The Truth would Never Leave me Alone

by Geraldine Burrell, Australia

When I heard Serge speak, his words touched my heart, they resonated a truth I had always known, but had long ago turned away from, choosing instead to indulge in my life being out of my control, so I didn’t have to take responsibility for any of my choices, or the impact my choices had on myself or others. I would just wait it out till someone invented a pill to make it all better for me.

The annoying thing was, no matter how hard I tried to leave the truth I knew within myself behind, it never left me alone, it was always there whispering to me…

When I was 15 years old suffering from chronic headaches and cutting myself for relief, it was the voice from my heart saying “this isn’t you” or when I was 18 on acid and lying in a hallway “this isn’t you” or when I was 21 and drunk “this isn’t you” or when I was 23 screaming in a rage smashing a glass against the wall “this isn’t you” or when I was 26 stoned just to make it through the day and not have to feel “this isn’t you” … and so on (and on and on).

I’m 37 years old, the more I let myself be and live the truth I have always known, the more I confirm “this is me” and I am The One – just like everyOne else.

Thank you Serge, thank you Universal Medicine, thank you esoteric students, you inspire, you challenge, you rock!

99 thoughts on “The Truth would Never Leave me Alone

  1. There is an inner truth within us that is calling us back to ourselves. We seem to drown it out with the noise of life, including emotions, entertainment, keeping busy etc, but it’s actually still there. It’s permanent because it comes from the part of ourselves that is untouched by life, our essence and innermost heart where we have our connection to our Soul and to God. I’m glad you’re back Geraldine. 🙂

  2. It is interesting how we distract ourselves and the methods we use to do this just so we do not feel the truth of who we are. That truth is getting louder and louder and that’s why more and more people are feeling uncomfortable and having to use more extreme methods of checking out and numbing themselves, so as not to feel that we are a being first, you could say, trapped in a human body. It may sound like something from a science fiction book or film but one day we will know this to be true.

  3. Serge Benhayon lives and presents truth that our body responds to and it is our choice to be inspired.

  4. To learn to live by our deepest truth we build ourselves a solid foundation to stand on that allows us more and more to see the truth of things and those that are not.

  5. Truth has the quality to help us to know where we are at, without impositions but with the most pristine clarity. It’s up to us the choice to refuse it or align to it.

  6. Geraldine thank you for being so honest. What you have changed in your life is like a miracle. I am sure that there are people out there who will be absolutely inspired as you are a living proof that everything is possible if we choose to be more ourselves!

  7. Oh, I love that – ‘This isn’t you’ – it is truth whispering you, you two are separate; ‘This is me’ – you have become the truth, you are one.

  8. From my own experience I felt the truth from Serge’s words which in turn made me change many of the choices I had previously made in my life, and I now enjoy my life far more.

  9. A starker contrast is hardly imaginable; the before and after of being reacquainted with the truth that had never left you.

  10. We all experience the tensions of life. Not everybody though can relate the tensions of life is related to the fact that life is not it. And not everybody is reminded that what you become in life to cope with the tensions of a life that you know is not it, that it is not you. Obviously all of this helps to feel the truth Serge presents. Yet, none of this is necessary to feel it anyway because of all us has the same capacity to surrender to truth when it is spoken to us.

  11. “This isn’t you”. This message comes in clearly, we actually know who we are and the power we hold. I am super grateful for these three words as they constantly support me to adjust many aspects of my life. Every adjustment, acknowledgement and acceptance takes me to greater understanding and awareness.

  12. Yes Geraldine, I too have waited for someone to come along and save me, to bring me the magic pill. As hard as it is to get real and know that no-one is coming to save me, the most empowering part is that I now realise I am the one who has to step up to the plate and actively make choices to support myself. I may take that as being alone, but actually, it is not dumping on everyone else to solve my problems but bringing myself to the table and then working with the support of others to heal my past choices and momentums.

  13. When we are not responsible for our choices and the ripple effect of how they affect both our own and others’ lives we will forever be distracted and lost in that irresponsibility and not wake up to the fact that on every level life is all about responsibility.

  14. For me few people could deny there always being something there when things are going really bad or when there is turmoil in your life. I remember it seemed whenever there was a moment that a key decision or choice was to be made I would look elsewhere and ask what to do. Whether that was to God or to the thin air in front of me I always knew I was able to communicate beyond merely talking physically to another person. I didn’t know who it was to or what the answer would look like but the communication out continued. It wasn’t until Universal Medicine that this communication that was always there made sense and it was a way we naturally communicate, through feeling. We have an ability to sense (feel) things well before we say they happen and while we may not have the whole thing there are most definitely parts we are aware of. In my case it is great to bring clearer something that was already there but just not understood.

  15. Serge Benhayon supports us in who we truly are and to let go of all that we are not – and this is the most successful and beneficial way of life I know. There is nothing out there, that I have come across to this day, that can match The Way of The Livingness in its power, glory and integrity.

  16. What you have shared here Geraldine is a testament of how our Soul never leaves us, is always guiding us to know and live the truth of who we are, it is only our choice that we walk away from the divine guidance we all are born with. And it is empowering to know that in every moment the choice is ours to make.

  17. Your blog really resonates with me too, because Serge Benhayon has only presented what he knows to be true, yet it is delivered leaving us a choice to discern for ourselves, and truth is always truth.

  18. Such a powerful and direct testament to the support that Serge Benhayon and all that Universal Medicine gives.

  19. It is so true and the title already says it all: the truth will not leave me alone. As we are originated from truth, we can not escape it ever, only deny or try and walk away from it.

  20. Even in our most challenging times truth is knocking on our door, in fact it can be in those most intense and stressful moments that we allow ourselves to surrender to the voice of God.

  21. Geraldine, what a short and powerful blog. Our soul is forever waiting for our return.

  22. God has given us the free will to try as much as we can and experiment what living untruthfully does to us. Yet, truth never leaves us alone because we belong to it. That is why when we are presented with it, we align immediately without hesitation and even without making a mind decision. When we align to it, our body surrenders. This is something that does not go unnoticed. This is the beginning of the end of life as we knew it.

  23. It is extraordinary how we can go through our lives almost in ignorance of the choices we have made to get there and the impact that they have had on us and those around us, but all the while knowing the life we are living isn’t true… until we are awakened to the power and responsibility we have to make choices with an awareness of the impact of each of them, on not only our lives but life as a whole.

  24. It is fascinating the games we play to keep ourselves away from knowing the truth of who we are. From my first meeting with Serge Benhayon all my ideals and beliefs were in the melting pot and I have been having fun, and sometimes confusion, in unraveling how I had been keeping myself protected against the truth that the love I had felt was missing was just waiting for me to listen to my inner-heart to reconnect to the true love that I naturally am.

  25. It’s true Geraldine the integrity of our innermost is always there whispering in the background prompting and supporting us when we lose ourselves.

  26. “..the more I let myself be and live the truth I have always known, the more I confirm “this is me” and I am The One – just like everyOne else.” So true. The more we let ourselves be The One the more we are able to feel the Absolute Equality of us all.

  27. The truth resides within the inner heart of everyone, gently calling us to come back home, once we start to take responsibility for our lives and stop the blame game, or what other games we play in avoidance, truth opens the door for us to live our lives in joy harmony from our innate divine love that is within.

  28. As I begin to take responsibility for myself and my life I no longer live as the victim I once was. It was always poor me and feeling sorry for myself and wanting others to feel sorry for me too! Taking responsibility is realising that I have a choice in everything I do and that it is never about blaming another or situation; that what is in front of me has been created through the momentum of every choice I have made up to that point. It really does make me pause to reflect on how every choice I make has an impact on myself, my surroundings and beyond in one way or another.

    1. “It really does make me pause to reflect on how every choice I make has an impact on myself, my surroundings and beyond in one way or another.” Well said Caroline.

  29. Thank you Geraldine. Your sharing makes me realise that all the hurts we experience in life is because of us betraying ourselves. How powerful is it to walk our each step with ‘This is me’. I love it.

  30. Wow Geraldine, lovely to read what ‘is you’ and how you have always been supported to know it. I read FB posts, comments on social media or newspaper articles where people are completely condemning or riding off a person because they did this, that or the other, so quick to judge or criticise, yet if we only scratched the surface, actually wanted to know or connected with the other person we would find who they truly are.

  31. Wow Geraldine. More proof of how just because someone loses themselves it doesn’t mean they can find themselves again. We should never write anyone off, for their essence always remains, and just sometimes needs a little more support than others to shine through.

  32. When we look back on our lives and start to be honest and realise that our less loving behaviors aren’t actually us in essence, it allows us to start to see and understand what is actually loving.

  33. Yes… the truth we know can be buried, smothered but it is never annihilated for it is actually who we are. And hence the deep-seated pain from walking away from our truth because in essence what we are doing is walking away from ourselves.

  34. This is so true Geraldine, no matter how we try to ignore or hide away from the truth, it constantly niggles in the background. When we hear it, we know it, even though its sometimes not always comfortable to accept.

  35. How true Geraldine! The truth cannot leave us alone for it is who we are. When we try to leave it we create tension between who we are and who we are trying to be. When we choose to open to it, we see its reflection everywhere. Thank God that the truth will never leave us alone.

  36. I’ve read so many spiritual books and did so many things to get to the truth of all things but nothing FELT true. Then I heard an interview with Serge and I knew what I heard was true.

  37. I know that little inner voice always there telling me when I was living a lie and not being the real me, even though I tried very hard to bury it. Now I choose to listen and not try to override or disregard what I know is true. It’s a choice to either complicate life like being on an emotional roller-coaster of ups and downs, or choosing to listen to that loving voice and making the self-loving simple choices that truly have enriched my life, including being aware of being fully responsible for the way I choose to live.

  38. Geraldine this is a beautiful example of how our truth is always there, always known, and how it patiently awaits for us to re-embrace it no matter how long it may take for us to realise that the truth is within us.

  39. Geraldine a great sharing ‘The annoying thing was, no matter how hard I tried to leave the truth I knew within myself behind, it never left me alone, it was always there whispering to me…’ I agree we always know the truth, we just try hard to block it out, until such time the truth shouts louder than everything else and we know that it is time to take responsibility, and listen to our truth.

  40. Mary I agree, sorting ourselves out and reconnecting to the love that we are can be fun, when we remain lighthearted and don’t take ourselves too seriously or beat ourselves up for our past unloving choices.

  41. I think we can all relate to that inner voice that keeps drawing us back to the fact that all the things we have tried over the years haven’t worked because they are all basically centred on us avoiding acknowledging that we aren’t all our problems/faults/dramas etc. The missing ingredient is self love and when we hear Serge Benhayon present this with truth and clarity, it resonates deep inside. For me, like many others, this has been a major turning point in my life and I am deeply grateful that our paths crossed.

  42. This encapsulates the power of truth so beautifully for it unimposingly and lovingly lets you resist and indulge if you choose to… but it never leaves you no matter how far you roam… it is always there as an inner knowing or gentle voice reminding you where the next step is should you ever want to return.

  43. Amazing the lengths we will go to to avoid listening to that inner voice of truth. Since meeting and listening to presentations by Serge Benhayon I am learning to tune in to the constant messages that I feel in my body and am becoming reacquainted with the truth of who I am.

  44. Geraldine I love your opening paragraph “When I heard Serge speak, his words touched my heart, they resonated a truth I had always known, but had long ago turned away from, choosing instead to indulge in my life being out of my control, so I didn’t have to take responsibility for any of my choices, or the impact my choices had on myself or others.” This was the case for me too. It was like winning the lottery, finding someone who not only spoke what my heart had longed for so long, but I could feel from the way Serge Benhayon spoke he actually knew for real what he was talking about and it was not a good theory. The amazing thing is that 10 years on his presentations, and the example he sets by the way he lives is still supporting me in deepening my understanding and relationship with life.

  45. Thank you for this blog. Very true that inner voice of truth is always there. It is always inviting us to deepen our connection and live with a greater alignment to the love, truth and divinity that is our essence – and we always have the temptation to ignore it. This was the case during my darkest hours and it is now the case during my greatest moments. Forever more a choice – will I listen to the call of my Soul or will I be a puppet of the whims of my spirit.

  46. Love this blog Geraldine – the honesty in your sharing – I totally agree that the truth is always there inside us, it never stops loving us no matter what we do to ourselves that may be harming. It’s easy to shun this loving truthful voice but when we realise we’re only shunning ourselves and that hurts then we can make a choice to re-connect and come home to ourselves.

  47. It’s true Geraldine that we are all aware of that voice or feeling within us that guides us forward in a loving way. Serge Benhayon lives from there and makes every choice in love for himself and others. This is so inspiring. It’s crazy that we have all ignored this voice/feeling inside ourselves yet life can be super confusing and traumatic at times. We do have this inbuilt navigation device which is the love from our own inner heart via our soul that is lovingly but gently knocking to send us onto a truly loving path.

  48. The voice of love that never leaves us no matter what action we take, the voice that always lets us know the truth, for it is always communicating. This is a beautiful blog Geraldine, yourself never left you, you left yourself and have chosen to come home again.

    1. It’s lovely Kim how you refer to this place of love inside us as “home”. 😉

  49. Coming home with Universal Medicine is the end of the fighting against who we truly are Geraldine. We can let go of the false images we have taken on in life and where we have tried to conform to, the images that have brought us a life of misery while in truth we are that much grander. It is therefore not that strange that we react that strongly when we live our untrue lives as we are forever connected with the all knowing via our inner heart that is unwavering in its love towards us.

    1. So true Nico, it is so painful living against ourselves, ignoring how we feel and looking outwards to tick boxes, fit in, and generally disconnect from what we innately know is loving and true.

  50. Geraldine there is a lot of power in what you express, those actions that take us away from ourselves are most definitely not us and it is the truth inside us, as you showed that when listened to and lived confirms who we really are. In deep appreciation of Serge Benhayon and all he shares that reflects the truth that we all know so innately.

  51. “I would just wait it out till someone invented a pill to make it all better for me.”
    I chuckled at this line as it is how I also got through life – waiting it out – living from half or less of my energy, not the vital, fun, playful me … dulling my expression down so others were not confronted by them doing the same half-life thing too. And I’m still wriggling my way out of that habit sometimes, am not completely clear just yet – ‘old habits (can) break hard’.
    So waiting it out for someone to make it better for me via a pill … hmmm, is that disempowering myself, is that being irresponsible for me, or what! … and wanting it to be so easily fixed as well, no hard work please, no feeling of the pain I was carrying! But always knowing there was more to life, that this was not truth, but not seeing it out there or having that knowing confirmed until coming to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine … as you say, Geraldine, Serge only had to speak and we knew that at last truth was being expressed on earth, expression with such clarity and strength that it would not be shouted down or swept away this time.

  52. Thank goodness the truth never left you alone Geraldine, you wonder where we would all be now if we continued to ignore the wisdom and truth offered to us. This line is a beautiful reminder for us all – ‘the more I let myself be and live the truth I have always known, the more I confirm “this is me” and I am The One – just like everyOne else.’

  53. It is never too late to become the person you truly are and to express the truth. There is no point that we cannot come back from. We are all the one and without all of us, we are all missing out. The joy is infinite and increases each time each one comes back to themselves.

  54. Truth is always there looking at us with no judgement, waiting while we try hard to forget how it feels in the body. Fortunately, from time to time, we are reminded that what we are trying so hard to do is not to jump to the next thing that is also not true, until we meet Serge Benhayon and everything changes since thanks to his reflection we are able to go back to the feeling of truth in the body in a way that is unmistakable. When we feel it again, we can start making sense of everything.

  55. Geraldine, great blog. We confirm the choice of who we are or who we are not, it’s that simple. And who we are never leaves us, and it’s there ready and waiting when we are.

  56. I do very much agree, we do know, there is this inner knowing, we simply have to learn to listen to it and give it our full attention. Thank you Geraldine.

  57. So so beautiful Geraldine, to read your story of finding your way through all the self abuse to the truth of who you truly are. That divine spark is always there, waiting to be connected to.

  58. Thank you Geraldine for your honest sharing. It is simple really – our inner voice is always there talking to us and loving us deeply.

  59. The one and only thing in life we are truly looking for – the real me, the ONE. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are showing the way back to oneself (the divine self), how to heal and discard all the false layers taken on by ideals, beliefs and expectations, how to self-care, develop oneself back to the innate love we all are and share a healthy and fullfilling lifestyle for others to be inspired.

    1. Inspired “I am,” by Geraldine, Alex, Serge and the students of the Livingness! The absolute integrity that emanates from the inner-hearts of humanity cannot be denied. So well stated Alex, “Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are showing the way back” to our inner-hearts.

  60. This is tenderly written Geraldine, reminding me as I read it of how I also tried to silence that voice within of the truth I always knew. But the knowing, the nudge from my inner most would never leave me and I would feel a constant tension and unease, and an anxiety because I was not living the truth I innately knew. When I came across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, this truth re-ignited in full, and the all the anxiousness and tension I used to feel is replaced with space, joy and love. That’s the glory of coming back to the truth we all know.

  61. I too have always had that whispering voice and you have helped me to recognise it as such. Your simple words of appreciation and claiming yourself inspire joy in me, thanks Geraldine.

  62. As I was reading I recognised that I too have had a voice that has consistently whispered to me that’s ‘not who I am’ when I have made/am making unwise choices. It has never wavered and its steadfast nature is really something I can appreciate. Thanks Geraldine, your blog has given me plenty to reflect on.

  63. This blog reminds me that truth and love is always there consistently calling us to be more of who we are. Even in those darker times when we think it has gone away and deserted us, it is still there holding and supporting us, sometimes carrying us through those times. Waiting with infinite patience for us to look in its direction and say yes to its reflection.

  64. Wow Geraldine – this is powerful. You have highlighted the unwavering might of our Soul as it eternally reflects love and light that we are, even when we choose to not listen or feel this truth over and over again. Imagine the divine power of us, that we can live when we choose to listen, connect to, and honor the love and light of our Soul…?

  65. Very beautiful reflection of the truth that is always with us, we always know it, sometimes we don’t like listening, but when we are inspired to listen we feel that this is who we truly are.

  66. I love the honesty in this article, specifically this part “choosing instead to indulge in my life being out of my control, so I didn’t have to take responsibility for any of my choices, or the impact my choices had on myself or others”. I totally never considered that choosing to think life was out of our control was an indulgence, but it totally is, and a complete lack of responsibility.

    1. You’re right Mary, it is hard to hear that an out of control or crazy or ‘misfortunate’ life is all our own doing. Most people including myself at times have been more willing and committed to finding any excuse possible, even very ridiculous excuses to blame for the mess we found ourselves in.

  67. Geraldine what’s incredible is that even in our so called “darkest” moments we know the truth and often, in my experience, know the way we are acting or what we are doing is not our truth. In the past I’ve also found it harder when you make your life look good – have a good job, lots of friends as in these times I also felt the voice of truth that this is not me but because I was not “down and out” so to speak – I continued. Now I can understand that it’s not about what something looks like that makes the difference but listening to what I know is true and gradually living in a way that honours that.

  68. Thats pretty cool Geraldine that there was always a part of you that knew that all those behaviours were not you. Could this be why in the world there is a tension of ‘not enough’ or ‘there has to be more to life’ searching a seeking? I’ve done my fair share of trying to look everywhere on the outside for ‘me’ and to a lessening degree still do.
    Like you say the more that who we are is confirmed the more we want to be who we are over and above who we have sought to be. I am reminded of what Serge Benhayon has presented in that we need not try to be ourselves, we already are, and that trying to be ourselves, trying to be true doesn’t work – how can you try (with the perception that you need to get there/are not there yet) to be what you already are?

    1. I am reminded of what Serge Benhayon has presented in that we need not try to be ourselves, we already are, and that trying to be ourselves, trying to be true doesn’t work – how can you try (with the perception that you need to get there/are not there yet) to be what you already are? – Yes, Leigh, it most definitely sounds crazy when put it like that.

  69. Thank you for sharing this Geraldine. I too was waiting for the magic pill and I found it when I first attended a presentation by Serge Benhayon and was inspired to feel and listen to my inner self instead of expecting something ‘out there’ to do it for me.

  70. Yes Geraldine that little voice is very powerful and deeply loving. Thank you for sharing it’s power.

  71. Geraldine what a journey you have been on ! But you are now home and welcomed back to the flock because in truth we have never left, just forgotten who we are. Congratulations on your return Geraldine.

  72. We all hear our inner voice. It is a matter of keep ignoring it or start to pay attention and listen and then finally acting on it. Great to read that you are in action, Geraldine!

  73. “The more I let myself be and live the truth I have always known, the more I confirm “this is me” and I am The One – just like everyOne else”. Awesome.

  74. Awesome Geraldine You Are.. It says a lot about who we are for truth to always be. Even if you deny it, it is only a choice away. How long I did not see it, or did not choose it. Looking back as you did Geraldine events are made up of Light being in them. The fact that things happen, even if they are disastrous, it is because of Love.

  75. Isn´t it amazing that we actually know? And as soon as we choose to live what and who we know to be that life changes in the most natural way? The simplicity that comes with the truth of who we are that resolves all the forsakenness we may have experienced. We may leave truth but truth never leaves us.

  76. Great that you finally listened to the truth and allowed yourself to come back to you. Inspiring Geraldine.

  77. Awesome article Geraldine. I loved it because I can so relate. You are not alone with your ambition and intention to ‘just wait it out till someone invented a pill to make it all better for me’. This is exactly what I used to do and what humanity as a whole seem to also be doing at present in the effort to effectively deflect the responsibility of and for themselves onto others. Avoiding the fact we are entirely responsible and accountable for all our choices and how they impact our own lives and others is definitely a pill of truth that is hard to swallow.

    1. Sure Suze T, than you, and for me the realisation is that we all equally have access to this powerful knowing inside of us, yet the choice to listen or disregard it is ours alone.

  78. What you share is so true – when Serge Benhayon presents, he just confirms what we already know inside ourselves, but have chosen to ignore. We then have an opportunity to choose a different way, or not.

  79. Thanks for sharing this Geraldine. I agree the truth is ever present within us and calling us back to truly be and live who we are!

  80. Geraldine I love it – the truth is there always. Something I can also relate to is that voice of truth in many situations. Over the recent years I’ve come to listen to that more instead of ignoring it.

  81. A lovely reminder, to pay close attention to our ever present, inner voice of truth that is constantly communicating with us all. Thank you Geraldine for sharing your journey with your inner voice of truth.

    1. Wow Mary that brings back memories of being a child and teenager and making decisions that I knew with my whole body weren’t right – yet going ahead anyway. Even as an adult I’ve had disasters which I knew were from making a decision that did not listen to my body or respect how I truly felt. We really do know.

  82. thank you Gerry! I knew of a similar voice, and for me too the truth was and is always there, it is the wisdom inside of us that never leaves, it just awaits our return; returning to the love we now know we are.xx

    1. It most certainly does Annette and Gabrielle, the inner voice of wisdom we all have is always there, even if it’s just a silent whisper that we’ve tried to muffle. There’s always that voice within reminding us of the love that we are and come from.

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