The Deceit in Research and the Media – Let’s get back to Truth

by Sarah Cloutier, Animation Producer, London, UK

What is truth? Stephen Fry, a broadcaster and academic in the UK stated, “Truth is what is felt in the heart.”

Lies are everywhere, we are bombarded by the insidious evil of them – they permeate our thoughts, our language, written word, our entire existence is built on this false foundation.

We use them to bolster our fragile status quo and we create whole belief systems around the lies to justify our actions.

Look at the research around food. One study will say coffee is good for you; another will state the fact that it is a psychoactive drug that harms the nervous system, brain function and liver. Some doctors say that alcohol in moderation is good for your heart and are now informing pregnant women that drinking is harmless to their unborn child, others have proven that it damages the arteries, blood quality and brain function. The dairy industry marketing machine continues to say it (dairy) is our main source of calcium. Yet, facts prove that our bodies retain more calcium from leafy greens/broccoli and that consistent dairy product consumption causes lung, sinus conditions, IBS and a higher risk of cancer in adults.

The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us. And our bodies are shouting loudly with diabetes, obesity, cancer of all kinds, mental illness, suicide and sick leave, to name a few. These are skyrocketing globally.  Multi-symptomatic cases are presenting that require many specialists working together towards finding a solution for people who are desperate for an end to their pain.

It doesn’t make any sense, Does It?

Similarly, the worldwide press continues to print lies and half-truths for the masses that enable a general populace to remain ignorant and misled. Fed on a stingy meal of gossip, tabloid criticism and lies, the world’s population picks up the crumbs of ‘truth’ and builds a whole belief system based on scraps of flimsy ‘evidence’ and innuendo. Our ‘intelligence’ is read, absorbed and regurgitated.

Every press has its modus operandi – to gain more readership than another. The more readers, the more they will come back for another bowl of trifle. Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care, and so the people behind the press (researchers, journalists, marketers) lie to convince you to believe their story. Then they are rewarded for telling lies with higher share prices, promotions, status or awards. Every day we are reading cruel anecdotes passed off as ‘news’ that denigrate people who are unlikely to have the funds to take legal action against the rot of lies flung against them. And we gorge ourselves on it. Why?

Actors, musicians, politicians and their families and their children – literally anyone in the public eye has a target marked on their back. It seems that ‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen and this modern media expression is everywhere, and can attack by many means. Burning at the stake was the easy way out compared to the long, drawn out torture by faceless perpetrators on Twitter, Facebook, and commenting on blog posts. ‘Perceived strength through anonymous, abusive actions’. Why are they in hiding?

If you deign to stick your head above the parapet and start speaking truth, there are those out there who do not want their life of lies to be exposed – and they will inevitably take a shot. The pen can definitely be mightier than the sword – or so they think.

Lies are calculated and manufactured to mislead, control and manipulate. And whether intended or not, they always hurt people. Even when we lie to ‘protect’ someone, there is always an intention of control and manipulation. Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.

The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed. What we perceive is truth can only be felt and discerned by one who truly commits to feeling first from the heart. Stephen Fry is one individual who, like many, is observing that we have this knowing within us and can expose the true quality of lies, naturally.

By continuing to allow lies to dictate how we think, we are choosing to stay separate and judge each other in harsh criticism, comparison and jealousy.

By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia. The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference. I was speaking with a colleague and they said that speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything. But this complacency and accepting the current status quo is our own undoing. Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.

It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it. Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility. With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally. When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in.  Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.

What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone. There are many others gathering around the world who have chosen to not compromise on truth – to observe, feel and speak it. We have an opportunity to expose lies and their insidious nature in our lives. When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within. This will reveal a very different world; the choice rests with us.

866 thoughts on “The Deceit in Research and the Media – Let’s get back to Truth

  1. One voice may just be a ‘drop in the ocean’ but each drop creates ripples. We do have an impact on those around us regardless if we can’t see change on a mass scale straight away.

  2. Whether it is corruption in research or corruption in the media underpinning it all is the ‘self’ – an intelligence that isolates itself from others and places itself first as if it’s an island, and takes care of number one without regard for anyone else it effects. We have truly descended away from the most basic of attributes we have as human beings to care for ourselves and others, and to live from decency and respect. Even more concerning is how pervasive and normal this focus on ‘self’ is.

  3. “What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone. ” This will be the way the sea change happens when more of us feel that truth and are inspired to stand in it.

  4. This is a great point that you raise Sarah, “Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.” Truth for now is now too exposing of the false lie we are currently living, there is a huge investment in the lies that we peddle to and with each other. Once the status quo starts to shift humanity will shake off the stupor they are living in and find that the truth however unpalatable it may seem is far more enriching of life in the long run than the lies we have all fallen for in the short term.

  5. “When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way” – true, and when we don’t, we pile up more lies to dodge the ever present volume of truth that is showering upon us. The lies are becoming ridiculously obvious and we are exposing ourselves that we are willingly being lied to.

  6. Thank you Sarah, may I add that when we take our first step back towards truth and understand it is our journey and that we have all the support and love from those who have taken the same steps before then we feel the blessing of living in a way that communicates true love as we also reflect love and have the most amazing time learning how life can be a blessing.

  7. Many people that I talk to feel that as an individual they cannot make a difference in the world. They see the mess we are all in but feel helpless to do anything about it. This to me is one of the biggest lies we are sold and swallow. We actually can do something by changing how we live and taking responsibility for what we say and do. It may not seem like very much but if everyone on this planet started to live with more responsibility for their actions we would see the shift that we all want. Is it possible we are waiting for someone else to make the first move and that’s why progress is slow?

  8. I feel a change in what people will accept so many people I speak to now say they do not believe a word from the mouth piece of what we call the media. It’s as though we are at last waking up to the fact that we are continually lied to and it is our bodies that can support us to actually feel the truth of anything if we allow it to have a voice.

  9. Powerful article – especially the closing line – “the choice rests with us.” Indeed it does.

  10. What seems to be published is what fits our lifestyle. When we want to make sure we have comforts in our lives, then studies can be manipulated to say comforts are good for us. This is the world we live in and the lack of truth that we have said yes too.

  11. The truth is that we cannot but feel truth when it is spoken. It shakes us and stops us. When our mind says yes or no to what was felt the body has already aligned to it. We can confirm the alignment or simply order the body into disarray again.

  12. When we live and speak the truth we inspire others to be aware of truth and truth is more powerful than lies.

  13. We use lies to justify our chosen creation and thus cement us further into avoiding that which truly evolves us – truth and our expression of it.

  14. And still, the lies continue in a society where we are OK with turning a blind eye. But all we can say is that we can always, always feel the truth in our hearts, and so there is a need for us to deeply listen to and honor our bodies.

  15. We’ve constructed a world out of lies, we need lies for the world like ours to keep functioning – to keep its inequality and corruption in spin. And it’s time to admit it’s eroding all of us, including those who like to think they are benefitting from how things are currently.

  16. All these conundrums show how we are being played like puppets and that if you don’t like this as a way of truth then we have this way of truth but as Steve is sharing ‘Truth is what is felt in the heart’ and adding that it also unifies us in the most Harmonious ways and this-is-felt in the whole body.

  17. “The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us. And our bodies are shouting loudly with diabetes, obesity, cancer of all kinds, mental illness, suicide and sick leave, to name a few.” Yet ‘evidence based’ medicine has only recently begun to look at how lifestyle can play an important part in regaining good health. When we listen to our body, we know if how we are living truly supports us – or not,

  18. I know how important it is to be willing to see truth – it will show others how to see truth. “From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.” The other thing is if we choose the lies this is what will become ‘fact’ and allow it, this is all we will see. “The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us.”

    1. Listening to our bodies, which includes The Inner-Heart is key and we then start to move in a different energy so the lies are openly felt as a different vibration in our whole body!

  19. What you have written here is so true
    “Lies are everywhere, we are bombarded by the insidious evil of them – they permeate our thoughts, our language, written word, our entire existence is built on this false foundation.”
    And yet we have an inbuilt radar for lies all we have to do is reconnect the radar and we will discern everything.

  20. There are so many gems of wisdom in this blog including “When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in. Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.” It’s so vital that we each take responsibility to heal our lives, and where possible offer true support to others to do the same.

  21. The problem is not so much speaking the truth, many do that, but more so the willingness to take the next step and live the integrity of the truth so that the words spoken can no longer be ignored.

  22. The fact that numbers, as in money, goes before the truth says a lot about where are as a society.

  23. The more we connect to what we feel in our bodies, the more apparent and starkly the truth is felt, and the easier it is to express it. A work in progress if we’ve lived lifetimes in protection and numbness to start to allow ourselves to feel again, but slowly we learn again to trust in the truth of what we feel, and to live from there.

  24. This world is a very confusing place these days especially with the advent of the internet which now offers us a swathe of contradictory advice on every subject imaginable. But we need to be totally discerning and to not be enticed by false promises and hopes of a cure for our ailments. I read this morning about a woman who had diagnosed herself with food intolerances, but finally going to a doctor she has been told she has bowel cancer. Sadly, I am sure that her story is not a rare event.

    1. Ingrid when I was reading your words “But we need to be totally discerning and to not be enticed by false promises … ” I assumed it related to politicians, though in this case you were referring to medical issues. What I realised was just how many false promises and enticing things are on offer in place of people being truly responsible with information and sharing from their integrity.

  25. Many a heart felt truth has been hijacked with a dose of emotion. As humans our inability to separate ourselves from emotionally charged delivery of our deeper feelings is what holds us perpetually in a cycle of continually recreating the horrors that we no longer wish to see or experience in our world.

  26. Thank you Sarah, this is an extraordinary exploration of truth and lies. It has helped me to realise how little truth there is in the world and how we have stood back and collectively allowed this to happen as bystanders to the constant circulation of lies. We have effectively founded a way of life that is based on the lies, we have allowed our standards to drop and for our values to be eroded allowing corruption and the agenda of the self to thrive at the expense of decency and true community.

  27. “The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference.” If there were no drops of water there would be no oceans.

    1. Love your comment about the drops of water Jonathan. Every time we move, express and share, regardless of how small it may be, we make a ripple that reaches out far beyond us – and we never know the effect that may have on someone. When many live this the effect can be huge – as in your metaphor of the ocean. Will the effect be harming or healing – as it works both ways.

      1. The challenge I find is remembering that just because I do not see the ripples does not mean they do not have an effect. However, as long as I make them with the quality of love then I know they will be harmless if not healing.

  28. ‘Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care’ this is the sad state of affairs that our world has come to and yet there are still a few small pockets of people who run business on an ethical basis, who care about people more than profits, and we can live in a way ourselves to support them by choosing to buy products that are not produced by greedy corporates.

  29. “Lies are calculated and manufactured to mislead, control and manipulate.” and when we don’t speak up and call them out we perpetuate the game. It is so wrong that we have allowed lies and sensation to get in the way of truth. Give me truth any day, my body knows how to deal with that better than a manipulation that is trying to persuade, mislead, manipulate and control.

    1. And those lies are everywhere, they are in families, relationships, education, work places, systems, politics, advertising, music, science and research, the media… the list goes on and on. What we don’t realise is by allowing the lies we create an environment where no one truly thrives, where we accept and live a much lesser version of ourselves compromising our potential to live in true brotherhood together. This is because the truth is innate, by not living the truth we separate from who we are.

    2. This is the epitome of standing by, silently. What this attributes too is the very horror we are silently abhorrent of. Only our loving, steady, honest voices that come from a living-ness of integrity and truth will pull the rug from under such atrocities, that as a society we have accepted, through our silence.

      1. Well said Leigh, we are equally culpable as bystanders and it is only through practice in speaking up that we can speak up in the moments that matter.

  30. “Every day we are reading cruel anecdotes passed off as ‘news’ that denigrate people who are unlikely to have the funds to take legal action against the rot of lies flung against them. And we gorge ourselves on it.” It is such an abuse of power and responsibility. It is SO wrong that an industry we have entrusted to speak truth has turned into an industry that needs stories to keep readers, to keep relevant in people’s lives.

  31. It is very revealing to see low many lies we accept when they bump up against our comforts. When we want to believe something there is always a justification or back up we can find, though none of this is related to truth. A truth is a truth and cannot be created, it simply is.

  32. Direct and to the point Sarah, we are being lied to in every direction but we don’t really want to see it unless it affects us. We have accepted lies as being the norm, and that there is nothing we can do about it, but as you say we do have a voice and if we all start to speak up we will stop the circulation of lies that have permeated the very core of our society.

  33. Statistics can be manipulated to give an impression, only the other day there was a headline about wellness programmes at work and it made out that financial considerations were the main factor in choosing a supplier. 25% – yes high, but other factors had 18% and 16% plus a mix of others. To me a difference of only 7% doesn’t make it such a huge dominant factor and actually the spread was fairly balanced. But if you didn’t read the full report you only remembered the headline.

  34. When there is a benefit in not being truthful, many of us get tempted and succumb and some of us particularly so.

  35. Human beings believe what they want to believe. If it suits the comfort it is true if it doesn’t it is a stupid allegation and gets devaluated by its core.

  36. ” Lies are everywhere, we are bombarded by the insidious evil of them – they permeate our thoughts, our language, written word, our entire existence is built on this false foundation. ”
    Its quite bizarre reading this , how foolish are we , lies and more lies what a silly way to live.

  37. This has to be also a question of personal integrity and the fact that the world has lost all signs of respect, decency and integrity. I think slowly if we begin to restore our own integrity with the truth and begin to bring back decency in our everyday lives and communities the media and journalism will follow suit.

    1. Humanity wants to be lied at. That is why the media did get the power to manipulate in the first place. We all carry the truth in us, the moment we discard that fact, every other energy has free access to exist and to get spread out and the vicious circle of keeping us trapped in that ignored state of truth is paved.

      1. I wonder if we are ok with being lied at because it means that we can continue to live a lie and continue to live irresponsibly ourselves – until the day comes when we realise that lies are destroying our lives and the world we live in and they are hurting us enormously then we will begin to resurrect the truth.

      2. It needs obviously to become even more catastrophic, than it is already. Question is also, what will wake humanity up out of their comfort, if what already does play out in the world is not enough?! The arrogance and self-centredness of the human mind needs a stop. The immensity of the stop we do determine.

  38. “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.” Taking responsibility for the part we play in making such a mess is key. Slowly slowly the corruption and rot that exists in many organisations is surfacing. Truth will out in the end.

  39. There is so much support for ‘evidence-based’ articles and facts these days, but if the research is funded by organisations that purport to gain from their ‘outcomes’ how much can we trust said research? Transparency doesn’t appear to be one of their virtues.

    1. Scientists are going for ‘evidence based’ research but who is paying the scientists to conduct the research? and is it possible that these institutions are nothing more than an ‘old boys’ club where they use their ‘collective’ intelligence to control Science, isn’t this institution similar to Religion where is it more about protecting their right to control than it is about the people.

  40. ‘What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone.’ This is becoming more so. I can no longer underestimate anyone’s capacity for truth to be heard and expressed.

  41. As long as there is a demand for lies, gossip, salacious titbits and innuendo, the supply will also be there whether that be in writing, speaking or thinking, in art or any other expression.

      1. A need that only is there in the first place, because we like our self created comfortzone of not stepping into our true power and the responsibility which comes with it.

  42. If we have created an entire existence based on a lie, then it follows that the systems (medical, religious, educational etc.) that are part of this existence and every thought, belief and ideal adhered to that follows, will also be of the same energetic quality of that which it was founded on. To then speak what is true in this ‘house of lies’ creates a ripple that shakes the very foundation of that which we have created…and so the false pillars we have erected must crumble so that truth then becomes the founding stone for that which we erect in its place.

      1. And this we can only do in the presence of truth, for without it we have no measure for the darkness and we are lost.

  43. I fully agree Doug and it is crazy to think how divisive these mis-truths are yet how inclusive the absolute truth is. Essentially we are either only considering ourselves and those closest to us or we are considering everyone and the whole – there is no middle ground.

  44. We are taught to compromise from a very early age… and this is why it behooves us all to know and express truth, so there are ongoing reflections for those who come after us.

  45. We have been very busy trying to cover up lies we created by allowing even more lies – lies that tell us that they are the truth. We know what is true, not because someone says it so, but it is something we feel deep in our body.

  46. The willingness to admit that this world was built on a lie means that you are already half way there. It is a massive step for anyone to come to terms and heal their childhood issues but Universal Medicine has a very un-indulgent approach that does not require you to relive or relay your childhood hurts but rather leads an inspirational movement that promotes you to realise and confirm who you actually are.

    1. Yes great point there is a big difference between identifying and healing your hurts and issues and indulging in them and in this regard in my view this sets Universal Medicine apart in its approach to healing from many other healing approaches.

  47. Embracing our sensitivities and honouring the fact that we know truth in our bodies allows us to dispel the lies and corruption that are so rampant in the world today, so it is through our movements that we can offer a new marker for others to know that within themselves.

  48. It’s easy to get into thinking that the world is corrupt and media unfair and sure, it is, but the key part we need to see is that like customers in a shop we are the ones who buy the goods, it’s us who supply the demand. If we truly chose a different way the media and world would change today. This is a great sharing to remember Sarah when we face any situation we find hard. When we blame other people it’s actually avoiding our part.

  49. A powerful blog Sarah exposing the lack of truth we have settled for in life, the only way to bring any true change here is to stop turning a blind eye and to be willing to see the truth in every way, shape and form.

  50. Lies are everywhere. Its great to start challenging where we see and hear them and open up the conversations. Another good place to start is with us, and uncover the lies we tell ourselves.

  51. ‘The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference.’ I fully agree with you Sarah. It is the removal, or rather the burying of a person’s connection to the power that they have, by virtue of being a human being – because each and everyone of us holds within us the same power to make a huge difference, a difference that words can often not describe. We have been hoodwinked to believe we are powerless, because this suits the lie that perpetuates the status quo.

  52. Our movements produce a body that either knows to orientate itself or a body that allows for some level of dis-orientation. Even in the latter case, truth is something that cannot be missed. Feeling is the easy part. We can all do that and it has a particular feeling to it that is unmistakable. What is more challenging is to embody it and make it part of the foundations that impulse our movements. The reason why this is the case has to do with the level of pollution we allow in the body and how it configures it at an energetic level. So, it is not hard to see how someone who has the ability to reach the public in big numbers could end up doing what is not supposed to do. Understanding, however, does not waive responsibility. Moreover, it is utterly irresponsible to hold your body in dis-ease when your words can reach the many and influence them.

  53. If you can feel truth, let yourself do so with all your heart. Get into every angle and detail, get at home with the way it is. Build this, encourage this, celebrate this knowing. Don’t doubt it, dissect it or second guess it’s power. Don’t be scared of what others may say. If you know the truth, live and obey it then you have nothing to hide or fear. You surely will sleep well and feel clear. For those who try to fudge facts and twist truth the results will be tough and harsh in due course. When the truth is your friend there’s nowhere you need to run. Thank you Sarah for highlighting this masquerade of lies and games we play, all in vain.

  54. I love what you have shared here Sarah, for me truth comes from the heart, yet we live in a society that has manipulated life into many lies, because it excuses our action and we therefore don’t have to take responsibility for our choices, I am becoming increasingly aware how we can only change this by coming from truth, allowing others to see and feel that there is another way to live.

  55. I feel this is a blog that we should all come back to often as it reminds us all of the importance of speaking up and valuing our own voice. This affects both our mental and physical health let alone the ripple effect it has for others. “When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in.”

  56. The problem is, when we deviate from truth, as we have as a humanity for centuries upon centuries, we ‘fill the gap’ by creating many versions of truth, which are in fact lies, but we come to falsely and arrogantly believe are ‘truth’. The moment we step away from this we are in what Krishna referred to as ‘the land of the shadows’, lost in the perpetual darkness of our own creation, thinking we can see with our eyes shut. We then pitch our various ‘truths’ against each other and defend them with all our spiritual pride, such is our wanton way to not want to take responsibility for the love and truth we have walked away from expressing. Truth is absolute, universal and one-unifying and despite our lack of expressing it, it still lives and breathes within us all. For in order to create a lie, we must first know in full what is true so we then know how to move against it.

  57. I love the authority in which you write this Sarah. It feels rare to read an article as clear as this with no judgement or blame, a very strong clear light being shown on some murky waters. A great call to action for us all to step up and uncover the truth beneath the lies.

    1. I too love the authority flowing through Sarah in this blog. As I begin to experience situations of what it feels like to be in my authority people can react but also people can support me; to observe and respond to both situations with the absolute love is to evolve.

  58. It is over four years since you wrote this brilliant article Sarah and unfortunately not a lot has changed; in fact, most of what you reported has increased in its intensity and the stories reaching us every day are getting more and more hard to trust. But what is increasing in a most wonderful way is the number of people who are now living a life that is based on truth and slowly but very surely, they are starting to make a difference in this world that up until now we have allowed to be based on lies. Truth will eventually expose the lies for all to see.

  59. We have cobbled a world of lies together that leaves us separated from our inner-most and bereft of joy and our potential.

  60. Thank goodness there are people in the world like you Sarah willing to put their head above the parapet and speak truth regardless of whether the words are accepted or not.

  61. Today’s ‘public execution by pen’ that shadows our media is definitely not based on the principle of innocent until proven guilty.

  62. It has been a while but I am so pleased to re-read this Sarah. “By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia.” I must always remember this, it is self-indulgent to think that one person’s voice is not as valuable as another and, as you say, perpetuates the rot.

  63. It was a joy to come back and read your blog again Sarah, very powerful. It is true we do need to take the blind folds off to the lies we are living and that are all around us. The more we see and accept the truth the more revealing and obvious the lies become. We have found it easier and more comfortable to go along with the lies than to stand up with our head above the parapet and expose those such as the media that choose to lie for the purpose of self gain and monetary reward.

  64. Lies are insidious, they destroy peoples lives and pressure us to not be who we truly are for fear of being attacked. Choosing to not live from who we truly are, does not protect us from attack or hurt but instead locks it in the body manifesting as illness and disease. No wonder there is so much pressure from society put on people to distract and disconnect from the truth their body brings. Our greatest form of protection is to live connected to all our body confirms for us and to keep our heart open to the love which is abundance within us.

  65. Taking off the blindfold is daunting, because we then have to face the level of atrocity we have chosen not to see for a very long time. But, it’s necessary, necessary for us to take responsibility for our part in the devastation of humanity, and not by means of self punishment, but by standing up and speaking our truth rather than allowing the corruption to continue with our blindfolds on.

  66. The steady foundation that comes with committing to truth is something rather glorious.

  67. ‘It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it. Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility.’

    Yes, and to this I would add that being prepared to listen to someone who lives free of the lies and enmeshment we live in – who has woken from the slumber we are all otherwise in – is critical in terms of beginning to see through the fog we have created. Such a person for me, and many others, is Serge Benhayon.

  68. By being repeatedly told something, for example, that milk is good for us, many begin to take on the belief, but not only that, they do not ever question if it is actually our prime source of calcium. It is as if, when we given the same information over and over again, and so many others around us are agreeing with it, that we simply consider it to be the truth. And then when presented with the fact that this may not be the case, the actual truth is way too hard to accept.

  69. It is clear people want truth, and they want it badly. People know when the person who is being super nice is actually super fake. People know when the person who is feigning being too busy to do more work is actually just creating drama. Truth is wanted, desired and recognised, and it is available for anyone who is willing to live a life that holds truth as something to be valued.

  70. The choice always rests with us and as you have highlighted Sarah, it is our responsibility to speak up against the deceit and lies that abound in our society; how else will it change if we do not!

  71. We are so truth-starved, and the media does have a lot to answer for. But looking at the way we live, it actually suits us that way – for us to stay ignorant and apathetic, because it is us who is choosing to go by what we read/hear in the media instead of what our body says; it is us who chooses to go after a moment of bliss or excitement over joy/stillness/harmony. We are being fed what we are asking for. Truth has never not been available to us. Ever.

  72. Yes, we have created this way of living and it is our responsibility to clear up the mess we have made. This responsibility extends much further than most of us are willing to accept. It is in our everyday choices, our everyday movements and our everyday expressions. We are responsible in every moment – there is no ‘down time’. It will only be when humanity at large chooses not to support the way the media is operating that it will change.

  73. A stunning exposure and call for us to step up out of the apathetic ways that have lead to the lies and corruption that seeps through and taints each nation and system, and to choose to live the truth that resides within so to begin to resurrect a living truth in the world that we deserve to live in.

  74. I love this contribution; it makes it clear that we need to deal with our hurts, sooner rather than later. If not, we are completely at the mercy of whatever is being peddled as facts, truth and evidence-based research or practice.

    1. Just goes to show that we know more than we let ourselves know – a better ‘hush up so we don’t rock the boat’ kind of mentality in most instances.

  75. ‘When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in.’ Allowing ourselves to be truly vulnerable may not come easily when we have a long history of doing the opposite but no love can come in if we are stubbornly holding a position of hurt, and when we connect with the absolute truth where is the pain?

  76. We know the truth in every cell of our bodies, it’s simply whether we choose to use this truth as our compass for life, or if we let ourselves be guided by all the misinterpretations of the truth that we get in the media etc. The choice to know the truth is always ours.

  77. “speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything.” This is what we are made to believe but it is not true, as how could there be change if we didn’t start somewhere. It is the consistency that makes this drop a puddle, a lake, an ocean and inspires others.

  78. It is shocking to realise how much success is build on lies in our society. We know this is not a solid foundation and eventually will collapse, it is like building on sand. Lies don’t hold as the truth is inevitable.

  79. No matter what we try and do to avoid and eliminate truth it remains and will always remain as the foundation that unites us all. When connected to truth I am an equal part of that which makes up the universe, connected to everyone and everything and although lies are said in an attempt to bring down and destroy it is truth that exposes and conquers all.

    1. Beautifully said Caroline, our power is with truth, when we lie we in fact chicken out and know that eventually it will be exposed and we have to return to truth – this is inevitable.

  80. How do we discern what is true and what is not? By having a relationship with our body and feeling rather than believing what we hear and see.

  81. Whenever I am running with the energy of anger what I consider ‘true’ is widely different to when I am loving and harmonious. For example, I may regret what I find myself thinking and saying about other people. I have found that being committed to truth is more than just spouting judgements and ideals about how the world and people should be. It also requires a commitment to living a responsible and loving life.

  82. “Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing”. It is in protecting our hurts that separates us from our selves and from others and in this protection, the shutting down of our hearts connection, truth can never be found.

  83. When something is created from a certain energy it is designed to keep one in that energy. Much media comes from an untruth and sensationalism, created to draw one into the energy and become a part of it, enjoin it. In a society that can no longer discern truth from untruth by feeling what energy is behind something, we often are carried away with what is on offer.

  84. There’s a lot you share here Sarah and I think every part of it is important and very valid. Asking the questions like why do we gorge on junk media – on lies and gossip, judgement, bitching, comparison and jealousy instead of calling for true news and media are key for us to truly bring about change in how we live our own lives and in our world.

  85. What a super strong blog Sarah – you clearly show how words can be used to mean anything, the complete opposite of what the truth is. The world we live in shows that one and one does not always equal two, unless we bring in our body to identify truth. No wonder we dedicate so much time and effort to numbing what we feel, as it goes against almost everything we hold to be real. The fact is though living from our body is the only way out of this illusionary maze of words and ideas we help create.

  86. Being presented the truth may rock our world of comfort and bring up long buried feelings but at least then we have a choice to begin to heal what has been shown to us. If we keep on accepting the lies we are being fed by so many areas of society there is little hope of change so then it is so heartening to know that here are many “gathering around the world who have chosen to not compromise on truth – to observe, feel and speak it”; from this great change will come.

  87. Interesting that you start your blog on Truth and Lies with the statement: Stephen Fry, a broadcaster and academic in the UK stated, “Truth is what is felt in the heart.”

    I also just heard a video where Stephen Fry states: “Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world which is so full of injustice and pain?”

    Nobody who is connected to their inner-heart could ever make such a statement about God who is pure Love.

    As you say lies are everywhere and are an expression of us being disconnected from the love and truth we all share equally.

    You can find the truth about God, Truth, Love and the Evil use of language that separate us from our love and truth at

  88. Recently I’ve been feeling how beautifully this world is designed – for yes, we can sense and feel the truth, but our power to do this comes from our relationships and the way we connect to each other – together we have the whole picture of truth. So it makes sense to me, reading this morning that when we miss this connection and lie to ourselves, our joint expression, the media would become warped and twisted too. So how beautiful to see with blogs like these that as we come back to us, our true media returns too. Thank you Sarah for your joyful journalism here.

  89. You’ve written a very solid complete blog, Sarah and it’s very clear no one gets away with the effects of a lie. And like you say;’Even when we lie to ‘protect’ someone, there is always an intention of control and manipulation. Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.’ And we don’t have to wait on someone else (as I did and sometimes still do) but we can all make the choice to express and feel how natural it is for us to live and speak the truth that’s just there in our bodies waiting to come out.

  90. To think that we do not have a role to play, when it is about ending abuse and making it about love again, is simply exposing our irresponsible ways. How we prefer to stay blind and have a break from what is really happening in the world. How we are used to keeping ourselves numb, so that we do not have to act on what is actually required from us. The moment we think that we are different than the rest, or do not belong to that person or that group or humanity itself- we separate ourselves from the whole and hence, individuality is felt and lived. So we’ve all done that, and so must play our part again, taking the responsibility we know we have to take step by step, and then we will see what happens in our world today.. It will be a very different, but clear world when at least we have more and more truth.

  91. Sarah I love all that you have shared here and agree, it’s definitely ‘time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world’ that we have created.

  92. A very clear and powerful writing Sara delivering the truth about the lies we continually perpetuate in the way we think and live – all governed by the stranglehold of illusion from a consciousness we are conditioned to believe is real, over many millennia. Thank God, Serge Benhayon offers the reflection of another way to live – from truth.
    “Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing”.

  93. Very powerful Sarah, the media will continue to print whatever best serves it’s readership numbers, which at the end of the day, is what the masses are calling for. They will not change until we do… the power is all with us, vote with our dollars and do not buy their publications, and they will soon change their tune.

  94. Thank you Sarah for exposing the evil rot that is our world today – and how we have self-made own created it! No magic wonder, no magic force and for certain no incident. So, we are able now from this awareness and stripped illusion out of our way – to step into the responsibility of who we are and what we need to do, to unchain all the pain and heal the wounds, so we can step in our lights again and walk from there.. Inspiring so each and every single light of ours again.

  95. Truth is not only what is felt in the heart. It is expressed from a very deep and settled place within us and is addressed directly to another heart. Once is felt, it helps to settle the person who has heard it. The whole body nods and says yes to it.

  96. Very good points Sarah.. truly offering us how to step up to the evil that is going on every day, and how our victim behavior is shot out of the sky by virtue of this. Thank you for being so raw, real and direct about what truly matters in life and the next step for us in order to stop the deceitful evil.

  97. I had a conversation with a teenager yesterday about coffee. They told me how one of their teachers had told them that coffee was good for you (and moderate quantities of alcohol). I asked why everyone looks so exhausted, stressed and run down if coffee was good for you since just about everyone drinks it. I remember being completely dishonest with myself about why I drank coffee and what it did to me. I wanted to keep doing what I was doing, as I didn’t know there was another way and coffee was part of keeping me going in the short term, even though I got more and more tired

  98. The other ironic fact about dairy products being our main source of calcium, is that osteoporosis (depletion of calcium from the bones) is significantly higher in countries with high dairy consumption. If dairy is providing us with absorbable calcium, the opposite should be true.

  99. The media is a competitive profession like so many others whose prime focus is to win ratings and champions the success of getting the leading story no matter to what lengths the truth has been altered or fabricated. It is interesting to note that we as the readers have the choice to read – ignore, believe and share or discuss how far from the truth the facts can be when we are showing one side of the story.

  100. This is a great article that speaks to all of humanity, it speaks without judgment and with an authority that calls to a deep part inside of you. I am at a point where I feel I want to run away, I feel a voice to return to my old way not drinking but having fun, things have gotten too hard and I want to rest. This blog reminds me of the lie that has been fed to me about relief, for relief does not really exist, at least not in the way I imagine. What we are all searching for is a contentment and that only comes from dealing with what’s in front of you, behind you and bringing a quality that says I am so much more than my daily deeds. The contentment comes from your connection to your soul and that cannot be reached through escape, only reconnection.

  101. I find when I am caught up in a hurt, a drive or how I think things should / want things to unfold, I am not stuck in this ‘me’ picture and my view of life is reactive and limited. Yet there are moments when I am not caught with that and have a more expanded awareness of the whole. At such times I recognise truth as a rhythm, a harmony, and a holding that loves and honours all equally.
    I am understanding more and more that the level of lies and lack of truth in our world is due to the level of ‘me’ we are choosing to live, to an extent that most of us do not even recognise the lack of truth for what it is. It brings home a great responsibility, because each of us can start to change this trend.

  102. When we hear truth, it goes to the very core of us. Sometimes I notice it is received as an absolute feeling of certainty, no question, just an equal resonance within me, other times the truth might be disturbing but still known deep inside to be true. “Truth is what is felt in the heart” – it resonates with the truth and exposes the true quality of lies, naturally.

  103. We can only be fed a lie if we are not first full of a truth that is lived. This gives us a clue as to why we as a society have gorged ourselves on all that is not true and why we have the media we have today. Indeed, we now have the alarming state where so many of us have lived a false version of ourselves for so long, we can no longer discern what is true and what is not and so we swallow it all whole lest we expose the illusion we are under and have become so comfortable in.

    If we are serious about cleaning up the current mess of the world we have created by way of either lying or condoning these lies by our collective apathy in not standing up to them, then we need to get serious about uncovering our marker of truth and this is simply by way of what it is we are willing to live. In order to not get lost in a sea of lies, we need only live truth and live this in full, so that we know the moment something appears that does not match such majesty.

    1. Jolly well said Liane! We each of us have a responsibility to LIVE and express the Truth ourselves and thus provide a different reflection – but in order to do that, we have to start with honesty and becoming aware of and letting go of all that is not of truth.

  104. As I re-read this article and the enormity of what you’ve covered here Sarah, I can’t help but recognise all the more deeply, how The Way of The Livingness is the key. Without the truth we know being lived, for all of our ‘good words’ and the rest, naught actually changes… Evidenced by the doctor who recommends his or her patient not to drink – for the sake of their own health, or preventative health, or to cut down on sugar, for example – when he or she themselves drinks alcohol and has a diet full of sugar and refined carbohydrates…
    The world changes when we choose to make everyday choices in honour of the truth we know, and the truth our own bodies reflect back to us. Listen to our livers, our hangovers, our sinus and the rest – and the companies promoting regular alcohol and sugar consumption would fold (or change their ways) in an instant… And the difference in how we choose to live holds a tangible reality – that can most assuredly mark the way for others.

  105. The choice most definitely “rests with us” Sarah. Very well said. The world you describe is the world we have allowed – through our own apathy as you say, of ‘oh, it won’t make a difference…’ and the apparent comfort of at least knowing that things are so deleteriously off… it does give us plenty to complain about and fight against…
    Yet what if there is no ‘fight’, but simply an embracing of our responsibility – not just for looking after our ‘own patch’ but for the true welfare of all? The scale of what needs to change may seem insurmountable, but it will only worsen through our own irresponsibility. The change begins in our very own hearts, and our commitment to truth in our lives – as you say, we can all sense and know what is true – that is actually not the ‘hard’ bit, but rather, our honouring of the truth thereafter.

  106. So true Sarah, the choice rests with us – we can stay in our hurts and react to a world that we have externalized or we can connect to the All, the Truth that we innately know that lies within and empower ourselves to make real change by no longer holding back or blaming or condemning but by living life fully expressing who we truly are. This means opening our hearts to the world and bringing in the understanding and expressing from this rather than reacting from our hurt.

  107. “When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in. Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.” What a powerful piece of writing Sarah, here you show once and for all, what we say and do never applies to the media alone, but begins with me and you. No wonder the media is destructive, critical and mean when we are used to this way of being too.

  108. Why do we gorge ourselves on it? The answer came back clearly, because we have forgotten how to make life about people. Thus people become the brunt of jokes, sensationalism, bullying and it is all acceptable. It cannot be if we see each and every person as our equally divine brother.

  109. Beautifully and powerfully said Sarah, I love the truth shared in this line ‘Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility.’

  110. There is much here to open up to and put into play in my life. I love this quote from your blog Sarah. “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed”!

  111. Yes, we do feel truth, and I love when you say “When I come to the truth, I am not alone” and I agree. And I am also aware that it is in this knowing there’s others like us that we confirm our choices – whether that is to speak up, or stay complacent.

  112. “By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia. The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference.” Reading this feels like a pair of large loving hands reaching out and firmly but gently shaking the shoulders of humanity.

  113. The line about newspapers caring more about profit and people, and getting more people to read their papers really hit me today. It was no surprise as I had considered that before, but today in amongst your other words, it really rang true. And I am thinking that this is one of the reasons why we have such a love / hate relationship with the papers…because on a deeper/heart level we know the truth and we want to see it reflected in our journalism, but mostly we don’t so we get cross at it, don’t read it or ridicule it.

    But it is actually a reflection of our lives, because we know the truth but we choose not to live it either and the papers are actually reflecting our commitment to life and truth, on varying levels. But we often don’t want to see that so it is easier to blame and ridicule than take responsibility.

  114. So Stephen Fry, a man of reason, and an athiest to boot said “Truth is what is felt in the heart.” Gotta love that man, despite his difference of opinion when it comes to religion. When it comes to his view on societal values, I often find myself in complete agreeance with him, and whilst I find myself philosophically at odds with him from a religious standpoint, I cannot help but have a deep admiration and respect for what he often says, or at least his courage to challenge the preconceived notions many have around life.

  115. “Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are.” I love this line. There is no such thing as a harmless or successful lie because the lies we tell harm both the person telling them and the people they tell them to.

  116. ‘Burning at the stake was the easy way out compared to the long, drawn out torture by faceless perpetrators on Twitter, Facebook, and commenting on blog posts’. So very true Sarah and collectively this is an issue we all need to address with absolute integrity and resolution in our hearts.

  117. What a beautiful and honest sharing , and actual expose of which lies we are living that we have created to be our reality. Pretty scary actually to feel that by virtue of staying in comfort (lack of connection, responsibility) we deliver on purpose an illusion to life in order to not feel it (the separation to the divine).. So good start and lets continue this talk in our every day lives.

  118. Lies have become an integral part of our way of living, from the small while lie of ‘I’m OK’ to the huge corruption that happens in the corporate world and in drug and oil industries. It all starts with us, how honest are we with ourselves – do we kid ourselves that we are living truth? This paragraph is an important one:-
    ‘It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it. Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility. With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally. When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in. Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.’

  119. Speaking up does make a change – and you can usually feel the shift in the room when you connect to what you feel is true and then express it. Sometimes it feels like people are not really used to it so they look up, recognizing that there was something different in the way you spoke.

  120. This is such a clear presentation of the choice we all face do we stand with truth or not? Truth never goes away, yes it can be veiled by lies, but it is always there, and will out – so the question really is how long will we delay? Anything without the basis of truth is not worth it ultimately – the truth really does set us free.

  121. “Burning at the stake was the easy way out compared to the long, drawn out torture by faceless perpetrators on Twitter, Facebook, and commenting on blog posts.” What a line! I pondered this for a moment (being burnt alive sounds pretty horrific) but the stories I have seen of people being preyed upon online, blackmailed with revenge porn and held to ransom by people who threaten to send images to friends and family and the horrific lies and abuse that Serge Benhayon and his family have received from online trolls are all an example of a world gone mad. The internet is being used as a weapon and no one is regulating it because we have come to expect a high level of abuse in our media as our normal.

  122. ‘When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in. Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.’ This is so true, dismantling our protective guards allows us to feel from our hearts the truth of any situation and truly connect with others and speak our truth. The world is crying out for this and for each person who is prepared to go there they reflect the possibility that we can all do it.

  123. True research allows for an openness to what is discovered but so much scientific research nowadays is funded by bodies with a vested interest in the outcome i.e. they are trying to sell more of their products. Thus truth is an early casualty but only because we are all willing to accept the lies and myths we are being peddled rather than feel what is true in our bodies. Speaking up whether we feel we can make a difference or not is the only answer because by staying silent we are complicit in the damage that is done to humanity and the ever increasing costs both monetary and in decreased health and wellbeing.

  124. So much research is funded by companies who have a vested interest in the outcome. And lobbyists get to those in power to advance their own agenda. We just have to keep calling out the lies wherever we see them. A small wave – of truth – can eventually become a tsunami.

  125. ‘What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone.’ This is all part of the trick which keeps us living in a self-perpetuating system. If we feel we are alone or in the minority then we are less likely to speak out however every single living human being knows that our way of living is not right.

  126. It’s one of the biggest myths or lies out there, that one person speaking truth is only a drop in the ocean or won’t make a difference. This is only so because we may be looking for an outcome that we can see with our eyes. Truth holds it’s own for all time. It may not be widely known for some time, but is eventually seen. So holding back a truth is not about the truth at all, it’s about us not wanting to be seen.

  127. The sometimes blatant manipulation and deceptive practices in research is staggering. Discernment and calling out lies and deceit is the key.
    I agree the quote by Stephen Fry is wonderful is supporting us to discern; “Truth is what is felt in the heart.”

  128. I love that quote from Stephen Fry -“Truth is what is felt in the heart.” – so often things can be presented with clever words and sound sophisticated or enticing but underneath that from our inner most we can sense what else is going on unsaid behind the words…

  129. A drop in the ocean it may be but even the slightest movements create ripples. Following the truth of my feelings may on the surface appear small but the ripple affects are massive. Using a persons name badge or giving eye contact while connected to my body, are very small outwardly appearing gestures but underneath what we can see there is much more going on that we can feel.

  130. When we allow ourselves to be fed information, without questioning and discerning the nature of its character, we are no longer asking for truth.

  131. When we live a life of lies and half truths we begin to be swallowed up by the illusion that there is nothing we can do to change the world around us, that it is up to someone else. We bow down to the knowledge of others and soak up the stories fed to us by an often greedy and profit driven media, and slowly as we separate from the truth we separate from our fellow man. But as you write so wisely Sarah there is an alternative that many are now beginning to embrace and that is, “From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.” Change is always possible and yes it can begin with one voice, one tiny but powerful drop in the ocean of humanity.

  132. Love and truth are who we truly are, lies and fabrication are there to cover over this truth.

  133. Lies separate us from self and others and true brotherhood and healing can only come from truth

  134. The trick with the media is that they give us some truths blended with half truths to plain lies and in this way they can manipulate us like puppets, we swallow what they present line hook and sinker even though most people that has had any form of experience with having something written about them or perhaps something they did or participated in know that what comes in press is pretty much always formed, shaped, tainted by the one writing it and in the end it comes down to a person wanting to keep the position, being recognised, making the paper or network look good and this we hold as truths because we might not see anywhere else to go for information. But if we were to listen a little deeper we would find a voice that actually knows everything. It’s just that that voice can only be heard if we get still enough. Where do the wise women and men throughout history draw their wisdom from? Surely not their heads so when someone says that truth is felt in the heart you know they have looked a bit further than the façade we are presented with.

  135. As I negotiate my life I am beginning to feel that heartfelt truth is that which truly heals our world. There have been times where I have not spoken this, only to feel later that both myself and others I was with had missed out on something, subtle yet powerful, something that was being asked for in that moment that could have supported us all. As I allow for more openness and say more what I have felt from my heart, there is such a grace in how I speak. This in itself is a great healing for all, let alone what is actually spoken. Heartfelt truth is the only thing that will bring a halt to the lies and deception we have all been a part of.

  136. The lies that we live with create a tension in the body that never lets us truly rest or feel complete.

  137. What gets me the most about the lies and misleading information in the media and in research is that there are so many hundreds and thousands of people supporting it. Most people deep deep down know that its lies and bringing harm and an illness to humanity and the way we think. The only true way that the falseness of media and research will stop is if humanity start asking for the truth, instead of lies, which unfortunately the so called success of the media and research shows people are asking for it as it is.

  138. In general research has been distorted and has become a tool to promote convenient false truths that aren’t necessarily in the best interest of people. Instead self interest (or in many cases the self-serving interests of a company ie profits and sales) gets blended into the mix and then we have research that becomes selfish and greedy.

  139. The truth can be felt when we observe media with discernment. The problem is we have become complacent and just accept what is being printed or shown on a screen as normal and this acceptance when fed by complacency, grows bigger.
    I have noticed that when I express the truth it is surprising how many others feel the same so one voice can become many and lies get exposed.

  140. Truth is what is felt in the heart; this statement is so true and provides a guiding light for us to live by.
    Expressing the truth, when it is felt in the heart, is vitally important for our overall well-being thus calling out what is not true.

  141. “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” When we say nothing and do not stand up for truth we are responsible for adding to the lies that can become an accepted reality. When one, then another, then more, then many stand up and claim the truth, the truth is unveiled and the lies are exposed.

  142. No it doesn’t make any sense Sarah; how is it that humanity has come to a place where lies are everywhere.
    It is certainly up to each and everyone of us to make choices that will begin, and continue, to change this scourge in society and the media. Thank you for highlighting this issue and inspiring us.

  143. The media is in our faces everyday via magazines, newspapers, social media, advertising, TV, radio etc -it is so hard to get away from the constant barrage of misleading information that we are being fed. We contribute to it as we subscribe, read and buy it and discuss the juicy bits in our daily lives even though a lot of it is lies. To feel truth we need to be discerning, to speak the truth we need feel and ensure that what we are sharing is for greater humanity and not for our own gratification.

  144. ‘With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally. When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in.’ This so crucial otherwise we are likely to react to the corruption and injustice in the world in the same energy that it was borne in in the first place.

  145. Phenomenal piece of writing Sarah. It is absolutely our responsibility to be the first drop in the ocean should we ever want to see truth as our norm rather than the peddling and repetition of misinformation.

  146. I have come to realise that my efforts to examine and address my own behaviours and the intentions behind the things I do and think absolutely count in the bigger scheme of how the world operates. As you say Sarah, complacency is a cop out because the mess that is out there is one we have all contributed to in some shape or form.

  147. Boemm, Oh my dear God, for real I am grateful the lies in life are being exposed : ”Lies are everywhere, we are bombarded by the insidious evil of them – they permeate our thoughts, our language, written word, our entire existence is built on this false foundation.”
    We all know that the current way we live is super dishonest at the same time we are enjoying the familiarity and discomfort of that (or should I say comfort, which never truly is comfortable as we know). As how can one be separate from their soul and feel truly good?

  148. I always remember the old saying, ‘figures don’t lie but liars figure’ meaning statistical figures can represent whatever out come you want! When the figures are from truth they stand-alone.

  149. I have nothing to add Sarah. You speak for me and I’m sure so many others. Your voice rings loud and true. Responsibility for the way the world is lies firmly at the doors of every single one of us. It is never too late to start to change it and even a drop in the ocean causes ripples which build to waves. We are so much more powerful than we can even begin to imagine.

    1. Vote 1 Sarah Cloutier – these are the types of speeches we need in the public/political domain. And what you say Lucy is spot on – her voice rings loud and true and I love what you say about a drop in the ocean has ripple effects. Perfect.

  150. Spot on Sarah. The growth of social media and the capacity to comment under the cloak of anonymity has created a situation that allows complete disregard for the responsibility we each hold for our own behaviours and towards others. While this isn’t the only area that shows such a lack of love, it is one area that appears to be out of control and any steps being taken to tighten up the loop holes appears to be lagging well behind what is actually happening. What is staggering is that we have created this mess in the first place.

  151. We have, in Unimed Living , an organisation that is presenting, with full transparency, a connection and awareness with the essential qualities of humanity that are essential for us all.

  152. Most superbly written. We no longer can get away with lies and then say that speaking truth is not enough.. As who is saying that? Is it the truth that is saying that, or again the lies? The answer is obvious. Therefore we can no longer get away with anything – we have to choose and stand for our responsibility. We have equal amount of power and this reflection needs to be lived by everyone. This is our piece to the puzzle; our speaking up might not be not saving us all, but at least it inspires everyone to eventually stand for the truth they know. Then we got the whole puzzle together, so our own voice makes a huge sense and difference. ”Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.”

  153. I have been surprised this week at the lies that come out of my mouth or that of those around me. Once spoken it has been, what was that, that is not true. Once we would have defended the lies as true but this week I could see that what I had expressed should never have come out of my mouth.

    1. Beautiful said Sally, “once we would have defended the lies as true but this week I could see that what I had expressed should have never come out of my mouth”. The honestly that corresponds to this level of awareness is making me humble, humble to allow myself to feel that there are aspects of hurts in me too that, when not healed or dealt with, are able to express through me while it is not my intention to do so. This humbleness helps me to commit more to deal with the hurts that I carry as these are the empty pockets in me through which evil can continue to dwell.

  154. Your sharing reminds me of how big the difference can be, what science is recommending to us and what our body communicates. In the past I was very confused about this – very often I believed what I read in a book or what somebody has recommended. Thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I know now, that I just have to ask my body, if I want to know if something is true or not.

  155. The choice does rest with us. Rarely do we take the time to acknowledge jusy how much we live our lives in complete denial of the truth. Just reading this opens my eyes to the fact that I tell myself lies about myself on a daily basis, continually criticising, comparing and judging myself and it feels natural purely because I’m faced with lies everyday in society. I can’t stop the media from doing what they are doing, but I can take stock of how I’m living and certainly choose to bring more love to myself and hence be able to offer more out to the world.

  156. This is a very well presented blog Sarah. I agree that we all need to stand up and be counted where truth is concerned. So many of us as you say are afraid of being persecuted if we speak up for the truth, but nothing will change if we continue to hide, but much will change if we speak out in word and action.

  157. Lies are a lot like an onion. Layer after layer and if you get to the middle they get smaller and smaller but never get to the seed that it grew out of. It is ironic that people try to bury the truth, sweep it under the carpet and lock it up. You never hear anyone trying to destroy the truth? Truth is the bell that rings in the darkness and will always find its way to sprout and grow for all to see.

  158. ‘Burning at the stake was the easy way out compared to the long, drawn out torture by faceless perpetrators on Twitter, Facebook, and commenting on blog posts’. Sarah it’s actually quite shocking to realise that this is in fact true! And further, this is without even considering the wider effect on others who may not actually be targeted themselves but live in fear that they may too become victims themselves of the destructive effect of this ongoing torture they see occurring to others without any boundary. It is without doubt that the ripple effect of the allowed abuse throughout our social media sites is crippling us all and is being felt by all in society.

  159. Compromise is built into society today … it does the two-step with tolerance, and together they support energetic mediocrity in peoples awareness. When someone does not compromise with truth, and also has a direct experience of the Divine, then there is the possibility of a paradigm shift that could shake the world.

    1. You said it cjames2012! Huge possibilities lie in each and every one of us. Choice…it all comes down to choices.

  160. “Lies are everywhere, we are bombarded by the insidious evil of them – they permeate our thoughts, our language, written word, our entire existence is built on this false foundation”.
    How devastating it is to read this Sarah, but it is true and deeply felt.
    Yes let us get back to truth; calling the lies and deceit out on all levels.

  161. “What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone”.
    No Sarah we are not alone, as you say many people are gathering around the world expressing and seeking truth.
    Truth that is felt in the heart and in our bodies.

  162. Thanks Sarah – such a powerful piece of you. I loved reading it and I agree with you, only truth and our body can show us the way and it is time to stop playing games or to pretend, the mess in this world has nothing to do with me. It is time to stand up and to take responsibility for everything – everything matters.

  163. Powerfully written commentary on the current state of affairs Sarah. Your call to action in the words ‘But this complacency and accepting the current status quo is our own undoing. Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.’ Yes, I need to speak truth fully, the truth felt in my heart. We are all responsible for the current state of affairs if we do not speak out.

  164. Powerful sharing and a great call to humanity – thank you Sarah. I agree with Stephen Fry “truth is felt in the heart” and Serge Benhayon has been presenting the exact same thing. We simply must stop allowing our minds to overrule what the heart knows. And we CAN create change by speaking up against the lies and deceit. As each one of us speaks up it inspires another.

    1. This is so true Deborah. We all recognise truth, we feel it deeply in our heart, body and soul, its up to us to honour it and not hold back from expressing it from all the love that we are. We do so, change is assured, evolution is inevitable.

  165. If everyone has given up on the whole truth because of personal agenda, politicians, churches, media etc, then it’s up to the every day person in the community to stand up and remind them and demand a return to decency.

    1. Well said Melinda, nobody is too ‘small’. We are all equal and we all can choose to make ourselves heard; not in a bullying way but in a strong and clear fashion, stating what is true and what is not.

  166. This is so important in an era of ‘evidence based’ medicine etc. When the research contradicts itself we have to ask what is going on here? Our own bodies speak truth to us – if we choose to listen. But we don’t want to hear that – we want quick fixes so we can carry on as normal and stay in comfort. We are sold so many ‘convenient truths’ that absolve us from taking responsibility for ourselves. When do we really listen to a wake-up call – and then not return to our previous ‘normal way of life’ when the crisis is over? Not often in my experience. And so it returns…..

  167. Sarah, this is a serious wake up call for us all. We created the world we live and no lies will ever change that, only truth can. And each drop of truth spoken, someone hears it and remembers there is truth and they can connect to it too. We are so much more powerful than we often allow – reading this today was a great reminder not to give up, but to keep feeling and uncovering those hurts which stand in the way of truth.

  168. This is true Sarah, there are many around the world who are feeling the mass of lies sold every day, and the need for a return to truth in a big way. By not expressing it, in any seeming small way we can, we will never change the status quo, and the state of our planet. Expressing truth is the only way out of the mess we have created.

    1. Agreed Amelia and Sarah. It’s easy to keep our heads in the sand and ignore the corruption, lies and deceit – until it directly affects us and then we tend to become a little more proactive. Yet the reality is that everything that affects others also affects us and that makes it always our business to expose the lies etc when we are aware of them.

    2. Well said Amelia, truth is just the most important thing, as without it, nothing will change and the rot will continue. Lies are now so easily spread through the internet, so we are confronted with what we have allowed. Now we have to face this fact, rather than go into overwhelm and accept or ignore it, as it will not just go away, it will grow, if we are too complacent to take a stand; a clear YES to truth and a clear NO to lies, and attacks on people who dare to stand for truth, no matter what.

  169. Allowing lies is holding yourself and others as less, because it’s like saying, we are not worth the love it would take to speak up and bring truth to this situation.

  170. ‘By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia.’ I used to believe that one person cannot make a difference so I wouldn’t have to feel responsible for the mess we are in. Now I believe that united we can move mountains and speaking up is the very first step.

  171. We all feel energy and when we choose to do so, lies are easily seen through and speaking up is also required, as all lies require is for us to see them and say nothing.

  172. Lies have always been to increase something for someone or thing to the cost of and detriment of others. The problem is we know this is happening and we do it anyway. You are spot on Sarah that is time to stand and use our voice that these lies are no longer acceptable.

    1. Absolutely, Lies have and always will create a separation between people and it is through allowing lies and by not expressing truth that also allows the separation we tolerate within our lives

  173. What is possible when we connect to our inner heart is amazing – we see the lies and the false ways of living literally forced upon us in every way. Truth is the light shining in the darkness of what we have known as life – life is not a true way and will be broken by the truth expressed by all.

    1. Truth is the light shining in the darkness; how true Lee; so let’s connect to our inner hearts and get back to light and truth.

  174. “The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference. ” I am so pleased I have found your article Sarah – this should be read by all of humanity. It’s very empowering to come to an understanding that just by expressing truth creates the change we are all hoping and seeking but sitting back, feeling small and overwhelmed and thinking it’s up to someone great to come along and do it. We ARE that great person we are waiting for – in our own homes, we ARE the change. Thank you Sarah for such an empowering and important message.

    1. Beautifully summarised Ginadunlop, I also feel it is very empowering to understand what expressing truth creates and how we hold that responsibility to ourselves, each other and our communities to speak up and out. There is never any change that comes about through comfort and inertia, they are the seeds of stagnation, corruption and a lot of ills that are proliferating in our society today.

    2. Wow, I love that ginadunlop – we need to stop waiting for that greater person to come and change all the untruths we don’t like in this world, and realise it’s us, each one of us, one by one, making a difference, wherever we are, speaking up and saying no to all the lies being spread and readily regurgitated. This is truth, the strength of it can be felt undoubtedly, and we do know truth when we come across it. Therefore we do know lies as well.

  175. “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” When we all stand up and speak out for truth then the veil is lifted.

  176. Thank you Sarah for a very descriptive article detailing the deception we are being constantly fed. The beauty of truth is that eventually it catches up with everybody sooner or later.

  177. If we really claimed the fact that we have created the world that we live in it would immediately bring far greater responsibility and most likely truer answers to our many current dilemmas.

    1. Yes Elizabeth we have created a network of deception and complacency. Everywhere we look we found lies. Knowing that we are not insignificant and that our speaking up does count is very liberating although it may take time for some of us to stick our head up above the parapet. Nonetheless once the seed of truth is planted nothing will ever stop it.

    2. Oh yeah, that it is not someone or something else creating this mess, it is US, human beings. And we are all connected and one so we are all part of it.

  178. This is the most impressive, touching and true call to humanity I’ve ever read…. Thank you deeply for your honest words.
    I know that people keep arguing and mostly defending their way of living from their angle. But looking at iy all and only once get in touch with the responsibility we have concerning not only the self but the all – your words just hit it as it is. “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.” Awesome words you stand for.

    1. Thank you Christinaheckec, when I look at the lies and corruption proliferating across all areas of life I see the focus on self and self only behind it. When we see these lies and do not speak up I see the focus is also on self and self only.

    2. Yes I feel the same. It is packed with some real punches and does not hold back but it said without judgement and showing a way forward.

  179. What a powerful, empowering blog Sarah!!! Reminding us, that we all can make a difference in not holding back the truth, no matter how many other people are out there not choosing this yet. Someone has to start. Big, what you shared of healing your old hurts and “not living to let the world out.” That is so true…There is still a part in me that is very good in managing to live and not let the world in. My focus is on that and your blog was really supportive.

    1. I agree Steffihenn, it is astounding the lengths that we will go to not to rub up against a childhood hurt, including defending that which is not true. Being open to healing childhood hurts then allows us to commit to truth in full.

    2. Yes Steffihenn it’s about expressing the truth that is lived from within us all. I too still have times where I just live life and not let the world in. But by healing our past hurts we are making great progress forward and that’s a beautiful step to make.

  180. I love this Sarah. We can only be uncomfortable with the truth if we are harbouring lies we do not want to see, and thus do not want to take responsibility for.

    1. Great Kylie. For why would anyone not want the truth unless the lies help us out in some shape or form. Seen as simply as this, brings a lot of choices into question, and this can be uncomfortable if you are not prepared to take responsibility for them.

    2. Great comment Kylie – if we harbour lies, they have to sit over and cover up the truth. It is like wearing a layer that we are not meant to wear. It makes us uncomfortable because it is not our natural state. Truth is our natural state.

  181. Yes Joesph, I agree. Truth does stand out like the proverbial elephant in the room when we are ready to receive it, even though it is, always there. It seems futile to not go with truth when the other alternative constantly bites us on the butt.

  182. “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” Considering this how fooled are we that we continue to fuss about with these veils or ague over their shade or hue, when all the time stands the truth like the elephant in the room?

    1. It is very true Joseph the majority of society does not want to look at the elephant in the room that the way we are living does not support vitality and well-being. It is easier to slam and tell lies about others than look at and own the mess we have created by living in disharmony and lovelessness.

  183. It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.’ Ouch! Why on earth have we bought into the lies that have been told, why have we said nothing which means we agree with the lies, this blog really tells us we have been joining with the liars because we chose not to speak out. Time to change, time to speak truth.

    1. Hear Hear judykarenyoungjudy young. Saying nothing is agreeing with the lies – in silent endorsement. When we do lift that blindfold and see the world, knowing we have created it is a definite ouch moment, but also a moment of the expansion of responsibility going forwards.

  184. We have been so resistant and comfortable in the face of growing evidence that society as we know is in big trouble. And yes it’s time to break through the lies and expose the deceit in every detail.

  185. “Lies are everywhere”; what a very sad indictment on our society.
    To change this shocking habit is up to us; to speak the truth from our hearts; to consistently and persistently call out what is not truth.
    Thank you Sarah for highlighting this issue.

  186. Humanity misses truth as a foundation of life. Instead life is a continuous exercise at manoeuvring to be better off in spite of what happens to the rest. Life rests of systems that make sure that it is not about US first and foremost. These systems provide incentives that are too difficult to resist by people who choose corruption as a way of living. That is why, we have to speak truth.

  187. Really cool article, I totally concur with all you have pointed out here. We all have our part to play in getting the world back on track. I am invigorated by this blog and it shows the power and timelessness of truth, this was written in 2013 and yet is completely relevant now.
    The truth is known in one’s body but only if you give the body space and the care that it needs can it operate at its full potential like a well oiled machine: when this is in place, without perfection of course,the body will never allow another lie to pass through it unnoticed.
    Thanks Sarah, you’re a powerhouse with a beautiful name!

  188. As the old saying goes you can beat an egg, but you cannot beat the TRUTH, no matter now hard you try.

  189. Thank you, Sarah. It is a real eye-opener when I realise what I thought was a bit of complacency was actually a lack of responsibility; and what I thought was a bit of naiveté was in fact ignorance – and there’s always a way forward and that choice is ours.

  190. Many of us complain about the state of the media these days. Most of us understand that the media rarely brings the whole truth to a topic, blinded as it often is by the ideals of the journalist. Having said that, it would be true to say that we actually have the media we asked for, especially if social media is anything to go by. We give a thousand likes to anything that entertains us, whilst anything that makes us uncomfortable or exposes the way we live gets conveniently ignored. Why should our professional media be any different? The truth is that if as a society we were truly uncomfortable with the fact that our politicians and media conveniently lie and distort the truth, we would have demanded change long ago, rather than accept them for what they have become, and our own use of social media would reflect a very different world. Unfortunately, the same propensity for gossip, drama and sensationalism that plagues our modern media also plagues our own lives on social media, confirming the fact that our media is never going to change until we as a society change our priorities.

    1. Unfortunately what you write Adam is absolute truth and can be seen everywhere especially in social media where any so-called ‘social gossip’, animal photos, etc receive a wider and more rapid sharing than an article which brings a truth that many are not yet prepared to see.

  191. Speaking the truth comes from deep within. If this truth is not felt and owned, then speaking words about a truth you have heard of and believe is right, will not be heard as ‘truth’, until it is who we are. Uncovering the lies we have taken on and lived through our belief system, ideals we carry and exposing them for what they are is the first step – we are responsible for living and speaking the truth – it is simple and it is up to us.

  192. The choice does indeed lie with us. In a world that is run on lies and corruption, standing tall and speaking truth can bring the wrath of those who do not wish to have personal responsibility as their way of life, but this need not affect those that choose to be honest with themselves first and foremost. Every single person that chooses to live a life based on truth from this day forward makes a difference. The tide will eventually turn.

  193. Thanks for a very informative blog Sarah, and a great overall analysis of the world we live in at present, however this will change as more people become aware and speak up about the deceipt, lies and corruption that the world is engulfed in, as you have done in your article

  194. I loved coming back to your inspirational blog this morning Sarah. You have shared so much truth, wisdom and common sense, and in doing so exposed the foundation of lies that the media has built to keep its audience in the thrall of illusion. But slowly and surely there is a wave of disillusionment of this control and manipulation spreading around the world as more and more people are beginning to say, “enough of these lies”, and are standing up for truth, and as you so wisely say “From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.”

  195. Observe, feel and speak the truth. Love that line. It all requires from us to be deeply connected to ourselves, our bodies and feel what is there. I found out the more I am, the more signals I can hear/feel my body is sending out. It has been a practice for me to give words to what I feel, like learning a new language. But it is worth it. It feels like re-learning the language of what is true.

  196. Great topic Sarah, there is one saying that always springs to mind, that I have never liked ‘never let the truth get in the way of a good story’ is it not time that we stopped telling stories and concentrated on the Truth!

  197. Thank you Sarah, as I was reading your blog I could feel how wonderful it is what the website Unimed Living is presenting to the world. An ongoing epic presentation where accountability is foremost, self responsibility is paramount, and the energetic quality of truthful expression is its foundation.

    1. Agreed Chris and the Unimed Living website is very real and true research – from people who can testify from the changes in their own lives and their own bodies.

    2. Absolutely Chris. Unimed living is setting a foundation of truth and integrity in the media. A beacon of light leading the way.

  198. The truth is that we have the media that we asked for. As long as our side of the white picket fence is not disturbed, we care not to question too deeply what is going on. It is this apathy that allows the corrupt journalist to continue their ways unabated, and uncontested. Having said that, journalists also need to appreciate the unique position of trust that they hold. The public relies on them to get the facts right, as they have not the time, inclination, nor resources to check such facts for themselves. Thus a true media is the gatekeeper for society. Journalism when held in this regard is not a career, it is a service, and should be seen as such.

    1. So very well said Adam, I can definitely relate to the way unless our side of the fence is disturbed then we are completely willing to sit down and not stand up for truth and so unless we are being directly affected by the media we often allow, engage and join in with whatever baseless fantasy the media have written up.

  199. I love this sentence ;”The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed” very powerful to feel this in my body and inspires me more to stand up for truth at all times.

  200. Completely love this post Sarah, your strength and power so clearly on fire to expose the realities, and put the Truth record straight. Your words here: “The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us”, is not just with regards to some of the medical ‘facts’ you mention, but also in regards to life itself, in that it is the body that ALWAYS knows truth to surpass any medical fact that may only be being contrived to suit a picture that keeps people under control, manipulated, switched off from their feelings. Dulling the quality of life lived. Truth is the essential water to restore this dull cloudiness, and as so well written here also through your words Sarah.

  201. Lies are everywhere and it will take many of us speaking up and telling the truth before some of the webs begin to fall. The truth will need to be repeated over and over again until it is heard by many.

    1. Yes unfortunately Sally as you say, ‘the truth will need to be repeated over and over again until it is heard by many’. It is a sad reality that we have allowed so much corruption to take hold in society everywhere. Worse still is the fact that the word ‘truth’ has been bastardised as have so many words. Few even know what ‘truth’ truly is!

  202. I really love the quote you started your blog with Sarah – ”Truth is what is felt in the heart.” It has certainly been my experience that I am noticing truth more as a feeling. My challenge now is not to ignore or override that feeling and not hold back from expressing truth. Not speaking up feels just as damaging as telling lies.

    1. Wow Debra what a powerful and truthful command. I love what you share – that not speaking up feels just damaging as telling lies . . . there is nothing more to add.

  203. “The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us. And our bodies are shouting loudly with diabetes, obesity, cancer of all kinds, mental illness, suicide and sick leave, to name a few.” The power that some big companies have and don’t want us to really know this – they prefer to tell us lies and make money and profit over people’s lives. ‘Lets get back to Truth’ – yes indeed.

  204. It’s so true that the truth exposes the lies we live. Our bodies are continually showing us the truth and revealing the lies we accept. We are literally made of truth living in a world made of lies…
    Our every expression does count, and is the only way.
    Thank you Sarah.

  205. Powerful piece of writing Sarah and I love the line’ By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia’ since it shows our lack of responsibility if we choose to remain silent and it gives us a visual picture which can say more than many words do.

  206. Unfortunately Sarah, it is indeed a fact that ‘the world’s population picks up the crumbs of ‘truth’ and builds a whole belief system based on scraps of flimsy ‘evidence’ and ‘innuendo’. These belief system do not hold truth and then require further ‘crumbs of truth’ and outright lies to continue to support them and thus humanity moves further and further away from what is truth. It is no wonder that the rates of illness and disease are continuing to rise. A livingness based on false belief systems will in the end, take its toll on our general wellbeing!!

  207. I used to think that my opinion would be just that, a drop in the ocean. Now I know that every time I have the strength to speak up, I give someone else the opportunity to do the same, and that has a knock on effect and hence can be extremely powerful!

    1. Yes that we don’t make a difference is just an illusion. The ‘ocean’ is what we have created and the ‘ocean’ is full of our up to date expression and the only way to change it is to do just that, changing the way we express about things and also standing up for ourselves when we feel untruths are being spread in the ‘ocean’ around us.

      1. Yes Matts, I’m realising that more and more. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disheartened every time someone tells me their actions mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. It’s easy to refuse responsibility and leave to someone else. When I think about the power of everyone just doing their bit, it feels unreal. But the possibility for humanity to sort itself out is there, just waiting to be chosen.

  208. “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed” – I love this line Sarah, and it is something I would suggest to those who write lies for sales or to cover up their own irresponsibility to take note of, for the more that we are speaking up and saying ‘no’ to these untruths, the more their lies will be exposed.

  209. A tremendous piece of writing, clear and powerful, and very encouraging for me to start to stand up to the lies that are all around us. As I see I have believed that lie that I can’t make a difference, that the lies, deceit and rot in the world are too big.
    Thank you Sarah for bringing this awareness to us all.

  210. I love the fact that as well as highlighting all the areas that the Truth is needed, which I appreciate very much, you have also offered a way for us to support ourselves to feel from our heart: “Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility. With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally. When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in. Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.”

  211. If we keep ignoring the information that our bodies are screaming at us we are essentially assuming that someone or something will be able to fix us when we have completely broken ourselves. Mental health issues are reaching crisis point no where near enough beds to cope with demand in both adolescent and adult hospitals. We need to take better care of ourselves – all of our selves. Do you care for yourself as you would a newborn child with tenderness and understanding? Are you patient with yourself bringing an understanding that you are always evolving? Do you take care to build a strong foundation that will support you for the rest of your days? Do we recognise these acts as self love rather than selfishness?
    We are getting to the point where there are no answers for some of the physical and mental conditions presenting at our hospitals we need to be living with much greater awareness and responsibility.

  212. Great writing on speaking truth Sarah. Like your friend said, one person speaking the truth is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made of drops and a single drop can send ripples that have profound affects on the others. One person speaking the truth can and will inspire others to do the same. Imagine the ripples our thousands of blogs and comments of speaking truth are causing!

  213. Sometimes I feel like newspapers are the revenge of people who don’t feel good in themselves. They look at other people who seem to be doing ‘better’ and their envy and jealousy creates a market that newspapers fill by writing angry and jealous stories, thereby confirming those who want to see this writing (and TV and radio) as well.

    Much press is atrocious but atrocious sells. We found the enemy and it is us.

    1. I’ve just read an article in an ‘alternative’ news paper under the heading ‘media questions negative focus’. It presented that there is a belief in mainstream media that news has to be about something broken, violent or disturbing, that runs so deep that its almost the unconscious of the craft. It followed ‘we are reaching peak negativity in the news. the overall narrative that the media creates is no longer serving us and its increasingly at odds with our evolving sense of who we are, what works and whats possible’. So its beginning to filter through, and all the brilliant articles and comments on these pages will help bring change.

      1. Agree Catherine, and what is also needed is for people to be more discerning about where they go to for ‘news’. If society turned its back on mainstream media even for a week, things would quickly change!

  214. Amazing blog Sarah. It is a lesson how to speak Truth. A confirmation that it is ok and to not hold back for a second. Let go how entrenched it is and how it has been. Know that you are not alone. You are supported. There is a strength to Truth that cannot be hidden. It is always there in its strong foundations.
    We are only lost because we have lost our way to feel from the heart and then express as it is. Awesome Blog exposing the deceit and lies we live in. We have created this and we are fully responsible.

  215. I have heard it said that one of the greatest strengths many businesses have is people’s willingness to NOT know the truth. Our ignorance is our own demise.

    1. Wow, wise words Joshua! “Our ignorance is our own demise”, so true.

  216. Thank you Sarah for your thorough understanding and delivery of what lies actually are.
    ‘Lies are calculated and manufactured to mislead, control and manipulate.’
    This really made sense and was very clear in directing the intentions behind our lie-filled world..
    Thank you for being a voice and light of power so others may feel and give themselves permission to stand up and speak truth. The more this is practiced (speaking truth from our hearts) the greater this energy will be on Earth for our lost Brothers to feel.

  217. Great blog Sarah thank you, for me it is summed up in one line “Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care”. Or said in another way, Greed before humanity. Comfort before brotherhood. But really what are we protecting here. Truth, love, Brotherhood, Unity, is far greater than any outcome produced from a lie. Far greater.
    I feel we have all played a role in allowing things to become the way they now are, whether that be through jumping on the band wagon ourselves, or simply through our own complacency. Either way now is the time to turn things around, starting firstly by speaking the truth ourselves – as you have so clearly here done Sarah. Thank you for your inspiration.

  218. A great blog Sarah, that if we don’t speak up for what we know is true we enjoin what we have allowed to run riot in our society.

  219. Wow thank you Sarah for this very powerful article, it is inspiring to read and makes me aware that I can often choose to be blind to what is going on rather than choose to speak the truth, reading this I can feel that if I do speak truth this allows things to change.

  220. “The Deceit in Research and the Media – Let’s get back to Truth”
    You have a great point here Sarah as within the media and also research there are many untruths which we come to accept as the ‘norm’ well it most certainly is not the ‘norm’ to be offered fabricated information. It is time for us to stand up and expect and ask truth to be delivered and for us to question when we feel it is not so.

  221. What an awesome article Sarah.
    The call for us all to take responsibility for the lack of honesty and truth littered all throughout the media, the food industry and all big business, and indeed our own lives is powerful and well needed.

    1. I true Simon, as much as we can lament the media, the researchers, the politicians, etc. etc… it is what we allow that prevails.

  222. I can feel the level of self-responsibility that is called for in your blog Sarah. It is truly time to speak the ‘Truth that is felt in the heart’.

    1. I agree Stevie, there is great responsibility being offered in this article. I felt it in this line;
      ‘It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.’
      We are part of the creation of this manipulative and controlling society that is living from protection. When I feel that I know I can no longer hide or stand back and rely on others to speak truth for me.

  223. Great blog, exposing some of the way we have allowed ourselves to live in a world where being untrue is rewarded by higher readership rather than asking for the living truth of what lies in every persons heart to be shared so publicly.

  224. Brilliant piece of writing Sarah thank you for clearly pointing out the heart of what is truly going on in our world. It is well time to remove our blindfold and stand in tender loving care for ourselves and each other to start to make a shift in how we have been living.

    1. Indeed Giselle. With this tender love and care for ourselves and others we will really make a difference. Self-love and care are the basis for accepting ourselves and meeting others without judgement but as equals. This feeling of equality will create the space to allow more people to open up and feel what amazingness is hidden under their issues that seem to govern their daily lives.

    2. I agree Giselle, the time has come to make that shift, the whole world is feeling this. Our way of living no longer serves. This powerful line sums up our way forward “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it. Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility”

  225. When you speak about truth there is such a strength in your words, it really brings home the importance of speaking up and speaking the truth from our heart, the change is down to us. Thank you.

  226. Possibly the best research we can do is from our own body. This would also means that we need to be open and honest at the very least.

      1. I love that about our bodies too Alexander. The wisdom just keeps on coming, like a book that never ends. And just when we think we have discovered something amazing, just around the corner waits something more.

  227. Wow, an awesome blog you have shared here Sarah, so many gems thank you. The truth expressed in this line is beautiful –
    ‘ With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally.’ – very inspiring indeed!

  228. “With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally. When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in. Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.” these are very true words, I for one know the protection I carry at times is not because of anything now, but because of childhood stuff. This can create a barrier where I don’t allow myself to open up in full, with all the love that I know is there. These hurts do have to be acknowledged ( not wallowed on ) to let go of to move on, and as you say it is only once we let go of these hurts, as I find they keep me distracted and in my head, do I / and can we fully feel the truth and reality of what is going on. From here we are in a much better place to live and perceive life from a place of truth.

  229. Sarah this is such a powerful and clear cutting blog, stating the fact of what and how truth is and perceived in our world today. I for one amongst many stand for truth and can feel the absolute love in this. As a wise man once shared “Truth is Love” . For too long we have allow ourselves to wallow in the rot, and it is time for us to stand and speak up. There is not anyone who is going to come along and magically wave a wand, changing the world we live in, nor does it have to stay this way – if we want true change, then the truth and the change has to start with us.

  230. Many complain about the internet, but whilst it has provided a playground for the cyber troll, it also has provided an avenue for all to speak up. And thus it has the potential also to be a great conduit for truth. Media has always been corrupted by those who strive to control it for their own means. From the money hungry media baron to the manipulative advertising company, media has always been abused. What has also always been the case has been society’s apathy . People the world over complain about the media, and yet we still buy the newspaper the next day knowing full well the day before it abused its position of power. Therefore the true root of corruption lies not in the blackened heart of the media baron, but rather in the propensity of society to allow abuse that does not affect them directly to continue unabated.

  231. This is a brilliant piece. Talking about responsibility may not make you the most popular person in the world but it is something that is desperately needed.

  232. Thankfully we have Sarah Cloutier and Stephen Fry raising awareness of the lies we sit back and accept. Their voices and words ask us to consider that truth is felt in the heart – it is that simple.

  233. It seems ironic and even a set up when Stephen Fry says that truth is felt in the heart and yet part of his recognition is sought from his ability to recall fact and knowledge from the mind. It would seem even more crucial that we express what we feel in our hearts and bodies.

  234. Thank you Sarah for the shake up. We all need to realise that we do have a responsibility to speak out, after all we, each of us, live in this World and it is only the way it is if we let that be and do nothing to change it. I agree with Matthew, every drop in the ocean counts!

  235. We underestimate just how powerful we each are and how much influence we actually do have, especially when we connect with truth. One person may be a drop in the ocean, but it is a beginning. When we call anything out in truth, it allows others to feel truth. Our sphere of influence is much wider and deeper than we realise, it is an energetic wave that covers the globe.

    1. Spot on Matthew. ‘One person may be a drop in the ocean’ but without all the drops there would be no ocean! When we are all united into ‘one ocean’ there is no limit to what we can do. Everybody counts!

  236. Sarah this is an incredibly powerful blog, that states the facts so clearly , we as many have denied the truth for so long, we are all responsible for the mess we are in. And it is true, it is easy to blame, to sell out to the masses and make life about gain, but look where this has got us over the years, nowhere, but going round and round in circles doing the same. I know I for one, now amongst many, will stand up for and speak truth.

  237. Do we really want to keep hurting ourselves and others, by not ‘fessing up to truth in our lives and in life and keep pretending that our safe, comfortable, apparent functioning lives are doing just fine.

  238. A stunning clarion call back to the responsibility we naturally are and the truth that resides in the heart of every person on earth. Discern, heal hurts, let the world in, feel the reality, and above all – speak up – say no to what does not feel beneficial for all – to abuse, to anything less than deep respect, equality and tender regard for ourselves and our fellow members of global society.

  239. That truth can never be destroyed compels me to commit to truth because it is the only way forward in ANY situation. It is so so simple and yet we/I can make it a mirky quagmire of complexity which is so unnecessary and just a lack of true responsibility.

  240. Awesome blog, Sarah. ‘Look at the research around food. One study will say coffee is good for you; another will state the fact that it is a psychoactive drug that harms the nervous system, brain function and liver.’ Growing up, I have been pretty naive and have accepted what I have been told by those, I thought, were an authority on the subject of food. It has stunned me over recent years to learn how the ‘food industry’, in USA particularly, funds a lot of research and then ensures that their spin is put on any articles that are written, ensuring their own self promotion – even if it means telling blatant lies. The level of corruption is insidious.
    We own the best determiner of truth, our bodies.

  241. “honesty with ourselves is so important as a starting point.” this is true, honesty is such an amazing thing to have in your life, with yourself and everybody. The more I am honest with my self the more honest I am with all others, and this is a joy. I absolutely love honesty as it leads to a deeper truth.

  242. This article is simply brilliant. No holding back on truth here, this is no ‘stingy meal of gossip’, but a full and nourishing meal.

  243. “Lies are everywhere, we are bombarded by the insidious evil of them – they permeate our thoughts, our language, written word, our entire existence is built on this false foundation.”The above statement is so true Sara, thanks for such a great blog. I feel the responsibility lies with us in becoming aware of the lies we perpetuate ourselves, no matter how small or insignificant they seem, in our day to day lives.

  244. I learnt to lie as a child, yet it always came back to bite me on the bum – there were occasions when I could justify it absolutely even when my parents were dumbfounded and aghast. The lies were always difficult to express and my body would ‘betray’ me with signs and ways of being and I recall it always hurt. It hurt to be lying to my family, it hurt to be lying to my friends and it hurt me because I so deeply cherished the truth, my connection the all and to God.
    How did I come to lie and not honour always the connection to the Love I came from? The pain of not holding on to that truth and love no matter what, and as the story goes you lie once and another soon follows – you literally learn to lie, completely incongruent with the actual fact of the truth. The responsibility of truth is with everyone not just a few – it is time that we started to stop learning to lie – to ourselves and each other and actually come back to the truth and allow our expression from that place.

  245. It really stuck with me Sarah how you describe us ‘gorging’ on lies. The truth can be uncomfortable and disconcerting. Its like we have this diet of lies in a way to avoid facing the truth. But like junk food, ultimately lies just makes us sick. Its powerful to see that every lie that we let be, even to ourselves, contributes to this mess. Every time we choose and speak up for truth, lies loose their power bit by bit. Thank you for inspiring us to speak the truth constantly.

  246. Sara , what you have written here is so revealing and the world needs to read it. We all need to be aware of how we feed the lies that are printed in the media on a daily basis and the harm that this causes. I can feel how I contribute, without thought and honest reflection, to the dishonesty within the media.

  247. Yes Sarah “the choice rests with us” and every step taken towards the truth counts and will incrementally move us towards a truth-full world and a loving and caring way of being.

  248. I agree Sarah that it is time to take off the blind fold and see the world that we have created. This will entail taking responsibility for it as well, which is perhaps why so many of us are reluctant to make that choice to genuinely see what is actually going on.

  249. While the world is lying on a daily basis to colleagues, family, friends, no matter what kind of lie, it is adding the the pool of lies we will live in as a humanity. If we choose in our lives, that lying is not our way and then we speak up about lies, it will come from a lived way that is about truth and inspire others to also choose truth. Thank you for this awesome blog!

  250. ‘‘Perceived strength through anonymous, abusive actions’. Why are they in hiding?’ I would say that It is opportunistic intention to be abusive, using the sly nature of anonymous attacks. They are hiding because they know it is wrong. What they put out will come back to them in an equal sense, there is no hiding the inescapable laws of nature.

  251. I found your blog very inspiring Sara. I agree we all have a responsibility in expressing the truth nothing but the truth. A lot of us are so used to being lied to that there is a complacency that sets in and we just shrug it off as bull…. thus do not make a stand and call it out. This needs to stop, the liars need to be made accountable.

  252. Thanks Sarah for giving us the truth about all the miss-truth circulating around the world

  253. I feel that when I do not speak up for myself I am deliberately holding myself less and fall for the trick of ‘thinking’ what does it matter if I speak up or not, I’ll just continue about my day, as it’s more comfortable to do so. But the reality is speaking up is the only way we are going to change the reality and the ill-state of the world.

    1. Natasha a great point as I have been one that can think if I’m taking care of myself then others can do what they want but in that there is no care for our community as a whole. It’s been obvious to me the world is not in a great shape yet to stand up and speak truth is not the most comfortable thing to do. In any case the reality is it needs us all to speak up and that starts with one, then a few more and so on. No waiting as I am pretty sure many others feel the same and are not speaking up either.

      1. Absolutely correct David, and very well said. It takes a whole community to be able to nurture the whole community back to true health. Each individual taking responsibility for themselves and in that inspiring and helping support others to do the same. Calling out what is not right is critical to the development and evolution of each one of us and in that each one of the communities that we are a part of.

  254. Thanks Sarah – you have a voice for the people. I appreciate how you did not shy away from calling out how our hurts get in the way, particularly childhood hurts, you took the issue deeper again to express it is our complacency that has created the very situation that we now feel too powerless to speak up about. Thank you for writing about speaking up and expressing truth as a responsibility.

  255. “The truth can only be veiled by lies. It cannot be destroyed .” A great blog Sarah. Thankyou. We need to express what is within, know what energy is running us and come from our hearts. Our bodies don’t lie, but do we listen to their messages?

  256. Indeed Truth is what is felt in the heart. It is our way back to the heart where the body plays an important part. Learning to feel our bodies and rely on the signs the body gives. That was for me the big revelation. With all the lies around us in the media for me the turn around was: what does my body say? When I started to listen to that, I could feel what was supportive and what not regardless what was said in the media. It just asks a choice to deeply connect to the body again and take its signs seriously.

  257. What is really cool is that by governments and media bending and sometimes completely ignoring the truth, we have come to not expect it from them – we now expect authorities to only give us a version of truth, and so that leaves us independent of the authorities and reliant on the power of our own discernment. Back to Stephen Fry – ‘truth is what is felt in the heart’.

  258. So much of our choice to lap up the lies comes from wanting to stay in comfort. If we like to drink coffee, then we’ll most likely go with the option that says coffee is good for us. Comfort also applies to not speaking up about lies. We can choose the comfort but the body screams otherwise. This is actually far more uncomfortable than facing the truth, but it takes courage. Great blog.

  259. Thank you Sarah for this powerful article.
    ‘Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are.’
    What are we so afraid to see?
    The hurts? The disregard? The loveless ness?
    We have all created this world and keep returning to the mess we have made.
    If we all take responsibly one by one we can begin to reclaim the way life could TRULY be. ✨

  260. Conflict in scientific research, conflict in the media, printed lies that are never retracted or dealt with with simple decency create a deep mistrust in people about everything they are presented with. It results in a steady withdrawal from life, after all you can’t rely on anything out there to be consistent, and worst of all, people give up on truth.
    Your friend Sarah, who could not see the value in even trying to say something to address the lies is a person who is far from alone. They yearn to see decency and truth in this world, but have reached a point where both of those things seem to be an impossible dream.
    And then we arrive at Serge Benhayon, a man who represents every single thing we have ached for for our entire life. Steady, consistent, utterly unwavering in love and a man dedicated to truth in every breath he takes.
    All he offers is so real and so life changing it ought to be a very simple matter for people to meet Serge, see what he offers and say “yes, I get it”.
    However we live in a world of so many lies sold as truth that we build up a solid protective wall inside our own bodies, determined never to be hurt again. When the truth stands right in front of us it is hard and for some, impossible to see it. It is “just too good to be true”.
    Actually, it is true.
    There are those who are so affronted by the simple ease with which Serge lives this that they must attack it by any possible means.
    This is the deeper level of harm from the lies and web of contradictions. They not only have people in an immediate spin, they interfere with perception and erode trust.
    Where are we left, individually and as a society, when we are without trust?
    As you have concluded there are people who are choosing truth and love, who are healing their trust and restoring themselves to wholeness once again, inspired by Serge Benhayon, a man who lives nothing but truth and love in every way.

  261. We are all responsible for where the world has arrived at, the house of God is a mess, it’s time to reel in the long line of injustices we live with and clean the place up. Real journalism is not about the latest boob job a celebrity has had or a drunken punch up. If they started stating the reason for these acts and incidences that occur in the world it would make for much more interesting viewing. For example… ‘The fight broke out because person X feels great emptiness from not being met as a child, and therefore used anger to cover up the sadness they are feeling, a Unimed session is desperately needed here’. . .

    1. I agree with you David and Matthew, the truth would make much more engaging reading plus give it purpose. Why aren’t we prepared to expand our awareness, feel what is really going on and demand real answers? Why are we prepared to sit in our own mess?? Is it because we have cleverly managed tools to deflect what we don’t feel is our responsibility? If I didn’t make the mess I shouldn’t clean it up? The part I feel I need to take responsibility for is how much I’m prepared to stand up for any behaviour that causes harm to another. By not saying anything I’m contributing to the acceptance.

      1. ‘Why are we prepared to sit in our own mess??’ Good question Sandra.

        As well as deflecting any responsibility we may have in the situation, can’t help but wonder if there aren’t mega tools out there to stop us even realising the extent of the mess in which we sit…right slap bang in the middle.

  262. Such a great description of how truth really is and the lies chosen to avoid the truth. In your examples Sarah you are spot on when you say “It doesn’t make sense”. It is more than extremely alarming how many agencies, governing bodies and media outlets support and perpetuate the lies as humanity is breaking down in response to the rot that is presented as truth.

    1. Sandra great point – we don’t need the newspapers to see the state of the world – it is all around us if we but choose to be aware. However it begs the question – Why are the media not reporting on the reality of life so people are supported to see the truth and then together we can deal with it? There is one aisle in the bookstore for made up stories “Fiction” yet it appears 99% of what is written or spoken about should be in this one section if we were being honest about it.

  263. Printed lies have become so normalised – indeed an entire global market segment (tabloids and magazines) relies on this fact to survive and in fact thrive as the highly popular lucrative business sector it is, but all of this is at the expense of people – and not just those being lied about but everyone else too… Why? because when rogue human behaviour gets too common and too usual it seeps into mainstream thinking. It starts to distort peoples’ understanding of what normal and acceptable really is and it starts to undermine the very fabric of society… to the extent that we are effectively collectively happy to buy magazines that lie about people we don’t know purely for entertainment.
    Now if we think about it, that is very SICK.
    And journalism no less has inch by inch crept in a similar direction losing more and more integrity in favour of sales, sensationalism, self-gain and seduction. What’s more some journalists don’t even seem aware of this great distance they are away from their own humanity and truth (hence why we witness deplorable displays of heartless, slanderous, disrespectful, insensitive writing every single day even from mainstream news houses.
    What Sarah and others here have been brave enough to say is that, No it is not normal to lie about people in the media (or anywhere); whether it’s one person who agrees or half the globe who believes it – it makes no difference, a lie is a lie and a truth is a truth.

  264. Wonderfully expressed Sarah – the power of the analogy – feeding ourselves over and over with lies is difficult to comprehend – it runs so deep this mess we have created and for the most part choose not to accept or see. I really appreciate the choices I have made and a great many others I know worldwide, to honour our truth, one drop at a time is all it really takes.

  265. Your sharing here Sarah is very easy to digest when we are committed to seeing, feeling and expressing the truth. We do exist in the rot that develops around us if we do not. Our choice!

  266. “The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us”. This is so true and more and more people are discovering that the only way to find true answers is to listen to what our own bodies are telling us.

  267. This is a very powerful article calling for truth in everything. It is sadly the case as you say “Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care, and so the people behind the press (researchers, journalists, marketers) lie to convince you to believe their story.” When we know something is a lie it makes us less trusting of everything else we read or hear. Truth can never be destroyed and the more we call out to hear the whole truth the more we will encourage trust and openness between people.

  268. I find it appalling how the media can put their own spin on things to make it about how much sensation they can create, there is no good what so ever that can come from this type of reporting only harm for those it is about and for those who also read such lies and distortion.

    1. There was a 7 way pre-election political debate recently on British tv. The newspaper reviewers the next day noted that the papers had different headlines declaring which leader had come out on top, backed, of course, by opinion polls. Their conclusion…it was linked to the political allegiances of the newspaper.

      1. This just confirms how little unadulterated truth there is around when it comes to reporting. One day we shall have a paper that does stand for complete a utter truth and for the whole of humanity -equally so.

  269. Thank you Sarah for such a clear statement of what truth is or not, it can only be felt in the heart.

  270. I love this article, power-packed with a true call to action for us all. Sarah these words struck something in me — ‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen’. We baulk at the horror of the persecutions and witch-hunts that took place in history but we numb ourselves out to the persecution that us taking place now, through cyber bullying and stalking as well as in the mass acceptance to replace truth with lies. We still accept to live in a sea of corruption. The question I keep coming back to is why?

    1. I agree Katerina – this is power packed indeed and so needed for us to call out what is truly going on in mainstream media.
      It is sad that we have let this medium be our source of information for current affairs, when the media itself is riddled with manipulation and drama so to win over readers.
      A game of greed that is not true journalism should be called for what it is. The media has a responsibility to report facts. We now have a responsibility to stand up and not accept any less than that.

  271. This is a great article Sarah, you have raised some great points, I love the sentence “By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia”. This is something that has inspired me to express whatever I feel to be truth no matter how small or insignificant it seems at the time and this has great power as it inspires others to honour what they feel in their bodies and speak up that something is not ok, breaking that momentum that has been going on for ages.

    1. Yes I relate to what you write here – I also have started to express what I feel no matter how small or how significant the issue might be. I am experiencing the responses mostly come back so loving and appreciating – allowing the other to step into their truthful expressions too – a wonderful learning for me.

    2. Absolutely Francisco. I loved this part too. ‘White lies’ and the holding back of truth is as damaging as total untruths. None of them present truth, and allow us to “wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia”.

  272. Beautifully written Sarah, talking about truth nowadays is like talking about God in a way. People are almost embarrassed, or angry, or have their opinions and prejudices, where the realty is , that they both just are. Truth is known by its quality and can be felt, and God is there to be felt everywhere and in everything, and the world desperately needs to feel these reflections now.

  273. “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.” I love this line it is all too easy to point the finger at someone else but unless we are actively and lovingly saying no we are accepting or allowing what happens around us.

    1. Yes I agree Nicole, that line stood out for me too. Saying we can’t change it or won’t be making a difference when we start to speak up as the only one, is not really taking responsibility to the fact that we have created this by not speaking up earlier of what is not truth. It is time to take this responsibility and I can say it is also great to do as it feels great in your body to speak the truth from your heart.

    2. That is a great line, certainly one to get us to stop and consider the effect we have as consumers of junk media or as bystanders, not speaking up because we tell ourselves it won’t make a difference..

    3. Well said Nicole. It is so very easy and common for us to point the finger at someone else, but in truth the responsibility always rests with each of us to lovingly respond to what is before us.

      1. Totally agree Golnaz. So often we hear, or say the line, ‘They should do something about this’ . They is us.

    4. Great point here in that we all have the opportunity to take responsibility, not only as individuals and in consideration of what affects us personally, but by the fact that we are all part of a community and society and in consideration that whatever we do in some way impacts, and can be felt by, another. This takes taking responsibility to a whole new level, and has also supported me to consider what happens when we avoid responsibility and how the latter keeps us isolated, separate and in competition with each other whereas the former brings us together and in equality with each other. This is something we would all do well to consider in the way we use or abuse media channels…

      1. I love what you have added here Angela – we are all part of the solution and the path to move forward.

      2. It is a great point, that we are all part of a community and society and that our choices impact others. Every choice can be seen as ‘how will it benefit us all’, instead of the usual ‘how will it benefit me and those closest to me’. There is a huge difference.

      3. Hi Angela, I love how you have expanded this, what I have learnt this week is that there is not an option to avoid responsibility because every choice we make has a consequence for which we are responsible for.

    5. As you say Nicole, ‘unless we are actively and lovingly saying no we are accepting or allowing what happens around us’. We are also allowing what is happening around us by not living the glory that we truly are. Once a few start living in their true power, then others will be inspired to do the same and what happens around us will also change.

    6. I love this line too Nicole. From my experience, many of us see the world, but do not want to be the one to stand up and state the obvious. This blind eye approach leaves us like lambs to the slaughter. It is time humanity’s boats were rocked, for in truth they are already decaying. A foundation of lies and deceit can never hold for too long. The truth is wanting to be expressed and heard now more then ever, it is spilling up and out of our bodies even through illness and disease – now is the time for a new foundation of truth to be laid, in all areas of our lives.

  274. It for sure may not feel like the comfortable velvet cushion to take our responsibility, but it is what we must do. Only by taking our responsibility will we make any difference in this world.

  275. There is a new world within us if we speak up. Otherwise the lies and half truths are reinforced or rewarded as Sarah refers to. Thank you Sarah – great expression.

    1. So true Francene, ‘ I love this line by Sarah “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.’” All shall be known!

  276. At present there is such irresponsibility in the media, what is needed is more articles like this that expose the lies, the agendas and the imposition that we find in everyday mainstream media. When we call this for what the un truth it is we can start to see real change. And change is very very much needed at this time.

  277. “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.”
    And what a state it’s in.
    I love the truth that you have shared here and totally agree that it’s time for us to speak out. The illusion that continuous lying brings
    hurts everyone of us on this planet.
    Brilliant post Sarah, thank you.

  278. Such an awesome call for truth Sarah. We may each only be a drop in the ocean, but the ripple effect from every one of our drops spreads far. As you say Sarah the truth is always there, no matter how many lies try to cover it up…time to let the truth be felt and seen by all.

  279. ‘Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.’ – now this is a way to take off the blindfold and see that each individuals actions and choices have a responsibility that impacts on our current normal. Wow!

  280. Thank you Sarah! And yes I agree and love what you have shared. We must stand up and call out the truth and not settle for any less. We are, as a society totally controlled by the media in many obvious and subtle ways. It’s a medium that is largely based on distorted facts, twisted truths and straight out blatant lies. There needs to be a call for more accountability and integrity in the information that’s widely distributed, it is our responsibility to ask for this and not settle for any less.

  281. “The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us.”
    Actually, research has been used very successfully to make very cheap foods highly addictive by adding just the right amounts of sugar, salt and fat. This could be one of the big reasons for the current obesity epidemic. Research can be very useful when done properly – that “use” can be for a very dark purpose as described above but it can also be to support people by showing how to shake such addictions. As Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine say it is all about people and what is of service to them.

  282. Very much appreciating the call to discern. These are powerful words and there is work to be done. It feels like that work needs to happen first on a very personal level, with our own commitment to truth. For example, I catch myself wanting to exaggerate in conversation, letting a sexist or otherwise harmful comment go instead of calling it out or flicking through a vacuous magazine at the dentist. If we nail the micro, we’ll together nail the macro.

  283. It’s true Brendan we actually do have a responsibility to speak up and share when things don’t sit well with us even if it means ruffling another’s feathers,

  284. Well said, Sarah, “truth can only be veiled by lies, it is never destroyed”. Great and powerful blog, Sarah, in answer to the distortion of media reporting and the research reports which come out frequently with misleading and conflicting results. Some people are endeavouring to create their own reality. It is great to be one of the many speaking out about the indestructibility of the truth and the importance of living it.

  285. Thank you Sarah. Reading your blog I can feel that I have a responsibility to express truth in all parts of my life. It is so clear that we can not sit back and leave lies in the media unanswered too. Journalists that print lies and people who engage in cyber bullying and harassment must be held to account as this behaviour is unacceptable.

  286. I love your article Sarah… powerful words beautifully written. Hear hear to not compromising on truth, exposing the rot and expressing the love we naturally are. Awesome.

  287. So true Ariana, we pay the price of the media lies but it is we who drive it by supporting it – every time we purchase any form of media that is only presenting lies we feed it. We don’t call it out and say we want the truth.

  288. Well said, Sarah. We are all aware of the truth we just choose to avoid or bury it so we can live a comfortable life of lies and the accompanying illusion to gloss over the fact that our mode of living of recognition and being accepted isn’t that comfortable at all.

  289. Thank you Sarah, great blog. I love how you wrote ‘The research shows that there is a clear distinction between what is considered fact and what our bodies are telling us.’

  290. It is strange – for the first 44 years of my life I never heard in any way that dairy could be bad for you – after all if infants can have it, how could it possibly be harmful.

    Yet a lot of people’s sinus problems disappear when they stop having dairy and their digestion seems to improve, too.

  291. Great blog Sarah, what’s brilliant about the words that you write, is everything that every single one of us does, does matter. Saying nothing, or ignoring what we know to be true is as much a ‘doing’ as anything else. Our inaction is stifling the expression of truth in the world – so next time you go to shrink a little bit or turn the other way upon hearing or seeing gross untruth, know that to say so, is the greatest responsibility you have to yourself and all equally.

  292. Beautifully written! Connecting to truth for me is a forever work in progress. It can be hard to trust yourself when we are literally bombarded with convincing lies on a daily basis…lies that have ‘factual proof’ to back them up which often has me confused, because a big part of me wants to trust that people wouldn’t fabricate stories so blatantly, as it’s so far from something I would ever consider doing.

  293. Truth is the only way….lies is the easy way to not take responsibility…..This is a powerful expose…imagine a world where truth was of the highest value….our lives and our world would change e.g newspapers only write the truth about what’s going on, Freedom of Speech comes with responsibility….can we even imagine a world of truth, well there are many that are committing to a life of truth and it is life changing and a very solid way to live.

  294. Sarah your words are powerful. You articulate beautifully what is felt in your heart to bring through a wisdom that speaks truth to us all. I want to read truths such as you have written – not the half truths or sensational articles of mis-truths we get fed. And yes you are right when you say – “What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone. There are many others gathering around the world who have chosen to not compromise on truth – to observe, feel and speak it.” And I am with you.

    1. Marcia a very powerful line to pick out. I know what you and Sarah mean in that the greater awareness of truth I come to understand the more I see and feel that others also have the same truth. I am sure that there are many more that know the truth and are starting to speak it.

  295. I can own up to being complacent and disdainful, putting on a false front……..
    Breaking free of my deceit, expressing from “the love I am within” has truly offered me “the possibility of exporing another way”. Yes Sarah, the choice rests with us.

  296. Super powerful Sarah. Thank you for standing up and calling us all to take responsibility and speak the truth.

  297. The Truth is freeing, lies are incarcerating – As much as we know this we still dabble in whole or half truths to keep us comfortable in the world we have created. I am always finding a new level of truth and honesty as I connect deeper to myself, uncovering the veils of illusion as greater awareness and understanding dawns.

  298. I love how you started your article with: “Stephen Fry, a broadcaster and academic in the UK stated, “Truth is what is felt in the heart.” That is the best ever quote and it is very reassuring that this also gets expressed in the media. Thanks for your article Sarah.

  299. This really jumped out to me, Sarah: “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.” It’s too easy when seeing the lies in media to go into a grumbly ‘us and them’ – ‘they’ did it, the evil media is to blame. Yes of course the people who lie in the media are 100% responsible for what they put out. But how could they, unless the rest of us allow it? There is no ‘us and them’ – we are all one humanity in it together.

    1. Yes Dianne, we are all one which is the pertinent point. As a society, we are as much to blame for the media for mis-representing the truth to get a story that people will want to read, as they are. After all, if no one read their stories they would soon change their ways as they respond to what society is calling for.

      1. Anne, good point, and this raises a VERY obvious question: why do we, the reading/watching public, actually choose to read and watch lies? Why, why, why? If we can answer this question, I feel we can crack the problem. Is it because it’s easier to see, react to and discuss all the dramas going on outside than it is to honestly face and deal with the dramas going on on the inside?

  300. A great breakdown of the currently prevailing way.
    Confusion and conflict in science, conveniently reported by a self serving media lead to a very confused humanity.
    The social media environment is an all out disgrace, populated by people who are no longer people – they are now “trolls”, shielded by sly anonymity and multiple identities.
    In such a world people are afraid to stick their head up because they have seen others get theirs lopped off by the official media, or social media.
    In such a world we are all denied truth.
    Great blog Sarah, more please.

  301. This is Awesome Sarah, I love how you expose the current corruption in our media and how we are all responsible for not speaking up about and taking responsibility for changing this current status quo. This can be challenging for someone to read and know that what is being presented as a truth but not know within themselves how to do this, so it is easy to turn a blind eye and pretend it is not happening. The fact you introduce a way to live, dealing with our hurts, that enables us to live a responsible life is very supportive. Showing there is indeed another way and change is possible, if we make the choice to deal with our part in it.

  302. Thank you Sarah, for me the feeling of your article is about will, and seeing truth and speaking out for it and saying no to what is not truth. It has helped me to feel grounded in my body and in touch with the fact that I do know truth within me and that if I choose it can be lived and reflected to others, even though they may not be choosing it themselves.

  303. Great article Sarah , “Truth is what is felt in the heart” therefore truth, honesty and responsibility begins with us.

  304. Brilliant Sarah. And from not speaking up, we have allowed this fog of lies to smother humanity. How many hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been crushed by the rampant abuse of ‘freedom of speech’? How many lives destroyed, how many broken families, how many suicides, how many devastated children will it take before we say – enough. What are we doing to ourselves?

  305. Powerful blog Sarah, thank you! “Even when we lie to ‘protect’ someone, there is always an intention of control and manipulation. Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are.” This is the way it is and it is all there for us to feel when we choose to connect to our hearts, simple!

  306. Sarah Cloutier for Prime Minister. That’s what was going through my head when I read what you wrote. You’d get my vote for sure. Such powerful & eloquent & much needed words you have spoken here Sarah. I wish to be hearing these words spoken by our public servants in parliament. But as I wrote that I realise that more and more and more we all need to be speaking these words (in our own way) because by not as you rightly and strongly say… “by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia”.

  307. Yes, it is us together speaking up for truth and with time clarity and loving care bring it back to our lives. Great Article !!

  308. Wow, thank you Sarah for this very inspiring article, it is clear to feel the absolute truth in what you have written here. ‘We can choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone equally’, beautiful, this is a way I want to live.

  309. This is such a beautiful and powerful statement: “When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within.” Awesome Sarah, this is where it’s at …

  310. Sarah you have very powerfully brought to light the scale of corruption and lies that exists around food and how pervasive this has become. The constant stream of conflicting research evidence released by media proclaiming the harm or heal ratings of food is a deliberate ploy by the food industry to bewilder and undermine the public. Each time we are taken in by a new piece of research and do not take responsibility and make up our own minds on what is and is not true and supportive of our bodies, they have won. This is mind control, but only if we allow it to be so. What you have done here Sarah is to expose the truth of what is really going on behind the headlines and proclamations. We should all speak up about this and let our voices be heard.

  311. Sarah, thank you for expressing the truth with such clarity, precision and power from your love of & for Humanity. You speak for ” all ” and for that I thank you.

  312. When we take a step out of the complacency of our comfortable existence and instead begin to seek and express truth, it does have an affect and it does make a difference… It’s the ‘Pay It Forward’ mechanism for humanity’s evolution.

  313. Such a powerful article and discussion to be had Sarah. There is so much to deeply contemplate in your article and here’s one example “Even when we lie to ‘protect’ someone, there is always an intention of control and manipulation. Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are.” It is crazy how many of us have been living under the illusion that we are doing ‘good’ by holding truth back – when as you say, truth offers an opportunity to see things as they really are.

  314. Love how simply you point out the ridiculousness of research in the food industry. Super food after super food is found, and promoted for the amazing wellbeing it will bring, but obesity rates continue to rise. This just doesn’t add up.

  315. Right on Sarah; this is a very powerful wake up call for the established media. We have had enough of distorted truths, sloppy and biased research, gossip, innuendo, Divisive opinion pieces, and outright lies regurgitated by self-referencing previous lies.
    Any one in the public eye must be on tenterhooks waiting for the slightest slip up to be taken out of context and blown out of all proportion destroying their reputation and career or at least taking them down a peg or two.
    There is a growing movement of people fed up and demanding proper Journalism.

  316. Just read this quote on Pintrest and then read your article… “History favours truth and so does our health” – Serge Benhayon ..perfect match

  317. “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” When enough people stand up for truth, the lies are revealed for their manipulation of truth. Integrity is sorely lacking in our world today. Slowly more corruption is being revealed, amongst our politicians, banks etc. Maybe the turn around has begun?

  318. Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care, and so the people behind the press (researchers, journalists, marketers) lie to convince you to believe their story; end of quote by Sarah. Well said Sarah, why let the truth get in the way of a ‘good’ story? Anything goes…… It’s time for us all to speak up and put a stop to this corruption.

  319. Sarah, such a stirring call to action for us all, how if we speak out, we change things, we start a wave and then we find we’re not alone, after all we all have in-built lie detectors – our hearts, if we but take the time to listen.

  320. Thank you Sarah, a truly thought producing article so well presented. There are so many comments that I agree with and it is definitely something we need to all stand behind and give our absolute support to ” The Truth shall set you Free”.

    1. I can say the same, excellent article and so many awesome comments – time for all to make a stand.

  321. This is so powerful Sarah. ‘The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.’ I feel this in my heart. Thank you, an awesome blog.

    1. Wow, Candida, I like that realisation – the truth can only be veiled by lies, but it is never destroyed. Yes, that feels true to me to.

  322. Thank you Sarah. Understanding that speaking out and expressing one’s truth is most definitely not a drop in the ocean that gets lost, it is much more like a drop of water falling into a perfectly still pond, where the ripples can be seen to go on and on and then even as they bounce back off the sides of the pond, they interact with other ripples, and in time a network of interaction has happened. And this is what happens when just one person expresses their truth from their heart.
    Imagine if all of humanity started to express their revulsion at the corruption of the media in all forms… What a network of interaction of expression this would create, and what a foundation we would create for us all to evolve together.

    1. Freedom of speech comes with responsibility and awareness of how the misuse of words can manipulate the truth.I love the thought of how the ripples on the pond would be if everyone took the responsibility to be loving in their speech and express truthfully.

  323. The veils of lies come thick and fast, but indeed “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” And truth will always well up to the surface at some point, it’s unavoidable. Woe to liars then!

  324. Great article Sarah. It is our responsibility to not accept lies in a society of bystanders who have more and more learned to accept living those lies. We are creating our normal and by not speaking up we live against the truth and make all the expressed lies our reality. Everybody makes a difference and by speaking up and standing for truth we have the power to pave the way for true expression based on love and care.

  325. Truth lies in the heart, I can really appreciate that, as I can feel a response in me when I hear something that is true, the body is a great marker of truth and truth opens my heart. Perhaps that is why listening to politicians is so hard, as it is uncomfortable to hear lies in whatever form they come, just as it is uncomfortable in my body if I am not honest myself.

  326. Speaking up against lies may just be a drop- but that drop has a ripple effect. And the ocean is really just billions of droplets. One person speaking up gives strength and the opportunity for others to do the same. I love how you said ‘the truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed’ we can all feel truth when we want to, and we can feel the veil on top if we want to too.

  327. Wow, powerful piece of writing Sarah. Standing up and expressing our truth is not always an easy thing to do. I love the way you have expressed here that in order to feel and discern what is true, we as a society, have to begin to deal with our hurts, get them out of the way, stop carrying our own pain so that we can then start to feel and let the world in. This is the true healing. Beautiful.

  328. Thank you Sarah and for the many others that are speaking out and no longer allowing truth to take a back seat and letting the insidious nature of lies steer us into this mess that we now all find ourselves in and believing that where we are is a very ‘normal’ place of being.

  329. So well expressed Sarah and I love your puns and humour about food especially your reference to ‘readers coming back for another bowl of trifle’. This sums up our comfort and wanting to be fed instead of really observing the truth as you so clearly have here. Thank you.

  330. Sarah that is all so true. You have so easily written about something that seems so complex to many. And the care you speak of, I could actually feel that coming off the page! Thank you for the call to stand up and the call to change. It is urgently needed and here we have it simple, on a platter. I’m going to read this blog often.

  331. Wow, Sarah, I absolutely love it! You have encapsulated so much about our day to day living and how media perpetuates a livingness that does not support us to be healthy, wealthy or wise, as the saying goes. “Fed on a stingy meal of gossip, tabloid criticism and lies, the world’s population picks up the crumbs of ‘truth’ and builds a whole belief system based on scraps of flimsy ‘evidence’ and innuendo.” I feel like you, we have allowed the media to feed us with trash that permits us to continue to live in disregard, conflict and irresponsibility. Where we put our fellow man down instead of appreciating or valuing each other, perpetuating separation and not harmony. Governments need us to remain in separation so we seek their governance to keep things in order.
    We need to stop the whingeing and take your directive and start to instigate action to know that speaking up and speaking out about what isn’t right does make a difference; to not keep the observations to whinges around our dinner tables but to make our comments worthwhile by expressing that we truly are not happy with the quality of the life we are living and the quality of the media we are bombarded with.
    Thank you so much for this wonderful blog which inspires me to speak up more about the truth and not accept the denigration our media feeds us each day. We are worth so much more than that.

  332. Great blog. It shows how half truths and lies are affecting our lives, choices and foremost our bodies. Our bodies don’t lie. When it comes down to expressing truth, it is connecting to our bodies, feel and listen to what it says. Often the signs are loud and clear. Let’s express from there instead of reading what others tell us to believe!

  333. Awesome blog Sarah, telling like it is and not holding back. We have been holding back for too long and history and our current rate of illness, disease and suffering, is a testament to that.
    Everything begins and ends with us, no question.
    So could it be, that the energy of in-action is fuelling the very evil we do not wish to see?

  334. An amazing and insightful blog, Sarah. It seems that for far too long we have chosen to not see the truth of how the world is. I know that dodging the truth – or lying – has often been seen by me as a way of avoiding an uncomfortable moment. What I didn’t choose to see in the past is that these ‘uncomfortable moments’ have a way of backing up and eventually catching up, whereas the truth is magnificently powerful and enables me to be in the present moment and let go of the past.

  335. I love your last words “When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within.” so profound and simple.

  336. Sarah, a great article with so much to comment on. Tonight what stands out for me is your statement ‘When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in. Only then can we truly feel what is really going on.’ I feel this is key as we stumble around blindly when if we stop actually feeling what is happening inside and in the world, or else we’re too scared of getting hurt to speak out or stand up to things that are just plain wrong.

  337. A brilliant and bold article Sarah, I agree it’s about standing up and speaking out against the lies that surround us all, not in reaction but from a true and connected place. It may take time but things will change.

    1. I have enormous respect for anyone willing to stand up and speak out against lies whether they are popular for it or not.

  338. Awesome expose Sarah. The line that jumped out for me, among many, was: “ Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care”. Greed now appears to be the driving force behind so many business and organisations, the media being one of them. Why do so few put profits above the welfare of so many, just for a sensational story or bigger sales of a product. The answer is simple; a lack of responsibility, a lack of integrity and a lack of care for those who actually buy their products and in turn feed their profits. By standing up for truth it may seem we are a mere drop in the ocean, but by not standing up, nothing will ever change.

  339. Yes Sarah, I have realised too, that I am not a lone voice who can see through the clever and deliberate marketing strategies in advertisement and news stories, as once I start talking with friends, we actually all end up sharing that we see the same deliberate distortion of truth and collectively ask “Why does this happen?”. Together the lone voice becomes the voice of many, and having conversations is the start to getting the ball rolling for change to happen.

  340. Sarah your first sentence says it all -” “Stephen Fry, a broadcaster and academic in the UK stated, “Truth is what is felt in the heart.”” – That’s it – a powerful and absolute true statement.

  341. Bravo! This article is unbelievably mind blowing. I love how the truth is actually so simple. We all feel it, and we can all choose to live from it, and express it. We should speak up and let our voice be fully spoken and talk about the lies & truths together. It is up to us – the power is in us. Thank you, more truth more togetherness in the world!

  342. . We are so battered with so much misinformation from the media. The truth is out there if people are prepared to look for it. A great start is Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    1. Yes Mike, the truth is indeed “out there if people are prepared to look for it”. Unfortunately in today’s world, people may say that they want truth but in fact they look to the media for distraction, gossip, for some story to ‘give them a buzz’ or ‘titivate them’! One has only to look at the plethora of magazines on the stand next to the check-out counter in most super markets and at the daily headlines which sensationalise stories at the expense of truth and balance.

  343. ‘Truth is what is felt in the heart’ but what is mostly put out in the world is not this and in reality we can all feel this if we choose to.
    Choosing to not compromise on truth – to observe, feel and speak it definitely offers an awareness of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within. This will reveal a very different world; the choice rests with us. Thank you Sara for bringing this to our attention.

  344. One person standing for the truth may only be a drop in the ocean, but this inspires others to stand beside them and soon that drop in the ocean becomes a tsunami of truth where no lie can remain. Thanks Sarah for showing us that we can all be that drop in the ocean.

  345. The irony is that I have heard teenagers say that it is no longer like the old days when they used to burn people at the stake. When I point out what is happening in the all media, they are gob smacked because they are so used to it. These lies are in fact the norm just like they have always been. The difference nowadays is that the bombardment of information desensitisers us to the fact that real people are in fact being ruthlessly ‘executed by the pen’. If this is not the time to make a stand when is? I agree Sarah, self responsibility and accountability is the only place to start so that we do not compromise on truth but instead observe, feel and speak it.

  346. The truth of life speaks to us all the time, and as you say “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” If we choose to see and feel it, it is there. A way to reconnect to this is to become familiar with our hearts and what they have to tell us.

  347. I love your explanation and context. Very well written (said).
    For a choice to withhold your voice in the face of the lie, is supporting the lie’s existence.
    Yes, one standing up for truth may be a drop in the ocean, however that 1 drop may convince other drops to fall, causing a swell and sea change.

  348. Thank you Sarah for sharing your understanding of truth. Indeed, no real harm can come from truth. A lie that “protects” someone does not give that person or group the opportunity to deal with, learn and grow from whatever it is that they are being protected from. It treats that individual or group as less. A line from a popular movie “…you can’t handle the truth”. Well I say, give me the truth and allow me the opportunity to experience it.

  349. I grew up with being shown, by example, that little white lies are okay – yet the line between ‘harmless’ and full blown lies is easily blurred.

    What I clearly recall though, on many instances, is how my body felt when I told a lie – I could not explain the sensation in my body but it was always sufficiently strong that I could not ignore its presence and it was never a welcome feeling and would invariably be followed later by guilt.

    Guilt is not necessarily true either, but simply a means of compounding the situation (further distancing us) by having ignored the truth that was there to be honoured.

  350. Wow, what a powerful piece on truth expressed with clarity and conviction. There are so many good points in this blog. To the colleague who said that speaking out is only a drop in the ocean, I say watch the movie Cloud Atlas. A character in the movie responds to this very same statement by stating that indeed, speaking truth is but a drop on the ocean, however the ocean is made of drops and that a single drop has the power to create ripples throughout all others…

  351. Wunderbare Sarah what a great blog. I love the following sentences “When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in.” This is a great revealing for me because it is exactly the opposite of how people are living know – this is the best offer for people to feel that they are living in a harmful way.

  352. Amazing uncovering and pointing article Sarah!
    You say: “Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care” and I agree. So I am asking myself ‘what can I do?’ One thing is to say NO to all this lies and to stand up for truth. And the other thing is to make life about people first. Working in a shop I found myself as well focusing on profit and sales, starting my workday with question the colleagues “what to do?” and “how is the selling today so far?” instead of “how are you today?” I found with focusing on “things” and “outcomes” we lose our connection to ourselves and to what life is really about: to live together in harmony, expressing love and enjoy each other. I am willing to discover this way of being again, every moment a chance to choose.

  353. How crazy that the media’s perception is that lies will sell more magazines than truth. How amazing it would be if on each occasion an article was published, the questions were asked, “Do I hold this person in equalness? Do I truly honour them?”

  354. Really brilliant blog and listening to the media’s plaintiff cries that they are threatened with being constricted when in truth, ‘It seems that ‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen’ what is written by the media is of little value.

  355. Why do people need to be untruthful in their lives, the best policy is always the truth. By telling things that are not honest, people will eventually be caught out, as we see so often in the newspapers.

  356. Dear Sara your blog is awesome and in rereading it what i feel to highlight is the fact that you are bringing the responsibility back to ourselves. We have created this world we live in, we have allowed the press to become what it is today and we are continuing to allow this by trivialising the enormous impact our words and choices have. Everytime one person picks up a trashy tabloid he or she is saying, “yes i want this in my world” I have become very aware of this and am speaking up to everything i feel does not belong in a world of love, harmony and brotherhood

    1. Yes it’s really about saying we have allowed this and what a mess it all has become, only getting worse for so many! The most loving thing is to call time on our own irresponsibility.

    2. I agree Carolien, however easy it can be to blame others for the state of the world, we all must take our part in how it has turned out. The good thing about this is that it is never too late to start making different choices.

    3. Yes, I agree, as long as we buy this trash or put up with it because we think we have to, we are not making a difference. At least here we have the opportunity to speak up and say “No” to lies in the media and anywhere in this world.

  357. This is a very articulate blog, thank you Sarah. I feel that when I speak truth from my body that then allows the space for another to feel the truth in their body and much healing is offered in this.

  358. Hello Sarah, very well written and you will never be alone when you are with the truth. By the mere expressing of truth there is a freedom and a feeling of being with everything and everyone at the same time. No matter what is in front of you the feeling is solid and very physical and so even if no one stands with you, in truth you will never be alone.

    This is a very common story everywhere, people afraid to speak out or given up and thinking they can’t make a difference. It is not about an instant turning around of an age old problem. We need to turn this around piece by piece, so pick up wherever you can and start now. Don’t wait for others or wait for something else. We can all make a difference and the truth is worth it.

    The media have much to answer, but so have we. We buy, support or stand back and do nothing. This all allows them to have what it seems as control. The moment you don’t support something that is not true you are already inspiring others to do the same. I say no to the media in many ways, their continually twisting and turning of the facts to sell a story is just not good enough for me. Only if we say no as an individual first will we be able to see others doing the same. Say no in whatever way that looks, with respect and hold with what you feel and the rest will unfold.

    1. Thank you Raymond, your words are spot on. I appreciate what you are saying here –
      “Only if we say no as an individual first will we be able to see others doing the same. Say no in whatever way that looks, with respect and hold with what you feel and the rest will unfold”
      This is something I can take out into the world and start to express in my life, great reminder and great support.

    2. I love what you share Raymond about never being alone when you speak the truth. Even if no one speaks up to agree it is felt in the body by you and all around, an energy that is all encompassing and fully inclusive of the whole.

  359. True Sarah, the biggest lie is that we think that speaking up for truth does not change anything. What if thousands or maybe millions, billions of people are thinking that and just not expressing truth because they think it won’t help? Expressing truth makes a difference – always.

  360. Very powerful blog indeed Sarah. I agree that in order for true change to occur it starts with us individually- to call it out when what we hear is not felt as truth. Then offering others a choice to do the same.

  361. What a powerful expression you have Sarah, I felt such a resonance with what you have expressed. I know the more I speak the truth, the more others feel they too can express their truth – it is truly life changing.

    1. This is my experience too Jade. For too long I have been holding myself back from expressing what I have felt to be true, not wanting to rock the boat and fearing other people’s reactions. I can now feel how wrong this is in my body to keep censoring myself and that it offers nothing to another, simply cementing the status quo of deceit and lies we are constantly fed. Thank goodness Serge Benhayon has the courage and conviction to express what he feels and knows to be true at every opportunity.
      As you say, the more people there are expressing what they feel in their hearts to be true, others are inspired to do the same and it becomes easier for all. A real snowball effect. Evolve back to Truth, or stagnate and rot in deceit and lies?

      1. “Thank goodness Serge Benhayon has the courage and conviction to express what he feels and knows to be true at every opportunity”. I could not agree more.

  362. If I can “observe, feel and speak ” to myself first, expose my untruths when I over ride true messages from within.
    Then the choice begins with me, and yes it will “reveal a very different world”, Sarah.

  363. Thank you Sarah… the choice to expose lies for what they are and speak the truth is definitely up to every one of us. I felt a whole lot of untruths come up while reading this that I’ve been allowing to just stay as is, to not rock my boat or anyone else’s. But feeling how sad that is as it just continues the corruption, manipulation and lies in this world. This is an awesome reminder that every little choice that we make effects the whole.

  364. The wonderful thing about truth is that it lives in the inner heart of us all, therefore it is never a case of persuading others to feel the truth of something but simply of reminding them. We are all the One interconnectedness of Life itself, we’re going to reach a point of momentum where the lies will simply fall away by themselves. Party time my friends !

    1. You are right Alexis. The lies will eventually fall away by themselves, but there is a lot to be done to lift the truth up to be seen. Looking forward to that party.

  365. It is vitally important in current times to be exposing the lies and deceit in research and the media as you have so adeptly done here Sarah. We are fed this rot in the media every day, whichever way we turn. If we don’t start discerning truth for ourselves, the world will continue down this road of illness, disease and corruption. These are the conversations we need to be having – awareness being paramount to returning to truth.

  366. This article basically sums up the plight of the 21st century – to date. I’m looking forward to changing the story and standing up and saying “No, this is not the legacy I am leaving for the next generation.” It may not be easy but it can be done. I want to be a Truth Sayer. What about you?

    1. Yes Gayle, I am with you as a fellow ‘Truth Sayer’. In the Truth ‘Army’ we are all ‘Commanders of Light’. ‘We are writers not fighters’ and we are showing our true might!

      1. Gayle and Anne, I am with you on that one. Truth and honesty begins with ourselves. We have more awareness now, of what is going on in the world and with that awareness comes the responsibility to continue to speak out, we CAN change the world. I like it “Commanders of Light” unite!

      1. I agree Felicity for it is our responsibility to stand up and expose the rot in our world for everyone and all who come after us.

    2. Hear hear Gayle. The media does not control us , we absolutely have the power to change the trajectory of distraction, trivialising and dumbing down of humanity to a tool of truth that supports and lifts up humanity.

      1. Correct we are owned by our own inertia! It is up to us to wake up from our slumber and call to account the truly evil practices of our current media.

    3. Absolutely Gayle, I agree, I choose to be a Truth Sayer. I was a master at being ‘nice’, but that’s not the truth at all. To say the truth is actually a loving thing to do. Of course it needs to be said with love, or it’s not a truth anyway. Thank you Sarah for this powerful blog and exposé.

  367. Wow, this is such a powerful blog that says it all really. The truth belongs to us all equally so, no one knows more than another and we all have our part to play in delivering it from our own unique perspective. We can feel truth in our inner heart there is no doubt about it. Unfortunately we still live in a time when some people want to lord themselves over others to protect and distract themselves from their own inner hurt and pain. It is definitely time for us all to rise and start speaking out against this abuse from those who hold others as being less.

    1. The short answer is that we have become more and more addicted to rules rather than a pursuit of truth. The process at the moment is that we create rules of research. Some or many people subvert these rules. The rules then get tightened. Some or many people subvert these tightened rules….

      The trouble with this process is that the tightest possible rules can be subverted quite easily while the very tightness of these rules makes it extremely expensive to conduct research. It will be interesting to see where it ends.

    2. Yes Suzanne and Sarah, we all know the truth equally in our hearts , this cannot be disputed. It’s time to do as Sarah suggests and deal with hurts, see the mess the world is in, and let it in.

  368. This is such a powerful article Sarah. It is indeed time to take responsibility for what we have created.

  369. I am aware that when someone writes the truth, it applies to many things going on for me. This is the experience of reading this blog. I could relate to it in my life. I could feel the truth of it. When instead I ‘take in’ a lie I feel oh, I am missing out on something here, I have missed the point or it doesn’t relate to me. If I allow this feeling to continue, I feel disconnected. Yet in not allowing this feeling to take over, I am already choosing truth. I am already discerning what is and what is not. Then the impulse to follow my heart and express what I know is true, for others equal to myself, is actually easy.

  370. It all starts with feeling and knowing our heart again. Without that we do not know anything in truth. To get to know one´s heart again is what Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and many more like you, Sarah, stand for and from where we can get back to truth as demonstrated by your article.

  371. More and more I am opening my eyes to the lies that are spread through media and I am learning that if I don’t say anything, the lie will just continue. I always tell myself: if I don’t say anything, I contribute to the lie. I know deep down that one person can make a change and it start with me. I have a responsibility and I want to act on it. Sitting back and stay silently will not bring change in this world.

  372. Great blog Sarah – as you say ” we have an opportunity to expose lies and their insidious nature in our lives and only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm”.
    This is a great reminder for us all.

  373. Awesome work Sarah! You’re speaking the truth and you have inspired me so it definitely makes a difference.

  374. This is such a powerful article every paragraph in itself is profound in the truth it offers. A great example for how articles in research and the media could present truth that supports mankind.

    1. Golnaz that is very true. What strikes it for me is “Truth is what is felt in the heart.” – it confirms what we all know. Yet how often do we read articles that we know don’t feel true in the heart yet accept them as they are? I know sometimes I’ll read a paper and take it at face value instead of questioning does that feel true? I can really feel my responsibility in allowing myself to listen to what I feel in my heart instead of my head.

  375. You’re right Sarah, it doesn’t make sense, and I’m speaking up right now. Having been in medical and biological research, it was always a shocker for me to see scientists who were studying health, making choices that destroy their own, and with no excuse of ignorance of lack of understanding. And finding ways to justify their choices. There was once a book we had to study about lying with statistics. Well you can also lie with scientific and medical evidence – just cherry pick your bit of research and make the story you want out of it. It’s very discouraging to see science abused in this way, and when it’s abused by the media it has an impact on vast numbers of people. Very harming and irresponsible!

    1. Wow Dianne, that is revealing. As a society we have come to trust the “science” of things. That revelation even throws the meaning of the word “science” up in the air. It seems we have placed our trust in so many places other than ourselves. Now is the time when all of the lies and the practice of lies is being exposed. In turn, that means now is the time to take back and claim the innate trust we are capable of when we listen to ourselves.

  376. “The truth can only be veiled, never destroyed” that is the truth Sarah – the truth is always there for those willing to feel and know it. The lengths people go to to avoid truth is extraordinary considering “the truth will most certainly set you free”

  377. An amazing article Sarah. “The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference.” I fell for that lie but nothing could be further from the truth. I am seeing before my eyes how each of us speaking up and expressing truth from our inner heart makes a huge difference.

    1. Yes Karen, this is a great testament to that fact that every single voice counts. Not only is each statement a claim that adds up with all the others, but each expression has the power to inspire many many others.

  378. So truthful and clear Sarah, thank you. After reading your blog, several times, I was struck by the comment you made about not speaking up
    “By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia”.
    This is so true and I feel we have a responsibility to speak up fairly and firmly against the lies and deceptions.

  379. Thanks Sarah, What a brilliant expression of your truth.
    Feeling what you have written makes me realise that without truth, we actually have nothing, just a hollow or space that we need to constantly fill in order not to feel our hurt.
    Truth allows us to be the amazing beings that we all are, have the true relationships that we long for and live together in a connected and harmonious way.
    It is certainly time for us all to expose that which is not true, and express all that is.

  380. Thanks Sarah, great strength of commitment to truth in your blog. Yes it is up to us as individuals to stand up for truth that leads to us as brothers standing together united as truth that will change the face of this planet.

  381. So well said Sarah. As we speak up and stand for truth we set a marker and offer a new place to stand from so that others may see a different way also. We become a bright flower blooming amongst the grey muck.

  382. There is nothing greater than delivering truth. Living with the tension that brings, is a constant marker that there is more to be done. Like the icebreaker boat in the Antarctic, slowly but steadily cracking thick layers of ice.

  383. This is truth on paper. I love these simple truths, they are all true, we seem to have lost the real sense of responsibility: as you say ‘ It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it. ‘ Ouch, but what a power that we have to change it!

  384. Bring on The Truth. I recently read an article (by one media source) about the top 3 news services in America and how much truth was present in their reporting. The no.1 service was found to have just 24% of truth/accuracy to their news and no.2 being 16% and no 3 at just 8% of truth. Even though this was reported by another media service, there is still a level of truth here. The fact that these figures are as low as they are just goes to prove that Sarah is indeed exposing something so enormous that some will continue to believe the lie.

  385. Every word true – it is indeed time to take off the blndfold and really see the world we have created.

  386. I never realised that the more sensationalised a story is, the greater reward, money recognition etc. An old saying springs to mind, don’t shoot the messenger well Im not feelin it in cases like these

  387. Thank you Sarah for the great content and expression in your blog. I especially was drawn to a sentence near the end – “when we move past the pain that we carry we stop living to keep the world out” – I felt such truth in those few words and brought me to attention of how I hold the the world/others to ransom to keep it/them outside – not letting it/them in, thus capping, holding myself back from my true self and setting the shield of protection. And I ask myself what am I trying to protect myself from – the lies and deceit of an disharmonious world ? how can one truly serve with such an armour in place against something that we all have had a hand in creating in the first place – quite a circle of ludicrousity I would wonder.

  388. It is true, there are so many lies in the research and media of the world in which we live. We can think that it is only in these fields and that it doesn’t affect us, but it does. The media is the expression of reporting what is going on in society. If it lies, do we know what is really going on? Research defines and refines the detail of the way we understand life and all that is in it in society. If it is lying, then are we really understanding the life we live. It is important to speak up not only about the lies, but also about what else we feel about life, and ourselves be a part of media and research. Thank you for being so straight about it Sarah.

  389. Great blog Sarah. I felt your words deeply, especially those about not speaking up to tell truth. This is such a big thing, as we often think ‘what will happen when I do speak the truth?’ BUT the more we do, the more truth will be told and it frees us inside by the simple act of speaking out.

  390. Stephen Fry’s quote at the top of this blog says it all really. We all like to complain about media, but at the end of the day it is only responding to supply and demand. We demand to be left alone and stay blind to what is really going on, and the media feeds us what we want to hear so as not to rock our boat of comfort in any true and meaningful way. The media will change only when we as a society speak up and demand to hear the truth.

  391. I feel the more we speak out the easier the path is for others to start to share. We cannot be afraid of our own feelings and thoughts. Why as a society do we always hold back. As more stand up around the world, it inspires others to know that anyone can do it, even a school girl in a far away country can show the world, that it is time to say NO to the lies and untruths.

  392. Sarah You have done just what your blog was sharing, you have stood up and shared the truth. You are asking us all to have the willingness to speak up despite what the outcome is. I applaud you for this and am willing to join you in speaking what is the truth.

  393. “I was speaking with a colleague and they said that speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything”. Unfortunately I think many people feel this way, powerless as a small drop in the ocean. Well there are many drops in the ocean and together we CAN make a difference if we speak out for truth, it just means taking responsibility. What happens in the world DOES affect everyone, because we are all part of the ocean, therefore not speaking up harms all of us and allows untruth and injustice to continue. Maybe we could liken it to a snowflake. A snowflake is pretty harmless by itself, but many snowflakes make a snowball, and many snowballs make an avalanche! Thank you for your article Sarah.

  394. „From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.“ How right you are. It is this truth beginning with the smallest details in ones own life that will bring true changes and show that everything matters and is powerful – even if it may seem small at the first glance. An approach from the basis of love and truth is what will bring evolution.

  395. What a super powerful blog Sarah. I resonated with everything you expressed. Even though lies may be propagated and spread, truth will always stand in the face of lies. It is time for all of us to speak up in truth, and to put a stop to the rot, harm and corruption that lies feed on.

    1. Indeed Angela,’ It is time for all of us to speak up in truth’ and none more so than to the media who now appear to be out of control in the way that many journalists seek sensationalism over truth in the pursuit of self gain and what they perceive to be a ‘good story’! It is refreshing to see well known faces such as Stephen Fry speaking out for truth!

  396. I feel inspired and empowered to “observe, feel and speak”, knowing that there are so many others that are willing to do that as well, and we do make a difference. Just your blog made a lot of difference, as I can see from all the comments.
    Thank you.

  397. It’s actually quite sad to look at and consider in full how humans treat each other in online and print media. It’s like we are at constant war, to be the most successful or make the most money with no concern who we tread on along the way.

  398. “There are many others gathering around the world who have chosen to not compromise on truth – to observe, feel and speak it.” You bet, and this time we are not going away, we are here to stay until this whole mess is well and truly over.

  399. Thank you Sarah for this powerful article on truth, so much needed. I love how you say that “truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed. What we perceive is truth can only be felt and discerned by one who truly commits to feeling first from the heart.”
    Today we have lost so much the feeling of truth and we are totally caught up by right and wrong. Only by expressing truly we will claim back truth to be our foundation.

  400. Thank you for a powerful article on truth served accordingly. I love articles that ask the ‘unasked’ questions of ‘what is going on?’ ‘How can this be happening?’ It is crazy that there can be opposing ‘truths’ in such high levels of research, especially around the food industry. How come we don’t have just one universal truth? Which one is to trust, when one says its good for you, and one not (for e.g. dairy)? And on another subject, it is also outrageous how the media industry works- it is disgusting how it is all about money, not people, and not about telling the truth.

  401. What an awesome article Sarah, so well presented, there is nothing anyone can say against what you have written here. I loved this part at the end: ” When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within.” This is a wonder-ful reminder to me and maybe for us all that, where truth is expressed from the heart, love will prevail,

  402. “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.” These words spoke to me about our responsibility. We can feel and speak our truth and as Fiona has written, we change and evolve when we live true to ourselves.

  403. An amazing blog! Just from seperation and self hurt, the lies manifest into deeper and deeper illusions.

  404. Sarah, I love when you say, “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed”. Unfortunately we are continually force-fed misappropriated truths, which we allow to dictate how we think. As you say, “The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference”. It is only when we start to feel with our heart that we begin to see things as they really are and from truth “we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing”. As Stephen Fry so aptly observed, “truth is what is felt in the heart.”

  405. What a powerful blog you wrote here! I can feel no holding back in what is true- it is amazing to read and very uplifting!

  406. Don’t we all feel a lot better in life, if we are open and honest, and, tell nothing but the truth

  407. Sarah thank you for this powerful and direct blog stating the truth. The truth is something that I have searched for my whole life and I found it when I met Mr Serge Benhayon.

  408. Awesome blog, Sarah. Thank you for writing with such clarity and accessible words on this important topic.
    ‘Lies are calculated and manufactured to mislead, control and manipulate. And whether intended or not, they always hurt people. Even when we lie to ‘protect’ someone, there is always an intention of control and manipulation. Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.’
    I absolutely agree with these statements lies always hurts and truth gives freedom to make choices. It is up to us and when I allow myself to feel it does make a difference if I speak up and say the truth. This offers a platform/foundation for others and in the end this does make a difference. To start with it feels different in my body, it gives more space inside and feels less hard and protected if I express truth lovingly.

  409. I loved reading this, Sarah….no holding back here! Just the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as you’ve felt it – and so clearly, too. Your eating analogies of being ‘fed’ lies, of ‘gorging’ ourselves on the mass media is completely accurate for if everything is energy, as Einstein proved, then we are consuming it constantly. Ingesting so many lies, without giving ourselves the time to truly digest whether what we’ve consumed is of truth or not…no wonder we are obese and full of ‘it’. No checking in on what the heart feels, bypass that (medical/cardio pun intended), we are saturated by profiteering at our collective bodily expense. Keep calling out what you feel and know to be true, I loved reading this and am inspired to do the same.

  410. Even reading the word ‘truth’ in your article feels great in my body. The lies we allow to slip by are keeping us separate and judging one another. As I was reading, I realised that not speaking up is also a lie. Perhaps many of us grew up in homes where things went unsaid and were swept under the carpet – this definitely felt like living a lie. I have fallen victim to the idea that there is no point in speaking up, nothing will change. Yet what I have been finding when I do speak truth is that nothing outside me may appear to change but everything about how I feel inside changes. I feel the fullness of expressing what is there to be expressed and not allowing myself to be controlled or manipulated by an untruth.

    1. Yes Fiona, I totally agree. When you can express the truth of a situation with yourself, it’s like a door opens up inside you and all of that heaviness and protection that you held is released and you’re left with the truth of you. Simply gorgeous, and after all, it is only ever about love, either choosing it or not.

    2. Yes Fiona, I was one who grew up where anything that was ‘unpleasant’ or which may ruffle someone’s feathers’ was hushed up and ‘swept under the carpet’. The focus was on being ‘nice’ and ‘polite’, and although we were taught not to lie, there were things that were not talked about. Yet greatest damage is done ‘when good men say nothing!’ Our parents knew no different. Now thanks to Serge Benhayon and his presentations, we can ‘feel the fullness of expressing what is there to be expressed’ and no longer allow ourselves to be controlled or manipulated by an untruth

  411. Hello Sarah, you pack a punch in this article. There is a lot for us all to look at and individually what we can do to ‘change’ the world. Your article goes a long way to expose the ridiculousness of all of this and how we are controlled by the media and what they want. Speaking up at any point in any way is always, always important and well worth it. If it’s to yourself, your family, your friend, your social group, your town etc it doesn’t matter where it is or what time it is, the time is now. Speak up and let go of what you ‘think’ may happen. Only ‘we’ can change the world and ‘we’ are well worth it. Thank you Sarah, great, great article, loved it, more please.

    1. Absolutely Ray, speaking up at any point is always important, As Sarah so astutely observes, “The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defense of truth will make a difference”. By staying quiet we perpetuate the lies and nothing changes. It is only by speaking up for truth whenever and wherever that is, that we can change to world and as you say Ray, “we are well worth it!”

  412. As I am hopeful that more and more people worldwide are making the choice not to compromise on truth, let us keep these 3 words in our hearts – “observe, feel, speak.”…….

    1. I loved your comment Wendy. Observe, feel, speak…. It beautifully outlines how we can connect to truth and not get hooked up in arguing ‘what is the truth’ from our heads. Underneath it all, it is about energetic truth and our responsibility to discern whether what we are connected to is true or not.

  413. I love this article Sarah – thank you. I appreciate the expression ‘execution by pen’ – and agree that we may not have the stake burnings anymore, but yes, there is the long drawn out attacks via the many forms of media nowadays…It certainly magnifies clearly the necessity of true responsibility as you say, which of course is partnered with true accountability…

  414. I agree Sarah- being responsible for truth is everything. Even the smallest lies we tell ourselves, keep us in ” protection”, and away from the clarity of truth. Choosing to responsibly come from truth, opens us to the world, unites us with others and allows us all to grow.

  415. Collectively – there is a sense that people have just given up – just accepting that this is the way the world is and there is nothing we can do about it. This is certainly NOT true, as you have pointed out and it is our individual and collective responsibility to make a change. And there is much action that can be taken, but the first action that I have taken is to get myself out of that awful complacency that is satisfied with things being as they are.

  416. Sarah you have captured it all in these lines ‘‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen and this modern media expression is everywhere, and can attack by many means. Burning at the stake was the easy way out compared to the long, drawn out torture by faceless perpetrators on Twitter, Facebook, and commenting on blog posts.’ By not saying no this is wrong, we perpetuate the lie. Only by saying no, because deep inside we know it is wrong, will the pendulum begin to swing back toward the truth being the only expression we allow.
    “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
    – King James Bible

  417. This is such an insightful article Sarah, exposing much to consider. It is true we all know and feel the truth in the heart, and yet we may conveniently choose assumed ignorance so as not to feel the ugliness of the untruths or to feel the overwhelm of the extent of them. If we actually let it all in it is hard not to speak up and start to be responsible for the change we want to see. I agree with your words. ‘It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.’… and we have the power to be the change.

  418. A great article Sarah. A timely reminder that we all need to take responsibility and speak up against the lies and mis-truths in the media, as staying silent only makes it worse.

  419. An important point in this blog is that we think we are one small person whose voice will not make a difference – but this is far from the truth. One person delivers truth out loud and even if only one or two people truly hear it, if they choose to share it the word spreads and so it goes. Exposing lies and delivering the truth is the only way forward for humanity.

  420. Thank you Sara, this reminded me of working briefly for a research team at a hospital, it was very obvious from early on there was an agenda to their research which was not based on truth, it felt very artificial to work on such a project. I am pretty sure a lot of research is the same, it is not about truth it is about meeting a certain agenda.

  421. Thank you Sarah, gorgeously expressed and utterly true. When we do choose to express truth and not hold back we do certainly find that we are not alone, and that we have immense power within us to change a world that has largely given up on expressing the truth.

  422. It’s like we need to stop lying to ourselves that everything is OK and face up to the uncomfortable reality that if things are to change in our lives, we need to take responsibility for speaking up – and for a long time we haven’t.

  423. A lie is easy to live when we have some self in the way. Your blog clearly shows this Sarah. Thank you

  424. “I was speaking with a colleague and they said that speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything.” this is a sentence that is so accepted, if we can’t change it on our own we can better do nothing is actually what is said here. Its great that you make me aware again of our responsibility in this world.

  425. Yes Sarah a lot of people are held back by the attitude of: “speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything”. I’ve heard this a lot in the environmental movement too. And yet, if only one begins to make the effort to speak truth that is felt instead of staying silent, it’s amazing what mountains begin to move!

  426. ‘Truth is what is felt in the heart’. In the midst of the deceptive, tangled, twisted, complicated media circus its so good to know we have a source of truth; The Body Never Lies. Spread the news!

  427. a very powerful blog Sarah with much for the reader to ponder on. What you expose about the gossip press being the modern equivalent of a witch hunt is nothing short of revolutionary. We like to think we have evolved from those times but really all we have done is polish up the outer for it to look more ‘civilised’ where in truth there is no difference in what is being done. Just as people would gobble up the drama of the trials and execution of those they targeted as witches back then, people today gobble up the lies and accusations and drama of the press giving them a free license to continue or even worsen their behaviour. It is time we recognise that nothing has truly changed and nothing will change until we all take responsibility for what we allow in our lives.

  428. Deception underlies our whole culture, as you have so graphically and brilliantly described, Sarah. As you also said, the change starts with us when we recognise we also are living from the layer of protection we have built to stop us feeling our hurts. Acknowledge this and we are on the way to accepting that we having been lying to ourselves and deceiving ourselves for a long time. Many people living from this self deception builds into a collective and accepted deception by humanity. This is where we can break the norm. and begin to speak the truth of what we can feel and see around us.

  429. I am finding it harder and harder to ignore the lies that so commonly occur in the media and research domains; not to mention in many other areas of everyday life. Although it is a case of being perceptive of timing etc., I believe that I am colluding with what is happening if I don’t speak out at appropriate times with those around me. It’s so easy to just withdraw rather than bring attention to myself and risk being the ‘outsider’. I am grateful for the support of fellow students and Universal Medicine practitioners. Their help is enabling me to integrate Universal Medicine teachings into my life so as to develop deeper self connection and confidence to express what I can energetically feel is biased and untrue, especially in the media and research domains.

  430. Yes, and the real evil is the deliberate misuse of words, so that the relationship between words and what they represent becomes muddied and obscure. Ensure this, and it takes the power away from people to call things our for what they are, and thus to see the world as it actually is. Through the bastardisation of language, horrendous evil is allowed to take place.

    And this form of deceit is in many ways the most insidious, as the use of language in this way in any given instant may not seem to be conveying ‘a lie’ – for it requires an awareness that the language used is being purposely employed to conceal, rather than reveal, the actual facts of the matter: i.e. reality.

  431. Sarah you have written and contributed a brillant piece which has me stirring deep from within. As you so rightly point out, one person at a time taking responsibility for themselves and how they are in the world. Thank-you.

  432. Thank you Sarah for calling us for starting to speak the truth. We all know that we are fed with lies that manipulate us to to stay away from the truth and too long we have kept silence and conveniently thought that nothing we say in defense of truth will make a difference.

  433. The influence of the media extends far beyond what is obviously seen. We see this in election campaigns where the stance of the media will determine the outcome of a political issue. At their whim the media could choose to end the career of virtually any politician of their choosing, a whole government if they see fit. It’s a matter of personal opinion who is in and who is out. And to extend that beyond politics, the media can and does assassinate the character of whomever they wish if the story is ripe for better sales and profit margins, and this happens because we allow it, and choose to not discern if what we are being sold is truth or lies.

  434. I’ve just had a bit of a giggle with myself. I’ve just read, ‘Every press has its modus operandi – to gain more readership than another. The more readers, the more they will come back for another bowl of ‘piffle’….. instead of ‘trifle’. A trifling mistake? A brain glitch? Don’t think so! Just truth bursting out of me of its own accord and completely without any thinking on my part.

    1. That’s funny Judith, ‘piffle’ is a great word! In fact, it seems to me that many people actually enjoy reading ‘piffle’ and they’re not interested in the truth, even though they are inherently looking for it. Ironic isn’t it?

  435. I feel the huge responsibility that is exposed here for all. It is not enough to commit to truth only in your own life and allow and ignore the lies & deceit to continue. We have to call it out, even if, as you share, it is only a drop in the ocean.

  436. I love what you express about the body’s innate intelligence Jane and the beauty is, if its communications are heard and honoured then more is revealed. A dynamic, evolving, loving connection that is so intimate.

  437. Julie
    Yes, truth seems to be a hard pill to swallow for most, but there are those out there now that are feeling the truth in their heart and unable to accept the lies and so speaking out for all to know truth. Something that is very much needed in this world where protecting our choices is sadly an acceptable even if uncomfortable practice.

  438. Absolute Gold Sarah – It sure does pay off to speak the truth, we just have to get rid of the want for others to always approve of what is being said. Reactions will come as I’ve experienced, but when we stick to the truth consistently things will change because deep down we all know and can feel that there is a truth to life.

  439. Thanks Sarah, I love this bit… “What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone. There are many others gathering around the world who have chosen to not compromise on truth” it is very true..I stand alongside you

  440. And the things that should be published, like the numerous cases of child molestation by famous media people that have been swept under the carpet for many many years, is being accepted by the media. I heard a well known journalist say as he was being interviewed : “Yes there were rumors about this person that we knew personally abusing children, but because my chief editor said we wouldn’t investigate it further, I didn’t see the point either.” And that is a person who claims to have journalistic values and integrity. And who is seen as ‘trustworthy’. And there are many more examples of this kind of denying truth. And we allow that , if we don’t speak up.

  441. Shortly after I started to live in Australia, I realised how much the Japanese media is actually controlled. It was an eye-opener. The fact that there are journalists who write lies (and even received an award for it) and nothing has been done about it is something for us all to take notice of and take action.

  442. You are right Sarah, it is up to us to stand up for truth and this is the most powerful way forward. It is because we have remained complacent that the media have gone all out for sensationalism.

  443. Awesome Sarah, this blog exposes Lies on many levels. As you say, there are lies in the media, lies between friends, and lies within family – even lies we think are ‘good’ lies. What we don’t realise is this creates a web, a sticky sticky web that then Truth needs to come and clear away. It certainly is time to start the clean up process – and it so simply starts with knowing that we do know truth innately, and then expressing it when it is felt. Thank you Sarah.

  444. It feels like humanity is more comfortable with lies than it is with the truth. In a seeming paradox though we all look to be searching for the truth. The media have played an enormous role in reporting to us with blatant lies, however the responsibility lies with humanity for allowing lying to become a normal way of life. Each and every day I feel so enormously grateful I have found the true truth of life. Through the teachings and presentations of Universal Medicine I can experience and live truth within a world built on lies.

  445. Thank you Sarah, so much wisdom and truth to all of your words. What a pity everyone does not express from the same integrity and love as you.

  446. Well said Sarah. I notice everyday that Magazines and newspapers present headlines to hook people in and to encourage creation of stories which are misleading and harmful to the person written about, the person reading the article and the issue being presented. It is time to feel and standup for Truth.

  447. When I read your words, Dear Sarah, I feel the deep love that is in your way of expression. The fact that we are all responsible for the mass of lies that we’re living in, is presented in a way, that I as the reader can easily follow and let in. I can feel the truth in it. And we are the ocean, so every drop counts!

  448. Thank you Sarah for saying it how it is. Your blog was so refreshing to read.

    There is so much to comment on your blog that I will need to come back a few times to comment. I want to start with what you say about Freedom of Speech and how “‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen”. How very true this is. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can write whatever lies they want about someone and within seconds these lies can be seen by millions of people.

    The best lie detector that we have is our own bodies and it is only through listening to our body that we can tell what is really going on.

  449. Thank you Sarah for this beautiful blog. This section stood out for me “Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility. With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally.” This is true. Through the support of the esoteric healing modalities and courses presented by Universal Medicine I have been healing the hurts I was using to keep people out. I have found this has supported me to open up to people and feel the connection that exists between all. I now know the truth that how I am with myself affects everyone. So the more connected, loving and deeply caring I am of myself the more I can bring this connection, love and deep care in my relationship with others. This is a beautifully responsible way to live the truth.

  450. Again, here we find another example of how we have allowed ourselves to be misled by outside forces instead of stopping for a moment, connecting to our bodies and recognising we already know the truth – the rest is just entertainment, a distraction from living the life we know to be true.

  451. Thanks Sarah – your exploration of the media is really an exploration in human nature and how we relate to truth and ultimately asks are we living it or not? I asked myself this question when reading your article and it doesn’t take much to identify areas in my life I could certainly bring more of what I see and know to be true to myself and those around me. Your words at the end as to how when it comes to truth ‘you are not alone’ is a huge consciousness cracker – I have certainly avoided my truth in the past for fear of being alone – and although things are very different in my life these days, your writing is very inviting to take this even deeper and bring more of what I know to be true out from within me.

    1. Gemma I also feared being alone when I lived my truth but that’s just another lie that we fell for because I have you here with me and more friends and loving relationships than ever before. So I reckon that should be changed to Live your truth and have more friends than you could possibly have hoped for over two life times 🙂

    1. Joe. You are spot on with your comments. Why are people so afraid of being up front and truthful.

  452. Well said Sarah, by not speaking up against the constant barrage of lies; half-truths and accepted ill ways of being in society we are complicit with all the lies.

  453. Sarah – your words are a breath of fresh air to the often polluted world of print, thank you. What I have noticed is that our version of ‘truth’ collectively as a society, leaves much to be desired… Have you often heard people say ‘what is true for me, might not be true for you’? or, ’that’s your truth, not mine’? This is a LIE. Truth is truth, it is an absolute and a constant and can’t be one thing to one person and another thing to another. It can, however, be connected to or not connected to. Where we are perhaps getting lost here is that what is true for the soul is entirely different to what the spirit holds as its version of ‘truth’. A fair chunk of the worlds population don’t even believe that there is a spirit or a soul and another whopping chunk, do believe, but have lumped them both together in the one self serving package. From my experience, what is true for the soul is a truth for everyone, a one unified truth that can always be connected to, discerned and felt. In stark and blinding contrast, what is ‘true’ for the spirit, is generally just for that spirit (person) and will ultimately only serve the ‘self’ and often at the detriment of others. The current state of our media fall into this latter category which explains how lies can be dished up as ‘truth’ to a public that has forgotten how to discern the difference. True truth serves ALL and not just personal and political agendas. As Stephen Fry has so perfectly put it “Truth is what is felt in the heart” – you can’t argue with that because the heart is the seat of the soul and can always FEEL what is true or not. The spirit, on the other hand, uses the mind to chop and change (enter the lies..) and THINK it knows. The tragedy is, it can only do this when it overrides the wisdom on offer through what we feel deep in our hearts. What a mess!

  454. great blog Sarah,

    from what you have written it seems there are 3 things at play here.

    1) There is a philosophy that truth-full and factual reporting is boring and sensationalising, beating up, spin, and fabricating the story is what readers will pay more for.

    2) Investigative reporting and fact checking is expensive and time consuming while Opinion pieces and sensationalised gossip is cheap.

    3) the real truth is not being told.
    Corporate sponsorship of media and political parties are tangled up and made the real Issues that would be front page news and would sell quite well are no go zones.

    This brings into focus how media are funded and that any reporting by its nature has a vested intrest.

  455. So powerfully said Sarah. We have all been in silent complacency for too long about what is wrong in our world and therefore we are each responsible for the place we are in. This is something I’ve come to understand from the teachings of Serge Benhayon – we can’t blame others for where we are.
    I’ll put my hand up as one who has been silent believing one person can’t change anything. But the blinkers have come off and I can feel clearly my responsibility to first feel the truth and then expose the lies. I work in research and there is no doubt the system around research is broken, it promotes prestige, competition, and power rather than being about humanity. The media is clearly corrupt and broken and continues to peddle mistruths and gossip. In not speaking up we are continuing to allow the manipulation and control of many by a few. I am now making a commitment to truth for that is bringing love to the world.

  456. Thank you for drawing such a vivid picture of what is going on today. Since years I had the feeling that information you find in the media or books will not have to be the truth or the whole truth.
    But only during the last few days I have come to realise to what extent it is possible to manipulate or spread lies in our modern world, especially through social media. They are a great platform to connect with friends or promote a business, but one cannot ignore the less pretty side of them. For me it is beyond comprehension that there is seemingly no legislation to prevent or prosecute things like cyberbullying or defamation.
    We live on a continent where everything down to the correct size of a tomato is been regulated by standards and laws, why do politicians not attend much more to this matter?
    There are millions with accounts on facebook or twitter, why do not more people stand up for the truth about cyberbullying? It can affect everybody!

  457. Sarah I am beginning to really appreciate the truth in your lines, ‘When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within. This will reveal a very different world; the choice rests with us.’ The possibility of letting the world in and being love allows such grace and beauty.

  458. We are bombarded with information by the media and I often forget to check the truth of what I am reading, especially if the article catches a point of view that I like. (Many don’t) It’s time to stop and feel and truly know from my own heart. It is a simple and great exercise. When I have nailed that, I will never be fooled.

  459. I love what you have shared Sarah and I look forward already to re-reading many times. At this moment I’m shocked to read that Doctors are saying alcohol is harmless to pregnant women. I’m not medicaly or scientificaly trianed but I’ve lived and experienced the effects of alcohol both from personal consumption and the cause and effects it brings up for others, whether mine or their consumption. Who needs a degree to know that it is a harming substance?
    Why would anyone suggest even vaugley that it is harmless and have the possibility of this flow onto an unborn baby? Yes it’s time to speak up.

    1. Why is it people choose to accept the lies in the media, the lies around food and malicious gossip. Is it possible that if we do we don”t have to take responsibility for ourselves and the effect it has on our health and on others. I agree it is time to speak up against false advertising, false accusations, and false reporting in the media.

      1. Hi Deidre, maybe people think that no one will listen, or their one voice won’t make a difference, but if these blogs and comments are anything to go by, once someone starts it then snowballs and DOES then begin to make a difference. Its like you say, we have to start taking responsibility, as by not speaking up we are adding to it.

  460. “By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia.”
    Awesome Sarah, a great article, thank you. It is time for us all to speak up and say No to lies, holding firm in the truth we truly know.

    1. I totally agree Beverley, it is time to speak up, we DO all have and voice and, together we CAN make a difference, thinking otherwise is just not wanting to take responsibility and burying our heads in the sand.

  461. Thank you for so clearly laying out and posing the widespread damage of accepting lies. The lies we tell ourselves constantly keep us from addressing the lies around us. Truth can be found and felt in and from the heart, believing otherwise only leads to more lies and despair. Yet despite knowing and having experienced this to be true I have found myself slipping back into the old ways of listening to the lies. When I feel uneasy, as lies naturally bring an uncomfortable feeling, what I have found to be of great support is to keep coming back to truth and to appreciate and acknowledge it as the truth it is – giving more focus to the truth rather than believing that it is just a fleeting moment that I cannot choose to hold onto and experience for longer than a mere moment.

  462. After coming upon this beautiful blog once more, I was struck by the sentence “By continuing to perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia.” This is a concept that I feel needs to be understood to a greater degree. My whole life I have usually been the “loud mouth” (note the derogatory terminology) who would speak up about something I felt was not socially right, loving, or supportive of people in general, and society as a whole, and would be criticised or told that it won’t make a difference. But obviously if we are all complacent and just sit on the sidelines saying nothing, we are by default condoning the abuse or corruption, greed, harm, we are witnessing. The difference for me now is that I don’t usually come at these issues with a huge dose of anger, frustration, or reaction, but will make observations with people that bring to people’s awareness that there may be another way that is more kind and understanding and just plain humane. This approach is much more likely to be heard and sometimes positive actions result, without me being on some mission to change the world anymore out of a drive or need to feel good about myself.

  463. More and more in life is becoming transparent, so surely honesty and truth must be the best policy in all we do in this world.

  464. An absolutely brilliant article Sarah, with every word ringing true as I read. Now here is someone standing for Truth and speaking UP asking for integrity from us all. Thank you.

  465. In a world where we’re fed our daily bread of media angles, hit with marketing positioning at every turn and handed evidence-based scientific research often sponsored by the very enterprises who stand to gain, isn’t it great that we have our very own inbuilt truthometer to rely on.

  466. Shirley-Ann the key is exactly what you say if we choose to feel honesty then the truth is felt in the heart. But instead what we do is numb ourselves from feeling and keep our selves in distraction.

  467. “Only when we stand up and tenderly and compassionately deal with childhood hurts will we be truly free to choose to take responsibility.” This sentence says so much. The whole world is acting from their hurts and this creates one big mess. How amazing would it be if everyone were to take full responsibility for how they feel and deal with their hurts before expressing.

  468. This is the first time I’ve read this blog and when I read ‘Truth can only be veiled by lies – it can never be destroyed’, I felt a real sense of the absolute truth of that sentence. No matter how it is ever challenged and attacked, Truth is still Truth, never anything else.

  469. I love re-reading this blog. “Truth is what is felt in the heart” – a great quote. So much research is done with an already biased view, then statistics are brought in to support it, regardless of other stats that may contradict. Profit is sought above all else. Do we really want to perpetuate this sort of society? It is now time to express and speak up, as you say Sarah, then ” From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing.”

  470. Great to revisit your blog Sarah, I love that you bring it right back to healing our childhood hurts, for that is where it all starts. I can feel that holding onto childhood hurts stopped me from expressing truth as I felt I would not be heard. This is just an illusion and I can feel we all have a voice and can express truth with power and authority. From the seemingly smallest thing to the largest – it all matters.

    1. You are right Jane, when we feel as children that we will not be heard the tendency is to give up from speaking up. Possibly a belief sets in that we don’t count or matter. But as you say we all have a voice and can express truth and authority, even the tiniest thing counts and makes a difference.

  471. I for one am totally over all the hyped up media stories that are passed off as news. I am also crying out for a world where truth honesty and trust are back in style, a simpler way of being where everyone is striving for the common good of mankind.

  472. My favourite part of this article is – “complacency and accepting the current status quo is our own undoing. Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.”

  473. Once we decide to get very honest and see the flaws in how research is sold to sell food and we allow ourselves to feel the harm this has done and is doing, and once we see how much untruth we accept and rely on we will begin to say “No” to the lies and start trusting the inner most common sense of our own hearts.

    There is a Truth and it can be know.

    “When I connect to truth, it offers an awareness of the possibility of exploring another way, where we all live and express according to the love that we are within.” Sarah

  474. That’s so true Jane – I can see that it is slowly starting to turn and people are starting to realise that what they put into their bodies does matter. I had a chat with a customer yesterday at work and he shared how he eats as healthy as he can and quote ‘food is medicine for our bodies’ – It was music to my ears.

    1. Natalie I too have seen change in many people, especially staff, they are now more aware about what they will cook and eat, and whether it’s supportive on not to their body. It’s lovely when they talk to me about their changes.

  475. I agree with the point about the lies we are told regarding food. In the UK on 13 December 2014 a new regulation comes into force regarding allergens. Every place that provides food has to be able to say exactly what is in every piece of food they offer, and the 14 ‘allergens’ listed are: Celery, Cereals containing Gluten, Crustaceans, Eggs, Fish, Lupin (used to make flour), Milk, Mustard, Nuts, Peanuts, Sesame Seeds, Soya, Sulphur Dioxide. What I find interesting is that there is no mention of sugar, which is in many proceed foods, including bread, a staple food. Much of the scientific evidence of what sugar does to the body is suppressed, we all know it makes us fat, but how many people know about brain, liver and heart damage caused by sugar? Granted, sugar is always listed as an ingredient on most packets, so I guess they are covered, according to the regulations, but I wonder how sick we have to get before sugar is finally openly named as one of the things we should not be eating?

    1. Good point Carmel, about sugar still not being mentioned for all it’s harmful effects on the body, in any public way.

      This goes to show just how much the truth is resisted when that truth will disrupt a way of living we have invested in!

  476. Sarah, thank you for this article that exposes the deceit in much “scientific” research that goes on. How can a researcher publish results that do not even acknowledge that there are other scientific findings by their colleagues that prove that the opposite is true. It is hard to understand that they could allow themselves to have zero integrity in that moment. But if we instead listen to Serge Benhayon’s explanation which is that there isn’t much, if any, true science going on, what we have adopted instead is “sponsored science” and this is what we should call it, because it immediately explains the lack of integrity found in the results. This is not a judgement and not a criticism of individual scientists. Science has itself discovered that it will tend to prove what it is looking to prove without any deliberate manipulation by the scientist, and so any science that is sponsored is almost bound to come up with the result it is looking for. So sponsored science should always be suspected as flawed and the science of one person’s experience, which is currently written off as invalid, should be taken seriously and investigated to see if it is true for more than just that one person.

  477. We can make a difference, by continuing to express truth, and expose insidious lies.
    Let us stand up, united and say NO.

  478. This is a great read and after finishing it I feel inspired to stick my head up over the parapet (or better yet walk in front of it, no hiding whatsoever) and get out there into the world and get on with it. Get on with not allowing what I know is un-true to perpetuate, no matter how small my drop into the ocean is. Droplets will always have ripples. Ripples travel, no matter how small…

    1. That’s true Cheryl. “Droplets will always have ripples. Ripples travel, no matter how small…” and combining that with other droplets when they join can create a swell! As we know water has the power to change the formation of landscapes. So how powerful is it when groups of people stand together and express truth? The world can literally move.

      1. A great analogy with the water, Rachel. Truth is a powerful medium…even the hardest rock of lies can be eroded with it.

  479. As you so simply put here – truth offers an awareness to change, a foundation to build from. An openness at all times. If we acted this way in all moments, with ourselves and each other – it would breed a very solid culture for humanity.

  480. Yes I totally agree David, it is like we don’t have to peel off those layers of other people’s truths but just more and more connect to our own inner truth and they gradually show themselves as the untruths, or truths, that they are and in the light that we stand they have no power over us any more.

  481. When I look back through my education I realise that I learned that truth was some formula or fact you learnt from a book. How far off that is it from “truth being what is felt in the heart”. With the former I am at the mercy of what other people say is true, yet with the latter I am responsible for truth as I am responsible for being open to truly feel what is true or not. It’s so much more empowering to bring truth to what I feel in my heart rather than some fact written in a book by someone who may not know their own truth.

  482. You have made some great points here Sarah, it seems to me that we have conflicting information bombarded at us from all angles and we get to choose our own flavour of convenient truth. Could it be that we lie so much to ourselves that this is reflected back to us in the misguided or confusing information out there. Is it any wonder, people do not know if they are coming or going.

    1. A great point Julie. I loved this – Truth, on the other hand, offers the opportunity to see things as they really are. From truth, we can begin to make changes in the world and break from the illusion we are choosing. Truth begins with ourselves – being truthful about our own choices, even the smallest ones, for they all count.

  483. Awesome hard hitting blog Sarah, our bodies are telling us what is really going if only we choose to listen. People bend the facts and the truth to suit their situation so they can make their point. You can essentially construct a study to show whatever you want but it is does not make it true. It is time we wise up more to what is really going on around us in the world and listen to our hearts.

  484. For a long time I over rode truths I felt in my body, and I still do in many ways by listening externally without paying due heed to what I feel from inside. One example of this was in the food I ate, I would have reactions to certain foods but as I had read it was supposedly good for me I continued to eat it blindly. This is a way we are programmed to live, lots of outside chatter tries to gain our attention, but perhaps it is our own body we should listen to most strongly, because the truth resides within and from there we can live in true power.

    1. So true Stephen. Our body is the first place to start. I find it is so easy for me to get caught into trying to ‘resolve everything’ in my head, yet when I honour my body and feel the situation with the whole of my being rather than just use my brain, I often find greater intelligence and wisdom which is more far reaching than the little piece I was looking at. This also brings a greater responsibility to take care of my body as it is my personal marker of all truth.

    2. So true, Stephen. I too have fallen under the “do something because someone else said” spell. It’s amazing how our societies are hard-wired to ignore the one thing in life that cannot ever lie. Our bodies.

  485. Great article Sarah, I love how you start with Truth being felt in the Heart and the lies everywhere bringing insidious evil in the world permeating our entire existence.
    Great to call this out and bring it all back to simply being love and coming from feeling the truth in our bodies. Only then can the lies be exposed and a truthful way of living occur.
    Thank you

  486. ‘The truth can only be veiled by lies – it can never be destroyed.’ As I learn more about my own levels of ( subtle ) dishonesty I know that as I bring more of my true self to the world that this, in its own small way, will have an effect. As more of us do this, and as students of Universal Medicine we are, then the ripples float outwards. We start with ourselves; this we can do something about. Also to stand up and be counted when obvious lies are being perpetrated.

  487. Reading the article and comments it is clear that it is up to all of us to stand up and say what we will or will not accept. For Byron Kaye and Jane Hansen, just two examples of journalists who have made up and printed lies, to be able to get away with such behaviour shows that we have allowed it before. The extent of mistruth is astonishing yet it’s generally accepted as long as it does not directly affect “me”. Hearing different accounts of people around the world it is only when someone is on the receiving end of such abusive action do they stand up. Perhaps it’s time for us all to stand up before it gets to that?

    1. I agree David, it is usually only when it directly affects us, do we stand up and say No, this is not right. With these blogs and comments we are now saying that we are not waiting for it to come to us but that we are willing to stand for truth beforehand.

  488. A very powerful statement of intent. It is, without question, up to us, the bystanders to invoke change. We can blame the media and it’s affiliates as long as we like (and they do deserve a great portion of the blame and I am not condoning their working practices) but the true responsibility and the true power lies with us, the everyman/woman on the street. We absolutely know the truth and it is absolutely up to us to claim that truth.

    1. I love what you have expressed Otto. There is a difference between us complaining about the lies and the lack of accountability to us standing tall and saying “no more lies, not on my watch” and powerfully claiming the truth. We absolutely do know the truth and it is up to each and every one of us to claim that truth.

  489. I think newspapers particularly have always carried a heavy burden of mendacity. We were always told at school, “read all the papers, then make up your own mind”. One was always hearing the expression, ” Don’t believe all you read in the papers”.

  490. Truth is always in our hearts. Lies and deceit will always be caught out for what they are.

  491. ‘The truth can only be veiled by lies. It can never be destroyed’. “Truth will out” is such a common saying. Time shows us that eventually this is so. Calling out what does not serve us all – equally – is the way to go. Starting with myself, and catching my subtle levels of dishonesty and calling them out.

  492. Well said Jane. To listen to our body first is key to knowing what is right for us. So many articles contradict others, leaving it to be a wise choice for us to feel for ourselves and trust what our body shows us.

  493. ‘Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.’ What you are presenting is so true, contrary to the plethora of lies out there. We are all responsible for not speaking out, and only by doing so will anything change. Thank you for presenting, what feels like a huge unsolvable problem, so simply.

    1. Great point Carmin, its so easy to think the media is too big and what difference will I make. If we all take that approach then nothing will change. As we start to speak and share what we feel is true and what is not true at least then we are providing an opportunity where things can change.

  494. I love this Sarah. The Truth is indeed the last one standing, and many people have bought into a belief system (as you mentioned based on flimsy evidence at best, and control and manipulation at worst) that speaking up is not worth it. But what is the alternative here? If anyone just stops for a moment to assess the global situation of massive illness and disease increasing at an exponential rate, war, famine, etc., one can see that the future may be quite bleak without us all standing up and saying “enough already” and dealing with the hurts that hold us back from feeling the truth even more, and feeling the amazing beings that we all are inside, however masked, numbed, or confused they may presently be.

  495. Lovely piece Sarah. Whoever wrote ” Oh what a tangled web
    we weave, when we practice to deceive” knew what they were talking about. The complications that arise, multiply
    as each layer of untruth is piled upon the next.
    Oh for the sheer simplicity and purity of Truth!

  496. Sarah it surprises me how many different “views” there are. I recently read in a prominent newspaper that some doctors are saying drinking is harmless to an unborn child. On the other hand there is evidence to suggest that there is a percentage of children in primary school who suffer from FASD (Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) as they have been affected by mothers who have drunk during pregnancy. The press is a very powerful medium and they influence billions of people world wide. It’s quite scary to consider how much of what is written is not actually true yet we take it in as such – including those who are educated or have trained in these fields of study.

  497. From the presentations of Serge Benhayon I have been inspired and supported to deal with my hurts and connect to my truth which I am communicating from more and more, with an openness to letting people in.

  498. I do wonder how so many scientists and researchers get it so wrong. It is as if they only allow themselves to see what they consider to be the facts that are within a certain box and they are able to choose to not see or be aware of any facts or evidence that are outside that box, a box which they have defined. They are probably convinced that what they are doing has integrity, but it clearly does not because they are only considering a part, not the whole. Unless the whole is considered, how can there be any integrity?

    1. Doug I too wonder how scientists and researchers get it wrong. The crazy thing is there are so many people who then take what the scientists and researchers say as truth rather than discerning for them selves the truth.

    2. Very true Doug, for centuries we have listened to people in ‘authority’ about what they feel is the truth, but if they have dismissed something because it doesn’t fit into ‘their’ parameters it is not even considered, so in fact, all that is presented is an interpretation and not the whole truth.

      1. Ah yes TIm the line of best fit. As a young student, I was always puzzled that a line of best fit doesn’t actually touch any of the data that was collected in an experiment.

        Speaking to a group of researchers recently it would seem that increasingly the parameters are influenced by the sponsor

  499. These are issues that we need to be talking about, the state of the media and food industries, but not from a place of disempowerment as you have said Sarah but from being willing to see all the rot we have allowed and know that we can change it.

    1. I agree Fiona we have to see the rot for what it is (I have spent most of my life trying to ignore this and pretend it is not there!), and call it out for what it exactly is – ROT, and there is plenty of it. We cannot allow this any longer.

      1. Yes I too have spend most of my life trying to ignore the rot that is plainly there. This includes being truthful about my own life and what rot I let fester within it. When I call it for what it is my body feels so much lighter – freed from trying to pretend or justify that something is good when it is clearly not true good but just a subtler layer of rot.

        I know I have the choice and the power to make different choices based on the truth I feel from within.

  500. It is time to take off the blindfold and jump over the parapet. There is so much in the media that is creating illness in our society by spreading lies and mistruths. I have fed from that trough for many years and it is not at all nourishing. In fact, it is greatly harming. As you say Sarah, by moving past our hurts, we can let the world in and from this place express the truth that is seriously needed to be expressed.

  501. Thank you Sarah for this very important Blog bringing light to the lies and deceit in the media and the real truth called for now and needed in the world today.
    We all have a responsibility to call this out and see what is truly going on and put a stop to it.
    It is from the presentations and teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that the world is getting a chance to feel and open up our eyes and Serge is bringing an honesty to the world by his own livingness and reflection for us all.

  502. It is very inspiring to read a blog that is straight to the point, clearly and simply stating what is going on and bringing to light the obvious way of a ‘fallen way’ of living, that is serving no one as equals but only individuals and their greed for a comfortable way of living. It is time as you say to make a choice to either collude with the current trends that are clearly not working for us and have not for hundreds of years or make a different choice that could bring change everywhere in this world. I know the comfort game very well and as tricky as it seems to let go of the actual life changing way of living that comes from living Truth can not be denied – It is the only way forth, living from the impulse that created us which resides in our inner heart. It is time for all to start listening and living this I say.

  503. I am forever amazed at the pendulum swing of ‘fact’ reported in our newspapers about what is and isn’t good for us, and these inconsistencies of ‘fact’ have left me confused and unsure in my head. It is when I come to feel in my body what the truth is that things start to make sense, and as this listening relationship develops I am fooled less and less by what I read.

    1. Good point there Matilda. The way I feel after reading the paper is empty and confused and uncomfortable. We can feel the effect of the twisted lies or half-truths. Our own bodies know what is true.

  504. ‘It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.’ I am finding the more I am willing to see that I have resisted seeing in the past as I have not wanted to take responsibility for my choices. Thank you Sarah for calling Truth – Truth,

  505. I really love what you wrote here with:
    “The biggest lie of all is that we think that nothing we say in defence of truth will make a difference. I was speaking with a colleague and they said that speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything. But this complacency and accepting the current status quo is our own undoing. Only through our responsibility will we be able to shift the current norm.”
    This is an issue in which we have all been complicit.
    And whilst that colleague may have indicated that nothing at work would have changed, my experience is that when I speak up, I feel truer in myself- so something really does change.

    1. I agree Michelle, we have been complacent about speaking the truth for too long now. It took the love and integrity of one man to stand up and speak his truth, and now, thanks to the inspiration of Serge Benhayon, there are now hundreds, if not thousands of people willing to stand up and speak their truths.

      1. Absolutely Tim, and as Sarah has said currently “they are rewarded for telling lies with higher share prices, promotions, status or awards”. We really cannot allow this to carry on any longer.

      2. Absolutely, the inspiration continues and more and more people will stand up for the truth, we only needed one person to start and that was Serge Benhayon.

    2. I agree Michelle, speaking truth always makes change, for we do feel truer in ourselves when we do. To be complacent is simply to avoid the responsibility we have to speak truth and leads to a shrivelling up of our expression

    3. This comment brought to my mind the tale of someone who had an ugly patch of waste land near their home. Everytime they went past it, they planted a bulb. It look some time, but that waste land was transformed into a beautiful flower meadow. So every drop of truth dropped into the muddy ocean of lies and deceit, builds and builds. One day, the water will hold the clarity of truth.

  506. This is an amazing contribution to the expose of simply put, “the lies”. I love your comment about “taking off the blindfold to look at the world, because we created it”…it speaks volumes about the state of responsibility people are willing to take over their expressions and essentially their lives. Being able to hide behind the veil of social media to bully another, or submerge into the distraction of tabloid press to mask your own pain, even just revelling in the blame of someone else, somewhere else over something else, are all clever tactics we continue to create to avoid speaking truth. That niggling fear that my, our, your truth might just not fit in the status quo or, heaven forbid, might not be liked is stopping us from simply, being. We are gleefully prepared to fork out £trillions on medicinal, technological and scientific adaptations to support our growth, but yet when are we going to stop spending money and start looking at the infected root. It’s time to start looking forward to looking forward. Great blog Sarah.

      1. we haven’t forgotten what truth looks like or is it we just don’t want to see the truth of how we have lived and the mess it has created. It isn’t a pretty sight and it doesn’t feel good. But it is worth it and the more I look and find the lovelessness I live with the more I feel able to truly want love to be my marker, not my avoidance of responsibility.

    1. I agree Phil, great blog. ‘truth offers the opportunity to see things as they really are’. That is true communication.

    2. Phil awesome points and it is time to stop hiding, anonymity is a cheap, coward way of attacking and abusing your chosen target. Enough of this unacceptable behaviour and start dealing with your own pain as you say Phil.

  507. What a foundation and support as we navigate our way in life. There is no need for desperate searching or acquiring of knowledge, some titbit that will make it all make sense. We all carry the truth, always have and always will, and in developing an attentive and listening relationship with ourselves and our bodies, have the wisest guide alongside us always.

      1. So true definitely takes away the exhaustion of trying to fit in. I know for me that was a big thing from young, always trying to fit in, it was always a struggle.

  508. Beautiful Sarah. A responsibility for us all to stop feeding lies. As you say – a lie to ‘protect’ someone still hurts and is calculated and manipulating.
    Whilst the truth is simple and real. More of that please!

    1. I totally agree, we can often feel the insincerity of a lie, and that hurts more than the honest truth.

    2. Very true, when we lie, even if it is to defend another, we create falsity and corruption as a consequence. Truth is simple and needs no defense and when we have truth, we have the opportunity to grow and evolve, whereas lies just retard us.

  509. May the day soon come when we all choose to express ” according to the love we are within” … what a wonderful world this would be.

  510. I love the point made in this blog that truth never leaves us, it can only be buried in lies. My experience in life so far tells me that we all feel the truth equally, it just depends how much we are prepared to lie to ourselves or others to pretend that we don’t know. My feeling is that it all has to begin with being honest with ourselves every single day, every moment, about what we are feeling, doing, saying, not saying, thinking. If we all committed to simply that, the world would change very quickly.

  511. Brilliantly written Sarah thank you for stating this all so clearly for us to see. Ignorance is the bliss we bathe in without acknowledging the truth we all know.
    As you say one person can make a difference as has Serge Benhayon and he has highlighted the choices we all have and can start with now.
    Love is simple as is truth.

  512. Why does this world label food that harms us to be good for us? Does humanity want to harm itself through the medium of food? Thank you for sharing this article.

  513. “Truth is what is felt in the heart” – I love it. I was astonished recently to read a definition on truth as “That which is obvious or accepted.” How have we come so far from the word that something can be deemed truthful as long as we accept it. However it also shows the responsibility we as humanity have for the integrity of the word for if we discern what is told to us we can find truth

  514. Sarah I agree. What you have brought here is in fact our ultimate responsibility, to express truth. Whether that’s in what we say or write or even through something we do or the thoughts that we think, it is our responibility to not perpetuate any situation or ideal or lie. By speaking out and not allowing it to continue we can begin to make changes in the world.

  515. “Truth can never be destroyed, it can only be veiled by lies”. Every single one of us that speaks up for truth does make a difference. There is a quote that says something like all it takes is for a good man to do nothing, and if we do not speak up, then evil can flourish and we are thus responsible. These blog sites show how many are now expressing and standing up for truth, no longer staying silent.

  516. I really enjoyed rereading your blog Sarah. What stood out for me this time was, “It’s time to take off the blindfold and clearly see the world. We have created it.” We can complain about the world as it is without the realisation that we have created it as it is!

  517. What a powerful and profound blog Sarah Cloutier – I love the way you write and when you say what Stephen Fry is quoting it makes sense. Truth can be felt by one who is committed to feeling from their heart. The word Commit is the big thing here and for me I am unwavering in the way I choose to live my life and say it as it is. I am known in my world as a walking Truth. I am not popular as I don’t do ‘nice or fluffy’. I am straight talk and Truth is how I love to live. I call myself real and I don’t waste my time now on things that have no meaning or purpose.
    This blogsite for me is Truth so I choose to go and comment and read blogs and other comments.
    I agree with you that we have created this world of lies and it is we who can change this. Every drop in the ocean does have an effect on the whole and if we keep conveying the Truth of how we live and feel then this will change the tides. Not speaking up and holding back just adds to the mess and allows the world to continue in the illusion as you say.

  518. Not long ago I had given up on the possibility of ever having pure Truth, pure Integrity, pure Love as a foundation in human life. Then I came across Universal Medicine, I saw others who spoke and lived the language of my heart, and it all changed for me.
    There are many, many of our fellow brothers and sisters in the world who have given up, they are surrounded by deceit and lovelessness, seeing no one who speaks or lives the language of their heart. We have a responsibility to reflect that there are people who speak and live that language.
    And yes, we “perpetuate the lies by NOT SPEAKING UP, we allow others to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed for millennia.”

  519. Deception of one sort or another seems so commonplace these days that it seems almost normal. How refreshing to reflect upon the potential of another sort of world; that of truth.

  520. There is so much information out in the world these days in so many different mediums from old fashioned newspapers to all the different ways of communicating with social media. Regulation of it all is quite scant, so we all have to discern the Truth from however we communicate. Most research doesn’t appear to bring truth for sure, yet lots of weight is held when something has a research base, even it is biased. Even Stephen Fry can feel that, it is felt in the heart.

  521. Great exposure of the lies and deceit around the media and food industry. This is a moment of stepping up and speaking the truth and there is a true ripple effect and those who read (myself included) have felt that truth and that inspiration flows out into the world…Thank you

  522. Great blog Sarah, and I remember questioning once the examples you gave about what is controversially published in the media about food, for example. I questioned what was behind it, perhaps commercial profits? As you said, what is published is not in line with the reality of what our bodies are showing us.

  523. Awesome blog Sarah, very inspiring. The more aware I become the more I realise how much inspiration I can bring to others. Every time I’ve said to myself I don’t make a difference I’m just trying to hide behind that lie so that I don’t have to take responsibility for not choosing truth and love, and how painful that can be. As I appreciate the difference we make, I can no longer pretend that what I do or say doesn’t effect all those around me.

  524. What is truth? Stephen Fry, a broadcaster and academic in the UK stated, “Truth is what is felt in the heart.”
    I love this. The more I have learnt to connect to myself and honour what I feel, the more anything that is not truth stands out like a sore thumb. I can feel it in my body and it amplifies. When I feel truth and love there is warmth from within and my heart expands which beautifully encompasses my whole body. When there is dishonesty and or other issues playing out my body reacts, my arm hairs stand on edge, the backs of my arms hurt and I can feel the distaste throughout. The body speaks volumes. That is a truth worth honoring.

    1. I love this statement from Stephen Fry too – well expressed Jenny – The more I have learnt to connect to myself and honour what I feel, the more anything that is not truth stands out like a sore thumb.
      The expansion when feeling truth and love is so different!

  525. ” Profits have clearly become more important than truth and care, and so the people behind the press (researchers, journalists, marketers) lie to convince you to believe their story. Then they are rewarded for telling lies…” How great is it then that Universal Medicine, which has won the peoples choice award for business excellence recently, puts people before profits. The way forward. Thank you Sarah for a great blog.

  526. I love it Sarah. It is so rare even to read about the subject of truth these days, it seems we have so lost touch with it we don’t even give it a thought anymore. Add to that a media that has given up on truth and on its own integrity – I love this line: “It seems that ‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen and this modern media expression is everywhere, and can attack by many means.” and the line : “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” is so good, I just have to repeat it again.

  527. I am becoming more and more familiar with that ‘knowing’ feeling, and learning to trust it, and now practising expressing it… saying something truthful is simple and does make a difference.

  528. Thank you for this powerful article Sarah. I used to think that speaking up would be just a drop in the ocean, a voice unheard and not have any affect, but many drops make an ocean – an ocean of truth. I have now started and will continue to speak my truth more.

  529. Thank you Sarah for writing about the truth and how it can be felt in the heart and is everlasting and that the lies and dishonesty just fester and destroy us in all ways. It exposes how we go along with things when we do not speak our truth we all know and that one voice really can make a difference as Serge Benhayon has shown to us. He has shared all he knows and brought a richness above all others to the world today for us and is lighting the way. Amazing we are truly blessed .

  530. Sarah, this is an amazing article. I love what you say…’‘freedom of speech’ has created the public execution by pen’. This is so true. It is the modern day torture for many. Your words, ‘With acceptance, humility and deep care for ourselves, we can then choose to feel more and live in a way that honours everyone, equally’ offers us a way forward and a possibility for something different. Thank you.

  531. Thank you Sarah for a fantastic article. There is only one truth. The world does seem to have given up on truth. As I learn to catch myself and my own level of (dis)honesty I know this has an impact on the world around me. Serge Benhayon has shown us that one person standing up for truth can make a huge difference. He inspires me to also stand up for truth.

  532. I love the last two paragraphs about tenderness and compassion with ourselves being the way to bring more truth to our lives. It is beautifully written. Great blog.

  533. Re-reading your blog, Sarah, I was struck by what your colleague said about not speaking out because it won’t make any difference. I realised that when I speak out, with love and respect I notice the difference immediately – in me. I become more of who I truly am, bigger, lighter. And that feels great!

    1. Very true Catherine. We can feel the difference when we speak out with love and respect, and it feels great.

  534. Powerful blog, Sarah. As well as speaking up and exposing the lies outside ourselves, perhaps the biggest lie is when we are lying to ourselves. To speak out in truth we have to first speak truth to ourselves and honour it.

    1. So very true Jonathan, I love what you say here, the biggest lie is when we are lying to ourselves.

  535. Well said Kathie, I agree.
    The anomaly of research is that so much is relied on it in our society, (research states something therefore it is true), yet it is skewed, often depending how the question is asked or by whom it is funded. So we get contradicting findings and the result is ‘more research is required!’ This does not feel to be the truth, as Mary says earlier; with lies and half truths, you always feel you’re not getting the full picture. There can only be one truth.

  536. Not only has Serge Benhayon provided me with a living example of what the truth looks like, feels like and how it sounds in and from him, he supports me to discover that in myself, forgive myself for what I have done, or not done, in the past and be in this moment, expressing me.

    1. Kathie you have so beautifully expressed what Serge Benhayon has also done for me and tirelessly does for every single person he comes across. A true blessing. And so many of us have been inspired to work on developing the same love and care into our own daily lives – offering this blessing and inspiration to one another and to everyone in our lives. Fills me with joy just reflecting on it.

  537. And the truth that is felt in the heart is the truth that encompasses everyone, no one is left out or behind. A truth that serves all equally so. Now that is worth speaking up about. Thank you, Sarah.

  538. Awesome blog Sarah – thank you for exposing that by not speaking up, we are the ones who perpetuate the lies and allow others “to wallow in the rotting waste of misappropriated truths we have been force-fed”

  539. Too true Susan, when we all stand up for truth in the face of lies we will bring the strength required for change.

  540. I have certainly been someone who in the past felt you couldn’t make a difference by speaking up but with the support of Universal Medicine and the example of Serge Benhayon I can now see that is does make a difference and truth should always be expressed. Great blog Sarah, thank you.

    1. I too was convinced I couldn’t make a difference by speaking up, although I periodically did have a go, the evidence of anyone listening was quite bleak. But with the support of Universal Medicine and the example of Serge Benhayon I have learned how to live in a way that cares about and honours myself and everyone else. This has required me working on healing various issues and hurts within myself, now I am less likely to be figuratively hitting the other party on the head with my issues at the same time as delivering what I wish to communicate. I can see that this alone has made it easier for others to actually hear what I am saying and has brought me some evidence that what I say and how lovingly I say it does indeed matter.

  541. Thank you for the blog Sarah, time indeed to take off the blindfold,stick our heads above the parapet,and expose the lies, deceit and manipulation you have so beautifully exposed

  542. When truth is spoken you can feel it. Serge Benhayon speaks absolute truth and it can be felt. When lies, distortions or half truths are disseminated there is always a feeling that you are not getting the full picture. We all need to play our part in not tolerating intentional and damaging mis-information and stand up for truth.

    1. Hi Sarah your opening paragraphs say so much about the lies and deceit that are everywhere. Like Mary has said when truth is spoken you can feel it and unless we stand up and say something we are accomplices in allowing the lie to not only exist but to perpetuate itself.

  543. I’m still in the learning stages of speaking, expressing and feeling the truth but bring it on, as it feels so much better than the total nonsense you would read in the tabloids.

    1. Great point Kev, the tabloids are more like comics than newspapers and they seem to thrive on mendacity. If only
      tabloid readers could read this blog they might think again!

  544. Thank you Sarah. I love your article and I can feel it is much needed to kick start the world into talking about and considering what truth is because the world has to a large degree given up on truth entirely, which is particularly highlighted in the way our media operates. The given-upness of “speaking out is only a drop in the ocean and it won’t change anything” is as you present based on an illusion that we are all powerless. The truth is that as a society we have all contributed to creating a situation where there is less and less truth in the world by all unknowingly or not, buying into this illusion of powerlessness. Is it not therefore all our responsibility to accept our part in the way the world is and to consider the possibility that every single one of us can begin to change this it if we choose to – which begins with speaking out in truth, and even if this starts with only one person.
    I agree with the points you make about science. For me the question with science is that the number of true scientists, who understand the whole big picture have been replaced in growing numbers with specialists who are often limited by their understanding of their field of speciality. And because of this, we have situations where one specialist can say alcohol is good for you whilst another will say it kills you, each simply coming from their specialist knowledge and training, with neither being aware of each other’s field or of the whole. As a result, we can experience two experts telling us different things, which can result in confusion when choosing the one that suits us best. It is time the world is in need of a new type of scientist that understands the big picture of all scientific disciplines. In this way, while they may not of course understand the detail of each discipline, they would regardless be able to communicate to the world an understanding of what might be of truth…

  545. Loved your amazing blog. “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed”. It is time to stand up and defend this truth for all to see. The longest journey always starts with the first step.

  546. It’s astonishing how many half-truths are ‘out there’ but we also live with these in our own lives. As one society we won’t ever get to the Truth until we ask for it until we ‘re willing to see. If we don’t want to see truth it’s more difficult to see. However if we all express more honestly what is true starts to be clear – right before our eyes.

    1. You are right Shevon, until we are willing to see or ask for the truth it will always be easier to be unaware. Only by being honest that there is something missing from our lives can we ever hope to find truth.

      1. Completely true Tim, until we are willing to see the truth, we will never see it. Only by being honest is when truth starts to unfold.

      2. It has always been easy to turn a “blind eye” and lie to ourselves about what is really going on and say that we didn’t know… when in truth we do know, but just don’t want to admit it. Perhaps because that would mean we would have to do something about it and it is easier to keep quiet.

  547. Wonderful blog Sarah, one small voice speaking the truth does make a BIG difference. Perhaps not immediately, but truth lasts and grows, lies fade away and wither when exposed to that truth. Let’s tell it!

    1. So true Catherine. Large or small, out loud or simply lived, any expression of truth makes a BIG difference. Lies are manufactured, but Truth simply IS and can easily expose and debase the lies. There is no contest. As you beautifully state: Let’s tell it!

    2. Fantastic Catherine, Truth always remains, in time it cuts through all deceit. And just as we once believed the world was flat we are now starting to wake up to the deep deceit, lies and manipulation that lace our papers daily.

      1. Hi Samantha, I love this most astute connection you have made between that very old belief of the world as flat which led to persecution if you spoke out against it, and the way the news media handles truth today.

    3. Well said Catherine, and we take that step to speak up, then we support others to do the same. It can only keep expanding and everything that is not of that truth, will be exposed for the falsity it is.

      1. Yes with every choice we have an impact on the world around us – we inspire everyone to live a life of love and truth or we collude in creating an environment for lies, separation and loveless existence.

    4. As you say Catherine, ‘small steps and we will get there’.
      Every journey starts with the first step.

    5. Well said Catherine, however big or small that voice is, truth will always stand the test of time. NOW is the time for truth.

  548. Awesome blog Sarah. The difference one person can make is immense, as has been shown by Serge Benhayon, but we all can make that difference too. And as you say, ‘the choice rests with us’.

    1. True Tim we can all make that difference. And how perfect that you mentioned Serge Benhayon because he has inspired me and so many people beyond words. This helps me powerfully appreciate how holding back our expression leaves avoid. I can not even imagine what my life would be like if Serge Benhayon had held back his expression, and if my life were not so immensely enriched by him and by all the other people who have in turn been inspired. This realisation together with Sara’s article and your comment that “we all can make that difference too” truly brings home the responsibility we have in offering a full and true expression to the world.

      1. Golnaz, your comment has really brought home to me that every time I hold back on my own expression, I am denying others an opportunity to feel the beauty of that potential inspiration. We do make a difference, however small it may be, and not always immediately. Small steps….and we will get there.

      2. I like your reference to ‘what if Serge had held back his expression’ I can’t imagine that and it would leave us all less. Which is what we do every time we calculate, manipulate to keep the ‘status quo’. A great reminder to fully express in every moment.

    2. Yes. ‘The choice rests with us’, let’s not shy away from the impact that one person’s voice can have, as so clearly shown by Serge Benhayon and his work. We all have the same responsibility and power.

      1. Very true Matilda, the impact that speaking up for what is true – something Sarah shares does make a difference.

      2. I couldn’t agree more, matildaclark – the inspiring way of life lived by Serge Benhayon is openly never kept just to himself. He certainly never claims his way of life as his and his only – it’s there to be shared for all equally.

    3. So well said Tim, and as Sarah says, “What I am seeing more and more is that when I come to the truth, I am not alone” so the one can become many and the many can become a wave of change.

  549. Listening to media has always felt like I was giving my power away. I have always relied on weather forecasts, because of the work that I have done. Forcasts are amazing and pretty straight forward. However we have amazing abilities to forecast weather – if we rely on others we lose our own ability to feel what the weather is telling us. This is true on all other aspects of our lives. If we are looking outside of ourselves for the truth, we eventually lose trust in ourselves.

  550. Brilliantly explained Sarah, thank you for so clearly showing how we have come to a place where half truth or blatant lies are so easily excepted. But not anymore, thank you.

  551. “Fed on a stingy meal of gossip, tabloid criticism and lies, the world’s population picks up the crumbs of ‘truth’ and builds a whole belief system based on scraps of flimsy ‘evidence’ and innuendo.” I love the sharp yet comical imagery Sarah – so true of where as a society we have allowed ourselves to get to. And I love the last two paragraphs where you spell out how we can live in a way where we are more open to and aware of what is actually true rather than what is fed to us. Yes “This will reveal a very different world” and the choice does rest with us.

  552. I agree with all you share in your blog Sarah, and yes, let’s get back to Truth.

  553. You write “this complacency and accepting the current status quo is our own undoing” – I was struck by how this attitude, and my pattern of allowing a status quo to exist unchallenged means that nothing changes and the rot continues. It’s clear from your blog that it is a responsibility we all share to call out the lies, and only accept the truth.

  554. Absolutely Sarah well said. You speak for many writing this and yes one person standing up and saying No does count. I have really learnt this, that one person expressing and saying what they feel and what doesn’t feel right, does make a difference and one becomes another and another until you have millions of people standing together saying No and demanding the Truth. I am seeing this happen more and more around the world. It’s time for change.

  555. What a fantastic article. It stopped me on so many levels. so very true how we have allowed lies to dominate and then hidden behind the idea that we can’t change it by each speaking up – that is so insidious in our culture, well called Sarah. I have definitely been one of those in the past who felt this way – I gave up on the world, but no longer, I now speak up and day by day I’m learning to allow this more and more. Truth is always there, and it’s important we all claim and speak it – everyone has a part. As you rightly point out we’ve all had a part in creating this miasma of lies we all live with – time to call a stop to this and embrace truth. It will truly set us all free.

  556. The blog is simply brilliant. It offers truth after truth, and insight after insight. No stingy diet here – just a full bowl of hearty food to reignite our taste for truth and fullness.

  557. A great article Sarah. The world craves truth and yet there are a few that attempt to steer us further away from it (usually for their own gains!). We have to speak up and expose more truth such as you have done here. Thank you for your expression and clarity.

  558. Love this article Sarah. It’s a powerful message to us all. We often do know the truth, but give up too easily and feel we are powerless, or say ‘what’s the point if only I speak out?’, but the reality is by burying our heads in the sand we help perpetuate the lies we complain about. As you say, it clearly is time to take off the blindfolds and stand up for what we know is truth.

  559. Thankyou for this article Sarah. It is up to us all to choose truth over lies and to stand up and be counted this time.

  560. Great article which has more truth in it than a year of tabloids. If you stick to the truth you can’t go wrong, trouble is though, it doesn’t sell a lot of papers.

    1. So true; truth doesn’t sell newspapers. By sensationalising and fabricating it, we are denied it, one of the things we truly crave the most.

  561. Very succinctly written Sarah and so true. You have covered much here and the truth hurts too! It can feel like stepping out on your own to expose the truth could only be a drop in the ocean sometimes, but we only have to look back over history to see the revolutions caused by one man/women’s choice and actions to see we should never belittle ourselves in this way. We each hold an eternity of wisdom and truth within and just one expression may be the start of something new….

  562. Sarah, this is great, I love what you say here “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.” Very simple, so this is a call for all of us to make a stand and speak up – only then will change take place and truth become the way.

  563. I love this powerful blog that hits you between the eyes. Especially – “When we move past the pain that we carry, we stop living to keep the world out – we can choose to let the world in.” I am definitely tired as I’m sure many are of living to keep the world out, and it obviously has not worked out too well for us.

  564. Thank you Sarah. What I feel as I read this is it’s often convenient to go with the lies than go for truth. There’s very few who will put their head above the parapit to go all the way but when we do it really does move mountains for the whole world.

  565. I love what you have begun to expose here – we build our whole lives on deceit and dishonesty – like you say, our whole existence is based on a false foundation – and because we are the ones who have created this world, we are the only ones who can change it and re-instate the truth as our guiding light.

  566. Thank you Sarah, this is a great blog. It is so important as you say to express what you feel to be the truth and question what is not in order that it be exposed. The ripple effect of people speaking the truth can be felt and can start a swell of others.

  567. Beautifully written with a strength for us all to take responsibility and not just shrug off everything that we know is not true. Thank you Sarah for writing with such clarity and covering so many fields of misinterpretation, lies, and accepting untruths in the world today. The more we choose to see the more we get to see!

  568. A powerful and inspiring blog. Speaking up about the truth of things may feel like a drop in the ocean, but an ocean is itself only made up of many drops.

    1. Beautifully said Cathy, your analogy also reminds of the ripple effect we all have. 🙂

    2. Your words Cathy remind me of a quote I heard, ‘we are all droplets of divinity’ so now is the time to come together and live the truth in this ocean. An awesome and inspiring blog.

  569. Very powerful blog Sarah, it is so true if you are a public figure then you have a “target mark on your back”, what a price to pay for being a public figure, how wrong that anyone can say whatever they like about you and it be published for all to read as if it’s the truth.

  570. Thank you Sarah. This is such a powerful piece. Your words are so strong and clear. We as humanity have indeed accepted the scraps of misinformation, half truths and lies for so long. Thank you for exposing how insidious the feeling that speaking out won’t make a difference. What I observe in the world is that this web of lies and deceit has tangled so many in complication, mistrust and confusion that people feel completely overwhelmed. I love how you antidote this by bringing it back to connecting to truth by feeling. Only when we heal, feel and connect to what is not truth can we then feel the real truth. Awesome. Thank you.

  571. Great article Sarah. The truth is stronger than any lie but if we do not stand up and claim the truth then truth can get buried in doubt.

  572. I love the power within the expressions of this article…these message are resonating thick and fast in every cell and the world is truly starting to listen. The momentum of truth is already unstoppable and it’s only just begun. Great blog.

  573. Thank you Sarah for highlighting the deceit that is all around us, which has left me reflecting on the level of deceit I have carried in my own body, just by not being willing to feel the truth which it was attempting to express.

    Well, like many, it was my body’s loudest shout, cancer, which brought me to Universal Medicine. Now I am more aware of the choices I have to call out the deceit in the world and in me and the way I live… and that it is a choice… at its most fundamental, a chance to choose and be love.

  574. Great article Sarah and totally agree Monica – we need to appreciate the power we all have in speaking up and expressing when something does not feel true or loving.

  575. Very very well written Sarah and very true. We have built our tabloid society on what tantalises and entertains rather than on truth and wisdom, to our great detriment. As you say it’s time for us to change that, to make a different choice – to choose what we feel deep in our hearts and claim that truth within us so that we no longer allow lies, deceit and the corruption that ensues, to exist in our society any longer.

  576. Thank you Sarah for sharing this. It’s reminded me today that each one of us makes a real difference. It is very true and easy to think the papers, the lies the big media storms have more power than we do – but the very opposite is true. A great article to start my morning off with!

  577. I agree – such an amazing statement: “The truth can only be veiled by lies – it is never destroyed.”

  578. Wow thank you Sarah, your article is so true – it exposes how far away from truth as humanity we really are.

  579. Thank you for this sharing, I agree it’s so important we speak up when something is not true and exposing the lies that can be presented as truth, all in the name of a good story.

  580. Fantastic article – I loved the quote “profits have clearly become more important than truth and care”, as it so obviously now relates not only in the context of research and the media but in most institutions and industries such as education. Thank you for the awesome article.

  581. Completely agree Sarah, I have witnessed many cases of those around me complaining that, for example, speaking up to the abusive comments said by teachers, will not make a difference, when in fact it may or may not make a difference to the teacher, but by expressing it you are giving them the opportunity to learn and ponder, meanwhile also getting the poison of not expressing out of your body. Thankyou for sharing this with everyone.

  582. Thank You Sarah C for this top blog.
    ‘Only through our responsibility we will be able to shift the curren norm.’
    I agree with this and I know that true responsibility is a life of true consistency. This is something I live by everyday as best as I can.

  583. Sarah, a great piece. I feel that even though I am choosing truth I am only just taking off the blindfold and beginning to see and feel the extent of the damage done by a world living a lie. The bitter pill to swallow is that I have contributed to this by not speaking my truth.

    1. I totally understand where you are coming from with this Sally. I am realising the harm I have added to humanity in not specking my truth. I am so glad that I am waking up and within that reviewing my own responsibility to myself and humanity.

    2. Well said Sally, we all need to feel the role that we have played in making the world the way it is. For me it was a huge shock initially to feel my share of the responsibility but once I embraced that truth, it allowed more truth to come into my life.

  584. The often gaping hole between facts and truth can only be filled by our willingness to FEEL. If we never compromise on the Truth we feel – not think – the facts will have to become part of that whole.

    Thank you for taking us from where humanity currently exists all the way to where we can live (together)…and offering the way there!

    1. Hi Helen, I love your opening line “the often gaping hole between facts and truth can only be filled by our willingness to FEEL” – and when we have the willingness to feel, the truth is revealed and the lies will no longer wield a force in the world.

    2. Spot on Helen, feeling is like a lost sense for many of us. I didn’t even know I had an ability to feel until I felt it so beautifully and strongly on my first Universal Medicine workshop.

  585. Beautifully clear and exposing words. Truth is always much louder and more powerful than lies. However our complacency and lack of willingness to take responsibility allows the lies to carry on and become ingrained. As always it is our choice, will it be Love for our self and our fellow human beings, or will it be giving up to the biggest lie of them all: “that we deserve anything short of that?”

  586. So true Sarah the world has become complacent because we feel that by speaking up it won’t make a difference, but like you say the truth can not be destroyed it can only be veiled by the lies. Why wait for someone else to make the first move to put their head above the parapit? The more of us that speak up the quicker the veil will drop and expose the lies for what they are.

    1. I love it Alison. Why wait for someone else indeed. And the more of us that speak up the quicker the veil drops and the lies get exposed. So even if someone else is already expressing that Truth, adding our voice certainly counts.

  587. Here here Sarah, awesome post, thank you for calling the deceit we allow to run and form our ideas and society. Lies are such a common occurrence, that when actual truth is presented, we do not even know what it is, we question it or flat out deny it.

    1. Hear, hear, hear Sarah. When we all allow the lies to continue unchallenged they become the accepted norm. Thank you for opening up this discussion.

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