Are We Evolving OR Indulging?

From early on in our education we are taught that food is one of the factors affecting the evolution of animals, determining who in the food chain is strong enough to survive and who becomes extinct.

As a human race we believe we have reached the peak of the evolution pyramid – we walk up straight, we speak (some of us several languages), we are intelligent enough to innovate in technology, medicine, science, history etc.

But does evolution really have a peak? AND…

How much have we evolved in the last 10,000 years if our ancestors were able to:

  • build magnificent structures without the advanced machinery we have today
  • understand science without the intelligence and assistance of computers we have today
  • communicate without the linguistic capabilities we have developed today
  • survive without the extensive medical interventions we receive today?

We not only look down on animals and their evolutionary stage, but we exploit, abuse, and are one of the prime causes of some species’ extinction. Our arrogance is so strong that we have completely blinded ourselves to seeing what animals bring to our world, and how not only are they a lot more open to evolution than us human beings are as a race, but we could learn a thing or two from them about evolving.

Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are? If that’s the case, how many of us can honestly say that we are on a path of evolution? How many of us can look at our daily choices and say that we have supported such movement?

I know first-hand what it’s like to stall my own evolution by indulging in food, drinks, behaviours and emotions that sabotage this expansion. I also know that I am not the only one. In fact, I am one of the majority of people living this way. Becoming more aware of the choices we are making individually brings on a greater awareness of the choices we are all making collectively as one human race.

Foods and drinks that have become the ‘norm’ – burgers, cakes, coffee, alcohol, to name a few as the list could go on for pages – are nothing more than pure indulgence; our recipes for involution. These types of food stall our evolution. So what happens when we are not growing (and not in a physical sense)? Are we too heading towards extinction?

Luckily for us, we survive as a result of the constant medical interventions that are supporting our existence. This way of living however is not life lived in full, as the majority of the human race lives either in some sort of pain, with a disease, or both.

The majority of the population in first world countries exist on caffeine and sugar to ‘support’ a lack of rest, and a vast number of our children are living with some sort of illness such as asthma, obesity, ADHD….

These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live; through ill and unsupportive choices we have been and continue to be making. Our ignorance, our arrogance, our indulgence, our lack of care and a serious deficit of cohesiveness have led to the poor quality of life we find ourselves surrounded by.

We all have a role to play on this evolutionary trajectory of ours, and each and every single one of us has the power to make a difference by making choices that support our evolution first and foremost. When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings. But it all must start within each and every one of us. Such is Our Responsibility.

By Anonymous

Related Reading:
Are Humans Insane?
Countries in Comfort
The Four Pillars of Evolution





703 thoughts on “Are We Evolving OR Indulging?

  1. “every single one of us has the power to make a difference” So evolution of all is the responsibility of all of us.

  2. Evolution is definitely not about everyone being comfortable with a flat screen TV, loads of food and money – Nor is it being free of illness and disease but the rates that we do have is also not healthy. There’s so much more to life than is currently accepted namely because that so much more is not physical. It’s energetic and is felt first.

  3. It seems like the way we have grasped evolution is taking us further and further away from the essence of who we are as if to say “How far can we stretch this rubber band?” knowing full well it is designed to snap back to where it was, yet daring ourselves to see whether the rubber band could be stretched further enough for it to snap itself in half and wanting to see what would happen. Not a very wise experiment.

  4. I am not sure if there is any obesity in the animal kingdom – so far I did not read about it in the newspaper.
    Question: How can it be that a very intelligent species like the human beings have obesity?

  5. I personally do not believe we as a race of human-beings have changed for 2,000 years we are still caught up in the same energy. To me it seems we are being lead by the nose by this energy that we don’t want to admit to because if we admitted this fact then we would have to clean up our mess get ourselves out of the way and take responsibility for ourselves and work hard to evolve ourselves out of here. We are spending Billions trying to get to the stars when there is a very simple way to do this for each and everyone of us and that is to evolve. When are we going to wake up to the fact that we don’t actually belong here on earth?

  6. I have found it very very supportive to admit that I have used food far more for dullness, stimulation, protection and raciness than just because ‘my body needed it’

  7. What I can feel is how our so-called issues are all created by ourselves almost in order for us to have those moments of elation, a peak, to feel we have achieved something, that we have been able to prove something. So, the idea of constant expansion doesn’t quite sit well with that kind of inclination.

  8. I think in general we’ve made evolution to be focused just on a functional level, which of course is an important part of life but we’ve lost sight of the importance of who we are and how we relate to one another as beings too. And this is something that we can begin to change and heal by bringing more of our awareness and honesty back to the ‘being’ part of us as human beings, naturally encompassing the practical physical part of life too.

  9. We have grown to accept recurring pain, illnesses and dis-ease as normal, something we need to deal with as part of life, it doesn’t stand out because the next person is also suffering from some sort of ailment or other and so we go on, all of us putting up with and dealing with conditions rather than asking why we have the conditions in the first place.

  10. Is our responsibility to ourselves being wasted on a generation of; you only live once (YOLO) what feel it their right to burn the candle at both ends?

  11. How often do we forget the details, and just not bother to take care of the precision of something, because we tell ourselves that it’s insignificant or unimportant..but what if everything mattered – every second, every stroke on the keyboard, every blink of an eyelid, minute movement of a muscle.. our days and lives are made up of moments, so if we take care of the quality of how we are in every moment, then it almost feels like life takes care of itself – or that we are taken care of.

  12. When we understand life from the perspective of energy and that energy passes through us all of the time in which there are two; spirit and Soul, in which each will produce very different results, is when we truly start to understand ourselves and all we have chosen, and from this space we can chose differently, in other words align to the energy of our Soul – just changing the energy is how we evolve, and there is no going back!

  13. Great question for us all; are we evolving or are we indulging? And specifically where are we indulging. Food is always a biggie, a great way to dull our awareness by the wrong foods and or overeating.

  14. This is a great question to ask of society; if we went for 1 month with no medical intervention what so ever, not even the drugs we get over the counter or recreational drugs, alcohol, coffee or stimulants of any kind, I wonder what state we would all be in at the end of the 30 days. To be honest we are using all of the above to prop up a society that is very sick but doesn’t want to admit just how sick we are because then we would have to start asking questions about the way we are all currently living.

  15. Powerful and raw message, we see we are at the consequence of our ill frequency of how we have been living life: loveless and without joy. Do we actually want to change; which part does and which part doesn’t and why? Truly why? If it is all that simple.

  16. It must indeed start with each and every one of us. Could you imagine if every time we got frustrated with someone about something and we asked ourselves, is there anywhere in my life that I am doing this on some scale???? I would hazard a guess and say yes…and then changing that behaviour does start with us.

  17. When we start to take more responsibility for our choices we become more aware of the comfort we live in, and it then becomes a choice to either stay in that comfort or to live the truth we know and evolve ourselves at the same time.

  18. Responsibility for and awareness of each and every choice we make is the key to evolution and our return to who we are.

  19. Yes we have sort of stopped evolving long ago when we look at how we get more and more ill, eating more and more processed and unhealthy foods and generally are very exhausted and need a stimulant to get through the day. It is like we have replaced true evolution with a fake evolution of material progress (bigger buildings, faster cars etc) so we don’t have to stop and look at what is going on.

  20. These days I would not consciously celebrate a life in existence if there is no joy or harmony within it. Such a ‘life’ is like walking around like the living dead. When there is evolution there is so much joy and love it wakes us up to the fact that indulging is not worth it.

  21. We know we can stall our evolution by the food we eat and liquids we drink, that is quite easy now to discern but have we considered that there are certain countries that have a dominant consciousness or culture that actively encourages people to check out and to indulge? Is it possible that there is more going on energetically to stall or slow down our evolution that we care to know?

  22. The redefining of evolution to a state of having more comforts in life has meant we can side step the fact that we are involved rather than evolved since times such as when the Great Pyramids were built.

  23. Looking to the animal kingdom to see how far off we are with our way of living goes a long way, but not all the way, for what is key is that we are not part of the animal kingdom, we are a species of our own, which has introduced itself to this planet with a deep arrogance and we are to this day using and abusing it in whatever way it serves our whims and wants.

  24. Dulling our awareness with any indulgence be it food, emotions, behaviours, lifestyle or otherwise is a deliberate choice to silence our innate call to evolve.

    1. Hear, hear Carola and we are seeing this play out in many parts of the world. Our society currently celebrates evolution based on our achievements but forgetting that the true meaning of evolution is related to our level of awareness and our ability to love.

    2. It’s interesting that so many things that we champion – overdoing it through work or extreme sports, putting others before self, staying up late and having the wildest time possible – are in fact all behaviours that take us further away from our natural delicate state of being, that get in the way of us deepening our connection and understanding of who we are and what we’re here to go.

      We do know exactly how to live, but so often we sabotage this by not being able to hold it in the face of what we think is ‘expected’ of us. Learning to say ‘no’ to all the ways we sabotage ourselves – to any choice that leaves us feeling less than who we are, is a continuous, constant process, and one that calls for constant vigilance and awareness.

  25. Love the simplicity of this. Just taking responsibility for ourselves by caring for our body, reconnecting to it and responding to its call. That is what is asked: nothing more, nothing less. The quality of our body will be felt by others and they can respond to it and feel inspired and supported to do the same – or not. That is the responsibility of each and any one.

  26. It seems to me it is important to remember what it feels like to have a connection to our inner-most, to the place inside that is so still that we have no worries because we know we are at one with stillness. I used to feel it most acutely just before I fell asleep and since developing a relationship with the Gentle Breath Meditation and Esoteric Yoga, I have started to feel it more in my movements during the day. What a gift these modalities are to us all.

  27. We have to eat for the functioning of the human body, eating is not a bad thing per se. What we eat and how we eat and what are the consequences of eating though, is something very wondrous to explore, for if life is only about what we want to eat and where we should go to for our next meal, no matter how exciting food looks like, it would start to feel a bit boring now. Evolution is the true call from our bodies as it is the natural direction of this whole universe.

    1. So true what you’ve shared here. We are here to evolve and the way we eat can either support us or delay us. How we treat our body, what fuel/energy we feed it will affect the efficiency and our rate of evolution.

  28. It’s pretty crazy to look at how we have found ways to indulge and harm ourselves, offering no evolution. Then create medical support for what harm we have created then keep going down the same path.

  29. There is a huge arrogance in us which considers ourselves better and above nature and yet nature has much to show us, and is far more obedient to the cycles and rhythms of the universe; yet try though we might we cannot avoid these for our bodies are forever moved to respond to the cycles of the universe and so we get sick and are reminded that there is something in how we’re living that is not true for our bodies … a beautiful stop point offering us a way back to alignment with the grand cycle we’re all from.

  30. Yes, when we become aware of our food addictions and way of eating then we find we are not the only one, it is the majority of the people that just live this pattern. And it is this pattern too that does not make us to question that behaviour as the ingraining factor of the pattern, together with the food choices we make, do keeps us unaware and in the comfort we have chosen for.

  31. “..we are taught that food is one of the factors affecting the evolution of animals..”Just this part of a sentence alone exposes us enormously if we look at the diet we are having these days.

  32. Something that is coming to my awareness is as we get a sense of what saying yes to evolving means, we can feel the responsibility that it requires. We then go past this sense and put our own beliefs about what this may mean in our life and it is this that we react to, not the absoluteness we felt in the moment we said yes. My sense is that what is coming will simply unfold and will probably look nothing like what my forward running mind has drummed up.

  33. We start with us and it comes out from there, impacting all around us. We’ve chosen to be collectively blind and in our arrogance we consider we’re better, but without our props, our amazing medical interventions, our coffee, our sugar we would be long since extinct … any animal who lived the way we do would be so; and yet we consider ourselves kings when in fact we’re being grossly irresponsible in trashing ourselves, our planet and not living the purpose of who we are and why we’re here … we’re here to evolve not to indulge.

  34. Each and every one of us can make a difference as we let go of old beliefs that who am I to change the system or the world we have created. One person can make a difference, and one such example is, Serge Benhayon who has transformed the lives of many people across the globe through his courses, presentations and numerous purple books.

  35. There are so many ways and distractions to sabotage our evolution, in which we do, and we do the sabotaging ourselves, which means we also have the will and the power to stop and choose more self-loving ways that do grow and expand us.

  36. With the present state of humanity and the world – wars, abuse, corruption, illness, disease, escapism in all its myriads of forms, etc. – the proof of a steady decline, rather than evolution and progress, is evidenced by what our ancestors achieved by their buildings etc.?

  37. It is pretty clear that majority of humanity is indulging and not evolving. Do we choose to be part of the indulging mud pile or step out into the evolving love pile? Only one of these is going to get humanity out of the mud.

  38. Its important to expose what we think evolution is. We may look at our external proxies and think that is it. But if we look at how we are travelling as a humanity we need to come back and ask is what we thought progress was, really progress at all?

    1. So true Jennifer, it looks like we have misinterpreted the word evolution in a huge way. When we look at the state of our world, we haven’t evolved much at all and we may have even gone a few steps backward.

  39. I think we think our relationship with food is harmless, and the worst it does is leave us a bit bloated or uncomfortable – but what if our relationship with food actually has a much greater impact in our lives and it’s actually key to our thoughts and our awareness and clarity in life.

  40. How the world is today reflects us as a humanity, and how we live on this planet with so much abuse and disregard. It can be simple when we look at our choices and realise the life we have is because of our unloving ways, we can change the way we are living by choosing to bring self care and self love to every aspect of our lives.

  41. We are constantly moving around the sun to come back to the same point and go over our tracks again, not actually going anywhere as such but around and back around again… Relating this to our evolution it highlights for me the Quality in which we are going around rather than a fixture on a ‘peak’ as such and shows to me that there is always more we can learn and deepen in our way of living. Serge Benhayon presents with great clarity, sense and wisdom on what evolution in truth can be for us.

  42. ” When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings. ”
    This is very simple and true , self care is the start of evolution back to the truth of where we are from.

    1. I agree John and further to that taking care of ourselves is also taking care of others with the same quality in which we care for ourselves.

  43. It would be interesting, probably very revealing, if for a period of time all the amazing “medical interventions” that are available to humanity, the interventions that often keep us alive longer than necessary, were stopped. I don’t think it would take too long for everyone to realise that maybe all the medicines, surgical treatments etc had been taken for granted and not truly appreciated, as it was the fix that was being sought not the true healing. Maybe then it may become clear that our health is our responsibility and by changing our lifestyle choices we may not always require someone else to fix us.

  44. There is a wake up call for the world needed in a seemingly myriad of ways, but ultimately it comes down to understanding everything is connected, and our choices, our thoughts, our behaviours affect the all.

  45. Is it possible that our evolutionary peak was 10,000 years ago and since then we have been sliding backwards into what I now feel actually is the cesspool of life. To me we have slipped so far from the truth of who we are I do wonder if we will ever have the will power collectively to climb back out and up out of the mess back to where we originally come from.

  46. ‘These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live; through ill and unsupportive choices we have been and continue to be making. Our ignorance, our arrogance, our indulgence, our lack of care and a serious deficit of cohesiveness have led to the poor quality of life we find ourselves surrounded by.’
    You are asking us to take responsibility for the mess and loveless-ness we are living in, to no longer blame it on the climate, your parents or anything or anyone outside ourselves. That is a big step-up and it is absolutely needed.

  47. ‘From early on in our education we are taught that food is one of the factors affecting the evolution of animals, determining who in the food chain is strong enough to survive and who becomes extinct’.
    This is such an interesting point- animals adapt their diet to live better yet if we look at the human diet today, have we evolved? Are we constantly making changes to support our health- when coffee and fast food are some of our main industries- probably not I’d say.

  48. This article presents a vey dire reality in how we as a humanity have allowed the standards and values that support society to be lessened to the degree that they have been masked to look like they are up held when in fact they are not lived by everyday people every day. The individual responsibility talked about is the only way that we as a human race can reintroduce these values. One person at a time.

  49. Interesting how food is so much the focus. I was in Amsterdam yesterday and essentially most of the shops in the centre were just related to eating, entertainment, shopping, sex, drugs and partying. It is not a brainer to realise that this definitely does sound like a list of indulgences rather than true evolutionary advances. Also interesting to note that this list probably has not changed much for many hundreds of years. Humanity has definitely not evolved a great deal since.

  50. If food really was a sign of our evolution and if we are as intelligent and as evolved as we claim we are then we would have no obesity or food related diseases or conditions whatsoever. Instead we are seeing the opposite, exposing where humanity truly is at.

  51. When I watch humanity it often feels like being in a theatre of puppets. The majority is following and doing what everyone else is doing, without questioning, what is actually going on and how they truly feel underneath every made action.

    1. This also shows how much we influence and affect each other. For example, if a majority of humanity was to change and started to live more lovingly, I reckon more people will also start to shift and change too by the power of inspiration and reflection.

  52. We all feel something is amiss about the world, and about ourselves and there is this insatiable pursuit for betterment that seems to be resulting in the opposite. Admitting the way we have been has not worked takes some guts, but slowly slowly, one by one, we are getting round to it.

  53. This is a true call to responsibility, knowing that our every choice is not in isolation it is affecting the whole. It is an inspiring wake up to ask ourselves this question every day. This is how the tide changes.

  54. I am struck by the realisation from your blog that nothing that happens in our lives, in the world I should say, is a surprise. There are always warning signs, small or large, ones we pay attention to or not and the fact is we choose to ignore them and then be surprised. Taking responsibility for the way we live supports us to see what there is to see in our lives and the world rather than what we choose to see. It also, dare I suggest, offers us sight beyond our eyes as we are also able to feel what we see because we are more sensitive to the intention behind a word or action.

  55. The choice is ours: to indulge or evolve. We may think that indulging is a form of relief and avoidance or even deny there is anything to avoid but it is really just a delaying tactic as we inevitably find out along the way.

    1. It is an avoidance of feeling and living the power we are. The retreating of the purpose why we are here in the first place. It might feel comfortable but the actual pain that is registered by not living the whole of us, is much bigger in us – obviously seeing in the grand variety of illnesses- than any kind of reward or comfort.

  56. Great expose of the waywardness humanity has taken in terms of measuring intelligence. If we look at true intelligence have we really evolved?????

  57. How corrupted and bastardised is the meaning of evolution that we use it to determine physiological adaptations within species; survival of the fittest? We have reduced it to a purely physical, temporal thing when in truth it is our path back to the universal divine origins.

  58. For me humanity feels like being blinded by the glamour and progression of technology, ways to deal with things etc.. It is like you would give someone a regular pill, so that the person does not feel, what is actually going on. Constant poisoning. Mankind is not a victim of that, because it demands it and has attachements and investments in it to stay where they are at. Question is, how sick do we have to become as humanity, which extremes must show up to distract from what is true, until we as a whole realise this is not the way?!

  59. This is quite a statement if we stop and truly feel the impact of it, and yet it has become our ‘norm’. “The majority of the population in first world countries exist on caffeine and sugar to ‘support’ a lack of rest,”. In our consistent ‘unrest’ we do not get to feel and connect to the quality of ease within, one that is a foundational support in our lives; the natural stillness.

    1. Yes and it is a vicious circle, we eat sugar to not feel our own stillness because we are reacting to the lack of stillness in the world. We feel ill-equipped to deal with it so we join in, lowering our sensitivity to its lack of truth…go figure. I have been on that merry-go-round for way too long.

      1. Great to know we can hop off the merry-go-round whenever we choose. At first it can be a shock when we stop fueling ourselves with all sorts of stimulants as we get to feel where our body is really at, though when we do re-connect to the quality of stillness within us it is possible to move through life with presence and steadiness..

  60. ‘recipes for involution’, yes there are many of theses and not only related to food. With our every movement we have the opportunity to take a step toward or away from ourselves in truth. Great question.

    1. I loved the expression `recipes for involution`as well! We are in fact in every moment asked to step forward. Everything that is happening, ask us to deepen and maximise the moment. Do we do that, or do we let moments slip and pay not so much attention to?

  61. Animals offer us a gentle reflection that to become extinct in the physical form offers the opportunity to evolve to the next level of our evolution back to the pure essence of who we truly are.

  62. The number of children who now have an ADHD diagnosis and that are also on medication is worryingly high. I feel we are not taking enough time to get to the root cause and are simply managing the symptoms with drugs. This is also whats happening with many other adult diseases that are lifestyle related.

    1. Many years ago when we lived in the US several young children I knew were given medication for behaviour at school, and one lovely quiet girl of eleven was medicated because she wasn’t very good at her lessons. Recently, I read that more children under two are given anti-depressants – it’s crazy to see that things have got to this point.

  63. ‘Luckily for us, we survive as a result of the constant medical interventions that are supporting our existence.’ Are we truly lucky to survive in this way? Fixing our health problems and at the same time indulging in the same behaviour as we did before is not, like you say, a life lived in full.

  64. It’s pretty darn unintelligent to resist the pull of evolution in the way humans do. Our arrogance blinds us to the truth, that we are a disruptive and irresponsible force discarding rubbish into an ever-evolving universe. Try as we might to resist however, we can only slow down our path of return, our evolution, because we are of the universe and therefore being pulled to return, to evolve. We can delay but not prevent.

  65. I like how you ask the question, if we as a human race are actually extinction ourselves. Indeed how the majority lives is a slow death, self created.

  66. Defining evolution is the first step. Is it being able to make the most incredible technical achievements, or is it being able to truly bring True Intelligence, Love and Wisdom, and understand and embody brotherhood on earth?

  67. ” When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings.” this is a huge learning for when one changes their way of living , that way of living changes the world.

    1. Great point John, this explains to me why so many environmental campaigns haven’t truly worked because it is very difficult to change the world if we are not willing to change and heal our waywardness.

      1. Absolutely Chan. If we do not support ourselves within, and care for ourselves deeply, the true change within, there is no support outwardly to the environment and change would not be permanent either.

  68. The title on this blog is a brilliant question – and it applies to every moment of our day and our entire life. With every minute that we have, how are we using it? If we are using it to evolve, there is more to share with ourselves and with the world, which is the greatest joy one can feel. If we choose to indulge there are a myriad ways to do this and the short-term gratification will definitely have us sky-rocketing in elation or relief – just to drop us back again for the next offering to keep us further away from knowing the glory of who we truly are.

  69. Yes Lucy, the linear approach to evolution is one of the biggest lies ever sold, so that we falsely believe we have evolved from a four-legged creature and that it’s a natural expression of a human being to have animalistic tendencies. And from there, how easily we can dismiss our true heavenly expression… we cap ourselves and our evolution by buying into the lie of what evolution actually is.

  70. This blog shows two things: first, humans are very selective regarding how they interpret ‘signs’ of intelligence. That allows them to point out that humans outdo every single creature on this Earth.
    The other point relates to what humans were able to do 10.000 years before us. It begs the questions: if there is such a thing as an evolutionary peak, when did we reach it? 10.000 years ago? What has happened since? If we have reached the peak then, what this reveals is that the image of linear evolution, hence of the evolutionary peak is worthless.

    1. But the intelligence of today even challenges what you say Eduardo, they still try to figure out who has built the pyramids and how. And even speculate with the idea that a intelligence not of this planet has built these, but they are convinced not by us people. What a denial of our origin and the intelligence we are capable of.

  71. Willing to be aware of what is happening in and around us in each moment in the day is marker of the levels of responsibility we can go to. With this comes a willingness to surrender that there is no perfection but also an understanding that if we ignore we could possibly choose to be delay what we know deep down inside is true evolution.

    1. Yes Natalliya, it is a choice to be present, to be aware and to respond. You feel the strength that lies in surrendering when you let go of that need for perfection.

  72. It’s a foolish thing we do to call ourselves intelligent, focus on advancements in technology, architecture, medicine, etc, yet be slowly killing ourselves by our everyday choices. We see these advancements and think we are evolving but we are killing our bodies, and we are the only species that does this, and we still feel we are intelligent! It’s not that the intelligence we currently use isn’t beneficial, advancements can be, but there is something huge missing because it doesn’t consider the body. No true intelligence would operate isolated to the body that enhouses it, to the point of self destruction. What Serge Benhayon has introduced about Whole Body Intelligence is certainly the answer here.

  73. We can fool ourselves into believing that we are evolving but if our bodies are not vital and full of love then we are not evolving at all.

    1. So true Elizabeth, we can think we are advanced and much evolved but when we look at the state of our body it doesn’t lie.

  74. “But it (evolution ) must all start within each and everyone of us ”
    This is important to understand, evolution for human beings comes from within out not from our environment in .

  75. Yes Danna – honesty is a very needed start for humanity to actually see beyond what our mental intellect tells us is evolution and feel with our hearts the total disharmony amongst this race of beings.

  76. As humans we think we are evolving because we make it about a mental intelligence and what we can do. But really, what we are STILL doing is nothing short of barbaric. We still have war, we still have famine, we still have greed, pollution, slavery and domestic violence (to name a few). Are these the attributes of an evolved race..? I think we need to re-evalute what evolution actually is to answer that.

    1. Absolutely Rachael, and from reading this awesome blog and many comments, it looks like the word ‘evolution’ has been distorted and misunderstood by humanity, and I reckon this is most likely a deliberate choice.

  77. In order to understand where we are at as a society today and to be honest about what foundations we are setting for the trajectory of our future, it is important to reflect on, value and learn from our past experiences and significant events that has shaped our today so that we may grow and live our potential and not get stuck in the comfortable status quo.

  78. Truth needs to be felt within the body. No one can tell us what is suitable or not, we can only explore this ourselves and find out what truly supports us by knowing how certain foods and behaviours make us feel. We can be told what supports our awareness, but when we skip feeling how that makes our body feels, the action may not always be supportive. It is not what we do or not do, what we choose to eat or not eat, but how every choice reflects what is the relationship we have with ourselves. Every relationship is at a different stage and there is no way to compare what is better or worse, therefore, it is wise to always appreciate this lovely relationship no matter where we are at, with ourselves, stand by our relationship and keep moving and deepening with it. Evolution happens simply with our honoring of every feeling with ourselves, free from the picture of what evolution looks like and what indulgence looks like. Appreciate and understand ourselves throughout every single step.

  79. If we take away the filters we look through life by – ie a better life, a successful life, a good life – then what is left? For the most part it is just comfort and security rather than evolution. What you share here about basic animal instincts says a lot and it is true that many of us know to the tee how to indulge not evolve.

  80. True Victoria the change has to come from each and everyone of us and never from changing the outside but true change can only come from within. Being honest about the choices that we make to support our body or not is a great start to come to a (self) caring way of living. A responsible way of life.

  81. We pride ourselves in having more choices available and call that freedom – the choices that are constantly edging towards our decency to slide downwards, and for us to accept less and less as our normal. Not very evolutionary, is it.

  82. “These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live” Great point, what is presenting in the world today has not just occurred, it is unfolding like it is due to how we are choosing to live also what we are allowing in society today.

  83. When we make it about relationship first and foremost, we know food is not our issue. How we are as a human race is about our relationship with ourselves. Whether we truly progress is if this relationship deepens or not, and this is a step by step process.

    1. Adele, absolutely it really is about our relationship first and foremost with ourselves, when we are able to understand this then we can start looking at parts of our life and our choices. It is easy to blame food and things outside of us. I have been working on deepening my relationship with myself and I am learning something new about my own relationship with self all the time.

  84. Our willingness to consider the choices in our everyday that we know aren’t great for us yet we accept them as normal is a wonderful way to open up the possibility of caring for ourselves a little more. What can be really interesting is when we make a choice that is caring this naturally reflects to another and then supports them to make a caring choice.

  85. One such indulgence that is not as openly talked about in society is being emotional and using emotions not to evolve and commit to life. Time and time again I have seen and felt how abusive and poisonous emotions are especially to our bodies. We can hide behind them and justify why we use them but they are no different to binge drinking or over eating.

    1. I agree Aimee and isn’t it our emotions that have us reaching for inappropriate food and drink in the first place?

  86. ‘Are We Evolving OR Indulging’ It is great to get to know the difference – how the slightest bit of comfort feels in our body.

  87. There’s a definite correlation between how we as one humanity have become so involved and invested in our progress on a temporal level and the retardation of true evolution.

  88. You raise a great point here we once built magnificent structures without the advanced machinery we have today, and I doubt even with the advanced machinery we have, that we would be able to reproduce them now. The question is what did we have then that we don’t have now, because it is definitely not to do with machinery.

  89. Indulging and procrastinating and many other alike behaviours are sure fire ways to hold back what we are capable of bringing to everything, to other people and the world.

  90. It shows a lot about humanity when we generally place more value on having the comfort foods we crave instead of having true love in our day and in our every relationship

  91. Now there is a phrase we don’t see often, but is immediately felt as wonderful, awakening, intriguing … evolutionary trajectory… I find these words open the door to an awareness of what we as a race are actually doing with the extraordinary vehicles that we inhabit.

  92. The choice to evolve is constantly there for us to make. It is only ourselves that prevent it through our choices.

  93. To support our lack of personal evolution you could say we are almost propped up by our technological advancement to give us the illusion we are evolving or at least hide the fact we are not. As a whole we are indeed floundering in our arrogance, indulgences and abdication of self-responsibility, begging the question of how bad does it need to get before we begin to see what we are choosing and choose to step out of the apathy into the light.

  94. Our ‘star wars know how’ is but a clever screen to hide the error of our wanton ways behind. I know of no other animal on this planet that willingly ingests poison and then champions (defends) its choice to do so by also creating clever devices that give the illusion of ‘intelligence’ so as to mask all the ill and very unintelligent choices made elsewhere. For what good is it erecting a grand tower if the temple of the body has been so polluted?

  95. “I know first-hand what it’s like to stall my own evolution by indulging in food, drinks, behaviours and emotions that sabotage this expansion.”
    One can read this and literally scan past it, but for those of us that have experienced how much these behaviors truly affect how we feel in our bodies and most importantly what we think in our minds, this sentence is a reminder to forever be a student of ones self and to make our evolution the greatest priority in life, as nothing is worth shutting down the divine awareness, that leads to true expression that we all have access to.

  96. “These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live; through ill and unsupportive choices we have been and continue to be making.” Yes and when we realise each of us has huge responsibility whenever we act, speak or even think thoughts that are unloving, then we contribute to harm in the world. Making different choices has a huge knock-on effect on our lives and the lives of others.

  97. I love your questioning of how much have we evolved – “in the last 10,000 years if our ancestors were able to:…..” complete the amazing structures etc without any so-called modern aids or technology. We have huge arrogance as a human race thinking we are so advanced in the 21st century.

  98. Technological advances are worthless if they are not aligned to a higher purpose bringing love, brotherhood and equality to humanity.

  99. If we look closely at the state of humanity it is in a terrible state the world over and yet we are sold the lie that we are advanced and advancing. Technological advances are worthless if not aligned to the higher purpose of bringing love, brotherhood and equality to our world.

  100. The extent of our indulgence came home to me recently. Even as one who lives a simple life, recently when I dug deep I saw that had bought into the lie of consumerism and did at times indulge. To feel this for myself brought me back to my senses. I now know what my choices are: stay steady, connect to heaven within or let outer forces dictate what I should be doing. Alignment to truth and God is the only choice to make.

  101. it is not a surprise that the food industry is booming. the supermarkets do have a huge variety of foods that we actually do not need, but are mainly there because of the ‘nice’ ‘taste and sweetness of it while on the other hand I do observe an enormous increase in restaurants and outdoor cafés all to provide the so needed foods and drinks to help people to numb that what there is to feel about the current state of our societies and how we all individually live in it.

  102. We may think that we are doing well with our technologies, structures and that life is moving onward and upward. But what is happening to us, our relationships. Our bodies are telling us something vastly different than our amazing achievements. Which begs the question what is the point of all these achievements when our bodies are collapsing around us? How far have we really come?

  103. What we call normality in the world is a state where we have wandered far from the truth and fullness of who we are, but when we truly feel it, it is not normal at all. But how can what is not normal being considered normal be exposed as not normal, when everyone is holding onto it being the norm? What we know as normality from the heart, live it with the natural joy that we are, live it without holding back simply because it is our natural breath, live it as if and it is the pure intimacy we have with ourselves, so that this reflection will begin to be seeded in every part of the world, every industry we have, every home and so every person would one day realise this reflection, ah it is just them.

  104. Well just a few days later I find myself back here. There is a wisdom that comes from a stop. Sometimes the stop sign has to hit you square in the face but stop you it does. Then it is like someone has turned the lights on and you can see more clearly. You wonder why you needed that stop but hey, you did so onward you now move wiser and more consistent in that responsibility.

  105. Hmm a really interesting point of view on the fact that as we choose not to evolve and grow – there is always things to numb us and medication to fix us but actually we are not wanting to see why we need the numbing and the medication.

  106. I was speaking to some students about heart disease and how the numbers of people dying from it are increasing year on year. I asked how we could raise awareness so that the fatality rate of this largely preventable disease might start to fall. Many of them started to question their own lifestyle habits and suggested it was something we needed to educate people about starting in primary school.

  107. There is no question that everything we eat has an effect on us, that can be felt but can also be seen by studying the body’s physiology. The problem is we choose not to have that level of awareness because it calls for more responsibility about what we are putting in our mouths and why we are drawn to put it in. We have the potential to be the change we want to see in our lives and therefore in the world – it is but a choice away.

  108. It is fascinating how we can get caught up in the ideas of how evolution is ‘supposed to be’ big steps that are often sold to us as unreachable levels. Have we stopped to recognise it is the smallest of details that change our routine, levels of daily commitment and consistency which bring the most powerful evolutionary changes. It is these changes that are made over time that add up to make the biggest changes of all time.

  109. there is a keyword here… And that is, responsibility. And as uncomfortable as it may be to reflect upon this, it behooves each one of us to take this on, to understand this, and to act upon it.

  110. “Foods and drinks that have become the ‘norm’ – burgers, cakes, coffee, alcohol, to name a few as the list could go on for pages – are nothing more than pure indulgence; our recipes for involution.” – Yes they may be, but we have to come to the understanding, ourselves included in this, that these foods and drinks may be healing for people and part of their evolution process. And not to make life and what we eat one of rules and judgement.

  111. That is very true – we are a species that have not yet become extinct and from this we even carry a deep arrogance of that we can go on and on, create further in sympathy and lack of love or drive – no matter what the consequences might be. Hence we have to break this pattern and behaviour which is not us in our true sense, so we can come back to more of who we truly are (what we feel in our hearts and know to be).

  112. It’s clear that we have many behaviours, systems and beliefs as humanity which seperate us, and this is through believing we are separate to begin with, which causes all the evil we see from war to domestic violence to obesity and starvation.

  113. Choosing to take responsibility for all our choices, actions, behaviours and patterns, making them about love is the key to our evolution, not the evolution of materialistic advancement but our energetic evolution expressed through our quality of life and relationships.

  114. We think that eating a cream cake or doughnut is a ‘treat’ we ‘treat’ our children with sugary foods at birthday parties and for ‘good’ behaviour. We have a belief that eating food that we know is an indulgence brings us happiness but I have found that I am far more joyful and content when I don’t eat sugar and when I eat foods that nourish me and support me to live my life in full. It’s like we have settled for a false version of happiness, one that isn’t true, a version of happiness which blocks out what we do not want to feel but does not leave us in anyway feeling the truly joyful, vital selves that we could be.

  115. Even the example you give of food provides great insight into the so called intelligence of the human being. If animals eat something that isn’t right for them, they won’t seek it again. Yet we will continue to drink, eat food that is not good for us, smoke and engage in numerous things that we know clearly don’t support us. We need to question, if we have the highest intelligence, what else is going on here?

  116. I think if we take an honest look at the state of our world today, the wars, famine, cyber abuse, domestic abuse, depression and multiple health condition pandemics to mention but a few of the more obvious disharmonies that abound we do need to question just how much or in what way we have evolved thus far and to really consider what evolution truly means to us…

  117. Evolution is definitely knocking on our doors, and it is up to us to let go of the attachments we have with individuality and understand the part we all have to play in order to return to the love and truth that we are from, this is the responsibility we are being asked to live with and constantly check in what it is we are being obedient to? is it to evolve or involve?

  118. Knowing that every choice we make is affecting everything is a constant call to responsibility and accountability. Evolution is most certainly on offer 24/7 and we are always feeling what choice we are making.

  119. It would seem that just from what is presented here we are in fact devolving not evolving! And just even looking at the coffee and sugar scenario you have given it shows the complete lack of love, care and arrogance in that not only are these substances poisoning our bodies but also others as what about the abuse, long labour, lack of care and money the workers receive that works on these plantations. Many of which I am sure are children. With regards to ‘Luckily for us, we survive’ I feel it has nothing either to do with being lucky or survival but instead constant moments continually offered to all to learn, heal, evolve, love, and be all that we are. It is just a case of how long do we want to draw this out for ourselves and others.

  120. Plastic started being used in domestic products only 50 years ago! Today there is nothing in the ocean food chain ecosystem that doesn’t have plastic in it! Are we in the process of killing all sea life? By Indulging, are we de-evolving more than ourselves? So, what is the bigger effect if we stop indulging?

  121. I feel that very often there is a human belief about evolution that evolution happens to us because of outside changing environments and circumstances. Yet the opposite is true, that how we respond to these things results in how we evolve. We come up again and again against a problem or change of surroundings and often make the same choice of response, ensuring that we remain in the comfort of feeling safe. Taking a little risk and altering the response opens up new vistas and so we expand.

  122. We can do all sorts of amazing and incredible things in this world and think this is living, all the while we are abusing and dishonouring the human body, dulling ourselves with food and drink, in our irresponsibility we accept this as normal and so close ourselves up to knowing who we truly are and where we come from.

  123. Adjusting how we live with evolution and we feel about it has helped me understand it is not one thing or one finite point but an ever expanding relationship with myself.

  124. We are so quick to label something ancient as a ‘mystery’ and don’t even give it a consideration as to why we no longer have access to what our ancestors had. We stop at holding them in fascination, and never really put two and two together and look back at the history of mankind and how it constantly advanced in one way, while a loss of connection to each other and to God became ever so prominent.

  125. When living a life of comfort why would we want to change? Especially if we don’t consider anyone else in our world and we don’t understand the concept of responsibility and what it truly means – that every single thought, word and action affects not only ourselves and immediate people we live with and are friends with, but ultimately everyone and everything in the world. So the ones who do know – and live – The Way of the Livingness hold true responsibility and thus reflect out to all around.

  126. Evolving is something that is occurring whether we like to think it is or not. But when we bring in indulgences, this definitely can distract one from evolving at the pace that they could. Indulgences can be anything from too much conversation, food, exercise, excessive holidaying, checking out on the weekends, and the list can go on. Truly evolving is constantly saying yes to being in our essence, who we truly are and choosing to align to an energy that supports us in that connection.

  127. “Are we Evolving or Indulging?” How many of us ask ourselves this and ask ourselves questions such as what is my next point of evolution or what are my movements that support me to evolve? I know I have many intentions to ask myself such questions and when I do, do I stay with these questions or carry on in my old ways. Every moment we have an opportunity to evolve or not but how much do we let our comfortable lives get in the way of asking….what is next?

  128. You make a great point and you’re right, it’s all about the quality – and that’s always a choice.

  129. That’s an interesting question to ask before any meal, decision or action – is this about evolution or indulgence? I’m sure I would answer the latter more than I realise. Thanks for inspiring me to consider this, a question which I should be asking myself more often.

  130. “Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are”? Reading this sentence I can see that part of the problem is that we have redefined evolution. If I went onto the streets and asked people to define it, I am pretty sure it would not be this definition. Perhaps since Darwin, much of our beliefs about evolution involve the physical being and our capabilities. Whereas true evolution is not going anywhere or improving, it is a return to the soul and our divinity. This is where we have gotten lost and conveniently stopped developing what has clearly been known throughout the ages.

  131. Yes it is true if we could build the pyramids and communicate with each other knowing what was really going on and had much less need for words then it doesn’t seem like we have evolved at all but allowed ourselves to get very comfortable in a way of life without true purpose.

  132. All the drama in society is self inflicted. This is both devastating and tragic. We have chosen this, and the worst part is that we continue to choose it en masse because we’ve just gotten used to life being the way it is. But there is more, so much more.

  133. I read this Title tonight after consuming way too much food and wanted to read it. It is interesting when we observe animal species, like whales for instance, many people are sad and devastated when whales beach themselves on land but do we ever stop to look at why that is? What are they tuning into that we are not? What are they showing us? We are too focussed with fixing and making life better and very rarely looking at evolving in this life… ourselves along with everyone else.

  134. I think you have to agree to your question “Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?” in order to see there is a responsibility and a different way of looking at evolution, our relationship with things that sustain us and our purpose here on earth. Otherwise you might be more likely to subscribe to the ‘you only live once’ and more self indulgent way of living and not see it harming in any way.

  135. It is interesting the ways that as humanity we resist what is on offer equally for all we indulge with food or emotions as a way to avoid the responsibility by which we know we are true sons of God.

  136. For humanity to evolve it seems to me that we each have to individually address our own hurts and issues rather than indulge and comfort eat. Collectively humanity then shifts out of indulgence.

  137. Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are? This is what I have come to understand from the presentations of Serge and Universal medicine and also from my own body, that this is in fact true. It also makes sense when you consider that everything in life has cycles, and we are a part of that cycle so changes and growth naturally follow.

  138. How much have we evolved if we are now able to kill thousands of people at once rather than one by one? How much have we evolved if we have one war after another but do not learn the lessons of history? How much have we evolved if we have no way even with modern technology to build something as precise and detailed as the pyramids? How much have we evolved when you look at all the poisons and distractions we contaminate our bodies with and the conflicts we see everywhere including within many households? There will come a time when we will need to be more honest with ourselves and admit that the so called normal and accepted way of living is not working and that there is another way as presented in many of these blogs.

    1. Great questions Nicola. It appears that already there is plenty of evidence that things are not working. The question is how long will we arrogantly drown out the clear awareness we do have with more and more extreme ways of numbing, distracting and entertaining ourselves.

      1. Maybe we have to suffer more, get more sick, totally bankrupt our health systems (they are already) and blow up the planet first?

  139. Business dealings show this discrepancy well. How lost are we when we celebrate the collapse of a harmonious relationship which equally takes care of all parties and admire the person who outwits and cheats the other from their equal right, considering it an ‘astute’ business deal to be celebrated? We have for far too long championed our mental prowess, our fascination with solving riddles and our pride in dominating our bodies, people and nature as a sign of evolution. How woefully wrong we are.

  140. For our society as a whole to progress and live to its potential it is vital that we all commit to our growth and development collectively.

  141. Recently I heard a famous actor say ‘Ease is more of a threat to progress than hardship’. While we are comfortable and indulging in that comfort there is no reason to want to change anything. We get stuck in the rot that is comfort..

    1. This is very true Rebecca if life seems to be easy why would we want to change it, we humans are creatures of comfort, which makes us complacent and unwilling to look deeper or feel the urgency to question our lives. For example when we get sick, we do everything to make ourselves get better, so we know what to do when the chips are down, but how many of us then go back to doing exactly what we were doing before that got us to the point of sickness in the first place

      1. The openness& humbleness that can be felt, when someone gets a disease is beautiful to feel. It really lets people consider and regard their life in a more honest way. But like you say, the moment, the body is better, people forget really quickly what they were looking at, and very often it goes back to normal.

    2. So true Rebecca. Comfort allows us to stay the same and to not even question or seek more in life. It suggests that naturally there will always be a tension in us with wanting to deepen and bring more of ourselves and what is within us to life

  142. If you look at evolution in a lineal way we have gone backwards. The foods we are eating are killing us, our movement or lack of is causing degeneration on our bodies, we have learnt to fix these things but we are not living in a way that is evolving our beings into something that supports ourselves and the planet.

  143. The question is one I return to everyday. It is forever a place we totally know inside and out.

  144. I love what you write here about evolution – “Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?” Beats the whole ape/man thing for me, hands down.

  145. Our snobbery and arrogance that we can do what we like, however we like, whenever we like is a deeply ingrained seed in nearly all of us and it is an evident ill in humanity’s way of seeing their true responsibility as reflection in life.

  146. Looking at the way we treat many animals, it’s clear that we are not only very ignorant and abusive towards them, but our arrogance prevents us from appreciating how much they are reflecting in their daily rhythms. When we are choosing to evolve, we have an open-ness which allows us to feel and learn from the divinity that surrounds us each and every day.

  147. The more I connect with the word response-ability the more I understand that it is our choice to listen to those messages we receive and act on them. The key is to discern and feel from our body.

  148. Yes, a great question to ask ourselves. Are we truly heading In the right direction, when humanity has invented all these crazy things that have produced so much suffering for ourselves and the natural world?

  149. Vicktoria, I feel the absolute truth in what you are sharing here, ‘When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings. But it all must start within each and every one of us. Such is Our Responsibility.’ I have noticed that if I choose to overeat how this makes me tired, this then makes me more grumpy with my family and less light and supportive at work. The effects of me overeating and not being my lovely, tender, vital self are huge, it feels important for us to take responsibility for how our choices affect other and not just ourselves.

  150. An extraordinary proposition, that we are individually, and collectively, responsible for the evolution of humanity… That means, the buck stops here.

  151. “Are we evolving or indulging?” This perhaps ought to be a daily question we ask ourselves, because how many times does the earth revolve and we choose to not evolve and to stay in the exactly same place?

  152. Such a great question, I feel we are indeed indulging. Indulging in life, in comfort, living in a way that is going to ensure that we just foster this life, make sure that we just feel very third dimensional, meaning that all we have as humans is sight, see, smell, taste and touch, that we actually don’t read people, read energy, sense things. That we do feel energy all the time, but we in fact choose not to, we dull our awareness, by over indulging, so that we can foster irresponsibility!

  153. If anything it shows our absolute ignorance and arrogance when we think that humanity is doing ok or at least our country or community is on top of life so to speak when most around the world are telling a different story. We then wonder why so much illness and disease is affecting us all and yet we have a way of life that is very very clearly not working. Could it be that we generally do not even want to see much less admit what is truly going on?

  154. Evolution is a very personal choice for each of us every day and at the same time this choice either contributes or stalls the evolution of us all.

  155. Responsibility is a big factor when it comes to our food choices; is it possible that I feed the common pool of ‘normalcy’ when I gobble down a snack in my car, when I grasp at things that my body is clearly telling me are not good for it but momentarily satiate a hunger that has nothing to do with what I put in my mouth?

  156. Not only are these world issues, the reflection of what we live, they are the same world issues we have faced for millenia, greed, supremacy, power, separation

  157. Just reading the title of this blog is very exposing. In every moment we have a choice to evolve or indulge. It’s one or the other. We can indulge in food, or choose not to – we can indulge in a certain kind of conversation or gossip, or choose to only express truth – We can indulge in our emotions, or choose instead to treat ourselves with love – we can indulge in a comfortable relationship, or choose to make relationships about truth and true love. The choice to indulge or evolve is forever there with us all the time. We have zillions of moments every day where we can choose. What will it be?

  158. ‘…the majority of the human race lives either in some sort of pain, with a disease, or both.’ This is a great point, because even though medical interventions are amazing and helping people, they actually are cushioning the effects of our lifestyle so we can continue the ill pursuits that have become normal. Like indulgence in food, drugs, violence, harm against each other etc. We are not addressing the lovelessness of the world and how we are with ourselves.

  159. Years ago I used to think that my contribution to something didn’t make a difference, but over the last 9 or so years, I have really come to understand that everything we do matters and has an effect on everything all of the time. And that how I am with myself on a daily basis through my routines, absolutely has an effect on those that I interact with. As if I have taken great loving care of myself during my getting ready for work for example, how I feel within myself is what I take to another, and this can be huge for them to receive a supportive interaction from someone who is just basically being there and holding them with that loving steadiness.

  160. Getting older due to our medical world is championed but when we take an honest look at how people are getting older and how they view their lives we only can speak about surviving and nothing more. A lot of older people are saying ” getting older is great but being old isn’t.” Our lives should be about quality of energy and thus taking care about our ourselves, like you say Victoria ‘Such is Our Responsibility.’

  161. I would say generally indulgent when there is what is called a break through, or someone builds a really tall building everyone stands around reassuring themselves and each other that humans really are the most intelligent and accomplished living thing on the planet, ignoring the crisis of misery, inequality, self abuse, pain and ill health that is plain to observe across humanity. It is about how we mean / quality these terms…evolving for me definitely requires a development of true understanding and this is reflected in the relationships we have and the quality of them …this should be our base line, how are our relationships….?

  162. Looking at how we are living we can not be the top of evolution or even have come from animals at all. So distinctly different we are in the way we treat our bodies and the environment around us.

  163. It only takes ones person to shine the light for others and with the reflection so much can be communicated and so many more choices become available….. we are all responsible and we are all accountable.

  164. Your “our ancestors were able to:” list is certainly something to deeply ponder on, especially how did they build structures like the pyramids which with modern technology we are so far away from replicating. It really stops you in your tracks and asks for a in depth discussion. After all the general opinion of humanity is that we live in an advanced society. So my question is: how come, if this society of ours is so advanced, we are making lifestyle choices, for example the foods we eat, that are making us sick and in some cases leading to a premature death. Maybe it’s time to reconsider what exactly is going on for us when despite amazing advances in medicine, humanity is getting sicker than ever before.

  165. We are the masters of our own choices; we can think and create whatever as we have free will. My understanding is that we abuse our free-will and label it free-reign. This is a misconception and misunderstanding on our part, our ability to think hasn’t bought us any closer to the universal intelligence, which is where evolution is co-created.

  166. It could be fair to say that most of us don’t ponder on the question of evolution, only to get through life day-to-day in our material existence…going to work, making ends meet, paying the bills and feeding the family, with social time out put into the mix. If evolution is as you say…”a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?” then possibly we are truly far from the mark! So where exactly are we?

  167. I hate to think what life would be like for humanity without modern medicine. The evidence of our ill health would be very very clear to see through and this is not a bad thing considering just how sick we actually are as a race yet often fail to even admit the fact.

  168. There is much to ponder on in this blog. I love how you are questioning our beliefs around what we consider evolution to be, especially when we look at the state of ill health that humanity is living with. Evolution is not about surviving, it is about us living and expressing all of who we are. There is a huge difference between the two.

  169. Last week my daughter shared with me that she had devised her own version of the food pyramid which was based on her own observations of which foods supported her body and which did not. I was blown away by her wisdom and understanding and clarity on this subject even though she is 8 years old and has not studied much about nutrition. Needless to say it was a very different food pyramid than the traditional one that is ‘force fed’ to everyone everywhere and in my opinion is clearly not working. I wonder what would happen if we all stopped following what we were told about food and just felt for ourselves how different foods impact on us and we were free to design our own food pyramids?

    1. This is great Andrew, before learnt knowledge takes over our minds and bodies your daughter can feel her innate intelligence communicating what is supportive and what is not.

    2. Yes! How cool would that be as reflections for each other as children, if it was an exercise at school to develop your own food pyramid from your own body. Now that’s evolution right there and the current for home teaching the food pyramid is involution and control.

  170. ” Are we too heading towards extinction? “. What a great question, I feel the truth in that, and yes we are as we champion all that does not truly support us, we are choosing involution without realising we absolutely do have a choice and a responsibility here to self care and self love and it’s not too late.

  171. Maybe we have it the wrong way around, rather than constantly trying to improve ourselves, or striving to maintain happiness perhaps it is a returning back to who we truly are where not an ounce of trying is needed.

  172. ‘Luckily for us, we survive as a result of the constant medical interventions that are supporting our existence.’ Is this lucky or just putting off the level of responsibility that is necessary to evolve? Many of the people I see every day as a community nurse simply accept their ill health as normal for them and depend on the medical intervention to just keep supplying them their life line. Indulgence at it’s best!

  173. If we are honest enough we would accept that our ancestors were connected to higher level of intelligence within themselves beyond what we can fathom and that we are all capable of accessing that and more, all that is required is to let go of what we have used to delay our evolution and keep playing small and simply start to be responsible and live in a way that is more encompassing of the all and not just the self.

  174. We all have a role to play in the course of the evolution of mankind and have the power with our awareness, choices and reflections of our responsible actions to support evolution.

  175. “…When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings…” … And… this brings evolution to the relationship we have with ourselves… self care is where evolution begins…

  176. Absolutely true, we can say that at some level we were more humble in the earlier ages as we now have all those things and extra things that only cover up more of what is actually needed to see for us all- that the current way lived by the majority is not working. Lets prefer more realness of cover and seek true uncoverage that will undo, by our equal choice to change.

  177. So what happens when we are not growing (and not in a physical sense)? Are we too heading towards extinction?
    As long as we choose identity, individuality making it all about self, we will set our own path of self destruction. When we choose brotherhood, humanity and love as our way forward we will evolve and grow along our evolutionary part of return.

  178. “Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are”? In studying public health last year, I found that although we clearly considered the body, mind and soul as integral in our health in Plato’s time, the biomedical model of health has severed this connection and deals only with the physical, functional body. This treatment is often done in parts, with a focus just on the diseased area. This has been to our detriment to not only separate the body into parts (which is actually impossible as its one harmonious unit) but separated the body from the soul. We have lost the understanding we had some thousands of years ago that the body is a vehicle for the soul and the two need to work in union.

  179. We certainly have not evolved to the point where we live in harmony with each other or the natural environment. Some would say we have always had wars etc. and argue that that is part of the human condition. But as you say, we must have had much more evolved pockets of society in the past to be able to build magnificent structure like the great pyramids. This is something to consider as we think we evolve, yet find ourselves with so many issues in society.

  180. ‘Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?’ This is evolution as many of us are coming to understand now, but it is not yet being taught in mainstream education, although it was in ancient times. It may be several centuries before this is more globally understood.

  181. The way we are choosing to live in comfort and indulgence seen as evolution and better is clearly shown here to be a backward retardation to evolving back to who we really are and this is exposed simply and clearly. It is time to take true responsibility for the harm we are doing to the Universe and make loving changes to the way we are living and our choices together and where we are going to.

  182. Yes we can shout, scream, yell and blame everyone and everything around us yet the responsibility is in our hands in every choice we make to be love or not and until we accept and live this truth we will be forever at the mercy of our ill ways… it is our choice.

  183. I know that for me I used to think that when I got to a certain point of evolving I could say that I had made it, put my feet up and relax…that there would be a time when everything would be “better” and I could live easy. It was a shock to realise that this will never happen and that as we evolve we just take on greater responsibility for ourselves and the collective whole… it explains why we avoid evolving (AKA taking responsibility)and make our choices accordingly through food, entertainment and checking out, (like children who don’t want to grow up?)

  184. Well said! “Our ignorance, our arrogance, our indulgence, our lack of care and a serious deficit of cohesiveness have led to the poor quality of life we find ourselves surrounded by.” We have to be the ones who change our own way of looking at our lives, our sense of purpose, our care for ourselves, what we eat, drink, how we are with ourselves and others. Nothing will change if we spend our time trying to fix others without looking inwards first. As a teenager once said to me – unless you are walking the talk is is all ‘blah blah blah’!! Blunt but so true!

  185. The oscillation between indulgence and evolution varies for each individual. What is behind the two are complete opposite energies – What Serge Benhayon has been extraordinary at is sharing what these two energies and how to understand, read and feel what is at play at any given moment. This is a journey for each and every one of us and the responsibility of not turning this switch off.

    1. So true Natalie, I didn’t know about there being two different energies till Serge spoke about them but I have no doubt in my body now that those two energies influence the thoughts I have that lead to the behaviour I indulge in. I have had to make a conscious choice of the energy I want to be my impulsing source in order to be more aware of how each can affect my outcomes. As you say, this is a responsibility that, once we have been made aware of the choice, only we can bring to ourselves.

  186. There is an arrogance that can be found in humanity that is like a convenient blindness to the reality that we find ourselves in, how evolved are we as you mention, there are many examples that would suggest that we are not as developed as many of us like to think ourselves to be. Force, and a show of force on our environment, other inhabitants on this planet does not make for evolution.

  187. So in the past we fought with spears, whereby today we fight with multi-billion dollar weapons. Perhaps we have not evolved to become wiser, as just more sophisticated in our brutality.

  188. “When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, ” this is the key – we can come from knowledge in what we should eat, how we should live, how we should walk, speak, say things, do things – but none of this is truly evolutionary nor is there any fun in it, just a pressure. Evolution can only come from loving our bodies and building a truly loving relationship with ourselves, not one of rigidness or telling e.g I should eat this or that because someone else is, or that’s what I’ve heard. At no point does our body, self love, love or evolution come into this.

  189. The state of the World, humanity and the earth clearly indicates if we thought we were heading for the peak of our creation we have gone in the wrong direction. Our compass needs to be re-set to the path that has the sign posts- self care, responsibility, integrity, truth, love, willingness and humbleness.

  190. Am I evolving or indulging? A great question to ponder on and expand with, and no self judgement required!

    1. That has become a question to ask myself in each moment: am I choosing related to what is in front of me a moment of evolution or indulging? It is so simple. The answer pops up easily. It comes from my body, often the simple and first answer, or from another place where excuses, explanation and complication are part of the answer.

  191. ‘ Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are? ‘ Absolutely. It’s about continually deepening the quality we bring.

  192. I feel a great service to the mainstream acceptance of evolution is accepting it as something that doesn’t occur in 10,000 years but rather something that can happen in every moment.

    Life or death is a very small part of evolution.

  193. Great point. If we are in a reaction to life and applying bandaids as solutions to get us out of the hot seat and quicksands, we will never trace back our steps and learn how our every choice arrived us at this point and heal the reasons for our behaviours and ill -serving choices.

  194. When we look out at the world through the lens of ‘what is in it for me’ we will arrive at a self-centred solution and seeming answer yet when we see with our whole body what is before us with an open-heart in full acceptance of our inner-most essence, we will be in connection with the whole and never view it as separate or centred around us but rather as an observer and receiver of life.

  195. We don’t consider the state of our health when we look at our evolution, but if the supermarket shelves have a story to tell we are in trouble….. We are eating synthetic, altered, coloured, sweetened foods that bare no resemblance to any natural ingredient that past generations ate, with the state of our health being reflected partly from our food choices we are going away from any natural connection with our planet and ourselves and that does not support our environment we are here to evolve in

  196. Looking outside of ourselves and claiming that what is around us as if this proves that we are evolved or superior in some way from the animals doesn’t make sense if we look at the health of the body that made all that is around it. No animal is as sick as the human body and the animals also have the least amount of objects in their lives. Evolution is not a case of what we can create but the quality of life lived.

  197. Evolution is a path of continual development by definition. It is an opportunity to continually review, grow and be more of ourselves. It is the only way to live a life that is purposeful and inspirational.

  198. Our ancestors appreciated the alchemy and magic of our natural bond with energy and through this steady development they were able to build magnificent structures founded on the purity of connection and brotherhood not the power of mechanics. They knew how to communicate and heal through honouring their bodies, providing a vital vessel from which divine wisdom and intelligence could be energetically accessed.

  199. The complication of not evolving is the indulgence that most seek over the simplicity that is continually on offer.

  200. As we are forever evolving and the universe is forever expanding and we are part of the universe, could we also be expanding as part of our evolution? If so, then I feel that as I expand the energy that I am also becomes part of that expanding universe. Seeing everything is energy, then everything about us is energy, so we are also expanding and if I am feeling that then there is a tension if I am not keeping up with the expansion of the universe. In the past when I could not accept this as a truth, I used to numb myself with TV. drinks and food to not feel the tension. When I am feeling the place in the universe I am suppose to be heading for and accept that tension I feel no need to numb myself.

  201. Ha ha! When I really look at the mess we have got ourselves into (as a human race), it seems absurd to consider that we are evolving. Yes we have lots of new toys, but the way that we use those toys is what would really define our evolution – our abuse of them is commonplace and we still act like children, squabbling away but unfortunately with guns and rockets, or in domestic violence. We still have alot to learn…

  202. It is interesting to observe, our surrounds are a great indication of our relationship with ourselves, how we treat animals, our homes, our car, etc will change or improve when we start to truly take care of ourselves.

  203. When our entire life is geared towards moving and looking outside of ourselves, evolution, the inward movement into deeper awareness of our multidimensionality reveals the falseness of this outer search.

  204. In every moment we have an opportunity to evolve, when I choose this, I experience an energetic expansion and a sense of spaciousness. The whole purpose of life is to evolve but how often are we able to hold onto this knowing we so often forget, and go into the mundaneness of the temporal life.

  205. So great to have what is normally considered as ‘evolution’ turned on its head. Evolution is growing from the inside and developing our multidimensionality.

  206. Strong words but true – do we so easily indulge because we don’t know what this is all about, we don’t know what the meaning of life is? Are we indulging because life seems meaningless? Without purpose and without the true knowing of reincarnation as presented by The Ageless Wisdom, what is there to live for, really?

  207. I know that I too choose to stall and put the brakes on with regard to the constant pull of evolution and I always have to ask myself why when I come out of the other side as it is within this that I find the very support I miss when I dig my heels in and try to not feel as much as is to be felt from all around me.

  208. We need continue to ask such pivotal questions of each other and Humanity as a whole for surely we have deviated far from the true evolutionary pull and we are forever being called to adhere.

  209. Knowing we are responsible for all our movements in life isn’t as daunting at it seems. There is a simplicity that comes with responsibility when it is lived as true service and purpose to support everyone equally without the need to receive any personal gain.

  210. Our perception of Evolution needs to switch from one in which we gauge our ‘feats’ as progress, and instead return to the quality of our being as our marker first and foremost.

    1. Very wise words – for there cannot be true progression if we are not living our truth to begin with.

  211. We indulge in delay by choosing to not keep up with the energy of evolving back to who we truly are.

  212. There is a cartoon going around social media where it has 2 boxes, 1st box has a picture of a group of people responding with the arms up to the question being asked – who wants change? The 2nd box has a picture of people responding to a different skew on the question, who wants to change? and no-one puts their hand up. People want it but are not prepared to actually change themselves.

    So this line of yours is very true, “it all must start within each and every one of us.” We need to be the change we want to see in this world.

  213. I know for many years that I indulged in food choices and lifestyle behaviours that neither supported my health nor were actions I really wanted to be living. It is great to build awareness of how we act and what it leads to in the way of feelings and outcomes. It does call into question what it means to be in evolution and what it is we accept scientifically as being in our best interests and the development of intelligence, which if we look at the state of our world has to be questioned in its current entirety.

  214. There is a huge difference between evolving and indulging, but it can take the smallest attention to detail that makes all the difference. Observing and listening to my body – feeling its expansion and contractions – has been a huge key for this.

  215. Evolution is our responsiblity for we can choose to see everything as an evolving experience or we can choose to see everything as another opportunity to indulge. Evolution means stepping out of our comfort zone and being willing to feel the tension that is pulling us up no matter how difficult the feelings may be. It is saying yes to all we are called to that extends and expands us.

  216. It’s remarkable how easy it is to indulge, indulgence isn’t just a food and over eating issue, it can be a simple thought, or any movement that is out of line with what we know is true. It can be considering the future, or wallowing in the past, or not taking proper care of our bodies, not exercising, not preparing ourselves for life. When you begin to look at all the ways we misuse life, the expanse of indulgence is massive.

  217. It is an interesting point to consider that we might be driving ourselves to a point of distinction through our ill choices and living in such a way that is not our true loving nature.

  218. “Becoming more aware of the choices we are making individually brings on a greater awareness of the choices we are all making collectively as one human race.”
    For me this point is what makes this path of greater self awareness and responsibility the truth, for with consistency the change in perspective is like the curtains being drawn on humanities collective trajectory.

  219. It’s that time of the year again when the ‘holiday’ season takes over and many find themselves out of their usual routines and in the comfort and indulgence of the ‘festive’ season. When we get caught up in all of this it is not as innocent as it looks. Comfort and indulgence causes a tension and pain that no food, drug, escape, blissful day, momentary excitement or holiday destination is truly able to distract us from. This is the pain of resisting our truth which is evolution.

    1. Yeah – absolutely. When we resist our truth and the constant pull towards evolution no food, holiday or moment of excitement can truly distract us from the tension and uncomfortability we feel.

  220. We go through life thinking we can get away with our indulgences in food and thoughts, but they catch up with us in the form of illness and disease. We have yet to really piece together as a human race that we are the cause of our illnesses and by our choice to check out from life and not take responsibility for everything we do every moment of the day.

  221. Are the choices most people making, de-evolving us? Is our evolutionary trajectory planned to explode on the launch pad? The first step to accepting our part in the Carousel ride we have been calling life! It is solely our responsibility to choose and make changes to how we have been living! Have you ever noticed all the rides at the Carousel are circular and never take you anywhere?

  222. If our ancestors were able to build magnificent structures like the pyramids without advanced machinery and no-one has a clue as to how they did it, how can we think we are so advanced as a society. Illness and disease, addictions and depression cases are going through the roof and we just keep ignoring all of the stats and fall back on the miracle of new inventions. What good are new inventions if so much of the world population is actually sick in one form or other and we are just ignoring all of the signs?

  223. Yes, the majority of the world today is choosing the indulging option. But – the reality is, that there’s so much more fun to be had when we do choose to evolve instead.

  224. ‘I know first-hand what it’s like to stall my own evolution by indulging in food, drinks, behaviours and emotions that sabotage this expansion’. This is the way most live life in anti-evolutionary mode, I know this was how I lived for many years until I went to a course by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Those 10 days changed my life supporting me to make many life style changes, and all those small changes step by step has led me to leading a super simple life, being more productive and having tons more energy in the day without the need for chocolate, caffine or alcohol. And I look and feel years younger too!

  225. I am just beginning to see how much I make a big difference at work by simply taking care of myself, through the right food choices that nourish my body, going to bed early and walking every day, and being super organised when I work long shifts…… I am feeling and observing how much I reflect to all I meet and that reflections can be more powerful than words.

  226. We can evolve through our expression and our relationships where we can either indulge in the safety of holding back or we can explore what true expression feels like out there in the world. We may get knocked back but, like a toddler learning to walk, we get up, we fall down and we simply get up again. That’s how we learn, by stuffing up. It may feel uncomfortable but not half as bad as the effort of saying nothing!

  227. Judging by the situation the majority of the worlds population is in, evolution does not seem to be a priority.

  228. It is clear, we are so choosing to indulge, stopping our evolution. Taking issues over the simplicity of harmony, it is our choice to do so, and so do the opposite.

  229. What a beautiful clarity you bring to the world of our responsibility and how through building our own self care and love we can all make a difference to the world.

  230. Indulging, comfort and distraction, all take us away from our own evolution and therefore others as we are all connected. Great to have a reminder of our responsibility in each and every moment, to the best of our ability, to choose love and conscious presence so that we are in a space that shows us clearly the way.

  231. Issues take time to develop.. a war doesn’t start in a moment, it develops from a momentum.. as does everything. We act surprised by world issues after they have been developing on our doorsteps for aeons.

  232. I have heard it said that humanity is like a Boeing 747 running off 2 or 3 engines and not the full 4. Just jettisoning through life, getting by but never living the fullness it truly is and what our full potential offers each of us. What is going on here if we do consciously want to make life all it can be for us but settle instead for something less?

  233. Brilliantly said and fully endorsed by me…”We all have a role to play on this evolutionary trajectory of ours, and each and every single one of us has the power to make a difference by making choices that support our evolution first and foremost. When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings. But it all must start within each and every one of us. Such is Our Responsibility.” Now to set the movements to living it.

  234. The self-abuse we are indulging in with cigarettes, alcohol coffee sugar fat and salt is reflected in the way we treat each other- bickering, arguing, fighting, manipulation oppression and segregation. All these things take their toll on the physical body; our medications can only suppress symptoms if these human lifestyle choices are not addressed.

  235. On reflection it is seems like we have built a society around stimulating and numbing ourselves looking at how food, eating and entertainment has become such a focus in our lives. But what are we really avoiding and distracting ourselves from?

  236. ‘We’ve got the whole world in our hands’ was a popular song when I was young and this blog makes me realise how true this is. When looking out at the mess the world we often say “but what can we do? there’s nothing I can do,” as if we are powerless. By starting right here right now to deepen the level of care with which we are living in everything we do, and to raise the standards we are willing to accept we begin to share the responsibility of our evolution

  237. What a great day to write about indulging, Christmas! This is the time of year where the only evolving is our waistlines and the pile of stuff we don’t need more of!

    1. And another great day to write about indulging is New Years. I have been a part of this and have spent many a new year’s eve and day completely indulging. However, this now comes with the awareness that deep down we know and most importantly that we all know it is an indulgence and ultimately one of the many forms we can use to delay our evolution.

  238. It is an interesting concept – the whole one of evolution, and on one level you can look at humanity and say we have evolved greatly, if you look at our technological advances. But in terms of harmony, of our ability to work together, and to look after ourselves, it is obvious we have not evolved at all.

  239. It makes no sense that we look down on animals as being inferior but we can treat another human being worse than we would treat an animal – how intelligent is that.

  240. Indulgence can be a sneaky part of life. Food is an area where it is more obvious. But I have realised I can indulge in emotions and reactions. They are a choice and are a great (or not so great) place for me to indulge. When I do I’m taken away from the truth of what lies before me and I choose indulgence over responsibility.

  241. It might be easy for us to think we only play a tiny part in a very big world so we cannot make positive change, yet this is not true. Everything that we do has an impact on everything and everybody else. How amazing it would be if everybody lived by the truth of this and lived their life with responsibility making love and truth the basis for all their choices.

  242. Clearly laid out: our choices to indulge or evolve… we can see the impact of both in our lives and with understanding around the support required to break ingrained habits we can all choose to step forward with evolution rather than ‘comfy in’ for further indulgence.

  243. Here we are in the festive season focused on indulging and because it is the festive time we just do it because that is what we do. Its kind of an interesting way to complete a year and then have the beginning of the new year in a state of recovery and detoxing. Indulgence at anytime of the year always has a point of needing to recover it may take longer sometimes for this to come around but sooner or later we are forced to stop and feel what we have chosen. Could it be that as a collective human race if we are all indulging in what ever form it is would planet earth need to recover also?

  244. Indulging, lack of responsibility has been an enormous distraction away from our natural way that was evolutionary, we have strayed to the point of endangering ourselves and our planet as a result of our own irresponsible behaviour. There is another way and it’s time to choose evolution.

  245. Our arrogance and ignorance or what is going on around us and the true impact of our choices is the real ill we must all heal. After all we can end up with cancer, asthma, a cold, a flu, a fever or even a stomach bug and just carry on as if everything is ok without even questioning whether it is in fact the way we are living each moment of each day that has caused if not contributed to why we have the ill in the first place. It is almost like there is a deeper hurt here underneath that we dare not touch or even talk about.

  246. Reflecting on human life, it seems that we are getting better and better at finding ways to distract ourself and numb ourself from being aware that how we are living and what we are chasing as the important foundations of life is not working, and we are no where even close to living the love, joy and harmony that is our true expression.

  247. When we examine the brilliance and the intelligence that built the pyramids in Giza, there are definitely some questions left to be answered about what has been our evolution to date and what is our evolution still to come and if we are in fact moving forwards towards an end point of bliss and comfort or actually returning to a more universal way of thinking and living.

  248. This time of year shows that there is a lot of indulgence – Christmas. There is a belief or consciousness that says ‘it is ok to indulge … because it is Christmas’. Does our body differentiate Christmas Day from any other day of the year, in terms of what we put into it? Of course not. So foods and drinks we may not have the rest of the year are consumed with the disclaimer ‘it’s Christmas’ and the after affects are felt for days afterwards. These movements are not evolutionary but quite the opposite.

  249. I recently caught myself indulging in a conversation that was all about making sure the other person felt comfortable… but there was no evolution. In fact it probably wasn’t comfortable either because my voice went hard and there was an element of trying to be ‘nice’ which is unreal and energetically harmful. I really need to learn to stop and feel then speak from what I feel rather than looking in my head for things to say.

  250. We have an arrogance that as humans we are as evolved as you can get; and yet everything on this planet reflects that this is far from the truth, and are in fact living in anti-evolution.

  251. We triumph over our medical advancements, however, are we the mad scientist that created Frankenstein?
    As the focus of modern medicine is to keep someone alive rather than living the full quality and vitality everyone has the right to live with.

    But isn’t this the answer also that the real answer lies within our own choices and not that of the choice of pill we choose to take.

  252. There is certainly another way and we all make a huge difference. As you say, it always starts here.

  253. Evolution is clearly a personal relationship we have with unfolding our full potential, wisdom and divine truth rather than the transforming from one shape to another.

  254. As a society we have become very comfortable at relying on modern medicine to be the cure for all our woes not taking responsibility of how we have created such dire situations for ourselves in the first place, indulging does not work and it is only through honesty and committing to making more responsible choices that we can evolve back to where we come from.

  255. Great question “Are we evolving or Indulging?…”we can’t be doing both so we are either evolving or Indulging. When you look at the state we are in as a race of human beings clearly we are indulging.

  256. Responsibility for well-being starts with us, it is our choice to be aware or not. The conditioning can be fairly entrenched when it comes to the impulse to eat, drink, be merry and then suffer – it’s a cycle I know very well. But it is a choice and I’m the one that decides if I stay on the ride or ‘a-light’ and choose a different way. This way for me is supported by “The Way of the Livingness” which offers so much insight, wisdom and collective foundation that there is another way and I’m not force-fed what doesn’t truly support me unless I choose it.

  257. we have a responsibility to maintain our bodies in such a condition that they can easily and effortlessly perform their natural function and serve their purpose. Anything else is unnecessary and pure indulgence.

  258. It is a great question to not only ask but to act on as well – are we truly evolving and what is our relationship to evolution?

  259. We think we are the most intelligent species on earth but when we look in history we do find that our ancestors had an intelligence we cannot grasp with our today’s minds. What has happened in that time planet earth made its revolutions around the Sun? How have we lost this ability that our ancestors clearly show to have had in the buildings and structures they have left behind? There is a clear message in this and that is that we are so much more but we have literally walked away from it. The biggest thing to me is to accept that we are connected to the same intelligence our ancestors were connected to and from that it is up to me and everyone of us to give permission to ourselves and with that to change our movement and walk in such a way that we are able to reconnect to the vastness of knowledge and wisdom that is available to us all.

  260. One of the beliefs we can have about evolution is that it is purely physical and this is particularly justified by the fact that in nature evolution certainly appears to be only this way. But what if it is the being inside that is evolving in the quality of how they are also? If we base evolution purely on physical reality we could say that we have mastered it. We have the fastest trains and the technology of the computer. We have the fast cars and tall builds. Heck we even have robots that can do things for us! But if this is what evolution was truly all about then we would have no major and rather shockingly high statistics of nearly all major diseases and emotional illnesses that we have in nearly every part of the globe. Evolution is clearly more than physical and it is especially worth considering this when we still have all the abhorrent social ills of the past today such as war, poverty, slavery etc to name a few of the conditions we all do not want yet conveniently avoid talking about.

  261. “But does evolution really have a peak?” there are two things that jump out at me. firstly the ideal that humans are at the peak of evolution above all others and also what exactly is evolution and the fact is it does not have a peak!

  262. When I see each moment, interaction or experience as an opportunity to evolve, it inspires me to challenge myself to go express in ways I never dared to before. Each time I do the awareness I receive is worth gold.

  263. ‘we survive as a result of the constant medical interventions that are supporting our existence. ‘ Surviving is not living – it is just existing. There is nothing like the joy that comes with commitment to life, love and true health.

  264. I have been learning about relationships of late and looking at whether my relationships are evolving or not. It seems that it is so easy to slip into indulging in all sorts of excuses as to why we can’t/ don’t want to evolve. When we choose evolution we are choosing it for all and it is through connecting with that fact that we get out of our indulgence.

  265. It is incredible how we like to ‘bury our heads in the sand and not see the pyramids’ for what they are showing us – that in some ways we have less wisdom and understanding about life and the universe than we had a long time ago.

  266. “When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings.” So very true, it is super important to look after ourselves first, only then can we deal with our surroundings.

  267. So what happens when we are not growing (and not in a physical sense)? Are we too heading towards extinction?”

    If I said to a person on the street that we are here to evolve, they would look at me like I was crazy but when you take it into a practical scientific thing and look at all the other creators on this planet, it makes sense to question whether we have gotten a tad off track of our trajectory?. Spending time fighting each other and ourselves, abuse is normal….maybe, just maybe, we should try another approach?

  268. Indulging is a perfect word for choosing self – but the world quickly teaches us that we are interdependent and every choice has an affect in others and our ability to live our soul.

  269. Many would say we have evolved because of our technology, machinery, ability to travel, etc, etc but human behaviour has not evolved. We are still at war amongst countries or religions, we have child abuse in religion, schools and homes, violence in partnerships and marriages and illness and disease on the rise.

  270. Being consciously present with ourselves as much as possible is the key to what choices we are going to make, and our daily rhythms and movements, if chosen from love, are what set us up to be present with ourselves. If we aren’t consciously present we will indulge and be distracted, as that is the nature of our spirit/mind, thinking it needs something or is missing out, and so will then compel us to make unhealthy and anti-evolutionary choices.

  271. ‘Are We Evolving OR Indulging?’ – This question should be part of every years curriculum.

  272. Indulging or Evolving? Such an awesome question, this question asks us to not only review life in whole, and the whole of the world, but our every single moment to moment micro small choices, as it’s these micro choices that ultimately lead us to end up with the reality we now have.

  273. As a society we have considered evolution to be something that we are achieving by moving on and bettering ourselves yet this is not really what evolution is about. Evolution is about coming back to the innate qualities of who we are and living this in every moment and being impulsed by this with the Universe and evolving and expanding with this as our origin. To be living away from this and not even having a clear understanding of what evolution is we are indulging in our ignorance of what we think evolution is.

  274. One of the biggest t things that holds us back as a species is our frames of reference, we are surrounded by normality that in actual fact is hurting us, the food, the relationships, the pastimes, hobbies and the ways of behaving. These are all examples we see others doing setting a benchmark and we most often follow like sheep, never really stopping to feel and question. So questioning our frames of reference has to be the easiest way to reset our measure of living well, being willing to see that just because everyone is doing something doesn’t necessarily means its a good idea and doesn’t mean it is going to bring us genuine love and connection, the two things humans crave more than anything else.

  275. This is a great question to ask ourselves… “Are we evolving or Indulging…” as really we personally can only do one or the other. Its black and white. Our own personal choices of either evolving or indulging tilts the scales as to which one as a humanity we are ALL collectively under. So our own individual choices do make a whole lot of difference to the ALL.

  276. Not only are we indulging in what we choose as our lifestyle choices but also in the illusion of our evolution though science and technological advancement at the cost of bringing awareness to the current state of humanity.

  277. I love this question. There was once a time when I didn’t hold this in my awareness when I was making choices throughout my day. I have to appreciate how this question is now what inspires me to make choices that continue to open me to even more.

  278. ‘We all have a role to play on this evolutionary trajectory of ours, and each and every single one of us has the power to make a difference by making choices that support our evolution first and foremost.’ – A super important point. How common is it to look the other direction or give up, because we convince ourselves that whatever our contribution is, it would just be insignificant and not make any difference. This couldn’t be further from truth and serves as an excuse we conveniently choose to avoid taking responsibility.

  279. “From early on in our education we are taught that food is one of the factors affecting the evolution of animals…” If this is so then why are we so self-harming with our food choices I wonder. We think we are above the animals and therefor don’t have to deeply care that the food we eat is supporting our bodies and needed for our bodies. That is absolutely the harm in thinking we are at the peak of our evolution when that actually does not exist. There is always more and if we would feel this maybe it is easier and more natural to make loving choices.

  280. I am sure we all have a sense of our greater responsibility, to be community minded, hold love at the fore, etc, etc. Lately I have been feeling appreciating everything that inspires me to live more love is key in sustaining such a way of being.

  281. We are certainly not evolving as a society. So yes, we must be indulging….but in what? In a ways of being that largely take us further away from brotherhood and in to separation and dis-harmony. How ridiculous is that!

  282. The more I take responsibility for my life the greater I appreciate what a difference we each make. Just the other day I felt uneasy about being in a small swimming pool and there being quite a few men who came in as the energy went a little yuck. Usually I’d have reacted in some way and lots of different old options came in. I decided instead to connect with my amazingness as a woman, and their sensitivity as I walked and then swam. This felt very solid and cannot but make a huge difference in ways I cannot fathom.

  283. It is a great question to ask as in each moment are we caught in trying to control our lives from past ill choices or securing our future rather than addressing our hurts.

  284. In terms of arrogance, we have our fair share….if we were not arrogant, the planet would not be treated as it is and neither would the animals or other humans that live on it. Arrogance is thinking we have it sorted, that we better, that we have the answers…If we did have the answers, illness, depression, war, corruption, slavery, sexual exploitation etc the list is long would not be prevalent as they are, arrogance tells us that we are okay. Why is it so when the pain and disharmony clearly tells us otherwise.

  285. Could it be that our indulgences are just another form of numbing and distraction from feeling some deep hurts that we do not want to feel because we don’t know how to deal with them? I have used many things in my life and still have a few that I turn to when I feel vulnerable. What is it about feeling vulnerable that we don’t like, the sense of not being in control and open for all to see? For me this is something that I am allowing myself to feel more and that it is actually a really beautiful thing to be able to allow ourselves to be this honest.

  286. I don’t know that we think about evolution at all, let alone consider what it really means. Evolution is something that is for the history books, and not about now. Prior to attending Universal Medicine presentations it was certainly not in my frame of reference at all. Life was about getting my and having moments of enjoyment and definitely indulging. It’s kind of strange really when I sit with this how indulgence is considered to be living. If think back on all of the indulgence in my own life, there is a great emptiness underneath that that needed to be filled and it was often filled in a way that I could not feel the emptiness at all. Food is but one example, but is one that is my ongoing crutch.

  287. “Luckily for us, we survive as a result of the constant medical interventions that are supporting our existence” maybe this is not so lucky in truth if we were not to have all this ‘advanced’ medical intervention there would be a greater reality check and the pain we would feel would not so easily be taken away then we would be more inclined to actually take more responsibility for the choices we make.

    1. Yes that is what I pondered on too. In a way it is great it is there because it would be a big mess without it, but as you say, we also use it comfortably to not see what is truly going on. If we would take away medicine we do not look as evolved as we think we are.

  288. It can be a great distraction indeed to think that we are progressing. If we consider the levels of physical and mental health issues that we have now that we don’t have answers for, perhaps we need to stop and consider what we are doing wrong.

  289. Indulging in our society is normal and we would never call it indulging like for example the responsibility we think we have for our children or other persons , where we cannot be responsible when we have not understood how to be responsible for ourselves first.

  290. We as humanity have not understood evolution and what it truly means for a long time – namely that we believe that we are progressing to something when in truth we are on a path of return but for our indulgence in resistance to the inevitable fact.

  291. The biggest revelation for me that Serge Benhayon has shared is that we are not evolving TO anything but rather we are in-truth evolving BACK to what we once were. That we left this divine expression shows the degree to which we pursued indulgence in this realm and now here and thick in it, we shroud our awareness of this waywardness with an illusion thick and thus seek all the comforts of this life we have created to not feel the extent of our rebellion nor the sheer magnitude of our very natural magnificence.

  292. ‘Our arrogance is so strong that we have completely blinded ourselves to seeing what animals bring to our world, and how not only are they a lot more open to evolution than us human beings are as a race, but we could learn a thing or two from them about evolving.’ This is very true. Human beings are the only species on this planet that go against evolution, and yet think they are more intelligent than any other species… There is nothing intelligent in working against evolution.

  293. There is another way we can indulge that relates to food: we may have stopped eating certain foods that we have determined are no longer nourishing for us, but a friend has prepared a meal that includes those foods. Do we indulge in being ‘nice’ and eat what has been prepared or do we give an honest response and give them an opportunity to evolve?

  294. I love this question – when we look at the ancient world and some of the examples of what they created, your question answers itself. And when someone tries to defend our civilised society today – we could just ask them to look at our state of health, the food and drink we champion, the levels of alcohol and drug abuse, the violence (be that domestic or international)… or just the inequality and abuse in the workplace. Evolution is in how we live, not the clever gizmos we have in our pocket or on our wrist.

  295. We are constantly pulled to evolve. Everything around us is there to help us to understand end learn from life, that we are so much more than we think we are and we all know this truth in our hearts. But then it comes to our free will and that is that we have a choice to listen to that inner voice that is connected to that pull to evolution or to dull our senses so we are less aware of this inner voice and instead can do what ever we like, except evolving and in affect are delaying our return and with that extending our suffering here on mother earth.

  296. When we stop and see that there is a bigger picture and that life is not revolving just around us and what we want and that there is a purpose to why we are here – life becomes more 3 dimensional than 1.

    1. Just saw that in the word revolving there is a key, that we are in fact not going anywhere but returning to ourselves, and in this we are r-evolving. Evolution is an expansion.

  297. One could say that the human race has not so much evolved as it has just become more sophisticated in its brutality. Where before one used a spear, now they push a button to even greater effect. You can cal that evolution if you like, but I would suggest it is more akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  298. It’s easy to say we’re evolving but when I read that it’s about our every movement then I have work to do because my every movement at this stage isn’t in line with evolution. Great to have this awareness and to connect more deeply to the fact that our every movement can be about evolution.

  299. It sounds so simple – take responsibility for ourselves and the world will change – and it is and yet we all (really, most of us) resist this. I know my own efforts to resist this happen every day, not in a big way, but in small ways, but big or small it still counts.

    1. True to me as well Sandra. there are days that I so clearly do know how life works and how I should be to live accordingly, but some days later I find myself being in the same behaviour as last week, as I so called lost it, but in truth I have chosen to be irresponsible to what life is asking me to live and choose to numb my senses instead.

  300. I love your reference to the arrogance of stating that the Sun revolves around the Earth – and goodness the number of years humanity carried on forcing that thought. How many such glaringly ridiculous cycles do we need before we embrace humility, love, brotherhood and wisdom, and reclaim our responsibility as part of the whole universe?

  301. The fact that we can claim even in jest that “we have reached the peak of the evolution pyramid”, shows the level of illusion and misguided arrogance we are in. Everyday our understanding and awareness of what we don’t know expands. Plus every aspect reflected to us by nature, as well as the stupendous reflection of the universe, lets us know without any doubt that the world we have created is unnatural. The disconnection, despair, hate, abuse, disharmony, sickness, greed and so on which we have created with our arrogant narrow-minded, short-term and self-centred choices is proof that all is not well. There is so much for us to learn and refine, and humility as well as admitting that we have got it wrong would be a great start.

  302. ‘As a human race we believe we have reached the peak of the evolution pyramid’ this truly exposes our level of arrogance when we later come to understand where we are in relation to our own evolutionary path back to truth.

  303. As a society, we seem more interested in finding solutions and cures to our ailments rather than wanting to understand why they occur in the first place and how we can change our behaviour to prevent them from happening at all. Sounds crazy, yet the reality is, we like our comfortable lives and would rather continue to deal with our illnesses, as they occur, rather than looking at our lifestyle and choosing to take responsibility for the way we are living, knowing that it affects everyone, always. Nothing ever happens in isolation, there is always a ripple effect.

  304. ‘Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?’ yes, it is. As a society, we seem to be more interested in staying comfortable and making it fun and trendy to abuse our bodies, rather than taking responsibility for the way that we live, knowing that we are adding to the pool of energy that we are all living in, with every single choice we make, every moment of every day.

  305. We are misleading ourselves if the marker of our evolution is the technology we produce. At the very least it should be considered by the quality of our lives. i.e. suicide rates, wars, relationships, famine to name but a few.

  306. I have stalled my own evolution far beyond the realms of common sense as I now feel the huge amount of abuse that requires clearing. It feels like the longer we leave this backlog of disconnection the greater the impact by way of the disease and discomfort we feel. Energetically the longer we leave this build up the greater will be the impact – hence the explosion of disease and illness that is now being experienced in the world.

  307. “When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings.” Change starts with ourselves first of all. No point trying to change the world, unless we are willing to make changes within first of all.

  308. Every moment we have the choice to evolve or go backwards because in truth we cannot stay the same on this planet. The sooner we understand this fact the more likely we’ll take responsibility for our choices.

  309. All of the markers we use to evidence our ‘superior intelligence’; our medical technology, advanced space exploration, ability to recall books and books of information etc. are nothing to do with our experience of life and how we feel. Are these things really worth it if in 100 years 4 in 4 people have depression or another mental health disorder as opposed to the current 1 in 4?

    1. Evolution is inevitable, the rate in which we evolve is up to us. We are the masters of our future in which we can choose to live our future now, or delay through the choices that we make.

  310. We are all evolving, yet we do have a choice whether we take the long or the shorter route. What we do to ourselves affects all of us, which inspires a unified approach. It seems simple enough, yet we do need to bring an understanding to why we choose certain behaviours to avoid being pulled to our natural evolution. We can see the results of our delay and this speaks for itself.

  311. ‘Such is our responsibility’. Four words that sum up the difference between involution and evolution!

  312. Like you have shared often people live in disease or illness and still do not take care of themselves, but live their life on with having pain or severe tension in the body. In our system we tend to be ” worthy” when we manage to function. This shows how loveless we often are with ourselves and others.
    It is very supportive for me to know Universal Medicine and learned to know the way of the livingness, where I learned to put focus on selfcare and selflove.

  313. We need to read every situation all of the time and respond according to what is needed by the all not just the few.

    1. What a great way to look at the distractions in life and the many ways they can show up; as an opportunity to break the cycle, and so choose our next point of expansion.

  314. The inward relationship is something we consciously develop ourselves, no one can do this for us.

  315. ‘These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live; through ill and unsupportive choices we have been and continue to be making.’ Deep down we all know this to be true and so can feel an ‘ouch’ when we read these words and feel there is responsibility that is needed both for ourselves as individuals but also in what we bring to humanity.

  316. ‘Evolve or indulge?’ A simple choice and often we mask it with complication to avoid taking responsibility for our actions.

  317. ‘And what would all our lives be like if we made each day about evolving in ourselves not seeking relief and momentary escape?’ Another question Joseph is why do we so often choose to do something that dulls us rather than one that confirms our true brilliance and light.

  318. Making life about true evolution and not ‘survival’ is something that needs much deeper consideration and understanding. The layers of ‘survival’ can run deep.

  319. There is a great point made here regarding our arrogance and looking down on animals at their evolutionary stage when is actual fact they are living more in accordance with their own and the universal natural rhythms than we do. It is the reflection offered by them of this from which we can learn so much.

  320. All the decisions we make individually and collectively effect us all. There is no ‘quiet time’ or ‘time out’ when it comes to your individual decisions and actions. Einstein said that everything is energy, then Serge Benhayon added that everything is because of energy and decisions and actions are energy which then effects us all. So when we look around a life, and scratch our heads and wonder, or often bury our heads, it can be because we don’t want to see how we are all living and contributing to the whole. We are all responsible as your blog points out.

  321. There are many ways we can indulge as a means to delay our evolution, eating is just one of them. Other obvious ones are alcohol, drugs, entertainment, TV, music, parties, and shopping. There are also subtle ways: allowing resentments to fester, holding grudges, staying angry at someone – to me these are all indulgences. And then there are subtler ones still: being ‘nice’ being ‘polite’ and all the things we do to avoid creating discomfort for others by expressing truth.

    1. A wonderful observation Carmel. We do indulge in emotions, our own and other people’s and a revelation when we stop and choose to move in a different way. When we begin to support ourselves lovingly, we can change the quality of relationships with another and with consistency miracles do happen.

      1. Very true Carmel and Kehinde. The moment we focus on anything that takes us away from our greater purpose, which is to express soulfully and inspire and reignite that in others, we could say we are indulging. I have been noticing how easily I can get fixated on something to take my awareness away from this.

  322. This is a great question… ” are we too heading towards extinction?” If it wasnt for all the medical interventions we have these days there would be a lot less people on this planet!

  323. The big mistake is to think we need to continually ‘better’ our lives which causes huge complications in many ways. Living true and in alignment with the innate, divine essence within is the key to a harmonious and joyful way of living.

  324. To consider my life in terms of ‘…recipes for involution’ or not is great. This can be asked of all activities in life – is how I am relating to someone a recipe for involution or evolution, how I go to work, work, what I eat, how I move around my home, everything.

  325. It is quite humbling to look at the human species as we would any other species of animal. The way we are treating our bodies and the choices we make that cause our involution are quite clear. The effect of these choices is also quite apparent, with illness and disease ever increasing. If it wasn’t for pharmacology and modern medicine the state of our species would be appalling, and perhaps enough to make us stop and reconsider the way we are living.

  326. Every choice we make is ether evolutionary or not, we need to live with this level of responsibility.

  327. We have turned involution into an art and a way of living. Yet, we are not aware because there are not many reflections that life could be something strinkingly different. To offer this possibility to others is Our Responsibility.

  328. “These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’.” This is an awareness and responsibility we all need to come to. Otherwise we will de-evolve through illness and disease, and it doesn’t take too much more evidence to understand that our bodies can’t stand it and healthcare systems can’t afford it.

    1. True Sandra, maybe when the money runs out we will wake up and truly begin to ask questions… shame we may have to wait for things to get that bad before we turn it around, when we could turn it around right now and take responsibility for how we are living, and how this way of living affects our planet and everyone on it.

  329. I always thought or had a picture in my head of how and what evolution should feel like. I was wrong and way off. I can feel a huge amount of sadness and still be evolving. It doesn’t and isn’t a rosy tinted coloured picture where everything supposedly is ‘great’ – that’s just bliss. I can be going through a tough time and be evolving. The key is to not be hard on myself.

  330. We are here to return to who we truly and not to attain anything or get anything outside of ourselves. This makes everything really simple and quite humbling.

    1. … and to know that our Soul is working through us all of the time… if only we took the time to listen, and stopped indulging in anything and everything that keeps us from evolving back to who we truly are BEFORE the world comes to its knees.

  331. There is no question we are indulging on mass around the globe. It is rampant and like a disease/virus on the planet. We really need to take a long look at ourselves and our impact on the world around us and the universe around us as we are all interconnected.

  332. So for example we can send someone a selfie from our mobile phones on social media but we have unfulfilling personal relationships – what is the point of having the former if we have not resolved the latter?

  333. We do like to hold up certain technological advancements like trophies to somehow prove that we are evolving and developing but have we stopped to ask the question what are we developing exactly? Can we honestly say that all of our so called advancements are actually contributing to more peace, unity and equality in our species on this planet and/or a more harmonious relationship with the planet and all its creatures? It seems to me that if we stopped to ask this question more often we would be able to spot what things are true evolution and which are indulgences or actually devolution in disguise.

    1. I see this happening a lot in health. We get caught up in making improvements to the systems, treatments, research etc. but it all feel like a distraction from the main event, what is happening in our bodies. We are not healthy, especially when we define health in the holistic way that is about a total state of wellbeing, of body and soul.

  334. We don’t really want to look at the world today and what shape we are in as humanity as a whole, we want to pretend that we have no power over what goes on everywhere else and that we can only worry about ourselves. In way this is true but in the taking care of ourselves the whole is naturally attended to but this concept has been barstardised into an indulgent approach that is me me me and does not truly encompass more love to the world but more separation.

  335. It is humbling and inspiring to honour the enormous wisdom that has graced the earth since days old and which we are part and to realise that such divine intelligence, brotherhood and harmony is forever available to us all should Humanity turn to the heavens and say yes.

  336. The simplicity of the question in your title offers us truth instantly. You know straight away when you read it, if you’re indulging or evolving.

    1. Well said Gyl. We know exactly what we are choosing and when we bring it back to those 2 words alone it becomes very simple.

  337. World statistics show the increase of illness and disease are now in gigantic proportions e.g. obesity, heart disease and diabetes – a significant wake-up call to re-assess our food choice and the impact they have on our health well-being.
    “The majority of the population in first world countries exist on caffeine and sugar to ‘support’ a lack of rest, and a vast number of our children are living with some sort of illness such as asthma, obesity, ADHD….”

  338. When we look at our world today we must admit that it is not in a good shape as there is starvation, war, trafficking, corruption, greed, bullying, increasing illness and disease etc. But what if as this is all the result of each of us individually indulging in our ‘comfortable’ lives, form not stepping up and take our part of the responsibility for everything that is not going well in our lives and that of others? When we become fully aware of this fact we will understand that there is a lot of work to do, to undo all the abuse we have done to one another and to planet earth and that there is not time to indulge or numb ourselves with food or any other means anymore.

  339. If we took note of how little food we really need to eat to sustain our bodies we would notice how much we over eat and would feel the consequences, but because we have so many beliefs around food, like, we need 3 meals a day, we ignore our body which is actually telling us something different and we often over eat

  340. It seems like evolution is some massive thing, and enlightenment within evolution is unachievable. But when you look at evolution as having a relationship with your own healing, suddenly it becomes a daily experience, rather than a goal.

  341. This is a work in progress for me as I have indulged in many things for a very long time which has absolutely put a big stop to my own evolution. Thanks to Serge Benhayon who has been presenting on evolution for a long time I am learning to catch those moments when I choose indulgence over evolution. This may happen straight away or be hours, days or months later. The point being I am changing my default position from being one of choosing indulgence and comfort to choosing evolution.

  342. Indulging in food or drink or many other things has become the such the norm that it’s easy to do it without even questioning what we’re really choosing and the after-effects it has.. So to bring more awareness to our choices is a great place to start making true change in our world I say.

  343. What stands out here is that evolution is a constant inner movement. We can’t actually slow it down but we can fight, delay, distract and numb ourselves away from the constant pull that we feel to deepen our awareness and therefore responsibility.

    1. That is true to me Vicky, we cannot stop or slow down the fact that we are evolving back to who we naturally are and that it all comes down to take our individual responsibility to undo all the atrocities that have taken and are still taking place to us human beings and to the planet we live on.

    2. Beautifully expressed Vicky, To understand that evolution is a ‘constant inner movement’ and can relate to the very many ways in which we sabotage this inner movement. As you say the responsibility rests with us to not ‘numb ourselves away from the constant pull that we feel to deepen our awareness’

  344. “These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’.” Indeed they are slowly building with every choice we make and then we get surprised when the correction occurs, be it some disaster, war, or political unrest. When we look back in history we can trace the inevitable path leading to such events, and when someone has had the courage to stand up and give the warning it often falls on deaf ears and blind eyes because we are reluctant to take responsibility and change our comfortable ways.

    1. Yep- all back to that word again isn’t it – Comfort. Yes comfort is truly a challenge in our evolution on many levels…

  345. At a discussion at the dinner table yesterday as a family we were chatting about what was the most dangerous creature on the planet. And we came to the conclusion that it was human beings given their propensity to fight and kill each other and most of the other species on the planet other directly and indirectly. This is an indication of how far we have strayed from our harmonious place as custodians of this planet and all it contains and the level of irresponsibility we continue with , even when everything else in the universe is constantly reflecting to us laws of responsibility and interdependence.

    1. I love these discussions at the dinner table, – so many awesome things can emerge and the conversations can offer so much to all involved, like you shared here Andrew. And with that everyone has the choice again to accept what has been offered in conclusion or take a while longer …

  346. “Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are? ” definitely worth pondering on this as it exposes the level of comfort we have been trapped on delaying our return to where we came from, and the responsibility we hold to inspire others in their evolution.

  347. ‘Evolving’ or ‘indulging’ are two opposite human behaviour choices that confirm Newtons Third Law that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction… This association of a mathematical and physics law to these two words (‘Evolving’ & ‘Indulging’) confirms to us how everything in life, our choices and behaviours, are all about energy – a certain energy that produces that behaviour… Interestingly, we can also see energy at play in the written english language, in black and white, on the page, as, what we are seeing is a flow, a movement of energy described by the shape and arrangement of letters, that form the words which communicate the existence of a quality, a substance we can relate to. Commas, full stops capital and small case letters also contribute to the movement and expression of energy. This then shows us that mathematics and physics is not the only subject describing that energy exists by its formulas, because you can see by the arrangement of letters, commas, capitals, that form the word, that it describes an energy – equally confirming that, energy governs our human behaviour. So the English language also has its formulas just like physics and mathematics do, by the way its letters are arranged, that describe and communicate something to us.
    This then begs many things to consider… that we do (literally) read energy more than we think we do… what energy are we choosing that then has a consequence of what action (equal or opposite) reaction we display in our human behaviour… That we exist, communicate and read energy all of the time…

  348. “The majority of the population in first world countries exist on caffeine and sugar to ‘support’ a lack of rest” The way this sentence was placed within this article it could almost me missed for the significant potential it presents. the amount of stimulants the body needs to keep going when tired or exhausted is reconsidered when we find ways the body can easily feel more restful.

    1. I agree, Rosanna, and the drinks having caffeine and other stimulants are becoming more and more. Often people are even not aware of choosing stimulants but claim to have them because of the taste. So its like a hidden play, the drinks have a certain flavour or we combine a certain lifestyle with them, like in the case of coffee or chocolate, earl grey or other sorts of black or green tea, and so they seem to get chosen because of this, when in truth we need the stimulant, which overrides the fact that we often are exhausted and have given up on ourselves.

  349. It can be so easy to indulge in overeating to dull what I don’t want to feel…allowing myself to get underneath the thing I am not wanting to feel and to see it, is enormously supportive to cut the eating urge!

    1. I agree Rachel. Indulging in food, especially those considered to be ‘good or healthy” is a sure sign, we’re not willing to look at what feeds the craving. When I find myself in this cycle I choose to gently observe, not judge. In some instances becoming purposeful and fully active in life, lessens the need to want to snack when not hungry. We are fuelled by love in activity, not food.

  350. Once we become consciously aware of how we are hindering our own evolution, we can then make the conscious and deliberate choice to stop indulging in emotions, food, distractions etc and make all our choices about love of self, others, humanity and ultimately, the Universe.

  351. “Are we too heading towards extinction”? Or are we heading toward evolution? Or will our extinction as human beings be our next evolutionary step?

  352. The kickstart of all loving decisions always starts within. Without a true willingness to make changes and adjustments in how we relate to ourselves we are quite lost.

    1. Very true, first we have to look to our selves, and only then can we reflect to others.

  353. One thing I have noticed about animals (with the possible exception of domestic pets) is how unimposing they are. Animals simply get on with life, move in their own rhythm and never impose on us the way humans do. We impose our views, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, ideas, wants, needs, behaviours and ideals on each other all the time. Yes, animals cross our paths, but not because they want something or want us to think or do something. There is a harmony to the way they live and co-exist and the feels evolutionary.

  354. ‘When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings.’ Yes. Instead of blaming our circumstances, the world, other people, fate, destiny and so on, how about taking responsibility for ourselves and the way we live before we cast around for an excuse. How we are within will change the way we see the world around us.

  355. I used to feel worried about uncapped evolution and the ‘struggle’ it is to keep it going, however one day it clicked – “what’s more amazing than knowing that the next moment can be greater?”

  356. Unfortunately our evolution is something that for most is misguided at best and we equate progress to those factors aforementioned in this blog ‘we walk up straight, we speak (some of us several languages), we are intelligent enough to innovate in technology, medicine, science, history etc.’ when in truth we are less evolved than many groups of people and ways of living that have gone before us.

  357. Is our evolution not so dissimilar from the lemmings? We have developed drugs to slow down the trip to the ineffable cliff edge but have we changed the way we live? What would happen if we stopped running with the pack just for a moment and felt into our choices and how we are living?

  358. There is definitely an overuse of indulgence going on in our society, but we all have the ability to make choices to evolve. This will look and feel different for us all, depending on where we are at and what we are working on.

  359. The more I choose to be present with myself, the more I confirm my true essence with every movement, and the more tender my movements become. It’s really quite natural when we choose to stay with ourselves in every moment and the magnification of that choice to move with tenderness, ripples out to all.

  360. If we are to look at the state of the bodies in humanity it would be hard to say we are evolving. It is the body that reveals yet we tend to have conveniently focussed on what we have been able to achieve and have blind sided ourselves with our so called technological process. The bodies show the level of indulgence we are in, whether it be through diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease or any other illness that is going through the roof and increasing dramatically.

  361. Life is pretty much set up for us to indulge in what ever form it maybe, I know I would of in the past thought that it was not indulgence just a form of enjoyment but really when we step back and see how we do choose to live and what we get up to you can’t really deny it. Thanks to Serge Benhayon I have been able to see the truth of what is at play and how there is a part of me that throughly enjoy’s doing what ever it wants to with no consideration to the consequences it has on my body or those around me. To be able to say no to this is a continual development and I have never felt this Amazing before in my life.

  362. We use food for so many emotional issues. We are usually given a sweet food when we feel sad, need a treat or pick me up and also when we are happy. Its something I used to do a lot when I was bored or feeling anxious. Why are we not taught to deal with our emotions? Eating does not make them go away, it only temporarily numbs.

  363. ‘Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?’ This redefines the way we approach everything in life, including the way we educate and are educated.

  364. How true – we are sold evolution as being a straight line with a start and an end point rather than the truth that evolution is forever – it is an ever expansion and return to our multidimensional being- ness.

  365. Yes, animals definitely do show us how it’s done, it’s a pity we never take notice how they are aligned to the cycles and follow them implicitly, that’s how they have survived for so long.

  366. As a society we have become very good at delaying our evolution with so many distractions and indulgences that keep us living in a bubble of “self”, not appreciating the true intelligence and divine wisdom within our bodies that is to be shared with all by the power of our reflection.

  367. We have been shown by buildings and texts from the past that we have not truly evolved as a humanity.

  368. As you have said Victoria, evolution is ongoing and “..a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most…” and this is something that is easily disrupted through our indulgent choices that keep us in comfort.

  369. ‘How much have we evolved in the last 10,000 years if our ancestors were able to:
    – build magnificent structures without the advanced machinery we have today
    – understand science without the intelligence and assistance of computers we have today
    – communicate without the linguistic capabilities we have developed today
    – survive without the extensive medical interventions we receive today?’
    This really puts it all into perspective…
    Clearly we are straying further and further away from our innate ancient qualities – where is the grandness in today’s society? And indeed, where is the evolution?

  370. I have always found looking back at our history fascinating, for although mortality rates where high in the past, we survived with medicinal knowledge that at times was down right illogical and dangerous, and no technology. We have had amazing periods of advancement like the renaisence period – and yet today we seem to be going backwards while seeming to go forwards. Our medical knowledge keeps us alive longer, but sicker than we have ever been before. Our technology is in many ways replacing basic human behaviours, like the ability to navigate without a GPS, to actually talk to people rather than simply using social media – we are even moving more towards self check out machines in supermarkets rather than people. At the end of the day, we may be more advanced in some intelectual fields, but in many others we seriously lag behind. We have to ask ourselves what we consider to be truly sucsessful, a smaller iphone or the ability to stop domestic violence, fast broadband or a way of life that is actually in sync with a harmonious evolutionary path?

  371. ‘These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live’ There is no other life form that creates problems that compromise its environment, let alone its own physical body or that of those around it.

    1. True – the way we are with one another as ‘human’ life is unnatural, against divine order, precision and the natural flow of harmony we see elsewhere mirrored in the animal kingdom, nature and as reflected in light from the stars.

  372. When I look around me life is not so much about evolving but more about existing and survival in the best comfortable way. It is as we have forgotten that life is in fact about evolving. We give our power away and deluding ourselves in that we have evolvment because of technical progress. But in fact we’ve not gone forward – it has become even worse! At least the middle ages were more honest in their violence and slaughter. It was more obvious. What we do to ourselves – from self-loathing to jealousy, from plastic surgery to tattoos, from self-destructive behaviors to self-indulging comforts – we are lost in self and separation. But why are we? Yes, the world does not so much reflect us some thing else, but it still does reflect! It is on us to choose to be aware and to choose which way to go. Do we want to evolve or indulge? Good question for all of us before we do our next step. See the bigger picture and look beyond one’s nose.The only way to come back to evolving – because it will be done together or not.

    1. Yes Otto, the power of reflection is felt and understood by all. No trying needed, no convincing, simply standing in front of another bringing our all.

  373. I think for many evolution means ape to man. I know it used to for me until I met Universal Medicine and then in recent years my understanding of evolution has grown. I have found in this that this knowing influences
    the choices I then make as I have a responsiblity to evolve as well as reflecting this to others.

  374. I’m discovering that I have to want to evolve more than I want to indulge. It’s not enough to simply know that I am indulging. The desire to evolve has to be greater than the desire to indulge, otherwise I will never budge.

  375. Food and drink are obvious indulgences, but the ones we less likely are to admit to is our behaviours and emotions. I used to think that my behaviours and emotions were me, that there were intrinsically part of my make-up. It was only when I attended the Workshops of Serge Benhayon I came to an understanding that these too were also a form of indulgence; that when we connect to our inner most there is not one jot of emotion found there. I am relearning what it means to live from love, joy, harmony and stillness and observing more and more when I am slipping back into being emotional and having an indulgence through the way I act, think and speak that is not truly supportive of myself or others.

  376. Even the word indulgence is one that you can’t avoid the self gain one is receiving when choosing this. To be able to make our lives not about ourselves and consider the All brings in a whole other dimension that brings us back to who we truly are.

  377. Its an awesome moment in life when we realise that our evolution will never peak, our growth, awareness, expansion is a perpetual process that when surrendered to restores our three most valued expressions to everyday life: awareness, observation and re-connection to our innate wisdom, perpetual joy and divine intelligence. Why waste time indulging in pursuits that divert our attention from the most rewarding experience of all, reconnecting to, nurturing and celebrating our inner glory.

  378. The true frontier of humanity’s evolution is the body, how we connect to our inner-most, care, love and nurture ourselves. Until this simple truth is more widely known and accepted, we will continue to divest all our energies and resources in technological, medical and scientific ‘advances’ and ignore that which lies closer to home: ourselves and the way we live. We all have a collective responsibility to deliver humanity from the depth of depravity and destruction it has sunk to, the first step is to deliver ourselves from our own woes, miseries and hurts. To indulge numbs us from feeling. We choose comfort and refuse to see how we are, how each act and movement contributes to the hurt, anger abuse and violence that has become the norm for too many people Or we can choose something very different. Clear of indulgences, we can live from our inner heart, take clear steady still steps and deeply heal ourselves first. When we evolve, everyone evolves.

  379. In terms of our past it really seems to be a case of we see what we want to see. We don’t look to understand how our ancestors could live in an intelligent manner, instead we wish to bask in the brilliance of the technology we have now created. And yet in this day and age we haven’t solved hunger, access to clean water for everyone, illnesses and diseases are increasing and multi symptomatic conditions are the norm, and big business has a strong hold over what we see in our food stores and what we access in terms of news. We are lumbered with GMO crops, big spend on arms, and any manner of corrupt practices that keep certain people in power, and in order to not feel this we eat food that dulls our senses and numbs the feelings that arise. So evolution, not something we have mastered quite yet for sure, but a starting point would be to say yes, this is how it is, what can we each of us do to change. It starts with love of our own body, and inspiring others to feel they can do the same.

  380. Put so simply – evolution being about forever deepening our connection to who we truly are. The answer to all our boo-boos and struggles, right there.

  381. When we look at our choices in terms of our evolution, like food, behaviours and movements, it is easy to discover our patterns and what we are saying yes to. In each moment we have the power to evolve.

  382. This is such an important question for us to ask ourselves – ‘Are we evolving or indulging?’ yet I know from my personal experiences I probably wouldn’t have understood the question itself, more likely to be mistaking the stimulations that came with indulging as highlights of my life. I probably would not have considered life had anything to do with evolving and it was all about ticking boxes, getting recognition and upping the level of comfort I lived in.

  383. One of the most glorious things about evolution, is that it has no peak, which means that there is literally no limit to love, now that surely is something that the bugle playing angels celebrate.

    1. No limit to love… now that is mind boggling! Good job we know it from our body, even though the mind cannot fathom just how stupendous love truly is.

    2. The enormity of that possibility seems, at times, beyond fathomable yet we know there is no end point in evolution that we get to so love can only be limitless.

  384. “I know first-hand what it’s like to stall my own evolution by indulging in food, drinks, behaviours and emotions that sabotage this expansion.” I too have first hand experience with this, it took me along time to recognise what I was doing and how much harm I was causing myself, let along sabotaging my own evolution and expansion.

  385. I often use foods to dull my senses so that I do have to be aware of what is going on around me. This, I am beginning to learn, is my reaction to the world, a world that can be harsh and imposing. So, this reaction is my way of saying that I am not a part of what is going on that I do not like. But this is not a responsible way to be, this is in fact very irresponsible because this reaction assumes that I have no part to play in changing the way things are, when this could not be further from the truth. We all have our contributions to make to the change around of life on earth.

  386. Seeing evolution as a return to an essential way of being rather than seeking a special state of perfection was a game changer for me. It meant I was able to look at many behaviours that were destructive because of being hard on myself for not attaining that goal. This has not meant all destructive behaviours all of a sudden stopped, but it has meant that they are dropping away more and more, with a subtle joy and confidence taking their place – a great way to age and appreciate the true meaning of life.

  387. Indulgence leads us to misery whereas evolution leads us to pure and everlasting joy. In every moment we always have a choice.

  388. Today I again came up against the way people are labelled with this disorder or that and then just accept that they have conditions that will never go away but possibly get worse. They are told they need medicines sometimes for the rest of their lives and they accept this and give up on themselves. It doesn’t have to be this way.

  389. If you look at the big picture, we are a very destructive race, despite our high rises and technology we are destroying the very foundations that support life here, we are plundering the environment that feeds us back and gives us the air we breath and we don’t live in harmony with our environment or our fellow man. Its time to nurture ourselves and our environment and express from the truth we all feel and innately know, the support and love is there to evolve.

  390. Animals eating animals is a very natural thing. There’s no war, just natural sacrifices to support each other to be able to live and grow. And what are we choosing as human beings? Is going to war, abusing, raping and bullying each other natural? It might have become ‘normal’ for people, but I can assure from my own experience that it is the polar opposite from natural. We’re deeply loving and caring people, all of us. Some have lost this connection, but this doesn’t mean that at their innermost is the same delicate and tender nature. Are we willing to admit that life is about returning to this natural essence? And when returned to live the natural love and joy in order to reflect to others that they are this too.

  391. If we really start looking at where and how we indulge, it becomes clear quite quickly that we do it in far more areas than we would like to admit, and it certainly isn’t just about indulging in food. We can use indulgence in our emotions, our problems, what we do for entertainment, in other people and their problems to name but a few. And all are ways of avoiding taking responsibility for our own lives.

  392. I often think that people are just so caught up in their own worlds, their own business and busy-ness that they don’t stop and appreciate nature and the world as a whole. It is a shame as there is so much there to reflect on and be nurtured by. I know for me, that just a walk in nature can completely change my day and how I feel, which in turn actually supports me with my food choices and more.

  393. “Our recipes for involution”. Not many people think about food as involuting us, but when we ponder this it makes absolute sense. The types and the quantity of food we eat affects how we feel within our body and how we can hold our connection with ourselves. If we eat too much or the wrong types of food we become dull, heavy and dense, which affects the types of thoughts I have, how I move and how I interact with others.
    When we eat for evolution, food doesn’t become about the taste in the mouth, but about a way of eating to stay light in body and mind.

  394. “Our arrogance is so strong that we have completely blinded ourselves to seeing what animals bring to our world, and how not only are they a lot more open to evolution than us human beings are as a race, but we could learn a thing or two from them about evolving.” We are shooting ourself in the foot again and again with our arrogance. Not only are we refusing to see that we are a long way from where we are by true essence meant to be, but we are also depriving ourselves from the constant love and support offered to us by life, nature, God, our own inner awareness and the whole of the universe we are part of.

  395. I think the idea of “peaking” our evolution justifies our indulgent ways. After all if we feel like we are there are we going to be as open and as inclined to really be open to the truths of life?

  396. I have found that the things that I find myself indulging in are the things that are gateways through which I can evolve. So instead of simply denying myself the indulgence and blocking it out I can embrace the possibility of evolution through it. Through accepting and being honest about my desires I can see exactly where I need to do the work. This is more powerful and more effective than pretending that they don’t exist.

  397. True – evolution is a constant development, an unfoldment, a learning and all that comes our way as a result of the ‘Yes’ we say to Love.

  398. ‘But does evolution really have a peak?’… my feeling is that if evolution had a peak then there would be no expansion of the Universe. Maybe it is us humans that like to think we have peaked to avoid responsibility for evolving further, and instead choosing to say in the comfort, which quite frankly, doesn’t feel that comfortable, hence the indulging and overeating of numbing and dulling foods on a grand scale.

  399. Everything you have written challenges the idea of what intelligence is. The human race live for their latte, cappuccino, sugar laden fast foods, busy lifestyle and asset rich lives. It is our responsibility to start to ponder the choices we are making and to look within and feel the truth of what selfcare and connection with others truly means.

  400. There are many distractions and indulgences in this life but food is a biggie in that, yes we need food to survive, but the line between what we actually ‘need’ in order to function in our day and the excessive amount we indulge in to stay in comfort is no longer apparent by many – I know this has been true for myself in the past. For some time now I am choosing a dairy/wheat/sugar free diet and this certainly supports my body to feel more, and the more I feel the more aware I become of what foods support and what foods do not. But this is an evolving process.

  401. Are these great monuments you write about there as a reminder that even though we have some great advances in technology and the medical field we are still a long way from working as a whole for the same purpose.

  402. I feel that the human race must start to wake up to the fact that most of us are indulgent, whether this is in emotions, food or material possessions. We will never be able to evolve until we can see though our indulgences and live simply and lovingly without the greed that prevents us from knowing who we truly are.

  403. “We not only look down on animals and their evolutionary stage, but we exploit, abuse, and are one of the prime causes of some species’ extinction.” The extent of our exploitation and abuse of the animal kingdom is shocking to say the least and anyone in any doubt need only study the fur trade to observe just how callous and cruel we are towards the creatures we share this world with. This is not the behaviour of a cultivated race, particularly when the furs produced are treated as luxury items and status symbols. How can any item that involves pain, fear and torture ever be a luxury item?

  404. When we are making statements like ‘we are the most intelligent species on the planet’, how intelligent is it that we do indulge completely in how we live. We have lost so much connection to the natural way of living, moon cycles, nature, our own bodies. How come intelligent beings allow for so much destruction and abuse towards each other. Not so intelligent, I say.

  405. I’ve observed how little food is needed to sustain us through a full day of activity. Kitchen cupboards and fridges once stocked to the brim with all sorts can be cleared and replenished only with foods that nourish and build our bodies naturally and give us the vitality needed to live our days without dips and lapses in energy. What we eat affects everything, mood, energy levels and relationships. Eating to evolve, not indulge benefits all of us.

  406. ‘These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’.’ So true, and we can draw a parallel here with our personal issues, including illness. We get shocked when a condition or disease arises but closer examination would reveal the choices we’d made and the way we’d lived prior as the root causes of the so-called unexpected.

    1. Agreed Victoria, and until we accept responsibility for our actions, and that it may be our lifestyle and everyday choices that create all our ills, we will continue in the downward spiral we are living in as a species. Unfortunately, the world may be brought to its knees before we wake up and call for help, its a shame because it could be simply the case of stopping and listening to our bodies and taking heed BEFORE its too late.

  407. The extinction of animals topic is an interesting one. There can be no doubt that human disregard for animals has resulted or influenced the demise of certain species. But what if it was not all about human error? What if some species no longer need to exist because their purpose has been fulfilled?

  408. This is huge, Victoria, as your article is showing me how we tend to indulge as humanity in our technical developments but forget our own heart and soul, our truth and joy. It is like we are slaves of our technical developments but think we are masters of them. It comes to my mind the many young people avoiding direct communication and prefer their mobile phone or computer for games or connecting via social media.

  409. “…does evolution really have a peak?…” This statement has made me consider how it is indulging that has a trough… because with indulgence in anything… food, emotions, habits, drama, issues etc etc… there does come a point where it just doesn’t serve any longer and one does go…’Enough!… Can’t and wont do this anymore…” at which time, is the beginning of the U-turn back… evolving themselves…

  410. We have a society where we are using science to treat the symptoms that are the result of our fighting evolution and even with all the aids of modern medicine and science we cannot alleviate these symptoms. But what if these symptoms were there so we can get the message that fighting evolution is not the way and we cannot, try as we might, get out of feeling the consequences of being irresponsible. A great call to be the grandness that we are.

  411. I feel my path of return for me was so full of shadows that kept me in the dark and still does if I lose my inner-most connection. I feel in humbly summiting my essence or inner-most to The Way of The Livingness that the light that shines from everyone illuminates the shadows. So it is up to me to share my light so others can also then reflect their light in full no “arrogance” just our simple connection.

  412. Re-reading the title I would say humanity is indulging, big time. It really is time for us to wake up and see that we are the creators of our issues and therefore we are the ones who have to resolve them. There are no magic answers, it is up to us to put in the hard work and nurture our real evolution: increasing our awareness, building true brotherhood, claiming full responsibility and reconnecting to our divinity.

  413. Yes, it is futile to point a finger at others for being the cause of our expanding ill health and disease, we all contribute to this mess that we are all in and it starts with us and how we are choosing to live or, as most are doing, existing in our lives and yet we seem to be quite comfortable accepting less for ourselves and each other. If we could just admit that how we are choosing to live, would be a great start.

  414. I love the understanding that we are going around in circles going nowhere because then it makes sense how we are not progressing forwards at all. We are given many opportunities to evolve and it’s our responsibility to live in harmony the best we can so we can make life about connecting and getting on with people. We have to learn to work and live together as we did in the past to be evolving all together in society.

    1. I agree Gill, the going around in circles is becoming more evident. It seems that the more advance in technology we become the more miserable and checked out society becomes – something seriously wrong here.

  415. Evolution can only ever be harmonious development for everyone equally – a simplicity that is a joy to behold. Indulgence on the other hand only creates complexity, and although self-serving, delays us all.

  416. Making food choices from a commitment to evolution rather than as some kind of dietary dogma makes it so much easier. Many people comment on my will power when they see how I eat. I don’t look at it like that at all – to me, if I am committed to evolution, it is an easy choice. BUT that doesn’t mean I always make the right choice! – often I don’t and that is when I am refusing to play for the big picture.

    1. Eat to evolve or eat to indulge, a simple choice. As you say otto but not always an easy one to make, but one that is constantly offered to us.

      1. And you know what – sometimes it is that simplicity that slips me up. “really? is it really that simple?” My spirit, my pride, my arrogance resists the notion that it can be that simple, because if it is that simple then they are rendered nought.

  417. Indulgence is most certainly self-serving. Evolution however is all about everyone equally.

  418. It seems to me that many among the world have substituted intelligence for evolution. Taking the belief because we can think and create therefore we have a superior functioning mind. The mind may work like this but it can and seemingly often leaves behind its innate connection to the true essence of our beingness and therefore our divine evolution.

  419. It’s weird to think of evolution as a going back to who we were, and to understand that the way we have been living is the opposite of evolution. We have not truly developed physically, because we so mistreat our bodies that they get ill, and we have more illness and disease than ever before, and all the medication we’ve developed just keeps us going longer, but that is not evolution. We have certainly not evolved as a society – there is non-stop war, ongoing violence, and communities are being destroyed. Accepting that we each have a role to play in reversing this trend is a great start.

  420. To deny that we are evolving is simple a delay because we can’t escape the fact that there is a constant pull to expand, to be more. We have a choice in every moment, to ride the wave and even accelerate the wave of evolution that we are riding, or make choices that slow us down, keep us in comfort and ultimately create delay.

  421. A very few people in the past managed to do these amazing feats but the majority may have only been just surviving. These days most of us do better than surviving but we are, as you said, nowhere near the peaks that those who built these monuments were able to achieve.

  422. Each one of us offers a reflection that contributes either evolution of indulging, love or separation. It is uncomfortable to realise and accept how much I’ve contributed to indulgence. And still do. We’ll never ever stop evolving. Yet, we try with everything in us to be grander than the universe we belong to. Which results in an incredible rate of illness and disease. What is it about us and in us that finds it so hard to admit that we’ve made (a lot of) choices that were not contributive towards evolving ourselves and each other? This doesn’t make us a bad person, in fact, life is celebrating us with every step back to who we are and where we come from.

  423. It’s super interesting to look back at historic ways of living asking the question of have we really made progress and to actually realise that despite the appearances of technological advancement we truly have not made any real progress and in effect are in a worse place now than before on so many regards.

  424. Much of humanity has given up. This is easy to understand – millions have extremely hard lives – but what this blog shows so brilliantly is that whilst the mountains can seem ginormous, the steps needed are steps that can be taken by all of us, super gently, one at a time. Much is written about the 1% being ruled by the 99%, but if the 99% were to start accepting and appreciating their power and embracing their responsibility, then that equation would change very, very quickly. I am neither part of the 1% or the 99%. I am part of the 100% and it is my responsibility to live that every day. Do I? No. Am I awakening to that path. Yes.

    1. I like that Otto being part of the 100%, and the responsibility of it. Too many of us sit around and moan about stuff without getting up off our backsides and doing anything about it.

  425. When we get ill, it hits us, but we forget the diagnosis is sometimes the end result of often years of bad health choices. Why do we not consider the way we are living until we get a serious illness? It would be great if we were taught the importance of taking care of ourselves from kindergarten right up through to University.

  426. Absolutely – life offers each of us the opportunity to take energetic responsibility in every moment.

  427. “Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?” Before I met Serge Benhayon I hadn’t given evolution a thought and lived life from one weekend to the next and from one holiday to the next; my only goal was to get through life. Now with evolution at the forefront of my awareness life is completely different and so are my choices.

  428. Making the commitment to looking after ourselves first makes so much sense to me – not in the ‘looking after number one’ selfish way – but in the sense that what we take out into our world is imbued with a quality of energy that comes from our relationship with ourselves first and foremost. I see so many people in my days, who care for others but neglect themselves. Does it not make perfect sense to care for ourselves as equally as for each other? The quality of energy we bring to life is in my view, crucial.

  429. Evolution is very individual and I’m realising that it’s easy to look at people who consume the burgers, sweets, and junk food in general and say ‘come on guys, isn’t it obvious that this is harming?’. But the thing with evolution is that a so called healthy food can be harming if that food is no longer part of our own personal evolution. Ouch! That’s a big honesty pill that I know I have to swallow as I look at what foods no longer support me because my body reacts to them, or they make me feel bloated, sleepy or just dull me, despite how ‘healthy’ they are deemed.

  430. Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are? Yes it is and nearly everything in our human life tries us to indulge in life as you have pointed out here. You can buy ‘food’ everywhere, there is ‘music’ everywhere, television, everything that goes on on the internet is designed to leave ourselves and to not take responsibility for ourselves. A responsibility we know we have and we all are able to live in an evolving way if we choose so.

  431. we are so powerful and also so very sneaky that we actually know exactly how to retard our inevitable evolution. The entire food industry with its lucrative taste sensations, the alcohol industry to name but a few are the responses to those critical mass cries to stall – to keep ourselves numbed out and in a self-created agonising delay as we put off and put off again, the returning to who we are.

  432. ‘Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are? ‘. Yes it is yet in our lives and world we quickly lose sight of this or more accurately we choose to ignore it, and continue in our chosen arrogance that we know better when all around us we are being shown clearly it is not working. Why delay in this way? What is it that we continue with what ways that deeply hurt us? Our arrogance is not working, time for another way, one which starts within.

  433. Animals don’t need TV announcements that a Tsunami is on the way, they have already responded to the knowing of such events and taken to the hills long before it arrives. Surely there is much we can learn from them.
    “Our arrogance is so strong that we have completely blinded ourselves to seeing what animals bring to our world, and how not only are they a lot more open to evolution than us human beings are as a race, but we could learn a thing or two from them about evolving”.

  434. Your questions at the start are really revealing of the trajectory off to the side that we have taken as a human race – one huge detour to have to come back to that very same spot thousands and thousands of years later, and only after having become aware of a way of life, a religious way with oneself and all else that supports the return to this same point.
    “How much have we evolved in the last 10,000 years if our ancestors were able to:
    build magnificent structures without the advanced machinery we have today
    understand science without the intelligence and assistance of computers we have today
    communicate without the linguistic capabilities we have developed today
    survive without the extensive medical interventions we receive today?”

  435. Too often we fall foul to the overwhelm that says, ‘What difference can I make?’ This article supports and inspires me to understand and embrace my responsibility and to understand the impact of each and everyone of our choices.

  436. Only lately it dawned to me that the comfort and the indulging we are creating as humanity is burying us deeper into the illusion, that the comfort itself is this illusion we are seeking, because it seems to be more safe to us. I remember of phases in my life where I did not choose safety and In those times I feel more raw but also more joyful.

  437. We are definitely indulging! Rather than admit that we have lost our way, that we have got things terribly wrong, we choose to numb ourselves with food and alcohol, distract ourselves with conflicts, drama, stress. However, none of these things achieve anything other than our own demise. The strain of living against the divine order of the Universe, disrupting the natural flow and avoiding our natural way of being takes it’s toll, hence the sky rocketing rates of diabetes, mental health disorders, cancer, to name but a few. Are we too proud to acknowledge that our true intelligence is felt from the body. We have access to infinite wisdom way beyond our current understanding, but it’s not ‘ours’ to own, it there for everyone to tap into, to learn from and evolve.

  438. There is a lot to ponder on here. I’ve chosen to re-read this article over a few days, because what I noticed was that I was blanking out through some paragraphs. From that I realised that it wasn’t because I was bored, but because there was a truth being presented that I didn’t want to hear. If I just glaze over it, then I can remain ignorant to what is being presented. However, lately it’s becoming more and more apparent to me that you can’t actually escape the truth. And the reasons I choose indulgence at times is purely to keep myself in a comfortable place where I won’t stand out. It’s actually just a way to keep me and everyone around me small.

  439. We like to champion ourselves, quoting all the ‘advancements’ and achievements that mankind continues to make, yet if we are so ‘clever’ why is the world in such a mess, why do we continue to have increasing rates of dis-ease, in spite of our advancements. Are we actually truly evolving as a species, or are we in fact retarding. We say that we have learnt from the past, yet our actions fail to support this, we are still at war, still considering ourselves to be superior to other countries, still fighting over religion, still trying to ‘better’ ourselves even if we are exploiting others in the process …… we haven’t in truth learnt anything at all, other than how NOT to be. Why are we going to such great lengths to avoid the truth, is it really worth risking the survival of our species rather than to admit that we have been wrong, that we have been living a lie, that we have chosen to leave our selves behind and fill the void that that leaves with things that can never come close to the joy we feel from just being who we truly are, loving, caring people harmoniously living together as equals.

  440. Rather than dedicate our lives to evolution, we have dedicated them to indulgence and in a feeble attempt to cover up our wayward behaviour we have turned the word ‘indulgence’ into something that implies that we are doing something positive for ourselves.

    1. This is so true Alexis. Everywhere you can see the words “you deserve it” in advertisement, “binge on…” about TV series, “aspirational living” ….. We need to reach the pinacle of consumption in order to be fulfilled. It is a sign we have made it. What a sad indictment for the human race.

  441. When I read this article I keep thinking of the cheap sugar sweets you get in the supermarket, things like chewy treats, cola bottles, wine gums, haribos, and then think, how can we evolve on that. What type of intention has created such food. And that is just the sweet stuff, what of the savoury snacks, the substances that go in our tinned and packet food. Is it possible these items affect our thought processes, and might even make us believe we are making intelligent choices when in fact we are in illusion. It is all as we say food for thought!

  442. We only have to look at the giant pyramid in Egypt to see that we are not evolving. How did the people who built this incredible structure know how to build it with no technology or mechanical engineering, but just their bare hands, and not only that, build it in such a way that it aligned to certain stars in the sky? And was there a purpose for doing this that they were trying to communicate to the rest of the world? To know this kind of information there surely had to be some kind of inner wisdom that they could connect to, and if that were the case, would this not be something that we also have access to? And if we did, then would it not be possible for us to be able to do something equally as incredible? Its worth pondering on.

    1. Yes Sandra, the pyramids have always fascinated me and I have asked myself similar questions. Such precision in engineering without all the machinery and technology we have today is mind boggling. Some stories dismiss it could have been us humans and so have said it was aliens who built them. Why is it so far fetched to think we too have the same inner knowing?

  443. “As a human race we believe to have reached the peak of the evolution pyramid – we walk up straight, we speak (some of us several languages), we are intelligent enough to innovate in technology, medicine, science, history etc.” If we witnessed any species in nature not only decimating the rest of nature, but also turn on its own species, we would rightly be alarmed. How come we accept this from our own species and go as far as imagining ourself as evolved in any way?

  444. We’re to support each other greatly in taking responsibility for the choices that we make. We’re remarkably beautiful and loving beings. With this is our heart, taking responsibility is most natural to do.

  445. Perhaps true intelligence is not about the knowledge we can accumulate or the technological advances we can do or make, but rather has to do with the way we can use this knowledge and technology to serve mankind. It seems we have been distracted from the true importance in life: People.

  446. Every moment is an opportunity for us to accelerate our evolution or to delay. The choice is always ours.

  447. Wow Viktoira, we have this world inside out. Like a pair of pyjamas we have put on the wrong way round or jumper we have put on upside down, it doesn’t work, and binds us up and leads to some upset. We think food is the answer to living strong. We think sleep is the be-all-and-end-all and if we just have more of these things this is the answer to our well-being. But all of this is in relation to being better and safer and richer, and not about growing our awareness and understanding of this world. If we saw life this way, surely it would change everything about our day.

  448. In a world where we so often do things that ‘look evolving’ at the expense of our bodies and well being it is imperative that we ask our selves “Are we working to truly evolve or are we retarding our evolution by focusing on an outer surface of “good” while denying the deep wisdom we hold in our inner most?”.

    Serge Benhayon asks us to bring out that inner most wisdom, the wisdom we have been holding at ransom, to use it, to make more loving choices, to share it and live by the Love that evolves us all.

  449. “Such is Our Responsibility”, powerful words. These hit home after reading this rather evolutionary blog!

  450. There is so much we can do to change the quality of our living. We are all empowered to do so.

  451. There is so much unrest in the world we definately need to change our approach to how we address world issues.

  452. When we look back at our past, we can see how in so many ways we have chosen not to evolve, but instead we keep repeating the same horrors again and again, of racism and slavery and war and suffering rather than learning that these things can never work.

  453. Are We Evolving OR Indulging… my feeling is we are indulging as the state of the world at the moment does not reflect any form of true evolution, it is just getting worse. You only have to listen to 10 minutes of the headline news to see that. There is conflict everywhere, and this conflict comes from the inner battle we have within ourselves due to not living who we truly are. Our bodies feel it but we ignore, numb and distract our bodies to the point that many are finding it difficult to cope, not knowing where to turn next. The world is coming to its knees and the only way out is to make a U-turn is to be honest with ourselves as to WHY it is not working, which means letting go of making it all about self and our own security and coming back to a harmonious way with all.

  454. Evolution is about awareness. It is not just about what we eat and how dominant we are over other species for that is only one level of evolution and a definition that enables us to be arrogant and ignorant about the true quality of our choices. What if awareness of our true quality of choices and the energy that such choices are made with was actually the real evolution on earth?

  455. To bring an understanding that evolution is what life is about is something that is offers a focus and purpose to the day, which would otherwise remain unrealised.

  456. And I can see and have felt in myself how food is hard to crack through as we need to eat so even when we get down to eating the ‘right’ foods – those that are supportive and nourishing there are still many ways to trick and fool ourselves As I have eaten less ingredients I have become more creative with my cooking and there are times I can still eat to numb or distarct myself – so ultimately stalling evolution.

  457. For sure we can learn something from the animals about evolution. They do not need to be more or less important than someone else and are not rejecting that they are part of a species and a whole and take their responsibility in that naturally so. They are all working together as one according to their evolutionary path, whether they are the predator or the prey it all is a way to a grander way of being.

  458. The whole theory of humans being at the top of the evolutionary ‘pyramid’ is a belief created to support our outstanding arrogance. We use it to justify our involutionary behaviour, self-satisfied by the feeling that we are masters of all we survey. This is seriously anti-evolutionary.

  459. “These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’.” It is easy to say it ‘happened to us’ and we didn’t have a part in the levels of illness and disease skyrocketing but it is not the truth. We do have a responsibility in not living in harmony with our bodies by eating foods that do not support our bodies and not honouring when we are tired, doing too much or are pushing through. It all comes with a result if we want it or not.

  460. So many of us feel that as individuals we can’t make much of difference and yet you are so right If we change the irresponsible way we live we can only inspire others to make better choices. Looking at the past it’s easy to see there have been times when civilisations have been more advanced without the machinery and technology we have today and I bet they didn’t have the equivalent of checking out in front of a computer or TV screen either.

  461. I read yesterday that it is predicted that in france there is only 60 more crop rotations before the soil is of no use. In 60 years they will not be able to grow food. We are so out of whack with nature and what is required because of our indulgence in eating whatever we want, wearing whatever we want, consuming masses of everything and anything none of it good for us. It is madness. I see this as much like he roman era of indulgence and it is also reported that every indulgent era is followed by a correction, we happen to be at the edge of the correction. The ‘fun’ times are up indulgence needs to be so last year if we have a chance of a real and sustainable, evolving future.

  462. Our behaviour has not really changed much for thousands of years, talk about being stuck in a loop. We place great emphasis on what we can invent and build but ignore our failing humanitarian relationships, dire state of health and abysmal track record on war. What is the point of all the wonders we make if we are still living in pain? When we make life about the quality of our inner connection to our bodies, our wisdom and innately loving qualities, then we can begin to make in roads into our own evolution, both personally and collectively and begin addressing our relationships, health and social interactions, we can start climbing out of the loop.

  463. It’s really horrible to consider that we humans have been responsible for the extinction of other living things. How can this be intelligent? Yet we arrogantly pride ourselves on our achievements. There is something fundamentally wrong with the way we are living that does not take even this point seriously, not to mention the fact that we keep killing each other through war.

  464. Once we know the difference, its very plain to see if we are evolving or going backwards. The moment we have that marker (which we innately carry within us, but its just too uncomfortable to look at most of the time), we are faced with a moment by moment, day by day choice. A golden opportunity or to slip back into unconsciousness?

  465. Food is everywhere we go. We are bombarded with food adverts on TV and on billboards. Walk down any high street and most of the shops sell food, even if it’s not their primary business. I’m thinking here about petrol stations, chemists, and clothes shops. Not to mention the pop up food stalls that are setting up on our streets. And all the while obesity is on the rise and lifestyle related diseases linked to eating the wrong foods are also rising rapidly.

  466. ‘Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are? If that’s the case, how many of us can honestly say that we are on a path of evolution? How many of us can look at our daily choices and say that we have supported such movement?’
    A great reflection, Victoria, to bring connection back to movement. So the way we move is supporting our connection or not. The way we move has influence on our daily choices in one or another way.

  467. ‘and each and every single one of us has the power to make a difference by making choices that support our evolution first and foremost’. This is our absolute esponsibility, and often not expressed so clearly.

  468. Yes it is true that as human beings we often make decisions that are detrimental to our own health, and so you do have to question how we became the so called dominant species when our history that is littered with behaviours that should have in truth led to our inevitable demise. And so, yes, it makes sense if we were to honour evolution we would be more honouring of the way we live life in all regards. That being said, one cannot make sense of our wayward behaviours by simply claiming that they are based on indulgence – for yes they are in one sense. However, if you look a little more deeply, you start to understand that so many of our indulgent behaviours are not necessarily done for the purpose to indulgence itself, but rather done to avoid a deep tension that resides within us all. And that is a tension that most of us are not even aware of, and it is not until you renounce or stop participating in the many behaviours that numb our sense of awareness of the world around us that you start to become aware of this tension. Even then, you only truly become aware of the tension, once you allow yourself to connect – even momentarily – to our true essence. Once you have let that in, then you set yourself upon a pathway to resurrection, for no matter how tempting the desires of the world can be, you will find nothing that is even close to that moment of connection you experienced. And thus begins the path of return for the student to be….

  469. The whole thing about evolution as far as the human species goes is that we are RETURNING. We started Divine and descended into the mess we currently see and call being human. Therefore for our species it is not about attaining or getting something out there but about returning to who we truly are and what is already within. This applies to everyone equally.

    1. Sounds so easy when you bring it like this Nicola, just choose to connect to that grander original part that is already within. But there is more to it, we have to become aware that we are run by a spirit that makes pleasure in us being unaware and provides us with thoughts that keeps us trapped in this reduced awareness. Only by changing our movements we can master true life and release ourselves from the shackles that this life of creation is holding us in.

      1. Yes Nico, very true but who is the “we” that has to become aware that “we” are being run by a spirit? It is the spirit itself. It is us who are making all these choices, it is us who are choosing to not be aware, and it is us that can choose to be aware again. It is not at all easy but it is very simple!

  470. Yep I definitely agree with you here ‘These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live; through ill and unsupportive choices we have been and continue to be making.’ I would not have known the truth with regards to evolution if it were not for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. We are blessed to have this awareness and teachings which in turn give us a deeper understanding of what we have lived and where we are going and what we need to change within the way we live to get there.

  471. It’s so true that the problems and issues that are prevalent in society today, such as the rise of illness and disease, sexual abuse/harassment, mental health conditions and corruption can all in some way shape or form (some very directly) be linked to the way we choose to live, so is it not our responsibility to address these things rather than ignore them and keep brushing off the responsibility to the next generation?

  472. Thanks to Serge Benhayon, I have become aware of the relationship between food and evolution. However I have to confess that for me it has been (and still is) one of the trickiest things to master. Moving away from the involutionary consumption of alcohol and cigarettes was easy by comparison: they were simply no longer compatible with me and the positive changes I was making to the way I lived, and I definitely don’t need them to live! However food is something we as humans do need to continue consuming, so working out how to be with food in a responsible way is key – and quite a challenge if, like me, you’ve been one to use food for purposes other than what it is truly intended, which is to support human life rather than indulge in it.

    1. Victoria, with absolute honesty you expose how our relationship with food can still be challenging and reveal deeper inner conflicts and insecurities. Understanding movement: how we move towards and away from certain foods: the quality of each movement pre-determined by an energy loving or not loving, our choice to evolve or not to evolve. Simple really.

  473. Giving ourselves permission to break out of this conditioned mould we were raised in and to return to what is true for us without being punishing to ourselves or others in the process.

  474. History reveals to us how our ancestors were master craftsmen, building monuments such as the pyramids that leave us scratching our heads asking ‘how did they do that with such acute precision… then fast forward to 2016, and we see kids sat in front of video screens playing games and obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes is massive rates globally… Evolution?.. umm well, doesn’t look like it does it…

  475. “each and every single one of us has the power to make a difference by making choices that support our evolution first and foremost”. Check. Did not do that yesterday. Can do that today. Thanks for the reminder.

  476. It looks like we are fighting our physical body rather than listen to what it has to say – and we have made a virtue of it, something that ought to be admired. I wonder where and when it started, when did we derail ourselves?

  477. To entertain the possibility that life is all about the evolution of who we essentially are would change the perspective on everything we do in life and because no man is an island we are affecting each other´s evolution as well.

  478. ‘Luckily for us, we survive as a result of the constant medical interventions that are supporting our existence. This way of living however is not life lived in full, as the majority of the human race lives either in some sort of pain, with a disease, or both’. Knowing this statement as a fact is a sad indictment of an entire planet in pain and suffering. I would say a resounding yes to the fact that the majority of us are indulging in one way or another, and until we turn it around and begin to come back to loving ourselves and each other, the world will continue to self medicate, be it with food, alcohol, drugs etc etc.

  479. Food is a huge one for most as we definitely use it as a tool to numb, distract and dull us, and we will defend our right to eat something that is delicious and that we enjoy because that’s what life is all about., or so we say. We don’t seem to be bothered by the rising statistics of ill health plaguing us as a society and would rather just accept it as good old bad luck or genes, than be honest about what we are choosing for our bodies.

  480. There are foods in today’s day and age that are deliberately set to stall us from our evolution – to dull us, numb us and retard us from ourselves. Foods that breed separation and all the evil that comes with this.

  481. It is becoming so apparent that life style choices impact significantly on our well-being that even the so called intelligent mind can’t deny it. The indulgence can’t be sustained by the body – already a truth and sooner than later the truth that the medical system cannot take the place of individual responsibility will be accepted.

  482. “Our arrogance is so strong that we have completely blinded ourselves to seeing what animals bring to our world” this is so true in the way the we never stop and truly consider the consequences of our behaviours most often than not only until a particular animal species is fully extinquished. The animal kingdom is here to reflect brotherhood and for us to evolve back to who we truly are.

  483. Evolution becomes very different if we realise just who we already are without having to develop to that stage. We only need to reailise who we are and discard what we have collected that we are not.

  484. Technology is like the smoke screen we use to trick ourselves into believing our human race is evolving, but the truth is this just takes the focus off how we ourselves are living, how we feel about ourselves, and how we interact with one another and our environment.

  485. Yes the world is in a mess, but because we take comfort in believing that we have mental and physical advances that show we are evolving. Yet the list of what our ancestors 1000s of years ago accomplished without the ‘advanced’ facilities we pride ourselves of, prove that we are deep in illusion of thinking more gadgets and more ways of indulging in numbing activities means we have evolved.

  486. ‘As a human race we believe we have reached the peak of the evolution pyramid’ This is our downfall, as we have not considered what true evolution is, and so we have no true marker to evolve by.

  487. When you put into context how our ancestors 10,000 years ago were able to build the structures without the use of modern technology, understand science and the stars without computers, communicate linguistic capabilities, survive without the extensive medical interventions we receive today, and we look at where we are at today clearly we haven’t developed much…war, disharmony, illness and disease like never before clearly something is deeply amiss!

  488. In order to evolve we have to keep connecting in with what is true for us and then acting on it. If we do not do this then we are settling for what is “better” rather than what is true. This leads to stagnation and ultimately anti-evolution.

    1. It is interesting that the usual understanding of evolution is an increase in ‘fitness’ – the fitter you are, the more likely you are to survive and fitness is defined by your ability to survive. Crocodiles in evolutionary terms are very fit, even though they are quite primitive.

  489. Evolution like a lot of other words has ben misinterpreted and when we think evolution we think in a linear way, to something new like a branch off a tree that just keeps branching – but Evolution in the sense of the Universe is not that because it is already whole. If I think about this in a human sense, If we are suppose to evolve as we get older and become more wise, how come I can look back at childhood and I say I felt whole and complete yet when I was a teenager felt lost and anxious?? Therefore evolution is not about progressing it is about returning.

  490. Well said Fiona – we need to take a close look at the sore points in ourselves and what drives us to make the choices that we repeatedly keep making.

  491. This is a great conversation, when you mentioned that most human beings have some kind of condition that we live with, be it physical or emotional pain… it really made me consider. I was imagining a species of animals that were ALL unwell, it just seemed unnatural. Stranger still, imagine if they were choosing to eat poison berries because they made them feel woozy and spin in circles and fall over and they liked the sensation of it….and even though they were all ill, nothing would halt their bizarre behavior, they would continue to harm themselves, some even cutting themselves with rocks and smoking dangerous leaves. It would be so odd, imagine a dog, shoving needles in its veins… You would think they were brain damaged or trying to kill themselves.

  492. When we stop the hamster wheel for a moment and take a good look at what is going on in the world, it is not pretty. The sad reality is that we are getting more and more disharmonious, contracted and disconnected from ourselves and each other. Is it time to look at what each and every one of us can contribute to make a true change?

  493. What would happen if medicine, surgery, other health interventions didn’t exist and we still lived as we currently do? Would we make very different lifestyle choices, or would we continue to abuse our bodies the way we currently seem to knowing that we can get a fix for pretty much anything, from a hangover headache to limb or heart replacement and much, much more. Bears thinking about.

  494. How can we possibly claim to be evolved when our societies are in such a mess. Animal groups do not fight in the same way we do, amongst ourselves. We have a lot to learn from the reflections of the animal kingdom.

  495. ‘Isn’t evolution about a constant development, a movement, a strengthening of one’s connection with one’s inner-most, with the essence of who we truly are?’ This sentence made my body expand. There is no doubt that this statement is absolutely true!

  496. “Are We Evolving OR Indulging?” I don’t have to read any further on than the title, to know the answer to this one. One simple, yet super powerful question says it, and asks it all.

  497. Life starts to look very different when we become aware that the way we are living might be contributing to the ills of the world and of our fellow human beings. What might we choose to do differently today if we considered the possibility that our actions are not just affecting us, but our children, our parents, our brothers, sisters, friends, partners, colleagues – and even so called strangers from around the world?

  498. I love the core question this piece of writing asks – in essence what are we here for? What is deeply exposed here is that most of us do not know the answer to this and erroneously believe that it is ok to indulge, take advantage of each other and ignore the fact that there is something much deeper to connect to, in the meantime imposing harm on everything and everyone around us

  499. Incredible to actually consider that if it were not for the wonders of modern medicine, our lives would not be so comfortable. When we look at how the animals on the planet coexist with each other and the planet it is very revealing of just how off kilter we are living.

  500. It is Our Responsibility as to what is going on within and outside our body yet the majority simply do not want this level of responsibility. Once we commit to living responsibly with ourselves and with others we are given a greater level of responsibility. There is always more until the time comes when we have all returned to who we truly are.

  501. When you put side by side the fact of our most advanced creations and complex scientific discoveries with the state of ill health that alone does not make sense. When you then show the incredible feats of the Egyptians and other civilisations its hard not to question what we are all doing in society today?

  502. Yellowstone Park in the US killed off all the wolves in 1935. In 1995 they reintroduced them because the deer had no predators and were eating the park bare. In 20 years the wolves have changed the whole ecology of the park including changing rivers. When we mess with things that have a natural, there is always a knock on effect. Have we done the same with our evolution? By getting rid of things that naturally cull us we are now overgrazing our world, which is also having climatic effects of our planet. The process of change starts and rests with us!

  503. And as humans we proclaim to be the most intelligent species on earth… well, do we see a rise in obesity, diabetes, sleep difficulties, unsociable behaviour, cardiovascular disease, cancers …etc in the animal kingdom? … There must be an intelligence in the way they live that makes them respond to their body’s needs rather than indulge in them…

  504. So often it feels to me like Humanity was never supposed to be living on this planet because we cannot fail but to disrupt the natural order. In order for us to survive, we have to impose heavily on Mother Nature’s environment in a way that no other species in this world does. At some point though Nature is going to make it evidently clear what our role and responsibilities are, towards our selves, one another and towards her. So the question is why wait for disaster before we make the changes we all know we have to make. It time to start truly, deeply caring for our selves, for one another and the earth we walk on for everyone’s sake.

  505. It’s interesting to examine the extinction of a species from a more holistic view point. If all animals, plants and human beings are part of the same universe, constellation, jigsaw…if we are all interconnected…if we are all equal and of equal importance and reflection…then what does it say about the way some of us are living if some others are wiped into extinction. You don’t have to be a biologist, environmentalist or genius to see that something isn’t right – that one part of the whole picture must be living in extreme dis-harmony to have that kind of impact on another part of the whole picture.

  506. Ironic that we proudly claim to be the most advanced species on the planet, when we are are not even from this planet in the first place and it is only our deeply errant choices that landed us here in the first place. Our lack of humility is astronomical (pun intended!)

  507. And the less we care, the more it hurts us, so the more we indulge to avoid feeling that separation that our choices are fostering. A steady downward spiral.

  508. The majority of humanity tend to blame everything and everyone else for the state of their lives, including their health, where in fact, as you state so clearly it is “Our ignorance, our arrogance, our indulgence, our lack of care and a serious deficit of cohesiveness have led to the poor quality of life we find ourselves surrounded by.”; time to stop the blame game and indulging in that which is absolutely no good for us, and take responsibility for our amazing bodies and the quality of our lives.

  509. We are not doing great in the evolution stakes when considering that the vast majority of our illness and disease states are caused by our lifestyle choices. And what do we do? We mainly cry wolf when asked to make lasting changes and carry on as before. Or we might pull out some sponsored science that seemingly proves what is in the interest of our comfort and and apathy whilst shirking responsibility for our choices. And we bankrupt our health systems worldwide by demanding the quick fix and insisting on longevity at all and any costs. Not an intelligent approach at all, do you agree?

  510. Unfortunately the answer is yes to indulging – one only needs to look at what is on offer in our supermarkets and the plethora of food shows on TV and food blogs and recipes on the internet. Even travel itenaries based on culinary delights are becoming more and more popular – food safaris without a gun – just a good pair of chompers is practically all that is required.

  511. The intelligence of the human being is often placed in our physical achievements, such as buildings, technology etc. Similarly so, I recently saw an episode talking about “intelligent animals” – the focus of these animals was all about how human they could be whilst denying their natural way of being and behaving. I too question this as intelligence….We can call this a “type of intelligence’, but it is usually one that denies the actually core needs of the body and does not carry the respect that we all deserve for ourselves from a perspective of care and love. I would be inclined to say that Love is an intelligence as it is a way of being that holds oneself and all others as equal, with full respect and care on all levels. This really does turn around the current societal meaning of intelligence.

  512. Hear, hear Luke Yokota. And just what drives our ‘logic’, when we make so many non-sensical choices (e.g. drinking a known poison such as alcohol) on such a grand scale, and do not go deeper to address this at its root, as in, why would we harm ourselves so?

    1. Agree Victoria, there is no sense in insensibility and for many, it is still a chasm that can be excused through warped logic, however, knowing always knowing not to be true.

  513. I’ve never actually considered just how simply animals live. I have taken nature for granted in so many ways. When you talk about how animals don’t indulge, it’s so true, they eat enough to sustain them, they sleep enough to rejuvenate them, they live with purpose and most certainly don’t waste their time on politics. Yet, as you pointed out Monika, we use and abuse animals and also contribute to their extinction. How on earth do we think we are going to get away with eradicating the very reflection we all desperately need? The answer is we won’t. We will never get away with not facing the truth, because it’s always there, ready and waiting to be accepted.

  514. We can use food in all sorts of ways to involute. Do we eat for ourselves, to numb, dull or feel better, or do we eat with an awareness of the whole of humanity? There is responsibility in what, how and when we eat as it doesn’t just affect us, but affects the Whole.

    1. Yes, Donna. Everything we do affects the whole and this is important for us to be reminded of time and time again until we get it. When we overeat or eat something that we know is not good for us, we are only satiating our own emotional needs.

  515. Humanity is so proud of its ability to invent things that we are often blinded by what it is we are actually bringing forth into the world. Most of our modern day diet for example is killing us, fizzy drinks and junk food are not really inventions to be proud of. I wonder when we will see the light and realise that our bodies are made to run on very simple foods and that the most important thing in this world is really, truly getting on with each other – growing together, not further apart.

    1. We look back at the Dark Ages with a sort of disdain, a judgement on the way people were living, a sympathy for having to exist in such horrendous times….I wonder how our ancestors will look back on this time – because it strikes me that we are making so many choices that are so miles away from our truth, so damaging to ourselves and to others, so destructive to the planet, so out of kilter with who we truly are…if those were the Dark Ages, what will they call this time? All the more reason to celebrate and deeply appreciate the shining beacon that is Universal Medicine – showing us the way out of our current “Dark Ages”.

  516. It really does shed light on the lineal boxed regurgitation based system we today call education

  517. The relationships with ourselves and with each other don´t seem to be improved so much if at all when we look at the worldwide situation. The type of conflicts and misunderstandings, the self-gain and self-interest before honouring each other as equally etc etc are just the same as in the bloody history we look back at. On top we have cyber bullying, empty and intimacy lacking communication on the internet, a generation being lost in the virtual reality of their games consoles, the same marital problems, domestic violence, drug abuse and criminality affecting nations, the list is endless. Human relationships have not evolved, health and wellbeing have not evolved, politics are still the same, religions still cause wars….

  518. How did our ancestors have such great knowing and capabilities without computers, this is a great question, and a great expose of how false our idea of intelligence is. While computers have made life easier, there is a diminished ability for us to see that our intelligence is actually linked to how well we are, and by that measure we are not acting intelligently at all.

  519. It is not easy to simply change our ways if we first haven’t look beneath what is fuelling our behaviours. We need to address the underlying causes of our over consumption, numbing and propping ourselves up. We are good at coming up with solutions short term but does this truly support us. There was a time I used to drink 3 coffees a day to keep me going through a busy work day and thought nothing of it. I couldn’t change the behaviour until I changed the way I was with work.The body does let us know if we listen, but so often it is overridden when our mind is running the show.

  520. It is fascinating how when there is an opportunity to evolve we have an already ‘escape’ plan ie we are so accustomed to not evolving and choose to not be aware so evolve we do not.

  521. “When we start taking greater care of ourselves first, we will be able to see a considerable change in our surroundings. But it must all start within each and everyone of us. Such is our responsibility.” And this begins when we are willing to be truly honest with ourselves as to where and how we are indulging, for indulging is when honestly looked at, in fact abusive behaviour to our bodies and our minds and this stops us from truly evolving.

  522. To think that every moment offers an opportunity to evolve puts everything into perspective. Our education system has conveniently dropped this foundational aspect of life right out of the curriculum.

  523. If our health systems are struggling with the ever increase in illnesses and diseases experienced by so many then it would serve us all well to take what is shared here into consideration as maybe the reason we are so sick as a species is because of our resistance to our evolution.

  524. “Foods and drinks that have become the ‘norm’ – burgers, cakes, coffee, alcohol, to name a few as the list could go on for pages – are nothing more than pure indulgence; our recipes for involution.” To have this exposed could be jarring as we consider eating all of this stuff as normal. Yet, step back a few paces with a moment to ponder and what you share makes complete sense.

  525. A great call to not take life for granted but to stand up tall and take the responsibility that we have.

  526. What a brilliant call to account for our own responsibility and how this reflects to the world. Yes it does matter the choices I make as an individual because individualism is the illusion – we aren’t separate at all, we are all connected. However we have to make our own unique choices every moment, this isn’t something that we can pass the responsibility onto another.

  527. Quite an expose of our claim to be the most advanced life form on the planet. Creating a world where all its inhabitants regardless of species are not honoured equally is far from evolved.

    1. It’s interesting. Maybe it’s just me, but I hear expressions like “humans are the most advanced life form on planet” a great deal less these days. Maybe it’s just coincidence or maybe we are beginning to realise how much we have to learn and how far from our truth we have strayed?

  528. It never made any sense to me that humans were the most evolved species on earth. But I sort of believed it because that is the common belief. But where did the belief come from?
    I thought I was good at questioning authority, but I did not realize how many beliefs I have lived my life by.

    Universal Medicine has supported me trust my inner knowing. I have always admired wild animals because they seemed to have this inner knowing about how to live in the world. Each animal has its own special attributes that alow it to live in harmony with nature. Humans seem to Iive in way that has no regard for our earth.

    So asking the question “Are humans really evolving?” is important. If we can look honestly at what has happened to our quality of life, I believe that we need to do something different. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is presenting something truly different and it has transformed my life.

  529. As a human race, we do have a huge arrogance in the way we throw around our intelligence and champion our advancements with no consideration of forms of intelligence that don’t perhaps fit into the boxes we have constructed, but are beyond what we are currently capable of, such as an animal’s innate instinct to know when a tsunami is coming, while humans crowded on the beach and try to video the oncoming wave, or a bird’s ability to seamlessly navigate thousands of miles, while we need maps and satnav to go relatively short distances. When looked at in this way, what is more intelligent, the ability to create a device that can capture a photograph, and in the process be killed by an oncoming tsunami, or the ability to have sensed it coming and retreat to higher ground and survive. Animals may not have the abilities we see as intelligent, but they have an innate connection and obedience to nature and evolution that we have lost contact with.

    1. So true Rebecca – the innate instincts of all creatures is nothing short of absolutely amazing. The entire inter connectedness of how the natural world co-operates in a harmonious, purposeful way. Yet humans look at isolated parts and try and create an intellectualized, science lab version of the parts they recognise as interesting or even possibly helpful to our so called civilized advanced societies. We have so much to learn and with our involuting life choices seems like we will learn the hardest way we can create.

      1. I agree – we try to fit everything down to the end of a microscope or into a test tube, and make it fit into neat formulas and explanations, totally diminishing the natural wonder that is life and nature and the universe – sometimes there are no words or theories to describe the abounding beauty and majesty that it so simply is.

  530. You really expose how the majority of humanity are regularly making choices that not only affect their own quality of life but impose a growing burden on health systems which are buckling under the constantly growing demands that are being placed on them. This is a great call to take responsibility for the choices we make on a daily basis that impact everyone around us.

  531. I feel we don’t even consider that we are always evolving and continue to evolve and that we become so preoccupied with our own lives that we can’t even see the big picture. Evolution happened somewhere in the past and that is something that is an historical event, with the dinosaurs. We think we are doing well because we have nice things and can feed and house ourselves. If this is it then a) why are we so sick, so much sicker than we have every been and B) why are we always searching, knowing that there is more to life. Could this be showing us something about our choices? Absolutely…

  532. It requires total honesty to admit to ourselves that we are indulging. It’s so easy to hide our indulgences and just keep going. But to evolve means exposing all the indulgences for what they are, and uncover why we need them in the first place.

  533. And it’s amazing how powerful the reflection of one person is when they are making evolving choices. The greatest example of this inspiring ripple effect is the reflection of Serge Benhayon. He has literally touched thousands of lives.

  534. So true Elaine. We have the opportunity to expand in every single moment and when we don’t take it we are left to feel the build up of evolving choices. Not so pleasant at times. The more I allow myself to be aware and deepen my awareness the more I can feel the fact of every moment being a choice. Are we choosing our own breath or that which the world wants us to breath?

  535. Great blog Victoria – I love how broad it is. This sentence sums up much for me when I look at our collective choices and consequential circumstances as a humanity. ‘These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live;’
    When we each individually and also as a collective eventually take responsibility for this fact – then true change can occur. Until then it seems that learning the hard way will be the result for when we do not choose to take responsibility for our moment to moment choices. Simple really – at times it may seem difficult but that is only because we are coming from complexity we have created.

  536. Animals do teach us a lot if we are open to seeing it. It is well known that animals go to high ground when they feel a tsunami coming and they feel this well before humans sense it coming.

  537. This blog is a big ouch for most of humanity but offers a great stop moment for each of us to consider our own evolution and are we for it through our own movements, or are we against it?

  538. I like the phrase “recipes for involution” because we really do know exactly what ingredients are required to suppress the deep hurt & purposelessness we feel from living this daily disconnection/function.

  539. We are most certainly indulging! In a mass way all around the world not just reserved for first world countries. Yet we can only influence by taking care of our own way we live and then it may inspire others to make changes. This is going to be a long game not a short game so let’s start today.

    1. Yes a long game for sure- it has taken a while to get into this mess – and many don’t even see it as a mess.

  540. Great point about phones, Ray. A free years ago I got a temporary basic phone (I’m talking calls, texts and that was about it) that was intended for just a few days. Three months later I was still using it – I realised how easily I use my phone as a distraction. Back to basics is often the best way forward. Technological advances can be helpful, but are often not as evolutionary as we might think.

    1. Hello Nick and for me it’s not about the phones essentially but about the way we use them or the quality we use them in. Within reason we can have anything we want so long as we hold them with the deep care we naturally are. As the old saying goes ‘quality not quantity’. With every moment is a choice of quality and I love having a phone but it doesn’t run my life nor am I lost without it. I am who I truly am and then I use the phone to support that. What I am saying is that we need to put ourselves at the front of the line and know that how we are with ourselves is how we are with everything else. No matter how great the words are if you don’t take a deep care of yourself first then this is what we bring to others.

  541. It makes me wonder what our health conditions will look like in say 30 – 40 years time if we carry on the way we are, seeing as illness and disease is higher than ever before and continues to rise – something has to give way. At what point will people realise that the answers are already within their own reach, and that looking after yourself does not have to be complicated and can have astounding results.

  542. We as humans have the tendency to assume that we are advanced and evolved specially because of our technology. But when I look at our way of being – be it with sport events/matches, be it how women are illustrated and treated or our connection to God and divinity – I would say we are not evolved in many ways since thousands of years. Our way of entertainment has not really changed from the ‘bread and circus’ time. It is now chips & TV. The beings we call women are now allowed to vote and work as men – but the femaleness as a quality is still despised, women are used as sexual objects and supported in becoming and acting like men. Gender equality is in fact in the moment to bring all to the same level of hardening and avoiding our natural tender and sensitive being. And our relationship to religion is either totally neglected, substituted by the belief in technology, temporal progress and human comforts or lost in a so called ‘religion’ that varies in its fanatical states but does always separates us from each other. Or you have the new age spiritual seeker, who is lost in the mind and its creations.
    Evolution to me is getting closer to God. Living harmoniously with each other. Holding us all in the same love. Realizing and living our equality. Working together as equals to a higher purpose.
    It is ironic how we put effort into flying to the stars whereby we are here on earth in a mess. If we would clean this mess and start to truly evolve together, we would make it to the stars anyway, because that’s where are we coming from and made to return to if we evolve back to our original.

  543. Yes – If we look back a few thousand years we can clearly see that not much has changed except that we seem to have got more dumb! We now have to use computers where once we were able to read the constellations and nature, use complicated mathematical formulas and built the pyramids with no machines.. The consciousness that says we are evolving because we have technology and are living longer fails to consider that we are living longer but with less vitality and that our technology also has the ability for us to kill each other more efficiently than ever before. Our indulgences are actually moving us backwards!

  544. The animal kingdom, nature and the Universe seem to be offering us a reflection of innate harmony and are perhaps showing us the way back to living harmoniously. We have the common idea that we are evolving towards something greater but is it in fact the case that we are returning to that greatness that in truth already is the way of things in our Universe? We might need to ‘eat’ a few slices of humble pie to accept this – but perhaps we should not allow our pride to keep us in separation from our truly harmonious way of being. Humbleness can be a wonderful thing, opening us up to deeper and greater awareness of who we are and to the wisdom all around us.

  545. It is presented that we have evolved so much by the marker of our technological developments yet there is more illness, disease and general unrest throughout the world than ever before – that does not seem very evolutionary.

  546. At every turn we have so much around us that is temptation to encourage us to stay where we are in bliss ignorance. Yet most seem to be very comfortable with that. I know I certainly have been and that it requires a lot of commitment to keep pulling yourself out of these behaviours and habits by looking at what is really underneath and healing these hurts.

  547. Change always begins with ourselves first. We have a choice – to continue indulging – and we and the world get sicker. Or to make changes and evolve rather than indulge. With every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We have the power to change things. Is there the will?

  548. Great blog, we as human beings have definitely indulged in life, and still continue to do so. We complain about our ills and yet do not want to take responsibility for our choices. You are so true to say that evolution is a constant thing and if we are meant to be evolving then there is great work for all of us to do, by starting with self loving choices.

  549. Sure Natalie, every disharmonious choice comes back to us to make us harmonious and this will continue until we understand that we are not any special or superior but part of a grander whole in which we have an important role to play in order for us all to evolve and the universe.

  550. We behave as being king of the world, the peak in evolution but if this was true, do we live the responsibility for this? If we consider ourselves to be descended from the apes, how then have we developed such a disharmonious way of living to the environment we live in when we compare that with the harmonious way the apes live with one another and with nature? How come that we live unhealthy lifestyles, pollute the earth to such an extent that it has to respond with natural disasters, kill each other for any reason and still feel ourselves the superior race here on earth? To me this makes no sense although I can feel that we could be kings on this earth but then in a completely other way, in the knowing that we are the custodians of this planet and in that start to live a responsible life that corresponds to our nature and the role we have to play and start to restore the natural harmony that we have so blatantly disturbed.

  551. I was in traffic yesterday and an articulated truck carrying crisps was next to me and I thought man how many boxes of crisps would it take to fill that truck and how actually pointless it is having such a large vehicle on the road transporting a food that no one actually needs. What if the resources here were used to make nourishing foods without the indulgence of what we want over what we actually need. Would the ancients who built the pyramids and such be filling their bodies up on food substances that numbed their bodies? If so I do’t think there would be so many man made wonders of the world.

    1. I agree Kevin, what is the point of crisps other as an indulging snack, they do not nourish the body or support our evolution. When we are able to see like you have, that this truck load of crisps is purely for us to indulge and satisfy our taste buds, and is not only a step away from our evolutionary path but takes us in the opposite direction, then maybe we will see how many other foods are there just for our indulgence.

  552. Most young children have an awareness and clairsentience of who they are and assess the world around them by what they feel but this awareness wanes and usually vanishes as they progress through the years around the cycle of life, so they lose what they came into the world with. True evolution is to reconnect to our inner-most essence and return to who we truly are and where we come from.

  553. We are always evolving, even when we don’t know that we are or feel that we are. However, we are also indulging in many things in life, ourselves, our lifestyle, comforts. There is so much that we are capable of, yet we seem to settle, settle for less, settle for mediocrity, why? Because we like the comfort, the status quo, even though we complain bitterly about it. What will it take for us to stop and want to make that change?

  554. Research is forecasting that Japan by 2060, 40% of the population will be over 65! Is this the start of de-evolution and the beginning of the end?. The animal kingdom has a natural way of culling the old and side from the herd, we have found ways to prolong the period of time we are here but not the quality. What does this do for the overgrazing we are responsible for and the ever decreasing food supply’s for the planet. You have stated the actual solution to this problem, taking greater care of ourselves is the first step in our true evolution.

  555. Yes Kylie and our quality of life is often based on material success and it is relative to the next person, so if our lives are seemingly better than the next persons’ lives we accept this as good when in truth we are settling for a way of living that is not so good.

  556. The considerable change that can be seen within and around us when we choose to take care of ourselves and take responsibility for our choices is quite extraordinary. I can only imagine the effect this would have on a global scale should others be inspired to support themselves in this way also. It feels like we have a long way to go yet it will be well worth the wait.. even though in truth, the wait is just a waste of time delaying us from our potential as poor choices and irresponsibility tend to do.

  557. How can we seriously look at the state of the world and even utter the worlds that we are evolving as a human race? Most of us have missed the point when it comes to looking at all the so called ‘advances’ in the world and thinking we are evolving, especially when it comes to space travel. The amount of money, time and resources that are spent sending people, supplies etc. into out a space when we are not willing to look at what is happening on this planet and why are millions of people starving, being abused, homeless etc. Is this just a form of major running away from the consequences we as a whole have created? Another distraction away from how we are treating ourselves and others.

  558. It is quite interesting that we spend more and more on healthcare without actually getting that much healthier.

  559. We are in quite a tug-of-war at the moment with some indicators going forward (life expectancy) and others going backward (obesity). It will be interesting to see where it leads.

  560. We really need to consider what evolution truly is. Can we be humble enough to see beyond the seeming advances and abundances, and/or actually stop by the feet of it to see the actual state of our well-being – as an individual as well as a collective?

  561. ‘These world issues are not a coincidence and they are not ‘sprung on us’. These are problems that have occurred due to the way we have chosen to live’ We all know this as a truth, we can feel in our bodies the effects of the way we live, and yet our so-called intelligent minds override all that wisdom and create a life that is of total abuse to the delicate biological structures that we reside within.

  562. Evolution or indulgence is a series of movements that we choose to either move freely through a cycle or get caught up in patterns we may have held onto for long periods of time. Having a greater awareness of these old and well used patterns and asking ourselves why we choose to stay in comfort allows us to surrender to the feelings we have coming up and move through them. Evolution is asking us to surrender and be open to the learning and honesty of life that is continually unfolding before us.

  563. ” Are we too heading toward extinction?” Yes it is a question I have been pondering as the divides in society deepen and we are seeing such extreme behaviours, ‘normal’ has to be constantly redefined as we accept greater extremes of indulgent behaviours. I feel this is in response to missing true connection and appreciating we hold the key within to true evolution.

  564. If we stripped out all the technology from our current way of life we would be left with the stark truth that humanity has done little if any evolution for thousands of years. Evolution is not inventing new gadgets, machinery, space rockets and the like. Evolution is an inner growth, a deepening of awareness and wisdom, a strengthening of brotherhood. Our dire health statistics, on-going wars around the planet, deteriorating relationships are clear indications that while the rest of the animal kingdom is steadily evolving, humanity appears to be going back wards.

  565. If our path of evolution involves the food we eat, then as a species we need to consider where we are going. A simple human experiment of walking the supermarket aisles reveals a lot about how little we consider as a species what we eat and the effect it has on us. I eat pretty well with room for improvement and I only need to travel down about two food aisles in the supermarket to get all I need for healthy living. So what is in the other ten – twenty aisles and what is it doing to our bodies and our collective will to evolve.

    1. I have often wondered this myself Stephen about the amount of energy and resources that goes into producing stuff we don’t actually need or is good for us and does absolutely nothing to evolve us. Will our super markets of the future be four aisles of essentials or just filled with even more aisles of numbing substances?

  566. We all have the Power to change. If we do have the power to change, what is this power? And what is the relationship with evolving? Could this power be the love inside of us? A one unified love that is within all our hearts. And that the responsibility of us all is that we connect as much with that loving power within.

  567. Technologically speaking, we think we are evolving but really, we are just getting better at covering up the fact that we are still disastrously distant from our true inner being and essence.

  568. Most people think of evolution as physical, monkey to man. Perhaps we should consider if it’s possible to evolve in other ways – through our expression, through what we feel or by being led by love.

  569. In the animal kingdom there is nowhere to hide, survival of the fittest. We however can kid ourselves that everything is fine and we are doing OK because we can hide behind bandaid after bandaid. What would happen if the NHS did collapse under the pressure, then would we start to see the real picture?

  570. Some great points in here- when we look at human life through the reflection of what the animal kingdom offers us- it just doesn’t look intelligent. We have animals on our planet who do not eat in ways that harm themselves yet as humans- this is considered perfectly normal behaviour.

  571. The relationship between food and evolution is well worth exploring. Over the past few weeks I stopped eating some of the foods that I have been using to ‘cope’ with exhaustion and feelings of sadness. I was astounded by the level of awareness this choice allowed. If I supported my body to be a receptacle for awareness rather than using food to dull it down I can imagine I would be taking some significant evolutionary steps.

  572. It is certainly not evolution to be indulging in foods, drinks, behaviors and emotions, neither is it evolution when we are so scared of our behaviors affecting evolution that we just cut them all off while not understanding why we have them. Evolution sounds like a big word, but it only means the constant deepening of a stronger relationship we have with ourselves, and it is always a process.

  573. Yes if you think about it, how can we have evolved from the animals when everything in the animal kingdom is about being more evolved than the other species before and yet we as human beings seem to have gone backwards. We can overeat, harm ourselves, not get enough sleep, kill each other over religious beliefs… It does not make sense this is evolution from the animal kingdom that always honours their bodies and would never kill when it is not needed, we also don’t see obese tigers or birds and animals do not get so much illness and disease as we do. So yes what is our true purpose in life and why are we accepting all these illnesses and diseases as normal when it is clearly not?

  574. Indulgence has become the norm. It is not a fixed thing, we can increase the indulgence in our lives or choose to make choices that support an evolutionary development. What I am learning is that it is like peeling the layers of an onion, there is much to unfold and the pull to evolution is often met with the inner resistance which inevitably leads to an indulgence. It’s like we’re evolving back to what has always been known, a simpler way of being.

  575. What you share here is very revealing of the arrogance of the human race, we are convinced that we are the farthest evolved. But in truth we became lost along the way and involved over quite sometime, we kept ourself alive by the mental intelligence. But the state medicine is in shows that in our daily life we don’t live that intelligently… It is for us to notice this and get back to the evolution that we are here for, back to our true essence.

  576. We are indeed never victims of Life but forever remain in the driver’s seat.
    There is always a potential for great growth, learning and the ability to heal for each and every member of the human race.

  577. The more I care for myself, by listening to my body’s communications, the more obvious the indulgences and ill behaviours become. And as tempting or familar it can be to squash down that awareness from reaction but such harm doesn’t make the pain go away nor evolve us one bit. As a humanity we are a mess but avoiding the mess and our hurts only keeps us stuck in them.

  578. Evolution is not about advancing in the temporal world evolution is a return back to where we come from. Therefore there is no where to get to but instead a peeling back of the layers that get in the way of stopping us from feeling the glory and joy of who we are.

  579. We have equated, wrongly, that evolution is all about prowess – that is in the feat of technological advances and achievements and that we can walk straight and see very well thanks to visual aids when needed. Underlying this, is the ill seed that it’s all about the materiality of this one life, which we need to bolster with as much ‘ammunition’ as possible. And hence the wrong path we have taken – progress is not evolution and living constantly from protection slows down our evolution enormously so.

  580. You only have to walk around the supermarket and see the number of morbidly obese people and look in their shopping trolleys to know we are in a huge (pun intended) mess. People know they are in a mess as it is impossible not to but somehow manage to pretend it is not happening and not take responsibility for what they are choosing and their bodies are telling them. At some point there will be a massive wake up call that is no longer avoidable – just how far does it have to go and why wait and not simply wake up now?

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