Bullying and corruption no longer acceptable

by Susan Scully, Brisbane, Australia

I have been shocked and appalled at the level of corruption, bullying and false allegations (lies and deceit) in all parts of life – from media to family and our social network, in business, schools and the education system, the legal and health systems and so on, and the devastating and debilitating effects that it has not only on the person/s subjected to this, but their family, friends, work colleagues and customers: in a nutshell – all of us in some way. 

Personally, my shock has been that people can write absolute lies about someone, a group or an event, and not only think they can get away with it, but the law or legal system actually further allows and supports that…. in that it is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims.

Until recent events, I had turned a blind eye and brushed off the obvious and subtle levels of corruption and bullying such as Media sensationalism, accepting this as the norm. How blind have I been?

All of it is absolutely not normal and totally unacceptable. I have had my eyes opened wide and it is not pretty what I am now faced with, truly seeing what is going on. I am determined and totally aware there is plenty of work to do so that this is no longer considered nor known as normal and acceptable. Because it is not.

296 thoughts on “Bullying and corruption no longer acceptable

  1. As more people feel and live the power of The Way of The Livingness then the corruption in our societies and the energy driving it becomes more exposed.

  2. Integrity starts with ourselves, once we allow our connection to our essence to be corrupted then anything is possible… that’s what we are seeing in the world today.

  3. Bullying exists because we’ve allowed it to because we’ve turned a blind eye or because we’ve decided that certain forms of it are just a joke, as in if you complain you have no sense of humour … all of it is the same, and it’s time we saw it for what it is … this will take time as we’ve successfully allowed and facilitated bullying in many forms for aeons, work to do for sure and we start by seeing it and being honest about it.

  4. It is a necessary start to allow ourselves to see how corrupt the world is and to start to express how we feel about it, and the important part is to not blame anyone but see where we can deepen our living ways to be less corrupt ourselves.

  5. It is not easy. I must concede. We swim in lies, corruption, illusion and everything is ´good´ as far as no one steps aside and observe what is going on.
    Of course, if and when that happens, what is being observed will not coincide with what those in the mud see. That is the key, what you see, what you observe to be true does not coincide. And, that is just fine.

  6. It can be easy to feel powerless to change what feels like deeply engrained behaviour when you finally become aware that it is all around you but unless we each start speaking up at every opportunity then nothing will change. Thanks for the inspiration to become the change we want to see.

  7. When we feel what is going on it is up to each of us to start to share the Truth so an understanding can be reached with those who are looking for what is real and True without having the wool pulled over their eyes.

  8. Susan I also had a blind eye and brushed off the obvious and subtle levels of corruption and bullying. I thought I could not do anything about it. Now since I understood that doing nothing means I agree to such a behavior I started to open my eyes as well and I only can recommend to let the eyes open.

  9. So True Susan, and then when you do stand up and say no to the lies it is like you are made to feel the injustices are your problem and not the perpetrators of the lies. The way to stop all the lies and corruption is to look it squarely in the eyes with the Truth as your Lived reflection so that eventually we will all bring down what is now a seemingly normal system that has been self-perpetuating. History has shown that the Truth will all-ways be brought to a place of understanding and light as those who do understand will never be silenced!

  10. Beautifully stated Susan, and I agree, there is so much corruption in our systems, law, media, government etc. and the truth is for a long time we’ve turned a blind eye, until we open our eyes and see and feel that this is not acceptable, for these systems exist because we’ve allowed them, and in order to have something different we need to be part of that difference, and it starts with saying no to the corruption we see.

  11. Our chosen blindness is a big problem in the world, I’m not even sure how much corruption there is but I suspect there is more in every pocket of life that we are not aware of yet. It’s a great call to open our eyes and see what is really there and begin to work on what should not be present in the world.

  12. I couldn’t agree more, it is absurd to consider that the person who has been lied about needs to say why it is a lie rather than the person who is lying saying why it is!! It just shows how little we connect to truth and how much we have buckled to a bullying energy that wants to control.

  13. It is great to hear your voice on this Susan. You only really feel it when it happens to you or someone close to you. Those people who have enough respect and dignity for themselves and others actually do something. It is not common in our circles that we take accountability for what is going on around us. The more and more of us that feel the reality of what is going on and seek truth we will be shown and see the rot that plays out. At the end of the day we all can feel it but it is those who choose to be aware of it.

  14. It can be very uncomfortable seeing the level of corruption and evil everywhere in the world, but I would prefer to expose it now than turn a blind eye to it, for if we are silent we allow this energy to have more force.

  15. I agree, the more I open my eyes the more I see and feel of the horrors in this world. The way we, as a single race,(humanity) interacts is mostly atrocious, even displayed to the ones we love deeply. Whilst this is very difficult to see, it is with absolute gratitude that I now do, for it is only in the feeling of there being another way to interact that one can truly see the disgraceful way of life that many continue to choose.

  16. There have been too many times that we have turned a blind eye to what is going on in society, and nothing will change until we start standing up for the truth and bring back common decency between each other.

  17. For too long there has been a climate of looking the other way if we are not directly affected by bullying and corruption which can range from schools declaring that there is no bullying in their school or the onus being on the abused person to prove that they are being lied about. It is only when the majority start to say these things are not acceptable that we will get change but in order for that to happen we all have to start speaking up and making a difference.

  18. I’m with you Susan, I have walked for a long time with my eyes shut to what is happening daily in our world and the corruption that has become our normal way of living. To not stand for truth is becoming part of the lies and in this the unacceptable is allowed to thrive.

  19. The way we accept horrible behaviour towards one another is at the extremes now in the world. We watch TV shows where abuse is part of the show, we watch politicians abuse each other daily. It is time for us all to ponder deeply whether this is acceptable for every one of our voices makes a difference.

    1. Yes, well said, every one of our voices makes a difference so we have to speak up and leave our imprint to offer another option to those who have not yet found their voice.

  20. Bullying and corruption have never been acceptable really have they? But for some reason we have to accept such behaviour. That said, we can all make new choices now and call for lives lived with absolute honesty and integrity. We have seen where the bullying and corruption have taken us. Now lets see where honesty and truth lead us.

  21. Daily there seems to be corruption of some description being exposed, and I for one am glad of it, but how is it that when people are exposed for having done whatever we are not exactly surprised – is it that we at some level already know or is it that we are so used to people and institutions being corrupt that it has become a common and accepted practice.

  22. It is very apt to read this again in the present climate of the exposure of sexual harassment in Hollywood, Westminster, the # MeToo Twitter campaign and the many other places. There is so much that has been hidden and not voiced that is now no longer being able to be contained. All a reflection that the way we have been living is not working however great it may look on the outside. There has to be another way and Serge Benhayon with the lived example of The Way of The Livingness is leading a Way that does work.

  23. Indeed Susan, there is a tendency in our society, covered by all kinds of complicated explanations, to accept the corruption, bullying and false allegations because it exists and therefore it is normal, but in truth it is not and we should never accept it to exist in our lives in the first place.

  24. “It is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims” – wow. So true. It’s ridiculous that anyone can spread lies and propagate it as ‘true’ until proven otherwise. And me too, I have been blind to the abuse we have been allowing by accepting it as ‘that’s what happens’ but it so is not acceptable.

  25. It’s great to see us waking up more and more to what is truly going on in front of our faces. I’m not critical of people but more can see for myself that the choices I make, we make don’t truly support us to see what is going on. What this article is saying is one part of a wider mess we are taking as life. As the saying goes, ‘in this day and age’ for something like this to be going on is a crime for us all.

    1. Indeed Ray, I can fully agree with what you say and we have to come to the point that we call out the corruption, bullying and false allegations for what it is and crime we can call it indeed. As it is not only infecting the individual because it brings rot in our relationships and societies from the inside out that eventually affects us all.

      1. We currently have systems in place that support all of this. Some not directly but by the way they entertain reports or complaints. The whole thing is in need of an overhaul and maybe then we can start it again. We aren’t aware of how everything is connected and as the saying goes, ‘one thing leads to another’ and in this way nothing is ever truly isolated.

  26. It is absolutely disgusting what people are writing about others today on public forums and getting away with it – it is completely unacceptable and fully needs to be corrected.

  27. It is appalling in this day and age that there is no law in place that supports those that are innocent targets of abuse. What can be more devastating than lies said and written about us to try and pull us down? Do we truly realise the harm this can cause to the innocent party and all those associated with him or her? Because if we did we would do something about it.

  28. The blatant corruption, lies and deceit that is evident in the world today is calling for us all to stand up for truth.

  29. It’s so common that we turn a blind eye to the evil happening around us – but what kind of world are we creating if we don’t stand for what is true, just and loving?

  30. We are all guilty of brushing off certain levels of abuse, corruption or deceit as somewhat accepted or normal, however all levels cause harm and it is the apathy we embody that allows this to fester. We are all responsible for what we have allowed in this world. It is time to speak up and say enough, this is not okay.

  31. I agree Susan, the bullying, corruption and false allegations are absolutely not normal and totally unacceptable. We, each and every one of us, has a responsibility to call out all levels of abuse and corruption. Thank you for highlighting this issue and inspiring us to unite and express.

  32. I just read another blog on this site where the writer pointed out that in the wake of the deceitful, despicable actions and lies of some of the media have directed towards Serge Benhayon and the students of Universal Medicine, that in actual fact what we have been given is a present in that it has shaken us (I say us because I am one of the Student Body of Universal Medicine being labelled as a cult member) awake from our comfortable slumber and into standing up for what we know to be true.

  33. Thank you Susan for your blog on corruption. We all know and see the corruption around us, so feeling powerless we give way to the notion that this is normal as it seems to be in every aspect of life. Only when we can understand that it is our responsibility with how we are living our own lives and see if the way we are living contributes to the world’s corruption, knowing that the way we live can be healing or harming in it effects on society.

  34. It is so important for us to feel and be honest about the level of abuse, corruption and lies that we as a society actually do live in and with. For then, if we are willing to deepen our honesty, we will realise that it is us, and only ourselves, that have allowed this level of loveless to exist and be considered as ‘normal’. When we realise this we understand that it is through the way we live our every day, that we have the opportunity to stand for what is true, what is respectful, and what is loving and this is the power we all have – responsibility.

  35. It’s nearly four years since you wrote this Susan and unfortunately the rates of bullying and corruption are still rising, but at the same time I am observing that more and more people who are bullies and the corrupt, and their heinous acts are being exposed. May this exposure of what is so unacceptable and unnecessary continue as it has no place in the world, even though many have come to accept it as being normal; it isn’t and never will be, as long as there are those who are willing to stand up and say, no more!

  36. There is corruption. Then there is corruption. By that I mean it is easy to call out the obvious corruption of a crooked politician. However, what lies underneath such behaviour? The more you ponder on that and move beyond the outrage that such corruption exists, the more you start to see how it is society itself, and how we all contribute ultimately to such practices by the way we focus on carving out our own niche of paradise.

  37. It’s true Sue, when we do finally open our eyes to the level of disharmony and corruption that occurs in the world around us it is difficult to close them again and ignore it.

  38. Well said Susan. We all know how much bullying hurts, yet in our own ways, to get our way we manipulate or try to control others. If this was seen for what it is, a form of bullying, knowing how much it hurts to have another boss or control you, would we be more discerning with how we lived our own lives. Would we begin to change the hideousness of bullying by choosing to not allow ourselves to fall into its trap?

  39. Hear, hear Susan, I too turned a blind eye to the level of corruption and abuse the media has been running with for a very long time. Due to the attack on Universal Medicine by the media I was shaken from my comfort and could no longer bury my head in the sand for my silence was allowing this level of abuse to continue and harm innocent people.

  40. Yes, well expressed Susan. It is surely a crazy situation where we allow anyone to create lies about another and then expect the victim of those lies to have to prove their innocence. Whatever happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’?

  41. Yes Susan it is completely not normal and this is being exposed…. the fed lies are showing the cracks and it is up to each one of us to see them for what they are. Actually reading situations, what is behind what has been said, what a picture is really portraying etc. has really helped me to not get caught up in a lot of the lies and perpetuate them further. Bullying and corruption is everywhere…. we don’t need to react to it but see it for what it is….dare I say it is in what cereal we choose, what we should or shouldn’t spend our money on, what school our children should go to etc etc. Letting go of what the ‘norm’ says or what this study or that study has come to allows the freedom of our inner wisdom to lead the way and be a reflection for others.

  42. It’s quite interesting to watch how when people go online to comment that they write in a language that is slightly different compared to if they would say it out loud face to face to someone.

  43. So true….when we choose to open our eyes wide, there is much corruption in this world and it is up to all of us to call it out.

  44. Absolutely spot on Susan, it is not nor has it ever been acceptable that we allow abuse in any form to continue. Every person has a responsibility to speak up and out these ‘accepted norms’ for the heinous acts they are, every voice matters.

  45. I totally agree that bullying and corruption are totally unacceptable and we all need to take personal responsibility for speaking out because it is our collective inertia which allows it to continue and increase because perpetrators think they can get away with it.

  46. Yes Susan, in the past there really was a paradigm of ‘just getting on with it’ and ‘it’s a part of life’ but as you say … it is not, and it is not acceptable.

  47. I agree that it is shocking “that people can write absolute lies about someone, a group or an event, and not only think they can get away with it, but the law or legal system actually further allows and supports that…. in that it is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims.” Three plus years on this is still the case. Thank goodness for organisations such as All Rise which bring attention to such abuse online. We all need to stand up and be counted, not just when it affects us personally. As Niemoller said ” First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” We need to speak out for everyone.

  48. It is amazing how blind we choose to be until it affects us personally and we then become open to seeing the true horror of the reality and the enormity of the effect it has and the devastation it causes. It is absolutely not acceptable, but as we have allowed it to get to where it now is, it is clearly up to us to reverse our apathy and stand against what now poisons us as a whole.

  49. The wider I spread my eyes, the more I can and want to see. Key is here our willingness and commitment to see things that are evil, unspoken about and unrevealed (which need to be absolutely revealed). I am clear on this now, I need to see things even though I don’t like to see them – I have to see them – it is our responsibility – as part of not being aware of them, not earlier wanting to see them, is part of the creation of them. I start to feel and see now, everything.

    1. Beautiful Danna – “…I need to see things even though I don’t like to see them – I have to see them – it is our responsibility” yes it is our responsibility to get out of our comfort and see all, only then can we call out the un-love and bring our love to it.

      1. Yes ShelleyJones and this comes with free-will our choice to truly stand and be responsibile for everything we are seeing, choosing, living, saying – for what it truly is.

  50. All true Susan, and your point that we have to ‘justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims’ – how ridiculous is this? We get targeted and lied about by one who has a problem with you for whatever the reason, and instead of them having to come up with facts and prove their case – the accused is the one left to pick up the pieces and defend/justify themselves. This is so backwards it is crazy and the more we expose it in writing the more people will realise that this is not normal, and in fact creates an enormous scourge in society, driven supremely by the media.

  51. We run around looking for love, but have closed our eyes for ages already. No wonder that we don’t find it. The process of opening my eyes has just started and, yes, Susan, there is a lot of filth to be seen and there is a lot of cleansing to do.

  52. The work that you’re talking about, Susan, has been started since you wrote this article. I stand in awe looking at it and it is an honor to stand on this foundation and contribute my part. Each day anew.

  53. What you share here is very power-full Susan, I too had turned a blind eye to the corruption that exists in the media, as it didn’t concern me personally. Well it does affect me and other innocent people greatly now and in truth it always did I just preferred to bury my head in the sand hoping it would disappear. Together if we make a stand and expose the lies and corruption the media will eventually have to be held accountable for their actions.

  54. Corruption is endemic in society, to take one example is the school system, we short change our children by only allowing them to learn in a one size fits all system that fails a huge number of children, setting them up believing they are incapable when in fact it is the system that has failed them. We are all capable of great things in our own style and need the same level of love and care to allow us to learn. The question is why is there so much protection of the style of education we accept, of course it is down to self interest and a desire for control by those in charge of this way, however we are all complicit in this and that is also important to note.

  55. Yes I too have been disturbed about how.. “it is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims.” There seems to be a level of free for all to do and say as they please. There needs to be more regulation here.

  56. I agree Susan, I feel I also had my head in the sand when it came to the true corruption and outright lying and bullying that occurs in the media both in print and on-line. It is ridiculous that in this day and age we are still going by the old adage ‘guilty until proven innocent’. Anyone out here with a chip on their shoulder can spout absolute lies and the media jump on the story like it’s gold. Then the often innocent party has to spend unnecessary time and effort to correct the lies instead of getting on with their lives. Stand up for truth we must.

    1. I agree Jo, we need to no longer hold back our truth as we have allowed this game to go on for too long now and have ‘normalised’ this level of abuse and corruption if we bury our heads in the sand.

  57. Thank you Susan for speaking up about the bullying and corruption that goes on in the world. This is huge and we only see the tip of the iceberg. I liked Bernadette’s comments on how we live our own lives, and the degree of abuse we allow to ourselves and others even in the most minor way. I only just realised recently the abuse I give to myself and others when I hold back, and this holding back has been the way I have lived most of my life.

  58. Well said Susan, bullying and corruption are no longer acceptable… Even though they are endemic in some cases, and have been around for centuries and centuries, it is most definitely time to draw the line and say no more, integrity must be returned for humanity to evolve.

    1. Yes, we must make integrity utmost towards ourselves and others our new normal, for humanity to truly evolve.

  59. I loved your very straight forward way of seeing how you feel and fully agree with what you have said Susan. ‘All of it is absolutely not normal and totally unacceptable.’ Spot on!

  60. Yes Sue, as you say, this is shocking – ‘Personally, my shock has been that people can write absolute lies about someone, a group or an event, and not only think they can get away with it, but the law or legal system actually further allows and supports that…. in that it is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims.’

    1. I agree Jenny – what a preposterous system we have set up where we have allowed freedom of speech to be an abusive excuse for spreading lies. We have truly lost the art of ‘truth’ and ‘love’ as a society to allow such degradation to be what it currently is. Stepping out and speaking up against that which is not truth and those responsible is about restoring the very basic humane principals of ‘truth’ and ‘love’ once again. We are all responsible for this.

      1. Beautifully said Marcia. Clear and concise and a true offering of a new beginning for us all to choose. We are all responsible.

  61. Apathy and given-upness are huge in our society. It is so great that more and more of us are starting to express and call out what is not acceptable.

  62. When I read this Susan, I am reminded of a moment when a young 10 year old girl I know told me how she does not like the teacher she will have next year at school, she looked her up on Facebook and found some pictures of said teacher posed with various family members, which she posted to her classmates to make mockery of the teacher. When she told me this I was shocked, shocked by how normal and harmless it seemed to her and equally at how young she was to be engaging in this kind of online bullying activity. For if she sees this as normal and harmless at 10yrs old then where is she headed in a few years time? It’s a frightening reality and Yes one for which we are ALL responsible,

  63. Hi Susan, I was not aware of it also until I experienced it and felt it. It is deep and entrenched in all systems. The ironic thing I note is we create these systems and processes, so we are responsible. I always laugh to myself when I hear people say we cannot change it because that’s the system. The best way to change the system is to be you and don’t give your power away – expose the rot.

    1. So true Rik.. What is it about ourselves that doesn’t feel to speak up and expose abuse?

    2. Exactly Rik, we create the systems and then say we can’t change them, but is it really just the lethargy of people not being bothered to try and make change within themselves? Leave it to someone else is the well trodden path, but collectively those who are willing to stand up and call out the rot will be the ones who actually do eventually make the difference that is so needed.

  64. ‘Personally, my shock has been that people can write absolute lies about someone, a group or an event, and not only think they can get away with it, but the law or legal system actually further allows and supports that’ I fully agree Susan, I too have been shocked that our current laws do not apply to what happens on cyber space and feel this is something we all need to work towards changing.

  65. I totally agree Susan. They say at the time of Hitler no-one really agreed with his views the main thing that contributing to his rein coming into it’s power was people not speaking up. This speaks volumes to me.

  66. Yes Susan, for the world not to be living in this shock each and every day shows just how ‘normalised’ corruption, abuse, lies and bullying have become. It is often described as ‘just the way it is’, but as you have so aptly described, it is absolutely not the way it is at all. We are living in a very abusive world and even ‘justice’ does not encapsulate truth or love for that matter.
    It is only with our eyes wide open that we can begin to expose the rot for what it is, and lift the false veils from blinding the eyes and silencing the mouths of those around us.

  67. Well said Susan, I have been shocked too when I choose to really fully see the extent of the corruption and bullying that we have allowed in our societies. Before that I would see the incidents and it would be a great conversation during parties and dinners but to truly stop, and feel the full extent and what this means on a daily basis for all of our lives is a completely different thing. The real difference has come from changing from a critical observer to someone who is willing to do what it takes to take responsibility and live in a way that says absolutely NO to anything and everything that is simply not acceptable.

  68. I agree Susan bulling and corruption are not pretty, in fact so ugly we kid ourselves in whatever way suits us that it is not our problem or we can’t help.
    I know I have lived this life of denial. What I’ve discovered is that burying my head in the sand makes the situation worse and the more it’s ignored the uglier it becomes. Time to look these behaviors in the eye and stand clear that none of it is ok.

  69. So true Kristy, I too used to have a nagging feeling that things weren’t right, as if I had ‘forgotten’ someting that I needed to remember – fact is that I was just numbed by the life I was living, filled with distractions of all sorts, TV, food, internet etc. – so that I didn’t have to face up to the reality of life and take responsibility for it.

    1. Absolutely true Eva Rygg, the more actions I choose to numb myself the less I could feel. This has horribly played out in my life and it was the comfort that I was living that caused my eyes to be blindly narrow. It is up until now that I have found my responsibility in my life again – and so in regards to the media also.

  70. Lies and deceit seem to be the way people try to avoid responsibility and hurt one another. This is not new. This is the way people behave when they have lost connection to themselves. I am grateful for having my eyes opened at what is playing out and even more appreciative of my ever deepening awareness and connection to myself, so that I can stand firm and say and do whatever is needed. This has a ripple effect, the more of us that are willing to live connected lives.

  71. This puts me on notice to speak up more when I find myself in conversations around what is “normal” in society, what this means and why we are choosing ever- lowering standards of behaviour.

  72. What a powerful blog, I completely agree Susan. I have been shocked and appalled by the level of bullying, mistreatment of others, cyber bullying and so it goes on. I too have turned a blind eye in the past and therefore have accepted that this is the way the world is but now I can see that it is this way because of my silence along with many others. I will no longer tolerate this behaviour and I see it more and more now that I too have had my eyes opened for the first time and I see what is really going on.

    1. ‘This is the way people behave when they have lost connection to themselves.’ – very well said emmadanchin. If we are truly connected to ourselves we will recognise the consequenses of what we are doing – this awareness will in turn will help us take responsibility for our choices.

  73. Absolutely Susan, we have allowed the most horrendous behaviour to become normal and put everything in the ” too hard to change things” basket. It’s amazing to me how blind we all chose, actively chose, to be. Horrendous damage is done in our complacency and like you I am seeing more and more the horror of allowing abuse from the smallest to the worst as it’s source is the same – not love. Choosing love is the antidote.

  74. There is corruption going on everywhere, just recently there has been some arrests at the high levels in world football -FIFA, there is corruption happening within politics in many countries around the world, religious organisations. These are only allowed to continue because we sit back and accept it. It is up to us to not turn a blind eye, sometimes we don’t want to call it out or take responsibility for what we are seeing, but it is important to no longer be silent, but to express in full.

  75. Susan, I love the simplicity in which you are offering a huge reflection on bullying and what effect it has on our society. What struck me the most while I was reading was the feeling that we as a society have allowed abuse to become the norm, we don’t even blink, we move on to the next thing – UNLESS it happens to ourselves. It is shocking how indifferent we are as fellow citizens.

    1. This is such a great point Eva Rygg, We often do not speak up against abuse unless it has happened to us. Personal experience is a great motivator for change

    2. Yes very true Eva “we don’t even blink, we move on to the next thing” and I must say I have done this too. It is great to feel I am doing that, as now I am honest I can see that I actually do not want to keep a blind eye to bullying and corruption that occurs.

  76. I agree Susan, it is so easy to bury our heads in the sand and not see what is going on as long as it does not affect us in our own comfortable little world. I have lived my life like this for a long time… not ready to deal with the world and all the things that are wrong in it. But we cannot avoid it, one day it will hit us in the face and then we will have to wake up. Why not start today? By opening our eyes and finding our voice so we can express our truth – this is so needed!

    1. I agree, we need to start today. The world is needing our voices heard loud and clear.

  77. Recognising how often I have turned a blind eye to bullying and corruption is not easy to accept but resolving to call it out will add another ripple to the growing swell of recognition that this is unacceptable behaviour wherever it happens. Thank you Susan for your honesty.

  78. Well said Susan. Appalling atrocity is committed constantly all over the world. In fact it has become common place. Human rights violations, gang violence, corporate corruption and even individuals trying to ‘cheat the system’ are so commonplace that the prevailing response to them is ‘oh well, that’s just life.’ But, would the world be the way that it is today if people had spoken up along the way?

    Human trafficking flourishes, in part, because newspapers will only report kidnappings overseas if a significant number of people are kidnapped. So the people traffickers make sure they take just below the number of people that will attract the interest of the media. Hello? What is that?

    How is the kidnapping of 40 people an issue for the world to engage with but the kidnapping of 39 people is not? THE HUMAN TRAFFICKERS ARE WORKING WITH THE MEDIA AND THE MEDIA ALLOWS THIS. And even when it is reported, how do we as the recipients of that news respond to it? So often it is with the ubiquitous ‘oh well, that’s just life.’

  79. Well said Susan. Bullying and corruption is not normal. We all have allowed this to become normal only by standing by and burying our heads in the sand. What we live today is what we have allowed and so the future we will live will be from the choices we make today. I am with you Susan and choose to call out and speak up about bullying and corruption as this is how we will bring the change that is in truth much needed.

  80. Reading through many of the comments here has confirmed that it really is up to all of us to speak up when we see abuse…particularly in our workplaces. It is rife. I had a very small situation yesterday at work where someone made a joke about one of our politicians, and I spoke up and said that she was being used as a scapegoat, and that although her behaviour wasn’t ok, it was most likely mild amongst politicians and we just don’t know about it; the media were loving it and fuelling it. I’d noticed lots of cartoons on social media about it too, and each time I saw them I felt uncomfortable. So I just spoke up about this and it instantly cut the banter and jokes because the people concerned could feel the truth of the situation. Staying silent in situations like this is just saying ‘it’s ok’ when it isn’t.

  81. My eyes have been opened too Susan, and it is uncomfortable and painful to see the level of bullying and corruption that goes on. Just this week in the media, I’ve been aware of what has to be called out as bullying of a sports person by the media, the public and other sports people. It is hideous and yet people talk about it as if its just harmless banter. No. It is bullying.

  82. We have become so used to the lies, corruption and bullying that we have accepted it as normal, we have grown apathetic and lazy. Unless something directly affects us or our immediate family and friends we think we are not impacted, but we are all connected so of course it impacts us all.

  83. I totally agree Susan. What concerns me in addition to what you are saying is that what we are aware of is only the tip of the iceberg and that there is a ‘mass’ underlying all of this. If I am able to hold the truth in my livingness the temperature of the water around that mass will be warmer and slowly I may contribute to melting (changing) some of this. We can make a difference and speaking up is the first step.

  84. What an inspiring read Susan Scully. I agree with every word you have written from being shocked and appalled to perpetrators being held accountable for their horrendous actions and behaviours. It is absolutely unacceptable and I am standing right up beside you to be counted here.

  85. Well-said Susan.
    It is very sad that this is what we have become, complacent in accepting the way things are in our society. Plain and Simple we are very off track. Speaking up and having conversations about it is the first step we all need to take.

    1. I agree with you Simon, we cannot just sit by and allow corruption and abuse of any sort to carry on any longer, and even just by identifying what is abuse are we able to start talking about it.

  86. We need to take our blinkers off and recognise what is going on in our own back yard and around the world today – and then speak up for what we know is true. This should be the ‘normal’.

  87. Susan, it is great you write this simple and to the point blog, there is so much we consider normal about our lives, the media and the stories we all feed on that get told, rumours, gossip and bullying are all forms of abuse that we shouldn’t stand for. For years we have seen this with tabloid journalism where the story goes before the consideration of the person and their feelings. And this same tabloid journalism approach is there in our own lack of action, it is our responsibility to say no more and stop the rot.

    1. Absolutely Stephen, the media would not be in such a powerful seat without their readers. Today when I go into a News Agents I am amazed at how many celebrity gossip magazines are now on sale. It’s unbelievably hypocritical for us to be condoning this kind of playground bullying, when the government are busy implementing anti bullying initiatives into schools all over the UK.

  88. It’s true that I have known that this level of corruption exists, yet I am surprised that it is so ingrained in this country that there seem to be no laws that spring into action to account for it. It is shocking and should not be considered normal. There is a basic dignity that is now missing from the way things are. We need to somehow put it back.

  89. Thank you for standing up Susan and writing this blog- stating that bullying/ cyberbullying is no longer acceptable, and needs to be made accountable for. I agree with Amelia – More people voicing this will lead to creating a ripple effect and a new foundation about what is acceptable will be formed in society.

  90. This is a great observation Susan; it actually used to frustrate me when I noticed some unfair behaviour when someone was just spreading lies about someone without really knowing the person. I have noticed this behaviour with close family members. I have always reacted when there was judgement about people they have not even known personally. This is exactly what the media is doing here, judging about someone without being given the chance to listen to the other side of the story. In saying nothing and allowing this behaviour and turning a bind eye on it is feeding and adding to the same poison in spreading the lies and bullying people. What a great turn around Susan in speaking up now, we can’t accept this any longer. Yes there is plenty work to do, I agree with you!

  91. Thank you Susan! Indeed it is now the ‘norm’ in our society to publish absolute lies and say whatever people like in tabloid magazines. It is sickening to see what we are saying and writing about each other as a humanity. How did we come to this? Essentially we have all allowed it to happen, and continue to do so, as it is still happening. It is only by us standing up, speaking out, and calling this abhorrent behaviour for what it is that it is ever going to stop. It may seem at first like not much is happening, but every word spoken out against this level of abuse helps to create a ripple effect and new foundation about what is acceptable in our society.

    1. Powerfully said Amelia. I absolutely agree as every word spoken out against this level of abuse is a step forward to re-building our true foundation base on love.

    2. Amelia your expression: ‘it is now the ‘norm’ in our society to publish absolute lies and say whatever people like in tabloid magazines. It is sickening to see what we are saying and writing about each other as a humanity. How did we come to this?’ It set me pondering on an answer to your question and what has come to mind is a childhood story that involved Jimminy Cricket (The Talking Cricket who sits on Pinocchio’s shoulder)– he sat on our shoulders and represented our sub-conscious thinking/reasoning/expression. As children we grew up with this ‘belief’ that if we do tell lies, hurt another, blame or violate another then we have to live with our ‘sub-consciousness’ and it will ‘pay us back’! Whilst, this was probably mental blackmail, it also made us stop and think – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you – it was a powerful reason to think before we acted. There were many ‘stories’ that we read that had a moral of life in them and was reinforced by our parents and elders in our families. As a grandmother now, the stories that are being read to children, more so than stories, the video games that they are playing contain a huge degree of violence and wanting to hurt another – You ask ‘How have we come to this’ – I feel humanity has lost the power of understanding karma!

    3. I complete agree Amelia well said. What I have also found interesting is that the more I speak up against this abhorrent behaviour the more of it I see everywhere. It is as if by not speaking up we start to enjoin, numb ourselves and get more and more blind to the normalising of corruption and bullying that is rife in our societies. Once we start to say no to it our eyes start seeing again and boy oh boy is it ugly. In fact it is because it is so ugly and initially hurts so much to see that we choose to be blind in the first place. But we are not really blind as we actually do feel everything and so then we take further steps to numb ourselves to not feel what we are choosing not to see – hence all the drugs, food, emotions and sick exhausted bodies. The trick seems to be to choose to see, choose to speak up and most of all not to react or demand that things be any different to what they are – simply observe and express with needing it to be different!

    4. Well said Amelia. people often feel their voice is too small and they won’t be heard so it is not worth speaking up. It is not only worth speaking up, it is essential in order to make change. We all can make a difference.

  92. No it’s absolutely not, and its apaluing how much we give our power away to it just being ‘the way’. We need to break the mould of ignorance and bring true honour back into all that we do.

  93. It is phenomenally ugly what we see when we open our eyes to lies and bullying and the level of tolerance we have for such lack of integrity. The only way to change it is to first see it for what it is and very few of us are even willing to look. So as I read your words here Susan I am right beside you, no longer willing to turn a blind eye and ready to support truth wherever the opportunity arises.

    1. And the opportunity to express truth arises constantly Gemma. The key for me is to feel the tension that arises when the truth is not being honoured and express this, even just to myself. When the noticing occurs in that moment even I cannot change anything there and then, but I am not allowing it to wash over me in resignation. I can then take action if I choose.

      1. I hear you Bernadette, even if we just acknowledge the lack of truth we observe to ourselves and refuse to be affected by it this is a great start to feeling when and where it is best and most effective to speak up about the truth.

  94. Susan, I had never looked at how the legal system currently is in the sense that the person being lied about on the Internet or in the media is the one that has to prove themselves, not the other way around. I’m not sure why certain principles are not absolute, that in some areas there is apt justice, but that those same principles in law do not carry through to all areas of life. The Internet and media are hardly new. It feels to me that there is a lack of integrity in our legal system when laws apply only to some areas of life. This is inconsistent. It’s like living a principle or value but only in some parts of your life. When something is true and just it should be applied across the board.

  95. When we see, hear and read accounts of bullying, whatever type it is, I ‘tut tut’ at it, feel how appalling it is and also feel a sense of powerlessness. What can I do about someone remote from me who is being hurt by accusations, lies and smear campaigns of physical and any other type of abuse? What I have learnt especially over the past week, is to stop, look into my own backyard so to speak and identify where I am abusive in my relationships. And I am abusive – very abusive at times. No I am not physically aggressive, I don’t swear or mumble obscenities under my breath; it’s much more subtle than that, almost unconscious – but it is there. I judge and a one word comment has been uttered in an instant. A silence and interruption before someone has completed their expression… Stopping and reflecting on how I can be abusive, has supported me to realise more fully that everything matters. How I respond in allowing another to express and to be themselves is vitally important in the move to restore respect, dignity and equality in every relationship, everywhere. And I can participate more fully in the forums at work and in the community now that I feel the pulse of abuse when I allow it in myself.

    1. bernadetteglass – how inspiring this comment is as it is highlighting how important it is to be honest enough to really look at where abuse starts in one’s own backyard first and foremost.
      How subtle this is that you write of – I shall be more aware of my own possible ways of abuse after reading your personal reflections here. Thank you.

      1. Yes likewise for me too Stephanie. I know this one gets wheeled out a bit but the Ghandi expression – be the change you want to see in the world – is such a true one. It is easy to ‘tut tut’ and exclaim dismay at abuse and corruption – but it is quite a big one to look at it on the macro and very personal level and ask yourself, where is abuse and corruption in my life – how am I not living to my true and natural state?

    2. That’s beautiful what you’ve shared here Bernadette about looking at any abuse in our own relationships – with others, and of course with ourselves as a foundation. This is what is missing in many of the causes and petitions that go on, they come from a reaction of anger, rage or frustration, and consequently nothing much changes.

    3. bernadetteglass, I was very touched by the level of love and responsibility in your comment. “Stopping and reflecting on how I can be abusive, has supported me to realise more fully that everything matters.” Both the obvious abuse and the more subtle levels of abuse are equally destructive. Thank you.

    4. Thank you Bernadette for inspiring me to examine the subtle ways I am abusive to others (judgement and suppression of another’s expression are certainly behaviours that I still indulge in) and recognise how cleaning up my own act will help ‘to restore respect, dignity and equality in every relationship, everywhere’.

      1. 2. Yes Helen, It is empowering to realise that absolutely everything I do matters to the whole and brings a different level of awareness to what it means to be responsible and how much our choice can harm or heal. Believe me I’m not perfect however I am understanding this so much more.

    5. I love and appreciate your honesty Bernadette. It’s true that even the seemingly smallest amount of not honouring ourselves or another in any way is tantamount to abuse and bullying. We all know the feeling of being disregarded or dismissed…and when we’ve done that to another…anything we do that shuts another’s (or our own) expression down is bullying.

      1. Yes deborahmckay, and it is being honest about what I am wanting when I subtly abuse – to be right, to not want to feel my irresponsibility, to get my way… what ever it may be as you say, anything we do to shut ourselves or another down.

    6. This is great to read bernadetteglass, thank you. I feel similarly and am just starting to unpick this in myself. Abuse or bullying of any sort is absolutely not acceptable but looking to ourselves and how we behave, the abuse we give out in our own relationships not just with others but also with ourselves has got to be the starting point. As Helen beautifully expresses, ‘cleaning up my own act will help ‘to restore respect, dignity and equality in every relationship, everywhere’ for everything we do affects the whole.

      1. Yes Candida, to feel and accept that we abuse ourselves is pretty shocking really! And to abuse another, I am realising that we first have to be abusing ourselves in relation to the lack of love we have for ourselves. It is a big topic and a super important reflection to keep in check of.

    7. What a wonderful comment Bernadette. You are absolutely right it always starts with looking at ourselves and not accepting this kind of behaviour in ourselves or others. I have been noticing recently how much I interrupt others and have been working on that. Often it is just from an enthusiasm to say my bit having connected to what they are about to say but I didn’t let them complete their expression and jumped in too soon.

      1. This is great point to reflect on Bernadette, looking where we maybe abusing ourselves and others, however subtle it may be, and why am I still doing this? Is it simply I have to build my self love to a deeper level? The responsibility is huge, everything I do affects the all.
        Yes Nicola, I am aware of jumping in too soon from an enthusiasm likewise, something I will continue to work on.

    8. Thank you again Bernadette. After reading and sitting with your comment over the last few days I’m able to feel to a deeper level that which is abuse which I’ve never considered to be before and I’m now aware of things I’ve allowed that I won’t any longer.

    9. Profound and true Bernadette. There’s huge value in knowing ourselves. We often forget that our gift to humanity is the example we set others. It’s often easier to point the finger outward than inward towards ourselves. When I judge or criticise someone, this is the first stage of abuse, and if left unchecked affects the way I am with that person. Knowing ‘there is no love in judgement’ is not the same as living it.

    10. I love how you have brought it to starting off by looking at yourself Bernadette. I find it easy to see abuse and love-less behaviour ‘out there’, and it is very easy to point the finger, get frustrated and give up. Yet what you talk about is a great way to understand how we play a part, in actively or passively supporting this, how we can allow the same energy to permeate in our own expression and just because it is more subtle we can fail to see it.

      1. Yes Golnaz, once it was pointed out to me that we are all abusive to ourselves and others in some way, it was not long before I started to see it and sometimes it was not so subtle! What if the topic of self abuse and the subtle way we can be abusive of others should be taught early on in our development and followed right through our education. I would not be realising it in my late 50’s!

    11. Thank you Bernadette, you have brought me right back home to the simple understanding of what abuse is – that which is not loving.

    12. I agree whole-heartedly bernadetteglass, that to begin to address the abuse that is sadly becoming widely accepted by society, we must start by taking a close and very honest look at ourselves. How can we condemn another for the abuse, bullying etc, when the way we treat ourselves is often no different, maybe just a little more subtle. It feels as if we have become numb to so much that is happening around us and from this numbness we feel that we are just one voice, and what difference can one voice make. Well I have learned that one voice can make a big difference, so it’s time to speak up and say a resounding NO to any form of abuse, corruption and bullying

    13. Great points you make here bernadetteglass, it is very easy to ‘tut tut’ at what we see out there in the world, but we are the ones that created what we now have to live in, so it is very important as you have said to turn the spotlight upon ourselves first and see where we are abusive in our own lives. It starts from the core out and awareness in our own lives first and being true to living a life of love is key to taking the truth of how to be in the world out to the world.

  96. Susan, I so hear what you say – as I’m starting to see more the bullying and abuse that goes on around me, and how much I’ve turned a blind eye. Right now I’m seeing it at work in particular, how those old school yard antics of bullying don’t go away and how the pressure is there subtle and often not to be part of the team, to enjoin and yet to question and call out behaviours as abuse is not encouraged and often frowned on, you’re expected to get on with it. What on earth have we created? Definitely having my eyes opened and it’s not at all ok how we abuse in our workplaces.

    1. This is so incredibly important that we are not getting on with something we feel that is brewing in its poison. It is up to us to speak out what we know is not right. Only this can cut this energy from doing its harm.

      1. That’s right our silence does help to create it and actually allows it to expand further. Only by speaking up and taking a stand will any change be effected.

    2. 3. I agree Monica, and Jenny, it is so true what you say “our silence helps create it”. It’s important we take responsibility for our part in the creation of the abuses that we experience and see around us going on in the world. But it’s also important to then not accept this bullying/abuse anymore. We can work on our reactions to things but if we stay silent and don’t call out the abuse then we are still complicit in its perpetuation. I’ve found it’s relatively simple to work on myself and take responsibility for my part but when it comes to calling out abuses I can hold back for fear of repercussions. This just means nothing much changes. There are many role models now in my life who are sticking their heads above the parapets of our self-created castles of comfort, who inspire me greatly. I have recently realised that a situation at work needs me to speak out, and due to the amazing support I feel from those around me who have blazed the trail, I too am stepping up to call it out and be seen in full. Bullying in any form is absolutely not acceptable.

    3. I absolutely agree, Monica: if you open your eyes to what is really going on there is so much lies, bullying and abuse going on. And work is a great reflection of what is going on in the world on a wider scale. A lot of people don’t want to admit there is abuse or bullying going on at work and deny it when asked about it as it is much easier and more comfortable when everything is ‘ok’. I used to be one of them, but not any more. I agree with the author, no form of bullying or corruption is acceptable.

  97. Well said Susan. Calling out bullying and lies, as you have done here, exposing corruption for the poison it is, is what is called for, it most definitely is no way for life to be. That it has become ‘normal’ screams loudly of how far we have strayed from living in harmony.

  98. It is absolutely not acceptable Susan. And by turning a blind eye, we now exist in a society which is saturated and founded on lies and corruption. I love how you express “in that it is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims.” Anything can be said and that is just not okay. Thank you for your assertion.

    1. What you expose here ginadunlop is so true – our society has become so ‘accustomed’ to lies and corruption, that in some instances it’s seen as normal, in some it’s seen as “it’s not as bad as it could be so let’s turn a blind eye”, “it’s not happening to me, so I don’t need to worry about it” etc. and in many instances it is requiring more extreme incidents before it even warrants attention (i.e. suicide etc.) – and sadly even in this latter instance, it’s often still not enough for us all as a community to stand up and say ENOUGH. Cyber-abuse on ANY level – no matter now small or now large – is NOT acceptable, is NOT normal, and is definitely NOT o.k.

  99. The danger we face is that abuse, corruption and bullying has become normalised, accepted by the collective silence that allows it to continue unabated. We are all part of the collective silence and collude with the energy of abuse until we speak up.

  100. Many people have done the same Elizabeth, including my self. How insensitive and unfeeling this attitude is: if it’s not happening to me or my family it’s of no concern to me and this is why abuse of all descriptions is out of control. With new awareness, I know that wherever abuse occurs it does concern me and should concern the whole human family. My place and responsibility is to take notice and do whatever I can to expose, denounce and challenge.

  101. The law is meant to be there to protect us yet how can it protect us if people disregard its most basic tenet of innocent until proven guilty. We have to see how we are contributing to this ill way of living when we do not challenge our own and other people’s assumptions.

  102. Hi Elizabeth, yes as long as we think we drift in secure waters, we may not like to involve when bullying and corruption happen in front of our nose. We are happy to not be the target of it. But the waves which are caused by the evil act itself will reach us and shake our boat. To what extent and how we will cope with it, is determined at the moment when we choose either to accept bullying and corruption when it happens or speak up for truth.

  103. Totally agree Susan (and Lucy Dahill). My complacent belief that ‘innocent until proved guilty’ prevails has been totally smashed as I see the consequences on many people wrongly accused by ‘lawless’ cyberbullies whose accusations are then given media spread by journalists totally disinterested in investigating the truth of the claims or even listening to or balancing their stories with the responses of the accused.

  104. Agreed Susan, I have noticed that the society we live in professes innocent until proven guilty but that is just not how it works out – all too often it is trial by media and there are way too many people ready to play the media with no recourse.

  105. By staying silent for a long time I realise I too have added to this level of bullying. No longer. Standing up for truth and be willing to be counted is where I am now at, responsibility. When everyone stands for truth the world can’t help but change.

  106. I too had turned a blind eye and brushed off the obvious and subtle levels of corruption and bullying such as Media sensationalism, accepting this as the norm. I wanted to stay in comfort, live my life in a lie and didn’t think it would make a difference by not speaking up about this. Yet it does change the world if each of us takes every opportunity to speak the truth and take responsibility.

  107. Couldn’t agree with you more Sue, nothing short of integrity and truth can be accepted.

  108. I totally agree with you Susan, I too have also been appalled at the level of corruption, bullying and false allegations that we find in all areas of life. The effects are devastating, I do not feel as a society we have grasped the extent of the corruption. I for many years turned a blind eye and tried to avoid it but I see now how that just adds to it and when I stay silent it is saying I agree with it. It is not before time that we all stand up and say No. Articles like this Susan remind us it is all of our responsibility to say No to abuse we have currently let slip by.

  109. It’s a system that allows people to say whatever they want, no matter what the effect on others might be. It breeds a total lack of responsibility.

  110. I completely agree with you Susan Scully, bullying and corruption are accepted as being normal if we, normal people from the street, turn a blind eye to it while in truth we feel that it harms us. And as you say Susan, there is a lot of work to do since it is not normal and we all have to become aware that we do have a say about it. Because we give the bullying the power through allowing to be intimidated by it and through that we are not opening our mouth against it and say what it truly does to us. That it is not acceptable in our societies as it hurts us all deeply.

  111. Isn’t it crazy … You can have false allegations made about you (complete and utter lies) and you have to provide the evidence to prove it’s not true!! The legal system has a rule that you are innocent until proven guilty but the world obviously doesn’t work this way – in fact the legal system often does not work this way. I worked in the legal system for a number of years and it is just as corrupt as any other organisation. Basically we have the ability to destroy people’s lives for all the attributes we fundamentally detest. There is absolutely no reason to hold an ounce of jealousy and contempt for your fellow human beings if you are prepared to be honest with yourself about who you truly are. Claim it and take responsibility for the choices you made and get on with the job you are here to do .. It’s that simple!

  112. I love the fact that it’s emphasised that bullying is in ALL parts of life – there’s not any one part that escapes it, it’s rife throughout society. Even in religion, charity, medicine and spirituality.,It will continue to be everywhere until people are willing to speak up and call it out on every level and in every nook and cranny. Starting within ourselves and what we are aware of in our own lives.

  113. Susan that is such a good point how the ones that are being ridiculed, abused and lied about are the ones that get scrutinised and have to prove themselves to be guilty from something that in fact was a big nasty lie. This is backwards and does not make sense to me at all. I totally relate to what you say about keeping my head down and out of view of what has been going on. Not until recently have I like yourself decided to start to truly look at what is at play and stand strong in saying that No this is Not Acceptable. It most certainly does hurt to look at the actual out play of what is considered normal at the moment but the more we actually stand for what is true the more that it will start to be the new normal.

  114. I love what you express here Susan. I studied journalism at university and realised almost immediately how deceitful and dishonest the journalism game can be. My lecturers would trot out all the current newspapers to demonstrate what not to do. We would have failed for breaching ethics had we submitted articles similar to those that were published in those publications. It made no sense to me then and makes even less sense now.

  115. I too have turned a blind eye to media sensationalism, accepting this as the norm and in the past being so shut down, actually believing what I saw on the TV or read in the news paper, never questioning that maybe the journalist had made it up. What I now know is that in fact journalists lie a lot and write articles just because they need a good story nothing to do with telling the truth. I know as I have had first hand experience of this. I told a journalist one thing and he wrote the complete opposite to what I had shared with him and published it in the newspaper. I have now woken to what is actually going on and this crime needs to stop.

    1. First hand evidence and I bet that you are one of countless numbers of people that have had their words twisted for the sake of a story! Its great to speak out, and even name names and publications right here. This way people will begin to speak out against what I consider a crime! Misrepresenting people in the media – fabricating, lying, coercing the public – as a crime would change the face of journalism drastically. Sounds idealistic and maybe a way off, but integrity will win out in the end when people finally have had enough of being misled for the sake of profit …

  116. How blind are we all until we choose to see as you have done Susan? Sensationalism dressed up as tawdry version of truth…yet all the while it is nothing more than lies packaged in such a way as to do the greatest harm.
    The media stands out as one of the arenas of life that perpetuate this on a daily basis yet, as you have pointed out this behaviour infuses every level of society through professions, groups and associations…it has also taken root at a personal level where lies are rendered “harmless” as long as we are not caught out.

  117. It is so normal it is scary. I agree with every word you say. Even the law supports false complaints. Even though our legal system presumes innocence until found guilty as soon as the lie is spoken you are tarnished.

    Although it is very important to have open avenues to report abuse easily without discernment these protocols can easily be abused.

  118. Hi Susan, in reading your blog I become aware of how much I close my eyes to what is going on in the world today, not wanting to feel hurt by all the corruption, lies, manipulations etc. And so I ask myself now, how can I change this need to protect myself? What can I do to make a difference in the world? The only answer I have is to just carry on being me and to not hold back when an opportunity arises to express the truth, which I guess is exactly what you have done here. It’s just a question now of – am I willing to express the truth when it is called for?

  119. What’s clear to me is that through my own silence I’ve played my part in allowing and accepting the level of bullying and corruption that is rife today in our businesses, governments, communities, gangs, schools, institutions and families. I can think of many, many times where I’ve had an opportunity to speak out and stand up, but have opted for a quiet life, because it didn’t affect me directly – or worse still, because it might affect me directly. So when do we get motivated to put a stop to the rot for the wider good? I am now beginning to understand what true responsibility really means. Anything less than truth is just putting your head in the sand.

    1. That’s got a bit of an ouch for me there Cathy, because I can still think of lots of opportunities which I have not taken to say stop, whether on a grand scale, or in the little interactions. That lack of participation supports the current status quo, and allows it to carry on.

  120. I totally hear what you say Susan: “Personally, my shock has been that people can write absolute lies about someone, a group or an event, and not only think they can get away with it, but the law or legal system actually further allows and supports that…. in that it is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims.” – this is totally upside down, Susan; the people spreading the lies should be accountable and to have to bring real evidence to back up what they are sprouting. This is showing us that the legal system is not here to protect anybody nor to uphold the truth either. It’s all a very dangerous game.

    1. The law is an ‘A’. It gives an absolute right to freedom of speech, even when it promotes hate and harm and offers no freedom or protection for those attacked. It places responsibility on the person being lied about to prove and justify that this is a lie, rather than making the accuser support their allegations with valid evidence. This an absurd situation and has ushered in an era of open warfare based on on-line abusers, damaged and often anonymous individuals waging war on the innocent and the innocent left to fend for themselves.

  121. Thank you Susan Scully for voicing the awful situations that exist in our current society. I too feel shocked about the things that I have heard have been happening and that there seems to be little action in stopping lies and abuse – the fact that one is presumed guilty over innocence chillingly reminds me of olde times of witch hunts where people could be accused and killed just because another decided this was going to happen, simply because they disliked the person. No different to what is happening today – which shows us how little if at all, we have truly evolved over time. We may have faster cars, taller buildings and technology that is amazing to use, but as a society if these material values are used as a marker of evolution then we are living in a world where we are blind to the fact that true evolution has to do with our connection and quality of relationships with each other.

  122. We all know that corruption is in so many areas of the world, and we do choose to turn a blind eye and opt for the old, it doesn’t affect me way of thinking. Could it be that our lack of responsibility and speaking up is actually a reflection of what we choose to ignore within our own lives, and what we dare not admit to, or change.

  123. How completely backward have we allowed our communities to be run that targets of psychological abuse are being left to prove the fact that are being targeted – whilst perpetrators are given way too much rope to continue harming.

  124. Bullying and corruption are indeed endemic and the longer people stay silent, thinking it doesn’t concern them, the longer it will take to have legislation in place that effectively deals with both problems.

  125. Susan, what you write is true. It might be even worse than this. Under the freedom to abuse, aka freedom of speech it does not even matter if you get caught in a lie – you are free to lie as much as you want, how so ever long you want. This is your explicit freedom and if the victim doesn’t have the resources for a defamation action there is nothing to do and in many cases even a defamation action will not succeed.

  126. I too Susan am becoming aware of corruption and bullying on many levels particularly in the media. It has been through first hand experience witnessing the sensationalism and outright lies of the media that I have been shocked at the level in which they will go to for a so-called ‘good’ story. There is no truth or integrity within our media and what they feed us at present. The more we speak up about it the more they will need to be held accountable.

  127. Absolutely Susan, we have become so accustomed to the presence of corruption and in that have implicitly accepted it as the way things are done. What we have forgotten is that at some point in our lives we could see it all as completely false and evil, and then had to make a choice to either see it and call it for what it is (with the vengeful consequences of that), or accept it and resign ourselves to it, or even worse decide to play and win the same corrupt game out of fear that another will hurt us, so we choose to hurt. Everyone at some level knows the world is being torn apart by this, and it hurts deeply, but almost no-one speaks up, choosing instead the comfort of silence and the status quo. Imagine how the world could be if the choice is made to speak up for truth. That time can be now.

  128. Abuse not normal and not acceptable, very awesome Susan. This should be a slogan that is blazed across the world. Unfortunately, we are living in a world that is now accepting abuse to be normal. We are told to shrug it off deal with it, it is part of life and like you say the abused are given solutions and advice to deal with it but no one is truly standing up to the abuser and saying no. And as you say the law favours the abuser not the abused. How on earth did we let that happen? Our silence is far more deadly than we realize. #NotABystander

  129. Bullying, corruption and abuse are so far from normal yet unless we make the choice to really feel what is going on in these behaviours many of us can easily accept these without questioning. ‘Normal’ being if the majority of people put up with something. However, these behaviours are not acceptable and it is time for us to stand up to these behaviours and say no to them, It is only then that they will be begin to change and we no longer accept them as normal. What sort of world do we live in when bullying, corruption and abuse are ‘normal’?

  130. There is some work to do! And that´s not far away! Yesterday I had a long conversation with a good friend. She is just a victim of cyber bulling campaign! She must change their place of residence, place of employment, etc.! There is some work to do!!

    1. Wow Urs, this is huge….what have we created, to have a society where this is possible?

    2. What you share here Urs shows how far we have let cyber abuse go unchecked and how it is spiralling out of control. To have to move and change jobs is huge, you are right there is a lot of work to be done and it starts with us.

  131. I remember when I was younger and how hard it was to lie. How can anyone get away with lying? The corruption that allows lying to exist as normal has to go.

    1. They do not just get away with it Harry they rely on it, if they stop the lie then they have to feel that their entire life is a lie and that alone is just enough to keep them forever running from themselves. Unlike truth which has a foundation and each truth builds on that solid base, lies have no foundation and they rely on each other to hold the next one up, if they admit one is a lie then the illusion is bust and they will all come tumbling down.

      1. I remember when I had to feel how my entire life was a lie, it was super painful and massively confronting, most of these journalists would not have the guts to face something so challenging so they just continue to lie. I am eternally appreciative to Serge Benhayon for supporting me to be able to expose the lies as now my foundation is based on truth. I am now able to see through the lies that most are unable to, because they are still caught in the same web.

    2. ‘How can anyone get away with lying?’ Because we allow it, we know it and we do not say anything to expose it. That’s the reason why someone can get away with lying.

  132. This is a common path: in the past, we all were pretty blind to the fact that we live in a pretty corrupt world, of which we were a part of. Thanks to the teaching of Universal Medicine, we all came to recognise that there was something really true we can relate to clearly from our bodies. Once this happened there is no return to where we were. So, here we are in a world that now stands out for the levels of corruption, deceit, etc. that we did not see before. We now know. The question is what are we going to do with what we know?

    1. Eduardo, I would say, speak up for truth in a bigger picture where you can, but do not forget to speak for truth in your daily life. Bullying and corruption takes place everywhere and in all levels of the society – globally, nationally, in a community, at work, at school, privately… everywhere we have the opportunity to address and change it.

  133. I’m totally with you on this one Susan Scully, we all need to stand up and be counted and say no, to not only the bullying and false allegations but all the injustice in the world. The corruption and greed in the world in sickening and true leaders are seriously needed.

  134. So well said Susan! Your utterance is a powerful building block in the foundation of turning around the fact that bullying and false allegation have been licensed to remain unchallenged and even allowed and supported by the legal system. This state of affairs is not acceptable to the hearts and minds of any one of us, so how, one might ask, has this prevailing situation occurred? We have allowed it to proliferate by remaining silent. But you have spoken Susan and one by one we must all stand and say ‘No’ to this travesty.

  135. Beautifully shared Susan. I too have chosen to be blind from the effects and level of bullying that is around. It really does effect everyone at every level, no one is immune. Because of the deep level of hurt it’s very hard to see it. I not only saw this in action at work recently, but I was a part of it and when I eventually saw what was going on, I was shocked at how insidious bullying is and how it can grow and become uncontrolled the more we ignore it. One of the things that I noticed was how everyone was wanting someone else to solve the issues, which was attempted, but in reality does not work because the responsibility belongs to us all and how each of us are in every interaction we have.

    1. Very True Jennifer, the responsibility does belong to us all. It takes a community to execute change. We have lost this way of life, we have gotten so busy, isolated and fractured, we now operate on a very individuated level, we once knew and lived the principle that it takes a community to raise a child. For true change to occur we need to stand united, there are those that will lead to support those that don’t have the confidence but that does not make their role any less important or valuable.

  136. Thank you for sharing this truth, Susan, something which is affecting us all and is becoming more and more prevalent with the ease of perpetration through social media and the internet.
    The fact that it’s up to the victims to defend themselves against lies and accusations and when they are cleared of any wrong doing, no action is taken against the accuser, this is a crime in itself and shows how far we have fallen. With all the corruption that seems to be being exposed more and more all over the world, it feels like we are seeing the results of lifetimes of choices where people have been living for themselves with complete disregard for humanity. The more we all follow our hearts and stand up to all abuse and corruption, however small, it will make a difference.

  137. The level of corruption in most large organisations, government included is rife. It’s incredibily sad that we are living in a way that is so far from who we are which creates and maintains so much separation. Imagine if we stopped this nonsense? We would be more amazing than we could ever imagine, living in love and brotherhood for the all.

  138. Totally agree Susan. I have not only turned a blind eye to the amount of corruption in the world, in fact corruption full stop, I have also convinced myself it’s not true. The pain of feeling exactly where humanity is at, has felt too huge and intense to handle. But, we are all responsible for this mess. No one person needs to carry it on their shoulders alone, we all have a part to play in standing up and expressing what is and is not true. It’s well past time for a wake up call.

  139. That complacent idea that disgraceful actions by our media and indeed our politics were to be tolerated as unavoidable – was comfortable while it didn’t apply directly to me. More recently as I have felt the recourse of such actions closer to home I have been forced to look at my attitude towards sitting on the sidelines waiting for someone else to take action (like a kind of righteous untouched observer) … OUCH what a lie that was.
    You are right Susan. The abuse by media manipulation is not normal, & not acceptable.

  140. Susan abuse, corruption and bullying is so prevalent in every corner of life it’s brilliant you’ve highlighted how unacceptable this is. Your blog is making me ponder about the relationship I have with myself on a daily basis. When I don’t support and listen to myself I bully myself, and I am living a lie by not expressing who I naturally am. This is not ok not just for me but I realised I can bring so much love to all those around me.

  141. I agree with what you are saying Susan and it takes quite a bit of opening our eyes to see how deep corruption runs in our society. We have the tendency to always look at the ones that are more corrupt or more extreme in their behaviour so that we can say we are ok and are not part of it. But this is not true. We are all somewhat part of the corruption that we have in this world and I would even go as far as saying that almost every person is corrupt in this world. Because to see and be aware of things but to turn a blind eye and not speak up is as corrupt as the one who is so obviously corruptible.

  142. Susan I had also turned a blind eye to the levels of corruption that regularly and systematically are accepted across the board in so many areas of society, slowly I am beginning to see the lack of responsibility that we choose to take to not rock the boat or shake us from our comfort.

  143. Absolutely agree Susan, corruption and bullying combined with any other abusive behavior has been normalized on a worldwide scale that it is quite worrying to see. The dysfunctional behavior of human beings seems to be globally accepted and with the time so normalized that today everybody assumes that politicians for example are corrupt, that people bully you on the internet, that youth explores the world through excessive drinking and recreational drugs, that women are harassed on the street and that domestic violence is through the roof…. How did we get there without calling out the harm along the way??

    1. Well said rachelandras calling all to take responsibility. It starts at home in your own back yard. To change the world is to take responsibility and change you. Time to call out the abuse in every detail .. !

  144. It is for each of us to consider our part in this abuse and where we each continue to allow this in life. Turning a blind eye to the seeming minuscule of abuse allows and supports its growth.
    It occurs to me that we each gather and stockpile abuse in our lives so readily for we are all too willing to in the first instance go against ourselves and what we deeply know to be true and herein lay a foundation of abuse we stand upon and with from which we then attract more of the same.

    1. Beautifully said Deborah. It is for each of us to consider our part in this abuse as collectively we make the whole. And it is tuning into the minuscule as you say and calling it out that allows us the momentum and the capacity to say no to the bigger abuse at hand as well.

      1. I have noticed that the more we express the truth in the face of abuse and call out every aspect of the abuse we allow, this allows others to see more clearly the abuse that they have remained complicit to and perhaps live with. Let us see that abuse begins firstly with an abuse of ourselves – to allow the false we have firstly abandoned ourselves and the truth that we know.

    2. Well said Deborah, it does all start with each of us, becoming more aware of the little ways of abuse and corruption we allow all around us, and for us to say no to that. And then it’s time for us all to speak up about the big issues affecting all of us. Just like Susan is speaking up, it is not acceptable to have corruption and lies being allowed and people being attacked, just for seemingly being ‘different’, without doing any harm to anybody. And the law needs to catch up with what is going on all around – people being bullied on-line and pulled down for no reason at all.

      1. We have become complicit with abuse, greed and corruption as a society for this is reflected to us from every angle of life.
        One person standing before corruption and saying ‘I see you for what you are and I will not turn a blind eye and nor will I bow to greed and comfort and silence for I do not fear you and you have no power over me’ allows others to do the same. We will no longer accept abuse within society in any way shape or form when we have ceased allowing abuse of ourselves.

  145. Firm foot Susan, you’re right it is totally not acceptable. yet it is everywhere, like absolutely everywhere. Politicians are abusive and bullies whilst trying to decide on what’s best for our country…and this doesn’t have an effect? Parents are bullies and abusive raising children who will have children of their own.. the pattern can only continue unless someone puts their foot down and says no to it.

  146. I agree with you Susan bullying, corruption and abuse have been accepted as part of the norm when they in truth are not. I am beginning to truly waken to something very old from inside, to speaking truth – that abuse, corruption and bullying of any sorts no matter how big or small is to not be tolerated, far from it in fact. I realise how I have accepted abuse, and bullying as part of my everyday life, by both myself to myself, and others and others toward me, and also in the bigger picture of life. People often think what’s the point, what difference can I make, – but the truth is every single voice saying no to all that is not true – changes life.

    1. Gyl I feel what you are sharing is so important here. The bullying behaviours that are now starting to be exposed everywhere are revealing to us the level of abuse we accept in our own lives. As hard is this is to see and feel this, it does mean we do have a choice. A choice to say no. As you say Gyl the more we say no to this, the more we will be able to turn this around so that all of our relationships are built on a foundation of love.

      1. Totally agree Gyl and Jennifer, the last couple of days I stood up and said no to abuse to three significant relationships in my life. In the past it never felt right but I allowed it to go on .. and on. I finally said no from the fact that I am worth it. The results were amazing with all relationships feeling awkward, however they blossomed back into more respect my way, and my confidence grew phenomenonally

    2. Gyl, this is so true – abuse is today the norm in society. Crazy, when we know that what everyone is craving the most is love. Reality is that we have set it up to keep us as far away from harmony and true love as we possibly can.

  147. Until it lands on our own doorstep and challenges us personally it is easy to ignore and turn a blind eye to any form of corruption be that what is shared by the media or on the world wide web- in truth corruption that is shared in any form anywhere. Brushing it off and closing our eyes to it will not make it go away so it is time we all opened our eyes and saw the truth that if corruption is on our neighbours step it affects our own steps just as equally.

  148. It seems journalists and the media are able to publish whatever they like as long as it attracts the readers, no matter whether it is true or not and yet write about some poor person who has been bullied. Hello! what do they think they are doing, if not the same thing. And anyone can make up whatever lies they like on the internet and there appears to be no comeback, How is this so? When are we the public going to start questioning this and stand up and say, no this is not acceptable, “because it is not”.

  149. Bullying has become endemic in society and I often hear people give up, saying “What can we do about it?” Generally I would say there is a feeling of disempowerment, that the bullies have all the rights with little/no responsibility. It seems easier than ever to be a bully these days. With the internet and a media greedy for a sensational story, it is easy to put out there whatever issue we have without any need for facts. This is not a good sign as to where we are going in humanity. In the case of the bullying and lies created about Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine, the lies are inconceivable and the complete opposite of what is actually true.

  150. Thank you Susan , yes to truth and no to abuse and lies and to call it as such.

  151. Thank You Susan.. it is not acceptable, you are right… and the world does need to hear this again and again, until the mass of voices is loud enough to penetrate the shroud that covers the ears of governments and humanity in general and the cry of enough is heard.

  152. So true, Susan – lies, corruption and bullying hurt us all! Equally, we all share the blame if we turn a blind eye.

  153. Absolutely Susan, I also find it shocking that when something I personally know the truth about gets published in the media riddled with lies and concocted rubbish, and no one is doing anything about it. We all have to speak up, as often as possible and keep campaigning for truth – whenever and wherever possible.

  154. I have had my head in the sand for much of my life. I know awful things go on in the world but I didn’t want to know. It’s not just the obvious war and crimes against humanity but the more sinister evil that occurs with bullying and corruption. It feels vile when people abuse their position of power and lie and manipulate for some perceived short term gain. I am now finding that by finding out what’s really going on and speaking up about it, I feel a strength that confirms that we all know what is true.

  155. Bullying never has been, nor ever can be normal when what lies deep within us all is an equal love and respect for all. What is normal is dealing with why it is that we do not connect to this beauty and live from it. In so doing, healing our stuff, our hurts and beginning to live as we truly are, loving considerate human beings that take full responsibility for all of our actions.

  156. Susan it is a sad but true fact of most of us, that if something is not actually happening directly to us or to someone we know, then generally we do not care. We have forgotten the fact that we are all in truth connected (everything is energy and nothing is actually separate from anything else ). If we were to remember that everything that happens happens to the whole then the world would change in the blink of an eye.

  157. It feels that our laziness and the comfortable life’s we live in allows us to put up with the lies the media and others propagate. Unless it directly affects us or someone close to us we don’t bother to speak up against the lies. And yet I feel we are all affected by accepting this as normal and acceptable that newspapers write lies and sensationalize stories to sell their papers. Thank you Susan for your awesome blog.

    1. So true Rachel & Thomas. Comfort = some other will take care of this. How often do we have an opportunity each day to speak up and change something? Because we have given in once it is “comfortable” to give in again. In this world presently many are doing it and there is little few pulling us up on our actions lovingly.

  158. The shock for me when I started to see the level of corruption in the world is not the corruption itself but how much we accept it and remain in the comfort of of sitting back and not saying anything to stop it which means that we are actually part of the corruption itself.

  159. The seed of corruption is buried deep beneath our comforts. When this is first glimpsed, the shock is almost inevitable. After that comes the truth; strong, steady and forever holding us all whether we are choosing to connect with it or not. Once we see this, we are forever changed and no longer is the blindness acceptable. Thankyou Sandra, for sharing what you can now see – there is indeed much work to be done.

  160. What is going on behind people’s need for corruption and bullying? It is rife, so it could be read as a signal that there is also something going quite wrong in the lives of those perpetrating it. Integrity has gone out the window and money and self interest is fuelling a lot of this. And isn’t it our own self interest that stops us from speaking up, until it directly affects us? There is something much deeper to life that we have all forgotten, something sacred and filled with purpose that money or power over another can never compare to. How small must we all be viewing ourselves to either live as this, or stand by voiceless, not speaking up? There is a lot to consider from this blog.

  161. Thank you Susan for the following insight
    ‘Personally, my shock has been that people can write absolute lies about someone, a group or an event, and not only think they can get away with it, but the law or legal system actually further allows and supports that…. in that it is up to the person being lied about to prove and justify that it is in fact a lie/s, rather than the one accusing having to support their false allegations and claims.’
    How true it is, and completely completely the wrong way around!

  162. I absolutely agree Susan
    “All of it is absolutely not normal and totally unacceptable.” Thank you for saying it so, as we all collectively say it is wrong and should not be like this, the system will starts to change, and this system has been corrupt for far too long. A dawn has come where we will no longer sit by and watch as we see the outright lies and clever manipulation seen in the media. It is time to say ‘no more’.

  163. Brilliant blog Susan – and yes, we’re definitely not here in this world to be shy little wallflowers, where we avoid addressing what is right in front of us. The truly loving truth always needs to be brought to the world in all it’s many expressions coming from the same essence – otherwise we just stagnate in ‘same ol’ same ol’…..Thank you for this blog…

    1. Love it Rachel “and yes, we’re definitely not here in this world to be shy little wallflowers .. ..” Once I realized how much Joy I felt to not hold back on everything I was feeling, that feeling soon became a constant Joy I always felt.

  164. Quite often within the news these days individuals and companies are being outed for corrupt practices and then when all is revealed we find out that the activities have been going on for a very long time, right under our noses – banks and supermarkets are a good example.
    I agree with Monica, it’s time to take off those blinkers.

  165. Susan, great blog. We are too truly blind, until we choose to see, but we do know, we always have – we know the abuse that’s in the world is not right and yet we ignore it when it doesn’t impact on us or those close to us, ignoring the fact that to allow this to exist in the world affects all of us. It creates a normal which is warped, abusive and not true and it allows greater and greater abuse. Time to take off those blinkers and be honest and see and feel what is there – until we do, nothing changes.

  166. If we are blind to certain aspects of life, situations we feel we have no power to change then it makes me question: What are the situations in life that I am aware of that I am choosing to wilfully ignore?

  167. I recently came across a film which describes the extent of corruption going on currently within government and the NHS – selloff.org.uk. I was shocked at the extent of it and the collusion of the media in not telling the full story. I was also shocked that it was going on under my nose for some time and I had only just heard about it. Maybe it is time we all took our heads out of the sand?

    1. I can very much relate to what you are saying here Andrew – the level of corruption and lies in society, that we are yet only scratching the surface of, is shocking. We do indeed need to get our heads out of the sand. What is rather disturbing is that we are all part of it, and most people are living their own lies, defending their own facade – all the time. It is the norm.

  168. The lies and distortions in the media are not acceptable but by shutting our eyes and covering our ears we are doing just that – accepting it. I am learning to feel the power of adding my voice to others and standing up and speaking out when I read or hear something that is not acceptable.

    1. Yes same here Mary ‘I am learning to feel the power of adding my voice to others and standing up and speaking out when I read or hear something that is not acceptable.’ It feels so refreshing and empowering to do this. I’m not alone because once it is expressed others feel it too, even though they might react initially.

  169. Thank you for this honest appraisal Susan. I, for one, had turned a blind eye to what was going on in the world because I was under the misguided illusion that it had nothing to do with me. But I was wrong. As I have been told, if, ‘Everything is Everything and Nothing is Nothing’ then it all has something to do with me and by not saying anything I am just condoning this abuse. And you are right, this behaviour is not normal and not acceptable and it needs people like me, people like us, to make sure our voices are heard.

    1. I would do the same Tim, and in addition to ‘it had nothing to do with me’ I would take the easy way out and go “I’m just one person, what difference does it make if I choose differently?” Reality is that if we all take responsibility for our choices the world will change.

      1. So true Eva how much is setup to think like “I’m just one person, what difference does it make if I choose differently?”. And when you do choose to stand for truth you feel like the whole world is against you, but do not stop to really feel that you stand with all that have done it before you.

  170. Hi Susan this is a sad state of affairs but unfortunately true. There is so much ugly in the world but no more or powerful than all the beauty there is. So lets get with the beauty.

  171. Thank you Susan… you are right, it is no longer acceptable. As a consequence of turning a blind eye to what’s really going on in the world, it means that one day it’ll come knocking on my door. If I don’t like what’s there in front of me it’s because I’ve done nothing to change it. It’s time to make a stand instead of pretending I’m not in and didn’t hear.

  172. Susan this is awesome. We close our eyes because the world is ugly and there is so much that is not true that we see. We think by closing our eyes it goes away when in fact, as you say, if we do not take action nothing changes.

    1. Well said Meg and it goes deeper, when we do close our eyes, we’re condoning it, our silence says it’s ok, so we’re actually then part of the ill that is assailing us all – everyone loses, us included.

  173. Susan, this is a very strong statement and article, deeply inspiring to read and an eye-opener for me too as I had ignored how damaging corruption and bulling are.

  174. Has anyone stopped to consider the absurdity of this situation?

    Someone is standing here asking of us to be wise, be open, be honest, care for others, commit to life, nurture yourself and be responsible and at the same time inspiring us with a living, walking ,breathing example of what this looks like ….and with every practical tool possible being offered to us to have this as well if we choose to……YET this same person is condemned and asked to stand trial for standing by these principles of absolute integrity and truth.

    Q. Would any of us question our own parent, relative or close friends asking these things of us or would we feel the absolute love and blessing and care of the person?

    1. You’re absolutely right Deborah! It’s exactly what I’ve been wondering…How did it ever get to this? This is absurd! I love your question at the end.

  175. I have known Serge Benhayon and his family for about 7 years now. Since my first meeting with him, I have only experienced and witnessed the highest level of integrity and professionalism.

    His words always spoken without any impositions and/or judgments constantly point at a way of Being and Living which is honoring, respectful and loving of ourselves and others.

    With his support and example, Serge and his family have helped an enormous number of people develop more truthful and healthier lives.

    For this very reason, I make choices which are supportive of my body and my wellbeing. This includes eating in a way that my body truly resonates with, nurturing myself, giving myself enough rest and, of course, not drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
    At no time I was told what to do or not do. The choice was and is always mine.

    It is rather embarrassing that journalists take the liberty to make allegations which have no foundations whatsoever. They do not take the time to check whether the information they have is correct or not before handing it over to the media – this is truly outrageous.

    What a striking difference to the immaculate integrity and respect for humanity Serge stands for!

    1. Very beautifully said GD “What a striking difference to the immaculate integrity and respect for humanity Serge stands for! “. An undeniable fact.

  176. Thank you Susan for expressing what so many of us are feeling and are aware of. It is so arcaic that the one falsely accused must proove themselves. Not only is the bullying and level of corruption not normal but it is so not natural. Why have we as a society allowed something to take place that is so not natural to who we are deep with-in? And we have all had a hand in allowing this so we must all have a hand in changing it.

  177. Susan, I agree. For me what I find saddening about this is that it has been going on for so long and to so many, and that it seems to take for this to happen closer to home for us to realise the impact this corruption has, not only coming from within media, but from our governing institutions. This to me shows how disconnected humanity has become towards one another. We deserve so much more, and it will take for many more of us to unite and claim this way back for us all! One day at a time…

    1. I agree Anna, it takes it happening closer to home before we stop and realise how awful these behaviours are and how harming to those who are innocent and subjected to the lies. This behaviour is not and never has been acceptable. It has been largely ignored by those not involved true but it has never been acceptable.

  178. Great to have this issue brought out. Today’s (Nov 13, 2012) Sydney Morning Herald front page has an article on bullying in the Public Service workplace. From the article – “The review found almost half – 48 per cent of people surveyed – had witnessed bullying at work. Almost a third – 29 per cent – said they had been bullied in the past 12 months and 6 per cent had formally complained about bullying behaviour.” As an Executive in a Corporate Organisation I can say bullying is a real issue. Perhaps the biggest issue is people don’t recognise their behaviour as bullying.

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/bullying-rife-in-public-service-report-says-20121113-299wn.html#ixzz2C4ovgc2U

    1. Agree Heather ‘Perhaps the biggest issue is people don’t recognise their behaviour as bullying.’ What about all the people who do not realize they’re being bullied ! If the system does not honour you as equal member of it then you are being bullyed.

  179. Absolutely Susan – what happened to the ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ rather than guilty until proven innocent. This must change!

  180. Absolutely Susan – it is absurd and shocking that society condones gossip and lies in this way. It is time for us to understand the full effect of this and begin to say “It’s not acceptable.” It’s time to evolve our behaviour.

  181. I too have had my eyes opened wide, Susan, and feel dismayed at how far the bullying, corruption and false reports have infiltrated society. It most definitely needs to be reigned in and brought to a halt.

  182. Well said, Susan. Thank-you. My eyes have been opened wide also – and continue to be opened… There is so much work to do, absolutely, in restoring natural respect, integrity and true care in humanity. I love that you’ve so clearly stated that none of this is ‘ok’ – it most certainly is NOT ok, and I too have realised that living in a ‘dull acceptance’ of such things as ‘the norm’ has not helped the state of things one iota. May our hearts open all the wider.

  183. Thanks for your powerful, succinct blog Sue. I love the way you have used the media experiences we have been having to a greater purpose, namely, to open up your eyes and see all there is to be seen and speak about it. The heavens are singing in joy.

  184. Yes!

    I have also opened my eyes. I have always accepted the way it is as just the way it is. Without questioning too much if the way it is is actually working. Partly this was/ is because I have always had my own little dilemmas or goals to keep me sufficiently busy to not have to ask the big questions that affect us all.

  185. I too have been very blind to what goes on within our society, in fact I would go as far to say that I have had my head buried in the sand. Pulling my head out and seeing what is going on is not a pretty sight and I agree with Susan there is a lot of work to be done.

  186. I agree Susan it is scary what we can come to accept as normal, when we know quite simply it is not.

  187. I couldn’t agree more Susan. The sad fact is that society has normalised behaviour that couldn’t be more abnormal. It is time to stand up and say this is no long ok and we will not accept this anymore.

  188. Well said Susan. Bullying and corruption has always been there and is no longer acceptable and never has been. But like you in the past I chose to turn a blind eye and or put it in the ‘too hard’ basket. The harmful behaviour you describe is hurting all of humanity and I too am ready to call it for what it is and say “no, this is not ok” and equally to call the good and true for what it is and say “look here is another way”.

    1. I have seen quite a bit, though not all of the corruption that has been around but I did not particularly mind – it was just the way of the world that those in power often would choose to abuse that power – and the media has a lot of power.

      What I didn’t see was the depth, the real depth. I got a glimpse when I went through a copy of the Sydney Morning Herald and noticed that almost all headlines where written to make the reader angry, upset, resentful, envious, jealous, contemptuous and other highly negative emotions. This after having read that newspaper for 30 years and I only recently noticed it.

      1. This is so true what you describe here Christoph, I too have been aware reading through the papers did not feel good, or calming, yet had not really seen the extent to which the headlines were designed to incite emotions, particularly negative ones. One day, when newspaper reporters write to truly serve humanity, all of this will be brought into order, and reading newspapers will be the uplifting, awareness raising and inspiring experience it really can be.

      2. Amazing simple insight christophschnelle. It’s right under nose and we learn to live with it because we think we need it. I used to watch tv every evening for the news. The more I started to open up to my feelings, the more intense the news felt. I now do not watch the news or the TV, it has not been turned on in our house for nearly a year. It’s time to sell – the end of an era.
        I do not have to watch news to feel what’s going on in society, I observe and feel how people are living around me, and I have the forums with Universal Medicine who always present with the awareness of how we are all living as a human race. Where are WE AT ??!

  189. Susan what you write is so true. In the legal system we have ‘innocent until proven guilty’ The media seems to be able to show no accountability and go against the law with the opposite stance – ‘guilty until proven innocent’!

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