God’s Waiting Room

by Joel L, Western Australia

So there I was, sitting in God’s waiting room. It’s a comfortable enough place with lots of people and their children waiting around. There was a big door with the word ‘God’ written on it, with everyone looking, waiting for God to open it.

I looked over and saw Moshe; he’s been waiting for thousands of years and is excited for the chance to see God for the first time. Abdulla has also been waiting a while and is sitting next to Moshe; there is an obvious tension between the two. Bodhi is also there and looking peaceful, if not a bit distracted by an ant, wondering if it’s someone he knew. Finally there’s Chris, who seems to have a quiet confidence that he and his kids will be seen first.

Moshe’s kids are a pretty driven bunch and seem to have a bit of a chip on their shoulder. Abdulla has some troublesome sons who appear to be pretty angry with each other and everyone else – and Bodhi’s kids seem quiet… too quiet. As for Chris, he seems to have lots and lots of kids running around, all doing different things to vie for his attention. None of them looked particularly joyful, healthy or happy, but all of them were determined not to give up their place in the waiting room (you’ve got to have faith, you see).

From time to time they get frustrated with the length of the wait and they blame each other for cutting in or making it harder for them while they wait, but generally they prefer not to comment on the behaviour of each other’s children, lest it reflect back on their own children.

I looked around for something to read (as you do in waiting rooms) and found everyone had their own rule books on how to wait best. They also seemed to have their own ideas as to what would happen once God arrived.

It seemed crazy that they didn’t help each other. After all, they were all in the same place, they were all waiting for the same thing, they all had similar troubles, worries and hopes for their children.

I tried waiting with them for a few centuries but recently started wondering if there was another way. It was only then that I noticed a man walking in and out of the door with ease. I asked the others about him and they all looked away, outraged at his lack of respect for the time they had waited. Others attacked this man’s suggestions that it could be as simple as taking responsibility for yourself and just getting up and walking through. He wasn’t looking for followers, but others saw sense in his words and also started to walk in and out of the door… this got my attention.

A couple of times I stood up – each time I got harsh glares from around the room, so I sat back down and waited a bit longer. Eventually I could wait no more… I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.

487 thoughts on “God’s Waiting Room

  1. Joel what you say is so simple and so true we do have a tendency to get in our own way when it comes to returning back to what we know to be true. It’s as though we cannot believe it is that simple because we are so used to the struggle and have used the struggle to identify ourselves.

  2. “It seemed crazy that they didn’t help each other. After all, they were all in the same place, they were all waiting for the same thing, they all had similar troubles, worries and hopes for their children” – it is crazy. This makes me wonder whether what we say we want really is what we want. Maybe there’s something that is more enticing and appealing happening in the waiting room than actually meeting God. Like, we get to compare ourselves with each other, feeling superior or inferior, we get to confirm ourselves in our difference in our individuality – if this was more important, then we would not be interested to connect, understand and work together.

  3. Oh Joel! So much so lovingly said in such a short powerful piece.
    So moving. Awakening.
    What if?! What if all we have to do is not wait but stand up, stand up and just walk back to the forever waiting warmest simplest welcome home.
    Volumes are spoken here.
    What a gift this is.

    1. Yes, simple isn’t it really, ‘ I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.’

  4. Waiting for God seems like a game made in anywhere but heaven as the doors in heaven would most assuredly be very transparent so therefore no knocking or waiting required.

  5. I enjoyed reading this again. What comes through is how we complicate life and make it all about us and yet it can be as simple as choosing to walk through the door.

  6. It can be a very long wait for God if we are waiting for him to respond in the way we think He should because God is always waiting for us to return home and He has given us many signs pointing to the path of return but are we paying attention?

  7. “I’ve been waiting for you” God is omnipresent. it is we who have separated from him. When ready, walking through the door is effortless.

  8. The handle of the door to Heaven is there within our grasp, we have all been waiting for ages to find our way back.

    1. Yes, we have Mary and all we have to do is turn that handle and walk through the door to reclaim where we come from.

    1. Our ideals, beliefs and pictures are so limiting, maybe if we let go of them and follow our heart our life will become so much simpler.

  9. Joel, this is one of my favourite blogs still and I love coming back to it as it reminds us that we are waited on, that God is there always holding us in his love until the day we choose to return to him.

    1. True, God has been there all along, what incredibly patient and non imposing love as Love truly is, ‘God is there always holding us in his love until the day we choose to return to him.’

  10. I love this. It is someone’s choice to wait or not, but those who wait usually blame those who don’t and in this process there is loads of delay when those who do not want to wait react. Very cool and clear, just walk through the door and respect everyone’s choices.

  11. ‘everyone had their own rule books on how to wait best’ Yes I can see people’s rule books and I can see mine. I can also see the dedication to these rules. The waitng room is more than a metaphor as that is what we are actually doing.

  12. Oh my god – gods waiting room must be jam-packed right now!!!! I absolutely love what you have shared Joel and to deeply realize that god is waiting for me and that I only have to chose to do my step towards him is fantastic and very very soothing.

  13. It’s actually quite a deep way to communicate the undercurrents of our relationship to God, and the simplicity of re-union and the welcome back home.

    1. It is a deep way to communicate what plays out in our return to God, it is another example of how Joel makes a subject enjoyable that could otherwise be heavy and dull.

  14. We can stay in the uncomfortable comfort and observe those that are making changes with resentment, bitterness and jealousy or we too can choose to walk through the door and feel how incredibley freeing it is.

  15. There is something inside us that knows we will ascend, however, it is up to us to make this choice. The delay is painful, and only gets more painful holding out. Why wait, when there is glory to live?

  16. How beautifully expressed that is… all we have to do is walk through that door, and that door is within every one of us, and each one of us is welcome.

  17. A most beautiful reminder how easy it is to connect with our divinity, no waiting and comparing just connecting and getting on with things.

  18. When we from our own choice go through the door of God, we will hear the welcoming words “I’ve been waiting for you” and I knew you were coming.

  19. When God would ask you on you return ‘and did you enjoyed it down there?’ What would you then answer?

  20. This was awesome to read as 5 minutes after I felt like I had opened the door but not completely walked through! Time to connect more ✨

    1. Beautiful Vicky, I feel I look at the open door without fully walking through and love the reminder to simply connect more.

  21. Yes, how long have we been waiting and what have we been waiting for when all we have to do is walk through the door so to speak. Instead of centuries I feel it has been eons.

    1. Yes Jill, it is a matter of free will and that at times is something that is heavily misunderstood by people. And I would say willingly misunderstood in order to have this life of creation we have made for ourselves not to be disrupted.

  22. This reminds me how we say we want to do something – like taking up a new hobby, joining a gym, travelling to a far away land, starting up a new business/project etc. and for some, it just stay as a dream and some just simply get up and do it, and I have always wondered how true that ‘want’ really was in the first place. Maybe, those in the waiting room don’t really want to see God, but just like to be in the waiting room. A true yes is a movement that does not need motivation or reasoning and pretty much immediate.

  23. Brilliant, this plays out in life every day to one degree or another – in our relationship with God, with others and with ourselves.

  24. Do you think the tension between the people in the waiting room is what happens when we have a quiet belief that when the door opens we will finally be proven right – that we had the right picture of God?

  25. Many years ago I felt the ridiculousness of having several competing religions and knew that one day when universal consciousness is raised, all mankind will know and return to the truth of One God.

  26. That’s the kicker, we keep God out, we’re the ones who turn away, and when we step back God is there ready and waiting.

    1. We turn away, we keep away from God, yet God remains loving us and welcoming us back when we feel ready to return.

  27. Such playful wisdom and clarity – so easy to read and enjoy. This can only be written from one who has walked through the door of one’s own heart.

  28. Thus no waiting room when it comes to God but instant communication if we so choose.

  29. Wow Joel, I love reading your blog, you are a master at expressing God’s love and expressing truth to us all. It is a blessing every time I read this blog and a beautiful reminder to take every step towards God and to wait no longer.

  30. Talk about delay! Why not take responsibility for how you live and choose to live the love your truly are today! We are going to all have to at some time or another and delay is nothing compared to living with your Soul.

  31. Yes, we sit and wait, but what are we waiting for. The power lays within us all and there is no reason to wait but everything there to take the steps towards the truth we deep down know.

  32. Yes, the difference between the simplicity of taking responsibility for what you can do something about and difficulty that comes with complication from the abdication of that responsibility.

  33. Oh the sadness of knowing it is us who hold ourselves out of this space that is the full knowing of the grace of God. Thank God for Serge Benhayon who walked in and out with so much ease that it woke us up to not worry about that other people in the waiting room were thinking and we followed our heart back to love.

    1. Absolutely, thank God for Serge Benhayon, where would we, the world be, without Serge does not even bear considering.

  34. It is so humbling to truly feel what you have written here Joel. The segregation between me and God is of my own making because i have invested in a life in disconnection with God out of an simply because I can do that arrogance.

  35. This is so simple, playful and true: all we’ve ever wanted to feel and to know is all right there waiting for us, within us, all we have to do is say yes to it and make the first move.

    1. Yes Bryony, in our disconnection with God we also lost our playfulness and I now can fully understand why. It is because God is the playfulness and does not exist outside of him.

  36. And this is indeed the truth… That God as always will be there waiting for humanity to open the doorway within and to know who they truly are.

  37. I love the exquisite gentleness that unfolds in this blog, Joel, being summed up in the last and simplest of sentences: “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  38. Beautiful Joel, I too had been waiting for a very long long time, by now have finally come through the door and been welcomed home.

    1. Me too Jill, there is such a warm welcoming home that is indescribable and not an ounce of frustration or judgement from God for how long I have been delaying my return home. I can feel we are all deeply held in love no matter what our choices are.

  39. ” and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”. ” I heard them too, thanks you Joel,

  40. Too good Joel, believe it or not this is the first time I have actually read this blog, I thought I had read all of yours many times over, being your biggest fan and all 😉 but today, I was blessed with this, love the last line, it’s so ironic that we can spend lifetimes waiting for someone that is in fact waiting for us!

    1. I am a big fan of Joel’s blogs too Sarah. Every time I read this blog, especially the last part, I can relate to feeling a mixture of joy because I have now stood up to enter God’s door and also at the same time feel sorrow for having waited so long too.

    2. Sarah,I just had the exact same experience with this blog of Joel’s. A true gem and one that brought a deep sadness to me as I could feel just how much I have been resisting ‘walking through that door’ lately, and coming up with all kinds of excuses not to do so. The last line is so powerful and His love is so palpable in it.

  41. Thank you Joel I smiled as I read your blog this morning, it is a great reminder how we make choices based on what other people will think of us, rather than simply making choices that we know to be true and trusting ourselves to make them.

  42. I love the simplicity and wisdom shared in this parable, thank you Joel your writing constantly inspires.

  43. I have read this so many times and I just so love it every time. What I love about this is that this is so true and funny and silly and how everything, all the angst and tension, seems to dissolve when we hear ‘I’ve been waiting for you’, and He still is.

  44. I love this… so true, so many are waiting for something to arrive yet do we take the steps that are needed to return.

  45. “I’ve been waiting for you” … simple, beautiful, says it all. It’s there for us when we’re willing to step in.

  46. This blog just put a smile on my face. I’ve read it several times before, but I never tire of the simplicity, playfulness and powerful message.

  47. Waiting around for God to arrive, it’s a great analogy Joel, when all along we are equal Sons of God and can connect to God through our inner heart any time. Understanding it this way one has to give true appreciation to Serge Benhayon for the Gentle Breath Meditation which has helped me (and many others) reconnect to their inner most heart – the door back to God.

  48. There is so much in what you share here Joel, how we get caught in the ideals of what we see around us and do not always feel and discern what is true, and how simple life can be when we drop them. And how in fact we can support each other and in fact we have deliberately set up ways and systems of belief and rules that make each other an outsider rather than seeing that we’re all the same and we’re all looking for the same, love. A great reminder that it’s about truth and that no matter how long we’re been waiting we can now choose to get up, be responsible and walk right in.

  49. And if helping each other gets us to where in our hearts we all want to go with reduced waiting periods, I say let’s do it.

  50. “I’ve been waiting for you”. And the door is always open for us to open our heart and walk through the door together.

  51. Most beautifully described how we keep ourselves away from God and that there is no need to wait for anything to happen but can choose any time to accept ourselves as a Son of God and live as one.

  52. Beautiful Joel, it sums up our predicament as humanity so clearly, we are from God, yet we deny this and create systems and rules to allow us to get to God while ignoring the godliness in us and failing to live taking true care and responsibility for our piece of divinity, our body and how we live with it. It does not have to be this way we can walk through the door, we just need to be willing to live in a way that supports and celebrates the divinity we are.

  53. I love how in such a clear and succinct way you have expressed exactly what is going on. Serge Benhayon has made sense from the moment I heard him speak and attended presentations and I appreciate and love every day that I have also chosen to walk through the door beside many many more people.

  54. The simplicity of this story is indeed a direct reflection of how simple it is to know God directly in our lives and in our hearts.

  55. It’s funny how much I know always what it is to be responsible and I have the excuse it’s too hard when, if I commit and focus I naturally am.

  56. This blog reveals the complication we make of it and the simplicity it truly is.

  57. How simply and elegantly written… That Joel simply made the decision to walk through the door himself, to not to wait, to take the status quo is the truth, but to seek within himself and find that connection into which we can all feel the truth of the divine connection that we all truly have

  58. This is a super clever, humorous and deeply stunning piece of writing… and such a perfect analogy exposing the sad truth that we have been waiting around for centuries, guided by the individual rule books we have aligned to, ignoring the similarities we share due to being blinded by the differences… and all along we have had the power ourselves to embrace what we have spent eons seeking.

  59. I can feel tingles in my body and tears in my eyes at the simple, loving truth you share Joel. I’m choosing to walk through the door, and writing this brings a big smile from with-in.

  60. While we wait, what happens to the people around us? We are all reflecting to each other it’s ok to sit back and wait for someone (or God) to come and rescue us, when we are the ones who need to take the steps forward and commit to everything life has to offer, waiting simply has nothing to offer us.

  61. Oh, yes Joel – your blog is just as awesome however many times I ready it – and I could feel myself letting go as I realised that I no longer have to wait – but can also walk through the door, and feel the joy, the sorrow for waiting so long and hear ‘the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.

    1. Susan, it is also a powerful reminder and confirmation to me reading this blog each time. We don’t support each other enough which puts an incredible strain and tension on ourselves that is just not needed.

  62. Waiting for God, when God is already there. It’s all about that one simple choice.

  63. I just love this blog. It shares so much based on the logic and powerful simplicity of how it is and how it can be.

  64. Thank you Joel I loved your story, I once was one of those people in the waiting room, waiting for God to open the door, crazy that we are so separate from each other, when we are really wanting the same thing which is a relationship with God, such is the illusion.

  65. What you’re saying here Joel is really quite profound, we’re all waiting or looking for something in completely the wrong place, and it’s all just there waiting for us to claim and step forward with – no waiting necessary.

  66. Thank you for being patient, you’ve got that in you. Yes we can be wiser next time and not delay, but nothing is ever too late and you are awesome, I am always waiting for you.

  67. Hahaha and this is a great simple article on how it is. We wait, argue, discuss, fight, argue some more and then just wait for God and yet he is waiting for us. Great great article on how to move to God yourself, after all we are created from him and only think we are seperate from him and each other. What if, like the waiting room we have just been looking at each other and holding each other back from actually just simply standing up. Let’s all leave God’s waiting room, it’s starting to get crowded

  68. So beautiful thank you Joel… brought tears to my eyes. Knowing it is only me that stops me walking through that door is the saddest but the most liberating and uplifting thing, all at once.

  69. Joel I have tingles from head to toe reading this and feeling it is that simple! The claiming of who we truly are is the depth and quality of the self that is needed. Any other self-identification or recognition will have us sitting on the benches reading self made trash why we wait for someone else to say ‘I know you’. It’s become clearer and clearer that we can wait a very long time.

  70. This is so beautiful Joel to reflect how we can behave. We can sit back and be passive, we can compare and criticise, we can jump up and down and get cross. But in truth all we have to do is be responsible for ourselves and make our own choices. That’s all that needs to be done.

  71. We have accepted life to be a waiting position that something comes to us, all the while everything that we need is inside of us and is already there and neither do we need to ask for permission other than giving ourselves permission to live the grandness that we are.

  72. Ah, it only takes one!! It feels odd to have waited so long and to have thought there needed to be a leader. Great blog for today and every day thank you 🙂

  73. When we feel a glimpse of that which we know is true and has always been true but we covered it up it keeps knocking on our door until the moment arises when we find ourselves wanting to know more and then we find ourselves at the beginning of a journey of uncovering and getting to know who we truly.

  74. We are the keeper of the keys…we choose when to unlock the door, open it and walk through.
    In-truth, we are with God always, we are simply choosing to ignore or not accept this loving fact.

  75. We are returning to him only held back by ourselves. He is awaiting us whenever we are choosing to rejoin. Our responsibility not his permission is required.

  76. I can almost not express how amazing this is because it shares the absolute truth about religions that are around and the falsities of them with some simple words. It shares also the absolute truth of how simple it is to be with God and that there need not be any hardship in connecting with him as many of the mainstream religions make it look like today.

  77. So lovely to read your blog again Joel – it puts life into a perspective that one can feel is true. ‘I felt joy, ‘I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”. We have spent aeons avoiding God and the truth but when we approach life in a way that has let go of complication, we know deep within the answer to what until the moment of enlightenment we have chosen not to see.

  78. The last part reminds me of how much we tend to hold ourselves back when we worry about what people think or how they are going to react to our choices. ‘A couple of times I stood up – each time I got harsh glares from around the room, so I sat back down and waited a bit longer.’ I am learning to follow what feels true and loving more consistently.

  79. We learn to live in hope whilst searching for answers, believing that that will come to us from the world outside of ourselves, from another or through the lifestyles we choose or the outcomes we strive to achieve. Yet forever open is the door to our Soul, forever waiting for us to walk through and be bathed and held by the great light where we are forever at one with our Divinity, with all, with God.

  80. Love the simplicity bringing home to us that we have the choice in any moment, to mess around interminably in the waiting room, creating stories and dramas and belief systems which we invest in, defend and fight over, while all the time God is all around awaiting us, to recognise we can take those steps back through the door at any instance and return home.

  81. Great to re-read your blog, to sit and just wait will not get us to God. Stepping up to take responsibility, will support us in moving towards God.

  82. Re-reading this again has been a great joy. Thank you Joel. Such a beautiful and lighthearted reflection of something of such importance.

  83. When we are truly open and humble enough to ask for help, God, seemingly from nowhere, but in truth waiting in the wings all the time, answers our call.

    1. To ask for help is in truth so easy yet at times it can feel the most insurmountable thing to do.

  84. Oftentimes I feel like that throughout my day…I liken it to what you say here Joel. I seem to be sitting in God’s waiting room. In all those moments that I am not taking responsibility I am actually just waiting for god. Your blog points out the irony and futility of this approach.

  85. Everytime reading this blog I feel the beauty of self responsibility, and that our ‘suffering’ of waiting is all our own choice, it is truly beautiful to see people walk in and out the door of god with ease showing us the way of true responsibility.

    1. So true Benkt, for all too often we balk at our responsibilities putting ourselves into automatic delay of the inevitable.

  86. Awesome blog Joel, just what was needed this morning. This is a great example of how we complicate our lives and judge each other, when in reality it is as simple as taking responsibility and walking through the door. When I read ‘It was only then that I noticed a man walking in and out of the door with ease’ my whole body responded and surrendered.

  87. Its our personal relationship with God that counts, from moment to moment, and we are responsible for getting up and making sure we spend as much time as possible. Beyond that waiting room, through that door is a place of infinite majesty with room for all to be seen, felt and met at the same time. But we have to initiate it for ourselves

  88. What a joy to revisit this blog this morning…very gorgeous Joel. All the religious rule books in the world don’t seem to be doing much for anyone, and if anything, they are creating more wars and disharmony between people. What if connecting to God were that simple, just choose it.

  89. Joel, what a gorgeous and profound blog. The simplicity and truth in this brought tears of joy to my eyes –
    “Eventually I could wait no more…I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.”

  90. So gorgeous Joel. We just made up the whole waiting thing and stuck to our own self imposed rules. Will we also blame God for not coming out and setting us straight?

  91. This scenario can be applied to many. How many times do we wait for something to come to us or someone to bring it to us. Life is 100% your own responsibility.

  92. Joel you are a master of symbolism; and in this blog you clearly show that we as humans have some strange and conflicting ideas of what will bring us closer to god. Are we prepared to question the rule book when clearly there is conflict, surely this is not gods way. Indiscriminate unconditional love for everyone is what is in our hearts naturally and is the essence of god within us all. I am sure that god is waiting for us to reconnect to this and drop the behavior that is void of love.

  93. This is such a simple and deeply profound sharing Joel, of how we lock ourselves into habits and ways and stay with them, in case we loose our place in the line and all the while there’s no need for the line after all, we just have to step up and meet God not from being less but from a knowing that we are of God and as that we have a responsibility to live that, no rules or dramas, just a connection to us, our bodies which mark the truth we feel and connect to the love we are. I am sitting here feeling how many places I stay in line because I don’t want to loose my place … somethings to consider.

  94. I love coming back to this blog Joel it is a great reflection of how we as humanity are in life, waiting for God to appear, when all the time he is right there by the side of us if we choose to open our hearts to him and connect to his stupendous glory, no need for special privileges just a willingness to dissolve all the hindrances we have accumulated over our lives and be love.

  95. Brilliant Joel, so profound in describing how we humans tend to live our lives in the knowing that there is a God to which we belong. We all know that we can simply enter that door and meet God in full as we are his Sons, but we have made all our own rules and creations in life that in the end makes us delay our reconnection with all who we are.

  96. ‘Eventually I could wait no more…’ There comes a point when we cannot deny we are called to be with God and can no longer ignore those who show us how simple it is, and how loved we are both in the waiting room and walking through.

  97. This melted me today and brought tears to me eyes. God is so simple and completely and utter Divine. To know God and that we are all in fact his sons, is super simple. But we have made it so complicated. Thank you for bringing the simplicity in this stunning piece of writing.

  98. Oh Joel this is so profound I did not know whether to laugh or cry so I did both at the same time. God is of course waiting for us to cease our loveless antics, walk through heavens door, and return to earth bringing heaven with us.

  99. I love how this man writes and how true is this all for life. A great story with a huge meaning and reflection for everyone. How we wait for others, disagree when we are there for the same thing, hold onto perceptions or pictures etc etc. Great to see things freeing up around this and the endless competition exposed again. Will the waiting room ever not be full? That is for those that are aware and can see the waiting room, knowing in full that we are all the same, equal. It’s not about better, first or last but it’s about truth. What is true for you and where you are at. Walk true to who you are today and be open to what is reflected to you, allow yourself to settle or surrender to all you see and then walk again. Let’s not wait because as you can see we are all looking to each other in the same way.

  100. I absolutely love this blog, I have been hanging out in God’s ( or you could say not God’s waiting room, but our own creation) for far too long, probably even just before I read this blog. It’s like I’m waiting for someone or something to come along, maybe even do it for me, but there is something in these words “and just getting up ” that really stuck out for me, maybe it is time I get up and and show someone else there is another way to be.

  101. “Eventually I could wait no more… I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.” I can’t believe how complicated we/I make it when it is as simple as that.

  102. Talk about so much faith, beliefs, false understandings and millions of ideals that we have created to try and understand God and yet the whole time the door has been open to us!

    1. Absolutely Joshua, we have tricked ourselves with false faith, retarding beliefs, false understandings, and loveless ideals. We only need to renounce these to see that god’s door has always been open for our inevitable return.

      1. This is true Bernard, it is really that simple. However for many the factor of hurt from the word Religion and everything that has been done in its name is so huge that such simplicity may not always be the reality. At least at first. In my experience, it requires a willingness, an openness and a deep deep honesty to allow ourselves to feel, let go of and to heal the imprints these beliefs and false ways of being have brought us.

  103. Beautifully described how we wait for God to come to us or give us signs while all along he is living within us by the sheer fact that we are his sons and thus a part of this grandness.

  104. “I’ve been waiting for you”. Beautifully written Joel. An amazing way to express how accessible God is ‘The door is always open’ – come in. It reminds me also to keep open the door to our heart so others can come in.

  105. And so it is that God never gets impatient waiting for us. His love is unconditional so where do conditions come from? Perhaps in our need to be right, to be individual and to belong? I have no doubt that these play a large part in the ridiculousness of and harm that conditions bring with them.

  106. Joel, this is a pearl of a blog. So often we allow ourselves to be caught in what has been rather than feeling what is true, we allow custom and previous choices to dictate now and create rules to manage these situations rather than just choosing differently. I laughed out loud when you say ‘everyone had their own rule books on how to wait best’ – this captures so clearly how we live each in our separate bubbles not seeing we are all the same and that we all want the same, we stay apart rather than coming together and we do not always see that the rules we have made are actually keeping us from that which we crave most.

  107. There is so much in this blog. It has reminded me of when I travelled around the world and everywhere I went I loved talking to the local people. No matter what religion, culture or country, everyone had very similar stories of what they were looking for in life to make them happy and what was bothering them or causing them suffering. It is indeed crazy that we all miss our connection with God at our core and yet we spend so much time fighting and arguing with each other when we could be supporting each other to have that connection.

  108. What a joyful read of the games we play to keep us from what we know is the true joy of living and connecting to one another. We often look at others, compare, doubt and ignore the body that asks us to listen a little deeper. A reminder that it’s all there waiting for us to just come on in.

  109. One of my favorite pieces of writing, such a simple imagery to get across a very powerful point.

  110. Funny and true! This would make a great children’s book, Joel. A book they would never forget.

  111. This is awesome, concerning equality, we all have access to God, we all are part of God equally. No need to wait, for some one to say you are good enough, or get permission…when we are open and say yes then it will be…we chose it, we can feel the love of God.

  112. The ease in which our bodies feel when we surrender to the beauty of God is amazing and it takes but one movement to change our path. Thank you Joel.

  113. Thousands of years of religion wrong doing, undone in 533 words. That is brilliance of you Joel Levin.

  114. Your lightness of what we have let to become such serious matter is outstanding.. We have made religion about competition, hardness, measure, limits, images and ideals.. But by this blog it is simply shown that it is about our own responsibility. Yet this can be very exposing as it turns all things upside down; as it reveals our choices to make it complicated and about something outside of us more than inside.. So thank you for clearing things up in such playful matter, yet with a carry of much truth.

  115. “I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”. As I read these words once again I could feel a deep level of sadness that I am still holding for all the time that I sat and waited for God, but at the same time I could feel the growing joy that I had finally stepped through that doorway and re-connected to what I always knew, that God had never left me, I had left God.

  116. This idea of waiting room is such an interesting set-up. Like, who built that in the first place? I can imagine there being a massive queue outside this waiting room as well. Being in this waiting room itself can be seen as a privilege of some sort, too.

  117. Tears came to my eyes when I read this today Joel. LIke you, a mix of joy and sorrow. I could feel the welcoming (and patient) nature of God and sorrow on how long we sit around waiting – waiting for God when it is up to us to choose God and to take that step.

  118. A delightful read Joel. We are looking at the door in expectation when the entry is inside our very selves. Why do we wait is a great question, when the depth and beauty resides within us?

  119. pretty crazy that we sit in the waiting room and act a muck when we are the ones who connect with God and hence each other equally.

  120. Joel this morning re-reading your blog, tears have come to my eyes. We do have the power to open that door. I can feel the sadness of thousands of years of waiting, when that door has always been unlocked and right there.

  121. I was struck by a couple of questions you posed Joel. “How best to wait for God?” and “What to do when God arrives?” The question I have is what are we waiting for and how do we know that God is not already here, sitting right next to us?” As you say maybe we just need to walk on in and simply say hi.

    1. Couldn’t agree with you more Jennifer. The waiting game is so full if distractions, to keep us occupied but don’t really contribute to something that is not coming but present right now.

  122. Gorgeous Joel, to sit and wait doesn’t get us anywhere, when we choose to walk through the door there is an endless amount of love and joy waiting patiently for us to embrace.

  123. And so it makes sense – taking responsibility and not waiting.. is something we had not tried yet, so well well done. It might be time, to actually step in that room or actually through that door – and commit to our Godness within , and who knows God will be there;) All we just did to do is stop waiting!

  124. A delightful blog to read this morning Joel and I love the ending as God waits for us all, equally so, and I love the simplicity of how we each can choose the moment we stand up and walk through God’s door and come home.

  125. “Eventually I could wait no more… I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.” You got me! I have tears in my eyes feeling the all-encompassing, unconditional Love of God that is so clearly coming through your words Joel.

  126. We can choose to sit in gods waiting room in some imaginary line behind each other or even competing with each other for who is next or, we can simply open up and walk through the door. The choice is ours.

  127. Nice pick-up Shirley-Anne. Tolerance can be such a subtle way of avoiding dealing with the real issue of separation caused by the very cultures and religions we are being asked to tolerate

  128. “It seemed crazy that they didn’t help each other.” Indeed Joel, why are we not helping each other? Instead we war against each other and all the rest. Loved reading your blog again and the ending came as no surprise, but with a deep knowing that its us that hold ourselves back.

  129. Joel it has been so gorgeous to re read this blog this morning. My legs ignited and I can feel a tingling all over them as I read this article. A sure sign from my body telling me that in any moment we can choose to walk through the door, that God is always there waiting patiently. It is not us that needs to wait for God, but it is for us to ignite and walk as the Sons of God, because when we do, we know that he is walking there right alongside of us.

  130. How beautiful a reminder that God is there waiting when we are ready. And I would say that not only is he ready and has been, but who we truly are, is something that has never left us. So what we call God and are sometimes looking for outside of ourselves is already within us.

  131. In fact – God is not just waiting for us. His energy is around us all of the time. He is there. Reflecting our divinity in every moment. To learn to use your senses again for divine communication is a re-learning to become myself again. When I go through that door with the name ‘God’ on it I will go in and see myself in the mirror. And I will see every one of you here, as God and the Universe are reflected and downloaded in every meeting of another soulful being.

  132. This is such stupendous allegory, thank you Joel, I love coming back to read it again. I can totally relate to the waiting and the ridiculousness of it when really considered, especially the part about how we have our own different rulebooks on how and why to wait!

  133. For me it feels that my commitment to movement is key, not just the movement of being willing to take responsibility and, for example, walk through the door but also the way I move and my initial choice to move with myself and in harmony with the universe.

  134. I love how you expose the waiting to be saved mentality of religion and the judgement and comparison that goes along with it. I can also feel the comfort of staying in the same place and waiting for someone else to give me the answers to my problems rather than choosing to step up and take responsibility.

  135. It really is extraordinary when we decide to walk through that door, by ourselves, when we make the choice that is actually there for everyone, always.

  136. This really exposes how much we let others affect our choices, and how we all can make the choice to return to God at any moment. No more centuries of waiting, instead a consistant dedication to my love and understanding of how confronting it can be to those around us when this is chosen, yet not shying away because of this.

  137. imagine living in a world where everything reflected God back at us, where everything, absolutely everything that happened to us was an opportunity to feel that extraordinary unfathomable interconnectedness that permeates everything… Just imagine? Well we do.

  138. So beautiful to re-read your blog Joel. “Eventually I could wait no more… I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”. Indeed – what are we waiting for?

  139. How much waiting there has been and still is, and how much am I a part of that? It is as simple as noticing where we are at, standing up and making a movement. Without that all that sits there is our irresponsibility. No-one else can do it for us.

    1. I can really feel how much we wait for someone else to go first, to take the risk and even when they do, we can still find a reason not to do it for ourselves.

  140. I have tears reading this Joel of the simplicity in which you have shown how we can begrudgingly live life like when we sit waiting for that magic God like pill to appear and fix all our problems and issues. Crazingly we have created all the problems and issues we want God to fix or somehow take away for ourselves and our families because we are so different to all those around us…. Not. We are the only ones responsible for making the steps toward opening the door that we closed and walked away from in the first place.

    1. I love this line- “waiting for that magic God like pill to appear” – it is so true…play nicely with each other while you wait to be saved is such a damaging message that lies at the heart of most messianic religions. there is little to no self empowerment, self-responsibility to be had.

  141. A gorgeous analogy Joel. God never left us, it was us who left him – the door was closed by our own hands and as such there is no queue to stand in once the decision to return home has been made. We need simply open the door once more. If we find ourselves in God’s waiting room, then we need to be very honest with ourselves that on some level and in some way we are actually enjoying the delay… ouch indeed.

    1. “on some level and in some way we are actually enjoying the delay” – this is a big ouch indeed to contemplate.

  142. If one ever feels they have lost God, your blogs will take them straight there. Why wait to open the door that are already unlocked and waiting for us to enter.

  143. It is as it has always been written, and expressed through the ancient of days and now, God is within and without, and all-around, and releasing the separation is simply the doorway to God

    1. Beautifully said cjames2012. I have spent lifetimes hovering on the threshold of divinity, in complete denial that this love is within and all around me. It is a great joy to be home once more.

  144. “I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.” Beautiful Joel. When we realise that the door is, and always has been, wide open and there within our inner-heart waiting for us to step back into the light, we know we are coming home.

  145. …’as simple as taking responsibility for yourself and just getting up and walking through’ – a great reminder we need not wait for there is great power in responsibility.

  146. I just love reading this Joel- so many messages.
    Faith breeds irresponsibility as you never have to fully commit yourself to anything as you can just be in the group with everyone else, following beliefs that have been prescribed but not truly felt.
    As individuals we need to “front up”, walk the path of commitment ourselves, make choices that are either going to support or dull us. The latter is evolution while the former is delay- we choose which path we take.

  147. Wow Joel, this is a beautiful blog. I could so relate to your sharing of feeling joyful and sorrow, I have at times felt this when I have had some major realisations of how much time I have wasted, but the joy I feel is knowing what I have realised and knowing I can choose another way. The time wasted is not to be dwelled on it but to reflect where I am now and what I choose now is what matters.

    1. It’s true chanly88, we can end up focusing too much on the guilt and sorry of what we have missed and how we have been distracted for so long. The reality is we have made our choices and can just as easily make new ones.

      1. Exactly Joel, I find this really empowering, letting go of our unloving choices and move onto to choosing what we know is of love and truth, and from here our sorrows simply dissipate and no longer hold us in ransom. Feelings of joy then returns.

      2. They do and at times they don’t which is also okay, because it simply helps us learn the difference between a loving and unloving choice.

  148. Joel a great reminder to be all of who we are, including knowing we are sons of God. Would God want his Sons to wait on the other side of the door for fear of rejection and feeling unworthy to enter His Room? Definitely not!

    1. Why would god wait at all? Because he knows it has to be our choice to return. Every time we expose what is not loving in our life it is a step across the waiting room to god’s door. We have made god wait for eons while we indulged in misery of our own creation, it is now time to make those steps of return.

  149. There is a huge difference between hoping to get there and standing up and going there – to God. My history as a Christian was about hoping to get there one day. Now with Universal Medicine I stand up and go there.

    1. Exactly felixschumacher8 and what a revelation that is… there is such an investment in theology and the God transcendent, and yet here we are in the arms of God, indeed in God’s very heart.

    2. Nailed it… there are so many faiths that encourage you to stand in line to ‘get there’ one day or in the afterlife. I agree, the choice just to go there myself is so very liberating.

    3. I am with you on this felixschumacher8. It feels so amazing to stand up and start walking towards God. No longer waiting but to be proactive and take responsibility.

    4. Spot on Felix, buying into the meek waiting game that feeds off hope, is a never ending road in the search for God.

  150. We can be so held back waiting to do the right thing, too scared to follow what we know to be true inside. How silly is that!

  151. It seems that comparison and fear can keep us in God’s waiting room – fear of letting go all that we know and own and the comparison we feel in perhaps not wanting to be different to another so we hold back in the comfort of the familiar. We are so scared to feel the utter joy of fully surrendering to God’s love.
    I’m working on it …….

    1. so true Anne, comparison of being better than or being less than, keeps us locked in the waiting room, where there is none of that comparison on the other side of the door

    2. I totally agree Anne, comparison and fear is like a self-created prison that is crippling and very harmful. It sounds crazy to fear feeling utter joy in surrendering to God’s love but I can relate to having done this myself. Now, I am learning to surrender more and more.

  152. What you share is so true Joel. Everyone has their own rule book of life and how to wait best in gods waiting room. All are carefully constructed as a result of their own life experiences. They also all have their own ideas about God. It’s also true what you say, it is crazy that we don’t help each other simply step through that door of responsibility on the foundations of the love that we all innately are equally regardless of our personal beliefs.

  153. ‘I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you” – It is our choice, how we live, love, allow, the direction we choose………..everything is available in every moment if we but choose. Surrendering is a loving and empowering choice to make. Thank you Joel.

    1. Surrendering to ourself, is what makes it so joyful, because it is the ultimate home coming.

  154. Thank you for your expression Joel because it speaks a million words in a story and visualisation. It highlights the ridiculousness of the whole situation – how for centuries peoples have followed an individuated set of ideas to the path to God. In this there is zero brotherhood. Our path to God is our personal journey and he has been walking with us always, simply waiting. Exquisite – thank you for connecting me to feeling the tender and cherishing and deep love of the presence of God – which is always ever present.

  155. There is no waiting room for God, as Joel says, when God is the essence of all around us and within us then it is simply our choice to be who we truly are, and then our hearts and the rhythm and grace of God beat as one.

  156. So important what you share here Joel: We are the ones that need to take responsibility and take the step to know God and find our way home, no one can do that for us – and blaming our fellow humanity does not count and or work. True responsibility is key for All.

  157. ” I have been waiting for you”- This is so relevant for today and I wonder why I am holding back , why I put all the obstacles in the way, why I make all the excuses,why I don’t want to be different??? At times I too feel the sadness of holding back- I want to feel the joy.

    1. They are two sides of the same coin, the sadness momentary which clears to make way for the joy.

    2. I can so relate to your comment Anne. I have felt exactly the same. When we hold back expressing God’s love it us who gets hurt the most.

  158. Thank you Joel for your touching story. The words ‘I have been waiting for you’ feel so tender and confronting because of all the resistance I have been putting up to just follow my heart and dare to stand out and be different. I can clearly feel my fear of being judged and rejected here.

      1. So often we blame our barrier to joy on another, or ‘something’ else, when as you say Joel, the main barrier to this job is simply us… resisting what is already naturally there.

    1. I can relate to what you are sharing iljakleintjes. I can also feel how my fear of being judged and rejected has held me back for years.

    2. Such an honest comment iljakleintjes, thank you. I too felt these words very tender and loving. God is forever patiently waiting for us to return. No judgement, no rejection and no punishment just pure simple love.

  159. Joel, simple truth right there if we want to see it or we can wait a few more centuries. Your comment on how people wait got me considering what I hold onto in my life because of an ideal i’ve taken on which is not true.

  160. Great confirmation, awesome tale – God has no waiting rooms or holding pens, they are concepts of our own making and the door is actually always open.

  161. Just feeling how the ‘sorrow for having waited so long’ is something i can often use as an excuse to not feel worthy of walking through the door – like I have to prove myself before I can. This is absolute nonsense and simply an arrogant way to avoid the responsibility it takes to stand up and open the door. There is joy and celebration for every choice we make to walk through the door and in that instant we are putting a stop to the momentum we have lived in for the centuries beforehand.

  162. “Eventually I could wait no more… I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.” And in getting up and walking through the door you have laid the path for others to do the same. Seeing you walking in and out of the door Joel inspires me to stop sitting down in between my own trips through the door. Thank you.

    1. Wow Lucy, appreciate that we can all inspire each other but walking in and out (hopefully less out than in, but it still happens!)

      1. Hahaha! more of an exposure on where I am in my relationship with the door than you Joel 😉 I am inspired there is not much walking out that is going on with you. When I really feel what we’re talking about, the question that comes up is why would we want to walk out anyway? It’s a pretty darn glorious place through the door.

  163. When we meet a man such as Serge Benhayon who walks through Gods door, without any fuss or Guru trip but simply gets up and walks, showing us through the way he lives, we then have a choice to do as he has done or not, and live with that choice.

    1. I agree Thomas, there is something both delightful and tricky about having witnessed not just one man but a group of people walking through the door with ease. You can no longer deny the fact that it is possible but then have to also accept it is possible for ourselves.

  164. The last words of your blog brought tears of Joy and gratitude to my eyes Joel,
    I felt the patience and holding love of God always being here ready to love, hold and embrace us, no matter how far from love and our loving nature we have strayed, a heartfelt thank you for your powerful blog.

  165. Simply beautiful, Joel. The power of a fable. Beliefs, sects, creeds and intolerance – all ways to smokescreen the fact that ‘it could be as simple as taking responsibility for yourself and just getting up and walking through’ the waiting room door. Priceless.

  166. Joel, you have such talent to write, you make real things so light, true and funny that it makes sense and is actually great to face reality and responsibility in this way. What you shared about that we are all waiting for the same thing, has struck me, and I can feel the truth of what you say and is being exposed by this amazing example. Therefore fight has no power, true power. It highlights that we have to embrace each other with and how we come and see each other for who we are and not the behaviors that we have wrapped around us that makes us look and pretend that we do not love or care about everyone! When you said : I “have been waiting for you”, I could feel deeply met by the feeling : that I was never wrong and that God always knew I would choose to come, therefore I am still his Son and I have always been. This is so beautiful, this counts for everyone, every single one of us (our whole humanity). So lets wait no longer.

  167. I feel teary as I read the words – ‘I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”. The question arises – ‘Why do I hold back?’
    Why do we hold back as we are all ‘Son’s of God’. Time to change that. Thanks Joel.

  168. Love it, love it, love it!!! That’s such a great story, wow love how you always bring it straight to the point and so playful. You should bring out a story book. Not “Brother Grimm fairy tales” but “Brother Joel’s true stories”. This is so big and the message is amazing. Imagine kids reading and getting this message to just stand up and walk through the door, take responsibility, take decisions, be the one – instead of waiting for the prince to save the princess who cannot do it on her own and needs to be bedded in comfort for the rest of her life.

  169. This is such a beautiful blog Joel, thank you for sharing how it is. We all have a responsibility to choose for ourselves, and feel where we have been waiting for so long.

  170. Just today I said to myself, what if God were actually your boss and he went with you everywhere during your day. Would you make sure there was love within everything you did if that were the case? And then I realized, oh, he is with me everywhere I go, in fact we are inseparable one could say. The only times it feels like he has gone away is when I have gotten ahead of myself (literally) and strayed from his presence.

  171. Just so beautiful Joel, it brought tears to my eyes, how long have we waited for what has always been, just a breath away.

  172. Joel 🙂 love your blog its so beautiful the way you share this…truth surrounded by a lovely written story…it is amazing and need to repeat it again so lovely to read. Thank You very much for expressing the way You do 🙂 with love Nadine

  173. And what in illusion we are under that we have to stay in that waiting room. There is nothing to indicate that it even is a waiting room and how did we get fooled into thinking it was? Just because others chose to wait…?

    1. So true nikkimckee, we have entire belief systems set up to keep us thinking that we are in a waiting room and cannot do anything else but wait.

  174. We are not only waiting for God but at times also for others, to pave our paths and to lead the way. But why not trust ourselves and take our own steps, out of the waiting room and through the door. No more waiting rooms, God is calling.

    1. Other can get up before us, create a path for us to walk on and demonstrate how to walk on that path. But at the end of the day, we are the ones that have to make the choice to get up and walk our own path in our own way.

    2. This is true Mariette, we can see the door and hear to sound from the other side but still wait until a family member or friend walk through first. Rather than make the choice for ourselves.

      1. Yes, and what I realize is that with doing this, we want others to make the choice for us so we don’t have to take responsibility. But we always make a choice, also when we don’t make a choice and think that we let others decide. So waiting around for God and wanting others to go first just shows where we are in comfort (waiting room should be called comfort room), and not want to take responsibility for our own steps.

    3. This is so true Mariette, I have certainly waited and waited for this to happen, for someone to lead the way. For me, this has now happened because without people showing me the way I would have kept on waiting, feeling lost, unsure and reluctant to shift. The people at Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon and his family are leading the way. Without them I am sure I would have kept on waiting.

  175. Waiting for God is a long one, as long as we make it and the door is always open. Thank you Joel for this reminder.

  176. “I’ve been waiting for you” … Such beautiful words Joel and a great teaching. Thank you.

  177. Beautiful blog Joël, The door is always open to everyone. Imagine if humanity would have the understanding about religion as you do…

  178. Joel another profound contribution. I too got sick of waiting and decided to walk through the door. Although not everyone around me has liked it, I haven’t looked back because I found that God actually lives within me!

  179. ‘It seemed crazy that they didn’t help each other. After all, they were all in the same place, they were all waiting for the same thing…’. You raise a very good point Joel, why doesn’t everyone help each other??

  180. Joel, thank you, its a great question.How long are we willing to hang around in the dark not able to see that around the corner god has the welcome mat out, the door wide open and the light on waiting for us.

  181. Oh yes Joel, a very good question, why indeed? Sitting in that waiting room achieves nothing, and yet suggests to anyone waiting that they are doing the right thing, and should just keep right on waiting!

    1. I find it so useful to have the waiting room analogy used here … it really assists me in grasping the fact that I have been waiting because of
      a) I want to be doing the right thing
      b) I don’t want to upset others or leave others behind when in fact that’s illusion because if I don’t walk through the door then they won’t see the way either!

      1. I like what you are building here Marian, the honesty about why we sit in the waiting room, and often it comes down to not wanting to rock the boat or to have others truly see the beauty and divinity we come from.

  182. A question that I need to reflect on, very carefully – why do I carry on waiting when I have been shown the door, and know just how easy it is to walk through?

    1. I love the honesty of this question Catherine, shortly followed by “Why do I go back and sit in the waiting room after having walked through the door, just to keep the others that are waiting happy?”

      1. Exactly. It is always annoying when you’ve been in the waiting room a while and someone gets seen before you. But if we all choose to continuously wait, none of us are going anywhere. Someone has to get up.

  183. I am struggling to express how blown away I am by Joel’s writing. Surely his words should be flying around the internet and top of everyone’s social media feeds?

    1. Totally 100% agree, Catherine!! His blogs will be getting regular posts on my social media from now on! 🙂

    1. Beautiful Joshua. I have previously been waiting for signs from God to show me that He in fact exists, I have been waiting for far too long, not realising He was waiting for me to find my way home and the signs were all there I just didn’t see them. Now that my eyes and my heart have opened up to see and feel that God is all around me and He was within and beside me all along.

    1. I feel the same way Sara, An absolute joy to re-visit. It has been a while since I read this blog, but it comes back to me a lot in different situations when religion and God is being discussed. It is such a brilliant and playful approach.

  184. To know the presence of God, and to feel that we are already living in his heart, and that , as Joel says, we just have to walk right in, is the end of separation within humanity and as more people walk right in, the waiting room will empty, and heaven on earth will be abounding.

  185. Thank you Joel, why have we waited so long, to follow the amazing presentations of Serge Benhayon, which so simply shows that we can open the door to Heaven and God? Could it be that our way of living, which only allows us to see those things, brings us emotional attachments! When we make the choice to align again to our inner-heart as presented by Serge Benhayon, the truth and love of who we truly are opens the door thus returns us to God.

  186. You describe this absolutely so so well. This is how the world copes in a nutshell. We are all waiting for the same thing , but actually not truly helping each other to get there more quickly. This would solve all our disharmony. At the end we will meet each other and see that we are waiting for the exact same thing. So together working towards brotherhood and love is the best coping for us as a species.

    1. “We are all waiting for the same thing”… that is truly the crazy part about it, especially when try to convince others we’ve found it, when it resides within each of us (already found) just not lived.

      1. Yes Joel, as there does not exist something like true preaching. As you say, it is in us all, and yet known when it is re-united. We do not need anyone to tell us this. As we know our power inside out.

      2. I have to say, I was so lost, that I did need someone to show me that there was a different way to live. Not in terms of giving me a book of rules to follow, but showing me by how they lived. This was the only way I could begin to test what changes I was going to make in my own life.

      3. Absolutely very well described Joel, I am absolutely the same, and I was only able to see and move out from my loss by seeing that living in another way that our body and mind, spirit and soul truly benefits from, is The Way of The Livingness, as was shown by Serge Benhayon and his family. Equal to you, I only woke up because I was seeing it being lived on earth – that broke me out of the desperate cycle of giving up.

      4. I love how you use the term ‘desperate cycle of giving up’, it seems to contradict itself but it is 100% accurate in describing the effort required to sustain our lives in the ‘waiting room’ and in the unhappiness.

      5. It is now true this comment I understand the title.. And absolutely brilliant described how we either sustain ourselves in the darkness of choices or the light of choices – which leads us to different paths. But eventually the same. We must take the path of the light and as you said; not keep staying in line of the waiting room, but actually move on and take the lead in life and all impulsed to be.

      6. We are our own saviour…not messiah’s to come clean up the mess….just others who inspire us by getting on with it.

      7. Yes and we better take a big broom, in order to lovingly swipe away (let go) everything that we are not.. every conviction we had that we are not the ones, every believe that we must wait , hide or hold back.. Swipe it all away – as then we realize we are only delaying our own path of return – as we are the ones returning by our own choice – and nothing else.

  187. Beautiful and heartfelt – and I felt tears come up straight away when God said…….’I’ve been waiting for you’. Thank you Joel, there will be no holding back the love I am today,

  188. Wow, what a great blog Joel I love your playfulness and the depth to which you write, beautifully expressed, especially the last words ‘I’ve been waiting for you’.

    1. Seriously playful Joel. Thing is, we can sit in that waiting room for as long as we want, no pressure. The familiarity of the white walls, reading material, status quo etc is quite comforting. But aren’t you just a bit curious what you might in God’s room???? I am.

  189. Awesome Joel! Tears strolled down my cheeks as I read ”I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the most welcoming words ”I’ve been waiting for you”. God has patience until one day we will all return and that love which no words can describe blows me away.

    1. Thank you Caroline, I have read this blog many times and each time I felt this part moved me too.

  190. Maybe there is something like a waiting-room-addiction. When I started practicing to get up and walk through that door after meeting Serge Benhayon, it really felt like an addiction to be seated comfortably on my bum and find some distraction there. A pretty big one actually. Possibly there comes a time when there are no chairs anymore in that room to get us going. Rising diseases amongst us for me is such a sign.

    1. Perhaps it’s also that in addition to having become comfortable in the waiting room, it can be almost too much to realise we needn’t have waited at all.

    2. Waiting room addiction, I love it… a bit like a prisoner struggling to deal with ‘life outside’, we as a humanity have the same struggles to conceive life in a different way, even thought it so desperately needed.

  191. Joel your blog always brings such joy and so timely, why wait any longer, for we all hold love within us equally so.

  192. Joel this is so beauty-full! I read it like a fairy tale with a beauty-full ending for humanity only it is a truth-tale.

  193. Such a beauty-full blog Joel, and with such a beautiful, message we don’t have to wait, we are all responsible for our own life and the choices we make, life isn’t hard it is a beauty-full journey back to who we truly are.

  194. This is just so beautiful Joel. I can feel how it really is just that simple to make the choice to connect and be with God, no matter what anyone else thinks or how they think it should be done. God is always there, all we have to do is open that door.

  195. I have spent so long not trusting what I felt inside. Knowing, both literally and figuratively, that I should stand up and walk through the door, but being fearful of offending others and imagining that they must know more than me. It is ridiculous, and such a waste of time for myself and all others!

  196. Joel I just had to re-read this one again, it is so true of the times we’ve wanted to stand up and walk through (the door of truth), but then how easily we sit back down again because of what others might think, and in this only pass up our divine will and right in meeting Our Father. Yes how much sorrow there is in this, though it can never outweigh the amount of pure eternal joy in being with Him once again to hear those words, “I’ve been waiting for you”.

  197. God’s door is always open, never locked. All we need to do is knock and step inside.
    You’ll get the biggest and best welcome into his home, you have ever received.

  198. God never leaves us. It is only we who think he does when we leave him. No matter how long it’s been since we have seen him, we are always welcomed back as though we have never left.

  199. Utterly brilliant blog once more Joel. I could so feel the love and truth in the final line ‘I’ve been waiting for you’

  200. Joel this is a divine piece of writing. I had tears of joy as I read this knowing that I too had eventually chosen to walk through that door and felt the divine words resound in my heart – “I’ve been waiting for you”. – as I was in union with God once again.

  201. That’s what we do, isn’t it: waiting for the “real things” to come true. Not honoring we are already there. That it is just a choice walking through the door, opening up for the truth we all feel inside – way beyond the “how to do’s”.

  202. What magical writing this is. Simple yet so profound, it brought tears to my eyes.
    Thank you Joel, for confirming all that’s needed is to let of go of following others and allow ourselves to feel the natural pull to God.

  203. I am happy to have walked through the door to a place where we celebrate the oneness of all life. Thanks Joel, your writing is always a joy to read.

  204. Love it, Joel. especially this part cracked me up completely: “I tried waiting with them for a few centuries but recently started wondering if there was another way.” Awesome that you, and we, found another way!

  205. Hi Joel I have been waiting for you . . . waiting for your blogs because they are an enrichment and a great joy to read. Yes I chose as well to leave God’s waiting room – thanks to this man walking in and out.

  206. I felt my heart expand when read the last line of this very beautiful blog. Thank you Joel, your expression is an absolute blessing 🙂

  207. You are right Joel, he is always there and waiting, all we have to do is choose to be with him.

  208. To stay separate from God nowadays really does take a lot of effort. Energy is everything, everything is energy everything is light, light is in everything, God is light, love is in everything in fact, we are with God whether we like it or not… it is not possible to be separate, only in our minds, and that’s the rub. All we have to do is truly be still and we are at that doorway that Joel mentions, and then to just step through into the heart, and the heart of God.

  209. Reading this again these were the words that touched me deeply: “I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”. I too could feel the sadness that I had been separated from myself for so very long, but then followed by the joy that I have finally come home. Thank you Joel for the gentle reminder of who we truly are.

  210. Once again another great analogy Joel. All the different ways of playing the waiting game and what are we waiting for exactly? If we all saw ourselves as equal Sons of God there would be no waiting room, just true brotherhood, eventually we will all know this as fact.

  211. This demonstrates that institutionalised religions with their many paths to God have a lot to answer for when it comes to keeping humanity away from God.

  212. O Joel, what a super story, I am with tears, you capture the scene and the many 100’s of lives into centuries so well, I am there with you, in the waiting room. Your ending paragraph, the gold, so deeply resonated with: “A couple of times I stood up – each time I got harsh glares from around the room, so I sat back down and waited a bit longer. Eventually I could wait no more… I stood up and walked though the door. I felt joy, I felt sorrow for having waited so long, and I heard the simplest and most welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”. Standing up and walking through the door with you Joel.

  213. You got us all crying with this one Joel, crying at the sheer waste of lifetimes and the simple truth that it is always up to us to follow through with what we feel is true without being put off by those around us. Love it.

  214. All time classic expose that lays it all out so playfully just as it is. Why wait hey, time to come on home.

  215. You have conveyed so much wisdom in this blog Joel, it is very moving. It seems we all relate to “waiting too long” and now we are discovering how simple it is to connect with God and our divinity.

  216. I have spent my life thus far waiting in Gods waiting room, not looking at how my actions affect anyone truly especially myself – now I am taking responsibility for my choices and feel I am not just hanging around waiting anymore.

  217. Joel once again I read one of your beautifully presented blogs! So true that if we all joined together as one Nation and Religion how easy life would be, there would be no disputes of who deserves to be first with Love as the Way.

  218. The door is simply waiting for us to open it again and love is the key. No one else can give you the key, it’s there waiting in you.

  219. Wow, this is very deep, I love how it’s presented because the message really truly hits home this way. It’s really up to us. Thanks Joel.

  220. Joel you’ve hit the nail on the head. The world is waiting for God, not realising that it is the waiting that is actually preventing them from being with God now.

  221. Joel, I love your blog so beautifully expressed – “I have been waiting for you” – I was very touched reading this, thank you.

  222. Very beautiful and powerful Joel. The ability to connect to God is within us all equally.

  223. Joel – this is a brilliant blog with a simple, poignant message – “I’ve been waiting for you”. It makes no sense that we humans convolute our lives and rarely learn the lessons along the way. Universal Medicine has presented me with an understanding of an alternate path and for that I am grateful.

  224. What a beautiful sharing Joel , to see through all the ideology and separation that holds us back and simply open the door to that which we all are -Divine.

  225. Hi Joel, beautiful metaphor. When I was young, I was brought up as a christian, and my question from the age of 7 to every minister I met was – if christianity is true, then why are there so many different churches, and why do they argue amongst each other if they all believe in God? My second question was if christianity is true, and you need to believe in Jesus to go to heaven, what happens to all the people in Asia who do not even know he existed, and why did God only send his “only son” to one part of the world? Of course they had no answer. As children, we have an ability to clearly see the truth of things but we are so easily discounted for what we bring because of our age.

    1. Golly Adam, they were some of my questions too. Another one was ‘what if there is no water to be baptised’ because I was told that to enter God’s kingdom you had to be baptised. No answer there either. Joel’s article says it all, no one baptises us to God, we do it for ourselves.

  226. Brings tears to my eyes. How long I have been waiting, my God?! It is quite revealing that the very thing that is supposed to connect us to God – religion – is the major reason for the separation to God.

  227. Gosebumps all over my body… Really touches me your blog: “I’ ve been waiting for you” . So true.

    1. Yes Goosebumps for me too! It really is a joy to feel that it is really as simple as walking through the door yourself and find God has been waiting for us all along.

  228. Wow Joel – I had tingles all over my body reading your blog. Yes, could it be that simple, to walk through God’s door.

  229. Thank you Joel for this playful story about how we go around as humans in this world. We innately are all longing for our connection with God but have made it complicated by introducing all kind of ideals and beliefs about how this can be achieved and that, while God is in us all equally. It is just a matter of choice, do we choose for the false belief, or do we connect to the truth we all have a connection with deep inside.

  230. i keep coming back to this blog as it is so gorgeous and makes light but deep sense of how we use religion to keep us from what is so simple and already within us. Could it be that religion as it is now is just another excuse to not take responsibility ….as you say and as Monika confirms so beautifully..we can choose to be with God in an instant…any instant.

  231. Gorgeous Joel! I love the observational way you describe everybody in the waiting room. How weird the way they (we) are with each other and strange we choose not to be inspired how simple it is: get on your feet and walk, no need to wait for anything or anybody you/I can choose to be with God in an instant.

  232. Joel this was simply magical. it is just so simple, but we let our thoughts, ideas etc, get in the way. It definitely is about stepping out of our own way sometimes. God is right there waiting for us to just open our hearts.

    1. Gorgeous comment on a beautiful blog, it’s amazing how complicated we try and make things and it can be simple, one I am learning. I love the sheer simplicity of what this blog presents, it’s a choice.

  233. I love “everyone had their own rule books on how to wait best”. It is so funny! Thank you for writing this.

  234. Ha! I love this Joel. Recently I too, after waiting centuries, got up off the couch and walked through this door. I was greeted by a big smile, enormous love and a wink that said ‘what took you so long?’ Classic God.

  235. Joel what an amazing blog. I loved every bit from start to finish. What a creative way to describe our world. It gave me a gentle kick up the bum to feel what love there is in opening the door myself. And what love lies on the other side.

  236. This is a masterpiece, Joel. I absolutely love it. “I’ve been waiting for you” – made my shoulders drop.

  237. I absolutely love this blog. It blows away all the thoughts, ideals and beliefs we have that we, life and our relationship with God has to be hard and a struggle. I can’t help but sit and smile as I feel it’s all there just waiting for us. Thank you Joel.

  238. Great article which exposes brilliantly how we all choose different ways to delay our return to truth and to God. Just open the door to my inner-heart and feel the love of God.

  239. So beautiful Joel. So many of us are waiting for God to come and save or rescue us when the truth is God is waiting for us to make the choice to be self responsible and self loving…. to open God’s door which is never locked and in fact has been left slightly ajar if we bother to pay attention.

  240. I love this story, God’s Waiting Room exposes man’s intricate relationships to God with a simplicity that is such a joy to read, thank you Joel

  241. Gods door is always open. all you need to do it knock and enter. He will be there waiting to welcome you with open arms.

  242. Thank you for so beautifully showing how for eons we have segregated ourselves and kept ourselves stuck with limiting beliefs about our relationship with God. Whilst it is simple, there are no conditions and the door is wide open.

  243. Ha ha Joel, I love how you build a humorous story in the form of a modern day parable, always with a big lesson in there if the reader so chooses to understand it. Subtle and delicious. A book of Joel’s parables might be a best seller!

  244. This is a little gem, a humorous approach that I love, on the infinite complexities of religion, and the absolute simplicity of how our relationship with God can be. Big thank you Joel

  245. It’s such a joy to read this blog, thank you Joel. When we can look at how we have behaved and just go “pfuff”, and move on, it’s so much easier.

  246. I loved this, fun, true and gorgeous analogy. Felt it deep in my body, a knowing that I had found a connection and I had encountered the truth meeting Serge Benhayon.

  247. I loved reading this again. So simple, so playful and so potent in its message.

    It is all so simple. We have made it complicated. And have developed rule books which we hold as evidence that it is not easy! But we can simply choose to connect to God any time, it is our own choice and all any of us will hear back is “I have been waiting for you”. Simply beautiful.

  248. Great blog Joel, I really enjoyed reading it again. It made me smile at the simplicity of the point you make and the craziness of all the things that make us feel we can’t just know God and be with him when, in fact, we all can.

  249. Beautiful Joel, and so simply put, that we hang around waiting for God to come and get us, and go through a myriad of emotions while we wait and all the time the door to God’s office is always open, it simply needs us to take the initiative and step through. Thank heavens for noticing the man who was just getting on with life, back and forth, checking in with God and then getting on with life – he inspired me too and now I can use the Waiting Room analogy to check in with myself and ask the question – “am I sitting here waiting here for God to call me in, or am I going to get off my backside and walk through that door?” Superb, thank you!

  250. God’s (Our) waiting room asks us to consider the possibility that we have been waiting around for someone else to tell us how it is and to come save us…can it be that even going to church is just a waiting room syndrome and the more promising the room the longer we are willing to wait…? not taking responsibility…

  251. That is such a beautiful way to describe and make it very real and personal about the way each religion keeps its own limited rules, and how God is not a distant Being we need to wait to see, but here for us all the time, within ourselves, and the simplicity and freedom of that choice.

  252. Like Rebecca, tears in my eyes at the end…I feel this truth in my bones that we have been passively waiting when the only way to love/God is to stand up and choose it.

  253. Thank you Joel, I love the way you describe how simple it is to choose god, even though there are all these belief systems in place. A simple but powerful blog.

  254. Re-reading this blog, I think it must be one of my favourites. Every time it brings tears to my eyes because at the end in that one sentence I can feel the simplicity and the vastness that is the love of God.

    1. I agree. This a great exposure of how we cause our own complications rather than the joy and simplicity to choose to walk with God. Thank you Joel.

  255. Joel, congratulations on such a lovely blog. When my time comes, I hope I will not be sitting around for thousands of years, waiting for God to open the door. The door is always open in life for us all to share with each other love, understanding and humanity, and all that we are.

  256. A brilliant blog Joel that brings a lightness to what at times can be perceived as such a heavy situation. Thoughts creep in of ‘I can’t just walk through because I’ve waited so long/what will others think of me/I can’t just get up because X,Y,Z is still hanging around” and so on. The more I experience walking through that door the more I feel that those plastic waiting room chairs are cold, hard and uncomfortable to be sat on for any length of time.

  257. Top blog, Joel!
    …I could leave my comment at that – but I just had to say how amazing this was to read. It was just so funny – I love your writing (you make things so simple and light) and hope you keep it up!

  258. Ouch, for how many centuries have I sat in the waiting room, believing myself to be so righteous and dutiful in waiting my turn along with others?!

    Though having found the door and experienced the joy and welcome the other side, it still seems like a constant choice to get out of my chair, guess I just got so used to sitting in the waiting room!

  259. I agree with Heather Pope when she says – An absolutely Amazing incredible piece of writing.
    Joel L, this really is genius stuff in the way that you express something so grand and life changing in such a simple and profound way.
    What an amazing film this would make because of the humour and lightness you bring.
    Thank you and I hope you keep on writing!

  260. I love the simple but beautiful way you have summed up religion, and how to get to god, we just have to walk through the door. He is waiting, waiting for us to come home.

  261. Awesome and so deeply insightful!
    It really is crazy that the people of the world can’t see how we all are the same once you look below the superficial differences and schisms the different religions create. God is waiting for us ALL to take responsibility for ourselves and to get on with each other and with life – to finally ‘walk through that door’.

  262. Joel I loved reading this. You have a beautifully simple way of making the absurdity of religion as we know it today easy to grasp and difficult to deny. I’m so glad I’ve now discovered the open door too!

  263. I struggled with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraphs Joel because I did not know who you were talking about. In the past I would have been embarassed and kept quiet, feeling like I was an outsider because I did not have the required knowledge to be in with the group joke or conversation. All my life the two most important things to me have been love and relationships (brotherhood) and I have sat in God’s waiting room feeling less and not living what in my heart was true. Gaining knowledge and the status that comes with it never was important to me but I really did not understood why until I came to the work of Universal Medicine. I now am able to live the love I know to be true together with those who are sitting in the waiting room. This is joy.

    Thank you Joel. Your blog is truly magical and a blessing for all.

  264. I love the way you write Joel, an amazing blog… Sarah suggested a short film… what about a book with a compilation of allegories or short pieces of writing? From all the comments it would be well received!

  265. Oh Joel, this has brought tears to my eyes. I love this post. So elegantly painting the picture of how we as a humanity have been with our religions and stubborn beliefs – me included, for many life times. Until another, who is just like us, shows us that we do not need to wait for the door to open – until we see the ease and grace with which this other person goes in and out of the door – until we dare accept that we were mistaken all this time and perhaps we too can do the same – and as we go through the door we feel those welcoming words: “I’ve been waiting for you”.

  266. Much fun here Joel and yet what you present can only be truth. “I’ve been waiting for you” is still ringing in my ears. So very simple and just the way it is, ‘our choice’ to sit and wait or walk on through.

  267. Amazing Joel. I love the simplicity of your story, the visual pictures that your words created in my head, as well as the so relevant meaning to love, to life, to self-responsibility and God. Thank you.

  268. Joel I love your story telling of truth, thank you… and yes what are we waiting for? I can also relate to the waiting and searching for eons… and to the joy of re-discovering I have been here inside all along.

  269. And so, all the ill ways of religion (that tell us to be ‘less’ than God) are demolished… That door is surely perpetually swinging on its hinges now (constant traffic – very busy)! Amazing, Joel.

  270. A great allegory teller Joel!

    I knew I had met you somewhere – in the God’s waiting room. 🙂

  271. Oh My God Joel, this is brilliant and beautiful! A beautiful representation of the fact that we are all equal; but above the knowing of our equality, we have allowed the absurdity of different beliefs and dogmas to dictate to us that we are different.

    The sadness is that these beliefs have only served to hold humanity back in so many ways, so beautifully and astutely pictured in this piece. Your writings are so precious, thank you.

  272. How beautifully put. God lies within us all and waits patiently for us to listen to that voice within us and have the courage to walk through the door. What awaits us is a revelation of ourself and of him/her.

  273. Joel I love the way you write. This brought a tear to my eyes. Thank you.

    I too waited for too long before realising it was my choice to be with God or not and that He was waiting for us to come to Him not the other way around. I am deeply touched by your words.

  274. Beauty-full Joel, sums up the oddities of our made-up religions wonderfully. I just loved your final words, “I’ve been waiting for you” – so simple, too simple??? Nahhhh. 🙂

  275. You have blown me away. What an amazing blog. Absolutely beautiful you have written this story in such a fun way, which is so true. So great Joel, thank you for this great message.

  276. Deeply touching, why do we wait for so long before taking responsibility and securing the future we want for ourselves? Is it simply the disconcerting stares we receive from those around us, or is there more?

  277. Wow thank you Joel, I was a bit in a hurry when I read your blog and have to admit was skimming through it a bit and was not fully with myself, but wow you really got my attention. I have tears. That was beauty-full.

    You have reminded me it can really be that simple.

  278. So simple, but so true. This story says so much. I’m interested to hear part two, what happened when you went back out to the waiting room… Thanks for keeping something seen as so serious or so impossible so simple and tangible for people to feel.

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