Coincidence or Clairsentience – Understanding Our 6th Sense

Have there been times in your life when you:

  • Suddenly thought about someone you hadn’t heard from or seen in ages only to see them on the street, or have them call you soon after? Did you think that this was simply a coincidence, a chance event, and then gave it no further thought?
  • Walked into a house and instantly felt uncomfortable as if something felt ‘off’ – you could feel it but couldn’t see or explain it as you were not too sure what it was? Did you simply think that you were imagining what you were feeling and put it aside?
  • Asked someone how they were and when they replied, “Fine” or “Good” – you felt that they were not telling you the truth but you held back from saying so just in case you had got it wrong?

If you were to stop now for a moment and allow yourself to feel into these experiences again, and any other similar ones you have had, is it possible that these moments were not a coincidence, not by chance or your imagination playing tricks on you, but that there was something else at work: something that somewhere deep inside you seemed vaguely familiar?

I have come to understand that this something is our sixth sense, otherwise known as our clairsentience, an inner and all-knowing feeling that you feel with every particle of your body, leaving you with no doubt as to the truth of any situation. You don’t feel it just in your gut, as people often describe, and not in your head, but you feel it with all of your body. Whether you realise it or not, it’s a feeling that you have had a multitude of times in your life but have probably put aside as you just didn’t understand it, and perhaps it may have even scared you a little.

In the world we live in we are raised, in the main, to focus on our five senses – taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight, but rather curiously we are not taught about our sixth sense and the fact that this sense is actually a part of us from the day we are born. This sixth sense is not about seeing dead bodies, as in the movie of the same name, but knowing that you are connected to everything around you, all of the time. This becomes even clearer when you come to know the fact that “everything is energy.” Yes, we are energy and everything around us is energy, so it therefore follows that we live in a great big pool of energy. This energy is passing through us in every second of our lives; it never stops, so we can choose to feel it, or not. It’s like being in a swimming pool and whatever the person in the deep end does, you can feel the consequences in the shallow end, in fact anywhere in the pool. This is our sixth sense or clairsentience.

It is that sense that when you were little, supported you to know:

  • That a particular adult wasn’t nice to be around and that there was no way you wanted to hug or kiss them, especially when you were told to do so.
  • When your mother and father were not happy even though they were pretending that they were, which ended up really confusing you, as you wondered why they were lying.
  • That the ’monsters’ in your room at night were definitely not a figment of your imagination, even though your parents tried hard to convince you otherwise.

It is the sense that, when you shared it with adults, often made them feel very uncomfortable as they simply did not know how to respond to the truth that they were being presented with. Could this have been because their clairsentience was so shut down, a thing of the past? But it is important to remember that these adults were also children once and also lived, as we all did during that stage of our lives, in a totally natural relationship with this sense, our clairsentience: we knew it wasn’t something to be called special, it was simply a part of who we were, just like our other five senses.

So what happened for us to lose this natural ability to feel and connect to everyone and everything around us? Sadly, it doesn’t take much, simply the planting of a seed of doubt into what we innately know, causing us to feel that it may not actually be true after all, and with the planting of another seed and another, any natural sense of the knowing of the truth begins to be slowly buried.

For example: a four year old girl gets a sense that her father’s new girlfriend is angry with her but she doesn’t know why. She doesn’t know that this young woman is actually jealous of the close relationship her father has with his daughter, but she can feel that something is not right. As far as the little girl is concerned, she has done nothing wrong but the doubt starts to niggle away at her inner-knowing and the feeling won’t go away.

She follows this woman when she goes into another room and asks the question: “Why are you angry?” to which the reply comes back very tersely, “I’m not angry!” So what happens in that pivotal moment? Firstly, the child’s knowing begins to be shaken, the feeling that she has had clearly within her is being challenged by the words she is hearing, words from an adult who she feels probably knows more than she does. So the first seed of doubt is sown and if this little girl does not receive the confirmation that what she felt was true, this seed will begin to sprout and the doubt will continue to grow so the next time she feels something to be true, she will probably hold back from saying what she feels just in case she is shut down once more.

Yes, it is that simple, the inner-knowing of the truth can be shattered in one moment and in a child’s life there are sure to be many more moments like this one, especially when they start school where thinking is championed and feeling is nowhere to be found in the school curriculum.

But our sixth sense doesn’t go away, even though at times it is buried under endless layers of life experiences. Through illness, disease or injury we can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense. It can be buried by our childhood and life experiences, we can choose to ignore it, but it never goes away. It patiently waits for us to realise that it is there, that it is a natural part of us and when re-connected to, it can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense. It can bring simplicity to a way of living that we have often made complicated and it can bring a depth of relationship to those around us that we never felt was possible. And it can bring the joy and the deep connection to the world we lived in so naturally as children back into our lives again.

By Ingrid Ward, West Auckland, New Zealand

Related Reading:
Letting Go of an Old Way of Protecting Myself
The Gift of Clairsentience: Reclaiming my Ability to Feel Energy
Seeing is believing… or is it?











565 thoughts on “Coincidence or Clairsentience – Understanding Our 6th Sense

  1. Thank you Ingrid, our whole body when aligned to becomes our sixth sense and to reconnect to these feelings from our bodies we often have to over-ride the thoughts from our head and thus we are listening to our bodies from our Inner-most Heart.

  2. The thing is we can deny our sixth sense but it will still be there and if most of us are really honest to themself they know that there is a inner knowing but often it is not so comfortable to feel it and so it is easier to say that there is no such thing like a sixth sense.

  3. At this moment in time, clairsentience is not something that can be proven by science, and yet I know it to be a truth in my life. I walk into a room and can sense things that if asked to prove from a scientific perspective I would not be able to show peer reviewed evidence for, and so currently this form of intelligence is actually poo-pooed, however, this does not mean it does not exist and is not real.

  4. Ingrid, the first three examples you have given in this blog are all ones I can relate to and with these examples it goes to show how simple an easy clairsentience actually is. Thank you for this simple yet powerful reminder!

  5. Science is such a great tool to remain in our self-created beliefs. If we want to disprove somebody’s statement, we can always ask for the evidence based research to prove a point. Equally, if we don’t like somebody’s point and even if backed by scientific research – we can argue that their study has faults (as all scientific studies do) and therefore their statement again can’t be trusted. So, if we really want to stick to our guns, science is our very best friend.

  6. When we use our sixth sense our whole world goes from black and white to multicoloured because it brings everything alive.

  7. At first, upon reading this article, you could just say oh my gosh why isn’t this taught in every kindergarten around the world… Which of course is true. The amazing thing is though that, whatever age we are, we can recover and return to this incredible state of awareness.

    1. Clairsentience on the teaching schedule for kindergarten – now how amazing, life and world-changing that would be! So the question is – why isn’t it? That’s one question I am slowly discovering the answer to, now that I know that my clairsentience had never left me, I had simply covered it over with my life experiences as a child.

    2. This is what I was wondering cjames why is this science not taught at school because to me it is a science. But as you say we can recover this awareness as it has never left us it is just that we have covered it up.

  8. Without our sixth sense life does not make sense, with it we get to truly ‘see’ what is going on beyond what is often presented to us as truth and is not.

    1. “Without our sixth sense life does not make sense”. I agree Monica, it is that simple but for some reason we choose to ignore, or simply are not aware, of this most natural part of us. We would soon become upset if we lost any of our other senses, so why don’t we feel the same about ‘loosing’ our most important sense?

  9. Doubting and going against what I feel is the single most disturbing thing I can fathom at the moment since having dug it back up from the doubt and living with it once again.

  10. The knowingness and wisdom of our 6th sense brings all of our other 5 senses alive.

  11. If we allowed our clairsentience to flourish we would need to accept the wisdom of our body, and know that truth, if we all lived from that inner intelligence the world would be a better place and definitely more harmonious.

    1. I absolutely agree Sally that accepting and honouring our clairsentience calls us to also acknowledge and honour the innate wisdom of our body. But this is where so many are challenged as to acknowledge the wisdom of our amazing body we will need to accept that our mind is not the seat of our intelligence we have been raised to believe it is. Being able to let go of this deleterious belief then opens the doorway to our true intelligence, that which comes from within.

  12. We are trained from a young age to discount and dismiss our feelings and to disconnect from our knowing – it is an absolute disgrace and travesty and then we become the people who do that to the next generation and so it goes on and we wonder why we/so many get sick and exhausted.

    1. …and then someone comes along who stays connected to their truth and says this is how it really is and we stone them, crucify them or do whatever we can to shut them up – this is something our history books are full of.

  13. Just as self doubt is a seed that is planted to take us so far away from from knowing our 6th sense, so too can we plant a seed that holds the doubt that there is more to life than what we see That tension is, in the end, what calls us back to ask questions and eventually come full circle to know that what we feel, our 6th sense, is of great value and very much true.

    1. So true Lucy and it is becoming clearer how many of those seeds of self-doubt were planted within us as children. But in the end it is our ‘garden’ they have been planted in so it is our choice as to whether we allow them to stay growing or not. Every day offers us a fresh opportunity to replant our garden with only love-filled and self-honouring seeds.

  14. In Hong Kong/China I have witnessed in English classrooms where teachers drill into children that thinking and knowing the correct answers are the most important, it is done in a way where it is abusively. There is not even room to consider that feeling is important, maybe only for the teacher, who has the authority to dump emotion if students do not behave academically, as students nor parents are allowed to question how we all feel in all of this.

  15. Clairsentience … Truly the awareness which should be known as the first sense. Reawaken to this and then everything else revolves around it and evolves from it.

  16. How many times have we overridden a feeling with our mind to then afterwards realise the feeling was setting us on the right track? And yet it doesn’t occur to us that there is something greater then us guiding us along the way, every step.

  17. A few weeks ago, I got the thought to start looking for a new job only to find out a few days later that we are being made redundant. I often think of someone and they end up messaging me, or I message somebody after they have been thinking about me. To me this clearly demonstrates the fact that all is energy, and all is felt by everyone. What other explanation could there be?

    1. For me there is no other explanation Viktoria, this is simply the truth. The moments in time you share are so familiar to me and when speaking to others, they all can easily recall lots of these moments in their lives as well. Most had put them down to a coincidence so I share what I know to be true and as I do I can see and feel the truth of clairsentience resonating with them as a distinct possibility

  18. Clairsentience means we all have equal access to truth and no one can be lied to or dictated if we accept it for what it is. It so does not go with the current model we subscribe to, which considers the accumulated knowledge as intelligence, and compares and grades us accordingly, and thrives on inequality.

    1. How amazing it is that “we all have equal access to truth and no one can be lied to…” in a world where we are lead to believe this is not the case, that only a few have access to truth and knowledge. Knowing that when we choose to reconnect to our clairsentience we have all the answers we need, places the power for our lives firmly back in our hands, where it truly belongs.

  19. Great to clarify that gut feelings are different to clairsentience which comes from our whole body, and how this sixth sense is never totally lost or missing just that it may be something we have ignored and buried and as such can always reconnect with and redevelop our relationship with.

    1. very true Fiona as the difference between the two is quite significant and learning to recognise this will allow us to easier reconnect with the source of our clairsentience within ourselves and our bodies.

  20. I have noticed of late how I can react when someone honours their sensitivity especially when I have not been doing this myself. I find that through their reflection I get to feel the hardness that I have been in and this is uncomfortable and can bring up an irritation with another for what they are showing me which I have been avoiding looking at.

  21. What a great and very practical everyday example Sarah as to the power of our clairsentience. And to think that it has always been with us during all those times when we have struggled to make a decision about something. What a lot of energy we have used ignoring or overriding this valuable sense that is naturally a part of us.

  22. I recently had some sessions with a stylist that were life changing. I got to revisit my wardrobe and see how it felt with my whole body, not just with my head. And gosh my head was full of stories – but I look good in that, I just bought this, I paid good money for this – but my whole body would tell me a different story. And I have started to use my clairsentience to buy any items I need…for example, I went to buy some sunglasses yesterday and some looked really good on me, but for the first time I allowed myself to connect to my whole body and see how they felt and then a clear no came through. So I kept trying until a pair felt right with my whole body.

  23. When we hold back our truth or what needs to be expressed, it remains in our body. Then add all the millions of times we have held back, that is a lot of unexpressed stuff in our body disrupting the divine flow and creating havoc in our bodies. I have come a long way in learning to express what feels true for me, that it has become easier and natural for me to express, so less of the unexpressed remains in my body, thus there is more space for me to tune into my clairsentience, which is an awesome way to live – that is learning to trust in myself and all I feel.

  24. Two nights ago my partner and I had a restless nights sleep, we noted it, but did understand what it was all about.
    Last night around 3am we had earthquake. Small enough so no damage was done, but the house shook pretty well. Scary! My first earthquake!
    This morning I asked myself, Was there a part of me that knew an earthquake was coming, and that was why I slept poorly?
    Animals totally know when a storm is coming. Many farmers and commercial fishermen just know what the weather will be.
    Are we being communicated to all the time, but have chosen to not be aware of it?

    1. Having just read your comment Ken, my body is saying yes, yes to you knowing on some level that an earthquake was coming and definitely a yes to the fact that we are being communicated to all the time. Now that I have stopped dulling and numbing my awareness with making different food choices that are lighter and truly nourishing for my body, I am in awe just how much I am being guided and communicated.

    2. These are great examples Ken, showing so clearly that our 6th sense is alive and always ready to communicate. Unfortunately we have developed many ways of ignoring this natural connection to all that is going on around us, all of the time, and so these valuable messages go unheeded. But how life changes when we make the choice to reconnect to this inner knowing and begin to live it in every moment. We can even feel that something like an earthquake is on its way.

  25. Yes, I feel this is a possibility, but what if it were also possible we felt things so strongly and clearly and knew we were right, unshakeably, but still gave our power away to adults to fit the picture they were directing in life simply to fit in, become more of a grown-up (we are always telling children to grow-up) and receive approval???

  26. “It is the sense that, when you shared it with adults, often made them feel very uncomfortable as they simply did not know how to respond to the truth that they were being presented with.” Children see and feel so much more – that the adults in their world have shut down to – although they too saw and felt similarly when young. It would seem that currently the world at large is averse to knowing truth.

    1. I so agree Sue that as children we feel so much of the world, naturally so, and that sharing these feelings with total honesty can invoke negative reactions from adults. I have witnessed a couple of such instances recently where the children involved where shut down instantly. I could feel their bewilderment as their truth was discounted and it was so obvious that their trust in their inner knowing was severely knocked. And this would only be one of many similar situations in their young lives; no wonder so many children make the choice to shut down their connection to their sixth sense.

  27. After recently attending a numerology course at Universal Medicine I have a deepened appreciation for divine design. Everything and everyone is interconnected and there is a grander plan at play.

  28. As a child I felt the environment around me did not support or allow me to express all of who I am – to express my awareness, all I could feel and see, so I shut it down. My choice. Likewise, it was my choice to return to a true way of living; deeply honouring my body and its divine communication and appreciating myself for all the loving choices I have made that has brought me so much growth and expansion.

    Heart felt thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for their amazing courses and modalities that have deeply supported me to heal and clear my old patterns/habits and behaviours from my body.

  29. So what happened for us to lose this natural ability to feel and connect to everyone and everything around us? Great question Ingrid, and invites each one of us to ponder on this further, clear our path of any old beliefs/ideals, and re-claiming or reconnecting with our clairsentient way.

  30. It is so simple to shut down our sense of knowing, our clairsentience, yet it takes a constant belief in the doubt to keep it shut down. The moment we choose to consider that doubt is not in fact us, but a thought we allow, we again connect with our clairsentience and a whole other world, one that had always been there appears, one that we know innately and cannot but sense the settlement in our body for allowing it to again be known.

    1. We may have chosen to shut down our clairsentience but as it never goes away it simply feels like we have turned the ‘dimmer control’ way down to very low. Once we make the choice to reconnect to this most powerful but natural of senses and we begin to become accustomed once again to this amazing inner knowing we may get a sense that we have still been getting ‘messages’ all our lives, we have simply chosen to ignore them. As you say Leigh we “cannot but sense the settlement in our body for allowing it to again be known’ as it is a part of the fabric of our lives.

  31. The world generally does not recognise the 6th sense and yet at the same time cannot explain many things occurring in life using the other 5 senses. If we apply a sensible approach to developing our 6th sense it is a truly intelligent way to navigate throughout life as it gives one the ability to read between the lines, so to speak, and become aware of the truth of what is going on rather than being fooled by what is happening on the surface.

  32. Beautifully expressed Ingrid. I especially loved being reminded that our sixth sense is the one sense that we cannot ever truly lose and I can see that this is because it is inherent to our bodies. We need eyes to see, ears to hear, noises to smell and tastebuds to taste but we need none of these things to feel what is true.

  33. Our clairsentience has been seeded by doubt during our life, but it takes just a bit of trust in it again, and it comes pristine to us like in our early years. It couldn’t be any other way, as it is one our birthly senses actually.

  34. Our whole lives are magical, they are filled with the magic of God this is a fact, yet we do our best to avoid these everyday miracles and choose to instead to ignore that what in truth can not be ignored.

    1. Learning to live with this magic and not consider it special but simply ordinary is something we can all do. Of course being encouraged as a child to retain our connection to this magic makes it a whole lot easier as an adult. But it is never too late to rebuild this absolutely natural connection and once we begin to experience the magic again why would we want to live any other way?

  35. I write an email yesterday and had the response ‘that was uncanny… after 6 months we were just talking about you’ and I have had this before. Do I shrug it off as a fluke and a conincidence? Not any more as I see there is so much more going on in life than I had previously imagined.

  36. We feel life always and over time we learn to ignore those feelings as life does not confirm us in them, and so we become chameleons and we place a barrier between us and what we feel in life … so life becomes complicated rather than the simplicity it can be, and so coming back to our true feeling brings a simplicity and joy back to us and all around us, just like we had when we were younger.

  37. As a parent I have a responsibility to be honest with my children. How can my kids build on their confidence to read situations and trust their clairsentience and knowingness if I am not at the least honest with them?

    1. Yes Caroline, we have a huge responsibility to the children in our lives to support them to be honest so in turn they will feel safe to retain that honesty as they grow. It is so very natural to be honest and when we are there is nothing to disturb the harmony in our body but conversely when we lie, the energy of the lie lays heavy in every particle. Children naturally know this but when they see those around them living in dishonesty it is very confusing and they more often than not then begin to doubt the very source this honesty flows from. To support them to remain connected to their clairsentience can be the difference between a life that flows with ease and simplicity or a life of struggle and complication.

  38. Choosing to again honor my clairsentience brings an awareness of the world around us that I had not before fathomed existed. But it does and what I feel can not be negated – unless I choose to doubt it. Once doubt is triggered an avalanche of thoughts fill my head. My greatest learning and continual understanding is how the ability to discern the quality of such thoughts and the knowing that they have not come from within is a choice that I have to make and nurture, consistently, for without backing and how honouring what I feel, I like many others in this world become lost to the magnificence of the truth.

  39. We have a relationship with what is unseen and unheard that allows us to feel the truth of what is going on. Yet, we work hard to try to reduce what we feel to what we want/need/would like to feel for some reason.

  40. Honesty is so important, if we can honestly say what we feel when asked, it offers a great way for all of us to clearly communicate and understand each other and confirms the inner knowing of all of us. And to hear that even if we lose all 5 senses our 6th sense, our clairsentience is there says so much about how key that sense is, that it’s our cornerstone and no matter how much we’re ignored it, it’s ready there for our use when we are. So why not live with it fully on, it can bring us a whole new understanding of life and how it is, and the truth is, without it, life just does not make sense.

    1. I so agree Monica that life without connection to our clairsentience simply does not make sense, after all it is a natural and very powerful part of us and a true compass to living a life of simplicity. Not allowing ourselves to be open to this sense is like taking no notice of the fact that we can hear, see etc; that to most would seem ridiculous.

  41. It already starts with us growing up. As a child we are not treated as equal but as less and certainly not for the all knowing we already are. We are treated in a way that we would not know anything about life and that we have to become the same as the adult. that already is a false seed we are fed with from very young. To me this is at the basis of us getting the feeling that it is not okay to live with that inner knowing that is equally with us as from our birth.

  42. I love that our sixth sense never goes away. We can try to bury it and do everything we can to not feel it, especially if we’re not ready to make practical changes in our life that we know our bodies are asking us to make. Eventually, after connecting to it on and off for long enough, when we ignore something that doesn’t feel right, our bodies speak to us very loudly through a tension we can feel. Whenever I can feel a tension it’s because I’m trying not to be aware of something I know I can feel but don’t want to deal with or look at.

    1. I too love this fact Bryony, and when you think about it, it simply makes sense. How could we totally destroy something that is such a natural and very important part of us? As I have discovered, it sits and waits until we get to a point in our lives when we begin to get a sense that there is more to life than what we have been living. And the beautiful thing is that to reconnect to our sixth sense is only one loving choice away.

  43. “So what happened for us to lose this natural ability to feel and connect to everyone and everything around us? Sadly, it doesn’t take much, simply the planting of a seed of doubt into what we innately know, causing us to feel that it may not actually be true after all,” Sad but so true. Proclaiming that life is just physical means that young ones miss out on so much – as they innately know this not to be the truth, so eventually bury their clairsentience, only to be reclaimed when they are older – if at all.

  44. This is a great blog written very clearly and bringing a lot of understanding around the whole subject of clairsentience which explains how we know things because the knowing is instant and coming from within. We are all wise, and very sensitive beings.

    1. Sure we are Jacqueline, we were only not allowed to live it from young but that will not say that it is not there anymore when we are an adult. We can always make the choice to let clairsentience become part of our lives once again and it is never too late to do that.

  45. To be able to trust and go with what you are feeling and express it from that deep inner knowing and not hold back, filter or judge it, would be amazing, and it does make sense that it is natural to us as we all know when we do hold back, which is proof we all have it.

    1. What you have written Julie is so true; it would be amazing to express like this, as we did so naturally as children. And it is possible to return to that place of honest expression once we have made the choice to do so. There may be a few road blocks in the way impeding our choice to return to this sixth sense, but knowing that it is still with us in spite of the fact that we chose to bury it, as we lost trust in what we were feeling, will be of the most invaluable support.

  46. The more we acknowledge and confirm that we are all-knowing and that in connection we have access to greater levels of intelligence the more we can embrace and accept such an aspect as our natural way of being.

  47. It would be amazing Suse, because it is something that is rarely done. But if supporting our children to retain their natural ability to sense the lies and the truth in the world becomes something that is very natural it would no longer be amazing but simply ordinary. Our sixth sense is just like every other sense, it is a part of who we are and when acknowledged and appreciated makes living in this crazy world of ours so much easier to do.

  48. Imagine if children were taught to always honour their sensitivity and what they felt over what is actually said to them – their understanding of the world around them would not be shadowed or confused by the mistruths and emotions of others.

  49. The moments you describe in the beginning are actually moments that occur quite often, so to dismiss them so easily as coincidence or sheer luck is very disregarding of ourselves and constantly rattles the trust in ourself.

  50. Ingrid, it is really beautiful to read about clairsentience in this article, I am starting to allow myself to feel what is going on around me again and to not discount what I am feeling as I have done in the past, I am trusting myself more and have found that my clairsentience is very true and can be a guiding light in my life.

    1. It definitely starts with allowing ourselves to feel and then not to discount what we feel and as we do this more and more so our trust in what we have sensed begins to grow and deepen. Slowly the days of being closed down by those who could not deal with our truth will be healed and clairsentience will become the natural part of us once again as it was at the beginning of our life.

  51. It is a completely different way of viewing life to understand that there are no accidents, coincidences or random events but that everything has a purpose and meaning if we are willing and open to being aware of it.

    1. Absolutely Andrew, we get to realise that there is a lot more going on than might appear to be the case. We see how we are all interconnected and have a responsibility to each other and the bigger picture and how everything that happens is supporting us to grow and be part of the unfolding.

    2. Looking back, I can see that I never truly believed in accidents or coincidences but that there was a reason for everything that happened. It just didn’t make sense that all these events that were unfolding around me were simply ‘random events’, as by classing them as such it took all responsibility away from my actions. Even though I had turned the dimmer switch down on my clairsentience as a child it hadn’t left me and kept reminding me over and over again of that undeniable fact.

  52. To reconnect to the joy we once knew as children, is to allow and connect to that sixth sense again, the one that we often used back then and can still use now as Ingrid puts it ‘knowing that you are connected to everything around you, all of the time’ … and knowing that you are a part of a wider whole always.

    1. Gosh I can feel just how free and lovely it would be to live completely based on honouring what we feel and responding simply from that feeling. Such joy!

    2. Oh how amazing it would be to live reconnected to that “joy we once knew as children”, and from living that joy our deep connection to our sixth sense would be so very natural and our understanding of the world we live in would be complete.

  53. It is always there to know and feel… The imprints of the energetic world like an enormous and profound book or record and we simply have to start making the choices that will open the door for this perception and awareness to start to grow.

  54. Looking back in my childhood I can see clearly certain events that stand out and this I now understand was clairsentience. It is great to know we cannot completely lose it Ingrid.

  55. Actually we have a simple marker. When doubt enters into our minds we have lost our conscious presence and with that understanding have a choice, to choose to connect with our presence again or not and to experience that what doubt is doing with our bodies and to our lives.

  56. What I love is that even if our sixth sense is buried from life experiences it can so easily be tapped into again and those experiences don’t have to rule and take over our life.

  57. I am frequently challenged by the words I hear, and thank goodness for not forsaking my sixth sense, something which we all have, otherwise living in this world would be extremely confusing to me. And thank goodness for the willingness to start to speak up, to bring to light that the way of communication accepted largely is actually not so normal at all. And once these are expressed, they do not own me anymore and I am much more free to be with people and situations without judgement or protection. So the fact that we are all imbued with clairsentience, is an amazing opportunity for us to feel but also to express and nominate everything behind the surface, this opens up a freedom for us to accept so much more of the world, to let the world in deeper–ultimately, this is a god-send gift for us to be able to stand in the world solidly, steadily, in connection and with deep love.

    1. I too love how when we reconnect to our clairsentience that the world opens up to us; everything is there to be accessed by simply honouring this innate sense that has never left us. It can be challenging to begin to trust this sense again as the impact of having it disregarded as children can leave some deep and painful imprints.

  58. Reading this today I was struck by how important it is to confirm what we feel – especially for ourselves, and without the expectation to come from another.

  59. Ingrid, it is so true that our sixth sense is not honoured as children, as you say what we feel is nowhere to be seen in the school curriculum and maybe this is part of the problem, schooling seems to be about how well we do in maths, english and science etc but does not look at the bigger picture, at the whole child, and maybe this is part of the reason why children can become depressed and loose confidence in themselves; maybe their trust in themselves is being eroded because we do not honour their sensitivity and clairsentience.

    1. I absolutely agree that children’s trust in themselves as to what they feel, naturally so, is eroded by those around them not honouring the truth of what they are sharing. This is a feeling that I can remember as a child and one that has stayed with me most of my life; the bewilderment as to “why don’t you believe what I’m saying?” How confidence shattering that is for any child; a confidence that is up to us as adults to nurture in every single one of our beautiful young ones.

  60. Feeling something and everybody around you seemingly not feeling that is very challenging and I understand most of us choose to let go of it and ignore the feelings. It is very beautiful to now reclaim my ability to feel, and claim that yes it is true even though everyone else seems not to feel it or ignore it. It is the only way to change the world and its disharmonious state it is in at the moment.

  61. I find when talking with people about how a certain situations feels or a room feels they often open up and talk about what they feel. The sixth sense is always there and if we are open with each other about it we can develop this awareness and all it has to offer together.

    1. I too have found that by beginning the conversation it allows another to feel safe to share their experiences and every one I speak to has had at least one experience that they struggle to understand, usually putting it down to their imagination, to chance or that is was simply a coincidence. This is one conversation that I intend to continue to have,

  62. I would say that we never loose our natural and innate ability to feel or read energy just that we bury our awareness of it! And this is something that we can all uncover again or re-connect with, without trying but more through a surrender to and acceptance of what we already know.

  63. Children can be so open and honest in their questions that as adults we can be taken aback by this openness, not allowing ourselves to feel the truth of a situation, or perhaps not wanting to we then jump in with out feeling the truth within ourselves, or a situation, and give the easiest ( for us) answer, often without realising the damage we have caused to both the child, ourselves, and the developing relationship we have with that child. It is only through learning to open to and trust our own innate feelings that we can then give value and respect to the feelings of children, and all others equally.

  64. We have accepted a way of living whereby we have allowed our 5 senses to be bombarded and thus dominated by sounds, sensations, images and the like that are not true to the love that we are. By way of this great pollution we have thus allowed a ‘bludgeoning’ of our 6th sense in the sense that even though it remains unsullied and accessible, we do not access it due to the absolute sensory overwhelm we have made our norm.

  65. Without our 6th sense the spectrum to which we will understand life is very narrow and only by what we have been told, read, tasted, heard etc.

    1. There is a world beyond our temporal senses that is every bit as real and as accessible as the world our 5 senses inform us of. This is the world of energy. We are born all-knowing and sensing of how this all works, but gradually over time as we see and feel others not honouring what is perceived energetically, we too begin to deny its very existence.

      1. I am coming to see how confusing it must be for a child to feel the truth of one thing but to be presented the exact opposite by those around them, usually the adults that they look up to as being wise and all-knowing. The confusion within their little bodies is clearly so very disturbing that they soon come to realise that if they deny what they are feeling at least they will be aligned to their parents etc which will relieve one tension, even if the tension of not living their truth still flows through their bodies.

  66. Clairsentience is such a gift that we are using whether we realising we are or not. The more we recognise how powerful this really is and honour what we are feeling and express then our environment will start to change to support a more loving and caring place to be living in. We have to look within and listen to what we feel, it is essential.

  67. It is so natural to us and as you share so easily something we give up on. It is like we have a faulty mechanism that makes us react to hurts in a way that sets up protection etc rather than not personalising it and seeing it as the energetic attack it is.

  68. Indeed it is, yet often it seems we are told to not trust what we sense but what we ‘see’ or ‘hear’ – as children we knew and trusted what we felt, and how often then was that put down as nonsense. No wonder we shut that part down or buried it deeply. So how good is it when we discover this sense again and learn to trust it more and more in all we do and are and experience.

  69. Working with our sixth sense gives so much more meaning and relevance to life. It ensured that we are participants of life rather than mere spectators.

  70. How many of us enter adulthood doubting what we feel, because it was not validated when we were younger. One of the most beautiful things about the Universal Medicine teaching, is that it restore our confidence in claiming and living by what we feel.

  71. Thank you Ingrid the explaining of our 6th sense is so lovingly presented. And it humours in a sad way no matter how we as human spirits try to bury, discard, ignore it, the 6th sense is always alive and comes back : that all over body feeling of truth . Its a sense that is indestructible and is always true.

  72. It’s so easy to write these little moments off when we know something before it happens, or we experience thinking about someone at the same time as they think of us. Imagine if we didn’t ignore these moments and what could be possible… life would become super multi-dimensional.

    1. I agree, Meg, there is so much communication and unseen interactivity occurring all of the time, waiting for us to tap into and read.

      1. That’s true, sometimes when I’m driving or not having a great day a little bird will fly by or something will occur that makes me stop and realise I am totally not paying attention to what is around me and what I’m being communicated to, I love that we have constant support if we’re open to seeing it.

  73. We have become out of practice and so disconnected from what we are feeling not just emotions but what our whole body is telling us. Our most valuable resource is seriously under utilised.

    1. Yes it’s crazy Nicole that this amazingly wise body of ours is ignored and neglected so much of the time. It is the incredible vessel that carries us throughout our lives and is our best friend, but we often seem to treat it like the enemy, getting cross at it if it does not perform in the way we want it to. It’s time start to truly educate children as to the preciousness and wisdom of their ” most valuable resource”, and to not stop listening to its messages as they are priceless.

  74. What an amazing blog Ingrid, I literally have examples of all the times you have mentioned, and yes you’re right – many times I did take on what adults, and even people my age were lying about. However, many times I didn’t need the confirmation because I just knew they were dishonest.

    1. We feel it deeply yet may not want to admit it as it is so painful when others are dishonest to us – so cover up what we felt and discard it for a thought that tells us ‘surely not.

  75. We seem to live thinking this ‘Sixth Sense’ is mysterious or at best, an optional ‘nice-to-have’ addition to our touch, our sight, our smell. But it is so much more than that – it is everything, our connection to the world. The way we block out and ignore what it has to say, makes me wonder if we even accept all we can see and smell! We have become so adept at remixing what life presents. This reclaiming process you describe Ingrid of letting our clairsentience be, allows us to realise a great part of why we are alive.

    1. It seems to me that we have a lot of encouragement to believe that our ‘Sixth Sense is mysterious’ that it is something hidden and only meant for a few special ones. It does get me pondering on the quality of my connection to my other senses and to whether I am missing messages from them as well. It feels like time to bring my renewed awareness to all my wonderful six senses.

  76. It’s funny how we live in a world where everything is fundamentally energy and yet it is not always seen as normal to be able to feel energy – to feel different qualities of energy! Or it’s something that is said to be reserved as a special gift or talent for a few… We seem to not value the intelligence of our whole body and the things that we can sense from it.

  77. I have had many of the coincidences that you speak of in my life, at the time I put it down to what i though was ESP, which really is the 6th sense energy we all have passing through us. I remember as a kid being told that feelings were not to be trusted, this was from a very hurt shut down person, so I chose to ignore what I felt and looked on it with little value, now I am learning to come back to my body, and with this new relationship I am loving it.

    1. I have heard the saying “don’t trust your feelings” so many times over the years; probably the worst advice we ever had. To raise our young ones to trust their feelings and to be able to share them without fear of being ridiculed or shut down is, to me, the most priceless gift that we can ever give them.

  78. I can remember many times in my life when I could feel something wasn’t right but couldnt expalin why. So when I heard Serge Benhayon talking about claisentience, so many things started to make sense to me. How amazing would it be if children were to be taught about thier 6th sense when they were young, so they could grow up knowing that everything they felt was actually the truth and not be dismissed for being silly or making things up.

  79. We are connected in every way and recognising we have a 6th sense is one of the most tangible examples of that. There is no question we feel things, we get the reaction viscerally but we are sensing it first from the energy field around us all. Living in this way is empowering and should be taught right from the get-go giving children an opportunity to remind us what it feels like and be our teachers.

    1. Funny thing is we don’t need to be taught that as we come with this sense and feel it as normal. It is when we express from that place that we were told that that is rubbish and the hard facts were pushed to be trusted. Thankfully we can relearn this by connecting deeply to who we are and trusting what we truly feel again.

  80. Something you feel with your whole body – and not just a gut feeling. The two are very different and the signals given will either support or will add to disharmony. So looking after our connection with our body is so important if we want to live a life that is simple, joyful and harmonious. Appreciation of what clairsentience brings really helps me see dulling my body is not worth it and staying with any feelings that I may find temporarily uncomfortable worth it as, as I let them go I then feel my body more without impediments.

    1. Trusting our ‘gut feelings’ has been something that most of us have been raised to do so much so that we have, in the main, accepted this ingrained belief without question. It never used to sit very comfortably with me as I would question why my ‘gut’ would have the answer I was searching for and this was usually confirmed by the outcome of this particular form of trusting. Having finally reconnected to my clairsentience and becoming aware of the messages that come from my whole body there is no way that gut feelings have any place in my life, unless they are telling me there is an issue with my digestion!

  81. So as we grow up are we confirmed in this world of feeling? Are we allowed to develop and practice expressing when things feel good or bad so we can grow this natural skill to guide us through life? Certainly not in any school or institution that I have ever been in.

    1. How amazing it would be if as children we were encouraged and supported to “develop and practice expressing when things feel good or bad”. What a difference it would make in a child’s life to be honoured for the wise being that they are, that they instinctively know what is going on around them and that it is such a natural part of their lives. It is not hard to imagine if this was the case that the world would be a very different place than at present; it would be a world where to be clairsentient, to be honest and to be real would simply be the normal way to live.

    2. Very true and the questions you raise are totally valid. As children we come with this, yet often we are told that we don’t feel right, that it can’t be so etc etc and to trust what has been said or heard. Thankfully through the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine we can regain this buried sense and bring it fully to the foreground to support us in all our daily moments.

  82. It really pays to not disregard our 6th sense and what we feel. Very often we would feel confusion in life, as what we hear is not what we feel. Often when I meet people I was constantly confused with what I hear. But in consistently trusting in what was felt, a deeper understanding is realized. If I listened to only words, I would have walked away from the beginning.

  83. There have been many times in my life when those coincidences occur. I find that the more I acknowledge to myself there is reason why they happen and there is a connection between everyone and everything that happens, the more it rebuilds and strengthens that sense of knowing within me. At times I still get denial and lies from other people when I comment but this doesn’t rock what I know and saying it out loud offers other people the chance to confirm what they felt too.

  84. Our sixth sense does not ever go away but what a lot of energy we waste denying and burying what we know and feel that would support us to all live a much more harmonious life.

    1. I have been pondering lately on what happens within our body when we deny and burying what is simply a natural part of us. I could get a sense of the huge force that is needed and could almost feel the impact on the most delicate parts of my body. Now that I am embracing the reconnection to my sixth sense once again I am realising the outer force that came in in the first place to encourage me to bury it in the first place. Yes it is definitely a waste of a whole lot of very precious energy and life changing opportunities.

    2. Very true Jane, and when we remember that we come with that sense as children and that that sense does not get accepted by others, especially when we are children and often when we are grown too, then it is no wonder that we chose to bury it deeply. Time to reconnect and let it support us in our daily life always.

  85. We know so much, feel so much …we have a permanent window to energetic clarity and vision… we just have to make the choice that this is what we want, and then… make the choices that open the window.

  86. The fact that we have introduced the concept of coincidence in life shows just how far we have strayed from a natural way of being in interconnectedness with all that is.

    1. Exactly Carolien. Calling something a coincidence is dismissing our interconnectness and the grand plan we are all part of. How very telling that a meeting of 2 people, for example, who hold the universe within them could be passed off as ‘just a coincidence’.

  87. The sixth sense doesn’t go away it is just reawakened when we connect to our body.

  88. When facilitating courses on managing challenging behaviours I have often asked groups whether they can feel the energy in a room when such behaviours have taken place. Almost everyone says yes. It is a common thing to experience and is ‘common sense’ we might say. To me this sixth sense is common to us all and is what common sense is on a deeper level. But just because we call it ‘common’ doesn’t make it plain or ordinary and I feel we are dismissive of it to our detriment. In appreciating our sixth sense and reconnecting to our awareness of it, our lives are richer and in my view, through it we are guided by innate wisdom.

  89. “it is a natural part of us and when re-connected to, it can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense.” Yes the sixth sense makes sense of a life that otherwise can seem to be quite rude and unfair. When we start to feel why things happen and how everything has a reason life not only starts to make sense but also becomes very joyful and purposeful.

    1. I have found that the more I reconnect to this sense and appreciate that it is always there for me, the more I come to understand my life and this world we live in, a world that didn’t make sense for a very long time. Life has certainly become more “joyful and purposeful”.

  90. There are many examples of what we know when using our 6th sense – things like knowing when someone is lying, or feeling how hooking gossip is, and feeling how awful our words feel when we speak from manipulation. If we all lived from this place of connection then we would know the other person has clocked us in our ill expression, so there would be no more pretending black is white, and overriding each others ill ways – all excuses would be out the window.

    1. I agree Julie that there would be “no more pretending that black is white” if we were all connected to our sixth sense. As we can smell if there is a fire, or hear if someone is calling for us, will can tell instantly when someone is lying to us; we simply need to begin to trust this most natural of senses once again.

  91. ‘clairsentience, an inner and all-knowing feeling that you feel with every particle of your body, leaving you with no doubt as to the truth of any situation’. I have felt this many times, in which my whole body says yes to something, which could be for example to a new job, to moving to a new area, or a new relationship, but when you feel this, there is absolutely no doubt at all of the choice you are making because you just know deep within that this is right choice for you at that time, and everything just flows….

  92. I get annoyed when people don’t tell the truth – and say they are fine, and I know they are so far from fine – it’s not true. But that’s imposing on them – I need to learn to respect other people’s choices and observe, instead of react to them. Reacting serves no one. Well apart from the astral plane.

  93. The inner-knowing of the truth can be shattered in one moment and in a child’s life there are sure to be many more moments like this one, especially when they start school where thinking is championed and feeling is nowhere to be found in the school curriculum. This was certainly my experience of school and even though I don’t have a visual memory of how my knowing was shattered, whatever happened led to my decision to give up on my truth.

  94. ‘But our sixth sense doesn’t go away, even though at times it is buried under endless layers of life experiences.’ So true Ingrid and the world would change if we simply asked all children ‘what did you feel’ rather than ‘what did you do/learn today?

    1. It would be amazing and world changing if we changed our questions from – what did you do today to what did you feel. In my experience children are often reluctant to talk about what they did at school but when you ask how and what they felt during the day the answers can be very surprising indeed. A subtle change in question has the potential to support a child to retain their natural connection to their sixth sense instead of beginning to bury it.

  95. I was recently reading a chapter in my philosophy book on awareness and reality and how we only have our 5 senses to experience or understand the world around us and because of this we could be being fooled and reality may not actually exists – it was a pretty intense argument I was reading but for me the most fundamental thing it missed out was our 6th sense, our ability to feel past just what we hear and see – this ability is not based on the apparently flawed or limited 5 senses but based on a whole body experience/intelligence

  96. It is a sad truth Ingrid that we are not encouraged to use our clairsentience as children .
    Often adults have a mistaken belief that we are protecting our children from things that may worry them but in fact we are shaking their confidence in their own ability to know the truth and deal with it with our support.

  97. Why is it that we think it is okay to be dishonest with children and make up distorted versions of what is going on rather than telling them the truth? This way the entire fundament of our society is based on a lie, as every child that grows up thinking that what they feel is wrong, are going to take this perception with them into their adult life.

    1. It has always amazed me that many adults can lie so easily to children. Is it because they feel uncomfortable telling the truth or maybe even thinking that they are saving the child from pain or worry? I know that those around me as I was growing up wanted to protect me and so the little white lies became part of the foundation of my childhood. There were lots of secrets kept but I could always get a sense of them, although as the years went by I trusted what I felt less and less as my clairsentience was buried a little more with each secret and each lie.

      1. Exactly Ingrid – the secrets are felt no matter how well disguised they may be, as children we are super sensitive to what is going on behind the scenes.

  98. It is our sixth sense, that inner knowing that will never leave us. Yes we can bury it but not for long, as it is that strong it will surface again and again just to tell us that we are so much more and in showing our way back to Soul of course. Therefore never put your sixth sense aside and instead retreat to your mind as that will only retard your evolution and prolongs living life imprisoned by the mind.

  99. Having re-established my clairsentience in my life it happens all the time that adult life is geared to not trust this sixth sense. But the results in my body, my health, my relationships, life that come from following it rather than ignoring it are like black and white. Currently the adult world doesn’t confirm the truth of what we feel which is why we have to back ourselves by how it feels within ourselves.

  100. It is so great to talk about our sixth sense in this way, Ingrid, because we all feel everything and we know that we all know the truth, so it is indeed time to do away with the facade and become more real with one another.

    1. Exactly Janet. If we all were supported to stay connected to our sixth sense from day one there would be no place for a facade as we would all know everything there is to know and life would be naturally ‘real’. Then, what we may now consider an amazing way to live would simply be ordinary.

    2. I agree Janet, as in talking we will discover that we all have similar experiences and what is deemed as weird or abnormal is in fact so very normal and natural to all of us.

  101. How wonderful that our sixth sense does not go away even though we may choose to ignore it and try to over ride it as it’s always there in our essence. So lovely to feel that unlike our other five senses our sixth sense will not fade – it is always there to be our constant guide. And it feels so lovely to appreciate that deep sense of knowing that within we are in connection with God and the grandness of the Universe in our lives.

  102. The truth of having developed fully our holy intuitiveness is that our other 5 senses have to be working harmoniously with our body. So could it be that things like how we feel when we walk, or eating looking for a taste sensations, or expecting to see what is not truly there, or listening to music that distracts and disconnects us, or using smell to feel hungry and many other things are distracting us from our divine connection to the universe? Is it possible to fully develop our five senses so that they all appreciate the truth of our divine connection so that we do not get distracted from our divine purpose and this is how we connect to our holy intuitiveness?

  103. I am getting little flash backs to myself as a little girl and the wisdom with which I viewed life. Yes I relinquished this to fit in with my world, but right now it is inspiring to be re-accessing it and realising how unfathomable and beautiful it is.

    1. Since I wrote this I too have been receiving a lot more “flash backs” from when I was little. I can see so clearly that it was always there with me; my best and wisest friend. But slowly the reactions I got from others when I shared any of my insights were so confusing that I began to disconnect from this wonderfully normal sense simply to fit into the world, just like you did. To now reclaim it and to live it is the most liberating and joyful feeling; now this to me is a true normal.

  104. I love how you describe clairsentience as the feeling with every particle of our body. It gives us back the whole of our body, that our bodies are to be honoured and cherished and not just used for function. That every part of our body counts and not just the parts we deem useful and/or like. Every part of our body contributes to the whole and thus the better every part is looked after and made sure to be treated according to its worth and value the more harmonious our entire body will be and feel.

  105. “But our sixth sense doesn’t go away, even though at times it is buried under endless layers of life experiences. Through illness, disease or injury we can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense. It patiently waits for us to realise that it is there, that it is a natural part of us and when re-connected to, it can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense.” Put as clearly as this Ingrid, it does seem strange that our sixth sense is not acknowledged by the field of science in the same way that our other 5 senses are. So much about our world would be more understood if this was a part of the education/science/medical/psycology/psychiatry etc etc curriculum.

  106. Ingrid this is a great topic of conversation, as I had a guest staying with me and one morning they felt different heavy and sluggish and at first they said they were fine and then came and said that they felt as though had been energetically attacked via a dream they had had. This then made complete sense to what I had felt in them and we were able to take the steps to remove the energy.

    1. I am getting to see that more and more people are ready to hear the truth about our sixth sense. I am sharing more than I have ever done about this amazing but totally natural sense and what I am sharing is being welcomed, not ridiculed and shut down as often happened in the past. It’s the ‘pebble in the pond’ effect with the ripples from those of us who are now reclaiming this sense flowing on out to others.

  107. It’s so important to confirm, inquire and listen to what children see and feel. Any form of dismissal, belittling or treating them like they don’t know is devastating to their development and sense of self.

    1. This one is a killer when it comes to self-doubt and confidence too, it can absolutely crush the child’s intuition and reading what is going on around them.

  108. Allowing children to voice how they are feeling and not make them wrong, let’s them know they are being heard and that how they feel matters and is needed. This supports them to build a solid foundation of a true sense of self built from their own inner knowing and willingness to say yes to themselves and who they know themselves to be.

    1. These wise words need to be on the first page of any child raising manual: “Allowing children to voice how they are feeling and not make them wrong”. Yes, let them express all that they are feeling, listen until they have finished, confirm that what they feel/felt is true, ask questions and then support them to discover the answers to any questions they may have. By taking this valuable time to be fully present with a child and trusting what they share offers them a strong foundation as they grow into a life that is more often than not, not supportive of who they truly are.

  109. I remember the confusion as a child of feeling things to be different than how I was told they were. It really is an essential part of raising children to listen and validate what they feel.

  110. Clairsentience is natural within us all, so it is about having a willingness to let go of the constraints of the mind to break through the illusion that we are separate to the infinite wisdom of the universe.

  111. When we stop dismissing our clairsentience as coincidence, we really start connect to the inner truth of who we truly are and can feel our own true power within.

  112. The more one honours one’s clairsentience the more it becomes conscious and natural.

  113. Once we realise that there are no coincidences and no accidents, we have the choice to become powerful players in our own life rather than just recipients of life.

  114. Most are so shut down from themselves and just doing life as best as they can, stuck in the man made measures, ideals and beliefs that only support the masses to not know how amazing they all are, and how powerful each one of us is when we connect to all of the body and its wonders.

  115. “Through illness, disease or injury we can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense.” The realisation that comes with this is phenomenal, it can’t be lost-this is Divinely loving, because in this I feel the truth of the fact that God never leaves us-it our our direct link to God whereas all the other sense are not.

  116. “It’s like being in a swimming pool and whatever the person in the deep end does, you can feel the consequences in the shallow end, in fact anywhere in the pool. This is our sixth sense or clairsentience.” This is an awesome description because it brings so much responsibility and all my brothers closer to me.
    We realise what an impact we are actually having on everyone.

  117. Knowing this sixth sense is in every particle of our bodies is key, for it is our emotions that most people identify with feeling with different parts of the body, and confuse them with our deeper feelings and even more, deeper senses. This separates us into segments, and the lack of connection to the whole means all our senses are lessened, especially the sixth. Then we develop a denial of it and dismiss others’ ability to sense all that is going on around them energetically as “poppycock”.

  118. So many times I’ve been annoyed with myself for letting ideals and beliefs get in the way of what I do know and not listening to them instantly, bringing self doubt to undermine myself only to see what I do know unfold.

    Having not responded as I could have to have restores harmony to a situation, I then have to clean up a complicated mess, learning the lesson to take note and listen to this inner knowing without delay!

  119. The fact that we resist our sixth sense is an indicator of our madness and exposes the falsity of our so-called intelligence. We are missing out on an expansion of understanding life that would serve and support us all.

  120. When we feel life in our very being, it makes sense that we are all connected to the all to the very level of our particles.

  121. Your example, of how easily we can shut down our sense of feeling, shows how great of an impact everything has in our life and thus how very careful we need to make our every move and that the quality we are choosing to be in is most important.

  122. The ability to feel that we are all connected with everything and everyone else is within us all. When I share the devastation felt when this is ignored or disrespected, reaction happens even with those closest to me. When space is allowed for others to feel into their reaction, what I discover is the next movement taken by those who allowed themselves to feel, is one which is living the connection with all. This is very beautiful to observe as coming to our own conclusion of truth is our own responsibility.

    1. So true and I feel how you have gone there Adele, to that next level of responsibility by choosing this response.

  123. What struck me when I first heard Serge Benhayon talking about our sixth sense was how instantly I knew what he was talking about, but so did almost everyone else in the room. It really does seem a bit crazy that so many of us experience things that we cant explain, but that we equally cant deny, yet this is a subject that is not talked about openly and honestly. Perhaps it is time for this to change?

  124. The sixth sense, something we all have that has been disregarded and not nurtured from a young age. To confirm and nurture what is naturally within would change the world.

  125. Reading your words “I remember the aloneness in my awareness of what I could feel and a deep sense of confusion” really resonated with me and got me to stop and acknowledge that this too was how I lived throughout my younger years, with it also continuing into my adult life. I can feel that the subsequent shutting down came from the fact that it just got too hard to hold this awareness amongst the sea of humanity who were totally disconnected to theirs. Like you Shirley-Ann, I am celebrating the reconnection to and the honouring of, this totally natural way of being.

  126. ‘This sixth sense is not about seeing dead bodies, as in the movie of the same name, but knowing that you are connected to everything around you, all of the time.’ This is a great way to start to understand clairsentience – to feel that we are connected to everything and then develop a relationship with that.

  127. Thank you, Ingrid, this is such a true depiction of how self-doubt gradually creeps in from young, if we are not encouraged and supported to express what we feel to be true.

  128. The supremacy of the older over the young is a main cause of burying much of our clairsentience in our childhood. As in fact the supremacy that is employed because we think we are older and that we know how life works is false in itself. Because we live in cycles of life and death, we all have lived many lives before and therefore a baby has an experience with human life equally to the older, those who are older in age in this current incarnation. And therefore the described supremacy employed in our upbringing has actually no other ground then that we use it to suppress that natural clairsentience we all are born with.

  129. Dismissing our clairsentience is like living life with a pair of humungous blinkers on. All that there appears to be is a narrow slice of what we can see and we say ‘that’s life’. But what if we’re able to take the blinkers off, simply by listening carefully to the smallest sense or message we receive? What if rather than a boarded up post box we became more like the most active email inbox – receiving and reading messages all day long? Perhaps we would see then that we are never alone, but constantly supported by God and life and given everything?

    1. Sure Rebecca, we so easily negate, ignore and override that natural ability to feel all of life while from that space we know that in fully accepting and appreciating our ability to feel is the key to all the issues we experience in our lives and nowadays societies. How irresponsible is that.

  130. The moments you talk about – like when we think of a person and then receive a call from them – are really interesting to experience because it feels like you’ve attuned to a particular frequency where the details of how life will unfold are set out ahead and we can actually read/sense what’s happening in a wider area than our immediate life.

    1. Yes I agree Susie that it often feels like that. In the past I would have thought how unusual this was and labelled it as extraordinary but these days I consider these occasions to be very ordinary and simply a part of life; after all our clairsentience is no different from our other senses, those that we often use without thinking many times during our day.

    2. Love this, Susie, acknowledging and appreciating that we can read ahead what is going to happen and that we do have an intelligence about life that is beyond our current understanding.

  131. I sense that the more ‘mental’ we become as a race the less awareness we have of our sixth sense. If we allow ourselves to believe that we are fundamentally mental beings, dismissing feelings and our innate ability to sense, then we will not be open to and hence experience these things. This is the ‘power’ of the mind and hence we must use it in a deeply discerning way. If we can so easily dismiss things so natural to us, what else do we dismiss through our thoughts?

  132. “…the fact that this sense is actually a part of us from the day we are born…” By knowing and remembering this would bring great insight into all aspects of child rearing, from parenting, teaching to relationships.

  133. Look beyond the world as you know it, but do not lose touch with the ground beneath your feet. That way, you have reference for what you are connecting to, and will not be lost by the allure of what is called the spiritual new age.

  134. I am so appreciating how all of these lessons come through, not what I might expect or want, but exactly as needed.

  135. The more we acknowledge our inner awareness the more we know that we are connected to the Universal Intelligence and we are multi-dimensional beings.

  136. Very relatable real life examples of how much we can feel in any given moment.

  137. It is nonsense not to be connected to our clairsentience, and being aware of our other five 5 senses is the key that unlocks the door to fully claiming our sixth 6 sense. As all six 6 senses have to be working in unison to fully connect to what is our clairsentience.

  138. Actually acknowledging and paying attention to our 6th sense frees us up to read any situation we find ourselves in. Instead of being tossed about with our’s and everyone else’s emotions, and only relying on the 5 other senses.

  139. As children we live by our clairsentience, we feel everything but we learn that that is not an acceptable way to live, because adults (especially our parents) are not feeling what we are feeling, so we learn to diminish our clairsentience to fit in. The world would be a very different place if we lived as we did as children and responded to what we felt and what we know to be true.

  140. Clairsentience is one that has been ignored for such a long time, but it is something that has always been there. Maybe it is that people didn’t know what to call it and some not knowing what it is that they are feeling so not sure what to call it. Sixth sense has been the common understanding that there is something else going on. When we accept and acknowledge that there is more to life than the physical and that energy is going on at all times then start to honour who we truly are. Perhaps if this was embraced we wouldn’t have so much disharmony in life and our bodies?

  141. Our clairsentience is such a natural sense… I remember using it distinctly as a child, I was very sensitive and very aware of what I was feeling. But how easy it was to shut it down, deny what I was feeling because fitting in with others was more important.

  142. We have a knowing that is always there. It’s just we know exactly what to do to. Or feel it. I find the more I honor what I truly feel – the more it becomes natural to feel it.

  143. ‘So the first seed of doubt is sown and if this little girl does not receive the confirmation that what she felt was true, this seed will begin to sprout and the doubt will continue to grow so the next time she feels something to be true, she will probably hold back from saying what she feels just in case she is shut down once more.’ – Not only do we learn to hold back what we feel, this is also how we learn that it is okay or in fact normal to tell a lie and pretend we don’t feel angry (or any other emotion that may be suppressed in that moment), that little girl is going to do exactly the same thing she has just witnessed, and this is how we pass it on from generation to generation.

    1. So true, Eva, and with that suppression we are also sowing the seeds for illness and disease in later life as a consequence of the accumulation of the unresolved emotions that the body must eventually find some way to release.

  144. I simply love every time I have been thinking about someone and randomly they get in touch or I bump into them. It is such a joyful confirmation that we are all connected to one another all of the time, and things constellate as and when they need to.

    1. Since I wrote this I have been having some surprising, but delightful, re-connections with people I haven’t seen for many years. I have being getting an impulse to go to a specific place, mainly a shop, and when I get there I begin to wonder why I’m there as there is nothing I need to buy. It doesn’t take long before there in front of me is someone from the past; in fact it just happened today. It was a most joyful reunion for us both just proving to me that yes “we are all connected to one another all of the time, and things constellate as and when they need to”.

      1. Beautifully confirming, Ingrid, of everything you have shared here. Our hurts and reactions keep us in separation from one another but it is with great joy that we eventually return to a more connected and natural state of oneness.

  145. A great example Ingrid of how we start to doubt what we feel because of what we are told by the adults around us…as kids, we feel something and are told ‘don’t by silly’ or ‘no, everything is fine’ when we feel otherwise.

  146. Opening up to the awareness of the sixth sense and feeling energy has explained many things to me. People sometimes speak of gut feelings but to me this is more than just a gut feeling, but a whole body awareness. It is an amazing thing to explore and can support us to make more truly loving choices. I realise that I have known this sixth sense all my life but have at times ignored it. It has never left me though which is evidenced by the fact that I have known things innately but chosen to go against them at times only to reflect back that I chose to ignore what this wisdom was trying to tell me in the first place.

  147. Everytime we don’t express what we feel we are in effect holding back, which means we are not living our true potential. It makes sense that this affects our health and wellbeing, but what is not so commonly known is that it also affects the whole that we are all part of.

  148. It is very reassuring to know that our clairsentience does not go away, that it remains here with us always, because life experiences can lead a person to thinking that they are on their own, that no one cares for them, that they are not loved. When clairsentience however is re-connected with, there is the deepest most greatest sense of being loved and to have an abundance of love to share.

  149. “This sixth sense is …. knowing that you are connected to everything around you, all of the time.” Simple and beautiful, leaving no doubt that we are part of the grand whole.

    1. It certainly is “simple and beautiful” Esther and once we reconnect to it we have a responsibility to live it, not just for ourselves but for all.

  150. An amazing celebration of the 6th sense and how it’s always there for us when we are ready to reconnect to it. I also got a really great picture of how we lose it from childhood and how it’s so important that we confirm what we do feel, no matter what is said or presented to us, that way we make our 6th sense a natural part of our lives.

  151. Developing our six sense allows us to experience life from a different perspective where we can avoid the enmesh of dramas and emotions and be able to be one step ahead of our ability to discern and feel what is not of truth.

    1. True, Francisco, we can always feel what is coming when we remain connected in this way.

  152. Knowing the sixth sense never goes away is great because we can simply choose to turn back to it and it is there waiting for us to reconnect to it. I have felt this in my body and know it to be true.

  153. Yes indeed, Ingrid, things do become simpler when we use our sixth sense to feel our way through life, rather than be driven by the mind which is full of complexity and false projections.

  154. We all know this sixth sense, because it’s part of us just like our physical senses – if we open up to it more, then we will feel and clock it more, and be amazed how much we do know.

    1. Definitely Karoline, for when we underestimate what we do know we also underestimate the volume of wisdom we all equally have instant access to.

  155. It is definitely confusing for a small child to feel things are not ok and yet be told they are. It is a constant questioning of the feeling and contradiction that causes the huge ability to feel to start to be shut down, and so begins the process of unease. Is it any wonder we have a world filled with anxiety, depression and stress when our foundation is so lacking in confirmation of the grand ability to feel, called our sixth sense or clairsentience.

  156. It takes a certain strength to know that what we feel is true even if it is being denied.

  157. We are trained from very young to put aside what we can feel if there is no physical proof that there is something not right. We are told ‘its just a dream’ when we have nightmares, even though we know there are ‘monsters’ and where they come from. We are told to kiss the relative, who appears friendly, but may be jealous, judgmental, sleazy or just not feel right. All this teaches us to look for proof and undermines our innate knowing of energy as feeling beings. It is very re-empowering to give focus to and acknowledge these feelings once again, to know there is no coincidence in life and energetic messages that we get through our connection to everything are just as real, if not more so than what we can see or hear.

  158. Embracing we are connected to everything and everyone all of the time is huge. I could freak out that nothing we do cannot consider everyone but if I keep it simple and connect with my body and listen to it, my sixth sense, then it is all given to me.

  159. I had a lovely example of listening to my clairsentience today where my head was saying one thing and my feeling was to do something else, even though is didn’t seem necessarily logical. I went with what I felt, breezed through something that usually has long queues but I waited only 15 mins. When I then walked out to go and find where the taxis and buses left from at Heathrow or my next destination, I looked up and there was the bus I needed. All divinely timed and easy.

  160. I have come to learn that there is no such thing as coincidence in life and I find it interesting how common it is in our society to write things off as coincidence.

  161. Just last night I picked up my phone to call my mum. She answered, and said, I was just about to call you. So I replied, I must have picked up on your thoughts, which is a simple example of our Clairsentience or sixth sense.

  162. On three occasions in my life I have had very strong feelings to change my intention to do something and on all of these occasions there was a possibility that my life would have ended – I know this sounds dramatic but all feelings revolved around my car, crashes and a bus which was blown up, and had I not listened I am sure I would not be here today.

  163. It dumbfounds me that that no group or culture that walks the planet has truly been able to know about, foster and live life from their clairsentience apart from a few small pockets of humanity here and there. It does show that there is a definite set up going on here to keep us from knowing all that we are capable of knowing.

  164. It is such a needed topic to be talking about, a world that is designed for us not to connect and honour our clairsentience or even know what it means. It can be ignored but as you say Ingrid it goes nowhere and when we start to listen what we are feeling to live starts to make a whole lot of sense.

  165. We have so much to learn from children about our natural way of living. To observe a child’s joy in the simplest things, their “connection with nature” and their ability to feel what is happening around them and to express so honestly can be very uncomfortable for some adults who in their reaction may often dampen the child’s beautiful expression. Maybe that is because it sparks a long lost memory of having lived like that as well and the sadness that this shakes loose is just too much to deal with so the choice is made not to go there and so the memory stays locked away.

  166. I have found that with practising using our 6th sense again, making mistakes and admitting to them helps the unfolding of what we have spent years and life times dumbing down and ignoring.

  167. Watching a celebrity, or someone well known on the TV, or even on YouTube, and then turning the sound down gives a great insight into how they really feel. Their body language, and the look in their eyes gives away so much and it is possible to read them like a book using our 6th sense. The fact is, most of us are doing this all the time with each other but for a majority of the time we are simply not fully aware of it.

  168. Coincidence suggests chance, fate and beyond our control. Clairsentience puts us back in the driving seat, valuing an innate quality and the relationship with life it offers.

  169. Clairsentience => awareness => knowing => responsibility => power => Will => alignment => quality => movement => The Livingness (the Soul´s expression on earth).

  170. I can think of many instances where someone has said something but the words they use don’t match what I am feeling that they are saying. More and more I’m listening to what I feel more than what I hear but if I’m invested at all in what is being said, then I override what I’m feeling and go with the words and am then left with an uneasy feeling.

  171. ‘we can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense’ – This is very true Ingrid and there are some amazing examples out there of people losing one or more of their 5 senses but being very aware, sometimes even MORE aware of what’s happening around them, people’s movements and the vibrations they come with.

  172. It is beautiful to observe how situations and persons constellate. To use and appreciate our clairsentience fosters the inner knowing that we are not separate.

  173. Our main problem is the constant reduction of who we are and of our innate qualities. We have six senses, but we live as if we only have five. We are divine but we tend to live only as human beings. The list could go on and on. The only truth is that understanding and feeling what is not part of our daily experience in life makes life to have much more sense. It is a different view and understanding of life.

  174. Sometimes it’s important to hear of back from saying things, because that person is not ready to hear them. That’s part of our responsibility, discerning if they are ready to hear things or not – not just going around spouting everything we feel and so called pulling people up – as that’s not loving, deeply caring or being responsible – that’s making it only about yourself.

  175. I love it with my partner – we can be miles away and not in touch – when he will message me as say what’s going on and clock exactly what he is feeling from me and how I am feeling. This shows we are all connected and we all feel everything – no matter where we are in the world or who we are.

    1. Absolutely. Relationships continue no matter the distance. A blessing of a responsibility in terms of our always connection with each other and a great point of learning in terms of understanding that humanity is naturally unified.

  176. We really do have to ask the question why we are born so clairsentient and yet it is not encouraged but literally snuffed out of most of us. It is the thing that would solve all the worlds problems and yet we let education as it is ruin it instead of encourage it as our most important sense.

    1. And rather than being beaten down by this fact, it is of note to wonder why we have set things up to ‘snuff’ out our innate clairsentience… interesting, no?

  177. To me this makes way for a new way of parenting – confirming everything our kids feel. I already see this in my daughter. She reads people and she knows if someone feels safe or not. So I allow her to decide who she wants to be held by.

  178. ‘clairsentience, an inner and all-knowing feeling that you feel with every particle of your body’ – A quality we are born with and learn to shut down when we realise the world around us does not live or respond well to this quality.

  179. The more we are willing to be clairsentient the more we are knowing. We will experience that nothing is incidental but everything a choice and its consequences, really everything, even the things our human mind cannot fathom.

  180. And it all comes back to the body first. We sense, and our body feels and clocks everything that is going on.

  181. I have noticed in UK that lots of people say they are fine, but when the conversation progresses, they are anything but fine. Is it due to a mixture of politeness, not wanting to sound miserable or grumpy, or simply that they are not aware of how they are feeling and it is an instant reaction to the question.

  182. We feel so much and everything energetically especially as children but this does not get supported by the world so we learn to dull down our awareness but it is always still there ready to be reawakened.

  183. “It’s like being in a swimming pool and whatever the person in the deep end does, you can feel the consequences in the shallow end, in fact anywhere in the pool. This is our sixth sense or clairsentience.”
    The pool analogy is such a powerful way to understand energy, to see how everything effects everything, indeed the water provides a magnification of this sixth sense.

  184. Not having our felt sense validated as children can lead us to doubt ourselves and what we know to be true. It is a vital way in which we can be met and raised, living from our natural knowing and inner wisdom.

  185. Ingrid, this is very lovely; ‘This sixth sense is not about seeing dead bodies, as in the movie of the same name, but knowing that you are connected to everything around you, all of the time’, I have observed this with children, they have a connection with nature, with people they meet, life is spherical and there is a joy and wonder, I can feel as adults how we close down our clairsentience and can dismiss it and believe only what we see, having lived this way for many years I can feel how this is very shut down, limited way of living with no true joy or contentment.

  186. When I started to understand and appreciate the sixth sense I found examples of when I had ‘followed’ it’s ‘advice’ and when I had not in my past. The most obvious example of this is around relationships, meeting a woman and having that sense that ‘this is not right’. I didn’t always take its advice but on reflection, I can see it was always there. I have also experienced the ‘yes, this is right’ or maybe ‘true’ is a better word – something that I felt with all of my being. Thankfully I followed this ‘guidance’ too and it has proven to be a very wise choice.

  187. “I don’t know its just a feeling that I have” is a statement I have heard many times, and it is one that people usually stop and acknowledge, it is experience that has helped me to understand how spot on these feelings are. Sometimes overwhelmingly so – how is it possible that I could know such a thing? When we understand that everything is energy and let ourselves feel then it makes so much sense.

  188. What is conveniently ignored by the world of science is the fact of life force, and that is understandable, for it is not necessarily something that can be easily understood. The actual study of life force, or what gives life energy, can only be done if one uses their 6th sense, and furthermore uses their 6th sense equally but not less than or more than all other senses.

    1. Yes the problem with science today is they want everything proven or evidenced according to a very limited physical three dimensional paradigm but the science of life and where we come from does not fit into this reduced view for it is multidimensional. Nevertheless we can all feel the science of energy whether it is scientifically proven or not.

  189. “It can bring simplicity to a way of living that we have often made complicated and it can bring a depth of relationship to those around us that we never felt was possible.” Clairsentience is all this and even more, so why would we choose to shut it down in ourselves or anyone?

  190. Our sixth sense is our true compass and once reclaimed and affirmed, our trusted ally and birthright.

  191. Interestingly the moment we think about what we know with clairsentience it goes and in that moment we replace what was felt with rationalisation. This reveals the difficulty of holding it when so much around us makes us question our true knowing and far from confirms it.

  192. Thankfully our 6th sense never goes away because without it we are blind! The world is made of energy so to deny what we feel is to hand ourselves over to being used and abused by energies that may present a beautiful, tantalising picture but rob us of our life force beneath our noses. Ignoring what I feel has cost me dearly – buying a dogey car, going out with a good looking man and buying into his lovely words but not feeling the disrespect present etc.

  193. it is so confirming when you feel something and know something is going on and then for it to play our before your very eyes. This is all the evidence that you need that we are part of one ginormous Universe and that there is energy flowing through all the particles. When you don’t fight it, ignore it or resist this beauty where we come from then life is magnificent.

    1. Yes. And magnificent is a great word to use… the way we can interact with the world and each other when we accept and live our sixth sense is incredible and our true nature.

  194. Thanks, Ingrid. The first example you give of thinking about someone and then hearing from them or seeing them is happening more and more in my life, as I open up to being more connected with the world and others. It is such joyful confirmation that we are all part of the same grandness.

    1. Yes we are all a part of this grandness no matter what we feel. In the past I’ve had a couple of occasions when I’ve felt a partner disappear and then asked what happened and had the confirmation that they are now interested in someone else. I love the transparency that being connected allows.

  195. I love what you share about the fact that illness or injury can re-awaken our sixth sense. I can definitely attest to that and how empowering and beautiful it is. When one of the other senses we have is diminished and we listen more to our bodies, more that is to that loving voice that tells us in advance whether something is supportive or not, it is an amazing reconnection with ourselves, at a very deep level. We know we have the answers and we know that as long as we stay in tune with our sixth sense, we are solidly OK. When vulnerable with illness this is especially powerful, and something to then take into ‘normal’ life as well.

    1. Only this weekend a wise man told me that “The greatest asset we have is energy…..if you take it away we are going to be less… a fish without fins.” Our sixth sense brings another level of understanding to life and in turn deepens how we respond and perceive life through all our other senses.

  196. This is such a great article Ingrid, you have brought a simple understanding and confirmation that we are all clairsentient, we all have the sixth sense, its whether we have pushed it aside or listened to it. In our world, often it is not seen as a natural sense and part of who we are, but rather something mysterious, unscientific and denied. Yet it is not a big deal, and if we allowed ourselves to tune into our clairsentience, we would live very differently. One thing – the lies in our society would be difficult to hide – everything would be exposed, maybe that is one of the reasons we don’t want to know about clairsentience – we would have to be more responsible?

    1. How amazing would it be if we all lived from our clairsentience? What a different world it would be and as you say so beautifully Karoline, “the lies in our society would be difficult to hide”. I would go as far as to say that they would not be able to be hidden in any way and we would live in total transparency and in harmony with each other; in true brotherhood.. Now that is one world I would love to be living in!

  197. Reconnecting back to our inner knowing allows us to be guided by what feels true – this brings a simplicity that supports us to be in the flow of life rather than trying to control or complicate life.

    1. Yes indeed, Anna. Life is so much simpler when we stop trying to control everything and have investments in certain outcomes. Going with the flow may sound wishy washy, but in actual fact it is very precise in that one is choosing to live moment by moment in connection to a higher vibration, that is available to all once we surrender our self driven motives.

  198. There is so much we feel – it is far vaster than the physical world. What an amazing gift we have to be so aware. Of course we can choose not to – but if we allow it. -we can feel and read everything, It is how we connect with each other.

  199. So many people say they are fine or good, when they are not – we all do it, I honesty don’t – I can’t – I can’t hide how I’m feeling I tell people honestly how I am – sometimes before I do a thought will pop in where I go really should I tell them this? Then what happens when I am honest is it opens up most of the time a really honest conversation where people open up and share personal things, stuff that’s going on for them, how they feel, what’s happening in life, and this is often with so called complete strangers, for example delivery men, staff in supermarkets and people in the street. I’ll be super honest I get really frustrated and sad that people say they are fine when they are not.

  200. Clairsentience and awareness go hand in hand. The result is an increasing responsibility. If we like to avoid responsibility we just need to keep awareness reduced by limiting clairsentience.

  201. I had never even heard of clarisentience until I heard Serge Benhayon present on the subject and in fact I had always considered the sixth sense to be a bit airy fairy. I have now discovered that could not be further from truth.

  202. “Firstly, the child’s knowing begins to be shaken, the feeling that she has had clearly within her is being challenged by the words she is hearing, words from an adult who she feels probably knows more than she does.” Lies are taken away from the original meaning of the words to keep us from being connected and understanding the truth.

  203. The joy of claiming our sixth sense and the knowing that it was always there is an amazing revelation and marker in our lives allowing true wisdom simplicity and appreciation for ourselves and all we feel as a way of living that makes so much difference to being all we are.

  204. How many times in our lives do we ask family and friends if they are alright and they say ‘I’m fine’, and all along we can tell, with our 6th sense that they are clearly not. We let them off the hook because they do not want to go there and again our clairsentience takes a knock back – it’s like a game we play going back and forth. Maybe it is time to claim back our clairsentience and say something like ‘I know you do not want to go there but I can clearly feel….’

  205. The more we connect to this inner and all-knowing feeling, which is within us all, the easier decisions become, because we can feel the truth of any situation.

  206. There’s always tension in life. And we feel it, even if we ignore it. The deeper I allow my clairsentience to be there, the more I realise how strange and actually ridiculous it is that we ignore the tension that we feel within ourselves. What is it about us that we don’t want to truly investigate why we ignore this very tender and delicate form of communication. We’re worth to be heard, seen and met by ourselves, aren’t we. Wouldn’t this make the world a lot more precious and safe to live in? If this would be our accepted normal? To me it feels very spacious, a deep knowing that we all need healing and that we are to choose healing in our own time. Clairsentience, the beautiful gateway to the multidimensional being that we are.

  207. Yes, it is so important to remember that everyone is naturally clairsentient, and the extent to which they have shut it down is merely an indication of how much they have reacted to the world and what they clearly felt to be true.

  208. Sometimes we don’t know why we’re being called to a particular place, but if we follow our sixth sense, not our heads, we can be rewarded with gems. Yesterday I had a feeling to go to particular town, a place I’m not particularly fond of, to shop for something I felt I needed, only to find instead an item I’d wanted for a while.

  209. I came to the conclusion recently that someone always messages me when they are down. I phone them up and they say they are fine. We have a chat and then it all comes out they are not fine, there is something troubling them and when we have finished our conversation they feel so much better and tell me so. I can tell from the way the message is sent to me and yesterday it was no different, this proves to me that everything is energy and we can all read it if we bring our awareness to what is happening around us.

  210. The experience of the little girl, captures vividly how as children we begin to lose trust in our own inner knowing what it feels like to when words spoken by an adult does not match the knowing you have in your body. Unfortunately situations like this are often repeated.

    1. This is so true Kehinde; this is just one example of the beginning of the erosion of our natural inner knowing as a child and it will not be the only such example in a child’s life. It simply makes sense of how we begin to bury our clairsentience as we live in a world that is not set up in many ways to support us to hold and honour it. But how wonderful that it actually never leaves us and we can choose to reconnect to it at any given time.

  211. Our 6th sense can not go away, our 6th sense can only be buried or numbed. This touches me deeply as this means we can always be connected to ourselves and this 6th sense.

  212. I have rarely met a person who does not acknowledge the awareness of walking into a room and feeling an atmosphere – like ‘you can cut the tension with a knife’. This is so very normal yet it seems we have not allowed ourselves to take this awareness further into everyday living and use it on a daily basis in our interactions with others, our work or family life. I feel sixth sense is ‘common sense’ and is a source of true wisdom – something we would be wise to nurture rather than negate and belittle as we often appear to currently. Our education system might be quite different if we honoured and nurtured this ‘common sense’ in our young people.

  213. Clairsentience is the seed that has always been planted in us. And, as you have stated Ingrid, we spend our lifetime covering it. We are like a flowerbed that we keep mowing down to ensure nothing will grow. But magic happens when we stop and see what blossoms!

  214. We all have a sixth sense but relearning to use and trust it can be a challenge sometimes when it has been buried so deep.

  215. Our clairsentience ‘can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense. It can bring simplicity to a way of living that we have often made complicated and it can bring a depth of relationship to those around us that we never felt was possible.’ – it enables us to always know the truth.

  216. ‘Asked someone how they were and when they replied, “Fine” or “Good” – you felt that they were not telling you the truth but you held back from saying so just in case you had got it wrong?’ – gorgeous example of how we feel the energy first and pick up the mis-match between the words being spoken and the energy they are being spoken in. We are so much more ‘knowing’ than we give ourselves credit for.

  217. This inner knowing is often referred to as intuition, almost like a mental thought or something that comes from part of you – like a gut-feeling… but this is such a dumbed down version of the pure joy and expansiveness of clairsentience which is a whole body and being knowing of truth.

  218. When we are ready to see and feel what we have known and read from our all knowing bodies but ignored, every cell in our bodies are reconfigured and aligned to that loving choice and a higher purpose.

  219. I know for myself it is like teaching a new baby when it comes to trusting what it is you are feeling, what we can live as our truth. With not that many people at all living this way and inspiring us to connect with ourselves on this level we shut down to all levels of our senses.

  220. That is true. What is fascinating is that by choosing to ignore energy we are making a constant, clear choice only punctuated by the odd alternative choice – we basically choose not to have any control over the process at all.

  221. There is a sixth sense that is very good at seeing what is wrong with others and there is a sixth sense that is able to see the Divine in others.

  222. This is true, that our clairsentience never goes away and, once we recognise that, and allow ourselves to not only feel but also to honour what we feel, the sense gets stronger and we begin to trust its wisdom, we can hear more, see more and feel more clearly and have a greater understanding of the world around us.

  223. There is so much that we feel as children that gets dismissed by adults, and so much that we feel as adults that we dismiss ourselves.

  224. Not only to be able to know the monsters are not a figment of your imagination but to be able to talk about and understand the very reason they are there in your bedroom would help prevent so many young children turning away from their innate ability to feel.

  225. It would seem that many many children experience the same feelings when little, that the same areas ‘don’t feel right’ and even scary. Yet many adults dismiss this even when they lived the exact same experiences! What is it that subjects children to conditioning that shuts down their understanding their clairsentience to replace it with a pseudo logic derived from the so called adult intelligence? Adults do all sorts of things that seem to defy ‘intelligence’ yet we impose this same thinking onto children.

  226. Living from the 5 senses is very limiting – it is very much based around the physical world.. There is so much more to us and when we embrace our clairsentience it opens up the multidimensional aspect to life.

  227. You only have to talk to children and you understand that we most definitely have a “sixth sense”.

  228. How strange that we have everything at our fingertips and at times we deny and fight the very fact of our nature. The wisdom of our being is magnificent.

  229. I have a knack of calling people just as they finish work or walk in the door, just when they are free to speak. I used to brush it off and it was a long running joke, but more and more I realise that there is a level of awareness and connection to the people i am calling that needs to be appreicated.

    1. I used to have those experiences quite often too Rebecca but like you brushed them off without allowing myself the time to truly feel what was actually happening. Since I wrote this I have been recalling so many times when I had these all knowing feelings but of course not having been raised to understand the actual process that was happening I was never able to truly know that this was one of my natural senses, in fact the most important one of all.

  230. It is crazy to realise that we are born ‘all knowing’, then learn to suppress what we know so we can fit in to society and the environment around us, just to spend the rest of our lives searching for the ‘missing piece’.

  231. Without clairsentience we wouldn´t be who we are, we wouldn´t know ourselves or others the way we can, we would experience life only as a physical and temporal occurrence without the vast energetic dimension that it is.

  232. We feel so much and have learnt to dismiss the feelings that come when we feel something not true comes from another or even from ourselves. We are doing ourselves and each other a dis-service – how much quality would we have in our interactions if we honoured and acknowledged what we felt.

    1. The quality and understanding we can offer with another when we feel what is going on is truly a gift. Have we stopped to consider that when we override the ability to use our 6th sense we are stopping the potential to bring depth to all our interactions that avoid the complications and reactions that we consider to be normal but are far from our true way of being.

  233. This is so beautifully described, Ingrid, and presents clairsentience as the most natural thing in the world, which it actually is. Thank heavens that Serge Benhayon has re-introduced us to the essence of our true nature – I am determined to never lose track of it ever again!

  234. When I listen to and respond to life based on what I feel , life becomes a joy.

  235. Ingrid I love how you have described examples of our sixth sense, so simple and practical it is our ability to feel life through energy.

  236. All of us have experienced so many coincidences, deja vu’s, happenstances, feelings, instincts etc…showing us all, undoubtedly, that there is more at play than the mere physical of our world. Yet we stubbornly refuse to investigate it deeper, no matter how many books, movies, stories or experiences we encounter that keep raising this question. Why are we so wedded to the limitations of the five senses? Why are we so adamant about keeping it so limited, temporal and practical? Why do we fear a bigger picture or a possibility that there is more? Is it simply because we are too arrogant, proud and/or embarrassed to admit that we have been consciously choosing to walk in the opposite direction from the thing that we all so crave. It reminds me of a child who refuses to do something they know that they want to do – yet a child normally has the sense to give in and make the choice…and then also has the humility and wisdom to smile and joyfully embrace the correction.

  237. I love your example of the four year old girl and the angry woman. If we were to commit to a deeper honesty and transparency our sixth sense would naturally be revealed as the truth-deliverer that it is. We know all of this stuff – innately – and yet we lie ourselves away from it.

  238. This is a great analogy of the fact that we do live in and feel energy all of the time … “It’s like being in a swimming pool and whatever the person in the deep end does, you can feel the consequences in the shallow end, in fact anywhere in the pool. This is our sixth sense or clairsentience…”

  239. When we look after our bodies in such a way that we can feel everything that is going on, we then have access to the wisdom of our clairsentience, so that means eating light, not engaging in heavy dramas, keeping everything light.

    1. Indeed Carmel, i have always thought that sensitivity was a weakness, but this way of living has confirmed for me that it is truly powerful

  240. So very true, accepting our ability to feel brings simplicity to life, and the more we learn and allow this part of us to be a natural way of being, the richer and deeper all that we experience in life becomes.

  241. Our 6th sense is always with us and can bring amazing simplicity if we allow it to support us as we move through life. I spent years beating myself up for being indecisive not recognising that I had shut down my inner knowing and thus lost my compass in life so no wonder I felt lost and indecisive!

    1. Indecision is a product of disconnection to our inner knowing, or it can also be a product of not wanting to make the choice we know is true but doesn’t match the picture of how we want or need life to be for us. In that not wanting to speak and claim the truth there is wavering and indecision, which, if left unvoiced, can lead to a lot of confusion, hurt and misinterpretation.

  242. ‘Through illness, disease or injury we can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense’.- this is so true Ingrid, our sixth sense is the wisdom that holds us in love no matter what everything around us says and the one thing that will keep niggling at us until we acknowledge that we can feel it.

  243. Just being open to the possibility that there is something going on beyond surface level interaction and life can change everything, as we can then ask ourselves what those ‘coincidental’ moments are there to teach us and see so much more of how things are constellated around us all the time to support us to be more.

  244. A great sharing on understanding our 6th sense, and how easily it is for us as a child to lose it and stop using it. But as you highlighted our 6th sense never leaves us, and all we have to do is begin trusting in all we are feeling and expressing from that space.

  245. I loved the way you used the symbolism of the seed of doubt being planted – growing like a weed that slowly smothers, strangulates and squeezes out the innate use of our sixth sense

  246. Great blog Ingrid, our body has an innate knowing and it is great to confirm this to humanity. Every single one of us on this planet should read this and especially kids as we get so crushed at a young age by adults and we give our power away to them because we think they know more.

  247. Regardless of how much we pay attention to it, we read life, people and situations all the time. The real skill is in learning to pay attention to the messages again, to be able to identify the quality of energy at play and understand the reasons behind our behaviours, empowering us to live in connection with our true intelligence once more.

  248. Just because a child does not have a head full of knowledge does not make them ignorant. In fact it might be argued that they are free of the hindrance that is excessive mental energy and hence more in touch with their innateness. The way we raise and educate children at present negates the possibility – a fact in my experience – that we are born with ‘sixth’ or ‘common’ sense, known not through thinking but through feeling and sensing. A child that has been raised with this awareness in place often shares ‘wisdom beyond their years’ and this is because age has nothing to do with it – it is a connection to something that is within us all whether we are 1 or 101 years old.

  249. Thank you Ingrid, this writing raises the question for me about senses, and how it is possible to wholly trust what can be seen, felt, touched, heard and tasted, but with the standard intellectual pursuits of this world we are not encouraged to trust what can be felt, and I wonder why that would be so… what could we possibly gain as an entire human race by learning to and teaching each other how to shut down this innate part of ourselves, and I wonder if it is because clairsentience is actually a connection with something greater than this earthly life?

  250. One of the greatest things we can do for children is to honour what they are feeling and sensing and honouring the fact that they are usually more in tune with their clairsentience then we are as adults.

  251. ‘is it possible that these moments were not a coincidence, not by chance or your imagination playing tricks on you, but that there was something else at work:’ This is definitely something we need to be more open about and have more discussions on. Everyone will have had these experiences and yet we are taught to dismiss them as nonsense. Acknowledging that we feel deeply and know through our feelings what is going on we start to have a different relationship with the world and with each other.

  252. I find it fascinating that all of our five senses can be lost to injury but our sixth sense can never be affected. Surely that tells us something about which is the most important/powerful. I had never contemplated it this way – thank you Ingrid for your super-wisdom.

  253. I love your explanation of how the doubt sneaks in and how even the smallest bit of it can be growing and become something big. I can still see in my life today how doubt is a big one, I might feel very strongly something is true but even through my thoughts doubt can sneak in and suddenly I don’t trust what I felt before anymore… Something I am going to be aware of, Thank you Ingrid.

  254. This is to me a great blog because there is so much too discuss here. Last year I went away for the week end with my family and we went to stay in a rented house. And as we drove up to the house we all felt that there was an unpleasant atmosphere to it, that was before walking into it and even though we spoke about this feeling to each other we chose to ignore it as we were determined to have a great week end as you say in you blog Ingrid we put our feelings to one side. But even before that I did not discern the energy of the house when booking it. If I had stopped to read the energy of the house before booking we would not have stayed there. I was too busy building pictures of how the week end was going to be for all of us as it is so rare for us all to get together. I have found that if I want something to be a certain way all discernment of my sixth sense goes out of the window so to say.

    1. Beautiful and wise sharing Mary…. This is my experience too, recently I got invested in a new relationship, and starting having pictures of where the relationship was going etc, and just like you I found that having investment in it being a certain way, all discernment of my sixth sense went out the window. But what a valuable learning.

    2. This is a great example Mary, how easily we can ignore that what we are feeling when we have set our mind onto something and simply want this something in this pictured way. It shows how very stiff and conditioned we have made life to be, fulfilling pictures but in exchange for that negating our inner knowing and thus inner fulfilment.

    3. Mary I have found this with buying a house. Twice now we have almost bought because I ignored my very first feeling, which was negative. Fortunately we have not committed to either and are now feeling first and honouring what we feel, letting the decision be a whole body experience, not just a mental one.

  255. There is so, so much more going on than we can see, hear or touch. We are like Porsches stuck in first gear. What’s more these five senses that we do use are super easy to trick and fool, so not only are we not getting the full picture, but also the picture that we are getting is so often not the true one.

  256. Working with children I am amazed at how often as children move into the older grades they will shut down this 6th sense to not rock the boat with their peers. Is this no different to what we do as adults to play small when we are far bigger than we could ever imagine?

  257. “You don’t feel it just in your gut, as people often describe, and not in your head, but you feel it with all of your body.” With that knowing I really got the understand that we are not able to lose our clairsentience as our body seems to be so much more intelligent and feels what is there. To pretend that we can not feel is just a attempt to avoid what comes with feeling everything.

  258. Yes, we can shut down the connection with our clairsentience but it will never leave us as it is that inner light that lives in our inner heart, always there to return to as by our own choice.

  259. This sharing brings back memories to me from my childhood. I have sensed entities in the room and was quite fearful about this. Also now as an adult there is more to feel as I allow myself to feel but when I am open to it I can feel that there is another dimension that can be claimed and lived.

  260. Ingrid thank you for sharing the simple process in which so many of us lose our natural 6th sense. A sense that is perhaps our oldest and truest. The world is engineered in such a way so as to erase and distort our connection with ourselves, so that we temporarily forget who we are. Note my use of the word ‘temporarily’ because our connection to who we are can never be permanently deleted.

  261. Wow this blog is so great. Every time I re-read your words it offers me something more Ingrid. Today I’m feeling how just like that little girl we have all had so any incidents that leave us feeling ‘wrong’ and shut down. So as adults it truly is a massive case of rehabilitation we are going through, to relearn that this awareness is there and is divine. At first it’s just a little voice you almost might miss, but as you start to listen more, it’s like it gets bolder and stronger. Then you wonder how you ever lived choosing to ignore this huge part of what you feel and who you are.

  262. A one point I can remember this being so natural that I did not need to question or understand why these things happened as they do it was just known inside. It is only when doubt is introduced from outside of us that we then start to look to qualify that which we have otherwise known.

  263. I have realised that having (like most children) my sixth sense/clairsentience ridiculed or denied as a child the harm that does to it creates a lack of self-worth, confidence and trust in what we know to be true. The main hurdle for me has been re-building that trust within myself to honour what I am feeling by not over-riding it. And thank God, Ingrid, as you write – “our sixth sense doesn’t go away ….it patiently waits for us to realise that it is there, that it is a natural part of us and when re-connected to, it can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense.

  264. I find it amazing that whenever I learn a new process in Chemistry or Biology, Maths formula, phrase in another language or word it almost always starts popping up everywhere! You could call it random, or you could call it a constellation!

  265. I remember a time we were looking for a house to rent and we went to see this one farm house to check it out. From the moment I stepped into the house, I felt uneasy. Every thing looked great and it was spacious and ticked a whole bunch of boxes or criteria that we were looking for at the time, and it was even a great rental price that was being offered. But everything in me just wanted to leave, it felt creepy and all I could get was this sense of death around me. I could not wait to leave, and after I left it took a little while for me to shake the creepy feeling. Needless to say I did not put in a rental application, and nor did I ever go back to the place again. This was my 6th sense, I feel, kicking in and saying to me that no matter how ‘good’ a place looks, if it does not feel right, then do not go down that track. The hard part is that when we shut down from the 6th sense we live not from the energy we feel, but we live from what we see and what our heads say and we can end up walking into things that we then find out afterwards were not supportive for us. Bottom line is that it is well worth hanging onto your 6th sense and keeping that connection with your heart and body for they do speak very loudly indeed if you want to listen!

  266. Ingrid, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about the 6th sense, and in particular the example you gave of the little girl who can sense something but then when voicing it is denied what she feels…Clairsentience is a gift that we all get given, but if we do not use it, trust it and stand by it, then we begin to bury it underneath so many other layers that it then gets silenced. But even then, it is never too late to revive it and re-build our relationship with it again…and it is well worth it too!

  267. What sort of world is it when you do not live your truth / clairsentience / intuition? Have a look around at people’s way-of-being or simply stop and feel your own body. It does not take long to recognise (or deny) how devastating it feels in our bodies or to feel others’ extent of withdrawal from life. From within the home to outside it, it will not take long to observe the truth of our world. So, it makes all the sense in the world (6th Sense) to reactivate / return Truth back to the world by feeling and knowing life from our whole body intelligence.

  268. An elderly relative who has largely squashed their sixth sense and relies heavily on their mind and physical senses is becoming what looks like controlling and argumentative. But I’m realising that it is the loss of these fives senses and no or little connection with their sixth sense that is driving their behaviour. On the surface they look like they are being stroppy, stubborn and controlling but underneath, they are feeling helpless and vulnerable. This has given me a greater understanding of them and their behaviour.

  269. It’s quite shocking really how an adult who lives in a way that is disconnected to their heart and their sixth sense can sow the ‘seeds of doubt’. There is no discernment for the consequences of the action they cast forth nor to the potential fertile ground they are casting forth on to. Children are the bright sparkly future of humanities well-being, joy, harmony and love, lets take responsibility for our own doubts and support children to flourish on their own fresh patch.

  270. ‘…rather curiously we are not taught about our sixth sense… Yes, and I can only conclude that this is a ploy to prevent us from stepping into yet another potentially powerful aspect of ourselves. And it’s interesting to note that while it might be acceptable for some people to ‘have the sixth sense’ they are often painted as different, perhaps even as outcasts or witches, rather than as naturally empowered individuals.

  271. Fantastic blog Ingrid. It is easy to see from what you describe how utterly harming it is to both ourselves and others when we deny what is going on within us.

  272. The more I reactivate clairsentience and thus become aware of the multidimensional facets of life the more I get to understand how little I know, that there is so enormously much more to life than I could ever have imagined.

  273. I have found that my 6th sense is a great guide for life, learning to trust what I feel and read it opens life up in many ways.

  274. I have definitely walked into a particular room in a house that was for sale as I was looking at the time and straight away felt uneasy, and interestingly a woman with her child in a capsule put the child in the capsule at the doorway of the room while she went in to look at it. I thought to myself, if I bought this house, that room would have to be cleared, big time. I went back later that week with a friend and she said, the same thing about the room that it felt awful.

  275. I love the way you have written this Ingrid and the example of the 4 year old doubting their feelings. It is so relevant to us all as everyone on this planet has been in this situation, and one day we will all realise how much it is we actually have access to knowing through our innate sixth sense, clairsentience.

  276. Most people are aware of the sixth sense, but it is kept as something that is viewed as not that important. All the other senses seem to take precedence. But if we were to truly open to it and let ourselves be guided by it perhaps we would begin to treasure it as the hugely important sense that it is.

  277. The more we acknowledge all our senses and our ability to feel and read energetic flow the more we realise, and it becomes obvious that, everything is constellated and set up by our own choices. So how we live matters – totally.

  278. I wonder whether the very fact that our 6th sense, or clairsentience never goes away, regardless of what we choose to put ourselves through in life, is one of the main reasons why we do not value it in the same way as we do our 5 physical senses. What I mean is that over time, because it’s always there, it has become less and less valued and in most cases has ended up in being dismissed or ignored, so we have not felt the loss of it in the same way as we would if we were to go deaf or blind for example. Ironically though, by dismissing it we have in effect misplaced it and this has a deeper and far more profoundly damaging effect on us than the loss of any of the physical senses could ever have. It is our innate knowing, so if we dismiss this we have no foundation and so are at the mercy of whatever we experience around us.

    1. I have a similar feeling about ‘common sense’ Lucy. It seems like we have dismissed common sense as if something that is ‘common’ has no value. Maybe this is because if it is common to all we don’t value it in terms of making us special or individual. I feel we should refer to common sense as innate wisdom – or something of that ilk – to reestablish its true value.

  279. Our sixth sense is that what proces to me that we are much more than what we think to be. It is our awareness of dimensions that in regular science don’t exist but we are also in this field becoming aware of more and more.

  280. Thank you Ingrid, you have presented with such simplicity the way we initially receive the seed of self-doubt in our bodies that which allows for energies to get in the way from us claiming ourselves as all-knowing sons of God that we truly are, and it is only through our constant appreciation and confirmation that we can reconnect and claim back that which is our natural right for us all.

  281. Doubt is a self sabotage roadblock that we put in place deliberately to halt our own path of return.

  282. This feels key to me – “our sixth sense doesn’t go away, even though at times it is buried under endless layers of life experiences.” – we can ignore it but it never goes away…we just add layers to not feel what we are feeling.

    1. And the layers build with levels of disregard that often leave us feeling that something is missing in life.

    2. The absurdity of the situation is beautifully exposed in your comment Joel. We are feeling it, no matter how many layers we add on. So much wiser to allow that feeling and make the changes in tune with that is being communicated than continuing to drive and abuse our bodies in a contra direction.

  283. ‘ It can bring simplicity to a way of living that we have often made complicated and it can bring a depth of relationship to those around us that we never felt was possible.’ Paying attention to what we feel is so important and key in making wise decisions.

  284. This is a great definition of… “…our sixth sense, otherwise known as our clairsentience, an inner and all-knowing feeling that you feel with every particle of your body, leaving you with no doubt as to the truth of any situation.” Intuition is often interpreted as our 6th sense but that pales into insignificance compared to clairsentience which is so. so much more.

  285. We sense more than we allow ourselves to acknowledge. Things like walking into a room when someone is angry and sensing it, or just knowing someone was talking about you in an unfavourable light, or when you step into a house you can tell instantly if you like the house or not, knowing who to avoid as a child and which houses to avoid in the street…the list is endless.
    A very clear memory I have from when I was about ten years old was knowing that a man following our bus on a motorbike was dangerous, and I could feel within my own body the agitation of what he intended to do, and then when we got off he continued to slowly follow us as we walked home, he made an attempt to attack one of us but she got away after putting up a fight. If only we were taught to hold onto that level of clairsentience into our adult lives, and to trust it.

    1. Life might be very different if we did so Julie. With all that is going on in our world, perhaps it is time we opened up and truly explored it.

  286. Just like you have explained, the shut down of ourselves and our feelings start very early in life – no wonder so many of us go through life feeling that something is ‘missing’.

  287. Clairsentience is such a fascinating topic, why wouldn’t we want to know more. Yes we can say it seems out there, but when we consider everything we accept as normal in the world, exactly how out there is it really.

    1. Interesting that we use the term ‘out there’ for something that is inherently within us.

  288. I love that we can never lose our clairsentience and how you describe this sixth sense of ours: “You don’t feel it just in your gut, as people often describe, and not in your head, but you feel it with all of your body.”

  289. I love that 6th sense know I am far more aware it is there, but i know I still act in ways to dull it down and block it out.

  290. Ingrid what a fantastically real blog, thank you very much for highlighting this, it is obvious that not acknowledging and being confirmed for our true feelings is an absolute indictment of humanity.

  291. This is such a hugely important topic to discuss because living life with only our physical senses as guidance is not working.

    We have made ourselves so much smaller, blinder and deeply reckless by denying our 6th senses.

    We know that even matter is made of energy so this means that the energetic aspect of life is far greater than the mere physical… so could we be in trouble simply as a result of the fact that we have been unaware of a large percentage of life; unaware of the very medium in which we all live, are made of and governed by?

  292. I have always known that there was something more to life than what we can see with our eyes, but it wasnt until I met Serge Benhayon and heard him present on this subject, that I really understood what it was that I was aware of but couldn’t explain. Suddenly it all made sense and I was able to relate everything I felt to what Serge was talking about. Having an awareness of this 6th sense and staying connected to it all of the time allows us to be so much more in tune with the world, with what is going on around us and to be able to respond appropriately in any given situation.

  293. It could be said that the only reason why we think there are coincidences in life is because we do not want to be responsible for ourselves.

  294. Our lives truly are multidimensional – we are so much more than just physical human beings and much more than purely meets the eye is going on – re-connecting with our awareness of energy supports us to truly understand life more.

  295. I have definitely had that sense or knowing from my body that supersedes and sometimes even contradicts my other five senses.

  296. I find the more I reconnect to my sixth sense, the more it shows me the truth about anything that is happening in my life. It proves to me that this sense never left me, I disconnected from it many years ago and it has waited for me to return. It makes life so much more simple and straight forward when we reconnect to it, because we can feel the truth with the energy of any situation.

  297. It’s that feeling that someone is watching you and you look up to see that they are. We all know it so well but do we all want to feel it?

  298. Sixth sense is to me the truth of Common Sense – something which we all too often ignore or belittle. Living life with this true ‘common sense’ guiding us is to utilise this inner knowing that is within us all equally. I find paying heed to this offers a different kind of intelligence, one that is not just knowledge attained but wisdom connected to. And we don’t need years at university to find it but to make a choice to reconnect to our bodies and to feel and grow in awareness.

  299. I know I have always had a choice, to pay attention to what I feel inside, to an inner knowing that informs me about everything, or ignore it in favour of some external value. My journey now is about shedding all that I have allowed to bury this knowing and deeply treasure it, to hold fast to it even when everything in the external world decides to oppose it.

  300. Life is so much richer when we allow ourselves to connect to our 6th sense. Our other senses have their place but they don’t offer us the expansion and wisdom that is there for us all when we re-connect to our 6th sense that we had as a child, a sense that allows us to feel the truth in everything,

  301. Yesterday someone miles away messaged me and says what’s up it feels like your annoyed with me – which I was but not really deep down – it was other stuff that was bothering me – but I was taking it out on them – this clearly goes to show our 6th sense perfectly at work – we feel everything no matter who or where we are. Now I could have denied this to them, to not look bad but I didn’t because I would have been lying and potentially making them doubt what they clearly felt, which was true, so I said yes and went on to apologies, explain what I was feeling and that really it was nothing to do with them.

  302. The old saying, ‘Out of the babes …’ is so true and when that occurs it children speaking from their clairsentience.

  303. “So what happened for us to lose this natural ability to feel and connect to everyone and everything around us? Sadly, it doesn’t take much, simply the planting of a seed of doubt into what we innately know…” – it is part of the human experience that we need confirmation of who we are, ie a reflection that allows us to recognise ourselves to develop confidence and trust into our power and expression. When we only get reflections of what we are not but expected to be it is hard to hold onto what we know inside to be truth as we also want to belong, knowing that belonging as well is part of our true nature, belonging to the all we are part of.

  304. “….. our sixth sense, otherwise known as our clairsentience, an inner and all-knowing feeling that you feel with every particle of your body, leaving you with no doubt as to the truth of any situation.” Very true Ingrid. No need for ‘evidence based’ proof when there is a cast-iron knowing within that something feels off – or true.

  305. As you so rightly say we have all had multiple experiences of this in our lives and so it is crazy that we try so hard to turn off the tap of this line of communication. Is it because it tells us things we might not want to hear? Is it because it can expose our choices, expose the comfort that we are living, the arrangements that we may have made, the truths that we are avoiding? Maybe. But just because we don’t listen that doesn’t make those tensions go away and furthermore, once embraced and re-awakened, the sixth sense is the leader of all senses as it is the one that is most true and un-compromisable. I am only just beginning to peel back the layers of comfort and protection in which I have enshrouded my sixth sense…but it is a glorious process and the freedom and stillness that comes when we know with every cell in our body what the truth is – which is exactly what the sixth sense delivers – is a divine gift. Huge thanks to Serge Benhayon for presenting on this and re-awakeneing this amazing tool in me.

  306. Reconnecting to my 6th sense again has been a beautiful thing whilst also feeling quite normal… But I am amazed at how much effort I have gone to block it off and deny what it is that I am feeling… to deny I am knowing… and to actively not want to know. With the use of our clairsentience we can read all of life all the time.

  307. We do spend most of our lives operating off the information from the five senses. If you take an accident for example; when you interview a lot of people that observed it, they will all have seen and heard something a little bit different? When we use our 6th sense, there is a knowing that comes from our body’s and not our head! One is a processed product like music on a CD the other is a live performance.

  308. A stunning article that explains so simply and clearly the absolute practical existence of the sixth sense. Brilliant to have the cloak of mystic ripped off this very real tool that we ALL have.

  309. Once I started reconnecting to my clairsentience I felt that everything I thought the world was, wasn’t true. The world is full of love, but because we’re not expressing it and many of us choose to not be seen (including me for a long time, and still), it seems as if the world is only harsh. But it isn’t. Yes, there’s a lot of cruelty, which I personally find difficult to observe and accept. Yet, there’s much more love and loving deeds than I ever imagined. People all carry loving choices and so love in their bodies. It’s up to me to connect to it or not. Clairsentience is the most natural and powerful ‘tool’ we have, yet it is hardly taught (yet) at any regular school. Thank you Ingrid and Serge Benhayon for shining the light and truth of our 6th sense.

  310. It is beautiful to reconnect to our 6th sense and the fact that we never lose it just stop trusting it when the adults around us don’t confirm us in our inner knowing.

  311. We humans are a very strange bunch, when we all have such a great tool at our disposal but very few of us are even aware of it. Life would be so much more simple if we once again were able to utilise our clairsentience as much as we use our other five senses.

    1. Yes, the fact is we are often using our sixth sense because it is our nature, yet we may not have given it any attention. Imagine if our awareness of the sixth sense was fostered from young… we would all be a lot wiser and could not claim ‘we did not know.’

      1. Developing our awareness of our sixth sense from birth is the best thing we could possibly do with fully clairsentient people growing into the jobs of Judges and politicians where there was no longer room for lies and deceit because everyone would know who was trying to pull a fast one.

  312. I distinctly remember as a kid having the thought ” Doesn’t everyone else (grown ups) see and feel what I am feeling here? This was in relation to any number of interactions, behaviours of my parents, friends, teachers, etc. Yet after awhile, and especially after not getting the confirmation back to me that those feelings I had were true or at the very least valid for me, I began to ‘play the game’ of going about life more in line looking outward for acceptance, recognition and understanding. However, the cool thing is that it’s never too late to go back to that true intuition and I know for myself that it was always quite strong and in the background waiting to be re-awoken, as I always had an interest in what I used to think was ESP (extra-sensory perception) but what I know now, through the teachings of Universal Medicine to simply be our most natural and enduring normal perception (our ‘sixth sense’ as Ingrid has described it) that actually provides us with the highest level of awareness, way beyond any of our physical senses.

  313. Beautifully shared Ingrid – the reclaiming of our natural awareness. And what then, if this is actually confirmed and fostered? We would have a far different world and clearer understandings of the responsibility we all hold for each other in our every expression…

  314. I love watching children wipe away the kiss from Auntie – it shows an awareness we adults have lost, – it comes with a being ‘nice’ that in truth feels horrid to a small child.

  315. Ah! this is a blog that keeps on giving Ingrid – thank you. It’s becoming very clear that I still operate with a way of dismissing out of hand how I feel. It’s not even that what I sense is far fetched or difficult, but just that it seems to be easier to discount myself, pretend I am wrong and maybe a bit insane. How comfortable. This means I don’t have to share with others or take responsibility for what I sense. Wow – when you look at this way of carrying on isn’t this the real ‘crazy’?

  316. Thank you Ingrid, for expressing so simply the fact that we innately feel energetically, and that this is a sense rather than a power or obtained skill.

  317. Reading this example ‘For example: a four year old girl gets a sense that her father’s new girlfriend is angry with her but she doesn’t know why. She doesn’t know that this young woman is actually jealous of the close relationship her father has with his daughter, but she can feel that something is not right. As far as the little girl is concerned, she has done nothing wrong but the doubt starts to niggle away at her inner-knowing and the feeling won’t go away.’ I could see very clearly that if we are not clear about a situation or do not know how to get ourselves out of the way and truly read a situation/what is going on, how confusing and harming it can be making us go into self-doubt, resentment, anger etc. In fact we can spend years … lifetimes living emotions that are not true to us but instead something we have taken on from another. So connecting to our clairsentience and living this consistently I would say is actually essential for our wellbeing.

  318. When we are not at least honest, we are responsible for fostering the energy of doubt in another.

  319. It’s awesome to know that we all have this ability. And many of us are clairsentient without even realising it. The examples you give about how often we feel into things as a way of reading a situation. To hone and work on that ability gives us, in effect, a superpower.

  320. Ingrid you spoke of the focus being on our 5 senses, as I read through your article what I could feel is that we those 5 to override, avoid and almost eliminate our 6th sense. In a way it’s been bullied almost out of existence and yet we all know that our 6th sense is very true.

  321. Absolutely Ingrid we all do know and have our sixth sense waiting for us to reignite and start listening too and honouring. When we live this our world becomes infinitely more magical and aligned to the divinity that we are literally surrounded by in every facet of life! When we tune out of our sixth sense we turn a lot more down or off than we realise.

  322. I love how you have brought this to life Ingrid. Such an important topic and one that is all too often totally dismissed and being at least, a load of nonsense and at worst, non existent. For those of us who have had such experiences there is absolutely no denying what we have felt, and often still feel, and it is about time this was talked about honestly and openly as being a common and everyday occurrence.

  323. When connected to our sixth sense we get absolute confirmation that we are multidimensional. We expanded in the remembrance that we are all knowing, and that we have known truth all along.

  324. It has become so natural for us to play down that which we are also naturally born with, our ability to feel and know energy. So much so that we cannot even acknowledge it when it happens so clearly in our lives that we have come up with the term coincidence to avoid so much.

  325. Coincidence would make only sense when nothing makes sense. Either there is a universal order at play or it is not, simple. Order is obvious as nature from the grandest to the smallest, from the cosmos to an ant reflects the universal laws that govern everything. Why then should some things be incidental ?!

  326. Wow this shows the importance of being transparent with our kids. They pick up on everything and the second we are not honest with them they start to question their own inner knowing.

  327. There’s a lot to feel and a lot we feel. What I love so much is that life’s constantly communicating to us in so many different ways. It’s deeply appreciative, it’s deeply supportive – both of the present, past and future – and life’s constantly opening doors to initiate ourselves back to the awesomeness and love that we are. But only available when we connect to our 6th sense. Which isn’t to be harsh, but a science that cannot play it’s role mentally, but only spherically.

  328. Ingrid – this is a gorgeous sharing and insight into how the course of our lives can be directed by the people around us, one little moment at a time. Children have a divine right to be supported in whom they are in their essence so it’s time for we ‘adults’ to choose to clear our layers so we can be loving reflections to everyone so everyone’s layers start to peel back.

  329. It is great to know that our 6th sense may become buried and we may have disconnected from it, but it won’t ever leave us. Many people decide to learn a new language, pick up a new hobby or get skilled with another game, we could make a point instead to start appreciating and rebuilding our connection to our clairsentience again.

  330. The more I have listened to my body and what it is feeling or sensing the more aware I have become. It is as if the more I say yes to feeling what is going on the more I am given to feel. There are no mysteries as everything can be felt and known – the question arises how much do I want to feel?!

  331. We cannot stop feeling things, but we can stop our awareness of it and dismiss the fact and pay no attention to the energy at play around us. Likewise we can start to increase our awareness again and realise that everything is indeed energy and how much everything is in constant communication with us.

  332. Our sixth sense is an inner feeling, a knowing.. yet it has no emotionality in it. The more we use it we open and expand in awareness of the multidimensionality of our nature. It also supports a greater understanding of each other and life.

  333. We are all feeling all the time and using out sixth sense is very natural to us. We do know, and yet at times we may not want to truly feel everything around us to the extent we do. I know at times in my life I chose not to feel it all as it didn’t fit the picture I was holding. It is very powerful to use all our given senses, nothing can be hidden if we choose to see.

  334. Wow, I love how you describe our sixth sense Ingrid, thank you for doing so. It is so very important that this part of us is not being denied but respected and nurtured so we can use it in full.

  335. A beautiful understanding of our sixth sense and all we feel but learn to ignore and not honour from being a child growing up and the way and lose trust in ourselves and all we feel. The joy of bringing back and acknowledging our clairsentience with all we feel and honouring ourselves with this is a beautiful gift inspired by Serge Benhayon and all he presents to us by our very way of living and acknowledging this and is a real gift to treasure for ourselves lovingly.

  336. This is a beautiful opening up of a doorway back to a sixth sense that we live with all the time, but in opening the door we accept as a reality that we can then effectively work with and appreciate.

  337. You are spot on Ingrid, it doesn’t take much for us to shut down our sixth sense when we don’t get confirmed by those around us for what we feel. That can still happen today, 50 odd years later, particularly if what I feel is not confirmed by someone I might consider to be more ‘able’ to discern than I consider myself. Crazy… and I am fast learning that the only way to develop is to back yourself, not stubbornly so, but until such time as something different is felt.

  338. The example of the little girl not being confirmed in what she felt is a common story for most of us. These incidences erode our authority – unless we incarnate with enough of ourselves, with enough of a solid foundation, to be able to stay with what we know is true despite what we are told.

  339. Learning to accept, listen to and act on our sixth sense is critical to our empowerment. Or should I say learning to reconnect to it, because it was there when we came in.

  340. ‘We can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense.’ This brings home how naturally innate this sixth sense is and yet it’s the one we tend to focus on least, the one that we often actively deny or bury. So what is going on? The other senses focus us on what’s out there, but the inner sense shows us what we are reading with our whole body. Our body ‘is a marker of truth’, so by denying our sixth sense are we not then avoiding feeling the truth of a situation? So could this norm be a set-up so we do not connect to truth but live dictated to by a world of images presented to us by our 5 senses which keep us tied to the belief that what we create in this world is all that matters?

  341. There is no doubt in my mind Ingrid that we do have a sixth sense and that there are many times we dismiss it to our detriment. Simple things like being in the supermarket and we feel to buy something that is not on our list and we are proved right when we arrive home and see that this is so. There are so many other things that occur such as seeing someone a short time after we thought of them. There is much proof to support our sixth sense does exist. Thanks for the reminder Ingrid.

  342. When one uses their 6th sense, the other senses come alive in a different way You see more than there is to see, hear more than what is being said, get a smell of something not right, etc.

  343. I love the very practical analogy you offer on everything being energy and we can feel it all of the time, even if we are ‘conditioned’ to not recognise or feel it.
    “It’s like being in a swimming pool and whatever the person in the deep end does, you can feel the consequences in the shallow end, in fact anywhere in the pool”.

  344. What a beautiful call Ingrid for us to feel and express what we so innately know. I love what you have expressed here;
    “I have come to understand that this something is our sixth sense, otherwise known as our clairsentience, an inner and all-knowing feeling that you feel with every particle of your body, leaving you with no doubt as to the truth of any situation”.

  345. When it comes to big decisions like buying a house, we can apply our thinking as much as we like, but our body will tell us if it is the right house or not – using our clairsentience can make life so much more simple.

    1. Absolutely Carmel. I won’t or rather can’t make decisions now without the sense of knowing that something is true. If I rely purely on my mind to analyse a situation, I end up feeling anxious and confused.

  346. Life is so much more interesting, free and simple to understand when we reuinte ourselves with our clairsentience. You have so beautifully described this here Ingrid. Roll on the time when children are encouraged to stay connected and trust themselves in this way rather than shut down from it.

  347. The more we trust our 6th Sense the less likely we will make unloving choices. In the past I had many, many occasions when my 6th sense has supported me out of challenging and difficult situations. It has supported me to read and understand what is true and what is not. I know our society doesn’t encourage us to openly talk about our clairsentience, it is like we fear one of our most powerful gifts from God. This is our ability to see beyond what is physical and read energy.

  348. We live in so much ignorance when we consider how obvious our sixth sense is, it is there in every experience, and yet we trundle on turning sixth sense into movies and or something otherworldly and mysterious. When it is plain as our noses in every action we encounter and it is really just a matter of being open to feeling it.

  349. Our clairsentience confirms and affirms to us that we all feel energy all of the time, whether we choose to tune into this fact or not.

  350. Our sixth sense was something that came naturally to us as children, but our world didn’t foster and support that so we gradually learnt to ignore it and then finally let it go altogether and so in adulthood, don’t easily trust in ourselves and what we feel.

  351. It is the norm in society to say ‘fine or good’ – it’s a way of saying don’t go there. More often than not we actually don’t need to say anything more ( that makes it about us) but feel and read where a person is really at and what if anything is needed. I am learning this.

  352. Great blog Ingrid, thank you – I really like how you de-mystify our sixth sense and present that actually it is inherent in all of us and how it is a natural part of our life, just that it is often overridden or ignored…

  353. Strangely, after reading your blog, I had someone come and talk to me about this, saying they felt odd for being able to get a sense of things. It was so simple to be able to share as you did and watch the tension ease in their bodies. It shouldn’t be odd to respect and honour our 6th sense from young.

  354. Beautifully shared Ingrid.
    All the doubt and constant disregard as to what we feel cannot erase that we feel it. The doubt can work as a buffer and numbing agent, a way to rationalize and question our feelings, but and it is a big but. We still feel it. Could our strength, understanding and wisdom come from again feeling in truth and honestly accepting it, even if it is only to ourselves.

  355. We live in a multidimensional world, where there is so much more to life than what we see. If we only concentrate on what we can see it’s a bit like looking at a 2d television and thinking that’s all there is, when the depth and richness of life is going on all around.

  356. I had the feeling of jealousy being directed at me the other day and this time I was able to fully understand the reason of the jealousy and not be affected by it. If only I had that understanding as a child, but there was no one around to explain that some people cannot bear to be reminded of the fact that they too come from God all children naturally express this when they are very young it is innate in them it bubbles out from every pore in their little bodies.

  357. This is a brilliant blog that gives us all a clear insight to our sixth sense and how it gets trampled on as children. I know without a doubt this happened to me and I feel sure that it has happened to lots of other children growing up too; to such an extent that we then become passive bystanders throughout our lives living in the shadows, not engaging life to the full.

    1. So what an invitation this blog is… to emerge from the shadows, willing to accept and live the fact that we do feel everything and have a much finer understanding of life than we have previously lived.

  358. ‘Through illness, disease or injury we can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense’ Amazing Ingrid, and if we learn to TRUST this sense as well as or even more than our ability to see, smell etc. then life becomes about energy first and we can’t be fooled by facades, fakeness or games.

  359. it feels wonderful when clairsentience begins to become the norm. There is no need to question things as they come together or unfold. It is natural to feel our way in life and a true strength to trust this.

    1. It does feel great and it is a real honouring of yourself the more you listen to what you feel. So often I have put myself in situations which I knew were going to be harmful yet did it anyway thinking it would be ok. As you say there is a strength that comes with it and it feels very empowering.

  360. Those seeds of doubt eventually have us living in a way that constantly attempts to ignore our feelings, because they don’t ever leave us but those childhood experiences can and do leave a mark on us. Healing these marks and removing these weeds of doubt I’ve learnt is to give my feelings a voice, doubt cannot grow when we are flowing with our feelings. By bottling them up we stagnate our expression and doubt can take root.

  361. Having been raised in a family who were keen spiritualists, the development of Clairsentience was a prised possession and something that we strived to obtain with years and years of sitting in development circles. It set you apart from the rest and made you special, because eventually you would be able to talk to the deceased loved ones of the congregation. But through Universal Medicine we have learnt that we are feeling everything all of the time without the trying, and it is just that we have learnt from childhood to dismiss these feelings.

  362. Ingrid this is so true; ‘especially when they start school where thinking is championed and feeling is nowhere to be found in the school curriculum.’ Children are told to think and if they express what they are feeling this can often be dismissed, it is all about sitting, looking listening, being good, being quiet, being obedient.

  363. So well presented, Ingrid, and I give thanks to Serge Benhayon and all that he presents for lovingly showing the way for us all to re-claim, acknowledge and communicate from our clairsentience.

  364. It’s an ongoing cycle. Children don’t ask their parents about what they sense with their clairscentience because their parents have shut their own down…as did their parents and their parents’ parents. Once we honour our own clairscentience as adults, we’ll be able to support the children around us to honour theirs.

    1. Sandra what you have written makes sense too me, to make the changes to support our children adults need to honour their own clairsentience and then we may start to break the vicious cycle that we are all trapped in. We cannot blame our parents because they knew no different , that’s why I feel it has to start with us.

  365. Very beautiful Ingrid – thank you for ‘claiming back’ our 6th sense. As I read this I have the sense –the sixth sense maybe – that understanding ‘everything is energy’ is today’s equivalent of ‘the world is round’. In the not too distant future we will reflect back on todays world and say with incredulity – ‘do you know they used to believe the world was just physical in those days?’

  366. When we are children we can feel the truth instantly but we learn to over ride this in favour of fitting in and not upsetting our parents and siblings. We need to get back to a way of living that honours our 6th sense so that we can support our children to be themselves and not sell out and conform to what they know with every cell of their body is not true..

  367. This is a wonderful reassuring blog confirming that our clairsentience …” never goes away. It patiently waits for us to realise that it is there, that it is a natural part of us and when re-connected to, it can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense…”

  368. ‘It patiently waits for us to realise that it is there, that it is a natural part of us and when re-connected to, it can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense’. Beautifully said Ingrid. Maybe it is the power of the 6th sense to read what is true that has been made it something so denied, disregarded or continually faced with opposition and critic. Many continue to make unloving choices for themselves and others based on the fact that our ‘6th sense’ is not recognised and valued as the ‘absolute truth and honouring’ of all that it is but as you have shared it is true and does make sense of a world that otherwise doesn’t.

  369. Re-connecting to our clairsentience is a settling feeling, as life starts to make sense, and so do our feelings. It’s the dismissal of our own feelings that is harming – when we know something is true but we perhaps don’t want it to be, because it means we have to rock the boat or risk someone reacting to us, or let go of an image we’ve been holding onto about a person or a situation. When we start to actually listen to our own feelings and what they’re telling us, it becomes easier to read situations, others, and ourselves – and through that, we have more understanding and less judgment of ourselves and others.

    1. I so agree Bryony that it is “the dismissal of our own feelings that is harming”. So then I have to ask myself why I would do something that harms my body simply to dismiss what I am feeling. As I see it the harm comes from the need to bring in a huge force to stop a process that is totally natural; ie, feeling energy. It’s something I used to do which had a hugely harming effect on my body and being but these days I prefer to feel all that is happening around me and from there I have the freedom to choose how I respond.

  370. “… the feeling that she has had clearly within her is being challenged by the words she is hearing, words from an adult who she feels probably knows more than she does.” Thank you Ingrid, you have encapsulated the irrefutable nature of our sixth sense and also explained so eloquently how our trust in it is eroded when we are not confirmed in our knowing as children. Our knowing never vanishes, it simply keeps on informing us, even when we try to numb the messages. Choosing to begin to listen, discern, read and respond to them leads us home to the Universal wisdom and intelligence that we are so naturally a part of.

  371. I am beginning to trust my sixth sense again, although at times I still feel something and then quickly dismiss it.

  372. Reconnecting to our clairsentience allows us to have a deeper understanding of how and why we feel what we feel.

  373. That 6th sense is something we have gotten so good at overriding, dulling down, ignoring and pushing past – it was when someone else started to ask me what I had observed in a situation, felt about another or seen happening with more than my eye that i began to realise how much I went around blind to this ability to feel, living and moving in a way that kept me racy and to caught up to take the time to read what occurs around me and is there to be read all of the time.

  374. I can relate to everything you have shared Ingrid. Shutting down what I felt as a kid and self doubting because what I felt was not confirmed. There is a beauty in allowing myself to open up again, to feel what is there and back myself in what I know.

  375. Our sixth sense is so powerful. If we really listened to it we would not do half the things that we do. Imagine all the marriages that would not occur if we listened to our inner knowing!!

    1. I nodded in absolute agreement when I read your last line Elizabeth as I know for sure if I had taken notice of the deep inner knowing of my 6th sense I would not have ended up in a couple of the relationships that I did. The messages were all there, and very clear, that this was not the most loving thing to do at the time but there was an even stronger force that was overriding them and into the relationships I went; it didn’t take long for the truth of the messages to become even clearer but it still took me some time to bring each one to a close.

  376. i love that thing when you are either about to call someone and in that moment they call you or you are thinking about someone and the next second you get a text. It’s such a confirmation of how we are all connected.

  377. The number of questions asked by children when they are young, that even when answered are followed by a why can be an excessive daily amount? Now compare that with college students that may ask a handful in a day. Look at the possibilities of us planting seeds of doubt in them!

    1. Steve that’s a great point, kids ask so many questions about how things in life work, could it be that they stop searching for the truth about life because we fob them off with lies and don’t take their questions seriously?

      1. Yes, and so we repeat exactly the same thing that was done to us when we were children.

      2. It’s great to break the chain of what happens generation to generation and offer the world something completely new.

      3. Very true, just the fact that we may not be able to answer these questions should make us sit up and pay attention, it’s our responsibility to live in an honest and transparent way so that kids know what is possible.

    2. You have just reminded me, Steve, how completely inadequate I felt when my son was younger he had insatiable curiosity and kept asking why things happened, to virtually everything!!! I became acutely aware of how much I didn’t know and had never really questioned, or maybe I had and the responses I was given had slowly silenced me.

  378. Connecting with all 6 senses makes life richer and far more enjoyable than living isolated only aware of taste, smell, sound, touch and sight. It’s interesting how in schools we only teach children about 5 senses and yet their most powerful sense is to feel.

  379. I remember well the seeds of doubt being planted in me till those seeds grew so vigorously that I couldn’t see the truth for the trees. I do look forward to a time when every single one of us lives from our clairsentience so lies,deceit and corruption are a thing of the past and no child will ever be in doubt of what they feel again.

  380. Thank you Ingrid for this blog in which the subject you describe is tangible to the bones. We can lose all our five senses, but not our 6th sense as this is divine and not part of this creation we live in as it connect us with the three dimensionality we are part of.

    1. Great point, Nico, that we can lose our five senses but never our sixth. I had never acknowledged that before. Thank you.

  381. Clairsentience is so very natural and not something that we have to strive for or work at; it is just buried and ignored.

  382. Love this post Ingrid, love the way you write and put things so easily — and especially on feeling the 6th sense — “You don’t feel it just in your gut, as people often describe, and not in your head, but you feel it with all of your body” – absolutely this sense is not logic in the head sense, or a gut feel where often a wrench or queasiness in the stomach area happens [i find], no, the 6th sense is more like a whole body knowing being ‘washed’ in less than a split second the absoluteness of something about whatever it is you have the sense of. I use it a lot in my work of recruiting where I can often ‘just know’ and intuitively feel things, people, situations etc.

    1. I love what you have written here Zofia: “the 6th sense is more like a whole body knowing being ‘washed’ in less than a split second the absoluteness of something”. I agree it is like a split second wash throughout your body and the accompanying feeling for me is an absoluteness where there is absolutely no room for any doubt whatsoever.

  383. Ingrid this is such a beautiful dissection of the forces at play that seek to dismantle what cannot ever be truly lost – our clairsentience. It is very deliberate ploy on evil’s behalf that we are made to fear the very sense that enables us to dispel ‘the shadows’ that are sent to scare us. ‘Evil’ here being all that is not of the love that we are. The moment we can read the energy at play, it has no power over us. There is only the light of truth and then all that seeks to mask it. There are some great audio and quotes on this subject here:

  384. Great examples Ingrid and yes we all experience Clairsentience or clear feelings but have become expert at overriding them. It is very lovely and empowering to reclaim them.

  385. It was such a pleasure to read this Ingrid, I love the clarity in your expression that almost gives permission for people to reconnect to the truth of their 6th sense through your words. There is no denying that we have all had experiences like you have shared and undoubtedly buried them in response to a world that does not encourage what it cannot see or touch… and at great cost to us all for it is the truth and wisdom being buried and ignored that lead to us being able to live the lies and dishonesty we do in the world and them not being challenged, even though deep down we know the truth… and the harm of not living it.

  386. Considering the fact that everything is energy and everything is passing through us, really we should be wondering how come we do not feel or know that everything, and that the current state we are in is actually many steps behind where we could be, that we could be so much more than what we have settled for.

  387. You so beautifully explain our feeling life Ingrid – thank you. I recently moved into a bedroom where I had this exact scenario. Even though I like to think I am aware, it was like because there was something yucky in the space, I chose to pretend it wasn’t there. It made me consider just how much I still do this, and how much more there is to feel in life. It reminds me of looking at a painting, like the Mona Lisa. At first all you see is the face. Then when you take a second look you see how much amazing detail and symbolism is there – down to the finest hair. This is just like life.

  388. Clairsentience is a very precious gift, as you so well say Ingrid, and it does get chipped away constantly by a world set up to deny the validity and truth of energy. It is so great to be able to acknowledge what we feel once more. We certainly never stopped feeling, we just covered it over. When we doubt our 6th sense we begin to doubt ourselves, and not back ourselves . . . and so the lies of life are allowed to proliferate.

    1. Very powerfully put, Lyndy. The cascade of dismissal and self-doubt as we disregard our sixth sense and the sureness of the knowing that comes with it.

  389. It’s wonderful that who we are is never tainted by that which isn’t. So though we may not have lived appreciating our 6th sense we can always return to it and the joy of being our natural selves. I’m learning that the hurts are worth addressing and the grief at not living the joy of who we are is worth feeling as it’s really an opening to appreciating the sheer beauty of our essence. At the end of the day we are here to be ourselves and no avoidance of any temporary pain is worth holding ourselves back. Though, at times, I may struggle to surrender to feeling what I think is going to be too painful I know I will surrender my holding off of being myself and my innate knowing of the world, my 6th sense.

  390. Thank you for sharing what I’m sure we can all connect with on some level, it’s awesome to acknowledge and appreciate this very special sense that we all have, that the mind likes to overrule and dismiss. I deeply relate to your comment about how easily we can bury what we are sensing from a fear of ‘getting it wrong’, or being humiliated by others as they perceive that we have ‘got it wrong’. I don’t believe we necessarily feel the ‘others’ are right, but I know for myself, my fear of being ‘different’ has been stronger than my willingness to back my self – but not anymore. I now embrace all that I am sensing and the more that I do, the more I feel.

  391. Beautifull and simple explanation of what clairsentience. It just goes to show we all have it, it is whether we allow ourselves to truly feel this or not and live with this sensitivity and awareness the whole time in a world where it seems we currently lives in the complete opposite direction.

  392. I remember being told by adults when I was very young, that what I saw or felt about someone or something was just silly and that I was weird but funnily enough I always had a strong sense of who I was and usually still stood by what I felt. The beauty of clairsentience is that it never goes away. It is always there just waiting quietly and patiently to be connected to again and it is from here we begin to have a greater understanding and awareness of the world around us. The world then become much more multi dimensional too.

  393. This is a beautiful and sensitive account of our experiences of being clairsentience as we grow up and unfortunately how we then reciprocally treat children. The more people who honour their own and their children’s knowing through what they feel the more support and naturally it will be for us to return t and keep wat we are naturally born with.

  394. Wow, this is a really good blog. It describes the very natural clairsentience inside of us in a way that everyone knows but so many have forgotten.It makes me remember who I am. When you told the story of the girl being shut down by the woman, it was sad to admit to myself but I realised I have shut my own children down in that way. Not on purpose, usually under the guise of protecting them or me but its crazy the other damage that can be caused whilst you think you are keeping someone “safe”.

  395. If we try to complicate our sixth sense then 5 x 1 still equals 5 but keep it simple and 5 + 1 equals 6 our sixth or clairsentience, which is simple because our sixth sense works when all our 5 senses are in tune.

  396. It is well worth nurturing and confirming our innate knowing and to apply all that we are feeling to life in every moment as we receive and read it rather than negating it, denying it and dismissing it as is too often the case.

  397. It was exactly the moments and encounters that you describe here that kept me knowing there was more to life and wanting to know the explanation. Understanding the world as I do today is ironing out all of my uncertainties.

  398. Life without our sixth sense would be chaos as we would rely only on what we see, touch, taste, smell and hear. What would happen to all of those times when we do or don’t do something ‘just because’ or ‘we had a hunch’ or we just knew. For me there is no question and no doubt that we all have a strong sixth sense, it is just how much we are aware of it.

  399. ‘Through illness, disease or injury we can lose our other five senses; our hearing, our taste, our sight, our smell, even our sense of touch, but we can never lose our sixth sense.’ Doesn’t that say so much about the importance of trusting our feelings?

    1. Yes – we need only feel what we know and know what we feel. Only then can we know the truth, or lack of, behind any thought, word or action.

  400. So subtle, yet so so tangible, so unseen and yet so very real and potent – that is our 6th sense. We all have it, no one more or less than another, but because we champion living in a world that demands proof of everything with so-called evidence that can be physically handled, seen and quantified, we have severed our relationship with our 6th sense.
    To rekindle it is simple; it is simply a matter of acknowledging it is there, within us, always tugging at us, always communicating, and just like with any relationship we have, when we nurture and cherish it, it will grow. Walking alongside your intuition, your knowing, is walking alongside God that is in you. It’s to cherish this deeply about ourselves, for it is from our 6th sense that we know we are not just physical, but Godly.

  401. We need more ‘every day & practical’ conversations around this topic – like you have shared with us today. Our 6th sense has been made out to be this mysterious thing but it is super simple really. Our body has an inner-knowing and when we live in a way that we are connected to our body and live in respect of that, we can listen much more to what it shares and built trust in it. When we do that, it can not be so easily shut-down. We especially need to support our children with it – to truly listen to them and support their 6th sense. It is our best friend.

  402. When the adult says ‘I am not angry’ – the child feels this as an assault, as strong as the anger itself. If the child knows that people don’t necessarily tell the truth, especially if they are emotional, then this is perfectly fine. Where it gets difficult is if the child thinks this particular adult always tells the truth – then things can be difficult for the child.

  403. Explained so eloquently and simply. A great reminder at how good we are at shutting ourselves off to what we can feel, all to avoid the slim possibility that we may be wrong and also to avoid confrontation with another. I’ve been working on re-building my sixth sense, and it’s amazing how much clearer everything becomes when you allow yourself to read life rather than simply react to it.

  404. Ingrid, thank you for writing this, I see this with children, particularly in schools that often without realising, adults can make the child doubt what they are feeling and so the child looses trust in themselves and can be too scared of what an adult may say or do if they speak the truth and so the child stops expressing what they are feeling and can start thinking there is something wrong with them.

  405. The argument or defence of whether or not our ‘6th sense’ exists would seem to be a waste of time. There is so so much around us that reflects and at times screams this very fact. The movement of birds in the air, the movement of ants before the rain, the waking just before an alarm, the ‘unexplained thought of someone just before you see them and the list goes on. We have a world built not to support us knowing or nurturing this and yet it still exists and is readily with us if you acknowledge and appreciate it. With so much unexplained by the other senses this one brings it all together, we are more than meets the eye the saying goes and this sense brings it all home otherwise we stay lost and feel lost and lonely in the world full of people.

    1. I agree Ray, there has not been a person that I have met that has not described one of the examples Ingrid gives. The sooner it is not just accepted but honoured the sooner we start having deeper and more real conversations

      1. That is a big difference here and I love this addition, “The sooner it is not just accepted but honoured the sooner we start having deeper and more real conversations”. The word “honoured” really brings truth to what is being said, accepting something is one thing but to really bring this home and settle things it will need to be “honoured” I agree.

  406. I could never quite believe the “Chaos Theory”…There are events with so much purpose and precision that randomisation is just too far fetched for me.

  407. Recently some things have happened in our family that have been quite intense. One could say they were a surprise or I got a shock but really in truth, we felt what was coming well before it did and there were constant signs that we didn’t read. Our sixth sense, our inner knowing is something that is there to support, guide and nurture us constantly.

    1. That is true and once we learn how to deeply read and understand the situation it often becomes very clear what, if any, action to take and the understanding itself already has an effect.

  408. Oh Ingrid, a breath of fresh air! I love this. I felt this so much as a child and squashed it to the point I thought I was going mad most of the time as what I felt did not match what I was being told. But the ease that comes back into the body when you stop fighting is like space has opened up inside. As you say, when the 6th sense is “re-connected to, it can make sense of a world that often doesn’t make sense”

    1. I can relate to your reply Lucy. The horrible feeling of everything being out of sorts with what is being felt and then conforming to ‘fit in’ with what everyone else was comfortable with, is a killer of our natural 6th sense. Fortunately this can be brought back to life with re-connecting to it.

  409. ‘In the world we live in we are raised, in the main, to focus on our five senses – taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight, but rather curiously we are not taught about our sixth sense and the fact that this sense is actually a part of us from the day we are born.’ – Thanks Ingrid, very true – and I would say the sixth sense is the one we can truly rely on to offer us truth, as with all the other senses we can easily be seduced and no longer able to discern the truth of it.

  410. How amazing it would be if children were supported more in understanding this beautiful gift of clairsentience and how to deepen this awareness and thus the connection they have with the world around them.

  411. “but rather curiously we are not taught about our sixth sense and the fact that this sense is actually a part of us from the day we are born.” Yes such a great point Ingrid. We can all feel, we do all feel but don’t call it as a fact. I think a part of the reason for that is that it is often painted as spiritual, airy fairy, strange etc. whilst it is just very real and matter of fact. It would bring us a lot as a society if we would acknowledge that we are clairsentient and can feel before we see and think.

    1. When we are born we don’t know any different and don’t need any one to teach or explain how to sense something… we just do it and it is completely natural. Yet, as you say Lieke, it’s either portrayed and I would even say bastardized to not be empowered by it and make it something weird or mysterious. As children we look out at the world and don’t see too many bigger people acknowledging or honouring their sixth sense… and then we either choose to stay with that or go along with the ignoring and hiding. Our world would be extremely different if we used our sixth sense again…. imagine elections, choosing food, driving, going places, healthcare etc. if we did.

  412. Our sixth sense will never leave us and it is truly joyful to reconnect to it and bring more aliveness to feeling what is around us, although I must admit it can scare me now and then what we can feel when we open ourselves up to this natural way of living in connection with our innerheart.

  413. It is ironic that we make such a big deal about going to school and gathering knowledge and learning how to think in prescribed ways, yet we do not nurture such a natural ability to feel deeply connected to and aware of the world we live in.

  414. Ingrid, what a clear and wonder-full insight into the wonders of our inner innate knowings. It feels like life is so much more than just physical yet we live in a world we have made our perception is only just physical. When we shut down our clairsentience we also shut down the awareness of the layers of life that we innately know that make life so real, full and true.

  415. The example given here between a young child and adult is so very common that it is no wonder that so many of us lose our ability to listen to our clairsentience. There is no doubt whatsoever from my observations as a child and seeing and hearing children around me that children know exactly what is going on and when they express it, it brings music to my ears (most of the time!) as it can be quite exposing!

  416. With reconnecting to our clairsentience we are not just enriched by an extra sense in addition to the 5 physical ones but with sense as in meaning – life simply makes much more sense with clairsentience.

  417. It’s very interesting how our sixth sense has been made out to be something ‘spooky’ or not normal to make us doubt it, be skeptical or take the mik out of people who do not hide the fact they feel lots and much more than meets the eye.

  418. To have a pure relationship with clairsentience and simply being aware in all aspects of our lives is a way to live and express truth, and not be controlled by our pictures for how life should be. I am beginning to learn the fact that everything we energetically feel we have the ability to deal with and resolve – it’s only when we choose to switch off and not express this awareness that we get buried under the snow.

  419. Peeling back and stripping away these layers of doubts and uncertainties and insecurities has to be the most liberating and empowering thing we can ever do for ourselves. These layers have acted as protection, however false it may be, so to put ourselves on a programme of deep care and nurturing as we let go of all the old can support us hugely to reclaim our natural clairsentience and bring the joy back into our lives.

  420. ‘That a particular adult wasn’t nice to be around and that there was no way you wanted to hug or kiss them, especially when you were told to do so.’ This is interesting, because how many of us as adults honour what we feel in similar moments?

    1. And the momentum of society, family and education often tells us to ‘be polite’ versus ‘discern’.

  421. Hear, hear! Seeds are planted constantly to create doubt and unsureness in people all over the world. This isn’t fair! It is the polar opposite of fair. It’s abusive and very manipulative. There’s only one remedy which is starting to feel again. Allowing ourselves to feel our power when we do choose to feel. That in fact only when we make this choice, that we feel connected to the world and the seeds can’t be planted as easily. And if it happens, it stands out. Coming back to our sixth sense is the most precious gift we can give ourselves. Thank you Ingrid.

    1. Sure Floris, we are powerful and do not have to succumb to the ignorance that is being lived around us to this connection with the multi dimensional world we belong to and are part of.

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