.

      1. Thank you Colleen, I agree anything other than love is pain, and love is all about unifying so would never shout or scream to get recognition.

  183. I connect with what is described here, in that there is a feeling that arises from the chest (inner heart) in response to situations, and over time of accepting these feelings exist you get a stronger and stronger sense of what each feeling means, and how it is different to a feeling from what I would call the pit of the stomach. It is amazing just how much there is to know and how much we can access the answers to the many questions we have in life.

  184. We don’t like to admit the level to which the mind can be used to attack the body when we so give ourselves over to the things we call ‘our thoughts’

  185. One of the most practical understandings I have come to know about myself and others is that in order to hold back expressing a quality that is naturally very strong in one (such as sweetness) you need to actively counter what is natural with the opposite expression (such as ‘toughness’).

  186. What gets me stirred up, if I am truly honest, is the fact that children generally are not met for who they are nor is their inner knowing (clairesentience) acknowledged. When I look at children I see their total gorgeousness and I get inspired by this. It is horrible to watch children begin to shut down this inner knowing and see their spark and joy of life get dulled as they begin to react to life. We really do have a responsibility to support our children to maintain their awareness – if we did we would all gain so much on so many levels – not only would we have a vital and joyful society, we would also be spending far less on mental health issues and health care.

    1. The responsibility here lies in the levels of commitment we take on board in reconnecting to our clairesentience that fuels the reflection for our young of the possibility to live the quality in which they know is true.

  187. Understanding the difference between Spirit and Soul helps us to understand why we choose to ignore our clairsentience. Many of us have, in the past, used these two words indiscriminately or even interchangeably, cleverly fed by the waywardness of the Spirit that does not want to lose its identity and return to the Soul aspect it was originally from.

    1. Carmel thats a great point, it’s only when we understand the choice of Spirit and Soul that we can understand why we let go of connecting and using our clairesentience. When I am connected I would not ever consider not putting energy and the quality of energy first, yet when I am not connected it’s like I “forget” that the quality of energy is the most important choice in the world.

  188. You can see children using their clairsentience, see them observing and not reacting and then responding. And don’t they come out with some absolute pearls of wisdom sometimes….where does that come from?

  189. It really helped me with understanding being clairsentient to know that each of us can feel energy in one of two ways. Either we have a feeling within our body which we then read to know what the energy is we are feeling or we just have a knowing, without the feeling in the body first. I know that I experience this in the second of the two ways and it was great to understand this as before I was convinced I had totally shut down my clairsentience whereas now I know that I do feel energy in a big way.

  190. What’s very confirming and beautiful about this Coleen, is that you’ve expressed how even though the world may feel cold or empty, our own spark can start warming things up and we can create our own fire through reading PAST whatever is happening on the surface and having amazing relationships with ourselves and others who we can hold in absolute love knowing they have the same spark behind any facade/protection.

  191. ‘If clairsentience is truly innate and natural, then how is it that most of us remain completely ignorant of it?’ Because we choose irresponsibility in a bid to make life about self and not the whole.

  192. I feel a part of the way in which we keep the clairsentience small and suppressed is by not acknowledging it is real and exists. Imagine if we would say our hearing is false from when we are born and each time we say we hear something people say ‘no that is not true’ you slowly start to doubt and believe it is true. The same happens with clairsentience as we are often told ‘no what you feel is not there, look it is fine’.

  193. When we are encouraged to relinquish all the trying to achieve our ideals and beliefs and come back to just honouring what we feel within us, our clairsentience pops to the fore again. Fortunately for us it can never be completely squashed as it is the most valuable, informative and wise counsel of all and one day we will make this the focus of our education system rather than the victim of it.

  194. It is great what you have shared here there is alot for us to ponder on. We never loose our clairsentience, just allowed other things to get in the way. But once we connect to our Soul it all starts to flow again. So like you say we can “feel our inner home of Love and commit to returning to who we truly are, feeling our way, loving step by loving step. “which will support the re awakening of our clairsentience and connection to our soul.

  195. For me it is wonderful to feel that our children are much more aware as we think they are. My question is why did we forget this as we all were children?? I can remember that I found it strange that grown ups tried to hide something and turn their voice down or stop to speak as I was able to feel energetically what they were talking about – I am sure most of us can remember such situations as well.

  196. “A collective sense of convenient amnesia” – exactly! It’s like we all know this is all fake and not true, yet somehow have agreed to be a part of a made-up play.

  197. As a teenager, I was an all-round athlete in four disciplines and each year awarded the ‘Victor Ludorum’ for winning the most events for girls. Consequently, I was selected to represent school and county in competitions and meetings. But my body hated competition and refused to push itself, in fact I remember it switching off, not on. This baffled my PE teacher who asked ‘What happens to you at competitions?’ I wasn’t able to answer her, just as I wasn’t able to say no to the request to compete in the first place. Looking back, I can see I didn’t like the way training for major competitions made me feel (took the joy out of something I loved) and I felt no connection with the purpose of running or jumping to beat another. I just didn’t have confidence to express this at the time.

  198. If we are so smart why do we exert so much energy to stop something that happens naturally? By fighting our clairsentience is it not the same as trying to stop rain from falling? And, this is a choice we freely make?

  199. ‘Thereafter there seems to be a collective sense of convenient amnesia – we wilfully ‘forget’ that we have this amazing yet natural ability within us so we engage with the world on its terms, not on what is being felt within us.’ Coleen, I agree that we seem to have a collective amnesia, forgetting what our true expression is with the world once we shut down a way of being that is so natural.

  200. To me there is a comfort felt in living from the mind, although when we observe it from a distance we can clearly see it flaws, but when we are in the belief that we are thinking thus can create, we are in deep illusion and in the comfort of it, the comfort that keeps us from looking any further that the illusionary thinking of the mind.

  201. Thank you for providing such a clear and thorough insight into clairsentience. You remind me that my connection to my inner heart is entirely my responsibility.

  202. “We wouldn’t willingly suppress our vision, our hearing or any of our five physical senses, so why does this occur with clairsentience?” – interesting point, which makes me think how much our other five senses are emphasised, played on, manipulated by things and structures like schooling, education, entertainment and the media to make it ‘easier’ for one to ‘loose’ the 6th sense for the absolute truth it is, and the absoluteness it exposes in all falsity.

  203. ‘usually somewhere between the ages of 7 and 12. At some stage in this age range there is a switch of allegiance from the clairsentient inner heart to the head, where children become more mind-based’ This alone teaches us we have failed if children are switching and becoming mind-based instead of staying connected with their inner hearts and clairsentience.

  204. This isn’t new to any of us, as feeling energy is what we are all doing all of the time. It is more that this energetic understanding is not fostered or confirmed in us from young and as such many have lost the words to express what they have felt or to make sense of the world of energy that we live within and flows through us constantly.

  205. You describe how the human spirit imprisons the human being so well in your paragraph beginning: ‘Human life is dominated by the spirit, which prefers and uses mental and emotional energy as its fuel to sustain its way of being.’ As you say, clairsentience is the death-knell to the spirit who wants to keep individualised at all costs, because clairsentience will reveal that we are all one, that we come from the one and that we will return there.

  206. Clairsentience allows us to feel the truth of all things. Just because we ignore it does not mean it is not there. Therefore, far better to makes use of this faculty than let it lie dormant and lose ourselves in a miasma of illusion.

  207. It’s amazing that every child is very in touch with this and yet we, as adults are very efficient in helping shut it down because of our of choices to do so because of the same thing happening to us.

  208. Recently, I’ve been referring to my sixth sense in conversations with people, and when I do, they get what I’m talking about. But if I were to use the term ‘clairsentience’, they would possibly think me a little weird. So even the correct word for our feeling sense has been distorted to mean something totally different to what it actually is – an innate sense that we all have.

    1. Haha sometimes just describing the qualities of a word can have an even more profound impact than the word itself.

    2. This is true – not only do we not make use of the gift of this sense, we greatly pollute the word and attribute it to be something ‘weird’, a ‘physic’ power that only the ‘chosen few’ possess. Nothing could be further from the truth, as Coleen’s articles so beautifully states. Clairsentience simply means ‘clear feeling’ and this is innate within us all, no exceptions.

      There are some great audio and quotes on this subject here: http://www.unimedliving.com/unimedpedia/word-index/unimedpedia-clairsentience.html

    3. It appears that the word ‘clairsentience’ is not recognised as a word – I checked two highly reputable, international dictionaries and neither contain the word within their pages. We choose to ignore this to such an extent that it doesn’t even rate a dictionary definition!

  209. I truly miss myself when I’m not feeling me, my body and others. There’s much to feel inside ourselves and others. We’re living miracles that naturally cannot but feel, live life from our clairsentience. Yet, we are reflected the other way around from so many angles every day. Yet the fact that we can choose clairsentience every moment in our life remains.

  210. ‘What other reason could there be to systematically bludgeon out the awareness we are all born with so that by the end of Primary School there is little or no clairsentience remaining in conscious awareness?’ There seems to be little encouragement for children to remain clairsentient at school, the focus seem to be on being good, being well behaved and achieving academically, with little or no encouragement to express truth, remain sensitive and tender even if you are a boy.

  211. There is so much wisdom available to us if we choose to allow it and live in a way that supports us to feel.

  212. I remember at 8 that I had a choice between my soul or fitting into life. So I disconnected from my body and my clairsentience and went full on into competitive sport as I felt, at the time, that I was then more accepted by the world around me.

  213. Clairsentience is like opening the eyes and start seeing what one has always known to be there but didn´t choose to look at, ie. avoiding to confirm one´s awareness. With the confirmation comes the realization that awakens us to responsibility.

  214. Even the word clairsentience was something i was thinking in the past was mythical, not true and that the best way of being was safer from the mind because at least that is accepted as normal by most. Normalcy is a real killer for truth is most are not wanting to embrace truth.

  215. ‘It confers the ability to observe situations without being hooked by them as we simply register and clock energy without reaction.’ that can mean life is way less stressful because we can read and understand so much more of what is going on.

  216. It’s true we engage in the world on it’s terms, terms we know are not true but without the reflection of it being any different we stay stuck in the same old merry go round.

  217. We work incredibly hard to dull what we feel with a whole host of different tools, drinking, smoking, computer games, what we eat or how we move which is utterly exhausting.

  218. We like the uncomfortable comforts and the pictures we have invested in for years as it confirms our individuality

    1. Great point Fiona and we avoid clairsentience because it will eventually blow the cover on individuality. The whole myth of Me would dissolve and we would only be left with One of us, which is the all of us.

  219. Reading energy means we are no longer living blind to what’s truly going on, neither are we being surprised by people’s behaviours or situations, nor are we getting knocked off track and left feeling the victim of circumstance.

  220. I’d say ‘wilfully forget’ is spot on. When I look back on my life I know this awareness has never left me – so I must conclude that I chose to ignore it.

    1. A great point – we decide to shelve it at some point or another for a wide host of reasons… however we can only cast our gaze elsewhere and choose to ignore what is forever present for our inner-knowing never ceases, not for a moment.

      1. I am just feeling how many lives are lived in the avoidance of what we all deeply know within. When I consider this I feel it is absolutely rife. It is like we live in a ‘don’t go there’ conspiracy – don’t feel, don’t connect, keep occupied, stay busy and never look another person in the eyes – not truly. What do we fear? The truth??

  221. “the ability to observe situations without being hooked by them as we simply register and clock energy without reaction.” To read life in this way and use it throughout our day, changes life, health and well-being entirely. And as such changes society and the quality of life we will all enjoy.

  222. It is such a good question Coleen, how we can be ignorant to that which is innate within… we have done a very good number on ourselves as a species and made ourselves essentially stupid along the way to the true intelligence that lies within. All in a desperate attempt to make ourselves the centre of the universe instead of aligning as an equal part of the universe.

  223. I know we all feel what is going on whether or not we truly want to admit it. I know for me even in my most lost and darkest moments I have always known what is going on just have not wanted to admit it because it would mean taking responsibility for the choices I had been making.

  224. Our current approach to education may not intend to bludgeon our sixth sense unconscious but at present this is the end result. Why do we raise our beautifully sensitive and aware children to voluntarily abandon their most valuable source of wisdom and guidance? Surely we should be cultivating this inner knowing throughout all our forms of education, as these gorgeous children are our future. How can all the facts, figures and information be of any use to us if we are not allowed to form a strong inner foundation first, it’s like building Castles on sand.

  225. ‘The Ancient Wisdom presents that all children are born with their clairsentience completely intact. Working as a Primary School teacher, my experience confirms this is so until children reach a certain age – usually somewhere between the ages of 7 and 12.’ It wasn’t until I had done some of the healing modalities with Universal Medicine that I could recollect this clairsentience as a child, which was very confirming. I was supported to re-connect to that wisdom that had been there as child that had been dismissed by society and then later myself. We do our children such a disservice when we dismiss them as lesser, or not knowing or when we feel we need to protect them. Children can feel what is going on all of the time – to pretend otherwise creates issues for them and ultimately for society as they have to deal with being rejected and the host of behaviours taken on to compensate.

  226. Once I stopped fighting and sticking up for what I had been living for my whole life and allowed myself to surrender and open up I couldn’t deny what I was feeling on the inside. Universal Medicine has been an endless inspiration in confirming everything that I feel and the truth in what we know from the day we are born.

    1. Beautiful, well said Natalie, “Universal Medicine has been an endless inspiration in confirming everything that I feel and the truth in what we know from the day we are born.” It is true, nourishing and undeniable confirmation of all that we know within.

    2. And those moments of relinquishing struggle continue for me in the details of every day. My spirit keeps having a go and I keep surrendering. I reckon this is ongoing, but, having connected to the spark within me and re-ignited my clairsentience, my commitment to melt my spirit back to Soul is solid.

  227. Great topic of conversation Coleen because we do read all the time and we do react to other people and this proves to me that we can read every situation or we wouldn’t react. We know instantly when someone is off and then we have a choice to stay with what we felt or we can compromise ourselves by over riding what we felt and go into the patterns of avoiding, being nice, good, we have a plethora of behaviours we can slip into to avoid what we really cannot avoid and that is that we can read everything that is going on around us.

  228. You would think that out of all the different peoples and different cultures in the world that there would be more groups holding onto or nurturing their clairsentience, but it just goes to show how spirit driven we all are and there won’t be a massive change until we all get more in tune with our Souls.

  229. What a poor substitute we settle for when we overlook our true glory and go for worldly recognition instead. There must be a reason why we ‘systematically bludgeon out the awareness we are all born with’ and it is indeed possible that ‘this awareness has long been withheld from us by our own spirit, as it is the forerunner of the ending of the spirit’s dominion over human life.

  230. The difficulty with retaining our clairsentience is that we not only feel our love but we feel the pain that humanity is in and the choices we made to not be love so we prefer to enjoin the ‘collective sense of convenient amnesia’ which gives us the illusion of comfort without responsibility.

    1. And avoids us building a relationship with life that we deeply yearn for. It is super important we do see the mess we have created, which is for me a light bulb moment in understanding the impact we have by our choices, and is very empowering.

  231. If we don’t know something exists we can ignore it or explain it away even when we stumble upon it.

  232. I would add as a suggestion that we aren’t in fact completely ignorant of our clairsentience, I reckon we have a very good sense of it being there and that that knowing is one of the things that fuels our reckless, disregarding behaviour. A desperate and constant bid to cover up what we all innately know. We all know we have made a clanger of such gigantian proportions in choosing to attempt to live in a way that feigns separation from God and we are intent on trying to permanently cover up this immutable fact.

  233. I love what you have said here Coleen (amongst all the many things you have said that I love!): ‘We may feel a person is lying or disregarding themselves or us, but understand that this is their choice of energy – no more, no less.’ The absolute beauty of not judging anyone opens the way for deep understanding of a person or situation, knowing that we are equal brothers and on our way back home together.

  234. It really is as simple as… “…a choice of energy and that one can choose Soul.” By avoiding our clairsentience, we are choosing to delay our journey with Soul.

  235. We wouldn’t willingly suppress our vision, our hearing or any of our five physical senses, so why does this occur with clairsentience?’ – A brilliant question here Coleen, and how is it that we all can not only grow up, but get an education and go through life without even knowing about this profound quality of ours. Why do we learn to live life pretending we don’t feel anything, when fact is we feel everything all of the time – we just choose to distract ourselves (in countless ways) to not feel it.

    1. Eva a great point to discuss because I lived in fear of loosing my sight or hearing, yet did not worry about ignoring my ability that I could feel everything and in so many if not all ways this is more important as with feeling I can not be fooled yet I allowed my eyes to fool me many times.

  236. In my experience everyone does feel their clairsentience; it can never be tarnished, it is the responsibility for others that are living this clairsentience in a daily and practical fashion to reflect and remind all others that they too have the same abilities, this is all that is needed to reawaken the sleeping angel within us all.

    1. Sarah I love the simplicity that you have offered. Clairsentience, just like love, is there in everyone, if it is not obvious it will be hiding just under the surface. Living our true essence is infectious, you live it and others start to remember and realise they can do it too.

    2. In a way it is accepted as “normal” but not in its true sense, it has been morphed and bardisdised deliberately to keep us from our power and insure that we are never truly claimed in our innate and god given ability. The world has come up with ways of “explaining” why we might feel something. Eg: You have a feeling or dream about an old friend you haven’t seen in years and then, low and behold you run into them out of the blue, we have been taught that this is simply a coincidence. It might sound innocent but this is what dishonours our skill and connection to everything in the universe. I agree Jane, the world would be a very different place if we were taught to connect to what is naturally there for all of us.

  237. Our clairsentience- trusting in what we are feeling when we are young is so natural to us but because it is disregarded by our parents, teachers and peers we slowly close it down and then by the time we have our own children instead of fostering their clairsentience we ignorantly continue in the same way as from our own experience and proceed to deny and not recognise theirs. The sooner we realise how damaging this is the sooner we can stamp out the mistrust and lack of confidence we have in what we innately know to be true and we would not then be so easily misguided.

  238. Choosing to be ignorant of our clairsentience we must first choose to numb our body and true feelings – and then we can ignore, suppress and bury all our hurt, sadness, frustrations….but this doesn’t work for long. Our
    body is a vehicle for expressing the Divine.

  239. Interesting how we choose to become ignorant of our own clairsentience by ignoring our innate ability to feel energy all of the time. No wonder that there is a plague of exhaustion because the holding back of this inner knowing takes so much out of us.

  240. No matter what we tell ourselves or how we try and suppress our clairsentience we still all use it even if it is infrequent. Just about everyone has had an experience of knowing that there is more going on for people than what they are saying, or that something just does not feel right when everything appears to be okay from a physical point of view. We know and we know that we know but we just don’t want the responsibility that it brings to know what we know!

    1. We have just called it something different in an attempt, as you have said, Elizabeth to avoid the responsibility to accept and use the power we all hold within us.

  241. “The Ancient Wisdom presents that all children are born with their clairsentience completely intact.” Honouring the truth of children is absolutely essential for supporting them to hold their innate connection to clairsentience. Taking this away to suit external agendas is worth being very aware of.

  242. “Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are and with the key to our energetic freedom, clairsentience, hidden away inside of us. This happened to all of us the moment we chose the spirit’s mind over our own clairsentient inner heart.”

    Yesterday I chose the spirit’s mind and not my Soul, and I could see more clearly through reading this blog, how indulging that is, and the simple call at the end of this blog is to ask myself some honest questions about why. Thank you.

  243. We’ve made life all about control and avoiding pain and misery. Yet, society is lacking vitality, true joy and is often quite emotional. Could it be that our beliefs and ideals around feeling energy and feeling our body have brought us the opposite way of being with life? Could it be that the tensions in life are in fact communication that ask us to listen. In silence, without any push. Are we willing to start a new relationship with our body and our ability to feel and read energies? Could it be that in here lies the answers – literally – to all our woes and questions?

  244. The key to reading is observation and understanding it is a choice of energy.

  245. The spirit is so naughty, tricking us and knowing us so well, but it is the ultimate bully. We do allow it to dominate human life by choosing mental and emotional energy to sustain it but it hides unseen and unknown to many. Instead of imprisoning ourselves in our own minds, we can change our choices to the Love that we innately are with our clairsentience, hidden inside us. You are spot on Coleen.

  246. Beautiful clarity Caroline and I would add, non-existent is judgement and condemnation when we allow another the space to make their own choices. A question that comes to me is why is it so hard for us to allow another to make their own choices? Our spouses,our children,our friends,our work colleagues…?

  247. Serge Benhayon is a huge example of the intelligence we can tap into when we come from our soul.

  248. I’ve tried to be ignorant of what I do know but I feel dull and the energy I run myself by feels tarnished, not who I am at all. It is as simple as saying yes to awareness, not listen to the spirit saying it’s too painful to see the world as it really is. A very convenient lie to stop me seeing the mess that living from my spirit brings to the world. It’s quite a farce to realise following the spirit’s instructions creates such ugliness and then it complains about how it is, gets an attitude on like tries to blame others! A huge game of irresponsibility the spirit wants to perpetuate that I have been a part of because I’ve chosen my spirit’s ways and not my Soul. But how awesome to get wise to the game!

  249. Powerful piece of writing Coleen. And yes we need to consider those questions. And truly pondering again on this one :
    “Do we need to look to the ‘enemy within’ our own minds, to our own choices and to the energy we are choosing to live our lives by? Could it be as simple as discarding ignorance and then choosing differently?”
    We need to unlock our own enemies ways and re-align our being with the original way – love. Truth. Harmony. Oneness.

    1. That is true, especially knowing how to distinguish between them even though that is absurdly easy.

  250. I know that if I choose to eat food that is heavy and make me numb I will often miss out on feeling and reading a situation that is often needed to support me in my work or other parts of the day. The choice is there to experience this innate quality and responsibility that goes with the territory.

  251. “In connection with the inner heart centre, we sense and feel what corresponds to our essence and what does not” this is a fact and the reason why we don’t live this way all of the time is because we let our minds run our lives in order to be recognised or accepted, it is a trick as we never know truth unless we live from our inner hearts.

  252. I would say we choose to be ignorant of our clairsentience because as soon as we do re-awaken it we are invited to take responsibility for our choices and the impact these choices have on others and the world around us.

  253. Ironic that we have deliberately chosen to abandon the one sense that would help us be far more aware and wise in the choices we make. This leaves us open to run to the tune of the spirit as opposed to responding to the call of our Soul. Without the use of clairsentience as a minimum we will keep ingraining ourselves further into the mess our escapades with the spirit has created.

  254. Just the same way as “our Creator would provide us with the ability to read energy” we would be qualified to deal with whatever comes our way even when we are not fully aware of the competency we carry inside. Instead of keeping ourselves in overwhelm we may start to connect to the inner source that empowers us to be who we are in life.

  255. “Could it be as simple as discarding ignorance and then choosing differently?” perhaps it really is that simple, my daughter certainly feels everything, is naturally aware of what is going on and its amazing to watch and observe. I remember that and then somewhere along the line I let it go, but it was and is always there within us.

  256. We disconnect from that natural body intelligence and allow ourselves to be imprisoned by our past and future fears that the mind has stored for us.

  257. We live in a world where it is normal to not make use of your sixth sense, where in fact our clairsentience is being denied. It is like not using our eyes though we have them and they work perfectly.

  258. And something that seems so ‘mysterious’ and ‘otherworldly’ to most people is actually quite simple, and matter-of-fact, and is totally accessible to all.

  259. Thank you Coleen, what you write here makes a lot of sense, there is a conspiracy going on trying to prevent us from knowing who we truly are, where we come from and what our true purpose in this universe is. And this spirit character certainly plays a big role in this.

  260. Our world places a lot of emphasis on what we can see with our eyes as being reality and much less on what we can sense energetically or intuitively know. Serge Benhayon brings clarity to this subject, an important aspect of our lives like no other; supporting us to re-connect with our ability to truly observe life and understand on a deeper level what is happening and why so that we can respond in a way that helps us all to truly evolve.

  261. A great example of our blindness to what we feel is our inability to delve into our reactions and responses and dissect why they occur. If we saw for example that most of what we say, eat and move is a reaction to life we could start to see that there is a different way to live.

  262. I see evidence that we all read energy constantly even amongst those who would say they don’t or can’t. What I see is that we have ingenious ways of denying what we have just felt or read in another because we don’t want to know… but if or when it comes down to it, we realise we actually do.

  263. This is revealing in just how much the spirit wants us to remain energetically unaware and therefore disconnected from our clairsentience.

  264. Clairsentience was something I would try so hard to be able to do, to tune in and feel things unseen, but what I have come to realise is that we do not have to try as the ability to feel everything has never left us, just covered up and blocked out.

  265. ‘Thereafter there seems to be a collective sense of convenient amnesia’ it’s interesting how together we confirm this false truth. We are all deeply sensitive and aware it is simply that we are choosing to forget.

  266. “Realising this, I could not but ask: “How could this possibly be? We wouldn’t willingly suppress our vision, our hearing or any of our five physical senses, so why does this occur with clairsentience?””
    Great question Coleen.
    Through building a greater relationship with myself, observing my body, my choices, really becoming a scientist of myself, the three aspects of human, spirit, soul have become ever more apparent and definable. I feel that this is a huge step in re-claiming; re-learning our natural clairsentience, the ability to be able to see that we are beyond the human form, vessels of energy; that we are not the originators of our own thoughts, and live far from the source of our truly free movements.

  267. It is no coincidence that our spirit driven existence completely tries to annihilate our clairsentience because all that it is will make the spirit cease to exist.

  268. Thank you for writing and explaining so clearly that we are
    “a tri-partite being: we are human, indisputably so, but we also have a spirit and a Soul. Human – spirit – Soul – three aspects, one being.”
    I remember being taught this in Religious studies at school but never really took much notice of what was being said. But it makes complete sense as does the fact that we are dominated by our minds which is controlled by the spirit and it seems to me that as we live such loveless lives something is running our bodies that does not want a bar of love, the mind wants ultimate control over our bodies and it does this though the ideals, beliefs and pictures that it feeds the body with from young and I personally did not realise this at all until I came across the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom presented by Serge Benhayon. What Serge presents makes so much sense in a world that has lost its way and does not make any sense at all.

  269. I agree that once we have felt the true energetic quality of love and the power of living it in daily life, the lesser way of living with the spirit in control seems very unfulfilling and cold and empty.

  270. From my own experiences I come to the conclusion that I have always been able to feel energy but based on the world around me as I grew up chose to ignore what I felt in favour of the apparently more rational way that is thinking my way through life. The fact is, thanks to the reflections and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine – I have reconnected to this innate clairsentience and find it to be a wonderful support through life. This natural ability to sense life did not go anywhere. I wandered away from it for a while – to my own detriment and that of others.

  271. Being re-introduced to my clairsentience by Serge Benhayon has been transformative. I have re-established connection with my essence, my true and innate qualities and am learning, developing and deepening my ability to live that in the world without compromise. This at times can be very challenging but boy oh boy is it rewarding.

  272. ‘In fact, all the nuances of energy are felt without judgement’, this is a great reminder, I can feel how when I go into judgment that I disconnect from my soul and that I am lost in my head in thoughts, I am learning to not react and to allow others to be where they are at and to simply express what I am feeling rather than react and judge, this feels very different and stops the rollercoaster of emotions and instead means I am much more steady and connected.

  273. “The Ancient Wisdom presents that all children are born with their clairsentience completely intact.” And its teachings empower us to restore our connection and appreciation of this innate ability and then evolve it to a higher expression. True Education.

  274. When we truly understand clairsentience we will understand the harm we do to children by putting everything in their way to make sure they don’t take their innate ability to know the truth into their adult life.

  275. When we lose our clairsentience we become dominated by our mind that is easily influenced by our wayward spirit.

  276. If we were to all know and accept that all children are born with their clairsentience completely intact, it would change the way we raise and educate our young children and support them to be the responsible, loving adults they always knew they were to be.

  277. We have a history of letting the spirit run the show, failing health services and diseases that are becoming immune to antibiotics are just the tip of the iceberg. So, when we choose to reclaim our Clairsentience it can be hard to fight lifetimes of self-abuse but the effort will always have a greater return.

    1. Indeed Steve the current of waywardness sourced by the spirit is mighty but just as the salmon can swim up stream, once we re-connect to our clairsentience; to the truth of who we are, this cannot but inspire a unified way forth.

  278. In fact, the waywardness we see in our societies is actually caused by our spirits that in it persecution of a way of life that is out of rhythm with our nature and that of the earth wit live on, is causing all the complexities we are facing today. Noting this fact makes also clear what way to choose for all humanity, which is back to Soul as that will bring the true answer to all issues we are facing.

    1. I agree Nico this spiritual theory is the only explanation that makes any sense and explains sufficiently why we so obviously and blatantly harm ourselves, each other and the planet, whilst having the awareness to know that we are doing this.

  279. It takes a lot of effort to not actually feel everything. We really do know how to move and eat and do things that take us away from this sensitivity.

    1. Very true HM. It is quite paradoxical that we teach ourselves to like things – alcohol, cigarettes, smelly cheeses, extreme sports – which as children we innately know are harmful and reject them yet we still continue to indulge in them draining our body’s vitality.

  280. Once we allow ourselves to feel, everything is known. I remember once I questioned the validity of knowing every truth within my heart, I mean every truth, is that really possible? But thinking about the question already brings in doubt, while just using clairsentience, we will find our own answer.

    1. Indeed Adele, when we start to feel doubt, or ‘hear ourselves say I am not sure what to do or Í do not know if this is true’ then we are not connected with the all knowing but with the limited spiritual mind instead. As when we are with Soul, there is not doubt, lack of self worth or whatsoever, only a steadiness in that inner knowing that is vast in its resources.

  281. “At some stage in this age range there is a switch of allegiance from the clairsentient inner heart to the head, where children become more mind-based, more mentally driven and then leave behind the simplicity of feeling and reading energy…” agree Coleen, and i recall this occurring from a personal point when exams and testing were started at school and that all [i.e. the grading] squeezing me into heady minded panic to ‘do well’ because i never felt good enough in my ability or where i was; that where i was, was alright and ok – jumping from the heart, body and innocence of clairsentience, into the mind and its dogged ideals i choose instead to run with for years after because of the recognition and approval i got from ‘delivering’ on them. What a costly waste.

  282. In answer to your question Coleen I would say that the reason why most of us remain ignorant of our clairsentience is because we work tirelessly to cover it up. We literally work round the clock to ensure that we block our access to our clairsentience, caffeine, sugar, over exercising, TV, getting lost in computer screens, anything at all that takes us away from ourselves and our natural way of being, takes us away from our clairsentience. And so this brings up another question and that is ‘why would we work so diligently at covering up something that helps us navigate our way through life?’ and perhaps the answer has something to do with not wanting to see that we have chosen the path that has led to the almighty mess that we are in and who wants to fess up to that?

  283. Good question Coleen – how come this powerful natural ability gets so buried? This indicates that there is a very deliberate and wilful force out there that wants us shut down from our glory. We have all fallen for it ‘hook line and sinker’. Thank heavens that Serge Benhayon has stayed with us on earth to assist us touring aback this natural and wonderful 6th sense, that makes sense of the world . . . at last.

  284. ‘there is a switch of allegiance from the clairsentient inner heart to the head, where children become more mind-based, more mentally driven and then leave behind the simplicity of feeling and reading energy from the inner heart’ – I definitely experienced this at school, however, for me, it led to my ‘giving up’. – I wasn’t interested in rote learning, or maybe more accurately, because I wasn’t being met for who I was at school, I gave up. I still felt my clairsentience when I felt safe, when I was alone, in nature and around animals – I felt a very strong connection to everything around me and with God. Gradually it became less and less until I was once again reminded of this amazing gift that we all have through the teachings of Universal Medicine.

  285. “It confers the ability to observe situations without being hooked by them as we simply register and clock energy without reaction.” I realise that I get hooked because I have a picture about a situation, an untruth or justification that I am attached to, about myself and the situation, and I want this to be the controlling feature of my life at that moment. So when something doesn’t go my way, or match my picture perfectly-I ignite and react, it feels like a time bomb going off within me. That is the HOOK for me and this little /BIG fish chooses to fall for it most often than not, hook, line and sinker.This is no way to live a loving ,flowing life, connected, responsible life and I realise I need to deepen my connection to me, through my self-love and build a stronger rhythm so as to see the picture hooks more clearly with my clairsentience.

  286. Brilliant blog, Colleen, you are raising some awesome questions. Why have we so ‘willingly’ ditched our clairsentience – perhaps to avoid the hurt we feel when we allow ourselves to feel what is truly going on around us – the atrocities are horrendous and widespread. Herein lies a very important aspect with clairsentience – ‘all the nuances of energy are felt without judgement’. The ability to feel the truth of what’s going on, without reaction/judgment – understanding that there is a karmic cycle at play. This is something I know I still struggle with.

  287. Great blog, very clearly set out questions for us each to explore should we choose to end the reign of ignorance within our lives and consider there is more.

  288. It makes sense why we so willingly ignore our clairsentience because our willingness to take energetic responsibility in life is very much related to us suppressing our ability to read energy. Our spirit thrives on irresponsibility.

  289. I feel like many would argue that we no longer have the quality of clairsentience simply because we are adults and we have life to deal with as opposed to babies, toddlers who have no responsibilities. Unfortunately it is this attitude that undoes us. Because who said that life had to be difficult. what if we did operate from feelings rather than from calculated thoughts? I experiment with this all the time and find that it’s actually a million times more effective!

  290. I guess the truth is that we can only numb what we feel as we are always feeling and reading what is around us, its impossible not to so it is simply our choice to not feel and we do that in a variety of ways.

  291. I remember distinctly being able to feel and observe all the time as a child…who felt safe to be around and who did not…and yet at some point this sense of feeling dwindled as I became more engrossed in school as I wanted to fit in. It’s quite beautiful to reconnect back to feeling and being aware again.

  292. Without feeling and discerning energy our perception and awareness is reduced to relying on our temporal senses hence we will know life to be only temporal, ie. human. Clairsentience is a sense of connection to multidimensionality, the world of energy and the vastness there is beyond the human realm.

  293. “We may feel a person is lying or disregarding themselves or us, but understand that this is their choice of energy – no more, no less.” This is such a powerful understanding, one that offers the opportunity to observe and not react to what is not only going on around us but also with-in. Our own choices are energy, and if we can observe the quality of this energy we can start to make choices if the quality feels like a true quality for supporting ourselves.

  294. Choices made from the innate loving center inside of us are always all-encompassing and very loving. Today I could feel I wanted to visit a friend, but I could also feel that it ‘felt’ too much. Often I overrode this feeling and stayed with the emotion. I didn’t choose so today and had an amazing and spacious afternoon in which I got a lot done as well. Without this being the goal. I love (my) clairsentience!

  295. I love the question you pose, that we would never bludgeon one of our 5 senses willingly, so why do we do it with our clairsentience? What is it about that sense that we ignore and even can ridicule? We are so fixed on the physical world and the 5 senses fit well within that. What is it about energy and sensing energy we discard? Perhaps when we read energy there is much that cannot be ignored and with it comes responsibility. If we park that sense we can seemingly park our responsibility alongside it.

  296. We are energy before we are physical therefore we all have the ability to read energy and discern its quality.

  297. Coleen – what a clear and powerful blog you have written here, laying it on the table for all to see and feel. It offers us such a gem in truly observing ourselves in our daily lives what we connect to all of the time and with that gaining more and more clarity and feeling clearly – is it love or something else. Thank you for a most awesome write-up.

  298. Wow – this really puts the mark on it doesn’t it, ” .. the cold, loveless values of the spirit – the aspirations, goals and drive for success, the self-loathing and self worth issues, the competitive individualism … ” When listed like this we can immediately see and feel there is no love in any of that, and with that understanding we have the option every second to choose anew.

  299. “To remain clairsentiently aware, or to reconnect with this awareness, means that one realises there is a choice of energy and that one can choose Soul. This exposes the existence of the tri-partite being; that we are human, run by a spirit, with a choice to return to our origins – to our Soul.” – I love all that you have expressed here as it defines clearly all that we are made of as well as our ability to clock our choices what we will connect to. And we can clearly see this choice being played out in our daily life and that of others too.

  300. Very clearly put – “Human life is dominated by the spirit, which prefers and uses mental and emotional energy as its fuel to sustain its way of being.” Looking at our world we can clearly see this as being made the norm with this being actively encouraged by society as it stands today. How awesome is it then when we have truly ascertained this for our selves and are able to make a different choice, namely to re-connect to our true inner essence and to our Soul.

  301. I have been feeling this decision I made to give up on my ability to feel what is going on. It is a deep level of sadness that I have not wanted to feel for 60 years.
    Devastation is a good word to describe it.

    This pattern of burying my feelings has followed me all through my life until I found Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. With this understanding and support I have been feeling these entrenched feelings.

    Although it has been intense, it feels amazing to feel again. And it has turned my life around. My exhaustion is going. I am working again and loving it. Am in an amazing relationship, where I am expressing myself. Feeling excited about what life will bring me and how I can give back to humanity.

  302. “…If, as the Ancient Wisdom presents, we are actually beings that are made of, and sustained by, energy, it is logical that our Creator would provide us with the ability to read energy…” Reading this makes me see just how obvious this is, yet i hadn’t thought about it in such simple logic!…of course!

  303. If we are to doubt what is said here, can we not simply try it out ourselves and let our own experiences tell us the truth?

  304. Over the past few years I’ve enjoyed working on my clairsentience – after years and years of going to my head it’s taken a bit of practice to get back to feeling vs thinking. Or should I say it’s taken me surrendering to what I feel. So in that sense, there is nothing to actually do other than to let go and feel.

  305. You are correct Coleen that there does seem to be a collective sense of convenient amnesia that we have chosen to take on in our world. It does feel strange that we would do this but it feels the pattern has been embedded for many lifetimes. It is wake up time to relearn how our clairsentience connects us back to Love and live this from now on for many lives to come.

  306. To come back to feeling the world instead of just relying on our other five senses is very enriching and brings a lot of understanding and lets us ‘see’ so much more. This can also be quite challenging because when we allow ourselves to see with our heart we start to see everything not only what we want too see.

  307. When I first heard of the concept of Spirit and Soul – and them being two different aspects and one (the spirit) which causes all of life’s problems, complications and just wants things it’s own way, and one (the soul) that is divine love, joy, wisdom, universal intelligence – boy I just couldn’t fathom it and thought it was rather far fetched, but had this annoying inkling that it was true. It is very easy to examine the fact that we have a spirit and a soul just by looking at human life, why can we sometimes have ugly, hurtful thoughts and eat things which we know are bad for our body, why do we have arguments? And then conversely how can we have a form of intelligence which is advancing and loving mankind like that displayed by Leonardo Da Vinci? How can we have an absolutely joy full moment unhindered by doubt? – like when a baby is born? This must be the Soul. But herein lies a huge conundrum – we have many versions of love, Soul and spirit and which may ruin our actual energetic relationship with what is the Soul, the spirit and the human being.

  308. When we become too invested in the physical world it is hard to sense the absolute magic it is to hold a steady relationship with your clairscentience.

  309. Coleen you pose some really intersting questions, its the clairsentience that I know and remember from my childhood but somehow chose to ignore. In my perspective lfie can be hard and when we are aware of everything it can be difficult to be part of the world unless we learn to observe that and not take it on. Plus I am sure for lifetimes I’ve done the same, be aware then choose not to be aware. Today as I choose to re-awaken my awareness and knowing I find the strength I have through seeing life as energy first is the greatest strength possible.

  310. Being unaware of our clairsentience isn’t working. Look out into the world and we see everything that says people are not living with this inner connection. There is no way we would do many of the things we do if we were e.g. drink alcohol, take drugs, eat foods that harm our body, accept abuse from ourselves and from others, etc.

  311. I absolutely love the intimate detail in which you’ve shared what is so natural and innate to us and yet like an old friend we need to become reacquainted with.

  312. This is a truly beautiful article Colleen. My clairsentience is really alive and well (thanks to Serge Benhayon’s encouragement) and it can feel how clear and powerful your words are – written in truth and divine Austerity. So a real joy to read.

  313. Thank you Coleen for a brilliant blog. I realise when we use our Clairsentience it means we can not be lied to, because we would be able to read and feel what is true and what is not no matter what our eyes, or ears tell us.

  314. “If clairsentience is truly innate and natural, then how is it that most of us remain completely ignorant of it?” – it makes no sense really that we are born with this sixth sense that is so strong and clear in our early years and yet by the time we go to school or during our early years of school, it’s like a light goes out, and we rely more on our other 5 senses and our mind.

  315. A great Sharing Coleen. It is the loss of this Clairsentience when we reach around 7 or so that I have noticed in young children close to me. Looking back on my own life also I can see the changes I made to fit in with others and the worldview as we all would have in some way.

  316. Allowing and nurturing our clairsentience is a return to our wholeness. As I child I felt so connected to the world and I knew so much because of what I felt. This was such an integral part of my being, and thanks to the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine it is again.

  317. This brings to the fore the fact of connection with others. Children have a deep sense of understanding and knowing others that is beyond what they have learnt or heard about them. It is a sense of feeling the other person and just knowing how they are and what they need. As adults our ignorance and our reduced awareness of our claircentence has resulted in the ability to be almost completely unaware of how another is feeling.

  318. It feels to me that we don’t value our clairsentience because we arrogantly know (even if it unconscious) that we can connect to it whenever we choose to. Because of this we have lessened and diminished it in our minds to something that is airy fairy, intangible, even superstitious.

  319. Thank you for describing so clearly how we are a tri-partite being of human /spirit / Soul, three aspects of the one being. So much of life can be understood much more clearly with this insight and recognising the debilitating games of the spirit.

  320. Colleen, this is a great place to bring the understanding of how our spirit is controlling or trying to shut down the truth who we are by stopping our initiate intuition, which reads life and brings the understanding of the joy that can be lived by the Soul.

  321. Life does not makes sense if we do not take energy into account and that we are not just a human being but have a part that is called the spirit that wants to be individual and a part that is called the soul which is who we truly are. Without out taking this into account the choices we make are not explainable.

  322. Coleen you have a very no nonsense way of delivering the solid truth. Your sharing packs a powerful punch, which in the dark times that we are living offers an invaluable light.

  323. A beautiful uncovering of what happens to us all and what is really going on. Acknowledging this allows us to take responsibility back for all we feel and this is a step by step process of unravelling us back to the love and simplicity of our inner heart and all its wisdom and the true intelligence from our body.

  324. A timely read just as I am doing (or it is doing me!) Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 4. Held and brought through by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine which is all about ceasing the spirit to be the dominant aspect of the body and instead aiding the Soul to be the driver of the vehicle. To me the spirit is on this constant divert away from the main road, truth and what I am feeling more and more during the course is that everything is already within. We don’t loose clairsentience .. we can’t because it is always there, it is just ‘do we choose to be with and live what is innately within ourselves or not’ .. every choice we make matters as it either lives aligned to this truth or moves us away from it. With regards to children and young people, the more the older generation live their truth the greater the reflection with be for them to do the same including honouring what they feel.

  325. There is much sadness in all of us for disonnecting from this innate ability. And there is much joy when we re-connect to it. It is as natural as breathing.

    1. And simply feeling our breath is a great place to start bringing our awareness back to all that we already know from within.

  326. The best gauge of the truth of what is shared here is my own experience of having chosen to reconnect with this clairsentience over the past few years. Having done so it is abundantly clear that everyone has this innate ‘ability’ – as it is a fundamental part of our being. My findings are that when I chose to open myself back up to this deeper level of sensitivity, it helped me explain many things I had been aware of through my adult life without consciously understanding how. I sense so much in life and just through casual conversations with others, know that they do too.

  327. Great blog Coleen you expose why we don’t stay with the one sense our Clairscentience, that actually makes sense of the world we live in. As you show we are all naturally clairscentient yet we do not encourage or remain in contact with this sense, also known as the 6th sense, because unlike the other 5 senses, it is not tangible or easily proven. As we grow up we learn to over ride this sense in favour of our mind and our other 5 senses so that we are able to fit in with the world we live in.

  328. “… this awareness brings up the clairsentiently felt fact that we are indeed Beings having a human experience that is not ultimately who we truly are.” Superb explanation Coleen along with the “tri-partite being” that provides us with a clear explanation of our experience in this world. We have three aspects to ourselves and we have been raised to give one aspect far more importance than it actually is supposed to have to our immense detriment. The Ageless Wisdom empowers us to restore the correct inner hierarchy that puts our divine and deeply wise Soul back in charge of this Human experience, returning us to our former glory that the Spirit has worked so hard to deny.

  329. Such a succinct and claimed blog! What you are touching on here is massive Coleen. Thank you for explaining it with such simplicity. In my own experience I went into denial of my clairsentience, but in doing so caused myself a lot of unarticulated tension and sadness. A part of me knew I had compromised myself and this had lead to a whole host of buried lack of self worth issues. Learning to come back to my 6th sense I realise that it had never been forgotten and had never gone away – I had just dulled my awareness around it.

  330. Coleen, I observe this in primary schools, ‘by the end of Primary School there is little or no clairsentience remaining in conscious awareness’, I see children start school full of love and simply being themselves and how as the children get older they start to harden and stop expressing what they are feeling; stop caring for themselves and putting them selves first and it seems to be all about fitting in, there is a lot of peer pressure for children to be a certain way and to not be their sensitive, tender, soulful selves.

  331. So much of human life does not make sense but when life is felt through clairsentience and with the understanding of the Ageless Wisdom then the ‘unanswerable’ questions are answered.

  332. If we were truly allowing ourselves to feel all that is actually going on then wouldn’t we all have to take far more responsibility for each and every choice we make?

  333. The internal battles that I have are evidence enough that I have a spirit wanting its own way whilst my heart is telling me something else.

    1. Same here Fiona but what’s beautiful as Coleen shared, when we feel the love the body asks for that spirit stands no chance. It then becomes the ‘prisoner’ so to speak with no where to go other than accept the love it originally is.

  334. Some great questions you have raised. One I find fascinating is when people swear blind that they cannot read energy when it is something we all can do just choose not to. So what comes up is if we can all read energy, something I know for a fact that we can, then why do we choose to block this feeling? What is it we are not wanting to see?

  335. Quite incredible when you look at it like this but I certainly recognise that I had ‘forgotten’ the very real, energetically expansive world I once inhabited, to believe instead that I lived in a space that was so much less. Where I began to think that things didn’t make sense – yet on an energetic level could have be understood with no doubt or questioning. We rob ourselves and others of so much when we squeeze down our senses to conform, therefore, to bring up a child to retain their knowing sentience is to raise a full and wise young person that can be of great service to humanity.

  336. ‘Effectively we imprison ourselves in our own minds, locked away from the Love that we innately are and with the key to our energetic freedom, clairsentience, hidden away inside of us’ Yes we are and ‘imprison’ is the perfect way to express how it feels, to live outside of Love and our innate clairsentience. As a student of The Way of the Livingness I’m learning to deepen my connection to my inner-heart and be guided by its wisdom, not the mind.

  337. I like that bit when you bring up that we wouldn’t forgo any of our other senses, which would be quite mad if we did, so why does this occur with clairsentience?”most definitely our most important sense. Lifting the lid on the spirit really does explain why we have to once again go down the mental route unless we make the choice not to and align with our souls.

  338. Thanks Coleen for a great article with much to ponder on clairscentience, something we are born with then we choose to lose or bury it as we grow up from children to teens and adults. But the good news it is never lost, only dulled down and put on hold, to be reawakened when we are ready .

  339. Imagine a school or family that continues to support the innate clairsentient qualities in children until they leave school. Or go further, instead of schools focussed on mental education and memory, we had schools of body awareness and intuition.

    1. Kehinde, from someone who disliked school intensely as a child because I didn’t want to conform to the way it was taught which was at the time eyes front look at the teacher, no talking and remember by rote. I prefer your school set up. Because when at school suddenly life became what you could remember, exams were all about the ability to recall and those who could recall did well in exams and those that didn’t want to do this are considered less and in some cases are considered dunces, but what if we have the education system round the wrong way? As you say just imagine what it would be like to have schools that support children to grow their body awareness and intuition. Then I would want to go to school.

      1. Very true Mary, and my experience of school would have been very different had it been as I imagined. We could even say it is abusive to kill off children’s innate senses and wisdom and supplant with mental activities and memory tasks. I experienced schools that categorised children as ‘good’ and ‘indifferent’ and ‘bad’ and remember use of the word dunce). Liked and rewarded if considered ‘good’, dismissed and regarded less, if labelled ‘bad’ Each child should be appreciated and valued for who they are: precious, intuitive, all knowing and seeing, not just their ability to recall facts and pass school attainment tests.

  340. You have painted us all into the corner and exposed every excuse we have used, maybe for lifetimes. The only choice left, is where it has always been, within our inner hearts!

  341. On reading this article I am deeply humbled and forever grateful that Serge Benhayon has again reminded us that clairsentience is not only a reality, but a natural part of our life, just like touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. We literally have run our lives without it to the point that many suffer from anxiety, doubt and severe feelings of not being good enough to such a degree that they are unable to function effectively in their lives. What have we done to ourselves, that we shut off our absolute knowing, for the supposed gain of recognition and acceptance? When the knowing holds us in such grace that neither recognition or acceptance required.

  342. Choosing again to feel the very natural reality of clairsentience has brought back a steadiness and trust in myself. A skill that greatly supports me in life. What I now offer to others is far more true and loving than ever before, as it comes from my essence.

    1. Beautiful Leigh and I can say the same. It feels so much better when in the stillness of our true feeling and the ability to then continuously feel what is going on without taking it on makes life so much more fulfilling and honest too.

    2. Allowing myself to see and read everything also supports me enormously in life for if I choose otherwise I harden and find ways like eating to numb myself. I have even gone to the extreme of giving up on myself all because of my choice to not read what was to be read before me… choosing to read and observe situations and others cannot be taken lightly for it is a game changer to how we are in life.

  343. In my experience there are two types of clairsentience – one is able to discern prana, the other is able to discern everything. A lot of people are aware of prana clairsentience and use it quite consciously while giving it many different names. It is the second type that we are vaguely aware of but feel we have no control or understanding of it.

  344. To me it is a conscious choice we make when we are young, to choose for a life in creation, ruled by the spirit. Until we get to see some snippets of its true face and acknowledge the truth of that we observe, we are comfortable with this irresponsible way of living life and do continue to follow its way.

  345. It’s a great question and I appreciate you taking the time Colleen to answer it. It’s a question we all need to continually ponder and answer to unveil the ‘Why’s’ we would choose to live less (in the mind) in pain and suffering.

    1. And that’s exactly it, we suffer when we are trapped in the prison of the mind, so why do we fall for this lesser way so often?

  346. Bringing the understandings of ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ and what these words actually define in truth is indeed an essential part of the equation here. Some great definitions can be found on http://www.unimedliving.com for the interested reader…
    And yet in this, we cannot be overly simplistic. To state that once Love is reconnected to, “there can be no further selling out to the cold, loveless values of the spirit …” is actually not accurate. It is our Love, once reconnected to, that will indeed (if we honour its way), guide us in the process of letting go of all that we have donned that is not truly who we are. This needs to be honoured as the process that it is – often referred to as the Science of Initiations – the unfolding nature of return to the re-union of spirit and soul, where we come to defeat all of that which fuels the self-based aspirations and drive of the spirit, and make our lives about the all in ever-deepening connection to all that this means. Along the way, there is indeed much further ‘selling out’ – there is no magic pill for avoiding this – yet the learning is all available to us to embrace all the deeper, should we choose it to be so.

    1. A graceful presentation of what we can call The Path of Return. Thank you Victoria.

    2. And at once to embrace it all with the depth of perception and true understanding that becomes available to us, as we say ‘yes’ to the love of the soul and as shared here, to reigniting our ability to feel and be aware of the true energetic interplays occurring in life.

    3. It is very easy to blame “the spirit”, as though it is something that is outside of us, and I have read many comments in this thread alluding to this, when in fact the truth is that the spirit is us, and so it is very disempowering to refer to our spirit in the 3rd person. There comes a time when the true student realises the hypocrisy in “blaming the spirit” for their predicament, when they realise that their spirit and the human being are reconcilably the one and the same being. And as one progresses further down the path of awareness, one realises that they must embrace their own spirit with the same deep love they would ordinarily reserve for God, or connection with their Soul. For the truth is, even when one is Soul-full, as a human being, one does not stop having a “spirit”. It is just that the human being and spirit have both surrendered in full to the love of that higher aspect of themselves referred to as The Soul. I know this sounds technical, and maybe difficult to understand to anyone who comes across this comment who is not familiar with the esoteric work, but I have made mention of it here as clarification, for many of the comments here come across as judgemental and self-flagellating and almost condemning of the fact that one “has a spirit”, and whilst that is an inevitable part of every human being’s unfoldment, it is actually not representative of the truth about our connection with both our Spirit and Soul, and the distinction between the two. Eventually yes, the religious philosophy known as The Ancient Wisdom teaches that our fall from grace as divine beings was brought about by our disconnection from God, and choice to choose an individuated form of being known as “the spirit”, but it also teaches that the true path to resurrection back to our divine state of being known as The Soul cannot occur whilst one still holds onto any form of judgment, even when directed at oneself. Self flagellation, being hard on oneself, beating oneself up for one’s choices etc – none of that assists one to truly understand life.

  347. There is a much simpler answer to how we shut down our clairscentience. If you allow yourself to feel life in full, you feel all of it – the good, the bad and the ugly. And so, it can be quite a lonely experience in many regards, when you realise that most others have shut themselves down to what you naturally feel. The actual mechanics of the process is quite simple – numb the body by way of hardening, or food, or by indulging in emotional states of being that are not true – anything to prevent you from feeling the otherwise disparity between what you know is true, and the way things actually are. As they say, ignorance is bliss.

    1. the other thing I would add to is that this is super important, for whilst it is true that when you reconnect to your clairsentience, there is the opportunity to feel the fire of God again, to feel the hum in nature, and the harmony in every beat of a butterfly’s wings, I would not suggest that this on its own gives you the strength to not “sell out” to that which is not love. For, you also feel everything else, and that at first can be overwhelming, and is why truly sensitive people, who CANNOT shut down their clairsentience even if they wanted to, often end up on heroin, or other extreme means of coping with life.

      This is an extremely important clarification to make, for otherwise, if one makes it their intent to reconnect to clairsentience merely so that they can feel the love of God again, then the illusion of bliss awaits, and when you are offered false love, you will fall for it in its many guises, be that by means of relationship, false religion, or something else. To be truly clairsentient means you have to feel the tension of life again, and that takes a dedication to building a foundation in love so that you have the strength to feel all there is to feel without reacting and shutting down.

      1. Yes, a very pertinent comment Adam. We have to be willing to feel everything there is to be felt, including the tension, and those not so beautiful things that abound. In this way we are able to refine our discernment around the quality of what we ourselves are carrying, are bringing and expressing . . . moment by moment making the space for more light, intelligence and true love to be our living, moving way.

      2. Well said – and a great exposition on why we see our children shutting down by a certain age, as most of us would have done to varying degree… Without a world ‘populated by’ those who are willing to truly feel – and yes, all of it – what markers are there for our children, to remain in the oftentimes (though also not to be falsely glorified…) natural grace of openness of the child?
        It is we who are the role models who essentially by our word and also by our own way and actions say – no, you must close down, toughen up, develop your defences… or, say that retaining our ability to feel and discern energy is something that should never, ever be denied – that our connection to this is a cornerstone of a life truly lived.
        Every one of us holds a great responsibility for the generations here and those to come.

      1. Yet what is needed is that understanding be brought to the equation. If we truly are willing to feel it all, as Adam has shared, there IS a great tension. Yes, the greater responsibility can be to reflect to others that shutting down and numbing ourselves from what we feel – any self-harm whatsoever – isn’t a true and loving way in life, and yet, we are called to hold those who have struggled in a depth of understanding, that they too may know it can be ok to open up again, even with the most acute of sensitivity, in this world.

  348. It makes so much sense once we realise that we have collectively allowed the spirit to run the show, since its continuing existence depends on our emotional and mental state of being, we remain unaware by choice in order to maintain the status quo. Using our clairsentience changes that as we become more aware.

  349. There does indeed appear to be a collective sense of amnesia whereby children are tainted by the beliefs and expectations of parents, education, media, culture and religion to the point of giving their innate knowing and power away to these forces for it is far easier to do so when this is the norm and thus most acceptable option. It is however beautiful that our ability to feel never leaves us and can be reignited at any point should we choose truth over ‘normality’.

  350. To come to understand that this innate wisdom sits within us ever present and requires no payment in return also requires that we claim the truth of who we are – equal Sons of God and the energetic responsibility and energetic integrity that comes with this. Could this be what and why we avoid it?

  351. Beautifully stated Coleen. It is our judgements on others that form the prison walls that lock us out of our innate ability to read the truth of all there is to be felt in the world in which we live.

    1. Agreed, Liane. Pre-conceived ideas and/or images may equally prevent us from feeling what is true as we are invested in an outcome.

  352. When we get caught in ideals or beliefs around something, it definitely clouds our natural ability to sense and know truth from our all knowing bodies. We all were naturally clairsentient when very young and we knew exactly what we wanted and needed for ourselves and didn’t have anything stopping us from expressing what we needed, and certainly didn’t judge ourselves at all. This natural way we had with ourselves is using our clairsentience, over and above what is happening on the outside.

  353. The spirit is a pesky little thing that gets in the way of our clairsentience if we let it. What I also find interesting is that I had a strong knowing of my clairsentience when I was 5 and distinctly remember when I shared with adults about what I felt and if something did not feel right they said I was being silly and or imagining it. Which I also feel contributed to me shutting down this power for a long period of time. By initiating more honest discussions about clairsentience and how we all are equipped with this knowing, can begin to show the world that it is a huge untapped wisdom that could ultimately change a lot for how we live our everyday lives.

    1. I too remember when I shared what I felt as a child always being told I was being silly or later when I was older at school being told I was weird or strange. As a society we seem to confirm all that is not true and ridicule truth – we have things completely upside down and back to front and our bodies and reactions are showing us just how much this is not working for us. Love is so simple – look forward to the day we all return to it.

      1. Now that you remind me Kelly, as a child I was not only told I was silly for expressing the truth but also that I was naughty or lying 😦

  354. Great blog Coleen. I would say that we ARE very often much more aware of what we feel than we admit. So perhaps we don’t “choose to remain completely ignorant” but quite consciously override what we have felt.

    1. Also we do willingly suppress all our senses and choose to not see and hear – again much more than we acknowledge. We even have terms for this such as selective hearing and it is well known by police how people see different things so clearly we are selectively seeing too.

    2. Yes or feel it without expressing it, therefore withholding and within that – harming…

  355. I would agree that the majority of humanity appears to have a “collective sense of convenient amnesia” when it comes to our 6th sense, our clairsentience. We wouldn’t want to be without our other five senses, so what it is about our sixth that we choose to bury it when it would make living in this world a whole lot easier? You have certainly explained very clearly the force, our spirit, that comes in to nudge us away from such a natural part of ourselves for its own devious and selfish purposes. Making the choice to acknowledge and accept our clairsentience is definitely something that our spirit does not want us to do as it loves the control it has over us, the human being.

  356. There certainly is a deep wisdom held within us all and if we make the choice to connect to this, so much is unraveled. The more I allow what I feel to come through, the more I feel.

    1. Lovely expression HM – “The more I allow what I feel to come through, the more I feel.” Very true and a great measure for our selves to ascertain this level of our awareness.

  357. I love the insight that children bring to situations- there is a simplicity and clarity and this is the expression of the inner heart. As adults we can often dismiss or belittle this thinking we know more however the greater wisdom is in the one who remains connected to their heart.

  358. It is an avoidance of truth… and the responsibility of expressing what we know to be true.
    If we were all to speak our truth, it would expose how irresponsibly we have all been choosing to live.

  359. The fact is by the virtue of what we are and come from, we know innately the “what is” and the “what is not”.

  360. We don’t ever lose connection to our clairsentience its just not called that, and we are not encouraged to pursue it more deeply… there are very few role models when we are young who present clairsentience in full. All through our lives we hear people talk about ‘gut feelings’, we know when someone is angry, we feel dynamics when we walk in a room… all these are part of reading energy – we do it ‘automatically’, unconsciously some may say, but in truth we never stop reading – we just don’t want to feel the extent we can read because then we have to speak up and call things out, which may not be received well – so we stay safe, comfortable that we know we feel and read these things, but don’t rock the status quo.

  361. We avoid Clairsentience so we don’t need to take responsibility for not choosing truth each time and indulging in life and the human creation we live in. If we start to connect to our Clairsentience we have to take on true responsibility .

  362. The way many of us currently lead our lives, is like walking around a house at night with all the lights turned off. We bash into chairs and tables, situations and people, fumble in this ‘pitch black’ and exclaim how ‘life is hard’. Is it really or do we make it tough for ourselves by switching off this essential feeling part of who we are? Thank you Coleen for showing we don’t need to keep living in the dark.

  363. “…This exposes the existence of the tri-partite being; that we are human, run by a spirit, with a choice to return to our origins – to our Soul…” Beautifully and so simply described Coleen, thank you

  364. “In connection with the inner heart centre, we sense and feel what corresponds to our essence and what does not.” This is our innate gift, one that could be the highlight of all child-care and education so it isn’t lost to the external expectations.

    1. And how beautiful that will be when humanity has realised this and starts implementing this truth in daily lives and in the care of others.

  365. The best 1023 words I have read in quite a while. So clear, so simple, so revealing, and so powerful. My whole body was nodding when I read this, going oh yeah, ain’t this the truth. Thank you for write this for us all Coleen.

  366. Another great blog Coleen, asking deeper questions to open our awareness to our innate wisdom and Clairsentience that we we all have (equally-so) naturally within.

  367. We are unaware of the extent the way we live virtually controls what we see. So if you are reading this article and questioning it or having a reaction then there is a possibility that you are living in a way that confirms the very nature of what this article is saying. I read clearly what is being said and this doesn’t make me different, special or smarter, I live with an awareness of this article and not that I know everything either. With the knowledge that I have made choices over years to not listen to the feelings that are there regardless means my path is walking back through these choices and feeling them, completing them. I did think all through parts of my life that it was super important to get somewhere and who knew at that time it was truly actually a return to who I was that was the key. If life is difficult, traumatic, frustrating etc, open to the possibility that your view is being controlled or selected by how you live.

  368. Brilliantly articulated account of clairsentience, spirit and soul Coleen – simple relatable and easy to understand and summed up for me by these words ‘…we are indeed Beings having a human experience that is not ultimately who we truly are.’ Thank you

  369. The reality is, that most of us have experienced a time when our 6th sense was loud and clear – and where we perhaps heeded it. It is no different to our sense of smell or sight. But given we live in a world that currently champions the tangible, ‘prove it so I can actually see it’ evidence, our 6th sense has been poo-pood.. by us. When we reconnect back to the Ageless Wisdom we all know, we remember that we always have known and had access to this inner voice that is so powerful and knowing – and with the Ageless Wisdom we can fully back ourselves once again.

  370. I often ask myself what is the best way to “discard ignorance” to choose to accept the feelings that are always there in respect to everything that happens in life. I come to the conclusion that the best way for me to do this is to keep committing to the study of the ageless wisdom and have the support of friends who are also willing to feel energy, this heightens the awareness and bring each experience into perspective, to a place where I don’t dismiss what is occurring but instead am willing to ask what is it that is occurring on an energetic level, a level that I am able to process and bring understanding to.

  371. If we live our life solely from a human being perspective many things do not make sense, but with the understanding that there is a spirit and Soul and other realms of beings/activity and that everything is in fact energy we can step by step grasp the enormity of where we come from and how everything plays out.

    1. Yes, you can then have a consistent explanation for pretty much everything you can think of.

    2. So true Esther,
      I have always felt that life is so much much more than we can see and most aspects of life made little sense to me before re-connecting to my inner ability to feel, read and discern energy.

      Now that I am more aware of what I’m feeling I understand why things happen, how things effect me/us and what is going on in the world in such a whole way that I can deal with it and I can live my life in a way that does not add to the suffering of this world.

  372. “We wilfully ‘forget’ that we have this amazing yet natural ability within us so we engage with the world on its terms, not on what is being felt within us. This is so perfectly expressed and represents what happens over and over again, as we reincarnate fresh and fully aligned to our clairsentience, only to put it aside as we grow up. We are not left alone to be clairsentient. The world around us is very imposing and tells us to play ball with the reality we have collectively created, rather than the truth of what we feel. I guess if you hear it enough times as a kid that you are ‘imagining things’ or only noticed when you do play ball, you learn to deny what you feel.

    1. Yes Fiona, we are schooled to put all emphasis on things outside ourselves and deny what we feel inside, to the extent we stop feeling our inner-heart. It is possible to ask someone how they feel, and they can’t answer because they’re so much in the mind, they’ve forgotten how to feel. And life style patterns and innumerable distractions have created a society of dis-connected people. I find myself learning to quieten the mind so I can feel and intuit more deeply.

      1. And still continues to have these disastrous effects – we only have to look at the state of humanity worldwide to feel the truth of this.

  373. Coleen this is brilliant, thank you for covering every aspect of clairsentience and the power and beauty of allowing our body to be guided by what we feel, not what we think. I was just considering last night, having teenagers and of course being a teenager before, how we fool ourselves into ‘thinking’ and believing that ‘this is who I am’…. a common thing said by most teenagers. Whereas, looking back on my own teenage years, I was anything but who I truly was. I was a soup mix of using this persona for recognition and acceptance (not real acceptance), speaking in a different voice, wearing clothes that someone else wore, going along with the crowd, being submissive, writing in different handwriting etc. etc. So, abandoning our clairsentience, makes sense to why we can hold on so strongly to a perception of ourselves coming back from our peers, parents, teachers and society, and ‘think’ it is who we are.

    1. I can remember that teenager time too Aimee, but also in this period I have been offered several times from my soul to choose differently but ultimately succumbed to the persuasion of my spirit.

    2. Thank you Aimee – lovely sharing and I can totally relate to your experience too, as a teenager myself and as having had teenagers who are still in that belief…

    3. I observed some teenagers recently who were all wearing very similar clothes to each other, they stood out as different, although very similar to each other. I was pondering on this and what it would feel like to be with them as a teenager simply wearing what you felt to and not wearing something to fit in. I could feel the discomfort and how important it felt for me to fit in rather than be myself when I was a teenager and how to a far lesser degree this remains true today. Why is it that we seem to find being ourselves so much more challenging than morphing ourselves to fit an image that the world is asking us to be when we know this picture is lacking any connection or celebration of ourselves.

  374. These are some very important questions that we all know the answer to, if we allow our clearsentience to play its part. It is in allowing ourselves to let go of this hold discarding the old and appreciating the divinity that when making the choice to be more aware of energy grows slowly but surely.

  375. “If Clairsentience is Truly Innate and Natural, then How is it that Most of Us Remain Completely Ignorant of it?” Ehhhhh….. because we don’t want to take responsibility.

    1. Ha yes, that word again – and this is only because most people have an understanding of ‘responsibility’ of being a burden and not feeling how liberating true responsibility is.

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