Energetic Responsibility

I was brought up to be ‘responsible’ and to have an awareness that how I acted affected other people; as the eldest child, there were expectations that I took on – that how I behaved had an impact on my younger siblings. Doing the ‘right’ thing was important even if no one else knew you were doing it. I prided myself on being honest and pointing out, for example, if a shopkeeper had undercharged me, but in reality, I was often very irresponsible in how I took care of myself and also how my frequent disregard for myself and my wellbeing impacted all those around me. Not just because other people had to pick up some of my responsibilities, but also in the irritability and other behaviours that I imposed on others.

The energy that I allowed to flow through my body and out to others was not loving, and choosing to look at this quality of my energetic output (i.e. my energetic responsibility) has been a humbling and uncomfortable experience. Being more aware of what it means to be truly responsible – and recognising that how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time. I have hidden behind an angry/battling persona for much of my life and often had this reflected back to me, which led to many misunderstandings and complications and feelings of being a victim of others’ emotions.

Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life. Once it was presented to me that on entering a room, anyone can feel (if they choose to) what has been happening there – e.g. if there has been an argument, or if there has been a loving exchange, I became more aware of how often I had imposed my feelings and emotions on others and looked for them to side with me, against whomever I was in conflict with.

The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me. We each have rights and responsibilities within our communities and this reflects how we are as individual nations: the way I and my fellow citizens choose to live has an effect on how the country we call home is. Changing ingrained patterns of behaviour can be challenging, but it is our energetic responsibility to reflect to others the loving choices we can make every day: we can continue to strive for personal gain whatever the impact on others, or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all.

There is a wider energetic responsibility currently playing out in many countries around the world. For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament.

I was appalled by the UK’s vote for Brexit, having been a passionate European since spending time living and working in Germany during my early adult life. However, I was not totally surprised. I could feel how I have contributed to the disconnection around me of so many who feel left behind and blame ‘outsiders’ – e.g. refugees or immigrants – and also politicians, whose lives are far removed from their everyday experience of struggling to get by.

Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation. It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.

By Helen Elliott, Ipswich, UK

Related Reading:
The Wizard of Omaha
The Freedom – Responsibility Connection
Taking responsibility at work to a whole new level



587 thoughts on “Energetic Responsibility

  1. With so much more being exposed to us in what is happening in the world it is a great time to be present with our Soul and simply not get involved in the world, as corruption seems to be unrelenting and others are still looking towards comfort, while others are awakening to the Lies.

  2. Energetic responsibility calls for us to be respond with energetic integrity to the energy that we feel in and around us.

  3. Could it be our energetic responsibility to live with True Appreciation, and thus Intimacy, as being intimate (non sexual) comes from letting others in and Appreciation is like a twin sister as you can-not have to have one without the other. We would definitely appreciate and hold intimacy with others when we understand the energetic meaning, and that is to be more intimate is a process of letting people in the most religious way. And thus appreciation and intimacy go hand in hand as we relearn to let people in and deepen our relationship with our Soul.

  4. Responsibility is for every thing and what does everything mean, well every-thing must be all inclusive as all we do has an impact on our lives and when that impact becomes loving magic starts to happen and we are responsible then to deepen our relationship with every aspect of the magical way we can live so our responsibility becomes all-encompassing and thus a great part of our evolving.

  5. Thank you Helen, it’s the perfect timing for me to read this again today, to consider how my choices have an effect on others, and that everything is a cycle and that every imprint I leave is coming back to meet me.

  6. Helen I have read and commentated on this blog a few times and this morning I was drawn to read it again and I came across this part
    “The energy that I allowed to flow through my body and out to others was not loving, and choosing to look at this quality of my energetic output (i.e. my energetic responsibility) has been a humbling and uncomfortable experience. Being more aware of what it means to be truly responsible – and recognising that how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time. I have hidden behind an angry/battling persona for much of my life and often had this reflected back to me, which led to many misunderstandings and complications and feelings of being a victim of others’ emotions.”
    We are not taught from young about energy and the effect it has on our bodies and everyone around us, so this is a great discussion to be having where we can have open conversations that can support us to unpick our ignorance on this subject. As it now makes complete sense to me that how I am with myself will affect others. After all we can tell if someone is angry or sad as we can feel the affect it has on them and ourselves, that is all energy.

  7. Helen this is key in what you share – the point being that we cannot be or play the victim and take responsibility at the same time: “Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation. It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.” – so it is about depersonalising it and seeing the opportunity for growth and understanding and then allowing the step into true energetic responsibility.

  8. We can certainly be fickle and selective about the responsibilities that we are willing to take on board. However, no matter what we take on board is to be celebrated, whilst those things we struggle to take on board are to be noted and it is for us to realise what we are in fact saying no to. For the interesting fact about responsibility is that we tend to resist it and fight it, and yet once we take it on board, it energises us and grows us like there is no tomorrow!

  9. Energetic responsibility to me is giving someone the space to feel safe and held so that they can feel what it is like to just be themselves with no imposition. And how beautiful is it when someone feels that real sense of love rather than sadness, frustration or anger in another person.

  10. I have noticed especially as I get older that we are less willing to take responsibility for ourselves and others we can easily see this in the rise in illness and disease as we are not willing to take responsibility for our own health instead rely heavily on the health care system to aid us when we get sick. There are very few people in the world that know how to live with energetic responsibility as it is not something that we have been taught. I only know about energetic responsibility since meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and it makes sense that how we are with ourselves is how we will be with all others. So the more self love, nurture and understanding I can bring to myself will naturally be felt by others as we are all connected to each other.

  11. What I am understanding responsibility to be is how it is about responding, and I really have to let go of the picture of how it would land, and that it is a moment-to-moment movement in response to what is being called for.

    1. Very beautifully expressed Fumiyo – responsibility and our capacity to respond to what is needed.

    2. Wow Fumiyo I love what you have shared and I am wondering what would happen if more people would get the understanding that responsibility is how we respond to what is needed. Surely our world would look and feel a bit differently. Perhaps we as a society would have more joy in our daily life.

  12. “Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.” When we understand the true meaning of energetic responsibility we will know that how we are at home and at work, how we are in relationships all have an effect on the whole and we can never escape this responsibility.

  13. ‘Not just because other people had to pick up some of my responsibilities, but also in the irritability and other behaviours that I imposed on others.’ We are very quick to blame others, particularly our parents or those we live with without taking any responsibility for our own choices.

  14. ‘how I am in life has an impact on others’, if you sit with this truth, you become aware of the irresponsibility you have chosen, which is great because with this awareness, we can choose differently, plus we get to observe how being responsible is actually very loving to oneself and to all others.

  15. Absolutely and we have to expend energy to avoid being responsible, no wonder we have such high levels of exhaustion.

  16. Simple words… How we are in our life, affects others. This plays out very obviously when people sing together. At the start it is about ourselves, getting our voice out no matter what, and there is such obvious separation. But then, as one connects with oneself on a deeper level, it is realised that we are all one voice, and everything starts to change.

  17. Many people in the world currently do not understand what energetic responsibility means, this is a brilliant blog to read. We can see this lack of understanding play out in many of our current industries, from our food industries to the vehicle industry, from our education system to our health system, and we can see this play out in our personal lives too. Understanding what energetic responsibility means is very important, it could change the world if we all embrace it in full.

  18. It’s a great start and very essential to realise how much we impact on ourselves, and then a whole other kettle of fish opens up when we realise how much we impact on everyone else. The more we can live connected to our love within, the more responsibility is felt as it truly is as a beautiful and purpose filled way of life.

    1. Yes my understanding of responsibility has expanded as my relationship with it has deepened.

    2. Yes and it’s then we feel how connected we are to one another and how much our own choices impact upon others.

  19. Beautifully shared Helen – it is when we are willingly open to being honest about how we truly feel in our bodies, that we then become very aware of what quality of energy we are choosing, why and the impact it has on ourselves. It is then we realise and can feel for ourselves and from others that we are always emanating a quality of energy, be it that of love or lovelessness, wherever we are which is magnified through our movements.

  20. Energetic responsibility and knowing that everything we do has a ripple effect on others brings a whole new dimension and depth to our everyday responsibilities.

  21. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’ Absolutely and as we understand this we realise what a great responsibility we have.

    1. We live in a world that is growing in irresponsibility and the only way to reverse this and bring back true responsibility is to live it ourselves and show the world how enriching and joyful life is when we truly accept and embrace energetic responsibility.

  22. Not only can we feel how another is when they enter a room, we can also feel it before they enter. We are all so much more connected than we allow ourselves to feel. The more aware we become the more naturally responsible we become because the two go hand in hand.

    1. Wow, this is a confirmation how much we can feel and we can use our awareness to support each other.

      1. We can support ourselves so much more by embracing and expanding our awareness of our awareness and through the responsibility and living of that we naturally support all others.

  23. All of this is so true Helen , our nation, us individually , our whole humanity is responsible for their energetic quality in with their choices.

  24. So at what point do I take responsibility? Is it when something happens to me… to my kids… to someone else’s kids? The depth of the responsibility that I am willing to take is limited by my awareness of what energy is at play. Am I going to read it or is my story too strong that day?

  25. Being energetically responsible I am starting to understand extends to all areas of our life including those places/times when we are alone or believe we are not seen by others eg in our cars, homes etc. If we all live in a sea of energy which we do, then we are affecting the quality or clarity of this sea constantly even in our so called private moments.

  26. The thing is we can so easily turn a blind eye to things we do not want to see and convince ourselves that the constant reflection is not there and that whatever is going on is nothing to do with us. When we look around us at humanity, the depth of this self-imposed blindness is astonishing.

    1. Yes the abdication of responsibility is hurting all of us and it is great to constantly review the areas that we are unwilling to see and act on.

    2. In a way we can’t really turn a blind eye because we never stop feeling and seeing things. We can pretend and even convince ourselves that we don’t see, but the truth can’t be avoided, is known to our bodies and will out in the end.

    3. Very well said Julie and turning a blind eye to things/life is simply a sign we are saying no to energetic responsibility and we can see many examples of this globally.

  27. I have been very aware recently that there is definitely a difference in being responsible in what I put out into the world and doing things out of burden and duty. The former actually feels light and joyful where as the latter feels heavy and sluggish.

    1. So true Andrew and everyone gets to feel the reflection of you being joyfully responsible rather than the imposition of someone who is dutifully but often resentfully ‘doing responsibility’.

  28. I’ve recently become aware of how irresponsible it is to hold back our expression, because it creates a gap that then gets filled by another’s interpretation – their words, their take on the situation, which may, or may not be, completely off track. When we hold back we’re essentially giving the message that we’re not an equal part in whatever is going on around us, and trying to absolve ourselves of our responsibility in it, rather than embracing it. Opening up to just express whatever is there to be shared is not so we can offload and feel better, but so that the connection and flow of expression and energy can continue unhindered, without us blocking it.

    1. Yes misinterpretation caused by lack of expression can lead to a multitude of problems and I too am recognising how often I have contributed to this by withholding my expression because of fear of rocking the boat or the reaction it may cause. I have found it really supportive in situations where I only realise afterwards that I need to express something that discussing it with someone else can really help to clarify and clear anything unnecessary out of the way so that my expression is not tainted with any of my baggage around a situation.

  29. When we tune into the awareness of energetic responsibility, and then, tune into the world, into our society, this throws a very revealing light over and over into everything.

    1. I hear what you are saying Cjames2012, it shines light onto everything in this world and we start to see the world with less reaction and more understanding when we start to embrace energetic responsibility. 

  30. We can choose to play the victim role, blaming others for our own lack of responsibility. It is a huge wake up call to realise that our lives are what we have made them, taking responsibility and making different choices is the way to bring change into our lives.

  31. I can so relate to the pattern of ingrained behaviour you describe here, and sometimes it feels almost impossible to change because it keeps coming back. What you share here reminds me that my responsibility starts with me – how I transmute out the energy that is running through me, how I take responsibility for my reactions so that I will not be a party to add to whatever I am reacting to.

    1. Absolutely and how we choose to move through our day has the ability to heal ourselves and others rather than allowing our bodies to be ruled by reactions/patterns of engrained behaviour. For me the most empowering thing is to recognise that I have a choice in every moment to not react and can choose to just be with myself rather than getting caught up in whatever is happening around me.

  32. It is true that when we do not care for ourselves this then is a lack of care for others. Even if we are carrying out the actions of care for another, the quality is not there if we have not lived it with ourselves first.

  33. ” Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role ”
    This is very true and the root of all issues, comes from once we give our power , our energy away we are destined to be a victim of this choice.

  34. Yes there is more to life than meets the eye. And more to the word responsibility than we think. What is the energetic quality in which we live our life? And are we taking responsibility for this?

  35. Thanks for your great blog Helen. With the understanding that responsibility entails the loving/intelligent way of living in the world with others and our environment life entirely changes. This is a fairly recent understanding for me, who lived most of my earlier life in indulgence ( whether that be drugs or hard work – in the end it is all the same!)Thank heavens for Serge Benhayon who opened our eyes to the possibility of energetic integrity.

  36. A cracker of a blog on energetic responsibility, for it seems only a few years ago that I heard and understood what these words meant, and is a great supportive read for those who are feeling the need to change and let go of old patterns of behaviours but do not know where to start. Of course it starts with looking to ourselves and getting honest in how we are living and how we are treating our bodies.

  37. It is a great thing to be responsible and we can be told to be responsible and loving – but if these things are just expressed as words without us knowing or embodying the true meaning of them then they will not be lived in their truth. These days all these words have been deeply corrupted in their everyday use as we expose on Unimedpedia: http://www.unimedliving.com/unimedpedia

  38. We all feel everything and it is time we spoke up about it even if others are not entirely receptive to what you have to say. I have found that the first person to call out the truth is often shut down, castigated for their insolence, how dare you go against the ‘norm’. Yet as others also start to question that ‘norm’ there is less push back and at some point the tanker that was heading one way is turned to head in a more self aware, loving direction.

    1. Beautiful point Lucy – those that are the most aware and sensitive to what is really going on are often the ones that get vilified for pointing out that the normal is far from natural.

  39. Beautifully expressed Helen. I was photographing smoke from an insense stick this morning and I could see that every click of the camera had a huge effect on the smoke in front of me. It was clear that the smoke was reflecting the quality of movement not simply the physical movement. Every move we make and every thought we have affects everything.

  40. I agree Helen that supporting others around us starts with how much we support ourselves for the quality we hold ourselves in and move our bodies in, is what is reflected back out into the world which either confirms the status quo or inspires and heals by offering something more.

  41. I always felt responsibility was taking care of others…. I don’t think this was imposed on me as a child I actually think I assumed this role willingly as the oldest sister without a mother around…. I am starting to see just how much we want to play certain roles/parts as children/adults as it serves one purpose to become an actor in the worlds biggest play called “LIES” and leave our natural way of being behind…..

    1. Me too Toni I was also the eldest sister and took my role seriously and felt hurt that my siblings often reacted and teamed up against me!! But of course they could feel the dishonesty/arrogance in me assuming a mothering role in an attempt to control them and make myself out to be better than them. It has been lovely to feel how our relationships have expanded since I have let go of the ‘Lie’ that I know better and have actually taken responsibility for myself rather than imposing on others.

  42. Wow and such a responsible subject; that of energetic responsibility, which invites all of us to step up and choose this way of living that will take us all forward in expansion because it is evolutionary. Awesome blog Helen.

  43. “For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament..” So true Helen, we try to abdicate any responsibility we may have in contributing to the mess we are in. Rather than giving up and becoming a victim we can start by taking responsibility for even small new choices in our everyday lives. Taking a small first step can lead to bigger things.

  44. A fantastic explanation of how victimhood is in fact an opportunity to be in irresponsibility and how energetic responsibility can enhance our awareness and understanding of what’s going on in the world and as importantly, where and how we might have played a part through our own choices in contributing to it. Your blog is a true call to international responsibility based on the responsibility we’re each of us making at all points in time for our own choices.

  45. A true awareness of energetic responsibilities, such a big picture… If we, and by we I mean individually, as a community, as a country, and as a world, start to be away truly aware of this, then everything will change inevitably

  46. I live in Spain and currently there is a lot of struggle between nationalisms, which brings people to positione themselves into extremes convictions, pointing outside of them the result of that struggle and avoiding their own responsibility in the growing disagreement. This is a clear example of the avoidance of energetic responsibility, from the individual to a wider scale. It reflects where our society is and brings me back to myself. I can’t change other people’s choices, but at least I can revise mines, my expression, my thoughts,… to not feed more separation around me and stay steady in reading the energy beyond what is shown to me. Manipulation only is possible when we fall in the confort of letting go our own responsibility.

  47. Well said , our responsibility is so much deeper than we seem to have applied in life. Hence this blog is a pearl to humanity showing us the deeper meaning of true energetic responsibility and how this works in daily life.. Nothing hard , but aware of the impact our choices are having , on ourselves but also on others.

  48. We tend to relate to responsibility through control. We want to make sure that what we choose in the name of responsibility is seen and appreciated by another one; it is our way to try to control how another one will act vis-à-vis us. Or said differently, it is our way to make sure that we will not be asked to be responsible in what we are not prepared to be.

  49. Thank you Helen for this call to greater responsibility. I love what you are saying here about how we not only affect our households but also our communities, our countries and the world when we choose to act with irresponsibility. We are all living in a sea of energy and everything that we do affects everything else and there is no getting away from that fact.

  50. When we live with energetic integrity we are aware of our patterns of behaviors that are not loving and we realise it is our responsibility to work on ourselves lovingly so we may grow and learn from these patterns and imperfections and let them go.

  51. Energetic responsibility is about understanding that everything we do, the situations we ‘end up’ in, are all the result of choices we make or have made.

  52. Gosh… Imagine if the world embraced energetic responsibility as the foundation of their lives… What an extraordinary world we would live in… And then… We could really start to evolve.

  53. Every humbling experience no matter how challenging it feels is pure gold, as it opens us up to a deeper part of who we are. It consolidates within us an irrefutability of responsibility, which continues to deepen and deepen some more. #love

    1. Thank you Adele, I just read your comment after an unravelling conversation with a dear friend. Unravelling for them, not for me, but your comment made me realise that as challenging as this is for them, the opportunity is pure gold should they wish to take the driver’s seat and take responsibility for their next steps regardless of what the world is or is not offering us.

  54. Blaming others for our problems is a sure fire way of avoiding looking at our own part in any situation and being aware of all that is playing out and with that we put the breaks on truly evolving…

  55. I have heard countless leaders proposing great ideas that sound great on the surface in their aim of solving many of our issues and dilemmas but in truth they always miss one crucial element and that is energetic responsibility. The truth is many like to hear these solutions proposed because it does not ask them to be more energetically responsible for the choices they make and how they are in the world.

  56. My ‘angry/battling persona’ was buried so deep that I refused point blank that I even had any emotions let alone anger. Could it be that we are so caught up in our emotional states that it is the status quo and therefore our true issues get buried deeper so we do not want any part of them? I became exceedingly good at hiding and burying any emotions but the truth was at times I was like a volcano that was waiting to explode. If I did explode I was like a bull that saw red and there was no stopping the emotional path I was on. As you say Helen, ‘it is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming so we have respect and decency, so that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.

  57. Life doesn’t really make sense without an understanding of energy.. and there is so much to feel and explore. This is why it doesn’t pay to be skeptical, as it closes the door on the true magic, joy and science of life itself.

  58. Providing an understanding of how the energetics works in life especially when it comes to energetic responsibility, as there is also true appreciation towards everyone. So that our relationships expand since our way of expression is one of Love because we are energetically responsible for all our words and thoughts.

  59. There are two aspects to responsibility – there is the tick box aspect of knowing that we have done something that is needed or required – and this can range from basic needs to more complex jobs (e.g. brushing our teeth every day or running a big company). And then there is the other aspect of responsibility which is the way we go about doing what we are doing – in other words are we bringing the true care of self, of other people and the gentleness into what we are doing? This second part is the energetic responsibility and it is this that gives what we do, purpose and true meaning. Without this second part, life becomes only a tick box experience that is hollow and meaningless. But when we bring the depth into it, life comes to life as it naturally should and each ‘thing’ and each job is given permission to blossom by virtue of the quality that we bring to it.

  60. Energetic responsibility asks us to be in our grandness and power, simple.
    I wonder what we may shy back from more; although it is futile to try separating the two it is worth pondering on one´s personal relationship with them.

  61. We are never a victim to our circumstances, we always have a choice, but many of us do not want to take this level of responsibility, rather, it is easier for us to blame life or others for what happens to us. We not only need to take responsibility, we also need to take energetic responsibility for every choice we make.

  62. It is so true Hellen, that when we become aware of our energetic responsibility it puts our whole way of relating into a different light. To know that we can affect so many people in our day to day living is quite an eye opener!

  63. It is so true Hellen, that when we become aware of our energetic responsibility it puts our whole way of relating into a different light. To know that we can effect so many people in our day to day living is quite an eye opener!

  64. The absolute beauty of accepting energetic responsibility is that we no longer see ourselves as vitims of circumstance.

  65. The moment we are willing to recognise that we have a choice to either contribute to what we don´t like by blaming, giving up etc or that we can change what we see to not be true loving, harmonious… responsibility becomes an awareness. And with awareness we cannot escape the knowing of being responsible.

  66. Thank you Helen , it took me some time to understand ” energetic responsibility ” but with the understanding and presentations and books by Serge Benhayon I got to understand what ” energetic responsibility ” means for me and it translates to ” personal responsibility ” as all that I eat , do , say , think , dream , all aspect of actions conscious or un-conscious, the end product , the end result , will be of my consequence.

  67. What you describe is an honest review of how we live shutdown from what is happening around us and how we live in pockets in different areas.

  68. Being brought up to know you are responsible and that you affect everyone around you is true. However the drudge and weight of how this is presented wouldn’t fill anyone let alone a joyful child with anything with a desire to be responsible. Knowing how much impact you can have on everyone is a gift and an opportunity to shine a light and offer evolution where there is none. And if we don’t do it, there may not be any light. This is what we need to pass onto our kids.

  69. I love how dynamic and rich the word “Responsibility” becomes when you put the word “Energetic” in front of it. Our energetic responsibility means that it’s our job to take care of our energy at all points in time and so the imprints we leave everywhere we go can inspire another person, rather than hinder their true way.

  70. Part of energetic responsibility is about speaking up about how you truly feel – about being honest and open to explore and not try to conform or to be polite or to be nice. This does not mean you have to voice everything you are thinking, but it is about voicing and saying things as they really are – either out loud or to yourself.

    1. So true Henrietta I am exploring my relationship with being nice and how damaging this has been for me and how it has impacted all my relationships. Currently I am dealing with how my lack of expression has affected me physically and how this continues to play out in my life.

  71. Energetic responsibility is a big word, and is an amazing thing to embrace. We seem to fight it though to begin with, and resist what it brings thinking that it is going to weigh us down or be hard, or difficult, but the hard and difficult and heavy part is actually the resistance to embracing the responsibility that we know deep within is natural to us and actually freeing in so many ways.

  72. ‘Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.’ What a great sentence Helen. Playing the victim immediately exposes the lack of energetic responsibility and having grown up in a country that loves to play the ‘victim’ role or the ‘having to always struggle’ role I can see how true this is.

  73. On a week long holiday with extended family we really challenged some of the socially acceptable rules every time we tried to be too rigid and polite things didn’t flow. When we were honest about how we felt and were flexible in honouring that we had a great time..

  74. What you have described here Helen I am sure many of us can relate to, I certainly can. That when growing up I did have a sense of responsibility, but it wasn’t until my later thirties that I truly began to understand what true responsibility was and then on top of that what energetic responsibility was, ‘that everything we do and say impacts on all’, I have really learned how true this is.

  75. Absolutely Nikki it has to start with us but yet we have been fed the lie that it is selfish to make it about us. We have no control over what others choose to do apart from reflecting our loving choice to take responsibility for all our actions.

  76. Energetic responsibility is a beautiful combination of it being all about you and at the same time being about the all and everyone. All you can do is be responsible for your own energy and energetic contributions and imprints yet when we do that, we are taking huge and loving care for everyone and all that surrounds us.

  77. It’s fairly common to talk about taking responsibility for our actions – which I agree is important, but when we bring in the understanding of energetic responsibility it helps us to see why we choose whatever action it was in the first place and so really helps us to learn on a much deeper level why we do what we do and how we can bring more of who we truly are to life in every detail.

  78. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’ This has been huge for me to shift as my patterns felt so ingrained and I hid behind a facade of false confidence, I still use this facade to hide and fit in but the more I take responsibility the easier it feels to let this go and allow myself to be me.

  79. Absolutely gorgeous piece of writing Helen, thank you so much. I expect that Brexit will be talked about for decades to come as future generations attempt to understand what or how we have all been living for this to happen. Perhaps one day there will be great lessons learnt from it which can steer the path of nations to avoid another such calamitous event.

  80. That’s so true Shirley-Ann, we often need to feel the impact of our choices before we are willing to accept energetic responsibility.

  81. There is a joy in taking responsibility with every step which I often choose to forget.

  82. ‘The energy that I allowed to flow through my body and out to others was not loving, and choosing to look at this quality of my energetic output (i.e. my energetic responsibility) has been a humbling and uncomfortable experience.’ Reading this sentence today is a bit of a wake up call for me as I realise the knock on effect of my irresponsible choices.

  83. Wise words….”Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.” It is what is so inspirational and freeing about energetic responsibility and for some so challenging….no victimhood to be had when we know that we make our own choices.

  84. Wow Helen, I could never imagine your sweet beautiful self as an angry person! You’re a pure example of the beauty of the difference responsibility can make in one’s life.

  85. When we understand that absolutely everything that life presents us with is a reflection of the choices that we have made, we will stop playing the victim card and can finally pull our socks up by taking responsibility of our movements and focus on developing our love and acceptance for who we truly are for it is only then we will realize how amazing life is.

  86. I would have considered myself a very responsible person the past, ticking societies boxes, when the truth about energetic responsibility was presented to me I was amazed how irresponsible I actually was, there was no loving care for myself, no responsibility for my actions, I was too busy being good, with no understanding how every thought, word, and deed affected everybody because everything is energy and we all live in an ocean of energy.

  87. Helen, I’m now feeling the importance of living responsibly; ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life’, I have noticed how if I overeat i feel dull and cannot fully support others at work and that if I get caught up in an argument then I feel small and am focused on this argument and am again not able to support others, all of our choices affect others and not just ourselves, often we are blind to this, but more and more I can feel the truth of this.

  88. Each day I commit to getting a deeper understanding of what energetic integrity entails and I am never left without an imprint to learn from. I am never a victim and that is the most empowering aspect.

    1. Yes, it’s so empowering to realise that we are in the driving seat and a result of all our own choices.

  89. Thank you, Helen, for offering up the opportunity to redefine responsibility. Exploring constantly, I am inspired to find myself loving the opportunity to step up and play my part in life with an awareness of the unique and essential cogs we all are in the big picture.

  90. I like this comment you make at the end about being a victim… all too often that is thought of on an individual level, but equally we can play the role in groups or nations. We all have a responsibility for these larger political votes, for being engaged with the world around us and bringing a bit of love to the table.

  91. It is a natural momentum for human beings to look outside of themselves, so we frequently see everything that is wrong on the outside and with others, without choosing to be aware that we have the same within ourselves of what we see, as all is a reflection. If we live from our innermost, this will not escape us, and there is no need to blame, but everything to live.

  92. The victim role is addictive, and etches itself upon one both energetically and physically. It is very liberating to cast off this burden and to live the path of energetic responsibility.

  93. When we realise that everything we think, say and do has an impact on the world around us, we then clock what our contribution has been to humanity and then realise our responsibility thereafter.

  94. The real understanding and truth of energetic responsibility and the all it encompasses opens up the bigger picture and takes us away from the self into a real and very empowering responsibility and oneness with all humanity and the Universe.

  95. By playing the ‘victim’ role we make ourselves much more powerless than we really are, it’s like trying to CONVINCE ourselves that we’re weak, small and that taking a step up or out into the world will get so ridiculed that it’s not worth it… But a lot of the time, we play the victim card before even taking this step.

    1. And the reverse is true – we are strong, resourceful, huge in our presence if we choose to be and step into everything we are. And its an inspiration when you do…

  96. “Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life. Once it was presented to me that on entering a room, anyone can feel (if they choose to) what has been happening there – e.g. if there has been an argument, or if there has been a loving exchange, I became more aware of how often I had imposed my feelings and emotions on others and looked for them to side with me, against whomever I was in conflict with.”
    Exactly this was a hook for me in my life. I was a very pleasing person and as such was never angry but seem to be always patient and harmonious on the outside. In the inside I was angry and impatient. Only when I came in touch with Universal Medicine I learned to know the suffering concerning buried emotions in my body. It took many years now to unravel this step by step and I am still detecting emotions in my body but am much more free now through the workshops and healing courses Universal Medicine offers and through becoming more and more honest with myself.

  97. Living in the lies that life throws at us all the time is it any wonder words are reinterpreted to hide the truth. For so long it has been difficult to even attempt to understand energetic responsibility. To start with, energetic responsibility is the ultimate end game and thus the fact that “Everything is energy, and therefore, everything is because of energy” (Serge Benhayon, 1999) has been never truly taught. Our humbling relationship with this level of honesty has to start with understanding that we have been living in lies and that it is still easy to slip back into the lies and be fooled. Finding a way to bring honesty and live with that as a reflection starts when we get a glimpse of absolute honesty and this is not even close to the truth. The responsibility of being in truth has to be understood so that the foundations can be laid towards energetic responsibility.

      1. Holding our self in decency so that we are also in full respect of all others are our first stepping-stones towards Universality. As with everything that is evolutionary for us it always starts at home so therefore with me, and being honest is the start of energetic responsibility.

  98. It is incomprehensible to me now that I could ignore the fact that we all have energy passing through us all the time and that we have a choice as to what type of energy flows through us. The energy chosen goes back out to the universe- this is the ultimate level of responsibility or depending on the energy chosen, it can be irresponsibility.

  99. Wow Helen, you deliver this blog so clearly leaving no doubt in my mind that we all have played a part in the mess we now find ourselves in, because everything that we do, say and think, affects everyone else. Energetic responsibility starts with taking responsibility for your own life and choices which produces a different reflection to others so others get to see another way of being in this world.

    1. Yes, I agree. And the simplicity of this is incredible. Taking care of, and responsibility for, myself is changing my life – my ability to work hard, my sense of purpose and my openness in relationships… properly amazing, and all this time I was living under the myth that taking care of myself was indulgent…

  100. Understanding that every intention, thought and movement affects all others really does show there is nothing which is private or unseen which is outside of true responsibility.

  101. I try to fight the world and it’s not worth it, it’s exhausting, all you’re really doing is fighting yourself.

  102. Mmmm….. I impose on others – because I want people to get it, I want other people to see there is another way to live that is super joyful and amazing, that life doesn’t have to be miserable or complicated. But imposing helps no one, its like a force – telling people – a bit like kids at school when they impose on each other and tell each other they are doing things wrong. So it doesn’t help any one, the opposite in fact – I have found I’m more likely to make more loving choices when I’m left to be me, and not imposed upon. Truth. Something I am learning to not do to others. Learning to live what I know is true, leave people be and observe life much more, not take it or other people’s stuff on. I don’t have to carry the world’s problems around on my shoulders or try to be a saviour / save anyone. They can do that themselves. Plus I get to feel much lighter.

    1. Me too Gyl and I have recently exposed more layers of imposition because of wanting others to ‘get it’ which leaves everyone frustrated. As you say putting down others’ burdens leaves us so much lighter and offers them the grace to make their own choices.

      1. Yes, I really relate to what both you Helen and Gyl are talking about. One of the deepest wisdoms that I have understood from Serge, which before that was unknown to me (at least consciously), was the fact that everyone chooses to evolve or not and gets it in their own time – or cycles around the sun. That the essence is still shining within us all, that we are all equal, and that we cannot make people get it, only share the beauty of our Livingness. I so love to be aware of this now.

  103. Helen, I can feel how living irresponsibly really impacts others; ‘I was often very irresponsible in how I took care of myself and also how my frequent disregard for myself and my wellbeing impacted all those around me’, I notice that if I overeat or eat something that I wouldn’t usually have such as chips, how this can dull me, make me feel tired and grumpy and then I am grumpy with my son, this feels very irresponsible.

  104. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’ It opens our eyes to a much bigger picture of life and beyond.

  105. Energetic Responsibility is nothing new or mystical. it is very practical and can be seen as much as it is felt.

  106. We tend to make responsibility all about us, playing the part of being ‘good’ and doing what we need to do, yet energetic responsibility is a surrender to the greater all we are a part of.

    1. This is brilliant Kylie. Doing the right thing and being good is a corruption of the true meaning of responsibility. We think we are being responsible – and everyone around us will tell us so, so we just keep on going until we receive the reflection of the truth of responsibility which brings us to a stop. Mine happened the day I met Serge Benhayon.

  107. Helen, I feel that what you have written here can be said of most of us
    “I was often very irresponsible in how I took care of myself and also how my frequent disregard for myself and my wellbeing impacted all those around me. Not just because other people had to pick up some of my responsibilities, but also in the irritability and other behaviours that I imposed on others.”
    I don’t feel that we stop to consider the impact we have on other people when we are in a bad mood, sad or depressed we feel the misery we are in but have no consideration for anyone else. I know from my own experience this to be the case. In the past when I was feeling down everyone knew about it because I couldn’t bare to be the only one feeling miserable so I would bring everyone down to my level looking back it was an incredibly selfish thing to do.

  108. It is wonderful to meet a responsible person who actually does the job they say they will – this is for starters. But there is so much more to it as you have so well pointed out Helen. For anything to be truly worth anything there must be the quality of love, not just in that task but in every movement, word and expression of the day – which builds platform of love in the vibrational sense.

  109. “Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.” Imagine if we were taught this in school, seriously, it would make us, well enable us, not make us, look at life so differently. Not just from our own patch of life. That everything we do, so or think affects everyone!! That is true energetic responsibility.

  110. For many of us we simply do not want to hear or know the abhorrent wars, crimes, murders, rapes, tortures, corruption, lies, deception, acts of terror, domestic violence, abuse and lovelessness in general that currently goes on in the world. Worse though is that we generally want to ignore it if it is not affecting us and while we may not be the direct cause, by saying nothing and not even wanting to see it is the very thing that allows it to run in the first place.

  111. ‘I have hidden behind an angry/battling persona for much of my life and often had this reflected back to me, which led to many misunderstandings and complications and feelings of being a victim of others’ emotions.’ Our relationships are often dominated by reflections and reactions and we don’t always know how to handle the strong feelings and emotions that are present. Staying gentle within ourselves, focusing on our breath is what helps.

  112. ‘The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me’. So true Helen, it is interesting how we can all keep each other stuck and confirm our irresponsibility to each other by ignoring it exists, and when we make the choice to be more energetically responsible and aware we reflect and confirm to others the power and love felt when we live this simple truth.

  113. “Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.” I can relate to this too, it is the responsibility that creates the stops and gets you to feel and think.

  114. Thank you Helen, for sharing that our willingness or resistance to embrace our energetic responsibility is what constitutes the quality of the society we are met with. It is no mistake or consequence that we are living in the current climate of continuing and worsening abuse, corruption, war and declining health and well-being of young and old, when we ourselves are not willing to be honest with the quality of lives we are living, the way our bodies feel, and instead continue to seek a quick fix and to blame the world around us. We never can escape our energetic responsibility as our every choice is reflected to us through our bodies, in the lives we live, through all our relationships, all of which shapes the world we are surrounded by. When we are willing to connect to the truth, that we are energetic beings, and that it is the love of our Soul that truly defines who we are, we become more and more aware that our choices are the end result of the quality of vibration that we are surrendering to and any given moment. For as we can see lovelessness is not serving us well, as it is only love that will support us as a humanity to live the full potential of who we innately are.

  115. If we are encouraged and taught about what it is we are feeling and not to shut this down then we get a greater understanding of what is going on around us. This supports us to be able to observe and not absorb and we start to live the truth of who we are.

  116. Great article, thank you Helen. How many of us carry around an irritability towards others and behaviours that are far from truly loving and wonder why we have difficulty in relationships? Only when we get honest enough to to not only see this but take responsibility for it can we begin to heal and bring a lovingness to our interactions. These day to day activities may seem insignificant but as you say everything has an impact on everything else and as we change our ways in our community so that echoes out and we are then talking nations and beyond.

  117. Once we begin to understand Energetic Responsibility, there are as you say Helen many uncomfortable moments, as we become increasingly aware that we are not hiding our ill behaviours and that they can be felt by everyone – all over the world. For me it has been an enormous wake up call to realise that I was not so clever and devious in playing a double role – always smiling on the outside and seething on the inside. What a great sense of release as we let go of pretending and accept that we can make a difference in the way things turn our both personally and on the world wide stage.

  118. There is such a game at play within ourselves to sabotage this awareness as well. I know it is my responsibility, I know that what I choose affects others, but there is an arrogance sometimes that means I do it anyway. I feel very humbled by my arrogant choices yesterday that I now need to walk through. I am deeply appreciative of the reflection and reminder these blogs offer.

  119. Thank you Susan, this is my dose of reality today. It is the first thing I have seen and confirms my dream so today I have a choice again.

  120. Energetic responsibility takes responsibility to a new level or rather sets the mark for where it should be. We don’t often consider that our thoughts and actions affects others and quite simply they do. This can be quite a joy to work with once we have determined a soul full quality but is difficult if we are not prepared to let go of our individual desires.

  121. One of the big markers of responsibility for me was when Serge made us aware that accepting that everything is energy means accepting that in truth there are no walls, no private space or moments, in which we can do as we like thinking it will not affect anyone. We are all connected and every movement is felt by all, whether we want to know this fact or not.

  122. To say we are powerless is the ultimate irresponsibility, nothing is not because of us , whether it is in our personal lives or on a grander scale such as politics. I have often turn my head in dismay and criticism thinking there was nothing I could do but I now realise that it is up to me, and no one else, to choose responsibly and lovingly, to express this outwards and get active when I feel something needs to change.

  123. The responsibility we all hold for our energetic awareness is immense and is something we have not wanted to see but its is no longer possible to hide from.

  124. To cast the blame or to play the victim is such a common response to life so to not have to look at our own lives. Being called to be Energetically Responsible brings in a whole new level of viewing life. At first I didn’t want to go there it all seems too hard and that I couldn’t get away with what ever i wanted to do. Because I now know that energy is flowing in and through me all the time, and because I know I am not always choosing to be responsible I make it into a big thing. When I am being fully energetically responsible then it is amazing how empowered, light and up beat I feel.

  125. From my heart I can feel all the times in life I have been responsible only if it suits me and this does not serve anyone else. My life is full of being kind to please others, fully with the expectation that one day I would receive something in return. This is being totally irresponsible as is anything else that never fully takes into account will this serve everyone equally, which includes our personality that has many hidden agendas. Could it be that by making everything evident and open we are bringing ourselves closer to the Love that comes from our inner-most?

  126. I have set my standards so that at the very least I am responsible in the most basic physical aspects. From there I can build and build my greater awareness and accept the wider responsibility.

  127. The beautiful thing about energetic responsibility is that one’s commitment to it can only stem from a deep love of self and all others.

    1. Beautiful words of wisdom Abby. When we realise this truth, we realise that there is so much more to live for. This is what life is about, purely a joy to behold.

  128. Becoming aware and honest about our irresponsibility is the first step in becoming responsible.

    1. Agreed. The pretending and deception is exhausting – being honest about our irresponsibility simply invites us to be inspired by our responsibility and the impact of embracing it.

      1. So very true Matilda. The moment we are willing to see the lies and irresponsibility we have swallowed, we are choosing to arrest the energy. This choice in itself is so confirming who we are and therefore supports us to know exactly what is needed to put a stop to the momentum.

  129. “Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation. It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.” This is so spot on,what is most profound Helen is how you highlight the personal aspects and build it out to how we effect all on a worldly scale. To show us just how important our simple everyday choices are for the whole world we live in.

  130. I have spoken to many ‘eldest children’ over the years and felt the burden and heaviness they felt as a kid being ‘responsible’. Often they are made to feel responsible for the actions of their sibling, something we actually have no control over but are led to believe we do. This often sets up a life of over responsibility towards others, with an equal amount of disregard towards self. Otherwise it can result in rebellion and avoidance of true responsibility. Either one doesn’t allow us to feel the joy and purpose of true responsibility.

  131. Love, truth, harmony and oneness with all others, nature, God and the Universe are our natural essence. From this place responsibility toward others and in life is natural, even the deeper level of energetic responsibility.

    Ironic that we train our children to focus so much on personal accomplishment, competition and admiring possession of accolades, fame and material goods, to the extent that quality and personal responsibility are hardly paid attention to and then – when we grow up – we have to gee ourselves up in order to accept more responsibility which we have stopped seeing as something natural but view as a burden.

  132. When we are living energetically responsible there is a living knowingness that no matter who anyone is, we are all the same and deserve the same love and care.

  133. When we make responsible choices to give us a good feeling about ourselves and show others how “responsible” we are, we are living for “out there”, and often for recognition, taught by rules of how we should behave. True responsibility is learned from within, in our relationship with ourselves, as we grow to know the values we know are true for us and are able to express them in every way in all of life.

  134. “For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament.” this has been true for many, but when we stop and start to take true responsibility we can see our part in all of this and the choices we have lead. So it really starts from us taking true responsibility for our choices.

  135. When we make responsibility about our body, what food we allow, what thoughts we allow and how we move – then, naturally, our responsibility is to everyone and everything. In other words, we start with ourselves to know the potential of how energetically responsible we can live, and then we have the clarity to feel how our choices affect everything else.

  136. How true it is that we can move around life, soiling the environment in which we live with disregard for all others or we can take responsibility for the immediate and flow-on effect we each have on all others, all of the time and offer inspiration rather than stagnation and lack of care.

  137. If you live energetically responsibly you cant be a victim, as you say Helen. We each have a part to play in everything that happens, and we must energetically choose truth, observation and love and build a foundation where we lead the way in not getting caught up in either the perpetuation of abuse or the victimhood in that.

  138. I have been really exploring this one lately – “not just because other people had to pick up some of my responsibilities” – and seeing how when I drop the ball on responsibility, I am really asking someone else to pick up for me. An example might be a job that I am procrastinating on, and I put it off, and then it causes stress for myself and other people, and that is irresponsible. People are now using their time and energy to fix my problem. And we seem to have an issue with handing it back to people – the responsibility that is. We all jump in to fix things.In the long-term (and often in the short-term) that does not serve.

  139. Its a pity we have not been taught about energy, and energetic responsibility in school or growing up in the family unit, as understanding life from an energetic point of view would raise the standard of relationships with ourselves, between people and countries.

    1. Well said Johanne for understanding life from an energetic point of view shifts your whole viewpoint of what is at play in the everyday challenges of human life.

  140. The current situation of the world is a true representation of what most are choosing to align to, and that is mainly for that of self-gain and not for the good of all which comes from living with a level of energetic responsibility in line with the pull of evolution back to soul.

    1. True Francisco – our current way of being really advertises the fact that irresponsibility doesn’t work.

  141. To be responsible is really only being in line with the natural order and flow of life and yet we are so determined to go against it for our own individuality.

  142. My first responsibility is to stay connected to my body and connected to God. If I step away from that there is no true energetic responsibility in anything else I do.

  143. If responsibility means to understand deeply that we live in a human body and by detecting that we realize we are far more than that what kind of responsibility do we live then in the moment on earth?

  144. Part of this responsibility is to let go of the self and recognise that the true purpose of my life is to serve for all of us and not only for myself or a few I know well, which I might be naming family or close friends. No it is also about my neighbours, all people in the city I live in, the country I live in, the continent, the world. I can go on for a while and probably would end up somewhere at the borders of the universe if they would exist. That said, it is absolutely not about myself but about everything we are a part of, we all are equally responsible for.

  145. “Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.” Being responsible is both incompatible and also the healer of feeling like we are the victim of everything. Being responsible is often seen as annoying or hard but hey it is the answer to our woes. If we have obesity we have to look at how we are eating, why we are eating, what we are eating, when we are eating but also how we think during the day, how we move, how we put ourselves to bed – in the end this is the only way to change and we know but are we willing to be this honest?

  146. It is another whole level of responsibility when we realise that the quality of movements, thoughts and actions all can have a impact on others.

  147. I never truly understood energetic responsibility until I made a choice which brought my body into a devastated condition. When I saw why I took this choice I understood it was not a loving choice. Energetic responsibility is to then stop and change what I now know is not true, to listen to my body and honour it.

    1. I find it interesting how many of us need to be brought to our knees before me make a stop – that can only mean that we have ignored and/or pushed through a lot of signals from our bodies before we got to that point.

  148. Great point that our personal level of responsibility that we choose on a daily basis in our lives has an impact on a much larger world scale. We think we don’t make a difference but energetically our actions accumulate and congregate to form the bigger picture which then reflects back to us the level of responsibility we are choosing to live with each day.

  149. Yes, Helen. We can take a position in life such as being a victim, and use every experience or challenge to confirm its validity, when really we are just using it as an excuse to not be more responsible.

    1. Yes not be more responsible and not take the lead in our lives. We sit in comfort waiting for someone else to live it for us. Then we blame them when the wheels come off and it gets uncomfortable because there is no true foundation.

  150. Responsibility can be deepened every moment. What was of a lesser responsibility or irresponsibility lived is a moment we have chosen and stood by. If it is a moment we have also allowed ourselves to feel its consequences, we can choose how our next moment to be. Responsibility is there simply when we take the steps to live it, it does not need for us to think or promise how responsible we have to be.

  151. Every day there is an uncovering of something where more responsibility is called for and this will be an ongoing unfolding process as we peel away that which we put in the way of seeing clearly our part to play in something.

  152. Absolutely Helen, . . “Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.” . . . mine also for I can no longer blame anything on anyone or any situation as everything is a reflection of everything I do say and think.

  153. To be aware of the world and my contribution in it means nothing to me unless I truly understand what it means to live responsibly with self. It is an unfolding journey to live energetic responsibly with self but every move I make towards it is not to be discounted or dismissed but appreciated in every way.

  154. Yes me too Ariana, it was very controlled and measured and came with punishment and heaviness. Understanding true energetic responsibility has shown a totally new light on what responsibility truly is and it offers so much more than the old understanding, it offers freedom and liberation when we live in energetic responsibility.

  155. The irresponsibility in this world and with all of us is enormous and something that could change so simply by acknowledging the true responsibility we all have and to allow ourselves to feel all we feel instead of numbing this as it is too much. True responsibility and love would grow for us all and the world and Universe we are all part of. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are bringing the Energetic responsibility, integrity and the truth of what is going on and true love back to humanity for us all to see.

  156. A great expose Helen of the ways of the human spirit that lives within us all. Under its rule we choose a version of ‘responsibility’ (looking good to please others) to mask the ill choices we have chosen to live that are not in keeping with the love we have withdrawn from. This is the ultimate act of (energetic) irresponsibility and one we have all played ball with.

    1. Well said, Liane. Most of us have chosen a version of life that ticks the boxes of what appears to be responsible by society’s measures, but in fact we are all settling for what is indeed a far cry from the pure divinity of who we truly are.

  157. ‘It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.’ – A great place to start is to learn to observe life and the world around us as opposed to absorb it and by that, being at the constant mercy of what is going on outside of ourselves.

  158. ‘Once it was presented to me that on entering a room, anyone can feel (if they choose to) what has been happening there ‘ This is because we all sense the energy that has been left but is our choice whether to acknowledge it and read it.

    1. Yes, and I experienced that with my children, especially one of them at a very early age (under 4) when we were looking for a house to rent and my son would come to the viewings with me. One house in particular he refused to even set foot in the house saying it’s a bad house and we can’t live there… I accepted his feeling and we did not go in. I did ask the estate agent though and it was confirmed to me that that particular house had been broken into quite a few times…

  159. Understanding what is Energetic Responsibility truly has shifted the goal post, is a game changer as it has turned the world upside down, in every aspect of our life shares the true power of who we are. So how important is it to understand the true meanings of any word and the energetic integrity that they can come to us based on what is understood from our energetic responsibility. Then our integrity towards humanity would bring an openness or transparency so our true love deepens.

  160. It is incredible how we have made the word ‘responsibility’ into a tick box exercise as in the earlier part of this blog. Yet the fact is responsibility is a living thing and forever grows as our awareness expands. All we can do is to choose is to numb our awareness as most of humanity is doing, so we conveniently cannot feel neither the immense love within us, nor our responsibility.

  161. I have seen what the impact of living with responsibility of our output to the world looks like. I have been fortunate in my life to have met and been deeply inspired by women and men who live only with this purpose – nothing else matters but the quality of their energetic vibration. The ripples of this are immense and just to stand beside someone living this integrity can without words change how you feel and support you to come back to yourself. Incredible that we choose to not be aware consciously of the energy that we all feel day to day and yet chose to add to the energetic pool that essentially we are all peeing in!

  162. Taking responsibility isn’t a doing to please others. It is doing what needs to be done from the connection to our body, our being, our Soul – to which we connect through our inner-heart and Life around us (the body of God).

  163. ‘Changing ingrained patterns of behaviour can be challenging, but it is our energetic responsibility to reflect to others the loving choices we can make every day: we can continue to strive for personal gain whatever the impact on others, or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all.’ Beautifully said.

  164. I am so fed up of doing the ‘right’ thing – we spend out lives pleasing other people or filling everyone else’s needs whilst not doing what we feel to do or honouring ourselves – this is exhausting and to be truthful, you’ll end up miserable. It’s not about doing the ‘right thing’ but doing what you feel. Something I really need to work on.

  165. ‘The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me.’ I can say Helen that I have found it the other way round too. As I witness the irresponsibility around me so I too feel the reflection in me. Thus those areas in which I choose irresponsibility have a light shone on them.

    1. I agree Jane that it can definitely work both ways and in the past I have sometimes judged someone for something they have done and then realised that actually I am equally irresponsible even if superficially we may appear different.

  166. “Doing the ‘right’ thing was important even if no one else knew you were doing it. ” I spent my whole life before I came to Universal Medicine being caught between doing the right and wrong thing, feeling guiltily in myself and trying to be something that I thought people wanted me to be. It was quite shocking really as nothing about what I was doing or how I felt about myself was based on truth or love. Changing my life so that is now the case, that love and truth are my foundations, is the greatest choice that I ever made.

  167. It’s a hard one to accept that all our choices has an affect on everyone and the whole. Because when we do we have to admit and accept all the times that we haven’t and we don’t want to look at this because we know how damaging it has been. Part of accepting this is to bring understanding to our awareness at the time and then also it is about stepping up and saying no to it any longer.

  168. Who would have thought that the way we move can have an impact on someone on the other side of the world! This may sound absurd or perhaps too far fetched but it is not when we consider that everything is energy and that we live in a bubble of energy that works like a giant pool feeding our thoughts and emotions.

  169. When you have an argument with someone or feel tension between you, it’s actually a completely different experience to consider YOUR part to play and responsibility before getting lost in the blame we often hang on the other person’s head. It changes everything

  170. I was recently in the UK and heard a lot about UK politics from various people. But what stood out for me was that some people don’t vote because they don’t like any of the policital leaders. Now this I can understand as there appear to be few leaders of any country currently actually being a leader. However, what people are not realising is that by not voting, they are voting. And the vote these days isn’t for the best leader, but for the party that will do the least harm for the people. It’s a sad and sorry state of affairs but we have all contributed to this with our apathy and allowing standards to slip without speaking up about them.

  171. “The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me.” And so we begin to see the truth of how we have set up our societies, what we have allowed to fester because we have not addressed it within ourselves or abolished it within our communities. Starting with self is the most powerful base we can establish, one that empowers us to clean up our communities by starting on the micro scale, spreading the ripples of true respect, integrity and responsibility wherever we go and with all we meet. It has an enormous impact.

  172. I have hidden behind ‘being small’ persona for much of my life… hidden and small being the main words. I am aware not only of how this diminishes me but also how it diminishes others.

  173. Doing the ‘right’ thing has always be huge for me. It has related to what is right for everyone else but never took into account what is true for me. What I know is the more I do what is true for me the more it encompasses everyone without even trying – its quite magical how it works – quite simply choose love and everything is taken care of.

  174. Energetic responsibility would change a nation if it would be accepted by society..

  175. Doing the right thing over being energetically responsible has in the past made my life complicated. Learning what energetic responsibility is, and has nothing to do with doing the right thing has taken me a while to unravel as it was so deeply ingrained in me. I can still get caught up between the dilemma and confusion I sometime feel of trying to do the right thing over taking full energetic responsibility.

  176. Over time, we discover that living with a sliding scale of responsibility becomes a way of life, having had plenty of role models as examples! Just because it has always been that way doesn’t mean it we have been energetically responsible for anything, we can’t cherry pick what we think is being responsible!

  177. Helen I agree with you as it feels to me that the world we currently live in positively encourages irresponsibility and I am very much aware that this is via an energy that we are choosing to allow to flow though us. Becoming aware of this particular flow of energy has taken me a while to fully comprehend as I have not wanted to look at my life and how I have been living. What has supported me to actually go there and lay bare my current ways of living is Universal Medicine and all the workshops I have attended. And I have been in resistance to much of what was presented. But these last few years I have more and more felt uncomfortable in my choices. I am discovering that being energetically responsible is not as difficult as I was making it out to be and my resistance was my comfortable life, why change that? This is where to me energetic responsibility really comes into play because just because I have an amazing life many other people don’t, and if it is possible to have a positive impact by the way I live my life on others and not a negative one then I am committed to living in a way that reflects that so that a different choice can be clearly felt.

  178. Being responsible as I understood it in the past and being truly responsible are surprisingly different. There are substantial areas of overlap but true responsibility also asks me to be all of that I am in my movements, my actions, even in my rest and repose.

    1. Bringing these two elements together in what you say Christoph “to be all of that I am … in my rest and repose” allows me to appreciate the fullness of who I am –’even when’ I am not doing anything, where ‘doing’ these days has become the accepted form of currency for worth. But that in fact my worth and responsibility instead lays in being.

  179. Taking energetic responsibility support us to be in harmony with each other because like you’ve shared Helen it is not compatible with ‘victimhood’.

    1. Ah very clearly put Chan Ly. Yes being in the victim state offers no freedom or liberation from that state. Only true responsibility can offer this and with an understanding of energetic responsibility this might become a lot easier for people.

  180. Yes, we find it more convenient to be ‘hard done by’ rather than take responsibility for looking at why things are the way they are.

    1. Being ‘hard done by’ means we can blame another for our choices and then ignorantly continue to live our lives the way we want to without considering the effect on others. Whereas no one is ever ‘hard done by’ as nothing ever happens to us by chance and everything before us is a great opportunity to learn so we can return back to the love we all are in full.

  181. ‘It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.’ I love this. It’s permission to take away the judgement, to be curious about how I live and to reflect and feel the impact or grace of the quality I choose and choose which way I would like to make a difference because I either confirm what is not loving but is abusive, or I confirm we are love.

  182. I too Helen have wanted others to side with me in the past in disagreements with others, but I can see in doing that I’m not really open to truth. Only honouring and appreciating myself and what I feel is right for me and expressing that with my own full backing is the way to go.

  183. It sometimes feels like we can be very hard on ourselves once we become aware that our past choices are actually harmful. In doing so we become judgemental of ourselves and then on others as we recognise their lack of responsibility as a reflection of our own.

  184. It is interesting how we apply ‘responsibility’ to some things and disregard it for others. Responsibility is a way of Living in every moment ..it doesn’t turn on and off.

    1. Right on the mark here Jenny – we can not choose to be responsible for one thing and then not for another. With the understanding of energetic responsibility the -off switch can no longer be activated.

  185. Taking on responsibility for other things has been a very effective way for me to hide and bring all of myself to my relationship with God and myself.

  186. All my life I’ve lived with an attitude that I deserved a lot because I was worth that and did a lot for others. This isn’t energetic responsible at all. I am learning that when I choose to be with me that there’s so so much to appreciate. This is deepening every day. I’m in awe with the beauty of life and the way our world is held together! In pure Love.

  187. Put simply there is an energy FIRST before any movement. There is energy that unites people in truth and equality and there is energy that divides and serve self fulfilling agendas.

  188. Being energetically responsible is huge as it really means that everything we do effects everything else and everyone – whilst this happens regardless actually taking responsibility in full can seem daunting at 1st and at times but sooner or later we will know it is the only way.

  189. Oh, I know I can still sometimes want people on my side when there is a disagreement Helen, it is imposing my ideas on them, it is true. Thank you for pointing that example out, because we can be imposing without choosing to notice it, more so with family we have invested in. We must constantly feel how we need to accept our responsibility that everything we say, do or think affects everyone else.

  190. Responsibility is usually something understood to be part of how we are with others, with the wider world. But what Universal Medicine has shown me and what i have seen through observing Serge Benhayon is that responsibility is a 24/7 movement and whatever we are doing even when we are on our own has a ripple effect on the whole. What I mean is that responsibility isn’t something that we can just switch on and off. This is a huge learning for me.

    1. Yes, it is a bit awkward in the beginning to have this awareness but then it is very joyful to live that way.

      1. And when the word Energetic is added there is a deepening to the flavour of the word Responsibility. So Energetic Responsibility is so much than our actions, thoughts and words.

  191. I’m very irresponsible in how I take care of myself – and this is the one major thing that really irks me in this world and saddens me – and that is peoples’ lack of true care.

  192. “I was often very irresponsible in how I took care of myself”. It is odd how we regard being responsible as taking care of others, but neglect to put our selves in the picture too, a very warped understanding of what this word really means. True responsibility arises from a quality of movement within our bodies that then ripples out into the world and therefore makes our own self care a quintessential ingredient.

  193. “It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.” True Helen, and once this is initiated, our responsibility naturally grows from here.

  194. Responsibility can be very simple, surrendering to the truth within and expressing it, but often we choose the hard and complicated way.

  195. Often society does not want to take responsibility for making choices and then neither does it want to take responsibility for the consequences.

    1. Hahaha yes so true, if only everyone knew how liberating it is to take true responsibility – to view and feel it as a gift rather than a burden …

  196. Using the ripple in a pool analogy in an earlier comment for living in a responsible way that inspires others, so too we can live irresponsibly and similarly those ripples will negatively impact all those around us… it really is as simple as making a choice – will our ripples be harming or loving?

  197. I’m really appreciating whenever I become aware of behaviours that aren’t loving of other people because it’s only then that I can change. I love feeling how my behaviours have impacted others – yes there’s a huge ouch involved but it’s this that is what gets me to realise no, no more.

    1. I found that also, and sometimes when that realisation has hit in the past how my behaviour has affected others, if was quite shocking for me to realise especially as it had not been my intention at all. Conscious presence and a constant awareness of the fact that everything is energy and that we have also energetic responsibility has made a huge difference as to how I live my life and how I am with myself and others.

  198. There’s such a power and strength in choosing to love! Not because we have to love, but simply because there’s nothing more we love than loving ourselves and loving others. Making it possible for others to get to know the love that’s inside of them equally.

  199. ‘recognising that how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time.’ – Love the honesty here and I can relate to having had to completely look at my own life and my contribution to the whole, and I found it was not all pretty as I had brushed quite a few things under the carpet.

    1. Beginning to take responsibility in some areas exposes irresponsibility in other areas. We have all lived lifetimes of irresponsibility. The world nurtures irresponsibility. Our parents, teachers, peers and friends all live varying degrees of irresponsibility. It’s pretty much everywhere! So correcting this momentum is an ever-evolving journey – thus it’s important to appreciate this along the way.

      1. Excellent point Otto, the world does foster irresponsibility… this means that our job to pull ourselves up takes a lot of honesty and is that much more challenging.

      2. I agree Jo, the world does foster irresponsibility. But it is also very important to note that this is in fact not our natural way; responsibility is the true flow of our bodies. So I would say that it actually takes more effort to be irresponsible than it does to be responsible; which means that actually we are living back to front and that we would all be significantly less exhausted and riddled with illness and disease if we started living responsibility as a normal. It’s who we are.

      3. Yes so true, irresponsibility is everywhere and it can feel overwhelming difficult to change. Appreciation of what we bring is key as our choices are always felt whether seen or not and the ripple effect will always continue.

    2. This would ring true for me too and I also have made a big difference in my life due to this understanding and the teachings of Serge Benhayon. Life for me is very different now.

  200. Living with every aspect being a true marker for others to clearly understand that we are ultimately responsible for our every action. This is done to our greatest capability and then also to not impose on anyone’s free will so that we all are open and not closed to divine evolution.

  201. “I prided myself on being honest and pointing out, for example, if a shopkeeper had undercharged me, but in reality, I was often very irresponsible in how I took care of myself and also how my frequent disregard for myself and my wellbeing impacted all those around me.” its really intersting how we may say we are honest and responsible but in truth that is just a cover up over our complete irresponsibility. Well that was the case for me, then in comes energetic responsibility and doing the right thing or saying words quickly gets exposed as a cover up as the energetic quality in which you do something does not lie.

  202. How many times do we need to learn that division on all levels doesn’t work? Making ourselves safe and protecting our own is not loving.

  203. It’s really interesting to explore the relationship between our emotions and the behaviours that are reflected to us. As Helen states, being angry develops experiences where anger came back towards her. Life seems very much a case of perspective, we create the surrounding we experience by how we live and interact. If we have poison then poison is all around our life, if we commit to being loving in how we talk and share then there is more room for that. I can feel how strongly that is an energetic law of cause and effect as explained by Universal Medicine. It takes “what we put out, we get back” to another level of energetic responsibility.

  204. And I feel Ariana that our need for distraction is as a direct result of our lack of energetic responsibility. Once energetic responsibility is restored then there will be no need for distraction.

  205. I used to love walking in the snow in the UK because it reminded me how everyone walks leaving an imprint, you can’t see it normally, but we can feel it, and it affects all of us.

  206. It’s interesting how the assumed meaning of responsibility leads to feeling burdened and trapped. Whereas living the true meaning of responsibility leaves us feeling free and light. There is a vast difference.

  207. Our choices have a forever ripple effect, we cannot therefore deny that the responsibility we take contributes to the greater pool of energy within which we all live.

  208. Harbouring any sexiest, racist or bigoted opinions within us, within our families, within our communities and within our nations feeds a separatist consciousness that divides the world, providing the perfect nesting ground for war. We are all responsible for the quality of our global politics and current affairs because we have not stood up for Truth and true Unity. Resuming responsibility for ourselves begins with addressing these insidious evils and realising the absolute truth that we are like it or not, a one unified race of beings, always have been, always will be regardless of how much we have denied it. True responsibility is a living exercise of absolute brotherhood.

  209. “For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament.” Without understanding energetic responsibility, it becomes all too easy to blame the situation we are in or another person without taking responsibility for the part we played in it..Taking responsibility back to ourselves is the only way we get to unravel the truth of every situation.

  210. A beautiful constellation. Yesterday, at the start of a course I was facilitating, I pondered and asked myself ‘what more can I bring to this?’ The old way no longer felt true. Re-reading your blog this morning inspired me to see that placing energetic responsibility at the heart of the course would transform its quality and depth. Thank you Helen.

  211. The more of us that start living with true energetic responsibility the more it will inspire others to do so, we are all in this together even though Nationality, class, religious beliefs and culture keep us separate and from this truth.

  212. We did an exercise once where we all moved seats anti clockwise to a seat that someone else had been sitting on. We then felt the seat and how it felt after the person had been sitting there. We then did the same exercise after talking about a topic that made us upset, stressed or angry and the difference was extraordinary. It was such a wake up call for me to realise how all our actions matter as at that point I had never considered the impact of my actions on the person coming after me.

  213. The level of responsibility to life in general, and to the the societies we live in more specifically, is reflected back to us in every moment of the day. This I will call a science in itself and worth to study as it might give us the answers to all that is not going so well in our nowadays societies.

  214. What you share here shows so beautifully that we can always deepen our understanding of responsibility and thus the awareness of ourselves and the impact our every move has.

  215. It’s actually no fun at all blaming someone else for something – it just makes you feel resentful or even bitter! Why would we go there if we can responsibly choose otherwise?

  216. It’s a complete game changer when realising the energetic impact we have on each other. In the knowing of what we create when we are irresponsible, living with greater and increasing responsibility becomes easier.

  217. Interesting and enjoyable post to read Helen, how true responsibility, its meaning and effect do change when there is the consideration of energy – something and a fact most of us like to remain unaware of and in this irresponsible even though we might well be totally responsible in a temporal setting.

  218. ‘There is a wider energetic responsibility currently playing out in many countries around the world.’ whilst having my hair cut recently I started a conversation with the barber about Brexit and the UK. She was from Canada and we quickly began talking about the global nature of such events and that they are not limited to any one country as is written here. We are very good at only looking as far as our (self-created) borders when in fact we are all in this together and need to realise the effect of our actions on not only us but the bigger picture.

  219. The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me. This is so true, and when we are open to seeing what is there to be seen and felt, we bring truth and love to it.

  220. “Once it was presented to me that on entering a room, anyone can feel (if they choose to) what has been happening there” I love this – what if our lives were totally made of sand and everyone could see every imprint that we make? And what if energy has the same effect but we just can’t see it?

  221. It’s so true. It is seemingly easier to simply blame someone, the situation, the country or even the world or life for being a certain way and hence contributing to our experiences we do not like. We conveniently think in such cases that we are not at fault or have no part in it yet in any such case we are the common denominator so could it be that we equally have our part to play too?

    1. No one person has a bigger part to play than another. We are all equal parts of the whole. A librarian in a remote town needs to be as energetically responsible as a world leader, an equal patch of God is an equal patch of God.

  222. “The energy that I allowed to flow through my body and out to others was not loving” it is so unheard of for people to consider the quality of energy that they allow through themselves yet it is what I come to understand deeper and deeper is what true responsibility is all about. When we have responsibility being about this level of care and detail then it changes everything in our approach to life and how we are with ourselves. Very inspiring and clear.

  223. Energetic responsibility takes responsibility to a whole new level, and sets the bar for the service we are all needing in life. From observing my physical movements on a daily basis it’s easy to be compliant and tick the boxes of responsibility – but to offer integrity, 100% and a loving energy in all that we do is what really makes a difference.

    1. Harry, I completely agree. It’s all well and good committing to being present, moving in a way that supports us but if are actions are not with integrity and from love then how responsible are we really being?

  224. It is like ripples in a pool… “when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves … to live in a way that is not harming” then we inspire others to also live in the same way, and they inspire others and so on… role models with energetic integrity and energetic responsibility.

    1. Yes and just because we do not see the way in which the ripple ripples it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

  225. ‘Doing the ‘right’ thing was important …’ Righteousness will always leave us seeking recognition on some level to confirm that we are ‘right’ – yet, being true is complete and needs nothing.

  226. I am seeing how invested I am in certain images of how life ‘should be’ and can see how irresponsible that actually is, that I engage with the world from pictures of what I want it to be or how I want others to be is not a loving engagement. That then influences everything that happens next, which is living life in a way that is not true.

  227. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’ – If everyone applied this in their lives, it would change our world in an instant. A lot of, if not most, people are deepy concerned about the situation in todays world. Question is, do we want true change?

  228. The theme of responsibility is one that many have been writing on recently, breaking down our understanding of it and taking it to a deeper level. I once prided myself too on being a responsible person, always being considerate of others, however I have realised that true responsibility comes with being truly responsible with myself and that means dealing with my hurts, re-learing what it truly means to be gentle, honouring and nurturing with myself so that I can take the deepest part of my essence to all those I come into contact with for them to feel met by.

  229. Accepting responsibility on the energetic level is very humbling for we can no longer perceive ourselves as isolated beings who have no affect on others. Everything we do has an energetic impact on the all and so there are no secret moments of irresponsibility any more. As I often remind myself, if I act irresponsibly, I am responsible for this too.

  230. “Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.” Mine too Helen, a change that I am forever grateful for. Accepting and working with this responsibility requires perpetual focus and refinement, but it brings a depth of evolution that was not expected and hence benefits all of us, evidence that when we resume self responsibility the effects of this action spread far and wide.

  231. Knowing that everything we do has an impact on everything else – energetic responsibility – can feel overwhelming but in truth it is empowering.

  232. It is so easy to think we are being responsible by doing the ‘right thing’, ‘doing one’s duty’ However, this is not truly being responsible as what we are doing here is ticking the boxes to ideals and beliefs we have consciously or unconsciously chosen to live by. What you describe here, Helen, is true responsibility.

  233. If we’re confronted with irresponsible behaviour I’m learning that it forever offers me an opportunity to deepen my own responsibility. But also the other way around, that due to growing my own responsibility I’m blessed by so many people also taking responsibility which I benefit from. Without me expecting it. This grows my joy and commitment to life. As I’m learning that the way I do things matters, which means I do matter. And in this there’s a forever growing appreciation of myself, others, life and God.

  234. Responsibility and energetic responsibility are two completely different topics. Energetic responsibility takes this subject to the universe and beyond…it’s so big that it’s no wonder that we want to avoid it at all costs.

  235. How responsible are we for the Millennials? This is generation Y and X that appears to not want any responsibilities! Could they be the inheritance we are leaving the world? By changing the way we have been living and start full being energetically responsible we become role models for another way of living.

  236. Taking energetic responsibility is very supportive and loving for both ourselves and others.

  237. Understanding that everything that happens to us is as a direct result of choices we have made throughout all our lives presents a different perspective and takes away any ‘victim’ mentality we might be indulging in. It makes us more aware of the choices that we make from here on.

  238. Helen what you share is for all of us to reflect on our energetic responsibility to life. How we have been living and are currently choosing to live. We have choices to make and we can choose to respond from love and truth.

    1. Great way to put this Amita “We have choices to make”, it shows that life is about choice, always. There is never not a choice.

  239. Most of us would have had the experience of walking into a room and sensing everything is not OK. We also may have felt the silence that seems to come over a room as conversation dies down when we walk in! The feeling of discomfort that arises. Energetic Responsibility is so important to the harmony in our environment, country or community in general . We are all connected so this makes sense!

  240. If we don’t choose energetic responsibility who will? The more who say ‘yes’ and bring the power and clarity and love released through making this choice, the more chance everyone has of choosing this!

  241. So often the traditional understanding of responsibility leads to a lack of true responsibility. I know from my own experience that I felt responsible for others as well as responsible for the environment and doing the right thing and always put these things above being responsible for myself. It has taken me a while to return to the truth that we are each a patch of God and our responsibility is to tend our own patch. By each of us tending to our own Divine patch we will restore the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and that my friends is the name of the game.

    1. Love your expression Alexis and yes to tending my ‘own Divine patch’ rather than distracting myself by feeling responsible for others or the environment and the overwhelm that comes from that. Embracing the simplicity of this keeps me focussed and supports my continued expansion and understanding of my role.

  242. It’s fascinating to note, as you do in your first paragraph Helen, how we can say one thing and live another. These kind of inconsistencies in our behaviour and actions are the very things we need to look out for and resolve.

  243. Every choice we make, our thoughts, words and actions all have immense impact on others and the quality of life around us. Also this planet is set up for us to keep experiencing all that we need to learn in order to help us return to the depth of love that is our original expression, hence karma.
    It is immensely empowering to know this. We are in no shape or form ever victims of circumstance, and it always boils down to the level of love and truth we choose to live and express.

  244. Helen, ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life’, this is great, my approach to life and to people has also changed. I used to only really want to talk to my friends and family and found conversation with ‘strangers’ a waste of time, I no longer feel this way and love talking with people that I meet and enjoy these connections, I can feel how we are all one big family and I love connecting with people in this way.

  245. Understanding the choice we have with responsibility is a like a light globe moment. When we connect to the truth of energetic responsibility then a clarity illuminates the illusion of what until that point has been understood as responsible behaviour. Not only are we released from the tension of personal self imposed behaviours that make it all about us, when choosing energetic responsibility we are offered a lightness and joy of purpose and “ we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all.”

  246. I love this call to greater energetic responsibility, especially for countries (which we individuals make up the ‘end’ energetic quality). Having recently been in the UK in the lead up to an election, I got to hear many people express a lot of blame, their dissatisfaction with politicians, the EU and how much better off the UK would be on their own. There seems to be little consideration of how we as individuals contribute to any mess we find our country in. This can then lead to scapegoating of certain groups, be they refugees, the unemployed etc. It is an important step back to love and responsibility to understand that just because we don’t have a direct physical impact on an issue, does not mean we haven’t contributed to it energetically.

  247. I too was raised to be ‘responsible’ and to do the ‘right thing’ but I was still living in disregard. I can now appreciate the huge difference it would make if, as children, we were supported to nurture our energetic awareness and to understand the impact our livingness can have on those around us.

  248. There’s a loving response possible in every situation we encounter in life. I am learning that I am choosing (!!) my response. Which is teaching me how often I’ve chosen to respond from everything, but love. Which has led to many situations which weren’t supporting for both myself as well as other(s). We crave love and it is in (energetic) fact the most natural thing to do. We’re love, innately and very deeply so. Despite what life may do to us.

  249. ‘Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role…’ – brilliantly said! I have come to know that if I am truly responsible then I can account for everything that happens based on my choices. Simple as that.

  250. I too felt my contribution to Brexit, in particular the element of wanting to covert things for myself and not share – or only as long as I was ok. A kind of insecurity and anxiety around others taking things so I wouldn’t survive or even be comfortable was there. There was a general every man for himself mentality that didn’t allow for the natural impulse to know we are here to support others in a way that doesn’t leave them or us less.

  251. It is true freedom to be able to observe life and our own behaviours with a lens of understanding and acceptance and the intent to learn and to grow.

  252. ‘ It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.’ Wise words.. like everything, we can’t feel how much we have invested in ‘not caring’ until we begin to honour the fact that we do care.

  253. So beautifully expressed, our responsibility is grand but not a burden if we make the choice to serve and care for ourselves.

  254. Hmm, the more we look deeper onto the truth about energetic responsibility, the more is revealed how irresponsible we have been, it is very exposing Helen. But when we make this start, as you describe, we can grow as we understand the importance that absolutely every moment counts with whatever we are thinking or doing.

  255. Well, it makes sense that it isn’t taught as ‘energy’ is not something that is much understood at all.

  256. I am not sure that politicians and judges are that far removed from society – they tend to have to deal with far more of the underbelly of life than most of us.

  257. Being energetically responsible or just having responsibility for everything we do with the understanding of the knock on affect it will have on our lives is so simple but extremely important.

  258. To live with energetic responsibility means there is no ‘off time’ – every movement we make and even every thought we have, contributes to the whole.

  259. “It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility.” -H.E.

    These are powerful words in a world that has been trying very hard not to feel how we are living…

    It is this kind of honesty that will begin to turn us around; that will lead to us learning to live as the loving beings we truly are.

  260. Every thing matters, very little thought and movement has an effect. This is a show stopping truth that humanity wants to avoid at every opportunity, but a powerful one to re-claim, it brings with it enormous healing and evolution.

  261. Nothing truly changes until we choose to take responsibility for ourselves, the way that we live and for how we are then impacting on everyone and everything around us. Living with energetic responsibility changes everything and it’s the key to us returning to our natural way of being together and restoring harmony and balance to this planet.

  262. ‘For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament.’ This is so true, Helen. It’s much easier to cast the blame onto others and play the victim than to step up and take responsibility for the part we have played in how things are and learn from the experience so that the pattern can’t repeat. If this is our pattern, we are probably doing it in more than one area of our lives.

  263. The energetic responsibility you speak of could indeed change relations world wide because the love and harmony we truly seek is inside of ourselves and can’t be given to us by another. We could all move on working together without the blame and victim stories, but with the ability to truly change how things are by beginning with ourselves and our own lives

  264. ‘ For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament’ So very, very true Helen, most of humanity live in this ignorance and I for one put my hand up. However, since learning about energetic responsibility, I have changed and my life has changed in taking responsibility for all my choices and that how I live and how I am with others affects everyone else as we are all swimming in the one big pool. The reality is we either harm or we heal with our movements.

  265. What you bring it back to Helen is that we always have the power to change things simply by deepening our understanding of the situation at hand and see where we can refine our relationship with ourselves and each other.

  266. “The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me.” This is so true. Once we wake up to how we are ourselves truly living and behaving, we start to see it reflected in all areas of life around us. It is then that we start to appreciate the deeper level of energetic responsiblity that we all have for ourselves and for each other.

  267. So often we have held the belief that what we do in private or away from others does not affect them. Understanding that all of our thoughts, actions and intentions do in fact affect everything and everyone else highlights the call to energetic responsibility.

  268. Awareness is key to saying ‘goodbye to the victim mentality’ and being willing to say ‘hello and welcome’ to return to living with Energetic Responsibility. Something we all know the truth of deep inside.
    “It is only when we start to feel how we are living, and commit to making choices that support ourselves and others to live in a way that is not harming, that we can become more aware of how it is to live with Energetic Responsibility”.

  269. “energetic emissions” i like this Shirley-Ann for sure we are all responsible for the quality of air we breathe.

  270. “The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me.”
    As we learn to observe ourselves, bringing acceptance and understanding to our behaviours and patterns, we begin to clock how they are mirrored by the world around us. In the same way that my 11yr old son can be sneaky around iPad/iphones, i too can be sneaky with food & overeating. Thank-you for sharing Helen how energetic responsibility; lived & embodied; can be a point of inspiration on a micro cosmic, macro cosmic scale.

  271. ‘Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.’ Even though we might not want to accept and fully see it our nations are an amazing reflection on how we are choosing to live as individuals.

  272. Energetic responsibility is something not one of us can ever escape from. We can only fool ourselves.

  273. I keep coming back to this blog because it is so refreshing to be able to have these conversations openly about the world and our part in it. It seems to me that mostly we seem dissatisfied with the world and what is happening in it. If I have understood correctly all you have written Helen, if we all took care of our thoughts and feelings as individuals then the world would change over night. The micro affecting the macro. Surely that is something worth us all contemplating.

    1. ‘The micro affecting the macro.’ – A great point Mary, we tend to dismiss details as insignificant, little do we know how hugely this affects everything in our lives and beyond. I have met people who cannot understand why they out of the blue get a serious illness when all their lives they have lived healthy and done ‘the right thing’. Did they perhaps brush the details under the carpet?

  274. If we were to connect to and feel each other’s essence, there would not be racism, as we would know are all the same despite color or nationality.

  275. It is uncomfortable to feel how often we contribute to the calamities of this world without being aware of it. In truth unawareness is the name of the game, which most of us play, as soon as we are getting aware, we cannot be manipulated any more in order to contribute to the harm in this world.

  276. This’ wider energetic responsibility’ that you speak of Helen is so important, and it is so important that each one of us wakes up to that, preferably choosing it and not waiting for the big accident or illness to make us stop and go there. We have been given this awesome opportunity by the great teacher Serge Benhayon to actually choose it – it is available to all.

  277. How our disregard for self affects others is a crucial point, the more we consider other people are impacted by our own care, the more we see the responsibility in looking after ourselves. Martyrdom is really exposed as not being loving or caring for anyone.

  278. Another day, another fight, another argument. We have become so used to disharmony as our day to day, it’s like we accept it and seek it out. So it’s powerful when you finally say, as you do Helen, ‘I don’t accept this in my life anymore’. Seeing ourselves as separate islands who can ‘leave’ like with the Brexit vote, is just part of us hiding our head in the sand from the responsibility we all have.

  279. This is a lot of pressure that many of us feel in our understanding of responsibility – I was brought up to be ‘responsible’ and to have an awareness that how I acted affected other people. But what if we considered more deeply what does responsibility really mean – responsibility is very powerful when we look at energetic responsibility – its the quality we bring to the world, it is far more greater than the limitations of being responsible for our actions, because what quality is our action in?

  280. When we are not expressing our true selves, we confuse other people because they can read our body language and if there is any conflict with the words we are speaking, that can be felt.

  281. By simply living in harmony with everyone we meet then that is passed on and this divine reflection would soon be what would become the new normal. Harmony is eternal and peace is at best momentary.

  282. it is entirely possible to create a personality from our energetic choices without ever having to act out the actions which would normally go with it and this is so often the case for so many of us. I know full well I did this for many years in order to feel protected and to hide my sensitivity. In doing this however we are not considering the wider effects. of this.

  283. Helen the importance of tying the macroscopic picture with the microscopic picture can not be over emphasised and so I am delighted that you have laid it out so clearly in what you have shared. It’s time we woke up to the fact that it is us who are creating the world that we live in; literally with each breath that we take.

  284. “I was brought up to be ‘responsible’ and to have an awareness that how I acted affected other people”.

    After reading this sentence for the 2nd time I can feel how I’ve chosen to focus on other people far more than having the focus on me. I’ve tried to control other people and their reactions in a (desperate) way to not be exposed to what lives within me. This has brought me a lot of emptiness and an ignorance of the (energetic) fact that I was avoiding to feel how I actually missed myself. Using other people to distract myself from the irresponsibility that I choose…

  285. What is our gold standard of being responsible? Is it an ideal or a truth? I more and more realize through experience that it is only true when it is embodied, ie. lived and thus an expression that comes from the body and emanates with what we do and speak – thus there is integrity. That what cannot be lived and embodied as it is a mere ideal, picture or expectation will not be true responsibility, ie energetic responsibility. The body can only embody a frequency of energy that is in harmony with its natural energetic making, other energies only can impose upon the body for a while before the disharmony exposes the falsity of such versions of responsibility.

  286. ‘There is a wider energetic responsibility currently playing out in many countries around the world. For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament.’ In conversations with many there is the sense that ‘the powers that be’ – ‘the them’ are responsible for all our woes. Very few of us are willing to be honest enough to admit that how we live and our lack of expression has contributed to the state the world is in. We are all collectively culpable, but changing this doesn’t have to be this huge overwhelming trying to fix things; it simply means living with integrity and from your heart expressing what you are really feeling as you go and dealing with your hurts so you don’t impose on anyone.

  287. It is amazing to be having these kind of discussions; starting to ponder who is really in charge of our lives and embrace responsibility in its true meaning. Thank you, Helen for this prompt.

  288. I have a sense that yes I was brought up to be responsible – but somehow that didn’t include a responsibility to care for, nurture and love myself. It was all focused on others rather than inclusive of me and as a result, I learned to live in a self-negating and deprecating way. The outcome was that I found myself depressed, exhausted and lacking in self-worth. Today I find that true responsibility includes looking after me, so that the energy I bring to this life is truly healthy and wholesome – for everyone equally.

  289. Energetic responsibility is something we all feel yet avoid stepping into, for when we do we start rocking boats left right and centre. It takes alot of love to appreciate that sometime rattling cages is very loving and what is needed.

  290. It is a light bulb moment when we start to realise that we all contribute to the state the world is in, at every moment and with every choice that we make.

  291. Often we get overwhelmed and frustrated with the things that are going on in our individual countries and we wonder where will it all end, and that we are powerless to make any difference or changes, but nothing is stopping us making the everyday basic changes for ourselves, and looking at the things we can take responsibility for.

  292. It would be world changing when we are encouraged to teach our children about energectic responsible at home and at school. I wasn’t fully aware of energectic responsibility until I was introduced to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  293. I love the wider take you offer us here as to what responsibility is and that in fact it all starts with being energetically responsible. It’s not about ticking boxes and doing the right thing but actually living and moving in a way that ensures we are present with real quality (to the best of our ability) in all we do. And I love your reminder that this starts in how we are with us first, it’s the foundation of it all.

  294. Sometimes, we can go about life and not really consider our effect on others – we have our moods, get frustrated, bottle emotions up and keep ourselves protected, without realising that all these things can hurt and impact those around us, and we don’t know how that will both effect our relationship with them and how they are with others. Sometimes something happens that hurts me or makes me react, but it is not always that person who has to deal with the reaction, instead everyone else who comes into contact with me that day suffers and may take it personally, not knowing why I am acting the way I am. Does this mean that I am not always to react or be hurt? No, but it does mean we have to see the consequences of our choice to react to situations and do our best not to allow these reactions to then have a ripple impact on everyone else.

  295. I so agree with you Helen how we influence others by how we are with ourselves. I was pretty irresponsible until a few years ago, thinking whatever I did only affected me, which also revealed how little regard I had for myself. ..’Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’ No more, ‘it’s only about me’; I now know how I am in every moment affects everyone.

  296. ” … Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation….” Just goes to shows how much it is a choice for playing the victim, and that taking responsibility is also a conscious choice.

  297. It is a common notion when things go wrong in our lives to point the finger outside of ourselves. It is the same with the nationalistic tendencies in countries, where people think the reason of the decline of a country are foreigners or other countries. As is presented in this blog, this leads to a world where nobody takes responsibility for what they are doing and we end up going in circles repeating the same mistakes over and over again as we do not learn from the elder generation and they do not pass on their wisdom to the younger generation.

  298. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life’. Energetic responsibility plays out powerfully within ourselves first: our thoughts, beliefs movements, it’s who and how we are, not just when we’re with others, but at all times.

  299. We can continue to strive for personal gain whatever the impact on others, or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all. Yes Helen, and if we continue to be self serving, eventually the planet will have to let us know and will bring great upheaval.

  300. I am coming more and more to the point to more observe and accept where I am at instead of wanting to change or to expect to change myself immediately.

  301. Cherry picking spheres of our life that confirm how responsible we are is quite easy. The problem is that this tends not to be a fact across the board. As a result of it, we leave energy in that question about the extent to which we are really responsible in those spheres we pride ourselves to be.

  302. What you share Helen about the wider energetic responsibilities of living in a certain country is a wider reflection for the whole population of that country. Rather than being a victim and becoming frustrated it would make more sense to look at how the population as a whole has been living to create what is being played out… but I suppose that before this can be done on a mass scale as individuals we need to be ready to look at our own lives first.

  303. It’s interesting we have a lot of reaction to responsibility – when in truth it is a very divine, magical and playful thing.

  304. When the real meaning of responsibility dawns on us, we are able to understand how our personal choices actually do have an effect in the wider world and the false image of a ‘private life’ fall away. Our personal indulges stack up, they contribute drip by drip to a greater pool of collective consciousness that we recoil from when we see it in the wider world, Brexit being a classic example, but fail to associate it with our own personal conduct. If we choose to be inclusive, abusive, aggressive or self indulgent in any way in our personal lives, the energetic consequence spills out in to the energetic public domain. I do have a huge responsibility in every moment, to commit to life, to respond, observe and consider the true effect of every choice I make on the greater whole, becoming more and more aware of the pools that I have been and continue to contribute to with my every move. Every thing we do matters.

  305. Appreciating and understanding the significance of energetic responsibilities then one understands that every single person is equally important and that while as an individual we can make a difference however when we work together collectively then we are unstoppable.

  306. I often disregard myself, my body and my wellbeing in place of ‘doing the right thing’. I worry more about other people than my own wellbeing.

  307. What you have written here is very interesting Helen
    “how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time.”
    To be honest I can clearly remember times when I would say something hurtful to someone and I knew it would hurt the other person because I intended it to, I was hurting inside and I wanted someone else to feel what I was feeling, in my naivety instead of talking about what I felt was hurting me I lashed out in retaliation. Not pleasant as I could feel the nastiness of my actions and the impact it had on the other person.

  308. Politicians have had a history of being elitist and not part of the general populace. In the Roman Senate, all were powerful rich people that their concerns were mainly focused on self rather than the people they represented. Why do Dictators and Socialists leaders seem to come from rebels trying to overthrow the Politicians? What is our part on this merry-go-round that even today continues unabated? What would happen if Politicians lived their Energetic Responsibility?

  309. It is interesting Helen, to look to responsibility in the way you present in this blog. Responsibility becomes much bigger than the understanding i used to have on what responsibility meant for me, that was, being responsible for myself and any job or task I promised to do. But what you present, for instance to consider that I also had a hand in the brexit, brings responsibility to a completely new level and makes life much bigger that just my own personal life. I cannot live small anymore but in connection with everything in the world and to acknowledge that I do have a responsibility in it, an energetic responsibility to bring love in every move to the best of my ability knowing that this matters and works out in all corners of the world.

    1. Yes, I agree, Nico and yes please to the responsibility for my every move alongside the rest of humanity. I have recently started to really enjoy the enormity of our responsibility, rather than reduce myself to the cherry picking responsibility of the past, seeing only the insurance of my own ‘nest’ before all others.

      1. Sure Mathilda, what I sense now is that we then let go of our little selves and connect to the the grander picture of life, that we are one of the 7 or 8 billion people on this earth, that we are part of the universe, the stars and the planets, we connect to a much grander part of ourselves, that part that is in connection and in service of the all.

  310. Helen I only can agree as for me living with Energetic Responsibility would make the world a different place as being myself energetically responsible, to the best of my ability, has changed my world.

    1. What would our world look like if every single person on earth is choosing energectic responsibility every day consistently? It would be incredibly harmonious, loving and beautiful.

  311. I have been in an interesting situation of change recently. In the UK I had been involved with lots of projects and really felt that I was ‘doing my bit’ for humanity. Now in Australia and living in a new relationship, some of those projects have dropped away (my choice) and I am beginning to realise that it is not about the quantity I do, my personality was hugely identified with such things, and I am beginning to understand that more important than anything is how I live with myself, appreciating my quality of being and not my quantity of doing. It has been interesting to expose how much of my self worth has depended on outside factors, and I’m working on that, but also working on being even more tender with myself, more precious, and understanding that just how I get out of bed in the morning, what thoughts I have, how I walk across the floor – all of it affects all of humanity and I need to stop the push, the rush to get my name in lights, and simply be, be me.

    1. Beautifully said, thank you Carmel. I have always said quality before quantity but I am also finding new levels of what this really means. In order to truly honour myself, and therefore others by consequence, I am noticing that when I let go of wants and desires and what I think I should be doing and just be with myself, connecting with the love that I am first and foremost, there is a fullness to life without me having to chase it, so to speak.

  312. When we truly understand and embrace living energetic responsibility it would support us to eliminate the victimhood and blame mentality. Embracing energetic responsibility has the power to change the current state of our lives, our world and contribute to expanding our universe.

    1. I agree Kylie, good or right are from a completely different world when you introduce energetic responsibility.

  313. Becoming truly responsible means that we can no longer be a ‘victim’ as you have written but an interconnected part of the way everything works and is subject to universal laws.

  314. It’s one thing to listen to and hear another to live and clear. And yet we are naturally designed to be transparent and harmonious together. Your words Helen make me feel how far away from the truth we currently live, and how no-one else is ever to blame for the situations we find ourselves in.

  315. Knowing that we are energetically responsible for all we do, say and think has turned my world upside down. Feeling how a true level of responsibility works has been a learning curve as some aspects of my life I have to learn to be more responsible in and others are simply deepening. With the word responsibility comes integrity, both of these words hold a true energetic aspect, which is part of our evolving quality towards our true purpose in life.

  316. “…..recognising that how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time.” Once we are able to understand this and to then become aware of how it plays out in our own lives, then it is entirley possible to make a choice to change our patterns and behaviours.

  317. Taking energetic responsibility helps us to see the bigger picture and our never ending contribution to the whole, as opposed to pointing fingers at others and choosing to view life from a victim’s perspective.

  318. “The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me.” – when we finally allow an awareness of our behaviours that actually contribute to irresponsibly then we can certainly recognise it more when it happens both in our selves but also in others.

  319. Energetic responsibility is a big word, Helen, and I love how you have brought it to life in this blog by talking about the bigger picture of living with our choices as a family, as a group of people, and as a nation or country. We are responsible for the things that happen around us in one way or another – and though we might not see how we have contributed to it directly, there is a collectiveness in our way of being and our choices that affects everyone day by day and hence it is about all of us understanding the impact that we have on everything and everyone around us.

  320. Is energetic responsibility another way of saying: express love and truth?

  321. ‘There is a wider energetic responsibility currently playing out in many countries around the world. For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament.’ Yes Helen, agree. There is another factoring here about how we can tend to complain instead of observe, which leads to the fact that we then don’t appreciate. Without this appreciation nothing is possible. We simply do not have the platform from which to move on.

  322. Our own responsibility does play out into our communities and beyond. We have the choice to bring truth and harmony to our own life situations by taking responsibility for our responses or reactions. This alone has a ripple effect, which can’t be underestimated. If we want to support harmony for all then we start to choose to care for ourselves in gentle loving ways.

  323. We are generally taught that what we do is what we are. But through the presentations of Serge Benhayon I have learnt the biggest responsibility I have is my energetic state of being and the quality I carry with me in everything I do. What a complete liberation!

  324. Absolutely there is no victim, struggle or uncertainty in responsibility – rather a deep understanding of life and adherence to the next level of responsibility asked of us.

  325. Great blog. It is so true that we can choose to be unaware but we are never truly unaware therefore we have, at some point, to take responsibility for the situations we find ourselves in. It is much easier to do the blame game yet it creates enormous complication. It is much simpler to take responsibility for the choices we are making.

    1. That is why I have enjoyed revisiting this blog. The pictures and ideals that can run through our mind about others is often fed by a hurt. How more loving it is to take the responsibility to feel that yes we have felt the hurts but this is no way a part of us and what level of living we can chose to live in each moment of the day.

      1. so true, much simpler to take a step back and look at responsibility but it seems rarely done till there is a bigger drama and it all makes it so much harder.

  326. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’ – Yes it is the same for me as well. And since then life has become so much more enriching, beautiful and empowering too.

    1. Yes, one reason may be that it is responsible to appreciate ourselves, to confirm what we are doing well – which can be a lot – and to tackle that which needs changing, as simple as that sounds, living it leads to profound changes.

  327. Yes me too Shirley-Ann, and doesn’t it just feel so much more empowering and loving to be embracing this level of responsibility?

  328. ” …recognising that how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time.” Yes I can say this too – I had no true idea the effect I was having on others with the behaviour I brought to them. Thankfully and also with the support and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I am now fully aware of my responsibility in that regard and I can feel how different my way of communicating and being with others is and I have seen and observed the difference it has made in my life as well as in the lives of others.

  329. Yes, when you consider the quality we are in…and breathing, and the fact we all breathe in and out of the same pool it really brings it home. We are all interrelated and what we choose for ourselves affects the space within and all around us.

  330. Choosing to bring awareness to our ‘energetic output’ and how every choice we make has an affect on all around us is a responsibility that we are not yet living with. Something I am finding is ever deepening in expression.

  331. It really does come down to this “… we can continue to strive for personal gain whatever the impact on others, or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all.” We can make life all about individualism and self – which has clearly not supported us as a humanity… or we can come together one unified for all – the choice is ours.

  332. So much of what we believe responsibility to be is all about what we do, or believe we ‘have to’ do – and not about how we are, the quality or energy we are in, when we do what we do. It is the latter that brings us to account and inspires true responsibility.

    1. Yes, an all-encompassing responsibility that has nothing to do with doing the ‘right’ thing. Righteousness does not bring us closer yet we all respond to a loving expression.

  333. “Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.” Therefore when we all recognise, know and live the fact that our every thought and action effects everything else, we will have a responsible and powerful humanity.

    1. Beautifully highlighted Rosanna – we are only victims if we choose to play the game and take on that role.

  334. ‘ We can continue to strive for personal gain whatever the impact on others, or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all.’ This is the crunch Helen, this is the brotherhood that our whole planet must embrace before the pain and suffering will begin to let go its tenacious grip upon us.

  335. I was also taught responsibility from a young age, in the sense that I must be tidy, respectful and an active participant in the family/household. Those lessons helped me greatly, and are a standard that I now know I cannot slip below. The next step is to take responsibility into every sing thing that I do.

  336. The understanding of and the profound impact that not being energetically responsible has, has not been recognised by many. Nothing is hidden and everything is felt – Thanks Helen for bringing it out for discussion.

  337. “The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me.” This is so true Helen. When a pattern of behaviour is highlighted to us we start to see it everywhere. This can feel absolutely devastating. It is tempting to want to numb ourselves and run away, but ultimately if we are feeling it fully we have a chance to start to change it and it can shift out of the body. Being open to awareness we have an opportunity for change.

  338. The moment we start considering “how I am in life has an impact on others” we step into responsibility.

  339. You raise an important point that the more we don’t take responsibility for ourselves we tend to look to others to blame and deflect to.

  340. This is superb to read as it calls us to live more deeply the responsibility we know we can. Anytime I am not being responsible I feel a tension in my body. I can ignore it but this leads me to being more irresponsible because my behaviours adapt to hide what I’ve refused to acknowledge. Imagine a whole country doing this, further and further choices to hide responsibility they know, becoming more dulled to this awareness? This is a recipe for blaming others and Brexit! So what a wonderful reminder to accept what I do feel and respond to what I do know because this awareness guides me and is responsibility without any imposition or mental construct of what being responsible is, or trying to be good etc.

  341. Brexit to me didn’t feel like a step in the direction of working together and dealing with any issues required. Relationships on all levels are based on love first and foremost, not financial security.

  342. My understanding of responsibility was limited until I heard Serge Benhayon present on energetic responsibility, true responsibility. Understanding this and applying it to life is liberating, life changing and brings a deeper understanding and awareness of humanity, our planet and the universe. Great blog, thank you Helen.

  343. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else…’ This is another huge point you have raised in your blog, Helen. Until I came across Universal Medicine this had never been on my radar. But to consider that EVERYTHING affects EVERYTHING on an energetic level first is something to take in… meaning that every expression has ripple effects to others, like a stone being dropped into a pool.

  344. ‘I was often very irresponsible in how I took care of myself and also how my frequent disregard for myself and my wellbeing impacted all those around me.’ In the negation of what we are truly feeling but living life to a subscribed set of rules, whether self imposed or imposed by others, we are not developing a true relationship with self or appreciating our natural essence. Feeling virtuous for ‘doing the right thing’ doesn’t bring us to any deeper connection or evolution, but simply makes things ‘look good’. On some level we know this and it takes a real honesty to admit that we are not in the place we think we are.

  345. Together we make up groups of people, a family, a village, a city, a district, a state, a country, a part of the world, the world, the Universe. How far does our energetic responsibility reach? Isn’t the world in general very individual? So what does this say about our energetic responsibility and if so, how do we allow ourselves to be treated? If we’re not really caring for ourselves? Would we call it out if we would be disregarded in any way? Would somebody who drinks alcohol call somebody else who’s drinking out on the energetic impact this has? Of course he or she wouldn’t. It would expose him- or herself. So we’ve become silent. Which for some means literally not saying a lot, but for the majority it means talking a lot but not saying anything. This is really sad, because we all have so much to share and contribute. But only when we would take more Energetic (!!) Responsibility, we’re able to do so from lived experiences!

  346. Once we know about energetic responsibility the flood gates slowly open up as to how irresponsible we really are and that even a movement out of flow and order with the Universe can feel harming, let alone having an argument or speaking harshly and un-lovingly. I have found the key to energetic responsibility is to stay open and observe and it is amazing how much we can learn from this.

  347. In many cases the antidote to feeling like a victim is to see that any event can be an opportunity to learn, see something more clearly or clear a past emotion e.g. arrogance, lack of self confidence etc… When we’re asked to do more and we feel like we’re being pushed beyond our limits for example, is this not often an expose and lesson on how massive our limits actually are, far beyond what we’d previously thought we were capable of?

  348. Serge Benhayon takes the subject of responsibility to a whole new level, one that pre-empts even our thoughts and intentions, a quality within us to align to before we even move a muscle. Therefore resuming responsibility goes a long way beyond just learning our “P’s and Q’s” and being conscientious, it’s an energetic science in its own right.

  349. “The way I and my fellow citizens choose to live has an effect on how the country we call home is” – absolutely. Everyone of us contributes whether we take an active or passive role.

  350. Facing up to the fact that everything we do say or think effects everything is a huge but real responsibility and so those of us that do realise this maybe have a bigger responsibility to live this daily to show others by example the true way back to love.

  351. When we live a reflective life things start to make sense because the clues to our own behaviour are staring at us in the face – what a gift this is, forever assisting us to evolve and be more, even though at times we do not want to see and acknowledge our irresponsibility.

  352. One of my biggest old patterns was not saying anything. I became a vacuum so I could not be blamed for anything. I knew the effects my actions had on others but still stood behind my veil of silence. It has taken time, but as you have said, it takes time, to lose these past patterns, and I am now thoroughly enjoying expressing who I am, all of the time.

  353. When looking for inspiration through this site, there are always nuggets for me to take home… in this instance when you write “or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all” I am reminded of just how wrong business has got it. Its such a simple thing to work together.

  354. For a number of years I worked as an estate agent and you could feel the different qualities in all the houses. I would often talk to potential purchasers about what they felt and it was really interesting as houses that were going through a divorce often felt heavy and took longer to sell despite on paper ticking all the boxes of what a ‘good house in beautiful condition’ should look like.

  355. Serge Benhayon has presented extensively on energetic responsibility and these teachings have totally transformed my life. They have reignited my purpose and I find it very liberating and joyful to become more and more aware of what is truly going on. We all feel everything all the time – whether we are aware of it or not so being aware is a huge advantage as it gives us more clear and simple choices.

  356. My understanding is that lack of responsibility creates a victim mentality that makes a huge impact world wide. To turn the tide we have to look in our own backyards in our close relationship and when any of us choose this type of reflective life, we are making a bigger impact than one might think possible.

  357. I am noticing much more these days how critical I can be of others and how that sounds in my voice and how that feels in my body – it is not nice. Couple that with knowing how it affects others, even if they are not in hearing range, then I am guilty of a most serious crime of abuse. I cannot criticise cyber abusers when I am a thinking abuser. Everybody is where they are at and it is not for me to judge but to read and allow.

  358. Its quite interesting how we may consider that we are proficient in something, yet when we look at the detail and be a little more observant of ourselves, we may actually see there is perhaps a deeper aspect or responsibility we could take it to.

  359. This is powerful Helen, showing us all that we are all responsible for the current situation in the world : either not stepping up and contributing or going against, both ways. Or contributing with a loving way, by living it yourself,
    That feeds love back to the world, is also a possibility. If the last one is not the case, then we should work and do everything to establish a way of living that is in truth feeding love back to the world – no separation. That is being truly responsible.

  360. We quite often excuse poor responsibility in one area by championing “strong” displays of responsibility in another… we must recognise though that we are only where we are at our lowest.

  361. Do we confuse ‘doing’ or ‘being’ good with being responsible? There was many times growing up I would ‘be the good girl’ or do the ‘right’ thing but reflecting on this many times it did not feel I was being true to myself in fact it felt I was being subservient to others. Growing up I was not taught about energetic responsibility until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and although I know this, it is still something I do not live at all times to the best of my ability. Why is this?

  362. The identification we can get by the use of false responsibility is very deceptive as it actually takes us away from the truth of responsibility.

  363. ‘Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.’ I agree… this is huge. For so long I have blamed others when things got tough, or I found myself in a hot spot, but being energetically responsible means knowing I am not a victim and there is something for me to learn in the situation I find myself in.

  364. “we can continue to strive for personal gain whatever the impact on others, or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all.” I love this statement, it made it all so clear and oh so simple. Much of the world is set up for personal gain, and is rarely there to work together for the benefit of the all. There can be so much angst in group work/organisations/community groups that people give up and go ‘I’ll just do it on my own’. But one of the reasons I think for this angst, is that we all have a deep knowing that we are here to serve one another – to work together for the benefit of the all – and what we see around us, is not matching that.

  365. It is so important to become aware of our energetic responsibility and in that be honest in what we support with our behaviours and thoughts we choose. Everything is affected by everything.

  366. “Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation.” Helen this is exactly what I felt, from living life as a victim to finding that the more I take energetic responsibility for each of my movements the concept of victim vanishes.

  367. ‘…recognising that how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time.’ I love how you have phrased this sentence Helen. It is interesting how we can live in the denial of our behaviours feeling justified in them when in truth we are simply being irresponsible.

  368. I used to think being harmless was to not speak up the truth when needed. Boy oh boy was this a lie! Not speaking up the truth is deeply harmfull for us all.

  369. Energetic responsibility starts with self hence the word ‘energetic’ before responsibility. We are responsible to everyone and everything in the world (and beyond) what energy we are putting out.

  370. Energetic Integrity and Responsibility begins with each of us – we must each lead the way.

  371. ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’ One can say and act as though they do not care for others, but at our core we deeply care and love.

  372. ‘Doing the ‘right’ thing’ implies that there is a ‘wrong’ thing and when we think like that we are giving our power to a sense of obligation which we think is imposed on us from the outside. If however, we do what feels true, we connect with our love and responsibility is a natural outcome for we then do what will bring harmony to all instead of what might make us feel good because we have done the ‘right’ thing.

  373. We think we are living harmlessly, but I have listened to some old recordings of my voice, and it feels so harsh and abrupt. That to me is an example of what can be harming.

  374. It can be quite confronting when we realise that others behaviours towards us are a reflection of ourselves… however when we understand and are truly open to seeing this, there is so much learning and growing that can take place… and as a natural consequence, we become more energetically responsible.

  375. We so often learn that responsibility is a heavy thing, a burden to carry that requires some level of self-sacrifice, but in this there is zero true responsibility for within this picture of responsibility, no account is taken of what is going on beneath the surface ie. is resentment breeding, anger, frustration, sadness etc..? I know from my own experience that I was a responsible child and have taken this through to adulthood for the most part, however this was from a feeling of obligation and was therefore laced with all the above emotions, so instead of being responsible, I was being hugely irresponsible with the quality of energy I was going about my seemingly responsible life with.

    1. That’s a really great point you have made Lucy because I too have always felt I was very responsible since young, but when I look back I was in resentment and anger that I had to do some task. Why me why not one of the other siblings so actually the quality of energy I was in was not at all pleasant. I have come to understand from the Universal Medicine level 2 workshop that I’m currently attending is that when we are in the resentment, anger, sadness, what ever, this is being an individual and so we are in separation to God. So if I don’t want to live in the other energy which is the total opposite to God and all he represents then it makes sense that we cannot indulge in our emotions as this what keeps us all in the separation to God. That’s huge for me because I feel because we have all been taught that emotions are good for us. We only have to turn on the Radio for example and we can listen to songs about emotional love, sadness, loneliness to name but a few. But what if they were all contributing to the separation to God on a worldwide scale?

  376. I like your example with the shopkeeper Helen. It’s true – we can think we’re being responsible (and there is indeed nothing wrong with being honest) but it may be far from living the real deal. As you have presented, responsibility is so much more.

    1. I was only able to start to understand responsibility when I started to be honest with myself. There were so many lies, deceptions, exaggerations and wishful thinking in my life that I did not have a framework on which to build a quality relationship with others and life.

  377. I very much appreciate your sentiments around inclusiveness and learning to work together here Helen. Yet is there not some judgement upon our politicians in your broad comment there? Whilst there may well be many who are not in touch with the common man and/or the experiences of refugees (granted), tarring all with the same brush feels a bit harsh – though understandable with frustration in the current political climate.

    1. Whilst I appreciate that there are certainly politicians who are connected to their constituents, for those who ‘feel left behind’ it is harder to recognise this and then politicians become a target for their resentment.

  378. What you’ve shared here Helen, from your personal story to how you see the bigger picture, is really where we need – as a whole – to go. Without taking absolute care and responsibility in the way that we are in our one-on-one relationships, from those closest to us, to anyone we may interact with in our day, a sense of harmony on the bigger scale is simply not possible. If we experience disharmony with the one-on-one, then there is work for us to do – that love may become the foundation for all relationships.

  379. “we can continue to strive for personal gain whatever the impact on others, or we can lovingly choose to work together for the benefit of all.” – a beautifully simple slogan for the world to hear. Our perpetual and never ending strive for greater levels of wealth, income, revenue and might is leading far far away from a society that people enjoy living in. Is it possible that governments around the world could cut down the need and desperation to be the best, greatest, most advanced, richest and most powerful nations and instead fully dedicate themselves to developing a cohesive, harmonious and loving society – imagine a whole world where this was the case, surely that would be the greatest of success and wealth anyone could ask for? And this change starts with us, in our lives and what we choose to prioritise and give importance.

  380. I think that’s key, I can get very sad at the lack of true care and love I see in this world and want things / people to change. I react and take things personally – but the commitment I have to make and live first and foremost is me bringing that true love and care to me. Not letting myself get so affected, absorb and react to life / people / situations outside of me.

  381. I am learning to not take things personally is part of energetic responsibility – when I’m hurt I can take things very personally – instead of stepping back and reading the energy , e.g another person might be reacting and it’s their thing – nothing to do with me.

  382. The part about walking into a room and feeling what has been there I have experienced. Working in the morning I enter my restaurant and it feels heavy from the night before. Adjusting the chairs in my essence afterwards I stand back and feel how light the room becomes. How we energetically are affects spaces as well that people will enter.

  383. I love how you share with your example of Brexit how our own energetic responsibility is much greater than perhaps we think. Everything matters and so if we are in disconnection with others around us, so this has a ripple effect out to the world.

  384. Bringing energy into our understanding of responsibility is a game changer. Considering responsibility from this perspective allows us to see how we all have an impact on each other all the time and how the way that we are within ourself and in the way that we do things makes all the difference.

  385. The more understanding we bring to the world of just how energetic responsibility works is where more will begin to unfold on how our every movement, thought and expression really does have an impact on the world at large. Living our lives from our bodies connection is one of the greatest responsibilities on earth and it is only us that is responsible for that.

  386. Thank you Helen, you really bring across the consequences happening on a big scale when we adopt the attitude that someone or something outside of us is responsible for our woes. To empower ourselves by taking self-responsibility and starting to make the changes in our lives, we wish to see around us, is the true way forward.

    1. I know what you mean Doug, however blame in itself is not a true way forward, neither blaming others nor ourselves as blame stops us from understanding ourselves, others and life more deeply. In the end even when we realise we made a mistake, no matter how serious it was, we can look at it joyfully as it helps us to make a different choice next time around.

  387. It is interesting that it is not uncommon to think that if another does not ‘see’ or ‘know’ what we are doing, then no one will know. But when we know and understand about energetic responsibility we come to realise that everything we do, even our thoughts can have an impact on another. So having an awareness of this level of responsibility brings with it a whole different level of willingness to our committment to life.

  388. “The more I have become aware of my own patterns of behaviour and irresponsibility, the more I have recognised it around me.” Awareness breeds awareness, and with awareness we cannot help but know there is responsibility to be taken and deepened.

  389. Until we are willing to see that how we are in life affects everyone and not just those close to us, but our country and our Planet we will continue to be irresponsible and choose to blame others for the situations we have in our life. Our wayward and irresponsible individual way of living has an affect on the whole and each of us has a responsibility to live in a way that does not add to the mess that is already there. Brexit is an example of this and the mess our government is now in. In choosing to make our life about ourselves and not the collective whole we have blamed Europe and the refugees and used them as a scape goat for our problems instead of seeing how we can best support those that are in crisis and struggling to come to terms with their war torn countries. The choice that was made to leave Brexit was from blame and individualistic ideals and this is now reflected in the recent vote in the UK that shows we are a divided country with no clear direction.

  390. We all know that feeling when we walk into a room and we know that something is going on. It’s crazy that we even question this and pretend we don’t know. We do know and we can trust and rely on this to speak up about anything that needs addressing.

  391. I was dismayed by the vote for Brexit – almost a year ago now – but what I have come to realise in that time is that whatever system we have chosen politically, we can still make a choice every day to be more open, more understanding and more loving with ourselves and our neighbours – wherever they are from. I love meeting people from different cultures, races and nations – because it strengthens my awareness that wherever we are from, we are all the same in our essence and I know that this truth, this innateness will shine through and eventually overcome that which currently separates us.

    1. Absolutely Richard we can always choose to open our hearts even if our physical borders are becoming more closed off.

  392. Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation’‘ When you start to see this as being true, life starts to become about energy first and we have a lot to learn in this as we have not lived energetically responsible for a long long time.

  393. This was spot on when you mentioned you may have been acting responsibly towards others and doing the ‘right thing’ but the energy you were allowing in and through your body was not Loving. A great presentation of how we take on roles and identification with things even if they are as noble as showing our brothers and sisters the right thing to do – if it is without our full truth then it is a movement which is restricting.

  394. Helen, what you are sharing is really important, we do affect others by how we are living and the choices we make. I observed yesterday how I went into disregard and then overate to not feel the pain in my body, this then resulted in me feeling tired and grumpy which impacted on how I was with my son, he said that he did not like it when I was tired, i could feel the difference to how I normally am with him which is much more gentle and loving and so I clearly felt the impact that our choices have on others.

  395. Recognising the part we play in the whole – as you mention re Brexit – and more recently with the UK general election results, we can no longer blame ‘those out there’, but have to take responsibility for the part we all play, however uncomfortable this may feel. The quality with which we move, talk and even think affects the whole, as “if everything is energy, therefore, everything is BECAUSE of energy” (Serge Benhayon, Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p 200).

  396. “Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life. “Like you I thought I was responsible, being an elder child, but once I understood the true meaning of responsibility my whole life turned on its axis. My understanding of true responsibility continues to deepen as i become more aware of the bigger picture.

  397. The thing is we think our thoughts are just ours and have no impact on anyone else, let alone contributing to the ill ways in which we interact with other countries – everything is a reflection and as long as we only want to look after ourselves things will never change.

  398. It is true that energetic responsibility is very powerful
    And how we live is felt by others much more deeply than it is seen. Thank you for sharing this as a reminder that we have a responsibility all of the time

  399. What I am really understanding these days is that there is a difference between responsibility which comes from within us as a natural way and order of things and expectations or demands which come from outside of us as imposed instructions.

  400. Thanks Helen for putting so plainly the importance of our energetic responsibility and that what ever we do affects everything. Living selfishly with no regard for others and the all is futile and the consequences can’t be avoided.

  401. I had not heard of energetic responsibility or considered the fact that everything is energy until I met Serge Benhayon, I did not for a minute consider how I was behaving had an impact on other people and life, and definitely lived a life feeling I was a victim of it.
    Through the presentations and workshops of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I have discovered that there can be a completely different way to live and as you say taking responsibility for the way I live has a knock on effect with my surroundings and if we consider that the atmosphere that is all around us is like being in water then it is possible to understand that the very way we move and speak is affecting everyone on the planet because they will feel the ripple effect of such a move. We can see this quite easily in a swimming pool how choppy the water gets when everyone is swimming up and down. Is it possible that because we cannot see or feel the atmosphere we drop our awareness of what is actually taking place and by dropping the awareness we then don’t have to take any responsibility for the way we behave?

  402. This is a superb expose on how we can be brought up to be ‘responsible’ yet in truth actually live in a very irresponsible way. When we take life back to its energetic roots and regard how we are impulsed by it, responsibility begins with the quality in which we choose to move, which will then impulse our every thought, action and choice, bringing with it a sensitive awareness of how to live in accordance with everyone, ourselves included.

  403. Yes, Helen, the “comfort in feeling hard done by” is so common and a tough one to crack because it justifies our unwillingness to take responsibility and step up to the plate.

  404. If we are to discern if something is harming others or healing we need to get to a level of honesty within ourselves otherswise we focus on our needs and outcomes without truly feeling the impact on others.

  405. Energetic responsibility shines a whole new light on the meaning of responsibility. We are responsible for the energy in every action and interaction in every moment.

  406. The easiest way I have found we affect others is by driving in London. If you wish to successfully drive here, you have to use the SAS motto of; ‘who dares, wins’. Which is accepted as normal for London, but just rude and aggressive anyplace else! By letting people pull into your lane is a way to watch the ripple of it being passed on to others so that traffic flows. The SAS method may bully your way into shaving seconds off your journey but leaves a trail of anger in their wake.

  407. We can either feel ourselves a victim or the perpetrator but both are on the same scale of not taking our responsibility for all of life. Both acts or feelings are not from our connection with the all but from us being individual instead and in disconnection instead.

  408. The world is the mess that it is because of the unwillingness of most to be responsible – it’s an all out for myself, I don’t care dog-eat-dog world that we have chosen to create. The moment we choose responsibility we stop adding to this mess, and we stop the blame and accusations… we understand that everything affects everything and that being energetically responsible for our actions has to be within our very foundation if love and harmony is what we truly seek.

  409. The more people become aware of energetic responsibility and choose to live embracing it, the less disharmony we will see in our society.

    1. Great point chanly88 that responsibility is the key to harmony in our world and the true end to conflict, hatred and discrimination and oppression.

  410. If we are not willing to live responsibility in truth, we can customise and create a myriad of versions that we justify as being it.

  411. Whilst its important to observe our words, thoughts and actions and how they potentially affect others, it is important to simply observe them and not go into a self-critique. There is no energetic responsibility in this, just self judgment. We are all human and imperfect and will make mistakes. Its seeing them, learning from them, not giving ourselves a harm time, being compassionate to ourselves and then moving on saying “wow I just learned the most amazing thing about my self and why I made that choice”. I am still learning this one as I constantly come back to the truth that “we are all subjects of energy”.

  412. I found that one of the starkest examples of the difference between responsible looking behaviour and love is from those who are choosing to be good – their behaviour is exemplary but often I am not aware of the expressing any love which means they receive less love, true love, as well.

  413. ‘on entering a room, anyone can feel (if they choose to) what has been happening there’ – we all have the same ability to read energy, we also have free will to make our own choices as to how we choose to live, how aware and how responsible we choose to be. The more we choose to swim in our natural flow, the more responsible we will be, as we share the love that we are, without judgment of each other, the pull for change will bring others along through inspiration, through connection, through brotherhood.

  414. Beautiful Helen. Energetic responsibility is what we have almost all avoided taking, because all we have been thinking about is ourselves and our survival as an individual. A lot of complaining has been going on since Brexit, but it is true, as you say, that everyone played a part in facilitating this to happen. You say, ‘Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role, as either an individual or as a nation’, and this is very true. If we each stand up in our full light and relate with integrity and love, this separation into perpetrator and victim cannot happen, and neither will countries separate.

    1. Indeed Lyndy, instead of separating we will work jointly together on that which we sense is needed and will take down the fences of segregation we have built to protect us from others and eventually we will even take down the national borders as they are man made and not in correspondence with the universality we are. Therefore the brexit is just a mistake that needs to be restored one day in the future but indeed could only happen because of the majority of people being irresponsible to the grandness we are part of.

  415. ‘Doing the ‘right’ thing was important even if no one else knew you were doing it’ …. it can be challenging to live up to this, especially when everyone else is living with wanton disregard. However, when we truly understand energetic responsibility, we know it is the only way to live. Any other way is actively dishonouring ourselves and everyone else, equally so.

  416. I would say this is a big one for every single one of us to look at ‘how I am in life has an impact on others – has uncovered a range of behaviours that I had successfully ignored for a long time.’ Not so comfortable or nice to feel but something we definitely need to be more aware of, more honest of and most of all, feel.

  417. Being aware and accepting of how I am and the choices I make effects everything and everyone has in fact been very liberating and by embracing being energetic responsible for my thoughts and actions has given me back control of how I live, leaving no space to play the victim or to be judgmental of others. Choosing to be energetically responsible brings true purpose into everything I do.

  418. That’s such a great point, when we hold energetic responsibility, it’s not actually possible to feel like a victim of life as we are so clearly able to recognise the impact of our choices on both ourselves and others.

    1. Yes and this makes a huge impact on our lives, when we come out of the victim state through taking responsibility – we claim ourselves back, our power back and can start from a different place that will make such a difference in our lives and that of others too

  419. In life there is so much that we don’t talk about but are all aware of to a degree. Much goes unsaid in our world yet we all feel it and get affected by it. We know if someone is jealous, or if someone is not doing okay or if there is a tension in a room yet often we will avoid going to the depths of talking about what is really going on.

  420. We live in a great ‘pool of energy’ in which our every movement magnifies the quality of energy with which we move. There can only ever be one of two qualities to choose from; it is either a move made with love, or a move made against it, and the ripples from this affect everyone else that swims with us in this pool or ‘sphere of life’ we call planet Earth.

  421. It is rare for people to have awareness like this of the effect that their choices and behaviours have on others, let alone the quality they are contributing to the world through the way they move through it. As such we live in a world where there is much focus on blaming another and little recognition of reflections that offer us a lesson on what energy we are putting out and need to see return. To accept responsibility is almost revolutionary today with the irresponsibility that abounds and yet it is greatly needed in a world at the mercy of the impact of irresponsible living needing to see the power and beauty that can come from individual as well as collective responsibility.

  422. This is the KEY to responsibility.
    ‘Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life.’

    It is so much more, than just doing the ‘right’ thing. Responsibility for ourselves and our affect on everyone, brings a quality of empowerment and confidence in how we live, it is actually very expansive and can change the world to be more of a caring place, where one day war would be impossible if we all lived responsibly.

    1. Bring on that day when we can, through us all taking energetic responsibility look back at war and all the other atrocities we create as a bad joke of the past.

  423. Absolutely Helen, completely agree. We are a long way off really understanding and thus resuming our personal, national and international responsibility to live a way that actually brings inner evolution as opposed to the abuse, corruption and segregation that currently dominates our planet. Becoming aware of the quality of our behaviour and how much we impose on others is the first step towards energetic responsibility that in time empowers us to move into a true life of healing, evolution and expansion.

  424. This an essential awareness to saying no to the cycle we are on. If we aren’t willing to see and have any “sense of having contributed to our current predicament” then we will live more of our irresponsible choices and the cycle of loveless, harming treatment of ourselves and each other will continue. How loveless do we need to be to start to understand our part in the whole?

  425. Responsibility goes hand in hand with awareness, the more aware we become the more responsibility we are able to take with what we can see is needed. The more responsible we become the more awareness is available to us. It is a blessing to be able to live in this way.

    1. That is true – responsibility is also a particularly loving act, both to give love and allow yourself to receive love.

  426. I love your honesty Helen. It makes this so real to understand our own role in becoming responsible energetically. This is a challenge for me a times as I slip into old patterns but this in itself is more of an avoidance of responsibility and letting go of those things which truly stop me from going there rather than not being able to overcome the patterns themselves, which in itself is easy.

  427. Because most people have not been brought up to acknowledge the effects of energy in our body and the energy in the choices we make, it is largely disregarded. This does not mean it is not felt by self and others, it just means it is ignored, overlooked and not taken responsibility for. We all feel energy and so are responsible for what we allow and what we choose. If everyone was to live with energetic awareness and to make choices based on energetic responsibility then the level of love, harmony joy and connectedness between people would changed Humanity globally.

  428. Hiding behind any persona leads to confusion and separation. My flavour has been the checked out don’t care one, a protective behaviour that I’ve used so as to not get affected by situations, but actually in truth has been an excuse to not take responsibility and deal with uncomfortable feelings that I haven’t wanted to face. When we commit to staying with and being open about what we can feel we stand a much better chance of being responsible for those feelings and dealing with them instead of burying them or imposing them on others.

  429. Life is like a sea of energy, which if we don’t take care to navigate sensibly we can easily get wrecked or find ourselves getting drenched by the waves other people make. Like a young child placed into a pool we can splash and thrash our arms about in a struggle or surrender and see there is actually a natural current we can flow with that supports us to move and survive. It’s our responsibility to see as you say Helen that we are naturally equipped to find our own way.

    1. Great analogy Joseph. And in the vastness of this great sea we can either swim with the tide – the Universal flow of life – or choose to thrash against it.

  430. Super simple and very clear Helen – everything we do affects everybody, worldwide (however hard that may be to accept in the early days of returning to self responsibility). Brexit is just the outplay of how we are still living in a disconnected way from true brotherhood.

    1. I love this example, Helen. I too was horrified at the Brexit decision and questioned how so many people could have wanted that result. Love how your blog is prompting me to look at how I have contributed, both when living in the UK, and now, from Australia. What pockets of separation are still lurking, waiting to be exposed.

  431. Yes Helen, it is a beautiful link between the realisation that it is us who is responsible for everything that comes our way, and totally letting go of judgement and blame. In a weird way, by finally seeing and appreciating our true power we are set free.

  432. You can see the process in this article as we all move further into seeing what this true responsibility looks like. We are still often seeing responsibility as a heavy burden, a mundane task or something that we have to do and yet truly it is possibly the single most freeing thing you could choose. It’s possible if we remove or keep dedicating time to seeing and appreciating what this true responsibility is and how the knock on effect supports us that it will bring a flow to this process. It’s not true how we see things like this, responsibility, true energetic responsibility actually is a very natural part of us and all we need do is appreciate the awareness of this, no matter how small we perceive it to be and allow this awareness to grow.

  433. Beautiful Helen, thank you.. We are forever students of our own and we must always deepen our awareness of what we feel and see.. This is our responsibility – and very much so energetically. As we do things in life : working, running a household, have social network/contact etc. etc. doing groceries etc. When we apply a responsibility energetically (what energy we bring to the table/to life) to all of this – we will see things start to change and life (or actually our beingness) expands. This is our only way. We need to undo what we have chosen, by living the unescapable future – living absolute love, our true origin.

  434. Energetic Responsibility is not a passive thing but something that has to be actively chosen. This I realised reading your blog, we can not like how we are living but often it is us who also don’t make the choices to change it in full.

  435. There is a lot we can do to change our environments. They are a microcosm of what’s going on out there in the wider world. There may not be bloodshed and arms, but there are wars and disharmony going on in our offices and homes. It all does start with us being prepared to look at ourselves and start to be the change we want to see.

  436. Moving to Canada plus travelling to other countries has been interesting with how locals respond to where they are living. Many many people who are born and bred in a country complain about it and say things like ‘why would you move here?’ or ‘I wish I could get out of here’. A gentlemen expressed this on the train just yesterday and while we were talking he realised everyone says they want the opposite of what they have. Imagine how different decisions would be made in countries if we took responsibility for ourselves and why we are where we are at.

  437. It is easy to look at the lack of responsibility playing out in how most of the world is currently behaving, but it is always our choice if we are energetically responsible, and how we choose to live. There is much fun to be had in taking responsibility for our actions, and being responsible and living with care actually makes for a great life by its singular purpose.

  438. Energetic responsibility! I love it! I believe our intentions are a huge part of the energy we put into this world. Great perspective, thanks!

  439. The energetic responsibility taken at home and with ourselves has a huge ripple effect out into the world. We cannot expect to have a united and harmonious world if we are not united and harmonious at home or within ourselves. It’s just not possible. True change starts within ourselves.

  440. The impact of collective choices is akin to being in a rip tide and being swept along with it. Like being in a rip, it is important to not exhaust oneself with panic trying to swim against the rip, but to keep an eye on where you want to head towards (land) staying focused with the body, until such time, gradually our own movements are able to make way towards the dry land (home).

  441. I love the BIG picture you bring with your sharing…”the way I and my fellow citizens choose to live has an effect on how the country we call home is…”

  442. This is super important. Being responsible is not just about doing the right thing – there is an energetic element to everything. I could be saying the right thing, but I could be harming others with the energy that I am delivering it with – this is a very humbling truth.

  443. “Accepting my responsibility that everything I say, do or think affects everyone else has completely changed how I approach life” the same for me, its been an incredible change and difference, life is much simpler and I feel far more solid in myself.

  444. I can relate to this false sense of responsibility and the security of being a good child and a good citizen in that nobody can fault your actions but if there is no love in my body when I am performing these acts then it is not as responsible as it may first appear on the surface. Energetic responsibility is a massive topic.

  445. I find the link between energetic responsibility and the incompatibility of the victim role to be huge. So often responsibility and victimhood is mixed into a toxic mix of blame and finger pointing. But this is never true responsibility. It is only a convenient lack of seeing our part we have played too.

    1. Joshua I could not agree more. Living in victim and blame mode feels so cold and isolating and extremely restrictive. Actually looking at our part, yes it can be confronting and squirming, but extremely freeing from this game that keeps us held back.

  446. The saying ‘No man is an island’ comes to mind but reality is that most people live like islands. When life is all about oneself and only those closest to me how can we expect a nation to be about everyone? We make the nation we live in either excluding or including by our attitude and thus contribution to it.

  447. Great point. Many times I have seen a day at work turn stressful for many, and sometimes feel as though I have a part to play as to why. I try not to see it as “I have to cheer up the world” which is how i used to see it but rather my grand responsibility within the whole – the more magic I bring the more others are also allowed the opportunity to be magical.

  448. A great blog Helen bringing light to the true energetic responsibility we all hold with everything that is very revealing and so important to call and see what is really going on in the world. It is very humbling to realise the absolute responsibility we all hold with our integrity , honesty and willingness to see the smallest details in our lives with the love and care we all know inside us.

  449. I agree with you Helen, there is a whole other level of energetic responsibility we do not generally like to acknowledge where we can see the part we play in the world being the way it is. It is very easy to think it’s someone else’s problem and fault, but we are all connected and all affect everyone else, so there is no shirking responsibility for the whole darn mess in the end.

  450. My understanding of energetic responsibility continues to deepen the more I embrace it and make it part of how I live everyday.

  451. I can remember being so very irritable. That others weren’t as responsible as I was. What a lie this actually is. First of all how I thought I was super responsible, though this completely lacked energetic responsibility and the imposition and judgement that I impacted on to others. It would stand humanity a great service to honestly evaluate where we are on this scale and begin to take responsibility for how we go about our lives and not what we do in them.

  452. For too many of us there has been a comfort in feeling hard done by in the circumstances we find ourselves in, with a complete absence of any sense of having contributed to our current predicament. Unfortunately the spirit does not like to have certain things pointed out and so we do our best to not look at our part in our uncomfortable discomfort that we choose to live in because we don’t want to make the necessary change and be more.

  453. What you show Helen and what energetic responsibility comes back to is simple and actually very beautiful, that we all have our part to play in this world and that it is the quality in which we are that will bring us that what we are living in. Hence we all hold the power in our hands – in our way of living – how life is and will be. We are not victims of our circumstances but the creator of them.

  454. It is sobering but ultimately very liberating when we realise that we are all responsible for everything.

    1. I agree Gabriel! Until we take full accountability for all of our actions we really can’t begin to manifest true change in our lives!

  455. The layers of understanding when it comes to responsibility are seemingly endless, and this is not a bad thing, but an opportunity to understand more and more about how our choices affect not only us but all those around us.

    1. Agree Heather it is super important that we realise that the choices we make not only affect our self but all those around us as well.

  456. Thanks for your sharing Helen – living with Energetic Responsibility is indeed a whole different ball game than what most of us grow up to think responsibility is, i.e. doing ‘the right thing’.

  457. “taking responsibility” should not be something morbid. True responsibility only comes from a lightness of being, and never does true responsibility weigh one down with burden. It is rather simply a higher level of awareness – in other words a deeper sense of love for the world and for others that sparks within a sense of service.

  458. Politics is like any other business. It operates on a supply and demand system. It is not the suppliers who have control, but the demanders. Stop the demand and the supply has to stop. Change the demand and the supply has to change. That is simple business science; thus we, as the demanders, can change the supply.

    1. Great call to action Otto which is being reflected in many apparent ‘surprising’ outcomes in recent elections. The people have spoken but what are they truly asking/demanding? The opportunity is being presented to work together more closely but is the willingness there to relinquish self-interest and look at the bigger picture?

  459. The sooner we realise that politics (the Brexit vote) is merely a refection of what we are all living, then we might start to take responsibility for our part in it all. It is all too easy to blame the politicians or sit back in anger (or joy?) at something like Brexit. But, in the case of Brexit, why do 52% of those that voted feel such a deep disconnect with their European brothers? Why do they not feel innately that we are all one of the same? Why do they attach to the artificial pillars of nationhood? Why do they treat one person any different from another? Is that really the fault of some politician in Westminster?

    1. I totally agree – these are the questions that we need to be asking. It’s shocking that such a large amount of people do not feel that they want to be part of the rest of the world, sure there was a lot of media manipulation that went on, but at end of the day our choice and our vote came down to our principles and our love for our fellow human beings.

      1. At the moment and for the foreseeable future our media is utterly unreliable (yet we still buy and consume the news they supply – so we, as the demanders, are to blame – but that is a different debate!) Thus, it is incumbent on us all to commit to a deeper knowing, a deeper truth that we all innately have; and that is that we are all brothers and sisters in one gigantic family and until we start to live toward that there will always be conflict and separation.

  460. It is true that when we are self centred we do not take into consideration those around us let alone our wider community and the world, and then everything we do is largely around what we can get out of something, and how does it affect us – so it is easy to see how whole countries act from a place of self preservation.

  461. It is clear to me that there is no room for blame in life and that it does not serve any true purpose. Accepting responsibility in its fullness however, is a blessing for all and supports true relationships across the board. Even more than this, it is a joy to live a responsible life and certainly not the burdensome experience it can sometimes be portrayed to be.

  462. Helen I love this blog, thank you. I have often played the victim mentality – and giving my power away to others, seeing myself as less, it’s only now in the wake of something huge I am seeing the reality of a lot of things and the lack of true love and care we have for one another – even when we think we are loving and caring.

  463. That’s a great point, responsibility and being a victim are incompatible, if we take responsibility for all our actions and the part we play in every single situation we can never call ourselves a “victim”.

  464. If we all were raised to know that in every moment we have the absolute responsibility as to the energy in everything we do or say this world would be such a different place to live in. After all, as everything is energy, we are all living in one big pool of energy and so everything we do in this pool affects everyone else. There is no getting away from energetic responsibility so let’s embrace it and watch this world change.

  465. Thanks Helen, I appreciated all you have shared here including “Being energetically responsible is incompatible with casting yourself in the ‘victim’ role” as when we break it down to the quality of energy we are in it becomes easier to see why certain things play out in life.

  466. To think that everything, yes every little moment, thought, action etc. has an effect on everybody else is not something we always want to see let alone accept. What it also shows us is that we are far more powerful than we think we are.

  467. I used to think that if I was in trouble, sympathy and rescue was the best thing anyone could offer me. Yet it is the support to the understanding of my own responsibility in bringing about the energetic dynamics that unfolded to the situation I am in, as well as the awareness that I hold everything within me to turn things round, that has been the most empowering gift ever.

  468. Thank you Helen for sharing your experience with us. I too have spent most of my life living protected from the world and blaming others for the circumstances of my life. Once we become aware that it is our every thought, word and deed that affects not only us but the whole, then we have the choice to choose energetic responsibility or not. It can be daunting, and an ongoing moment to moment consideration to choose the quality of our thoughts, but for me this is the ultimate choice if we wish to expedite our return journey to who we truly are. And, it is in fact empowering to know that we DO have the choice and we are not hapless victims. Time to claim back our power and be the love that we are.

  469. Taking absolute responsibility for everything that happens is a marker that most of us are unwilling to take. It is not surprising that we are brought up to blame the chair for hurting us when we bump into it as children, this seemingly playful act by the adults actually is the foundation of absolute recklessness and irresponsibility for our behaviours.

  470. A Super important subject that I’ve been more and more of. And it’s almost, if not completely true, that the more aware you become the more you realise how much more there is to awaken to.

    1. Yes, I’ve been feeling the same recently that the more I start to take responsibility the more I realise how irresponsible I have been.

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