Esoteric Student? It’s about a Commitment to Love

by Kylie Kennedy, Brisbane, Australia

Coming out and saying I am an esoteric student has brought up so much fear in me. Why? Fear about being seen as ‘different’ or ‘weird’; people may make fun of me, and all of the media cult accusations have made this a bigger fear. However, it is because of the unfairness of the media attack that I can no longer hide the fact that I am an esoteric student.

But what does it mean that I am an esoteric student? First and foremost, I would like to highlight the word ‘student’: according to the dictionary it means, “Any person who studies, investigates or examines thoughtfully.” As for the word ‘esoteric’, I understand it by its oldest meaning, “inner-most”, or “inner-heart”. So as a ‘student of the esoteric’, I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet. By no means do I claim to be ‘perfect’. Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.

Growing up, I was always an outcast – I was picked on not only by other children, but by adults as well; I had a woman tell me at the age of 10 that she hated me because I reminded her of her sister. I was called fat and so only naturally I grew up with insecurity about my weight. As time went on I became a teenager, and like any teenager I tried to find my way. To deal with my insecurities and to stop being picked on, I joined a gang; I started drinking and getting drunk during the day at 14 years of age, ditching school and doing graffiti on properties.

I did all of this because I wanted to fit in, because I wanted to belong, because inside I was screaming for attention – I was screaming to be loved. But I didn’t find it as part of a gang. Luckily for me I had a mother who removed me from this situation and sent me off to live with my dad. I then grew into a young lady, a so-called adult in society. But really what this meant was that at age 18 I was now legally able to buy my own cigarettes and alcohol and go to pubs and clubs. In my search to belong and to ‘find love’ I sought male attention, and I was not alone in this, as so too did my girlfriends. A great night out was based on how much male attention you received when out at the pubs and clubs.

In my early twenties I discovered that there was more to life and there was more to living. For the first time in my life I felt loved, and the strange thing was that this feeling of love didn’t come from another person, from family, friends, nor from a boyfriend… it came from me. I started to learn that I can love myself, and this might sound up myself, but we have all heard the saying “You cannot love another until you love yourself”; well, I was discovering this love for myself.

Today my life is about love.  I am not perfect in that, even though I try. Today I have a beautiful partner and a beautiful child, our relationship is open and honest and we strive to communicate with each other all the time. Because of this we hardly argue or fight, and there is a deepening of appreciation for each other and what each of us offers to our relationship. This is because we have made the choice to choose love in our lives. It is so simple yet so powerful – don’t get me wrong, we still have our issues – but it’s the choice to talk about it, to express it openly and honestly with each other, and not let it fester into resentment of each other, that each day we appreciate each other more and more.

So once again I find myself in a place where I can crumble under the scrutiny of the media and a few members of society, or I can continue to choose love.

I will always continue to choose love.

I am a student learning to reimprint my life with love, and in the process I am discovering how amazingly beautiful life can be in all that I am and in all I that do, and in all the people I meet. I am learning to treat everyone equally and with love. As a student and a human being there are times when I am not loving, but I choose to get back up again and keep making that choice. I am by no means perfect, but I have the power to make choices and choose how I live my life.

272 thoughts on “Esoteric Student? It’s about a Commitment to Love

  1. You simplified it so beautifully – it is just about making it all about love. What kind of world are we living then if that is seen as a problem?

  2. It’s such a gift to read this because it is a so open and honest, it is a beautiful experience to really be let in to know and feel who someone is – thank you Kylie. Your life sounds very common sense to me, basing everything on love and taking that love equally to others. You have to wonder how crazy life has become when we attack a loving lifestyle as a “cult” yet we have normalised abuse and violence. On a basic human rights level no one should be shunned or abused for their choices.

  3. “Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.” A powerful commitment to be who you are.

  4. Thank you for sharing your experience with being an esoteric student. What I love to be an esoteric student is to re-discover that I can choose how my life is and that I am not dependent on others. I am responsible for me and not others and on top of it I can choose how fast I want to be all that I am.

  5. I’ve made a commitment to love too Kylie, starting with myself, I realise the more I love myself and care for me the more I am able to offer that same quality to others, if I do not work on the relationship I have with myself how can I change the relationship I have with others.

  6. Gorgeous sharing Kylie. I cannot argue or fight with another when I am being super loving with self. The super loving choices I am building in my day supports me to hold myself so that I cannot react but observe and the impact on others from this way of being is much to be appreciated – something I am resisting at the moment to be even more super loving with self – there is always more love to deepen in my livingness.

  7. Life can be ‘harsh’ Kylie e.g. living with fear of being judged etc. We have had two more media backlashes since the original in 2012 with one being the result broadcasted of a court proceeding and the media thus printing more lies resulting in calling us ‘a socially harmful cult’ again. Water off a ducks 🦆 back. Nothing still has been proven with NO EVIDENCE with the accusations and the lies. What IS proof is how I am living — I live with Joy and Clarity with a capital L for Love. I certainly feel alot of tension, but that comes with how much more I am feeling what is actually and blatantly not true. I’d rather feel what is not true (and true) then to numb myself from it. At least I know where I stand AND it is THE place to stand on this plane of life.

  8. Thank you Kylie, I really enjoyed reading this again. It’s so easy to take a snapshot of where someone is at in life and judge, but we don’t know the bigger picture. I appreciated reading about your life and all of your experiences. To be able to look back on our own life with love and understanding is such a gift, which we can then offer to others. This is always a great line too “Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.” Very true, thank you.

  9. “I am a student learning to reimprint my life with love, and in the process I am discovering how amazingly beautiful life can be in all that I am and in all I that do, and in all the people I meet” I love this Kylie re-imprinting your life with love, this is what I have been doing and it is amazing how life changing it is. Each day I feel more vibrant and open to whatever the day brings.

  10. When we make life all about love, our lives are a forever evolving, going deeper in our relationships with ourselves and each other, there is no end to the depths of love we can experience.

  11. What an amazing sharing and understanding of what love is and how making our lives about love is about being willing to see it all, and to adjust as required and that’s the joy of embracing the student, there’s no perfection we are refining and learning, and each moment presents a new opportunity and what underpins this is the understanding that no matter what it’s all about love.

  12. Beautiful, Kylie. Reading your sharing makes me realise that being human actually means being a student, and the question is whether we accept it. We might like to think we can choose subjects and it does seem like we can, but actually, what we are learning is just one thing only – to live the love that we already are.

  13. I would have thought that everyone would want to do this for themselves because of the positive effects it has on ourselves and with everyone around us.
    “So as a ‘student of the esoteric’, I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet.”
    There has been a tragic accident within my family and the shock is affecting all that know the incident, just being there for my family without emotion which is running very high is very steadying for them. Without making this commitment to myself to understand my innermost I know I would have jumped straight in the deep end of the soup of raw emotion which would have just made everything far worse and offered nothing in the way of support to my family. As it is I am standing steady supporting some members of the family who in turn support those who are in the overwhelm of the incident. So a Heartfelt thank you to Serge Benhayon for supporting me to see that there is so much more to life than I had ever imagined. I know without a doubt I would not be holding steady without all of the information I have soaked up via the presentations and workshops I have attended, that I now put into my daily life to support me and everyone else. What a stupendous way to live.

  14. There is a great value in seeing ourselves as a student of life for it allows us to be open to the learning in every interaction and experience we have in our day to day life.

  15. Choosing love, having this as the basis of your life changes everything, and even when you ‘muck’ up it’s that commitment to get back up again and choose love – that’s what I’ve learned that true love and commitment are, and each of us are capable of living and being in this way.

  16. Part of being a student is having the openness and willingness to learn and to never stop learning, and to know you’re not perfect but that’s ok, it’s about our ability to stand up after we fall down and instead of using it to beat ourselves up or further de-rail, we learn and grow stronger.

  17. The words ‘esoteric student’ may conjure up images for people based on the bastardisation and reinterpretation of the word esoteric. But if a group of people live in a way that is different, more self-loving, with loving relationships…this speaks for itself. Your way of living speaks for itself Kylie – and people who know you beyond the words ‘esoteric student’ will see this very clearly.

  18. When we allow love to be the foundation of our lives, life can change in a way we could never imagine is possible from our mind but that we knew is available to us from deep within because we all have lived this once before.

  19. When we love ourselves there is no yearning for another’s attention or love. It’s beautiful and nonimposing to be around someone who commits to what they know from inside and honours that.

  20. The simple statement choosing love could be seen at first glance to be almost trite… But here we have the opportunity to know, or start to know what love actually is, how it can be in every movement in every breath, and every glance, and then start to live this in every moment… Now this definitely needs to be sent and experienced.

  21. With the saying “up yourself” came the feeling of somehow being better than others, this was met with resentment of “who does she think she is”. This was the capping, the putting down, that pervaded parts of society I grew up in, a way to keep us separated from our divine essence and from each other.

  22. Yes agreed, it is nothing to be ashamed of and actually those who say it is have potentially not understood what it feels like in your body but have fallen for the distraction of what we have been told it is from the head.

  23. It is sad to consider we believe loving ourselves to be ‘up ourselves’. When did this start? perhaps it comes when we don’t like the reflection of people who do not have the insecurities we do. I wonder if there are other reasons but this one really goes some way to explain how some adults can want to break the natural confidence in children.

  24. Those who commit themselves to living a loving life also commit themselves to exposing and being honest about all that which does not belong to such a life, to learning to see beyond the facades and to make life about energy first and foremost. Those who commit themselves to being an esoteric student commit themselves to being part of the whole, to let go of individuality and are willing to be seen living a life that is going against the grain. They are taking responsibility for themselves, their quality, their health and their well being. In all their imperfections there is no fault in that and so one would be wise to discern the source of any attack or critique.

  25. Yes love has to always come from inside yourself, no one and no-thing can give it to you, no matter how loving and caring they are. There will always be an unsettled feeling as long as we don’t realise we are it, and have the greatest love ever to express towards ourselves and in that to all others.

  26. Kylie thank you, I have really enjoyed reading this. The esoteric is really simple, living from our inner-most heart and the love that we naturally are in essence, as as you say, reimprinting life with that love. Regardless of what comes our way all we can really do is keep choosing to be and express the love we naturally are.

  27. Perfection is so overrated! The commitment to make life about love and to re-discover what that means is what gives life meaning for me “Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself.” I know that my commitment to working hard and in service is where it is because of this commitment to love so walking away from that is not an option.

  28. If we remain silent and not express our truth the Media and detractors can fill the gap with their empty lies and noise.

  29. “Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love” – this is so simple and as-a-matter-of-fact-ly powerful, and it is very inspiring to feel your commitment as a student oozing from every word here you present. Thank you, Kylie.

  30. When we get attacked or criticized its can be easy to withdraw. My hat goes off to you Kylie for continuing with your commitment to living a life all about love.

    1. I agree Debra, Kylie’s life is inspiring and it would be great to get an update blog.

  31. People often react when love is chosen if they are choosing not to live this love or bring this quality to their own lives.

  32. Attacks often lead to justifying. When you justify you are in the game of the attacker. You get where the other want you to be. Through movement, you try to convince the world that you also are like them or one of them (hence you are not the weirdo they say you are). In those moments, we tend to forget that being one of them does not require moving like them since they are also one of us even if they refuse to move like we do because if they do they will realize that there is not us and them. This is what is behind the attacks and that is why justification does not do really any good to anyone but only help to keep the status quo.

  33. Good on you Kylie!! I’ve recently been faced with a situation where I had a freak out about being an esoteric student. It took to talking with a couple of friends to remind me that it’s ridiculous to be afraid of expressing the fact that all that means is that I’m a student of my own life that involves accepting responsibility for my choices and having bucket loads of integrity. I mean seriously…has the media not achieved it’s goal and planting seeds of doubt in us? Yes! But, it only takes to connect with others truly to be reminded that nothing out of the ordinary is going on here!

    1. If someone is reacting to seeing who they truly are by reflection then that’s no excuse for us to play the game also and confirm by hiding and being worried.

  34. I too have committed to making my life about living my inner most self. I am a forever student of the esoteric and am eternally grateful that I made this choice. Living my love is not a selfish thing, it has actually opened me to again feel the depth of love that I have for others. The warmth and grace of the love I feel is never imposing or needy, it is beholding and divinely supportive, equally for myself and everyone else.

    1. That is absolutely true for me too Leigh, self love has allowed me to have more love to express to others. True self love is not selfish it’s in fact very much for the all.

  35. Choosing a life of love is choosing a life of truth. In this choice we are choosing to return to all that we are, and walk a life that is free of all that is not. To do this we need to become a student of life so to observe and feel once again what is truth and what is not.

  36. It’s the getting back up part that’s key, we’re perfect and a commitment to love is not about that, but about committing to making life about love and when we fall over with that, which we will, we continue and make our next move about love. That’s one of the most important things I’ve learned and am still learning being an esoteric student, a student of my own innermost.

  37. Good on you Kylie. The word esoteric is very misunderstood and as a result creates a mystery that can be exploited. From my experience, the esoteric has to be felt in the body, it is a study of our inner most and develops a deep connection with the One we are all from.

  38. Learning to treat everyone equally includes ourselves so as we open our heart to love others we equally have to open our heart to love ourselves. A beautiful and loving antidote to comparison, competition and jealousy.

  39. What I find funny about human life is that there is a part of us that loves being an individual but at the same time, we don’t like to be seen as too different from others so we still have that sense of belonging. Quite contradictory isn’t it.

  40. Being an esoteric student is a pretty awesome thing and a great start to re-connecting with what is true within all the falsity in this world. To study ourselves and our relationship with love is very interesting indeed and can reveal a lot about what is going on with ourselves and others and therefore it can bring great understanding into our lives.

  41. To deny being an esoteric student is to deny and not appreciate all that it brings.

  42. Before I encountered Universal Medicine being a student for me usually meant having someone above me who I might totally despise yet had to show my respect as my teacher – I used to have a huge problem with that. Being an esoteric student is very different – I guess, a simple choice to live by the inner-most qualifies that. There’s nothing to achieve, no goal banner hanging in distance. It makes me very appreciative and humble. Yes, we are imperfect and we keep making mistakes, and we keep getting back up – as this love never leaves us.

    1. ‘…this love never leaves us’…and hence will inevitably become our way one day.

  43. Being an active student of life and myself is very humbling and allows space to understand the coinciding relationships between everything. Seeing life as an unfolding response to our choices means that each situation, each moment is an opportunity to learn, grow and deepen in what I know about myself and life.

  44. “I am learning to treat everyone equally and with love. As a student and a human being there are times when I am not loving, but I choose to get back up again and keep making that choice. I am by no means perfect, but I have the power to make choices and choose how I live my life.” I love this Kylie, a simple dedication to live life as lovingly as we can, to the best of our ability, and always being open to learn more and more.

  45. I like this definition of an esoteric student – someone who is committed to forever keep learning how to return to way of living that has love and the impulses of the inner heart as its compass. By this definition I also would call myself a student of the esoteric.

  46. A commitment to build a life based on love is life worth aspiring to, the media can attack and say what they do, but they cannot take this choice away from us or the absolute beauty that comes from it.

  47. Thank you Kylie for sharing your loving relationship with yourself and family, Without perfection there is always the choice to choose love again when we step away from the love that we innately are. Love is only a breath away.

  48. A very beautiful sharing Kylie. Ultimately it comes down to that decision, to choose love or not. And it’s always there to be chosen – love.

  49. It’s crazy and destructive when we go looking for love in all the wrong places, and it’s not just a women thing either, as guys do this also – hooking up with anyone for a one night stand. But what you have described Kylie puts an end to the searching and putting ourselves into unhealthy situations, and it is all so simple.

  50. Committing to being an ‘esoteric student’ means nothing more than committing to being true to your true-self. Finding what that is, is pretty easy for most but learning to hold it in life is the trickier part. The commitment to doing so, to constantly getting back up and continuing on, learning from mistakes etc is the hard work part.

    1. Yes I really appreciate what you and Kylie share here Jenny, it is about getting back up and working at it again. Unpeeling the layers of not being true to our true selves. That should be championed by us and thankfully, the fact we dogedly get back up will encourage others to do the same.

    2. ..and also the most amazing part. Every time I make a mistake and I learn from it, I understand more about myself and others. And even when I don’t learn, and keep making the same mistakes, I still can’t avoid the learning that I get from the consequences.

      1. Yes a beautiful thing when you look at the bigger picture, a safe-guard really, ensuring we never stop having the opportunity to learn. Not always so beautiful when we’re doggedly refusing to learn it and the same ‘lesson’ keeps coming around… but once learnt, there’s no mistaking the joy in evolving beyond it.

  51. The pub and club scene and girls seeking attention from guys is seen as totally normal in society. Why? Why do our girls think they need to get attention from guys, mostly intoxicated, to feel good about themselves? This is where community alarm bells should be ringing to talk about the underlying issue of girls growing up with minimal self-worth and confidence in who they are.

  52. I used to have those moments of feeling ‘being loved’ and ‘connected’ and I would want to think ‘by who’ and ‘with what’, but there was no one, and somehow it just made sense that way. It felt complete.

  53. We grow up learning that love is something we need to achieve through the things we do, or the attention we receive, and as such we lose sense of who we actually are. Our lives then are geared to seek to identify ourselves through the world outside of ourselves. What you have shared here is greatly powerful Kylie as you have shown that there is another, far more loving way to live. One that honors who we are within, and that who we are is love. A love that has no need to be accepted, rewarded, or receive attention. This love is already within us each and every one of us, simply waiting for our full amazing potential to be embraced and lived.

  54. The learning and understanding of myself, life and the Universe from being an esoteric student has enriched my life beyond measure.

  55. You have ‘nailed’ what it means to be an esoteric student with great simplicity and clarity, Kylie, and through sharing your personal experiences how inspiring and nurturing for oneself and others being an esoteric student is.

  56. It’s so important to remember the word ‘student’ for anyone who considers themselves to be a Student of the Way of the Livingness. By it’s very definition it means someone who is learning, enquiring, a novice when we first start out, so to be judgemental of ourselves or others when we make mistakes or don’t learn as quickly as another etc. is totally missing the point – let alone being deeply divisive and harming. So if we find ourselves casting judgement on another, let us look to ourselves and see what is being exposed in us by our actions. This is to be a true student.

  57. Kylie the fact that you are committed to making your life about love is huge. It’s a beautiful response to those early years where you met very clearly what is not love. I know I thought love was something we had with friends and family and a partner and never considered my life could be based on that. I have also realised that I have only been dipping my toe in. Time to commit in full to making life about love. Thank you for your inspiration.

  58. In fact we are all students on this planet – are we not? We are here to study life and find out how to live in a harmonies way with what we’ve got here, nature and each other. Some of us are more aware of being a student than others. A process we call as well ‘reawakening’.

  59. A commitment to yourself, building a life based on love, without perfection = a student of life. Sounds like a school with great purpose, a school for the future.

  60. Should we have any judgements towards ourselves the reminder that we are a student of life can support the lessening of that burden to be perfect. I have felt the most joyfull when being imperfect so really if striving for perfection (with a goal post that keeps moving) brings misery and being imperfect and learning brings joy then it makes the choice far simpler. Thank you Kylie.

  61. It’s interesting how the word Esoteric has been used as some sort of mystery amongst men, yet in truth it is a word that holds no secret but an invitation to know the truth of who we are within. Living Esoterically is not exclusive, it is for all as we all have the ability to connect and live from our inner heart.

  62. I can really feel your commitment to love, to being a student, in your words. It’s so simple when we say it, and can be so in our livingness too, but like you have shared, I too have had many falls and am more than likely to continue to do so which would wobble me and put me in doubt – but as a student, I am learning to pick myself up sooner than the previous times, and just keep going.

  63. Beautifully said and very true Kylie – making loving choices is simple and yet very powerful.

  64. Gorgeous Kylie. The choices you made as a teenager and the choices you are making now are worlds apart and your story is very beautiful. I agree that Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon are huge supports for any person that truly desires to live a love filled life.

  65. It’s amazing how much time and effort we spend searching for love outside of ourselves to fit in with everyone else on that same tangent only one day to wake up one day and realise that the most powerful and divine love we will every feel lies within.

  66. In a world still under the seduction of living from all we are externally fed, living true to who we are in essence is going to look a bit strange for awhile yet to come.

  67. Misrepresentation, smear, innuendo and attack – from cyber-bullies and so irresponsibly via our media – should never lead us to hide who we are. If it does so, then we have work to do.
    Everyone deserves fair representation, and it is the standing up for this fact, as you have done so here Kylie, that will, eventually, step us out of the cess-pool of rampant lies and bias that still plagues so many quarters of public presentation today.

  68. How could anyone, ever, criticise or misrepresent such an amazing declaration for living life as this Kylie Kennedy: “I am a student learning to reimprint my life with love”
    If only all humanity were so open and willing… We would see a very different world indeed. Keep inspiring all with your absolute grace dear lady. Thank-you for writing this.

  69. I love your definition of an esoteric student “I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet. By no means do I claim to be ‘perfect’. Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.” Upon reading this who in their right mind would not want to be an esoteric student!

  70. When I was renovating I had a man help me out that was from Greece and when I explained to him I was practicing esoteric healing he explained that in Greece the word esoteric means that which is the innermost essence of things.

  71. “I will always continue to choose love.”, and like you Kylie, this is how I choose to live my life. Once having felt the wonderment of living with love as my foundation, living without this love feels as if I am only living half a life; and that for me is no longer a choice

  72. I agree being an Esoteric student is all about connecting to my innermost and living love. It is in the way I choose to be with myself and live my life. Universal Medicine is supporting me enormously to take responsibility for all the choices I make, to let go of that which is not true so that I can shine more and more the love that I know lies within.

  73. What I so appreciate is that when we commit to love and being love the quality of our life, of our daily living, changes. When we bring a gentleness and allow ourselves to feel this in our bodies this deepens and our bodies begin to feel so beautiful from inside and the power that the outside world has on us begins to fade.

  74. You sum up beautifully the essence of being an esoteric student in being a commitment to love of self and others and the appreciation of the ever deepening nature of these relationships as we explore our return to our true selves.

  75. Kylie,
    What you share here is the most beautiful, simple, honest and loving testament to being an a esoteric student.
    I too am committed to love being the lead in my life, and ever since choosing this each day brings with it a deeper richness and fullness that continues to expand in my life.

  76. “I am a student learning to reimprint my life with love, and in the process I am discovering how amazingly beautiful life can be in all that I am and in all I that do, and in all the people I meet.” Making life about love – what can be more beautiful. When we reflect out love this can also inspire others – as Serge Benhayon and his family do consistently.

  77. Kylie, you present what it is to be an esoteric student so simply, to build a life that is about love, and to address anything which is not love – this is one of the simplest ways I’ve heard it described and I love how it brings everything back to the simplicity life can be, and it brings it to the commitment we bring when we’re willing to engage life in this way. You remind me that there is a dedication with this and I can feel how I’ve not always appreciated this, so today I appreciate being an esoteric student, being willing to make my life about life and to allow myself to see and feel those places where I am not love, and address them.

  78. Universal medicine really is the go to place for reconnecting with our extraordinary inner world, that lights up our life, and changes everything… what a blessing to have this in our world and in our lives.

  79. “I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet.” A simple and beautiful description of choosing to be an esoteric student – a commitment to Love.

  80. This is great, this sounds like a relationship that is growing, continually evolving and having you grow with it so that potentially all your relationships will benefit and develop also. Bringing this kind of commitment into our lives is a blessing, a blessing we bestow ourselves by living from a love that is true, without emotion, investment or sympathy.

  81. “By no means do I claim to be ‘perfect’. Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.” This is a great way to understand what being an esoteric student is Kylie, that we are not a student of any organisation…..but we are a student of life based on love…..when we live this way life opens up in a very different way to how we have been brought up to expect or believe.

  82. A great confirmation of the true purpose behind being an esoteric student. It makes absolute life-enhancing sense to want to learn all you can to understand yourself so that you can be all of you in all that you do, with everyone you meet and in everything you think.

  83. Thank you Kylie for this you have shared, remembering it is not about being perfect or even trying to improve and ‘better’ ourselves and our relationships. All we need to start is with a commitment to expressing honestly how we are feeling, and to be open to what we are feeling in every moment, from this simple beginning, we can bring greater awareness and honesty to every situation, and the we have the possibility to truly grow and deepen every relationship, especially with ourselves.

  84. Great blog, you show so clearly what loving ourselves brings, it brings all that we are to what we do.

  85. It is deeply inspirational to read your commitment to being a student of love and reimprinting your life with choices to live only in accordance with that, no matter what. With such a gorgeous principle to live by, your life and your relationships can’t but be enriched.

  86. A commitment to making life about love, thank you Kylie for this simple and profound recipe for living.

  87. So true Linda there is power in our choices when made from love. Love is our true foundation and when we realise this, we realise we are enough as we are.

  88. What a great sharing Kylie! Very open and honest, and like most of us we have lost our way and stumbled, but not all like yourself have found their way to Love, that which is always within but often not seen by us as we are too close to it. If we were shown this as small children, we wouldn’t keep looking outside of ourselves, but it would save us much hurt and disillusionment, especially in those teen years.

  89. When we can honestly say that we are students of life, it really does simplify things… It helps us to let go of the pride and arrogance that comes with feeling that we have a position that must be defended, and allows us to make mistakes, because this is where we learn, because students always make mistakes, and if we are really honest,… There is just so much to learn, and who better to learn from than Serge Benhayon, whose deep and profound connection with himself gives us the opportunity to experience the ancient wisdom first hand… What a blessing

  90. If we are not a student of love and life then what are we? There is nothing more important to study, understand and live…and we are students not because we are perfect at it but because we are students who are learning!

  91. This is beautiful, being love is so natural to us. To the best of our ability, celebrating that what we are.

  92. Thank you Kylie for your honesty in this blog. I’m sure there are others out there who can relate to many parts of what you have written, myself included. What stood out for me was your words about always choosing love. I realised as I read these words that I have a strong commitment to choosing love and when I wobble it is the anchor that I know beyond doubt is the foundation I need to realign to and, that as a student, I will be forever learning the way to know and express this.

  93. “we have made the choice to choose love in our lives. It is so simple yet so powerful”
    What a lovely reminder to keep choosing love in every thing we do.
    Thank you Kylie for presenting such a powerful message.

  94. Just goes to show Kylie that no matter our situation we can change it very simply with the choices we’re prepared to make. What a wise mother you have with her being prepared to step in and remove you from that situation.

  95. ‘As a ‘student of the esoteric’, I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet.’ Thank you Kylie for your powerful blog. I too am an esoteric student.

  96. ‘I will always continue to choose love.’To me there is no other way. ‘There are times when I am not loving, but I choose to get back up again and keep making that choice.’

  97. ‘Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.’ Absolutely the truth. It takes a lot of commitment to go there with yourself and it is by no means an easy way out. Loving yourself and everyone else equally and living who we truly are brings more joy and harmony than you can every imagine.

  98. I like your dictionary definition of a student – ‘any person who studies, investigates or examines thoughtfully’. That’s certainly my experience of esoteric students – seeking clarity, truth and absoluteness about all matters relating to life.

  99. Kylie, it is very brave to stand up and be counted in the face of persecution. When I was small I heard about the Christians being fed to the lions and murdered for their beliefs. I did not think that this kind of behaviour could ever happen in the modern world as we are far more civilised. Yet here we are with behaviour and persecution that is as old as time rearing up and trying to stop the freedom to express another way to live and be. There are many ways to bully and torment and although there are no lions there is an intent to bring down and destroy. The more of us that stand up to be counted, the better.

  100. ‘ I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet. By no means do I claim to be ‘perfect’.’ I have made this choice too Kylie and I know from time to time I try to be perfect and follow others instead of my own inner heart and what my body is telling me. This is never it and I make the choice to come back to the love I feel is true in my inner heart.

  101. Great sharing Kylie. For me it was quite a struggle at the beginning as I only wanted to be associated with things that were cool and fancy and even though I knew how true it felt to be an esoteric student I still had this need to be recognized from the outside for a certain lifestyle and it was not fitting in. Abuse and living in disregard is so normalized that I could not see beyond. What I associated with cool was abuse and I really had to come to understand how upside down we live and how little I knew about true love and joy. But since I embraced what true love is it has become my normal and today being an Esoteric Student is the coolest thing ever and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

  102. Simply beautiful Kylie, and simple it is, if we just choose love. we have that power in every moment. It Is great to feel how committed to choosing love, your are. For us as students of the esoteric, love is a forever deepening journey, back to living the fullness of who we truly are.

  103. This is a great description here Kylie… “as a ‘student of the esoteric’, I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet.” I too am a student of the esoteric, a student of my inner-heart and someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – not with perfection – but a willingness to accept responsibility for my choices and to be all of who I naturally am, to the best of my ability. One of the things I most love about being a student of the esoteric is that this process is always evolving, always deepening, and always expanding. There is no ‘end’ or ‘arrival’ point, simply many more new beginnings…

  104. I loved reading your article Kylie – this strong message to keep choosing Love, no matter what happened choose Love again. It is with this devotion to our sacredness that we become again the Love that we already are.

  105. I like what you are saying here Kylie. Making your life about love means to take full responsibility over your own life. It does not mean one has to be perfect but one simply stands up for one’s own choices and not blaming anyone or anything instead. It is a simple and beautiful life to live.

  106. What comes across for me in this blog Kylie, is how you say you are not perfect and that when you slip you pick yourself up again. This I feel is important to remember, so as not to put undue pressure on our selves.

    1. Yes, great point Julie, knowing that we don’t have to be perfect takes any pressure off and allows us to be much more real and true with ourselves. A much more loving approach. After all, we can still be our amazing selves, we don’t have to wait until we are perfect at always being amazing before we are, as its a given we will always have more to unfold and get to, with our love.

  107. It is very simple that being a student of Universal Medicine is a commitment to being love in everything that we do. In comes responsibility and an immense sense of internal joy. Beautiful to feel this in your blog Kylie.

  108. Kylie your journey sounds so familiar, it’s amazing how self love can change your life around.

  109. Kylie I love how you share that as an esoteric student you are ‘someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet’.

  110. an awesome transformation – there is nothing that true love can’t heal – we need only choose to live it as consistently as possible because we are it.

  111. Thank you Kylie. I am also learning how to love myself and opening up to the possibility that I am far more than I had imagined, which in turn opens up the love I can see in people everywhere.

  112. Thanks Kylie, your claiming is infectious, thanks for putting it out there. It was empowering to read as I have a tendency to hold back. You really put it into prospective, it’s really a commitment to love…

  113. I really enjoyed reading what you shared Kylie, as I could feel how much you have re-claimed love back in your life, by truly choosing to be loving in all that you do (not in perfection) but in a way that is true for you. I could feel reading what you shared, that I have not yet fully claimed this love for myself, I have kind of sat on the edge, feeling it, but not yet committing to it. I too have worried about being labelled as an esoteric student, but the more I connect to living with love in my life the more natural it is to me and there simply could be no other way of living. So yes I feel to claim it today, I am an esoteric student, a student of the way of the livingness, living my true way in the world.

  114. When one is very familiar with loveless, joining a loveless crowd is easy.
    Loveless crowds come in all sort of colours and shapes. Some are obviously self-harming and abusive. Others are not. The key is that no one of them will ask us to be discerning about them. This is the main difference with the esoteric. It invites you to walk towards love in the knowing that walking in that direction requires you to be truly discerning regarding what you are being offered. From there you start rebuilding the relationship with you and your love (becoming an esoteric student).

  115. The roles we play to fit in, the things we do and the feelings we do not acknowledge, all to feel a part of something that actually has no substance, is an illusion, a chimera, have to be eventually acknowledged, felt and released so that we can start to live and be who we truly are, and then we can experience the freedom of this choice.

  116. The media can throw whatever it likes at Universal Medicine, but as students we are living our lives lovingly and we know what is true. It hurts to see them get it so wrong, and also to taint those that read it – but the truth will out in the end. Our commitment to ourselves is the important key here and that will always remain.

  117. This is a beautiful claiming Kylie of what it means to be an esoteric student and to not hold that back for anyone or anything. To be a student of ourselves, a student of inner most is the most enriching way to live. The less we shy away from expressing this universal beauty the more we inspire others to consider another way they can live that breaks them free from the yo-yo of life where we don’t really know who we are. Being a student of love brings exactly that to our lives — more and more love.

  118. Thank you Kylie, it is so true, I too am an esoteric student. I have been, and will forever be. The willingness to develop a deeper connection with myself and therefore all others is something we should champion not shy away from and you reminded me of that with your beautiful blog. Many thanks

  119. This is an amazing blog, reminding me again of how beautiful it is that I am a Esoteric student, sometimes not fully claimed, I sometimes don’t want others to think that I am different. But in that I actually create more distance between me and everyone around me. But despite of this I still am connected and can feel that I need to claim it more, and that I can claim it more.

  120. Kylie, awesome post! I can totally appreciate how you used to feel about claiming that you were a student of what is essentially your own inner knowing. I too have had that struggle with being scared of the reactions of others. And, like you, I have also felt much more comfortable with expressing myself since the media have published so many lies, because now I feel a need for the truth to be told, and realise that I have nothing to hide…How can our choices to that revolve around being more love be a negative thing? It can’t, period.

  121. Kylie as you express we “have the power to make choices”. We may not always be love but the moment we are aware of going off track we can bring ourselves back to our inner truth and continue on our path to esoteric learning.

  122. It is a commitment to love and a commitment to keep returning to who we are, to not get lost in the alcohol and nightclubs just to fit in. It was lovely reading your story. It would be very inspiring for any teenager (or adult) to read who is also struggling to fit in and trying to find love outside.

  123. Becoming a student of Esoteric Medicine has been the single most important thing I have done so far in my life, I too went off on the so called rebellious path with the drinking and what not only to find it came to a dead end. Re developing love in my life has been a slow but steady process but well worth the effort.

  124. Isn’t it remarkable that so much negative media attention has been focussed on a group of people re-developing love for themselves and living beautiful, healing lives, and contributing to society. Actually, its not remarkable…it is bizarre. So geared to see ugly sensation they are entirely missing the real ‘sensation’ which is that hundreds of people who had given up on life have renewed purpose and commitment.
    So many of us cowered when the media onslaught got under way. But why should we cower simply because the media failed to see the true story, and went for the easy sell?
    A life dedicated to love is not a life to be hidden away in fear, but one to be shone to the world as an example of who we all are in truth.

  125. This line stood out for me today, “Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.” This is true for me too Kylie, it is a commitment that is on going and forever.

    1. That line stood out for me also Alison, it’s the foundation on which our life is lived.

  126. ”…our relationship is open and honest and we strive to communicate with each other all the time.” Communication and expressing openly and honestly how we feel in all our relationships is vital for true healthy relationships.Thank you Kylie for the reminder.

  127. I loved this blog Kylie, especially the truth of what is being said here ”Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment to with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love”. I am an esoteric student too and it is so empowering to know that I am a student of my inner heart. I attend presentations by Serge Benahyon and Universal Medicine to support me to connect to my inner heart learning every day ways in which I can be more loving in my life.

  128. Monika I agree with you, there is a simplicity with Kylie’s article that is exquisite. For me Kylie it felt that what you were expressing is that love is transformational and yet those words seem very inadequate and limiting. The power of love is simply not quantifiable.

  129. “As a ‘student of the esoteric’, I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet”. So simple yet so profound Kylie. If we all chose to make life about love first and foremost we would have a very different society. Thank you for sharing your story, it is very inspiring.

    1. Agree Anne, that same sentence stood out for me in its simplicity and clarity: making my life about love. This is huge as we do not grow up like this and society transmits us all the time that it is about business, recognition, money, prestige, status, etc. and that love is just an additional aspect if you are lucky. So to stand up and say, life is foremost about TRUE LOVE is quite revolutionary and off course might cause massive reaction in people. It is so important to reflect to the world that nothing can be done without love and that anything done without love is not true and therefore not valid for our evolution.

  130. Beautiful Kylie and I love the simplicity:
    ‘I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet.’
    I am also an esoteric student, choosing to make my life about love with everybody.

    1. Beautiful Monika R and Kylie, your sharing is very beautiful. It inspires me to let go of perfection in my life and make things easier for myself by that, for as striving for perfection had brought me a huge bunch of comfort, but never truth. I start to realize this more and feel that I am worth to choose love over comfort and with up and downs, I will choose love forever. I am a beautiful esoteric student learning to trust myself and my inner-heart.

      1. Sometimes there is an ‘oops’ with this for me. The commitment is there and then I realize it is easy to be all of who I am with certain people and more difficult with others.

  131. Thanks for sharing Kylie. I can remember when the the media storm came and Universal Medicine was thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons, and I remember how that felt in my body. What I decided was – I am a student of the Livingness, Universal Medicine isn’t something that I do, it is who I am, and I am proud of myself for making my life about love and the choices I have made for myself and my now incredible health. It was the perfect opportunity for me to stand up and be seen. No more hiding.

  132. Hi Kylie,
    Thank you for writing this blog. “I will always continue to choose love.” “I am by no means perfect, but I have the power to make choices and choose how I live my life.” These are two very powerful statements. I could deeply relate to what you were saying and could feel how you will not choose to crumble this time. Thank you for debasing the fear of expressing to the world that I am an Esoteric Student.

    1. I so agree Ariannekasi, Kylie writes with such honesty, conviction and love that I too feel what the truth of being an esoteric student is. It is living life in the most loving way, not in perfection but choosing to be all of me in the world.

  133. Wow this is so beautiful Kylie, ‘As a student and a human being there are times when I am not loving, but I choose to get back up again and keep making that choice’, I love the simplicity of this blog and how you are making life about love and the amazing effects this has on you and the people around you.

  134. This is a very beatiful blog about your journey with love and the joy of this and understanding of being an esoteric student. I love how you wrote and sharing again ” I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet. By no means do I claim to be ‘perfect’. Being an esoteric student means that there is a commitment with yourself, not with any person or organisation, but with yourself. It is a commitment to build a life based on love.” brilliant choice, me too!

    1. Yes I love this too Kylie and tricianicholson. This is how it is, and I love how real, honest and down to earth you are in sharing this Kylie. Who wouldn’t want to be a student of their inner most and of love?

      1. I so agree, who wouldn’t want to be a student of their inner most love. Which is why it is so beautiful and so needed to express this joy that we now live with all who we meet so that they can remember if they want to, that living in this way is available to everyone, and that it is strike gorgeous.

      2. So beautifully asked Kylie Connors, of course, I love the openness that I am feeling after reading that Esoteric Student, is a person who is willing to make her life about her inner-heart and love. I feel so much more at ease with the word Esoteric Student now. I belong to myself, and so am I a student of my inner-heart and inner-love & truth.

      3. I love all of what has been shared here and I agree with your sentiments Kylie ‘Who wouldn’t want to be a student of their inner most and of love?’ when that means living all of who you are with everyone.

  135. Hello Kylie this is just so really inspiring and very powerful as you write about the choices and how feeling the love for yourself turned your life around. I am also on this journey from selfcare to selflove. For sure I am more aware and feel more stable and still. Actually I love being in stillness with me and am reconnecting to the fact that this is a strength and makes it possible to hold myself and others and it is now like a bridge to observation. I am very grateful for all that I am re-connecting to and all that I am healing, there is more to come and I look forward to it. Thank You for this great confirmation. With love Nadine

  136. Thank you Kylie. I love how simply you have explained being an esoteric student and how because you make it about love, you let go of any worry of how others may think about you and you say it like it is for you.
    I too am a student, and am not perfect either, but one thing for sure is, since I have been a student, I am more loving towards myself and all around me and we are all feeling the effects of that.

  137. Thank you Kylie for sharing with us, that being an Esoteric student simply means to have a commitment to build a life based on love….pure and simple.

  138. I feel to make life about love is one of the greatest choices one can make. I have to say it’s liberating in so many ways, you find yourself, you understand the world around you and others more deeply. Love is THE way.

  139. Kylie your choice to make your life about being a student of your own love is something I feel most of us yearn for but are unsure of how to commit to. Thankyou for your inspiration of making your life about love.

  140. I so enjoyed reading your beautiful blog Kylie, I am inspired. And I love what you express; being an esoteric student simply means being committed to making life about love and being a student of our inner most, without perfection.

  141. ‘I am a student learning to reimprint my life with love, and in the process I am discovering how amazingly beautiful life can be in all that I am and in all I that do, and in all the people I meet.’ I am right there with you, Kylie. Thank you for sharing with such clarity, open-ness and love.

  142. Reading your blog, I remember how undeserving I felt when I first dipped my toes into what Universal Medicine presented and found out it was about reclaiming that love was what I naturally was. It is a work in progress for me also to reimprint my life with the more loving choices as best as I can, so that that love is constantly felt within me, and expressed and shared outwardly. So, yes, I am a forever student of my inner-most.

  143. It shows such a beautiful commitment of living a life with love for all equally so. Kylie thank you for your honesty and for not holding back. Truly inspiring.

  144. This is great Kylie, it really is that simple to keep choosing love, with no perfection, and no matter what there is always that next choice. Thank you for sharing.

  145. This is such a beautiful and true description of what being an esoteric student means: “I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet.” I am an esoteric student too, a student of love, never to be perfect but always to choose love. Thank you for sharing Kylie.

  146. Being a Esoteric student is being a student of who we are and what we bring. And knowing that what we are is love and we can choose to live this love.

  147. Committing to the unshakeable love within no matter what, thank you for your expression Kylie.

  148. We are taught so often that love is something that is given to us by another, yet my experience of true love is that it is nothing of a kind. It is the ignition of something that burns deep within us, and that is incorruptible by the outside world.

  149. A very powerful and beautiful account of being a forever student of the esoteric and thus a forever student of ourselves and the universe.

  150. Choosing love over everything else is totally foreign to how most of us were raised but I consider I am most fortunate to have attended Universal Medicine presentations and have come to understand that genuine love is an essential ingredient in human life. The more I understand about love, the more I realise is there to be discovered. It’s an amazing journey and one that once started, I can’t turn my back on. Thanks Kylie for sharing your experiences.

  151. The simplicity of this is brilliant Kylie. As a fellow Esoteric Student, I feel it is an ever-deepening commitment to Love. Life continually presents opportunities to take it deeper and whilst I see the resistance I have in giving this to firstly to myself, I amaze myself with how easy it really it is once I choose it. And then expressing it with others feels really quite natural.

  152. Well Kylie nervous of standing out you may have been but here you are standing up for truth and truly shining.

  153. I love the clarity and direct simplicity of your definition of an esoteric student being one who has made a commitment to making their life about love, Kylie. When you write that you are re-imprinting all aspects of your life with love, I could sincerely feel the love and beauty in your words: “I am a student learning to reimprint my life with love, and in the process I am discovering how amazingly beautiful life can be in all that I am and in all I that do, and in all the people I meet. I am learning to treat everyone equally and with love.”
    That is so exquisitely open and humble. Thank you for your sharing and for your inspiring simplicity, Kylie.

    1. Beautifully said Coleen, I totally agree; I too enjoyed reading this blog immensely.

  154. Now here’s a different meaning of being a student: not to achieve a goal or diploma to be accepted in the world, but to always question, examine, feel, what is is to live a life in love.
    And so the student always remains a student of life.

    1. Great point – in this meaning of a student, there is no drive, celebration of the individual in comparison to others or seeking validation, but a true commitment to a life of love and brotherhood.

  155. Dear Kylie, I love what you have written in your article. It strikes me that the more I commit to the esoteric way of life and self love the more confidant and able I am to be in the world in very productive and rewarding ways. Far more so than how I had lived previously. It’s ironic that there are people out there who would prefer to peddle untruths and stay stuck in their issues, rather than take the opportunity to shine through love.

  156. How beautiful to be in a relationship where there is that communication and understanding, and nothing is left to get between the two of you that could make you resent each other and make you want to take ‘time out’. Its made me reflect on my relationships and when I am feeling that there is something missing, the missing ingredient is, love.

  157. Such a beautiful blog Kylie, and very timely, as I have recently been challenged by a close family member about being in a cult, being mindless etc; not a pleasant moment and one that stills needs healing, but what you have written is supporting me not to crumble in the face of this attack. I will make these words my daily reminder: “I am a student learning to re-imprint my life with love”.

  158. That we can be intimidated by what others people say, and don’t want to be seen as being different can stop us from expressing who we truly are, is not only harmful to ourselves, but also to those who don’t get to feel the truth of who we are. By claiming ourselves as being Esoteric Students which is claiming our commitment to making life about love, with a willingness to connect to your inner-most being, is a powerful statement and shows other people there is a more simple, harmonious, joyful way of being.

  159. So many relationships reach a compromise of non-communication, with partners resorting to their own social interactions, in sheds or clubs or sports or malls, and accept this n0n-connection as part of life. To honor, nurture, and love oneself enough so that one’s relationship is honored is a truly beautiful experience, and yes it is an inner-most journey of connection.

  160. To me being an esoteric student is also about committing to making my life about love Kylie. This includes revealing all ways I think and behave towards myself and others that are not love. That don’t initiate from my inner heart but instead from reactions triggered by my hurts. It is quite a journey, beautiful and very challenging, but a path I too will never step off.

  161. Awesome Kylie. Is that simple to change your life from belonging to something outside of you – to belonging to yourself. Sounds simple – committing to You and all that you are, and feel and welcome what comes next..

  162. Your expression around your commitment to love is indeed inspiring. I too through being an Esoteric Student am committed to living a life based on love. I often waiver but the intent is always there and I find myself choosing on a consistent basis to take the path that is about making life about love. For me, there is no other way, it is The Way.

  163. What a beautiful commitment to yourself Kylie, you are very inspiring as I do feel what it brings up for me to speak openly about being an esoteric student – The love for me is growing and so will my expression, thank you Kylie.

    1. It takes a lot of courage and persistence to take care of yourself, be loving towards yourself and then expressing that love to others. It then takes even more courage for us to claim that love in the face of the onslaught of jealousy of many of those who have made other choices. Oh, and to admit our own jealousy at those who made even more loving choices.

  164. Kylie, to be a student of love, our own love, what a beautiful journey you describe. I’m learning the same, not always consistent, not always love even but seeing more when I’m not.

  165. Awesome Kylie. It is crazy that anyone in this world should be ashamed of the way they wish to live their life, especially when that approach is based on a devotion to a love that is inclusive of all. Society does not like change, and it does not like those who challenge its many embedded ways. That is a fact, and whenever anyone chooses to confront the status quo, irrational criticism is bound to come their way from those who are invested in the comfort of the way it is.

  166. Every day and every moment we have a choice – to be love or to not be love, and like you Susan I feel how beautiful and simple life can be when we make loving choices for ourselves.

  167. Your definition of being an esoteric student is so clear and simple Kylie that anyone can understand it. It is a way of living with love as the foundation for what we do and say and think in every moment.
    As you say we are not perfect, and that is why we will always be students – of ourselves.

  168. Your blog is an inspiration to others Kylie! To have come to the place you are now in your life through the decisions you’ve made shows the innate wisdom and Love that you have for yourself and others.

  169. Kylie it feels from reading your article that you have like so many of us gone from ‘life choosing what it wants to do with you’ to ‘you choosing what you want to do with life’. That sentence can apply to so many people who are choosing to do so many things but when a person is choosing to be love then all the angels in Heaven rejoice !

  170. Choosing to be ourselves, no matter what is going on around us, is always the choice. We can choose to be love or to crumble. As you say, it’s not about being perfect, but knowing we can always choose.

  171. I really appreciated reading your blog Kylie. Thank you for sharing the awareness of your unfolding love for yourself, your honesty and joy of life. I also appreciate that I too am a student of the esoteric way of life, and still learning to accept the love that I am within so that I may also reflect that love to all.

  172. Kylie I love how you have made being a student of the esoteric so simple – being a student of love and your inner-heart. There are no rules per se, just an ongoing commitment to knowing who you truly are. I am finding this means for me also being a forever student of life, but re-learning it from the inner heart which offers so much more clarity.

  173. Great blog Kylie, commitment to love. I too had reservations to committing to becoming an Esoteric student. After attending Sacred Esoteric Healing Level 2, I realized that it was up to me to change what wasn’t working in my life. For me to heal my issues I first need to learn to reconnect back to myself. Like you shared ‘I am a student learning to re-imprint my life with love’.

  174. Living from our inner most and making loving choices in all that we do is a beautiful way to live, both for us and those around us who get to feel our reflection. One day it will be the new ‘normal’.

  175. Thank you Kylie for sharing your blog , wow a student of love , what a way to live.

  176. A beautiful honest piece of writing Kylie.
    Imagine the day when the new normal will be living from our inner most and that is what everyone will want to fit in with.

    1. Oh yeah. Bring it on. Oh that’s right, that’s what we are doing by continually choosing love. Awesome.

  177. “I am a student learning to reimprint my life with love, and in the process I am discovering how amazingly beautiful life can be in all that I am and in all I that do, and in all the people I meet.” I loved this sentence Kylie, to me this sums up the esoteric way of life, very simple no bells and whistles, just a commitment to living a life of love and allowing life to unfold.

  178. I agree Kylie – to commit to love no matter what is thrown at you by others or the media – is definitely the true way forward!

  179. Knowing love for myself, I too will always continue to choose love. No matter what happens out there in the media, there is no turning back from this. Thank you Kylie for sharing this story of true courage.

  180. Yes, really simple, we are students of ourselves, the innate love we all carry inside and long to share with others. To be inspired by those who live that way doesn´t mean to be a cult member, follower or being brainwashed – but it means to make choices that are not the norm for now and that expose the lovelessness and hurt everyone is carrying. That can be challenging as it requires honesty and then taking responsibility to heal, and those who are not willing to do so might choose to not only resist but even fight against such reflection.

  181. Thank you Kylie for your sharing in this blog. I do relate with the line you wrote “coming out and saying I am an esoteric student has brought up so much fear in me.” I have also felt this fear, especially when the media cult accusations came out. But at the same time there was also the feeling that I would not let myself be stopped by some people feeding my groundless fear, but instead I connected to the power in me and choose for the truth I am living. I do claim myself to be an Esoteric Student, a student of the Way of the Livingness as being presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  182. “So once again I find myself in a place where I can crumble under the scrutiny of the media and a few members of society, or I can continue to choose love.

    I will always continue to choose love.” – Truly inspiring Kylie, thank you.

  183. i love how simple you have made it Kylie, you are a student, as am i, of our inner most, of the love we all innately are and there really is nothing more to it….oh yes of course the awesome changes in our life because of it 🙂

  184. I can feel your honesty and commitment behind your words Kylie. In the past I have struggled to explain when others have asked me about my attendance at Universal Medicine workshops etc. I am now finding I can explain more easily what it means for me to call myself an ‘esoteric student’ and why I choose to attend Universal Medicine presentations and various esoteric practitioners. I recognise that this is in line with my gradually letting go of resistance to the work and responding more wholly in my commitment to making loving choices, both with myself and others.

  185. Amazing Kylie yes I too will claim that I am not perfect but, I will continue to choose and come back to love. Gorgeous.

  186. Being committed to making life about love is a gorgeous principle upon which to stand and has clearly enriched your relationship with yourself and others. Thank you for sharing your journey and for the great reminder that we have the power to choose the quality in which we live our life and how much more expansive that is when that quality is of love. Awesome.

  187. There is a very powerful feeling when we commit to Love, which equals Truth. The more I commit to saying the Truth of what I see, hear and feel there is a strength that grows and feels very strong inside me. With this strength, less and less do I need someone to validate me as what I feel within feels so strong any doubt or uncertainty gets smaller and smaller.

  188. Being a student of my inner most does require the tools of self-loving discipline and honesty. It can be tricky to change a lifetime of habits and behaviours, but by using these tools I have chance to get back up and take another step after I have fallen down. It’s not about avoiding falling down or trying to live healthily to avoid illness. It’s about learning that love can be the barometer of all my choices and from there, life need not be about survival but about a constant learning to deepen my love.

  189. Awesome Kylie. I’ve had stigma around talking about esoteric and attending universal medicine presentations. Just for the same reasons as you- cause I thought it was different and people might think I was weird. Basically I just wanted to fit in and belong. Most of the time that thought pattern comes up now i tell myself ‘no I am normal’ haha. Little bit of Self reassurance there. Now I am more comfortable with being myself I feel a lot more comfortable talking about it with others. I love the way you have explained it with the definition of teaching and knowing esoteric as the innermost. Simply love it.

  190. Thanks Kylie, I loved the paragraph on what it means for you to be a esoteric student, it was simple and beautiful. I could feel the gentleness you have with yourself as you claim being a student and really feeling what that means. It was a great reminder for me to do the same as I also claim being a student.

  191. Love how you simply described what being an esoteric student is about. And yes I am not perfect, but I will always continue to choose love.

  192. For me the claiming of being an esoteric student has evolved over time. I was also a little sheepish to talk about it in the beginning, as i wasn’t sure how to explain it to others. It wasn’t until I lived more of what i learned from presentations and audios i listened to, made them relevant for me, that I felt more at ease and able to explain more from how i was living. This is ever evolving.

  193. Being an esoteric student means I am learning to be me. I had hidden from me by trying to fit in to what I imagined others expected me to be that I had lost touch with who I truly am. I love being me.

  194. I really enjoyed reading about your ‘coming out’ Kylie – at first it sounds frightening to be so ‘exposed’ but that feeling only comes when we have something to hide. There is nothing to hide when we come back to love but there is everything to hide if we do not.

  195. Love this.. something that I have felt about being an esoteric student as well..
    Put so simply Its about love nothing else

  196. Choosing to make life about love – nothing weird about that! Thanks Kylie for saying it so clearly and simply.

  197. Great article. I too shared the reluctance to say I was an esoteric student for fear of appearing a bit weird and not fitting in with my or others perceived ‘normal’. In letting go of trying to fit the picture and making my life about true love is now my normal. Being an esoteric student just gets better and better and something I celebrate.

  198. A profoundly honest article Kylie.
    I looked for love and acceptance ‘out there’, wanting to be ‘in with the in crowd’.
    How different my life is since becoming a student of Universal Medicine, making my life about love, welcoming all the challenges and opportunities it brings. I have the answers ‘in here’.

  199. I love your matter of fact blog, no drama, nothing to get excited about, just presenting what it means to be an esoteric student.

  200. Kylie this is a glorious blog to read – No longer can I hold back on expressing and claiming that being an esoteric student is a an amazing return to being a student of myself, which is constantly deepening and expanding back to the vast and unwavering love that I am/we are.

  201. Thank you Mary – beautifully expressed. I can feel YOUR Love in your words. i don’t know where I would have been either without the support of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I now have such joy in my days and a spring in my step as I live more this way.

  202. I love this Kylie and I have no shame in saying too that I am an esoteric student. Being a student of myself is amazing, as the more I understand about myself, the more I understand about life and other people and I become much more accepting.

    1. I fully agree with Shevon, I too am an esoteric student, a student of myself. I am learning so much about life and others as I understand myself more. Great article Kylie.

  203. Great blog Kylie and I agree, communication at all times is the key. I love how you describe being an esoteric student is simply having a commitment to ourselves rather than to an organisation or another person. So very true.

  204. Thank you Kylie for sharing so simply what it means to you to be an esoteric student. Inspiring, It makes absolute sense to be a student of our own inner heart.

  205. I love the title of this blog “Esoteric student? It’s about a commitment to love.” For that is exactly what it is, and as I look back over the time I have been studying I can see this ever-growing stream of love. It is very beautiful. Thank you Kylie for inspiring this awareness.

  206. This is how simple it is. There is nothing to hide, nothing to be fearful of. Cult accusations run dry when the truth is heard and felt, most shout these accusations because they want to hide from the truth themselves. However it is worth paying attention to, as all these testimonials show.

  207. A student of the inner heart…why wouldn’t you want to study that? It’s been such a long hard slog becoming so removed from such a way of life, of course it’s going to be hard to stop the momentum. I for one am acknowledging and appreciating the choices I have made to get me here every day, and as a student I have to accept I’m not perfect (another choice I find tricky). But my commitment is there, and often the hardest part is to not impose that on others because of how great I feel…but again I’m learning 🙂

  208. I love the way you expressed what being a student means in this blog Kylie, very matter of fact and undramatic, much like how our lives can be if we make a commitment to love ourselves and take that out to the world.

  209. On re-reading this I am again left with a sense of inspiration, yet it feels deeper now. My inner-most, my core of where the feeling of love comes from, has never and will never leave me, my commitment is to keep returning to feeling this fact for the truth that it is.

  210. I am simply someone who has made a commitment to make my life about love – to learn and understand my inner-most – so that I can be all of who I am in all that I do, and with everyone I meet”. Thank you Kylie this a fantastic description of what it means to be student.

  211. Kylie you have raised an important point here in your blog. So often we go looking outside of ourselves for love and a sense of belonging or home. As a result we compromise on who we are and change ourselves to fit in. I have done this too and I can say it is a fruitless and endless search because it does not get rid of the emptiness that we feel when we are not ourselves. Learning to be my true self as the student that I am and living according to that I would say is my true home.

  212. An amazingly powerful and claimed blog – I loved how honest and open you were, and I can so relate to being picked on as a child, and as a result, just wanting to fit in and not be noticed. But it has come to a point where I cannot sit at the side lines any longer, but instead I need to fully claim all the love I have in my life as my choice, and something that will never change.

  213. Hi Kylie, what I felt when I read the line ‘For the first time in my life I felt loved, and the strange thing was that this feeling of love didn’t come from another person, from family, friends, nor from a boyfriend… it came from me….’ was my heart opening and really feeling the words and how true they are. Thanks

  214. A beautiful expression of what it means to be an esoteric student and how we make a choice to choose love and keep coming back to that. Thank you for your honesty and choice to shine forth.

  215. As an esoteric student I am forever learning to choose love more and more. Yes issues may and do arise but like all my previous issues they can be removed by choice. I love the honesty you bring in this blog and the willingness to keep returning to love.

  216. Hi Kylie

    Thank you for expressing. I too had the same fears about claiming myself as an Esoteric student. And for the same reasons it is time to come out of hiding and claim it.

  217. What you shared Kylie really touched me, mostly because I could resonate with so much of what you wrote. Just reading it today has enabled me to refocus to what it is all about, which you so simply have stated and made clear – it is always about choosing love. Thank you.

  218. Truly beautiful Kylie – I can so feel the love! It has helped me come back from a shaky moment and to feel love again.

  219. Thanks Kylie, so simple and honest about what it means to be an esoteric student. When I read it, I felt yes, it is our commitment to our relationship with ourself and life, making it about love…

  220. Thank you Kylie, what you have written is very beautiful. I too am an esoteric student and have made a commitment to love as you have described.

  221. Thank you Kylie, I love your honesty and how you have so simply expressed how you choose love. I can totally relate to this part, so powerful: “So once again I find myself in a place where I can crumble under the scrutiny of the media and a few members of society, or I can continue to choose love”.

    “I will always continue to choose love.”

    1. It’s a real blessing to have esoteric students in our world. People who can put their hands up and say “I’m not perfect, but willing and am choosing to make my life about Love, so that EVERYONE can benefit.” As we each live more lovingly, this creates a ripple effect for everyone to feel. That’s the power of Love.

  222. I love the fact that you write about not being perfect but how you will always comeback to choosing love. In this way there is no blame of yourself or another and that’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing Kylie.

    1. Me too, and it makes sense so much sense doesn’t it. I know that my biggest downfall has been thinking (for some crazy reason) that I cannot come back to love straight away if I make non loving choices. I am just beginning to see that the quicker I make that first loving choice after making a non loving one, the better, and that I don’t have to condemn myself to a period of exile while I ‘recover’ from whatever my non loving choice has been.

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