I Could Always Feel there was More to Life

by Nicole Serafin, Dietician, Nutritionist, Tintenbar, Australia

I knew for myself from a very young age that something was not right. It always felt like something was missing but I could never quite put my finger on it. I tried to seek answers from my peers but they didn’t know how to respond to my questions. At school I would ask the teachers “why are things the way they are?”… I usually got told “this is just the way that it is”. If ever I hit a nerve, or got too close to home, I would be sent to my room or told to sit out of class. I could sense as a child that what I was asking was important, however it seemed to annoy the adults and others around me.

Why is it that we can let life be so full of pain, discomfort and disarray and yet not seem to want to do anything about it?

I did not understand, and as a young child my confusion and frustration only grew the older I got. I was never part of, or followed, any form of religion or spirituality; all of that felt way too ‘off the mark’ for me. I went on through my life with the possibility that there had to be more; what kept me going was the hope that one day things would be different. But until then I was just like everyone else, going along with the rest of society in the craziness and busy-ness of life. This craziness & busy-ness was enough to keep me from pondering on the fact that there had to be more. Occasionally, usually when things were not going so well, I would stop and rethink my life and how it was being lived. An illness or a moment that was not pleasant became the only thing that could make me slow down enough to remember that feeling of knowing that there had to be another way. That feeling was never lost, only temporarily buried under the piles of other stuff that I had not wanted to deal with in my life.

It became a common pattern; I became ill… and if it were not for that and the choices I then made I would still be on the treadmill of a life full of distractions – a life where I would put aside my true feelings and just ‘get on with it’ (even though this did not feel right, everyone else was doing it and there didn’t seem to be any other option).

I have come to realise however that I (as well as others) always have the ability to choose how I want to live; my life does not have to be full of that busy-ness and ‘craziness’ which is all just a way to avoid the feeling that I miss being with myself and listening to my true feelings. We all have the ability to be who we truly are and yet the world is geared up to stop us from being just that. We are not taught to be who we are and to contribute to society in a way that is going to be supportive, loving and true to what is needed as a whole. Little of what we are told at school teaches or allows us to be who we really are –we are all conditioned from the very beginning to be what is wanted and expected from us.

For me, Universal Medicine allowed the opportunity to connect to who I truly am, to be able to stop and feel those questions that I have always had but never bothered to go any further with.

I appreciate the fact that UniMed presents practical tools to support me to connect to that feeling of knowing that there is another way.

I have attended many workshops and presentations held by UniMed and never have I been told what to do or how to live; they have only ever shared another way of being, one that I have chosen to gradually incorporate into my life at the pace and in the way that I have felt it needed to be done.

I have always been free to come and go as I please with no judgment or expectation, only ever feeling amazing support and inspiration. I have been inspired to continue making changes in my life because of how I feel when these changes are made.

I began slowly changing my diet, feeling lighter, less bloated and more energised. Then I looked at my sleep pattern which for me was the next natural step. Why, if I had more energy, would I want to ruin that by late nights, often fuelled by an alcoholic drink? So I began to cut out alcohol and started going to bed earlier, which just contributed to me feeling even more energised and amazing – this started to feel ‘normal’.

I had completed training in dietetics and nutrition and the changes that I was making made sense; they were not a fleeting or radical claim being made by Universal Medicine but something that actually made a substantial difference to my wellbeing. For instance, I knew that dairy products had been linked to sinus & congestion issues, as well as gluten creating a whole other realm of issues in the body; so for me, not only from a clinical perspective but also a commonsense point of view, it made sense.

Just by a few small adjustments and changes in my life I was able to feel a huge difference – a difference that I was not willing to compromise for anyone or anything.

I started to honour my body and felt an amazing feeling of openness and willingness to look at whatever life sent my way, without the reaction of ‘why me?’

Why is it we are not taught at school that those feelings that we have are there for a reason and that they need to be honoured and not pushed aside or buried? We need to nurture our true potential – to trust that we are enough and that when we listen to our body it has the ability to tell us what is needed in every moment.

Making choices from what I felt to be true in my body has changed my lifestyle and brought a feeling of wellbeing that I did not have in the past. From this I have slowly addressed all aspects of my life, from self-care and expression to relationships; feeling what has been needed and making the appropriate changes from there. I am grateful to Universal Medicine for all they have shared with me and many others, and can honestly say that for me it has been a life changing experience; not because of what they have told me to do, but because of what I have chosen to do. It has been a slow and ongoing unfolding; as one thing leads to another and as my awareness of my body and what it needs grows – so too do my choices.

165 thoughts on “I Could Always Feel there was More to Life

  1. Why are we never taught any of this importance at school, like, ‘Why is it we are not taught at school that those feelings that we have are there for a reason and that they need to be honoured and not pushed aside or buried? ‘

  2. I had very similar feelings growing up too Nicole “I knew for myself from a very young age that something was not right. It always felt like something was missing but I could never quite put my finger on it. I tried to seek answers from my peers but they didn’t know how to respond to my questions. At school I would ask the teachers “why are things the way they are?”… I usually got told “this is just the way that it is”. If ever I hit a nerve, or got too close to home, I would be sent to my room or told to sit out of class. I could sense as a child that what I was asking was important, however it seemed to annoy the adults and others around me.”
    I was dismissed because no one could answer my questions about life and God and as a child I found this very incredibly unsettling because if the adults didn’t know then what? When I was 50 years old I met Serge Benhayon and attended the presentations and work shops of Universal Medicine and at last here was someone who answered my questions. I have been able to bring a settlement to my body because at last here was a man who included the universe, and knew the answers to not only my questions but everyone else’s too within the presentations.

  3. When we look to the misery the world is in, we want the world to be a better place, we want our life to be better, but ‘better’ always has something ‘worse’ and in that comparison comes complacency and apathy – ‘Oh, at least it’s not happening in my neighbourhood, to my family, to my lot.’ But the better has never brought the true truth and we can all feel that. We have felt from the word go that something makes no sense about this world – hence the many questions. It’s not because we don’t know, but because we do know what truth is, and that nothing about this world reflects that quality.

  4. I have also had the inner knowing there has to be more to life, yet the majority around me didn’t really question anything and everyone seemed to be doing the same thing, and accepting life as it was. My search took me to exploring many things such as religions, spirituality, etc, yet the emptiness within me persisted, as did the knowing there had to be more. This world to me is set up back to front as the ‘more’ I felt there had to be to life was actually inside me, not outside, and Universal Medicine was the key for me to reconnect to that and begin making more choices from that place of love within myself.

  5. During the first presentation I attended by Serge Benhayon I knew I had found my way to truth to my question “There has to be more to life than this.”

  6. Nicole these were the sorts of questions I asked when I was young
    “Why is it that we can let life be so full of pain, discomfort and disarray and yet not seem to want to do anything about it?”
    No one had any answers and nothing made sense to me. What made sense to me were animals I found them to be very open and you could trust them so after leaving school I went to work at the Zoo I still see this episode of my life as one of the best times. I was working outdoors with the most amazing animals; they reflected to me harmony, simplicity, openness and a sense of oneness which was missing from most people’s lives.

  7. In the past some people could feel that there was something not right about life. The alarming rise in suicide rates, ask us to consider that ¡ many, cannot find anything right about life.

    1. As a child one of my recurrent dreams was to leave this world through the back of my wardrobe, a bit like a well known novel, and go and live in a world far from what we have here on earth.

  8. Like learning to walk again after a severe accident at first there is slow progress but once the strong foundation has returned to the rhythm of your life, then life become one of amazement of how Joy-fully loving it and we all can be.

  9. Each day offers new learning, there are no two days which are the same nor two people, we each have our own situations, have made our own choices and therefore it is ourselves who are best equipped to work out what is true for ourselves. It is the honesty of our choices and observation without judgement that gives us the space and understanding to make different choices.

  10. “Making choices from what I felt to be true in my body has changed my lifestyle and brought a feeling of wellbeing that I did not have in the past.” My experience of late if you’re running a story of thoughts you have allowed your hurt or have an investment in what is going on .. where as feeling that all knowing from the body is the what is next.

  11. True education would encourage us to honour our bodies and trust their wisdom but the reflection of a growing number of adults who are making more self loving choices means that some young people have the opportunity to meet role models who are willing to answer the type of questions you were asking when you were younger.

  12. There is more to life – we all know it. It’s just whether we choose to explore it or not or if we are just happy with a comfortable, better life. Both are fine but one is an infinitely more rich and rewarding way to approach life.

  13. Universal Medicine are leading the way when it comes to supporting people to choose differently, and their amazing courses, presentations, audios, and books, are all part of helping us to clear and heal our hurts from the past which creates more space in our lives and in our bodies to allow more love to flow.

    1. Yes they reflect that it is possible to make more self loving choices and turn your life around one loving step at a time.

      1. Yes and so many have. It’s an absolute joy to turn up to courses and see a room full of people who have made such huge transformations in their lives.

  14. ‘We need to nurture our true potential – to trust that we are enough and that when we listen to our body it has the ability to tell us what is needed in every moment’. This is gold, and how we begin to nurture our true potential is with self-care which spills into every area of our lives, and hence the love for self deepens as we accept we are more than our physical bodies, we are energetic beings returning to our true essence: Soul.

    1. We are energetic beings returning to Soul, which explains why we always knew there was more to life than what we initially perceived.

  15. Becoming aware of The Ageless Wisdom teachings, is a homecoming. At last questions answered and a depth of understanding about truth and life revealed. Universal Medicine not only teaches the what’s and whys but offers practical tools to support us connect back to true home, our inner essence.

    1. Why does school not teach us the truth of who we are, ‘Little of what we are told at school teaches or allows us to be who we really are – we are all conditioned from the very beginning to be what is wanted and expected from us.’

  16. Some established habits that seems ‘normal’ such as over-eating, checking-out watching TV till late, drinking alcohol…getting involved in gossip or emotional dramas…apparently makes us free and safe because we can do whatever and don’t question any of our reality. However when we feel in our body the result of these choices we can find our Truth, that is beyond what we have learnt to do. If we are honest we can see how clearly our body speaks to us. The increasing symptoms like anxiety, depression, exhaustion…or the multiple illness and disease that comes from the poor lifestyle choices are the ways our body has to express a clear ‘hey this is not right’. So what’s the foundation of the reality we use to live in? definitely it is not love. We have a work to be done, to re-build the foundations of our life with honesty, true care and full respect to the body that we live in.

  17. One of the things that mostly inspires and supports me deeply from Universal Medicine is developing trust in myself, in what I feel deep down inside me. When I trust, my body feels energized, vital, expanded, with no need of push or try…it is a very wise choice to make that benefits my life in so many ways. Those around me can feel it and ask me ‘what do you do to be so still and beautiful?’ I feel inside that is about the changes I’ve made and I’m still making daily to come back again to live joyfully, aware and responsible about what’s going on in every given moment. Living in this way makes so much sense to me.

  18. Most of us feel there is more to life, but not many know what to do about it. When we honor this feeling we may feel even more lost, as if knowing truth is a curse when no one else seems to care. But in this deep confusion, the way opens up when we start living this truth even though there is no reflection around. Thank goodness for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. It is not easy, but when truth is walked others may have one more reflection to remember themselves in truth by.

    1. Serge Benhayon shares so much inspirational wisdom, like honouring our bodies, ‘I started to honour my body and felt an amazing feeling of openness and willingness to look at whatever life sent my way, without the reaction of ‘why me?’

  19. I questioned my Mother constantly about hypocrisy, harm and violence of her chosen religion and institution of the church. I didn’t know then what the other way was but my refusal to conform meant I was seen as the odd one out. It was not intentional, simply a desire to understand more about life and purpose. Not until I attended Universal Medicine Presentations and workshops on The Ageless Wisdom was I able to fully understand who I was and my true purpose in life.

  20. To Feel there is more to life, is the light that keeps the search alive. We may become distracted and wander a little or lot off-track but as long as the questioning remains, our soul will respond and offers us a new way.

  21. I always had this knowing, nagging feeling that there had to be more to life than the crazy busyness and distractions, but every path I took led me nowhere – actually further off track and lost in distractions of trying to find some kind of spiritual answer. What Universal medicine presents and offers are really practical ways to connect to your body, and through that, to the bigger picture in life – God, the universe, whatever you want to call it. It’s a knowing and a feeling, not something we can intellectualise or picture, and it gives us purpose and a feeling of deeper connection to ourselves and everyone else.

  22. I could always feel there was more to life, but could never seem to find ‘the more’, as I was always searching outside of myself. When I stopped the search, everything changed. I became more settled within my body, as I reconnected to my body and started to listen to all its communications, and our bodies have much to tell us, in how what truly nurtures and nourishes.

  23. I usually got told “this is just the way that it is”. – This position has always really gotten under my skin and I always felt it to be a complete cop-out, a way to not deal with a known problem and just sit back and allow it to continue in an irresponsible way. Also, in regards to the “Why me?” question when something challenging comes our way in our life, when we see how we are the ones creating everything that occurs in our life based on all our choices in this life and past ones, and that everything that comes our way is offering us an opportunity to evolve, it can completely change the question to “Thank God this has come to me!”

    1. Spot on Michael, when we take responsibility for our lives and our past choices, its like new doors open and our awareness and understanding increases, with the knowing that everything that life presents to us is an opportunity to learn from and to evolve. We are all here to learn, to learn to be more loving with self and then all others.

  24. Its those practical tools that are the gold for me – this is the transmission of an ancient wisdom, translated into modern times with practical tools that I can see working for me, and young and old people around me. There is a great source here and it has been made very accessible… we simply need to make a choice.

  25. Getting real and honest with myself is how I made the shift from being in my head to being in my body. Honesty with ourselves in how we are living and what we have been choosing that has created struggle or complication or ill health in our lives, is how we start listening to our wise bodies, and well they have much to communicate and when we listen, they can support us to get back on the path that leads to Soul.

  26. Yes we tend to go along on automatic pilot don’t we until something happens that makes us stop and reevaluate our life and what it all means. It is these times when I have been most open to being honest about where my life is at and open to making real changes to it.

  27. To honour, accept, appreciate and confirm how I am feeling has been something I have always known and been aware of. I can remember often when I was a child and growing older that to acknowledge how I was feeling was super, super important to me and couldn’t understand how and why it wasn’t the same for those around me. I felt there was something wrong with me. I am coming to realise that there are never any excuses to not pay attention and listen to the wisdom of my body in what it communicates with me in every moment in my life.

  28. Likewise I had that same feeling that there was more to life, and as a teenager started actively looking for an answer… but where to go? The main religions did not seem relevant to today and were often embroiled in a scandal or a war, mis-represented by people with their own agenda rather than God’s. For a time I gave up, checked out and left it alone… but the itch remained. One day I happened across Serge, and even though I was very shut down at the time, his consistent and boundless love coupled with the teachings of the Way of the Livingness have re-ignited that spark inside me, reconnected me to a living breathing experience of God and I am eternally grateful for that priceless gift.

  29. We can all feel there is more to life, but mostly we need some big stop moment like an illness to make us stop because of the momentum we have been in, it is our ingrained and entrenched momentums that keep us stuck in old patterns and behavious…. I was blessed with one of those big stop moments and had a whole year óut’ to make lifestyle changes that were more honouring of my body and that which truly nourished my body which was super supporting to myself to live in a way that allowed me to be true to myself. My life has more purpose and focus and I love being in my body!

  30. Just want to emphasise how incredibly powerful those simple, relevant tools are that Universal Medicine presents. Its that which is the true gold… a practical path back to God.

  31. It only takes us to make a few adjustments to our life for us to start feeling more healthy, simply going to bed early on a regular basis makes us feel more rested and ready for whatever the following day brings, and as we become more confident in the choices we make, we begin to bring in more adjustments that support us more deeply.

  32. I always considered life was strange when I was younger with many saying one thing and doing another and it bothered me deeply and I often asked that awkward question, and felt the reaction to it … and then over time I decided to just blend in, I choose to become part of a way of living I knew was not true. So now I’m learning to undo that, to stop and feel what is true and live it to the best of my ability, it’s a path of both challenge and great joy, and one I continue no matter what.

  33. I would ask questions or just come out with a comment when I was young that would have adults get very upset and angry at me. I see now it was because I was blurting out the truth that no one else was saying. The thing is, instead of me continuing to say what was needed, I stopped because I didn’t want to deal with reactions from others.

    1. My family hated when I would speak truth, I was quickly shut up by them, the anger and bully energy kept me quiet most of the time.

  34. I started to honour my body and felt an amazing feeling of openness and willingness to look at whatever life sent my way, without the reaction of ‘why me?’ I am having to look at something at the moment, and not doing a very good job, time for me to reassess!

  35. Great to re read Nicole and be reminded of how much we know as a child, and yet as you share we are often shut down by others from questioning and sharing what we feel. We have the opportunity now to change this by encouraging our children and grandchildren to speak their truth.

    1. This can then be built on in schools, encouraging children to listen to their bodies, and express the truth, ‘We need to nurture our true potential – to trust that we are enough and that when we listen to our body it has the ability to tell us what is needed in every moment.’

  36. It’s as though the world is set up for us not to question the possibility that there is more – we get shut down for asking and we treat our bodies in a way that also shut down the questioning or the knowing. But thankfully it can’t be shut down in full as we are divine, we do not come from Earth and there is so much more beyond this world. Because that is who we are, there is a spark that lies within ever-ready to be ignited and shine brightly.

    1. Nikki McKee absolutely we are shut down from a very young age for asking questions, such as where do we really come from? Why did you have me if you so clearly do not love me? It wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon that I found someone who knew about love, true love, not the abuse we call love and suffer and put up with.

  37. It is interesting how we use the expressions right and wrong as in “I knew for myself from a very young age that something was not right”, or “I knew for myself from a very young age that something was wrong” or “it felt right from the beginning” to denote true or un-true. And, yet, right and wrong and true and un-true play in different games.

  38. ‘I started to honour my body and felt an amazing feeling of openness and willingness to look at whatever life sent my way, without the reaction of ‘why me?’ Awesome to feel your unfolding back to your innate knowingness and the choices that support you in this.

  39. Looking at the world, no matter how ‘happy’ and ‘comfortable’ some claim their life to be, there seems to be this undercurrent of unsettlement in all of us – that we know this is not quite it, yet mostly are living with given-up-ness. What Universal Medicine offers is a true medicine, not a cure, very practical and simple and relevant and it is for entire humanity to connect back to the truth of what is and who we are.

  40. It is because we are choosing and not being told what to do that makes this process so empowering even when we make choices that turn out not to be so great there is always a great learning and an expanding of our awareness.

    1. That’s a great point Elaine because for most of my life I was waiting for others to have the answers and paranoid that I would get it all wrong, and then I found out that everyone was winging life. Now I make my own decisions (right or wrong) and learn a lot in the process.

  41. As an adult, there is so much to see that is not of love, and as a child this seeing is even more acute. The pain of this is great too and it is perhaps what causes many of us to seek shelter, to withdraw and to find solace. It is therefore at times something of a big ask to ask ourselves to be open and aware, to see it all – everything that is not love. And what is monumental again is to trust that in this seeing we are in fact way more protected than when we retreat and hide. And so awareness shows itself to be by its very nature, a fantastic support through life.

    1. “To be open and aware, to see it all – everything that is not love” This is indeed the way to be, to acknowledge the world as it is without reacting or feeling diminished by it.

  42. As I read this article I am becoming very aware of the many hurts that I have around having an innate knowing of truth, but having been shut down from sharing it. A shut down that I still let affect me today, as to stand out from the crowd is my natural way, but something I have avoided in favour of fitting in.

  43. The more we let go of what we are not, the more we have the space to embrace who we are.

  44. “Making choices from what I felt to be true in my body has changed my lifestyle and brought a feeling of wellbeing that I did not have in the past.” I agree with the answer is in your body – the truth of the matter. The responsibility is with you in clearly defining it – the ‘what is’ simple truth. What I find becomes hard is ‘thinking’ I cannot define the answer to be able to move forward or on and how then it can be pushed aside by questioning and ‘being hard’ on myself knowing that I do have the simple answer in my body. To change my well-being I move in a way and really focus on that which I do know and just be honest that I have already felt it and it has since been overridden. It then becomes my own journey of discovery – the opportunity to be rich!

  45. Great title for a blog Nicole, as this is exactly how I always felt, but did not know how to change my life so ingrained were my habits and behaviours. All my searching did lead to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and I attended all of the Sacred Esoteric Healing Courses, which I can testify truly supported me to let go and heal my past unloving choices and self abuse. Today I have so much purpose in my life and have so much more focus and get things done easily without a push or a drive, but simply because I have more energy, I am more self-loving and self-honouring. I have more time as I have created more space in my house and in my body, and in the new space I have clarity and understanding of what is next – and my life has a flow ( which was not there before) along with divine order. And even now I can feel there is more to life, in that there is always more love to shine and share.

  46. Choices, choices but there is only one choice that matters and that is the energy we choose to make those choices with.

  47. “Why is it that we can let life be so full of pain, discomfort and disarray and yet not seem to want to do anything about it?”
    That is a brilliant question Nicole as it says a lot about the way the world is set up! And what I love about Serge Benhayon is that he does not hold back addressing this and talks openly about why this is so, even though this certainly pushes some buttons.

  48. I find the concept of nurturing our true potential stunning for we should deeply trust that we are enough and live in accordance to that knowing…. Honouring our bodies as the wise guide they are and addressing what stands in the way of our living and embracing all that we are. This is the foundation of true success in life.

  49. And this is the thing – to make choices in our lives, effective choices, choices that will really be this in the right direction, we actually need to know what is actually going on around us, not just on the surface, but what’s actually happening underneath things. What is the truth, and we all know how malleable the truth has become now. Universal Medicine gives us the opportunity to be extremely well-informed on the consequences of our actions, and the energetic interplay in the universe. Through these things, we can start to make truly informed choices for our lives.

  50. If we don’t question the way that it is from the understanding that there is another way, we will remain in the same status quo forever.

  51. I too kept busy to avoid stopping and feeling how I truly felt. These days when I catch myself doing that I pause and reflect on what I am trying to avoid feeling. The same applies with choosing a food that doesn’t support me or wanting to escape with time out – checking out. Also not to give myself a hard time when I do make mistakes. Appreciation of how I am doing is a good counter to that.

  52. It is quite ironic that the more I learn and respond to my body’s needs the spectrum of what I choose narrows yet at the same time “as my awareness of my body and what it needs grows – so too do my choices.” This apparent paradox is because I am increasingly choose what supports me the more I choosing what I want in my life rather than compromising myself to ‘fit in’ with the accepted norm.

  53. I truly appreciate your sharing Nicole. Your words ring true to me also and especially the way that through your connection to Universal Medicine you learnt what life is truly about. The connection that each of us has to the other is one that is so important, for we are indeed all equal Brothers and need to live that fact.

  54. ‘Making choices from what I felt to be true in my body has changed my lifestyle and brought a feeling of wellbeing that I did not have in the past.’ When we listen to our body, it tells us exactly what it needs in order to support itself, and us.

  55. “Just by a few small adjustments and changes in my life I was able to feel a huge difference – a difference that I was not willing to compromise for anyone or anything.” Hear hear Nicole. The difference I too feel in my body through making simple changes inspired by Universal Medicine are not ones I will give up just because someone else might not like it.

  56. These choices just keep coming, each time we refine and adjust our lives, more choices present, some are easy and some take longer to commit to. I love how you brake things down so simply, your writing is a joy to read, its real and it flows effortlessly.

  57. Illness and disease can bring a necessary stop to our life by sling shotting us into a huge reality check about how have we been living and what has been going on in our everyday life. This in turn blesses us with the opportunity to learn and perhaps query that there is another way.

  58. Universal Medicine really does share so many awesome and practical tips for living life with connection and vitality and I too am deeply thankful for the wisdom shared for us all. Thank you Nicole.

  59. There was so often when I was young, that I also felt that there has to be another way. I couldn’t find anything that seemed that different to what was that on offer. Now there are so many of my questions that have been answered by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, it is amazing. There is so much sense in what I now live and no one has told me there are any rules, just a vital way to live that my body loves.

  60. I can very much relate especially when I was a child to the feeling ‘there had to be more’ but I like most people buried this feeling with keeping myself busy and wanting to help others to avoid dealing with my own hurts. Distracting and ignoring what was going on in my body had consequences as the choices I made caught up with me in my early twenties and I fell ill. My body is communicating with me every second and I am learning to listen to the gold it has to offer me.

  61. Changing what we feel to be normal is the key – when self-directed it is a gradual awakening and feels very solid in the body. I recall having a glass of wine at a picnic after not drinking for a few weeks and it simply had no appeal – I disliked the buzz and blurred feeling that was once what I was seeking. For me the UniMed courses offered me the direct feeling of being myself, and the small addictions did not measure up to that feeling that had become my new normal.

  62. It’s funny even though it’s not that sometimes I find myself having to explain why I don’t eat sugary things as candy or cakes. It’s become so normal for people to eat these things that if you don’t eat it you have to explain why. It should be the other way around that if you DO eat these things you should be asked why on earth eat something that is not truly supporting you. Maybe that is why we feed our children these sugary things because then they cannot question why we adults do it. Children are otherwise very good at pointing out why we adults do all the weird things we do as drinking alcohol or smoke or live in relationships that are not truly loving.

  63. So much of what you write resonates with me Nicole. The feeling that the way of the world did not make sense, nor did the explanations offered by religions and New Age philosophies. From my first presentation with Universal Medicine pieces started falling into place, and my spiritual search ended there. I felt like I’d come home to me.

  64. What is presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine felt so true because deep down I knew I have lived this way before and there was a reconnection with where I had come from. It was a very beautiful moment indeed.

  65. What I get really strongly reading your post Nicole is that we all have an innate natural sense, we know when things are off, and especially when we are young and often we ignore that or are not encouraged to honour and foster it when young and later we choose ourselves not to; but it’s always there and what you describe here is the journey back to honouring what we feel.

  66. ‘Making choices from what I felt to be true in my body has changed my lifestyle and brought a feeling of wellbeing that I did not have in the past.’ Yes me too, as I made different more loving and honest choices my body began to change and I felt the benefits of changing my diet and giving up alcohol too.

    1. What you share here Sally following on from what Nicole has shared also, that “Just by a few small adjustments and changes in my life I was able to feel a huge difference – a difference that I was not willing to compromise for anyone or anything.” can be tested by anyone who is willing to get prove of what Universal Medicine is about, not a cult at all but a very practical way of life that really makes a difference.

  67. Nicole, I can relate to your questioning as well as the poor responses. I also felt that much of life and the interactions between people were emotional and that there was an existence whereby emotions didn’t play a part in it. I read books to find the answers or did courses to edge my way into living this way, but they always fell short and it was left up to me to forge a way of being that I knew was there somewhere. When I came across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, it became clear I had come across someone who lived exactly what I knew existed.

  68. Until I met Serge Benhayon and witnessed that there was another way to live, and then tried a few of the suggestions he shared from what he had learned, I really didn’t know how to get off the treadmill of ‘getting on with it’ and trying every New Age ‘healing modality’ that popped up on the scene.

  69. Why are we not taught any of this in school? – Education would be a rich and deeply fulfilling experience if the lessons had the same content as Universal Medicine presents. Plus we would leave school and we’d actually know how to care for ourselves and approach life in a fresh and unencumbered way.

  70. Education is currently set up to create compliant citizens who conform to the expected norms of society. The voice of truth inside us all that can feel that something is not right is squashed by others for whom it is too uncomfortable to face up to the choices they have made to not be true to themselves. Universal Medicine supports all those who choose to explore what is true for them and make changes at their own pace. When we learn to listen to our own bodies we uncover boundless wisdom, love and joy.

  71. Thank you Nicole. I could very much relate to what you share about the way you have felt throughout your life. I searched high and low for the answers to everything that did not make sense and I wasn’t able to find anything that delivered the whole package of truth until I found Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Your blog reminds me to deeply appreciate my commitment to living with responsibility and purpose which has been made possible through the reflection Serge Benhayon has provided.

  72. it is amazing to be able to change our lives with simple choices. Just feeling what to eat, what supports us, how to really nurture ourselves makes a huge difference. Coming back to myself and checking in, connecting to my body is something I moved right away from years ago. I spent a lot of time just in my head. Now knowing that the way I move can also support me greatly is a beautiful awareness.

  73. “what kept me going was the hope that one day things would be different.” I shared this feeling and then one day I knew things would never be the same again. I attended a presentation by Serge Benhayon and heard answers to so many of my questions. I have been shown that is my responsibility for all the choices I make in life and that life doesn’t ‘do’ me, I can choose the way I live. I have found the love and harmony that I knew was there but had been looking for others to provide it for me rather than connecting to the love and harmony that is within and who I am.

  74. The wonderful, indeed the profound realisation is that we can literally change the life path that we are on with the simplest of choices, and these simple choices can be there every day, rebuilding a foundation of reconnection with ourselves.

  75. Nicole your comment ‘At school I would ask the teachers “why are things the way they are?”… I usually got told “this is just the way that it is”.’ Made me realise how often we accept things just because that is the way it is, never actually addressing that in truth we know that is not the way it is.

  76. “Why is it we are not taught at school that those feelings that we have are there for a reason and that they need to be honoured and not pushed aside or buried? We need to nurture our true potential – to trust that we are enough and that when we listen to our body it has the ability to tell us what is needed in every moment.” I so agree Nicole. However so many people – parents, teachers etc (including myself until I came to Universal Medicine presentations) have not been shown to listen to their own bodies and feelings. So how could they possibly teach that? We now have some amazing teachers and helpers in our schools, reflecting out to staff and students alike that there is another way.

  77. It is clear your transformation has been from your commitment to choosing you… and your unfoldment from the wisdom of your choices and no other. There is absolutely another way that is deeply loving and supportive and you are living proof that it works.

  78. Dear Nicole, I must say what a pleasure it is reading your blogs and getting to know you. Thankyou for sharing your life. I also grew up feeling there was more to life, asking questions and searching for what was missing. I have definitely found it in Universal Medicine via their support to reconnect me to my true self – my essence – and to understand and feel the soul and live this in daily life. On a practical level, it means a life lived with love.

  79. Reading this sentence brought up a memory of me as a young girl, feeling unable to express, as if I was going to burst but nothing would ever come out, I did not feel met and seen for who I was by the world I lived in “Why is it we are not taught at school that those feelings that we have are there for a reason and that they need to be honoured and not pushed aside or buried?” This question also brought up how important it is for adults in the lives of our young, be it parents, teachers, family or friends, in any opportunity, to be open to the questions that children ask. We have an opportunity to answer honestly, we do not need to have all the answers, a child seeks true connection and understanding not all the answers. Through connection and understanding they get something precious, they get to be seen for who they are and through this they can begin finding out the answers to the questions they have themselves, there is nothing like self worth and self love to find the answers to questions we have in life.

  80. Living a life by choice is so different to that what many people live. But I have discovered there is a choice to live life more joyful and vibrant than I see so many people around me live, it is all about living a way that is honouring my body and feelings, we are meant to feel, not to just think and go by that what seems the way, as many did it before me.

  81. Before Unimed I had never been able or willing to truly look at myself and begin to unfold who I truly am. Each thing I tried had merely been a new set things to do and rules to follow that promised to deliver a new me but never did, nothing changed.
    Serge Benhayon presents that we are all already everything we could wish to be, that is, we are all love in our essence. This made all the difference. From this perspective and learning to reawaken my ability to feel what is true for me, I have been able to look clearly at how I have been living and to make changes that are gradually revealing the love that I truly am and have always been.

  82. Nicole, you bring up some great points here especially “Why is it we are not taught at school that those feelings that we have are there for a reason and that they need to be honoured and not pushed aside or buried?” If we learnt to honour our feelings, we would know ourselves so much more, and humanity would be in a much better place.

  83. Thank you Nicole for your sharing, I too am very greatful to Universal Medicine for showing me there is a totally different way to live and be in the world, which honours not only myself but everyone else too.

  84. I can relate to growing up feeling something wasn’t ok with my life and there had to be more to the discomfort I felt. I certainly couldn’t find it out there amongst the business or seeking stimulating, new age or any other numbing distractions that were complicating my life. The simplicity of what Universal Medicine presents is truth, so many small changes I have chosen to made have made a huge change to my life simply learning self- love and self-care, honoring what I feel in my body and learning to express truth.

  85. To learn with Universal Medicine to live from my body, has been a deeply healing experience. And it is very clear: I live from my own body, not from what Serge’s or any other’s body tells me, it’s a personal affair, although connected to everybody else.

  86. It makes me wonder about how many people are/ were in the same boat as you Nicole. I know myself that I was after something more in life too. Surely there are many others like this also. The best part about all this – now you have realised the truth and started implementing the changes into your life that support you being who you are, others see this- and have the opportunity to do this also. Domino affect of knowing what the ‘there has to be more in life’ is.

  87. It is interesting to observe how children are often told to be quiet when they ask questions about why things are as they are. I myself know that at times when I am living in a way that deep down I know is not true and someone questions this way of living I can react instead of welcome the question and seeing it as an invitation and way out of my untrue way of living. Very inspiring blog that we always have the choice to change our life and that there is a lot of support.

  88. Nicole what a very powerful piece of writing. Why indeed are we not supported to connect to our bodies as children and reminded that we know all through the feeling we receive within each and every moment. The most intelligent people are those that honour, respect and listen to their bodies and the body is the marker of all truth.

  89. It is all about choices really… There’s the really big ones that we make, and they really do change the direction of our lives. And then there are the continual flow of small choices that we make every day, and these are really significant, of course with every choice we make we are either choosing the connection with ourselves and life, or we are choosing not to connect.

  90. Thank you Nicole for sharing a simply beautiful blog. The body knows it all, and as I become more aware of what my body is telling me I too have the choice to make changes, which has brought a much more loving way of being, with my self and others.

  91. Thank you Nicole, I too agree that I always felt there was more to life, although I had no idea what was missing until I started going to the presentations of Universal Medicine, and it then became clearer to me that what I was missing was the true connection with myself.

  92. I agree it’s all about choices, but what clinches it in my own experience is when I actually take responsibility for the choices I make. I can know that gluten clogs me up, makes me sluggish and gives me pain in my joints but if I don’t take responsibility for my body, its health and wellbeing then I’m still free to choose unwisely. For me, I kept on doing this with gluten, dairy and sugar for a couple of decades, despite knowing I had a choice and that the other choice always felt better on my body. It was only when I started to take responsibility for those choices and the long-term effects of them on my body, that I began to make a different choice.

  93. I remember as a child questioning why. I sometimes would often get a flippant ’cause why is a crooked letter and you can’t straighten it’ or ‘there is no why’, but worse, was when I would feel their annoyance and impatience with me and it would leave me feeling confused. Thank God for Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for giving me answers to these long forgotten questions. When Serge Benhayon spoke I was totally able to connect to what he was presenting. It was like a bell going off in my head, bringing my awareness back to something I already knew deep within myself, and at long last I know life has an amazing real purpose.

    1. Awesome Deidre. It’s sad and amazing how we write off important questions from kids- often because we don’t have the answers, or because that is the reaction they got when younger as well and because the child is bringing up exactly how the parents felt once upon a time… Something that they learnt to bury a while ago.

  94. I, like many others, grew up having many questions left unanswered and then spent much of my adult life searching fruitlessly until I came across Universal Medicine. What a relief to know that my questions were valid and that there was a way forward! As I am slowly working my way through issues it’s a wonderful to grow in my confidence of who I am and what I stand for.

  95. When we cannot make sense of life (or when life does not make sense to us) we live in constant motion. It is one thing after the other. Non stop unless something happens and stops us. Only when life starts making sense to us and we start living it, taking our bodies as a register and marker of how we are doing we can stop living in constant motion. What we learn resounds deeply within us. We learn to stop and to be still just to find that when we do this time stops. Our registry of life changes. It is not this constant succession of things we observe as if we were watching a movie.

  96. ” … what kept me going was the hope that one day things would be different.”
    I so relate to the start of this blog … I always KNEW that there was more to life but didn’t know what or where to find it. I used to give up sometimes, “what’s the point?!” was one of my regular questions. I did ‘look’ in the New Age movement and with a guru but they were like lurching from one disaster to the next. Eventually, thanks to my Soul I got to the healing and the presentations of Universal Medicine and at last the ‘more to life’ began happening.

  97. You are definitely not alone Nicole in your feelings that something was missing in your life and that there is something more to life as I have felt that growing up too. When we consider the escalating rates of depression and mental health issues it begs the question, is this in fact what everyone is feeling?

  98. I totally relate to all you say here Nicole. “For me, Universal Medicine allowed the opportunity to connect to who I truly am, to be able to stop and feel those questions that I have always had but never bothered to go any further with”. Serge Benhayon continues to inspire me and I now know why I am here and I have a purpose in life.

  99. There is absolutely another way. What astounds me the most is how a simple choice impacts not only me, but everyone around me no matter how small and no matter what the choice is. The impact will either be positive or negative, and if we were taught this in school, our very foundation on which we made choices would be so completely different.

  100. Such a great point Nicole, why isn’t this taught in school? I know I may have hung around longer if it had. We need to teach children to honour what they feel not override it, that just makes no sense but it is how we are conditioned at home, at school, everywhere we go. Yes, there is another way, and deep down we all know this

  101. I can so relate to what you write Nicole Serafin. I too have always felt that there was more to life than that life actually showed me to be. There was missing something essential but I could not get any understanding of that when I looked out for it in the society I lived in. I have never been told that all the answers could be found in the inner heart, but was told to look outside for the answers in life instead. The answers to life can actually only be found in our inner most, as being presented by Universal Medicine. Therefore for me too it was such an amazing experience to have found Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, as there I could reconnect to the richness that life actually is, a richness I always have felt that was there but was unable to connect to before.

  102. Nicole, l am inspired by the step by step approach you took to find true answers in your life without trying to change it all at once and becoming overwhelmed.

  103. I too did not follow a group or a religion, nothing I encountered felt true to me and “…what kept me going was the hope that one day things would be different.” I realised from reading this article that I had this feeling inside that life had more meaning than what I was accessing and I hoped I would find something that reflected the truth of life to me, as I felt it to be. However I chose to bury and numb much of what I felt in activities such as food, drink, going to bed late and emotional drama. I had not at any point considered truly trusting myself and connecting with myself to support me. What I required sought or hoped for was inside along and available at any point I wished. Reconnecting with this, the inner heart has meant that I no longer seek, or have hope, I am more present, content and happy in life because I have found the truth I once searched for and it was within myself all the time.

  104. Thanks Nicole, yes for me also the connection with the body is the answer or key to life itself, for with the body we have, we have then the choices that either support it in its natural stasis of harmony, or otherwise. In my experience after years of busyness and drive that disconnected me from having any real or deep regard of my body, I’ve found the following to be true: change the body (towards deep care), to change the choice and life lived towards true contentment.

  105. ‘Life’ as presented and lived by Serge Benhayon is something totally different from what I used to live and believe a life to be. At one point I even thought we could all just be appearing in someone’s dream, and when this ‘someone’ wakes up, that’s the end; no one ever existed – ever. In this version, life was just transient and never asked me to be responsible for my choices, all I was doing was just killing time and waiting for that ‘end’ point – in total emptiness. To meet someone who so obviously ‘lives’ life was such a blessing, and I am constantly inspired.

  106. Very well said Nicole and I remember being young also and being so confused with the way that life was. I still to this day get absolutely confused with people’s behaviours and choices but have to always come back to how I feel in my body and live the loveliness that I know I am because really there is no other way. People will make their choices but as you so amazingly write we do not have to live according to any person or pattern of behaviours, we can honour how we feel and communicate from that place and live accordingly.

  107. It’s crazy how we so easily override what our body is telling us, in order to fit in with what is considered ‘normal’ by society. If only that inner knowing was nurtured and appreciated when we were children, rather than supressed in an attempt to ‘fit in’. Beautiful article Nicole.

  108. Thank you for this great sharing Nicole. I truly lived my whole life trying to please others and fit into all the craziness I saw around me – until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine I began the baby steps back to the real and true me and this is an ongoing development.

  109. Brilliantly expressed Nicole. I also feel that Universal Medicine has never told me what to do, they only presented the possibilities in life and that I have a choice. What I always found is that when I went back into my life after attending a presentation was that I ultimately have a choice in how I want life to be and that it is my responsibility to make choices that will give me the true life that I was after, where I am true to myself and all others.

    1. That’s my exact same experience too – Universal Medicine have shown me that I do have a choice, and that what I choose makes the world of difference.

  110. Nicole I feel you speak for just about every child on the planet. We know, then we bury our knowing under the expectations and going along with what we are told and shown is ‘normal’. I’m sure this world is made busy to keep us from stopping long enough to ask those crucial questions as adults! Yes, Universal Medicine sure helps with becoming aware of that, and claiming the space to stop and ask, and look within for the answers.

  111. I can so relate, Nicole, to living my life in busyness and numbing with food, to not feel what I knew was true, but was the opposite to how life appeared to be. When I was introduced to Universal Medicine, a lot of what was presented was what I already knew inside, so it was amazing to have the truth that I felt confirmed. I chose to go back to the way I had lived life when I was younger – early nights, no alcohol, self-care – and could feel how this supported me. As you mention, these were choices that I made, that I knew felt right for me, and felt that they were okay to make when everything else in life was telling me otherwise.

    1. Great blog Nicole – and Carmin; I can so relate to what you’re saying. Once I really took the time to listen to Serge Benhayon and what he presented, it was just confirming what I knew, but had forgotten, and given up ever hearing my knowing confirmed. We innately know truth when we hear it. It’s like coming home in the true sense.

  112. I agree Nicole. There is so much more to us all and the way to find out what that is can be quite an eye opening process. Universal Medicine has provided relentless and dedicated support to many people who have chosen to make similar changes because they felt deep down that something was not right about their lives in the way it was set up. And wow what a journey it has been and continues to be.

  113. A beautiful sharing Nicole. Yes I too felt ‘we are all conditioned from the very beginning to be what is wanted and expected from us’ and that was very imposing and never felt right. It has been gorgeous to experience the way in which Universal Medicine has presented there being another way to be, and through empowering myself with choices I now make due to what feels true within myself and this has indeed been life changing.

  114. The feeling that there was more to this life than what I saw has always been strong for me. To learn and practice that the “more” I had been searching for was inside was awesome. Still building that connection and I recognise that it has grown and developed and altered how I experience life. I have a stability and vitality that is unquestionable, which was not there 10 years ago or even 5 years ago.

  115. I too had the question “There has to be more to life than this” but I buried it as I didn’t expect anyone to be able to answer
    it. At the very first presentation I attended by Serge Benhayon I knew I had found someone who could, did and continues to answer my question.

  116. When I asked questions, as a younger person I too was told “this is just the way that it is”. This made no sense to me. “Why is it that we can let life be so full of pain, discomfort and disarray and yet not seem to want to do anything about it?” Yet for most of my life I did nothing about the pain and suffering I felt in my own life, although I searched for answers, none made complete sense, only partial sense. There was always something missing and no one could answer the big questions. There must be something more was a constant with me. Having discovered the Ageless Wisdom there are answers that make total sense to me and when I hear Serge’s presentations, I feel – Yes, I know this deep inside already.

  117. This blog makes a lot of sense that as we have gotten older the world has constantly attempted to distract and bury that feeling. That feelings never goes away, only we keep working painfully hard to keep the lid on the pressure cooker shut. Often my mind has recoiled from the idea of just feeling, with the assumption of because it has been buried for so long all that pressure will cause some sort of chaos. Yet fighting that feeling creates chaos in my life whereas that feeling of ‘there must be more’ is patient and presents how simple that feeling is over all the many many ways and complications I have used to cover it up.

  118. Nicole, I believe so many of us had that curiosity and questioning growing up about life. It has become very hectic and erratic for many people, really great to have your example of the kind of simple changes we can make to lose the “craziness” and make us feel better equipped to manage our lives.

  119. Thank you Nicole for this great sharing of life and I too always knew that there must be another way and something was wrong with how we lived life.
    But it was only on meeting Serge Benhayon that i realised that there truly was another way and it was not just me that felt like this.It has been amazing to hear everything and know it since this time presented by Serge and Universal Medicine.
    I too have changed my life to one so much more loving and honouring of myself and everyone with a great contentment of this and gratitude for all the reflections and inspirations as to the true way of life it can be with such stillness and simplicity.

    1. Like so many I felt there was more to life than I was shown, asked questions, but rarely got real answers -until Serge Benhayon. He answered questions, some of which I hadn’t yet asked, and I knew, deep within me, that here was the real life I had been looking for. Not in some fanciful techniques of meditation, yoga etc, but in simply beginning to listen to and nurture my own body. Its a daily, gradual unfolding of my relationship with myself- and God.

  120. Nicole this is a beautiful article. I can relate to so much of what you have said, when I first met Serge Benhayon it was as though finally somebody confirmed what I had always felt was true. I too share your immense gratitude for everything I have learnt and been given by Universal Medicine. I have been pondering on what my life would look like if I had not come across Universal Medicine and it’s not a pretty picture.

    1. I totally agree Meg, when I met Serge Benhayon it was ‘phew finally someone who actually knows what they are talking about – lives what they are saying – and it all makes complete sense to me!’ I had been searching for this truth for an incredibly long time.

  121. The representation of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine in the media, has been so far from the truth!
    I have been a student of Universal Medicine for the past 6 years and over this time I have never been told by Serge what to do, or how to do it. In fact even when I have asked Serge for his guidance on certain matters, he does not give his opinion, he has simple and lovingly shown that I must look within for the answers. I am free to come and go and can attend any course or talk that I wish. I can adapt any learnings that I wish, or not, the choice is mine. In my 6 years with Serge, I have never heard him dictate to ANYONE on what they should or shouldn’t do, all is free choice!
    I was recently very ill with pneumonia and Serge was the one who encouraged me to seek mainstream medicine. So to say that he is against modern medicine is again another mistruth. If one was to take the time to decipher fact from fiction and listen to some of Serge’s numerous recordings of presentations, they would find that in fact he has praised the virtues of modern medicine.
    Serge Benhayon and all the UniMed trained practitioners are nothing less than loving and professional in all that they do.
    The tag ‘cult’ is laughable. When the fact is I have learnt from the teachings of Universal Medicine how to be a better person, both for me and the people around me. How to cherish and truly love myself and those around me and how to honour myself! How is this cult-like? Does it not make a better world if we do things out of love?!
    I eat better, I sleep better and I live better. I am no longer running on nervous energy, working 16 hour days. Nor do I still carry the feelings that I must live up to others expectations, or that I need validation from others. I now live in all the glory that is ME.

  122. Nicole, this is so simply laid down, so easy to read and understand that only one question arises – What is sinister about it??

    1. Good question Dragana, what comes up to say is: the simplicity of truth, brings out all the areas we have brought in complication, that is scary enough, that might be part of your question about sinister?

  123. This should be celebrated, that finally someone is hearing and honouring what so many people have deeply known and questioned, that there is very simply a different way to be and life does not need to be crazy.

  124. This is such a deeply healing read, Nicole. I very much resonate with the disillusionment of ‘nobody wanting to know’ about what clearly felt ‘off’ in how things were around me when I was a child, and also the efforts that were made to silence any questioning. The potential we have to simply feel, and remain true to this, indeed deserves deep nurturing and care. It’s very beautiful to feel how you’ve brought the power of this to your own life and living. How amazing that Universal Medicine, and people like yourself, can assist us to honour what we know to be true, without telling us at all what to do – rather, confirming that we did know, all along, and we can once again simply open up to listen… Thank-you.

  125. Thanks Nicole, I thought all that craziness and business WAS normal, in fact the sign that life was going well … it didn’t feel like that was the truth deep down, but a couple of beers or a bit of an emotional argument would numb and distract me from this. A big yes to appreciating UniMed presenting a ‘better kind of normal’ where the ‘craziness’ and ‘business’ is not our true state of being.

  126. Thank you Nicole, as a child and throughout my life I also felt there must be more, another way. I felt like I was in some kind of prison, even though the prison looked like a ” nice” life on the outside. Now I know how lovely it feels to live truly honouring myself; out of jail I am free!

  127. Hear hear Nicole! My experience in my approach to life was much the same – knowing something wasn’t right, but ensuring that the crazy, busy and complicated life I had chosen distracted me from feeling and honouring what was truly going on. Universal Medicine simply presented what I deeply knew within was true, and allowed an opportunity for me to connect to that truth and to begin taking responsibility for my choices and the way I was living. While I still sometimes get caught up on the crazy, busy, complicated train, I now have the awareness to understand where I’m at, and at what point I hopped on that train, and to be able to make the choice to stop and/or get off that train and to connect back to ‘me’!

    1. Angela, I love how you describe – “While I still sometimes get caught up on the crazy, busy, complicated train, I now have the awareness to understand where I’m at, and at what point I hopped on that train, and to be able to make the choice to stop and/or get off that train and to connect back to ‘me’!” I realise I got on that train yesterday and got back off this morning, thank you.

  128. Thank you Nicole my life took a similar pattern and without Universal Medicine, all that crazyness, busyness, confusion and un-answered questions would still be part of my life.

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