The Deceit in Research and the Media – Let’s get back to Truth

by Sarah Cloutier, Animation Producer, London, UK

What is truth? Stephen Fry, a broadcaster and academic in the UK stated, “Truth is what is felt in the heart.”

Lies are everywhere, we are bombarded by the insidious evil of them – they permeate our thoughts, our language, written word, our entire existence is built on this false foundation.

We use them to bolster our fragile status quo and we create whole belief systems around the lies to justify our actions.

Look at the research around food. One study will say coffee is good for you; another will state the fact that it is a psychoactive drug that harms the nervous system, brain function and liver. Some doctors say that alcohol in moderation is good for your heart and are now informing pregnant women that drinking is harmless to their unborn child, others have proven that it damages the arteries, blood quality and brain function. The dairy industry marketing machine continues to say it (dairy) is our main source of calcium. Yet, facts prove that our bodies retain more calcium from leafy greens/broccoli and that consistent dairy product consumption causes lung, sinus conditions, IBS and a higher risk of cancer in adults.

The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us. And our bodies are shouting loudly with diabetes, obesity, cancer of all kinds, mental illness, suicide and sick leave, to name a few. These are skyrocketing globally.  Multi-symptomatic cases are presenting that require many specialists working together towards finding a solution for people who are desperate for an end to their pain.

It doesn’t make any sense, Does It?

Similarly, the worldwide press continues to print lies and half-truths for the masses that enable a general populace to remain ignorant and misled. Fed on a stingy meal of gossip, tabloid criticism and lies, the world’s population picks up the crumbs of ‘truth’ and builds a whole belief system based on scraps of flimsy ‘evidence’ and innuendo. Our ‘intelligence’ is read, absorbed and regurgitated.

Every press has its modus operandi – to gain more readership than another. The more readers, the more they will come back for another bowl of trifle. Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care, and so the people behind the press (researchers, journalists, marketers) lie to convince you to believe their story. Then they are rewarded for telling lies with higher share prices, promotions, status or awards. Every day we are reading cruel anecdotes passed off as ‘news’ that denigrate people who are unlikely to have the funds to take legal action against the rot of lies flung against them. And we gorge ourselves on it. Why?

Actors, musicians, politicians and their families and their children – literally anyone in the public eye has a target marked on their back. It seems that ‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen and this modern media expression is everywhere, and can attack by many means. Burning at the stake was the easy way out compared to the long, drawn out torture by faceless perpetrators on Twitter, Facebook, and commenting on blog posts. ‘Perceived strength through anonymous, abusive actions’. Why are they in hiding?

If you deign to stick your head above the parapet and start speaking truth, there are those out there who do not want their life of lies to be exposed – and they will inevitably take a shot. The pen can definitely be mightier than the sword – or so they think.

Lies are calculated and manufactured to mislead, control and manipulate. And whether intended or not, they always hurt people. Even when we lie to ‘protect’ someone, there is always an intention of control and manipulation. Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.

The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed. What we perceive is truth can only be felt and discerned by one who truly commits to feeling first from the heart. Stephen Fry is one individual who, like many, is observing that we have this knowing within us and can expose the true quality of lies, naturally.

By continuing to allow lies to dictate how we think, we are choosing to stay separate and judge each other in harsh criticism, comparison and jealousy.

By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia. The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference. I was speaking with a colleague and they said that speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything. But this complacency and accepting the current status quo is our own undoing. Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.

It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it. Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility. With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally. When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in.  Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.

What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone. There are many others gathering around the world who have chosen to not compromise on truth – to observe, feel and speak it. We have an opportunity to expose lies and their insidious nature in our lives. When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within. This will reveal a very different world; the choice rests with us.

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