Are We All Born Religious?

What are you religious with? Are you religious with sport, food, work, a religion, fitness, Jesus, a Guru, Yoga, Love, Family… the list goes on?

Religion for me is not just about believing in God, reading the bible, going to church or following a certain order in life. A big part of it is how we live and our relationship to life, ourselves, to others and our values.

What are we religious with when we are born?

Our body, are we not? Just completely connected and feeling the presence of our delicate body, feeling and completely listening to our body’s cues and connected to what we need to support ourselves first and foremost, and of course connecting to our loved ones closest to us and our new environment.

Are babies not pure love and the absolute definition of joy and isn’t this what we all strive to be? So is it possible that babies are connected to something greater and more beautiful than we can even fathom, and obviously without any instruction to be so?

Could I go as far to say that babies know within – not on a conscious level but subconsciously and naturally as a part of their being – that they are a child of God? All knowing, as in feeling everything and in complete connection to themselves and everything around them. Babies accept and embrace people for all that they are with no judgment, all the while energetically feeling everything and everyone. For a baby there is no class, no creed, no color, no separation – they are simply a single humanity. Everyone is the same. Is this not being religious?

As we grow up, outside beliefs, peer pressure, societal expectations, ideals and knowledge come in and we can start to separate from that connected space we once held as true. The burden of these outside forces takes its toll so we begin to disconnect further from ourselves and from an otherwise body of God, a body of love and a body all-knowing of a deeper wisdom.

We’ve had it before, we have lived it before, we knew it inside out and it has never left, we just need to reconnect with ourselves and feel what is true for all of us.

The origins of religion come from the Latin words re-ligare or re-ligio which simply means to re-bind, re-bond and re-connect; perhaps this is referring to us returning to our natural state as we all are at birth.

By Aimee, Full time Mum of 2 children, Auckland, NZ

Related Reading:
God. It’s a Science.
Living a Religious Life & The Way of The Livingness
My Relationship with Religion



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